query(" SELECT t.UserID, t.Time, COUNT(x.uid) FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN xbt_snatched AS x ON x.fid = t.ID WHERE t.ID = $TorrentID GROUP BY t.UserID"); if (!$DB->has_results()) { error('Torrent already deleted.'); } if ($Cache->get_value('torrent_'.$TorrentID.'_lock')) { error('Torrent cannot be deleted because the upload process is not completed yet. Please try again later.'); } list($UserID, $Time, $Snatches) = $DB->next_record(); if ($LoggedUser['ID'] != $UserID && !check_perms('torrents_delete')) { error(403); } if (isset($_SESSION['logged_user']['multi_delete']) && $_SESSION['logged_user']['multi_delete'] >= 3 && !check_perms('torrents_delete_fast')) { error('You have recently deleted 3 torrents. Please contact a staff member if you need to delete more.'); } if (time_ago($Time) > 3600 * 24 * 7 && !check_perms('torrents_delete')) { // Should this be torrents_delete or torrents_delete_fast? error('You can no longer delete this torrent as it has been uploaded for over a week. If you now think there is a problem, please report the torrent instead.'); } if ($Snatches > 4 && !check_perms('torrents_delete')) { // Should this be torrents_delete or torrents_delete_fast? error('You can no longer delete this torrent as it has been snatched by 5 or more users. If you believe there is a problem with this torrent, please report it instead.'); } View::show_header('Delete torrent', 'reportsv2'); ?>
Delete torrent
Reason:   Extra info:
query(" SELECT tg.Name, tg.ID, CASE COUNT(ta.GroupID) WHEN 1 THEN aa.ArtistID WHEN 0 THEN '0' ELSE '0' END AS ArtistID, CASE COUNT(ta.GroupID) WHEN 1 THEN aa.Name WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE 'Various Artists' END AS ArtistName, tg.Year, tg.CategoryID, t.Time, t.Remastered, t.RemasterTitle, t.RemasterYear, t.Media, t.Format, t.Encoding, t.Size, t.HasLog, t.LogScore, t.UserID AS UploaderID, uploader.Username FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN torrents_group AS tg ON tg.ID = t.GroupID LEFT JOIN torrents_artists AS ta ON ta.GroupID = tg.ID AND ta.Importance = '1' LEFT JOIN artists_alias AS aa ON aa.AliasID = ta.AliasID LEFT JOIN users_main AS uploader ON uploader.ID = t.UserID WHERE t.ID = $TorrentID"); if (!$DB->has_results()) { die(); } list($GroupName, $GroupID, $ArtistID, $ArtistName, $Year, $CategoryID, $Time, $Remastered, $RemasterTitle, $RemasterYear, $Media, $Format, $Encoding, $Size, $HasLog, $LogScore, $UploaderID, $UploaderName) = $DB->next_record(); $Type = 'dupe'; //hardcoded default if (array_key_exists($Type, $Types[$CategoryID])) { $ReportType = $Types[$CategoryID][$Type]; } elseif (array_key_exists($Type,$Types['master'])) { $ReportType = $Types['master'][$Type]; } else { //There was a type but it wasn't an option! $Type = 'other'; $ReportType = $Types['master']['other']; } $RemasterDisplayString = Reports::format_reports_remaster_info($Remastered, $RemasterTitle, $RemasterYear); if ($ArtistID == 0 && empty($ArtistName)) { $RawName = $GroupName.($Year ? " ($Year)" : '').($Format || $Encoding || $Media ? " [$Format/$Encoding/$Media]" : '') . $RemasterDisplayString . ($HasLog ? " ({$LogScore}%)" : '').' ('.number_format($Size / (1024 * 1024), 2).' MB)'; $LinkName = "$GroupName".($Year ? " ($Year)" : '')." ".($Format || $Encoding || $Media ? " [$Format/$Encoding/$Media]" : '') . "$RemasterDisplayString" . ($HasLog ? " (Log: {$LogScore}%)" : '').' ('.number_format($Size / (1024 * 1024), 2).' MB)'; $BBName = "[url=torrents.php?id=$GroupID]$GroupName".($Year ? " ($Year)" : '')."[/url] [url=torrents.php?torrentid=$TorrentID][$Format/$Encoding/$Media]{$RemasterDisplayString}[/url] " . ($HasLog ? " [url=torrents.php?action=viewlog&torrentid=$TorrentID&groupid=$GroupID](Log: {$LogScore}%)[/url]" : '').' ('.number_format($Size / (1024 * 1024), 2).' MB)'; } elseif ($ArtistID == 0 && $ArtistName == 'Various Artists') { $RawName = "Various Artists - $GroupName".($Year ? " ($Year)" : '')." [$Format/$Encoding/$Media]$RemasterDisplayString" . ($HasLog ? " ({$LogScore}%)" : '').' ('.number_format($Size / (1024 * 1024), 2).' MB)'; $LinkName = "Various Artists - $GroupName".($Year ? " ($Year)" : '')." [$Format/$Encoding/$Media]$RemasterDisplayString ".($HasLog ? " (Log: {$LogScore}%)" : '').' ('.number_format($Size / (1024 * 1024), 2).' MB)'; $BBName = "Various Artists - [url=torrents.php?id=$GroupID]$GroupName".($Year ? " ($Year)" : '')."[/url] [url=torrents.php?torrentid=$TorrentID][$Format/$Encoding/$Media]{$RemasterDisplayString}[/url] ".($HasLog ? " [url=torrents.php?action=viewlog&torrentid=$TorrentID&groupid=$GroupID](Log: {$LogScore}%)[/url]" : '').' ('.number_format($Size / (1024 * 1024), 2).' MB)'; } else { $RawName = "$ArtistName - $GroupName".($Year ? " ($Year)" : '')." [$Format/$Encoding/$Media]$RemasterDisplayString" . ($HasLog ? " ({$LogScore}%)" : '').' ('.number_format($Size / (1024 * 1024), 2).' MB)'; $LinkName = "$ArtistName - $GroupName".($Year ? " ($Year)" : '')." [$Format/$Encoding/$Media]$RemasterDisplayString ".($HasLog ? " (Log: {$LogScore}%)" : '').' ('.number_format($Size / (1024 * 1024), 2).' MB)'; $BBName = "[url=artist.php?id=$ArtistID]".$ArtistName."[/url] - [url=torrents.php?id=$GroupID]$GroupName".($Year ? " ($Year)" : '')."[/url] [url=torrents.php?torrentid=$TorrentID][$Format/$Encoding/$Media]{$RemasterDisplayString}[/url] " . ($HasLog ? " [url=torrents.php?action=viewlog&torrentid=$TorrentID&groupid=$GroupID](Log: {$LogScore}%)[/url]" : '').' ('.number_format($Size / (1024 * 1024), 2).' MB)'; } ?>
Torrent: (Deleted) DL uploaded by
query(" SELECT r.ID FROM reportsv2 AS r LEFT JOIN torrents AS t ON t.ID = r.TorrentID WHERE r.Status != 'Resolved' AND t.GroupID = $GroupID"); $GroupOthers = ($DB->has_results()); if ($GroupOthers > 0) { ?> query(" SELECT t.UserID FROM reportsv2 AS r JOIN torrents AS t ON t.ID = r.TorrentID WHERE r.Status != 'Resolved' AND t.UserID = $UploaderID"); $UploaderOthers = ($DB->has_results()); if ($UploaderOthers > 0) { ?> query(" SELECT DISTINCT req.ID, req.FillerID, um.Username, req.TimeFilled FROM requests AS req JOIN users_main AS um ON um.ID = req.FillerID AND req.TorrentID = $TorrentID"); $Requests = ($DB->has_results()); if ($Requests > 0) { while (list($RequestID, $FillerID, $FillerName, $FilledTime) = $DB->next_record()) { ?>
used this torrent to fill this request
Resolve: Warning
PM uploader:
Extra log message: Extra staff notes: