unlimit(); A simple shortcut function for raising the basic PHP limits, time and memory for larger archives. ----- * Then, add files and begin streaming to the user to avoid memory buffering: $Zip->add_file(file_get_contents("data/file.txt"), "File.txt"); Adds the contents of data/file.txt into File.txt in the archive root. $Zip->add_file($TorrentData, "Bookmarks/Artist - Album [2008].torrent"); Adds the parsed torrent to the archive in the Bookmarks folder (created simply by placing it in the path). ----- * Then, close the archive to the user: $Zip->close_stream(); This collects everything put together thus far in the archive, and streams it to the user in the form of Test7.zip //------ Explanation of basic functions ------// add_file(Contents, Internal Path) Adds the contents to the archive, where it will be extracted to Internal Path. close_stream(); Collect and stream to the user. //------------- Detailed example -------------// require('classes/zip.class.php'); $Zip = new Zip('FileName'); $Name = 'Ubuntu-8.10'; $Zip->add_file($TorrentData, 'Torrents/'.Misc::file_string($Name).'.torrent'); $Zip->add_file(file_get_contents('zip.php'), 'zip.php'); $Zip->close_stream(); //---------- Development reference -----------// http://www.pkware.com/documents/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT - ZIP spec (this class) http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt - ZLIB compression spec (gzcompress function) http://www.fileformat.info/tool/hexdump.htm - Useful for analyzing ZIP files |*************************************************************************/ if (!extension_loaded('zlib')) { error('Zlib Extension not loaded.'); } /* //Handles timestamps function dostime($TimeStamp = 0) { if (!is_number($TimeStamp)) { // Assume that $TimeStamp is SQL timestamp if ($TimeStamp == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { return 'Never'; } $TimeStamp = strtotime($TimeStamp); } $Date = ($TimeStamp == 0) ? getdate() : getdate($TimeStamp); $Hex = dechex((($Date['year'] - 1980) << 25) | ($Date['mon'] << 21) | ($Date['mday'] << 16) | ($Date['hours'] << 11) | ($Date['minutes'] << 5) | ($Date['seconds'] >> 1)); eval("\$Return = \"\x$Hex[6]$Hex[7]\x$Hex[4]$Hex[5]\x$Hex[2]$Hex[3]\x$Hex[0]$Hex[1]\";"); return $Return; } */ class Zip { public $ArchiveSize = 0; //Total size public $ArchiveFiles = 0; // Total files private $Structure = ''; // Structure saved to memory private $FileOffset = 0; // Offset to write data private $Data = ''; //An idea public function __construct ($ArchiveName='Archive') { header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); //Stream download header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"$ArchiveName.zip\""); //Name the archive - Should not be urlencoded } public static function unlimit () { ob_end_clean(); set_time_limit(3600); //Limit 1 hour ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M'); // Because the buffers can get extremely large } public function add_file ($FileData, $ArchivePath, $TimeStamp = 0) { /* File header */ $this->Data = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04"; // PK signature $this->Data .= "\x14\x00"; // Version requirements $this->Data .= "\x00\x08"; // Bit flag - 0x8 = UTF-8 file names $this->Data .= "\x08\x00"; // Compression //$this->Data .= dostime($TimeStamp); //Last modified $this->Data .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00"; $DataLength = strlen($FileData); // Saved as varibale to avoid wasting CPU calculating it multiple times. $CRC32 = crc32($FileData); // Ditto. $ZipData = gzcompress($FileData); // Ditto. $ZipData = substr ($ZipData, 2,(strlen($ZipData) - 6)); // Checksum resolution $ZipLength = strlen($ZipData); //Ditto. $this->Data .= pack("V",$CRC32); // CRC-32 $this->Data .= pack("V",$ZipLength); // Compressed filesize $this->Data .= pack("V",$DataLength); // Uncompressed filesize $this->Data .= pack("v",strlen($ArchivePath)); // Pathname length $this->Data .="\x00\x00"; // Extra field length (0'd so we can ignore this) $this->Data .= $ArchivePath; // Filename & Exta Field (length set to 0 so ignored) /* END file header */ /* File data */ $this->Data .= $ZipData; // File data /* END file data */ /* Data descriptor Not needed (only needed when 3rd bitflag is set), causes problems with OS X archive utility $this->Data .= pack("V",$CRC32); // CRC-32 $this->Data .= pack("V",$ZipLength); // Compressed filesize $this->Data .= pack("V",$DataLength); // Uncompressed filesize END data descriptor */ $FileDataLength = strlen($this->Data); $this->ArchiveSize = $this->ArchiveSize + $FileDataLength; // All we really need is the size $CurrentOffset = $this->ArchiveSize; // Update offsets echo $this->Data; // Get this out to reduce our memory consumption /* Central Directory Structure */ $CDS = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"; // CDS signature $CDS .="\x14\x00"; // Constructor version $CDS .="\x14\x00"; // Version requirements $CDS .="\x00\x08"; // Bit flag - 0x8 = UTF-8 file names $CDS .="\x08\x00"; // Compression $CDS .="\x00\x00\x00\x00"; // Last modified $CDS .= pack("V",$CRC32); // CRC-32 $CDS .= pack("V",$ZipLength); // Compressed filesize $CDS .= pack("V",$DataLength); // Uncompressed filesize $CDS .= pack("v",strlen($ArchivePath)); // Pathname length $CDS .="\x00\x00"; // Extra field length (0'd so we can ignore this) $CDS .="\x00\x00"; // File comment length (no comment, 0'd) $CDS .="\x00\x00"; // Disk number start (0 seems valid) $CDS .="\x00\x00"; // Internal file attributes (again with the 0's) $CDS .="\x20\x00\x00\x00"; // External file attributes $CDS .= pack("V", $this->FileOffset ); // Offsets $CDS .= $ArchivePath; // Filename & Exta Field (length set to 0 so ignored) /* END central Directory Structure */ $this->FileOffset = $CurrentOffset; // Update offsets $this->Structure .= $CDS; // Append to structure $this->ArchiveFiles++; // Increment file count } public function close_stream() { echo $this->Structure; // Structure Root echo "\x50\x4b\x05\x06"; // End of central directory signature echo "\x00\x00"; // This disk echo "\x00\x00"; // CDS start echo pack("v", $this->ArchiveFiles); // Handle the numebr of entries echo pack("v", $this->ArchiveFiles); // Ditto echo pack("V", strlen($this->Structure)); //Size echo pack("V", $this->ArchiveSize); // Offset echo "\x00\x00"; // No comment, close it off } }