:]]'"; } } if (!empty($TagWhere)) { if ($_GET['anyall'] == 'any') { $Where[] = '('.implode(' OR ', $TagWhere).')'; } else { $Where[] = '('.implode(' AND ', $TagWhere).')'; } } } if ($_GET['format']) { if (in_array($_GET['format'], $Formats)) { $Where[] = "t.Format='".db_string($_GET['format'])."'"; } } } else { // error out on invalid requests (before caching) if (isset($_GET['details'])) { if (in_array($_GET['details'], array('day','week','overall','snatched','data','seeded','month','year'))) { $Details = $_GET['details']; } else { error(404); } } else { $Details = 'all'; } // defaults to 10 (duh) $Limit = isset($_GET['limit']) ? intval($_GET['limit']) : 10; $Limit = in_array($Limit, array(10, 100, 250)) ? $Limit : 10; } $Filtered = !empty($Where); View::show_header('Top '.$Limit.' Torrents'); ?>

Top Torrents

Tags (comma-separated):   />   />
$DisableFreeTorrentTop10)); } } // Modify the Where query if ($DisableFreeTorrentTop10) { $Where[] = "t.FreeTorrent='0'"; } // The link should say the opposite of the current setting $FreeleechToggleName = ($DisableFreeTorrentTop10 ? 'show' : 'hide'); $FreeleechToggleQuery = Format::get_url(array('freeleech', 'groups')); if (!empty($FreeleechToggleQuery)) $FreeleechToggleQuery .= '&'; $FreeleechToggleQuery .= 'freeleech=' . $FreeleechToggleName; $GroupByToggleName = ($_GET['groups'] == "show" ? 'hide' : 'show'); $GroupByToggleQuery = Format::get_url(array('freeleech', 'groups')); if (!empty($GroupByToggleQuery)) $GroupByToggleQuery .= '&'; $GroupByToggleQuery .= 'groups=' . $GroupByToggleName; $GroupBySum = ''; $GroupBy = ''; if ($_GET['groups'] == 'show') { $GroupBy = ' GROUP BY g.ID '; $GroupBySum = md5($GroupBy); } ?> get_value('top10tor_day_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum); if ($TopTorrentsActiveLastDay === false) { if ($Cache->get_query_lock('top10')) { $DayAgo = time_minus(86400); $Query = $BaseQuery.' WHERE t.Seeders>0 AND '; if (!empty($Where)) { $Query .= $Where.' AND '; } $Query .= " t.Time>'$DayAgo' $GroupBy ORDER BY (t.Seeders + t.Leechers) DESC LIMIT $Limit;"; $DB->query($Query); $TopTorrentsActiveLastDay = $DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_NUM); $Cache->cache_value('top10tor_day_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum, $TopTorrentsActiveLastDay, 3600 * 2); $Cache->clear_query_lock('top10'); } else { $TopTorrentsActiveLastDay = false; } } generate_torrent_table('Most Active Torrents Uploaded in the Past Day', 'day', $TopTorrentsActiveLastDay, $Limit); } if ($Details == 'all' || $Details == 'week') { $TopTorrentsActiveLastWeek = $Cache->get_value('top10tor_week_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum); if ($TopTorrentsActiveLastWeek === false) { if ($Cache->get_query_lock('top10')) { $WeekAgo = time_minus(604800); $Query = $BaseQuery.' WHERE '; if (!empty($Where)) { $Query .= $Where.' AND '; } $Query .= " t.Time>'$WeekAgo' $GroupBy ORDER BY (t.Seeders + t.Leechers) DESC LIMIT $Limit;"; $DB->query($Query); $TopTorrentsActiveLastWeek = $DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_NUM); $Cache->cache_value('top10tor_week_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum, $TopTorrentsActiveLastWeek, 3600 * 6); $Cache->clear_query_lock('top10'); } else { $TopTorrentsActiveLastWeek = false; } } generate_torrent_table('Most Active Torrents Uploaded in the Past Week', 'week', $TopTorrentsActiveLastWeek, $Limit); } if ($Details == 'all' || $Details == 'month') { $TopTorrentsActiveLastMonth = $Cache->get_value('top10tor_month_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum); if ($TopTorrentsActiveLastMonth === false) { if ($Cache->get_query_lock('top10')) { $Query = $BaseQuery.' WHERE '; if (!empty($Where)) { $Query .= $Where.' AND '; } $Query .= " t.Time>'".sqltime()."' - INTERVAL 1 MONTH $GroupBy ORDER BY (t.Seeders + t.Leechers) DESC LIMIT $Limit;"; $DB->query($Query); $TopTorrentsActiveLastMonth = $DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_NUM); $Cache->cache_value('top10tor_month_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum, $TopTorrentsActiveLastMonth, 3600 * 6); $Cache->clear_query_lock('top10'); } else { $TopTorrentsActiveLastMonth = false; } } generate_torrent_table('Most Active Torrents Uploaded in the Past Month', 'month', $TopTorrentsActiveLastMonth, $Limit); } if ($Details == 'all' || $Details == 'year') { $TopTorrentsActiveLastYear = $Cache->get_value('top10tor_year_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum); if ($TopTorrentsActiveLastYear === false) { if ($Cache->get_query_lock('top10')) { // IMPORTANT NOTE - we use WHERE t.Seeders>200 in order to speed up this query. You should remove it! $Query = $BaseQuery.' WHERE '; if ($Details == 'all' && !$Filtered) { $Query .= 't.Seeders>=200 AND '; if (!empty($Where)) { $Query .= $Where.' AND '; } } elseif (!empty($Where)) { $Query .= $Where.' AND '; } $Query .= " t.Time>'".sqltime()."' - INTERVAL 1 YEAR $GroupBy ORDER BY (t.Seeders + t.Leechers) DESC LIMIT $Limit;"; $DB->query($Query); $TopTorrentsActiveLastYear = $DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_NUM); $Cache->cache_value('top10tor_year_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum, $TopTorrentsActiveLastYear, 3600 * 6); $Cache->clear_query_lock('top10'); } else { $TopTorrentsActiveLastYear = false; } } generate_torrent_table('Most Active Torrents Uploaded in the Past Year', 'year', $TopTorrentsActiveLastYear, $Limit); } if ($Details == 'all' || $Details == 'overall') { $TopTorrentsActiveAllTime = $Cache->get_value('top10tor_overall_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum); if ($TopTorrentsActiveAllTime === false) { if ($Cache->get_query_lock('top10')) { // IMPORTANT NOTE - we use WHERE t.Seeders>500 in order to speed up this query. You should remove it! $Query = $BaseQuery; if ($Details=='all' && !$Filtered) { $Query .= " WHERE t.Seeders>=500 "; if (!empty($Where)) { $Query .= ' AND '.$Where; } } elseif (!empty($Where)) { $Query .= ' WHERE '.$Where; } $Query .= " $GroupBy ORDER BY (t.Seeders + t.Leechers) DESC LIMIT $Limit;"; $DB->query($Query); $TopTorrentsActiveAllTime = $DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_NUM); $Cache->cache_value('top10tor_overall_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum, $TopTorrentsActiveAllTime, 3600 * 6); $Cache->clear_query_lock('top10'); } else { $TopTorrentsActiveAllTime = false; } } generate_torrent_table('Most Active Torrents of All Time', 'overall', $TopTorrentsActiveAllTime, $Limit); } if (($Details == 'all' || $Details == 'snatched') && !$Filtered) { $TopTorrentsSnatched = $Cache->get_value('top10tor_snatched_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum); if ($TopTorrentsSnatched === false) { if ($Cache->get_query_lock('top10')) { $Query = $BaseQuery; if (!empty($Where)) { $Query .= ' WHERE '.$Where; } $Query .= " $GroupBy ORDER BY t.Snatched DESC LIMIT $Limit;"; $DB->query($Query); $TopTorrentsSnatched = $DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_NUM); $Cache->cache_value('top10tor_snatched_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum, $TopTorrentsSnatched, 3600 * 6); $Cache->clear_query_lock('top10'); } else { $TopTorrentsSnatched = false; } } generate_torrent_table('Most Snatched Torrents', 'snatched', $TopTorrentsSnatched, $Limit); } if (($Details == 'all' || $Details == 'data') && !$Filtered) { $TopTorrentsTransferred = $Cache->get_value('top10tor_data_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum); if ($TopTorrentsTransferred === false) { if ($Cache->get_query_lock('top10')) { // IMPORTANT NOTE - we use WHERE t.Snatched>100 in order to speed up this query. You should remove it! $Query = $BaseQuery; if ($Details=='all') { $Query .= " WHERE t.Snatched>=100 "; if (!empty($Where)) { $Query .= ' AND '.$Where; } } $Query .= " $GroupBy ORDER BY Data DESC LIMIT $Limit;"; $DB->query($Query); $TopTorrentsTransferred = $DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_NUM); $Cache->cache_value('top10tor_data_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum, $TopTorrentsTransferred, 3600 * 6); $Cache->clear_query_lock('top10'); } else { $TopTorrentsTransferred = false; } } generate_torrent_table('Most Data Transferred Torrents', 'data', $TopTorrentsTransferred, $Limit); } if (($Details == 'all' || $Details == 'seeded') && !$Filtered) { $TopTorrentsSeeded = $Cache->get_value('top10tor_seeded_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum); if ($TopTorrentsSeeded === false) { if ($Cache->get_query_lock('top10')) { $Query = $BaseQuery; if (!empty($Where)) { $Query .= ' WHERE '.$Where; } $Query .= " $GroupBy ORDER BY t.Seeders DESC LIMIT $Limit;"; $DB->query($Query); $TopTorrentsSeeded = $DB->to_array(false, MYSQLI_NUM); $Cache->cache_value('top10tor_seeded_'.$Limit.$WhereSum.$GroupBySum, $TopTorrentsSeeded, 3600 * 6); $Cache->clear_query_lock('top10'); } else { $TopTorrentsSeeded = false; } } generate_torrent_table('Best Seeded Torrents', 'seeded', $TopTorrentsSeeded, $Limit); } ?>

Top - Top 10 - Top 100 - Top 250 - Top 10 - Top 100 - Top 250 - Top 10 - Top 100 - Top 250

Name Size Data Snatches Seeders Leechers Peers
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$GroupName"; if ($GroupCategoryID == 1 && $GroupYear > 0) { $DisplayName.= " [$GroupYear]"; } if ($GroupCategoryID == 1 && $ReleaseType > 0) { $DisplayName.= ' ['.$ReleaseTypes[$ReleaseType].']'; } // append extra info to torrent title $ExtraInfo = ''; $AddExtra = ''; if (empty($GroupBy)) { if ($Format) { $ExtraInfo.= $Format; $AddExtra = ' / '; } if ($Encoding) { $ExtraInfo.= $AddExtra.$Encoding; $AddExtra = ' / '; } // "FLAC / Lossless / Log (100%) / Cue / CD"; if ($HasLog) { $ExtraInfo.= $AddExtra.'Log ('.$LogScore.'%)'; $AddExtra = ' / '; } if ($HasCue) { $ExtraInfo.= $AddExtra.'Cue'; $AddExtra = ' / '; } if ($Media) { $ExtraInfo.= $AddExtra.$Media; $AddExtra = ' / '; } if ($Scene) { $ExtraInfo.= $AddExtra.'Scene'; $AddExtra = ' / '; } if ($Year > 0) { $ExtraInfo.= $AddExtra.$Year; $AddExtra = ' '; } if ($RemasterTitle) { $ExtraInfo.= $AddExtra.$RemasterTitle; } if ($IsSnatched) { if ($GroupCategoryID == 1) { $ExtraInfo .= ' / '; } $ExtraInfo.= Format::torrent_label('Snatched!'); } if ($ExtraInfo != '') { $ExtraInfo = "- [$ExtraInfo]"; } } $TorrentTags = new Tags($TagsList); //Get report info, use the cache if available, if not, add to it. $Reported = false; $Reports = get_reports($TorrentID); if (count($Reports) > 0) { $Reported = true; } // print row ?>
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