What.CD f76e290493 Abstracting the compose box for staffpms
Allow FLS to assign to staff or forum staff

Allow FLS to unresolve all FLS PMs

empty commit (testing debug site)

empty commit (again)

Permissions can only be created up to your current level

Permissions can only be altered up to your current level

Image proxy should function correctly with SSL now

Forums can only be altered up to your current level

Adding option to delete polls

Remove ghost resolver bug

Fixing autocomplete escpaing

improved .gitignore

Adding debug to all ajax pages

Fixed escaping on autocomplete pages
2011-07-13 08:00:06 +00:00

129 lines
3.8 KiB

$SupportStaff = get_support();
list($FrontLineSupport, $ForumStaff, $Staff) = $SupportStaff;
<div class="thin">
<h2><?=SITE_NAME?> Staff</h2>
<div class="box pad" style="padding:0px 10px 10px 10px;">
<br />
<h3>Contact Staff</h3>
<div id="below_box">
<p>If you are looking for help with a general question, we appreciate it if you would only message through the staff inbox, where we can all help you.</p>
<p>You can do that by <strong><a href="#" onClick="$('#compose').toggle();">sending a message to the Staff Inbox</a></strong>.</p>
<? print_compose_staff_pm(true); ?>
<br />
<h3>First-line Support</h3>
<p><strong>These users are not official staff members</strong> - they're users who have volunteered their time to help people in need. Please treat them with respect and read <a href="wiki.php?action=article&amp;id=260">this</a> before contacting them. </p>
<table class="staff" width="100%">
<tr class="colhead">
<td style="width:130px;">Username</td>
<td style="width:130px;">Last seen</td>
<td><strong>Support for</strong></td>
$Row = 'a';
foreach($FrontLineSupport as $Support) {
list($ID, $Class, $Username, $Paranoia, $LastAccess, $SupportFor) = $Support;
$Row = ($Row == 'a') ? 'b' : 'a';
<tr class="row<?=$Row?>">
<td class="nobr">
<?=format_username($ID, $Username)?>
<td class="nobr">
<? if (check_paranoia('lastseen', $Paranoia, $Class)) { echo time_diff($LastAccess); } else { echo 'Hidden by user'; }?>
<td class="nobr">
<? } ?>
<br />
<div class="box pad" style="padding:0px 10px 10px 10px;">
<h3>Forum Moderators</h3>
<p>Forum Mods are users who have been promoted to help moderate the forums. They can only help with forum oriented questions</p>
<table class="staff" width="100%">
<tr class="colhead">
<td style="width:130px;">Username</td>
<td style="width:130px;">Last seen</td>
$Row = 'a';
foreach($ForumStaff as $Support) {
list($ID, $Class, $Username, $Paranoia, $LastAccess, $SupportFor) = $Support;
$Row = ($Row == 'a') ? 'b' : 'a';
<tr class="row<?=$Row?>">
<td class="nobr">
<?=format_username($ID, $Username)?>
<td class="nobr">
<? if (check_paranoia('lastseen', $Paranoia, $Class)) { echo time_diff($LastAccess); } else { echo 'Hidden by user'; }?>
<td class="nobr">
<? } ?>
<br />
<div class="box pad" style="padding:0px 10px 10px 10px;">
$CurClass = 0;
$CloseTable = false;
foreach ($Staff as $StaffMember) {
list($ID, $Class, $ClassName, $Username, $Paranoia, $LastAccess, $Remark) = $StaffMember;
if($Class!=$CurClass) { // Start new class of staff members
$Row = 'a';
if($CloseTable) {
$CloseTable = false;
echo "\t</table>";
$CurClass = $Class;
$CloseTable = true;
echo '<br /><h3>'.$ClassName.'s</h3>';
<table class="staff" width="100%">
<tr class="colhead">
<td style="width:130px;">Username</td>
<td style="width:130px;">Last seen</td>
} // End new class header
// Display staff members for this class
$Row = ($Row == 'a') ? 'b' : 'a';
<tr class="row<?=$Row?>">
<td class="nobr">
<?=format_username($ID, $Username)?>
<td class="nobr">
<? if (check_paranoia('lastseen', $Paranoia, $Class)) { echo time_diff($LastAccess); } else { echo 'Hidden by staff member'; }?>
<td class="nobr">
<? } ?>