query("SELECT VanityHouse FROM torrents_group WHERE ID = '$GroupID'"); if (!(list($OldVH) = $DB->next_record())) { error(404); } if(!empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'revert') { // if we're reverting to a previous revision $RevisionID=$_GET['revisionid']; if(!is_number($RevisionID)) { error(0); } } else { // with edit, the variables are passed with POST $Body = $_POST['body']; $Image = $_POST['image']; $ReleaseType = (int)$_POST['releasetype']; if ( $_POST['vanity_house'] && check_perms('torrents_edit_vanityhouse') ) { $VanityHouse = ( isset($_POST['vanity_house']) ? 1 : 0 ); } else { $VanityHouse = 0; } if($GroupInfo = $Cache->get_value('torrents_details_'.$GroupID)) { $GroupCategoryID = $GroupInfo[0][0]['CategoryID']; } else { $DB->query("SELECT CategoryID FROM torrents_group WHERE ID='$GroupID'"); list($GroupCategoryID) = $DB->next_record(); } if($GroupCategoryID == 1 && !isset($ReleaseTypes[$ReleaseType]) || $GroupCategoryID != 1 && $ReleaseType) { error(403); } // Trickery if(!preg_match("/^".IMAGE_REGEX."$/i", $Image)) { $Image = ''; } $Summary = db_string($_POST['summary']); } // Insert revision if(empty($RevisionID)) { // edit $DB->query("INSERT INTO wiki_torrents (PageID, Body, Image, UserID, Summary, Time) VALUES ('$GroupID', '".db_string($Body)."', '".db_string($Image)."', '$UserID', '$Summary', '".sqltime()."')"); $DB->query("UPDATE torrents_group SET ReleaseType='$ReleaseType' WHERE ID='$GroupID'"); update_hash($GroupID); $DB->query("SELECT ArtistID FROM torrents_artists WHERE GroupID = ".$GroupID); $Artists = $DB->collect('ArtistID'); foreach($Artists as $ArtistID) { $Cache->delete_value('artist_'.$ArtistID); } } else { // revert $DB->query("SELECT PageID,Body,Image FROM wiki_torrents WHERE RevisionID='$RevisionID'"); list($PossibleGroupID, $Body, $Image) = $DB->next_record(); if($PossibleGroupID != $GroupID) { error(404); } $DB->query("INSERT INTO wiki_torrents (PageID, Body, Image, UserID, Summary, Time) SELECT '$GroupID', Body, Image, '$UserID', 'Reverted to revision $RevisionID', '".sqltime()."' FROM wiki_artists WHERE RevisionID='$RevisionID'"); } $RevisionID=$DB->inserted_id(); $Body = db_string($Body); $Image = db_string($Image); // Update torrents table (technically, we don't need the RevisionID column, but we can use it for a join which is nice and fast) $DB->query("UPDATE torrents_group SET RevisionID='$RevisionID', ".((isset($VanityHouse)) ? "VanityHouse='$VanityHouse'," : "")." WikiBody='$Body', WikiImage='$Image' WHERE ID='$GroupID'"); // Log VH changes if ($OldVH != $VanityHouse && check_perms('torrents_edit_vanityhouse')) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO group_log (GroupID, UserID, Time, Info) VALUES ('$GroupID',".$LoggedUser['ID'].",'".sqltime()."','".db_string('Vanity house status changed to '.($VanityHouse?'true':'false'))."')"); } // There we go, all done! //$Cache->delete_value("artist_".$GroupID); // Delete artist cache $Cache->delete_value('torrents_details_'.$GroupID); $DB->query("SELECT CollageID FROM collages_torrents WHERE GroupID='$GroupID'"); if($DB->record_count()>0) { while(list($CollageID) = $DB->next_record()) { $Cache->delete_value('collage_'.$CollageID); } } //Fix Recent Uploads/Downloads for image change $DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT UserID FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN torrents_group AS tg ON t.GroupID=tg.ID WHERE tg.ID = $GroupID"); $UserIDs = $DB->collect('UserID'); foreach($UserIDs as $UserID) { $RecentUploads = $Cache->get_value('recent_uploads_'.$UserID); if(is_array($RecentUploads)) { foreach($RecentUploads as $Key => $Recent) { if($Recent['ID'] == $GroupID) { if($Recent['WikiImage'] != $Image) { $Recent['WikiImage'] = $Image; $Cache->begin_transaction('recent_uploads_'.$UserID); $Cache->update_row($Key, $Recent); $Cache->commit_transaction(0); } } } } } $DB->query("SELECT ID FROM torrents WHERE GroupID = ".$GroupID); $TorrentIDs = implode(",", $DB->collect('ID')); $DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT uid FROM xbt_snatched WHERE fid IN (".$TorrentIDs.")"); $Snatchers = $DB->collect('uid'); foreach($Snatchers as $UserID) { $RecentSnatches = $Cache->get_value('recent_snatches_'.$UserID); if(is_array($RecentSnatches)) { foreach($RecentSnatches as $Key => $Recent) { if($Recent['ID'] == $GroupID) { if($Recent['WikiImage'] != $Image) { $Recent['WikiImage'] = $Image; $Cache->begin_transaction('recent_snatches_'.$UserID); $Cache->update_row($Key, $Recent); $Cache->commit_transaction(0); } } } } } header("Location: torrents.php?id=".$GroupID); ?>