/** * Allows the user to populate upload form using MusicBrainz. * Popup display code based on example found here http://yensdesign.com/2008/09/how-to-create-a-stunning-and-smooth-popup-using-jquery/ * * @author Gwindow * * TODO Center dynamically based on scroll position */ (function($) { //global variables var $year_release_group; var $release_type; var $release_group_id; var $tags; var $year_release; var $catalog_number; var $record_label; var $searched = false; // controls popup state var $popup_state = 0; var $musicbrainz_state = 0; $(document).ready(function() { loadCSS(); enableMusicBrainzButton(); controlPopup(); $("#musicbrainz_button").click(function() { var $album = $("#title").val(); var $artist = $("#artist").val(); if ($artist.length > 0 || $album.length > 0) { jQuery('#results1').empty(); jQuery('#results2').empty(); jQuery('#results1').show(); jQuery('#results2').show(); $searched = true; var $artist_encoded = encodeURIComponent($artist); var $album_encoded = encodeURIComponent($album); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url : "https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/release-group/?query=artist:%22" + $artist_encoded + "%22%20AND%20releasegroup:%22" + $album_encoded + "%22", dataType: "xml", success: showReleaseGroups }); } else { alert("Please fill out artist and/or album fields."); } }); $("#results1").click(function(event) { var $id = event.target.id; if ($id != "results1") { jQuery('#results1').hide(); jQuery('#results2').empty(); jQuery('#results2').show(); jQuery('#popup_back').empty(); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/release-group/" + $id + "?inc=artist-credits%2Breleases+tags+media", dataType: "xml", success: showReleases }); } }); $("#results2").click(function(event) { var $id = event.target.id; if ($id != "mb" && $id != "results2") { jQuery('#results2').empty(); jQuery('#results2').show(); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/release/" + $id + "?inc=artist-credits%2Blabels%2Bdiscids%2Brecordings+tags+media+label-rels", dataType: "xml", success: populateForm }); } }); $("#popup_back").click(function(event) { var $id = event.target.id; if ($id == "back" ) { jQuery('#results2').hide(); jQuery('#results1').show(); jQuery('#popup_back').empty(); jQuery('#popup_title').text("Choose Release Group"); } }); $("#remaster").click(function(event) { if ($("#remaster").attr("checked") && $searched == true) { populateEditionsForm(); } else if ($searched == true) { depopulateEditionsForm(); } }); }); /** * Shows the release groups * @param xml */ function showReleaseGroups(xml) { var $count = $(xml).find("release-group-list").attr("count"); if ($count == 0 ) { alert("Could not find on MusicBrainz"); } else { jQuery('#popup_title').text("Choose release group"); openPopup(); } $(xml).find("release-group").each(function() { var $title = $(this).find("title:first").text(); var $artist = $(this).find("name:first").text(); var $type = $(this).attr("type"); var $score = $(this).attr("ext:score"); var $releaseId = $(this).attr("id"); var $result = $artist + " - " + $title + " [Type: " + $type + ", Score: " + $score + "]" $('' + $result + "").attr("id", $releaseId).appendTo("#results1"); }); } /** * Shows releases inside a release group * @param xml */ function showReleases(xml) { var $date_release_group = $(xml).find("first-release-date").text(); $year_original = $date_release_group.substring(0,4); $release_type = $(xml).find("release-group").attr("type"); $release_group_id = $(xml).find("release-group").attr("id"); jQuery('#popup_title').html("Choose release " + 'View on MusicBrainz'); jQuery('#popup_back').html('Go back'); $(xml).find("release").each(function() { var $release_id = $(this).attr("id"); var $title = $(this).find("title").text(); var $status = $(this).find("status").text(); var $date = $(this).find("date").text(); var $year = $date.substring(0,4); var $country = $(this).find("country").text(); var $format; var $tracks; $(this).find("medium-list").each(function() { $(this).find("medium").each(function() { $format = $(this).find("format").text(); $(this).find("track-list").each(function() { $tracks = $(this).attr("count"); }); }); }); var $result = $title + " [Year: " + $year + ", Format: " + $format + ", Tracks: " + $tracks + ", Country: " + $country + "]"; $('' + $result + "").attr("id", $release_id).appendTo("#results2"); $('View on MusicBrainz' + "
").attr("id", "mb").appendTo("#results2"); }); parseTags(xml); } /** * Parses the tags to the gazelle conventions * @param xml */ function parseTags(xml) { $tags = ""; $(xml).find("tag").each(function() { $tag = cleanTag($(this).find("name").text()); if (isValidTag($tag)) { $tags += "," + $tag; } }); if ($tags.charAt(0) == ',') { $tags = $tags.substring(1); } } function cleanTag($t) { $t = $t.replace(/ +(?= )/g,','); $t = $t.replace('-','.'); $t = $t.replace(' ','.'); return $t; } /** * Populates the upload form * @param xml */ function populateForm(xml) { closePopup(); var $release_id = $(xml).find("release").attr("id"); var $release_title = $(xml).find("release").find("title:first").text(); var $artist = $(xml).find("artist-credit:first").find("name:first").text(); var $date = $(xml).find("release").find("date").text(); $year_release = $date.substring(0,4); var $country = $(xml).find("country").text(); var $asin = $(xml).find("asin").text(); var $barcode = $(xml).find("barcode").text(); $catalog_number = $(xml).find("catalog-number").text(); $record_label = $(xml).find("label").find("sort-name").text(); var $track_count = $(xml).find("track-list").attr("count"); var $track_titles = new Array(); $(xml).find("track-list").find("title").each(function() { var $title = $(this).text(); $track_titles.push($title); }); clear(); $("#artist").val($artist); $("#title").val($release_title); $("#year").val($year_original); $("#record_label").val($record_label); $("#catalogue_number").val($catalog_number); $("#tags").val($tags); $("#releasetype").val(getReleaseType()); var $amazon_link = ""; if ($asin.length > 0) { $amazon_link = "[url=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/" + $asin + "]Amazon[/url]" + "\n"; } var $country_text = ""; if ($country.length > 0) { $country_text = "Country: " + $country + "\n"; } var $barcode_text = ""; if ($barcode.length > 0) { $barcode_text = "Barcode: " + $barcode + "\n"; } var $description = $amazon_link + "[url=https://musicbrainz.org/release-group/" + $release_group_id + "]MusicBrainz[/url]" + "\n" + "\n" + $country_text + $barcode_text + "Tracks: " + $track_count + "\n" + "\n" + "Track list:" + "\n"; for (var i = 0; i < $track_titles.length; i++) { $description = $description + "[#]" + $track_titles[i] + "\n"; }; $("#album_desc").val($description); } function populateEditionsForm() { $('#remaster_true').show(); $("#record_label").val(""); $("#catalogue_number").val(""); $("#remaster_year").val($year_release); $("#remaster_record_label").val($record_label); $("#remaster_catalogue_number").val($catalog_number); } function depopulateEditionsForm() { $("#record_label").val($record_label); $("#catalogue_number").val($catalog_number); $("#remaster_year").val(""); $("#remaster_record_label").val(""); $("#remaster_catalogue_number").val(""); } function closeEditionsForm() { if ($("#remaster").attr("checked")) { $('#remaster_true').hide(); } $("#remaster").attr("checked", false); $("#remaster_year").val(""); $("#remaster_record_label").val(""); $("#remaster_catalogue_number").val(""); } /** * Gets the release type * @returns value of type */ function getReleaseType() { var $value; switch ($release_type) { case "Album": $value = 1; break; case "Soundtrack": $value = 3; break; case "EP": $value = 5; break; case "Compilation": $value = 7; break; case "Single": $value = 9; break; case "Live": $value = 11; break; case "Remix": $value = 13; break; case "Interview": $value = 15; break; default: $value = "---"; break; } return $value; } /** * Enables the musicbrainz button only when the "Music" type is selected and a format isn't being uploaded */ function enableMusicBrainzButton() { if ($('#categories').is(':disabled') == false) { $("#categories").click(function() { if ($("#categories").val() != 0 ) { $("#musicbrainz_button").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } else { $("#musicbrainz_button").removeAttr("disabled"); } }); } else { $("#musicbrainz_button").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } /** * Clears fields in the upload form */ function clear() { closeEditionsForm(); $("#artist").val(""); $("#title").val(""); $("#year").val(""); $("#record_label").val(""); $("#catalogue_number").val(""); $("#tags").val(""); $("#releasetype").val(""); $("#album_desc").val(""); $("#remaster_year").val(""); $("#remaster_record_label").val(""); $("#remaster_catalogue_number").val(""); } /** * Loads the popup * @returns */ function openPopup() { centerPopup(); if ($popup_state == 0) { $("#popup_background").css({ "opacity": "0.7" }); $("#popup_background").fadeIn("fast"); $("#musicbrainz_popup").fadeIn("fast"); $popup_state = 1; } } /** * Closes the popup * @returns */ function closePopup() { if ($popup_state == 1) { $("#popup_background").fadeOut("fast"); $("#musicbrainz_popup").fadeOut("fast"); jQuery('#popup_back').html(""); $popup_state = 0; } } /** * Centers the popup on the screen * @returns */ function centerPopup() { //TODO Center dynamically based on scroll position var windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; var windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; var popupHeight = $("#musicbrainz_popup").height(); var scrollPosition = window.pageYOffset; var percentage = (scrollPosition/windowHeight) * 100; var popupWidth = $("#musicbrainz_popup").width(); $("#musicbrainz_popup").css({ "position": "absolute ! important", //"top": windowHeight/2-popupHeight/2, "left": windowWidth/2-popupWidth/2 + "! important" }); $("#popup_background").css({ "height": windowHeight }); } /** * Controls the popup state based on user input * @returns */ function controlPopup() { $("#popup_close").click(function() { closePopup(); }); $(document).keypress(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27 && $popup_state == 1) { closePopup(); } }); } function loadCSS() { var $link = document.createElement('link') $link.href = 'static/styles/musicbrainz.css'; $link.rel = 'stylesheet'; $link.type = 'text/css'; document.body.appendChild($link); $link = null; } } ) ( jQuery );