function show_peers (TorrentID, Page) { if(Page>0) { ajax.get('torrents.php?action=peerlist&page='+Page+'&torrentid=' + TorrentID,function(response){ $('#peers_' + TorrentID).show().raw().innerHTML=response; }); } else { if ($('#peers_' + TorrentID).raw().innerHTML === '') { $('#peers_' + TorrentID).show().raw().innerHTML = '


'; ajax.get('torrents.php?action=peerlist&torrentid=' + TorrentID,function(response){ $('#peers_' + TorrentID).show().raw().innerHTML=response; }); } else { $('#peers_' + TorrentID).toggle(); } } $('#snatches_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#downloads_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#files_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#reported_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#spectrals_' + TorrentID).hide(); } function show_snatches (TorrentID, Page){ if(Page>0) { ajax.get('torrents.php?action=snatchlist&page='+Page+'&torrentid=' + TorrentID,function(response){ $('#snatches_' + TorrentID).show().raw().innerHTML=response; }); } else { if ($('#snatches_' + TorrentID).raw().innerHTML === '') { $('#snatches_' + TorrentID).show().raw().innerHTML = '


'; ajax.get('torrents.php?action=snatchlist&torrentid=' + TorrentID,function(response){ $('#snatches_' + TorrentID).show().raw().innerHTML=response; }); } else { $('#snatches_' + TorrentID).toggle(); } } $('#peers_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#downloads_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#files_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#reported_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#spectrals_' + TorrentID).hide(); } function show_downloads (TorrentID, Page){ if(Page>0) { ajax.get('torrents.php?action=downloadlist&page='+Page+'&torrentid=' + TorrentID,function(response){ $('#downloads_' + TorrentID).show().raw().innerHTML=response; }); } else { if ($('#downloads_' + TorrentID).raw().innerHTML === '') { $('#downloads_' + TorrentID).show().raw().innerHTML = '


'; ajax.get('torrents.php?action=downloadlist&torrentid=' + TorrentID,function(response){ $('#downloads_' + TorrentID).raw().innerHTML=response; }); } else { $('#downloads_' + TorrentID).toggle(); } } $('#peers_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#snatches_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#files_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#reported_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#spectrals_' + TorrentID).hide(); } function show_files(TorrentID){ $('#files_' + TorrentID).toggle(); $('#peers_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#snatches_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#downloads_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#reported_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#spectrals_' + TorrentID).hide(); } function show_reported(TorrentID){ $('#files_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#peers_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#snatches_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#downloads_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#reported_' + TorrentID).toggle(); $('#spectrals_' + TorrentID).hide(); } function show_spectrals (TorrentID){ $('#snatches_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#peers_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#downloads_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#files_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#reported_' + TorrentID).hide(); $('#spectrals_' + TorrentID).toggle(); ajax.get('' + TorrentID,function(response){ var json = JSON.parse(response); html = "
Loading..." $('#spectrals_' + TorrentID).show().raw().innerHTML=html; if(json['status']['state'] == 'success') { for (var i = 0; i < json['count']; i++) { html += "" + json["; html += "

"; } } else { html = "
Error: " + json['status']['reason'] + "" } $('#spectrals_' + TorrentID).show().raw().innerHTML=html; }); } function add_tag(tag) { if ($('#tags').raw().value == "") { $('#tags').raw().value = tag; } else { $('#tags').raw().value = $('#tags').raw().value + ", " + tag; } } function toggle_group(groupid, link, event) { var clickedRow = link; while (clickedRow.nodeName != 'TR') { clickedRow = clickedRow.parentNode; } var group_rows = clickedRow.parentNode.children; var showing = $(clickedRow).nextElementSibling().has_class('hidden'); var allGroups = event.ctrlKey; for (var i = 0; i < group_rows.length; i++) { var row = $(group_rows[i]); if (row.has_class('colhead_dark')) { continue; } if (row.has_class('colhead')) { continue; } var relevantRow = row.has_class('group') ? $(group_rows[i+1]) : row; if (allGroups || relevantRow.has_class('groupid_' + groupid)) { row = $(group_rows[i]); // idk why we need this :S if (row.has_class('group')) { $('a.show_torrents_link', row.raw()).raw().title = (showing) ? 'Collapse this group. Hold "Ctrl" while clicking to collapse all groups/editions in this section.' : 'Expand this group. Hold "Ctrl" while clicking to expand all groups/editions in this section.'; $('a.show_torrents_link', row.raw()).raw().parentNode.className = (showing) ? 'hide_torrents' : 'show_torrents'; } else { if (showing) { // show the row depending on whether the edition it's in is collapsed or not if (row.has_class('edition')) {; showRow = ($('a', row.raw()).raw().innerHTML != '+'); } else { if (showRow) {; } else { row.hide(); } } } else { row.hide(); } } } } if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } else { event.returnValue = false; } } function toggle_edition(groupid, editionid, lnk, event) { var clickedRow = lnk; while (clickedRow.nodeName != 'TR') { clickedRow = clickedRow.parentNode; } //var showing = has_class(nextElementSibling(clickedRow), 'hidden'); var showing = $(clickedRow).nextElementSibling().has_class('hidden'); var allEditions = event.ctrlKey; var group_rows = $('tr.groupid_' + groupid); for (var i = 0; i < group_rows.results(); i++) { var row = $(group_rows.raw(i)); if (row.has_class('edition') && (allEditions || row.raw(0) == clickedRow)) { $('a', row.raw()).raw().innerHTML = (showing) ? '−' : '+'; $('a', row.raw()).raw().title = (showing) ? 'Collapse this edition. Hold "Ctrl" to collapse all editions in this torrent group.' : 'Expand this edition. Hold "Ctrl" to expand all editions in this torrent group.'; continue; } if (allEditions || row.has_class('edition_' + editionid)) { if (showing && !row.has_class('torrentdetails')) {; } else { row.hide(); } } } if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } else { event.returnValue = false; } } // For /sections/torrents/browse.php (not browse2.php) function Bitrate() { $('#other_bitrate').raw().value = ''; if ($('#bitrate').raw().options[$('#bitrate').raw().selectedIndex].value == 'Other') { $('#other_bitrate_span').show(); } else { $('#other_bitrate_span').hide(); } } var ArtistFieldCount = 1; function AddArtistField() { if (ArtistFieldCount >= 100) { return; } var x = $('#AddArtists').raw(); x.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); var ArtistField = document.createElement("input"); ArtistField.type = "text"; = "aliasname[]"; ArtistField.size = "17"; x.appendChild(ArtistField); x.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); var Importance = document.createElement("select"); = "importance[]"; Importance.innerHTML = ''; x.appendChild(Importance); ArtistFieldCount++; } function ToggleEditionRows() { $('#edition_title').toggle(); $('#edition_label').toggle(); $('#edition_catalogue').toggle(); } function check_private(TorrentID) { $('#checkprivate-'+TorrentID).raw().innerHTML = "Checking..."; ajax.get('ajax.php?action=checkprivate&torrentid=' + TorrentID,function(response){ $('#checkprivate-'+TorrentID).raw().innerHTML = response; }); }