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# Slop
Slop is a library for columnar data persistence. It is designed to be used for storing large amounts of data in a way
that is both fast and memory-efficient. The data is write-once, and the slop library offers many facilities for
deciding how it should be stored and accessed.
Slop is designed as a low abstraction what-you-see-is-what-you-do library, the reason for
this is to be able to eliminate copies and other overheads that are common in higher
level libraries. The intent is to get the performance of a hand-rolled solution, but
without the complexity and brittleness that comes with hand-rolling an ad-hoc row-based storage
A lot of what would commonly be kept in a schema description is instead just
implemented as code. To aid with portability, slop stores schema information
in the file names of the data files, besides the actual name of the column itself.
A table of demographic information may end up stored in files like this:
The slop library offers some facilities to aid with data integrity, such as the SlopTable
class, which is a wrapper that ensures consistent positions for a group of columns, and aids
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in closing the columns when they are no longer needed. Beyond that, you're on your own.
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## Why though?
Slop is fast.
Depending on compression and encoding choices, it's possible
to get read speeds that are 5-20x faster than reading from a sqlite database.
When compression is disabled, Slop will memory map the data, and depending on the
contents of the column, it's possible to perform zero copy reads.
Slop is compact.
Depending on compression and encoding choices, the format will be smaller
than a parquet file containing the equivalent information.
Slop is simple.
There isn't much magic going on under the hood in Slop. It's designed with the philosophy that a competent programmer
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should be able to reverse engineer the format of the data by just looking
at a directory listing of the data files. Despite being a very obscure library,
this gives the data a sort of portability.
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### Relaxed 1BRC (no CSV ingestion time)
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A benchmark against DuckDB, which is another excellent columnar storage library, albeit
one that is more featureful and safe than Slop is.
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The benchmark is a relaxed 1BRC, aggregate a billion rows of temperature data by city,
and then calculate max/min/avg. This omits the CSV ingestion time from the original
challenge, which means the numbers are not directly comparable with other 1BRC benchmarks.
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| Impl | Runtime | Size On Disk |
| Parallel Slop, s16 | 0.64s | 2.8 GB |
| Parallel Slop, varint | 0.90s | 2.8 GB |
| DuckDB<sup>1</sup> | 2.6s | 3.0 GB |
| Slop, s16 | 4.2s | 2.8 GB |
| Slop, s32 | 4.5s | 3.8 GB |
| Parquet<sup>2</sup> (Snappy) in DuckDB | 4.5s | 5.5 GB |
| Parquet<sup>2</sup> (Zstd) in DuckDB | 5.5s | 3.0 GB |
| JDBC<sup>3</sup> | 6500s | 3.0 GB |
<sup>[1]</sup> Benchmark loads the data into DuckDB's native table format,
performs an aggregation within the database, and then fetches the results via JDBC.
<sup>[2]</sup> Benchmark loads the data from Parquet in DuckDB, performs an
aggregation within the database, and then fetches the results via JDBC.
<sup>[3]</sup> Benchmark loads the data into DuckDB's native table format,
then streaming it as-is over JDBC to Java for processing, with fetch size = 1000.
This is a very common usage pattern in Enterprise Java applications, although
usually you'd have an ORM in between the JDBC and the application code adding even
more overhead. The numbers are extrapolated from a 100M benchmark, as I value my time.
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## Example
With slop it's desirable to keep the schema information in the code. This is an example of how you might use slop to
store a table of data with three columns: source, dest, and counts. The source and dest columns are strings, and the
counts column is an integer that's stored wit a varint-coding (i.e. like how utf-8 works).
The data is stored in a directory, and the data is written and read using the `MyData.Writer` and `MyData.Reader` classes.
The `MyData` class is itself is a record, and the schema is stored as static fields in the `MyData` class.
record Population(String city, int population, double avgAge) {
private static final ColumnDesc<StringColumnReader, StringColumnWriter> citiesColumn =
new ColumnDesc<>("cities", ColumnType.STRING, StorageType.GZIP);
private static final ColumnDesc<IntColumnReader, IntColumnWriter> populationColumn =
new ColumnDesc<>("population", ColumnType.INT_LE, StorageType.PLAIN);
private static final ColumnDesc<DoubleColumnReader, DoubleColumnWriter> averageAgeColumnn =
new ColumnDesc<>("average-age", ColumnType.DOUBLE_LE, StorageType.PLAIN);
public static class Writer extends SlopTable {
private final StringColumnWriter citiesWriter;
private final IntColumnWriter populationWriter;
private final DoubleColumnWriter avgAgeWriter;
public Writer(Path baseDir) throws IOException {
citiesWriter = citiesColumn.create(this, baseDir);
populationWriter = populationColumn.create(this, baseDir);
avgAgeWriter = averageAgeColumnn.create(this, baseDir);
public void write(Population data) throws IOException {
public static class Reader extends SlopTable {
private final StringColumnReader citiesReader;
private final IntColumnReader populationReader;
private final DoubleColumnReader avgAgeReader;
public Reader(Path baseDir) throws IOException {
citiesReader = citiesColumn.open(this, baseDir);
populationReader = populationColumn.open(this, baseDir);
avgAgeReader = averageAgeColumnn.open(this, baseDir);
public boolean hasRemaining() throws IOException {
return citiesReader.hasRemaining();
public Population read() throws IOException {
return new Population(
## Nested Records
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Nested records are not supported in slop, although array values are supported. If you need to store nested records,
you've got the options of flattening them, representing them as arrays, or serializing them into a byte array and
storing that.
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## Column Types
## Storage Types
## Extension