0) { $Image = trim($_POST['image']); } else { $Err = display_str($_POST['image'])." does not appear to be a valid link to an image."; } } if(empty($_POST['description'])) { $Err = "You forgot to enter any description!"; } else { $Description = trim($_POST['description']); } if($CategoryName == "Music") { if(empty($_POST['artists'])) { $Err = "You didn't enter any artists"; } else { $Artists = $_POST['artists']; $Importance = $_POST['importance']; } if(!is_number($_POST['releasetype']) || !array_key_exists($_POST['releasetype'], $ReleaseTypes)) { $Err = "Please pick a release type"; } $ReleaseType = $_POST['releasetype']; if(empty($_POST['all_formats']) && count($_POST['formats']) != count($Formats)) { $FormatArray = $_POST['formats']; if(count($FormatArray) < 1) { $Err = "You must require at least one format"; } } else { $AllFormats = true; } if(empty($_POST['all_bitrates']) && count($_POST['bitrates']) != count($Bitrates)) { $BitrateArray = $_POST['bitrates']; if(count($BitrateArray) < 1) { $Err = "You must require at least one bitrate"; } } else { $AllBitrates = true; } if(empty($_POST['all_media']) && count($_POST['media']) != count($Media)) { $MediaArray = $_POST['media']; if(count($MediaArray) < 1) { $Err = "You must require at least one type of media"; } } else { $AllMedia = true; } //$Bitrates[1] = FLAC if(!empty($FormatArray) && in_array(1, $FormatArray)) { $NeedLog = empty($_POST['needlog']) ? false : true; if($NeedLog) { if($_POST['minlogscore']) { $MinLogScore = trim($_POST['minlogscore']); } else { $MinLogScore = 0; } if(!is_number($MinLogScore)) { $Err = "You've entered a minimum log score that isn't a number"; } } $NeedCue = empty($_POST['needcue']) ? false : true; //FLAC was picked, require either Lossless or 24 bit Lossless if(!$AllBitrates && !in_array(8, $BitrateArray) && !in_array(9, $BitrateArray)) { $Err = "You selected FLAC as a format but no possible bitrate to fill it (Lossless or 24 bit Lossless)"; } if (($NeedCue || $NeedLog)) { if (!empty($_POST['all_media']) || $MediaArray[0] != 0) { $Err = "Only CD is allowed as media for FLAC Log/Cue Requests."; } } } else { $NeedLog = false; $NeedCue = false; $MinLogScore = false; } // GroupID if (!empty($_POST['groupid'])) { $GroupID = trim($_POST['groupid']); $URLRegex = '/^https?:\/\/(www\.|ssl\.)?'.NONSSL_SITE_URL.'\/torrents\.php\?(page=[0-9]+&)?id=([0-9]+)/i'; if (preg_match($URLRegex, $GroupID, $Matches)) { $GroupID = $Matches[3]; } if (is_number($GroupID)) { $DB->query("SELECT 1 FROM torrents_group WHERE ID = '$GroupID' AND CategoryID = 1"); if ($DB->record_count() == 0) { $Err = "Torrent Group, if entered, must correspond to a music group on the site."; } } else { $Err = "Torrent Group, if entered, must correspond to a music group on the site."; } } //Not required if(!empty($_POST['editioninfo'])) { $EditionInfo = trim($_POST['editioninfo']); } else { $EditionInfo = ""; } if(!empty($_POST['cataloguenumber'])) { $CatalogueNumber = trim($_POST['cataloguenumber']); } else { $CatalogueNumber = ""; } if(!empty($_POST['recordlabel'])) { $RecordLabel = trim($_POST['recordlabel']); } else { $RecordLabel = ""; } if (!empty($_POST['oclc'])) { $OCLC = trim($_POST['oclc']); } else { $OCLC = ""; } } if($CategoryName == "Music" || $CategoryName == "Audiobooks" || $CategoryName == "Comedy") { if(empty($_POST['year'])) { $Err = "You forgot to enter the year!"; } else { $Year = trim($_POST['year']); if(!is_number($Year)) { $Err = "Your entered year is not a number"; } } } //For refilling on error if($CategoryName == "Music") { $MainArtistCount = 0; $ArtistNames = array(); $ArtistForm = array( 1 => array(), 2 => array(), 3 => array() ); for($i = 0, $il = count($Artists); $i < $il; $i++) { if(trim($Artists[$i]) != "") { if(!in_array($Artists[$i], $ArtistNames)) { $ArtistForm[$Importance[$i]][] = array('name' => trim($Artists[$i])); if(in_array($Importance[$i], array(1,4,5,6))) { $MainArtistCount++; } $ArtistNames[] = trim($Artists[$i]); } } } if($MainArtistCount < 1) { $Err = "Please enter at least one main artist, conductor, composer, or DJ"; } if(!isset($ArtistNames[0])) { unset($ArtistForm); } } if(!empty($Err)) { error($Err); $Div = $_POST['unit'] == 'mb' ? 1024*1024 : 1024*1024*1024; $Bounty /= $Div; include(SERVER_ROOT.'/sections/requests/new_edit.php'); die(); } //Databasify the input if($CategoryName == "Music") { if(empty($AllBitrates)) { foreach($BitrateArray as $Index => $MasterIndex) { if(array_key_exists($Index, $Bitrates)) { $BitrateArray[$Index] = $Bitrates[$MasterIndex]; } else { //Hax error(0); } } $BitrateList = implode("|", $BitrateArray); } else { $BitrateList = "Any"; } if(empty($AllFormats)) { foreach($FormatArray as $Index => $MasterIndex) { if(array_key_exists($Index, $Formats)) { $FormatArray[$Index] = $Formats[$MasterIndex]; } else { //Hax error(0); } } $FormatList = implode("|", $FormatArray); } else { $FormatList = "Any"; } if(empty($AllMedia)) { foreach($MediaArray as $Index => $MasterIndex) { if(array_key_exists($Index, $Media)) { $MediaArray[$Index] = $Media[$MasterIndex]; } else { //Hax error(0); } } $MediaList = implode("|", $MediaArray); } else { $MediaList = "Any"; } $LogCue = ""; if($NeedLog) { $LogCue .= "Log"; if($MinLogScore > 0) { if($MinLogScore >= 100) { $LogCue .= " (100%)"; } else { $LogCue .= " (>= ".$MinLogScore."%)"; } } } if($NeedCue) { if($LogCue != "") { $LogCue .= " + Cue"; } else { $LogCue = "Cue"; } } } //Query time! if($CategoryName == "Music") { if($NewRequest) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO requests ( UserID, TimeAdded, LastVote, CategoryID, Title, Year, Image, Description, RecordLabel, CatalogueNumber, ReleaseType, BitrateList, FormatList, MediaList, LogCue, Visible, GroupID, OCLC) VALUES (".$LoggedUser['ID'].", '".sqltime()."', '".sqltime()."', ".$CategoryID.", '".db_string($Title)."', ".$Year.", '".db_string($Image)."', '".db_string($Description)."','".db_string($RecordLabel)."', '".db_string($CatalogueNumber)."', ".$ReleaseType.", '".$BitrateList."','".$FormatList."', '".$MediaList."', '".$LogCue."', '1', '$GroupID', '".db_string($OCLC)."')"); $RequestID = $DB->inserted_id(); } else { $DB->query("UPDATE requests SET CategoryID = ".$CategoryID.", Title = '".db_string($Title)."', Year = ".$Year.", Image = '".db_string($Image)."', Description = '".db_string($Description)."', CatalogueNumber = '".db_string($CatalogueNumber)."', RecordLabel = '".db_string($RecordLabel)."', ReleaseType = ".$ReleaseType.", BitrateList = '".$BitrateList."', FormatList = '".$FormatList."', MediaList = '".$MediaList."', LogCue = '".$LogCue."', GroupID = '".$GroupID."', OCLC = '".db_string($OCLC)."' WHERE ID = ".$RequestID); //I almost didn't think of this, we need to be able to delete artists / tags $DB->query("SELECT ArtistID FROM requests_artists WHERE RequestID = ".$RequestID); $RequestArtists = $DB->to_array(); foreach($RequestArtists as $RequestArtist) { $Cache->delete_value('artists_requests_'.$RequestArtist); } $DB->query("DELETE FROM requests_artists WHERE RequestID = ".$RequestID); $Cache->delete_value('request_artists_'.$RequestID); } if ($GroupID) { $Cache->delete_value('requests_group_'.$GroupID); } /* * Multiple Artists! * For the multiple artists system, we have 3 steps: * 1. See if each artist given already exists and if it does, grab the ID. * 2. For each artist that didn't exist, create an artist. * 3. Create a row in the requests_artists table for each artist, based on the ID. */ foreach($ArtistForm as $Importance => $Artists) { foreach($Artists as $Num => $Artist) { //1. See if each artist given already exists and if it does, grab the ID. $DB->query(" SELECT aa.ArtistID, aa.AliasID, aa.Name, aa.Redirect FROM artists_alias AS aa WHERE aa.Name = '".db_string($Artist['name'])."'"); if($DB->record_count() > 0) { while($Result = $DB->next_record(MYSQLI_NUM, false)) { list($ArtistID, $AliasID, $AliasName, $Redirect) = $Result; if(!strcasecmp($Artist['name'], $AliasName)) { if($Redirect) { $AliasID = $Redirect; } break; } } $ArtistForm[$Importance][$Num] = array('id' => $ArtistID, 'aliasid' => $AliasID, 'name' => $AliasName); $Cache->delete_value('artist_'.$ArtistID); } else { //2. For each artist that didn't exist, create an artist. $DB->query("INSERT INTO artists_group (Name) VALUES ('".db_string($Artist['name'])."')"); $ArtistID = $DB->inserted_id(); $Cache->increment('stats_artist_count'); $DB->query("INSERT INTO artists_alias (ArtistID, Name) VALUES (".$ArtistID.", '".db_string($Artist['name'])."')"); $AliasID = $DB->inserted_id(); $ArtistForm[$Importance][$Num] = array('id' => $ArtistID, 'aliasid' => $AliasID, 'name' => $Artist['name']); } } } //3. Create a row in the requests_artists table for each artist, based on the ID. foreach($ArtistForm as $Importance => $Artists) { foreach($Artists as $Num => $Artist) { $DB->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO requests_artists (RequestID, ArtistID, AliasID, Importance) VALUES (".$RequestID.", ".$Artist['id'].", ".$Artist['aliasid'].", '".$Importance."')"); $Cache->increment('stats_album_count'); $Cache->delete_value('artists_requests_'.$Artist['id']); } } //End Music only } else { //Not a music request anymore, delete music only fields. if(!$NewRequest) { $DB->query("SELECT ArtistID FROM requests_artists WHERE RequestID = ".$RequestID); $OldArtists = $DB->collect('ArtistID'); foreach($OldArtists as $ArtistID) { if(empty($ArtistID)) { continue; } //Get a count of how many groups or requests use the artist ID $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(ag.ArtistID) FROM artists_group as ag LEFT JOIN requests_artists AS ra ON ag.ArtistID=ra.ArtistID WHERE ra.ArtistID IS NOT NULL AND ag.ArtistID = '$ArtistID'"); list($ReqCount) = $DB->next_record(); $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(ag.ArtistID) FROM artists_group as ag LEFT JOIN torrents_artists AS ta ON ag.ArtistID=ta.ArtistID WHERE ta.ArtistID IS NOT NULL AND ag.ArtistID = '$ArtistID'"); list($GroupCount) = $DB->next_record(); if(($ReqCount + $GroupCount) == 0) { //The only group to use this artist delete_artist($ArtistID); } else { //Not the only group, still need to clear cache $Cache->delete_value('artist_'.$ArtistID); $Cache->delete_value('artists_requests_'.$ArtistID); } } $DB->query("DELETE FROM requests_artists WHERE RequestID = ".$RequestID); } if($CategoryName == "Audiobooks" || $CategoryName == "Comedy") { //These types require a year field. if($NewRequest) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO requests ( UserID, TimeAdded, LastVote, CategoryID, Title, Year, Image, Description, Visible) VALUES (".$LoggedUser['ID'].", '".sqltime()."', '".sqltime()."', ".$CategoryID.", '".db_string($Title)."', ".$Year.", '".db_string($Image)."', '".db_string($Description)."', '1')"); $RequestID = $DB->inserted_id(); } else { $DB->query("UPDATE requests SET CategoryID = ".$CategoryID.", Title = '".db_string($Title)."', Year = ".$Year.", Image = '".db_string($Image)."', Description = '".db_string($Description)."' WHERE ID = ".$RequestID); } } else { if($NewRequest) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO requests ( UserID, TimeAdded, LastVote, CategoryID, Title, Image, Description, Visible) VALUES (".$LoggedUser['ID'].", '".sqltime()."', '".sqltime()."', ".$CategoryID.", '".db_string($Title)."', '".db_string($Image)."', '".db_string($Description)."', '1')"); $RequestID = $DB->inserted_id(); } else { $DB->query("UPDATE requests SET CategoryID = ".$CategoryID.", Title = '".db_string($Title)."', Image = '".db_string($Image)."', Description = '".db_string($Description)."' WHERE ID = ".$RequestID); } } } //Tags if(!$NewRequest) { $DB->query("DELETE FROM requests_tags WHERE RequestID = ".$RequestID); } $Tags = array_unique(explode(',', $Tags)); foreach($Tags as $Index => $Tag) { $Tag = sanitize_tag($Tag); $Tags[$Index] = $Tag; //For announce $DB->query("INSERT INTO tags (Name, UserID) VALUES ('".$Tag."', ".$LoggedUser['ID'].") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Uses=Uses+1"); $TagID = $DB->inserted_id(); $DB->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO requests_tags (TagID, RequestID) VALUES (".$TagID.", ".$RequestID.")"); } if($NewRequest) { //Remove the bounty and create the vote $DB->query("INSERT INTO requests_votes (RequestID, UserID, Bounty) VALUES (".$RequestID.", ".$LoggedUser['ID'].", ".($Bytes * (1 - $RequestTax)).")"); $DB->query("UPDATE users_main SET Uploaded = (Uploaded - ".$Bytes.") WHERE ID = ".$LoggedUser['ID']); $Cache->delete_value('user_stats_'.$LoggedUser['ID']); if($CategoryName == "Music") { $Announce = "'".$Title."' - ".display_artists($ArtistForm, false, false)." http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/requests.php?action=view&id=".$RequestID." - ".implode(" ", $Tags); } else { $Announce = "'".$Title."' - http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/requests.php?action=view&id=".$RequestID." - ".implode(" ", $Tags); } send_irc('PRIVMSG #'.NONSSL_SITE_URL.'-requests :'.$Announce); } else { $Cache->delete_value('request_'.$RequestID); $Cache->delete_value('request_artists_'.$RequestID); } update_sphinx_requests($RequestID); header('Location: requests.php?action=view&id='.$RequestID); ?>