// We had to sacrafice a bit of the beauty of this structure to accomodate OS 1.1 // If/when we drop OS <2 just switch all onclick events to ontouchend events. var elements; // Shortcut to handle html elements var header = 0; // Used in swap_header var method; //The method we use, touchend or onclick var active_index; var active_url; // Get ourselves the method based on OS method = cookie.get('method'); if (method === null) { if (document.createTouch) { method = 'touchend'; } else { method = 'click'; } cookie.set('method',method,365); } // Active active_index = 0; active_url = cookie.get('lastpage'); if (active_url === null) { active_url = 'start.php'; } // Data sent in HTML comments var title = null; var back_url = null; var back_name = null; function main () { // Basic html structure utilized for transitions elements = { buttons:[$('#first_button'),$('#second_button')], titles:[$('#first_title'),$('#second_title')], pages:[$('#first_page'),$('#second_page')] }; // Transform on load elements.pages[1].style.webkitTransform = 'translateX(100%)'; // Set event handlers elements.titles[0].addEventListener(method, swap_header, false); elements.titles[1].addEventListener(method, swap_header, false); elements.buttons[0].addEventListener(method, go_back, false); elements.buttons[1].addEventListener(method, go_back, false); elements.pages[0].addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', transition_ended, false); Transitions.DEFAULTS.duration = 0.35; // Load the content ajax.get(active_url, function (response) { get_headers(response); elements.titles[0].innerHTML = title; elements.pages[0].innerHTML = response; if(back_name){ elements.buttons[0].textContent = back_name; } }); // Hide the address bar setTimeout(function(){window.scrollTo(0, 1);setTimeout(function(){window.scrollTo(0, 0);},0);},500); }; // Tap header to swap for ratio function swap_header() { //$('#search').style.display = 'block'; } // Back button alias function go_back() { load(back_url,false); } // Get data from comments function get_headers(response) { title = response.match(/\<\!\-\-Title\:(.+?)\-\-\>/i)[1]; if(response.match(/\<\!\-\-Back\:(.+?)\:(.+?)\-\-\>/i)) { back_name = response.match(/\<\!\-\-Back\:(.+?)\:(.+?)\-\-\>/i)[1]; back_url = response.match(/\<\!\-\-Back\:(.+?)\:(.+?)\-\-\>/i)[2]; } else { back_name = null; back_url = null; } } // Load content function load(url,forward,formid) { if(forward===undefined) { forward=true; } if (transitions_in_progress && document.createTouch) { return; } //OS 2 if (moved_after_touch) { return; } if(formid===undefined){ ajax.get(url, function (response) { get_headers(response); transition_to_new_element(response, forward); }); cookie.set('lastpage',url,7); } else { ajax.post(url,formid); } }; // Moves var moved_after_touch = false; function touch_started () { moved_after_touch = false; }; function touch_moved () { moved_after_touch = true; }; // Transitions var transitions_in_progress = false; function transition_ended () { transitions_in_progress = false; }; function transition_to_new_element (data, going_forward) { transitions_in_progress = true; var from_index = active_index; var to_index = (active_index == 1) ? 0 : 1; //Make other page visible //elements.pages[to_index].style.height = ''; Transitions.DEFAULTS.properties = ['opacity', '-webkit-transform']; var transitions = new Transitions(); transitions.add({ element: elements.titles[from_index], duration: [0.5], properties: ['opacity'], from: [1], to: [0] }); transitions.add({ element : elements.titles[to_index], duration: [0.5], properties: ['opacity'], from : [0], to : [1] }); transitions.add({ element: elements.buttons[from_index], duration: [0.5], properties: ['opacity'], from: [1], to: [0] }); transitions.add({ element : elements.buttons[to_index], duration: [0.5], properties: ['opacity'], from : [0], to : [1] }); // we only change the transform for the page transitions Transitions.DEFAULTS.properties = ['-webkit-transform']; transitions.add({ element : elements.pages[from_index], from : ['translateX(0%)'], to : ['translateX(' + ((going_forward) ? -150 : 150) + '%)'] }); transitions.add({ element : elements.pages[to_index], from : ['translateX(' + ((going_forward) ? 150 : -150) + '%)'], to : ['translateX(0%)'] }); elements.pages[to_index].textContent = ''; elements.pages[to_index].innerHTML = data; elements.titles[to_index].textContent = title; elements.buttons[to_index].textContent = back_name; //Hide other page to avoid excess scroll at the bottom //elements.pages[from_index].style.height = '0px'; active_index = to_index; transitions.apply(); }; // Initate main function window.addEventListener('load', main, false);