What.CD dcaa536e58 Update sphinxapi for v2
Allow indexing by column 0 in ->to_array()

Only need numeric indices in 'ip_bans' key

Cache keys were completely broken on the debug pages

Add bbcode missing functions to staffpms

Add border to improve layout of torrent pages with postmod

Fix a bug where users could download anyone's snatch/upload/seedlist regardless of paranoia settings

Don't escape thread titles before caching

Better BBCode URL matching

Fix user search by tracker IP for ocelot data

Fix bug where the same thread would show up twice in the announcements forum

Update tables before sending invite email to prevent sending multiple invites
2011-05-12 10:24:03 +00:00

192 lines
5.3 KiB

'new' if the user is creating a new thread
It will be accompanied with:
and optionally include:
the latter of which is an array
if (isset($LoggedUser['PostsPerPage'])) {
$PerPage = $LoggedUser['PostsPerPage'];
} else {
if(isset($_POST['thread']) && !is_number($_POST['thread'])) {
if(isset($_POST['forum']) && !is_number($_POST['forum'])) {
//If you're not sending anything, go back
if (empty($_POST['body']) || empty($_POST['title'])) {
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
$Body = $_POST['body'];
if($LoggedUser['DisablePosting']) {
error('Your posting rights have been removed');
$Title = cut_string(trim($_POST['title']), 150, 1, 0);
$ForumID = $_POST['forum'];
if (!isset($Forums[$ForumID])) { error(404); }
if($LoggedUser['Class'] < $Forums[$ForumID]['MinClassWrite'] || $LoggedUser['Class'] < $Forums[$ForumID]['MinClassCreate']) {
$DB->query("INSERT INTO forums_topics
(Title, AuthorID, ForumID, LastPostTime, LastPostAuthorID)
('".db_string($Title)."', '".$LoggedUser['ID']."', '$ForumID', '".sqltime()."', '".$LoggedUser['ID']."')");
$TopicID = $DB->inserted_id();
$DB->query("INSERT INTO forums_posts
(TopicID, AuthorID, AddedTime, Body)
('$TopicID', '".$LoggedUser['ID']."', '".sqltime()."', '".db_string($Body)."')");
$PostID = $DB->inserted_id();
$DB->query("UPDATE forums SET
NumPosts = NumPosts+1,
NumTopics = NumTopics+1,
LastPostID = '$PostID',
LastPostAuthorID = '".$LoggedUser['ID']."',
LastPostTopicID = '$TopicID',
LastPostTime = '".sqltime()."'
WHERE ID = '$ForumID'");
$DB->query("UPDATE forums_topics SET
NumPosts = NumPosts+1,
LastPostID = '$PostID',
LastPostAuthorID = '".$LoggedUser['ID']."',
LastPostTime = '".sqltime()."'
WHERE ID = '$TopicID'");
if(isset($_POST['subscribe'])) {
$DB->query("INSERT INTO users_subscriptions VALUES ($LoggedUser[ID], $TopicID)");
if (empty($_POST['question']) || empty($_POST['answers']) || !check_perms('forums_polls_create')) {
$NoPoll = 1;
} else {
$NoPoll = 0;
$Question = trim($_POST['question']);
$Answers = array();
$Votes = array();
//This can cause polls to have answer ids of 1 3 4 if the second box is empty
foreach ($_POST['answers'] as $i => $Answer) {
if ($Answer == '') { continue; }
$Answers[$i+1] = $Answer;
$Votes[$i+1] = 0;
if (count($Answers) < 2) {
error('You cannot create a poll with only one answer.');
} else if(count($Answers) > 25) {
error('You cannot create a poll with greater than 25 answers');
$DB->query('INSERT INTO forums_polls (TopicID, Question, Answers) VALUES (\''.$TopicID.'\',\''.db_string($Question).'\',\''.db_string(serialize($Answers)).'\')');
$Cache->cache_value('polls_'.$TopicID, array($Question,$Answers,$Votes,'0000-00-00 00:00:00','0'), 0);
if($ForumID == STAFF_FORUM) {
send_irc("PRIVMSG ".ADMIN_CHAN." :!mod Poll created by ".$LoggedUser['Username'].": '".$Question."' http://".NONSSL_SITE_URL."/forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=".$TopicID);
//if cache exists modify it, if not, then it will be correct when selected next, and we can skip this block
if ($Forum = $Cache->get_value('forums_'.$ForumID)) {
list($Forum,,,$Stickies) = $Forum;
//Remove the last thread from the index
if (count($Forum) == TOPICS_PER_PAGE && $Stickies < TOPICS_PER_PAGE) {
if ($Stickies > 0) {
$Part1 = array_slice($Forum,0,$Stickies,true); //Stikys
$Part3 = array_slice($Forum,$Stickies,TOPICS_PER_PAGE-$Stickies-1,true); //Rest of page
} else {
$Part1 = array();
$Part3 = $Forum;
$Part2 = array($TopicID => array(
'ID' => $TopicID,
'Title' => $Title,
'AuthorID' => $LoggedUser['ID'],
'AuthorUsername' => $LoggedUser['Username'],
'IsLocked' => 0,
'IsSticky' => 0,
'NumPosts' => 1,
'LastPostID' => $PostID,
'LastPostTime' => sqltime(),
'LastPostAuthorID' => $LoggedUser['ID'],
'LastPostUsername' => $LoggedUser['Username'],
'NoPoll' => $NoPoll
)); //Bumped
$Forum = $Part1 + $Part2 + $Part3;
$Cache->cache_value('forums_'.$ForumID, array($Forum,'',0,$Stickies), 0);
//Update the forum root
$Cache->update_row($ForumID, array(
} else {
//If there's no cache, we have no data, and if there's no data
$Post = array(
'EditedTime'=>'0000-00-00 00:00:00',
$Cache->insert('', $Post);
$Cache->update_row(false, array('Posts'=>'+1', 'LastPostAuthorID'=>$LoggedUser['ID']));
header('Location: forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid='.$TopicID);