'Post reply',
'InputName' => 'thread',
'InputID' => $ThreadID,
'ForumID' => $ForumID,
'TextareaCols' => 90
* Note that InputName and InputID are the only required variables
* They're used to construct the $_POST.
* Eg
* Globals are required as this template is included within a
* function scope.
global $LoggedUser, $HeavyInfo, $UserSubscriptions, $ThreadInfo,
if ($LoggedUser['DisablePosting']) return;
if (!isset($TextareaCols)) $TextareaCols = 70;
if (!isset($TextareaRows)) $TextareaRows = 8;
if (!isset($InputAction)) $InputAction = 'reply';
if (!isset($InputTitle)) $InputTitle = 'Post comment';
// TODO: Remove inline styles
// Old to do?
// TODO: Preview, come up with a standard, make it look like post or just a
// block of formatted BBcode, but decide and write some proper XHTML
$ReplyText = new TEXTAREA_PREVIEW('body', 'quickpost', '',
$TextareaCols, $TextareaRows, false, false, true, array(