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synced 2025-02-23 13:49:02 +00:00
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267 lines
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************ Permissions form ********************** user.php and tools.php ****
** This function is used to create both the class permissions form, and the **
** user custom permissions form. **
$PermissionsArray = array(
'site_leech' => 'Can leech (Does this work?).',
'site_upload' => 'Upload torrent access.',
'site_vote' => 'Request vote access.',
'site_submit_requests' => 'Request create access.',
'site_see_old_requests' => 'View old requests.',
'site_advanced_search' => 'Advanced search access.',
'site_top10' => 'Top 10 access.',
'site_advanced_top10' => 'Advanced Top 10 access.',
'site_album_votes' => 'Voting for favorite torrents.',
'site_torrents_notify' => 'Notifications access.',
'site_collages_create' => 'Collage create access.',
'site_collages_manage' => 'Collage manage access.',
'site_collages_delete' => 'Collage delete access.',
'site_collages_subscribe' => 'Collage subscription access.',
'site_collages_personal' => 'Can have a personal collage.',
'site_collages_renamepersonal' => 'Can rename own personal collages.',
'site_make_bookmarks' => 'Bookmarks access.',
'site_edit_wiki' => 'Wiki edit access.',
'site_can_invite_always' => 'Can invite past user limit.',
'site_send_unlimited_invites' => 'Unlimited invites.',
'site_moderate_requests' => 'Request moderation access.',
'site_delete_artist' => 'Can delete artists (must be able to delete torrents+requests).',
'site_moderate_forums' => 'Forum moderation access.',
'site_admin_forums' => 'Forum administrator access.',
'site_forums_double_post' => 'Can double post in the forums.',
'site_view_flow' => 'Can view stats and data pools.',
'site_view_full_log' => 'Can view old log entries.',
'site_view_torrent_snatchlist' => 'Can view torrent snatchlists.',
'site_recommend_own' => 'Can recommend own torrents.',
'site_manage_recommendations' => 'Recommendations management access.',
'site_delete_tag' => 'Can delete tags.',
'site_disable_ip_history' => 'Disable IP history.',
'zip_downloader' => 'Download multiple torrents at once.',
'site_debug' => 'Developer access.',
'site_proxy_images' => 'Image proxy & Anti-Canary.',
'site_search_many' => 'Can go past low limit of search results.',
'users_edit_usernames' => 'Can edit usernames.',
'users_edit_ratio' => 'Can edit anyone\'s upload/download amounts.',
'users_edit_own_ratio' => 'Can edit own upload/download amounts.',
'users_edit_titles' => 'Can edit titles.',
'users_edit_avatars' => 'Can edit avatars.',
'users_edit_invites' => 'Can edit invite numbers and cancel sent invites.',
'users_edit_watch_hours' => 'Can edit contrib watch hours.',
'users_edit_reset_keys' => 'Can reset passkey/authkey.',
'users_edit_profiles' => 'Can edit anyone\'s profile.',
'users_view_friends' => 'Can view anyone\'s friends.',
'users_reset_own_keys' => 'Can reset own passkey/authkey.',
'users_edit_password' => 'Can change passwords.',
'users_promote_below' => 'Can promote users to below current level.',
'users_promote_to' => 'Can promote users up to current level.',
'users_give_donor' => 'Can give donor access.',
'users_warn' => 'Can warn users.',
'users_disable_users' => 'Can disable users.',
'users_disable_posts' => 'Can disable users\' posting rights.',
'users_disable_any' => 'Can disable any users\' rights.',
'users_delete_users' => 'Can delete users.',
'users_view_invites' => 'Can view who user has invited.',
'users_view_seedleech' => 'Can view what a user is seeding or leeching.',
'users_view_uploaded' => 'Can view a user\'s uploads, regardless of privacy level.',
'users_view_keys' => 'Can view passkeys.',
'users_view_ips' => 'Can view IP addresses.',
'users_view_email' => 'Can view email addresses.',
'users_override_paranoia' => 'Can override paranoia.',
'users_logout' => 'Can log users out (old?).',
'users_make_invisible' => 'Can make users invisible.',
'users_mod' => 'Basic moderator tools.',
'torrents_edit' => 'Can edit any torrent.',
'torrents_delete' => 'Can delete torrents.',
'torrents_delete_fast' => 'Can delete more than 3 torrents at a time.',
'torrents_freeleech' => 'Can make torrents freeleech.',
'torrents_search_fast' => 'Rapid search (for scripts).',
'torrents_hide_dnu' => 'Hide the Do Not Upload list by default.',
'torrents_fix_ghosts' => 'Can fix "ghost" groups on artist pages.',
'admin_manage_news' => 'Can manage news.',
'admin_manage_blog' => 'Can manage blog.',
'admin_manage_polls' => 'Can manage polls.',
'admin_manage_forums' => 'Can manage forums (add/edit/delete).',
'admin_manage_fls' => 'Can manage FLS.',
'admin_reports' => 'Can access reports system.',
'admin_advanced_user_search' => 'Can access advanced user search.',
'admin_create_users' => 'Can create users through an administrative form.',
'admin_donor_log' => 'Can view the donor log.',
'admin_manage_ipbans' => 'Can manage IP bans.',
'admin_dnu' => 'Can manage do not upload list.',
'admin_clear_cache' => 'Can clear cached.',
'admin_whitelist' => 'Can manage the list of allowed clients.',
'admin_manage_permissions' => 'Can edit permission classes/user permissions.',
'admin_schedule' => 'Can run the site schedule.',
'admin_login_watch' => 'Can manage login watch.',
'admin_manage_wiki' => 'Can manage wiki access.',
'admin_update_geoip' => 'Can update geoip data.',
'site_collages_recover' => 'Can recover \'deleted\' collages.',
'torrents_add_artist' => 'Can add artists to any group.',
'edit_unknowns' => 'Can edit unknown release information.',
'forums_polls_create' => 'Can create polls in the forums.',
'forums_polls_moderate' => 'Can feature and close polls.',
'project_team' => 'Is part of the project team.',
'torrents_edit_vanityhouse' => 'Can mark groups as part of Vanity House.',
'artist_edit_vanityhouse' => 'Can mark Artists as part of Vanity House.'
function permissions_form(){ ?>
<div class="permissions">
<div class="permission_container">
<tr class="colhead">
<? display_perm('site_leech','Can leech.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_upload','Can upload.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_vote','Can vote on requests.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_submit_requests','Can submit requests.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_see_old_requests','Can see old requests.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_advanced_search','Can use advanced search.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_top10','Can access top 10.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_torrents_notify','Can access torrents notifications system.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_collages_create','Can create collages.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_collages_manage','Can manage collages (add torrents, sorting).'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_collages_delete','Can delete collages.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_collages_subscribe','Can access collage subscriptions.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_collages_personal','Can have a personal collage.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_collages_renamepersonal','Can rename own personal collages.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_advanced_top10','Can access advanced top 10.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_album_votes', 'Can vote for favorite torrents.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_make_bookmarks','Can make bookmarks.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_edit_wiki','Can edit wiki pages.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_can_invite_always', 'Can invite users even when invites are closed.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_send_unlimited_invites', 'Can send unlimited invites.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_moderate_requests', 'Can moderate any request.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_delete_artist', 'Can delete artists (must be able to delete torrents+requests).'); ?>
<? display_perm('forums_polls_create','Can create polls in the forums.') ?>
<? display_perm('forums_polls_moderate','Can feature and close polls.') ?>
<? display_perm('site_moderate_forums', 'Can moderate the forums.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_admin_forums', 'Can administrate the forums.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_view_flow', 'Can view site stats and data pools.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_view_full_log', 'Can view the full site log.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_view_torrent_snatchlist', 'Can view torrent snatchlists.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_recommend_own', 'Can add own torrents to recommendations list.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_manage_recommendations', 'Can edit recommendations list.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_delete_tag', 'Can delete tags.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_disable_ip_history', 'Disable IP history.'); ?>
<? display_perm('zip_downloader', 'Download multiple torrents at once.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_debug', 'View site debug tables.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_proxy_images', 'Proxy images through the server.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_search_many', 'Can go past low limit of search results.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_collages_recover', 'Can recover \'deleted\' collages.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_forums_double_post', 'Can double post in the forums.'); ?>
<? display_perm('project_team', 'Part of the project team.'); ?>
<div class="permission_container">
<tr class="colhead">
<? display_perm('users_edit_usernames', 'Can edit usernames.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_edit_ratio', 'Can edit anyone\'s upload/download amounts.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_edit_own_ratio', 'Can edit own upload/download amounts.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_edit_titles', 'Can edit titles.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_edit_avatars', 'Can edit avatars.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_edit_invites', 'Can edit invite numbers and cancel sent invites.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_edit_watch_hours', 'Can edit contrib watch hours.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_edit_reset_keys', 'Can reset any passkey/authkey.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_edit_profiles', 'Can edit anyone\'s profile.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_view_friends', 'Can view anyone\'s friends.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_reset_own_keys', 'Can reset own passkey/authkey.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_edit_password', 'Can change password.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_promote_below', 'Can promote users to below current level.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_promote_to', 'Can promote users up to current level.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_give_donor', 'Can give donor access.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_warn', 'Can warn users.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_disable_users', 'Can disable users.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_disable_posts', 'Can disable users\' posting rights.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_disable_any', 'Can disable any users\' rights.'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_delete_users', 'Can delete anyone\'s account'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_view_invites', 'Can view who user has invited'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_view_seedleech', 'Can view what a user is seeding or leeching'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_view_uploaded', 'Can view a user\'s uploads, regardless of privacy level'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_view_keys', 'Can view passkeys'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_view_ips', 'Can view IP addresses'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_view_email', 'Can view email addresses'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_override_paranoia', 'Can override paranoia'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_make_invisible', 'Can make users invisible'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_logout', 'Can log users out'); ?>
<? display_perm('users_mod', 'Can access basic moderator tools (Admin comment)'); ?>
*Everything is only applicable to users with the same or lower class level
<div class="permission_container">
<tr class="colhead">
<? display_perm('torrents_edit', 'Can edit any torrent'); ?>
<? display_perm('torrents_delete', 'Can delete torrents'); ?>
<? display_perm('torrents_delete_fast', 'Can delete more than 3 torrents at a time.'); ?>
<? display_perm('torrents_freeleech', 'Can make torrents freeleech'); ?>
<? display_perm('torrents_search_fast', 'Unlimit search frequency (for scripts).'); ?>
<? display_perm('torrents_add_artist', 'Can add artists to any group.'); ?>
<? display_perm('edit_unknowns', 'Can edit unknown release information.'); ?>
<? display_perm('torrents_edit_vanityhouse', 'Can mark groups as part of Vanity House.'); ?>
<? display_perm('artist_edit_vanityhouse', 'Can mark Artists as part of Vanity House.'); ?>
<? display_perm('site_add_logs', 'Can add logs to torrents after upload'); ?>
<? display_perm('torrents_hide_dnu', 'Hide the Do Not Upload list by default.'); ?>
<? display_perm('torrents_fix_ghosts', 'Can fix ghost groups on artist pages.'); ?>
<div class="permission_container">
<tr class="colhead">
<? display_perm('admin_manage_news', 'Can manage news'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_manage_blog', 'Can manage blog'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_manage_polls', 'Can manage polls'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_manage_forums', 'Can manage forums (add/edit/delete)'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_manage_fls', 'Can manage FLS'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_reports', 'Can access reports system'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_advanced_user_search', 'Can access advanced user search'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_create_users', 'Can create users through an administrative form'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_donor_log', 'Can view the donor log'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_manage_ipbans', 'Can manage IP bans'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_dnu', 'Can manage do not upload list'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_clear_cache', 'Can clear cached pages'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_whitelist', 'Can manage the list of allowed clients.'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_manage_permissions', 'Can edit permission classes/user permissions.'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_schedule', 'Can run the site schedule.'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_login_watch', 'Can manage login watch.'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_manage_wiki', 'Can manage wiki access.'); ?>
<? display_perm('admin_update_geoip', 'Can update geoip data.'); ?>
<div class="submit_container"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Save Permission Class" /></div>
<? } ?>