2013-02-09 08:01:01 +00:00

95 lines
3.4 KiB

if(check_perms('admin_reports') && !empty($_GET['remove']) && is_number($_GET['remove'])) {
$DB->query("DELETE FROM torrents_bad_files WHERE TorrentID = ".$_GET['remove']);
$DB->query("SELECT GroupID FROM torrents WHERE ID = ".$_GET['remove']);
list($GroupID) = $DB->next_record();
if(!empty($_GET['filter']) && $_GET['filter'] == "all") {
$Join = "";
$All = true;
} else {
$Join = "JOIN xbt_snatched as x ON x.fid=tfi.TorrentID AND x.uid = ".$LoggedUser['ID'];
$All = false;
View::show_header('Torrents with bad file names');
$DB->query("SELECT tfi.TorrentID, t.GroupID FROM torrents_bad_files AS tfi JOIN torrents AS t ON t.ID = tfi.TorrentID ".$Join." ORDER BY tfi.TimeAdded ASC");
$TorrentsInfo = $DB->to_array('TorrentID', MYSQLI_ASSOC);
foreach($TorrentsInfo as $Torrent) {
$GroupIDs[] = $Torrent['GroupID'];
$Results = Torrents::get_groups($GroupIDs);
$Results = $Results['matches'];
<div class="header">
<? if($All) { ?>
<h2>All torrents trumpable for bad file names</h2>
<? } else { ?>
<h2>Torrents trumpable for bad file names that you have snatched</h2>
<? } ?>
<div class="linkbox">
<? if($All) { ?>
<a href="better.php?method=files" class="brackets">Show only those you have snatched</a>
<? } else { ?>
<a href="better.php?method=files&amp;filter=all" class="brackets">Show all</a>
<? } ?>
<div class="thin box pad">
<h3>There are <?=count($TorrentsInfo)?> torrents remaining</h3>
<table class="torrent_table">
foreach ($TorrentsInfo as $TorrentID => $Info) {
list($GroupID, $GroupName, $GroupYear, $GroupRecordLabel, $GroupCatalogueNumber, $TorrentTags, $ReleaseType, $GroupVanityHouse, $Torrents, $Artists, $ExtendedArtists, $GroupFlags) = array_values($Results[$Info['GroupID']]);
if (!empty($ExtendedArtists[1]) || !empty($ExtendedArtists[4]) || !empty($ExtendedArtists[5]) || !empty($ExtendedArtists[6])) {
$DisplayName = Artists::display_artists($ExtendedArtists);
} else {
$DisplayName = '';
$DisplayName.='<a href="torrents.php?id='.$GroupID.'" title="View Torrent">'.$GroupName.'</a>';
if($GroupYear>0) { $DisplayName.=" [".$GroupYear."]"; }
if($ReleaseType>0) { $DisplayName.=" [".$ReleaseTypes[$ReleaseType]."]"; }
$ExtraInfo = Torrents::torrent_info($Torrents[$TorrentID]);
if($ExtraInfo) {
$DisplayName.=' - '.$ExtraInfo;
if($TorrentTags!='') {
$TorrentTags=explode(' ',$TorrentTags);
foreach ($TorrentTags as $TagKey => $TagName) {
$TagName = str_replace('_','.',$TagName);
$TagList[]='<a href="torrents.php?searchtags='.$TagName.'">'.$TagName.'</a>';
$PrimaryTag = $TorrentTags[0];
$TagList = implode(', ', $TagList);
$TorrentTags='<br /><div class="tags">'.$TagList.'</div>';
<tr class="torrent torrent_row<?=$GroupFlags['IsSnatched'] ? ' snatched_torrent"' : ''?>">
<span class="torrent_links_block">
<a href="torrents.php?action=download&amp;id=<?=$TorrentID?>&amp;authkey=<?=$LoggedUser['AuthKey']?>&amp;torrent_pass=<?=$LoggedUser['torrent_pass']?>" class="brackets" title="Download torrent">DL</a>
<? if (check_perms('admin_reports')) { ?>
<a href="better.php?method=files&amp;remove=<?=$TorrentID?>" class="brackets">X</a>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>