300000 || $Height > 1000 || $Width > 1000) { trigger_error('Tried to make chart too large.'); } $this->URL .= '?cht='.$Type.'&chs='.$Width.'x'.$Height; $this->Options = $Options; } protected function encode($Number) { if ($Number == -1) { return '__'; } $CharKey = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.'; return $CharKey[floor($Number/64)].$CharKey[floor($Number%64)]; } public function color($Colors) { $this->URL .= '&chco='.$Colors; } public function lines($Thickness, $Solid=1, $Blank=0) { $this->URL .= '&chls='.$Thickness.','.$Solid.','.$Blank; } public function title($Title, $Color='', $Size='') { $this->URL .= '&chtt='.str_replace(array(' ',"\n"), array('+','|'), $Title); if (!empty($Color)) { $this->URL .= '&chts='.$Color; } if (!empty($Size)) { $this->URL .= ','.$Size; } } public function legend($Items, $Placement='') { $this->URL .= '&chdl='.str_replace(' ', '+', implode('|', $Items)); if (!empty($Placement)) { if (!in_array($Placement, array('b','t','r','l','bv','tv'))) { trigger_error('Invalid legend placement.'); } $this->URL .= '&chdlp='.$Placement; } } public function add($Label, $Data) { if ($Label !== false) { $this->Labels[] = $Label; } $this->Data[] = $Data; } public function grid_lines($SpacingX=0, $SpacingY=-1, $Solid=1, $Blank=1) { //Can take 2 more parameters for offset, but we're not bothering with that right now $this->URL .= '&chg='.$SpacingX.','.$SpacingY.','.$Solid.','.$Blank.''; } public function transparent() { $this->URL .= '&chf=bg,s,FFFFFF00'; } public function url() { return $this->URL; } } class AREA_GRAPH extends GOOGLE_CHARTS { public function __construct ($Width, $Height, $Options=array()) { parent::__construct('lc', $Width, $Height, $Options); } public function color ($Color) { $this->URL .= '&chco='.$Color.'&chm=B,'.$Color.'50,0,0,0'; } public function generate() { $Max = max($this->Data); $Min = (isset($this->Options['Break']))?$Min=min($this->Data):0; $Data = array(); foreach ($this->Data as $Value) { $Data[] = $this->encode((($Value-$Min)/($Max-$Min))*4095); } $this->URL .= "&chxt=y,x&chxs=0,h&chxl=1:|".implode('|', $this->Labels).'&chxr=0,'.$Min.','.($Max-$Min).'&chd=e:'.implode('', $Data); } } class PIE_CHART extends GOOGLE_CHARTS { public function __construct ($Width, $Height, $Options=array()) { $Type = (isset($this->Options['3D']))?'p3':'p'; parent::__construct($Type, $Width, $Height, $Options); } public function generate() { $Sum = array_sum($this->Data); $Other = isset($this->Options['Other']); $Sort = isset($this->Options['Sort']); $LabelPercent = isset($this->Options['Percentage']); if ($Sort && !empty($this->Labels)) { array_multisort($this->Data, SORT_DESC, $this->Labels); } elseif ($Sort) { sort($this->Data); $this->Data = array_reverse($this->Data); } $Data = array(); $Labels = $this->Labels; $OtherPercentage = 0.00; $OtherData = 0; foreach ($this->Data as $Key => $Value) { $ThisPercentage = number_format(($Value/$Sum)*100, 2); $ThisData = ($Value/$Sum)*4095; if ($Other && $ThisPercentage < 1) { $OtherPercentage += $ThisPercentage; $OtherData += $ThisData; unset($Data[$Key]); unset($Labels[$Key]); continue; } if ($LabelPercent) { $Labels[$Key] .= ' ('.$ThisPercentage.'%)'; } $Data[] = $this->encode($ThisData); } if ($OtherPercentage > 0) { $OtherLabel = 'Other'; if ($LabelPercent) { $OtherLabel .= ' ('.$OtherPercentage.'%)'; } $Labels[] = $OtherLabel; $Data[] = $this->encode($OtherData); } $this->URL .= "&chl=".implode('|', $Labels).'&chd=e:'.implode('', $Data); } } class LOG_BAR_GRAPH extends GOOGLE_CHARTS { //TODO: Finish. public function __construct ($Base, $Width, $Height, $Options=array()) { parent::__construct('lc', $Width, $Height, $Options); } public function color ($Color) { $this->URL .= '&chco='.$Color.'&chm=B,'.$Color.'50,0,0,0'; } public function generate() { $Max = max($this->Data); $Min = (isset($this->Options['Break']))?$Min=min($this->Data):0; $Data = array(); foreach ($this->Data as $Value) { $Data[] = $this->encode((($Value-$Min)/($Max-$Min))*4095); } $this->URL .= "&chxt=y,x&chxs=0,h&chxl=1:|".implode('|', $this->Labels).'&chxr=0,'.$Min.','.($Max-$Min).'&chd=e:'.implode('', $Data); } } class POLL_GRAPH extends GOOGLE_CHARTS { public function __construct () { $this->URL .= '?cht=bhg'; } public function add($Label, $Data) { if ($Label !== false) { $this->Labels[] = Format::cut_string($Label,35); } $this->Data[] = $Data; } public function generate() { $Count = count($this->Data); $Height = (30*$Count)+20; $Max = max($this->Data); $Sum = array_sum($this->Data); $Increment = ($Max/$Sum)*25; // * 100% / 4divisions $Data = array(); $Labels = array(); foreach ($this->Data as $Key => $Value) { $Data[] = $this->encode(($Value/$Max)*4095); $Labels[] = '@t'.str_replace(array(' ',','),array('+','\,'),$this->Labels[$Key]).',000000,1,'.round((($Key + 1)/$Count) - (12/$Height),2).':0,12'; } $this->URL .= "&chbh=25,0,5&chs=214x$Height&chl=0%|".round($Increment,1)."%|".round($Increment * 2,1)."%|".round($Increment * 3,1)."%|".round($Increment * 4,1)."%&chm=".implode('|', $Labels).'&chd=e:'.implode('', $Data); } }