query(" SELECT InInbox, InSentbox FROM pm_conversations_users WHERE UserID = '$UserID' AND ConvID = '$ConvID'"); if (!$DB->has_results()) { error(403); } list($InInbox, $InSentbox) = $DB->next_record(); if (!$InInbox && !$InSentbox) { error(404); } // Get information on the conversation $DB->query(" SELECT c.Subject, cu.Sticky, cu.UnRead, cu.ForwardedTo FROM pm_conversations AS c JOIN pm_conversations_users AS cu ON c.ID = cu.ConvID WHERE c.ID = '$ConvID' AND UserID = '$UserID'"); list($Subject, $Sticky, $UnRead, $ForwardedID) = $DB->next_record(); $DB->query(" SELECT um.ID, Username FROM pm_messages AS pm JOIN users_main AS um ON um.ID = pm.SenderID WHERE pm.ConvID = '$ConvID'"); $ConverstionParticipants = $DB->to_array(); foreach ($ConverstionParticipants as $Participant) { $PMUserID = (int)$Participant['ID']; $Users[$PMUserID]['UserStr'] = Users::format_username($PMUserID, true, true, true, true); $Users[$PMUserID]['Username'] = $Participant['Username']; } $Users[0]['UserStr'] = 'System'; // in case it's a message from the system $Users[0]['Username'] = 'System'; if ($UnRead == '1') { $DB->query(" UPDATE pm_conversations_users SET UnRead = '0' WHERE ConvID = '$ConvID' AND UserID = '$UserID'"); // Clear the caches of the inbox and sentbox $Cache->decrement("inbox_new_$UserID"); } View::show_header("View conversation $Subject", 'comments,inbox,bbcode,jquery.validate,form_validate'); // Get messages $DB->query(" SELECT SentDate, SenderID, Body, ID FROM pm_messages WHERE ConvID = '$ConvID' ORDER BY ID"); ?>

0 ? " (Forwarded to $ForwardedName)" : '')?>

next_record()) { ?>
query(" SELECT UserID FROM pm_conversations_users WHERE UserID != '$LoggedUser[ID]' AND ConvID = '$ConvID' AND (ForwardedTo = 0 OR ForwardedTo = UserID)"); $ReceiverIDs = $DB->collect('UserID'); if (!empty($ReceiverIDs) && (empty($LoggedUser['DisablePM']) || array_intersect($ReceiverIDs, array_keys($StaffIDs)))) { ?>


Manage conversation

query(" SELECT SupportFor FROM users_info WHERE UserID = ".$LoggedUser['ID']); list($FLS) = $DB->next_record(); if ((check_perms('users_mod') || $FLS != '') && (!$ForwardedID || $ForwardedID == $LoggedUser['ID'])) { ?>

Forward conversation