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synced 2025-02-14 17:29:03 +00:00
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if (!($IsFLS)) {
// Logged in user is not FLS or Staff
if ($ConvID = (int)$_GET['convid']) {
// FLS, check level of conversation
$DB->query("SELECT Level FROM staff_pm_conversations WHERE ID=$ConvID");
list($Level) = $DB->next_record;
if ($Level == 0) {
// FLS conversation, assign to staff (moderator)
$DB->query("UPDATE staff_pm_conversations SET Level=700 WHERE ID=$ConvID");
header('Location: staffpm.php');
} else {
// FLS trying to assign non-FLS conversation
} elseif ($ConvID = (int)$_POST['convid']) {
// Staff (via ajax), get current assign of conversation
$DB->query("SELECT Level, AssignedToUser FROM staff_pm_conversations WHERE ID=$ConvID");
list($Level, $AssignedToUser) = $DB->next_record;
if ($LoggedUser['Class'] >= $Level || $AssignedToUser == $LoggedUser['ID']) {
// Staff member is allowed to assign conversation, assign
list($LevelType, $NewLevel) = explode("_", db_string($_POST['assign']));
if ($LevelType == 'class') {
// Assign to class
$DB->query("UPDATE staff_pm_conversations SET Status='Unanswered', Level=$NewLevel, AssignedToUser=NULL WHERE ID=$ConvID");
} else {
// Assign to user
$DB->query("UPDATE staff_pm_conversations SET Status='Unanswered', AssignedToUser=$NewLevel WHERE ID=$ConvID");
echo '1';
} else {
// Staff member is not allowed to assign conversation
echo '-1';
} else {
// No id
header('Location: staffpm.php');