mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 11:01:37 +00:00
485 lines
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485 lines
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// Debug info for developers
define('MAX_TIME', 20000); //Maximum execution time in ms
define('MAX_ERRORS', 0); //Maxmimum errors, warnings, notices we will allow in a page
define('MAX_MEMORY', 80*1024*1024); //Maximum memory used per pageload
define('MAX_QUERIES', 30); //Maxmimum queries
class DEBUG {
public $Errors = array();
public $Flags = array();
public function profile($Automatic='') {
global $ScriptStartTime;
$Reason = array();
if (!empty($Automatic)) {
$Reason[] = $Automatic;
$Micro = (microtime(true)-$ScriptStartTime)*1000;
if ($Micro > MAX_TIME && !defined('TIME_EXCEPTION')) {
$Reason[] = number_format($Micro, 3).' ms';
$Errors = count($this->get_errors());
if ($Errors > MAX_ERRORS && !defined('ERROR_EXCEPTION')) {
$Reason[] = $Errors.' PHP Errors';
$Queries = count($this->get_queries());
if ($Queries > MAX_QUERIES && !defined('QUERY_EXCEPTION')) {
$Reason[] = $Queries.' Queries';
$Ram = memory_get_usage(true);
if ($Ram > MAX_MEMORY && !defined('MEMORY_EXCEPTION')) {
$Reason[] = get_size($Ram).' Ram Used';
if (isset($_REQUEST['profile'])) {
global $LoggedUser;
$Reason[] = 'Requested by '.$LoggedUser['Username'];
if (isset($Reason[0])) {
$this->analysis(implode(', ', $Reason));
return true;
return false;
public function analysis($Message, $Report='', $Time=43200) {
global $Cache, $Document;
if (empty($Report)) {
$Report = $Message;
$Identifier = make_secret(5);
'url' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],
'message' => $Report,
'errors' => $this->get_errors(true),
'queries' => $this->get_queries(),
'flags' => $this->get_flags(),
'includes' => $this->get_includes(),
'cache' => $this->get_cache_keys()
send_irc('PRIVMSG '.LAB_CHAN.' :'.$Message.' '.$Document.' '.' http://'.NONSSL_SITE_URL.'/tools.php?action=analysis&case='.$Identifier.' http://'.NONSSL_SITE_URL.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
public function set_flag($Event) {
global $ScriptStartTime;
$this->Flags[] = array($Event,(microtime(true)-$ScriptStartTime)*1000,memory_get_usage(true));
//This isn't in the constructor because $this is not available, and the function cannot be made static
public function handle_errors() {
//error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_STRICT | E_WARNING | E_DEPRECATED | E_ERROR | E_PARSE); //E_STRICT disabled
error_reporting(E_WARNING | E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
set_error_handler(array($this, 'php_error_handler'));
protected function format_args($Array) {
$LastKey = -1;
$Return = array();
foreach ($Array as $Key => $Val) {
$Return[$Key] = '';
if (!is_int($Key) || $Key != $LastKey+1) {
$Return[$Key] .= "'$Key' => ";
if ($Val === true) {
$Return[$Key] .= "true";
} elseif ($Val === false) {
$Return[$Key] .= "false";
} elseif (is_string($Val)) {
$Return[$Key] .= "'$Val'";
} elseif (is_int($Val)) {
$Return[$Key] .= $Val;
} elseif (is_object($Val)) {
$Return[$Key] .= get_class($Val);
} elseif (is_array($Val)) {
$Return[$Key] .= 'array('.$this->format_args($Val).')';
$LastKey = $Key;
return implode(', ', $Return);
public function php_error_handler($Level, $Error, $File, $Line) {
//Who added this, it's still something to pay attention to...
if (stripos('Undefined index', $Error) !== false) {
//return true;
$Steps = 1; //Steps to go up in backtrace, default one
$Call = '';
$Args = '';
$Tracer = debug_backtrace();
//This is in case something in this function goes wrong and we get stuck with an infinite loop
if (isset($Tracer[$Steps]['function'], $Tracer[$Steps]['class']) && $Tracer[$Steps]['function'] == 'php_error_handler' && $Tracer[$Steps]['class'] == 'DEBUG') {
return true;
//If this error was thrown, we return the function which threw it
if (isset($Tracer[$Steps]['function']) && $Tracer[$Steps]['function'] == 'trigger_error') {
$File = $Tracer[$Steps]['file'];
$Line = $Tracer[$Steps]['line'];
//At this time ONLY Array strict typing is fully supported.
//Allow us to abuse strict typing (IE: function test(Array))
if (preg_match('/^Argument (\d+) passed to \S+ must be an (array), (array|string|integer|double|object) given, called in (\S+) on line (\d+) and defined$/', $Error, $Matches)) {
$Error = 'Type hinting failed on arg '.$Matches[1]. ', expected '.$Matches[2].' but found '.$Matches[3];
$File = $Matches[4];
$Line = $Matches[5];
//Lets not be repetative
if (($Tracer[$Steps]['function'] == 'include' || $Tracer[$Steps]['function'] == 'require' ) && isset($Tracer[$Steps]['args'][0]) && $Tracer[$Steps]['args'][0] == $File) {
if (isset($Tracer[$Steps]['class'])) {
$Call .= $Tracer[$Steps]['class'].'::';
//Function & args
if (isset($Tracer[$Steps]['function'])) {
$Call .= $Tracer[$Steps]['function'];
if (isset($Tracer[$Steps]['args'][0])) {
$Args = $this->format_args($Tracer[$Steps]['args']);
//Shorten the path & we're done
$File = str_replace(SERVER_ROOT, '', $File);
$Error = str_replace(SERVER_ROOT, '', $Error);
//Hiding "session_start(): Server (tcp 11211) failed with: No route to host (113)" errors
if($Call != "session_start") {
$this->Errors[] = array($Error, $File.':'.$Line, $Call, $Args);
return true;
/* Data wrappers */
public function get_flags() {
return $this->Flags;
public function get_errors($Light=false) {
//Because the cache can't take some of these variables
if ($Light) {
foreach ($this->Errors as $Key => $Value) {
$this->Errors[$Key][3] = '';
return $this->Errors;
public function get_constants() {
return get_defined_constants(true);
public function get_classes() {
foreach (get_declared_classes() as $Class) {
$Classes[$Class]['Vars'] = get_class_vars($Class);
$Classes[$Class]['Functions'] = get_class_methods($Class);
return $Classes;
public function get_extensions() {
foreach (get_loaded_extensions() as $Extension) {
$Extensions[$Extension]['Functions'] = get_extension_funcs($Extension);
return $Extensions;
public function get_includes() {
return get_included_files();
public function get_cache_time() {
global $Cache;
return $Cache->Time;
public function get_cache_keys() {
global $Cache;
return array_keys($Cache->CacheHits);
public function get_sphinx_queries() {
global $SS;
return $SS->Queries;
public function get_sphinx_time() {
global $SS;
return $SS->Time;
public function get_queries() {
global $DB;
return $DB->Queries;
public function get_query_time() {
global $DB;
return $DB->Time;
/* Output Formatting */
public function include_table($Includes=false) {
if (!is_array($Includes)) {
$Includes = $this->get_includes();
<table width="100%">
<td align="left"><strong><a href="#" onclick="$('#debug_include').toggle();return false;">(View)</a> <?=number_format(count($Includes))?> Includes:</strong></td>
<table id="debug_include" class="hidden" width="100%">
foreach ($Includes as $File) {
<tr valign="top">
public function class_table($Classes=false) {
if (!is_array($Classes)) {
$Classes = $this->get_classes();
<table width="100%">
<td align="left"><strong><a href="#" onclick="$('#debug_classes').toggle();return false;">(View)</a> Classes:</strong></td>
<table id="debug_classes" class="hidden" width="100%">
<td align="left">
<pre><? print_r($Classes) ?></pre>
public function extension_table() {
<table width="100%">
<td align="left"><strong><a href="#" onclick="$('#debug_extensions').toggle();return false;">(View)</a> Extensions:</strong></td>
<table id="debug_extensions" class="hidden" width="100%">
<td align="left">
<pre><? print_r($this->get_extensions()) ?></pre>
public function flag_table($Flags=false) {
if (!is_array($Flags)) {
$Flags = $this->get_flags();
if (empty($Flags)) {
<table width="100%">
<td align="left"><strong><a href="#" onclick="$('#debug_flags').toggle();return false;">(View)</a> Flags:</strong></td>
<table id="debug_flags" class="hidden" width="100%">
foreach ($Flags as $Flag) {
list($Event,$MicroTime,$Memory) = $Flag;
<tr valign="top">
<td align="left"><?=$Event?></td>
<td align="left"><?=$MicroTime?> ms</td>
<td align="left"><?=get_size($Memory)?></td>
public function constant_table($Constants=false) {
if (!is_array($Constants)) {
$Constants = $this->get_constants();
<table width="100%">
<td align="left"><strong><a href="#" onclick="$('#debug_constants').toggle();return false;">(View)</a> Constants:</strong></td>
<table id="debug_constants" class="hidden" width="100%">
<td align="left">
<pre><?=display_str(print_r($Constants, true))?></pre>
public function cache_table($CacheKeys=false) {
global $Cache;
$Header = 'Cache Keys';
if (!is_array($CacheKeys)) {
$CacheKeys = $this->get_cache_keys();
$Header .= ' ('.number_format($this->get_cache_time(), 5).' ms)';
if (empty($CacheKeys)) {
$Header = ' '.number_format(count($CacheKeys)).' '.$Header.':';
<table width="100%">
<td align="left"><strong><a href="#" onclick="$('#debug_cache').toggle();return false;">(View)</a><?=$Header?></strong></td>
<table id="debug_cache" class="hidden" width="100%">
<? foreach($CacheKeys as $Key) { ?>
<td align="left">
<a href="#" onclick="$('#debug_cache_<?=$Key?>').toggle(); return false;"><?=display_str($Key)?></a>
<td align="left">
<pre id="debug_cache_<?=$Key?>" class="hidden"><?=display_str(print_r($Cache->get_value($Key, true), true))?></pre>
<? } ?>
public function error_table($Errors=false) {
if (!is_array($Errors)) {
$Errors = $this->get_errors();
if (empty($Errors)) {
<table width="100%">
<td align="left"><strong><a href="#" onclick="$('#debug_error').toggle();return false;">(View)</a> <?=number_format(count($Errors))?> Errors:</strong></td>
<table id="debug_error" class="hidden" width="100%">
foreach ($Errors as $Error) {
list($Error,$Location,$Call,$Args) = $Error;
<tr valign="top">
<td align="left"><?=display_str($Call)?>(<?=display_str($Args)?>)</td>
<td align="left"><?=display_str($Error)?></td>
<td align="left"><?=display_str($Location)?></td>
public function query_table($Queries=false) {
$Header = 'Queries';
if (!is_array($Queries)) {
$Queries = $this->get_queries();
$Header .= ' ('.number_format($this->get_query_time(), 5).' ms)';
if (empty($Queries)) {
$Header = ' '.number_format(count($Queries)).' '.$Header.':';
<table width="100%">
<td align="left"><strong><a href="#" onclick="$('#debug_database').toggle();return false;">(View)</a><?=$Header?></strong></td>
<table id="debug_database" class="hidden" width="100%">
foreach ($Queries as $Query) {
list($SQL,$Time) = $Query;
<tr valign="top">
<td class="query"><div><?=str_replace("\t", ' ', nl2br(display_str($SQL)))?></div></td>
<td class="rowa" style="width:130px;" align="left"><?=number_format($Time, 5)?> ms</td>
public function sphinx_table($Queries=false) {
$Header = 'Searches';
if (!is_array($Queries)) {
$Queries = $this->get_sphinx_queries();
$Header .= ' ('.number_format($this->get_sphinx_time(), 5).' ms)';
if (empty($Queries)) {
$Header = ' '.number_format(count($Queries)).' '.$Header.':';
<table width="100%">
<td align="left"><strong><a href="#" onclick="$('#debug_sphinx').toggle();return false;">(View)</a><?=$Header?></strong></td>
<table id="debug_sphinx" class="hidden" width="100%">
foreach ($Queries as $Query) {
list($Params,$Time) = $Query;
<tr valign="top">
<td><pre><?=str_replace("\t", ' ', display_str($Params))?></pre></td>
<td class="rowa" style="width:130px;" align="left"><?=number_format($Time, 5)?> ms</td>