<?php //require_once 'mass_user_torrents_editor.class.php'; /** * This class helps with mass-editing bookmarked torrents. * * It can later be used for other bookmark tables. * */ class MASS_USER_BOOKMARKS_EDITOR extends MASS_USER_TORRENTS_EDITOR { public function __construct($Table = 'bookmarks_torrents') { $this->set_table($Table); } /** * Runs a SQL query and clears the Cache key * * G::$Cache->delete_value didn't always work, but setting the key to null, did. (?) * * @param string $sql */ protected function query_and_clear_cache($sql) { $QueryID = G::$DB->get_query_id(); if (is_string($sql) && G::$DB->query($sql)) { G::$Cache->delete_value('bookmarks_group_ids_' . G::$LoggedUser['ID']); } G::$DB->set_query_id($QueryID); } /** * Uses (checkboxes) $_POST['remove'] to delete entries. * * Uses an IN() to match multiple items in one query. */ public function mass_remove() { $SQL = array(); foreach ($_POST['remove'] as $GroupID => $K) { if (is_number($GroupID)) { $SQL[] = sprintf('%d', $GroupID); } } if (!empty($SQL)) { $SQL = sprintf(' DELETE FROM %s WHERE UserID = %d AND GroupID IN (%s)', $this->Table, G::$LoggedUser['ID'], implode(', ', $SQL) ); $this->query_and_clear_cache($SQL); } } /** * Uses $_POST['sort'] values to update the DB. */ public function mass_update() { $SQL = array(); foreach ($_POST['sort'] as $GroupID => $Sort) { if (is_number($Sort) && is_number($GroupID)) { $SQL[] = sprintf('(%d, %d, %d)', $GroupID, $Sort, G::$LoggedUser['ID']); } } if (!empty($SQL)) { $SQL = sprintf(' INSERT INTO %s (GroupID, Sort, UserID) VALUES %s ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Sort = VALUES (Sort)', $this->Table, implode(', ', $SQL)); $this->query_and_clear_cache($SQL); } } }