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synced 2025-02-23 05:39:03 +00:00
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416 lines
13 KiB
class Misc {
* Send an email.
* @param string $To the email address to send it to.
* @param string $Subject
* @param string $Body
* @param string $From The user part of the user@NONSSL_SITE_URL email address.
* @param string $ContentType text/plain or text/html
public static function send_email($To,$Subject,$Body,$From='noreply',$ContentType='text/plain') {
$Headers='MIME-Version: 1.0'."\r\n";
$Headers.='Content-type: '.$ContentType.'; charset=iso-8859-1'."\r\n";
$Headers.='From: '.SITE_NAME.' <'.$From.'@'.NONSSL_SITE_URL.'>'."\r\n";
$Headers.='Reply-To: '.$From.'@'.NONSSL_SITE_URL."\r\n";
$Headers.='X-Mailer: Project Gazelle'."\r\n";
$Headers.='Message-Id: <'.Users::make_secret().'@'.NONSSL_SITE_URL.">\r\n";
$Headers.='X-Priority: 3'."\r\n";
mail($To,$Subject,$Body,$Headers,"-f ".$From."@".NONSSL_SITE_URL);
* Sanitize a string to be allowed as a filename.
* @param string $EscapeStr the string to escape
* @return the string with all banned characters removed.
public static function file_string($EscapeStr) {
return str_replace(array('"','*','/',':','<','>','?','\\','|'), '', $EscapeStr);
* Sends a PM from $FromId to $ToId.
* @param string $ToID ID of user to send PM to. If $ToID is an array and $ConvID is empty, a message will be sent to multiple users.
* @param string $FromID ID of user to send PM from, 0 to send from system
* @param string $Subject
* @param string $Body
* @param int $ConvID The conversation the message goes in. Leave blank to start a new conversation.
* @return
public static function send_pm($ToID,$FromID,$Subject,$Body,$ConvID='') {
global $DB, $Cache, $Time;
if ($ToID == 0 || $ToID == $FromID) {
// Don't allow users to send messages to the system or themselves
if ($ConvID=='') {
// Create a new conversation.
$DB->query("INSERT INTO pm_conversations(Subject) VALUES ('".$Subject."')");
$ConvID = $DB->inserted_id();
$DB->query("INSERT INTO pm_conversations_users
(UserID, ConvID, InInbox, InSentbox, SentDate, ReceivedDate, UnRead) VALUES
('$ToID', '$ConvID', '1','0','".sqltime()."', '".sqltime()."', '1')");
if ($FromID != 0) {
$DB->query("INSERT INTO pm_conversations_users
(UserID, ConvID, InInbox, InSentbox, SentDate, ReceivedDate, UnRead) VALUES
('$FromID', '$ConvID', '0','1','".sqltime()."', '".sqltime()."', '0')");
$ToID = array($ToID);
} else {
// Update the pre-existing conversations.
$DB->query("UPDATE pm_conversations_users SET
WHERE UserID IN (".implode(',', $ToID).")
AND ConvID='$ConvID'");
$DB->query("UPDATE pm_conversations_users SET
WHERE UserID='$FromID'
AND ConvID='$ConvID'");
// Now that we have a $ConvID for sure, send the message.
$DB->query("INSERT INTO pm_messages
(SenderID, ConvID, SentDate, Body) VALUES
('$FromID', '$ConvID', '".sqltime()."', '".$Body."')");
// Update the cached new message count.
foreach ($ToID as $ID) {
$DB->query("SELECT COUNT(ConvID) FROM pm_conversations_users WHERE UnRead = '1' and UserID='$ID' AND InInbox = '1'");
list($UnRead) = $DB->next_record();
$Cache->cache_value('inbox_new_'.$ID, $UnRead);
$DB->query("SELECT Username FROM users_main WHERE ID = '$FromID'");
list($SenderName) = $DB->next_record();
foreach($ToID as $ID) {
$DB->query("SELECT COUNT(ConvID) FROM pm_conversations_users WHERE UnRead = '1' and UserID='$ID' AND InInbox = '1'");
list($UnRead) = $DB->next_record();
$Cache->cache_value('inbox_new_'.$ID, $UnRead);
return $ConvID;
* Create thread function, things should already be escaped when sent here.
* @param int $ForumID
* @param int $AuthorID ID of the user creating the post.
* @param string $Title
* @param string $PostBody
* @return -1 on error, -2 on user not existing, thread id on success.
public static function create_thread($ForumID, $AuthorID, $Title, $PostBody) {
global $DB, $Cache, $Time;
if (!$ForumID || !$AuthorID || !is_number($AuthorID) || !$Title || !$PostBody) {
return -1;
$DB->query("SELECT Username FROM users_main WHERE ID=".$AuthorID);
if ($DB->record_count() < 1) {
return -2;
list($AuthorName) = $DB->next_record();
$ThreadInfo = array();
$ThreadInfo['IsLocked'] = 0;
$ThreadInfo['IsSticky'] = 0;
$DB->query("INSERT INTO forums_topics
(Title, AuthorID, ForumID, LastPostTime, LastPostAuthorID)
('".$Title."', '".$AuthorID."', '$ForumID', '".sqltime()."', '".$AuthorID."')");
$TopicID = $DB->inserted_id();
$Posts = 1;
$DB->query("INSERT INTO forums_posts
(TopicID, AuthorID, AddedTime, Body)
('$TopicID', '".$AuthorID."', '".sqltime()."', '".$PostBody."')");
$PostID = $DB->inserted_id();
$DB->query("UPDATE forums SET
NumPosts = NumPosts+1,
NumTopics = NumTopics+1,
LastPostID = '$PostID',
LastPostAuthorID = '".$AuthorID."',
LastPostTopicID = '$TopicID',
LastPostTime = '".sqltime()."'
WHERE ID = '$ForumID'");
$DB->query("UPDATE forums_topics SET
NumPosts = NumPosts+1,
LastPostID = '$PostID',
LastPostAuthorID = '".$AuthorID."',
LastPostTime = '".sqltime()."'
WHERE ID = '$TopicID'");
// Bump this topic to head of the cache
list($Forum,,,$Stickies) = $Cache->get_value('forums_'.$ForumID);
if (!empty($Forum)) {
if (count($Forum) == TOPICS_PER_PAGE && $Stickies < TOPICS_PER_PAGE) {
$DB->query("SELECT f.IsLocked, f.IsSticky, f.NumPosts FROM forums_topics AS f
WHERE f.ID ='$TopicID'");
list($IsLocked,$IsSticky,$NumPosts) = $DB->next_record();
$Part1 = array_slice($Forum,0,$Stickies,true); //Stickys
$Part2 = array(
'ID' => $TopicID,
'Title' => $Title,
'AuthorID' => $AuthorID,
'IsLocked' => $IsLocked,
'IsSticky' => $IsSticky,
'NumPosts' => $NumPosts,
'LastPostID' => $PostID,
'LastPostTime' => sqltime(),
'LastPostAuthorID' => $AuthorID,
); //Bumped thread
$Part3 = array_slice($Forum,$Stickies,TOPICS_PER_PAGE,true); //Rest of page
if ($Stickies > 0) {
$Part1 = array_slice($Forum,0,$Stickies,true); //Stickies
$Part3 = array_slice($Forum,$Stickies,TOPICS_PER_PAGE-$Stickies-1,true); //Rest of page
} else {
$Part1 = array();
$Part3 = $Forum;
if (is_null($Part1)) { $Part1 = array(); }
if (is_null($Part3)) { $Part3 = array(); }
$Forum = $Part1 + $Part2 + $Part3;
$Cache->cache_value('forums_'.$ForumID, array($Forum,'',0,$Stickies), 0);
//Update the forum root
$UpdateArray = array(
$Cache->update_row($ForumID, $UpdateArray);
$Post = array(
'EditedTime'=>'0000-00-00 00:00:00',
$Cache->insert('', $Post);
$Cache->update_row(false, array('Posts'=>'+1', 'LastPostAuthorID'=>$AuthorID));
return $TopicID;
* If the suffix of $Haystack is $Needle
* @param string $Haystack String to search in
* @param string $Needle String to search for
* @return boolean True if $Needle is a suffix of $Haystack
public static function ends_with($Haystack, $Needle) {
return substr($Haystack, strlen($Needle) * -1) == $Needle;
* If the preix of $Haystack is $Needle
* @param string $Haystack String to search in
* @param string $Needle String to search for
* @return boolean True if $Needle is a preix of $Haystack
public static function starts_with($Haystack, $Needle) {
return strpos($Haystack, $Needle) === 0;
* Variant of in_array() with trailing wildcard support
* @param string $Needle, array $Haystack
* @return boolean true if (substring of) $Needle exists in $Haystack
public static function in_array_partial($Needle, $Haystack) {
static $Searches = array();
if (array_key_exists($Needle, $Searches)) {
return $Searches[$Needle];
foreach ($Haystack as $String) {
if (substr($String, -1) == '*') {
if (!strncmp($Needle, $String, strlen($String)-1)) {
$Searches[$Needle] = true;
return true;
} elseif (!strcmp($Needle, $String)) {
$Searches[$Needle] = true;
return true;
$Searches[$Needle] = false;
return false;
* Used to check if keys in $_POST and $_GET are all set, and throws an error if not.
* This reduces 'if' statement redundancy for a lot of variables
* @param array $Request Either $_POST or $_GET, or whatever other array you want to check.
* @param array $Keys The keys to ensure are set.
* @param boolean $AllowEmpty If set to true, a key that is in the request but blank will not throw an error.
* @param int $Error The error code to throw if one of the keys isn't in the array.
public static function assert_isset_request($Request, $Keys=NULL, $AllowEmpty = False, $Error=0) {
if (isset($Keys)) {
foreach ($Keys as $K) {
if (!isset($Request[$K]) || ($AllowEmpty == False && $Request[$K] == '')) {
} else {
foreach ($Request as $R) {
if (!isset($R) || ($AllowEmpty == False && $R == '')) {
* Given an array of tags, return an array of their IDs.
* @param arary $TagNames
* @return array IDs
public static function get_tags($TagNames) {
global $Cache, $DB;
$TagIDs = array();
foreach ($TagNames as $Index => $TagName) {
$Tag = $Cache->get_value('tag_id_'.$TagName);
if (is_array($Tag)) {
$TagIDs[$Tag['ID']] = $Tag['Name'];
if (count($TagNames) > 0) {
$DB->query("SELECT ID, Name FROM tags WHERE Name IN ('".implode("', '", $TagNames)."')");
$SQLTagIDs = $DB->to_array();
foreach ($SQLTagIDs as $Tag) {
$TagIDs[$Tag['ID']] = $Tag['Name'];
$Cache->cache_value('tag_id_'.$Tag['Name'], $Tag, 0);
* Gets the alias of the tag, if there is no alias silently returns the original tag.
* @param string $BadTag the tag we want to alias
* @return string The aliased tag.
public static function get_alias_tag($BadTag) {
global $DB;
$DB->query("SELECT AliasTag FROM tag_aliases WHERE BadTag = '". $BadTag ."' LIMIT 1");
if ($DB->record_count() > 0) {
list($AliasTag) = $DB->next_record();
return $AliasTag;
return $BadTag;
* Write a message to the system log.
* @param string $Message the message to write.
public static function write_log($Message) {
global $DB,$Time;
$DB->query('INSERT INTO log (Message, Time) VALUES (\''
.db_string($Message).'\', \''.sqltime().'\')');
* Get a tag ready for database input and display.
* @param string $Str
* @return sanitized version of $Str
public static function sanitize_tag($Str) {
$Str = strtolower($Str);
$Str = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9.]/', '', $Str);
$Str = preg_replace('/(^[.,]*)|([.,]*$)/','',$Str);
$Str = htmlspecialchars($Str);
$Str = db_string(trim($Str));
return $Str;
* HTML escape an entire array for output.
* @param array $Array, what we want to escape
* @param boolean/array $Escape
* if true, all keys escaped
* if false, no escaping.
* If array, it's a list of array keys not to escape.
* @return mutated version of $Array with values escaped.
public static function display_array($Array, $Escape = array()) {
foreach ($Array as $Key => $Val) {
if((!is_array($Escape) && $Escape == true) || !in_array($Key, $Escape)) {
$Array[$Key] = display_str($Val);
return $Array;
* Check for a : in the beginning of a torrent meta data string
* to see if it's stored in the old base64-encoded format
* @param string $Torrent the torrent data
* @return true if the torrent is stored in binary format
public static function is_new_torrent(&$Data) {
return strpos(substr($Data, 0, 10), ':') !== false;