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synced 2025-02-12 08:19:03 +00:00
300 lines
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300 lines
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/*-- TODO ---------------------------//
Writeup how to use the VALIDATE class, add in support for form id checks
Complete the number and date validation
Finish the GenerateJS stuff
class VALIDATE {
var $Fields = array();
function SetFields($FieldName, $Required, $FieldType, $ErrorMessage, $Options = array()) {
$this->Fields[$FieldName]['Type'] = strtolower($FieldType);
$this->Fields[$FieldName]['Required'] = $Required;
$this->Fields[$FieldName]['ErrorMessage'] = $ErrorMessage;
if (!empty($Options['maxlength'])) {
$this->Fields[$FieldName]['MaxLength'] = $Options['maxlength'];
if (!empty($Options['minlength'])) {
$this->Fields[$FieldName]['MinLength'] = $Options['minlength'];
if (!empty($Options['comparefield'])) {
$this->Fields[$FieldName]['CompareField'] = $Options['comparefield'];
if (!empty($Options['allowperiod'])) {
$this->Fields[$FieldName]['AllowPeriod'] = $Options['allowperiod'];
if (!empty($Options['allowcomma'])) {
$this->Fields[$FieldName]['AllowComma'] = $Options['allowcomma'];
if (!empty($Options['inarray'])) {
$this->Fields[$FieldName]['InArray'] = $Options['inarray'];
if (!empty($Options['regex'])) {
$this->Fields[$FieldName]['Regex'] = $Options['regex'];
function ValidateForm($ValidateArray) {
foreach ($this->Fields as $FieldKey => $Field) {
$ValidateVar = $ValidateArray[$FieldKey];
if ($ValidateVar != '' || !empty($Field['Required']) || $Field['Type'] == 'date') {
if ($Field['Type'] == 'string') {
if (isset($Field['MaxLength'])) {
$MaxLength = $Field['MaxLength'];
} else {
$MaxLength = 255;
if (isset($Field['MinLength'])) {
$MinLength = $Field['MinLength'];
} else {
$MinLength = 1;
if (strlen($ValidateVar) > $MaxLength) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} elseif (strlen($ValidateVar) < $MinLength) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'number') {
if (isset($Field['MaxLength'])) {
$MaxLength = $Field['MaxLength'];
} else {
$MaxLength = '';
if (isset($Field['MinLength'])) {
$MinLength = $Field['MinLength'];
} else {
$MinLength = 0;
$Match = '0-9';
if (isset($Field['AllowPeriod'])) {
$Match .= '.';
if (isset($Field['AllowComma'])) {
$Match .= ',';
if (preg_match('/[^'.$Match.']/', $ValidateVar) || strlen($ValidateVar) < 1) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} elseif ($MaxLength != '' && $ValidateVar > $MaxLength) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'].'!!';
} elseif ($ValidateVar < $MinLength) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage']."$MinLength";
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'email') {
if (isset($Field['MaxLength'])) {
$MaxLength = $Field['MaxLength'];
} else {
$MaxLength = 255;
if (isset($Field['MinLength'])) {
$MinLength = $Field['MinLength'];
} else {
$MinLength = 6;
if (!preg_match("/^".EMAIL_REGEX."$/i", $ValidateVar)) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} elseif (strlen($ValidateVar) > $MaxLength) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} elseif (strlen($ValidateVar) < $MinLength) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'link') {
if (isset($Field['MaxLength'])) {
$MaxLength = $Field['MaxLength'];
} else {
$MaxLength = 255;
if (isset($Field['MinLength'])) {
$MinLength = $Field['MinLength'];
} else {
$MinLength = 10;
if (!preg_match('/^'.URL_REGEX.'$/i', $ValidateVar)) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} elseif (strlen($ValidateVar) > $MaxLength) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} elseif (strlen($ValidateVar) < $MinLength) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'username') {
if (isset($Field['MaxLength'])) {
$MaxLength = $Field['MaxLength'];
} else {
$MaxLength = 20;
if (isset($Field['MinLength'])) {
$MinLength = $Field['MinLength'];
} else {
$MinLength = 1;
if (!preg_match(USERNAME_REGEX, $ValidateVar)) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} elseif (strlen($ValidateVar) > $MaxLength) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} elseif (strlen($ValidateVar) < $MinLength) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'checkbox') {
if (!isset($ValidateArray[$FieldKey])) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'compare') {
if ($ValidateArray[$Field['CompareField']] != $ValidateVar) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'inarray') {
if (array_search($ValidateVar, $Field['InArray']) === false) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'regex') {
if (!preg_match($Field['Regex'], $ValidateVar)) {
return $Field['ErrorMessage'];
} // while
} // function
function GenerateJS($FormID) {
$ReturnJS = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\">\r\n";
$ReturnJS .= "//<![CDATA[\r\n";
$ReturnJS .= "function formVal() {\r\n";
$ReturnJS .= " clearErrors('$FormID');\r\n";
foreach ($this->Fields as $FieldKey => $Field) {
if ($Field['Type'] == 'string') {
$ValItem = ' if ($(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value == ""';
if (!empty($Field['MaxLength'])) {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.length > '.$Field['MaxLength'];
} else {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.length > 255';
if (!empty($Field['MinLength'])) {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.length < '.$Field['MinLength'];
$ValItem .= ') { return showError(\''.$FieldKey.'\',\''.$Field['ErrorMessage'].'\'); }'."\r\n";
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'number') {
$Match = '0-9';
if (!empty($Field['AllowPeriod'])) {
$Match .= '.';
if (!empty($Field['AllowComma'])) {
$Match .= ',';
$ValItem = ' if ($(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.match(/[^'.$Match.']/) || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.length < 1';
if (!empty($Field['MaxLength'])) {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value/1 > '.$Field['MaxLength'];
if (!empty($Field['MinLength'])) {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value/1 < '.$Field['MinLength'];
$ValItem .= ') { return showError(\''.$FieldKey.'\',\''.$Field['ErrorMessage'].'\'); }'."\r\n";
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'email') {
$ValItem = ' if (!validEmail($(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value)';
if (!empty($Field['MaxLength'])) {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.length > '.$Field['MaxLength'];
} else {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.length > 255';
if (!empty($Field['MinLength'])) {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.length < '.$Field['MinLength'];
} else {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.length < 6';
$ValItem .= ') { return showError(\''.$FieldKey.'\',\''.$Field['ErrorMessage'].'\'); }'."\r\n";
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'link') {
$ValItem = ' if (!validLink($(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value)';
if (!empty($Field['MaxLength'])) {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.length > '.$Field['MaxLength'];
} else {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.length > 255';
if (!empty($Field['MinLength'])) {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.length < '.$Field['MinLength'];
} else {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.length < 10';
$ValItem .= ') { return showError(\''.$FieldKey.'\',\''.$Field['ErrorMessage'].'\'); }'."\r\n";
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'username') {
$ValItem = ' if ($(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/)';
if (!empty($Field['MaxLength'])) {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.length > '.$Field['MaxLength'];
if (!empty($Field['MinLength'])) {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.length < '.$Field['MinLength'];
$ValItem .= ') { return showError(\''.$FieldKey.'\',\''.$Field['ErrorMessage'].'\'); }'."\r\n";
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'regex') {
$ValItem = ' if (!$(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value.match('.$Field['Regex'].')) { return showError(\''.$FieldKey.'\',\''.$Field['ErrorMessage'].'\'); }'."\r\n";
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'date') {
$DisplayError = $FieldKey.'month';
if (isset($Field['MinLength']) && $Field['MinLength'] == 3) {
$Day = '$(\'#'.$FieldKey.'day\').raw().value';
$DisplayError .= ",{$FieldKey}day";
} else {
$Day = '1';
$DisplayError .= ",{$FieldKey}year";
$ValItemHold = ' if (!validDate($(\'#'.$FieldKey.'month\').raw().value+\'/\'+'.$Day.'+\'/\'+$(\'#'.$FieldKey.'year\').raw().value)) { return showError(\''.$DisplayError.'\',\''.$Field['ErrorMessage'].'\'); }'."\r\n";
if (empty($Field['Required'])) {
$ValItem = ' if ($(\'#'.$FieldKey.'month\').raw().value != ""';
if (isset($Field['MinLength']) && $Field['MinLength'] == 3) {
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'day\').raw().value != ""';
$ValItem .= ' || $(\'#'.$FieldKey.'year\').raw().value != "") {'."\r\n";
$ValItem .= $ValItemHold;
$ValItem .= " }\r\n";
} else {
$ValItem .= $ValItemHold;
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'checkbox') {
$ValItem = ' if (!$(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').checked) { return showError(\''.$FieldKey.'\',\''.$Field['ErrorMessage'].'\'); }'."\r\n";
} elseif ($Field['Type'] == 'compare') {
$ValItem = ' if ($(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value!=$(\'#'.$Field['CompareField'].'\').raw().value) { return showError(\''.$FieldKey.','.$Field['CompareField'].'\',\''.$Field['ErrorMessage'].'\'); }'."\r\n";
if (empty($Field['Required']) && $Field['Type'] != 'date') {
$ReturnJS .= ' if ($(\'#'.$FieldKey.'\').raw().value!="") {'."\r\n ";
$ReturnJS .= $ValItem;
$ReturnJS .= " }\r\n";
} else {
$ReturnJS .= $ValItem;
$ValItem = '';
$ReturnJS .= "}\r\n";
$ReturnJS .= "//]]>\r\n";
$ReturnJS .= "</script>\r\n";
return $ReturnJS;