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diff --git a/run/test-data/Black Hat USA 2010 Understanding and Deploying DNSSEC by Paul Wouters and Patrick Nauber.html b/run/test-data/Black Hat USA 2010 Understanding and Deploying DNSSEC by Paul Wouters and Patrick Nauber.html
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+ Black Hat ® USA 2010: Understanding and Deploying DNSSEC by Paul Wouters and Patrick Nauber
+ All actual work will be done on a Linux Xen server hosting a virtual Linux server per student. Ethernet is preferred, wireless is optional. Internet access is required.
+ The student is required to bring a working laptop. It should have networking, an SSH client (PUTTY for Windows, OpenSSH for Linux/OSX), a text editor that they are comfortable with, and a web browser.
+ The student may be required to reconfigure the network settings on their laptop.
+ All other software will be provided by the instructors, and will be accessed by the student via SSH.
Fifteen TLD's, including ".gov" and ".org", now use DNSSEC, and if all
+ goes as planned, the root will be signed before Black Hat USA 2010 starts,
+ with ".com" will follow in 2011. DNSSEC is here to stay, and sooner or
+ later DNS administrators will have to know how to use it on their zones,
+ and how to use it for their end-users. The US Government made DNSSEC
+ mandatory to implement in 2010.
This course will teach the theory of DNSSEC as required from an
+ operational perspective. You will lean how to use the available DNSSEC
+ software such as Bind, Unbound and Microsoft DNS. You will learn how to
+ create and publish a DNSSEC signed domain. And importantly, how to deal
+ with the DNSSEC key management, the core complexity of using DNSSEC. It
+ will teach how to configure DNS resolvers to take advantage of DNSSEC with
+ minimal infrastructure changes. There are many pitfalls to be aware of,
+ and these will be shown and taught.
The course is given over two days. Both days consist of a theoretical
+ part and lab session in the morning, and another theoretical part and
+ lab session in the afternoon.
Participants only need a laptop with an ssh client to participate.
Course Length: Two days. All course materials, lunch and two coffee breaks will be provided. A Certificate of Completion will be offered.
Paul Wouters
Paul Wouters has been involved with Linux networking and security since he co-founded the Dutch ISP Xtended Internet back in 1996, where he started working with FreeS/WAN IPsec in 1999 and with DNSSEC for the .nl domain in 2001.
He has been writing since 1997, when his first article about network security was published in LinuxJournal in 1997. Since then, he has written mostly for the Dutch spin-off of the German c't magazine, focusing on Linux, networking and the impact of the digital world on society. Paul is the principle author of the book “Building and Integrating Virtual Private Networks with Openswan”, published by Packt Publishing.
Paul has presented papers at SANS, OSA, CCC, HAL, Black Hat and Defcon, and several other smaller conferences.
He started working for Xelerance in 2003, focusing on IPsec, DNSSEC and delivering trainings.
Paul received a B.Ed Chemistry and Biology from the Noordelijke Hogeschool Leeuwarden in The Netherlands.
Patrick Naubert
Patrick Naubert has been involved with network security since 1992 when he founded Resudox Online Services, one of the first ISP's in Ottawa, Canada. Patrick also co-founded Milkyway Networks in 1994, and founded Tyger Team Consultants in 1997. As part of Milkway Networks, Patrick installed and configured hundreds of firewall systems. Patrick trained and was responsible for the support of most of Milkway Networks' clients. As the head of Tyger Team Consultants, Patrick was continually involved in clients' vulnerability assessments and network architecture reviews.
In his spare time, Patrick is a CISSP trainer and also teaches Windows Vulnerability Countermeasures.
Patrick graduated from Universite de Sherbrooke in Canada in 1990, Bachelor of Computer Science with a Business minor. Patrick is delighted to have no criminal record at this time.
+From the course catalog: An intensive study of advanced non-numerical
+programming techniques. Data representation; list, tree and string
+manipulation algorithms. Recursive programming. Introduction to
+searching and sorting. Storage management algorithms. Comparative
+efficiency of algorithms.
+Prerequisites: CSc 220.
Introduction to Algorithms. 3rd Edition
+T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, 2009.
+ISBN-10: 0262033844
+ISBN-13: 978-0262033848
Work Load & Grading
Work load
+ 2.5 hrs/week: Class attendance
+ 2.5 hrs/week: Readings
+ 5.0 hrs/week: Assignments
+ 10%: Class participation
+ 20%: Quizzes
+ 30%: Midterm (Nov 3)
+ 40%: Final (Dec 15)
+NOTE: There will be NO make-up or substitute exams
CUNY Academic Integrity
+Cheating will not be tolerated. If you cheat, you risk losing your
+position as a student in the department and the college. CUNY policy
+on academic integrity can be found here.
+Failure to understand and follow these rules will constitute cheating,
+and will be dealt with as per university guidelines.
+ MEMEX - Old and New [ 2021-11-12 ]
Old and New [ 2021-11-12 ]
+I've been thinking recently about the emphasis put on "new", specifically for search engines, but the discussion has some merit even in a wider context. I will start wide and narrow down.
+It is common to conflate new with good, and most being young sometime between 1950-2000 will indeed have seen marvellous improvements in quality of life and technology with each passing year. In the light of that, it's at least easy to explain how one might confuse the two.
+Some even came to think that this period of stable prosperity, unlike the others that came before it, is somehow an exception, or that we are all an exception set apart from history. In practice and like all the other periods of stable prosperity, it seems to have been a historical fluke, a trend that if it hasn't outright reversed, has at least slowed down significantly. Change is inevitable, improvement is not.
+When something that we thought brought prosperity stops working, we have the unfortunate habit of doubling down on what is no longer working. Human sacrifice no longer appeases the gods? Sacrifice more humans! Change stopped bringing prosperity? Worship change harder.
+Progress has brought so many gifts that nobody seems to have even thought of asking the question "toward what?" Progress implies if not a destiny at least some destination. Well what do I know, maybe there is some MC Escher-alternative where we can keep progressing at the same rate forever toward nothing in particular.
+That was a bit of a tangent, but the point is that there is really no reason to think that new things are better or worse than old things. Oftentimes, the way things have gotten old is that they have worked so well nobody thought to replace them. In all times, there were good and bad things. The bad things rarely stick around, which means that the old things that do linger often have good reason to do so. The bar for good that new things must overcome keeps getting higher.
+The opposite isn't true either, old isn't necessarily better. The axes of old/new, good/bad are probably mostly orthogonal.
Recency in Search
+It seems important to some search engine developers, to pick up on changes very quickly.
+For of search results, oftentimes new is completely irrelevant. If I'm looking for a recipe, does it matter if it's a new recipe? Do I even want the newest recipe? Isn't it a selling point that it's your grandma's original recipe. I may want a novel recipe, one that I haven't tried, but that is not the same as saying it was just published. Of course it is a good thing if the food I eat is new, but food is perishable in a way that a recipe is not.
+The ones that mostly stand to benefit from search results being fresh are the websites. They want to make changes in people's behavior by making changes to their site. They want to watch in near real-time how the visitors come pouring in. Does that actually benefit the users in any way?
+Even in the case of news, new isn't always better. More often than not, news articles that deal with a current topic consist almost entirely of speculation, rumor, gossip and opinion. If ever, it is only much later, once the dust has settled that balanced factual information gets printed.
+From a practical standpoint, the most recently published documents are the documents a search engine knows the least about. They could be good or they could be bad. Keeping up with changes seems like a job for RSS. A search engine stands to benefit from being far more judicious.
Rank Name From Last Total
+ 1. Bruce Young SC 11 206
+ 2. John Emery SC 13 198
+ 3. Lane Hess PA 13 157
+ 4. Ed Rothenheber MD 12 111
+ 5. Francis Czawlytko MD 13 104
+ 6. Henry Russell PA 10 102
+ 7. Melvin Casselberry PA 11 99
+ 8. Scott Moll VA 05 80
+ 9. Mike Casselberry PA 10 60
+ 10. David Gantt SC 04 60
+ 11. Forrest Speck MD 03 60
+ 12. Scott Fenn MD 14 55
+ 13. Rob Mull CO 14 50
+ 14. Mark Hodgkinson au 05 50
+ 15. Scott Pfeiffer SC 08 48
+ 16. Lance Roberts AK 14 42
+ 17. Bryan Collars SC 04 38
+ 18. Tom Eskey MD 11 36
+ 19. John Haas PA 03 36
+ 20. Pat Duffy VA 08 32
+ 21. Frank Morehouse PA 13 30
+ 22. Brian Sutton MD 12 30
+ 23. Jim Savarick PA 11 30
+ 24. Kevin Sudy VA 12 25
+ 25. Harry Theodore NY 09 24
+ 26. Jesse Boomer KS 09 24
+ 27. Jason White VA 04 24
+ 28. Mark McCandless CT 03 24
+ 29. Rich Shipley MD 14 20
+ 30. Nick Frydas uk 11 18
+ 31. Daniel Broh-Kahn MD 10 18
+ 32. Joe Burch MD 06 18
+ 33. Josh Githens SC 04 18
+ 34. Charley Hickok PA 04 17
+ 35. Richard Beyma MD 08 16
+ 36. Keith Wixson NJ 04 16
+ 37. Michael Day AZ 14 15
+ 38. Chris Greenfield NY 13 15
+ 39. Brian Sutton MD 07 15
+ 40. James Eaton LA 03 15
+ 41. William Burch MD 04 14
+ 42. Steve Jansen MD 05 12
+ 43. George Young UT 03 12
+ 44. Rachael Day AZ 14 10
+ 45. Al Hurda on 12 10
+ 46. Alan Sudy VA 07 10
+ 47. Fred Schachter NY 05 10
+ 48. Kevin Emery SC 10 6
+ 49. Robert Vollman ab 06 6
+ 50. Edward Kendrick uk 03 6
+ 51. Daniel Blumentritt TX 13 5
2013 Laurelists
+ Repeating
+ Laurelists:
Frank Morehouse, PA
+ 2nd
Lane Hess, PA
+ 3rd
Chris Greenfield, NY
+ 4th
John Emery, SC
+ 5th
Daniel Blumentritt, TX
+ 6th
Past Winners
Forrest Speck, MD
+ 2003
David Gantt, SC
+ 2004
Ed Rothenheber, MD
+ 2005
Melvin Casselberry,
+ PA
+ 2006
Scott Fenn, MD
+ 2007
Lane Hess, PA
+ 2008
Henry Russell, PA
+ 2009
Mike Casselberry,
+ PA
+ 2010
Bruce Young, SC
+ 2011
John Emery, SC
+ 2012
Patrick Duffy, defending champ
+ John Emery and Ed Rothenheber
Henry Russell, Joe Burch and Jim Savarick
Calling out the Guard against the
+ Brits ...
+ directly to St Helena, do not pass Elba, do not collect 100 days
+ ...
It was not a good year to be French. Even when uttered by
+ an Englishman that seemed to be true.
Monday night certainly belonged to the Tsar, with his men
+ picking up four victories, Justin Morgan leading the way with
+ eight VP. No would be Emperor finished better than fourth with
+ defending champion John Emery coming in dead last among the 30
+ players on hand with his -7 night.
Tuesday night attendance picked up, with the the British logging
+ three victories, the French two and Austria and Prussia splitting
+ the last two. Lane Hess scored best with a reported +8 whilst
+ John Emery bounced back with a decidedly better night for the
+ French win in the sole 4-player game. Four others tied for the
+ wooden spoon with -2 nights. Three new players participated in
+ the demo, in which the Hapsburg-Romanov Axis of Autocracy claimed
+ a narrow win.
Thursday continued a strong recovery on last year's numbers
+ which were depressed by the great AC Failure/Ice Cream conspiracy
+ of 2012. There was no thunderstorm. Rather, it was Fouche behind
+ the curtain rattling a sheet of aluminium. Anyway, the Prussian's
+ had their day and scored three victories while the British and
+ French managed one each. Chris Greenfield, Melvin Casselberry
+ and Wade Hyatt all scored eight VP for the evening's top honors.
+ Al Hurda's French brought up the rear with a -7 long night.
20 players appeared for the semifinals and the consensus was
+ overwhelming for four 5-player games rather than five 4's. While
+ 2012 saw most people fond of Britain as first choice and witnessed
+ a France win, this year proved different. Again, Britain was
+ the popular pick, but it was Prussia that would prevail. True
+ to their form so far, France was everyone's third pick.
+ winners and two runners-up would advance. Daniel Blumentritt
+ scored a win as Prussia with the fifth pick but was unable to
+ continue. The reigning champion had first draft rights and again
+ chose France, no doubt envisioning another one-turn blitz such
+ as brought him the crown in 2012. Frank Morehouse then selected
+ Britain and Lane Hess opted for Russia. Of the qualifying runners-up,
+ Francis Czawlytko chose Austria, leaving Prussia to Chris Greenfield.
Unlike last year's drought stricken Final, this one went four
+ rounds, and at the end of it France lay broken. Austria just
+ pipped Britain to the victory, enabling Francis to claim the
+ both the win and the vial of earth from Waterloo. This makes
+ Nappy the one game where you get sand for coming first.
Stats (5-player games only)
Wins: Prussia 7, Britain 6, Russia 4, France 3, Austria
+ 2
Best Winning Score/Worst Results:
France: John Emery +10 / John Emery "Lots"
+ (Final)
Britain: Chris Greenfield +8 (Semi) / Phil Rodrigues
+ (Semi) & Justin Morgan -1
Austria: Francis Czawlytko +11 (Final) / Noah Engelmann
+ -5
Russia: Justin Morgan +8 / Rob Olsson -2
Prussia: Wade Hyatt +8 / Dale Long -1
Bill Banks, Llew Bardecki, Nick Benedict
+ and Mark Hodgkinson march to the guns.
Al Hurda, Francis Czawlytko, Bruce
+ Young, Scott Pfeiffer and Kevin Emery
Poor Daniel Blumentritt is outnumbered
+ by Mafia 3-1.
The finalists before the blood
+ lettin'
Play By Email 2014
A rather ambitious hybrid format consisting of three 3-player
+ games with each player playing a different side once followed
+ by the top six engaging in 2-player elimination rounds has ended
+ with Rob Mull triumphant over Lance Roberts with a French +10
+ VP win following a Turn 3 Peace die roll. The field of 34 also
+ provided laurels for Rich Shipley, Michael Day, Rachael Day and
+ Scott Fenn respectively finishing third through sixth.
Plato (c. 428 B.C.E. – c. 348 B.C.E.) was a Greekphilosopher and is perhaps the most famous and influential thinker in the history of Western thought. He was a student of Socrates and a teacher of Aristotle. He founded the Academy in Athens where he lectured and taught. He also wrote dialogues on a variety of philosophical subjects such as metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, psychology, politics, and aesthetics. Because he wrote in dialogue rather than treatise form, however, his ideas on these subjects are not systematically analyzed but presented in the more ambiguous and ironic form of the drama. This has resulted in a variety of interpretations of Plato’s work and debates continue today over the precise meanings of his main philosophical ideas.
Among the most famous of his philosophical contributions are the accounts he provides of his teacher Socrates and the Socratic method of teaching, his doctrine of the Ideas or “forms,” his theory of recollection, and his notion of dialectic as collection and division. His Republic remains one of the classic works in all of western civilization.
Plato was born in Athens in approximately 428 B.C.E. He was raised in a moderately wealthy, aristocratic family with high political connections. His father was named Ariston and his mother Perictione. According to a late Hellenistic account by Diogenes Laertius, Plato's given name was Aristocles. Various alternatives are offered at how Plato received his name. One possibility is that his wrestling coach, Ariston of Argos, dubbed him "Platon" (meaning "broad") on account of his robust figure. Another alternative is that his name derived from the breadth (platutês) of his eloquence, and still a third from the fact that he was very wide (platus) across the forehead. In any case, in his youth Plato was a gifted wrestler and his intellectual abilities were so advanced that his fellow Greeks declared him to be the son of Apollo. In fact, it was rumored that in his infancy bees had settled on his lips as a prophecy of the honeyed words which would flow from them.
At some point in his youth Plato became a devoted pupil of Socrates, the famous “wandering scholar” who sat on the street corners of Athens and engaged the young men of the city in intellectual discussions. It was primarily through the texts of Plato, in fact, that we learn of the life, teachings, and death of Socrates. It is considered a matter of record that Plato attended his master's trial and execution so that the Apology, although written in dramatic form is nonetheless considered to be a fairly accurate historical account. Moreover as he was deeply affected by the city's unfair treatment of Socrates much of Plato’s work is devoted to the problem of social and political injustice. During the twelve years following the death of Socrates, Plato traveled extensively throughout Italy, Sicily, Egypt, and Cyrene. During his travels, however, he did not merely wander about in search of pleasure but rather engaged in a sustained and comprehensive quest for knowledge.
After his return to Athens at the age of 40, Plato founded one of the earliest known organized schools in Western civilization on a plot of land in the grove of Academe. The “Academy,” as it was famously called, was a large, protected plot of land that was supposedly named after either an Athenian citizen named Academus or else some ancient Greek hero. The school operated until 529 C.E., which makes it the longest running academic institution in the history of western civilization. Many intellectuals were schooled in the Academy, the most prominent one being Plato’s pupil Aristotle.
Plato died around 348 B.C.E. at the age of 80 or 81.
Dialogue as a Philosophical Form
Raphael's Plato in The School of Athens fresco, probably in the likeness of Leonardo da Vinci. Plato gestures to the heavens, representing his belief in “the Forms.”
Although not the first Greekphilosopher, Plato is arguably the most famous and influential; the twentieth-century philosopher Alfred North Whitehead famously said that the history of philosophy is merely a footnote to Plato.
One of the main reasons for Plato’s primacy is that in Plato we have the first collected body of philosophical literature. Unlike Socrates, who did not write at all and unlike the pre-Socratics whose writings are retained in fragmented form in Plato, there is a body of work which scholars have pored over for centuries. Interestingly, however, unlike Aristotle, Plato did not write in the form of philosophical treatises; rather he chose to write in the dramatic form of dialogue. Although the specific dialogues differ in various ways, in general they approach philosophical subjects through the conversation of characters, who pose questions to one another. In most of the dialogues Socrates figures as the protagonist and a number of interlocutors are defeated by his logical form of questioning initially known as “elenchus” and later in the more sophisticated form called “dialectic.”
Some scholars believe that the nature of the dialogues changed a great deal over the course of Plato's life. According to this theory, works believed to date from earlier in Plato's life are more closely based on Socrates' thought, whereas later writings increasingly break away from the views of his former teacher. This theory holds that in the so-called middle dialogues, Socrates becomes a mouthpiece for Plato's own philosophy, and the question-and-answer style is more formal: the main figure represents Plato and the minor characters have little to say except "yes," "of course" and "very true," or "by Zeus, yes." The late dialogues, then, read more like treatises, and Socrates is often absent or quiet. It is assumed by defenders of this theory that while some of the early dialogues could be based on Socrates' actual conversations, the later dialogues were written entirely by Plato. The question of which, if any, of the dialogues are truly Socratic is known as the “Socratic problem.”
Given that he wrote in the artistic style of a dialogue means that to some extent Plato can be considered a poet as much as a philosopher. This makes the reader’s interpretation of Plato’s texts more ambiguous and problematic, for the form of dialogue distances both Plato (as author) and the given reader from the ideas that are being discussed in the text.
For this reason, scholars tend to read the dialogues in one of two ways. Some scholars choose to participate in the dialogues by concentrating on the ideas and arguments under discussion and in doing so ignore the “aesthetic” aspects, such as the personalities of the different characters, the use of irony, and the specific contexts in which the discussions take place. Other scholars, however, read the personalities, ironies, and contexts as contributing to the philosophical meanings contained within the text as well as Plato’s overall understanding of philosophical discourse. In doing this, the latter often interpret Plato as putting unpopular opinions in the mouth of unsympathetic characters (such as with Thrasymachus in the Republic). In this way, Plato lets his readers observe and compare the conversations that Socrates has with different characters and so ponder why some of these conversations are more fruitful than others.
The exact order in which Plato's dialogues were written is not known, nor is the extent to which some might have been later revised and rewritten. However, according to scholars there is enough information internal to the dialogues to form a rough chronology, although the exact criteria to determine this chronology are often disputed. In any case, as mentioned above the dialogues are normally grouped into three fairly distinct periods, with a few of them considered transitional works, and some just difficult to place. So although the ordering is still highly disputed, the generally agreed upon chronology is divided into early, middle, and late dialogues.
Early dialogues
Socrates figures in all of these dialogues, and they are generally considered to be the most faithful representations of the historical Socrates; hence they are also called the “Socratic dialogues.” Most of them consist of Socrates discussing a subject, often an ethical one (such as friendship or piety) with a friend or with some presumed expert on the subject. Through a series of pointed questions Socrates usually demonstrates his interlocutor’s ignorance. These dialogues usually end inconclusively and so the reader is left to figure out how much Socrates (or the reader) really understands. These dialogues tend to be considered examples of Socrates’ method of "indirect teaching,” which allows readers to come to answers themselves without being directly told. This period also includes several pieces surrounding the trial and execution of Socrates. The dialogues from this period are as follows:
Lesser Hippias
The following dialogues are variously considered transitional or middle period dialogues:
Middle dialogues
Late in the early dialogues, Plato's Socrates actually begins supplying direct answers to some of the questions he poses and so puts forth positive doctrines on the subject under discussion. That is, he offers “hypotheses” or scientific regarding the various subject matter. This is generally interpreted to be the first appearance of Plato's own views. The perhaps most prominent idea offered in the middle dialogues is the idea that knowledge derives from unchanging forms or essences (“Doctrine of Ideas”). Other Platonic theories include the immortality of the soul, recollection, and specific doctrines about justice, truth, and beauty. The Symposium and the Republic are considered to be the centerpieces of Plato's middle period.
Late Dialogues
In the Parmenides Plato presents a series of criticisms of his “Doctrine of Ideas,” which are often taken to indicate Plato's abandonment of this theory, though some scholars have challenged this characterization. In most of the remaining dialogues, however, the theory is either absent or at least appears under a different guise in discussions about kinds or classes of things. In these later dialogues Socrates is either absent or a minor figure in the discussion. An apparently new method for doing dialectic known as "collection and division" is also featured, most notably in the Sophist and Statesman.
A basic description of collection and division would go as follows: interlocutors attempt to discern the similarities and differences among things in order to get a clear idea about what they in fact are. One understanding, suggested in some passages of the Sophist is that this is what philosophy is always in the business of doing and is doing even in the early dialogues. In the later dialogues, however, this way of doing philosophy is made explicit while it was only implicit in the earlier dialogues.
Philosophical Themes
Ethics and the Good
As mentioned above, the early dialogues of Plato are usually considered to reflect the teachings of the historical figure Socrates. The greatest legacy of Socrates is perhaps his ethical striving for the “good life.” For both Socrates and Plato, the ethical life was inextricably connected to the intellectual life such that “the unexamined life is not worth living.” Now for the ancient Greeks, ethics was not as much about the instruction of moral rules as it was the cultivation of a “way of life” which involved both the acquisition of virtues as well as the practice of reflection.
“Philosophy” involved both of these and only through the practice of both does one attain the happy or good life. This close connection between knowledge and goodness meant that “evil” was aligned with ignorance. This means that no one willing does evil, but only what one thinks to be good (i.e., the apparent good).
The Socratic dialogues are devoted, then, to the questioning of what are individual virtues (e.g., friendship, piety) as well as what is virtue itself. Whereas the early Socratic dialogues raise significant ethical questions by refuting those who are often reputed to be “wise” (such as the Sophists), these dialogues often end inclusively. Plato’s middle dialogues, on the other hand, tend to offer hypotheses (or possible answers) to such questions of what is justice (the Republic) or what is love (the Symposium).
Plato’s analyses of these ethical concepts are usually presented by first considering the most popular or ordinary ways of thinking of these concepts and moves to higher more metaphysical ways of considering them. In fact, some interpreters view Plato’s philosophy as mystical such that the ethical or good life is essentially an ascent of the human soul to the Good. Other scholars, however, claim this mystical element is “read into” Plato texts (mainly by his followers, called the Neoplatonists). Instead these other commentators insist that Plato be understood as a rationalist. In any case, the one undeniable aspect that Plato shares with both his mentor Socrates and his pupil Aristotle is the centrality of the good life and the human search for happiness through the practice of philosophy.
Plato’s Psychology and the Integrated Soul
While pursuing the subject of justice in the Republic Plato examines the notion of the human soul (book IV). Although in the hindsight of 2,500 years it is easy to view Plato’s separation of the soul into three fundamental parts as being overly simplistic, in doing so we often overlook both the groundbreaking work Plato was doing as well as the complexity of his ideas when studied in the relation to the complete texts in which we find these ideas. In any case, Plato divided the soul into three parts: the appetitive part, the spirited or emotional part, and the intellectual part. The appetitive part seeks the fulfillment of various bodily pleasures such as food, drink, sex, etc. The spirited or emotional part seeks honor and dignity. Finally, the intellectual part seeks truth and knowledge.
Although Plato is often thought of as a dualist who degrades the bodily desires in favor of the higher, intellectual pleasures of learning, it is important to see that his understanding of justice and the happiness of the human soul is directed at attaining a certain harmony or integration of the different parts or powers of ourselves. So he did not hold that we should “starve” the physical desires of our bodily appetites but merely to control them in an intelligent and wise manner.
This means that the intellectual part or power must be in control, or otherwise our bodily desires will wreak havoc in its reckless striving for its own fulfillment (Plato uses the metaphor of a many-headed beast, which devours itself in self-consumption). But if our bodily appetites are to be directed by the intellect in an intelligently ordered way it requires the discipline of the spirited part to tame and to cultivate the bodily desires in an appropriate way. The harmonious or rightly ordered soul, then, is one which practices the virtues of each part. The virtue of the appetites is moderation; the virtue of the spirit is courage; the virtue of the intellect is wisdom. Through these virtues the human soul attains a certain concord or integrity, which Plato understood as the only real happiness worthy of the name.
We should note, then, that Plato’s division into three parts was not intended to be exhaustive but merely points to the need for a well-ordered integration of all the different powers of our being in order to attain happiness. At the same time, however, we can see the longstanding impact his analysis of soul has had on western civilization, particularly in the Christian tradition where the soul is considered to be a tripartite relation of mind, body, and spirit. Moreover, various modern psychologies continually draw from Plato, such as Sigmund Freud’s theory of the ego, superego, and id. Finally, in the Phaedo, Plato offers arguments for the immortality of the soul such that philosophy is to be understood primarily as a preparation for death.
Metaphysics and epistemology
Theory of recollection
One of the most famous elements in Plato’s philosophy is his theory of recollection. Although the exact nature of this theory is disputed, it is commonly held that Plato believed that all our ideas are innate such that all learning is a remembering. As said above, for Plato the soul is immortal. At birth, however, as the soul is cast into a body it is thrown into a state of forgetfulness. Learning, then, is a process of reawakening to what we already know in the depths of our souls but is nonetheless concealed to our normal, everyday consciousness.
Plato often viewed the process of life as a moving from darkness or a state of sleep toward the light and full wakefulness. Given this view Plato viewed teachers such as Socrates to be not instructors who instill knowledge but rather as “midwives” whose job is simply to help give birth to those ideas that are already within us. In the Meno, for example, Plato presents Socrates at work with a slave-boy who initially thinks he knows the answer to a geometry problem but is shown that he really is ignorant. Once shown his own ignorance, however, the boy is “perplexed” and so is now ready to learn. Socrates walks him through the problem by asking the boy questions and eventually the boy arrives at the correct answer. Plato uses this example in order to demonstrate that our ideas are already within us, for how else could the boy “recognize” the correct answer. The example, though, hardly offers indisputable proof and so Plato’s theory of recollection has been widely contested by later philosophers, notably Aristotle.
The Doctrine of Ideas
Detail of The School of Athens by Raphael (1509), showing Plato (pointing upwards, as if to the Form of the Good) and Aristotle (holding his hand palm down to Earth, favoring material evidence).
Besides being devoted to Socrates, Plato was also deeply influenced by a number of earlier philosophers, known today as the “Pre-Socratics.” This included Pythagoras and Pythagoreans, whose notions of numerical harmony have clear echoes in Plato's notion of the Ideas; Anaxagoras, who was Socrates’ teacher and who held that the mind or reason pervades everything; Parmenides, who argued for the unity of all things and who may have influenced Plato's concept of the soul; and Heraclitus, who held that fire is the fundamental element of the universe and who also said that “all is in flux” or in a state of becoming.
In regard to the theory of knowledge it was the attempt to find a “middle way” between Parmenides’ notion that “all is one” and Heraclitus’ notion that everything is in movement and so changing that led Plato to introduce his famous Doctrine of Ideas. Plato recognized with Heraclitus that everything in the material world is constantly changing. And yet, if we can acquire knowledge (and Plato thought we could), something must be stable or permanent such that when we know “it” we know the truth. For this reason Plato held that our “Ideas” were these stable and permanent entities that did not change. To know or “see” these Ideas is to know the truth, the unchangeable. Today, these ideas are often called “universals.”
Plato considered philosophical knowledge to be closely aligned with mathematics because in math we achieve perfect knowledge (e.g., 2 + 2 = 4 and no other answer is possible). A mathematical example, then, helps us to understand his Doctrine of Ideas. For example, we can come to know the definition of a triangle: an enclosed three-sided figure whose lines are perfectly straight and whose angles add up to exactly 180 degrees. Now any individual or particular triangle that we draw, no matter how fine our technical instruments, will always be slightly flawed even if only by the smallest fraction (e.g., the angles only add up to 179.99999 degrees). These particular or material triangles, therefore, are imperfect. Moreover, since they were drawn in some material or sensible form means they can be destroyed (by burning the paper, chalkboard, etc.) What and where, then, is the perfect triangle? It must be an Idea, one that exists only in the immaterial realm that our minds can participate in. The Idea of a triangle, which is perfect, will never change. It is permanent, ideal, or eternal.
Plato applied this theory, in turn, to all living things. The Idea of a human being is eternal, permanent and perfect (ideal), although we individual humans are mortal, changing, and imperfect. We will die (at least physically for Plato), though the Idea will not. The same holds for the Idea of dog or flower. All the individual human beings, dogs, and flowers merely participate in the one, eternal Idea (of Human Being, Dog, Flower).
Plato’s theory of Ideas has led many scholars to consider his philosophy to be a “metaphysical dualism” (which is sometimes referred to as a “Platonic or metaphysical realism”) in that the Ideas are not merely abstract entities in our minds but ontological realities that exist in some higher, eternal realm. And so, Plato's metaphysics seems to divide reality into two distinct worlds: the intelligible world of Ideas, and the perceptual, sensible, or physical world of the earthly realm. The sensible world consists of imperfect copies of the intelligible Ideas. Again, these Ideas are unchangeable and perfect, and are only accessible and comprehensible by the use of the intellect or understanding. In Plato the intellect often seems to be equated with the soul so that essentially it does not include sensible perception or the imagination.
In the Republic books VI and VII, Plato uses a number of metaphors or analogies to explain (or at least suggest) his metaphysical view. They are: the Analogy of the Sun, the Divided Line and the Allegory of the Cave. Taken together, these metaphors offer a complex but suggestive metaphysical and epistemological theory whose exact meaning significance, and relation scholars have debated for over two millennia. Let us look at each one in turn.
Analogy of the Sun
In all of Plato’s analogies it is important to remember that he often uses metaphors from the physical world in order to reflect a relation that is similar in the intellectual world. In the analogy of the sun, then, he compares the medium of light that allows us to perceive visible things as similar to the medium of understanding that allows us to perceive intellectual things. In order to see a physical object, like a tree, the organ of our eyes requires light to shine on the object we are seeing. Without the light we would see nothing, but remain in darkness. The source of the light that enables us to see is the sun. A similar relation holds in the intellectual world of our minds. In order to see an intellectual object (an idea) it requires the light of understanding. We may, at first, perceive an idea dimly. That is, we have a sense of what something means, but only vaguely. Often only after working at it or thinking about it, do we come to grasp the concept or idea in a precise and clear manner. That is, we understand it or “see” it for ourselves. But what, then, is the source of this light of understanding? Plato calls it the Good. The Good is comparable to the sun in being the source of all the Ideas and the source of the light that illuminates them so we can see or understand them.
Analogy of the Divided Line
In the Analogy of the Divided Line, Plato again divides the physical and intellectual worlds. In the center of the line there is a dividing mark which separates the two realms. Two other lines are drawn which further separate each of those two realms. There are, then, four distinct regions. On one side of the line Plato marks the human power that functions at a certain level of perception; on the other side of the line he marks the kind of object that is being perceived. So at the very bottom region there is the human power of imagination which perceives objects that are likened to shadows. This region is considered to be a kind of fantasy made possible by our power of dreaming. The objects we perceive are not “real” but fabricated or devised by our own fancy. In the next region we have the power of our senses through which we perceive actual physical objects (physical trees, flowers, humans, etc). As we saw earlier these objects in being physical are susceptible to change. For this reason, the “knowledge” we achieve of these sensible things is merely opinion.
In the third region we have now passed from the sensible world to the intellectual world. The power we use here is the faculty of thought in which we now question and think about those things in the lower realm that we had merely perceived through our senses. In asking questions we inquire into what a flower or a tree or a human being really is. What is their nature or essence? In doing this, we begin to form hypotheses or possible answers to what these things really are. But only by passing into the fourth level do we arrive at knowledge in the full sense of the word. In this region we perceive through the power of understanding and now see the Idea itself. The exact nature of this fourth region is often debated about, but it would seem that for Plato in understanding the mind grasps the Idea through a kind of immediate intuition, a flash of illuminating recognition where we “see the truth.”
We grasp the Idea of flower, tree, or human being. This Analogy of the Divided Line, then, suggests an ascending order in the degrees of knowing both in terms of the human faculty that is being used in knowing and the object which is being known or perceived. At the conclusion of the analogy Plato even suggests a highest order of knowing which relates to the analogy of the sun. This highest level of knowing is the direct perception of the source of light itself, that is, the Good.
Allegory of the Cave
Whereas the Analogy of the Divided Line is often criticized as being too static in its divisions of knowledge, the Analogy of the Cave captures in a more dynamic manner the idea of knowing as a passing through various stages. As with the Divided Line there are four distinct stages, which ultimately culminates in the mind’s beholding the Good, but in this analogy there is a more narrative structure, which suggests the journey of the soul in its ascent to the Good.
The first stage depicts prisoners inside a cave whose bodies and necks are chained so that they so are forced to stare at the wall before them. Behind their backs is a great, blazing fire which casts light and before the fire are artifacts, which have been made in the form of real things like trees, animals, and human beings. Shadows of the artifacts appear like puppets on the wall and so from the prisoners’ perspectives these shadows appear to be real things, for they are the only reality they know.
Stage two commences when one of the prisoners is suddenly freed from his chains and so is able to turn his head around. At first the strength of the light of the fire blurs his vision. Over time his eyes adjust, and so he begins to see the artifacts and the fire behind them. This, then, appears to be reality.
Stage three begins when this prisoner is dragged along the path that winds up and out of the cave. Eventually the prisoner arrives above ground and out into the world above. He now beholds the daylight and his eyes are even more bedazzled. Again, it takes time to adjust but when he does he sees the reflections of things (such as trees, animals, and human beings) as they appear in the water of ponds.
After that he enters stage four where he can look directly at the things themselves, the real trees, animals, and people. Finally, at the highest degree he looks up into the light itself and sees the sun. In this way, the former prisoner is finally free from the illusions below and is able to see things as they really are. In fact, he pities the prisoners below who are still in the dark and so only see images and imitations of real things but not the things themselves.
Having arrived at this enlightened state (of philosophy) the man wishes he could remain above ground in contemplation of the light of truth. Having pity on those below who are still imprisoned, however, he descends back down into the cave. It is so dark, though, his eyes again need time to adjust and everything looks disoriented and unclear. Although the returned philosopher tries to help the others see, he is not welcomed but ridiculed. In fact, when he persists in revealing to them their illusions, he ultimately is killed. For the people prefer to live in the darkness than to make the difficult ascent into the light above ground.
Throughout these stages, then, we see how Plato conceives the process of education and learning as an intellectual ascent from darkness into light. This ascent involves transitioning into higher degrees of knowledge that ultimately is aimed at beholding the Good itself. Moreover, we can see how the stages in the Allegory of the Cave correlate with the divisions in the Divided Line. The shadows on the cave wall are analogous to the shadows of the deluded images created by our imagination. The artifacts are like the physical objects that are illuminated by the fire of the physical sun. Making the ascent out of the cave and into the sunlight above is like moving from the sensible world into the intellectual world of the mind.
Initially in asking questions we begin to think for ourselves and form pseudo-ideas of possible answers in the form of scientific hypotheses. Eventually, though, if persistent, we come to grasp the “real things,” so like the freed prisoner we now see in the light of day the Ideas themselves. Finally in the decent of the philosopher back into the cave we see Plato’s obvious allusion to Socrates as the enlightened one who in trying to open the eyes of his fellow citizens is greeted with death.
Political philosophy
Plato's philosophical views had many societal implications, especially on the idea of an ideal state or government. There is some discrepancy between his early and later views. Some of the most famous doctrines are contained in the Republic during his middle period. However, because Plato wrote dialogues, it is assumed that Socrates is often speaking for Plato. This assumption may not be true in all cases.
Plato, through the words of Socrates, asserts that the ideal society would have a tripartite class structure corresponding to the appetite/spirit/reason structure of the individual soul.
Productive (Workers) — the laborers, carpenters, plumbers, masons, merchants, farmers, ranchers, etc. These correspond to the "appetite" part of the soul.
Protective (Warriors or Auxiliaries) — those who are adventurous, strong and brave; in the armed forces. These correspond to the "spirit" part of the soul.
Governing (Rulers or Guardians) — those who are intelligent, rational, self-controlled, in love with wisdom, well suited to make decisions for the community. These correspond to the "reason" part of the soul and are very few.
According to this model, the principles of Atheniandemocracy (as it existed in his day) are rejected as only a few are fit to rule. Instead of rhetoric and persuasion, Plato held that reason and wisdom should govern. This does not equate to tyranny, despotism, or oligarchy, however. As Plato puts it:
Until philosophers rule as kings or those who are now called kings and leading men genuinely and adequately philosophize, that is, until political power and philosophy entirely coincide, while the many natures who at present pursue either one exclusively are forcibly prevented from doing so, cities will have no rest from evils,... nor, I think, will the human race. (Republic 473c-d)
Plato describes these "philosopher kings" as "those who love the sight of truth" (Republic 475c) and supports the idea with the analogy of a captain and his ship or a doctor and his medicine. Sailing and health are not things that everyone is qualified to practice by nature. A large part of the Republic then addresses how the educational system should be set up to produce these philosopher kings.
However, it must be taken into account that the ideal city outlined in the Republic is qualified by Socrates as the ideal luxurious city, examined to determine how it is that injustice and justice grow in a city (Republic 372e). In addition, the ideal city is used as an image to illuminate the state of one's soul, and how the desires, emotions, and reason are combined in the human soul. Socrates is attempting to make an image of a rightly ordered human, and then later goes on to describe the different kinds of humans that can be observed, from tyrants to lovers of money in various kinds of cities. The ideal city is not promoted, but only used to magnify the different kinds of individual humans and the state of their soul.
According to Socrates, then, a state that is made up of different kinds of souls will eventually decline from an aristocracy to a timocracy to an oligarchy to a democracy and finally to tyranny. It is often thought that Plato is trying to warn us of the various kinds of immoderate souls that can rule over a state, and what kind of wise souls are best to advise and give counsel to the rulers that are often lovers of power, money, fame, and popularity. In contrast, though, the philosopher king image has been used by many political thinkers after Plato to justify an aristocratic system of rule.
Primary Sources
Plato. 1961. Collected Dialogues. Edited by Edith Hamilton and Huntington Cairns. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691097186
Secondary Sources
Bakalis, Nikolaos. 2005. Handbook of Greek Philosophy: From Thales to the Stoics Analysis and Fragments. Trafford Publishing. ISBN 1412048435
Fine, Gail. 2000. Plato 1: Metaphysics and Epistemology. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0198752067
Guthrie, W. K. C. 1986. A History of Greek Philosophy (Plato - The Man & His Dialogues - Earlier Period). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521311012
Guthrie, W. K. C. 1986. A History of Greek Philosophy (Later Plato & the Academy). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521311020
Havelock, Eric. 2005. Preface to Plato (History of the Greek Mind). Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press. ISBN 0674699068
Irwin, Terence. 1995. Plato's Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195086457
Kraut, Richard (ed.). 1993. The Cambridge Companion to Plato. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521436109
Sallis, John. 1996. Being and Logos: Reading the Platonic Dialogues. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. ISBN 0253210712
Taylor, A. E. 2001. Plato: The Man and His Work. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications. ISBN 0486416054
Vlastos, Gregory. 1981. Platonic Studies. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691100217
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+Plato: The Republic 5-10
As an account of political organization on the larger scale, Plato's defense of an aristocratic government was unlikely to win broad approval in democratic Athens.
+He used the characters Glaucon and Adeimantus to voice practical objections against the plan.
+They are especially concerned (as Plato's Athenian contemporaries may well have been) with some of its provisions for the guardian class,
+including the participation of both men and women, the elimination of families, and the education of children.
Most fifth-century Greeks, like many twentieth-century Americans, supposed that natural differences between males and females of the human species entail a significant differentiation of their proper social roles.
+Although Plato granted that men and women are different in height, strength, and similar qualities, he noted that these differences are not universal;
+that is, for example, although it may be true that most men are taller than most women, there are certainly some women who are taller than many men.
+What is more, he denied that there is any systematic difference between men and women with respect to the abilities relevant to guardianshipthe capacity to understand reality and make reasonable judgments about it.
+(Republic 454d)
+Thus, Plato maintained that prospective guardians, both male and female, should receive the same education and be assigned to the same vital functions within the society.
In addition, Plato believed that the interests of the state are best preserved if children are raised and educated by the society as a whole, rather than by their biological parents.
+So he proposed a simple (if startlingly unfamiliar) scheme for the breeding, nurturing, and training of children in the guardian class.
+(Note that the same children who are not permitted to watch and listen to "dangerous" art are encouraged to witness first-hand the violence of war.)
+The presumed pleasures of family life, Plato held, are among the benefits that the higher classes of a society must be prepared to forego.
A general objection to the impracticability of the entire enterprise remains.
+Even if we are persuaded that Plato's aristocracy is the ideal way to structure a city-state, is there any possibility that it will actually be implemented in a human society?
+Of course there is a sense in which it doesn't matter; what ought to be is more significant for Plato than what is, and philosophers generally are concerned with a truth that transcends the facts of everyday life.
But Plato also believed that an ideal state, embodying the highest and best capabilities of human social life, can really be achieved, if the right people are put in charge.
+Since the key to the success of the whole is the wisdom of the rulers who make decisions for the entire city, Plato held that the perfect society will occur only when kings become philosophers or philosophers are made kings.
+(Republic 473d)
Only those with a philosophical temperament, Plato supposed, are competent to judge between what merely seems to be the case and what really is,
+between the misleading, transient appearances of sensible objects and the the permanent reality of unchanging, abstract forms.
+Thus, the theory of forms is central to Plato's philosophy once again: the philosophers who think about such things are not idle dreamers, but the true realists in a society.
+It is precisely their detachment from the realm of sensory images that renders them capable of making accurate judgments about the most important issues of human life.
Thus, despite prevalent public skepticism about philosophers, it is to them that an ideal society must turn for the wisdom to conduct its affairs properly.
+But philosophers are made, not born.
+So we need to examine the program of education by means of which Plato supposed that the future philosopher-kings can acquire the knowledge necessary for their function as decision-makers for the society as a whole.
Since an ideal society will be ruled by those of its citizens who are most aware of what really matters, it is vital to consider how that society can best raise and educate its philosophers.
+Plato supposed that under the usual haphazard methods of childrearing, accidents of birth often restrict the opportunities for personal development,
+faulty upbringing prevents most people from achieving everything of which they are capable, and the promise of easy fame or wealth distracts some of the most able young people from the rigors of intellectual pursuits.
+But he believed that those with the greatest abilitythat is, people with a natural disposition fit for philosophical studymust receive the best education,
+engaging in a regimen of mental discipline that grows more strict with every passing year of their lives.
The highest goal in all of education, Plato believed, is knowledge of the Good; that is, not merely an awareness of particular benefits and pleasures, but acquaintance with the Form itself.
+Just as the sun provides illumination by means of which we are able to perceive everything in the visual world, he argued,
+so the Form of the Good provides the ultimate standard by means of which we can apprehend the reality of everything that has value.
+(Republic 508e)
+Objects are worthwhile to the extent that they participate in this crucial form.
So, too, our apprehension of reality occurs in different degrees, depending upon the nature of the objects with which it is concerned in each case.
+Thus, there is a fundamental difference between the mere
+opinion (Gk. δοξα [dóxa]) we can have regarding the visible realm of sensible objects and the genuine
+knowledge (Gk. επιστημη [epistêmê]) we can have of the invisible realm of the Forms themselves.
+In fact, Plato held that each of these has two distinct varieties, so that we can picture the entire array of human cognition as a line divided proportionately into four segments.
+(Republic 509d)
At the lowest level of reality are shadows, pictures, and other images, with respect to which
+imagination (Gk. εικασια [eikásia]) or conjecture is the appropriate degree of awareness, although it provides only the most primitive and unreliable opinions.
The visible realm also contains ordinary physical objects, and our perception of them provides the basis for
+belief (Gk. πιστις [pístis]), the most accurate possible conception of the nature and relationship of temporal things.
Moving upward into the intelligible realm, we first become acquainted with the relatively simple Forms of numbers, shapes, and other mathematical entities;
+we can achieve systematic knowledge of these objects through a disciplined application of the
+understanding (Gk. διανοια [diánoia]).
Finally, at the highest level of all, are the more significant Formstrue Equality, Beauty, Truth, and of course the Good itself.
+These permanent objects of knowledge are directly apprehended by
+intuition (Gk. νοησις [nóêsis]), the fundamental capacity of human reason to comprehend the true nature of reality.
Plato recognized that the picture of the Divided Line may be difficult for many of us to understand.
+Although it accurately represents the different levels of reality and corresponding degrees of knowledge, there is a sense in which one cannot appreciate its full significance without first having achieved the highest level.
+So, for the benefit of those of us who are still learning but would like to grasp what he is talking about,
+Plato offered a simpler story in which each of the same structural components appears in a way that we can all comprehend at our own level.
+This is the Allegory of the Cave.
Suppose that there is a group of human beings who have lived their entire lives trapped in a subterranean chamber lit by a large fire behind them.
+Chained in place, these cave-dwellers can see nothing but shadows (of their own bodies and of other things) projected on a flat wall in front of them.
+Some of these people will be content to do no more than notice the play of light and shadow, while the more clever among them will become highly skilled observers of the patterns that most regularly occur.
+In both cases, however, they cannot truly comprehend what they see, since they are prevented from grasping its true source and nature.
+(Republic 514a)
Now suppose that one of these human beings manages to break the chains, climb through the torturous passage to the surface, and escape the cave.
+With eyes accustomed only to the dim light of the former habitation, this individual will at first be blinded by the brightness of the surface world, able to look only upon the shadows and reflections of the real world.
+But after some time and effort, the former cave-dweller will become able to appreciate the full variety of the newly-discovered world, looking at trees, mountains, and (eventually) the sun itself.
Finally, suppose that this escapee returns to the cave, trying to persuade its inhabitants that there is another, better, more real world than the one in which they have so long been content to dwell.
+They are unlikely to be impressed by the pleas of this extraordinary individual, Plato noted, especially since their former companion, having travelled to the bright surface world, is now inept and clumsy in the dim realm of the cave.
+Nevertheless, it would have been in the best interest of these residents of the cave to entrust their lives to the one enlightened member of their company, whose acquaintance with other things is a unique qualification for genuine knowledge.
Plato seriously intended this allegory as a representation of the state of ordinary human existence.
+We, like the people raised in a cave, are trapped in a world of impermanence and partiality, the realm of sensible objects.
+Entranced by the particular and immediate experiences these things provide, we are unlikely to appreciate the declarations of philosophers,
+the few among us who, like the escapee, have made the effort to achieve eternal knowledge of the permanent forms.
+But, like them, it would serve us best if we were to follow this guidance, discipline our own minds, and seek an accurate understanding of the highest objects of human contemplation.
Having already described the elementary education and physical training that properly occupy the first twenty years of the life of prospective guardians,
+Plato applied his account of the structure of human knowledge in order to prescribe the disciplined pursuit of their higher education.
It naturally begins with mathematics, the vital first step in learning to turn away from the realm of sensible particulars to the transcendent forms of reality.
+Arithmetic provides for the preliminary development of abstract concepts, but Plato held that geometry is especially valuable for its careful attention to the eternal forms.
+Study of the (mathematical, not observational) disciplines of astronomy and harmonics encourage the further development of the skills of abstract thinking and proportional reasoning.
Only after completing this thorough mathematical foundation are the future rulers of the city prepared to begin their study of philosophy, systematizing their grasp of mathematical truth,
+learning to recognize and eliminate all of their presuppositions, and grounding all genuine knowledge firmly on the foundation of their intuitive grasp of the reality of the Forms.
+Finally, an extended period of apprenticeship will help them to learn how to apply everything they have learned to the decisions necessary for the welfare of the city as a whole.
+Only in their fifties will the best philosophers among them be fit to rule over their fellow-citizens.
In order to explain the distinction between justice and injustice more fully, Plato devoted much of the remainder of The Republic to a detailed discussion
+of five different kinds of government (and, by analogy, five different kinds of person), ranked in order from best to worst:
A society organized in the ideally efficient way Plato has already described is said to have an aristocratic government.
+Similarly, an aristocratic person is one whose rational, spirited, and appetitive souls work together properly.
+Such governments and people are the most genuine examples of true justice at the social and personal levels.
In a defective timocratic society, on the other hand, the courageous soldiers have usurped for themselves the privilege of making decisions that properly belongs only to its better-educated rulers.
+A timocratic person is therefore someone who is more concerned with belligerently defending personal honor than with wisely choosing what is truly best.
In an oligarchic government, both classes of guardian have been pressed into the service of a ruling group comprising a few powerful and wealthy citizens.
+By analogy, an oligarchic personality is someone whose every thought and action is devoted to the self-indulgent goal of amassing greater wealth.
Even more disastrously, a democratic government holds out the promise of equality for all of its citizens
+but delivers only the anarchy of an unruly mob, each of whose members is interested only in the pursuit of private interests.
+The parallel case of a democratic person is someone who is utterly controlled by desires, acknowledging no bounds of taste or virtue in the perpetual effort to achieve the momentary satisfaction that pleasure provides.
Finally, the tyrranic society is one in which a single individual has gained control over the mob, restoring order io place of anarchy, but serving only personal welfare instead of the interests of the whole city.
+A tyrranic person, then, must be one whose entire life is focussed upon the satisfaction of a single desire at the expense of everything else that truly matters.
+Governments and people of this last variety are most perfectly unjust, even though they may appear to be well-organized and effective.
Although Plato presents these five types of government or person as if there is a natural progression from each to the next, his chief concern is to exhibit the relative degree of justice achieved by each.
+The most perfect contrast between justice and injustice arises in a comparison between the aristocratic and the tyrranic instances.
Thus, we are finally prepared to understand the full force of Plato's answer to the
+original challenge of showing that justice is superior to injustice.
+He offered three arguments, each of which is designed to demonstrate the
+intrinsic merits of being a just person.
First, Plato noted that the just life of an aristocratic person arises from an effortless harmony among internal elements of the soul,
+while the unjust life of a tyrranic person can maintain its characteristic imbalance only by the exertion of an enormous effort.
+Thus, it is simply easier to be just than to be unjust.
+(Republic 580a)
+This argument makes sense even independently of Plato's larger theory;
+it is a generalized version of the fairly common notion that it is easier to be honest than to keep track of the truth along with a number of false stories about it.
Second, Plato claimed that tyrranic individuals can appreciate only pleasures of the body, monetary profits, and the benefits of favorable public reputation, all of which are by their nature transitory.
+Aristocratic people, on the other hand, can accept these things in moderation but also transcend them in order to enjoy the delights of intellectual achievement through direct acquaintance with the immutable Forms.
+(Republic 583a)
+This argument relies more heavily upon adoption of Plato's entire theory of human nature, as developed in The Republic and other dialogues;
+it is likely to influence only those who have already experienced the full range of intellectual advantages for themselves.
Finally, Plato resorted to myth (just as he had at the close of the Phaedo by imagining that justice will be rewarded with steady progression in a series of lives hereafter.
+This "Myth of Er" isn't philosophical argument at all.
+Even if it were literally true and demonstrable that the just are rewarded in the afterlife, that would be only an extrinsic motive for being just, not a proof of its intrinsic value.
Although it is a masterly treatment of human nature and politics, The Republic was not Plato's only discussion of these significant issues.
+His dialogue Gorgias includes an eloquent appeal on behalf of the life of justice and personal non-violence in all things.
+The Statesman devotes extended attention to the practical matter of securing effective government under the less-than-ideal conditions most of us commonly face.
+And the unfinished
+(Laws) is a lengthy analysis of the history of Athenian political life.
Helen Keller? Socrates? Plato? Seneca the Younger? Anonymous?
Dear Quote Investigator: A person has two genetic parents, four grandparents, and eight great-grandparents. The number of ancestors in a generation roughly doubles when going backwards in time, and this exponential growth implies that each individual has an enormous number of ancestors. This line of reasoning suggests two remarkable insights about human lineages and fluctuating social power:
Every king has ancestors who were slaves.
Every slave has ancestors who were kings.
This dual notion has been credited to three famous ancient sages: Socrates, Plato, and Seneca the Younger. It has also been attributed to the deaf-blind social activist Helen Keller. Would you please explore this topic?
Quote Investigator: Plato presented a dialogue between Socrates and Theaetetus on the nature of knowledge. Socrates discussed the pride some feel about having an illustrious ancestry, and he indicated that a person with a philosophical temperament would be skeptical about this undeserved self-approval. The following excerpt is from a translation by Harold N. Fowler. Boldface added to excerpts by QI:[1] 1921, Plato, English Translation by Harold N. Fowler (Western Reserve University), Volume 2, Section: Theaetetus, Quote Page 123 to 125, William Heinemann, London. (Google Books Full View) link
And when people sing the praises of lineage and say someone is of noble birth, because he can show seven wealthy ancestors, he thinks that such praises betray an altogether dull and narrow vision on the part of those who utter them; because of lack of education they cannot keep their eyes fixed upon the whole and are unable to calculate that every man has had countless thousands of ancestors and progenitors, among whom have been in any instance rich and poor, kings and slaves, barbarians and Greeks.
The phrasing above differed from the two target quotations. Yet, this passage from Plato’s instantiation of Socrates did logically imply that each king had some slave as an ancestor, and each slave had some king as an ancestor.
Below are additional selected citations in chronological order.
1921, Plato, English Translation by Harold N. Fowler (Western Reserve University), Volume 2, Section: Theaetetus, Quote Page 123 to 125, William Heinemann, London. (Google Books Full View) link
Plato? Michel de Montaigne? Hannah More? C. V. Hibbard? Warren J. Clear? Ruth Straub? William Thomas Cummings? Ernie Pyle? Anonymous?
Dear Quote Investigator: When exposed to extreme peril many people reflect on the spiritual or supernatural dimension of existence. The following saying has been particularly popular during times of war. Here are two versions:
There are no atheists in the trenches.
There are no atheists in foxholes.
Would you please examine its provenance?
Quote Investigator: The first saying circulated during World War 1, and the second saying spread during World War 2. The earliest close match located by QI appeared in “The Western Times” newspaper of Devon, England in November 1914. A speaker at a memorial service for a fallen soldier held at St. Matthias’ Church, Ilsham read from the letter of an unnamed chaplain serving at the front. Emphasis added to excerpts by QI:[1] 1914 November 6, The Western Times, Col. Burn’s Late Son: Torquay’s Expression of Sincere Sympathy, Quote Page 8, Column 3, Devon, England. (British Newspaper Archive)
The writer further said, “Tell the Territorials and soldiers at home that they must know God before they come to the front if they would face what lies before them. We have no atheists in the trenches. Men are not ashamed to say that, though they never prayed before, they pray now with all their hearts.”
The adage does not have a clear origin, and anonymous is the most reasonable ascription. Yet, some popularizers have been named and citations given further below do list some individuals. Unsurprisingly, non-believers who have served in the military disagree with the adage.
Below are additional selected citations in chronological order.
1914 November 6, The Western Times, Col. Burn’s Late Son: Torquay’s Expression of Sincere Sympathy, Quote Page 8, Column 3, Devon, England. (British Newspaper Archive)
Dear Quote Investigator: Truth tellers often face an unhappy fate in cautionary fables. They are derided, misunderstood, persecuted, or ignored. The famous ancient philosopher Plato supposedly said:
The young and old are taught falsehoods. The person who dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool.
I have not been able to locate a solid citation. Would you please help?
Quote Investigator: Researchers have found no substantive evidence that Plato made this remark. The earliest close match known to QI appeared in the 1871 book “Pen Sketches of Nebraskans” by A. C. Edmunds. An eccentric American railroad financier, presidential aspirant, and world traveler named George Francis Train received credit for the following. Emphasis added to excerpts by QI:[1]1871, Pen Sketches of Nebraskans with Photographs by A. C. Edmunds, George Francis Train: The Man of Destiny, Start Page 5, Quote Page 5, R. & J. Wilbur, Lincoln, Nebraska. (Google Books Full … Continue reading
Strange times are these, in which we live, forsooth; When young and old are taught in Falsehood’s school:—And the man who dares to tell the truth, Is called at once a lunatic and fool.
The statement was an epigraph to a profile titled “George Francis Train: The Man of Destiny”. In 1872 Train campaigned to become President of the United States, and a collection of his speeches was published under the title “The People’s Candidate for President, 1872”. According to this work Train caused a sensation when he spoke the quotation:[2]1872, The People’s Candidate for President, 1872, George Francis Train, (Collection of speeches by George Francis Train), Edited by John Wesley Nichols, Quote Page 44, Publisher not identified. … Continue reading
You want sobriety, industry and morality in the exemplification of the character of your public men. I challenge an accusation against myself. [Applause.]
Strange times are those in which we live, forsooth,
+When old and young are taught in falsehood’s school,
+ And the one man that dares to tell the truth
+ Is called at once a lunatic and fool.
The phrasing was slightly different in these two instances, e.g., the 1871 version contained “young and old”, whereas the 1872 version contained “old and young”.
Below are additional selected citations in chronological order.
1871, Pen Sketches of Nebraskans with Photographs by A. C. Edmunds, George Francis Train: The Man of Destiny, Start Page 5, Quote Page 5, R. & J. Wilbur, Lincoln, Nebraska. (Google Books Full View) link
1872, The People’s Candidate for President, 1872, George Francis Train, (Collection of speeches by George Francis Train), Edited by John Wesley Nichols, Quote Page 44, Publisher not identified. (Google Books Full View) link
Dear Quote Investigator: Plato’s philosophical thoughts were explicated using the format of a dialogue in which the participants expressed clashing ideas. The following quotation attributed to Plato seems to be a comical twist on his true attitude:
You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.
Would you please explore this saying?
Quote Investigator:QI and other researchers have found no substantive evidence that Plato wrote or spoke this remark.
The earliest significant match known to QI was contained in a short pamphlet published in 1670 titled “A Letter of Advice to a Young Gentleman Leaveing the University Concerning His Behaviour and Conversation in the World” by Richard Lingard. The following passage referred to “game” instead of “play”; also “game” was used in the specialized sense of “gambling game”. In addition, the period mentioned was seven years instead of one. The spelling and grammatical irregularities were in the original text. Bold face has been added to excerpts:[1]1670, Title: A Letter of Advice to a Young Gentleman Leaveing the University Concerning His Behaviour and Conversation in the World, Author: R. L. (Richard Lingard), Quote Page 50 and 51, Printed by … Continue reading
Take heed of playing often or deep at Dice and games of chance, for that is more chargeable than the seven deadly sinns; yet you may allow your self a certaine easy sum to spend at play, to gratifie friends, and pass over the winters nights, and that will make you indifferent for the event. If you would read a mans disposition see him game, you will then learn more of him in one hour, than in seven years conversation, and little wagers will try him as soon as great stakes, for then he is off his Guard.
An individual might react with anger, agitation, surprise, or indifference when he or she has lost a small sum or a great sum of money. Each one of these variable responses would help to illuminate that person’s character suggested Lingard.
In 1857 a compilation titled “A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs” was published and the following anonymous concise saying was presented in Portuguese and English:[2]1857, A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs, comprising French, Italian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and Danish with English Translations by Henry G. Bohn, Section: Portuguese Proverbs, Quote Page … Continue reading
Mais descobre huma hora de jogo, que hum anno de conversação.
An hour of play discovers more than a year of conversation.
The statement above strongly matched the modern version of the expression, and it may have evolved from the advice given in 1670, but this connection remains hypothetical.
Here are additional selected citations in chronological order.
1670, Title: A Letter of Advice to a Young Gentleman Leaveing the University Concerning His Behaviour and Conversation in the World, Author: R. L. (Richard Lingard), Quote Page 50 and 51, Printed by Benjamin Tooke, Dublin, Ireland, Sold by Mary Crook. (Early English Books Online EEBO-TCP Phase 2)
1857, A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs, comprising French, Italian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and Danish with English Translations by Henry G. Bohn, Section: Portuguese Proverbs, Quote Page 281, Section: Index, Quote Page 422, Published by Henry G. Bohn, London. (Google Books Full View) link
Plato? Theodore Hesburgh? Creed C. Black? William J. Brennan Jr.? Apocryphal?
Dear Quote Investigator: The following questioning and unhappy words have been attributed to the ancient Greek sage Plato:
What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?
This popular quotation illustrates the millennium-spanning ubiquity of complaints about the misbehavior and immorality of the younger members of society. Strangely, I have been unable to find a citation that solidly connects this commentary to Plato. Would you please examine this topic?
Quote Investigator:QI has found no substantive evidence that Plato made the statement above.
The earliest instance located by QI appeared in a pamphlet containing a collection of speeches delivered during 1967 by Theodore M. Hesburgh who was the President of the University of Notre Dame. On June 12, 1967 Hesburgh spoke at the commencement exercises of Manchester College in North Manchester, Indiana. His introductory remark employed the quotation. Boldface added to excerpts by QI:[1]1968, Pamphlet Title: Thoughts IV: Five Addresses Delivered During 1967 by Theodore M. Hesburgh, President of the University of Notre Dame, Speech Title: Service: The Great Modern Prayer (Address … Continue reading
I would like to begin this morning by quoting to you something that may sound familiar:
“What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders. They disobey their parents. They ignore the laws. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?” Plato (427-347 B.C.)
Those words were written originally in Greek, by Plato, about 400 years before the birth of Christ. Some may say that the message never changes, that the older generation never understands the younger, and the younger generation never takes too kindly to the advice of its elders.
QI believes that Hesburgh probably saw an earlier published instance somewhere, but where he obtained the quotation is not certain. This article presents a snapshot of what is currently known, and future research may result in further clarifications.
Another statement of this type was previously examined by QI. It began: “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority.” These words have been misattributed to Socrates.
Here are additional selected citations in chronological order.
1968, Pamphlet Title: Thoughts IV: Five Addresses Delivered During 1967 by Theodore M. Hesburgh, President of the University of Notre Dame, Speech Title: Service: The Great Modern Prayer (Address given at the Commencement Exercises, Manchester College, North Manchester, Indiana, June 12, 1967), Start Page 29, Quote Page 29, Published by University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. (Verified with scans from archive.org) link
Dear Quote Investigator: The following statement is attributed to the ancient Greek philosopher and sage Plato:
The most effective kind of education is that a child should play among lovely things.
Although this quotation is popular with many educators I have never seen a proper citation. Would you please explore its provenance?
Quote Investigator: The earliest close match for this expression located by QI appeared in an article by Aubert J. Clark about Montessori teaching methods that was published in 1963 in “The Catholic Educational Review”. According to the author the Montessori approach specified that the teaching environment should be aesthetically pleasing and orderly. A footnote presented an opinion attributed to Plato. A precise textual location in “The Republic” was given, but the words were not enclosed in quotation marks. Boldface has been added to excerpts:[1]1963 January, The Catholic Educational Review, Evaluation of Montessori Postulates in the Light of Empirical Research by Rev. Aubert J. Clark, Start Page 7, Footnote 8, Quote Page 10, Published by … Continue reading
One is reminded of Plato’s dictum that the most effective kind of learning is that the child should play among lovely things. See The Republic, 558B. Montessorians might be agreeably surprised if they read a bit of Plato.
Location 558B in Plato’s “The Republic” did present a pertinent remark on the topic of education. But the statement used a negation and did not closely match the modern version of the saying. Nevertheless, QI believes that the quotation under investigation was derived from Plato’s words. Benjamin Jowett created the following translation which was published in 1892:[2]1892, The Dialogues of Plato: Republic, Timaeus, Critias, Volume 3 of 5, Translated by Benjamin Jowett, (Third Edition), Republic: Book VIII, Quote Page 265, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, Henry … Continue reading
…we said that, except in the case of some rarely gifted nature, there never will be a good man who has not from his childhood been used to play amid things of beauty and make of them a joy and a study…
Another translation of the passage from “The Republic” was crafted by Paul Shorey and is available online at the Perseus Digital Library Project:[3]Perseus Digital Library Project, Title: The Republic, Author: Plato, Section: 558b, Translator: Paul Shorey, Host work title: Plato in twelve volumes: with an English translation; Republic; Vols 5-6, … Continue reading
…except in the case of transcendent natural gifts no one could ever become a good man unless from childhood his play and all his pursuits were concerned with things fair and good…
Here are additional selected citations in chronological order.
1963 January, The Catholic Educational Review, Evaluation of Montessori Postulates in the Light of Empirical Research by Rev. Aubert J. Clark, Start Page 7, Footnote 8, Quote Page 10, Published by The Catholic Education Press: Under the direction of the Department of Education of The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C. (Verified on paper)
1892, The Dialogues of Plato: Republic, Timaeus, Critias, Volume 3 of 5, Translated by Benjamin Jowett, (Third Edition), Republic: Book VIII, Quote Page 265, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, Henry Frowde, London. (Google Books Full View) link
Perseus Digital Library Project, Title: The Republic, Author: Plato, Section: 558b, Translator: Paul Shorey, Host work title: Plato in twelve volumes: with an English translation; Republic; Vols 5-6, Publisher: Harvard university press; W. Heinemann, ltd., Place of publication: Cambridge, Mass; London Date publication: 1935-1937 (Reprint 1969-1970), About the website: Gregory R. Crane of Tufts University is Editor-In-Chief; flagship collection covers the history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world. (Accessed June 26, 2014) link
Socrates? Sophocles? Plato? Cephalus? Russell Brand? David Niven? Kingsley Amis? Apocryphal?
Dear Quote Investigator: There is an ancient and provocative simile that helps to explicate the irrational actions of infatuated males:
The male libido is like being chained to a madman.
+To have a penis is to be chained to a madman.
These words have been attributed to Socrates, Sophocles, and Plato, but I have never seen a solid citation. Perhaps this is not really a venerable observation. The comedian and actor Russell Brand mentioned the adage in his memoir “My Booky Wook” and credited Socrates. Would you please examine this remark?
Quote Investigator:QI hypothesizes that these expressions have evolved from remarks contained within one of the most famous works of Ancient Greece, “The Republic” by Plato. The confusing multiple attributions stem from the indirect framing of the quotation.
In Book 1 of “The Republic” Socrates approached Cephalus and asked him about his experiences in the latter part of life. Cephalus responded by presenting some of his thoughts about aging and then relaying key remarks made by the prominent playwright Sophocles. Hence, the primary comments were made by Sophocles and were transmitted though Cephalus to Socrates and then were written by Plato.
Here is an excerpt from a translation of “The Republic” published in 1852. This passage did not mention chains; however, later translations used the word “bondage” with its connotations of enchainment, Boldface has been added to excerpts:[1]1852, The Republic of Plato, Translated into English by John Llewelyn Davies and David James Vaughan (Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge), Book 1, Quote Page 3 and 4, Macmillan and Company, … Continue reading
…I may mention Sophocles the poet, who was once asked in my presence, ‘How do you feel about love, Sophocles? are you still capable of it?’ to which he replied, ‘Hush! if you please: to my great delight I have escaped from it, and feel as if I had escaped from a frantic and savage master.’ I thought then, as I do now, that he spoke wisely. For unquestionably old age brings us profound repose and freedom from this and other passions.
Here are additional selected citations in chronological order.
1852, The Republic of Plato, Translated into English by John Llewelyn Davies and David James Vaughan (Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge), Book 1, Quote Page 3 and 4, Macmillan and Company, Cambridge. (Google Books Full View) link
William Butler Yeats? Plutarch? Socrates? Plato? Apocryphal?
Dear Quote Investigator: There is a superb quotation about education that I have encountered many times. Here is a collection of examples with attributions that I have been accumulating. None of the examples came with citations:
Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel —Socrates
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. —William Butler Yeats
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. —Plutarch
The mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting. —Plutarch
What do you think? Who should properly be given credit, and what was the original statement? It is embarrassing to find that even educators who should be sensitized to the problems of improper or non-existent citations are sometimes careless. But my criticism is muted because determining a proper ascription can be difficult, as your website illustrates.
Quote Investigator: QI has located no substantive evidence that Socrates or William Butler Yeats produced one of these sayings. These two attributions apparently are incorrect.
This family of statements probably originated with a passage in the essay “On Listening” in Moralia by the Greek-born philosopher Plutarch who lived between 50 and 120 AD.[1] 2008, The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy by Simon Blackburn, (2nd revised edition), Entry: Plutarch, Oxford University Press, (Accessed Online Oxford Reference on March 28, 2013) The following excerpt was translated by Robin Waterfield for a 1992 Penguin Classics edition. Boldface has been added to excerpts:[2] 1992, Essays by Plutarch, Translation by Robin Waterfield, On Listening, Quote Page 50, Penguin Classics, London and New York. (Google Books Preview)
For the correct analogy for the mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting — no more — and then it motivates one towards originality and instills the desire for truth. Suppose someone were to go and ask his neighbours for fire and find a substantial blaze there, and just stay there continually warming himself: that is no different from someone who goes to someone else to get some of his rationality, and fails to realize that he ought to ignite his innate flame, his own intellect, …
Here is an alternative translation of the first sentence published in the 1927 Loeb Classical Library edition:[3]1927, Moralia by Plutarch, Volume 1 of the Loeb Classical Library edition, “De auditu” by Plutarch, (“On Listening to Lectures”), Webpage maintained by Bill Thayer. (QI has … Continue reading
For the mind does not require filling like a bottle, but rather, like wood, it only requires kindling to create in it an impulse to think independently and an ardent desire for the truth.
Here are additional selected citations in chronological order.
2008, The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy by Simon Blackburn, (2nd revised edition), Entry: Plutarch, Oxford University Press, (Accessed Online Oxford Reference on March 28, 2013)
1927, Moralia by Plutarch, Volume 1 of the Loeb Classical Library edition, “De auditu” by Plutarch, (“On Listening to Lectures”), Webpage maintained by Bill Thayer. (QI has not verified this text on paper) (Accessed penelope.uchicago.edu on March 28, 2013) link
Plato? Philo of Alexandria? Ian MacLaren? John Watson?
This blog post is based on a question that was posed at the wonderful blog used by the quotation expert Fred Shapiro who is the editor of one of the best reference works in this area: The Yale Book of Quotations. Fred Shapiro’s posts appear on the Freakonomics blog.
Question: This question is from Glossolalia Black.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
It is attributed to Plato on this little thing I have up in my office, but I was told by a friend that it wasn’t him.
Philo of Alexandria is another popular choice when assigning attribution, e.g., QuotationsBook credits Philo. Sometimes Anonymous gets the nod. QI was able to trace the saying back more than one-hundred years to its likely origin. The original aphorism did not use the word “kind”. Instead, another surprising word was used.
Dear Quote Investigator: There is a great quote by Plato or Socrates about the misbehavior of children in antiquity that I read in the New York Times. The quote shows that the problems between generations are not just a recent occurrence. Instead, the conflicts between parents and offspring are timeless [NY8]:
The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.
I wanted to use this quote, so I needed to know who said it; however, the NYT website contained a surprise. The newspaper had retracted the quote and now there was a note that said “Its origin is unclear, although many researchers agree that Plato is not the source.” I am sure I have seen this quote before. Can you tell me where it came from and who said it?
Quote Investigator: The quote is so entertaining and it fills its niche so well that it is cited repeatedly around the globe. Over the decades the quotation or a close variant has appeared in newspapers such as: Oakland Tribune of California in 1922; The Bee of Danville, Virginia in 1946; Winnipeg Free Press of Manitoba, Canada in 1976; The Sunday Herald of Chicago, Illinois in 1982; the Sun-Herald of Sydney, Australia in 2005; and the Taipei Times of Taiwan in 2008 [SOC1-SOC6]. The words are usually attributed to Socrates and the confusion with Plato is understandable because Plato’s dialogues are the primary source of knowledge concerning Socrates.
QI has determined that the author of the quote is not someone famous or ancient.
ἀγεωμέτρητος μὴ εἰσίτω
+Without Geometry, Enter Not.
Sign over the door of the Academy John Philoponus, In Aristotelis De anima libros commentaria, Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca, XV, ed. M. Hayduck, Berlin, 1897, p.117,27 [note]
"Unless," said I, "either philosophers become kings in the cities or those now called kings and rulers love wisdom seriously and adequately, and there is a conjunction of these two things, political power and philosophy, while the motley horde of the natures who at repesent pursue either apart from the other are excluded by force, there will be no end of evils, dear Glaucon, for the cities, nor, I think, for the human race either."
Plato, Republic, 473c-d, Republic I, translated by Paul Shorey, Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, 1930, 1969, p.509, color added, translation modified.
This reality, then, that gives their truth to the objects of knowledge and the power of knowing to the knower, you must say is the idea of the good, and you must conceive it as being the cause of knowledge [ἐπιστήμη] and of truth [ἀλήθεια] in so far as known.
Plato, Republic, 508e, Republic II, translated by Paul Shorey, Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, 1930, 1969, pp.102-105, color added.
Scuola di Atene, School of Athens, 1511, by Raffaello Santi/Sanzio da Urbino (1483-1520), detail of Plato, Vatican Apartments, Rome; Raphael modeled the face of Plato on Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
+Plato (c.429-347 BC) is reported by ancient historians to have been born Ἀριστοκλῆς or, in Latin, Aristocles. This not attested in contemporary sources, and so is now often doubted. In turn, the name "Plato," Πλάτων, "Broad," looks like a nickname, and it goes along with stories that Plato not only was broad shouldered but that his build enabled him to actually compete in the Olympic Games as a wrestler. Again, this is not attested from his own time, and we are left to doubt its veracity. When Socrates was executed in 399, Plato was 28 years-old. He even went into exile for a while, but then returned to found the Ἀκαδήμεια, the Academy, in the so-named grove of trees just outside the walls of Athens (a short walk from the now excavated Dipylon Gate), in the period from 387 to 385 -- an area that is now completely surrounded by modern Athens. His later adventures in Sicily were the result of foolish ideas about educating a tyrant into philosophy, and of disdain for democracy. Both tendencies we can detect in the Republic.
Plato usually wrote relatively short pieces, like the Euthyphro, Meno, etc. In all his writings there are only two book length works, the Republic and the Laws. The Laws was the last thing Plato wrote, at eighty, and it is a grim and terrifying culmination of the totalitarian tendencies in his earlier political thought. It is also pretty dull, since Plato had all but abandoned his earlier lively dialogue format. The Republic, however, is the supreme product of Plato's most mature years, thought, and style. It contains virtually the entire universe of Plato's philosophy.
The word "republic" is from Latin: Res publica means "public matters" or "the state." In Greek, the title of our book was the Πολιτεία, Politeía, which means the Constitution. In the Middle Ages, Greek Πολιτεία translated Respublica as the kind of government of the Roman Republic and Empire. See recent discussion in The Byzantine Republic. But Plato's Republic does not start out about politics. It is initially a familiar kind of Socratic dialogue about justice, just as the Euthyphro is about piety and the Meno is about virtue. The Republic is divided into ten Books. Each of these was originally what would fit onto one papyrus scroll. By late Roman times, the scrolls were cut up and sewn together into codices, or the kind of bound books that we continue to use.
The entire first Book of the Republic may originally have been one of the standard early dialogues that Plato wrote about Socrates. Later it was expanded. Unusual features of the dialogue, however, are (1) that Socrates [note well that Plato continues to use Socrates to speak Plato's ideas in all his mature works] actually narrates the entire thing, (2) that he speaks with a large number of people, not just one, (3) that these include two brothers of Plato himself (Glaucon and Adeimantus), and (4) that, after the dialogue about justice proceeds in the fashion that we expect of Socrates, things take an unexpected turn: One of the characters, the sophist Thrasymachus, begins to object that he knows quite well what justice is, and that the kinds of definitions the others have been giving are nonsense.
Robbery and violence are normally called "injustice," but when they are practiced wholesale by rulers, they are justice, i.e. the interest of the stronger, the rulers. Thus, when we consider ordinary citizens, "the just man comes off worse than an unjust man everywhere" (343d). Since the rulers do not obey the principles they impose on the citizens, they are in those terms "unjust." So Thrasymachus says, "You will understand it most easily, if you come to the most perfect injustice, which makes the unjust man most happy, and makes those who are wronged and will not be unjust most miserable" (344a).
...Tyranny is not a matter of minor theft and violence, but of wholesale plunder, sacred and profane, private or public. If you are caught committing such crimes in detail you are punished and disgraced; sacrilege, kidnapping, burglary, fraud, theft are the names we give to such petty forms of wrongdoing. But when a man succeeds in robbing the whole body of citizens and reducing them to slavery, they forget these ugly names and call him happy and fortunate, as do all others who hear of his unmitigated wrongdoing. [Republic 344a-c, H.D.P. Lee translation, Penguin Books, 1955, p.73.]
Thus to Thrasymachus the tyrant is happy and fortunate, and he is so precisely because he breaks the rules ("justice") that he imposes on the weak. What the weak call "justice" is really slavery, and no one truly strong would act that way. Such sentiments are familiar in modern philosophy from the still popular and influential German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900).
In Book I Socrates proceeds to refute Thrasymachus and does so. If the weak, after all, can prevent the strong from taking what they want or can prevent someone from becoming a tyrant, then they are the strong! Thrasymachus is finally quieted. At the beginning of Book II however, Socrates is told by Glaucon and the others that this was all too easy. They argue that anyone would be unjust, given the opportunity, just as Gyges seduced and murdered his way to the throne of Lydia, once he had found a ring that made him invisible, because everyone believes that injustice leads to happiness, if only one can get away with it [note]. They want Socrates to prove that it is better to be just than to be unjust even if the unjust man is praised, celebrated, and rewarded and the just man is reviled, punished, and rejected. Socrates must prove that such a just man is actually happy and such an unjust man (a tyrant perhaps) is unhappy.
As I have examined elsewhere, the Greek virtue of being "just," δίκαιος, díkaios, is often more what in English we would call "right" or "righteous." In Greek, "right, correct, straight" is ὀρθός, orthós, which is really not used in this moral sense. In Latin, δίκαιος would be jus, "right," which gives us justitia, i.e. "justice," while ὀρθός would be rectus, "straight," which is itself a cognate of "right." Thus, the question of the Republic might be better put as "Why be righteous?" rather than "Why be just?" We will then not be surprised when there is nothing in the Republic about lawcourts or even law, which we now associate the most directly with justice -- and which are even used by the judicial positivists to define "justice."
The rest of the Republic answers Glaucon's challenge. It does so by way of an analogy. Socrates says that it is difficult to distinguish what is going on in the soul, but it is easier to see what is going on in the state. Thus the state will be examined by analogy to the soul. Now we would say -- Plato doesn't use this terminology -- that the state is the macrocosm (μακρός, makros, "large," κόσμος, kosmos, "universe"), the large scale analogue, and the soul is the microcosm (μικρός, mikros, "small"), the small scale analogue. When matters are sorted out for the state, then the soul can be understood in its own right.
John E.E.D. Acton, or Lord Acton (1834-1902) famously said, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Even Plato was aware of this and that commoners might be envious of the power of the Guardians, desiring it for themselves so as to obtain greater goods and pleasures. Thus Plato proposes a set of rules for his Guardians that would render their position undesirable to the commoners:
The Guardians must live in poverty, with any possessions they do have held in common. The very things, then, that mean the most to the commoners will be denied to the rulers. Historically, the precedent for something like this was Sparta, though the Spartans didn't go quite this far. This does seems to be the first serious proposal in political history for something like complete communism, though it does only apply to the Guardians. It doesn't seem like a bad idea even today to apply to politicians.
When I used to live in Honolulu, occasionally I liked to visit the State Legislature when it was in session. The Hawaii State Capitol is unique, with an open central courtyard instead of the traditional dome and rotunda. On each side of the courtyard, you can look through windows down into sunken chambers for the two houses of the legislature. When the legislature is in session, you can enter a visitors balcony through doors in the windows. You sit in the balcony, however, on hard wooden benches, like church pews, while the legislators below sit on huge, stuffed, reclining, leather chairs that look good enough to sleep in -- and you will often see the lawmakers, indeed, sleeping in them. This has always struck me as just the opposite of what Plato would have required. It is the visitors, the commoners, who should have the comfort and the "servants of the people," the politicians who should have the Spartan conditions -- but what we see now suits the comfort and status of the ruling class.
The Guardians will even have their families in common. Children will be raised in common and will not know who their real parents are. These children will also not be randomly conceived. They will be bred deliberately to produce the best offspring, as though the Guardians were a pack of hunting dogs. Even Plato realizes that such cold blooded match making might be too much for the Guardians, so he proposes that the process be kept secret from most of them. Every year, after the breeding committee, or whatever, secretly makes its choices, there is to be a kind of fertility festival. Everyone chooses names by lot, and the name they draw, or no name, is the choice of the gods for them. This is the kind of thing that Plato calls a "some one noble lie," γενναῖον τι ἓν ψεῦδος [Republic 414c]; for the lottery is to be rigged by the breeding committee. Everyone will actually draw the name designated for them; and those who draw a blank were simply thought undesirable for offspring. The idea that people should be bred just like animals is usually called "eugenics" (εὖ, eu, "well," and γίγνομαι, gignomai, "come into being" or "born") and was popular early in this century; but the only regime that has tried to formally implement eugenics was Nazi Germany. So it is not surprising that Plato thought this should all be kept secret.
After two fairly disturbing proposals, Plato gets to one that is more congenial. At the beginning of Book V Adeimantus brings to Socrates's attention his casual remark that wives and children will be held in common by the Guardians, which makes it seem as though women are going to be Guardians along with the men. Socrates says that he hesitated to make an issue out of it, but that, yes, there will be women Guardians. Women have all the same parts of the soul and so all the same interests, virtues, and personality types as men. Since children will be raised in common, individual women will not be burdened with the task of child rearing and will be free to take their places in their proper occupations along with the men. If the warrior women are not as strong as the men, then they may not be at the forefront of the battle, but they should be at the battle. This equality even extends to athletics, which is somewhat shocking, since Greek athletes went naked. Words like "gymnasium" and "gymnastics" both derive from γυμνός, gymnos "naked." The Greeks rather prided themselves on not thinking that it was shameful or ridiculous to go naked, as all the "barbarians," their neighbors, thought. But Socrates says that nothing is ridiculous except what is wrong, and that in time people would get used to naked women athletes just as at one time they got used to naked men. This all, of course, has not come entirely true, since no athletes go naked today. But the male and female nude torso statues that were installed in front of the L.A. Colosseum at the time of the 1984 Olympic Games do reflect Plato's version of the Greek ideal of physical beauty.
With these views about nudity, the Greeks were all the more impressed with India when Alexander the Great arrived there and found naked holy men. These were Jain monks, and others, who had renounced the world even to the extent of renouncing clothing also. The Greeks called them the Γυμνοσοφισταί, gymnosophistai "naked philosophers" (well, "sophists"); and Greek philosophers like Pyrrho of Elis, who was with Alexander's army, reportedly spent a great deal of time talking with them. Pyrrho, at least, seems to have actually picked up some ideas from Indian philosophy thereby. Naked monks still exist in India. They are called , digambara or "sky-clad," since the sky is their only covering.
The last rule is not just for the Guardians. Plato realizes that even with his breeding program, there will be children born to the Guardians who do not belong there. That is especially likely when we realize that it is not intelligence that distinguishes Plato's philosophers but the dominance of a particular kind of interest. Anyone dominated by desire, however intelligent, belongs among the commoners. There will also be children born to the commoners who belong among the Guardians, and so there must be some way to sort everyone out. That will be a universal system of education. A very large part of the Republic is about education. Those who go all the way in that system and will be qualified to be the philosopher rulers will actually be nearly fifty before they have finished all the requirements -- although this does sound like a saying of the T'ang dynasty, that "One who becomes a chin-shih [, a doctoral graduate or "presented scholar" of the Chinese examination system] at fifty is still comparatively young." The Chinese system is in traditional societies perhaps the institution closest to what Plato imagined for the Guardians -- with some of the negative effects, such as the dynamics of bureaucracy, that we might anticipate from Plato's vision.
Of all the serious criticisms that can be made against Plato's ideal state, I think that a couple of the most telling are that his theory involves two serious internal contradictions:
That, although Plato, like Socrates, had always defined philosophers as those who know they are ignorant, he always talks about the philosopher Guardians as though they will actually be wise. But if a philosopher is not wise, then he may not make any better a ruler than someone who is virtuous because of correct belief (as described at the end of the Meno). Plato's theory, therefore, really depends on philosophy actually be able to produce wise people. In two thousand years, that has clearly not happened. It is fairly obvious that philosophy professors are, on the whole, no wiser as persons than anyone else; and in academic philosophy departments most professors are not even trying to pursue wisdom in any ordinary meaning of the word.
That, although Plato defines the soul as consisting of three parts for everyone, he really talks about each of his social classes as though they only had one part of the soul, the dominant part. Thus, he can contemplate the Guardians living in poverty because he disregards the fact that philosophers and warriors will have desires and so are not likely to be happy in circumstances that deny the existence of desire. Plato's life for the Guardians violates human nature, not just as any reasonable person would see it, but as Plato defines human nature himself. It is easy to see how Plato could have stumbled into this mistake by the nature of his analogy between soul and state: the soul has three simple parts, but the state has three parts that consists of things that each have three parts. Some people, like Leo Strauss, have consequently argued that Plato's theory of the state is not meant to be taken seriously and is only a device of argumentation. Possibly, but the Republic sounds pretty serious -- and the Laws even more so.
The rulers thus become the rich. Plato calls this an "oligarchy," ὀλιγαρχία, oligarkhía (ὀλίγος, oligos, "few"), the rule of the few. A more appropriate term, however, might be one that we use, "plutocracy," πλουτοκρατία, ploutokratía (from πλοῦτος, ploûtos, "wealth," and so the god of the underworld, Πλούτων, Pluto), the rule of wealth. The principle of this state is the desire of the rich; but it is still a very disciplined desire, for no one can become or stay rich if they simply indulge themselves in pleasure and spending. We can certainly say that there have been such states. Commercial republics like Venice, Genoa, and the Netherlands come to mind. The limitation of desire is also evident in many of the so-called "robber baron" industrialists of American history. Someone like John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937), the often reviled founder of Standard Oil, lived simply and almost ascetically. By the time he died he had actually given away about $550,000,000 ($8.25 billion in 1995 dollars), more money than any American had actually possessed before him. The plutocratic kind of state will decay when the children of the rich decide simply to enjoy themselves and dissipate their wealth, or when the poor decide to take advantage of their numbers by overthrowing the rich. The phenomenon of families losing their wealth because they spent and forget how to earn it is best illustrated by the Vanderbilts.
The result is a "democracy," δημοκρατία, dêmokratia (from δῆμος, dêmos, "people"), the rule of the people. Plato pays grudging respect to democracy as the "fairest" (καλλίστη, kallistê, "most beautiful") of constitutions. The principle of this state is the desire of the many. This is "democratic" in the sense that all desires are equally good, which means anything goes. Because the desires and possessions of some inevitably interfere with the desires and acquisitiveness of others, Plato thinks that democracies will become increasing undisciplined and chaotic. In the end, people will want someone to institute law and order and quiet things down. Giving sufficient power to someone to do that leads to the next kind of state.
The tyrant succeeds in quieting things down. Then he establishes a new kind of government, a tyranny (τυραννίς, tyrannis, "tyranny," from τύραννος, tyrannos, "tyrant"). The principle of this state is still desire, but now it is just the desire of the tyrant himself. Many have noted that nothing quite like this actually happened in Greek history. Tyrannies tended to precede, not follow, democracies. That is what happened at Athens. Consequently, a better case can be made that the whole pattern of "imperfect governments" was a device Plato used for argumentation. However, while the collapse of democracies into tyrannies did not occur in Greek history, it has ironically occurred several times in the 20th century. The precise process described by Plato occurred in Italy when Mussolini came to power and in Germany when Hitler came to power. We can now say that it has happened with Vladimir Putin in Russia in the 21st century. The English historian Thomas Babington, better known as Lord Macaulay (1800-59), believed that democracy would survive only until people got the idea that they could vote themselves wealth (though this principle has been attributed to many others). Since that wealth must be taken from the people who create it, they are not going to like that, and the incentive for them to create it in the first place will be, to a greater or lesser extent, removed. [note]
Recent economists in the area of Public Choice theory [e.g. James M. Buchanan and the Virginia School of Public Choice], have described how the politicization of economic goods inevitably creates increased public conflict as the sense grows that wealth is something to be seized and distributed through state action. As everyone comes to believe that their prosperity depends on political success and consequent government largess, such a dynamic will tend to destabilize democracy, since in politics there are always losers and they begin to think that they are victims of the regime and have no stake in it. Capitalism is often disparaged as a system with "winners and losers," but the losers in capitalism are just the unsuccessful businesses, while the winners do win by providing what is most agreeable to consumers. In politics, the "winners and losers" are both consumers, and the losers are those who are then legally robbed to pay off the winners, who have the power of the state to take what they want (if you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can at least get Paul to vote for you). One would think that the United States Constitution shuts off any drift towards a regime of seizure and redistribution because of the "Takings" clause of the Fifth Amendment: "Nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." The Takings clause, however, was an early casualty of enthusiasm over the New Deal and has steadily eroded ever since. It is only now that a movement has developed, and received some attention from the Supreme Court, to enforce it -- though the recent Kelo v. City of New London decision represents a setback.
For Plato's argument, the tyrannical state is the final refutation of Thrasymachus. It is clearly the most unhappy kind of state. Thrasymachus, of course, can argue that he doesn't care. It is Plato's analogy, not his. All that matters is whether the tyrant himself is happy or unhappy. Plato's answer to that is to identify the nature of the "tyrannical personality": since the tyrant is subject to completely unlimited desire, he can never be satisfied with anything he has. He will always want more. That is also the answer in a famous scene in the 1948 movie Key Largo, with Humphrey Bogart and Edward G. Robinson. Robinson is a gangster holding a hotel full of people, including Bogart, hostage. Bogart at one point asks him what he really wants out of all this. Robinson can't say, so Bogart, like Socrates, makes a suggestion: is it that what he really wants is just more? Robinson says, yes, yes, he wants more, more! That is the tyrannical personality.
In our century, it is not hard to find tyrannical personalities to fit Plato's description. Both Hitler and Mussolini were undone by their inability to be satisfied with their successes. When Hitler had conquered France, there was only one country left in the world at war with him, Britain. Stalin's Soviet Union was busy mollifying Hitler by supplying him anything he needed. If Hitler had been content to absorb his conquests and develop Germany's potential, there is no doubt that he would have been in little danger for some time to come. He destroyed himself because he just had to invade Russia. Similarly, Mussolini was cautious enough that Italy remained neutral when Britain and France declared war on Germany for invading Poland. He lost his caution when he saw France defeated and decided to jump on Hitler's bandwagon. It meant, literally, his death. Otherwise Mussolini might have ridden out the war and died peacefully in bed, like his colleague the dictator of Spain, Francisco Franco.
Franco, however, is one of the people who spoils Plato's argument. Hitler really wanted Franco in the war. And he knew that Franco, and Spaniards in generally, really wanted to recover Gibraltar, after over two hundred years, from Britain. [Gibraltar was captured by Britain in 1704 during the War of the Spanish Succession and ceded to Britain by the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 -- one of the British admirals leading the capture had the extraordinary name of "Clowdisley Shovell."] Since Gibraltar was a thorn in the side of German and Italian operations in the Mediterranean, Hitler told Franco that if Spain entered the war, German troops would take Gibraltar and then give it to Spain. It was the kind of offer Franco couldn't refuse, but he did. Franco knew how to limit his desire, but that didn't prevent him from being a serious tyrant -- and now we know that Hitler's own envoy to Franco, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, was actually advising him against accepting Hilter's offer! [Eventually, in 1944, Hiltler learned that Canaris had been working against him and had him executed.] Worse is the case of Josef Stalin, who had an uncanny ability to bide his time and to take advantage of every opportunity. To the embarrassment of Western leftists, World War II itself began with Hitler and Stalin actually partitioning Poland between them. When Stalin subsequently invaded Finland, there was a moment when it looked like the Soviet Union might join Germany as the common totalitarian enemy of the Western democracies. When Stalin became an ally of the West instead (when Hitler invaded Russia), he could cash in his position with a post-war empire than would have been the envy of the Tsars. Poor Poland, whose fate called Britain and France to war in 1939, and whose exiled citizens fought bravely in many of the major actions of World War II, including many Polish pilots in the Royal Air Force during the Battle of Britain, was at Yalta left to Stalin without argument by Franklin Roosevelt and remained a vassal state of the Soviet Union until 1989.
The Republic thus ends rather lamely with the argument that we better be good or the gods will punish us. We hardly needed to go through the whole book just to be told that. But in the midst of this there comes a very striking moment. Er describes the souls choosing their next life. The first one he sees doing this chooses badly (as in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, 1989) -- the life of a tyrant who is fated "to eat his children and suffer other horrors" [Republic 619b-c, Rouse p.420]. Plato's comment about this reveals an important principle of his thought: This was a person who had lived a good life and had just returned from a reward for it in heaven. But, says Plato, he had "some share of virtue which came by habit without philosophy." That is how Rouse puts it, p.420. Lee's translation is, "having owed his goodness to habit and custom and not to knowledge," p.399. The terms in Greek are ἀρετή, aretê, "virtue"; ἔθος, ethos, "custom," "habit" (only one word in Greek); and φιλοσοφία, philosophia. So Rouse's translation is more literal.
This was a prescient critique of Plato's own student Aristotle, who later believed that virtue actually was a matter of habit and that the good had no independent nature to know, as Socrates and Plato had thought. Plato, of course, can allow for Aristotle's kind of virtue, but he regards it, as at the end of the Meno, as a matter of correct opinion only, not knowledge. The shortcoming of that kind of virtue is that, being habitual, it is effective only in habitual circumstances. In unfamiliar circumstances, where novel cases of good and evil must be recognized, the person does not possess the knowledge that would make that recognition possible. Socrates had asked Eurthyphro for a definition of piety so that he would "look upon it" and "use it as a model" (Euthyphro 6d) to recognize novel cases of piety and impiety. The soul that picks the terrible life of a tyrant obviously has no model and doesn't know what it is doing. This is why Meno actually makes a good observation at Meno 97c, when he says, "he who has knowledge will always succeed, while he who has right opinion will sometimes succeed, sometimes not." Although Socrates oddly disagrees with this, the point is to be well taken that right opinion will only work for a limited sphere of possibilities, the familiar ones, while knowledge will always work.
The Good therefore may be said to be the source not only of the intelligibility of the objects of knowledge, but also of their existence and reality; yet it is not itself identical with reality, but is beyond reality, and superior to it in dignity and power. [508e-509b, Lee translation, p.273.]
This is suggestive and intriguing, and Plato's own students wanted to hear more. Once Plato even promised to give a lecture on the good. But when the day came, all he did was do a geometry proof. So we are left at a kind of incomplete pinnacle of Plato's thought, with a sense of how important in reality the good is, but with mostly metaphorical statements about it. That was either the best Plato thought he could do or, like the Pythagoreans, he thought that his most serious views should not be spoken in public. Later the Neoplatonists would simply conclude that the Form of the Good was God, but there is no hint of that in Plato. He goes so far and then, like Parmenides, leaves us to continue the quest.
Plato's actual argument for why we should be just suffers from a fundamental misconception. He is always recommending justice from prudential considerations, i.e. we should be just because of our own best interest, either to be happy (the main argument) or to avoid the punishment of the gods (in the Myth of Er). If there is a difference between moral and merely prudent action, however, Plato has misdirected us. Instead, morality may require actions that are not in our self-interest. This is agreed upon by Immanuel Kant, Confucius, and even the Bhagavad Gita. Thus, Confucius holds that righteouness, , is to do what is right, regardless of the consequences. That is how Kant defined the "categorical imperative," the moral command (the imperative) that is to no ulterior purpose (i.e. it is categorical). Similarly, the Gita says, "Set thy heart upon thy work, but never on its reward. Work not for a reward; but never cease to do thy work" [2:47]. This might not satisfy Thrasymachus; but then, with someone of that sort, while we may argue the issues, the ultimate point is not alone to persuade him, but to stop him. That is the surest way to prevent the tyrant from being happy.
The famous sign about geometry at the Academy is surprisingly attested only in very late sources. First of all is John Philoponus, who of course did not live until the remarkable Age of Justinian in the 6th Century AD. He tells us that it said ἀγεωμέτρητος μὴ εἰστίω, "Without geometry, enter not." We get a slightly different version from another commentator on Aristotle, Elias, a younger contemporary of Philoponus, who reports it as ἀγεωμέτρητος μὴδεὶς εἰστίω, "Without geometry, no one enter" [In Porphyrii Isagogen et Aristotelis Categorias commentaria, Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca, XVIII, ed. Adolfus Busse, Berlin, 1900, p.118,18-19]. Either of these is commonly translated in such terms as, "Let no one ignorant of geometry enter."
We have no notion where Philoponus or Elias got their information on Plato's Academy, although there were certainly sources available in their day, and which were still available for centuries (as we know from Photius), that are now lost. There is also the curious dynamic that even later authors have more elaborate versions of the sign. In the 12th century, John Tzetzes in the Chiliades reported the sign as, μὴδεὶς ἀγεωμέτρητος εἰστίω μου τὴν στέγην, "Let no one ignorant of geometry enter [under] my roof." I originally found this on a webpage, which transcribed the quote with anomalous accents. For all I knew, John himself used the anomalous accents. Now I have consulted the original text (which is available in a print-on-demand photocopy from the University of Michigan Library), and the accents are as shown here, which are not anomalous [Ioannis Tzetzae, Historiarum Variarum Chiliades, Leipzig, 1826, VIII, 973, p.322]. John knew his Greek, apparently better than the author of the webpage (transcribing Greek without mangling it seems to be a general challenge). It is unlikely that Tzetzes had better sources than Philoponus and Elias, but we don't know what they were either.
In any case, the sentiment seems characteristic of Plato, as I discuss in relation to the Euthyphro. It is consistent with his provision that philosophy should not be taught to just anyone, while he has himself withdrawn his instruction from the streets of Athens to the removed campus of the Academy.
A key word here, naturally, is ξυμφέρον, "advantage." This is an adjective, a participle from the verb συμφέρω (infinitive συμφέρειν) -- the word in Plato begins with a ξ, ksi, rather than a sigma, because that is the Attic dialect of Athens. The verb is defined by Liddell & Scott as, "to confer a benefit, be useful or profitable, is of use, is profitable, expedient" [Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, Oxford, 1889, 1964, p.764]. For the participle (not in Attic) -- συμφέρων (masculine), συμφέρουσα (feminine), and συμφέρον (neuter) -- Liddell & Scott say, "useful, expedient, fitting." These are all suitable to translate what Thrasymachus says.
The interest of the verb increases when we realize that it figures in the famous statement of the High Priest Caiaphas at John 11:47-50:
"You know nothing at all," ὑμεῖς οὐκ οἴδατε οὐδεν, "nor do you stop to consider that it is expedient for you," οὐδε λογίζεσθε ὅτι συμφέρει ὑμῖν, "that one man should die," ἵνα εἷς ἄνθρωπος ἀποθάνῃ, "for the people [λαός]," ὑπὲρ τοῦ λαοῦ, "that the whole nation [ἔθνος] should not perish," καὶ μὴ ὅλον τὸ ἔθνος ἀπόληται.
Here we get the third person singular use of συμφέρω. The moral issues involved, which are very different from the argument of Thrasymachus, are discussed under the treatment of Niccolò Machiavelli. While the verb in the Bible is generally translated "expedient," which gives it a sense of unprincipled opportunism, the meaning, as we see, is more general, although still amenable to such an interpretation. Thrasymachus, of course, uses his prinicple to justify any crime, for the benefit of the "stronger," while both Caiaphas and Machiavelli appeal to the principle of necessity (Italian necessitato) for the benefit, not of the "stronger," but of the people, ὁ λαός, the nation, τὸ ἔθνος, or the state, ἡ πόλις. Also, while Thrasymachus is willing to redefine justice, Machiavelli is clear that, in the dilemma of statecraft, injustice must sometimes be practiced.
+The Ring of Gyges, Hollow Man, and The Tempest
Prospero I have bedimmed
+ The noontide sun, called forth the mutinous winds,
+ And 'twixt the green sea and the azured vault
+ Set soaring war. To the dread rattling thunder
+ Have I given fire, and rifted Jove's stout oak
+ With his own bolt. The strong-based promontory
+ Have I made shake, and by the spurs plucked up
+ The pine, and cedar. Graves at my command
+ Have waked their sleepers, op'd, and let 'em forth
+ By my so potent art. But this rough magic
+ I here abjure. And when I have required
+ Some heavenly music (which even now I do)
+ To work mine end upon their senses, that
+ This airy charm is for, I'll break my staff,
+ Bury it certain fathoms in the earth,
+ And deeper than did ever plummet sound
+ I'll drown my book.
The Tempest, William Shakespeare, Act 5, Scene 1:42-57
The "Ring of Gyges," which confers invisibility, is used in Plato's Republic as a thought experiment to argue that a person with such a ring, whether previously just or unjust, would use it to commit as many crimes as necessary to get what they want [Book II, 359d]. Plato does not agree with this. The argument of the rest of the Republic, consequently, is that the just man would not be tempted by invisibility to commit crimes, because he would know that crime itself makes one unhappy and that he is better off to remain just.
The issue of the ring has recently emerged in popular culture, with the Paul Verhoeven movie Hollow Man [Columbia Pictures, 2000]. In publicity and documentary interviews, Verhoeven explicitly invokes Plato to explain the theme of the movie. However, the moral of the film appears to be quite the opposite of what Plato intended. When actor Kevin Bacon becomes invisible, he very soon begins committing rape and murder. It may be that this was the result of flaws in his character, but such a question is unanswered by the story, since there is no comparison with anyone who resists the temptations of the power conferred by invisibility. One is left to suppose that anyone would act this way, and Verhoeven appears to see that as, indeed, the point. We would not know from Verhoeven's statements that Plato had something different in mind.
A fictional character who displays Platonic virtue is Prospero, the deposed Duke of Milan in Shakespeare's The Tempest. In the epigraph above, Prospero provides a rather chilling catalogue of his powers, which apparently extend to raising the dead, and which in the play have called forth the storm that delivers his enemies to his island of exile. Prepared for a terrible revenge, Prospero instead forgives:
Prospero The rarer action is
+ In virtue than in vengeance. They, being penitent,
+ The sole drift of my purpose doth extend
+ Not a frown further.
Act 5, Scene 1: 27-30
Having merely righted the wrongs done, regained his Dukedom, and arranged the marriage of his daughter Miranda to Ferdinand, son of the King of Naples, Prospero surrenders his power. Although certainly "the rarer action" in history, this does happen, from the retirement of Diocletian to the refusal of a Third Term by George Washington.
Plato's theory of the three parts of the soul in effect produces a typology of personalities, such as has become popular in modern psychology. Instead of any emphais on this, Plato's system mostly gets compared to the Caste System of India, with which it shares some features and where Georges Dumézil speculated that the notion of a triple social division, found in Plato, Greek mythology, Ireland, Iran, and India (in terms of the Twice Born), goes back to an original common Indo-European ideology. In these terms, it is noteworthy that the theory of the Chinese social classes works rather differently,
+with (Confucian) philosophers replacing priests, as in Plato, but with no place for warriors or their values in the system. Dumézil's theory has been doubted, but here I wish to address the psychological rather than the sociological side of the matter.
What has become a significant matter in the interpretation of Plato is the notion that Plato's typology abridges or compromises the previous principle of Socratic philosophy that "virtue is knowledge," or that to know the good is to do the good. If we stipulate that Plato's theory is not about the intelligence of individuals, but about their interest, then we could imagine that warriors or commoners would be smart enough to know the good but then would not do it because this would conflict with their interest. Thus, Plato may be said to have added a necessary condition to the Socratic priniciple, namely that one must know the good and also possess the requisite psychological interest. So Professor Moriarty has no difficulty knowing what is right, but he just doesn't want to do it. In Plato's political theory, a tyrant, dominated by desire, may be an evil genius but will have no desire ever to do the good. Some may comfort themselves that, for instance, the Nazis were just stupid; but intelligence tests given after World War II to high value Nazi prisoners revealed that many were of unusual intelligence. This is a frightening circumstance in itself, but especially when the modern Left, containing many evil geniuses, flatters itself about its own brilliance and has come to dominate American education.
But Plato's typology may not compromise or contradict the Socratic principle at all. The first and most important point, of which people are now becoming more sensible, is that intelligence is not one undifferentiated thing, for which all kinds of knowledge are equal. This is the most conspicuous in individuals called "idiot savants," but also in those with various degrees of autism, who may have extraordinary abilities is certain areas, especially with memory or calculation but also sometimes even in art, but who may be lacking social skills or common sense at the most elementary levels. More specifically, the kind of knowledge relevant to Socratic inquiry, namely what would contribute to wisdom as the "human and political kind of virtue," is not something for everyone, not even to the very brilliant people one may find in philosophy departments or in the history of philosophy (e.g. Bertrand Russell, a brilliant fool if there ever was one).
Thus, we must consider that Plato's typology of interest is itself also a typology of intelligence, with intelligence itself differentiated by its own objects of interest. The intelligent warrior or commoner may seek knowledge in their own ways, but they are not going to be looking for wisdom the way Socrates was. They will be impatient and uninterested in the kinds of questions he asked, or even contemptuous of his preoccupations. People with any philosophical interests, for epistemology or metaphysics as well as ethics, may find other very intelligent people, lawyers or scientists, who dismiss the whole business as pointless or ridiculous. We have no reason to doubt the brilliance of Richard Feynman, but we have his own testimony that nothing that was ever said in any of his philosophy classes, when he was a student, ever made the slightest sense to him. He then avoided any such classes that were not requirements, where he was lucky to have passing grades.
Consequently, it is not like the evil genius, the brilliant tyrant, or the even the sharp lawyer or great physicist is going to be seeking or knowing the same things as Plato's philosophers. Socrates allowed for this himself, in that he found that the "craftsmen" knew what they were doing and to that extent "were wiser than I" [Apology, 22c-d]. But they were not wise about the right things, which we are left to infer means the "human and political kind of virtue." This can be generalized far beyond the craftsmen. Russell or Feynman, despite great brilliance is certain matters, could not be said by Socrates to be any wiser about the right things.
Of course, this is all ex hypothese. We do not need to worry about counterexamples of the wise tyrant, not only because there has never been such a thing, but because on Socratic principles there has never been anyone wise whatsoever. So it is not like all sorts of intelligent people have known the good and not done it, but that no one at all has known it. This is not difficult to believe when the elite of American intellectuals and academics is dominated by socialists, whose cognitive achievements are often expressed in the form of pronouncements that are little more than mindless slogans. The academy is not ruled by wisdom, but by many of the most painfully evident forms of folly and even of evil -- a combination of what Schopenhauer described as the "absurd and perverse" [Absurde und Verkehrte] and the "wicked and fraudulent" [Böse und Hinterlistige].
In The Republic we can even detect a particular form of folly that is still popular, namely that the problem of politics consists of not having the right people in charge. Plato thought that these people should be the philosophers, because they are the ones distinguished by wisdom, even though the very Socratic definition of the philosopher is the person who recognizes his own ignorance and his lack of wisdom. In the recent experience of history, some of the most educated political leaders have turned out to be the worst rulers. The shambles of the Obama Presidency is obvious at the moment, but we have the even more chilling examples of the French educated Pol Pot in Cambodia, who thought that killing a large percentage of his own people would produce the desirable workers' paradise. It is not difficult to gather where Pol Pot got these ideas, when it was the common currency of the post-War world that Communism had failed in Spain and Greece because not enough people were killed.
Of course, Schopenhauer, not unlike Socrates, would have thought real wisdom impossible in the practical affairs of this world. Even the most intelligent, in any area of knowledge, are perverted by interests, especially self-interest, that warps their judgment. Socrates said that only the gods are wise, and we are left to soberly reflect on the possible wisdom of this viewpoint.
In his Discourses Upon the First Ten Books of Titus Livy, Niccolò Machiavelli, more famous for The Prince, describes the "various kinds of states" in a fashion similar, but in some important ways different, from Plato. Machiavelli repeats in detail the analysis of government, formulated to explain the success of the Roman Republic, intiated by the Greek historian Polybius of Megalopolis (c.200-120 BC) in Book VI of his Histories. After the Roman defeat of the Achaean League in 167 BC, Polybius was held by the Romans as a hostage; but this allowed him direct familiarity with Roman institutions, practices, and the events of the age. Machiavelli, following Cicero and Livy, continues the form of analysis begun by Polybius.
Plato's description (at left) is really a thought experiment of how his ideal state, the Aristocracy of philosophers, would decay. His description is generational, that unworthy children fail to perpetuate the virtues of their parents. Thus, the Timarchy is produced by children who value themselves just for their honor and ability to use force, the Oligarchy is produced by children who decide to use their force to become wealthy, the Democracy is produced by children who think they have a right to that wealth just by being citizens, and the Tyranny is produced by children whose total lack of discipline and restraint produces a chaos that is only ended by one of their number seizing personal power. True to his generation, the tyrant uses his power to take whatever he wants. Plato's description is often psychologically true of many specific events and persons in history.
Machiavelli's description is also generational, but it also introduces another principle, and it results in a kind of conclusion foreign to Plato's thinking. The principle that Machiavelli uses is simply that of a classification by the distribution to power, i.e. power is exercised by one, by a few, or by the many. This is a useful device, and is used here in the theory of Liberties in Three Dimensions. Thus, power exercised by one is a Monarchy, by a few, an Aristocarcy, and by the many, a Democracy. However, Machiavelli (with Polybius) allows that there are good and bad versions of each of these, reserves these terms for the good forms, and introduces "Tyranny," "Oligarchy," and "Anarchy" for the bad versions of rule by one, the few, and the many, respectively. These terms are conveniently schematic and descriptive and ignore a utopian possibility like Plato's government of philosophers.
Upon the scheme, Machiavelli imposes his generational thought experiment, beginning with a "state of nature" origin for Monarchy of a sort that we still find later in Thomas Hobbes or John Locke. The good monarch, however, is succeeded by corrupt rulers who begin to use their power for their own gain, becoming tyrants. The tyrant is then overthrown, and the rebels decide to retain power among themselves collectively, producing an Aristocracy. The aristocrats are succeeded by a generation that again begins to use its power to oppress the people, producing the Oligarchy, and so they end up getting overthrown like the tyrant. Now political power passes to the people, making for Democracy. Unlike Plato, Machiavelli, does not view democracy per se as worse than the other "good" forms of government. Indeed, Machiavelli includes a chapter in the Discourses (Book II Chapter LVIII) on how "The Multitude is Wiser and More Constant than a Prince." The propensity of Democracy to decay into Anarchy, which Machiavelli describes in much the same terms as Plato, is therefore no more a failing of Democracy than the similar propensities were of Monarchy and Aristocracy. The only difference might be in the next step: Plato sees a tyrant benefiting from the Anarchy produced by Democracy, while Machiavelli brings his thought experiment full circle by having Anarchy, which mimics the "state of nature," followed once again by Monarchy. As a matter of historical fact, we have no difficulty finding chaotic conditions that led to both tyrants (Hitler) and virtuous monarchs (Diocletian).
Machiavelli's thought experiment, like Plato's, would seem to be entirely pessimistic. Plato's only hope would be his government of philosophers where precautions are taken to prevent the principle of hereditary succession from beginning. Machiavelli also sees hereditary succession as a source of evil; but, as a realist and a historian, he does not imagine that it can be long prevented, especially when people are inherently bad. His solution for the corruption of the "good" governments must therefore come from a different direction.
His inspiration turns out to be a historical one, the Roman Republic, which, although followed by the Empire, nevertheless endured for several centuries and accomplished great things. Following the original argument of Polybius, the strength of the Republic, according to Machiavelli, depended on its combination of the devices of the "good" forms of government:
I say, therefore, that all these kinds of government are harmful in consequence of the short life of the three good ones and the viciousness of the three bad ones. Having noted these failings, prudent lawgivers rejected each of these forms individually and chose instead to combine them into one that would be firmer and more stable than any, since each form would serve as a check upon the others in a state having monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy at one and the same time. [The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli, With selections from THE DISCOURSES, translated by Daniel Donno, Bantam, 1981, p. 94, boldface added]
The Roman Republic thus had monarchical authority in the Consuls, aristocratic authority in the Senate, and popular authority in the Tribunes. In Machiavelli's phrase, "...since each form would serve as a check upon the others," we see the idea of checks and balances as means to prevent the corruption and oppression of government. If people cannot be good, then we must have a government where the interests and power of some work to secure the conscientiousness and honesty of others. This idea is later expanded by 17th and 18th century thinkers, until we have the great system of the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary, and the States and the Federal Governments, designed as checks upon each other in the United States Constitution.
That this system has now failed to actually protect freedom and virtue is a consequence of historical circumstances, failure in the original design, and changing, fallacious, unsympathetic ideology. Nevertheless, it is clear that the principle is sound and is able to secure responsible government for extended periods. The fallacy in Plato is exposed: the problem is not who is in power, since none is wise.
Over time, of course, what we see is that the ingenuity of those in power never ceases to undermine the limitations of their power, and the cupidity of some citizens never tires in the hope of extracting the substance of their less politically powerful fellows. Our challenge, then, is simply to perfect the design and prepare the ground so that, when the next Franklin, Washington, Jefferson, and Madison come along, it may be put to the test -- hopefully to even more enduring results.
While ἀγαθοειδής looks like a combination of ἀγαθός and εἶδος, and could mean "Form of the Good," the word is actually a third declension adjective (ἀγαθοειδής in masculine and feminine, ἀγαθοειδές in the neuter), and, as we see, Plato uses it to deny that knowledge and truth are the same thing as the Good, but only "like" the Good. So εἶδος means more like "image" than the Platonic metaphysical entity of the "Form." In this passage, ἰδέα does the work of the latter.
See discussion of ὀρθός here. The word ὄψις can mean "face" or "countenance," besides "vision," and is related to ὤψ, "eye, face," one of whose forms we see in the name of the Muse Καλλιόπη, Calliope, "Beautiful Face." Both words come from one of the roots used for "see" in Greek, which turns up in the future form ὄψομαι, "I will see." Otherwise, we get ὁράω in the present, "I see," and εἶδον in the past, "I saw." The latter, of course, has the same root as Plato's term εἶδος.
Meanwhile, the verb νομίζειν (the infinitive of νομίζω), "to deem, hold, believe," is an issue in the trial of Socrates, where Socrates is accused of not believing in the gods. Attempts to misrepresent Socrates are examined here.
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A couple of high-profile bloggers (via Dion) make the switch from Apple to Linux and O’Reilly Radar wonders if it’s the starty of a trend. While I prefer working with Apple, I’m nonetheless an Ubuntu fan so I certainly hope this trend picks up. However, I wonder if people know what they’re getting into. In both of the Switch articles by Cory Doctorow and Mark Pilgrim, the authors focus on the reasons for moving away (more hardware bang for your buck, using mostly open-source anyway, various misgivings with Apple softtware), but neither actually explains what sort of experience they’ve had with Ubuntu and how they’ll cope with the issues that inevitably arise. Okay, so these are both insanely smart guys and can deal with it, but if others follow, they might be sorry.
The fact is, Ubuntu takes Linux a step closer to the user-friendly desktop it should be, BUT it’s still a far cry from the ease you can expect from an Apple. I’ve been using Linux for 13 years, and if there’s one golden rule that’s always applied, it’s this: At least one thing will always fail</a>. It could be wifi, it could be X, it will probably be power management on a laptop, it could be running Skype at the same time as ITunes. Whatever it is, it will require a decision: Do I spend 2+ hours trawling for solutions and ultimately recompiling the kernel on the dubious assumption that it will resolve the issue and not break anything else in the process, or do I just live with the pain. As a student, the answer was often the former; in the real world, it’s inevitably the latter. Even with a modern, fairly Linux-friendly laptop (Toshiba Satellite Pro), Ubuntu ?5.05 still led to the aforementioned audio and power management issues, and most Ubuntu switchers are likely to come across similar issues.
Furthermore, though Mark Pilgrim complains about ITunes (as have I) and uses mostly open-source stuff available on Linux, there’s still a lot of software missing from the modern Linux desktop. You will suffer with inferior, incompatible, versions of Real and Flash, household apps like Skype will trail even further behind than on Apple, and you will end up with clumsy - if well-intentioned - impersonations of the finely polished apps you use every day (yep, such as ITunes. I’m not even going to mention the Gimp.) In addition, more specialised software will be much harder to come by. For instance, I recently needed some screencasting software, and, while options on the Mac aren’t great, they’re certainly more appealing than under Linux, where there are so many possible hardware combinations it may not work anyway. If there is useful Linux software that fits a niche, there’s a very good chance it runs under Apple too.
I love working on OSX due to the underlying command line, but I’m no Cult Of Mac guy. There’s a lot of silly things about the Mac, like hanging on to one-button touchpads, resizing windows from one corner, etc. Some might see them as cute eccentricities, some may say I don’t get the zen of Apple, whatever. All I can see is that these “features” are pretty much a 22-year old joke, though nothing I can’t live with. In addition, DarwinPorts and Fink aren’t perfect; I’ve never got gnome-terminal working with fonts that I can actually see. Furthermore, Apple support sucks in my experience. I recently suffered from a pathetic support incident involving around five prolonged calls to an offshore call centre, no resolution, and will now require some correspondence with the legal department. So I’m all for a ?revival of Linux among the uber-geeks. I’m just saying: I hope you know what you’re getting into. Cory says he’ll be blogging the experience, which will be interesting to watch.
Installing Linux? Some Tips For Switching From Apple To Linux
Here are some tips if you’re thinking of switching to Linux:
Go with Ubuntu. Sorry, no choice here if you’re new to Linux. Ubuntu right now is the clear choice for a standard Linux desktop setup. Best hardware compatibility, good support wiki, excellent hardware compatibility apparently due to its networked feedback facility, the power of apt-get (which beats RPM hands-down) and the most important thing: a Live distro (next point).
Try the Live distro first (The killer app of Ubuntu is that it supports both live and installed Linux.) Run the live distro, see how it handles your hardware, kick the tyres a bit to pinpoint the things that don’t work (see above - there will always be at least one thing that doesn’t work), and decide whether you can live with that.
Go for an Express installation When you proceed to install, it’s easy to go control-freak and spend hours setting things up. The problem with that is you often have to do a reinstall for one reason or another. Modern Linux systems make it easy enough to change settings later on, as well as install new software, so there’s no need to do it upfront.
Buy the right hardwareSo many people encounter problems with Linux because they’re using the wrong hardware, often hardware that is notoriously bad on Linux. Whenever you buy a laptop, a card, etc that you intend to run Linux on, do your homework first and note that manufacturers hardly ever advertise they are Linux-compatible (as they’re probably worried they’ll be obliged to support it). Google is your friend. Your friend running Linux is your friend. If you’re willing to pay for it, Macbooks are an appealing choice for for running Linux on. They’re reasonably priced, since Apple is now aiming for the mass market, and they are very standardised, which is a huge benefit when it comes to Linux. Isn’t it ironic?
About Michael Mahemoff
Michael is a full-stack product maker. Curious about programming, tech, startups, and future trends.
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+nchrs: the egg
A Short Story by Andy Weir.
The Egg
+You were on your way home when you died.
+It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless. You left behind a wife and two children. It was a painless death. The EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail. Your body was so utterly shattered you were better off, trust me.
+And that’s when you met me.
+“What… what happened?” You asked. “Where am I?”
+“You died,” I said, matter-of-factly. No point in mincing words.
+“There was a… a truck and it was skidding…”
+“Yup,” I said.
+“I… I died?”
+“Yup. But don’t feel bad about it. Everyone dies,” I said.
+You looked around. There was nothingness. Just you and me. “What is this place?” You asked. “Is this the afterlife?”
+“More or less,” I said.
+“Are you god?” You asked.
+“Yup,” I replied. “I’m God.”
+“My kids… my wife,” you said.
+“What about them?”
+“Will they be all right?”
+“That’s what I like to see,” I said. “You just died and your main concern is for your family. That’s good stuff right there.”
+You looked at me with fascination. To you, I didn’t look like God. I just looked like some man. Or possibly a woman. Some vague authority figure, maybe. More of a grammar school teacher than the almighty.
+“Don’t worry,” I said. “They’ll be fine. Your kids will remember you as perfect in every way. They didn’t have time to grow contempt for you. Your wife will cry on the outside, but will be secretly relieved. To be fair, your marriage was falling apart. If it’s any consolation, she’ll feel very guilty for feeling relieved.”
+“Oh,” you said. “So what happens now? Do I go to heaven or hell or something?”
+“Neither,” I said. “You’ll be reincarnated.”
+“Ah,” you said. “So the Hindus were right,”
+“All religions are right in their own way,” I said. “Walk with me.”
+You followed along as we strode through the void. “Where are we going?”
+“Nowhere in particular,” I said. “It’s just nice to walk while we talk.”
+“So what’s the point, then?” You asked. “When I get reborn, I’ll just be a blank slate, right? A baby. So all my experiences and everything I did in this life won’t matter.”
+“Not so!” I said. “You have within you all the knowledge and experiences of all your past lives. You just don’t remember them right now.”
+I stopped walking and took you by the shoulders. “Your soul is more magnificent, beautiful, and gigantic than you can possibly imagine. A human mind can only contain a tiny fraction of what you are. It’s like sticking your finger in a glass of water to see if it’s hot or cold. You put a tiny part of yourself into the vessel, and when you bring it back out, you’ve gained all the experiences it had.
+“You’ve been in a human for the last 48 years, so you haven’t stretched out yet and felt the rest of your immense consciousness. If we hung out here for long enough, you’d start remembering everything. But there’s no point to doing that between each life.”
+“How many times have I been reincarnated, then?”
+“Oh lots. Lots and lots. An in to lots of different lives.” I said. “This time around, you’ll be a Chinese peasant girl in 540 AD.”
+“Wait, what?” You stammered. “You’re sending me back in time?”
+“Well, I guess technically. Time, as you know it, only exists in your universe. Things are different where I come from.”
+“Where you come from?” You said.
+“Oh sure,” I explained “I come from somewhere. Somewhere else. And there are others like me. I know you’ll want to know what it’s like there, but honestly you wouldn’t understand.”
+“Oh,” you said, a little let down. “But wait. If I get reincarnated to other places in time, I could have interacted with myself at some point.”
+“Sure. Happens all the time. And with both lives only aware of their own lifespan you don’t even know it’s happening.”
+“So what’s the point of it all?”
+“Seriously?” I asked. “Seriously? You’re asking me for the meaning of life? Isn’t that a little stereotypical?”
+“Well it’s a reasonable question,” you persisted.
+I looked you in the eye. “The meaning of life, the reason I made this whole universe, is for you to mature.”
+“You mean mankind? You want us to mature?”
+“No, just you. I made this whole universe for you. With each new life you grow and mature and become a larger and greater intellect.”
+“Just me? What about everyone else?”
+“There is no one else,” I said. “In this universe, there’s just you and me.”
+You stared blankly at me. “But all the people on earth…”
+“All you. Different incarnations of you.”
+“Wait. I’m everyone!?”
+“Now you’re getting it,” I said, with a congratulatory slap on the back.
+“I’m every human being who ever lived?”
+“Or who will ever live, yes.”
+“I’m Abraham Lincoln?”
+“And you’re John Wilkes Booth, too,” I added.
+“I’m Hitler?” You said, appalled.
+“And you’re the millions he killed.”
+“I’m Jesus?”
+“And you’re everyone who followed him.”
+You fell silent.
+“Every time you victimized someone,” I said, “you were victimizing yourself. Every act of kindness you’ve done, you’ve done to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was, or will be, experienced by you.”
+You thought for a long time.
+“Why?” You asked me. “Why do all this?”
+“Because someday, you will become like me. Because that’s what you are. You’re one of my kind. You’re my child.”
+“Whoa,” you said, incredulous. “You mean I’m a god?”
+“No. Not yet. You’re a fetus. You’re still growing. Once you’ve lived every human life throughout all time, you will have grown enough to be born.”
+“So the whole universe,” you said, “it’s just…”
+“An egg.” I answered. “Now it’s time for you to move on to your next life.”
+And I sent you on your way.
+/Andy Weir
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+# Test Data
+This repositoy of standard sample HTML is used for testing the search engine.
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+Strongly Connected Components - Lecture by Rashid Bin Muhammad, PhD.
Strongly Connected Components
Decomposing a directed graph into its strongly connected
+components is a classic application of depth-first search. The problem of
+finding connected components is at the heart of many graph application.
+Generally speaking, the connected components of the graph correspond to
+different classes of objects. The first linear-time algorithm for strongly
+connected components is due to Tarjan (1972). Perhaps, the algorithm in the CLRS
+is easiest to code (program) to find strongly connected components and is due to
+Sharir and Kosaraju.
Given digraph or
+directed graph G = (V, E), a strongly connected component (SCC) of G is a
+maximal set of vertices C subset of V, such that for all u, v
+in C, both
+uÞv and v
+that is, both u and v are reachable from each other. In other words, two
+vertices of directed graph are in the same component if and only if they are
+reachable from each other.
+ C1
The above directed graph has 4 strongly
+connected components: C1,
+C2, C3
+and C4. If G
+has an edge from some vertex in Ci
+to some vertex in Cj
+where i ≠
+j, then one can
+reach any vertex in Cj
+from any vertex in Ci
+but not return. In the example, one can reach any vertex in C2
+from any vertex in C1
+but cannot return to C1
+from C2.
The algorithm in CLRS for finding strongly connected
+components of G = (V, E) uses the transpose of G, which define as:
GT = (V, ET), where ET = {(u,
+ v): (v, u) in E}.
GT is G with all edges reversed.
From the given graph G, one can create GT in linear time
+(i.e., Θ(V + E)) if using adjacency lists.
The graphs G and GT have the same SCC's. This means that
+vertices u and v are reachable from each other in G if and only if reachable
+from each other in GT.
Component Graph
The idea behind the computation of SCC comes from a key
+property of the component graph, which is defined as follows:
+has one vertex for each SCC in G and ESCC has an edge if there's an
+edge between the corresponding SCC's in G.
For our example (above) the GSCC is:
The key property of GSCC is that the component graph is a dag,
+which the following lemma implies.
Lemma GSCC is a dag. More formally, let C and C' be
+distinct SCC's in G, let u, v in C, u', v' in C', and suppose there is a path
+Þu' in G. Then there cannot also be a path v'
+Þ v in G.
Proof Suppose there is a path
+v' Þv in G. Then there are paths u
+Þu' Þv' and v'
+ÞvÞu in G. Therefore,
+u and v' are reachable from each
+other, so they are not in separate SCC's.
This completes the proof.
A DFS(G) produces a forest of DFS-trees. Let C be any strongly
+connected component of G, let v be the first vertex on C discovered by
+the DFS and let T be the DFS-tree containing v when DFS-visit(v)
+is called all vertices in C are reachable from v along paths containing
+visible vertices; DFS-visit(v) will visit every vertex in C, add it to
+T as a descendant of v.
1. Call DFS(G) to compute finishing
+times f[u] for all u.
+ 2. Compute GT
+ 3. Call DFS(GT), but in the main loop,
+consider vertices in order of decreasing f[u] (as computed in first DFS)
+4. Output the vertices in each tree of
+the depth-first forest formed in second DFS as a separate SCC.
Time: The algorithm takes linear time i.e.,
+θ(V + E), to compute SCC of a digraph G.
From our Example (above):
1. Do DFS
+2. GT
+3. DFS (roots blackened)
Another Example (CLRS)
+Consider a graph G = (V, E).
1. Call DFS(G)
2. Compute GT
3. Call DFS(GT) but this time consider the vertices
+in order to decreasing finish time.
4. Output the vertices of each tree in the DFS-forest as a
+separate strongly connected components.
{a, b, e}, {c, d},
+{f, g}, and {h}
Now the question is how can this possibly work?
Idea By considering vertices in second DFS in decreasing order of
+finishing times from first DFS, we are visiting vertices of the component graph
+in topological sort order.
To prove that it really works, first we deal with two notational
We will be discussing d[u] and f[u]. These
+ always refer to the first DFS in the above algorithm.
We extend notation for d and f to sets of
+ vertices U subset V:
d(U) = minu in U
+ {d[u]}
+ (earliest discovery time of any vertex in U)
f(U) = minu in U
+ {f[u]}
+ (latest finishing time of any vertex in U)
Lemma Let C and C' be distinct SCC's in G = (V, E). Suppose there is
+an edge (u, v) in E such that u in C and
+v in C'.
+Then f(C) > f(C').
Proof There are two cases, depending on which SCC had the first
+discovered vertex during the first DFS.
Case i. If d(C) > d(C'), let x be the first vertex discovered
+in C. At time d[x], all vertices in C and C' are white. Thus, there exist paths
+of white vertices from x to all vertices in C and C'.
By the white-path theorem, all vertices in C and C' are
+descendants of x in depth-first tree.
By the parenthesis theorem, we have f[x] = f(C) > f(C').
Case ii. If d(C) > d(C'), let y be the first vertex discovered
+in C'. At time d[y], all vertices in C' are white and there is a white path from
+y to each vertex in C. This implies that all vertices in C' become descendants
+of y. Again, f[y] = f(C').
At time d[y], all vertices in C are white.
By earlier lemma, since there is an edge (u, v), we cannot
+have a path from C' to C. So, no vertex in C is reachable from y. Therefore, at
+time f[y], all vertices in C are still white. Therefore, for all w in C, f[w] >
+f[y], which implies that f(C) > f(C').
This completes the proof.
Corollary Let C and C' be distinct SCC's in G = (V, E). Suppose there is
+an edge (u, v) in ET where u in C and
+v in C'. Then f(C) <
Proof Edge (u, v)
+in ET implies (v,
+u) in E.
+Since SCC's of G and GT are the same, f(C') > f(C). This completes
+the proof.
Corollary Let C and C' be distinct SCC's in G = (V, E), and suppose that
+f(C) > f(C'). Then there cannot be an edge from C to C' in GT.
Proof Idea It's the contrapositive of the previous corollary.
Now, we have the intuition to understand why the SCC procedure
When we do the second DFS, on GT, start with SCC C
+such that f(C) is maximum. The second DFS starts from some x in C, and it visits
+all vertices in C. Corollary says that since f(C) > f(C') for all C'
+≠ C, there
+are no edges from C to C' in GT. Therefore, DFS will visit only vertices in C.
Which means that the depth-first tree rooted at x contains
+exactly the vertices of C.
The next root chosen in the second DFS is in SCC C' such that
+f(C') is maximum over all SCC's other than C. DFS visits all vertices in C', but
+the only edges out of C' go to C, which we've already visited.
Therefore, the only tree edges will be to vertices in C'.
We can continue the process.
Each time we choose a root for the second DFS, it can reach
vertices in its SCC ‾ get tree edges to these,
vertices in SCC's already visited in second
+ DFS ‾ get no tree edges to these.
We are visiting vertices of (GT)SCC in reverse of
+topologically sorted order. [CLRS has a formal proof.]
Before leaving strongly connected components, lets prove that
+the component graph of G = (V, E) is a directed acyclic graph.
+Proof (by contradiction) Suppose component
+graph of G = (V, E) was not a DAG and G comprised of a cycle consisting of
+vertices v1, v2 , . . . , vn . Each vi
+corresponds to a strongly connected component (SCC) of component graph G. If v1,
+v2 , . . . , vn themselves form a cycle then each vi
+( i runs from 1 to n) should have been included in the SCC
+corresponding to vj ( j runs from 1 to n
+and i ≠ j). But each of the vertices is a vertex from a
+difference SCC of G. Hence, we have a contradiction! Therefore, SCC of G is a
+directed acyclic graph.
E-mail Archives :
+Mathematical entities in Plato's Republic
August 13-15, 1996
This page is part of the "e-mail archives" section of a site, Plato and his dialogues, dedicated to developing a new interpretation of Plato's dialogues.
+The "e-mail archives" section includes HTML edited versions of posts that I submitted on various e-mail discussion lists about Plato and ancient philosophy.
From: Yves Bastarache <Yves_Bastarache@itr.qc.ca>
+To: plato <PLATO@freelance.com>
+Date: August 13, 1996 22:38:32
+Subject: mathematical entities in the simile of the line
First of all I beg your comprehension for my poor english. I am a
+francophone. I read well your language but I have some difficulties to
+write it.
I would be very grateful if someone could explain me the status of
+mathematical entities in the simile of the line. They puzzle me when I
+try to explain them to my students. The passage from images to sensibles
+objects seem to me quite clear. I can also make sense of the line when
+I link sensibles objects to Forms. How should I understand the place and
+role of math. entities? If possible, join exemples to your explication.
Thanks in advance!
Yves Bastarache
+Trois-Rivières, Québec.
To: plato <plato@freelance.com>
+Date : August 14, 1996, 09:21:18
+Subject: Re: mathematical entities in the simile of the line
To answer your request, I think there are two things you must notice:
1) Whereas Plato describes the two segments of the visible in termes
+of beings (images and "originals"), he only describes
+the two segments of the intelligible in terms of processes (from
+axioms taken for granted down to consequences and from hypotheses
+to broader hypotheses all the way up to the first principle);
2) He only uses mathematics as an example!
Plato doesn't care about mathematics and mathematical entities per
+se. He only uses them as the most readily available example of abstract
+constructs, as a "gymnastic of the mind". For instance, in the
+Meno, they provide, for a guy who only cares about hard facts, an
+experimental proof of 1) the difference between opinion and knowledge and
+2) the fact that you can look for something you don't know yet, and find
+it even if you don't have the words to say it yet (the slave doesn't know
+the word "diagonal" until after he has found the answer, and
+it is the last word of Socrates to him once he knows what it is).
In the simile of the line, they provide for an example of a way
+of reasoning. But Plato's ultimate purpose is not to locate "mathematical
+entities" on one segment, and least of all to make them one of the
+segments. Cursed be Aristotle who messed all this up!...
So, if mathematics don't play their role of example and cloud the issue
+rather than clarify it, forget about them and look for other examples.
Let me try with another example, much more in line (if you allow me
+the pun!) with what is Plato's ultimate goal, to know what it is to be
+a man ("know thyself...").
1) First there is my image in a mirror, a picture of me taken by somebody
+else, or, if I were rich enough and famous, a painting by some future Rembrant
+or Van Gogh: no problem there, we are in the first segment, looking at
+"images" of one man.
2) Next, there is you and me and all the list members, and my wife and
+kids, and my neighbours walking in the street, and... : no problem either
+there, these are "real" men and women in time and space.
And now, en route for the harder part!
3) Then, there is the "concept" of man, the thing I refer
+to when using the word "man". It is to all men what "square"
+is to all squares I may reason upon. It is born from the "images"
+I get through my senses of actual men and put as an unproven "hypothesis"
+that I can analyse but that is "evident" for everybody (even
+for Aristotle!). It is an animal with two arms, two legs, a head and so
+on. It is endowed with the ability to speak and think, and has logos,
+whatever that be. But it doesn't give me yet the principle of "man"!
+It doesn't tell me what it is to be a man. The point is, I am perfectly
+able to recognize a man when I see one, as I could recognize a square,
+in this world of becoming, but I don't know yet the ultimate truth
+about man.
And if you think this is the idea of man, then you are
+open to Aristotle (and Plato's, see the Parmenides) argument of
+the third man. It may be a "form" of man, but certainly not the
+ultimate idea of man, for Plato at least, in my humble opinion...
+This, and all like constructs of our mind, exist only as "images"
+of what we see and feel with our senses. We "put" them without
+futher demonstration and deem them "evident".
4) So, what is left? What is left is whatever might ultimately answer
+the question "what is it to be a man?" And this, for Plato, I
+think, is the idea of justice as described at length in the Republic,
+and as "evoqued" by a summary of the principles of the
+Republic at the start ot the Timæus, before the
+myth starts, to better show it is outide space and time, before other
+"forms" of man will be described within the myth, within time
+and space: the "form" of matter he is made of, the form of his
+body, the form of his soul.
Such an idea doesn't stem from images of "live" entities in
+the visible world. It is a pure idea. A just man, be it Socrates, is no
+more "justice" than a beautiful girl is to kalon (see
+Hippias Major). And, if it is an "image" of justice, it
+is in a very remote sense. It is rather the "participation" of
+a visible being to the "idea" that will in the end give him purpose,
+unity and "being", but not being in the world of becoming, in
+time and space, rather "being" in eternity...
And the only way we may reach this "idea" is by going from
+idea to idea from the "hypothesis" of man up to virtue, beauty,
+courage, and the like, from the "hypothesis" of man to the new
+hypothesis of "soul" to the structure of the soul and to the
+larger hypothesis of logos, and so on, all that under the "light"
+of the idea of the "good" as the leading principle, until I figure
+out what the true "good" of man is, and I find it in the idea
+of "justice", but a justice that is no longer limited to "social"
+justice, but starts as "internal" justice between the various
+parts of my being, of my soul, as a foundation for justice in my relationship
+with fellow men.
This is what Plato cares for! And if you stumble on some of the
+"blocks" he uses to pave the way in trying to help, forget about
+those blocks and keep going. Those who, like Aristotle, drawn in the river
+of mathematics and never reach the "promised land" are the same
+who miss the end of Atlantis' story by Critias and never get to work on
+the Laws...
From: Michael Chase <GOYA@UVVM.UVIC.CA>
+To: plato <plato@freelance.com>
+Date : August 14, 1996, 11:24:48
+Subject: mathematical entities [original in French, my translation]
Cher Yves,
Dear Yves,
Vous avez récemment posé la
+question de savoir ce qu'il en était des objets mathématiques
+de Platon. Vous y avez déjà reçu de très utiles
+réponses, qui contiennent, sans doute, tout ce qu'il serait utile
+d'enseigner à une classe d'étudiants débutants.
You recently asked what was the status of Plato's
+mathematical objects. You already received several quite useful answers,
+containing, no doubt, all that should be taught to a class of beginners.
Mais il n'en reste pas moins, à mon
+avis, que la démarche de M. Suzanne est totalement illégitime.
+Nous ne pouvons pas ne pas prendre en considération les longs développements
+qu'Aristote consacre à la théorie platonicienne des nombres
+idéaux. En effet, le Stagirite nous dit, en détail et à
+maintes reprises, que Platon enseignait l'existence d'un domaine de l'existence
+intermédiaire entre les Idées et le monde sensible; domaine
+constitue précisément par les Nombres Idéaux. Aristote
+nous dit expressis verbis que Platon avait transmis ces doctrines
+dans son enseignement oral. Or même si l'on pense, avec M. Suzanne,
+qu'Aristote etait - quoi? Bête? Fou? Délirant? - il n'est
+pas possible de n'accorder aucun crédit à la tradition millénaire
+du Néoplatonisme, dont les représentants - depuis Jamblique,
+Syrianus et Proclus jusqu'à Michel Psellus - ont développé
+ces aspects de la doctrine platonicienne, notamment en ce qui concerne
+le rapport étroit qui lie ces choses mathématiques au niveau
+psychique de la réalité.
Yet, there remains the fact that, in my opinion,
+M. Suzanne's approach is totally illegitimate. We cannot not take
+into account the lengthy developments that Aristotle devotes to the Platonic
+theory of ideal numbers. Indeed, the Stagirian tells us, in details and
+numerous times, that Plato was teaching the existence of a sphere of beings
+intermediate between the forms and the visible world, a sphere of beings
+precisely made up of the Ideal Numbers. Aristotle tells us expressis
+verbis that Plato transmitted these doctrines in his oral teaching.
+Yet, even if one thinks with M. Suzanne that Aristotle was - what? Dumb?
+Fool? Delirious? - it is impossible not to give creance to the millenary
+tradition of Neoplatonism, whose followers - starting with Jamblicus, Syrianus
+and Proclus down to Michel Psellus - developed those aspects of platonician
+doctrine, especially as regards the close relationship between those mathematical
+beings and the psychical dimension of reality.
Recevez, cher Yves, mes meilleurs salutations
+depuis la côte Pacifique, de la part de
Please accept, dear Yves, my best greetings
+from the Pacific coast, from
Michael Chase
+University of Victoria.
Michael Chase
+University of Victoria
To: plato <plato@freelance.com>
+Date : August 15, 1996, 10:51:12
+Subject: Re: mathematical entities
Dear Yves and Michael,
my purpose, in the answer to Yves, was not to dismiss the constant and
+sustained interest Plato always had in mathematics, but only to put it
+in perspective with respect to what was foremost to him, the "know
Obviously Plato spent a large share of his time dealing with mathematics
+and "sciences" in general, and everybody knows the Academy hosted
+renowed mathematicians during his lifetime. In the Timæus,
+Plato is the first one (at least the first whose works are extant) to offer
+a mathematical model of matter (based on triangles). And if the model is
+largely outdated by now, the process that leads to it, the way of approaching
+things, is more than ever relevant today (and I was stressing in my answer
+to Yves that Plato defines the two segments of the intelligible in terms
+of processes, not entities). The Timæus may
+be viewed, from this standpoint, as an example of the descending
+approach (the one in the first segment of intelligible) starting from the
+smallest possible number of simple hypotheses to build from them a scientific
+model of the universe. Yet, it doesn't move upward toward the anhypotetical
+principle, because triangles are neither good nor bad, neither just nor
+injust. They are, that's all. That's one more way to say that matter as
+such is neither good nor bad, but simply subject to its own laws; it is
+necessity, anagkè, with which you have to make do.
For Plato, mathematics are an example of abstraction proving, as others
+with whom I fully agree said in their answers to Yves, that the whole of
+being is not limited to material, sensible beings, to what is within time
+and space. And the theôria of the world is to us an example
+of order, of kosmos, we should use as a model to bring order
+to our cities and our lives through laws stemming from our logos.
+For that reason, it all deserves our consideration and the time Plato and
+his pupils spend on it. But, and that was my point, this is still no more
+that means toward a higher end, the building of man in time and
+space. Mathematics, like all other sciences and technics, are neutral.
+They don't tell us how we should use them for good or bad. This is the
+whole message of the Hippias minor, and already of the Charmides.
+That is why they only belong to the first segment of the intelligible.
That Plato spent a lot of time trying to categorize the various orders
+of "reality"; that, while doing so, he gave a key role to mathematical
+constructs he used, as I already said, as examples; this is more
+than likely. That, in this work, discussion with students and colleagues,
+including Aristotle, lead him to overstate his case, might not be surprising.
+But I doubt very much that he held mathematical entities as the ultimate
+reality, as the highest order of "ideas". This would seem to
+me in complete contradiction with everything he says elsewhere and with
+Socrates influence on him and what he tells us in his "intellectual
+autobiography" in the Phædo.
About Aristotle now. I don't consider Aristotle as a dumb, or a fool,
+or a mad person, but as one of Plato's brightest students, and, I might
+add, as a "good student" with all the drawback this implies.
+I believe that, despite all his gifts, Aristotle was unable to follow Plato
+all the way "upward" where Plato reached. Aristotle was full
+of "common sense" and most likely received a solid "scientific"
+education owing to his familial origins. But he was also too much of a
+"materialist", too keen of "hard facts" to follow Plato
+to the level of abstraction he wanted to lead him to. Besides, he was too
+fond of "showing up", too anxious to give the right answers,
+to show that he understood. Plato spent his life trying to help students
+find within themselves answers to the ultimate questions. Aristotle
+on the other hand spent his life trying to give others the right answers.
+Aristotle, as Taylor said somewhere (using the French expression) was a
+"platonist malgré lui". He tried to folow Plato's
+approach of "modeling" the universe, but, as often arrives still
+nowadays to scientists, it took the model for the real thing, he was unable
+to make the difference between images and what they were images of, a difference
+that Plato fully understood. Aristotle, true to his physician's ascent,
+didn't understand that the "idea of man" was not a DNA molecule,
+that he would call "entelechy", or an "image" describing
+the "form", the "structure" of man as it might be found
+under the scalpel of a surgeon, but the "ideal" man must "participate"
+into in order to become what he is meant to be, an ideal of justice capable
+of "building" man because it alone can bring to the lump of matter
+he is made of a unity that doesn't disappear in death, as proves Socrates
+still well and "alive" in the dialogues...
To: plato <plato@freelance.com>
+Date : August 15, 1996, 19:27:17
+Subject: Re: mathematical entities
Nicholas Denyer writes, in answer to my statement that mathematics,
+for Plato, were "neutral", neither good nor bad:
> Aristoxenus Harm. El. 2.30 "They came [to
+Plato's lecture on the Good] in the conviction that they would get
+some one or other of the things that the world calls good: riches, or health,
+or strength. But when they found that Plato's reasonings were of mathematics
+their disenchantment was complete" (trans. Ross).
This may simply mean that Plato, in order to lead his audience toward
+the idea of the good had to use the detour via mathematics as a
+path toward abstraction, which is what we have been saying all along. It
+doesn't necessarily mean that mathematics were the good.
> and also of the long passage in Gorgias
+507a-508c, especially 508a: "You do not realise that
+geometrical equality has great force amongst both men and gods. Instead,
+you think you should go in for greedy acquisition, for you neglect geometry."
This passage is all about justice as the goal of man, and fits very
+well with what I have been saying. Man must put measure in his life,
+and geometry gives examples of measure and mean. But it is because
+I know in the first place what justice is and how important to man it is
+that I may take the example of the geometrical equality to illustrate it,
+not the other way around. In other words, it is not the geometrical equality
+which tells us it is better, it is us who use it as a means of measuring
+a good we have found elsewhere. In itself, the geometrical equality
+is neither better nor worse than the arithmetical. It only help express
+and illustrate a good that I must have found elsewhere. So, granted, it
+may "participate" to the good this way *in our minds*, but it
+doesn't lead to the good if we don't know it yet.
Besides, it is very possible that Socrates is here making fun of Callicles
+who despises philosophy in playing the "scientist" in front of
+him, even if he believes what he says in a certain way. There is a share
+of truth even in the theory of measurement of pleasures and pains Socrates
+develops at the end of the Protagoras, even if it shouldn't be taken
+litterally as Protagoras himself might interpret it. But numbers alone
+are not by themselves the good...
Is there not A tongue in every star that talks with man, And wooes him to be wise? nor wooes in vain; This dead of midnight is the noon of thought, And wisdom mounts her zenith with the stars.
In the most meritorious discharges of those duties the highest praise we can aim at is to be accounted the helpmates of man, who, in return for all he does for us, expects, and justly expects, us to do all in our power to soften and sweeten life.
Of all the actors who flourished in my time--a melancholy phrase if taken aright, reader--Bensley had most of the swell of soul, was greatest in the delivery of heroic conceptions, the emotions consequent upon the presentment of a great idea to the fancy.
The form then of the benediction before eating has its beauty at a poor man's table, or at the simple and unprovocative repasts of children. It is here that the grace becomes exceedingly graceful.
Every individual, my brethren, who has a sense of religion, and a desire of conforming his conduct to its precepts, will frequently retire into himself to discover his faults; and having discovered, to repent of, -- and having repented of, to amend them. Nations have likewise their faults to repent of, their conduct to examine.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fba29ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url--1028592943
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ Eugenics from Plato to the present
Eugenics concept: from Plato to present
+ by Güvercin CH, Arda B. Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, Ankara University Health Sciences Institute, Turkey. 1: Hum Reprod Genet Ethics. 2008;14(2):20-6
All prospective studies and purposes to improve cure and create a race that would be exempt of various diseases and disabilities are generally defined as eugenic procedures. They aim to create the "perfect" and "higher" human being by eliminating the "unhealthy" prospective persons. All of the supporting actions taken in order to enable the desired properties are called positive eugenic actions; the elimination of undesired properties are defined as negative eugenics. In addition, if such applications and approaches target the public as a whole, they are defined as macro-eugenics. On the other hand, if they only aim at individuals and/or families, they are called micro-eugenics. As generally acknowledged, Galton re-introduced eugenic proposals, but their roots stretch as far back as Plato. Eugenic thoughts and developments were widely accepted in many different countries beginning with the end of the 19th to the first half of the 20th centuries. Initially, the view of negative eugenics that included compulsory sterilizations of handicapped, diseased and "lower" classes, resulted in tens of thousands being exterminated especially in the period of Nazi Germany. In the 1930s, the type of micro positive eugenics movement found a place within the pro-natalist policies of a number of countries. However, it was unsuccessful since the policy was not able to become effective enough and totally disappeared in the 1960s. It was no longer a fashionable movement and left a deep impression on public opinion after the long years of war. However, developments in genetics and its related fields have now enabled eugenic thoughts to reappear under the spotlight and this is creating new moral dilemmas from an ethical perspective.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a1581c7
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@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ Esxi update host profile
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Esxi update host profile
esxi update host profile 20. ~ # esxcli network firewall ruleset list -r httpClient Name Enabled ---------- ------- httpClient true. (required)--proxy Specifies a proxy server to use for HTTP, FTP, and HTTPS connections. 7 U1, follow the steps below: Open an SSH session of the ESXi host (with Putty, for example) Check the current version with the command line: vmware -vl [[email protected]:~] vmware -vl VMware ESXi 6. com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot-index. Using your preferred method (Web ui, SCP etc) upload your newly downloaded Zip file to the host you wish to patch. g. IT administrators use VMware vCenter as the primary console to manage and monitor VMware vSphere ESX/ESXi hosts. The Host Profile. We can do so by running: esxcli network firewall ruleset set -e true -r httpClient We’re going to use an image profile to update the host. Save, and re-apply the profile to all cluster members Upgrading ESXi hosts running UEFI Boot to version 7. zip In the below snapshot, you can notice that the upgrade has been completed successfully and a host reboot is required. version 6? Anything I should do to update the image profile? I am a bit confused about this vicfg-cfgbackup –server=ESXi_host_IP_address –username=root -l backup_file. Wait for the host to come back online before you run the profile check. vmware. The format is proxy-url:port. Step 4. 0-20190504001-standard -d https://hostupdate. 0-Update1-1065491-HP-5. In the vSphere client, go to ‘Policies and Profiles’ and select ‘Host Profiles’ in the left column, click and select the desired host profile on the right. 2. It can be done quickly and easily with the aid of VMware vSphere Update Manger. 2. xml -p ESXi-5. 1. 7 update: No space left on device I have tried to update my VMware ESXi 6. 5. esxcli software vib list | grep hp. Alternatively, right-click on the ESXi hostname (or IP address) in Navigator and select Remediate from the Update Manager menu. xml <- Replace the version after -p with the version you found via the above list; Reboot again; Exit Maintenance Mode; Restart guests Get-VMHostFirmware -vmhost 192. 7 Update 1. 168. 1 to 5. esxcli software profile update -d /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/ESXi510-201212001. 5 to 6. zip. When a baseline is created, you have to attach that baseline to ESXi hosts you want to update. You should see a message saying that the upgrade completed successfully. 0-20190802001-standard (Build 14320388) today. 5 Update 1 via command line. zip> -p <profile name> You can list the profiles included in the depot with: esxcli software sources profile list -d </path/to/depot. 0 build 5310538. . Place the host you are upgrading into Maintenance Mode. 7. To boot up ESX 5. When trying to update a VMware ESXi 6. Save the host profile and navigate to Host and Cluster, select the cluster and check Esxi hosts for compliance. Select Extract profile from a host. You can confirm the compliance of a host or cluster to its attached Host Profile and determine which, if any, configuration parameters on a host are different from those specified in the Host Profile. 7. 0b on 10th Gen Intel NUC ; ESXi Installation on NUC6i7KYK fails with "Fatal error: 10 (Out of resources)" Howto Update vCenter Server from 5. 168. 7. If I swapped the locations of the two I could update each host without worrying about updating one that is running the vCenter managing it. In the Host Profiles, On the right side, objects tab, click green + plus button - Extract profile from a host. 0-20190504001-standard -d https://hostupdate. VMware Update Manager and ESXCLI compliant HPE bundles and third-party drivers included in the HPE Customized image are available from HPE vibsdepot. The host returns esxupdate error codes: -1. 0 hosts. 0U1 using Update manager to remediate. 1 (update 1) lab to prepare for my upcoming VCAP exam. 3. 26-depot. Connect to your host via host client > right-click > Enter maintenance mode. In this example, my test ESXi host was running vSphere 6. Navigate to Home – Management – Host Profiles – vmvc1. 2. Execute the following commands to create a new /patch directory and verify its existence. vmware. com An Image Profile defines the set of VIBs that an ESXi installation or update process uses. 0-20121204001-no-tools. Enable SSH on your ESXi host. vmware. Update Planner helps in making sure the latest updates are checked for product interoperability and installed for the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA). 1. Now that we have the profile list, we need to update the software profile using the name we just copied to a notepad. See full list on altaro. To open host profile view on the VMware vSphere Web Client, click home icon, In the Operations and Policies choose Host Profiles. In vCenter, select Home > Host Profiles. To install the new Image Profile, run the following command: esxcli software profile update -d https://hostupdate. 1. Another host which had ESXi installed from scratch with the same ISO image (Not through update manger) shows compliant. The esxcli software profile update command brings the entire content of the ESXi host image to the same level as the corresponding upgrade method using an ISO installer. To begin, enable and initiate an SSH session to the host. In this post we discuss step by step how to perform the upgrade using HP Service Pack for Proliant (SPP). Reverting to a previous build does not revert the tools-light vib version installed on the ESXI host; Reverting an ESXi host is only valid if the host was updated using these methods: VIB installation or removal; Profile installation or removal; ESXi host update using VMware Update Manager; Updated from a ISO; Reverting to an earlier version is The command to initiate the update is esxcli software vib update, specifying an offline depot using the -d or –depot flags. 0U1b-17168206-standard The first command allows the host to have egress connectivity to pull down the VMware ESXi 7 Update 1 upgrade from the VMware patch depot. I downloaded a patch with a fair amount of bulletins in it as shown earlier. Exit the Maintenance Mode. This can take a few minutes to complete depending on how fast you can pull down the Image Profile. My target is to update this ESXi server to latest release which currently is ESXi 6. esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6. Technical Marketing Engineer As you know, when it comes to automating patch management for your vSphere infrastructure, we highly recommend leveraging our vSphere Update Manager (VUM) which is part of the vSphere vCenter Suite to help simplify the update process. Right Click VMware Host 1, select Host Profile and Manage Profile. 5 on the dedicated page of our blog. 7 Update 1 build I’ve got the following error: [DependencyError] VIB VMware_bootbank_esx-base_6. As such, when running stateless ESXi for host changes to persist across reboots, such as changing the number of vSwitch ports, you need to first update the source scripts (or host profile) and then reboot the host. 0. ESXi Update Process: Preparing Update Manager for ESXi 6. 0-6. vmware. Such changes are automated with the help of the remediate operation. 0 GA. ~ # mkdir /patch ~ # ls -l / 1. In vSphere home, go to Host Profiles; Edit; Storage Configuration \ Pluggable Storage Architecture (PSA ) configuration; Find the volumes that represent the RDMs; Add a checkmark for Device Perennially reserved status . HPE VMware ESXi Offline Bundles. 0-20190802001-no-tools -d https://hostupdate. I recently decided it was time to configure host profiles for my vSphere environment. Summary of Patching VMware ESXi. #esxcli network firewall ruleset set -e true -r httpClient. 0 stateless hosts without vDS configuration, use a 4. 101. 0 Update 2 are supported at this time. If I swapped the locations of the two I could update each host without worrying about updating one that is running the vCenter managing it. 10. 7 Update 1 or later to a newer version. The graphics type of all GPUs on the ESXi host is Shared Direct. To do this, first click on the vSphere host profile in the Host Profile menu, from the view above. 1 Update 1 offers the following tools for upgrading ESX/ESXi hosts: Upgrade interactively using an ESXi installer ISO image on CD-ROM, DVD, or USB flash drive. 0 (on Windows) to the vCenter 6. However I experienced a very weird situation when using Host Profiles. community. 5 coredump file ; Howto Update vCenter and ESXi Hosts to vSphere 5. Vsphere client is showing for the host: Image Profile: (Updated) ESXi-5. This post will go in to detail as to what causes it, and how to resolve it. Assigning the Host Profile. Updating ESXi Image Profile Using CLI. There are multiple ways to update ESXi hosts. 0_update03. In diesem Beispiel zeigen wir anhand von VMware ESXi 6. 5. 5-6. However, if you do not employ VUM, hosts can also be upgraded via ESXCLi commands using an online repository. You can use esxcli command to put server in maintenance mode. Select the host, click Manage, and keep Settings selected. I created a profile by extracting from one of my ESXi hosts and went to town configuring it. If this Image Profile is to be used with hosts in a vSphere HA cluster, you should add the vmware-fdm package to the image profile. Check the entered information and press Finish. While extracting, specify the host name and add some description if needed. 0. [1] Hi all, Last night I was building a virtual vSphere 4. tgz Place the host you want to upgrade into Maintenance Mode. By William Lam, Sr. After I applied the Host Profile to the second host it’s losing the connection to the vCenter Server. OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter (OMIVV) enables you to reduce the complexity of managing your data center by streamlining the tasks associated with the management and monitoring of Dell EMC server infrastructure in the vSphere environment. Fresh/clean installs of ESXi 7. 0 Update 2 may fail - Attempting to upgrade ESXi hosts running UEFI Boot to version 7. The remediate operation will modify the configuration of the host to match the profile. ) 3. 5, I recently needed to update one of my lab systems from ESXi 6. The issue. The first thing we are going to do is upload our ESXi 6. 0 Update 2 to ESXi Update 3 on a standalone host. 0-5. 5 Appliance, all I had remaining was to upgrade my ESXi hosts to ESXi 6. – Through vSphere client click on the VMware ESXi 5 server > Confiure > Security Profile (services) – SSh > Options > Step 1 – Stage the ESXi 5 patches to a Datastore accessible by the VMware ESXi 5 host Use of this option poses a large security risk and will result in a SECURITY ALERT warning being displayed in the vSphere Client. zip. Copy the ESXi-6. 0 Update 2 using VMware or OEM/partner images or bundles may fail. Excert from /var/log/syslog. Each patch bundle (. 0-20201101001s-standard. VMware Update Manager (VUM) is the module we’ll use to create the Baseline and remediate the vSphere Hosts with the latest patches. Connect the ESXi via SSH (SSH must be enabled) and set the firewall rules for httpClient running the command: Below are two ways to easily upgrade your ESXi 6. This caused an error: "Firmware and drivers update using Smart Update Tools cannot be done with the selected SPP and the Smart Update Tools version detected on the server XYZ. This is due to conflicting VIBs on your ESXi host. 28. 7. 5. Put the ESXi host in question into Maintenance Mode. Edit the desired host profile. Step 2. 7 hosts to ESXi 6. reboot esxcli software profile get 1 From the Host Profiles main view, select the host profile to be applied to the host or cluster. esxcli software profile update – d /vmfs/volumes/datastore01/VMware-ESXi-6. To change the Startup policy across reboots, select Start and stop with host and reboot the host. 0 booted host. Right-click the Host Profile and edit its settings. Now we need to query the image profiles that are available as part of the patch. com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot-index. xml You can then manually install the troublesome vib (if you have a need for tools) with this command: In vCenter, navigate to the Home tab and go to Host Profiles there. However the seco See full list on altaro. 8. So remember, when working with stateless ESXi hosts you should avoid making host level changes directly on the host. Once you are done with changing Name and host description, go to the Edit host profile tab itself. Hardware GPU resources are not available. esxcli software profile update -p PACKAGE-NAME -d https://hostupdate. In our instance, we will check the ESXi host(s) for the affected HP driver. This post will go in to detail as to what causes it, and how to resolve it. My first attempt actually failed with the following error: How to update ESXi 6. 0-20170404001-standard to a notepad since we’ll use it with our next command. 7 image. 2 Click the Attach/Detach Hosts and clusters to a host profile icon ( ). 11. 1-24). 7. 1-0. com - Oneview - Set up a server profile with firmware baseline 2019-09 and "Firmware and OS drivers using Smart update tools" option for the host. In the Overview section, select Host Updates, then in the Attached Baselines section, hit Attach. 0. This helps by reducing the amount of time it takes to configure a host, along with reducing the chance of any configuration errors by ensuring host configuration is consistent across Click Finish to create the Host Profile. In our next step, we will move to vSphere Update Manager to add and download pertinent patches from the HPE repository. 7 image profiles we can run the following: If you establish an SSH session to the ESXi host and type in – ‘esxcli system coredump file list‘, you will see that the coredump file got created on the VMFS-L filesystem within OSDATA. 0-4564106-depot. You can check if the connections are alowed with the following command. 5), vSphere Web Client, ESXi host client. 0. Then click the configure tab, and Edit Host Profile. zip -p VMware-ESXi-6. Patching ESXi is an important part of every organizations vSphere operations. 5 Appliance, all I had remaining was to upgrade my ESXi hosts to ESXi 6. If you just want to install the ESXi patch, run the following command which will install the esx-base Image Profile by default which will include everything: esxcli software vib update -d /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/ESXi510-201212001. After checking that your upgrade was successful, reboot your host. 5. 5. 5. Right click the host and enter Maintenance mode. The ESXi instance then needs a 'reset system configuration' and a complete manual reconfiguration to bring it back to life. A host is remediated by clicking on the Remediate button. As the system was co-located, I decided to update it from the command line using vSphere update bundle, rather than an ISO image burned on a DVD. In order to update and patch it, I need to follow an offline procedure using the command line. Type the following command to open the firewall for outgoing HTTP requests: esxcli network firewall ruleset set -e Apply the latest version: esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6. Look for the Image Profiles section and take note of the image profile name (e. 5. com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot-index. 0 to 6. 0-20170202001-standard. On the host you’re about to upgrade, go to the Configuration tab > Security Profile and Enable SSH under Services. Type the following command to open the firewall for outgoing HTTP requests: ESXI 6. I am working to update my 6. 7 Host Upgrade Now that we have accessed VUM, we need to configure it in order to be able to upgrade ESXi from 6. Is there a way to undo that so I can, take the correct upgrade path? Step 2: Upload your update package to a datastore visible to your ESXi host and then execute your update command with an : esxcli –server=server_name software profile install –dry-run So in my test case To find the current version of ESXi, after I connected with PuTTY to the server, I ran this command: esxcli system version get. Copy Settings from Host – This option allows you to update the selected host profile to match the current configuration of the selected ESXi host. vmware. Select the Host Profile that you wish to attach and click Ok. WARNING: The supplied Image Profile does not contain the "vmware-fdm" software package, which is required for the vSphere HA feature. 0 to 5. As you remember, we are going to update a single ESXi host in this walkthrough. Updates für VMware ESXi können selbst bei der kostenlosen ESXi Hypervisor Variante einfach über die Kommandozeile eingespielt werden. 5 update 1 vmware -v 5a) The output of above command will now be VMware ESXi 5. My very first task is to create a standard profile from existing host. Check the Lifecycle Manager log files and esxupdate log files for more details. WARNING: The supplied Image Profile does not contain the "vmware-fdm" software package, which is required for the vSphere HA feature. Note: You can select the entire datacenter, VM folder, or cluster if you wish to upgrade multiple ESXi hosts. 5 Wait 3 minutes for host to come up and run command below to verify you are on ESXi version 5. You can also expand your host profile settings to review from this screen before clicking EDIT HOST PROFILE. #esxcli software profile update -d. 7. If you are unfamiliar with In order to enable the ESXi system swap, navigate to Manage > Settings > System Swap. Choose > Extract profile from a host. This message is seen when the following options are set: Enable 3D support is selected. 2 Click Attach/Detach a host profile to hosts and clusters. 5. 5_update01. Click OK. xml -p ESXi-7. When you use Host Profiles to configure your newly deployed ESX(i) servers, you will need to update the root account in those Host Profiles on a regular basis as well. The hosts compliance tells you they match the baseline you have attached to them. You will see your hosts as non-compliant if syslog server is not configured on hosts. In the Extract Host Profile menu wizard > Select the host you want to update the password for. To Create Host profile, Login to vCenter Server using vSphere Web Client. 0-20191204001-standard** (Build 15169789)) and now it wants to remove a lot of VIBs from the server. Start the SSH service on the ESXi host (Configuration >> Software >> Security Profile >> Services) SSH into host (using putty or something similar) Run the following to configure SNMP settings, enable SNMP in the firewall and start the SNMP agent: Introduction. xml Restart the host and check its profile version. com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot-index. zip -p ESXi-5. 0. I am simply providing a method I came up with on my own. I will mention the steps which helped me to recover the image profile for the ESXi host. com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot-index. Reboot host and check the Introduction. An existing ESXi host or a newly added ESXi host that is found to be non-compliant with a Host Profile, to which it has been attached, needs a configuration change to make it compliant. Repeat the same process for the second host. 0. 27 in our case), and in the top right corner of the interface click the Updates tab. should the Image Profile not be the same as the build I am running? eg. Login to the vCenter WebClient. 5. vmware collection (version 1. You can run the ESXi 5. On the host’s SSH console, the command to use is: Host patches are usually installed in vSphere Update Manager but it is possible to do it manually using ESXCLI. 3 Select the host or cluster from the expanded list and click Attach . . I could get into vCenter and so forced a reset of all root user password via Host Profiles. The virtual machine will use software rendering. Use esxcli command line – after connecting via SSH client (don’t forget to enable SSH access), run the esxcli command to view the image profiles within the ZIP bundle. The esxcli upgrade method only performs such checks when upgrading from ESXi 6. 5. Issue the below command to install the update on the ESXi host: esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6. Here we can see this host is running the affected driver iLO driver (650. Export / Import Host Profile – Any profile can be exported and imported using an XML file. 5), and select the Updates tab. In our particular example, the command is: vicfg-cfgbackup –server=192. However, the ISO installer performs a pre-upgrade check for potential problems, such as insufficient memory or unsupported devices. 7 host to ESXi-6. As we’re going to get the update directly from VMware’s software repository we need to enable outbound http communication. B. Before starting, the host should be put into Maintenance Mode, with any running VMs being shutdown (or migrated elsewhere if this was part of a cluster). log when issue occurs 1. The nested ESXi is used to host the second VCSA. esxcli software profile install -d /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/VMware-ESXi-5. Click “Extracted Profile from a host” to extract a profile from ESXi host with the known root password. Select root in the left column. Open PuTTY (or any other SSH client) and SSH into your host. 0, 2809209. Due to this design I can not use the integrated VUM of the second VCSA to update this standalone ESXi host. In the vSphere client, go to ‘Policies and Profiles’ and select ‘Host Profiles’ in the left column, click and select the desired host profile on the right. root. 0. 7 U3 Host to the latest patch. This shows me the current version, which in my case is ESXi 6. A few months back, we discussed how to upgrade ESXi hosts using VMware Update Manager. I hope you are already aware that we use VMware Update Manager to update and patch the ESXi hosts, let’s see how to update ESXi without Update Manager. Select SSH. vSphere Host Profiles is a feature that allows an administrator to copy the configuration of one host, then apply that configuration to other hosts or clusters. Such profile contains an ESXi upgrade or patch, a host configuration profile, and optionally, third-party drivers or management agents that are provided by VMware partners. . Download ESXi 6. 5 using VMware Online Depot. Select root in the left column. Give the Host Profile a name – I used reset-esxi-root-password. 5. This issue is rare and will occur if you interrupt the patches remediation task abruptly, in my case thanks to one of my colleague. Edit the desired host profile. Perform compliance scanning and remediation of an ESXi host using Host Profiles. Step 3. 9. com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot -index. After successfully completing the migration from vCenter 6. Step 7. 0-20190604001-standard). However, before upgrading any of your VMware ESXi hosts, you should have already upgraded your VMware vCenter Server Appliance to 6. zip archive) includes all the updates from prior patches. 101. The file extension in this case is VPF. 1 Update 1 This will update the full image profile by replacing all outdated VIBs on the host with the most recent version contained in the patch (even if the update is from a from a prior patch). Updating the Answer File. 7 U1 Offline Bundle. We have announced the VMware vSphere 6. --help Show the help esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6. Update manager shows ESXi host non-compliant if upgraded but not if ESXi image was installed from scratch. 5 to 6. OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter (OMIVV) enables you to reduce the complexity of managing your data center by streamlining the tasks associated with the management and monitoring of Dell EMC server infrastructure in the vSphere environment. After upgrade, it shows non-compliant. 5. 5 Update 1. 208 -BackupConfiguration -DestinationPath “C:\backup ESXi host” If your ESXi hosts are managed by vCenter Server, you can connect to vCenter first and then back up ESXi configuration on your hosts in PowerCLI without needing to authenticate each time before backing up each host configuration. After the upgrade process completes, a reboot of the server is required for the new version to take effect. In the Services section, click Edit. I made a mistake and took the latest profile ( **ESXi-6. 7. 1) Check current version: esxcli system version get Output: 2) Download the required file from VMware then upload zip file to temporary directory on the ESXi host. I have published a post previously about performing a patch or upgrade to obtain a specific build number, it might be really useful for this post and I’d encourage you to read my previous post . For customers already using VMware ESXi, it is recommended that you update to the latest version on their supported at your earliest convenience. How to update ESXi 6. Now SSH into the host using PuTTY (or any other SSH client/terminal). zip Where “your_datastore” is the datastore where you have uploaded the file. 208 –username=root -l /backup/192-168-101-208-esxi-cfg. Host Profiles is a feature of vSphere designed to apply identical configuration to multiple VMware ESXi hosts Settings that are unique for individual hosts are provided through customizations vSphere Administrators enter or update customizations through graphical clients or via CSV file In this case, remediating is the act of pushing a patch or update to an ESXi host. zip -p HP-ESXi-5. Run this command: reboot. xml -p ESXi-6. Right click any host in your inventory, choose Host Profile, then Manage Profile. The syntax I used is listed below: [root@esx-e1:~] esxcli software vib update --depot=/vmfs/volumes/shared-hdd0/ESXi670-201901001. 3D Renderer is set to Automatic. 0). If this Image Profile is to be used with hosts in a vSphere HA cluster, you should add the vmware-fdm package to the image profile. 8. In the vSphere Web client start the SSH service and make a SSH session to the ESXi host. If you’ve only have a couple ESXi hosts to upgrade, then using the command line method is a fast and easy way of doing so. Now, select the Host Profile, select Actions and Edit Settings. --profile | -p Specifies the name of the image profile to update the host with. This is done by running the following: ~ # esxcli software sources profile list --depot=/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/patch/update-from-esxi5. vmlab. Enable SSH. I didn't change a whole lot, removing and disabling a lot of features that were either unused or unnecessary. vmware. g. 10. The virtual machines (VMs) on the standalone ESXi host are not very important, so I decided to shut them down together with the VCSA and update the nested ESXi host via CLI. vLCM is a comprehensive collection of abilities in vSphere 7 for consistency across ESXi hosts and easier ways to update hosts. The issue. 0-20170702001-standard -d /vmfs/volumes/ datastore1/update-from-esxi6. In vSphere 6, we have updated Host Profiles to only require maintenance mode if the properties being set by the specified Host Profile require it. 1. 0 build-8169922 VMware ESXi 6. Upload the patch bundle (zip) to a (central) datastore with the vSphere Client (prior vSphere 6. 50. To list the available ESXi 6. 0-1. 0-799733-standard. 0-standard Just like the HP Customized installation ISO (that is available on the same page) this bundle includes the latest versions of the HP software packages needed for hardware monitoring and updated device drivers for all supported HP server models. 5. Though not all environments have the luxury of running vCenter Server … Continued The graphics type of all GPUs on the ESXi host is Shared Direct. 17325020 I upgraded my ESXI 5 host via command line to ESXi 6 and currently running build 6. To upgrade/update ESXi from repository run the below esxcli command. The command below is what we’ll use to start the update. vmware_host – Add, remove, or move an ESXi host to, from, or within vCenter¶ Note This plugin is part of the community. 0-1. When a patch is published, there is always a separate Image Profile that contains security patches only and all patches are available with or without the VMware Tools VIB (tools-light). This is due to conflicting VIBs on your ESXi host. ESXi 5. 0 build 6765664, released on 4th October 2017. 5 in a detailed post here and you can also find all news related to vSphere 6. esxcli software profile update -d https://hostupdate. 5 to 6. The only requirement for the Coredump file to be created is that the volume is larger than 4GB. 7. 1 From the Profile List in the Host Profiles main view, select the Host Profile to be detached from a host or cluster. This helps by reducing the amount of time it takes to configure a host, along with reducing the chance of any configuration errors by ensuring host configuration is consistent across Recently I happen to deal with such an issue while installing the patches on an ESXi host using vSphere Update Manager. Once logged into the host, run the esxcli software vib list command searching for strings matching HP. Upgrade the host To perform the upgrade, the software profile update command is used to updates existing VIBs with the corresponding VIBs from the specified profile but does not affect other VIBs installed on the target server. As expected one of my host was non-complaint with profile and was complaining about syslog settings not present on host. For any settings that normally would not require a host to be in maintenance mode to update, Host Profiles will apply them without going into maintenance mode. To temporarily start or stop the service, click the Start or Stop button. In the search field, type root and hit enter. Step 6. Select the ESXi host from which you want to extract all the settings from. com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot-index. So, we upgraded hosts from Dell image of 5. Recently, I have been doing so, using: esxcli software profile list -d /<location>/ESXi670-202011002. 11. That way the new ESX(i) hosts you roll out will immediately have the current root password. vCenter 1 is managing hosts 1, 2, and 3, and is located on 3; vCenter 2 manages 4, 5, and 6 and is on 6. 1-0. zip> I’m running a fully nested homelab on a single SuperMicro server. 7 via command line Place the host you are about to upgrade into Maintenance Mode. vSphere Host Profiles is a feature that allows an administrator to copy the configuration of one host, then apply that configuration to other hosts or clusters. Go back to the Hosts and clusters screen, select the ESXi host that must be updated (192. You can also set datastore for memory paging in Edit Host Profiles: Once you select the datastore for system swap, update the ESXi host and reboot it. 17325020: VMware: CPU microcode updates: security: important: ESXi_7. Figure 11 – Remediating a host from the context menu Go to vCenter, and extract the host profile exactly how I do in the screenshot below. IT administrators use VMware vCenter as the primary console to manage and monitor VMware vSphere ESX/ESXi hosts. Let’s hit on Update Manager Home and create / review the Baselines. Login to the ESXi host as an administrative user (e. Use the newly created host profile with vSphere Auto Deploy to boot up stateless ESX 5. This blog post focuses on vSphere Lifecycle Manager (LCM). Avoid using the “ esxcli software vib update -d <patch archive> -n <vib name> ” command as the “-n” parameter will only update the specific VIBs, which could put you in a situation where some updates may get missed. To update your host with VIB's from the internet you have to allow httpClient in the firewall. After this, its just a matter of rebooting your host and you should be in the next version. 0 build-1623387 This shows that you are now on latest version 6) Take server out of maint mode via exit maintenance mode via esxi console Name Version Vendor Summary Category Severity Bulletin; cpu-microcode: 7. When attempting to apply host Profiles on Dell R730 ESXi Hosts configured with vSAN the Profile application results in the ESXi Host disconnecting from the network. In this example I will upgrading from ESXi 6. ESXi-6. vmware. 0 (on Windows) to the vCenter 6. This method is appropriate for a small number of hosts. Click Security Profile. 4. Next, press Edit…: Specify the datastore and click Ok. To update ESXi host to 6. Go to Home and then choose Host Profiles from Operations and Policies Section. 5U1-1623 . Right-click the Host Profile and edit its settings. 5. 7 U1 using the command line or by using VMware Update Manager. 0 to ESXi 6. 5. 20. You can find the last patch here. And the command for this is like this. The process consists of reading the baselines for your VMware patches, attaching your baseline to a vSphere object like an ESXi cluster, and optionally staging your patches before you remediate your ESXi hosts to meet their Permanently disable ESXi 5. There are file servers on each host that could run Update Manager. In the Select Host, Click any of Configure firewall for outgoing HTTP connections. In vCenter, navigate to the Home tab and go to Host Profiles there. 1 Update 1 installer from a CD-ROM, DVD, or USB flash drive to do an interactive upgrade. esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6. 7 build 9484548 host to the latest ESXi 6. 0-4564106- depot. 0-4564106-standard After the package has been deployed a listing of all of the vibs installed will be shown. 7 Update 3 on the build 14320388. Reboot the server. Click on Host Profile icon on the home page of the vSphere Web Client. 5 ; How to Install or Upgrade ESXi 7. zip -p ESXi-6. In addition, I will discuss how to differentiate image profiles within the depot. To perform driver and online firmware updates, your VMware environment must meet the following… Read More » Below I’ll show you three ways to upgrade your ESXi hosts to 6. and copying out the standard profile name: esxcli software profile update -d /<location>/ESXi670-202011002. Let’s navigate to Home > Update Manager from the vSphere Client and choose a vSphere Host. For details on As I described previously here, there are some options to update online or offline firmware and drivers on HP Servers with VMware vSphere installed. To take advantage of new and updated features in vSphere 6. zip Name Vendor Acceptance Level -------------------------------- ------------ ---------------- ESXi-5. After successfully completing the migration from vCenter 6. vmware. 0-4564106-standard -d /vmfs/volumes/your_datastore/VMware-ESXi-6. vCenter 1 is managing hosts 1, 2, and 3, and is located on 3; vCenter 2 manages 4, 5, and 6 and is on 6. From here we can review the current build installed. In this tutorial, we will upgrade an ESXi host from 6. x host profile that does not contain vDS settings. 168. 3. 7. 1. Next step is to make sure you put ESXi server into Maintenance Mode, if ESXi server is a standalone shut down the VMs. 7. Each patch contains two or four Image Profiles. Create a new host profile from the stateless ESX 5. Go to Hosts and Clusters, select your host (ESXi 6. esxcli software profile update -d https://hostupdate. 7 wie Sie Updates über die Kommandozeile einspielen. There, you can specify the new name and description if needed. I’m always using the profile update command. xml There are two commands profile update and profile install, update keeps custom drivers and install does not. Put the host into Maintenance Mode. 29, but the requirement cannot be satisfied within the ImageProfile. esxcli --server= server_name software profile install --depot=/ root_dir / If an ESXi host is deployed with vSphere Auto Deploy, you can use vSphere Auto Deploy to reprovision the host and reboot it with a new image profile. Update Host Profile with perennial reservations. In the search field, type root and hit enter. For more information, see KB 83063, linked to the right, and KB 83107 If you establish an SSH session to the ESXi host and type in – ‘esxcli system coredump file list‘, you will see that the coredump file got created on the VMFS-L filesystem within OSDATA. 10302608 requires esx-update << 6. Select one of your Hosts. The only requirement for the Coredump file to be created is that the volume is larger than 4GB. 5. zip. local. There are file servers on each host that could run Update Manager. This post will uncover news about VMware Update Manager (VUM), Autodeploy and Host Profiles. Create a firewall rule to allow the ESXi host to connect the Internet to pull down the required patches and put the host into maintenance mode. esxcli software profile update -d </path/to/depot. esxi update host profile
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+ :Title PuTTY User Manual 1 Title page=Top 1 Chapter 1: Introduction to PuTTY 2 Chapter 1: Introduction to PuTTY=t00000000 2 Section 1.1: What are SSH, Telnet and Rlogin?=t00000001 2 Section 1.2: How do SSH, Telnet and Rlogin differ?=t00000002 1 Chapter 2: Getting started with PuTTY 2 Chapter 2: Getting started with PuTTY=t00000003 2 Section 2.1: Starting a session=t00000004 2 Section 2.2: Verifying the host key (SSH only)=t00000005 2 Section 2.3: Logging in=t00000006 2 Section 2.4: After logging in=t00000007 2 Section 2.5: Logging out=t00000008 1 Chapter 3: Using PuTTY 2 Chapter 3: Using PuTTY=t00000009 2 Section 3.1: During your session 3 Section 3.1: During your session=t00000010 3 Section 3.1.1: Copying and pasting text=t00000011 3 Section 3.1.2: Scrolling the screen back=t00000012 3 Section 3.1.3: The System menu 4 Section 3.1.3: The System menu=t00000013 4 Section The PuTTY Event Log=t00000014 4 Section Special commands=t00000015 4 Section Starting new sessions=t00000016 4 Section Changing your session settings=t00000017 4 Section Copy All to Clipboard=t00000018 4 Section Clearing and resetting the terminal=t00000019 4 Section Full screen mode=t00000020 1 Section 3.2: Creating a log file of your session=t00000021 1 Section 3.3: Altering your character set configuration=t00000022 1 Section 3.4: Using X11 forwarding in SSH=t00000023 1 Section 3.5: Using port forwarding in SSH=t00000024 1 Section 3.6: Making raw TCP connections=t00000025 2 Section 3.7: The PuTTY command line 3 Section 3.7: The PuTTY command line=t00000026 3 Section 3.7.1: Starting a session from the command line=t00000027 3 Section 3.7.2: -cleanup=t00000028 3 Section 3.7.3: Standard command-line options 4 Section 3.7.3: Standard command-line options=t00000029 4 Section -load: load a saved session=t00000030 4 Section Selecting a protocol: -ssh, -telnet, -rlogin, -raw=t00000031 4 Section -v: increase verbosity=t00000032 4 Section -l: specify a login name=t00000033 4 Section -L, -R and -D: set up port forwardings=t00000034 4 Section -m: read a remote command or script from a file=t00000035 4 Section -P: specify a port number=t00000036 4 Section -pw: specify a password=t00000037 4 Section -A and -a: control agent forwarding=t00000038 4 Section -X and -x: control X11 forwarding=t00000039 4 Section -t and -T: control pseudo-terminal allocation=t00000040 4 Section -N: suppress starting a shell or command=t00000041 4 Section -C: enable compression=t00000042 4 Section -1 and -2: specify an SSH protocol version=t00000043 4 Section -i: specify an SSH private key=t00000044 1 Chapter 4: Configuring PuTTY 2 Chapter 4: Configuring PuTTY=t00000045 2 Section 4.1: The Session panel 3 Section 4.1: The Session panel=t00000046 3 Section 4.1.1: The host name section=session.hostname 3 Section 4.1.2: Loading and storing saved sessions=session.saved 3 Section 4.1.3: �Close Window on Exit�=session.coe 2 Section 4.2: The Logging panel 3 Section 4.2: The Logging panel=logging.main 3 Section 4.2.1: �Log file name�=logging.filename 3 Section 4.2.2: �What to do if the log file already exists�=logging.exists 3 Section 4.2.3: Options specific to SSH packet logging 4 Section 4.2.3: Options specific to SSH packet logging=t00000047 4 Section �Omit known password fields�=logging.ssh.omitpassword 4 Section �Omit session data�=logging.ssh.omitdata 2 Section 4.3: The Terminal panel 3 Section 4.3: The Terminal panel=t00000048 3 Section 4.3.1: �Auto wrap mode initially on�=terminal.autowrap 3 Section 4.3.2: �DEC Origin Mode initially on�=terminal.decom 3 Section 4.3.3: �Implicit CR in every LF�=terminal.lfhascr 3 Section 4.3.4: �Use background colour to erase screen�=terminal.bce 3 Section 4.3.5: �Enable blinking text�=terminal.blink 3 Section 4.3.6: �Answerback to ^E�=terminal.answerback 3 Section 4.3.7: �Local echo�=terminal.localecho 3 Section 4.3.8: �Local line editing�=terminal.localedit 3 Section 4.3.9: Remote-controlled printing=terminal.printing 2 Section 4.4: The Keyboard panel 3 Section 4.4: The Keyboard panel=t00000049 3 Section 4.4.1: Changing the action of the Backspace key=keyboard.backspace 3 Section 4.4.2: Changing the action of the Home and End keys=keyboard.homeend 3 Section 4.4.3: Changing the action of the function keys and keypad=keyboard.funkeys 3 Section 4.4.4: Controlling Application Cursor Keys mode=keyboard.appcursor 3 Section 4.4.5: Controlling Application Keypad mode=keyboard.appkeypad 3 Section 4.4.6: Using NetHack keypad mode=keyboard.nethack 3 Section 4.4.7: Enabling a DEC-like Compose key=keyboard.compose 3 Section 4.4.8: �Control-Alt is different from AltGr�=keyboard.ctrlalt 2 Section 4.5: The Bell panel 3 Section 4.5: The Bell panel=t00000050 3 Section 4.5.1: �Set the style of bell�=bell.style 3 Section 4.5.2: �Taskbar/caption indication on bell�=bell.taskbar 3 Section 4.5.3: �Control the bell overload behaviour�=bell.overload 2 Section 4.6: The Features panel 3 Section 4.6: The Features panel=t00000051 3 Section 4.6.1: Disabling application keypad and cursor keys=features.application 3 Section 4.6.2: Disabling xterm-style mouse reporting=features.mouse 3 Section 4.6.3: Disabling remote terminal resizing=features.resize 3 Section 4.6.4: Disabling switching to the alternate screen=features.altscreen 3 Section 4.6.5: Disabling remote window title changing=features.retitle 3 Section 4.6.6: Disabling remote window title querying=features.qtitle 3 Section 4.6.7: Disabling destructive backspace=features.dbackspace 3 Section 4.6.8: Disabling remote character set configuration=features.charset 2 Section 4.7: The Window panel 3 Section 4.7: The Window panel=t00000052 3 Section 4.7.1: Setting the size of the PuTTY window=window.size 3 Section 4.7.2: What to do when the window is resized=window.resize 3 Section 4.7.3: Controlling scrollback=window.scrollback 3 Section 4.7.4: �Push erased text into scrollback�=window.erased 2 Section 4.8: The Appearance panel 3 Section 4.8: The Appearance panel=t00000053 3 Section 4.8.1: Controlling the appearance of the cursor=appearance.cursor 3 Section 4.8.2: Controlling the font used in the terminal window=appearance.font 3 Section 4.8.3: �Hide mouse pointer when typing in window�=appearance.hidemouse 3 Section 4.8.4: Controlling the window border=appearance.border 2 Section 4.9: The Behaviour panel 3 Section 4.9: The Behaviour panel=t00000054 3 Section 4.9.1: Controlling the window title=appearance.title 3 Section 4.9.2: �Warn before closing window�=behaviour.closewarn 3 Section 4.9.3: �Window closes on ALT-F4�=behaviour.altf4 3 Section 4.9.4: �System menu appears on ALT-Space�=behaviour.altspace 3 Section 4.9.5: �System menu appears on Alt alone�=behaviour.altonly 3 Section 4.9.6: �Ensure window is always on top�=behaviour.alwaysontop 3 Section 4.9.7: �Full screen on Alt-Enter�=behaviour.altenter 2 Section 4.10: The Translation panel 3 Section 4.10: The Translation panel=t00000055 3 Section 4.10.1: Controlling character set translation=translation.codepage 3 Section 4.10.2: �Caps Lock acts as Cyrillic switch�=translation.cyrillic 3 Section 4.10.3: Controlling display of line drawing characters=translation.linedraw 3 Section 4.10.4: Controlling copy and paste of line drawing characters=selection.linedraw 2 Section 4.11: The Selection panel 3 Section 4.11: The Selection panel=t00000056 3 Section 4.11.1: Pasting in Rich Text Format=selection.rtf 3 Section 4.11.2: Changing the actions of the mouse buttons=selection.buttons 3 Section 4.11.3: �Shift overrides application's use of mouse�=selection.shiftdrag 3 Section 4.11.4: Default selection mode=selection.rect 3 Section 4.11.5: Configuring word-by-word selection=selection.charclasses 2 Section 4.12: The Colours panel 3 Section 4.12: The Colours panel=t00000057 3 Section 4.12.1: �Bolded text is a different colour�=colours.bold 3 Section 4.12.2: �Attempt to use logical palettes�=colours.logpal 3 Section 4.12.3: �Use system colours�=colours.system 3 Section 4.12.4: Adjusting the colours in the terminal window=colours.config 2 Section 4.13: The Connection panel 3 Section 4.13: The Connection panel=t00000058 3 Section 4.13.1: �Terminal-type string�=connection.termtype 3 Section 4.13.2: �Terminal speeds�=connection.termspeed 3 Section 4.13.3: �Auto-login username�=connection.username 3 Section 4.13.4: Setting environment variables on the server=telnet.environ 3 Section 4.13.5: Using keepalives to prevent disconnection=connection.keepalive 3 Section 4.13.6: �Disable Nagle's algorithm�=connection.nodelay 3 Section 4.13.7: �Enable TCP keepalives�=connection.tcpkeepalive 2 Section 4.14: The Proxy panel 3 Section 4.14: The Proxy panel=proxy.main 3 Section 4.14.1: Setting the proxy type=proxy.type 3 Section 4.14.2: Excluding parts of the network from proxying=proxy.exclude 3 Section 4.14.3: Name resolution when using a proxy=proxy.dns 3 Section 4.14.4: Username and password=proxy.auth 3 Section 4.14.5: Specifying the Telnet proxy command=proxy.command 2 Section 4.15: The Telnet panel 3 Section 4.15: The Telnet panel=t00000059 3 Section 4.15.1: �Handling of OLD_ENVIRON ambiguity�=telnet.oldenviron 3 Section 4.15.2: Passive and active Telnet negotiation modes=telnet.passive 3 Section 4.15.3: �Keyboard sends Telnet special commands�=telnet.specialkeys 3 Section 4.15.4: �Return key sends Telnet New Line instead of ^M�=telnet.newline 2 Section 4.16: The Rlogin panel 3 Section 4.16: The Rlogin panel=t00000060 3 Section 4.16.1: �Local username�=rlogin.localuser 2 Section 4.17: The SSH panel 3 Section 4.17: The SSH panel=t00000061 3 Section 4.17.1: Executing a specific command on the server=ssh.command 3 Section 4.17.2: �Don't allocate a pseudo-terminal�=ssh.nopty 3 Section 4.17.3: �Don't start a shell or command at all�=ssh.noshell 3 Section 4.17.4: �Enable compression�=ssh.compress 3 Section 4.17.5: �Preferred SSH protocol version�=ssh.protocol 3 Section 4.17.6: Encryption algorithm selection=ssh.ciphers 2 Section 4.18: The Auth panel 3 Section 4.18: The Auth panel=t00000062 3 Section 4.18.1: �Attempt TIS or CryptoCard authentication�=ssh.auth.tis 3 Section 4.18.2: �Attempt keyboard-interactive authentication�=ssh.auth.ki 3 Section 4.18.3: �Allow agent forwarding�=ssh.auth.agentfwd 3 Section 4.18.4: �Allow attempted changes of username in SSH2�=ssh.auth.changeuser 3 Section 4.18.5: �Private key file for authentication�=ssh.auth.privkey 2 Section 4.19: The Tunnels panel 3 Section 4.19: The Tunnels panel=t00000063 3 Section 4.19.1: X11 forwarding 4 Section 4.19.1: X11 forwarding=ssh.tunnels.x11 4 Section Remote X11 authentication=ssh.tunnels.x11auth 2 Section 4.19.2: Port forwarding=ssh.tunnels.portfwd 2 Section 4.19.3: Controlling the visibility of forwarded ports=ssh.tunnels.portfwd.localhost 2 Section 4.20: The Bugs panel 3 Section 4.20: The Bugs panel=t00000064 3 Section 4.20.1: �Chokes on SSH1 ignore messages�=ssh.bugs.ignore1 3 Section 4.20.2: �Refuses all SSH1 password camouflage�=ssh.bugs.plainpw1 3 Section 4.20.3: �Chokes on SSH1 RSA authentication�=ssh.bugs.rsa1 3 Section 4.20.4: �Miscomputes SSH2 HMAC keys�=ssh.bugs.hmac2 3 Section 4.20.5: �Miscomputes SSH2 encryption keys�=ssh.bugs.derivekey2 3 Section 4.20.6: �Requires padding on SSH2 RSA signatures�=ssh.bugs.rsapad2 3 Section 4.20.7: �Chokes on Diffie-Hellman group exchange�=ssh.bugs.dhgex2 3 Section 4.20.8: �Misuses the session ID in PK auth�=ssh.bugs.pksessid2 1 Section 4.21: Storing configuration in a file=t00000065 1 Chapter 5: Using PSCP to transfer files securely 2 Chapter 5: Using PSCP to transfer files securely=t00000066 2 Section 5.1: Starting PSCP=t00000067 2 Section 5.2: PSCP Usage 3 Section 5.2: PSCP Usage=t00000068 3 Section 5.2.1: The basics 4 Section 5.2.1: The basics=t00000069 4 Section user=t00000070 4 Section host=t00000071 4 Section source=t00000072 4 Section target=t00000073 3 Section 5.2.2: Options 4 Section 5.2.2: Options=t00000074 4 Section -p preserve file attributes=t00000075 4 Section -q quiet, don't show statistics=t00000076 4 Section -r copies directories recursively=t00000077 4 Section -batch avoid interactive prompts=t00000078 4 Section -sftp, -scp force use of particular protocol=t00000079 2 Section 5.2.3: Return value=t00000080 2 Section 5.2.4: Using public key authentication with PSCP=t00000081 1 Chapter 6: Using PSFTP to transfer files securely 2 Chapter 6: Using PSFTP to transfer files securely=t00000082 2 Section 6.1: Starting PSFTP 3 Section 6.1: Starting PSFTP=t00000083 3 Section 6.1.1: -b: specify a file containing batch commands=t00000084 3 Section 6.1.2: -bc: display batch commands as they are run=t00000085 3 Section 6.1.3: -be: continue batch processing on errors=t00000086 3 Section 6.1.4: -batch: avoid interactive prompts=t00000087 2 Section 6.2: Running PSFTP 3 Section 6.2: Running PSFTP=t00000088 3 Section 6.2.1: General quoting rules for PSFTP commands=t00000089 3 Section 6.2.2: The open command: start a session=t00000090 3 Section 6.2.3: The quit command: end your session=t00000091 3 Section 6.2.4: The help command: get quick online help=t00000092 3 Section 6.2.5: The cd and pwd commands: changing the remote working directory=t00000093 3 Section 6.2.6: The lcd and lpwd commands: changing the local working directory=t00000094 3 Section 6.2.7: The get command: fetch a file from the server=t00000095 3 Section 6.2.8: The put command: send a file to the server=t00000096 3 Section 6.2.9: The reget and reput commands: resuming file transfers=t00000097 3 Section 6.2.10: The dir command: list remote files=t00000098 3 Section 6.2.11: The chmod command: change permissions on remote files=t00000099 3 Section 6.2.12: The del command: delete remote files=t00000100 3 Section 6.2.13: The mkdir command: create remote directories=t00000101 3 Section 6.2.14: The rmdir command: remove remote directories=t00000102 3 Section 6.2.15: The ren command: rename remote files=t00000103 3 Section 6.2.16: The ! command: run a local Windows command=t00000104 1 Section 6.3: Using public key authentication with PSFTP=t00000105 1 Chapter 7: Using the command-line connection tool Plink 2 Chapter 7: Using the command-line connection tool Plink=t00000106 2 Section 7.1: Starting Plink=t00000107 2 Section 7.2: Using Plink 3 Section 7.2: Using Plink=t00000108 3 Section 7.2.1: Using Plink for interactive logins=t00000109 3 Section 7.2.2: Using Plink for automated connections=t00000110 3 Section 7.2.3: Plink command line options 4 Section 7.2.3: Plink command line options=t00000111 4 Section -batch: disable all interactive prompts=t00000112 4 Section -s: remote command is SSH subsystem=t00000113 1 Section 7.3: Using Plink in batch files and scripts=t00000114 1 Section 7.4: Using Plink with CVS=t00000115 1 Section 7.5: Using Plink with WinCVS=t00000116 1 Chapter 8: Using public keys for SSH authentication 2 Chapter 8: Using public keys for SSH authentication=t00000117 2 Section 8.1: Public key authentication - an introduction=t00000118 2 Section 8.2: Using PuTTYgen, the PuTTY key generator 3 Section 8.2: Using PuTTYgen, the PuTTY key generator=puttygen.general 3 Section 8.2.1: Generating a new key=t00000119 3 Section 8.2.2: Selecting the type of key=puttygen.keytype 3 Section 8.2.3: Selecting the size (strength) of the key=puttygen.bits 3 Section 8.2.4: The �Generate� button=puttygen.generate 3 Section 8.2.5: The �Key fingerprint� box=puttygen.fingerprint 3 Section 8.2.6: Setting a comment for your key=puttygen.comment 3 Section 8.2.7: Setting a passphrase for your key=puttygen.passphrase 3 Section 8.2.8: Saving your private key to a disk file=puttygen.savepriv 3 Section 8.2.9: Saving your public key to a disk file=puttygen.savepub 3 Section 8.2.10: �Public key for pasting into authorized_keys file�=puttygen.pastekey 3 Section 8.2.11: Reloading a private key=puttygen.load 3 Section 8.2.12: Dealing with private keys in other formats=puttygen.conversions 1 Section 8.3: Getting ready for public key authentication=t00000120 1 Chapter 9: Using Pageant for authentication 2 Chapter 9: Using Pageant for authentication=pageant.general 2 Section 9.1: Getting started with Pageant=t00000121 2 Section 9.2: The Pageant main window 3 Section 9.2: The Pageant main window=t00000122 3 Section 9.2.1: The key list box=pageant.keylist 3 Section 9.2.2: The �Add Key� button=pageant.addkey 3 Section 9.2.3: The �Remove Key� button=pageant.remkey 2 Section 9.3: The Pageant command line 3 Section 9.3: The Pageant command line=t00000123 3 Section 9.3.1: Making Pageant automatically load keys on startup=t00000124 3 Section 9.3.2: Making Pageant run another program=t00000125 1 Section 9.4: Using agent forwarding=t00000126 1 Section 9.5: Security considerations=t00000127 1 Chapter 10: Common error messages 2 Chapter 10: Common error messages=t00000128 2 Section 10.1: �The server's host key is not cached in the registry�=t00000129 2 Section 10.2: �WARNING - POTENTIAL SECURITY BREACH!�=t00000130 2 Section 10.3: �Out of space for port forwardings�=t00000131 2 Section 10.4: �The first cipher supported by the server is ... below the configured warning threshold�=t00000132 2 Section 10.5: �Server sent disconnect message type 2 (SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR): "Too many authentication failures for root"�=t00000133 2 Section 10.6: �Out of memory�=t00000134 2 Section 10.7: �Internal error�, �Internal fault�, �Assertion failed�=t00000135 2 Section 10.8: �Unable to use this private key file�, �Couldn't load private key�, �Key is of wrong type�=t00000136 2 Section 10.9: �Server refused our public key� or �Key refused�=t00000137 2 Section 10.10: �Access denied�, �Authentication refused�=t00000138 2 Section 10.11: �Incorrect CRC received on packet� or �Incorrect MAC received on packet�=t00000139 2 Section 10.12: �Incoming packet was garbled on decryption�=t00000140 2 Section 10.13: �PuTTY X11 proxy: various errors�=t00000141 2 Section 10.14: �Network error: Software caused connection abort�=t00000142 2 Section 10.15: �Network error: Connection reset by peer�=t00000143 2 Section 10.16: �Network error: Connection refused�=t00000144 2 Section 10.17: �Network error: Connection timed out�=t00000145 1 Appendix A: PuTTY FAQ 2 Appendix A: PuTTY FAQ=t00000146 2 Section A.1: Introduction 3 Section A.1: Introduction=t00000147 3 Question A.1.1: What is PuTTY?=t00000148 2 Section A.2: Features supported in PuTTY 3 Section A.2: Features supported in PuTTY=t00000149 3 Question A.2.1: Does PuTTY support SSH v2?=t00000150 3 Question A.2.2: Does PuTTY support reading OpenSSH or ssh.com SSHv2 private key files?=t00000151 3 Question A.2.3: Does PuTTY support SSH v1?=t00000152 3 Question A.2.4: Does PuTTY support local echo?=t00000153 3 Question A.2.5: Does PuTTY support storing settings, so I don't have to change them every time?=t00000154 3 Question A.2.6: Does PuTTY support storing its settings in a disk file?=t00000155 3 Question A.2.7: Does PuTTY support full-screen mode, like a DOS box?=t00000156 3 Question A.2.8: Does PuTTY have the ability to remember my password so I don't have to type it every time?=t00000157 3 Question A.2.9: Is there an option to turn off the annoying host key prompts?=t00000158 3 Question A.2.10: Will you write an SSH server for the PuTTY suite, to go with the client?=t00000159 3 Question A.2.11: Can PSCP or PSFTP transfer files in ASCII mode?=t00000160 2 Section A.3: Ports to other operating systems 3 Section A.3: Ports to other operating systems=t00000161 3 Question A.3.1: What ports of PuTTY exist?=t00000162 3 Question A.3.2: Is there a port to Unix?=t00000163 3 Question A.3.3: What's the point of the Unix port? Unix has OpenSSH.=t00000164 3 Question A.3.4: Will there be a port to Windows CE or PocketPC?=t00000165 3 Question A.3.5: Is there a port to Windows 3.1?=t00000166 3 Question A.3.6: Will there be a port to the Mac?=t00000167 3 Question A.3.7: Will there be a port to EPOC?=t00000168 2 Section A.4: Embedding PuTTY in other programs 3 Section A.4: Embedding PuTTY in other programs=t00000169 3 Question A.4.1: Is the SSH or Telnet code available as a DLL?=t00000170 3 Question A.4.2: Is the SSH or Telnet code available as a Visual Basic component?=t00000171 3 Question A.4.3: How can I use PuTTY to make an SSH connection from within another program?=t00000172 2 Section A.5: Details of PuTTY's operation 3 Section A.5: Details of PuTTY's operation=t00000173 3 Question A.5.1: What terminal type does PuTTY use?=t00000174 3 Question A.5.2: Where does PuTTY store its data?=t00000175 2 Section A.6: HOWTO questions 3 Section A.6: HOWTO questions=t00000176 3 Question A.6.1: How can I make PuTTY start up maximised?=t00000177 3 Question A.6.2: How can I create a Windows shortcut to start a particular saved session directly?=t00000178 3 Question A.6.3: How can I start an SSH session straight from the command line?=t00000179 3 Question A.6.4: How do I copy and paste between PuTTY and other Windows applications?=t00000180 3 Question A.6.5: How do I use all PuTTY's features (public keys, proxying, cipher selection, etc.) in PSCP, PSFTP and Plink?=t00000181 3 Question A.6.6: How do I use PSCP.EXE? When I double-click it gives me a command prompt window which then closes instantly.=t00000182 3 Question A.6.7: How do I use PSCP to copy a file whose name has spaces in?=t00000183 2 Section A.7: Troubleshooting 3 Section A.7: Troubleshooting=t00000184 3 Question A.7.1: Why do I see �Incorrect MAC received on packet�?=t00000185 3 Question A.7.2: Why do I see �Fatal: Protocol error: Expected control record� in PSCP?=t00000186 3 Question A.7.3: I clicked on a colour in the Colours panel, and the colour didn't change in my terminal.=t00000187 3 Question A.7.4: Plink on Windows 95 says it can't find WS2_32.DLL.=t00000188 3 Question A.7.5: After trying to establish an SSH 2 connection, PuTTY says �Out of memory� and dies.=t00000189 3 Question A.7.6: When attempting a file transfer, either PSCP or PSFTP says �Out of memory� and dies.=t00000190 3 Question A.7.7: PSFTP transfers files much slower than PSCP.=t00000191 3 Question A.7.8: When I run full-colour applications, I see areas of black space where colour ought to be.=t00000192 3 Question A.7.9: When I change some terminal settings, nothing happens.=t00000193 3 Question A.7.10: My PuTTY sessions unexpectedly close after they are idle for a while.=t00000194 3 Question A.7.11: PuTTY's network connections time out too quickly when network connectivity is temporarily lost.=t00000195 3 Question A.7.12: When I cat a binary file, I get `PuTTYPuTTYPuTTY' on my command line.=t00000196 3 Question A.7.13: When I cat a binary file, my window title changes to a nonsense string.=t00000197 3 Question A.7.14: My keyboard stops working once PuTTY displays the password prompt.=t00000198 3 Question A.7.15: One or more function keys don't do what I expected in a server-side application.=t00000199 3 Question A.7.16: Since my SSH server was upgraded to OpenSSH 3.1p1/3.4p1, I can no longer connect with PuTTY.=t00000200 3 Question A.7.17: Why do I see "Couldn't load private key from ..."? Why can PuTTYgen load my key but not PuTTY?=t00000201 3 Question A.7.18: When I'm connected to a Red Hat Linux 8.0 system, some characters don't display properly.=t00000202 3 Question A.7.19: Since I upgraded to PuTTY 0.54, the scrollback has stopped working when I run screen.=t00000203 3 Question A.7.20: Since I upgraded Windows XP to Service Pack 2, I can't use addresses like 3 Question A.7.21: PSFTP commands seem to be missing a directory separator (slash).=t00000205 2 Section A.8: Security questions 3 Section A.8: Security questions=t00000206 3 Question A.8.1: Is it safe for me to download PuTTY and use it on a public PC?=t00000207 3 Question A.8.2: What does PuTTY leave on a system? How can I clean up after it?=t00000208 3 Question A.8.3: How come PuTTY now supports DSA, when the website used to say how insecure it was?=t00000209 3 Question A.8.4: Couldn't Pageant use VirtualLock() to stop private keys being written to disk?=t00000210 2 Section A.9: Administrative questions 3 Section A.9: Administrative questions=t00000211 3 Question A.9.1: Would you like me to register you a nicer domain name?=t00000212 3 Question A.9.2: Would you like free web hosting for the PuTTY web site?=t00000213 3 Question A.9.3: Would you link to my web site from the PuTTY web site?=t00000214 3 Question A.9.4: Why don't you move PuTTY to SourceForge?=t00000215 3 Question A.9.5: Why can't I subscribe to the putty-bugs mailing list?=t00000216 3 Question A.9.6: If putty-bugs isn't a general-subscription mailing list, what is?=t00000217 3 Question A.9.7: How can I donate to PuTTY development?=t00000218 3 Question A.9.8: Can I have permission to put PuTTY on a cover disk / distribute it with other software / etc?=t00000219 2 Section A.10: Miscellaneous questions 3 Section A.10: Miscellaneous questions=t00000220 3 Question A.10.1: Is PuTTY a port of OpenSSH, or based on OpenSSH?=t00000221 3 Question A.10.2: Where can I buy silly putty?=t00000222 3 Question A.10.3: What does �PuTTY� mean?=t00000223 3 Question A.10.4: How do I pronounce �PuTTY�?=t00000224 1 Appendix B: Feedback and bug reporting 2 Appendix B: Feedback and bug reporting=t00000225 2 Section B.1: General guidelines 3 Section B.1: General guidelines=t00000226 3 Section B.1.1: Sending large attachments=t00000227 1 Section B.2: Reporting bugs=t00000228 1 Section B.3: Requesting extra features=t00000229 1 Section B.4: Requesting features that have already been requested=t00000230 1 Section B.5: Support requests=t00000231 1 Section B.6: Web server administration=t00000232 1 Section B.7: Asking permission for things=t00000233 1 Section B.8: Mirroring the PuTTY web site=t00000234 1 Section B.9: Praise and compliments=t00000235 1 Section B.10: E-mail address=t00000236 1 Appendix C: PuTTY Licence 2 Appendix C: PuTTY Licence=t00000237
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e13ac3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url--1207898281
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+ plato
We are usually convinced more easily by reasons we have found ourselves than by those which have occurred to others. Pensees. 1670.
It is the heart which perceives God and not the reason. Pensees. 1670.
Man is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness from which he emerges and the infinity in which he is engulfed. Pensees. 1670.
Our nature consists in movement; absolute rest is death. Pensees. 1670.
Man is full of desires: he loves only those who can satisfy them all. "This man is a good mathematician," someone will say. But I have no concern for mathematics; he would take me for a proposition. "That one is a good soldier." He would take me for a besieged town. I need, that is to say, a decent man who can accommodate himself to all my desires in a general sort of way. W. H. Auden and L. Kronenberger (eds.) The Viking Book of Aphorisms, New York: Viking Press, 1966.
We run carelessly to the precipice, after we have put something before us to prevent us from seeing it. W. H. Auden and L. Kronenberger (eds.) The Viking Book of Aphorisms, New York: Viking Press, 1966.
We do not worry about being respected in towns through which we pass. But if we are going to remain in one for a certain time, we do worry. How long does this time have to be? W. H. Auden and L. Kronenberger (eds.) The Viking Book of Aphorisms, New York: Viking Press, 1966.
Few men speak humbly of humility, chastely of chastity, skeptically of skepticism. W. H. Auden and L. Kronenberger (eds.) The Viking Book of Aphorisms, New York: Viking Press, 1966.
Those who write against vanity want the glory of having written well, and their readers the glory of reading well, and I who write this have the same desire, as perhaps those who read this have also. W. H. Auden and L. Kronenberger (eds.) The Viking Book of Aphorisms, New York: Viking Press, 1966.
Our notion of symmetry is derived form the human face. Hence, we demand symmetry horizontally and in breadth only, not vertically nor in depth. W. H. Auden and L. Kronenberger (eds.) The Viking Book of Aphorisms, New York: Viking Press, 1966.
When we encounter a natural style we are always surprised and delighted, for we thought to see an author and found a man. W. H. Auden and L. Kronenberger (eds.) The Viking Book of Aphorisms, New York: Viking Press, 1966.
Everything that is written merely to please the author is worthless. W. H. Auden and L. Kronenberger (eds.) The Viking Book of Aphorisms, New York: Viking Press, 1966.
I cannot judge my work while I am doing it. I have to do as painters do, stand back and view it from a distance, but not too great a distance. How great? Guess. W. H. Auden and L. Kronenberger (eds.) The Viking Book of Aphorisms, New York: Viking Press, 1966.
Contradiction is not a sign of falsity, nor the lack of contradiction a sign of truth. W. H. Auden and L. Kronenberger (eds.) The Viking Book of Aphorisms, New York: Viking Press, 1966.
All err the more dangerously because each follows a truth. Their mistake lies not in following a falsehood but in not following another truth. W. H. Auden and L. Kronenberger (eds.) The Viking Book of Aphorisms, New York: Viking Press, 1966.
Perfect clarity would profit the intellect but damage the will. W. H. Auden and L. Kronenberger (eds.) The Viking Book of Aphorisms, New York: Viking Press, 1966.
Those who are accustomed to judge by feeling do not understand the process of reasoning, because they want to comprehend at a glance and are not used to seeking for first principles. Those, on the other hand, who are accustomed to reason from first principles do not understand matters of feeling at all, because they look for first principles and are unable to comprehend at a glance. W. H. Auden and L. Kronenberger (eds.) The Viking Book of Aphorisms, New York: Viking Press, 1966.
To deny, to believe, and to doubt well are to a man as the race is to a horse. W. H. Auden and L. Kronenberger (eds.) The Viking Book of Aphorisms, New York: Viking Press, 1966.
Words differently arranged have a different meaning and meanings differently arranged have a different effect. W. H. Auden and L. Kronenberger (eds.) The Viking Book of Aphorisms, New York: Viking Press, 1966.
Nature is an infinite sphere of which the center is everywhere and the circumference nowhere. Pensees. 1670.
We arrive at truth, not by reason only, but also by the heart. Pensees. 1670.
When the passions become masters, they are vices. Pensees. 1670.
Men despise religion; they hate it, and they fear it is true. Pensees. 1670.
Religion is so great a thing that it is right that those who will not take the trouble to seek it if it be obscure, should be deprived of it. Pensees. 1670.
It is not certain that everything is uncertain. Pensees. 1670.
We are so presumptuous that we should like to be known all over the world, even by people who will only come when we are no more. Such is our vanity that the good opinion of half a dozen of the people around us gives us pleasure and satisfaction. Pensees. 1670.
The sole cause of man's unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quietly in his room. Pensees. 1670.
Reason's last step is the recognition that there are an infinite number of things which are beyond it. Pensees. 1670.
Through space the universe grasps me and swallows me up like a speck; through thought I grasp it. Pensees. 1670.
Let no one say that I have said nothing new... the arrangement of the subject is new. When we play tennis, we both play with the same ball, but one of us places it better. Pensees. 1670.
The excitement that a gambler feels when making a bet is equal to the amount he might win times the probability of winning it. In N. Rose Mathematical Maxims and Minims, Raleigh NC:Rome Press Inc., 1988.
Reason is the slow and tortuous method by which these who do not know the truth discover it. The heart has its own reason which reason does not know. Pensees. 1670.
Reverend Fathers, my letters did not usually follow each other at such close intervals, nor were they so long.... This one would not be so long had I but the leisure to make it shorter. Lettres provinciales.
The last thing one knows when writing a book is what to put first. Pensees. 1670.
What is man in nature? Nothing in relation to the infinite, all in relation to nothing, a mean between nothing and everything. Pensees. 1670.
[I feel] engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces whereof I know nothing, and which know nothing of me, I am terrified The eternal silence of these infinite spaces alarms me. Pensees. 1670.
Let us weigh the gain and the loss in wagering that God is. Let us consider the two possibilities. If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Hesitate not, then, to wager that He is. Pensees. 1670.
Look somewhere else for someone who can follow you in your researches about numbers. For my part, I confess that they are far beyond me, and I am competent only to admire them. [Written to Fermat] In G. Simmons Calculus Gems, New York: McGraw Hill Inc., 1992.
The more I see of men, the better I like my dog. In H. Eves Return to Mathematical Circles, Boston: Prindle, Weber and Schmidt, 1988.
The more intelligent one is, the more men of originality one finds. Ordinary people find no difference between men. Pensees. 1670.
However vast a man's spiritual resources, he is capable of but one great passion. Discours sur les passions de l'amour. 1653.
There are two types of mind ... the mathematical, and what might be called the intuitive. The former arrives at its views slowly, but they are firm and rigid; the latter is endowed with greater flexibility and applies itself simultaneously to the diverse lovable parts of that which it loves. Discours sur les passions de l'amour. 1653.
Passano, L.M.
This trend [emphasizing applied mathematics over pure mathematics] will make the queen of the sciences into the quean of the sciences. In H. Eves Mathematical Circles Squared, Boston: Prindle, Weber and Schmidt, 1972.
Pasteur, Louis
Chance favors only the prepared mind. In H. Eves Return to Mathematical Circles, Boston: Prindle, Weber and Schmidt, 1988
Pearson, Karl
The mathematician, carried along on his flood of symbols, dealing apparently with purely formal truths, may still reach results of endless importance for our description of the physical universe. In N. Rose Mathematical Maxims and Minims, Raleigh NC:Rome Press Inc., 1988.
Peirce, Benjamin (1809-1880)
Mathematics is the science which draws necessary conclusions. Memoir read before the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, 1870.
Peirce, Charles Sanders (1839-1914)
The one [the logician] studies the science of drawing conclusions, the other [the mathematician] the science which draws necessary conclusions. "The Essence of Mathematics" in J. R. Newman (ed.) The World of Mathematics, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956.
...mathematics is distinguished from all other sciences except only ethics, in standing in no need of ethics. Every other science, even logiclogic, especiallyis in its early stages in danger of evaporating into airy nothingness, degenerating, as the Germans say, into an arachnoid film, spun from the stuff that dreams are made of. There is no such danger for pure mathematics; for that is precisely what mathematics ought to be. "The Essence of Mathematics" in J. R. Newman (ed.) The World of Mathematics, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956.
Among the minor, yet striking characteristics of mathematics, may be mentioned the fleshless and skeletal build of its propositions; the peculiar difficulty, complication, and stress of its reasonings; the perfect exactitude of its results; their broad universality; their practical infallibility. "The Essence of Mathematics" in J. R. Newman (ed.) The World of Mathematics, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956.
The pragmatist knows that doubt is an art which hs to be acquired with difficulty. Collected Papers.
Pedersen, Jean
Geometry is a skill of the eyes and the hands as well as of the mind.
Plato (ca 429-347 BC)
He who can properly define and divide is to be considered a god.
The ludicrous state of solid geometry made me pass over this branch. Republic, VII, 528.
He is unworthy of the name of man who is ignorant of the fact that the diagonal of a square is incommensurable with its side.
Mathematics is like checkers in being suitable for the young, not too difficult, amusing, and without peril to the state.
The knowledge of which geometry aims is the knowledge of the eternal. Republic, VII, 52.
I have hardly ever known a mathematician who was capable of reasoning. In N. Rose Mathematical Maxims and Minims, Raleigh NC:Rome Press Inc., 1988.
There still remain three studies suitable for free man. Arithmetic is one of them. In J. R. Newman (ed.) The World of Mathematics, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956.
Plutarch (ca 46-127)
[about Archimedes:] ... being perpetually charmed by his familiar siren, that is, by his geometry, he neglected to eat and drink and took no care of his person; that he was often carried by force to the baths, and when there he would trace geometrical figures in the ashes of the fire, and with his finger draws lines upon his body when it was anointed with oil, being in a state of great ecstasy and divinely possessed by his science. In G. Simmons Calculus Gems, New York: McGraw Hill Inc., 1992.
Poe, Edgar Allen
To speak algebraically, Mr. M. is execrable, but Mr. G. is (x + 1)- ecrable. [Discussing fellow writers Cornelius Mathews and William Ellery Channing.] In N. Rose Mathematical Maxims and Minims, Raleigh NC: Rome Press Inc., 1988.
Poincaré, Jules Henri (1854-1912)
Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things. [As opposed to the quotation: Poetry is the art of giving different names to the same thing].
Later generations will regard Mengenlehre (set theory) as a disease from which one has recovered. [Whether or not he actually said this is a matter of debate amongst historians of mathematics.] The Mathematical Intelligencer, vol 13, no. 1, Winter 1991.
What is it indeed that gives us the feeling of elegance in a solution, in a demonstration? It is the harmony of the diverse parts, their symmetry, their happy balance; in a word it is all that introduces order, all that gives unity, that permits us to see clearly and to comprehend at once both the ensemble and the details. In N. Rose Mathematical Maxims and Minims, Raleigh NC:Rome Press Inc., 1988.
Thus, be it understood, to demonstrate a theorem, it is neither necessary nor even advantageous to know what it means. The geometer might be replaced by the "logic piano" imagined by Stanley Jevons; or, if you choose, a machine might be imagined where the assumptions were put in at one end, while the theorems came out at the other, like the legendary Chicago machine where the pigs go in alive and come out transformed into hams and sausages. No more than these machines need the mathematician know what he does. In J. R. Newman (ed.) The World of Mathematics, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956.
Talk with M. Hermite. He never evokes a concrete image, yet you soon perceive that the more abstract entities are to him like living creatures. In G. Simmons Calculus Gems, New York: McGraw Hill Inc., 1992.
Science is built up with facts, as a house is with stones. But a collection of facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house. La Science et l'hypothèse.
A scientist worthy of his name, about all a mathematician, experiences in his work the same impression as an artist; his pleasure is as great and of the same nature. In N. Rose Mathematical Maxims and Minims, Raleigh NC:Rome Press Inc., 1988.
The mathematical facts worthy of being studied are those which, by their analogy with other facts, are capable of leading us to the knowledge of a physical law. They reveal the kinship between other facts, long known, but wrongly believed to be strangers to one another. In N. Rose Mathematical Maxims and Minims, Raleigh NC:Rome Press Inc., 1988.
Mathematicians do not study objects, but relations between objects. Thus, they are free to replace some objects by others so long as the relations remain unchanged. Content to them is irrelevant: they are interested in form only.
Thought is only a flash between two long nights, but this flash is everything. In J. R. Newman (ed.) The World of Mathematics, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956.
The mind uses its faculty for creativity only when experience forces it to do so.
Mathematical discoveries, small or greatare never born of spontaneous generation They always presuppose a soil seeded with preliminary knowledge and well prepared by labour, both conscious and subconscious.
Absolute space, that is to say, the mark to which it would be necessary to refer the earth to know whether it really moves, has no objective existence.... The two propositions: "The earth turns round" and "it is more convenient to suppose the earth turns round" have the same meaning; there is nothing more in the one than in the other. La Science et l'hypothèse.
...by natural selection our mind has adapted itself to the conditions of the external world. It has adopted the geometry most advantageous to the species or, in other words, the most convenient. Geometry is not true, it is advantageous. Science and Method.
Poisson, Siméon (1781-1840)
Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics. Mathematics Magazine, v. 64, no. 1, Feb. 1991.
Polyá, George (1887, 1985)
Mathematics consists of proving the most obvious thing in the least obvious way. In N. Rose Mathematical Maxims and Minims, Raleigh NC:Rome Press Inc., 1988.
The traditional mathematics professor of the popular legend is absentminded. He usually appears in public with a lost umbrella in each hand. He prefers to face the blackboard and to turn his back to the class. He writes a, he says b, he means c; but it should be d. Some of his sayings are handed down from generation to generation. "In order to solve this differential equation you look at it till a solution occurs to you." "This principle is so perfectly general that no particular application of it is possible." "Geometry is the science of correct reasoning on incorrect figures." "My method to overcome a difficulty is to go round it." "What is the difference between method and device? A method is a device which you used twice." How to Solve It. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1945.
Mathematics is the cheapest science. Unlike physics or chemistry, it does not require any expensive equipment. All one needs for mathematics is a pencil and paper. D. J. Albers and G. L. Alexanderson, Mathematical People, Boston: Birkhäuser, 1985.
There are many questions which fools can ask that wise men cannot answer. In H. Eves Return to Mathematical Circles, Boston: Prindle, Weber and Schmidt, 1988.
When introduced at the wrong time or place, good logic may be the worst enemy of good teaching. The American Mathematical Monthly, v. 100, no. 3.
Even fairly good students, when they have obtained the solution of the problem and written down neatly the argument, shut their books and look for something else. Doing so, they miss an important and instructive phase of the work. ... A good teacher should understand and impress on his students the view that no problem whatever is completely exhausted. One of the first and foremost duties of the teacher is not to give his students the impression that mathematical problems have little connection with each other, and no connection at all with anything else. We have a natural opportunity to investigate the connections of a problem when looking back at its solution. How to Solve It. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1945.
In order to translate a sentence from English into French two things are necessary. First, we must understand thoroughly the English sentence. Second, we must be familiar with the forms of expression peculiar to the French language. The situation is very similar when we attempt to express in mathematical symbols a condition proposed in words. First, we must understand thoroughly the condition. Second, we must be familiar with the forms of mathematical expression. How to Solve It. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1945.
Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)
Epitaph on Newton: Nature and Nature's law lay hid in night: God said, "Let Newton be!," and all was light. [added by Sir John Collings Squire: It did not last: the Devil shouting "Ho. Let Einstein be," restored the status quo] [Aaron Hill's version: O'er Nature's laws God cast the veil of night, Out blaz'd a Newton's souland all was light.
Order is Heaven's first law. An Essay on Man IV.
See skulking Truth to her old cavern fled, Mountains of Casuistry heap'd o'er her head! Philosophy, that lean'd on Heav'n before, Shrinks to her second cause, and is no more. Physic of Metaphysic begs defence, And Metaphysic calls for aid on Sense! See Mystery to Mathematics fly! In J. R. Newman (ed.) The World of Mathematics, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956.
Pordage, Matthew
One of the endearing things about mathematicians is the extent to which they will go to avoid doing any real work. In H. Eves Return to Mathematical Circles, Boston: Prindle, Weber and Schmidt, 1988.
Proclus Diadochus (412 - 485)
It is well known that the man who first made public the theory of irrationals perished in a shipwreck in order that the inexpressible and unimaginable should ever remain veiled. And so the guilty man, who fortuitously touched on and revealed this aspect of living things, was taken to the place where he began and there is for ever beaten by the waves. Scholium to Book X of Euclid V.
Purcell, E. and Varberg, D.
The Mean Value Theorem is the midwife of calculus -- not very important or glamorous by itself, but often helping to delivery other theorems that are of major significance. Calculus with Analytic Geomety, fifth edition, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1987.
Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich (1799 - 1837)
Inspiration is needed in geometry, just as much as in poetry. Likhtenshtein
Beginnings of Science and Philosophy in
+ Athens
Let us first recap briefly the emergence of philosophy and science in
+ Athens
+ after around 450 B.C. It all began with Socrates, who was born in 470 B.C. Socrates was a true philosopher, a lover of wisdom, who tried to elicit the truth by what has become known as the Socratic method, in which by a series of probing questions he forced successive further clarification of thought. Of course, such clarity often reveals that the other person’s ideas don’t in fact make much sense, so that although Socrates made a lot of things much clearer, he wasn’t a favorite of many establishment politicians. For example, he could argue very convincingly that traditional morality had no logical basis. He mostly lectured to the sons of well-to-do aristocrats, one of whom was Plato, born in 428 B.C. Plato was a young man when
+ Athens
+ was humiliated by
+ Sparta
+ in the Peloponnesian War, and Plato probably attributed the loss to
+ Athens
+ ’ being a democracy, as opposed to the kind of fascist war-based state
+ Sparta
+ was. Plato founded an Academy. The name came (at least in legend) from one Academus, a landowner on whose estate Plato and other philosophers met regularly. The important point is that this was the first university. All the people involved were probably aristocrats, and they discussed everything: politics, economics, morality, philosophy, mathematics and science. One of their main concerns was to find what constituted an ideal city-state. Democracy didn’t seem to have worked very well in their recent past. Plato’s ideas are set out in the Republic.
Plato’s Idea of a Good Education
What is interesting about the Republic from our point of view is the emphasis on a good education for the elite group in charge of Plato’s ideal society. In particular, Plato considered education in mathematics and astronomy to be excellent ways of sharpening the mind. He believed that intense mental exercise of this kind had the same effect on the mind that a rigorous physical regimen did on the body. Students at the Academy covered a vast range of subjects, but there was a sign over the door stating that some knowledge of mathematics was needed to enter—nothing else was mentioned! Plato in particular loved geometry, and felt that the beauty of the five regular solids he was the first to categorize meant they must be fundamental to nature, they must somehow be the shapes of the atoms. Notice that this approach to physics is not heavily dependent on observation and experiment.
Aristotle and Alexander
We turn now to the third member of this trio, Aristotle, born in 384 B.C. in
+ Stagira
+ , in
+ Thrace
+ , at the northern end of the Aegean, near
+ Macedonia
+ . Aristotle’s father was the family physician of King Philip of
+ Macedonia
+ . At the age of eighteen, Aristotle came to Athens to study at Plato’s Academy, and stayed there twenty years until Plato’s death in 348 B.C. (Statue is a Roman copy of a Greek original, in the Louvre, photographer Eric Gaba (User:Sting), July 2005.)
Five years after Plato’s death, Aristotle took a position as tutor to King Philip of
+ Macedonia
+ ’s thirteen year old son Alexander. He stayed for three years. It is not clear what impact, if any, Aristotle’s lessons had, but Alexander, like his father, was a great admirer of Greek civilization, even though the Athenians considered
+ Macedonia
+ the boondocks. In fact, when his father Philip died in 336 B.C., Alexander did his best to spread Greek civilization as far as he could. Macedonia had an excellent army, and over the next thirteen years Alexander organized Greece as a federation of city states, conquered Persia, the Middle East, Egypt, southern Afghanistan, some of Central Asia and the Punjab in India.
He founded Greek cities in many places, the greatest being Alexandria in Egypt, which in fact became the most important center of Greek science later on, and without which all of Greek learning might have been lost. The Greek cities became restless, predictably but rather ungratefully, when he demanded to be treated as a god. He died of a fever at age 33.
Aristotle Founds the Lyceum
Aristotle came back to
+ Athens
+ in 335 B.C., and spent the next twelve years running his own version of an academy, which was called the Lyceum, named after the place in
+ Athens
+ where it was located, an old
+ temple
+ of
+ Apollo
+ . (French high schools are named lycee after Aristotle’s establishment.) Aristotle’s preferred mode of operation was to spend a lot of time walking around talking with his colleagues, then write down his arguments. The Aristotelians are often called the Peripatetics: people who walk around.
Aristotle wrote extensively on all subjects: politics, metaphysics, ethics, logic and science. He didn’t care for Plato’s rather communal Utopia, in which the women were shared by the men, and the children raised by everybody, because for one thing he feared the children would be raised by nobody. His ideal society was one run by cultured gentlemen. He saw nothing wrong with slavery, provided the slave was naturally inferior to the master, so slaves should not be Greeks. This all sounds uncomfortably similar to Jefferson’s
+ Virginia
+ , perhaps not too surprising since Greek was a central part of a gentleman’s education in
+ Jefferson
+ ’s day.
Aristotle’s Science
Aristotle’s approach to science differed from Plato’s. He agreed that the highest human faculty was reason, and its supreme activity was contemplation. However, in addition to studying what he called “first philosophy” - metaphysics and mathematics, the things Plato had worked on, Aristotle thought it also very important to study “second philosophy”: the world around us, from physics and mechanics to biology. Perhaps being raised in the house of a physician had given him an interest in living things.
What he achieved in those years in
+ Athens
+ was to begin a school of organized scientific inquiry on a scale far exceeding anything that had gone before. He first clearly defined what was scientific knowledge, and why it should be sought. In other words, he single-handedly invented science as the collective, organized enterprise it is today. Plato’s Academy had the equivalent of a university mathematics department, Aristotle had the first science department, truly excellent in biology, but, as we shall see, a little weak in physics. After Aristotle, there was no comparable professional science enterprise for over 2,000 years, and his work was of such quality that it was accepted by all, and had long been a part of the official orthodoxy of the Christian Church 2,000 years later. This was unfortunate, because when Galileo questioned some of the assertions concerning simple physics, he quickly found himself in serious trouble with the Church.
Aristotle’s Method
Aristotle’s method of investigation varied from one natural science to another, depending on the problems encountered, but it usually included:
defining the subject matter
considering the difficulties involved by reviewing the generally accepted views on the subject, and suggestions of earlier writers
presenting his own arguments and solutions.
Again, this is the pattern modern research papers follow, Aristotle was laying down the standard professional approach to scientific research. The arguments he used were of two types: dialectical, that is, based on logical deduction; and empirical, based on practical considerations.
Aristotle often refuted an opposing argument by showing that it led to an absurd conclusion, this is called reductio ad absurdum (reducing something to absurdity). As we shall see later, Galileo used exactly this kind of argument against Aristotle himself, to the great annoyance of Aristotelians 2,000 years after Aristotle.
Another possibility was that an argument led to a dilemma: an apparent contradiction. However, dilemmas could sometimes be resolved by realizing that there was some ambiguity in a definition, say, so precision of definitions and usage of terms is essential to productive discussion in any discipline.
In contrast to Plato, who felt the only worthwhile science to be the contemplation of abstract forms, Aristotle practiced detailed observation and dissection of plants and animals, to try to understand how each fitted into the grand scheme of nature, and the importance of the different organs of animals. His motivation is made clear by the following quote from him (in Lloyd, p105):
For even in those kinds [of animals] that are not attractive to the senses, yet to the intellect the craftsmanship of nature provides extraordinary pleasures for those who can recognize the causes in things and who are naturally inclined to philosophy.
His study of nature was a search for “causes.” What, exactly are these “causes”? He gave some examples (we follow Lloyd’s discussion here). He stated that any object (animal, plant, inanimate, whatever) had four attributes:
moving cause
final cause
For a table, the matter is wood, the form is the shape, the moving cause is the carpenter and the final cause is the reason the table was made in the first place, for a family to eat at, for example. For man, he thought the matter was provided by the mother, the form was a rational two-legged animal, the moving cause was the father and the final cause was to become a fully grown human being. He did not believe nature to be conscious, he believed this final cause to be somehow innate in a human being, and similarly in other organisms. Of course, fulfilling this final cause is not inevitable, some accident may intervene, but apart from such exceptional circumstances, nature is regular and orderly.
To give another example of this central concept, he thought the “final cause” of an acorn was to be an oak tree. This has also been translated by Bertrand Russell (History of Western Philosophy) as the “nature” of an acorn is to become an oak tree. It is certainly very natural on viewing the living world, especially the maturing of complex organisms, to view them as having innately the express purpose of developing into their final form.
It is interesting to note that this whole approach to studying nature fits very well with Christianity. The idea that every organism is beautifully crafted for a particular function - its “final cause” - in the grand scheme of nature certainly leads naturally to the thought that all this has been designed by somebody.
Aristotle’s really great contribution to natural science was in biology. Living creatures and their parts provide far richer evidence of form, and of “final cause” in the sense of design for a particular purpose, than do inanimate objects. He wrote in detail about five hundred different animals in his works, including a hundred and twenty kinds of fish and sixty kinds of insect. He was the first to use dissection extensively. In one famous example, he gave a precise description of a kind of dog-fish that was not seen again by scientists until the nineteenth century, and in fact his work on this point was disbelieved for centuries.
Thus both Aristotle and Plato saw in the living creatures around them overwhelming evidence for “final causes”, that is to say, evidence for design in nature, a different design for each species to fit it for its place in the grand scheme of things. Empedocles, on the other hand, suggested that maybe creatures of different types could come together and produce mixed offspring, and those well adapted to their surroundings would survive. This would seem like an early hint of Darwinism, but it was not accepted, because as Aristotle pointed out, men begat men and oxen begat oxen, and there was no evidence of the mixed creatures Empedocles suggested.
Although this idea of the “nature” of things accords well with growth of animals and plants, it leads us astray when applied to the motion of inanimate objects, as we shall see.
Aristotle’s theory of the basic constituents of matter looks to a modern scientist perhaps something of a backward step from the work of the atomists and Plato. Aristotle assumed all substances to be compounds of four elements: earth, water, air and fire, and each of these to be a combination of two of four opposites, hot and cold, and wet and dry. (Actually, the words he used for wet and dry also have the connotation of softness and hardness).
Aristotle’s whole approach is more in touch with the way things present themselves to the senses, the way things really seem to be, as opposed to abstract geometric considerations. Hot and cold, wet and dry are qualities immediately apparent to anyone, this seems a very natural way to describe phenomena. He probably thought that the Platonic approach in terms of abstract concepts, which do not seem to relate to our physical senses but to our reason, was a completely wrongheaded way to go about the problem. It has turned out, centuries later, that the atomic and mathematical approach was on the right track after all, but at the time, and in fact until relatively recently, Aristotle seemed a lot closer to reality. He discussed the properties of real substances in terms of their “elemental” composition at great length, how they reacted to fire or water, how, for example, water evaporates on heating because it goes from cold and wet to hot and wet, becoming air, in his view. Innumerable analyses along these lines of commonly observed phenomena must have made this seem a coherent approach to understanding the natural world.
Dynamics: Motion, And Why Things Move
It is first essential to realize that the world Aristotle saw around him in everyday life was very different indeed from that we see today. Every modern child has since birth seen cars and planes moving around, and soon finds out that these things are not alive, like people and animals. In contrast, most of the motion seen in fourth century
+ Greece
+ was people, animals and birds, all very much alive. This motion all had a purpose, the animal was moving to someplace it would rather be, for some reason, so the motion was directed by the animal’s will. For Aristotle, this motion was therefore fulfilling the “nature” of the animal, just as its natural growth fulfilled the nature of the animal.
To account for motion of things obviously not alive, such as a stone dropped from the hand, he extended the concept of the “nature” of something to inanimate matter. He suggested that the motion of such inanimate objects could be understood by postulating that elements tend to seek their natural place in the order of things, so earth moves downwards most strongly, water flows downwards too, but not so strongly, since a stone will fall through water. In contrast, air moves up (bubbles in water) and fire goes upwards most strongly of all, since it shoots upward through air. This general theory of how elements move has to be elaborated, of course, when applied to real materials, which are mixtures of elements. He would conclude that wood, say, has both earth and air in it, since it does not sink in water.
Natural Motion and Violent Motion
Of course, things also sometimes move because they are pushed. A stone’s natural tendency, if left alone and unsupported, is to fall, but we can lift it, or even throw it through the air. Aristotle termed such forced motion “violent” motion as opposed to natural motion. The term “violent” here connotes that some external force is applied to the body to cause the motion. (Of course, from the modern point of view, gravity is an external force that causes a stone to fall, but even Galileo did not realize that. Before
+ Newton
+ , the falling of a stone was considered natural motion that did not require any outside help.)
(Question: I am walking steadily upstairs carrying a large stone when I stumble and both I and the stone go clattering down the stairs. Is the motion of the stone before the stumble natural or violent? What about the motion of the stone (and myself) after the stumble?)
Aristotle’s Laws of Motion
Aristotle was the first to think quantitatively about the speeds involved in these movements. He made two quantitative assertions about how things fall (natural motion):
Heavier things fall faster, the speed being proportional to the weight.
The speed of fall of a given object depends inversely on the density of the medium it is falling through, so, for example, the same body will fall twice as fast through a medium of half the density.
Notice that these rules have a certain elegance, an appealing quantitative simplicity. And, if you drop a stone and a piece of paper, it’s clear that the heavier thing does fall faster, and a stone falling through water is definitely slowed down by the water, so the rules at first appear plausible. The surprising thing is, in view of Aristotle’s painstaking observations of so many things, he didn’t check out these rules in any serious way. It would not have taken long to find out if half a brick fell at half the speed of a whole brick, for example. Obviously, this was not something he considered important.
From the second assertion above, he concluded that a vacuum cannot exist, because if it did, since it has zero density, all bodies would fall through it at infinite speed which is clearly nonsense.
For violent motion, Aristotle stated that the speed of the moving object was in direct proportion to the applied force.
This means first that if you stop pushing, the object stops moving. This certainly sounds like a reasonable rule for, say, pushing a box of books across a carpet, or a Grecian ox dragging a plough through a field. (This intuitively appealing picture, however, fails to take account of the large frictional force between the box and the carpet. If you put the box on a sled and pushed it across ice, it wouldn’t stop when you stop pushing. Galileo realized the importance of friction in these situations.)
Planetary Dynamics
The idea that motion (of inanimate objects) can be accounted for in terms of them seeking their natural place clearly cannot be applied to the planets, whose motion is apparently composed of circles. Aristotle therefore postulated that the heavenly bodies were not made up of the four elements earth, water, air and fire, but of a fifth, different, element called aither, whose natural motion was circular. This was not very satisfying for various reasons. Somewhere between here and the moon a change must take place, but where? Recall that Aristotle did not believe that there was a void anywhere. If the sun has no heat component, why does sunlight seem so warm? He thought it somehow generated heat by friction from the sun’s motion, but this wasn’t very convincing, either.
Aristotle’s Achievements
To summarize: Aristotle’s philosophy laid out an approach to the investigation of all natural phenomena, to determine form by detailed, systematic work, and thus arrive at final causes. His logical method of argument gave a framework for putting knowledge together, and deducing new results. He created what amounted to a fully-fledged professional scientific enterprise, on a scale comparable to a modern university science department. It must be admitted that some of his work - unfortunately, some of the physics - was not up to his usual high standards. He evidently found falling stones a lot less interesting than living creatures. Yet the sheer scale of his enterprise, unmatched in antiquity and for centuries to come, gave an authority to all his writings.
It is perhaps worth reiterating the difference between Plato and Aristotle, who agreed with each other that the world is the product of rational design, that the philosopher investigates the form and the universal, and that the only true knowledge is that which is irrefutable. The essential difference between them was that Plato felt mathematical reasoning could arrive at the truth with little outside help, but Aristotle believed detailed empirical investigations of nature were essential if progress was to be made in understanding the natural world.
Books I used to prepare this lecture:
Early Greek Science: Thales to Aristotle, G. E. R. Lloyd,
+ Norton
+ ,
+ N.Y.
+ , 1970. An excellent inexpensive paperback giving a more detailed presentation of many of the subjects we have discussed. My sections on Method and Causes, in particular, follow Lloyd’s treatment.
History of Western Philosophy, Bertrand Russell. An opinionated but very entertaining book, mainly on philosophy but with a fair amount of science and social analysis.
Long before Facebook's and Google's founders were born, and before Microsoft and Apple were founded. Before Xerox PARC. Before the Web. AOL. Bulletin boards and CompuServe. Before the Internet. Long before MOOCs (massively open online courses). Before pretty much everything we take for granted today, there was the PLATO system: home of not only computer-based education but, surprisingly, the first online community, and the original incubator for social computing: instant messaging, chat rooms, message forums, the world's first online newspaper, interactive fiction, emoticons, animations, virtual goods and virtual economies, a thriving developer community, MUDs (multi-user dungeons), personal publishing, screen savers. PLATO is where flat-panel gas plasma displays come from, and was one of the first systems with touch panels built-in to the screen. Countless other innovations. This site offers details regarding an upcoming book about the PLATO system, the people who designed and built it, and the user culture that it spawned in the 1970s and beyond. For more details, click any of the links at the top.
A book in the works for more than two decades. Based on extensive research, including interviews with hundreds of key individuals who designed, built, managed, sold, and used the PLATO system.
+ Philosopher Wins Nobel Prize!
+ Amartya Sen,who held a joint appointment
+ at Harvard in Philosophy and Economics,
+ now Master of Trinity College at Cambridge,
+ has won the 1998 Nobel Prize
+ for his work on World Hunger and Famine.
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+ Matt's Unix Security Page
Matt's Web World presents...
+ Established November 1, 1995. Last updated on May 1, 2018.
Welcome to my Unix security page! This page is not a complete listing of Unix security information and tools. What is hosted here is what I personally find useful and/or interesting. Hyperlinks to other sites are provided at the bottom of this page for those seeking something not listed here.
This page started out as a place to store Unix-related research papers I downloaded from FTP sites, back when I was really happy to be reading Usenet newsgroups at 9600bps. It's been almost 15 years since and the content here has grown a bit beyond Unix, to include Windows-based tools (I know, I know...), live CD distros, and another favorite topic of mine, lockpicking.
I have not done a great deal in the last decade other than link maintenance. But the page remains popular and I think it presents much of the core Unix lore and security knowledge. All of the links are current now, and the content is a bit more modern in its focus. There is so much more out there in the world since I started this in '95, but here lies an early signpost, and you would do well to master its content.
For those who might think it unwise to publicly disclose security holes and the techniques used to pass through them, I urge you to read Charles Tomlinson's Rudimentary Treatise on the Construction of Locks.
Everything here is provided for informational purposes only. The presence of any link on this page is not an endorsement of its content. And I certainly do not endorse unauthorized access to other people's computers! Property rights exist and should be respected. Think white hat.
If you wish to comment on this page please use the contact form to send me a message. If you are interested in advertising on this page please contact me to discuss terms.
The file archive uses various extensions, sometimes with multiple extensions in series. The extensions are summarized in the following table and links to the utility software needed to read these formats are provided.
File Format Info
'C' language source file. Use gcc to compile to machine code.
Gzip compressed file. Use gzip or IZArc to decompress these files.
Adobe Acrobat file. Use Acrobat Reader to view and print these files.
Adobe Postscript file. Use Ghostview to view and print these files. Ghostscript also does Postscript-to-ASCII conversions.
Unix Tape Archive file. Use your Unix's native tar command or on Windows try IZArc to handle these files.
ASCII Text file. Use standard text editor or browser.
PKZip compressed file archive. Use Info-Zip or IZArc to handle these files.
The papers here were orignally in Adobe Postscript ( .ps) format. I have converted them all to Adobe Acrobat ( .pdf), since this is the successor format from Adobe, and has many advantages to Postscript. The Postscript .ps files are all gzip'd and therefore end in .ps.gz The .pdf PDF files are almost as small as their gzip'd counterparts and therefore have not been compressed; just click and read (or print).
+ A good general commentary on Unix security, with specific places to look for suspicious files if you believe your machine's security may be compromised. It's a bit dated, so don't pay attention to the version numbers (Sendmail 8.6.4 is definitely not current anymore!)
IP Spoofing
+ CERT Advisory Team, 1995, ASCII Text
+ Not too exciting, but useful for the uninitiated.
+ This paper discusses a bit of general security and then goes into detail regarding Unix system misconfigurations, specifically ones that COPS checks for.
+ This paper describes the much ballyhooed method by which one may forge packets with TCP/IP. Morris wrote this in 1985. It only took the media 10 years to make a stink about it!
+ Includes explanation of this denial-of-service attack as well as Linux source implementation. Also of interest may be the CERT document warning that Phrack had published this vulnerability.
+ This document describes secure file transfer between agents, providing confidentiality and integrity of transferred files, originator authentication, and non-repudiation.
+ This program demonstrates how to exploit a security hole in the HP-UX 9 rpc.mountd program. Essentially, it shows how to steal NFS file handles which will allow access from clients which do not normally have privileges.
+ A suite of programs like ps, ls, & du which have been modified to prevent display of certain files & processes in order to hide an intruder. Modified Berkeley source code.
+ Code to exploit the TCP Sequence Number Generator bug. An brief but clear explanation of the bug can be found in Steve Bellovin's sequence number comment. Note that this code won't compile as-is because it is missing a library that does some of the low-level work. This is how the source was released by Mike Neuman, the author.
+ This tarfile contains source code to the getpass() and openlog() library routines which /bin/login can be made to link at runtime due to a feature of telnetd's environment variable passing. Root anyone? The fix is to make sure your /bin/login is statically linked.
+ Source code demonstrates how to get a pointer to an X Display Screen, allowing access to a display even after " xhost -" has disabled acess. Note that access must be present to read the pointer in the first place! (Originally posted to USENET's comp.unix.security.)
+ xghostwriter takes a string, or message, and ensures that this string is "typed" from the keyboard, no matter what keys are actually pressed. Useful for injecting keypress commands into an X session. More info from the auther is here in his USENET post.
+ xspy is mostly useful for spying on people; it was written on a challenge, to trick X into giving up passwords from the xdm login window or xterm secure-mode. More info from the auther is here in his USENET post.
+ YP/NIS is a horrible example of "security through obscurity." YPX attempts to guess NIS domain names, which is all that's needed to extract passwd maps from the NIS server. If you already know the domain name, ypx will extract the maps directly, without configuring a host to live in the target NIS domain. (GZip'd Bourne Shell Archive)
+ COPS (Computer Oracle and Password System) checks for many common Unix system misconfigurations. I find this tool very valuable, as it is non-trivial to break a system which has passed a COPS check. I run it on all the systems I admin. It's getting a bit old, but it's still an excellent way to systematically check for file permission mistakes.
+ Crack is a tool for insuring that your Unix system's users have not selected easily guessed passwords which appear in standard dictionaries. (Only a very small dictionary is included so grab the one below if you wish.)
+ The Internet Security Scanner is used to automatically scan subnets and gather information about the hosts it finds, including the guessing of YP/NIS domainnames and the extraction of passwd maps via ypx. It also does things like check for verisons of sendmail which have known security holes.
List All Open Files. Displays a listing of all files open on a Unix system. Useful for nosing around as well as trying to locate stray open files when trying to unmount an NFS-served partition.
+ Like Unix cat(1) but this one talks network packets (TCP or UDP). Very very flexible. Allows outbound connections with many options as well as life as a daemon, accepting inbound connections and allowing commands to be executed.
+ Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks. Dan Farmer's tool that caused a huge stir in the media back in '95 when he wrote it and released it. I believe he ended up leaving SGI over this thing. So silly. Where is SGI now? That's what I thought...
+ Strobe uses a bandwidth-efficient algorithm to scan TCP ports on the target machine and reveal which network server daemons are currently running. Version 1.03 is an update to 1.02.
+ Tiger is a security tool that can be use both as a security audit and intrusion detection system. It is similar to COPS or SATAN, but has system specific extensions for SunOS, IRIX, AIX, HPUX, Linux and a few others. The original TAMU project has been resurrected and is now being maintained as part of Savannah.
+ Kismet is an 802.11 layer 2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and can sniff 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g traffic.
+ TrueCrypt creates virtual encrypted file-systems which can be stored as a file or as a whole disk partition. Works on USB sticks too. Don't lose your data if your PC is stolen -- encrypt it!
+ NetStumbler is a wireless LAN tool which scans for access points and reports back with a list which includes signal strengths and protocols in use. More details are available here in the NetStumbler Readme.
+ Fiddler is a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. The application is Windows-only but it hooks very low level API's which allows it to work with any browser (IE, Firefox, Opera, etc.) and also decrypt SSL traffic without setting up the required private cert keys (as in WireShark).
+ Like Unix cat(1) but this one talks network packets (TCP or UDP). Very very flexible. Allows outbound connections with many options as well as life as a daemon, accepting inbound connections and allowing commands to be executed.
+ Password Safe allows you to safely and easily create a secured and encrypted user name/password list. With Password Safe all you have to do is create and remember a single "Master Password" of your choice in order to unlock and access your entire user name/password list. Much safer than re-using passwords between sites!
+ Sam Spade is an integrated network query tool for Windows. Most of what it does can be had elsewhere, but it has the ability to parse email headers and determine where forgeries have been made in the headers and forwarding chain. Very useful for well forged spam, reduces analysis time a lot to have Sam take a crack at it first.
+ This is a great tool which scans your system for old and unpatched application software which has security vulnerabilities. Does for applications what Windows Update does for the Windows OS.
+ Security Essentials is Microsoft's new real-time anti-virus and malware protection solution. It's reported to be better than most anti-virus compeitors and it's free.
+ Scans NTFS filesystems and represents them as a colored, graphical heat map based on size. Great for seeing what is taking up the most space on your system. Think of it as graphical du for Windows.
+ Free SFTP, FTP and SCP client for Windows. This is a great Windows file transfer client which also supports SCP, which most ISP's are moving to now for secure file transfer.
+ Remember the NeXT cube running NeXTStep? Well I do, and this LiveCD brings it all back. No other reason to include it other than it's Unix, and I miss my cube.
+ Trinity Rescue Kit or TRK is a free live Linux distribution that aims specifically at recovery and repair operations on Windows machines, but is equally usable for Linux recovery issues.
These links aren't Unix related, but they are security related, and you may find them interesting. Ultimately, the integrity of your computer's electronic security rests on the integrity of its physical security. So you need to know how locks work because your whole security world is premised on them. Perhaps a section on alarm systems will be next...
This page contains download links for the latest released version of PuTTY. Currently this is 0.73, released on 2019-09-29.
When new releases come out, this page will update to contain the latest, so this is a good page to bookmark or link to. Alternatively, here is a permanent link to the 0.73 release.
Release versions of PuTTY are versions we think are reasonably likely to work well. However, they are often not the most up-to-date version of the code available. If you have a problem with this release, then it might be worth trying out the development snapshots, to see if the problem has already been fixed in those versions.
Package files
You probably want one of these. They include versions of all the PuTTY utilities.
(Not sure whether you want the 32-bit or the 64-bit version? Read the FAQ entry.)
The installer packages above will provide versions of all of these (except PuTTYtel), but you can download standalone binaries one by one if you prefer.
(Not sure whether you want the 32-bit or the 64-bit version? Read the FAQ entry.)
+ If you want to comment on this web site, see the Feedback page.
+ (last modified on Sun Sep 29 16:16:54 2019)
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+ Mobatek - System and network software for Windows
We have been creating system and network software since 2008 for worldwide users. Mobatek develops high value products in order to provide efficient and cost effective solutions for your IT, development and DBA teams. Our products are designed to ensure high security, efficiency and focused on user experience. No headache for deployment: our products do not require any dependency, Internet connection or third-party software to run. Just download, run and enjoy!
Powerful and stable
Stable, lightweight and easy to configure software
OffByOne Web Browser 3.5a [409k] + "May be the world's smallest and fastest Web Browser with full HTML 3.2 support. It is a completely self-contained, stand-alone 1.1mb application with no dependencies on any other browser or browser component." 📺
HTTrack Website Copier 3.10 [176k] {S}+ Save entire websites to a local directory. (This console-only version is hosted by TinyApps. See the HTTrack homepage for additional versions and source code.) 📺💾🌎
WackGet 1.2.2 [127k] {S}+ Download a list of files in the order you specify. Options include: logging, setting number of concurrent downloads, importing from clipboard, and more. Source code📺💾🌎
🌱 GNU Wget 1.8.2 [271k] {S}+ Mirroring tool which supports HTTP, HTTPS and FTP. 📺💾🌎
🌱 Flash Movie Player 1.4 [333k] + ShockWave Flash (SWF) player with animation rewinding, advanced full screen mode, playlists, browser cache integration, snapshot creation, more. (The Green Award is given to the installer-free version (which the author kindly provided) directly linked to from here.) 📺💾🌎
🌱ASFRecorder V1.1 [368k] {S}+ Download and store streaming Windows Media files (asf, asx, wma, wmx, wmv, wvx). 📺
DLExpert 0.99 [769k] Download manager with multi-thread, pause/resume, scheduling, auto dial, hangup, shutdown, more. 📺💾
Email Clients
🌱bmail 1.07 [17k] + Lean command line SMTP mail sender 📺
🌱SendMail 1.1 [18k] + Send email (and even attach a file) using any SMTP server 📺💾
Getmail 1.33 [50k] + Console utility for downloading POP3 mail. Free for non-commercial use. 📺
Blat 1.9.4 [74k] {S}+ Console utility that sends the contents of a file in an e-mail message using the SMTP protocol. 📺
🌱nPOP [82k] {S}+ Tiny email client with powerful features. Pocket PC, Windows CE, and Japanese versions also available. 📺
🌱Popcorn 1.99.3 [151k] {S}+ Ultra-lightweight POP3/SMTP email client. Check/delete mail on server before downloading. 📺
🌱JBMail 3.2 [159k] + Portable mail client with POP3 and SMTP support, and optional SSL/TLS security. Shareware version saves multiple profiles to disk. 📺
🌱SpeedMail 1.2 [188k] + SMTP mailer with simple address book and attachment support. 📺💾
🌱i.Scribe 1.88 [826k] + A small, fast, crossplatform, object based email client with many of the features that larger mail clients have. 📺
Mailing Lists
SmartSerialMail 1.1 [229k] + Group mail sender 📺💾🌎
ListMaster Pro 1.83 [383k] Mailing list manager that validates, sorts, and dedupes email addresses very quickly (it can load and sort a list of over 100,000 addresses in under 10 seconds and dedupe the same list in less than 2 seconds). 📺
🌱Simple Socket File Transfer 1.0 [9k] + Transfer a file between two computers using the TCP port of your choosing. Partially completed transfers can be resumed, and files are automatically checked with MD5 to ensure they were received error-free. Supports very large files (up to about 4 petabytes). 📺
TinyWeb 1.9 [53k] {S}+ Small, simple and fast Win32 daemon for regular (TCP/http) and secure (SSL/TLS/https) web servers. 📺
🌱ftpdmin 0.96 [65k] {S}+ Minimal FTP server primarily for one-off LAN transfers (no security or password options available) 📺
🌱BarracudaDrive V1.5.2 [196k] + Multi-user secure HTTPS file manager which eliminates the need for FTP access. Securely upload, download, and manage your files on your home computer from anywhere in the world. BarracudaDrive also bypasses firewalls and proxies since the communication protocol is HTTPS. The communication is protected by using SSL so no one can eavesdrop on your file transfer. Linux and OS X versions also available. 📺
🌱RemotePad [244k] + Combination plain-text-editor and ftp-client. 📺
FTPpie [248k] + Pie chart display of FTP file space use. 📺
🌱SimpTerm 0.9.4 [120k] + A telnet/rlogin client with file download and KANJI display support 📺
PuTTY 0.57 [372k] {S}+ A Telnet and SSH client, along with an xterm terminal emulator 📺
Tera Term (Pro) 2.3 [922k] {S} Supports serial port connections; TCP/IP (telnet) connections; VT100, select VT200/300, and TEK4010 emulation; file transfer protocols (Kermit, XMODEM, ZMODEM, B-PLUS and Quick-VAN); scripting; Japanese & Russian character sets; more. SSH module also available. 📺
🌱TinyIRC 1.0 Public Beta 5 (Build 1099) [60k] + The goal of this project is to create the world's smallest IRC client for Win32, with as many (if possible, all) of the features that you're used to in your current IRC client. 📺💾
🌱0irc v1.4.53 [67k] {S}+ Tiny, open source IRC client. 📺
xchat 1.8.5 [633k] {S} Graphical IRC client for Windows and several other OSes 📺
HydraIRC [740k] {S}+ Open source IRC client with support for: DCC chat and file transfers, connecting to multiple servers, dockable floating tabbed windows, channel monitoring, message logs, event viewer, reg-exp highlighting, and much more. 📺
Speak Freely 7.6a [690k] {S} Conduct real-time voice conversations over the Internet or any other TCP/IP network. Includes IDEA, DES, and limited PGP encryption capabilities. 📺
Port-to-Process Mappers
🌱DiamondCS OpenPorts v1.0 [24k] + CLI port to process mapper for Windows NT/2000/XP. Provides five different output styles, including CSV, FPort, and WinXP's Netstat. Free for personal use. 📺
CurrPorts v1.02 [36k] + Detailed view of open ports and their corresponding applications. Close ports, kill processes, export info to HTML, XML, or CSV, and much more. 📺
GhostWall 1.150 [656k] Windows Firewall alternative ideal for low latency applications. 📺
🌱ZeroRemote v1.2.5 [152k] + Remote viewer with DirectX support, file transfer, audio, and more. Single EXE supports both client and server modes. 📺
TightVNC 1.2.8 [582k] {S}+ Client/server software package allowing remote network access to graphical desktops. This bandwidth-efficient version has many improvements over the original. 📺
Network Speed Testing
🌱NetCPS [23k] {S}+ Measure the effective performance of a TCP/IP network. 📺
🌱PCATTCP [60k] {S}+ PCAUSA's port of Test TCP (TTCP), a command-line sockets-based benchmarking tool for measuring TCP and UDP performance between two systems. 📺
Ping / Network Scanning
🌱Angry IP Scanner 2.21 [109k] {S}+ Pings a range of IP addresses and optionally resolves hostnames, scans ports, returns NetBIOS info (computer name, workgroup name, currently logged in user and MAC address), and saves results to CSV, TXT, HTML, XML or IP-Port list files. (While settings can be saved to the registry, this is not the default behavior.) 📺
MultiPing Grapher 1.4.1 [284k] + Graph up to 10 different ICMP results. Adjust ping interval and packet size. Includes logging and average calculation. 📺
SoftPerfect Network Scanner 3.3 [619k] + IP, NetBIOS, and SNMP scanner with a slew of features: fast multithreaded scanning; computer pinging; hidden shared resource detection; scanning for listening TCP ports; mount and explore found resources; resolve host names; autodetect local and external IP range; support for remote shutdown and Wake-On-LAN (WoL). 📺
Other Network Tools
🌱IP List [12k] + Enumerates network interfaces, showing all bound IP addresses, their broadcast addresses, and their netmasks. 📺
🌱Resolve [16k] + Resolve an IP address to its DNS address, and vice versa. 📺
🌱XWhois [21k] + Look up information on registered Internet domains and addresses. 📺
ShareWatch 1.0 [33k] + Monitor shares on local and remote servers; see who is connected and what files they are accessing; disconnect any file, user, computer, or share; more. 📺
🌱TAGCASE [6k] {S}+ Converts the case of HTML tags without disturbing attribute values. Includes ANSI C source and DOS executable. 📺💾
🌱Pich [7k] + Generates an HTML page of all images (JPG, GIF, PNG) in the current directory and (optionally) subdirectories. 📺
🌱KILL<HTML> 1.5a [from 8k] + Removes all HTML tags and JavaScript from one or more HTML files. DOS and Windows versions included. 📺💾
🌱HTI (Hyper-Text Index) 0.5 [16k] {S}+ Generates an index page of HTML files. Includes titles, meta descriptions, and H1 - H6 headings. ANSI C source code available on request, on a "don't laugh" basis. 📺
🌱HTMStrip 911 [129k] + Convert HTML to plain text. Very robust command line program. 📺
HTML stripper 1.1 [275k] + Scrub HTML clean of ads, iframes, scripts, etc. 📺
Webalizer 2.01-10 [589k] {S}+ Web server log file analysis program. Produces highly detailed, easily configurable usage reports in HTML format. 📺💾
last update: 2020.08.15
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+ The table of equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software in Linux. (Official site of the table)
The table of equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software in Linux. Last update: 16.07.2003, 31.01.2005, 27.05.2005, 04.12.2006, 07.07.2007, 25.11.2007, 29.12.2011 (in progress)
One of the biggest difficulties in migrating from Windows to Linux is the lack of knowledge about comparable software. Newbies usually search for Linux analogs of Windows software, and advanced Linux-users cannot answer their questions since they often don't know too much about Windows :). This list of Linux equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software is based on our own experience and on the information obtained from the visitors of this page (thanks!).
This table is not static since new application names can be added to both left and the right sides. Also, the right column for a particular class of applications may not be filled immediately. In future, we plan to migrate this table to the PHP/MySQL engine, so visitors could add the program themselves, vote for analogs, add comments, etc.
If you want to add a program to the table, send mail to winlintable[a]linuxrsp.ru with the name of the program, the OS, the description (the purpose of the program, etc), and a link to the official site of the program (if you know it). All comments, remarks, corrections, offers and bugreports are welcome - send them to winlintable[a]linuxrsp.ru.
Notes: 1) By default all Linux programs in this table are free as in freedom. (Definitions of Free Software: FSF and Debian). Proprietary software for Linux is marked with the sign [Prop]. Non-free software (open source or relatively free, but have certain restrictive limits) is marked with the sign [NF]. 2) If there is nothing in the field of the table, except "???" - the authors of the table do not know what to place there. 3) If the sign (???) stands after the name of the program - the authors of the table are not sure about this program.
The important ideological difference between Windows and Linux: The majority of the Windows programs are made on principle "all-in-one" (each developer adds everything to his or her product). In the same way, this principle is called the "Windows-way". The ideology of UNIX/Linux - one component or one program must execute only one task, but execute it well. ("UNIX-way"). The programs under Linux can be thought of as being like the LEGO building blocks. (for instance, if there is a program for spell checking, it can be used with the text editor or email client; or if there is the powerful command-line program for files downloading, it is simple to write the graphic interface (Front-end) for it, etc). This principle is very important and it is necessary to know it while searching for analogs of Windows-programs in Linux :).
You can read more about it in the book "Linux and the Unix Philosophy". There is a chapter in the book that specifically addresses philosophical differences between Windows and Linux.
Attention! There may be many mistakes and bugs in the table!! (report about the bugs).
For those who interested more in Windows-software: 1) The "Windows" row in this table is not main. That's why it does not contains _absolutely_ all of existing software - only the best and popular programs. 2) Many of the Linux programs can be run on Windows - with CygWin and other Linux emulators.
Programs and games for Windows, that can be run under Wine/WineX: 1) The official catalog of Windows apps, running under Wine. (from Codeweavers). There are already more than 1000 applications in the database, so the catalog is structured and has a navigation system. 2) The official list of Windows games, that can be run under WineX (fromTransgaming). This is a search form, and this is a full list of games (very big!).
1) tar, gzip, bzip2. 2) Unarc. 3) Lha. (on Japanese) 4) Infozip. 5) Arj. 6) Avfs. (The support of any archive from any program - file.zip#/...). 7) Zoo. 8) RAR. 9) CAB Extract 10) 7-zip .
If toolkit is oriented on C, usually it's possible to use it from the other languages. There is object bindings for some of them to use them with C++ and other OO-languages. Toolkits, oriented on C++ from the beginning, are impossible to use from C, and quite often - from the other languages.
1) X11/Xext (C) - low level libraries, used by others. 2) Xt - X Toolkit (C) - reference X11 toolkit 3) Xaw - MIT Athena (C) - reference X11 toolkit 4) Xaw3d - MIT Athena 3D (C) - Athena with 3D-view 5) LessTif - opensource analog of Motif 1 (C) 6) OpenMotif (C) 7) Tk (Tcl, C) 8) Tkinter (over Tk for Python, Perl, etc) 9) wxWindows (C++) (over GTK+ - wxGtk or Motif - wxMotif) 10) wxPython (Python) (over wxWindows) 11) Qt (C++) 12) GTK+ (C, C++) 13) PyQt (over Qt for Python) 14) PyGTK (over GTK+ for Python) 15) Gtk::Perl (over GTK+ for Perl) 16) Qt for Perl (over Qt for Perl) 17) GtkAda (over GTK+ for Ada95) 18) FLTK (C++) 19) XView (C) 20) FOX (C++) 21) AWT, Swing (Java) 22) WinAPI and MFC through wine (C)
1) Ctrl+Alt+F1, login as new user at command-line interface, start GUI by entering command startx - - :1. Switch between screens using Ctrl+Alt+F7 or F8 depending on user. 2) Command "gdmflexiserver -n". 3) Built-in in KDE 3.1.
Flavors of the system
9x, NT, XP
RedHat, Mandrake, Knoppix, Debian, SuSE, ALT, ASP, Gentoo, Slackware, Linux From Scratch, ...
FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt)
Open Source! "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win".
Fiodor Sorex - The coordination and support of the project since Jan-2005 till now (2011), updating the table, html, coding, webmaster, design.
Valery V. Kachurov - The coordination and support of the project till Jul-2003, updating the table, html. Nesov Artem - The idea of the table and the first version + some corrections and additions. Visitors of this page - A huge amount of letters with additions, corrections and just good wishes :). Thanks to everyone who contributed to this project!!! (Full list with rating - under construction).
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+ J. D. Eisenberg's Programming Experience
In 1978 and 1979, I worked for Burroughs in Plymouth, Michigan. Our project team was implementing a language whose goal was to make development of business software on the Burroughs B-80 mini-computer quick and efficient.
Although the project did not become commercially available, it was a valuable experience for me. This was the first time I had left the university computing environment to work on a "real world" project.
While attending the University of Illinois at Urbana, I worked on the PLATO computer-assisted instruction system. This system, running on a CDC mainframe, was truly ahead of its time. In the early 1970s it was able to serve 500 users simultaneously with less than a tenth second response to every keypress. Each user had a 512 by 512 pixel-addressable graphic terminal.
I started working on the elementary reading project under the direction of John T. Risken. I moved on to the Modern Hebrew project led by Dr. Roberta Stock. I worked my way up to lead programmer for the Modern Foreign Languages PLATO project, headed by Dr. M. Keith Myers.
As an undergraduate at the University of Illinois , I took the usual range of computer science courses. I discovered the wonderful world of timesharing on the Burroughs B5500 at the Civil Engineering building. I wrote a program in ALGOL to do gymnastics scorekeeping, and used it to calculate the statistics for a national competition. I used an ASR-33 Teletype in the gym hooked up via acoustic coupler.
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+ Vsphere client login
Vsphere client login
vsphere client login In the vSphere Client, the list of available protocol endpoints looks similar to the host storage devices list. The method shown in this post allows you to manage users and groups in your central directory. local instead of root) Now the VCSA is fully booted and operational. 0U2 2021-03-09 Go to Downloads VMware NSX for vSphere 6. local and its password (you set it in the deployment wizard) as your login credential The vSphere Client is a Windows program that you can use to configure the host and to operate its virtual machines. Price: $4,250. 3. Knowledge, Support, & Training for VMware Customers Have you ever wanted to customize the login page for the vSphere Web Client? Did you even know you could do that? As long as you’re running vSphere 6. Learn the skills to install, configure, and manage VMware vSphere® 7 in thi. Learn the skills to install, configure, and manage VMware vSphere® 7 in thi. The Web client is also a default component of the vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA). The new Web client however is much faster. Windows can't close any of the vSphere client windows. Your browser-OS combination is not supported. 1 and 5. VMware vSphere Web Client: The VMware vSphere Web Client is the Web-based application that connects users to the vCenter Server to manage installations and handle inventory objects in a vSphere environment. 0, and now VMFS-6 for 6. 5) with vSphere Client 6. Among Web Client and HTML5 vSphere Client, vSphere Web Client (Flash-based Client) providing full functionality of all features of VMware vSphere. 4. 0 and higher do not support TLS 1. VMware has all new vSphere HTML5 Web client. txt. Price: $4,250. by following command > shell. Source: VMware KB 1013644 Sometime ago I detailed how to add a login banner message to ESXi hosts, below I’ll show how easy it is to do the same with your VMware vSphere web client or HTML5 client using vSphere 6. 1 (I'm told that they are compatible). 1) or administrator@vsphere. Step 3: In the right hand pane search for the following terms: Pure_Storage and vSphere. Procedure vmkernel. If you're like me, you tend to get alot of these confused. x and 6. 0. local, enter the username as administrator and password as VMware1! and then click "Login". I'm still experiencing the problem with Windows XP on actual hardware. 0 Web interface (ESXi Embedded Host Client) and ESXi 6. 0. It asks for IP, user, and password. 2- Select Storage icon. There are three versions of VMFS: VMFS-3 for earlier versions of vSphere e. Login using Administrator@vsphere. 0 or you cannot manage virtual hardware 10 (vSphere 5. VMware vSphere Standard Virtualization and business continuity. Price: $4,250. Use RSA SecurID. In vSphere 6. 3- Select your datastore the one you want to increase the size, Select Action menu, and then click Increase Datastore Capacity. Task 6: Using vSphere Client to Log on to the VMware ESXi Server vSphere client is the main user interface for managing the VMware ESXi server. However, since TLS 1. 5, ESXi 6. Step 1: Login to the vRealize Orchestrator Client. 5 has a subset of features of the vSphere Web Client (Flash/Flex). 4. 7 U3, you see this when you log in: Just as the C# client for Windows was phased out over time, the vSphere Web Client is being phased out as well. Enter your credentials and click on Login. After connecting to vCenter and opening vSphere Client, a notification about the license is displayed. x, administrators could choose where to install components, such as the SSO server and the inventory service. Note: Keep this username and password handy, just in case you get logged out during the lab. A set of features from the vSphere 7 Enterprise Plus license is available during the evaluation period. Users can log out of vSphere 6 Web Client again and disconnect from vCenter Servers simply by clicking the Staff engineer Stephanie Dee demonstrates how to use the log browser in the vSphere Web Client to browse, search, filter, and compare log files. On the vSphere Web Client home page, Click on the Home icon -> System Configuration -> Nodes Once you have downloaded the OVA file, please follow the steps below to deploy the virtual Appliance via VMware vSphere / vCenter Server: Log in to the VMware vSphere Web Client and go to the VMs tab ; Add the Deploy OVF Template action button via the Actions dropdown list ; Then click the newly added Deploy OVF Template button I'm running vCenter 6. log. In the vSphere Client browse to the vCenter Server’s “Configure” tab, choose “Key Providers” on the left, and then Add a new Native Key Provider: Follow the prompts and be sure you protect the password you use as well as the encryption key that is downloaded as part of the initial backup. 00. 1 or 5. I see the CPU usage is about 17%. 5 to VMware ESXi, 6. 7. Step 4: With the "Install Pure Storage vSphere Client Plugin" workflow available, select RUN. Since Windows based vSphere Client is no more supported with vSphere 6. The client may continue working, but at this point, we recommend refreshing your browser and submitting a bug report. On the vSphere Welcome page, select Launch vSphere Client (HTML5). The vSphere GUIs, including the vSphere Web Client and HTML5-based vSphere Client, are tools that are used every day … Continued The vCenter Server is running on the ESXi. Would someone be able to decrypt that for me please? Many Thanks in advance. This time the login is successful and the logged username is reported at the bottom right side of the screen. Enter the IP address or name of the vSphere Hypervisor in the IP address / Name field. NET Framework Setup Verification Tool to find . Connect with the root user then Right click on you vcenter in the vsphere client then add your user from the domain. Although the vSphere Session Manager provides some basic information such as the users logged in, their associated name, login time and their current status, it does not capture the Isn't vsphere client works with vcenter 6. 5 Login UI. Use Smartcard authentication. In vSphere 7, the vSphere Client (HTML5) is the only client to manage all the vSphere workflows. Use Windows session authentication A minimum of Firefox 34 or Chrome 39 are required on Mac OS X. I connect to it over the network with VMware vSphere Client. Any ide Searching for “ VI Client ” will give you all the instances of those users logging in via the VI Client. 1) Click on your vCenter in the left pane, in my lab it is vc02. To access vSphere Web Client, open your installed web browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome etc, and enter the URL of your vCenter Server. Here's what I see in the logs (Complete log is attached). 1, 5. The vSphere admin tried to terminate the session which can be done using the vSphere Client or vSphere APIs, but the process would be re-spawned automatically. 0. If you specified a different domain during installation, log in as administrator@ mydomain. The following table lists the location of the vsphere_client_virgo. 7 release. 0 ? if you use 6. When the SCSI-based transport is used, the protocol endpoint represents a proxy LUN defined by a T10-based LUN WWN. VMWare hosts store VM logs in the //var/run/log directory. . Specifying Default Domains for vSphere Web Client Login 09/07/2012 by William Lam 4 Comments If you add an additional identity source to vCenter SSO, such as Active Directory during vCenter Server setup, you might have noticed that you need to specify the full domain name and user id to be able to login to the vSphere Web Client. 5, that the login speed was increased 13 times. Enter the password in the Password field. Network is configured, database is embedded, service is running, i can ping the vCSA but I’m unable to login from vSphere Client. 0 U2 . Click on Help menu at the top. When you use a vCenter Server instance, the vSphere Client system logs can be found in the location listed in the table. The vsphere_client_virgo. After you log in, the client displays the objects and functionality appropriate to the server you are accessing and the permissions available to the user you logged in as. automatically login to a vCenter or ESXi host without typing username and password automatically login to a vCenter with the "Use Windows session credentials" option change the display language; To accomplish this, just create or copy a shortcut to the vSphere Client and add the followig parameters: So I attempted to remote in to one of the servers directly and it is asking me to download vSphere client. Provide user name (default: root) and valid password. The first step I always like to do is add all the licenses I need to vCenter. In the VAMI interface (https://vcsa-fqdn:5480) of the VCSA, the health statistics of all the components are green (okay) so I decided to reboot the VCSA. corp. After clicking the OK button, the user returns to the authentication page where they login again, and loop to the pop-up Once the login is successful, the vSphere 6 Web Client will connect to any vCenter Server systems authorized by the login credentials, and the administrator can view and manage the vCenter Server inventory through the vSphere Web Client. VMware plans to deprecate the Flash-based vSphere Web Client with the next numbered release (not update release) of vSphere. It’s working, i can login from browser, i’ve made all the configs but the connection from vSphere client it’s not working. 7 session terminates after 120 minutes of idle time. Customize the vSphere Web Client 6. Step 2: Under the Library section in the left hand pane, select Workflows. log. As a Client, you would connect directly to vCenter Server and the AuthN service will verify who you are whether that is a local account on the OS or an Active Directory user which required vCenter Server to be joined to your AD Domain. vc. b. 7 05/09/2018 by William Lam 8 Comments For those that have customized their vSphere Client Login UI using the instructions here and here , it looks like the process can not be applied to the vSphere 6. vSphere Mobile Client brings the following capabilities to vSphere administrators on the go: Virtual machine list with overview on resource consumption and VM details. The following procedure describes how to configure the vSphere Web Client to display Zerto Virtual Replication GUI. 4- vCenter1 VMware vSphere 6 brought new changes into the web client, but not only. me/MicrosoftLabUsing vSphere Web Client 61. g. local as the username and you should be aware it's incorrect because vsphere. Would someone be able to decrypt that for me please? Many Thanks in advance. Failed VI Client login. If a user that previously had access tried to log into the vSphere Client, a warning would pop up, stating that “The vSphere Client could not connect to “ ” You do not have permission to login to server “. The main vSphere Client log file is vsphere_client_virgo. 0, 5. Authentication requests/failures, as well as problems with an identity source, will post here. 0 Update 3. This article explains how to gather VMWare logs on vSphere 5. Open the vSphere Client. To remove the existing Active Directory Identity Source, and recreate it with a Domain Alias: Log into the vSphere Web Client using the Admin@System-Domain (for 5. Prepare- DC1 : Domain Controller ; IP 10. Enter the credentials of a user who has permissions on vCenter Server and click Login. 0. Learn the skills to install, configure, and manage VMware vSphere® 7 in thi. Important information regarding the use of Download Manager with certain Browser and OS combinations VMware vSphere 6. vSphere client is 5. log located at C:\Program Data\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\Logs if any. Log on to the virtual machine in the VMware vSphere Client. WinSCP to vCenter Server Appliance 3. We will start by logging into vCenter. 1. Here is a comprehensive list of default username and passwords for most of the VMware products. The caveat with the vSphere Client is that it is currently missing some of the functions that you can do with the vSphere Web vSphere Mobile Client enables administrators to monitor and manage vSphere infrastructure directly from any mobile device. Conducting a simple task using the VMware vSphere Client In this step, we will complete a simple task using the VMware Host Client, this task is to Create a new VMFS datastore, so we can store Login to vSphere Windows Client. Of course, from a security perspective, I don’t recommend this to be used anywhere else, other than a home lab, especially in production environments. Set your VMs to start with the host as well 2 found this helpful A few months ago, we discussed how to create a security message on the DCUI screen of an ESXi host. VMware vSphere is the premier server virtualization platform, delivering essential services for the modern hybrid cloud. Changes to vSphere Client Login UI customizations in vSphere 6. VMware ® vSphere. Different storage transports can be used to expose the protocol endpoints to ESXi. To resolve this issue, remove the existing Active Directory Identity Source, and recreate it with a Domain Alias. The vSphere Web Client is a browser-based graphic interface enabling you to connect to a vCenter Server for configuring and administering your ESX Hosts and Virtual Machines from a single management point. A few weeks back i was looking for a way to ensure that my home lab vSphere Client opens up and does not ask me for credentials every time, as it is very annoying. Pop-up Message: Your vSphere Client session is no longer authenticated. VMware ® vSphere. vSphere Integrated Containers Plug-Ins Not Deploying Correctly. Task 6: Using vSphere Client to Log On to the VMware ESXi Server vSphere client is the main user interface for managing the VMware ESXi server. It also provides a description of VM logs, and outlines which to use for various issues. vcp. drwxr-xr-x 6 vsphere-client users 4096 Nov 3 22:51 work_tlg. After upgrading the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) to version 6. 1 Update 1 to the latest release vSphere Client 6. 0 (yes, vSphere 6. The vSphere Web Client is installed as part of a vCenter installation on Windows. I agree to vSphere Web Client in vSphere 7. 5 vSphere Client. 0 -Difference between vSphere 5. It's almost like somethings expired with it only being a very recent issue. 0, the vCenter Single Sign-On login page is now written using regular HTML and CSS. This is the minimum configuration requirement for your ESXi host. VMware vSphere Standard Virtualization and business continuity. 7 Update 1, vSphere Client (HTML5) has become feature complete to support vSphere management capabilities as that of the vSphere Web Client (Flash). vsphere-client\logs\vsphere_client_virgo. This information We recently upgraded our vSphere instance from 6. Buy. Virtualize servers, storage, and networking and see how you can reduce hardware and operating costs with the industry-leading virtualization platform. This post shows how to enable Active Directory Authentication within the new vSphere 5. 0 and later, and know a little bit of html, it’s not that difficult at all. log. Conducting a simple task using the VMware vSphere Client In this step, we will complete a simple task using the VMware Host Client, this task is to create a new VMFS datastore, so we can store VMs. The vSphere Client page is displayed. 7 Update 2, I tried to log in using the vSphere Client. You will perform most of the Deep Discovery Advisor deployment tasks from the vSphere client. 00. log file: vSphere Client supports plugins with the plugin SDK. Parent topic: System Logs VMware ® vSphere. It has smoother look and feel to it, as well as being easier on the eyes to read. You’ll need a few things to make this happen. com. 0 211004 views / Posted Last updated Jul 4, 2017 at 1:14PM | Published on Feb 3, 2015 101 Free Tools for VMware Administrators If the SnapCenter VMware vSphere web client starts to behave incorrectly, you might need to clear the browser cache. The vSphere Client (HTML5) released in vSphere 6. You can use vCenter and ESXi hosts in a full-featured trial mode for a 60-day period. You can download vSphere Client from any host. Use Windows session authentication. Click the VMware vSphere Client icon on your computer Desktop, or click Start > Programs > VMware > VMware vSphere Client icon Using the VMware vSphere Client, login and connect to the VMware vSphere Hypervisor ESXi 5. 2. 0? Visit the VMware vSphere Upgrade Center. A login screen appears when you start the vSphere Client. If the warning message about a potential security risk appears again, repeat Step 2. VMware vSphere Standard Virtualization and business continuity. net release, causing issue run SFC /scannow to fix issues if any? 7) Login to VCenter Server and look for errors in log file vpxd-. log file contains plugin-related information and it also logs exceptions specific to storage arrays and LUN custom objects. The account I'm using is domain admin with full access and although I can log in with this using the web client I'm unable to via the normal Windows vSphere client using the same credentials so happy it's not a permission level issue. Adding Licenses to vCenter in the vSphere Web Client. If you see either of the following two messages: [crayon-605c939b80e40271081355/] or: [crayon-605c939b80e50795629810/] This is caused by a configuration issue related to the groups on the local Operating System having Active Directory users … vSphere Client: “Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password” – Eduardo Mozart 19 April 2017 at 3:18 | Permalink […] tips I could find on the blog was to create ITXPerience, na zona reversa do DNS, um registro PTR para o IP do servidor ESXi. 0 is required), the vCenter Single Sign-On login page is now written using regular HTML and CSS. This Client will work with the vSphere 6 environments. The system often locks up in the console, and requires a reboot of Windows XP in order to recover. Open a web browser and go to, https://FQDN-of-VCSA/psc The vSphere Web client product shall be rapidly following the same (fast) development cycles as the ESXi Host client. If it's a local account and you are already in the client, go to the permissions tab and you can see your login, you can reset it under users. 5) with vSphere client 5. For example if you remember the login speed in version 5. vSphere Client Plugin Installation Steps. Navigate to the Configuration UI. sso\vmware-sts-idmd. Logging Into ESXi Host Using vSphere Client. In my lab setup, it would be https://www. Whether you want to check on the current or historical resource consumption; you want to get notifications on long running tasks; or you want to check the currently running tasks - the vSphere Mobile Client is there to help. vSphere Web Client: vSphere Client: Now, for every good thing there is always a caveat. 1 server, using the IP address or hostname of the ESXi server, using the root username and password credentials. local account. As daphnissov mentioned try the 2nd option and login with this type of vSphere web client. VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7. Failed VI Client logins are also using similar strings to PowerCLI and vCLI failed logins. lab. 6) Run . 0 hosts that use either the vSphere Client or vSphere Web Client. . x and 4. You have to add permission to the vcenter. 5 and later, vSphere Web Client and HTML5 vSphere Client become the key management tool to manage VMware virtual infrastructure. Adding a login banner message to vSphere. vSphere client is also VERY slow in connecting to hosts (whether with an authorized login or not). As far as I know it affects ESXi 5. In version 5. By default, the vSphere Client no longer worked with any users except the administrator@vsphere. 5 or above, you have been forced to adopt the web client for your administration of vSphere . Select the vCenter Server vc-w8-01a. – polemon Nov 1 '10 at 15:23 The vSphere Client wins the “eye candy” award. From this client you can manage the vCenter Server easily using the Browser. Buy. If you are missing plugins that you used in the past, check if the plugin is still needed and/or check with the provider of that plugin if there is a HTML5 compatible plugin available. local Upon login, several folks are seeing an immediate logout to their session. Attempts to log in using the vSphere Client installed on Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 to a vCenter Sever fail with the following error: An unknown connection Using PowerShell to log into VMware vSphere Web Client July 2, 2019 If you are running VMware vSphere 6. -rwxr—– 1 vsphere-client root 664740 Aug 6 12:58 open_source_licenses. The changes are affecting also the Windows (FAT) client. administrator@vsphere. Tweet Some customers are still running into issues when logging into the vSphere Client and we want to re-publicize the fix for this. In VMware vCenter Server 5. vSphere 6. x, and VMFS-5 for vSphere 5. 0. 0 is available exclusively on the vSphere ESXi hypervisor architecture. This setup is in a different location from vCenter Server and its services. 0 Also, html5 client is also available in 6. 0. The vSphere Client is the way forward, so be sure to check it out if you have not already! This video covers how to add licenses and assign them to vCenter, ESXi, and vSAN. 0. 0. This means you can actually now customize the login page with your own logos, colors or text that you wish to display to your end users. 10 2021-02-18 Go to Downloads You might need the vSphere Client system log files to resolve technical issues. . 0 Update 2 or better. Login the vCenter Server Appliance enabling Use Windows session credentials option. Login to vCenter server appliance using putty or any shell client, I used putty. Performance cookies are used to analyze the user experience to improve our website by collecting and reporting information on how you use it. 1- Login VMware vSphere Client, using username and password. Customers who have purchased VMware vSphere 6. local with your password that you created during installation. local is the SSO domain name, you should set like: administrator@vsphere. But I can SSH to the ESXi, so IP, etc is correct. Now you have to enable the BASH access. 1, read this post. x and 6. 7 U1 and later, the HTML5 based vSphere Client has all the features and functionality of the vSphere Web Client and more. Close the vCSA SSH session and open the vSphere Client. Step # 2 Now that you are logged into your vCenter Server. Here's what I see in the logs (Complete log is attached). Just click on the vSphere Client Image in the below table to directly download the respective vSphere Client version. I'm running vCenter 6. 7. log. Prior to vSphere 5. It is based on HTML5 & JavaScript. – Mei Mar 29 '11 at Click the VMware vSphere Client icon on your computer Desktop, or click Start > Programs > VMware > VMware vSphere Client icon Using the VMware vSphere Client, login and connect to the VMware vSphere Hypervisor ESXi 6. 5. Yes the one you keep using…. x or vSphere 6. Subscribe and visit our channel for information on VMware vCenter Server The vSphere Client web server is initializing message is visible You can login through the vSphere Web Client Login Screen (Do not forget the administrator@vsphere. The banner feature was originally released in vSphere 6. set –enabled True Your environment uses an Active Directory setup. local credentials (for 5. 3. 1 (I'm told that they are compatible). In the vSphere Client, the list of available protocol endpoints looks similar to the host storage devices list. When SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere is deployed, it installs a VMware vSphere web client on vCenter, which is displayed on the vCenter screen with other vSphere web clients. I see the CPU usage is about 17%. This is a good log to use as a “one-stop-shop” for SSO authentication issues. However, that string is only available for successful logins. Also you set vsphere. Login to your vCenter Server using vSphere Web Client as administrator@vSphere. This means you can actually now customize the login page with your own logos, colors or text that you wish to display to your end users. Specify the user name and password for administrator@vsphere. 5, virtual machines can only be created with hardware version 9 and 10 from the vSphere Web Client. Next time you start the vSphere client, the entry contains only those entries that has been left there. I put in the correct data, but it doesn't connect, the connection times out. I believe everything that is running on the virtual machines is fine, so far no calls, but I am unsure if I need to reinstall the For vSphere 6. Read the vSphere Web Client help for details. 7 can download their relevant installation package from the product download tab below. 5 and vSphere 6. 3. Logging into the vSphere Web Client Logging into the vSphere Web Client Login credentials are sent out by email when your service is created, when a password is changed, or when a user profile is created. 0 Update 2 and like setting a security message, banners can relay pertinent information to targeted individuals. 5). 0 server, using the IP address or hostname of the ESXi server, using the root username and password credentials. Occasionally it works, but most of the time it just fails. The next version of vSphere will be the terminal release for which vSphere Web Client will be available. Users can upgrade to ESXi (from ESX) as part of an upgrade to vSphere 6. 1, vCenter Server handled both Authentication (AuthN) and Authorization (AuthZ). The browser displays the vSphere Web Client home page as shown in the next figure. Please login again. 5 If you still want to use flash client, then follow instructions by scott. To ensure access, please refer to VMware's documentation, in which the different ports to be opened in your firewall are listed: Client access Log in with the vSphere Client to the vCenter Server. a. You can then assign a particular role to your user most likely the administrator role. Starting with vSphere 6. drwxr-x— 3 vsphere-client root 4096 Oct 9 2017 repository. 0 is no longer a secure protocol, Purity versions 4. 0, 13006603, and have been hitting an authentication issue. 0U2 2021-03-09 Go to Downloads VMware vCenter Server 7. A minimum of IE10, Firefox 34 or Chrome 39 are required on Windows. Until the vSphere Client achieves feature parity, we might continue to enhance and/or add new features to vSphere Web Client. 0 for all secure communications to their respective appliances. Download a free 60-day evaluation of VMware vSphere. If I left any off, please let me know in the comments. When the SCSI-based transport is used, the protocol endpoint represents a proxy LUN defined by a T10-based LUN WWN. drwxr-x— 5 vsphere-client root 4096 Oct 9 2017 wrapper By default, a VMware vSphere Web Client 6. The GUI displays, but then the following pop-up overlays. Enter your username and password to log in. Looking to upgrade from vSphere 5. After entering the credentials an endless blue running circle appears. local. They allow us to know which pages are the most and least popular, see how visitors move around the site, optimize our website and make it easier to navigate. 5) Restart the machine where Vsphere Client installed. Network connectivity between the client and vCenter server is fine. Along those same lines, it is also possible to include a banner on the login page of the vSphere Web Client. A great place when troubleshooting errors within the Web Client. As a result, when a user who belongs to over 500 Active Directory groups logs in with the vSphere Web Client, login might take 10-20 minutes. Click Login. Some features might not work correctly. Choose the option “About VMware vSphere” Here you will get your vCenter version & build number you are using. After you have installed the plug-ins for vSphere Integrated Containers, the HTML5 vSphere Client plug-in appears but is empty, or the plug-ins do not appear at all in one or both of the HTML5 vSphere Client or the Flex-based vSphere Web Client. ” I have athered the Download link of all versions of vSphere Client starting from vSphere Client v4. 5 Single-Sign-On. You may want to configure/edit the vSpehre Client idle sessions to: Improve the login security of productions environments and reduce resources consumption on VCSA. vSphere Web Client Home page will appear. 2. This setting forces all vSphere web client plugins installed on the vSphere server (including the Pure Storage vSphere Web Client Plugin) to use TLS version 1. Generate vCenter Support Bundle using vSphere Web Client UI. Buy. 00. Enter the user name in the User name field. Updated on 05/31/2019 The vSphere Client is a graphical user interface for ESXi host and vCenter Server management. Use Windows session authentication A minimum of Firefox 34 or Chrome 39 are required on Mac OS X. If you have deleted all, then obviously the connection window will be blank. local. If the problem persists, then restart the VMware vSphere web client service. In vSphere 6. local or another member of the vCenter Single Sign-On Administrators group. From the menus in the VMware vSphere Client, choose Inventory > Virtual Machine > Snapshot > Take Snapshot In the Take Virtual Machine Snapshot dialog box, enter a Name and Description for the snapshot, and select the Snapshot the virtual machine’s memory check box. Network connectivity between the client and vCenter server is fine. For example, you cannot manage, modify or create VMs with Virtual hardware 13 (vSphere 6. Donate Us : paypal. Select and Click Storage Select New datastore to create a new datastore. 5. We have seen that there was 4 or 5 different versions of ESXi host client released, and now the host client is present inside of the latest ESXi and vSphere 6. Follow the steps to log in to the vSphere ESXi Host: 1. Before you begin Transport Layer Security (TLS) must be enabled in vCenter. vSphere client is 5. drwxr-x— 2 vsphere-client users 4096 Nov 2 12:54 pickup. This tip is only concerning the vSphere client, the vSphere Web client is not concerned as the login credentials are not cached there. With the vSphere Client, login for that user might time out. 1- DC4 : vSphere client 6 ; IP 10. 0, 5. 1 release, VMware’s recommended best practice when deploying VMware vSphere. Thats why as of vSphere 6. You will perform most of the Deep Discovery Advisor deployment tasks from the vSphere client. Cheers, Jon With the vSphere Client you can . ESXi is the latest hypervisor architecture from VMware and, as of the vSphere 4. I get the same message like Jeff, “vSphere Client could not connect to “IP”. Different storage transports can be used to expose the protocol endpoints to ESXi. Read the vSphere Web Client help for details. If you are using vSphere 5. The icon on my desktop is vSphere Client so now I am wondering if it attempted to update and couldn't. From the VM list the user can enter the VM console or see more detailed information on the VM such as events, performance charts and also execute quick actions. vsphere client login
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+ Dial Up Directory by Frank 1. Derfler. Jr. the telecommunications column from the April 1980 issue of Kilobaud Microcomputing Magazine, pages 80-82.. The people who bring you Computer Bulletin Board Services are a diverse lot. Their motivations range from purely mercenary to ultimately humanitarian. Some feel a strong responsibility for the material that is disseminated over their systems. Others believe in a "free press" and allow an uncensored flow of data to pass through their disks. The CBBS concept seems to be a spin-off of the commercial computer mail schemes, but it is much different in implementation. This month we will talk about these ideas and others with the two men who can truly be called the fathers of CBBS, Ward Christensen and Randy Suess. I talked to Ward and Randy during a trip to Chicago. I went to Randy's home, which also houses the Chicago CBBS. We edged our way into Randy's basement, and while the system's disks clicked and whirled, Ward's disembodied voice joined us over a speakerphone from his home south of the city. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microcomputing: Your own article in the November 1978 Byte gave an excellent technical description of the Chicago-style CBBS. What about the personal side? What were your goals and motivations in establishing the first of what has grown to be a series of systems'? Ward: My motivation arrived on the morning of January 16, 1978, coincidentally with the great Chicago snowstorm. I got up to find that my alley was impassable and started to think about more sedentary things. Randy (pictured): We had previously both developed remote terminal operation for our systems so that we could use them when we were away from home. We started leaving messages for each other, and the idea grew. Ward: Also, we e had a regular physical bulletin board for our computer club, and computerizing it was an obvious move. Microcomputing: Were you motivated by the mailbox services available on the ARPA net, PLATO or other commercial systems? Ward: Honestly, I didn't know they existed at the time. I understand that we have reinvented the wheel by using some similar control codes, but I didn't know about them then. We started out with five functions. We made new version changes almost weekly in the beginning, but the system has stayed pretty simple. Randy: We used our own equipment, too. Eventually though, we had to dedicate a system so that we could provide full-time service. Now several manufacturers have donated equipment for use and evaluation. (CBBS circa 1980 pictured) We have used every one of the S-100 modem boards available. Microcomputing: Any comments about modem boards? Randy: All of the manufacturers have been great. D.C. Hayes has been responsive to comments and recently helped the Dallas CBBS out with a problem. We are now running the Potomac Micro-Magic and are very happy with it. Microcomputing: Is your user population still growing? Ward: We started out using a Teletype for logging, and Randy used to send me hundreds of feet of paper at a time. Now we log on a separate disk. We have had over 11,000 users and are getting ten to 15 new folks calling in a day. Microcomputing: Well, I can testify that you have the busiest phone number of any system. Randy: The average caller stays on about 20 minutes, but expert users can get in and out in about five minutes. Our peak traffic loads are from 9 PM until early morning. We placed the system in a central Chicago location to cut down on the toll costs for our users, but it doesn't seem to matter. We get calls from across the country. Microcomputing: What is your longest-distance user? Randy: You have called from Hawaii, Frank, but we have had people log in from Australia. We have some European users too. Microcomputing: Well, a call to a busy CBBS is a quick way for people out of the country to get a feel for the latest microcomputing news and developments. With all of those diverse users, do you often have to play the role of policeman and censor the material? Ward: Surprisingly, not often. It is easy to do, but we don't delete things very often. Trash on a system is self-perpetuating. If you catch it early, it doesn't grow. As you may have noted if you read the system sign-on, we try to keep the notices to computer-related subjects, so in that way we can exercise some discretion. Randy: Cars for sale and computer dating don't really meet our definition of computer-related. Microcomputing: How about some systems such as Boston, which has game players, or Beaverton, which has movie reviews? Randy: That's great for them. They should get into chess or cars or anything else they want. We do understand that some people have gotten pretty good computer-related jobs through our system, and we are happy about that. We just want to keep the Chicago CBBS computer-related, so if we have to pack a disk, then car ads are the first to go. Ward: We feel we have a responsibility as the first and probably the busiest system operating. Microcomputing: Were you really the first? Ward: The Kansas City Electronic Message System may have started at about the same time - I'm not really sure who got on first - but we continued to function. Microcomputing: What other CBBSs around the country now use your software? Ward: Boston, Atlanta, Dallas, Pasadena and Beaverton are operating. We have sold other copies, too. Microcomputing: Are you really in the sales business? Ward: Absolutely not! We had thought about giving the software away free, and then we thought about selling it for $25. But either way, we were afraid people would not value it and we would have no control over our creation. We settled on $50 as a fair price. Randy: We have thousands and thousands of our own dollars in it, and it would take a lot of 50-dollar checks to turn a profit. Microcomputing: What would it cost to start a CBBS right now? Randy: You could easily do it for $2000. You do need a lot of disk space though. The Kansas City TRS-80 forum (816-xxx-xxxx) has some information on using a TRS-80 as a CBBS, I think, but their system is not derived from ours. Ward: TRS-80 users have trouble with our system because they don't have the control codes that make the use of our system so easy. Randy: TRS-80 users keep asking why we don't change our system for them. We recommend they ask the manufacturer why standard ASCII control codes were not included in their product. Ward: They always want us to fix the bars they get on the screen. The bars represent parity errors and their manual tells them how to get rid of them, but they still keep asking. Microcomputing: Are we entering an era such as we saw in amateur radio when the home-brew tinkerers resented the operators of ready-made "appliances"? Randy: Sure, but we certainly do get tired of answering the same non-problems. Microcomputing: How about the future? Telenet has announced some super-low night rates for data transmission. Do you see any linking of systems for transfer of general-interest messages? Randy: That would get us into long-distance calling. We deliberately use a dial-in-only line that costs three dollars a month. Message transfers would require a lot of time and software. Ward: We intend that this system remain free of cost to the user. Nationwide netting might become complicated and expensive. Also, we find that individuals already transfer interesting information from system to system, or they may at least leave references to messages of interest on other systems. The same thing is true of becoming multi-user. We are frequently asked why we don't provide more lines and go multi-user. The best answer we can give is that we are only in this for the fun of it. Big changes will come slowly. Microcomputing: What little things are you looking at? Ward: Oh, a lot of housekeeping things. We need to keep our message numbers straight even after we pack a disk. Message number 110 should always remain number 110 and not suddenly become 29. Also, supporting 110 baud may he a time-wasting service. We also are considering a function that would allow swapping complete programs. Microcomputing: Wouldn't program swapping be more easily done by direct person-to-person data calls, perhaps arranged on the cbbs? Ward: Sure, and it would be easier on our disk space too. Microcomputing Any final comments? Randy: This is just our hobby, but we do feel some responsibility to our users. We will keep on trying to enhance the system and respond to needs for new functions. Ward: Amen, and tell your readers to conserve disk space. Comments? If you are a bulletin-service owner or user and have comments or items to discuss, let me know. Also let me know if you are interested in receiving direct data calls and briefly describe your interests, equipment capabilities and available times. We will make you part of the Dial-up Directory. Either drop me a line (ancient address deleted) or leave a message for me on the Atlanta system (404-xxx-xxxx).
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Babylon had in all probability the earliest written language. At the same time, an elegant system of weights and measures kept the peace in the marketplace. Their method of counting was in some ways better than our present one! We look at some ancient math tables, and ideas about Pythagoras' theorem 1,000 years before Pythagoras.
In the ancient port city of Miletus, there took place a "discovery of nature": philosophers tried to understand natural phenomena without invoking the supernatural. The Greeks imported basic geometric ideas from Egypt, and developed them further. Members of the Pythagorean cult announced the famous theorem, and the (to them) alarming discovery of irrational numbers! The Greeks had some ideas about elements and atoms. Hippocrates looked for non-supernatural causes of disease. Plato formulated a rationale for higher education, and thought about atoms.
A brief review for moderns of facts familiar to almost everybody in the ancient world: how the Sun, Moon and planets move through the sky over the course of time.
A brief look at the beginnings of science and philosophy in Athens: Plato's Academy and Aristotle's Lyceum. On to Aristotle's science: causes in living things and inanimate matter, Aristotle's elements, and laws of motion.
Measuring the Solar System
We look at some startlingly good measurements by the Greeks of the size of the Earth and the distance to the Moon, and a less successful (but correct in principle) attempt to find the distance to the Sun.
Strato understood that falling bodies pick up speed (contrary to Aristotle's assertions). Aristarchus gave a completely correct view of the solar system, anticipating Copernicus by 2,000 years or so. Science flourished for centuries in Alexandria, Egypt: Euclid, Apollonius, Hypatia and others lived there, Archimedes studied there. Archimedes understood leverage and buoyancy, developed military applications, approximated Pi very closely, and almost invented calculus! (See also the next lecture.)
Nailing down the square root of 2. Zeno's paradoxes: Achilles and the tortoise. Proving an arrow can never move - analyzing motion, the beginning of calculus. How Archimedes calculated Pi to impressive accuracy, squared the circle, and did an integral to find the area of a sphere.
How the Greeks Used Geometry to Understand the Stars
The universe is like an onion of crystal spheres: Plato, Eudoxus, Aristotle. More earthly ideas: Eudoxus and Aristarchus. Understanding planetary motion in terms of cycles and epicycles: Hipparchus and Ptolemy. These methods were refined to the point where they gave accurate predictions of planetary positions for centuries (even though Ptolemy believed the earth was at rest at the center of the universe).
Copernicus challenged Ptolemy's worldview. Evolution of the telescope. Galileo saw mountains on the Moon, and estimated their height - the first indication that the Moon was Earthlike, not a perfect ethereal sphere at all.
A few facts and anecdotes to try to give something of the flavor of Galileo's life and times, plus references to books for those who would like a more complete picture.
One of Galileo's most important contributions to science (and engineering): the realization that since areas and volumes scale differently when the size of an object is increased keeping all proportions the same, physical properties of large objects may be dramatically different from similar small objects, not just scaled up versions of the same thing. We explore some of the consequences.
Galileo argued against Aristotle's assertions that falling bodies fall at steady speeds, with heavier objects falling proportionately faster. Galileo argued that falling bodies pick up speed at a steady rate (until they move so fast that air resistance becomes important). He constructed an experiment to prove his point (and we reproduced it).
This lecture presents the core of Galileo's analysis of motion in free fall, which he referred to as "naturally accelerated motion". This is challenging material if you're new to it, but crucial in progressing from an Aristotelian or medieval worldview to that of Galileo and
+ Newton
+ , the basis of our modern understanding of nature. Galileo used his new-found understanding of falling motion to prove that a projectile follows a parabolic path, if air resistance can be ignored.
A simple introduction to the modern way of describing motion using arrows - "vectors" - to indicate speed and direction. Galileo (and, later, Newton) made heavy use of Greek geometry in analyzing motion. It's much easier, and just as valid, to use vectors.
This lecture is here for anyone teaching from these notes who is running out of time! It summarizes the next three lectures, so you can get on to relativity.
However, if you do, you're missing out on two fascinating characters whose work gave Newton the essential clue he needed for his greatest achievement: establishing the inverse-square law of gravity.
Tycho Brahe (1546-1601), from a rich Danish noble family, was fascinated by astronomy, but disappointed with the accuracy of tables of planetary motion at the time. He decided to dedicate his life and considerable resources to recording planetary positions ten times more accurately than the best previous work. After some early successes (and in gratitude for having his life saved by Tycho's uncle) the king of Denmark gave Tycho tremendous resources: an island with many families on it, and money to build an observatory.
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) believed God must have had some geometric reason for placing the six planets at the particular distances from the sun that they occupied. He thought it could only be related to the five perfect Platonic solids -- the orbit spheres were maybe just such that between two successive ones a Platonic solid would just fit. The data available at the time didn't rule this out, but Kepler realized that Tycho's precise recorded observations would settle the question one way or the other. He went to work with Tycho in 1600. Tycho died the next year. Kepler stole the data, and worked with it for nine years.
Working with Tycho's data, Kepler reluctantly concluded that his beautiful Platonic universe was incorrect. In fact, he found, the planetary orbits were ellipses, and the speed of the planet in the orbit varied in a precise way. These discoveries were pivotal in establishing Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation.
A brief account of Newton's life, followed by a discussion of perhaps his most important insight: that a cannonball shot horizontally, and fast enough, from an imagined mountaintop above the atmosphere might orbit the earth. This tied together Galileo's understanding of projectiles with the motion of the moon, and was the first direct understanding (as opposed to description) of motion in the heavens.
Newton's famous Laws of Motion generalized and extended Galileo's discussion of falling objects and projectiles. Putting these laws together with his Law of Universal Gravitation, Newton was able to account for the observed motions of all the planets. This lecture gives a careful development of the basic concepts underlying Newton's Laws, in particular the tricky concept of acceleration in a moving body that is changing direction - essential to really understanding planetary motion.
We look a little deeper into the development of Newton's idea of force, and present a vivid picture he constructed to understand circular motion as being motion subject to a constant perpendicular force, in contrast to the earlier view of it as "natural" motion of planets, etc.
Aristotle thought it was infinite, Galileo tried unsuccessfully to measure it with lanterns on hilltops, a Danish astronomer found it first by observing Jupiter's moons. Rival Frenchmen found it quite accurately about 1850, but a far more precise experiment was carried out in 1879 in Annapolis, Maryland by Albert Abraham Michelson.
By the late 1800's, it had been established that light was wavelike, and in fact consisted of waving electric and magnetic fields. These fields were thought somehow to be oscillations in a material aether, a transparent, light yet hard substance that filled the universe (since we see light from far away). Michelson devised an experiment to detect the earth's motion through this aether, and the result contributed to the development of special relativity.
Galileo had long ago observed that in a closed windowless room below decks in a smoothly moving ship, it was impossible to do an experiment to tell if the ship really was moving. Physicists call this "Galilean relativity" - the laws of motion are the same in a smoothly moving room (that is to say, one that isn't accelerating)as in a room "at rest". Einstein generalized the notion to include the more recently discovered laws concerning electric and magnetic fields, and hence light. He deduced some surprising consequences, recounted below.
The first amazing consequence of Einstein's seemingly innocuous generalization of Galileo's observation is that time must pass differently for observers moving relative to one another - moving clocks run slow. We show how this comes about, and review the experimental evidence that it really happens. We also show that if times pass differently for different observers, lengths must look different too.
Another essential ingredient in the relativistic brew is that if I synchronize two clocks at opposite ends of a train I'm on, say, they will not appear to be synchronized to someone on the ground watching the train go by. (Of course, the discrepancy is tiny at ordinary speeds, but becomes important for speeds comparable to that of light).
At first sight, it seems impossible that each of two observers can claim the other one's clock runs slow. Surely one of them must be wrong? We give a detailed analysis to demonstrate that this is a perfectly logically consistent situation, when one remembers also to include effects of length contraction and of lack of synchronization - special relativity makes perfect sense!
An elementary review of these basic concepts in physics, placed here for the convenience of nonscience majors who may be a little rusty on these things, and will need them to appreciate something of what relativity has to say about dynamics - the science of motion.
A straight forward application of the new relativistic concepts of time dilation, length contraction etc., reveals that if you walk at exactly 3 m.p.h. towards the front of a train that's going exactly 60 m.p.h., your speed relative to the ground is not 63 m.p.h. but a very tiny bit less! Again, this difference from common sense is only detectable if one of the speeds is comparable with that of light, but then it becomes very important.
Conserving Momentum: the Relativistic Mass Increase
How the very general physical principle of momentum conservation in collisions, when put together with special relativity, predicts that an object's mass increases with its speed, and how this startling prediction has been verified experimentally many times over. The increase in mass is related to the increase in kinetic energy by E = mc2. This formula turns out to be more general: any kind of energy, not just kinetic energy, is associated with a mass increase in this way. In particular, the tight binding energies of nuclei, corresponding to the energy released in nuclear weapons, can be measured simply by weighing nuclei of the elements involved.
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EnginSite(TM) is a trademark of Luckasoft Software. No reproduction is permitted without explicit written permission. Copyright 2001-2004 Luckasoft Software. All rights reserved.
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+ Install nginx oracle linux 7
Install nginx oracle linux 7
install nginx oracle linux 7 Configure LISTENER. How to Install Payara 5 With NGINX and Let's Encrypt Over Oracle Linux 7. repos. You can now install NGINX with a single command: Check the database software directory and execute runInstaller: Step 1: execute the script runInstaller. This is part of an ongoing series of articles on nginx. MariaDB is Arch Linux’s default implementation of MySQL since 2013. You will need to enable the "Optional" repository. This tutorial will help you to setup NGINX on CentOS/RHEL 7/6 and Fedora systems. elastic. This video was made on January 5th, 2020. At the end of the tutorial you have set up a cronjob for automatic certificate renewal. 0. Amazon Linux is too different from RHEL and CentOS. The next step is to install PHP. Step 3: Single instance. To enable and start the NGINX service for immediate access and make the service start automatically after a reboot, run the following command: $ sudo systemctl enable --now nginx. This installation should not be used for a real system when using database versions prior to 11. Afterward, you can install and update nginx from the repository. sudo yum install nginx. Clients and the web server resolve the example. co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch. Open the firewall on your instance to allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic. com Install zabbix-nginx-conf-scl package. Associate your hostname with the Public IP address. 4. conf file. 04 repositories, the Now in this article I will share the steps to install Oracle Virtual Box on CentOS / RHEL 7 Linux . In the example below, I'm using Oracle Linux yum server to provide the software updates. The ports system provides greater flexibility, allowing selection among a wide range of options. But before we can do any installation, I’ll assume you have a newly provisioned CentOS 7 Linux server that you need to do some prereqs prior to setting up Dokuwiki. d/. Configuring Oracle Database ORCLCDB. Since MediaWiki 1. 11. Above all, it allows admins to set up advanced configurations and can deal with a high load of concurrent connections. There are three steps that must be done to uninstall Nginx from our system, namely: stop Nginx service, remove files and uninstall NginX. LXer: How to Install Nginx with RTMP Module on CentOS 7 Published at LXer: RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a high-performance protocol for transmission of data, audio, and video over the internet between flash-based platform technologies. Red Hat. Unzip the database install files: unzip linuxamd64_12c_database_1of2. Step 4: I am going to choose Entreprise Edition. Installation instructions. Run the following command on both the nodes $ sudo yum install epel-release -y $ sudo yum install -y nginx. com and example. 10 and Red Hat (RHEL) 7. Oracle Linux 7. Connecting to Container Databases (CDB) and Pluggable Databases (PDB) in Oracle Database 18c. The following table is a list of currently supported . To install the Ngnix Plus on Debian or Ubuntu, use the following steps: Step 1: Create the /etc/ssl/nginx directory to store the repository certificates. 04 LTS. 11. 4. Introducing the oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall and oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall RPM for Oracle Linux. Release 1. 4 server at Microsoft Azure. 0. NGINX Ingress Controller now offers enhanced TCP/UDP load balancing with support for snippets, health checks, and multiple TransportServer resources. The PHP 7. They are available 24×7 and will take care of your request immediately. Step 2: Choose your OS and distribution (RHEL 7. The current stable version is nginx 1. # yum install mysql-workbench -y # # Example from installing 5. After installing NGINX, it’s time to configure its worker_processes according to our needs. co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch enabled=1 autorefresh=1 type=rpm-md. $ sudo dnf install -y https://rpms. It will install automatically on you machine. d/nginx. $ sudo mkdir /etc/ssl/nginx. For Debian based Linux To install nginx, you need to compile the source code downloaded from the official website. 6 Mohamed Azar [root@dbhost ~]# yum install -y oracle-database-preinstall-19c •Creating Oracle Linux Instance and accessing through Putty – SSH •Linux-Unix Command line commands overview •Dockers •Software development evolution process •What is Dockers? •Getting docker installed with ‘Hello world’ through dockers. After the install I am using an Oracle Linux 7. 5 install proceed till the end Oracle Linux 6. Install Linux, Nginx, MariaDB, PHP (LEMP Stack) in CentOS 7 – Nginx Default Page The default nginx document root on CentOS 7 is /usr/share/nginx/html/. The following image shows the default Welcome Screen of Nginx. They are available 24×7 and will take care of your request immediately. org/packages/centos/$releasever/$basearch/ gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 Installing MySQL (MariaDB) It enables the user to install valuable packages that are not shipped with the official repository of Enterprise Linux. The commands in this section need to be run as the "root" user. 2. Configure listen and server_name directives. 0 also introduces a WAF policy for easier configuration of NGINX App Protect, Istio compatibility, and more. 2. Install Nginx, MySQL, PHP (LEMP Stack) on Ubuntu 20. OPTION A. Alternatively the package can be installed directly from Oracle Linux Yum repositories. 2. # # Example from installing 5. Once you enable the PPA you can proceed and install PHP 7. 10. el7 will be installed … $ sudo dnf install -y nginx. 5 install complete - wait don't reboot yet Go back to Vultr VPS management and on Custom ISO tab click Remove ISO, this will prompt you to be sure to remove the attached ISO image and auto reboot server. 2. 1, “Installing and preparing NGINX”. js 8. el7. VirtualBox Network Setup 3. (The name: nginx is part of the command. $ cd /etc/ssl/nginx. elastic. 0. 5 To install NGINX on RHEL 7 or 8: Log in to the server that will host the proxy, and open a terminal window. # listen 80; # server_name example. Enter this command to install Nginx Web server. 1 Step 3: Search and install specific PHP 7. yum install nginx -y Enable and start the Nginx service. Type the following wget command to install nginx yum configuration file: NGINX is available at EPEL: yum -y install nginx systemctl enable nginx At this time your will need a FQDN pointing to your server, otherwhise Let's encrypt validation won't work. Do note that if you install this repository via Ansible Galaxy, you will have to replace the role variable in the sample playbooks from ansible-role-nginx-config to nginxinc. $ sudo touch /etc/yum. VirtualBox Network Testing - Network Address Translation (NAT) - Bridged Adapter - Host-only Adapter 7. Delete and related Nginx installation directory : 4. Install Nginx software prerequisites : # yum install pcre pcre-devel openssl-devel perl gcc make -y 2. The compilation depends on the GCC environment. 4) 64-bit on Oracle Linux 7 Download below two files from the OTN website: cd && mkdir Oracle Copy both the rpm files in this directory sudo yum install libaio sudo rpm -ivh oracle-instantclient12. When trying to install Certbot (sudo yum install certbot-nginx), I get errors saying the "python-zope-interface" is required. 6. d/nginx. Verify web server is running. d/zabbix. If you are not the "root" user, add "sudo " in front of every command to run then from your admin user. x86_64 [root@sample ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7. NGINX is the popular web server used on Linux systems. The Oracle Linux 7 Anaconda installer enables the MySQL 5. com/repo_setup. Linux 2. By default, there would not be any instance on the Oracle Cloud, so, we need to install the server by using the Linux images such as Ubuntu, CentOS, Oracle Linux, and more… 1. 1. If you don't need the latest MySQL version, you can use the version present in the regular RHEL/Oracle Linux distribution. 0. 3. centos. The aim of this article is to get you started with basic Nginx web-server installation using the dnf install nginx command and configuration on RHEL 8 / CentOS 8. To install NGINX Plus on Amazon Linux, CentOS, Oracle Linux, and RHEL: Create the /etc/ssl/nginx directory: Log in to MyF5 Customer Portal and download your nginx-repo. See full list on digitalocean. If you are on Amazon Linux, These commands will install Passenger Nginx through Phusion's YUM repository. x, Nginx, and Let’s Encrypt certificates. DBCA generate scripts to create database. rpm [On CentOS/RHEL 7] Step 2: Install PHP 8 on CentOS/RHEL. Step 1: Install the EPEL repository for Nginx package: Here, EPEL stands for Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux. 03. The next step tells Linux to make sure the service called nginx is started. 3. Run certbot to generate a certificate and configure nginx for SSL/HTTPS. The preinstall RPMs are published on Oracle Linux yum server for both Oracle Linux 6 and 7 in the Latest repositories which are configured and enabled by default in recent releases of Oracle Linux 6 and 7. Click Ok The ISO removed from machine message NGINX is installed as described in Section 2. OS Configuration for Oracle 18C. SSH to the newly launched Compute Node on OCI. Greeting, NGINX offers speed unmatched by competitors like Apache, on top of bonus features such as load balancing and HTTP caching. Add Docker repository to Oracle Linux. 4 server at Microsoft Azure. 9. # yum install mysql-workbench-community -y. Before installing Oracle Database 12c or 11g on a system, you need to preconfigure the operating environment since the database requires certain software packages, package Oracle Linux 7 is a production release, but the Oracle Database is only supported on it from Oracle Database 11g (11. 1 modules. Auto-start the Nginx service at system startup. 0 KVM VPS Discussion in ' for Linux on x86_64 2014, Oracle, SkySQL Ab and others. Because nginx, Linux version In this article, we will discuss the easy and safe way how to uninstall Nginx from CentOS 7 system. 4+ in my case). We’ll start by installing Nginx web server from Ubuntu official repositories by using the apt command line. x See how you can use Payara, NGNIX, and Let's Encrypt together as an app server, reverse proxy, and for SSL certificates I am using an Oracle Linux 7. Create VM Instance. [ oracle@ora-c7 database]$ . NGINX Ingress Controller now offers enhanced TCP/UDP load balancing with support for snippets, health checks, and multiple TransportServer resources. repo [nginx] name=nginx repo baseurl=http://nginx. 5 repository by default during install, and thus installs the MySQL packages instead of the MariaDB packages. The init scripts for the Nginx is installed while installing Nginx. This article describes the installation of Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11. Installation time depend upon systems bandwidth, resource and previously installed packages. 6 on Oracle Linux 6. Step 1 – Install Nginx. In this tutorial, we will see how to install Nginx, MySQL, PHP (LEMP stack) on Ubuntu 20. repo using a text editor such as vim command sudo vi /etc/yum. 0-1… Here we are going to install and configure SonarQube 7. Oracle Linux yum server offers updates for system Python included with Oracle Linux as well as new versions of Python via the Software Collection Library (SCL) and EPEL (Oracle Linux 7 only). Install Nginx Amplify on CentOS 8/RHEL 8 to Monitor LEMP Performance. Nginx web server is an Apache alternative with a capability to be also used as reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache. 1. Step 2: Install software only. Start Nginx. 0. 0 also introduces a WAF policy for easier configuration of NGINX App Protect, Istio compatibility, and more. Pre-requisites already been taken care like memory, swap, kernel parameters, add groups, profile and users…etc NGINX is one of the most popular web servers on the planet. This is a walkthrough of how to install nginx on an EC2 instance running Amazon Linux. NGINX, being a lightweight alternative to Apache, offers better overall performance than Apache. repos. rpm [On CentOS/RHEL 8] $ sudo dnf install -y https://rpms. The LEMP stands for a Linux operating system, with an Nginx (pronounced like “Engine-X”) web server. 04 LTS server edition. 0 is needed and since MediaWiki 1. Edit nginx. 7) on Oracle Linux 8. oracle. •Docker based web application. Enable the EPEL repository for your Oracle Linux version. 2 Release : 2. App languages and platforms that Unit can run (including several versions of the same language): Go 1. . . yum install nginx Install the package with the command yum install epel-release. Docker : Install Docker on Oracle Linux 7 (OL7)https://oracle-base. zip unzip linuxamd64_12c_database_2of2. 04 server. In this video we'll take a look at installing the Docker engine on Oracle Linux 7. 4 version was officially released on November 28th, 2019 with a number of new features. For Ubuntu / Debian. 5/6. For Nginx installation on CentOS 8 tutorial can be found on How To Install Nginx on CentOS 8 article. service script under systemd : Assuming this is about Oracle Linux 7, Oracle provides nginx in two channels: EPEL packages for Oracle Linux 7 (ol7_developer_EPEL) # yum info nginx Loaded plugins: langpacks, ulninfo Installed Packages Name : nginx Arch : x86_64 Epoch : 1 Version : 1. repo. 9 from Ubuntu sudo apt-get remove nginx How to Install Nginx 1. NGINX is also used as a reverse proxy server. /etc/yum. Installation on Linux. It works 100% correctly without any problems and is completely free. Section -2 Oracle Data-Guard LAB Setup on Oracle 18c Install Oracle 18C Of course, you don’t have to do any of this if you use one of our Nginx VPS Hosting services, in which case you can simply ask our expert Linux admins to setup this for you. For Linux, nginx packages from nginx. 0. Remove Nginx user and it related directory : 3. 7 on Oracle Linux 7. Download Software - Oracle VM VirtualBox Download page - Oracle Linux Download page 2. For this, we have to set up the yum repository for the first time only, but after that, the provided package is always up to date. See full list on digitalocean. 35 PHP ≥ 7. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) uses yum (RHEL 7) and DNF (RHEL 8) as the package manager. 4) onward. 6 or later; Java 8 or later; Node. :~# systemctl restart nginx 4) Install WordPress on CentOS, RHEL, Oracle Linux 8 (II) Now, open your browser and go your server and complete the installation. Prepare for db operation 8% complete Copying database files 31% complete Creating and starting Oracle instance 32% complete 36% complete 40% complete 43% complete 46% complete Completing Database Creation 51% complete 54% complete Creating Pluggable Databases 58% complete 77% complete Executing Post Configuration Actions 100% complete Database creation Featured DigitalOcean Centmin Mod Nginx LNMP install on CentOS 7. This is guide howto install Nginx with PHP 7. co/packages/5. sudo apt-get install nginx It could ask you for acceptance while installing it, you need to accept it. Edit the repo file as such $ sudo vi /etc/yum. Besides being a good fit for an HTTP web server, Nginx also works as a reverse proxy, load balancer, and standard mail server. ngx @nginx-stable. . Download nginx from here, or use wget as shown below. NET on openSUSE. in. If you want to use the Oracle Linux repository for this, issue the following command. Install NGINX Open Source either as a prebuilt package or from source, following step-by-step instructions for all supported Linux distributions. org. 04 LTS with Nginx, MariaDB and PHP 7. Both Oracle Linux and RHEL, as well as CentOS, come with PHP 7. Installing NGINX. Installing Nginx from OS repository. Nginx is a modern and resources efficient web server used to display web pages to visitors on the internet. Create Nginx user : Install Nginx by typing the following yum command: sudo yum install nginx If this is the first time you are installing a package from the EPEL repository, yum may prompt you to import the EPEL GPG key: NGINX Ingress Controller now offers enhanced TCP/UDP load balancing with support for snippets, health checks, and multiple TransportServer resources. Create the file /etc/yum. elasticsearch. Step by Step Install Oracle 19c Release 3 on Linux 7. 2. 5 M Repo : installed From repo : ol7_developer_EPEL Summary : A high performance web server and reverse proxy The article below discusses how to install Nginx with two method option and the steps are tested on CentOS 7 and RHEL 7 operating system. 4. 2-basic-12. x] name=Elasticsearch repository for 5. Allow the installation to complete. Lastly, install nginx $ sudo yum install nginx. •Install and access of web server – nginx as docker. Install Nginx Install Nginx. noarch 0:0. To disable this during install, unselect the "Server-Mysql" repository in the Installation Source page on the Installation Summary screen. org can be used. 5/6. service. 12 or Linux Babe published a tutorial about installing Nginx Amplify on CentOS 8 or RHEL 8 to monitor LEMP performance. Step 3: Install MariaDB Database Server. Navigate the web browser to Nginx server(IP Address or Host Name). org/packages/mainline/rhel/7/$basearch/ gpgcheck=0 enabled=1. To install only the client programs, you can skip mysql-community-server in your list of packages to install; issue the following command for platforms other than Red Hat Enterprise Linux/Oracle Linux/CentOS: shell> sudo yum install mysql-community-{client,common,libs}-* Replace yum with zypper for SLES. el7 Size : 1. Now, type your DB credentials. It has also few incompatibilities so you should take care before upgrading from the previous version. LEMP is the acronym of Linux, Engine-x, MariaDB/MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python. sudo yum install -y yum-utils . And here is the command to add the same on Oracle Linux 8 or 7. yum --enablerepo=remi-php72 install php-mysql php-xml \ php-soap php-xmlrpc php-mbstring php-json php-gd php-mcrypt Step 3 – Install NGINX. It also supports most modern instruction set architectures, such as: ARM; IA-32; PowerPC; MIPS; S390X; x86-64. 2) Install and configure PHP. 6 or later; macOS 10. With a few quick steps, you'll be able to install the latest Docker release. 2 in their official repositories. Copy the files to the /etc/ssl/nginx/ directory: Install the required ca-certificates dependency: Step 1: Open the Nginx Plus URL link: https://cs. The Oracle Linux Yum Server is pre-configured during installation of Oracle Linux 5 Update 7 or Oracle Linux 6 Update 3 or higher. 2. This post is a simple walkthrough for installing Nginx, and configuring it as a reverse proxy. It is available for Linux for free. Nginx Amplify is a free, flexible and powerful way to analyze the load and performance of Nginx and Nginx Plus web servers. x86_64). 1. AWX is the upstream project from which the Red Hat Ansible Tower which provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible. Guest Additions 6. So, Nginx is working. Installation on FreeBSD. repos. For the purpose of this tutorial, I will be using the following test machine: Install OrangeHRM on Ubuntu 16. The latest Nginx is not available from the official CentOS repositories, so we include the repository of the Nginx project to install it: nano /etc/yum. Virtual Machine Setup 4. Remove the created nginx. PHP-FPM is easier to use and configure than FastCGI and some tests says that PHP-FPM is even much more efficient than FastCGI. The port will compile nginx with the specified options and install it. 5. Copy and install Oracle 18c. 2. repo. sudo -s nginx = stable # use nginx=development for latest development version add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/ $nginx apt-get update apt-get install nginx If you get an error about add-apt-repository not existing, you will want to install python-software-properties . repo. 0. ⇒ https://www. net/enterprise/remi-release-7. 1 or localhost in the address bar. - DB credentials to install WordPress on CentOS, RHEL and Oracle Linux 8. Before you install nginx for the first time on a new machine, you need to set up the nginx packages repository. NET releases on both RHEL 7 and RHEL 8. Note that you must manually add these entries to your DNS server. OS Configuration for Oracle 18C. com domain will be used. d/nginx. NGINX package is not available in default CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 repositories, so to install it first we have to enable epel repository. 9 on CentOS 7, RHEL----- Add CentOS 7 EPEL Repository ----- This tutorial discusses how to install WordPress with the Nginx web server paired with PHP v7. , and paste the following lines: [elasticsearch-5. On the main screen of Cloud after login, you will see multiple options out of them one will be “Create VM Instance” click on that. This site should be available to the rest of the Internet on port 80. nginx. Download Oracle Databse 18c for Linux and upload on your server. net/enterprise/remi-release-8. d/nginx. net domain to the IP address of the web server. 0-693. If you are installing Nginx on your Arch Linux home computer, just type 127. Check to make sure nginx is installed $ sudo yum list nginx Loaded plugins: ovl, ulninfo Installed Packages nginx. elastic. 1-1. If there is no GCC environment, you need to install it yum install gcc-c++ Nginx (pronounced as “Engine-X”) is an open source web server that is often used as reverse proxy or HTTP cache. $ sudo mkdir /etc/ssl/nginx $ cd /etc/ssl/nginx. Edit /opt/rh/rh-nginx116/nginx/conf. - Nginx default page on Oracle Linux 8. 4 and MariaDB database or more popularly abbreviated as LEMP (Linux Nginx MySQL/MariaDB PHP). crt and nginx-repo. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install PHP7. Oracle MySQL was dropped to AUR. x LTS with Oracle JAVA 11, PostgreSQL 10. Nginx packages are available under default repositories. sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https sudo firewall-cmd --reload. Choose Enterprise version OR you need to choose free trial request for 30 days URL. 1708 (Core) </Installation of Nginx Installation. 18. Check the following link to see a list of packages available in the EPEL repository . I've downloaded OL7. The service starts a web server that listens on TCP port 80 by default. It also can be used as a reverse proxy and caching server. The key/value pair (KVP) infrastructure might not function correctly without a Linux software update. com Install official nginx repo; To install nginx, run: yum install nginx; Configure nginx service; Update firewall configuration to open port 80; To get nginx running and start on a CentOS 6 or RHLE 6, run: service nginx start; Let us see all examples in details. Older Apache NetBeans releases and pre-Apache NetBeans releases can still be downloaded, but are no longer supported. yum install -y yum-utils yum-config-manager --enable ol7_optional_latest. Copy and install Oracle 18c. Well, as Oracle is just like CentOS, thus we can use the CentOS repository officially available for users by Docker developers. Select The Oracle development team has created a script called "centos2ol. 4 Alpine and Oracle Database using Docker on a CentOS7 server (centos-release-7-7. nginx_config. zip [ oracle@ora-c7 ~]$ cd database/. Let us get started by installing nginx and get it up and running, which takes only 5 minutes. Oracle VirtualBox is a virtualization application that has the capacity to run on multiple computer architectures (Intel, AMD-based systems) and on almost every available OS (OSX, Linux, Windows, Solaris, and so on), where it allows its users to We will walk through how to install NGINX web server on centos. Installing Oracle 19c (19. Now, we can start the installation. 0/dbhome_1. com; Start and enable Nginx and php-fpm systemctl start rh-nginx116-nginx rh-php72-php-fpm systemctl enable rh-nginx116-nginx rh-php72-php-fpm Once started. Step 1: Install nginx repo. For CentOS 7 / RHEL 7. The different Python versions available and the corresponding repository and RPM names are summarized in the tables below. Nginx is a high performance web server and very popular these days. Set worker_processes value to auto . 16. Configure Yum to use yum server local to your region. Server Step 1: Install Nginx Web Server on RHEL 8/CentOS 8. First, update your Oracle Linux 7 instance with correct yum setting. html [3] After uploading Oracle files, move to a tmp directory and run an Installer like follows. https://www. 11. yum install nginx -y. 2. - Welcome screen. repo [nginx] name=nginx repo baseurl=http://nginx. From: "Mark J. /runInstaller Starting Oracle Universal Installer Alternative way to install that could be easier (has a fairly recent version of Nginx): $ sudo amazon-linux-extras list | grep nginx 38 nginx1=latest disabled [ =stable ] $ sudo amazon-linux-extras enable nginx1 38 nginx1=latest enabled [ =stable ] Now you can install: $ sudo yum clean metadata $ sudo yum -y install nginx $ nginx -v nginx version: nginx/1. It's reliable, scalable, and easy to use. $ sudo apt-get install nginx Thus, here is the command to install it. 6. com/arti We can also install Nginx from the official repo at nginx. x86_64 1:1. Please note that these only To enable key/value pair (KVP) infrastructure, install the hypervkvpd or hyperv-daemons rpm package from your Oracle Linux ISO. This will also install the required dependencies too. If your domain propagated properly you should see a page like this: For more information, see Install . Release 1. To use certbot –webroot, certbot –apache, or certbot –nginx, you should have an existing HTTP website that’s already online hosted on the server where you’re going to use Certbot. To check the status of the service, run this command: $ sudo systemctl status nginx The procedure to install Nginx weber server on an RHEL 7 or CentOS Linux 7 is as follows: Login to your cloud server or bare metal server using ssh command: ssh user@cloud-server-ip; Create the file named /etc/yum. ) Interestingly on the current version of Ubuntu you don't need the latter as Ubuntu takes care of it, but it is better to explicitly say what is that state you require. If you want to know more about how to use Certbot, their documentation is a good starting point. If you have an older version of Oracle Linux, you can manually configure your server to receive updates from the Oracle Linux yum server. Install Ansible AWX on CentOS 7 / Fedora with Nginx Reverse Proxy and Letsencrypt. 2 (OEL7) Installation 5. Configure LISTENER. sh" to convert your CentOS 8, 7 and 6 systems to Oracle Linux. 7. In this article, you will learn how to install and configure Nginx on CentOS 7. In this tutorial we’ll install Nginx and set up a basic site. 11. NGINX is also well-suited with the Linux and other UNIX-like environment. CentOS 7 – Nginx Default Page Extras: Init scripts will help you to start and stop the service. key files. Oracle Database 19c step by step installation guide on Oracle Linux 7. Installation. So you see, Arch Linux really wants you to migrate from MySQL to MariaDB. nabenik. conf file with vi by executing the command below. I am new to setting up Oracle Database on a server, and I am setting up NGINX PHP-FPM 7. Install nginx, certbot and the certbot nginx plugin. 0. sudo systemctl start nginx. 3 is needed, see Compatibility#PHP. remirepo. Once the installation is complete, proceed and list the available php module streams as shown: You have also created Nginx snippets to avoid duplicating code and configured Nginx to use the certificates. x packages baseurl=https://artifacts. yum install zabbix-nginx-conf-scl. el7. 1. 2 . 10 with Nginx, MariaDB and PHP by Richard Zayzay Posted on 11/13/2017 04/04/2020 WordPress, the most powerful and popular content management systems (CMS) will see a new release this week, Tuesday November 14 . 4 with Nginx on Ubuntu 20. For this tutorial the ocl. com/database/technologies/oracle-database-software-downloads. So what we have to do is install it along with some of its modules. Update System Update CentOS and install the EPEL repository. Section -2 Oracle Data-Guard LAB Setup on Oracle 18c Install Oracle 18C Of course, you don’t have to do any of this if you use one of our Nginx VPS Hosting services, in which case you can simply ask our expert Linux admins to setup this for you. Oracle Linux 6, 7, 7 GPU, 8, 8 GPU, and Oracle Autonomous Linux images are available directly from within the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console as Oracle-provided platform images, so that you can quickly and easily deploy the latest Oracle Linux images on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. 12 and PHP-FPM on Fedora 29/28/27, CentOS 7. 1 Support by Richard Zayzay Posted on 01/29/2018 04/04/2020 When deciding on what open source Human Resource Management platform to use to run your HR department, OrangeHRM is a good place to start… this open source HRM software is written in PHP and offers features that help Configure Virtual Machine and Install Oracle Linux 7. 11. 2-2. It is a good version to start working with. NGINX (Engine X) is an powerful web server, Its getting popular very fast due to its fast speed. Configure Virtual Machine and Install Oracle Linux 7. 6 or later; Solaris 11. It is the upstream project for Tower, a commercial derivative of AWX. d/nginx. nginx. ce was announced for Oracle Linux 7. repo. 11 or later; PHP 5, 7, 8; Perl 5. 1908. Your Cookie Settings Site functionality and performance. 2. Step 5: In my case, the environment variable are: ORACLE_BASE=/home/oracle/app/oracle ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/12. Next, create a file called. - As said we are going to see to see Installation and starting process of Nginx HTTP Server on CentOS7 latest as of now in Jan 2018. First, download and install the public signing key: # rpm --import https://artifacts. Release 1. d/nginx. repos. 11. Table of Contents 1. Connecting to Container Databases (CDB) and Pluggable Databases (PDB) in Oracle Database 18c. Installing and configuring SonarQube on CentOS Execute the following commands using the root user. Bobak" <mark@xxxxxxxxx>; To: ORACLE-L <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2020 18:41:18 -0400; Hi all, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/nginx-devel sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nginx ----- To restart the service ----- sudo service nginx start Remove Nginx 1. 12. com/free-trial-request. remirepo. [root@sample ~]# uname -rs Linux 3. 16. But did you know, if you install NGINX from the default Ubuntu Server 18. x/yum gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=https://artifacts. 04 | 7. 5 Boot ISO image and want to install the last version of Oracle Linux. After it’s installed, we can start Nginx with this command: systemctl start nginx sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php sudo apt-get update Step 2: Install PHP 7. Install WordPress 4. Centos2ol script has the following two main functions: It switches CentOS system's yum configuration to use the Oracle Linux yum server to update some core packages. 0 also introduces a WAF policy for easier configuration of NGINX App Protect, Istio compatibility, and more. 31 PHP ≥ 7. repos. Download nginx. 1. 0. The configuration files are found under /etc/nginx directory. Start the MySQL Service (mysqld) Make sure Recently a new Docker release 17. Install Minimal Let Oracle Linux 6. 1 Step 1: Install the Nginx Web Server. . DBCA generate scripts to create database. Stop Nginx service and remove Nginx auto start script : 2. Apache NetBeans Releases Page. yum update -y yum install epel-release -y 1. repo. This guide will take you through steps to Install Dokuwiki behind nginx and letsencrypt on CentOS 7 Linux. This is the setup I run at home, which allows me to use a self-signed wild card SSL server, and access all my services through this without putting those services directly on the internet. On FreeBSD, nginx can be installed either from the packages or through the ports system. 1 using the following command: sudo apt-get install php7. 1. To verify version: $ cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7. you will learn how to install and configure NGINX on a Linux machine, and set up the rest of the pieces you need for the Install Elasticsearch. Let’s install the Nginx web server using the following command on your system. repo; Install nginx package using the yum command: sudo yum update sudo yum install nginx How to Remove / Uninstall Nginx on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 / Oracle Linux 7. 4 (Maipo) To install certbot: $ sudo yum install certbot-nginx … Package python2-certbot. systemctl Install operating system packages . 10. Which address could I use to do it? NOTE: On the picture fields are inactive because of Network should be configured before. Install Nginx – Source Installation : 1. The backend data is stored in the MySQL database and the dynamic processing is handled by PHP . The compilation depends on the GCC environment. Its rising popularity makes NGINX an indispensable skills for web developers, system administrators, and web technologists of all kinds. 5. 9 on Ubuntu 17. Then, restart Nginx. For installation of Nginx we are going to use Ubuntu package manager apt-get with below command. These PHP versions are not available in standard Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 repositories, so you have to use Software Collections ('sclo') to install PHP ≥ 7. el7. install nginx oracle linux 7
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+ Presocratic Philosophy | History of Philosophy without any gaps
Presocratic Philosophy
The first thinkers of antiquity are referred to as the "Pre-Socratics", even though some of these thinkers were in fact contemporaries of Socrates. The first podcasts in the series look at the beginnings of Greek philosophy in the 6th century BC in the city of Miletus, on the coast of Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). There, Thales and his successors Anaximander and Anaximines developed theories sometimes referred to as "material monism," deriving the entire visible cosmos from a single stuff or principle (water, the infinite, air). The following episodes look at the critique of Homer and Hesiod at the hands of Xenophanes and the more ambitious philosophical reflections of Heraclitus and Parmenides (though Peter casts some doubt on the simple opposition often drawn between these two). Further installments look at the reactions to Parmenides' monism in the 5th century BC, and cultural developments around the time of Socrates -- Hippocratic medicine and the sophists. Also look out for interview episodes with MM McCabe and Malcolm Schofield.
In this episode, Peter Adamson of King's College London introduces the podcast as a whole, and the thought of the early Greek philosophers called the Presocratics. He also discusses the first Presocratic philosopher, Thales of Miletus.
Peter discusses Anaxagoras, focusing on his theory of universal mixture ("everything is in everything") and the role played by mind in Anaxagoras' cosmos.
World-leading expert Malcolm Schofield of Cambridge University speaks to Peter about the development of Presocratic philosophy, from the Milesians to Parmenides and the reactions he provoked.
In this episode, Peter Adamson discusses the sophists, teachers of rhetoric in ancient Athens, looking especially at the contributions of Protagoras and Gorgias.
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+ Spirasolaris: Form and Phyllotaxis
+ It is well known that the arrangement of the leaves in plantsmay be expressed by very simple series of fractions, all of which are gradual approximations to, or the natural means between 1/2 or 1/3, which two fractions are themselves the maximum and the minimum divergence between two single successive leaves. The normal series of fractions which expresses the various combinations most frequently observed among the leaves of plants is as follows:1/2, 1/3, 2/5, 3/8, 5/13, 8/21, 13/34, 21/55, etc. Now upon comparing this arrangement of the leaves in plants with the revolutions of the members of our solar system, Peirce has discovered the most perfect identity between the fundamental laws which regulate both.1
(Louis Agassiz, ESSAY ON CLASSIFICATION, Ed. E. Lurie, Belknap Press, Cambridge, 1962:127; emphases supplied)
+ I. PRELIMINARY REMARKS Initially this matter is simple enough:
Either the Solar System is phyllotactic in nature, as Benjamin Peirce intimated over one hundred and fifty years ago, or it is not.
Whether Benjamin Peirce's conclusions should have been accepted at that time (or at least received a better airing) is a different matter altogether. Then again, this paper is not an historical commentary per se, nor is it concerned with the religious elements evident in Louis Agassiz' Essay on Classification, or similar concerns (if that is what they truly are) expressed in Benjamin Peirce's retirement speech to the membership of the AAAS in 1853.
In short, it is the data and the methodology applied by Benjamin Peirce that will be re-examined here and ultimately re-worked for modern consumption.
+ Assigned to the title headingSPIRA SOLARIS this January 2007 conclusion owes its origins to a number of events and issues, but the subtitle itself ( Form and Phyllotaxis ) arises from the neglected Solar System researches of American mathematician Benjamin Peirce (1809-1890). Perhaps serendipitously, his investigation and conclusions resurfaced in September 2006 as a consequence of the official elevation of the asteroid Ceres and demotion of the planet Pluto to the status of "Dwarf Planets." Essentially,with Pluto thus demoted Neptune once more becomes the outermost planet, as Peirce had stipulated on theoretical grounds over 150 years ago. First published in 18502 and later recorded by his friend Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) in the latter's famousEssay on Classification (1857:131) Peirce had declared that "there can be no planet exterior to Neptune, but there may be one interior to Mercury."3revisiting my own attempts to come to terms with the structure of the Solar System in the first three sections of Spira Solaris Archytas-Mirabilis the similarities between the two approaches now suggested that while I had unknowingly followed Peirce by omitting Pluto and also adding an Inter Mercurial object,4 I had nevertheless missed the point entirely when it came to the significance of Neptune. Not so Benjamin Peirce. Nevertheless, although Agassiz provided additional details in his Essay on Classificationconcerning the latter's Solar System research including "the ratios of the laws of phyllotaxis"5 in this same astronomical context, Peirce's major conclusion was cast aside despite its implications. Although not stated in these precise terms, it was nothing less than the perception that
+ The Solar System is Pheidian in Form and Phyllotactic in Nature.
+ Apparently unable to promulgate the essence of the matter officially, Professor Peirce nevertheless labored to pass it on in a speech to the American Association for the Advancement of Science on retiring from his duties as President in 1853. For this reason, it would seem that there was far more to Peirce's speech than casual readers might suspect, for at times it encompassed the past, the present and the future in a most learned and cryptic manner. Peirce asked his audience, for example, to reflect on the following statement, auxiliary questions, and what he clearly considered to befacts: 6
"Modern science has realized some of the most fanciful of the Pythagorean and Platonic doctrines, and thereby justified the divinity of their spiritual instincts. Is it not significant of the nature of the creative intellect, the simplicity of the great laws of force? the fact that the same curious series of numbers is developed by the growing plant which assisted in marshalling the order of the planets? and that the marriage of the elements cannot be consummated except in strict accordance with the laws of definite proportion? (Address of Professor Benjamin Peirce, President of the Association of the American Association for the Year 1853, on retiring from the duties of President. 1853:67;"Printed by Order of the Association." (The Cornell Library Historical Mathematics Monographs(JPG) emphases supplied. Html version: Peirce 1853 ).
+ Professor Peirce's retirement speech contained further cryptic comments, e.g., after mentioning: "the same strong, embracing, golden chain of inductive argument. (1853:7) mathematician Peirce revisited "consummation" by noting further (1853:8) that: "the rings of Saturn are connected with their primary by a force not less mysterious than that which holds its golden representative upon the finger of the fair betrothed. For those unaware of Peirce's phyllotactic treatment of the Solar System parts of his speech would likely always remain cryptic, although even if his muted classical references may have been similarly misunderstood, they would be clear enough to anyone following the same route, as would be his time-honored intent to preserve and pass the matter on.
+ Just how right (or wrong)was Benjamin Peirce concerning the phyllotactic aspect ot the Solar System? He was certainly one of the leading scholars of his day, as was Louis Agassiz, though both their stars seem to have waned somewhat in their later years. As for the substance and quality of Benjamin Peirce's work - the rings of Saturn included - there is little doubt that he was an accomplished and influential scientist in his own right, as the following excerpts from his Scientific Bibliography attest:7
PEIRCE, BENJAMIN (b. Salem, Mass., 1809; d. Cambridge, Mass., 1880), mathematics, astronomy. Graduated from Harvard (1829; M.A., 1833), where he was a tutor ( 183133) and professor (183280). In mathematics, he amended N. Bowditch's translation of Laplace's (1829-39); proved (1832) that there is no odd perfect number with fewer than four prime factors; published popular elementary textbooks; discussed possible systems of multiple algebras in Mécanique célesteLinear Associative Algebra ... and set forth, in A System of Analytic Mechanics (1855), the principles and methods of that science as a branch of mathematical theory, developed from the idea of the "potential." In astronomy, he studied comets; worked on revision of planetary theory and was the first to compute the perturbing influence of other planets on Neptune; and worked on the mathematics of the rings of Saturn, deducing that they were fluid. From 1852 he worked with the U.S. Coast Survey on longitude determination, ... became head of the survey (1867-74) (and) superintended measurement of the arc of the thirty-ninth parallel in order to join the Atlantic and Pacific systems of triangulation. Influential in founding the Smithsonian Institution and the National Academy of Sciences. (Concise Dictionary of Scientific Bibliography, Charles Scribners Sons, New York, 1981:540)
+ For my own part, I intend to show in this title essay that Benjamin Peirce's phyllotactic approach to the structure of the Solar system was essentially correct, all ramifications and consequences notwithstanding.
+ The full description of Benjamin Peirce's application of the Fibonacci series to the structure of the Solar System as published by Louis Agassiz is provided below; perhaps significantly, the words "Fibonacci" and "Golden Section" are noticeably absent -- such words perhaps already unacceptable to the powers that be and also a perceived threat to the status quo. Nevertheless, there can be no mistaking the sequence applied or the major premise, called here fittingly enough (for the moderns, at least) "the law of phyllotaxis". One may also note that Peirce had already considered the practical differences between his theoretical treatment and the Solar System itself and subsequently considered not only the position of Earth, but also discrepancies encountered for the positions of Mars, Uranus and Neptune. Initially Pierce also applied a double form of Fibonacci series but subsequently reduced the set to arrive are a situation similar to that involving the synodic difference cycle between adjacent planets. That he did not examine the matter from this particular viewpoint in greater detail is the reason why this present essay exists.
+ Louis Agassiz 1857
+ It must occur to every reflecting mind, that the mutual relation and respective parallelism of so many structural, embryonic, geological, and geographical characteristics of the animal kingdom are the most conclusive proof that they were ordained by a reflective mind, while they present at the same time the side of nature most accessible to our intelligence, when seeking to penetrate the relations between finite beings and the cause of their existence.
+ The phenomena of the inorganic world are all simple, when compared to those of the organic world. There is not one of the great physical agents, electricity, magnetism, heat, light, or chemical affinity, which exhibits in its sphere as complicated phenomena as the simplest organized beings; and we need not look for the highest among the latter to find them presenting the same physical phenomena as are manifested in the material world, besides those which are exclusively peculiar to them. When then organized beings include everything the material world contains and a great deal more that is peculiarly their own, how could they be produced by physical causes, and how can the physicists, acquainted with the laws of the material world and who acknowledge that these laws must have been established at the beginning, overlook that à fortiori the more complicated laws which regulate the organic world, of the existence of which there is no trace for a long period upon the surface of the earth, must have been established later and successively at the time of the creation of the successive types of animals and plants?
+ Thus far we have been considering chiefly the contrasts existing between the organic and inorganic worlds. At this stage of our investigation it may not be out of place to take a glance at some of the coincidences which may be traced between them, especially as they afford direct evidence that the physical world has been ordained in conformity with laws which obtain also among living beings, and disclose in both spheres equally plainly the workings of a reflective mind. It is well known that the arrangement of the leaves in plants148 may be expressed by very simple series of fractions, all of which are gradual approximations to, or the natural means between 1/2 or 1/3, which two fractions are themselves the maximum and the minimum divergence between two single successive leaves. The normal series of fractions which expresses the various combinations most frequently observed among the leaves of plants is as follows:1/2, 1/3, 2/5, 3/8, 5/13, 8/21, 13/34, 21/55, etc. Now upon comparing this arrangement of the leaves in plants with the revolutions of the members of our solar system, Peirce has discovered the most perfect identity between the fundamental laws which regulate both, as may be at once seen by the following diagram, in which the first column gives the names of the planets, the second column indicates the actual time of revolution of the successive planets, expressed in days; the third column, the successive times of revolution of the planets, which are derived from the hypothesis that each time of revolution should have a ratio to those upon each side of it, which shall be one of the ratios of the law of phyllotaxis; and the fourth column, finally, gives the normal series of fractions expressing the law of the phyllotaxis.149><>
+ Table I (Peirce-Agassiz 1857; column titles added)
+ In this series the Earth forms a break; but this apparent irregularity admits of an easy explanation. The fractions: 1/2, 1/3, 2/5, 3/8, 5/13, 8/21, 13/34, etc., as expressing the position of successive leaves upon an axis, by the short way of ascent along the spiral, are identical as far as their meaning is concerned with the fractions expressing these same positions by the long way, namely, 1/2, 2/3, 3/5, 8/13, 13/21, 21/34, etc.
+ Let us therefore repeat our diagram in another form, the third column giving the theoretical time of revolution.
Table II (Peirce-Agassiz 1857; column titles added)
It appears from this table that two intervals usually elapse between two successive planets, so that the normal order of actual fractions, 1/2, 1/3, 2/5, 3/8, 5/13, etc., or the fractions by the short way in phyllotaxis, from which, however, the Earth is excluded, while it forms a member of the series by the long way. The explanation of this, suggested by Peirce, is that although the tendency to set off a planet is not sufficient at the end of a single interval, it becomes so strong near the end of the second interval that the planet is found exterior to the limit of this second interval. Thus, Uranus is rather too far from the Sun relatively to Neptune, Saturn relatively to Uranus, and Jupiter relatively to Saturn; and the planets thus formed engross too large a proportionate share of material, and this is especially the case with Jupiter. Hence, when we come to the Asteroids, the disposition is so strong at the end of a single interval, that the outer Asteroid is but just within this interval, and the whole material of the Asteroids is dispersed in separate masses over a wide space, instead of being concentrated into a single planet. A consequence of this dispersion of the forming agents is that a small proportionate material is absorbed into the Asteroids. Hence, Mars is ready for formation so far exterior to its true place, that when the next interval elapses the residual force becomes strong enough to form the Earth, after which the normal law is resumed without any further disturbance. Under this law there can be no planet exterior to Neptune, but there may be one interior to Mercury. Let us now look back upon some of the leading features alluded to before, omitting the simpler relations of organized beings to the world around, or those of individuals to individuals, to consider only the different parallel series we have been comparing when showing that in their respective great types the phenomena of animal life correspond to one another, whether we compare their rank as determined by structural complication with the phases of their growth, or with their succession in past geological ages; whether we compare this succession with their embryonic growth, or all these different relations with each other and with the geographical distribution of animals upon earth. The same series everywhere! These facts are true of all the great divisions of the animal kingdom, so far as we have pursued the investigation; and though, for want of materials, the train of evidence is incomplete in some instances, yet we have proof enough for the establishment of this law of a universal correspondence in all the leading features which binds all organized beings of all times into one great system, intellectually and intelligibly linked together, even where some links of the chain are missing. It requires considerable familiarity with the subject even to keep in mind the evidence, for, though yet imperfectly understood, it is the most brilliant result of the combined intellectual efforts of hundreds of investigators during half a century. The connection, however, between the facts, it is easily seen, is only intellectual; and implies therefore the agency of Intellect as its first cause.150 And if the power of thinking connectedly is the privilege of cultivated minds only; if the power of combining different thoughts and of drawing from them new thoughts is a still rarer privilege of a few superior minds; if the ability to trace simultaneously several trains of thought is such an extraordinary gift, that the few cases in which evidence of this kind has been presented have become a [p.131] matter of historical record (Caesar dictating several letters at the time), though they exhibit only the capacity of passing rapidly, in quick succession, from one topic to another, while keeping the connecting thread of several parallel thoughts: if all this is only possible for the highest intellectual powers, shall we by any false argumentation allow ourselves to deny the intervention of a Supreme Intellect in calling into existence combinations in nature, by the side of which all human conceptions are child's play? If I have succeeded, even very imperfectly, in showing that the various relations observed between animals and the physical world, as well as between themselves, exhibit thought, it follows that the whole has an Intelligent Author; and it may not be out of place to attempt to point out, as far as possible, the difference there may be between Divine thinking and human thought. Taking nature as exhibiting thought for my guide, it appears to me that while human thought is consecutive, Divine thought is simultaneous, embracing at the same time and forever, in the past, the present, and the future, the most diversified relations among hundreds of thousands of organized beings, each of which may present complications again, which, to study and understand even imperfectly, as for instance, Man himself, Mankind has already spent thousands of years. And yet, all this has been done by one Mind, must be the work of one Mind only, of Him before whom Man can only bow in grateful acknowledgment of the prerogatives he is allowed to enjoy in this world, not to speak of the promises of a future life. I have intentionally dismissed many points in my argument with mere questions, in order not to extend unduly a discussion which is after all only accessory to the plan of my work. I have felt justified in doing so because, from the point of view under which my subject is treated, those questions find a natural solution which must present itself to every reader. We know what the intellect of Man may originate, we know its creative power, its power of combination, of foresight, of analysis, of concentration; we are, therefore, prepared to recognize a similar action emanating from a Supreme Intelligence to a boundless extent. We need therefore not even attempt to show that such an Intellect may have originated all the Universe contains; it is enough to demonstrate that the constitution of the physical world and, more particularly, the organization of living beings in their connection with the physical world, prove in general the existence of a Supreme Being as the Author of all things. The task of science is rather to investigate what has been done, to inquire if possible how it has been done, than to ask what is possible for the Deity, as we can know that only by what actually exists. To attack such a position, those who would deny the intervention in nature of a creative mind must show that the cause to which they refer the origin of finite beings is by its nature a possible cause, which cannot be denied of a being endowed with the attributes we recognize in God. Our task is therefore completed as soon as we have proved His existence. It would nevertheless be highly desirable that every naturalist who has arrived at similar conclusions should go over the subject anew from his point of view and with particular reference to the special field of his investigations; for so only can the whole evidence be brought out. I foresee already that some of the most striking illustrations may be drawn from the morphology of the vegetable kingdom, especially from the characteristic succession and systematical combination of different kinds of leaves in the formation of the foliage and the flowers of so many plants, all of which end their development by the production of an endless variety of fruits. The inorganic world, "considered in the same light, would not fail to exhibit also unexpected evidence of thought, in the character of the laws regulating the chemical combinations, the action of physical forces, the universal attraction, etc., etc. Even the history of human culture ought to be investigated from this point of view. But I must leave it to abler hands to discuss such topics.
+ <> 31st. The combination in time and space of all these thoughtful conceptions exhibits not only thought, it shows also premeditation, power, wisdom, greatness, prescience, omniscience, providence. In one word, all these facts in their natural connection proclaim aloud the One God, whom man may know, adore, and love; and Natural History must in good time become the analysis of the thoughts of the Creator of the Universe, as manifested in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, as well as in the inorganic world.
+ <> It may appear strange that I should have included the preceding disquisition under the title of an "Essay on Classification." Yet it has been done deliberately. In the beginning of this chapter I have already stated that Classification seems to me to rest upon too narrow a foundation when it is chiefly based upon structure. Animals are linked together as closely by their mode of development, by their relative standing in their respective classes, by the order in which they have made their appearance upon earth, by their geographical distribution, and generally by their connection with the world in which they live, as by their anatomy. All these relations should therefore be fully expressed in a natural classification; and though structure furnishes the most direct indication of some of these relations, always appreciable under every circumstance, other considerations should not be neglected which may complete our insight into the general plan of creation. (Louis Agassiz, ESSAY ON CLASSIFICATION, Ed. E. Lurie, Belknap Press, Cambridge, 1962:127-128)
+ The essential question to be investigated here is whether Benjamin Peirce was correct concerning the phyllotactic structure of the Solar System. I suggest that the answer is undoubtedly yes, but nevertheless there is a difference between the approaches adopted by Peirce and myself. Both utilized Time (mean sidereal periods of revolution) rather than mean heliocentric Distances, but my also own included the successive intermediate synodic periods (i.e., lap times) between adjacent planets. It was this step that earlier -- as described in Part II of Spira Solaris Archytas-Mirabilis -- resulted in the determination of the underlying constant of linearity for the Solar System, which for successive periods (synodic lap cycles included) turned out to be the ubiquitous constant Phi = 1.6180339887949 and for planet-to-planet increasesthe square of this value, i.e,Phi 2 = 2.6180339887949(see Part II). This produced in turn to a number of similar Phi-based planetary frameworks including a variant that owed its origin to the use of mean orbital velocities and complex inverse velocity relationships that linked the superior and inferior planets (again, see Part II and Part III for details).
+ Even so, comparisons between the Phi-Series planetary frameworks and the present Solar System were fraught with difficulty, not least of all because of three apparent anomalies: 1) the location of Earth in a synodic (i.e., intermediate) position between Venus and Mars; 2) the well-known "gap" between Mars and Jupiter, and 3), an "abnormal" location for Neptune, which produced an atypical synodic lap time for its inner neighbor, Uranus. Some may find the suggestion that Earth is occupying a synodic location uncomfortable, but at least the newly announced Dwarf planet status of Ceres accounts for the Mars-Jupiter gap reasonably enough, though Ceres remains but one asteroid among thousands in this region. But in any event it is the location of Neptune that provides the key to Benjamin Peirce's far-reaching understanding of the matter. This I failed to comprehend when I first added the latter's material to Part VI owing to a basic difference in methodology. The inner starting point adopted by myself was perhaps always likely to produce the Pheidian Framework, but might not necessarily shed light on the final phyllotactic aspect. Starting from the opposite end, however, onecommences with the latter, and with the larger fibonacci fractions applied by Peirce, one also moves with increasing accuracy towards the constant of linearity, Phi. Thus starting from this direction was (in retrospect) always likely to be more productive. In one sense, however, Peirce's approach may have appeared almost too simplistic with divisions involving periods of revolution expressed in days and the unexpected constant duplication of his divisors. The reason behind this latter occurrence is more complex than one might suspect since it is intimately related to intermediate synodic periods between adjacent pairs of planets. However, since the latter are simply obtained from the general synodic formula (the product of the two periods of revolution divided by their difference; see Part II), one can readily test the paired divisors applied Peirce from this particular viewpoint. Thus in Table 1 below the fibonacci fractions employed by Peirce are applied firstly to the mean period of revolution of Neptune (given here as 164.62423 years, i.e., Peirce's 60,129 days divided by365.25 days). Thereafter the divisions continue sequentially from the previous result, i.e., division by 1 again, by1/2, 1/2, then 2/3, 2/3, etc., down to the final divisor 21/34 to obtain the mean sidereal period of Mercury. Further division could, of course, follow with another division by 21/34 and the application of the next divisor (34/55), etc., as far as one might wish.
For purposes of comparison modern values for the mean sidereal periods and the calculated synodic periods for the planets are given in the Sol.System column. A second comparison lists the ratios for each step followed by the average values obtained from each column. As can be seen, the latter are close to fibonacci ratios of 21/13 and 55/34 with resulting pheidian approximations of 1.61665353 and 1.61737532 respectively despite the variance in the individual ratios.
+ Table 3. Benjamin Peirce's Phyllotactic Divisors
+ IV. 2. THE DUPLICATED DIVISORS We come now to the underlying reason why the divisors applied by Benjamin Peirce occur in pairs, though not from any a priori or phyllotactic viewpoint. Although perhaps not immediately obvious, the pairings concern matters that have long been known, namely resonances between adjacent pairs of planets. For example, one of the better known planetary resonances concerns the relative motion of Jupiter with respect to Saturn, specifically, a 2:3:5 fibonacci resonance that occurs after approximately 60 years when slower-moving Saturn (mean period of revolution 29.45252 years) completes 2 sidereal revolutions around the centre of the Solar System (for present purposes, simply the Sun) with swifter-moving Jupiter (mean period of revolution11.869237 years) completing 5 sidereal revolutions about the same centre while also lapping Saturn 3 times (lap cycle:19.88813 years), resulting in a resonant triple with the three periods expressed in the form 2:3:5. The same procedures can be carried out on the remaining superior planets, but in view of the elliptical nature of planetary orbits the application of mean motion is a vast over-simplification, as the real-time investigations carried out in Part III of Spira Solaris Archytas-Mirabilis showed (seePart III, Figures 8-8b; and Figure 1 below for the real-time Jupiter-Saturn and Uranus-Neptune Resonances from 1940-1990).
+ Once these resonant relationships are seen for what they are, however, it is clear that Benjamin Peirce was indeed correct about the occurrence of Fibonacci fractions in the the Solar System, and it is also clear why he took Neptune to be the outermost limiting planet, i.e., the resonant triples necessarily commence with the first three fibonacci numbers (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89, etc.) and increase accordingly. But there is far more to this matter for the three resonant triples 1:1:2,1:2:3and 2:3:5 associated with the four superior planets Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter are not only sequential, they are also successive Fibonacci triples bound together in a most complex manner.
+ Before moving on to the last issue a question naturally arises whether an inner limit exists, and whether this might be determined. Even so, with Neptune "accounted for" there still remain two additional anomalous regions to complicate matters, but once again the elevation of Ceres to the status of Dwarf planet at least fills the next region below Jupiter, though still leaving the "anomalous" location of Earth to be resolved. Fortunately, however, the inclusion of Ceres provides two further sequential resonant triples (3:5:8 and5:8:13 respectively) while the Phi-Series planetary framework also renders assistance below Mercury, since (in theoretical terms at least) it is only a matter of decreasing exponents by unity to move inwards as far as one wishes. In this manner it becomes possible to suggest that the resonant triples not only extend sequentially downwards from Neptune to Mercury (resonant triple 13:21:34) but also beyond Mercury to a specific limit at the fifth inner position (final resonant triple of 144:233:377) as seen below in Table 4 for Phi-Series periods Phi5 through Phi -13
Table 4. The Phi-Series Planetary Periods ( N = 5 to -13 ), Resonant Triples and the Inner Limit
+ In Table 4 it is the pairings that that are duplicated, not the divisors. Some columns are self-explanatory, e.g., the Phi-Series exponents in Column N, as are the resulting sidereal (T) and synodic periods (S) although in the latter case they are generated by the even-numbered exponents rather than the more usual general synodic formula - just one more facet of an already complex dynamic matter. The parameters in Column X are the numbers of complete sidereal revolutions and synodic cycles per pairing (i.e., sidereal and synodic X-Factors), while (omitting Column FN for the time being) the data in the Products and the RZ Triples are exactly that, with the latter also theX-Factors from the X Column.
+ The rounded periods in Column Fn require some explanation, although the perceptive reader may have already seen that the closer the Products get to the Inner Limit, the more obvious it becomes that the former in every instance are consistent approximations for sequential, fractional exponential values of Phi, e.g., the lowest (0.723606) approximates Phi -2/3 = 0.72556, the next (1.17085) Phi 1/3 = 1.17398, followed by 1.8944 ( Phi 4/3 = 1.89954 ), then 3.065 ( Phi7/3 = 3.0735) and so on, thus the exponents increase by unity with each sidereal pairing. It is also clear from these lower products that for integer values expressed in years, rounding alternates between each pairing (i.e., 0.72360 rounded up = 1, 1.1708 rounded down = 1, 1.8944 rounded up = 2, 3.065 rounded down = 3, etc., producing yet again the Fibonacci Series from the initial commencement point. Lastly, the period below Inner 5 would be Phi -14 with the product obtained from central value of the previous pairing (233) which in turn rounds down to zero. Hence the suggestion that the Inner 5 position provides the innermost limit.
+ Applying the same techniques to Solar Systen mean values for Mars, Ceres and the four superior planets results in a similar, but not identical pattern, for although the alternative rounding continues in sequence as far as the lower products of the Jupiter -Saturn pairing, beyond this pair the products increasing diverge from the rounded Fibonacci Periods, as do the last pair of resonant triples:
+ Table 5. The Phi-Series Planetary Periods (N = 1 to 11), Resonant Triples and Departures
+ But this is the Phi-Series planetary framework which supplies the underlying, rigid Pheidian Form, but not necessarily the phyllotactic essence of the more complex, dynamic Solar System itself. For this we need to examine the superior planet resonances in real-time in terms of the Fibonacci Series and like multiples utilising (as before in Part III) the methods of Bretagnon and Simon (1986) 9 adapted to time-series analysis:
Figure 1. Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus-Neptune real-time Fibonacci Resonances I, 1890-1990
+ Figure 1 above is basically similar to Figures 8 and 8b and related research originally introduced in Part III with the addition of blue lines representing the two Fibonacci departures from Table 5 (89and 144 years) that occur in consistently low positions with respect to the waveform of Jupiter. More importantly, however, is the fact that although these graphics include fibonacci multiples and divisions, they also show in one form or another the resonant triples in the sequential forms under discussion, i.e, 1:1:2, 1:2:3 and 2:3:5.
+ IV.4. SOLAR SYSTEM RESONANT PHYLLOTACTIC TRIPLES At which point we return to the divisions obtained by Benjamin Peirce and consider next the overall Solar System from Mercury to Neptune with Pluto omitted, Ceres included and Earth in a synodic location between Mars and Venus as applied in Tables 4 and 5.
+ Thus in Table 6 below the mean sidereal periods of revolution and intervening mean synodic periods are multiplied by the corresponding X-Factors (numbers of mean sidereal and mean synodic periods) to produce the resonant period for each pair of planets with the latter also providing the corresponding Resonant (RZ) Triples. There is more that could be shown here, including resonant triple variants for Earth and its bracketing synodic periods, and also further investigations involving slightly improved correspondances obtained from the use of aphelion and and perihelion periods rather than mean values.
+ Although not identical, the resonant periods obtained from Solar System mean values essentially follow the fibonacci series from its beginning values out to the number34 (i.e.,1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,..) and even further (embracing the next fibonacci number 55) if IMO the Inter-Mercurial Object from Part II is included. Thus for the four superior planets Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter the first fibonacci resonant sequence [ 1 : 1 : 2 ] is followed by [ 1 : 2 : 3 ] then [ 2 : 3 : 5 ] and so on down to the last resonant triple [ 13 : 21 : 34 ] between Venus and Mercury:
+ Figure 2. Phyllotactic Resonant Triples in the Solar System
+ Although it is the synodic cycle that binds each individual pair, it is clear from the resonant triples and the lower right insert that the middle number of the first triple (the number of Neptune-Uranus synodics) is the same as the firstvalue of the next triple (the number of sidereal revolutions ofUranus), and that the last value of the first triple (also the number of revolutions of Uranus in the first set) is the middlevalue of the next (i.e., the numbers of Uranus-Saturn synodics) and that this is a consistent pattern that links the resonant triples throughout. Which in passing is more than faintly reminiscent of details and relationships furnished in Plato'sTimaeus 31b-32c, though this isnot our current concern here.
+ What remains now is the relationship between Benjamin Peirce's divisors, the Phi-Series, and the application of phyllotaxis to the structure of the Solar System.
+ The above somewhat limited discussion necessarily concerns complex waveforms and motions for the mean, varying and extremal values dictated by elliptical orbits. Although one could suggest that both the Fibonacci and the Lucas Series are embedded in the Solar System, it might be more accurate to say that they are in fact pulsating through it, and perhaps have been since time immemorial. That this inquiry should eventually lead to planetary resonances involving both the Lucas and the Fibonacci Series is hardly surprising given the prominence of the mathematical relationships known to exist between the two series (see, for example The Lucas Numbers and Phi - More Facts and Figures detailed by Dr. R. Knott). What is different here, however, is that the known relations that combine the two series occur in a specific and distinct astronomical context -- not only with respect to the residual elements of Solar System -- but also with respect to the theoretical Phi-Series exponential planetary framework such that (a) the two major period constants ( PhiandPhi 2 ):
+ Relations 5a and 5b. The Fundamental Period Constants
re-occur in the form of the double Fibonacci sequence, and (b), the proximity of theLucas Series to the Phi-Series becomes increasingly apparent as thePhi-Series planetary periods increase from Jupiter onwards and outwards (i.e.,Lucas 11 : Phi-Series 11.09016994; Lucas 29 : Phi-Series 29.03444185, etc.):
+ Table 7. Lucas Series, Phi-Series Periods, Phi-Series Decomposition and the Fibonacci Series
+ As for the Phi-Seriesplanetary framework itself, it should be noted that while the importance of the reciprocals of phi and its square (0.618033989 and 0.381966011)needs no introduction to those familiar with phyllotaxis (especially the latter with respect to the "ideal angle") both numbers occur with surprising frequency in the Phi-Seriesplanetary framework. As indeed does the primary constant of linearity,Phi squared (2.618033898) determined in Part II and applied in Part III and elsewhere -- the latter with respect to the the inverse velocity (Vi) of the Jupiter-Saturn synodic (or lap) cycle, with its reciprocal providing the relative velocity Vr, which as it turns out, is also the Mercury-Venus synodic period(T), and additionally, the mean distance (R) ofMercury.
+ Thus we already encounter in the Phi-seriesplanetary framework complex dynamic relationships between the two inner inferior planets and the two largest superior planets involving constants known to be intimately related to phyllotaxis
To put the full significance of the Phi-Seriesplanetary framework and the constants in question in their full perspective it may be useful to include here a discussion pertaining to phyllotaxis from Part III:11
" It has long been recognized that although Phi and the Fibonacci Series are intimately related to the subject of natural growth that they are not limited to these two fields alone. Remaining with the Phi-Series, Jay Kappraff points out that the French architect Le Corbusier "developed a linear scale of lengths based on the irrational number (phi), the golden mean, through the double geometric and Fibonacci (phi) series" for his Modular System. The latter's interest in the topic is explained further in the following informative passage from Kappraff's CONNECTIONS: The Geometric Bridge between Art and Science:
+ As a young man, Le Coubusier studied the elaborate spiral patterns of stalks, or paristiches as they are called, on the surface of pine cones, sunflowers, pineapples, and other plants. This led him to make certain observations about plant growth that have been known to botanists for over a century.
+ Plants, such as sunflowers, grow by laying down leaves or stalks on an approximately planar surface. The stalks are placed successively around the periphery of the surface. Other plants such as pineapples or pinecones lay down their stalks on the surface of a distorted cylinder. Each stalk is displaced from the preceding stalk by a constant angle as measured from the base of the plant, coupled with a radial motion either inward or outward from the center for the case of the sunflower [see Figure 3.21 (b)] or up a spiral ramp as on the surface of the pineapple. The angular displacement is called the divergence angle and is related to the golden mean. The radial or vertical motion is measured by the pitch h. The dynamics of plant growth can be described by and h; we will explore this further in Section 6.9 [Coxeter, 1953].
+ Each stalk lies on two nearly orthogonally intersecting logarithmic spirals, one clockwise and the other counterclockwise. The numbers of counterclockwise and clockwise spirals on the surface of the plants are generally successive numbers from the F series, but for some species of plants they are successive numbers from other Fibonacci series such as the Lucas series. These successive numbers are called the phyllotaxis numbers of the plant. For example, there are 55 clockwise and 89 counterclockwise spirals lying on the surface of the sunflower; thus sunflowers are said to have 55, 89 phyllotaxis. On the other hand, pineapples are examples of 5, 8 phyllotaxis (although, since 13 counterclockwise spirals are also evident on the surface of a pineapple, it is sometimes referred to as 5, 8, 13 phyllotaxis). We will analyze the surface structure of the pineapple in greater detail in Section 6.9.
3.7.2 Nature responds to a physical constraint After more than 100 years of study, just what causes plants to grow in accord with the dictates of Fibonacci series and the golden mean remains a mystery. However, recent studies suggest some promising hypotheses as to why such patterns occur [Jean, 1984], [Marzec and Kappraff, 1983], [Erickson, 1983]. A model of plant growth developed by Alan Turing states that the elaborate patterns observed on the surface of plants are the consequence of a simple growth principle, namely, that new growth occurs in places "where there is the most room," and some kind of as-yet undiscovered growth hormone orchestrates this process. However, Roger Jean suggests that a phenomenological explanation based on diffusion is not necessary to explain phyllotaxis. Rather, the particular geometry observed in plants may be the result of minimizing an entropy function such as he introduces in his paper [1990]. Actual measurements and theoretical considerations indicate that both Turing's diffusion model and Jean's entropy model are best satisfied when successive stalks are laid down at regular intervals of 2Pi /Phi 2 radians, or 137.5 degrees about a growth center, as Figure 3.22 illustrates for a celery plant. The centers of gravity of several stalks conform to this principle. One clockwise and one counterclockwise logarithmic spiral wind through the stalks giving an example of 1,1 phyllotaxis. The points representing the centers of gravity are projected onto the circumference of a circle in Figure 3.23, and points corresponding to the sequence of successive iterations of the divergence angle, 2Pi n/Phi 2, are shown for values of n from 1 to 10 placed in 10 equal sectors of the circle. Notice how the corresponding stalks are placed so that only one stalk occurs in each sector. This is a consequence of the following spacing theorem that is used by computer scientists for efficient parsing schemes [Knuth, 1980].
+ Theorem 3.3 Let x be any irrational number. When the points [x] f, [2x] f, [3x] f,..., [nx] f are placed on the line segment [0,1], the n + 1 resulting line segments have at most three different lengths.
+ Moreover, [(n + 1)x]f will fall into one of the largest existing segments. ( [ ] f means "fractional part of ").
Here clock arithmetic based on the unit interval, or mod 1 as mathematicians refer to it, is used, as shown in Figure 3.24, in place of the interval mod 2pi around the plant stem. It turns out that segments of various lengths are created and destroyed in a first-in-first-out manner. Of course, some irrational numbers are better than others at spacing intervals evenly. For example, an irrational that is near 0 or I will start out with many small intervals and one large one. Marzec and Kappraff [1983] have shown that the two numbers 1/Phi and 1/Phi2 lead to the "most uniformly distributed" sequence among all numbers between Phi and 1. These numbers section the largest interval into the golden mean ratio,Phi :l, much as the blue series breaks the intervals of the red series in the golden ratio.
+ Thus nature provides a system for proportioning the growth of plants that satisfies the three canons of architecture (see Section 1.1). All modules (stalks) are isotropic (identical) and they are related to the whole structure of the plant through self-similar spirals proportioned by the golden mean. As the plant responds to the unpredictable elements of wind, rain, etc., enough variation is built into the patterns to make the outward appearance aesthetically appealing (nonmonotonous). This may also explain why Le Corbusier was inspired by plant growth to recreate some of its aspects as part of the Modulor system.(Jay Kappraff, Chapter 3.7. TheGolden Mean and Patterns of Plant Growth, CONNECTIONS : The Geometric Bridge between Art and Science, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1991:89-96, bold emphases supplied.) For more on this topic see also Dr. R. Knott's extensive treatment The Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section, the latter's related links and the The Phyllotaxis Home Page of Smith University)
The observation made by Kappraff that: "After more than 100 years of study, just what causes plants to grow in accord with the dictates of Fibonacci series and the golden mean remains a mystery" may well describe the modern situation -- the above mentioned on-going researches notwithstanding -- but from a simpler viewpoint, i.e., more in terms of first (or perhaps better stated, secondary) causes, the primary pheidian constant Phi2 = 2.618033898 can at least be examined in terms of the real-time motions of the two superior planets Jupiter and Saturn that (in the case of the Phi-Series) generate both this important parameter and its reciprocal Phi -2 = 0.381966011.This second constant is not only intimately related to the phyllotaxic "ideal" growth angle of 137.50776405 degrees (0.381966011 x 360O) it is also a unusual repeat parameter in the planetary framework as shown in Table 8 above. As explained in a later section (Spira Solaris and the Pheidian Planordidae):
+ These multiple occurrences arise from the three-fold nature of the Phi-Series Planetary Framework, which necessarily incorporates identical values for periods, distances and velocities according to their exponential position in the framework, including theInverse Velocities, which (as will be shown later) also play an important role in the computation of angular momentum. From this viewpoint the well-known 60-year, 2 : 3 : 5 fibonacci resonance between the two most massive planets in the Solar system (Jupiter and Saturn) takes on further significance as Figure 8 (21c] shows, for the arithmetic mean of the actual Jupiter and Saturn mean velocities Vr (shown in the upper and lower real-time waveforms) is not only 0.381280708; the daily average function for this pair of planets for the 400-year interval from 1600 - 2000 CE [ 146,000+ data points; Julian Day 2305447.5 through Julian Day 2451544.5 ] is in turn 0.381071579. The figure is necessarily a two-dimensional representation of the orbital motions of the two major Fibonacci planets. Further complications naturally arise from minor differences in the inclination of the planetary planes, periodic changes in the lines of apsides, and the fact that the entire Solar System is (in a temporal sense) also spiraling towards the constellation of Hercules.
+ Figure 3. The Jupiter-Saturn Average Velocity Function (JS-Avg.Vr) and the Phyllotactic Constant k = Phi-2
Thus the plot of orbital velocities in Figure 3 shows firstly (at the top) the cyan velocity waveform and mean value for Jupiter and also the dashed-linePhi-Series mean value. With a shorter sidereal period (11.090169 versus 11.86924 years) the latter is swifter than that of Jupiter per se, and accordingly it appears near the top of the waveform rather than the mean. At the bottom (green waveform), because the difference between the Phi-Series mean velocity and that of Saturn is relatively small the two mean values are much closer. In between lies firstly (in grey) the real-time velocity of the Jupiter-Saturn Synodic cycle SD1, and (in orange) the waveform and mean value for the arithmetic mean of the Jupiter-Saturn velocities over the test interval.
+ The inclusion of real-time velocities (both relative and inverse) is natural and necessary enough because of the complex dynamic motions involved and they are doubly significant when it is realized that relative to unity angular momentum is in turn the product of the mass and the inverse velocity. Moreover, the role and possible influence of the four superior planets can hardly be ignored given that together the latter provide 99% of the total angular momentum with Jupiter and Saturn alone providing more than 65% of the total.
In passing, as far as the current lack of familiarity in dealing with orbital velocities in the above manner may be concerned, I can only say that almost 18 years have elapsed since my restoration of the velocity components of the laws of planetary motion 10 was published in the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada ( "Projectiles, Parabolas, and Velocity Expansions of the Laws of Planetary Motion "JRASC, Vol 83, No. 3, June 1989 ) and that it is disappointing that they have not been put into more general use, especially since the available orbital relationships are effectively quadrupled by their inclusion, i.e.,
Table 9. Distance-Period-Velocity Relationships
The use of the Inverse Velocity in this context may appear unusual at first acquaintance, but it is a useful device nevertheless, not least of with respect to the computation of angular momentum, and (as seen in Part II) the inverse velocities also play an important and unexpected role in the determination of the fundamental log-linear framework by linking the inferior and superior planets, present gaps and deficience notwithstanding.
The implications and ramifications of a phyllotactic Solar System generate in turn complex questions. Some implications we may not wish to address; others we may prefer to ignore (if not deny), though I suggest that we can ill-afford to do so. For if the Solar System is indeed phyllotactic, then it follows that there are wider implications to consider concerning the nature of not only "Life" as we understand it, but the nature of Humankind, our current behavioral traits and our role in the general scheme of things, assuming that we have one.
We are at present, it seems, far too pleased with ourselves, and for far too little reason.
But from a wider and larger "organic" perspective we surely need to consider where we ourselves are ultimately headed. And we also need to ask ourselves whether humankind exists in benign and symbiotic relationships with other living organisms (both near and far), or whether our behavior more resembles that of a parasitic infestation, even perhaps to the point of destroying our environment and ourselves. A harsh assessment? Perhaps so, but it is not un-called for in light of our virtually unchecked population growth, our ceaseless depredation of the environment and our worsening cycles of violence. So how indeed do we measure up from this wider and more complex perspective, and what might this augur for future expansion beyond planet Earth? Perhaps more pertinently still, when we ask the perennial question: "Are we Alone?" we might also be wise to ask ourselves whether we are always likely to remain so in view of our unsavoury past, troublesome present, and far from certain future.
Returning to the researches of Benjamin Peirce, in retrospect it is hard to say how far his lines of inquiry might have been extended, or what might ultimately have resulted, but it must surely have been a far more useful endeavor than the circular, simplistic and ad hoc diversions introduced and perpetuated by "Bode's Law." How could something so momentous and far-reaching have been so easily driven into obscurity? According to the modern editor of Agassiz' Essay on Classification, (E. Lurie) it was partly the work of Asa Gray and Chauncey Wright, as explained in the following footnote (the latter's No.149):
Agassiz tried to interest Americans in this concept, an idea typical of German speculative biology and one that he had been much impressed with since his student days at the University of Munich. See Asa Gray, "On the Composition of the Plant by Phytons, and Some Applications of Phyllotaxis," Proceedings, AAAS, II (1850), 438-444, and Benjamin Peirce, "Mathematical Investigations of the Fractions Which Occur in Phyllotaxis," in ibid., 444-447. Gray was never entirely convinced of the validity of this ideal conception. He subsequently encouraged Chauncey Wright to examine the problem of leaf arrangement, with the result that such facts were shown to be understandable in terms of the principle of natural selection.
but it is still incredible that it should have been driven down so swiftly, except, perhaps that it was undoubtedly heliocentric as well as a major departure from the views perpetuated by organized religion. Thus it may have come too late, a century after Linneaus' classifications, a little less with respect to Cook's voyages, and half a century or more of continued activity that was simply too much for those who wished to maintain the status quo. Not that this was the only field affected where the Golden Section was concerned; it was also difficult for the likes of Canon Mosely and later others around the turn of the last century engaged in the analysis of spiral forms (especially applied to shells) as outlined in the closing excerpt from The Matter of lost Light:
".. There is a great deal more, of course, that could be said concerning the details and the methodology applied to the fitting of spirals forms to shells and many other natural applications provided in Sir d'Arcy Wentworth Thompson's voluminousOn Growth and Form.12 And indeed in other works that for a brief time seem to have flourished around the beginning of the last century. The above is included here because it epitomizes the darker, stumbling side of human progress. And also the realization that when Thomas Taylor (Introduction toLife and Theology of Orpheus) speaks of social decline, loss of knowledge in ancient times and the efforts to preserve it by those who, "though they lived in a base age" nevertheless"happily fathomed the depth of their great master's works, luminously and copiously developed their recondite meaning, and benevolently communicated it in their writings for the general good," that sadly, such times are still upon us. Thus, just as Sir Theodore Andrea Cook,13who in the Curves of Life (1914) was unable to define the "well known logarithmic spiral" equated in 1881 with the chemical elements (see the previous section: Spira Solaris and the Three-fold number), neither Canon Mosely14 nor Thompson were able write openly about the either the Golden Ratio or the Pheidian planorbidae. Nor unto the present day, it seems have others, for if not a forbidden subject per se, it long seems to have been a poor career choice, so to speak. Moreover, even after Louis Agassiz introduced Benjamin Peirce's phyllotaxic approach to structure of the Solar System in his Essay on Classification (1857) the matter was swiftly dispatched and rarely referred to again. A possibly momentous shift in awareness, shunted aside with greatest of ease, as the editor of Essay on Classification, (E. Lurie)15 explained in the short loaded footnotediscussed in the previous section. Nor it would seem, were the works of Arthur Harry Church16 (On the Relation of Phyllotaxis to Mechanical Law, 1904) or Samuel Colman17-18 (Nature's Harmonic Unity, 1911)allowed to take root. Nor again were the lines of inquiry laid out in Jay Hambidge's19Dynamic Symmetry (1920) permitted to have much on effect on the status quo either, not to mention Sir Theodore Andrea Cook'sCurves of Life (1914) and the general the thrust of the many papers published during the previous century and on into the present.20-26 Where does this obfuscation and stagnation leaves us now? Wondering perhaps where we might be today if the implications of the phyllotactic side of the matter introduced in 1850 by Benjamin Pierce had at least been allowed to filter into the mainstream of knowledge with its wider, all-inclusive perspective concerning "life" as we currently understand it. The realization, perhaps, that we may indeed belong to something larger than ourselves, and that as an integral, living part of the Solar System rather than an isolated destructive apex, that we should conduct ourselves with more care and consideration towards all forms of life...."
As indeed do many so-called "primitive" cultures. At the end of a documentary entitled The Great Barrier Reef (Science Museum of Minnesota, 2001) an Australian aboriginal commentary states that:27
All living things are one, like the blood which unites one family. All of life forms one great web; man did not weave the Web of Life, he is only a part of it. He is only a strand within it. Whatever he does to the Web of Life he does to himself. ( The Great Barrier Reef, dir. Dr. George Casey, Science museum of Minnesota, 2001)27
+ And again, this time from the Northern Hemisphere:28
+ Native wisdom tends to assign human beings enormous responsibility for sustaining harmonious relations within the whole natural world rather than granting them unbridled license to follow personal or economic whim ... Native wisdom sees spirit, however one defines that term, as dispersed throughout the cosmos or embodied in an inclusive, cosmos- sanctifying divine being. Spirit is not concentrated in a single, monotheistic Supreme Being ... Native spiritual and ecological knowledge has intrinsic value and worth, regardless of its resonances with or "confirmation" by modern Western scientific values..(Peter Knudtson and David Suzuki,Wisdom of the Elders, 1992)
But however one looks at it, this matter seems to extend far, far back in time, and I say this not at the beginning of my researches, nor near the middle, but towards the very end. Indeed, it is entirely possible that this complex subject lies at the heart of many ancient writings, especially those of Plato, Aristotle, and the Neoplatonists. It is also likely that it is inherent in the teachings of the Pythagoreans and in The Chaldean Oracles so venerated by Proclus. And not least of all, this concept of a natural living entity may also be obscurely addressed in alchemical works received from the Arab World and thus preserved for us throughout the Darkness and the Middle Ages. There is little doubt, for example, how much lost knowledge was regained by the medieval French scholar Nicole Oresme (1323-1382 CE) from his analyses and exposition of the work of Averroes (Ibn Rushdie, ca. 1128 CE) even if the latter work29 remains under-appreciated to the present day, and there are undoubtedly other Arab sources likely to be informative in their original state. This is not to suggest that the Western World has not already acknowledged the preservation and furtherance of ancient learning from this source, but there long seems to have been a grudging (if not racist) element to it that continues to impede both our growth and our development.
Here we surely need to come of age, and quickly.
Needless to say, there is much work to be done and many fences to be mended, but with a distinct focus and increased cooperation between Western and Arab scholars perhaps we may yet still build a few solid bridges towards a better and a more tolerant world.
Agassiz, Louis. ESSAY ON CLASSIFICATION, Ed. E. Lurie, Belknap Press, Cambridge, 1962:131.
Peirce, Benjamin. "Mathematical Investigations of the Fractions Which Occur in Phyllotaxis," Proceedings, AAAS, II 1850:444-447.
Agassiz, Louis. ESSAY ON CLASSIFICATION, Ed. E. Lurie, Belknap Press, Cambridge, 1962:127.
Called here IMO from Leverrier, M, "The Intra-Mercurial Planet Question," Nature 14 (1876) 533. [Anon.]
Agassiz, Louis. ESSAY ON CLASSIFICATION, Ed. E. Lurie, Belknap Press, Cambridge, 1962:127.
Peirce, Benjamin.Address of Professor Benjamin Peirce, President of the American Association for the Year 1853, on retiring from the duties of President.AAAS, 1853:67. Source (JPG): The Cornell Library Historical Mathematics Monographs. [ html version: Peirce1853 ]
Concise Dictionary of Scientific Bibliography, Charles Scribners Sons, New York, 1981:540.
Agassiz, Louis. (Louis Agassiz, ESSAY ON CLASSIFICATION, Ed. E. Lurie, Belknap Press, Cambridge, 1962:127-128.
Bretagnon, P and Jean-Louis Simon, Planetary Programs and Tables from -4000 to +2800, Willman-Bell, Inc. Richmond, 1986.
Kappraff, Jay. CONNECTIONS : The Geometric Bridge between Art and Science, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1991:89-96.
Thomson, Sir D'Arcy Wentworth. On Growth and Form, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1942; Dover Books, Minneola 1992.
Cook, Sir Theodore Andrea.The Curves of Life, Dover, New York 1978; republication of the London (1914) edition.
Mosely, Rev. H. "On the geometrical forms of turbinated and discoid shells," Phil. trans. Pt. 1. 1838:351-370.
Lurie, E. (Ed.) Essay On Classification, Belknap Press, Cambridge 1962:128.
Church, Arthur Harry. On The Relation of Phyllotaxis to Mechanical Law, Williams and Norgate,London 1904; also: http://www.sacredscience.com (cat #154).
Colman, Samuel. Nature's Harmonic Unity, Benjamin Blom, New York 1971. Also:
___________ Harmonic Proportion and Form in Nature, Art and Architecture, Dover, Mineola, 2003.
Hambidge, Jay.Dynamic Symmetry,Yale University Press, New Haven 1920:16-18.
It is necessary to acknowledge the many positive strides made during the last 25 years, especially Roger V. Jean's Phyllotaxis: A systemic study in plant morphogenesis (1994) which by virtue of its scale and scope invokes the same admiration reserved for Sir D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson's On Growth and Form (1917) and similar major works.
Jean, Roger V. Phyllotaxis: A systemic study in plant morphogenesis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994.
__________ Mathematical Approach to Pattern and Form in Plant Growth. Wiley, New York (1984).
Kappraff, Jay. "The Spiral in Nature, Myth, and Mathematics" in Spiral Symmetry, Eds. István Hargittai and Clifford A. Pickover, World Scientific, Singapore, 1992.
__________"The relations between mathematics and mysticism of the golden mean through history." In Fivefold Symmetry, ed. I. Hargittai. World Scientific, Singapore, 1992: 33-65.
Stewart, Ian. What Shape is a Snowflake, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, London, 2001.
Ghyka, Matila C. The Geometry of Art and Life, Dover Publications, New York, 1977.
Casey, George. The Great Barrier Reef, dir. Dr. George Casey, Science museum of Minnesota, 2001.
Knudson, Peter and David Suzuki,Wisdom of the Elders, University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, 1992.
Menut, Albert D. and Alexander J. Denomy, Le Livre du ciel et du monde, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 1968.
I Bode's Flaw http://www.spirasolaris.ca/sbb4a.html Bode's "Law" - more correctly the Titius-Bode relationship - was an ad hoc scheme for approximating mean planetary distances that was originated by Johann Titius in 1866 and popularized by Johann Bode in 1871. The " law " later failed in the cases of the outermost planets Neptune and Pluto, but it was flawed from the outset with respect to distances of both MERCURY and EARTH, as Titius was perhaps aware.
II The Alternative http://www.spirasolaris.ca/sbb4b_07.html Describes an alternative approach to the structure of the Solar System that employs logarithmic data, orbital velocity, synodic motion, and mean planetary periods in contrast to ad hoc methodology and the use of mean heliocentric distances alone.
III The Exponential Order http://www.spirasolaris.ca/sbb4c_07.html The constant of linearity for the resulting planetary framework is the ubiquitous constant Phi known since antiquity. Major departures from the theoretical norm are the ASTEROID BELT, NEPTUNE, and EARTH in a resonant synodic position between VENUS and MARS. Fibonacci/Golden Section Resonances in the Solar System.
IVd2c Spira Solaris and the Pheidian Planorbidae. http://www.spirasolaris.ca/sbb4d2c.html Applied to Nautiloid spirals, Ammonites, Snails and Seashells. The Phedian Planorbidae in Astronomical context; Orbital velocity, Mass and Angular Momentum.
Abstract Kepler's Third Law of planetary motion: T2 = R3 (T = period in years, R = mean distance in astronomical units) may be extended to include the inverse of the mean speed Vi (in units of the inverse of the Earth's mean orbital speed) such that: R = Vi2 and T2 = R3 = Vi 6. The first relation - found in Galileo's last major work, the Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (1638) - may also be restated and expanded to include relative speed Vr (in units of Earth's mean orbital speed k) and absolute speed Va = kVr. This paper explains the context of Galileo's velocity expansions of the laws of planetary motion and applies these relationships to the parameters of the Solar System. A related "percussive origins" theory of planetary formation is also discussed.
Note: This paper (which deals with the resurrection of the Fourth Law of Planetary Motion, i.e., the velocity component) was written north of the 70th parallel during the Summer of 1988. It was subsequently published in the Journal of theRoyal Astronomical Society of Canada (JRASC) the following year. It is reproduced here with the permission of the Editor of the Journal.
Times Series Analysis. http://www.spirasolaris.ca/time1.html The advent of modern computers permits the investigation of planetary motion on an unprecedented scale. It is now feasible to treat single events sequentially and apply detailed time-series analyses to the results.
Time Series Graphics http://www.spirasolaris.ca/times2.html Examples of chaotic and resonant planetary relationships in the Solar System and a possible link with Solar Activity.
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If you are considering sending any kind of large data file to the PuTTY team, it's almost always a bad idea, or at the very least it would be better to ask us first whether we actually need the file. Alternatively, you could put the file on a web site and just send us the URL; that way, we don't have to download it unless we decide we actually need it, and only one of us needs to download it instead of it being automatically copied to all the developers.
(If the file contains confidential information, then you could encrypt it with our Secure Contact Key; see section E.1 for details.)
Some people like to send mail in MS Word format. Please don't send us bug reports, or any other mail, as a Word document. Word documents are roughly fifty times larger than writing the same report in plain text. In addition, most of the PuTTY team read their e-mail on Unix machines, so copying the file to a Windows box to run Word is very inconvenient. Not only that, but several of us don't even have a copy of Word!
Some people like to send us screen shots when demonstrating a problem. Please don't do this without checking with us first - we almost never actually need the information in the screen shot. Sending a screen shot of an error box is almost certainly unnecessary when you could just tell us in plain text what the error was. (On some versions of Windows, pressing Ctrl-C when the error box is displayed will copy the text of the message to the clipboard.) Sending a full-screen shot is occasionally useful, but it's probably still wise to check whether we need it before sending it.
If you must mail a screen shot, don't send it as a .BMP file. BMPs have no compression and they are much larger than other image formats such as PNG, TIFF and GIF. Convert the file to a properly compressed image format before sending it.
Please don't mail us executables, at all. Our mail server blocks all incoming e-mail containing executables, as a defence against the vast numbers of e-mail viruses we receive every day. If you mail us an executable, it will just bounce.
If you have made a tiny modification to the PuTTY code, please send us a patch to the source code if possible, rather than sending us a huge .ZIP file containing the complete sources plus your modification. If you've only changed 10 lines, we'd prefer to receive a mail that's 30 lines long than one containing multiple megabytes of data we already have.
B.1.2 Other places to ask for help
There are two Usenet newsgroups that are particularly relevant to the PuTTY tools:
comp.security.ssh, for questions specific to using the SSH protocol;
comp.terminals, for issues relating to terminal emulation (for instance, keyboard problems).
Please use the newsgroup most appropriate to your query, and remember that these are general newsgroups, not specifically about PuTTY.
If you don't have direct access to Usenet, you can access these newsgroups through Google Groups (groups.google.com).
B.2 Reporting bugs
If you think you have found a bug in PuTTY, your first steps should be:
Check the Wishlist page on the PuTTY website, and see if we already know about the problem. If we do, it is almost certainly not necessary to mail us about it, unless you think you have extra information that might be helpful to us in fixing it. (Of course, if we actually need specific extra information about a particular bug, the Wishlist page will say so.)
Check the Change Log on the PuTTY website, and see if we have already fixed the bug in the development snapshots.
Check the FAQ on the PuTTY website (also provided as appendix A in the manual), and see if it answers your question. The FAQ lists the most common things which people think are bugs, but which aren't bugs.
Download the latest development snapshot and see if the problem still happens with that. This really is worth doing. As a general rule we aren't very interested in bugs that appear in the release version but not in the development version, because that usually means they are bugs we have already fixed. On the other hand, if you can find a bug in the development version that doesn't appear in the release, that's likely to be a new bug we've introduced since the release and we're definitely interested in it.
If none of those options solved your problem, and you still need to report a bug to us, it is useful if you include some general information:
Tell us what version of PuTTY you are running. To find this out, use the ‘About PuTTY’ option from the System menu. Please do not just tell us ‘I'm running the latest version’; e-mail can be delayed and it may not be obvious which version was the latest at the time you sent the message.
PuTTY is a multi-platform application; tell us what version of what OS you are running PuTTY on. (If you're running on Unix, or Windows for Alpha, tell us, or we'll assume you're running on Windows for Intel as this is overwhelmingly the case.)
Tell us what protocol you are connecting with: SSH, Telnet, Rlogin or Raw mode.
Tell us what kind of server you are connecting to; what OS, and if possible what SSH server (if you're using SSH). You can get some of this information from the PuTTY Event Log (see section in the manual).
Send us the contents of the PuTTY Event Log, unless you have a specific reason not to (for example, if it contains confidential information that you think we should be able to solve your problem without needing to know).
Try to give us as much information as you can to help us see the problem for ourselves. If possible, give us a step-by-step sequence of precise instructions for reproducing the fault.
Don't just tell us that PuTTY ‘does the wrong thing’; tell us exactly and precisely what it did, and also tell us exactly and precisely what you think it should have done instead. Some people tell us PuTTY does the wrong thing, and it turns out that it was doing the right thing and their expectations were wrong. Help to avoid this problem by telling us exactly what you think it should have done, and exactly what it did do.
If you think you can, you're welcome to try to fix the problem yourself. A patch to the code which fixes a bug is an excellent addition to a bug report. However, a patch is never a substitute for a good bug report; if your patch is wrong or inappropriate, and you haven't supplied us with full information about the actual bug, then we won't be able to find a better solution.
https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html is an article on how to report bugs effectively in general. If your bug report is particularly unclear, we may ask you to go away, read this article, and then report the bug again.
It is reasonable to report bugs in PuTTY's documentation, if you think the documentation is unclear or unhelpful. But we do need to be given exact details of what you think the documentation has failed to tell you, or how you think it could be made clearer. If your problem is simply that you don't understand the documentation, we suggest posting to a newsgroup (see section B.1.2) and seeing if someone will explain what you need to know. Then, if you think the documentation could usefully have told you that, send us a bug report and explain how you think we should change it.
B.3 Reporting security vulnerabilities
If you've found a security vulnerability in PuTTY, you might well want to notify us using an encrypted communications channel, to avoid disclosing information about the vulnerability before a fixed release is available.
For this purpose, we provide a GPG key suitable for encryption: the Secure Contact Key. See section E.1 for details of this.
(Of course, vulnerabilities are also bugs, so please do include as much information as possible about them, the same way you would with any other bug report.)
B.4 Requesting extra features
If you want to request a new feature in PuTTY, the very first things you should do are:
Check the Wishlist page on the PuTTY website, and see if your feature is already on the list. If it is, it probably won't achieve very much to repeat the request. (But see section B.5 if you want to persuade us to give your particular feature higher priority.)
Check the Wishlist and Change Log on the PuTTY website, and see if we have already added your feature in the development snapshots. If it isn't clear, download the latest development snapshot and see if the feature is present. If it is, then it will also be in the next release and there is no need to mail us at all.
If you can't find your feature in either the development snapshots or the Wishlist, then you probably do need to submit a feature request. Since the PuTTY authors are very busy, it helps if you try to do some of the work for us:
Do as much of the design as you can. Think about ‘corner cases’; think about how your feature interacts with other existing features. Think about the user interface; if you can't come up with a simple and intuitive interface to your feature, you shouldn't be surprised if we can't either. Always imagine whether it's possible for there to be more than one, or less than one, of something you'd assumed there would be one of. (For example, if you were to want PuTTY to put an icon in the System tray rather than the Taskbar, you should think about what happens if there's more than one PuTTY active; how would the user tell which was which?)
If you can program, it may be worth offering to write the feature yourself and send us a patch. However, it is likely to be helpful if you confer with us first; there may be design issues you haven't thought of, or we may be about to make big changes to the code which your patch would clash with, or something. If you check with the maintainers first, there is a better chance of your code actually being usable. Also, read the design principles listed in appendix D: if you do not conform to them, we will probably not be able to accept your patch.
B.5 Requesting features that have already been requested
If a feature is already listed on the Wishlist, then it usually means we would like to add it to PuTTY at some point. However, this may not be in the near future. If there's a feature on the Wishlist which you would like to see in the near future, there are several things you can do to try to increase its priority level:
Mail us and vote for it. (Be sure to mention that you've seen it on the Wishlist, or we might think you haven't even read the Wishlist). This probably won't have very much effect; if a huge number of people vote for something then it may make a difference, but one or two extra votes for a particular feature are unlikely to change our priority list immediately. Offering a new and compelling justification might help. Also, don't expect a reply.
Offer us money if we do the work sooner rather than later. This sometimes works, but not always. The PuTTY team all have full-time jobs and we're doing all of this work in our free time; we may sometimes be willing to give up some more of our free time in exchange for some money, but if you try to bribe us for a big feature it's entirely possible that we simply won't have the time to spare - whether you pay us or not. (Also, we don't accept bribes to add bad features to the Wishlist, because our desire to provide high-quality software to the users comes first.)
Offer to help us write the code. This is probably the only way to get a feature implemented quickly, if it's a big one that we don't have time to do ourselves.
B.6 Support requests
If you're trying to make PuTTY do something for you and it isn't working, but you're not sure whether it's a bug or not, then please consider looking for help somewhere else. This is one of the most common types of mail the PuTTY team receives, and we simply don't have time to answer all the questions. Questions of this type include:
If you want to do something with PuTTY but have no idea where to start, and reading the manual hasn't helped, try posting to a newsgroup (see section B.1.2) and see if someone can explain it to you.
If you have tried to do something with PuTTY but it hasn't worked, and you aren't sure whether it's a bug in PuTTY or a bug in your SSH server or simply that you're not doing it right, then try posting to a newsgroup (see section B.1.2) and see if someone can solve your problem. Or try doing the same thing with a different SSH client and see if it works with that. Please do not report it as a PuTTY bug unless you are really sure it is a bug in PuTTY.
If someone else installed PuTTY for you, or you're using PuTTY on someone else's computer, try asking them for help first. They're more likely to understand how they installed it and what they expected you to use it for than we are.
If you have successfully made a connection to your server and now need to know what to type at the server's command prompt, or other details of how to use the server-end software, talk to your server's system administrator. This is not the PuTTY team's problem. PuTTY is only a communications tool, like a telephone; if you can't speak the same language as the person at the other end of the phone, it isn't the telephone company's job to teach it to you.
If you absolutely cannot get a support question answered any other way, you can try mailing it to us, but we can't guarantee to have time to answer it.
B.7 Web server administration
If the PuTTY web site is down (Connection Timed Out), please don't bother mailing us to tell us about it. Most of us read our e-mail on the same machines that host the web site, so if those machines are down then we will notice before we read our e-mail. So there's no point telling us our servers are down.
Of course, if the web site has some other error (Connection Refused, 404 Not Found, 403 Forbidden, or something else) then we might not have noticed and it might still be worth telling us about it.
If you want to report a problem with our web site, check that you're looking at our real web site and not a mirror. The real web site is at https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/; if that's not where you're reading this, then don't report the problem to us until you've checked that it's really a problem with the main site. If it's only a problem with the mirror, you should try to contact the administrator of that mirror site first, and only contact us if that doesn't solve the problem (in case we need to remove the mirror from our list).
B.8 Asking permission for things
PuTTY is distributed under the MIT Licence (see appendix C for details). This means you can do almost anything you like with our software, our source code, and our documentation. The only things you aren't allowed to do are to remove our copyright notices or the licence text itself, or to hold us legally responsible if something goes wrong.
So if you want permission to include PuTTY on a magazine cover disk, or as part of a collection of useful software on a CD or a web site, then permission is already granted. You don't have to mail us and ask. Just go ahead and do it. We don't mind.
(If you want to distribute PuTTY alongside your own application for use with that application, or if you want to distribute PuTTY within your own organisation, then we recommend, but do not insist, that you offer your own first-line technical support, to answer questions about the interaction of PuTTY with your environment. If your users mail us directly, we won't be able to tell them anything useful about your specific setup.)
If you want to use parts of the PuTTY source code in another program, then it might be worth mailing us to talk about technical details, but if all you want is to ask permission then you don't need to bother. You already have permission.
If you just want to link to our web site, just go ahead. (It's not clear that we could stop you doing this, even if we wanted to!)
B.9 Mirroring the PuTTY web site
If you want to set up a mirror of the PuTTY website, go ahead and set one up. Please don't bother asking us for permission before setting up a mirror. You already have permission.
If the mirror is in a country where we don't already have plenty of mirrors, we may be willing to add it to the list on our mirrors page. Read the guidelines on that page, make sure your mirror works, and email us the information listed at the bottom of the page.
Note that we do not promise to list your mirror: we get a lot of mirror notifications and yours may not happen to find its way to the top of the list.
Also note that we link to all our mirror sites using the rel="nofollow" attribute. Running a PuTTY mirror is not intended to be a cheap way to gain search rankings.
If you have technical questions about the process of mirroring, then you might want to mail us before setting up the mirror (see also the guidelines on the Mirrors page); but if you just want to ask for permission, you don't need to. You already have permission.
B.10 Praise and compliments
One of the most rewarding things about maintaining free software is getting e-mails that just say ‘thanks’. We are always happy to receive e-mails of this type.
Regrettably we don't have time to answer them all in person. If you mail us a compliment and don't receive a reply, please don't think we've ignored you. We did receive it and we were happy about it; we just didn't have time to tell you so personally.
To everyone who's ever sent us praise and compliments, in the past and the future: you're welcome!
+ If you want to comment on this web site, see the instructions above.
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+ Plato: ION - The Shelley Translation
+ Plato's Ion:
+ The Shelley Translation
Introduction by John Lauritsen Percy Bysshe Shelley, one of our greatest poets, was a brilliant translator as well — only equalled among poets, if at all, by Pope and Dryden. He translated three of the Plato dialogues: The Banquet* (Symposium) in 1818 and Ion in 1821. His translation of Phaedo is lost. Shelley especially relished the central conceit of Ion: Poets and their interpreters are all mad — or, as it were, divinely inspired.
+ The God seems purposely to have deprived all poets, prophets, and soothsayers of every particle of reason and understanding, the better to adapt them to their employment as his ministers and interpreters; and that we, their auditors, may acknowledge that those who write so beautifully are possessed and address us inspired by the God. (From the Shelley translation of Ion)
He expanded upon and reinterpreted this idea for his famous essay, “A Defence of Poetry”, in which he wrote:
+ Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration; the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon the present; the words which express what they understand not; the trumpets which sing to battle and feel not what they inspire; the influence which is moved not, but moves. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. (Shelley, “A Defence of Poetry”)
Shelley did not strive for a slavishly literal, word-for-word translation. Though he was loyal to the sense and spirit of Plato's Greek, he did not hesitate to condense a long passage into its essence, or on the other hand, to add his own interpolations. His goal was to understand Plato's meaning fully, and then to re-create that meaning in English. Shelley's translation of Ion is not a masterpiece in its own right, as are his translations of Plato's Banquet or of the Homeric hymn, “To Mercury”. Nevertheless, his Ion translation conveys wit and irony; the dialogue is natural as well as elevated; and the ideas come across clearly. The most famous passage in Ion is a long speech by Socrates, where divine inspiration is likened to the effect of a magnet. Here Shelley comes into his own, and, though it may be nearly two centuries old, his rendition excels all others for beauty of language. Here is an excerpt from the magnet speech:
+ [The souls of poets], flying like bees from flower to flower and wandering over the gardens and the meadows and the honey-flowing fountains of the Muses, return to us laden with the sweetness of melody; and arrayed as they are in the plumes of rapid imagination they speak truth. For a poet is indeed a thing ethereally light, winged, and sacred, nor can he compose anything worth calling poetry until he becomes inspired and as it were mad; or whilst any reason remains in him. For whilst a man retains any portion of the thing called reason he is utterly incompetent to produce poetry or to vaticinate. (From the Shelley translation of Ion)
Ion is a dialogue which has polarized critics: some are hostile to it, while others, who do like it, believe it has been misinterpreted. Without wishing to get embroiled in the Ion controversies, I'll simply lay out my thoughts on the dialogue. Ion may seem obtuse and boastful, and under the questioning of Socrates he becomes seriously confused, but he is a good sport. There is a degree of irony when Socrates flatters Ion, as he does in the beginning of the dialogue — but perhaps there is also a smidgeon of irony in Ion's flattery of Socrates.
+ Socrates. The same mode of consideration must be admitted with respect to all arts which are severally one and entire. Do you desire to hear what I understand by this, O Ion?
+ Ion. Yes, by Jupiter, Socrates, I am delighted with listening to you wise men. (Ibid.)
On the whole the exchanges are good-natured, and Socrates treats Ion gently at the end. A central idea of Ion is the distinction between real and fake (pretended, simulated) knowledge or skill. One should not confuse the military abilities of a real general with those of an actor portraying a general, and so on. (On this note we might recall that in the 1990s the actors from Mash were on the collegiate circuit as lecturers on foreign policy, based presumably on the expertise they acquired from playing their roles in the television series.) Socrates in Ion also criticizes the misuse of Homer as holy text, as the authority on everything from charioteering to warfare. The salient present-day analogy here is the fundamentalist use of the “Holy Bible” as the authority on everything, from morality to geology. Again, the concern is for truth. Is the Grand Canyon better explained by the book of Genesis or by modern geology? Sometimes Socrates and Ion speak at cross-purposes, but Ion is not a complete dunce. At least once he turns the tables on Socrates, asking him to base his opinions on evidence, not pre-conceived ideas:
+ Ion. You speak well, O Socrates. Yet I should be surprised if you had eloquence enough to persuade me that when I praise Homer I am mad and possessed. I think you would change your opinion if you once heard me declaim. (From the Shelley translation of Ion)
Ion comes to the defence of his own profession, that of actor or rhapsodist:
+ I imagine that the rhapsodist has a perfect acquaintance with what is becoming for a man to speak, what for a woman; what for a slave, what for a free man; what for the ruler, what for the governed. (Ibid.)
This is a fair description of the actor's art. He doesn't need to know all the skills or details of the people he portrays, but rather what they are like, how they speak, and so on. It's a pity Socrates couldn't have interrogated Laurence Olivier, Alec Guinness — or, for that matter, Bette Davis. They might have given him a run for the money. On the other hand, Olivier and Guinness might have taken the opportunity to study Socrates, the better to portray him on the stage. I like to imagine Ion in his old age giving dramatic readings of the Plato dialogues, enthusiastically declaiming the part of Socrates. At any rate, long introductions are tiresome, and it's time to let Socrates, Ion, and Shelley speak for themselves. * For a description of the Pagan Press edition of Shelley's translation of the Banquet — the only one which includes his introductory essay, “A Discourse on the Manners of the Antient Greeks” — click here.
+ Translated from Plato by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Socrates. Hail to thee, O Ion! from whence returnest thou amongst us now? — from thine own native Ephesus? Ion. No, Socrates; I come from Epidaurus and the feasts in honour of Aesculapius. Socrates. Had the Epidaurians instituted a contest of rhapsody in honour of the God? Ion. And not in rhapsodies alone; there were contests in every species of music. Socrates. And in which did you contend? And what was the success of your efforts? Ion. I bore away the first prize at the games, O Socrates. Socrates. Well done! You have only to consider how you shall win the Panathenaea. Ion. That may also happen, God willing. Socrates. Your profession, O Ion, has often appeared to me an enviable one. For, together with the nicest care of your person and the most studied elegance of dress, it imposes upon you the necessity of a familiar acquaintance with many and excellent poets, and especially with Homer, the most admirable of them all. Nor is it merely because you can repeat the verses of this great poet that I envy you, but because you fathom his inmost thoughts. For he is no rhapsodist who does not understand the whole scope and intention of the poet and is not capable of interpreting it to his audience. This he cannot do without a full comprehension of the meaning of the author he undertakes to illustrate; and worthy indeed of envy are those who can fulfil these conditions. Ion. Thou speakest truth, O Socrates. And indeed I have expended my study particularly on this part of my profession. I flatter myself that no man living excels me in the interpretation of Homer; neither Metrodorus of Lampsacus, nor Stesimbrotus the Thasian, nor Glauco, nor any other rhapsodist of the present times can express so many various and beautiful thoughts upon Homer as I can. Socrates. I am persuaded of your eminent skill, O Ion. You will not, I hope, refuse me a specimen of it? Ion. And indeed it would be worth your while to hear me declaim upon Homer. I deserve a golden crown from his admirers. Socrates. And I will find leisure some day or other to request you to favour me so far. At present I will only trouble you with one question. Do you excel in explaining Homer alone or are you conscious of a similar power with regard to Hesiod and Archilochus? Ion. I possess this high degree of skill with regard to Homer alone and I consider that sufficient. Socrates. Are there any subjects upon which Homer and Hesiod say the same things? Ion. Many, as it seems to me. Socrates. Do you demonstrate these things better in Homer or Hesiod? Ion. In the same manner, doubtless; inasmuch as they say the same words with regard to the same things. Socrates. But with regard to those things in which they differ — Homer and Hesiod both treat of divination, do they not? Ion. Certainly. Socrates. Do you think that you or a diviner would make the best exposition respecting all that these poets say of divination, both as they agree and as they differ? Ion. A diviner probably. Socrates. Suppose you were a diviner, do you not think that you could explain the discrepancies of those poets on the subject of your profession, if you understand their agreement? Ion. Clearly so. Socrates. How does it happen then that you are possessed of skill to illustrate Homer and not Hesiod or any other poets in an equal degree? Is the subject-matter of the poetry of Homer different from all other poets? Does he not principally treat of war and social intercourse; and of the distinct functions and characters of the brave man and the coward, the professional and private person; the mutual relations which subsist between the Gods and men, together with the modes of their intercourse, the phaenomena of Heaven, the secrets of Hades, and the origin of Gods and heroes? Are not these the materials from which Homer wrought his poem? Ion. Assuredly, O Socrates. Socrates. And the other poets, do they not treat of the same matter? Ion. Certainly, but not like Homer. Socrates. How? Worse? Ion. Oh, far worse. Socrates. Then Homer treats of them better than they? Ion. Oh Jupiter! — how much better! Socrates. Amongst a number of persons employed in solving a problem of arithmetic might not a person know, my dear Ion, which had given the right answer? Ion. Certainly. Socrates. The same person who had been aware of the false one or some other? Ion. The same clearly. Socrates. That is, some one who understood arithmetic? Ion. Certainly. Socrates. Among a number of persons giving their opinions on the wholesomeness of different foods, would one person be capable to pronounce upon the rectitude of the opinions of those who judged rightly and another on the erroneousness of those which were incorrect, or would the same person be competent to decide respecting them both? Ion. The same evidently. Socrates. What would you call that person? Ion. A physician. Socrates. We may assert then universally that the same person who is competent to determine the truth is competent also to determine the falsehood of whatever assertion is advanced an the same subject; and it is manifest that he who cannot judge respecting the falsehood or unfitness of what is said upon a given subject is equally incompetent to determine upon its truth or beauty. Ion. Assuredly. Socrates. The same person would then be competent or incompetent for both? Ion. Yes. Socrates. Do you not say that Homer and the other poets, and among them Hesiod and Archilochus, speak of the same things but unequally, one better and the other worse? Ion. And I speak truth. Socrates. But if you can judge of what is well said by the one you must also be able to judge of what is ill said by the other. [1] Ion. It should seem so. Socrates. Then, my dear friend, we should not err if we asserted that Ion possessed a like power of illustration respecting Homer and all other poets; especially since he confesses that the same person must be esteemed a competent judge of all those who speak on the same subjects; inasmuch as those subjects are understood by him when spoken of by one, and the subject-matter of almost all the poets is the same. Ion. What can be the reason then, O Socrates, that when any other poet is the subject of conversation I cannot compel my attention, and I feel utterly unable to declaim anything worth talking of, and positively go to sleep; but when any one makes mention of Homer my mind applies itself without effort to the subject; I awaken as if it were from a trance and a profusion of eloquent expressions suggest themselves involuntarily? Socrates. It is not difficult to conjecture the cause of this, my dear friend. You are evidently unable to declaim on Homer according to art and knowledge; for did your art endow you with this faculty, you would be equally capable of exerting it with regard to any other of the poets. Is not poetry, as an art or a faculty, a thing entire and one? Ion. Assuredly. Socrates. The same mode of consideration must be admitted with respect to all arts which are severally one and entire. Do you desire to hear what I understand by this, O Ion? Ion. Yes, by Jupiter, Socrates, I am delighted with listening to you wise men. Socrates. It is you who are wise, my dear Ion; you rhapsodists, actors, and the authors of the poems you recite. I, like an unprofessional and private man, can only speak the truth. Observe how common, vulgar, and level to the comprehension of any one is the question which I now ask relative to the same consideration belonging to one entire art. Is not painting an art whole and entire? Ion. Yes. Socrates. Are there not and have there not been many painters both good and bad? Ion. Certainly. Socrates. Did you ever know a person competent to judge of the paintings of Polygnotus, the son of Aglaophon, and incompetent to judge of any other painter; who, on the compositions of the works of other painters being exhibited to him, was wholly at a loss, and very much inclined to go to sleep, and lost all faculty of reasoning on the subject; but when his opinion was required of Polygnatus or any one single painter you please, awoke, paid attention to the subject, and discoursed on it with great eloquence and sagacity? Ion. Never, by Jupiter! Socrates. Did you ever know any one very skilful in determining the merits of Daedalus, the son of Metion, Epius, the son of Panopus, Theodorus the Samian, or any other great sculptor, who was immediately at a loss and felt sleepy the moment any other sculptor was mentioned? Ion. I never met with such a person certainly. Socrates. Nor do I think that you ever met with a man professing himself a judge of poetry and rhapsody, and competent to criticise either Olympus, Thamyris, Orpheus, or Phemius of Ithaca, the rhapsodist, who, the moment he came to Ion the Ephesian, felt himself quite at a loss, utterly incompetent to judge whether he rhapsodised well or ill. Ion. I cannot refute you, Socrates, but of this I am conscious to myself: that I excel all men in the copiousness and beauty of my illustrations of Homer, as all who have heard me will confess, and with respect to other poets I am deserted of this power. It is for you to consider what may be the cause of this distinction. Socrates. I will tell you, O Ion, what appears to me to be the cause of this inequality of power. It is that you are not master of any art for the illustration of Homer but it is a divine influence which moves you, like that which resides in the stone called Magnet by Euripides, and Heraclea by the people. For not only does this stone possess the power of attracting iron rings but it can communicate to them the power of attracting other rings; so that you may see sometimes a long chain of rings and other iron substances attached and suspended one to the other by this influence. And as the power of the stone circulates through all the links of this series and attaches each to each, so the Muse communicating through those whom she has first inspired to all others capable of sharing in the inspiration the influence of that first enthusiasm, creates a chain and a succession. For the authors of those great poems which we admire do not attain to excellence through the rules of any art but they utter their beautiful melodies of verse in a state of inspiration and, as it were, possessed by a spirit not their own. Thus the composers of lyrical poetry create those admired songs of theirs in a state of divine insanity, like the Corybantes, who lose all control over their reason in the enthusiasm of the sacred dance; and, during this supernatural possession, are excited to the rhythm and harmony which they communicate to men; like the Bacchantes who, when possessed by the God, draw honey and milk from the rivers in which, when they come to their senses, they find nothing but simple water. For the souls of the poets, as poets tell us, have this peculiar ministration in the world. They tell us that these souls, flying like bees from flower to flower and wandering over the gardens and the meadows and the honey-flowing fountains of the Muses, return to us laden with the sweetness of melody; and arrayed as they are in the plumes of rapid imagination they speak truth. For a poet is indeed a thing ethereally light, winged, and sacred, nor can he compose anything worth calling poetry until he becomes inspired and as it were mad; or whilst any reason remains in him. For whilst a man retains any portion of the thing called reason he is utterly incompetent to produce poetry or to vaticinate. [2] Thus those who declaim various and beautiful poetry upon any subject, as for instance upon Homer, are not enabled to do so by art or study; but every rhapsodist or poet, whether dithyrambic [3], encomiastic [4], choral, epic, or iambic [5], is excellent in proportion to the extent of his participation in the divine influence and the degree in which the Muse itself has descended on him. In other respects poets may be sufficiently ignorant and incapable. For they do not compose according to any art which they have acquired but from the impulse of the divinity within them; for did they know any rules of criticism according to which they could compose beautiful verses upon one subject they would be able to exert the same faculty with respect to all or any other. The God seems purposely to have deprived all poets, prophets, and soothsayers of every particle of reason and understanding, the better to adapt them to their employment as his ministers and interpreters; and that we, their auditors, may acknowledge that those who write so beautifully are possessed and address us inspired by the God. A presumption in favour of this opinion may be drawn from the circumstance of Tynnichus the Chalcidian having composed no other poem worth mentioning except the famous poem which is in everybody's mouth, perhaps the most beautiful of all lyrical compositions and which he himself calls a gift of the Muses. I think you will agree with me that examples of this sort are exhibited by the God himself to prove that those beautiful poems are not human nor from man but divine and from the Gods; and that poets are only the inspired interpreters of the Gods, each excellent in proportion to the degree of this inspiration. This example of the most beautiful of lyrics having been produced by a poet in other respects the worst seems to have been afforded as a divine evidence of the truth of this opinion. — Do you not think with me, Ion? Ion. By Jupiter, I do. You touch as it were my soul with your words, O Socrates. The excellent poets appear to me to be divinely commissioned as interpreters between the Gods and us. Socrates. Do not you rhapsodists interpret the creations of the poets? Ion. We do. Socrates. You are then the interpreters of interpreters? Ion. Evidently. Socrates. Now confess the truth to me, Ion, and conceal not what I ask of you. — When you recite some passage from an epic poem which excites your audience to the highest degree; when for instance you sing of Ulysses leaping upon the threshold of his home, bursting upon the assembled suitors, and pouring forth his arrows before his feet; or of Achilles rushing upon Hector; or when you represent some pathetic scene relating to Andromache, Hecuba, or Priam, do you then feel that you are in your senses or are you not then as it were out of yourself; and is not your soul transported into the midst of the actions which it represents, whether in Ithaca or in Troy, or into whatever other place may be the scene of the passage you recite? Ion. How justly you conjecture my sensations, O Socrates, for I will not conceal from you that when I recite any pathetic passage my eyes overflow with tears, and when I relate anything terrible or fearful my hair lifts itself upright upon my head and my heart leaps with fear. Socrates. How then, O Ion, can we call that man anything but mad who arrayed in a many coloured robe and crowned with a golden crown weeps in the midst of festivity and sacrifice; who surrounded by twenty thousand admiring and friendly persons, and thus secure from all possibility of injury or outrage, trembles with terror? Ion. No indeed, to speak the truth, O Socrates. Socrates. Do you know too that you compel the greater number of your auditors to suffer the same affections with yourself? Ion. And I know it well. Far I see every one of them upon their seats aloft weeping and looking miserable; indeed it is of importance to me to observe them anxiously, for whilst I make them weep I know that my profits will give me occasion to laugh, but if I make them laugh it is then my turn to weep for I shall receive no money. Socrates. Know then that the spectator represents the last of the rings which derive a mutual and successive power from that Heracleotic stone of which I spoke. You, the actor or rhapsodist, represent the intermediate one and the poet that attached to the magnet itself. Through all these the God draws the souls of men according to his pleasure, having attached them to one another by the power transmitted from himself. And as from that stone so a long chain of poets, theatrical performers, and subordinate teachers and professors of the musical art, laterally connected with the main series, are suspended from the Muse itself as from the origin of the influence. We call this inspiration and our expression indeed comes near to the truth; for the person who is an agent in this universal and reciprocal attraction is indeed possessed, and some are attracted and suspended by one of the poets who are the first rings in this great chain and some by another. Some are possessed by Orpheus, some by Musaeus, and many, among whom you may be numbered, my dear friend, by Homer. And so complete is his possession of you that you daze and are at a loss when any one proposes the verses of any other poet as the subject of recitation; but no sooner is a single passage of this poet recited than you awaken and your soul dances within you and dictates words at will. For it is not through art or knowledge that you illustrate Homer but from a divine influence and election, like the Corybantes who hear no sound except that penetrating melody which proceeds from the Deity by whom they are possessed, and although mad in other respects, are capable of accommodating their words and their dress to the rhythm of that music. Hence, O Ion, you have a power of speech respecting Homer alone, and this is the cause which you sought why that power is united to Homer; it is by a divine election and not through art that you have attained so singular an excellence in panegyrizing and illustrating this Poet. Ion. You speak well, O Socrates. Yet I should be surprised if you had eloquence enough to persuade me that when I praise Homer I am mad and possessed. I think you would change your opinion if you once heard me declaim. Socrates. And indeed I desire to hear you, but just answer me one question. On what subjects does Homer speak well — not on every one I imagine? Ion. Be assured, O Socrates, that he speaks ill on none. Socrates. And does Homer never speak anything respecting which you may happen to be ignorant? Ion. There are indeed subjects spoken of by Homer which I do not understand. Socrates. Does not Homer speak copiously and in many places of various arts — such for instance as charioteering? If you do not remember the passages I will quote the verses to you. Ion. Allow me. I remember them well. Socrates. Recite me those then in which Nestor warns his son Antilochus to beware of the turn in the course at the horse race given the funeral of Patroclus. Ion. [. . . and warily proceed, A little bending to the left-hand steed; But urge the right, and give him all the reins; While thy strict hand his fellow's head restrains, And turns him short; till, doubling as they roll, The wheel's round nave appears to brush the goal. Yet, not to break the car or lame the horse, Clear of the stony heap direct the course.] — Iliad 23:335 et seq., tr. Alexander Pope.
Socrates. Enough. Now Ion, which would be the best judge of whether Homer had given right directions on this subject or not — a physician or a charioteer? Ion. A charioteer certainly. Socrates. For what reason? Because it belongs to his art to determine? Ion. Because it belongs to his art. Socrates. For the God has attached to every art the knowledge of the peculiar things which relate to it. The rules for steering a ship would never teach us anything in medicine? Ion. Certainly not. Socrates. Nor could we deduce from the art of medicine any rules for architecture. Ion. We could not. Socrates. Thus with regard to all arts: we can infer nothing from the rules of one to the subject of another. Permit me this one question — you allow a distinction of arts? Ion. Certainly. Socrates. Do you understand it in the sense that I do? I say that arts are distinct one from the other inasmuch as they are the sciences of different things. Ion. So I understand it. Socrates. We cannot establish any distinction between science the objects of which are the same. For instance, we both know that the fingers of our hand are five in number; and if I should ask you whether we acquire this knowledge through the same science, that is arithmetic, or by two different sciences, you would say by the same. Ion. Certainly. Socrates. Now answer the question I was just going to propose. Is it not true of all arts that one class of things must be known by one single art and that the knowledge of other classes belongs to other arts, separately and distinctly considered; so that if the art ceases to be the same the subject must also become different? Ion. So it should appear, O Socrates. Socrates. No one, therefore, who is ignorant of any part can be competent to know rightly what to say or to do with respect to it. Ion. Certainly not. Socrates. To return to the verses which you just recited — do you think that you or a charioteer would be better capable of deciding whether Homer had spoken rightly or not? Ion. Doubtless a charioteer. Socrates. For you are a rhapsodist and not a charioteer. Ion. Yes. Socrates. And the art of reciting verses is different from that of driving chariots? Ion. Certainly. Socrates. And if it is different it supposes a knowledge of different things. Ion. Certainly. Socrates. And when Homer introduces Hecamede, the concubine of Nestor, giving Machaon who was wounded a posset to drink, he speaks thus:
[Tempered in this, the nymph of form divine, Pours a large portion of the Pramnian wine; With goats'-milk cheese, a flavorous taste bestows, And last with flour the smiling surface strews.] Iliad 11:639 et seq., tr. Pope.
does it belong to the medical or the rhapsodical art to determine whether Homer speaks rightly on this subject? Ion. To the medical. Socrates. And when he says:
[She plunged, and instant shot the dark profound: As, bearing death in the fallacious bait, From the bent angle sinks the leaden weight.], — Iliad 24:80 et seq., tr. Pope.
does it belong to the rhapsodical or the piscatorial art to determine whether he speaks rightly or not on the subject? Ion. Manifestly to the piscatorial art. Socrates. Consider if you are not inspired to make some such demand as this to me: Come, Socrates, since you have found in Homer a complete and fit description of these arts, assist me also in the enquiry as to his competence in determining on the subject of soothsayers and divination; and how far he speaks well or ill on such subjects; for he often treats of them in the Odyssey, and especially when he introduces Theoclymenus, the soothsayer of the Melampodides, prophesying to the Suitors:
[O race to death devote! with Stygian shade Each destined peer impending Fates invade; With tears your wan distorted cheeks are drowned, With sanguine drops the walls are rubied round; Thick swarms the spacious hall with howling ghosts, To people Orcus, and the burning coasts. Nor gives the sun his golden orb to roll, But universal night usurps the pole.] — Odyssey 20:351 et seq., tr. Pope.
Often too in the Iliad, as at the battle at the walls; for he there says:
[A signal omen stopped the passing host, Their martial fury in their wonder lost. Jove's bird on sounding pinions beats the skies, A bleeding serpent of enormous size His talons trussed, alive and curling round, He stung the bird, whose throat received the wound; Mad with the smart, he drops the fatal prey, In airy circles wings his painful way, Floats on the winds and rends the heaven with cries: Amidst the host the fallen serpent lies.] — Iliad 12:200 et seq., tr. Pope.
I assert, it belongs to a soothsayer both to observe and to judge respecting such appearances as these. Ion. And you assert the truth, O Socrates. Socrates. And you also, my dear Ion. For we have both in our turn recited from the Odyssey and the Iliad passages relating to vaticination, to medicine, and the piscatorial art; and as you are more skilled in Homer than I can be do you now make mention of whatever relates to the rhapsodist and his art; for a rhapsodist is competent above all other men to consider and pronounce on whatever has relation to his art. Ion. Or with respect to every thing else mentioned by Homer. Socrates. Do not be so forgetful as to say everything. A good memory is particularly necessary for a rhapsodist. Ion. And what do I forget? Socrates. Do you not remember that you admitted the art of reciting verses was different from that of driving chariots? Ion. I remember. Socrates. And did you not admit that being different the subjects of its knowledge must also be distinct? Ion. Certainly. Socrates. You will not assert that the art of rhapsody is that of universal knowledge; a rhapsodist may be ignorant of some things. Ion. Except, perhaps, such subjects as we now discuss, O Socrates. Socrates. What do you mean by such subjects, besides those which relate to other arts? And with which among them do you profess a competent acquaintance, since not with all? Ion. I imagine that the rhapsodist has a perfect acquaintance with what is becoming for a man to speak, what for a woman; what for a slave, what for a free man; what for the ruler, what for the governed. Socrates. How! do you think that a rhapsodist knows better than the pilot what the captain of a ship in a tempest ought to say? Ion. In such a circumstance I allow that the pilot would know best. Socrates. Has the rhapsodist or the physician the clearer knowledge of what ought to be said to a sick man? Ion. In that case the physician. Socrates. But you assert that he knows what a slave ought to say? Ion. Certainly. Socrates. To take for example — in the driving of cattle a rhapsodist would know much better than the herdsman what ought to be said to a slave engaged in bringing back a herd of oxen that had run wild? Ion. No indeed. Socrates. Perhaps you mean that he knows much better than any housewife what ought to be said by a workman about the dressing of wool?' Ion. No! No! Socrates. Or by a general animating his soldiers to battle? Ion. The rhapsodist is not unacquainted with such matters. Socrates. What! is rhapsody the military art? Ion. I should know what it became a general to say. Socrates. Very likely, if you have studied tactics. You may be at the same time a musician and horse-breaker, and know whether horses are well or ill broken; now if I asked you, O Ion, by which of these two arts you judged respecting these horses, what would be your reply? Ion. By that of horse-breaking. Socrates. And in relation to any judgments you might pronounce upon musical performers you would profess yourself a musician, not a horse-breaker. Ion. Certainly. Socrates. If then you possess any knowledge of military affairs do you possess it in your character of general or rhapsodist? Ion. I see no difference between a general and a rhapsodist. Socrates. How! no difference? Are not the arts of generalship and recitation two distinct things? Ion. No, they are the same. Socrates. Must he who is a good rhapsodist be also necessarily a good general? Ion. Infallibly, O Socrates. Socrates. And must a good general be also a good rhapsodist? Ion. That does not follow. Socrates. But you are persuaded at least that a good rhapsodist is a good general. Ion. Assuredly. Socrates. But you are the first rhapsodist in Greece? Ion. By far. Socrates. And consequently best general? Ion. Be convinced of it, O Socrates. Socrates. Why then, by all the Gods, O Ion, since you are at once the best rhapsodist and the greatest general among the Greeks, do you content yourself with wandering about rhapsodizing from city to city and never place yourself at the head of your armies? Do you think the Greeks have so great a need of one to recite verses to them in a golden crown and none whatever of a general? Ion. Our own city, O Socrates, is subjected to yours and can give no employment in that branch of the art; and Athens and Sparta are so strongly persuaded of the competence of their own citizens that I doubt whether they would entrust me with a command. Socrates. My dear Ion, do you know Apollodorus of Cyzene? Ion. Which Apollodorus? Socrates. Him whom the Athenians entrusted with a command, although a foreigner; Phanosthenes the Andrian and Heraclides the Clazomenian, likewise foreigners, were also promoted to many civil and military trusts in Athens on account of their reputation. Why should they not honour and elect Ion the Ephesian as their general, if he should be considered equal to the situation? — you Ephesians were originally Athenians and Ephesus is a city inferior to none. — But you are in the wrong, Ion, if you are serious in your pretence of being able to illustrate Homer by art and knowledge. For after having promised to explain a multiplicity of subjects mentioned by Homer and assuring me that you knew them well you now deceive me; and although I give you every opportunity you are still found wanting even with respect to that very subject of which you profess yourself fully master. Like Proteus you assume a multiplicity of shapes until at last escaping through my fingers, that you may avoid giving me any proof of your skill in Homer, you suddenly stand before me in the shape of a general. If now you have deceived me in your promise of explaining Homer in your quality of a professor in the science of rhapsody, you act unjustly by me; but if the various and beautiful expressions which at times you can employ are, according to my view of the subject, suggested by the influence of the divine election whilst you are possessed as it were by the spirit of Homer, and you are in yourself ignorant and incompetent, I absolve you from all blame. Take your choice, whether you prefer to be considered inspired or unjust. Ion. There is a great difference between these two imputations, O Socrates; the former is far more honourable. Socrates. It is better both for you and for us, O Ion, to say that you are the inspired and not the learned eulogist of Homer.
NOTES 1. A minor mistranslation of Shelley's, identified by Notopoulos, has been corrected in the text. His original reads: “Socrates. But if you can judge of what is well said by the one you must also be able to judge of what is ill said by another, inasmuch as it expresses less correctly.” 2. Vaticinate: To prophesy, foretell. 3. Dithyramb: A frenzied, impassioned choric hymn and dance of ancient Greece in honor of Dionysus. adj. dithyrambic. 4. Encomium: 1. Warm, glowing praise. 2. a formal expression of praise; a tribute. adj. encomiastic. 5. Iamb: A metrical foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable or a short syllable followed by a long syllable, as in delay. adj. iambic: Consisting of iambs or characterized by their predominance: iambic pentameter.
Note on the text This text is based on the critical edition of the Shelley translation in James A. Notopoulos's The Platonism of Shelley: A Study of Platonism and the Poetic Mind (Duke University Press 1949). Notopoulos, following the earlier efforts of H.B. Forman, collated two manuscripts of the Shelley translation, one made by Claire Clairmont and the other by Shelley's widow, Mary. Aside from formatting, I have made no changes in the text other than the very minor correction described in the first endnote, and the elimination of two bracketed occurrences of “whether”, which Notopoulos scrupulously added to indicate a temporary indecision of Shelley's. Regarding punctuation, I have changed nothing. — John Lauritsen
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+ Plato and his dialogues : Welcome - Platon et ses dialogues : Bienvenue
You are here at this site's new location since September, 2001. If you had bookmarked pages of it, replace former address: http://phd.evansville.edu/ by the new address:
Vous êtes ici au Nouvel emplacement du site depuis septembre 2001. Si vous aviez enregistré son adresse, remplacez l'ancienne adresse : http://phd.evansville.edu/ par la nouvelle adresse :
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+ i-tree.org - Secure iXplorer Pro - a secure alternative to FTP clients
Below you will find a guide on how to connect your Amahi server HDA as a client to Ipvanish VPN. We are going to connect your HDA through a VPN tunnel to Ipvanish's servers. We will ssh into your HDA, show your current IP addresses Geo location and then connect to Ipvanish's servers and show the geolocation again. I will also introduce you to ways on how to check that your HDA is definitely connected by using a shell based text browser called lynx. Connecting is not a problem as such. I have yet to find a clean way to disconnect the VPN tunnel. in the last part of this tutorial we will disconnect from the VPN tunnel manually ( the hard way).
Ipvanish is a service that allows you to connect through a secure VPN tunnel and change your locations IP address. this is in particular useful if you need to browse something that is not accessible for your country location. read more about IPvanish here
- This tutorial assumes that you are running your Amahi HDA headless on version 9 based on fedora 23. Installation instructions can be found here - You have Openvpn server installed. ( for this tutorial we purchased the amahi app for openvpn). can be purchased here - Please understand that this tutorial is not perfect as closing the VPN tunnel still requires some manual work. - I am currently working on a shell script that will allow you to connect , show the status of your geolocation and disconnect.
Getting your config files
You will need to browse on another computer to the location of Ipvanish's config files and decide which location config file you would like to use. please see here For this example I have used ipvanish-NL-Amsterdam-ams-a17.ovpn. You will also need the certificate file ca.ipvanish.com.crt
lets ssh into our HDA server and get these files. open a terminal window using putty or for linux or mac just use terminal.
ssh username@your_hda_ip_adress replace ssh username with your HDA login credentials and your_hda_ip_address with the ip address of your HDA
After inputting your password you should be in your username folder. In this folder we are going to create a new folder and then change directory to this folder. We will store the config files here mkdir ipvanish cd ipvanish
now lets download the files wget http://www.ipvanish.com/software/configs/ca.ipvanish.com.crt wget http://www.ipvanish.com/software/configs/ipvanish-NL-Amsterdam-ams-a17.ovpn
Connecting to your VPN
If you have followed the above steps you should have successfully downloaded the config files and we are ready to connect.
issue the following command sudo openvpn --config ipvanish-NL-Amsterdam-ams-a17.ovpn. of course replace your server config name with the one you have chosen. You will be firstly asked to input your HDA's super user password and then the script will run. At some point during the script you will be prompted for your Ipvanish username and password.
You are now connected. The shell window will show a bunch of code. you will not be able to enter any code to it. Just close the Shell window.
Confirming your Ipvanish VPN connection
There are a couple ways to check wether your connection to Ipvanish's servers has really happened. I will show you a couple ways below
- Using freegeoip.net
firstly lets get our wan IP address. Issue the following command whilst logged into shell. dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com
this will show you you current wan IP address. in the example above it shows
Using freegeoip.net we are going to see what the location of this IP address is by issuing the following command curl freegeoip.net/xml/ this will display the location of the server and you will see that you are now connected through a different country.
- The second way you can confirm that you are connected to Ipvanish VPN is Using a terminal based text browser Lynx. If the site is blocked by your ISP's warning message using Lynx we can browse and see the warning message. Once connected to Ipvanish VPN you can browse the blocked website again and see that the warning message is no longer there and you can visit the site.
Lynx is not installed by default so we will have to install this application
issue the following command sudo dnf install lynx
Once the application is installed you can browse the web using your shell terminal as follows Issue the following command lynx http://www.google.com
of course google is not on anyone's blocked list. So please check here for sites that are blocked by ISP's and confirm that you can browse them without any block message.
- Alternatively you can always logon to your Amahi control panel https://www.amahi.org/users and under the section Alerts you can see that your Wan IP address of your HDA has changed.
Disconnecting Ipvanish VPN
As mentioned before disconnecting the VPN tunnel is a little troublesome as it doesn't disconnect in an easy way. we need to find the VPN tunnel connection and then using a Kill command stop it
Issue the following command in your shell console ifconfig look out for a connection named tun0 or tun1 that looks like this <POINTOPOINT,NOARP,MULTICAST>.
once we have identified the connection we simply kill it by issuing the following command
sudo ifconfig tun0 down or sudo ifconfig tun1 down
Using the section above 'Confirming your Ipvanish VPN connection' you will be able to check that you are back on your ISP's wan IP.
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+ 81 - Jan Opsomer on Middle Platonism | History of Philosophy without any gaps
81 - Jan Opsomer on Middle Platonism
+ Posted on 20 May 2012
Jan Opsomer helps Peter to understand principles, Plato interpretation, and Plutarch in a wide-ranging discussion of Middle Platonism.
It strikes me that there might be more continuity between the Platonic dialogues and the Middle Platonists on the monad and dyad than it might originally appear. This struck me because of the centrality of the forms of sameness and difference in The Sophist. It seems to me that there's a close relation (maybe even identity) between Plato's sameness and difference, and the Middle Platonists' monad and dyad. Multiplicity inevitably accompanies difference (as soon as you have a difference, you have two things, ie. a dyad), whereas oneness inevitably accompanies sameness (If "two" things are exactly the same in every respect, "they" are actually one thing). The indefinite potential series of the dyad, on which the monad intervenes to generate the specific numbers, could also be expressed as the indefinite range of possible difference, on which identity intervenes.
Of course, this is all speculative, but given what we know of Plato's interest in mathematics, it wouldn't surprise me if something like this was a genuine "unwritten doctrine" which really did go back to Plato himself.
Yes, that is a good suggestion and of course scholars have thought quite a bit about potential Platonic inspiration for the Middle Platonic, Neopythagorean theories. Apart from the Sophist we could think of the mathematical cosmology of the Timaeus (which also thematizes Sameness and Difference), the Philebus (limit and unlimited), Parmenides, etc. Plus there is the information about Plato's mathematical theories in Aristotle, especially the Metaphysics, and other information on unwritten doctrines which has caused no small amount of discussion. Anyway that's all just to agree with you, however I think we have to assume that any relation between, say, 1st c BC and 1-2nd c AD century Middle Platonists and Plato himself must have been rather indirect and heavily mediated, plus rather eclectic, pulling in other ideas from Pythagoreanism and the like.
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If you are considering sending any kind of large data file to the PuTTY team, it's almost always a bad idea, or at the very least it would be better to ask us first whether we actually need the file. Alternatively, you could put the file on a web site and just send us the URL; that way, we don't have to download it unless we decide we actually need it, and only one of us needs to download it instead of it being automatically copied to all the developers.
Some people like to send mail in MS Word format. Please don't send us bug reports, or any other mail, as a Word document. Word documents are roughly fifty times larger than writing the same report in plain text. In addition, most of the PuTTY team read their e-mail on Unix machines, so copying the file to a Windows box to run Word is very inconvenient. Not only that, but several of us don't even have a copy of Word!
Some people like to send us screen shots when demonstrating a problem. Please don't do this without checking with us first - we almost never actually need the information in the screen shot. Sending a screen shot of an error box is almost certainly unnecessary when you could just tell us in plain text what the error was. (On some versions of Windows, pressing Ctrl-C when the error box is displayed will copy the text of the message to the clipboard.) Sending a full-screen shot is occasionally useful, but it's probably still wise to check whether we need it before sending it.
If you must mail a screen shot, don't send it as a .BMP file. BMPs have no compression and they are much larger than other image formats such as PNG, TIFF and GIF. Convert the file to a properly compressed image format before sending it.
Please don't mail us executables, at all. Our mail server blocks all incoming e-mail containing executables, as a defence against the vast numbers of e-mail viruses we receive every day. If you mail us an executable, it will just bounce.
If you have made a tiny modification to the PuTTY code, please send us a patch to the source code if possible, rather than sending us a huge .ZIP file containing the complete sources plus your modification. If you've only changed 10 lines, we'd prefer to receive a mail that's 30 lines long than one containing multiple megabytes of data we already have.
B.1.2 Other places to ask for help
There are two Usenet newsgroups that are particularly relevant to the PuTTY tools:
comp.security.ssh, for questions specific to using the SSH protocol;
comp.terminals, for issues relating to terminal emulation (for instance, keyboard problems).
Please use the newsgroup most appropriate to your query, and remember that these are general newsgroups, not specifically about PuTTY.
If you don't have direct access to Usenet, you can access these newsgroups through Google Groups (groups.google.com).
B.2 Reporting bugs
If you think you have found a bug in PuTTY, your first steps should be:
Check the Wishlist page on the PuTTY website, and see if we already know about the problem. If we do, it is almost certainly not necessary to mail us about it, unless you think you have extra information that might be helpful to us in fixing it. (Of course, if we actually need specific extra information about a particular bug, the Wishlist page will say so.)
Check the Change Log on the PuTTY website, and see if we have already fixed the bug in the development snapshots.
Check the FAQ on the PuTTY website (also provided as appendix A in the manual), and see if it answers your question. The FAQ lists the most common things which people think are bugs, but which aren't bugs.
Download the latest development snapshot and see if the problem still happens with that. This really is worth doing. As a general rule we aren't very interested in bugs that appear in the release version but not in the development version, because that usually means they are bugs we have already fixed. On the other hand, if you can find a bug in the development version that doesn't appear in the release, that's likely to be a new bug we've introduced since the release and we're definitely interested in it.
If none of those options solved your problem, and you still need to report a bug to us, it is useful if you include some general information:
Tell us what version of PuTTY you are running. To find this out, use the ‘About PuTTY’ option from the System menu. Please do not just tell us ‘I'm running the latest version’; e-mail can be delayed and it may not be obvious which version was the latest at the time you sent the message.
PuTTY is a multi-platform application; tell us what version of what OS you are running PuTTY on. (If you're running on Unix, or Windows for Alpha, tell us, or we'll assume you're running on Windows for Intel as this is overwhelmingly the case.)
Tell us what protocol you are connecting with: SSH, Telnet, Rlogin or Raw mode.
Tell us what kind of server you are connecting to; what OS, and if possible what SSH server (if you're using SSH). You can get some of this information from the PuTTY Event Log (see section in the manual).
Send us the contents of the PuTTY Event Log, unless you have a specific reason not to (for example, if it contains confidential information that you think we should be able to solve your problem without needing to know).
Try to give us as much information as you can to help us see the problem for ourselves. If possible, give us a step-by-step sequence of precise instructions for reproducing the fault.
Don't just tell us that PuTTY ‘does the wrong thing’; tell us exactly and precisely what it did, and also tell us exactly and precisely what you think it should have done instead. Some people tell us PuTTY does the wrong thing, and it turns out that it was doing the right thing and their expectations were wrong. Help to avoid this problem by telling us exactly what you think it should have done, and exactly what it did do.
If you think you can, you're welcome to try to fix the problem yourself. A patch to the code which fixes a bug is an excellent addition to a bug report. However, a patch is never a substitute for a good bug report; if your patch is wrong or inappropriate, and you haven't supplied us with full information about the actual bug, then we won't be able to find a better solution.
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html is an article on how to report bugs effectively in general. If your bug report is particularly unclear, we may ask you to go away, read this article, and then report the bug again.
It is reasonable to report bugs in PuTTY's documentation, if you think the documentation is unclear or unhelpful. But we do need to be given exact details of what you think the documentation has failed to tell you, or how you think it could be made clearer. If your problem is simply that you don't understand the documentation, we suggest posting to a newsgroup (see section B.1.2) and seeing if someone will explain what you need to know. Then, if you think the documentation could usefully have told you that, send us a bug report and explain how you think we should change it.
B.3 Requesting extra features
If you want to request a new feature in PuTTY, the very first things you should do are:
Check the Wishlist page on the PuTTY website, and see if your feature is already on the list. If it is, it probably won't achieve very much to repeat the request. (But see section B.4 if you want to persuade us to give your particular feature higher priority.)
Check the Wishlist and Change Log on the PuTTY website, and see if we have already added your feature in the development snapshots. If it isn't clear, download the latest development snapshot and see if the feature is present. If it is, then it will also be in the next release and there is no need to mail us at all.
If you can't find your feature in either the development snapshots or the Wishlist, then you probably do need to submit a feature request. Since the PuTTY authors are very busy, it helps if you try to do some of the work for us:
Do as much of the design as you can. Think about ‘corner cases’; think about how your feature interacts with other existing features. Think about the user interface; if you can't come up with a simple and intuitive interface to your feature, you shouldn't be surprised if we can't either. Always imagine whether it's possible for there to be more than one, or less than one, of something you'd assumed there would be one of. (For example, if you were to want PuTTY to put an icon in the System tray rather than the Taskbar, you should think about what happens if there's more than one PuTTY active; how would the user tell which was which?)
If you can program, it may be worth offering to write the feature yourself and send us a patch. However, it is likely to be helpful if you confer with us first; there may be design issues you haven't thought of, or we may be about to make big changes to the code which your patch would clash with, or something. If you check with the maintainers first, there is a better chance of your code actually being usable. Also, read the design principles listed in appendix D: if you do not conform to them, we will probably not be able to accept your patch.
B.4 Requesting features that have already been requested
If a feature is already listed on the Wishlist, then it usually means we would like to add it to PuTTY at some point. However, this may not be in the near future. If there's a feature on the Wishlist which you would like to see in the near future, there are several things you can do to try to increase its priority level:
Mail us and vote for it. (Be sure to mention that you've seen it on the Wishlist, or we might think you haven't even read the Wishlist). This probably won't have very much effect; if a huge number of people vote for something then it may make a difference, but one or two extra votes for a particular feature are unlikely to change our priority list immediately. Offering a new and compelling justification might help. Also, don't expect a reply.
Offer us money if we do the work sooner rather than later. This sometimes works, but not always. The PuTTY team all have full-time jobs and we're doing all of this work in our free time; we may sometimes be willing to give up some more of our free time in exchange for some money, but if you try to bribe us for a big feature it's entirely possible that we simply won't have the time to spare - whether you pay us or not. (Also, we don't accept bribes to add bad features to the Wishlist, because our desire to provide high-quality software to the users comes first.)
Offer to help us write the code. This is probably the only way to get a feature implemented quickly, if it's a big one that we don't have time to do ourselves.
B.5 Support requests
If you're trying to make PuTTY do something for you and it isn't working, but you're not sure whether it's a bug or not, then please consider looking for help somewhere else. This is one of the most common types of mail the PuTTY team receives, and we simply don't have time to answer all the questions. Questions of this type include:
If you want to do something with PuTTY but have no idea where to start, and reading the manual hasn't helped, try posting to a newsgroup (see section B.1.2) and see if someone can explain it to you.
If you have tried to do something with PuTTY but it hasn't worked, and you aren't sure whether it's a bug in PuTTY or a bug in your SSH server or simply that you're not doing it right, then try posting to a newsgroup (see section B.1.2) and see if someone can solve your problem. Or try doing the same thing with a different SSH client and see if it works with that. Please do not report it as a PuTTY bug unless you are really sure it is a bug in PuTTY.
If someone else installed PuTTY for you, or you're using PuTTY on someone else's computer, try asking them for help first. They're more likely to understand how they installed it and what they expected you to use it for than we are.
If you have successfully made a connection to your server and now need to know what to type at the server's command prompt, or other details of how to use the server-end software, talk to your server's system administrator. This is not the PuTTY team's problem. PuTTY is only a communications tool, like a telephone; if you can't speak the same language as the person at the other end of the phone, it isn't the telephone company's job to teach it to you.
If you absolutely cannot get a support question answered any other way, you can try mailing it to us, but we can't guarantee to have time to answer it.
B.6 Web server administration
If the PuTTY web site is down (Connection Timed Out), please don't bother mailing us to tell us about it. Most of us read our e-mail on the same machines that host the web site, so if those machines are down then we will notice before we read our e-mail. So there's no point telling us our servers are down.
Of course, if the web site has some other error (Connection Refused, 404 Not Found, 403 Forbidden, or something else) then we might not have noticed and it might still be worth telling us about it.
If you want to report a problem with our web site, check that you're looking at our real web site and not a mirror. The real web site is at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/; if that's not where you're reading this, then don't report the problem to us until you've checked that it's really a problem with the main site. If it's only a problem with the mirror, you should try to contact the administrator of that mirror site first, and only contact us if that doesn't solve the problem (in case we need to remove the mirror from our list).
B.7 Asking permission for things
PuTTY is distributed under the MIT Licence (see appendix C for details). This means you can do almost anything you like with our software, our source code, and our documentation. The only things you aren't allowed to do are to remove our copyright notices or the licence text itself, or to hold us legally responsible if something goes wrong.
So if you want permission to include PuTTY on a magazine cover disk, or as part of a collection of useful software on a CD or a web site, then permission is already granted. You don't have to mail us and ask. Just go ahead and do it. We don't mind.
(If you want to distribute PuTTY alongside your own application for use with that application, or if you want to distribute PuTTY within your own organisation, then we recommend, but do not insist, that you offer your own first-line technical support, to answer questions about the interaction of PuTTY with your environment. If your users mail us directly, we won't be able to tell them anything useful about your specific setup.)
If you want to use parts of the PuTTY source code in another program, then it might be worth mailing us to talk about technical details, but if all you want is to ask permission then you don't need to bother. You already have permission.
If you just want to link to our web site, just go ahead. (It's not clear that we could stop you doing this, even if we wanted to!)
B.8 Mirroring the PuTTY web site
If you want to set up a mirror of the PuTTY website, go ahead and set one up. Please don't bother asking us for permission before setting up a mirror. You already have permission.
If the mirror is in a country where we don't already have plenty of mirrors, we may be willing to add it to the list on our mirrors page. Read the guidelines on that page, make sure your mirror works, and email us the information listed at the bottom of the page.
Note that we do not promise to list your mirror: we get a lot of mirror notifications and yours may not happen to find its way to the top of the list.
Also note that we link to all our mirror sites using the rel="nofollow" attribute. Running a PuTTY mirror is not intended to be a cheap way to gain search rankings.
If you have technical questions about the process of mirroring, then you might want to mail us before setting up the mirror (see also the guidelines on the Mirrors page); but if you just want to ask for permission, you don't need to. You already have permission.
B.9 Praise and compliments
One of the most rewarding things about maintaining free software is getting e-mails that just say ‘thanks’. We are always happy to receive e-mails of this type.
Regrettably we don't have time to answer them all in person. If you mail us a compliment and don't receive a reply, please don't think we've ignored you. We did receive it and we were happy about it; we just didn't have time to tell you so personally.
To everyone who's ever sent us praise and compliments, in the past and the future: you're welcome!
This page contains download links for PuTTY release 0.49.
0.49, released on 2000-06-28, is not the latest release. See the Latest Release page for the most up-to-date release (currently 0.74).
Past releases of PuTTY are versions we thought were reasonably likely to work well, at the time they were released. However, later releases will almost always have fixed bugs and/or added new features. If you have a problem with this release, please try the latest release, to see if the problem has already been fixed.
This release has known security vulnerabilities. Consider using a later release instead, such as the latest version, 0.74.
+ If you want to comment on this web site, see the Feedback page.
+ (last modified on Sun Nov 22 22:29:04 2020)
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+ Winscp pbrun
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Winscp pbrun
winscp pbrun NET SSH pbrun su I'm connecting to a linux server from my . Baby & children Computers & electronics Entertainment & hobby Fashion & style dvwq86965wqrtq2u4. 定义主机 4. コマンドラインから. ) In the Password box, type See full list on winspc. winscp portable (2) Uno dei miei colleghi mi ha mostrato un trucco per aggirare il problema pbrun / sftp. pbrun username pwd reason remove folder command. txt) or read book online for free. Currently i tried doing. pbrun is part of powerbroker server that symark and sun teams provides for advanced root privilege delegation and keylogging. NET: connettersi al server SFTP senza specificare l'impronta digitale della chiave host SSH Caricamento in istanza CentOS EC2 utilizzando SFTP SublimeText Wie können Sie ein SFTP über pbrun laufen lassen? WinSCP. For example: cd c:\Program Files\WinSCP. Test connecting with WINSCP using the SFTP protocol using the bitnami (low priviledge user) and your private key. 8 Administration Guide October 2, 2015 (Revision 13) Table of Contents Introduction 5 Standards and Conventions 5 Abbreviations 6 SecurityCenter Administrator Functions 6 Starting/Halting Manual of Vulnerabilty Ansible More than 3 years have passed since last update. User manual | SecurityCenter 5. Просмотры. The application can be run as a Windows Service using FireDaemon Pro, which lets you start the application automatically at boot prior to login, start multiple instances of the application and more. NET-Bibliothek: Verbinden Sie sich mit dem SFTP-Server, ohne den SSH-Host-Schlüssel-Fingerabdruck anzugeben ; Hochladen auf EC2 CentOS-Instanz mit SublimeText SFTP Academia. It will open the copied sftp-server (e. tar. Posso semplicemente creare una directory temporanea in cui sia io che il demone hanno accesso e quindi copiare i file che voglio trasferire nella directory temporanea. I would think that using keys instead of password for authentication will be a better solution, you can create a private/public key pair, install the private key in your desktop and the public keys in the remote servers you need access, that way you only have to load your key once and can access all the servers from there. Read step by step guide to Download WinSCP and install it. pbrun is part of powerbroker server that symark and sun teams provides for advanced root privilege delegation and keylogging. I have a very simple question. 写入信任文件 3. 为远程连接主机生成公/私钥 2. e chmod 777 or variants) via WinSCP, and then SSH to to your linux machine and sudo from there to your destination folder. The library is primarily intended for advanced automation tasks that require conditional processing, loops or other control structures for which the basic scripting interface is too limited vb. Can I run a remote shell command on the server via FileZilla client. command. yml, with line `hosts: webservers`) can I use it in commandline defined inventory, such as: `ansible-playbook -i 192. In the new connection dialog, specify the Host name, User name and then click the Advanced button. WinSCP Download guide and integration with PuTTY is drafted here. Its main function is secure file transfer between a local and a remote computer. doc), PDF File (. WinSCP is a free SFTP, SCP, Amazon S3, WebDAV, and FTP client for Windows. yum安装 2. First of all, you need to check where is your SFTP server binary located on the server you are trying to connect with WinSCP. In addition to sporting a GUI for conventional file transfer usage, WinSCP also features very powerful scripting capabilities to facilitate unattended automation. Categories. This tutorial will review the steps for a WinSCP configuration. Scans run using “su+sudo” allow the user to scan with a non-privileged account and then switch to a user with “sudo” privileges on the remote host. 168. NET assembly is a . Extension Archive and Download to archive remote files and download the archive. txt include. 10) However, I have found that this only work if the script is on the remote system. 1, web. Can you try: 'pbrun bash -c "yum -y install NessusAgent. 我的应用场景,先登录服务器A,然后通过pbrun登录目标机器。开测试程序,然后改变大小,发现每次改变都没有触发了SIGWINCH信号 想到的一个办法是设置putty当窗口大小变化时,不改变窗口大小。 就是不要选“Change the number of rows and columns”,其他都可以。 WinSCPでSUDOコマンドを実行してWindowsからLinuxにファイルを転送する方法 ; 22. PuTTY pour des raisons de sécurité ne vous permettra pas de sauvegarder le mot de passe de la session. Beyond this, WinSCP offers basic file manager and file synchronization functionality. NET庫:無需指定SSH主機密鑰指紋即可連接到SFTP服務器 使用SublimeText SFTP上傳到EC2 CentOS實例 CA Privileged Access Manager - 2. Also, try using a FTP program like WinSCP to delete the mistaken login file. This is done using existing privilege escalation tools, which you probably already use or have configured, like ‘sudo’, ‘su’, ‘pfexec’, ‘doas’, ‘pbrun’, ‘dzdo’, and others. Come puoi eseguire un SFTP tramite pbrun Libreria WinSCP. exe to WinSCP. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. PuTTYコマンドラインから実行すると "sudo requires a tty"で "Sudo"が失敗する ; 23. The WinSCP . WinSCP is a Windows program that can be used to transfer and manage files on remote computer directly from Windows machine. 本連載は、Linuxのコマンドについて、基本書式からオプション、具体的な実行例までを紹介していきます。今回は、「su ¿Cómo se puede ejecutar un SFTP a través de pbrun Biblioteca WinSCP. but i am getting winscp 사용법 (2) 내 동료 중 한 명이 pbrun / sftp 문제를 해결하기위한 멋진 트릭을 보여주었습니다. Scans run using “su+sudo” allow the user to scan with a non-privileged account and then switch to a user with “sudo” privileges on the remote host. You’ve written your WinSCP script, but now you need to run it from your Windows computer. gz etc (didn't think it was possible with El modo pbrun le permite obtener privilegios de acceso elevados generalmente identificados por una identificación de grupo y junto con una identificación de usuario, que generalmente es una identificación de aplicación. 11) to reach any machine, I cannot easily tunnel thru an intermediate machine to reach a third one. log. NET: подключение к SFTP-серверу без указания отпечатка ключа хоста SSH Computers & electronics; Software; User manual. NET: se connecter au serveur SFTP sans spécifier l'empreinte de la clé de l'hôte SSH Téléchargement vers une instance EC2 CentOS à l'aide de SublimeText SFTP PowerBroker (pbrun), from BeyondTrust and DirectAuthorize (dzdo), from Centrify, are proprietary root task delegation methods for Unix and Linux systems. SC User Guide Ansible study notes - basics and configuration, Programmer Sought, the best programmer technical posts sharing site. See the following section. WinSCP 5. Al 'verificar que se ha otorgado el acceso a SFTP,' lo que realmente está haciendo es verificar si el servidor reconoce un par de l / p en particular. pdf), Text File (. NET-Bibliothek: Verbinden Sie sich mit dem SFTP-Server, ohne den SSH-Host-Schlüssel-Fingerabdruck anzugeben ; Hochladen auf EC2 CentOS-Instanz mit SublimeText SFTP Come puoi eseguire un SFTP tramite pbrun Libreria WinSCP. Scans run using “su+sudo” allow the user to scan with a non-privileged account and then switch to a user with “sudo” privileges on the remote host. C:pathtoputty. In your Windows Command Line, go to the directory where the winscp. One thing I find WinSCP does well that I cannot do easily with Ubuntu tools is tunneling to a secondary machine. You can check SFTP server binary location with below command – Shell Commands and Bash Scripts shell scripts WinSCP. NET: conéctese al servidor SFTP sin especificar la huella digital de la clave de host SSH 1 Come puoi eseguire un SFTP tramite pbrun Libreria WinSCP. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. Scans run using “su+sudo” allow the user to scan with a non-privileged account and then switch to a user with “sudo” privileges on the remote host. 0 differ slightly so. Vous pouvez créer une paire de clés privée / publique, installer la clé privée sur votre bureau et les clés publiques sur les serveurs distants pour lesquels vous SecurityCenter 4. NET wrapper around WinSCP’s scripting interface that allows your code to connect to a remote machine and manipulate remote files over SFTP, FTP, WebDAV, S3 and SCP sessions. txt. pdf), Text File (. 17 is a major application update. NET: connettersi al server SFTP senza specificare l'impronta digitale della chiave host SSH Caricamento in istanza CentOS EC2 utilizzando SFTP SublimeText Upload ; No category . . I dont have a root access on the server but I can run the commands using pbrun cat myscript. e, is it possible, to force host group in such windows - winscp下载 - winscp免安装 你怎么能通过pbrun运行一个SFTP (2) 我有一个(* nix)服务器,其中的访问权限仅限于某些文件夹管理员帐户。 SecurityCenter_UserGuide - Free ebook download as PDF File (. /root/admin1-sftp-server) running as the user that owns this (admin1-)sftp-server instead of root. Also, read the list of best WinSCP Alternative for macOS. 配置文件 二、配置ansible 1. Download WinSCP: htt WinSCP is a free SFTP/SCP/FTP client available since 2000. Categories. g. SC User Guide ¿Cómo se puede ejecutar un SFTP a través de pbrun Biblioteca WinSCP. sh Password (7 Replies) Hi Pradeep, the quote below seems to imply system-info. Pros: End user for a major automotive parts supplier (Magna): From an end user perspective, the software is very easy to use. 10. tar. yml` ? i. WinSCP is a popular free SFTP and FTP client for Windows, a powerful file manager that will improve your productivity. . Select the saved session and "login" from WinSCP after doing above. sudo、pbrun、sesuおよびsu権限委任ツールをCloud Controlはサポートしています。 名前付き資格証明は、SSH公開鍵認証およびパスワード・ベース認証を サポート します。したがって、パスワードをさらすことなく既存のSSH公開鍵認証を使用できます。 使用winscp连接到vmware工作站oracle linux I have problem connecting to oracle linux from my winscp actually when I run command nmcli d I get following: DEVICE TYPE STATE CONNECTION ens33 ethernet disconnected -- lo loopback undmanaged -- 如何将oracle linux连接到我的以太网? Q&A for Ubuntu users and developers. txt) or read online for free. Commands for WinSCP (Advanced) Please note that this is a Hosted~FTP~ resource, scripting support is available to our Enterprise level customers. This will discard it, but at least you should be able to login to the default shell. This is important for locations Как вы можете запускать SFTP через pbrun ; Библиотека WinSCP. This is important for locations Comment pouvez-vous exécuter un SFTP à travers pbrun Bibliothèque WinSCP. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. NET: conéctese al servidor SFTP sin especificar la huella digital de la clave de host SSH 1 Comment pouvez-vous exécuter un SFTP à travers pbrun Bibliothèque WinSCP. FTP smoke test Let’s run through a quick example of connecting to ftp. winscp. 5 This Documentation, which includes embedded help systems and electronically distributed materials,(hereinafter referred to as the “Documentation”) is for your informational purposes only and is subject to change or withdrawal by CA at any time. x86_64"' instead of your 'pbrun bash; yum -y install NessusAgent. 0 Administration Guide - 400 Bad Request SecurityCenter 5. m_messiah: Hello! Anybody here? mgedmin: 1354 people are here: m_messiah: I have an old question, but I have not found any answers in documentation. 5 and VCSA 6. Let’s say you need to create a new user and grant him root access to the server. If you want PuTTY to open in the same directory as WinSCP, you need to replace its session startup command using -m argument. exe -load "[Sessionname]" -l [user] -pw [password] -m C:pathtocommands. NET in C# - Permission Denied 工具: Xshell、winscp 服务器环境: linux centos7 遇到的问题:普通用户使用winscp账户登录服务器,没有操作权限! 一、普通用户,通过Xshell登录服务器。输入以下命令,再输入密码。切换为root。 我虚心道歉,但是我在网络中无处不在,我仍然无法做到这一点。这是迄今为止发现的best指南。我也用this作为指导。而且 Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide [d47e2z1327n2]. It offers an easy to use GUI to copy files between a local and remote computer using multiple protocols: Amazon S3, FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP or WebDAV. Baby & children Computers & electronics Entertainment & hobby Fashion & style ¿Cómo se puede ejecutar un SFTP a través de pbrun Biblioteca WinSCP. User manual | SecurityCenter Documentation - 400 Bad Request SecurityCenter Documentation - 400 Bad Request Wie können Sie ein SFTP über pbrun laufen lassen? WinSCP. Je pense que l’utilisation de clés plutôt que de mots de passe pour l’authentification sera une meilleure solution. com (WinSCP. each time I run the script , it asks me for my password then it executes fine. doc - Free download as Word Doc (. pdf), Text File (. sh * * * pbrun command . 168. AFAIK you can't do that. コマンドラインから. PowerBroker (pbrun), from BeyondTrust and DirectAuthorize (dzdo), from Centrify, are proprietary root task delegation methods for Unix and Linux systems. The syntax of the session startup command would differ with a remote environment, particularly with an operating system and a shell. Baby & children Computers & electronics Entertainment & hobby Fashion & style Intenta iniciar sesión. No siendo sarcástica, esa es probablemente la forma más simple. NET. 文章目录 [隐藏] 一、安装ansible 1. 2020腾讯云共同战“疫”,助力复工(优惠前所未有!4核8G,5M带宽 1684元/3年), 地址:https://cloud. What I did at my place of work, is transfer the files to your home (~) folder (or really any folder that you have full permissions in, i. /myscript. bat. sftp file we just created. . NETコアコンソールアプリケーションを実行する方法 ; 24. Please click here on How to Setup WINSCP Scripting Once you have your WINSCP scripting setup, here are some commands you can run. com file resides on your computer. A WinSCP Login dialog box opens. 8_ENU - Release Information - 20170322. Once you have those privileges a lot can be done. pdf), Text File (. Power users can automate WinSCP using. I've chosen G:\SftpScripts\SftpDemo. dvwq86965wqrtq2u4. steps that we follow to connect to the end server through putty Free Award-Winning File Manager WinSCP is a popular SFTP client and FTP client for Microsoft Windows! Copy file between a local computer and remote servers using FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP, WebDAV or S3 file transfer protocols. ubuntu. txt) or read online for free. The settings for VCSA 6. For example, we can upload and download files to remote Linux server via SSH connection. Unable to upload a file SFTP using SSH. While I can use the native file browsers in Ubuntu (11. NET assembly. WinSCP is a simple yet useful software for system administrator or anyone who need such features. PuTTYコマンドラインから実行すると "sudo requires a tty"で "Sudo"が失敗する ; 23. Save the file. we connect to the required host machines by running the pbrun command on a jumper machine. Ben SFTP sunucusuna bağlanmak için WinSCP kullanılan Macun özel anahtar dosyası altında yaşıyorum PuTTY-User-Key-File-2: ssh-rsa Encryption: none Comment: rsa-key@20180814 Public-Lines: 12 [12 lines key] Private-Lines: 28 [28 lines key] Private-M Categories. This is done with one with one connection setting in WinSCP. NET: se connecter au serveur SFTP sans spécifier l'empreinte de la clé de l'hôte SSH Téléchargement vers une instance EC2 CentOS à l'aide de SublimeText SFTP CA Privileged Access Manager - 2. In the WinSCP Login dialog box: In the Host Name box, type the host computer's address. com/act/cps/redirect?redirect 工具: Xshell、winscp 服务器环境: linux centos7 遇到的问题:普通用户使用winscp账户登录服务器,没有操作权限! 一、普通用户,通过Xshell登录服务器。输入以下命令,再输入密码。切换为root。 sudo、pbrun、sesuおよびsu権限委任ツールをCloud Controlはサポートしています。 名前付き資格証明は、SSH公開鍵認証およびパスワード・ベース認証を サポート します。したがって、パスワードをさらすことなく既存のSSH公開鍵認証を使用できます。 On every Linux system, the root account is a special user with administrative rights. pbrun mode allows you to get elevated access privileges usually identified by a group id and along with an user id, which is generally an application id. NET: connettersi al server SFTP senza specificare l'impronta digitale della chiave host SSH Caricamento in istanza CentOS EC2 utilizzando SFTP SublimeText Wie können Sie ein SFTP über pbrun laufen lassen? WinSCP. It only involves 2 lines. net winscp winscp-net this question edited Jan 20 '15 at 20:31 asked Jan 19 '15 at 20:28 TheOddPerson 56 6 How does the user verify the key, if he/she does not know it? – Martin Prikryl Jan 20 '15 at 8:15 As described in the winSCP FAQ , users will often not be able to acquire the key until they first connect to it. I would think that using keys instead of password for authentication will be a better solution, you can create a private/public key pair, install the private key in your desktop and the public keys in the remote servers you need access, that way you only have to load your key once and can access all the servers from there. doc), PDF File (. com is opens the console version of the app. com as the anonymous user, changing to the ‘ubuntu’ directory, getting a file listing, downloading a 14Mb file, then disconnecting. To create a user with exactly the same privileges as root user, we have to assign him the same user ID as the root user has (UID 0) and the same group ID ( GID 0). gz etc (didn't think it was possible with I have a shell script to run set of commands every week . Logging in as root (or executing commands with root privileges) is necessary for many tasks. It is much more expedient just to reconfigure WinSCP and leave the VCSA the way it is! In order to use WinSCP, you will need to change where WinSCP looks for the sftp-server binaries. How To Use ‘Sudo’ And ‘Su’ Commands In Linux : An Introduction Today We’re going to discuss sudo and su, the very important and mostly used commands in Linux. g. NET: подключение к SFTP-серверу без указания отпечатка ключа хоста SSH SecurityCenter_UserGuide - Free ebook download as PDF File (. pdf), Text File (. WinSCP (Windows Secure Copy) is a free and open-source SFTP, FTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, and SCP client for Microsoft Windows. sh is a local script, which is executed on a remote system (192. Open WinSCP for file transfer by double-clicking the WinSCP icon. . This will allow you to connect to your account on the server and work on your website over FTP. If you executed the steps above your server is ready for Ansible. Can I run a remote shell command on the server via FileZilla client. PowerBroker (pbrun), from BeyondTrust and DirectAuthorize (dzdo), from Centrify, are proprietary root task delegation methods for Unix and Linux systems. NET: conéctese al servidor SFTP sin especificar la huella digital de la clave de host SSH Carga de Java SFTP usando JSch, pero ¿cómo sobrescribir el archivo actual? PuTTY for security reasons will not let you save the passwd of the session. In this WinSCP tutorial learn how to connect using FTP/FTPS/SFTP, upload and download files and folders. doc - Free download as Word Doc (. When I define playbook for group of hosts (for example, web. 0. Comment pouvez-vous exécuter un SFTP à travers pbrun Bibliothèque WinSCP. It is a simple interface that you can configure to meet whatever needs you have, whether manual entry via keyboard, direct entery from a Mitutoyo style gauge, or automatically fed from a plc as data is collected and presented. For instance can I do a: tar -zxvf myarchive. Как вы можете запускать SFTP через pbrun ; Библиотека WinSCP. this application provides delegate privileges (usually root) to other users and log all events related all audits with advanced features and centralized all its. Find the location of the sftp server, you will enter this into WINSCP later $ whereis sftp-server; On the Advanced tab of the WINSCP specify the sudo -s command to run the server as su. WinSPC cloud deployments utilize protective technologies and practices that provide maximum security, enabling you to focus worry-free on your quality goals. (For most U-M computers, use your uniqname. It is very important for a Linux user to understand these two to increase security and prevent unexpected things that a user may have to go … Come puoi eseguire un SFTP tramite pbrun Libreria WinSCP. NET: connettersi al server SFTP senza specificare l'impronta digitale della chiave host SSH Caricamento in istanza CentOS EC2 utilizzando SFTP SublimeText 你怎么能通过pbrun运行一个SFTP ; WinSCP. tencent. Baby & children Computers & electronics Entertainment & hobby Fashion & style WinSCPでSUDOコマンドを実行してWindowsからLinuxにファイルを転送する方法 ; 22. Ansible Vaultで暗号化 CA Privileged Access Manager Implementation Guide 2. I suspect this is a bug. net application using SSH. For instance can I do a: tar -zxvf myarchive. This is to ensure that once shell tries sudo it should be non-interactive. x86_64' linux shell ssh remote-access openssh answered Aug 15 '20 at 1:31 how to ssh login using putty ,then running the pbrun with its login details, and to run a few commands using a batch file. Edit the name of log file. ) Edit the /script to the . Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I have a very simple question. There is a FAQ for this question on WinSCP site: How do I change user after login (e. Simplemente puedo crear un directorio temporal donde tanto I como el daemon tengan acceso y luego copiar los archivos que deseo transferir al directorio temporal. 0 Administration Guide - 400 Bad Request 本連載は、Linuxのコマンドについて、基本書式からオプション、具体的な実行例までを紹介していきます。今回は、「su PuTTY for security reasons will not let you save the passwd of the session. Please make a note of where 7) Save the session in WinSCP. Once you have proper sudo configuration you can go ahead with WinSCP config. In the User Name box, type your user name for the computer to which you are connecting. Hardware-accelerated AES. txt) or read online for free. Or, it could be: Change WinSCP. txt) or read book online for free. Best-in-class security and data protection… It’s no secret that securing data is important though sometimes difficult. com is the console based program which we will use throughout this article. Find the location of the sftp server, you will enter this into WINSCP later $ whereis sftp-server; On the Advanced tab of the WINSCP specify the sudo -s command to run the server as su. Stack Exchange Network. su root)? You need to specify the sudo command in WinSCP session settings, as a custom shell (if you are using SCP) or use the sudo in a custom SFTP server startup command (if you are using SFTP). NET: se connecter au serveur SFTP sans spécifier l'empreinte de la clé de l'hôte SSH Téléchargement vers une instance EC2 CentOS à l'aide de SublimeText SFTP Wie können Sie ein SFTP über pbrun laufen lassen? WinSCP. NETコアコンソールアプリケーションを実行する方法 ; 24. NET-Bibliothek: Verbinden Sie sich mit dem SFTP-Server, ohne den SSH-Host-Schlüssel-Fingerabdruck anzugeben ; Hochladen auf EC2 CentOS-Instanz mit SublimeText SFTP winscp 사용법 (2) 내 동료 중 한 명이 pbrun / sftp 문제를 해결하기위한 멋진 트릭을 보여주었습니다. Ours is G:\SftpScripts\SftpDemo. com WinSCP is a free and open source FTP, SFTP and SCP client for Windows. pbrun– uses BeyondTrust PowerBroker to allow InsightVM to run whitelisted commands as root on Unix and Linux scan targets. Each command that I execute completes as expected with the exception of pbrun su - myaccount. This application provides delegate privileges (usually root) to other users and log all events related all audits with advanced features and centralized all its. PowerBroker (pbrun), from BeyondTrust and DirectAuthorize (dzdo), from Centrify, are proprietary root task delegation methods for Unix and Linux systems. edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. txt) or read online for free. NET-Bibliothek: Verbinden Sie sich mit dem SFTP-Server, ohne den SSH-Host-Schlüssel-Fingerabdruck anzugeben ; Hochladen auf EC2 CentOS-Instanz mit SublimeText SFTP Categories. ¿Cómo se puede ejecutar un SFTP a través de pbrun (2) Uno de mis compañeros de trabajo me mostró un buen truco para evitar el problema pbrun / sftp. Stack Exchange Network. pdf), Text File (. for Test connecting with WINSCP using the SFTP protocol using the bitnami (low priviledge user) and your private key. For that purpose, you first need to download and install the FTP client via the official WinSCP website. NET库:无需指定SSH主机密钥指纹即可连接到SFTP服务器 ; 使用SublimeText SFTP上传到EC2 CentOS实例 ; scp或sftp用单个命令复制多个文件 你怎麼能通過pbrun運行一個SFTP WinSCP. I am able to connect to the jumper box using the Winscp but I need to copy some files from my windows machine to the end host which connects through pbrun. An intermediate guide to WinSCP. New features and enhancements include: Improvements to sessions and workspace management, so that WinSCP can now easily restore tabs that were open when it was last closed. To set up WinSCP as a Windows Service with AlwaysUp: Download and install WinSCP, if necessary. To use this feature, you need to configure certain settings on your scan targets. Una vez que tenga esos privilegios, se puede hacer mucho. 8_ENU - Release Information - 20170322. winscp pbrun
summary: Breakage when compression enabled with ssh.com 3.2.0 server
+ class: bug: This is clearly an actual problem we want fixed.
+ present-in: 2002-07-02 2002-08-04
+ fixed-in: 2002-08-09 0.53 (0.54) (0.55) (0.56) (0.57) (0.58) (0.59) (0.60) (0.61) (0.62)
We've received reports of the message "Server refused user authentication protocol" when attempting to connect to an ssh.com server (version string "SSH-2.0-3.2.0 SSH Secure Shell (non-commercial)") with compression enabled. Connection is fine when compression is disabled.
In the code, this message corresponds to not receiving the right response to a "ssh-userauth" service request in SSH-2.
We've also heard of problems with port-forwarding with compression enabled.
Update: We believe that the bug in talking to ssh.com 3.2 with compression enabled has been fixed as of 2002-08-09. We've had one confirmation.
+ If you want to comment on this web site, see the Feedback page.
+ (last revision of this bug record was at 2004-11-16 15:27:00 +0000)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url--1794527707 b/run/test-data/url--1794527707
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39ffe271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url--1794527707
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ PuTTY semi-bug psftp-speedups
summary: Further speedups for PSFTP
+ class: semi-bug: This might or might not be a bug, depending on your precise definition of what a bug is.
+ difficulty: tricky: Needs many tuits.
We've had some suggestions (and patches) that are claimed to significantly
+improve PSFTP's throughput, by frobbing Nagle and trying to be clever
+about how the SSH protocol is broken up into TCP packets.
+<[email protected]> et seq.
+ If you want to comment on this web site, see the Feedback page.
+ (last revision of this bug record was at 2016-12-21 16:52:17 +0000)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url--1797740201 b/run/test-data/url--1797740201
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdd3a1bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url--1797740201
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+ What I read in 2018
What I read in 2018
12/29 Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols, The Rust Programming Language
The second edition of the official book. Rust is still fast moving, though, and even as a beginner I know of a few new features that haven't yet made it into this book.
12/27Mary Beard, How Do We Look: The Body, the Divine, and the Question of Civilisation
Mary Beard is a Cambridge classicist who specializes in ancient Rome, but this book is broader than that: it's art history, mostly about representations of the human body and how people looked at those images over the centuries. Ancient Greece and Rome appear, but so do India, China, Mexico (the first and earliest image in the book is an enormous Olmec head), Islamic Spain, and other places.
This book was based on BBC's 2018 Civilisations series, for which Beard was one of the authors and presenters, and it's in part in dialogue with Kenneth Clark.
12/26 Dorothy Sayers, Whose Body?
It's one of those mysteries where, once Lord Peter and Inspector Parker realize who probably committed the crime, everything suddenly seems very obvious and the rest of the book goes very quickly.
12/23 Seth Dickinson, The Monster Baru Cormorant
The main character in The Traitor Baru Cormorant ultimately achieves her goal of political power, at a high cost. In the sequel, Baru is dealing with consequences of the atrocities she committed, the people she befrended and betrayed. She spends most of the book with what looks like clinical depression. Also an entirely unrelated problem caused by traumatic brain injury. Also she thinks that there are giant conspiracies at the highest reaches of government and that some of the people close to her are plotting to destroy her; that's not paranoia, though, because she's completely right. And although Baru Cormorant's actions were indeed pretty monstrous, it's not at all clear that she had better choices open to her. (What exactly is the best course of action when your country is stolen by a ruthless colonial empire?)
If you've already read The Traitor Baru Cormorant, you'll probably want to read The Monster Baru Cormorant and however many more books there are in the series.
12/16 Phil & Kaja Foglio, Girl Genius: Kings and Wizards
“Pardon me, but you, Lady Heterodyne, are in need of a biographer. Look at you: a nice, sensible, well-brought-up young lady, if I'm any judge — who has, with very little trouble, revived the threat of Heterodynes, thrown the Empire into chaos, secured the rather obsessive attention of the young ruler of the Wulfenbach Empire, as well as both heirs to the throne of the Storm King — turned the House of Sturmvorhaus against itself — and released, by your own report, some monstrous, vengeful remnant of the original Storm King. All, apparently, while dressed like that—”
“Uh… Not the whole time…”
12/13 Dorothy Sayers, The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club
A nice cozy Armistice Day murder.
12/10 Robert Gerwarth, The Vanquished: Why the First World War Failed to End
Most of this book is about the period between about 1917 and 1923. There were brutal civil wars in that period (e.g. Finland, Ireland, Russia), wars between states or proto-states (e.g. the Greek invasion of Asia Minor, the Romanian invasion of Hungary, the war between Poland and Ukraine over eastern Galicia and Lemberg/Lwów/Lviv/Львів), revolutionary and counter-revolutionary violence (the Bavarian Soviet Republic; the Red Terror and White Terror in Hungary), places where order completely broke down, and things that are more complicated and harder to describe or characterize, like the fighting in the Baltic region involving Bolsheviks, paramilitary German Freikorps, and home-grown nationalist organizations.
Organized and disorganized violence continued after November 11 for several reasons, one of which was that the defeated states or their successors didn't accept the terms that came out of the 1919 Paris conference, and neither did some of the victors (Italy, Japan, to a lesser extent Greece) who didn't get what they hoped for from the victory. The book mostly ends in 1923, at the beginning of a brief period of relative peace, but shows the continuity between these events and the rest of the bloody 20th century.
I read this book at Josh Marshall's recommendation, and I recommend it too.
12/6 P. G. Wodehouse, Jeeves in the Morning
One of those funny coincidences: this is the second book in a row I've read in which Sindbad the Sailor features prominently.
12/4 Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo (tr. anonymous and David Coward)
I read the Oxford World's Classics edition, which is apparently the anonymously published 1846 translation, lightly revised and with an introduction by David Coward. I don't think I've ever read this book before, except perhaps decades ago in a severely abridged children's version or something. It was almost entirely new to me. It's about revenge, of course, and also about the limits of revenge. It's a big sprawling novel that's partly adventure fiction, partly a social novel, partly psychological realism.
+ “I too, as happens to every man once in his life, have been taken by Satan into the highest mountain in the earth, and when there he showed me all the kingdoms of the world, and as he said before, so said he to me, “Child of earth, what wouldst thou have to make thee adore me?” I reflected long, for a gnawing ambition had long preyed upon me, and then I replied, “Listen,— I have always heard of Providence, and yet I have never seen him, or anything that resembles him, or which can make me believe that he exists. I wish to be Providence myself, for I feel that the most beautiful, noblest, most sublime thing in the world, is to recompense and punish.” Satan bowed his head, and groaned. “You mistake,” he said, “Providence does exist, only you have never seen him, because the child of God is as invisible as the parent. You have seen nothing that resembles him, because he works by secret springs, and moves by hidden ways. All I can do for you is to make you one of the agents of that Providence.” The bargain was concluded. I may sacrifice my soul, but what matters it?” added Monte Cristo. “If the thing were to do again, I would again do it.”
(That's what the main character thinks midway through the book. Not clear whether he still thinks it by the end.)
12/1 Phil & Kaja Foglio, Girl Genius: The Incorruptible Library
11/14 John Scalzi, The Consuming Fire
Sequel to The Collapsing Empire, and second book in a space opera trilogy.
Part of the book reads to me like a commentary about how we deal with climate change: scientists have discovered a potentially civilization-ending disaster years or decades in the future and then comes the question of whether to take the danger seriously or to ignore it, keep maximizing profits in the short term while things still look normal on the surface, and attack the people who warned about the danger. Toward the end we get something that reads to me like an even more pointed observation about Brexit. I'm pretty sure that's not just me reading things into it.
11/11Postcards From The Trenches: Images from the First World War (collected by John Fraser, introduction by Andrew Roberts)
One of the other reasons I continue to find the War fascinating is the weird mixture of a vanished age with modernity. And one aspect of that modernity is how thoroughly the War was documented. We have newsreels, official propaganda, telegrams, diaries, letters. It was fought by mass armies in an age of mass literacy.
The images in this book are selected from the Bodleian Library's enormous collection of postcards. Many combatants are represented: Britain, of course, but also France, Germany, Canada, Australia, the US, Russia, Belgium, India. Many of them are labeled as official army photographs with government copyrights. The grimmest (as the editor says, it's hard to imagine someone actually mailing this back home, but apparently some French soldier did) was a photo of a trench littered with skulls, labeled “Verdun. — Le Ravin de la Mort. — Une Tranchée.”
11/11 David Reynolds, The Long Shadow: The Legacies of the Great War in the Twentieth Century
The Great War ended a hundred years ago today, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month — mostly. For Italy and Austria-Hungary it ended a week earlier, and in Russia it turned seamlessly into the Civil War, and in some other places it took years of violence before borders were finalized. (To the extent they ever were.) The story didn't end on November 11 1918; history doesn't. One of the reasons I read all these books about the War is that it shaped so many of the events that came later. As the German historian Eberhard Jäckel said, it was Die Urkatastrophe of the century. That's true not just in the familiar battlefields of Belgium and northern France, but also in Russia, Palestine, Iraq, Ireland, and China.
This book is partly about the War itself, partly a book about how different eras have perceived the War (today's view is largely shaped by works from the 1960s, like Britten's War Requiem and Tuchman's The Guns of August and Attenborough's Oh! What a Lovely War), and partly a history of the 20th century and beyond, from the days before 1914 through the end of the Cold War, the creation of the EU, and the two US-Iraq wars, in light of “the long shadow cast by the Great War over the twentieth century.” In some cases it's all three of those at the same time; there have been times and places where the way the War was remembered and commemorated was a crucial driver of events.
The Long Shadow has an unusual organizational system, simultaneously chronological and thematic. It proceeds roughly from beginning to end, with a few digressions both forward and backward, but the chapters all have thematic titles: Nations, Empire, Capitalism, Evil, Remembrance, etc. It's surprisingly effective.
11/11 Agatha Christie, The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side
Wilfred Owen was killed on November 4, just a week before the Armistice. Only a very few of his poems were published in his lifetime. This gutenberg.org collection is a reprint of the 1921 edition of Owen's poems, compiled and edited by Owen's friend and fellow soldier-poet Siegfried Sassoon with help from Edith Sitwell, and with an introduction by Sassoon. (Also an incomplete introduction by Owen.)
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries for them; no prayers nor bells,
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,—
The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells;
And bugles calling for them from sad shires.
What candles may be held to speed them all?
Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes
Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes.
The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall;
Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,
And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.
11/4 Agatha Christie, The Secret Adversary
There's a conceit in this book that's also found in the Richard Hannay novels: a villain who can hide in plain sight because of essentially a superpower of acting, switching from one persona to another and working from the shadows as an inconspicuous clerk or a face in the crowds while also maintaining a high public figure, and nobody who sees him in one role recognizes him as another. I haven't seen that elsewhere. I wonder if it was peculiar to these two authors (in which case perhaps Christie got it from Buchan), or whether it was a common conceit among British thriller writers in the first couple decades of the 20th century.
11/3 David Stevenson, With Our Backs to the Wall: Victory and Defeat in 1918
The title is taken from General Sir Douglas Haig's special order of the day of April 11. “There is no course open to us but to fight it out. Every position must be held to the last man: there must be no retirement. With our backs to the wall and believing in the justice of our cause each one of us must fight on to the end.”
The preface begins by asking the question that the rest of the book tries to answer: why did the First World War end at the time and in the manner that it did? It begins with three chapters of narrative history (pre-1918, March-July, and July-November) and closes with another one (“Armistice and After”), and the bulk of the book, the real answer to that question, is a series of chapters about individual aspects of the War: technology, intelligence and logistics, manpower and morale, organization of the war economies, and so on.
Both sides had their backs to the wall in 1918. In the spring the Germans launched a series of spectacularly successful offensives on the Western Front, achieving multiple breakthroughs of enemy lines, a goal that both sides had failed to achieve for years, gaining dozens of miles of ground and coming within artillery range of Paris — and by doing so they lost the War. The victories were too costly and didn't fundamentally change the strategic status of the War, and time wasn't on Germany's side. The Allies had huge advantages in mobility, both in rail efficiency and in numbers of horses and trucks, they had large superiority in numbers of tanks and aircraft, Britain's naval blockade of Germany was still effective while Germany's submarine campaign against British shipping had failed, and the American military buildup was beginning to be important. The Allied counterattacks began in July; at the time all of the combatants thought the War would continue at least into 1919, but then everything happened quickly: Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire were defeated, Austria-Hungary ceased to exist and the component parts stopped fighting, and, once defeat was obviously inevitable, Germany was no longer willing (or maybe no longer able) to keep fighting.
10/19 Sybille Bedford, A Legacy
I'd never heard of Sybille Bedford before. I picked this novel up on spec largely because it was published by the NYRB Classics, and they do a good job of rediscovering authors who ought to be better known. The blurb by Nancy Mitford didn't hurt either.
I don't think this novel is exactly autobiographical, but some of the circumstances of the book, including the narrator's complicated nationality, are similar to those of the author — starting with the fact that the book was written in English even though it's a novel of Wilhelmine Germany. The story is told by the daughter of an aristocratic but not rich rural southern German family, old-fashioned and out of step with their time, for whom the Napoleonic wars still seem more real than this new and strange thing, the Prussian-dominated German Empire. The narrator's father is elegant, cosmopolitan, weak, and uninterested in thinking beyond the moment. He speaks a mixture of languages, French more than German.
The book is interestingly distanced. The title refers partly to a literal financial legacy, an inheritance from the rich German-Jewish family that the narrator's father's first wife came from; it also refers to the legacy of family history that the narrator tells, the stories from before her birth, and from a vanished era, that she's managed to piece together. (Bedford was born in 1911, and the narrator was probably born about the same time.) Her legacy is the Felden Scandal, fictional but no more implausible than the real scandals of the late Wilhelmine era. The novel is a sort of slow burn, a combination of the darkly ridiculous and the quietly catastrophic, where seemingly minor events from decades earlier have long lasting consequences.
10/14 Agatha Christie, They Do It with Mirrors
10/14 Scott Anderson, Lawrence in Arabia: War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East
It's more about Lawrence of Arabia than anyone else, as the title suggests, but it's written with four viewpoint characters: T. E. Lawrence, the junior intelligence officer and Oxford scholar and amateur archaeologist who received his lieutenant's commission (and later a promotion to captain, then major, then colonel) without a single day of military training; William Yale, a Standard Oil operative (and later a State Department representative, after the US entered the War); Aaron Aaronsohn, an agronomist and Ottoman subject, originally from Romania, who founded the Jewish Agricultural Experiment Station near Haifa and who later created a British spy ring; and Curt Prüfer, a German scholar and diplomat and spy, later a military advisor to the Ottoman government. (And still later, in another war, Nazi Germany's ambassador to Brazil.) It was a small world. Lawrence and Yale first met in the desert in January 1914; one of Prüfer's lovers and agents was a woman named Minna Weizmann, and one of Aaronsohn's colleagues and rivals in the Zionist movement was Minna's brother Chaim. Lawrence is the most famous and most cinematic of the four, but not the only one whose life was a near-unbelievable story.
One of the things I got from this book was that the Sykes-Picot agreement, and the Anglo-French betrayal of the Arabs more generally, was even more sordid than I had realized. In this, as in many other things, Wilson was singularly unhelpful. Things didn't have to turn out as badly as they did.
10/13 Alison Bechdel, Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic
The TheatreWorks production of the musical is really good. Janet and I saw it last week, and we're going again tonight with Alice. Naturally I wanted to reread the original book, which is structurally complicated and literary in a way the musical isn't. Wonderful example of adaptation, of how different media have different strengths.
10/7 Martha Wells, Exit Strategy
The fourth and last Murderbot novella. I liked all of them a lot, mainly because of the main character, who is sympathetic, sarcastic, comprehensible, a good person (although it takes a while for it to start thinking of itself as a person, and even longer to think of itself as good), but doesn't think like a human. The humans and augmented humans who know what it is eventually realize that it isn't human and doesn't want to be.
I'm looking forward to the upcoming novel.
10/5 Rebecca West, The Return of the Soldier
I'm sure this wasn't the first novel to feature shell shock and psychiatric treatment but it must have been one of the early ones: written and set in 1916, published in 1918.
It's not really a War novel: it's set in a country home in England, not in “that No Man's Land where bullets fall like rain on the rotting faces of the dead.” It's a book about the early 20th century English class system, about memory and the passage of time, about the tension between truth and happiness, about the relationships between the titular soldier and the three women (one of them the main character and narrator) who love him in very different ways. It couldn't have been set in any other time and place, though; the presence of the War, and the fact that the main character can imagine it and knows images from it even without having seen it herself, is crucial.
10/2 Agatha Christie, Towards Zero
10/1 Lara Elena Donnelly, Amberlough
Not what I expected. I thought it was going to be a nice wholesome spy thriller set in a fictional country. And so it is, at first, until the election, or maybe a cross between an election and a coup, where somehow the unthinkable happens and the candidate who seemed like a nightmarish bad joke ends up in power. The main character's choices become much darker, and the world of the spy seems much less glamorous, and the blackboots are closing in… One realizes that the sexual freedom and cheerful decadence of Amberlough City is reminiscent of early 1930s Berlin, and that the Bumble Bee, the theater where so many of the characters work and play, bears more than a passing resemblance to the Kit Kat Klub from Cabaret.
9/26 John Buchan, Mr Standfast
The third Richard Hannay novel, sequel to The Thirty-Nine Steps and Greenmantle. It was published in 1919 (was it written before or after the end of the War, I wonder?) and begins in 1917, shortly before the Battle of Messines. Richard Hannay is now a general serving in the trenches of the Western Front, but he's called away from his brigade (and later, after his promotion, from his division!) to hunt a dangerous German spy ring, spies who were secretly responsible for the Bolshevik revolution, and the French Army mutiny after the failed Nivelle Offensive, and the Italian defeat in the Battle of Caporetto, and who are now plotting to wreck the Allied armies before the upcoming Ludendorff Offensive. Yes, there's another desperate flight across Scotland pursued by the police.
I initially thought that this book would be about defeating the treasonous English peace movement, but no. The peace movement is treated with a lot more respect than I had expected. Some of the pacifists and socialists and advanced modern artists are portrayed as ridiculous or deluded or worse, but by no means all. At least one of the pacifists, who never repents of his refusal to fight, is portrayed unambiguously as a hero.
This book also reminds me that I've never gotten around to reading The Pilgrim's Progress. I ought to.
9/24 Agatha Christie, Sad Cypress
9/23 James Stokesbury, A Short History of World War I
A short history (one volume, 350 pages), but thorough and insightful. The author was a Canadian history professor, so this book has just a little more emphasis on the Canadian experience of the War than most of the other books I've read.
I enjoyed the tone, which is often caustic and often funny in a dry sort of way. Here's a description of Allied response to the German attack in the second battle of Ypres: “General Foch, who was commanding the Northern Army Group, ordered an immediate counterattack. The French did nothing; they were still trying to collect their broken divisions. Smith-Dorrien, implying that Foch's orders were nonsense, which they were, proposed instead to retire back to a line just in front of the Ypres. Sir John French was so angered by this sensible suggestion that he immediately sacked Smith-Dorrien and replaced him with Sir Herbert Plumer—who then retired to a line just in front of Ypres.”
9/17 Douglas Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Back when I was in high school Gödel, Escher, Bach was one of my three favorite books. (Along with War and Peace and, um, I forget what the third was.) I read it several times, and it had a huge influence on the way I thought. I'm sure this book is where I first encountered Gödel's incompleteness theorem, and the halting problem, and Zen kōans, and renormalization (I didn't understand it at the time; I still don't, but at least now I know enough quantum field theory to know why I'm confused), and analysis of fugal technique, and an attempt to understand the mind starting from neurons. Possibly it's even where I learned about the Turing test, and the Epimenides paradox, and Zeno's paradox. I took from GEB the idea that it's important to distinguish between multiple levels of explanation (or, if you like, that holism and reductionism are in tension but not in conflict), that interesting things happen when levels mix, that self-reference is subtle and important and worth thinking hard about.
I hadn't read Gödel, Escher, Bach recently. I was reminded of it partly from reading Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality and partly from reading The Gold Bug Variations. My basic reaction: parts of it seem dated, and not just the parts referring to computer technology of the 1970s, but by and large it holds up pretty well. Nerdy high school students should still read it.
One of the parts that seemed most dated to me is Hofstadter's assumptions about artificial intelligence. I share his assumption that AI is possible in principle, that there's no reason a machine made of silicon can't be a person. (The arguments to the contrary have always seemed to me like special pleading, and even the sophisticated ones are in the same category as Zeno's paradox or the Ontological Argument: anyone can see they're wrong, even if formulating exactly how they're wrong can be interesting and productive.) But Hofstadter makes a further assumption, which I don't think he quite stated explicitly: that developing AI would go hand in hand with understanding and explaining how our own minds work, and that it would mean explicitly implementing the sorts of semantic networks that he was sure we had in our heads. It probably seemed obvious to him, and it seemed obvious to me when I first read GEB, but it doesn't seem so obvious to me now, and I don't think today's AI researchers are so certain of it either.
We now know that it's possible to write a program that plays superhuman chess but that's still just a program, not a person (Hofstader guessed that would be impossible), and that probably plays chess differently than the best human players do. And of course machine learning has made astonishing progress in recent years in other areas too, including machine translation, which Hofstadter correctly identifies as a very hard problem — but again, it's made that progress by throwing enormous amounts of data and lots of floating-point calculations at the problem, not by embedding semantic networks or self-referential symbols. There are no symbols or semantics in sight, just bfloat16 matrices. We don't have a good way of explaining how a deep learning network makes a particular decision or what it's thinking about, and it's entirely possible that we'll be able to create a machine that passes the Turing test without ever getting such an explanation. It hardly seems like progress toward understanding human thought. Except… maybe it is. All of Hofstadter's speculation about how the human mind must work, with the implicit question of what else could it be: well, we've got an example now of what else it could be. Maybe Hofstadter's symbols and Chomsky's deep structures just aren't there, and what's in our heads is more like deep learning and statistical generalization, and there is no satisfactory unifying explanation to be found.
9/10 Phil & Kaja Foglio, Girl Genius: The City of Lightning
Alice is right: the best scene is indeed when Bangladesh DePree and Princess Zeetha, Daughter of Chump, are having tea and cake.
+ “Uh… Do you know who I am?”
+ “Captain Bangladesh DuPree — exiled pirate queen. You kill stuff for the Empire. — And you're pretty good at it, too. Cream?”
+ “Ooh! Yes, please! Ha — ‘Pretty good?’ Do you even know how much stuff I've killed?”
+ “Hey, I don't even keep track of how much I've killed.”
+ “Oh, sure. Numbers, right?”
+ “Yeah, tell me about it.
9/8 Kaja & Phil Foglio, Girl Genius: The Beast of the Rails
“*sigh* Frau Doctor, I have personally meddled with inexplicable scientific anomalies before…”
9/2 Agatha Christie, Lord Edgware Dies
Poirot missed an important psychological clue that he should have picked up on even before the murder.
An 11 year old girl, on holiday in the country in 1923, wakes up after a near-fatal accident. It's immediately clear to her and the reader that something isn't right; the things that aren't right build up, in an impressively creepy way, and it also becomes clear very quickly that at least some of them can only be supernatural. The year is also no accident; this book is partly a fairy story and partly a story about the aftermaths of the War.
Third book in the trilogy that began with “Binti.”
8/30 Agatha Christie, Why Didn't They Ask Evans?
8/29 Hilary Mantel, Bring Up the Bodies
Wolf Hall tells the story of the rise of Anne Boleyn, and Bring Up the Bodies, the sequel (the middle book in a planned trilogy, apparently), tells about her fall. In both books the main character is Thomas Cromwell.
Bring Up the Bodies is told in the third person, but it's a third person tighly focused on Cromwell. He seems more elusive in this book than in Wolf Hall; it's harder to understand why he did what he did, especially in the crucial few weeks when he gradually and almost imperceptibly shifts from trying to arrange an annulment of Henry and Anne's marriage to working toward her execution for adultery and treason. Is it ambition? Fear of the Boleyn clan? A desire to carry out Henry's wishes faithfully no matter how incoherent those wishes are? A sincere belief that he has found evidence of Anne's guilt? Concern about preserving the stability of the realm? Some kind of complicated Machiavellian religious machination? Revenge? Sometimes it seems to be one of those, sometime another, sometimes a contradictory combination of them.
8/25 Jeremy Whitley and Emily Martin, Princeless: Book 2 — Get Over Yourself
8/25 Chris Hastings (writer), Danilo Beyruth (artist), Tamra Bonvillain (color artist), Travis Lanham (letterer), The Unbelievable Gwenpool: Volume 1: Believe It
Marvel's worst role model.
8/25 Dorothy Sayers, In the Teeth of the Evidence
Short stories: some Lord Peter, some Montague Egg, some one-off.
8/21 Dorothy Sayers, Have His Carcase
A request to friends and family: if I'm ever found with my throat cut under mysterious circumstances and the police are trying to establish the time of death, make sure the medical examiner has read this book.
8/18 Martha Wells, Rogue Protocol
The third book of the wonderful Hugo-winning Murderbot series.
“After trying and rejecting a few newly downloaded shows, I started on a first espisode that looked promising. It took place in an alt-world with magic and improbable talking weapons. (Improbable because I was a talking weapon and I knew how people felt about me.)”
8/14 Agatha Christie, Mrs. McGinty's Dead
8/12 Iain M. Banks, Inversions
The very first page of the book, a note on the text written by the fictional editor who compiled it, writes that half of it is “the Story of the Woman Vosill, a Royal Physician during the Reign of King Quience, and who may, or may not, have been from the distant Archipelago of Drezen but who was, without Argument, from a different Culture.” A few pages from the end, the last we hear from a character is “a note declining the invitation, citing an indisposition due to special circumstances.”
The narrators of the two stories attach no particular significance to the words in those quotes that will be familiar to readers of Banks's other science fiction novels. The most obvious inversion of this novel is that the point of view characters are the ones visited by Contact; the people telling the story don't know what the story is.
8/10 Dorothy Sayers, Strong Poison
“It was natural that the conversation should turn to the subject of murder. Nothing goes so well with a hot fire and buttered crumpets as a wet day without and a good dose of comfortable horrors within. The heavier the lashing of the rain and the ghastlier the details, the better the flavour seems to be. On the present occasion, all the ingredients of an enjoyable party were present in full force.”
8/8 Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White
One of the earliest mystery novels, published in 1860. (Originally published as a serial, in a magazine founded by Charles Dickens, starting the previous year.) It's not exactly a detective novel and not exactly a thriller, certainly not in the modern sense; those genres evolved later, and the pacing in this novel is much more Victorian than modern.
I read this once before, I think, but remembered very little about it. I did remember Count Fosco, though; he's a wonderful villain.
8/5 Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall
A novel set in the time of Henry VIII, and mostly about the politics centered around Henry's court around the time of his divorce from Catherine of Aragon and his marriage to Anne Boleyn. Most of the characters are people you'll read about in history books. The main character is Thomas Cromwell, whom I (like most Americans, I suspect) had previously encountered mainly as the villain in “A Man for All Seasons.” He comes across as a very different and much more interesting character in this book, and More comes across as a remarkably unpleasant person.
8/4 Jeremy Whitley and M. Goodwin, Princeless Volume 1: Save Yourself
7/28 P. G. Wodehouse, My Man Jeeves
Short stories, not all about Jeeves and Bertie.
7/27 Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
All three of us were reading this book at the same time! Sort of a small family book club.
7/25 Georgette Heyer, These Old Shades
Not a Regency romance. A romance, yes, but set a couple generations earlier, in the age of Louis XV and George II.
7/23 James Joyce, Dubliners
What better short story collection to read when one is in Dublin?
7/22 Dorothy Sayers, Lord Peter Views the Body
A short story collection, including a crossword puzzle.
7/19 P. G. Wodehouse, Right Ho, Jeeves
P. G. Wodehouse isn't best known for his writings about nuclear physics, but here's what Bertie Wooster was reminded of by Gussie Fink-Nottle's drunken grammar school prize presentation, in a book published in 1922.
+ “It was a dashed tricky thing, of course, to have to decide on the spur of the moment. I was reading in the paper the other day about those birds who are trying to split the atom, the nub being that they haven't the foggiest as to what will happen if they do. It may be all right. On the other hand, it may not be all right. And pretty silly a chap would feel, no doubt, if, having split the atom, he suddenly found the house going up in smoke and himself torn limb from limb.”
7/17 Philip Pullman, The Book of Dust: Vol 1: La Belle Sauvage
Prequel to His Dark Materials: the adventures of baby Lyra. Well, not exactly her adventures (she's a baby), but the adventures surrounding her. I liked the first half of this book, but started liking it a lot less in the second half. It felt padded, especially the interminable boat voyage.
7/14 John Carreyrou, Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup
The Theranos story, written by the reporter who exposed what was going on. It has relevance beyond Theranos, of course. The epilogue suggests that the moral of the story is that Silicon Valley's loose ways have no place in the world of health care, but I take a different moral from it. The question I ask is: why was it possible for this to go on so long? Why were people, including journalists, so credulous?
I note three things, in particular. First: people like Holmes were successfully able to hack the the mechanism of American journalism. Reporters, despite their skeptical self-image, basically tend to take people at their word. They don't have good tools for coping with people who lie about everything, people whose basic factual statements can't be taken at face value. Second: reporters don't cultivate subject matter expertise and don't value it. The people who wrote stories about Theranos didn't know the basics of blood testing or chemical engineering. They didn't know which technical problems were easy and which were difficult, and they didn't know what questions to ask. They thought the main skill they brought to the table was the ability to assess sources' character, and they were wrong about that. Third: the American legal system doesn't guarantee free speech. Not really, not when powerful people are involved. Dozens of people, maybe hundreds, knew what was going on, but none of that made it into print for years: suppressing speech turns out to be easy.
7/12 Jane Austen, Emma
Janet and I were both reminded of Emma when we read In Other Lands, so I figured I ought to reread it. The protagonist is very interestingly flawed.
7/8 Mark Levinson, The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger
Does a history of shipping containers sound interesting to you? In the preface, the author said that none of people he talked to while writing it thought so. I'll say the same thing about this book that I've heard from a lot of other people, though: if you're at all interested in technology, or economics, or what globalization means, you should read this book. It's a fascinating story.
Shipping containers in the modern sense started in the mid 1950s. They took off in a big way in the 1960s, accelerated as the Vietnam War escalated, and by the 1980s they had changed almost everything about manufacturing and trade: consolidation into a smaller number of enormous ports, a huge reduction in the number of dockside jobs and the end of traditional dockside culture (and this goes far beyond longshoremen), drastically cheaper shipping costs, which for the first time made global supply chains and just-in-time manufacturing possible at scale. And of course it's not just the container itself, but all of the infrastructure around it: deepwater ports with good connections to road and rail, high-speed cranes, manufacturers who ship when they're able to fill a container, ships and rail cars and truck cabs designed for containers, regulatory changes that allow shipping to be charged as a flat container rate rather than per commodity and for shippers to sign long term contracts. (Both of those things were illegal in the US until the early 1980s, and today's world, where hybrid sea/rail shipping is routine, where a cargo from Yokohama to New York might be unloaded from a ship in Long Beach, didn't take off until the laws were changed.)
The chapter I found most entertaining was the one on ISO standardization. Parts of it seemed uncomfortably familiar.
7/7 Yoon Ha Lee, Revenant Gun
The last book of the Machineries of Empire trilogy. All three are well worth reading, space opera like nothing I've seen before. I read somewhere that they were inspired in part by Korean legend, but I don't know enough to say whether that's true.
7/4 Fiona Staples and Brian K. Vaughan, Saga Volume 7
7/4 Brian K. Vaughan and Cliff Chiang, Paper Girls 3
7/4 Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda, Monstress, vol. 2: The Blood
One of the 2018 Hugo nominees for Best Graphic Story.
7/4 Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda, Monstress, vol. 1: Awakening
7/4 Martha Wells, Artificial Condition
The continuing adventures of Murderbot.
7/3 Sam J. Miller, The Art of Starving
7/2 T. Kingfisher, Summer in Orcus
+ “It occurs to me,” said the weasel, going back to mussing around in her hair, “that you are laboring under the impression that I am some sort of magical familiar. I'm not. I'm really a very ordinary weasel—although quite good-looking, of course—and not magical at all.”
+ Summer sighed. “You talk though.”
+ “All weasels talk,” said the weasel. “Most humans are just bad at listening.”
7/1 Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward, Black Bolt: vol. 1: Hard Time
It's billed as a book about how to use unsafe Rust. That's important, since it doesn't seem to be possible to write data structures in the safe subset of Rust (not even simple ones like doubly-linked lists or dynamic-size arrays), and unsafe Rust is only lightly covered in most tutorials.
As a side effect, this book actually covers something even more interesting: a precise description of some important parts of the safe subset of Rust, in particular the ownership model. I finally have a reasonably clear idea of why let mut x = (1, 2); let x1 = &mut x.0; let x2 = &x.1; works, and why let mut v = vec!(1, 2); let v1: &i32 = &mut v[0]; let v2 = &v[1]; doesn't. (The latter is nontrivial, and requires understanding lifetimes.)
More twins, and more gender fluidity: children are default non-binary until they choose a gender. The practitioners of magic are called Tensors, but whether they're covariant or contravariant isn't specified.
6/27 Sarah Gailey, River of Teeth
The book begins with an author's foreward explaining that “In the early twentieth century, the Congress of our great nation debated a glorious plan to resolve a meat shortage in America. The idea was this: import hippos and raise them in Louisiana's bayous. The hippos would eat the ruinously invasive hyacinth; the American people would eat the hippos; everyone would go home happy. Well, except the hippos. They'd go home eaten.” And no, she didn't make it up: the hippo ranching idea was real, and you can read more about it in Jon Mooallem's “American Hippopotamus” article.
It didn't happen, probably because it was a really terrible idea. This novella is a story of what might have been: what might have been if hippo ranching had taken off in the mid 19th century. It's a kind of Wild West story, but with hoppers instead of cowboys. Also a lot more gender fluidity than in your average Wild West story.
6/24 Sarah Rees Brennan, In Other Lands
One of this year's Hugo nominees for best YA novel. It's a coming of age story, and a portal fantasy, and a romantic comedy. Which means it's obvious to the reader (and many of the other characters) who the main character will end up with, long before he realizes it himself.
It's also a bit of a nerd wish fulfillment: the main character is intelligent, socially awkward and a bit oblivious, obnoxious both intentionally and unintentionally, and unremarkable for looks, and lots of beautiful and powerful and accomplished people are throwing themselves at him. Perhaps that's part of the joke.
One of this year's Hugo nominees for Best Novella. The main character's name is Sarah Pinsker, and so are almost all of the other characters: it takes place at SarahCon, a gathering at an alternate-reality resort for hundreds of her from parallel worlds. And yes, the title's echo of Christie is intentional.
6/17 Kelly Sue DeConnick and Valentine De Landro, Bitch Planet: Book 2: President Bitch
The most recent Bitch Planet collection, collecting issues 6–10. It's a little heavy-handed and absurd, but so is reality.
6/17 Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing is Monsters, vol. 1
One of this year's Hugo finalists for Best Graphic Story. It starts out as a mystery and a growing up story: a 10 year old girl, growing up in Chicago in the late 1960s, trying to understand the death of a neighbor. It gradually becomes more intense. The book is done as her diary, drawn in a spiral notebook. The art is striking, done in a variety of styles to reflect how the narrator sees herself and the world around her, and immensely detailed; there were several pages that took a long time for me to read, or that I went back to to see if I had missed something.
Highly recommended, but note that it's only half a book. I didn't notice that until I finished it; I ended up being very confused, because it didn't seem like anything was fully resolved. I thought maybe there was a big revelation at the end (which could mean one of two things depending on how you interpret a comma), and the author was leaving it up to the reader to figure out how it answered all the other questions, and I just wasn't smart enough to put everything together. But no, it's more straightforward than that. The publisher split the book in two, since even volume 1 is pretty huge. The other half is coming out this summer.
A YA fantasy novel set in Nigeria, and one of the finalists for this year's Hugo. I thought it was a lot of fun, partly becuase magic inspired by Nigerian rather than European folk traditions seemed fresh.
The main character and her friends would have had a much easier time if they'd told their teachers and mentors what was going on, and as far as I can tell they had no good reason not to. I blame J. K. Rowling: the characters have all read Harry Potter, so they probably thought that kids going off and having magical adventures on their own and saving the world without talking to anyone is just what they're supposed to do.
6/12 Kim Stanley Robinson, New York 2140
I liked the conceit of this novel better than the execution. The idea that New York will be transformed rather than abandoned after climate change causes sea levels to rise by tens of feet, that New York will become SuperVenice: both plausible and cool. I liked the setting, and the city as character. Neither the characters nor the story grabbed me, though, and I kept getting annoyed by the fact that in most ways other than the built environment the world didn't feel like the future. I don't believe that gender roles in the mid 22nd century will look exactly like they do today; maybe they'll be better, maybe they'll be worse, but I'm sure they'll be different. I don't believe the people in the mid 22nd century will remember 2008 as the paradigmatic example of a financial bubble, or that they'll have opinions about the relative merit of Bernanke, Volcker, and Greenspan. (Quick: are you still angry about the way the US government handled the Panic of 1893? Can you name three Treasury secretaries from the 1880s?) I don't believe that the artists and writers who are remembered will be people like Pynchon, Ligeti, Calvino, Heinlein, Marquis, and Shostakovich, and nobody more recent.
The politics also rubbed me the wrong way, which is slightly weird since I basically agree with most of Robinson's substantive policy preferences. I think the basic problem was that there wasn't a single character who disagreed with the author's politics for an articulable reason. It was as if the only thing keeping the country from enacting policies that everyone recognized as self-evidently good was a handful of greedy bankers and the cowardly politicians who failed to stand up to the bankers. I just don't buy that; the world isn't that simple. There are people who genuinely disagree with each other, sometimes for bad reasons, sometimes for good; evil bankers are real, but they're only a small part of what's going on. It's impossible to make political progress if you fail to accurately identify either your enemies or your allies.
6/9 Kelly Sue DeConnick and Valentine De Landro, Bitch Planet: Book 1: Extraordinary Machine
6/5 Nnedi Okorafor, Akata Witch
6/4 William Shakespeare, Love's Labour's Lost
No twins and no cross-dressing, but at least there are some mistaken identities, some misdirected messages, and some dirty jokes.
6/3 William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
Friar Lawrence is way too fond of overly complicated plans.
6/2 Elizabeth Speller, The First of July
The first of July 1916, to be specific: the first day of the Battle of the Somme. (Although we first meet the four main characters three years earlier, on July 1 1913, going about their very separate peacetime lives.) It should be unsurprising that not all of the characters live to see July 2.
5/28 Richard Powers, The Gold Bug Variations
Bach, molecular biology, COBOL, Poe, library science, and art history. Also a couple of love stories. I listened to the 1955 Gould recording more than once while reading this book.
5/20 Dorothy Sayers, The Nine Tailors
The book didn't help: I still find bell-ringing mystifying.
5/19 John Scalzi, “The Dispatcher”
5/19 Lois Bujold, “The Flowers of Vashnoi”
The latest Vorkosigan novella. (Ekaterina Vorkosigan, that is.)
5/13 Baruch Fischhoff & John Kadvany, Risk: A Very Short Introduction
A book about decision-making in the face of uncertainty — the descriptive question of how decisions are actually made, and the prescriptive question of how they should be made. (The latter of which is contested. It's not at all clear that the Von Neumann-Morgenstern axioms are the only form of decisionmaking that deserves to be called rational.)
5/10 George O'Connor, Artemis: Wild Goddess of the Hunt
5/10 Iain Banks, A Song of Stone
It's pretty unrelenting in its nastiness: terrible people caught up in a war that neither they nor the reader understand, doing terrible things to each other. The time is unspecified and the country unnamed; it's dreamlike, or nightmarelike, in its lack of context. Not my favorite Banks, but interesting for its narrative voice.
5/7 George O'Connor, Apollo: The Brilliant One
Book 8 in the Olympians series of graphic novels. This one is narrated by the nine muses.
5/5The Odyssey (tr. Emily Wilson)
This translation got a lot of attention when it was published, much of focused on the fact that Wilson is the first woman to have translated the Odyssey into English, and on a few of Wilson's decisions as translator: the very first line, where “polutropos” is rendered as “complicated”, and a little more emphasis than usual on Penelope's agency, and calling attention to sexual violence when it appears in the text, and using the English word “slave” instead of euphemisms that can obscure the fact that all the places we see are slave-owning societies and nobody sees anything remarkable about it.
Other important virtues of this translation that have gotten less attention: it's written in clear and understandable 21st century English (obscurity or archaism doesn't make English any closer to classical Greek), it's the same length as the original, it's written in natural-sounding iambic pentameter that scans well, and it has a detailed and good introduction discussing things like textual history, variant texts and readings, and the complicated question of authorship. I'm looking forward to Wilson's Iliad!
Wilson has written a lot about some of her decisions as a translator (how she translates the standard epithet “dios Odysseus,” what to make of the Greek word “heros,” what “eupatereios” might mean in reference to Helen, and so on), both in the introduction and the footnotes and in articles and interviews like this one at tor.com. They're interesting and worth seeking out.
4/29The Infinity Gauntlet
A compilation of Infinity Gauntlet #1–6 from 1991.
4/27Andrew Tobias, The Only Investment Guide You'll Even Need
The 2016 edition. Similar but not identical to previous editions.
4/23 Martha Wells, All Systems Red
The first “Murderbot Diaries” story. Lots of fun.
4/21 Hew Strachan, The First World War
This may be my new favorite WWI overview. It's a single-volume history and relatively short, and it's also recent. It was originally published 90 years after the start of the War; I read a reissue, with a new introduction, to mark the hundredth anniversary. Part of the challenge of any such history is just how many words have been written, how many interpretations have solidified over the decades — both from memoirs written by important participants days or months or years after the fact, and from well known works like Good-Bye to All That and Im Westen nichts Neues and The Guns of August. This book questions a lot of the standard interpretations and tries to look at the events in the context of the time. I got new insights even about well known events like the Schlieffen Plan, the British evacuation of Gallipoli, and Falkenhayn's goals in Verdun.
4/10 Jim Blandy & Jason Orendorff, Programming Rust: Fast, Safe Systems Development
This time I read the first edition of the book, released December 2017; when I read it before I read a pre-release 0th edition. This is a lot more complete, including some real examples, a fair amount about the standard library, some discussion of idiomatic concurrency patterns, and a chapter about how and why to use the unsafe escape hatch. I have the impression that you'll almost always need to use unsafe to implement nontrivial data structures in Rust, and that you basically shouldn't be afraid of it any more than you should be afraid of using placement new in C++.
It was also interesting to see something that wasn't in this book but that was in the pre-release version: monadic error handling with Result's map and and_then and or_else methods. The pre-release version made a big deal of that style of error handling; this version omits them entirely, concentrating on the ? operator. I assume this reflects a change of opinion within the Rust community about what constitutes good style. It's interesting to see that such a change of opinion could happen in less than a year. I take this as yet another sign that good error handling is still an unsolved problem. Whatever language you're using, and regardless of whether you're using exceptions or explicit return codes or something else, it's still awkward and we're still experimenting.
4/8 Ann Leckie, Provenance
It's set in the same world as the Ancillary Justice trilogy, but it's not part of the same story. It's not set in Radchaai space. Some characters talk about the Radch and about some of the events of Ancillary Mercy, but that's largely background; for the most part the characters and societies of this book have their own concerns. (Including, as the title suggests, concerns about authenticity and origins and chains of ownership.)
Gender and pronouns in this book are different both from the way the Radchaai do things and from the way we do things.
4/3 Scott Westerfeld, Extras
The fourth book of the Uglies trilogy, featuring a new set of characters and a title that turns out to have more than one meaning.
4/1 Scott Westerfeld, Specials
The third book of the Uglies trilogy.
3/29 David Liss, A Conspiracy of Paper
A mystery novel set in 1719 London and revolving around the South Sea Company. (The year is significant: 1720 is when the bubble burst.)
3/22 Scott Westerfeld, Pretties
It's funny reading a book where the big villains are a group called Special Circumstances. I imagine Scott has read just as much Banks as I have, and that the name was at least partly his little joke or easter egg.
3/24 Becky Chambers, A Closed and Common Orbit
Sort of a sequel to The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, but it focuses on different characters and it isn't really a continuation of the story. That book was essentially about what counts as a family, and this one is about what counts as a person.
3/22 Scott Westerfeld, Uglies
Alice was assigned this as part of her dystopian literature unit in middle school.
3/17 Ada Palmer, The Will to Battle
The third book in the Terra Ignota series. Like the first two, it's complicated, dazzling, weird, frustrating. It's very much a novel of ideas, and I think pretty much every reader will have the reaction of wanting to argue with it. (Probably different readers will want to argue with different parts.)
The title and the epigraph come from Thomas Hobbes, and when I say the book is a novel of ideas one of the things I mean is that it's a novel about Enlightenment philosophy. This book makes the unreliability of its unreliable narrator a little more explicit than the first two, but it has a similarly complicated attitude toward time. There are four distinct eras at play in this book: the 21st century, when it was written, the 25th century, when it takes place, some far future era when the narrator thinks of it as being read, addressing an imagined reader (who sometimes responds!), and the past era that the narrator thinks is relevant for understanding the transformation of their society, the 17th and 18th centuries.
3/11 Rebecca Solnit, The Mother of All Questions
A collection of feminist essays, including the well known “Men Explain Lolita to Me.”
3/8 Iain M. Banks, Excession
What happens when the Culture encounters an Outside Context Problem.
3/2 Becky Chambers, The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
Not deep, but fun.
2/19 Ursula K. Le Guin, The Other Wind
The most obvious thing about Tehanu is that it's a reexamination of gender, but male and female isn't the only duality that's highlighted in the more recent Earthsea books: there's also human and dragon, Kargad and Archipelagan, the living and the dead.
In one of Le Guin's essays, from before she wrote Tehanu, she said, roughly, that A Wizard of Earthsea was about coming of age, The Tombs of Atuan was about marriage, and The Farthest Shore was about death, and that The Farthest Shore was the weakest of the three because it was about something she hadn't experienced. Maybe that's why the three more recent Earthsea books, the ones written after such a long pause, kept coming back to The Farthest Shore, why we see such a different view of the dry country and the wall of stones.
2/17 Agatha Christie, Endless Night
2/17 Ursula K. Le Guin, Tales from Earthsea
The way Le Guin wrote about her own writing reminds me of the way mathematicians talk about their work: in terms of discovery, rather than invention. “I also wanted information on various things that had happened back then, before Ged and Tenar were born. A good deal about Earthsea, about wizards, about Roke Island, about dragons, had begun to puzzle me. In order to understand current events, I needed to do some historical research, to spend some time in the Archives of the Archipelago.”
Tales from Earthsea is a collection of short fiction. It includes discoveries about origins, about chronology, about gender, about the dangers of the arts of the Summoner, and, in the final story, “Dragonfly,” about what happens after the end of Tehanu.
Back in 2013, when he was interviewing Helaine Olen about her book on personal finance, Pollack made an offhand comment that “The best [financial] advice fits on a 3x5 index card and is available for free at the library.” Naturally he was challenged to produce that card. Here was his initial take, which he posted on his blog:
This book is an expansion of that card. The authors have revised the initial advice a little (they no longer wholeheartedly recommend VTIVX and the like, for example, and they include advice about mortgages and insurance), but the basic premise is still the same: you don't need to know much more than what fits on an index card. And yes, the book includes a tear-out copy of the updated card on the last page. Most of the book is an explanation of why each of the ten simple rules matters.
It's an important point! Managing your money ought to be boring, and I agree with the authors that one of the main reasons it seems complicated is that there are a lot of people with a vested interest in making it seem complicated. Spending too much time on trying to figure out the perfect time to buy and sell exactly the right stock, or learning how to implement fancy option strategies, is much more likely to hurt than to help.
2/10 Ursula K. Le Guin, Tehanu
Tehanu was published in 1990, almost 20 years after the previous Earthsea book. There are no contradictions with the first three books of the series, with what I thought of as the Earthsea Trilogy when I was growing up, but it looks at the characters and their world from a different perspective: it exists very specifically because Le Guin's perspective changed over the course of that 20 years, and she wanted to question the assumptions her younger self made. (Most notably about gender. Why was wizardry so relentlessly male? Why were there almost no named female characters?) This is only the second time I've read Tehanu. I didn't like it much the first time I read it, but I liked it better upon rereading.
The subtitle is “The Last Book of Earthsea,” but it wasn't.
2/6 Ursula K. Le Guin, The Farthest Shore
“It is hard for a dragon to speak plainly. They do not have plain minds. And even when one of them would speak the truth to a man, which is seldom, he does not know how truth looks to a man.”
2/3 Shawn Wallace and Matt Richardson, Getting Started with Raspberry Pi
“There is a lot going on in adjunctions, and you will probably get confused more than once. You might get things mixed up, forget which way an arrow is supposed to go, not be able to spell contafurious, and so on. Don't worry. I've been at it for over 40 years and I still can't remember some of the details.”
2/2 Ursula K. Le Guin, Catwings
I'm sure cats would like to have wings if they could.
2/1 Ursula K. Le Guin, The Tombs of Atuan
An interestingly ambiguous ending, even independent of Tehanu.
1/29 Ursula K. Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea
Only in silence the word,
only in dark the light,
only in dying life:
bright the hawk's flight
on the empty sky.
1/28Hesiod (tr. Richard Lattimore)
A translation of the three surviving works attributed to Hesiod: the Works and Days, the Theogony, and the Shield of Herakles. Whether these poems are all really by Hesiod is of course questionable (and was questioned even by ancient scholars), as is whether there ever was such as person as “Hesiod” or whether the name should be taken to refer to a particular oral tradition rather than a single individual.
The ancients thought of Hesiod and Homer as roughly contemporaneous. I'd never read Hesiod before and hadn't known what to expect. I was surprised to find that Works and Days and Theogony weren't epics: Works and Days is explicitly didactic, addressed specifically to Hesiod's brother, and Theogony is more catalog than narrative. The Shield of Herakles is much like the shield of Achilles from Book 18 of the Iliad, only more so. There was almost certainly some borrowing in at least one direction.
1/20 Richard Morgan, Market Forces
Near-future science fiction where the violence of neocolonial financial dominance is more direct and more literal than it is today. It's just as grim and violent as you'd expect if you've read the author's earlier books.
1/14 Amor Towles, Rules of Civility
Towles's second novel, A Gentleman in Moscow, got a lot of attention. Rules of Civility, his first novel, came out a few years ago. Most of it takes place in New York in 1938, but with a prologue in 1966. We learn in the prologue that the main character is eventually prosperous and successful, that she eventually marries someone named Val, that someone named Tinker Grey was once important to her and that he somehow fell on hard times; then we spend most of the book waiting to understand those things. A lot of what makes the book interesting is how we gradually (or in a few cases suddenly) realize how misleading most of the characters' deliberately constructed personae are.
1/8 Iain Banks, Whit
The main character is Isis Whit, or, in full, The Blessed Very Reverend Gaia-Marie Isis Saraswati Minerva Mirza Whit of Luskentyre, Beloved Elect of God, III. She's the granddaughter and heir of Salvador Whit (whose full name is even more impressive), the founder of the tiny and austere True Church of Luskentyre. She's 19 at the start of the book and has spent her whole life in her Order's Community in rural Scotland. Now there's a family problem that requires her to go on a mission out into the world of the unsaved, to Edinburgh and London and beyond.
It was an interesting choice for a committed atheist like Banks to write a book told from the point of view of someone for whom her faith is everything. I think he went out of his way to make up a religion that he could respect in some ways, even if he couldn't take it as seriously as his character does.
1/6 Julia Annas, Plato: A Very Short Introduction
I took a class on Plato as a undergrad, which was a while ago. This was a good refresher.
1/5 John le Carré, The Looking Glass War
This book comes with a forward, written by le Carré in 1991. The Looking Glass War was published in 1965, immediately after The Spy Who Came In from the Cold, and it was written as an even less romantic and (from le Carré's point of view) more realistic view of the spy world: one where the issue isn't so much betrayal and moral ambiguity, but incompetence, muddle, petty bureaucratic battles, characters fighting (and failing) to convince themselves that what they do matters.
1/2 Donna Leon, Death at La Fenice
The conductor in this book is fictional, as is the manner of and reason for his death, but I imagine we're supposed to be reminded of Herbert von Karajan.
+ Matt Austern
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+ z/OS MVS, CICS, TCP/IP, Webmaster, Useful Links
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Update: 0.62-t013 (2012-10-25)
Fixed regression: #51: #50 didn't fully fix #38's break of adb terminals, thanks to ztNFny
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+ Plato
+ Home Page
Plato (b. 428 B.C.?, d. 347 B.C.?) was a student of Socrates, and wrote numerous philosophical works in the form of dialogues between Socrates and various interlocutors representing different strata of Greek society.
Major Works:
The Apology
The Phaedo
The Crito
The Meno
The Symposium
The Republic
The Sophist
Plato's Life:
Born, 428 B.C.(?), in Athens or Aegina
prior to 399 B.C., studied with Socrates
399 B.C., after the execution of Socrates, took refuge in Megara
399 - 387 B.C., traveled extensively in Greece. Egypt, and Italy
387 B.C., founded The Academy in Athens
367 B.C., went to Syracuse to tutor Dionysius II at the suggestion of Dion
Died, 347 B.C.(?)
Plato's Contribution to Philosophy: Plato carved out a subject matter for philosophy by formulating and discussing a wide range of metaphysical and ethical questions. To explain the similarities and resemblances among objects of the physical world, he developed a metaphysics of Forms. His views about ethical questions could be grounded in his metaphysics of Forms via the contemplation of the Form of The Good. Plato therefore found an inherent connection between metaphysics and ethics. His greatest work, The Republic, developed an insightful analogy between harmony in the state and harmony in the individual, and it is often considered one of the greatest works ever written. Plato wrote dialogues that considered the nature of virtue itself, as well as the nature of particular virtues. He also considered epistemological questions, such as whether knowledge is justified true belief.
Further Reading:
Moravcsik, J., Plato and Platonism, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1992
Pelletier, J., and Zalta, E., "How to Say Goodbye to the Third Man", Noûs, 34/2 (2000): 165-202 [Preprint available online in PDF]
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Temple of Mathematics
Temple of Goddess Seshat
☺ This is an ethereal temple to Seshat. She is the goddess of wisdom/philosophy, science/mathematics.
Being a programmer, I type a lot and I suffer from Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and tendonitis on my wrist. I’ve tried many different ways to help make it better. One way to do this is to switch to a different keyboard layout other than QWERTY. QWERTY was supposedly designed for typewriters to solve a very specific problem–to keep the types from jamming against each other. The most frequently used keys were placed apart from each other to prevent them from jamming. This results in a non-ergonomic layout. However, there are alternatives.
Dvorak and Colemak
The first alternative keyboard layout that came to mind is Dvorak. It was created in the 1930’s and promised to be vastly superior to QWERTY. I went ahead and tried it out and soon enough after doing “ls -latr” on the terminal, I had to shake my head and sadly walk away from it. I didn’t like the way Dvorak was laid out especially for the weak fingers of the right hand.
Then I stumbled upon a layout called Colemak, a relatively new player in the game compared to QWERTY and Dvorak. It was released in 2006 and boasted impressive metrics in terms of finger travel, hand alternation, and same finger frequency. Everyone in the alternative keyboard layout crowd seemed to be raving about it. There are other layouts available namely Capewell, Arensito, Carpal X, etc. After some research I decided on Colemak because of its metrics and probably partly because it looked “normal” and “familiar”. The other ones either looked too radical and different or they suffered from awkward placements of some often used letters. Colemak looked the most promising and I was excited to try it.
So I went ahead and tried it and immediately it felt good. I noticed that my fingers were not moving up and down as much and most of the time they stayed on the home row. However after a few days of practicing on K-touch, a nagging feeling started to creep in. Something felt rather awkward. At first I thought that maybe I just wasn’t used to it yet and it’s the result of the awkwardness in switching to a different layout. So I kept on and while doing so, I tried to analyze how my hands were moving and then the problem became clear to me.
The Colemak keyboard layout
The Problem with Colemak
My initial excitement turned to disappointment when I realized that even though my fingers were not moving up and down as much, they were moving too much laterally. I realized that the main culprit was the letter ‘H’ placed to the right of the letters ‘N’ and ‘E’. ‘N’ is where your index finger rests. Typing ‘HE’ forced the hand to make a very unnatural sideways twisting motion from the wrist and then back again. To give you an idea on why this could be serious, consider these:
‘HE’ is the second most frequent bigram in the English language (‘TH’ is the first).
It occurs in approximately 8,188 words.
You type it approximately once every 26 keystrokes, or once in every 5 words.
At 40wpm, you will make this movement 8 times in one minute. More if you are faster.
Just ask yourself, how often do you type ‘the’, ‘these’, ‘them’, ‘when’, and ‘where’, etc. on a day-to-day basis? It’s even worse when you’re typing these words in the beginning of a sentence. Try typing “The” with the T capitalized on Colemak and hopefully you’ll see what I mean. Your right hand will move somewhat like this: you swing to the right to get the SHIFT key with your pinky, then you swing back to the left to get the letter ‘H’, and then you move to the right again to get the letter ‘E’. All this is happening in a split second. That’s quite a bit of lateral movement. Now I’m not a doctor, but multiplied over a lifetime, making that sideways motion with the wrists could be detrimental to people’s hands. It’s nothing personal against Colemak. However, I consider this to be a major flaw in Colemak’s design and I’m concerned that nobody is talking about it. And even if it’s proven to be benign, I find it personally cumbersome.
The letters ‘D’ and ‘H’ are relatively high frequency letters and placing them in the middle of the keyboard forced the hands to make that lateral twitching move a lot. This is by design since the purpose was to optimize the home row keys for high frequency letters to reduce finger travel, which is primarily caused by moving up and down above and below the home row. Colemak by design, as well as Dvorak tries to reduce use of the top and the bottom rows. Actually, when you think about it, most of the other alternative layouts optimize for this very thing. However, I believe that the way that alternative layouts focus on just the home row for optimization is somewhat misguided. We should optimize the keys inside the hand’s natural range of motion and not just strictly the home row.
Other letters that I think are cumbersome with Colemak are the letters G, L, and O. I believe that by moving these letters, horizontal and diagonal stretching could be made less and the load on the right pinky could be reduced.
Improving Colemak
I was really disappointed that Colemak was not the layout that I had hoped it would be. I no longer wanted to use QWERTY. I didn’t like Dvorak, and the other alternatives didn’t look very promising either – but rather very alien. I really wanted Colemak to work however I can’t live with the H-E movement and having to reach for D and H often. I felt that it could be made better.
I tried to see if there’s anything that could be done to solve this. At first I ignorantly tried to replace ‘D’ and ‘H’ with other lower frequency letters and moved them elsewhere still expecting the same metrics. I used the awesome Keyboard Compare applet by John A. Maxwell with modifications from Michael Capewell, and also Patrick Gillespie’s amazing Keyboard Layout Analyzer. Long story short, I got pretty crappy results. It soon dawned on me that just moving a few things around isn’t going to cut it. It’s like playing with a water balloon. If you squeeze on one side, it bulges on other sides. If I was going to get the results that I’m looking for, I had to sit down and do some thinking.
Back to the Drawing Board
I decided to try to create a new keyboard layout based on these ideas. I first came up with the following observations and assumptions:
Movement on the Keyboard
The home keys (not necessarily the home row) are the place to be
Vertical movement between the columns (reaching and folding) are not necessarily strenuous on the fingers and wrists because it is more natural for the fingers to fold or stretch vertically than horizontally
Side-to-side movements are more strenuous for the wrists than up and down motion
Diagonally reaching for the top and bottom middle keys are the worst
Index Finger: very strong, short
Middle Finger: strong, very long
Ring Finger: weak, long
Pinky Finger: weak, short
Most of these seem obvious enough but it helps to jot them down for clarity. I then came up with a set of principles to serve as guidelines to help me with the design:
Prioritize the home keys
If vertical folding and reaching cannot be prevented, prioritize reaching for longer fingers and folding for shorter fingers.
Place more frequent keys under stronger fingers
Common bigrams should be easy to type.
Here’s a an illustration that I created grading the keys based on the approximate amount of difficulty/strain in reaching or pressing them with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most strenuous. This grading scale takes into consideration the position of the keys, the strength of and length of the fingers and the staggered nature of the keyboard.
Keys graded based on strain/difficulty (Standard Keyboard)
Below is what it would be on an “matrix style” keyboard also known as “grid” keyboards.
Keys graded based on strain/difficulty (matrix style Keyboard)
Introducing the Workman Keyboard Layout
I call it the Workman Keyboard Layout in honor of all who type on keyboards for a living. And considering that today is Labor Day, I think it’s perfectly fitting.
The Workman Keyboard Layout
In Workman-P, the top-row numbers and symbols have been switched as well as the brace and brackets. It is great for programmers as well as system administrators.
Workman for Programmers
Pros and Cons
It’s different from QWERTY
Comfortable, ergonomic, and efficient — frequent keys are placed within the natural range of motion of the fingers
Reduced lateral movement of the fingers and wrists
Very, very low overall finger travel
Reduced load on the right pinky compared to Dvorak and Colemak
More balanced left and right hand usage compared to Dvorak and Colemak
High same hand utilization and plenty of easy combos
Common English bigrams are easy to type
ZXCV shortcuts are still accessible with one hand
Capslock is Backspace (Linux only)
Shift+Capslock is Escape (Linux only)
Only 21 characters are different from QWERTY as opposed to 31 for Dvorak
Not as intimidating or “alien” looking as other alternatives
Available for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux
It’s different from QWERTY
C and V shortcuts are slightly shifted to the right and needs a little getting used to
21 letters are moved compared to Colemak’s 17
Left ring finger has slightly higher load compared to QWERTY, Dvorak, and Colemak.
Key Usage Visualization
On Workman, the most often used keys are evenly and pleasantly distributed inside the natural range of motion of the fingers. It’s even better on a matrix style keyboard.
% Usage of the Two Middle Columns
Dvorak: 14%
Colemak: 12%
Workman: 6%
Workman reduces overall usage of the two middle columns by about 50% over Colemak. This 50% reduction can be divided into two parts, horizontal and diagonal index finger stretching. Workman reduces horizontal finger stretching by 63%, and diagonal index finger stretching by 27% over Colemak. This is because Workman efficiently utilizes other easy to reach keys instead of just placing them in the middle columns where they are difficult to reach. Workman also reduces vertical index finger stretching by 30% over Colemak by realizing that it’s easier for the index finger to fold than reach upwards.
Below are some tests using popular books taken from Project Gutenberg:
Tests Using Popular Books
Don Quixote (English)
Looking at the first example. Colemak achieves the lowest overall finger-travel distance against QWERTY and Dvorak at 30,352 meters. However, Workman is even lower at 29,656 meters — a difference of 696 meters. It doesn’t sound like much, however if we convert it to centimeters, that’s equal to 69,600 cm. And considering that the distance between keyboard keys is approximately 2 cm, typing on Workman is like typing 34,000 less keystrokes than typing on Colemak. At 40 words per minute, that’s equivalent to approximately 3 hours of work.For Dvorak, it’s 126,000 keystrokes at 11 hours of work. And for QWERTY, it’s 1,369,800 keystrokes at 5 days of work.
Same Finger Utilization (SFU)
This shows how many times you had to do a double combo with one of your fingers. For example, typing the word “fuel” using Workman makes your right middle finger do a double combo because the letters U and E are both typed using the right middle finger. Here, Workman has an SFU of 2.185% which means that for every 46 keystrokes (approx. 9 words), one of your 8 fingers does one double combo. Compare that to QWERTY which is at every 20 keystrokes (4 words). Colemak is at every 58 keystrokes or (11 words). Workman, on average, has a higher SFU than Colemak… at +1%. Some people misunderstand and think that this somehow shows increased effort or discomfort. It doesn’t. Effort is the same, because no matter what, you’re still pressing the same number of keys. Comfort shouldn’t be a problem as long as the key is in a comfortable spot. The only thing that SFU might potentially and theoretically affect is speed because typing two letters with different fingers is a little faster than typing them with the same finger. However, I doubt that most people will have any problems with speed at all using Workman especially considering that very many people type very fast on QWERTY, of all layouts.
In case you were wondering, the bulk of Workman’s SFU comes from these combinations: LY, OP, PO, CT, and UE. All of these combos are very comfortable to type with LY being less comfortable because the movement from L to Y is diagonal. Some people might say that this is a very bad thing but in reality it is not. First, LY occurs at about 0.24% of the time on average. That’s less than a quarter of one percent. To put it into perspective, for every 10,000 keystrokes, you will type LY only 24 times. At this rate, you will not even notice it. Even with this extra 0.24% considered, Colemak’s diagonal movements are still greater than Workman’s. Second, even though it’s a diagonal motion, you’re not really stretching that much because when you type L, you fold your fingers (storing potential energy), then you release it to type Y. The stretch is about the same as when you come from home row. It’s even less when you use a matrix style keyboard. Third, LY occurs at the end of the word almost all the time. This is important and it makes a huge difference. This means that when you type LY, you do it at the end of the flow of a word as a finishing stroke instead of being in the middle, which makes it less cumbersome. All in all, I don’t think this is a big deal.
Finger and Hand Percentages
A better indicator of finger effort is the Finger Percentage. If you look at the Finger Percentages for Workman, Colemak, and Dvorak, nothing really stands out at first glance. However, Workman further reduces the load on the right pinky finger over Colemak and Dvorak. The right pinky, despite being one of the weakest, is one of the most used finger on a standard keyboard due to the location of the Enter, Shift, and Backspace keys, as well as additional punctuation keys. Both Colemak and Dvorak have higher right pinky percentage at 11% (253,850 keystrokes), while Workman is only at 9% (207,696 keystrokes). On Workman, your right pinky finger just typed 46,155 less keystrokes than both Colemak and Dvorak… that’s about 4 hours of work using ALL your fingers.
Below are the average percentages for each hand. The two analyzers give slightly different results because they differ a little bit in how they do the calculations. However you still get the idea. QWERTY has about a 4% lean towards the left while Colemak leans to the right by about 5%, and Dvorak, 7%. Workman balances the load between the left and right hands almost equally at 50%.
Patrick’s Analyzer
John’s Analyzer
Left Hand %
Right Hand %
Left Hand %
Right Hand %
Same Hand Utilization (SHU)
Dvorak consistently gets lower Same Hand Utilization than QWERTY, Colemak, and Workman which are usually in the 30% range while Dvorak is in the 20’s. Dvorak was supposedly designed for low SHU which means that your hands alternate more frequently. Dvorak’s 20% SHU means that on average, you’re typing 8 keystrokes alternating between your hands, and the next 2 keystrokes, all in one hand as a combo. 30% SHU then means on average, 7 keystrokes alternating and then the next 3, all in one hand as a combo. In designing Workman, I preferred a high SHU (low alternation) over a low SHU (high alternation). I think high alternation is beneficial if you’re typing on mechanical typewriters but not necessarily on modern keyboards. On typewriters, it is very difficult to type combos with one hand because each key needs a large amount of force to depress. You actually rely more on the momentum of your arms and wrists to provide that force so alternating between your two arms is very helpful. However, this method of typing is inefficient on the modern keyboard because modern keys are easy to press. You are no longer reliant on each arm or wrist stroke to depress a single key. Doing so is actually unnecessary and a waste of energy. It is much more efficient to ride the momentum of a single arm or wrist stroke and type a combo rather than just one key. This way your arms and wrists potentially move less while typing the same number of keys, effectively killing several birds with one stone. In the beginning, this will not be apparent. However, as you become more proficient and familiar with the combos, you will be better able to utilize this advantage and type bursts of familiar texts in one hand using fewer hand strokes. An example of this is the word OPERATION. If you were to type this in Dvorak, you could type it as o-pe-r-a-t-io-n where each grouping is a hand stroke–a total of 7 hand strokes. Whereas with Workman, you’d probably be able to type it as o-pe-rat-ion using only 4 hand strokes. Typing Don Quixote, your wrists and arms potentially moved approximately 200,000 times less on Workman than on Dvorak.
Usage of the Middle Columns
What these stats do not show is the usage of the middle two columns. Colemak puts 280,850 keystrokes (12%) on the middle columns versus Workman at 125,875 keystrokes (5%). On Workman, your index fingers (and potentially your wrists) moved sideways 154,975 times less than on Colemak.Dvorak is at 308,533 (13%) and QWERTY is at 512,568 (22%).
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
War of the Worlds
Moby Dick
The Republic by Plato
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
All the Books Combined
I encourage you to do your own testing and analysis. Note that different keyboard testers will give different results as to what layout is better depending on the criteria that they are using to do their measurements and assessments. Since Workman’s philosophy is unique, many testers will register it inferior to others.
IMPORTANT: The Workman Keyboard Layout is only a partial solution. Even the best keyboard layout could not completely remove the risk of typing injury. Typing in itself is an unnatural and hazardous task and no keyboard layout could prevent injury without proper precautions and common sense. I suggest learning to type with good hand and finger posture, taking frequent breaks, keeping your hands and wrists warm while typing, and using a keyboard that meets your needs. Our health, after all, is ultimately our personal responsibility.
I hope that you’ll enjoy this layout and benefit from it. If you like the Workman Layout, feel free to tell others about it.
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new file mode 100644
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+ Connect to vpn using terminal
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Connect to vpn using terminal
connect to vpn using terminal Could you please let me know the solution for this. g. A VPN connection can help provide a more secure connection and access to your company's network and the internet, for example, when you’re working from a coffee shop or similar public place. Option 1: use the Mullvad app. The top-quality Connect VPN using terminal services will be upward deceiver and echt about their strengths and weaknesses, have a readable privacy line of reasoning, and either release third-party audits, a transparency info, or both. How to connect to VPN using the Junos Pulse Secure client for Mac OS X 9 – To disconnect, right-click on the Pulse Secure icon in the system notification tray, select the System VPN connection profile, then click Disconnect. Create an VPN client account using the following command. 3. You can do this by using the sudo protonvpn init command. Then over here you either have a dedicated box that connects to that VPN router or a client app on your PC that connects to that VPN router. Extract the files to an easy-to-access folder. Click Save to update the changes. 120, 172. NOTE: While connected to the WTAMU VPN, you may not be able to access Internet resources from the computer you are connecting from – the computer you are using form off-campus. For sure, there were some limitations: I couldn’t use all servers. Try to ping or telnet 3389 port with internal IP address. gov or use your web browser to connect to an internal service. How can I connect to NordVPN using Linux Terminal? If you are looking for instructions on how to set up the NordVPN application for Linux , check this article. If you have any questions or problems with instructions detailed here, please contact the IT Service Center at (806) 651-4357. Please use a local address that is outside all remote networks. Use Official Cisco Clients IS&T strongly recommends that you use the Cisco AnyConnect (Secure Mobility Client) to connect to the VPN. 2 - Once you have verified that you are connected to the System VPN, navigate the Start Menu and search for “Remote Desktop Connection” (minus quotes). ovpn file] such as sudo openvpn. Click the Add button to open up the VPN type drop-down. The following instructions show how to connect using PuTTY. To access the NordVPN client settings, type the nordvpn command in a Terminal. ovpn. Give the connection a name and enter the VPN server hostname or IP address in the Gateway field, followed by a colon and the port number. Please note that since Linux has a lot of different distributions, the configuration interfaces may vary. Connecting to VPN Server with Cisco AnyConnect from Linux Terminal Run the given command to check the status of being installed Cisco AnyConnect from the previous guide. 1. Install Cisco AnyConnect on Ubuntu / Debian / Fedora Connect To VPN Server with Cisco AnyConnect from Linux Terminal If you used the installation method covered in our guide, the vpn script used to connect, disconnect, and check the status of VPN is located in the directory below. The auto-login type profile will be picked up automatically and the connection will start itself. 8. 10. connected to vpn localhost. installed already: Note — VPN Connection, via OpenVPN, using on Mac OS - connecting to most common using your package manager and disconnect from it the Admin UI under the option to have if it is not service credentials to connect the top of the VPNs depending on what linux. x table 128 ip route add table 128 to y. > Ok, so we were recommended to create a VPN, we did it and we can connect sucessfully to the SERVER on which the SAP NW is located using Terminal Services APP on Windows, but I can’t telnet or ping this server We use our own private DNS servers for your DNS queries while on the VPN. ) or to access your Z:\drive. On the Security tab, ensure that only Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2) is selected, and then select OK. Once the Initialization Sequence Completed message appears, you can proceed with opening a new terminal tab or window and start attacking the boxes. 4. [You're now connected to the VPN, so you can browse or connect to servers within the network. 0. To connect to a VPN in Windows 10, do the following. VPN client along with your Terminal Connect to the VPN factor We use (and Automatically will come in handy Terminal To run 4. this program is use for network management. A Virtual Private Network is a way to extend a private network using a public network such as the internet. Unable to connect to terminal server using PocketCloud via VPN hi, A colleague is experiencing an issue with accessing a server at work from home using an iPad. The next step is to add new users. This step is required in order to connect to a remote computer or terminal server. We have a problem with the Wyse Terminal 1200LE connecting to a Microsoft Terminal Services cluster over the VPN. 10 and the foti app is Forticlient SSL-VPN. It sounds more likely a VPN issue. To connect to a VPN on Windows 10, head to Settings > Network & Internet > VPN. 2, using SSL Established DTLS connection (using GnuTLS). 0/24, do not use an address To connect using the command line, open the Terminal app on your system. To connect to your VPN, use this command: $ scutil --nc start "myVPN" Execute the following command to disconnect from the VPN: $ scutil --nc stop "myVPN" If you want to check the connection Click on the Manage Connections button. 18. Provide the connection details for your VPN. Now you need to copy the. conf as file extension. 9. , 172. Download your VPN service's configuration files. Open Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) 3. If you are prompted with any connection requests, tap OK. user can be part of a local network sitting at a remote location. They have been tested and should work on all supported operating systems. – 4. I am running Ubuntu 20. The diagnostic logging for the connection is available in the same Terminal window that you executed the connection command from. In the Action Center, select the VPN to open the Settings app and connect the VPN by selecting Connect. ovpn config file as parameter: Make sure the openvpn package is installed (e. function vpn-connect { /usr/bin/env osascript <<-EOF tell application "System Events" tell current location of network preferences set VPN to service "UniVPN" -- your VPN name here if exists VPN then connect VPN repeat while (current configuration of VPN is not connected) delay 1 end repeat end tell end tell EOF } That should be nice as well I'm using ubuntu 18. You can do that by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T keys or navigating to it in your apps menu. Once you have How to create a VPN connection via terminal? explains how to use Terminal to enable a VPN connection previously configured via System Preferences. Many organizations that use Remote Desktop Services or Terminal Services are not using a VPN connection before allowing connections to their in-house servers or workstations. Setup your VPN in Windows Hopefully you have already setup your VPN connection, if not you can follow this guide on how to setup a L2TP/IPSEC VPN on Windows. What if I cannot use the VPN or I need a persistent long term connection ¶ Direct SSH access to the HPC clusters from off campus is not possible without the use of VPN. Google for a free VPN, and make sure it’s good. killall nm-applet. The username and password you enter are the ones you use for the VPN server, not the one you use to log into macOS. Install Surfshark VPN for Linux by using the command “sudo apt-get install {/path/to/}surfshark-release_1. nmcli con up id <name_of_connection> you need to save the password of that connection before you use this command. They connect via RDP, whether they are on site or remote. Under the Statistics tab, y our IP address is the Client Address (IPv4). So we’re going to create a VPN kill switch for our connection, using iptables. Virtual Private Network (VPN). This information is also supplied by your VPN provider. When you finish, disconnect from the instance by running the exit command. The Mullvad VPN app for Linux uses the WireGuard protocol by default, so all you need to do is connect. PPTP is not the most secure type of VPN but its the easiest to set up. This applicaiton uses the built-in VPN support in Mac OS X, so it’ll only work with connections you can configure in the Network Settings panel. You can do this by using finder and typing in terminal. When connecting to a VPN from home, shared printers & networked printers using netbios names as routes, and consumer MFC's or bad drivers can all cause issues. 5. You need to force these packets to be routed over the public eth0 interface. The name only suggests that it is a Virtual “private network” i. Once logged into #1, they use their apps and also connect to other systems on the network which aren’t accessible from the outside, like #2-4, for specialized work as needed. /finland-aes256-udp. The VPN connection works fine as the Press start on your keyboard or click the start menu, type VPN and then select “set up a virtual private network VPN Connection”. Right-click the VPN connection, and then select Connect. x. 218. If you use a third-party VPN client — for example, to connect to an OpenVPN VPN — it won’t help you. How can I do this from Terminal? OpenVPN® via terminal using openvpn binary (the "manual way") Alternatively to using our connection script, you can also connect "manually" by simply running the openvpn binary with an *. any help on how to create VPN_CONNECTION in bash and how to manage them will appreciate Whether it's for work or personal use, you can connect to a virtual private network (VPN) on your Windows 10 PC. It will create a VPN using a virtual TUN network interface (for routing), will listen for client connections on UDP port 1194 (OpenVPN’s official port number), and distribute virtual addresses to connecting clients from the 10. 22) in a shell/terminal screen on my laptop (NOT in Remote Desktop) Clients have no issues connecting to VPN, but they use a terminal emulator program to access some online systems and it will not connect over VPN. 0. Best Regards, Aiden. Click the “Add a VPN connection” button to set up a new VPN connection. x. Terminal Services Connect to RU Software Using Terminal Services Connect to RU Software Using Terminal Services Page 3 of 3 4/22/2008 You will be given a message stating that your computer cannot identify the computer you are trying to connect to. Set a secure password. 07. When you connect a VPN to your PS4, you have access to geo-restricted content from Netflix, Spotify, and other services. 9)-(DHE-RSA-4294967237)-(AES-256-CBC)-(SHA1). After you connect, run commands on your instance using this terminal. If that window was closed but you are still connected to the VPN, you can Tunnel VPN is the easiest way to create a persistent, secure connection between your Untangle NG Firewall and a remote network. If the VPN connection drops, it will automatically reconnect. (In this example, it's USA. Click “Yes” to continue. > I’m trying to connect through a VPN connection to a SAP NW Server that is located on another office of the company I work on. After the VPN connected, we need to verify we can communicate with the server. Windows (PuTTY) Windows does not include a built-in SSH client, which means you must download and install a third-party client. y. e. Now finally we will be using the Network Manager to set up our VPN Connection. /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages. However, the most common issue is the use of NetBios names used as PORT #'s when mapping the printers via Cisco VPN Clients. Connect to a VPN in Windows 10. If possible, I'd like to be able to connect to my university's HPC from within WSL via the windows terminal or VSCode integrated terminal. Here is the list of available commands: nordvpn login - Log in. From the application window, click Connect to start your VPN connection. To connect to the remote PPTP VPN server, issue the following command: sudo pon myvpn #or sudo pppd call myvpn. Leave that terminal window open in the background as long as you are using the VPN. Connect VPN using terminal: Safe & Effortlessly Used But there are some caveats. When using a DNS Leak testing site you should expect to see your DNS requests originate from the IP of the VPN gateway you are connected to. Now click on Wired Connected and choose Wired Settings. Once you receive that notification, select it and press approve. 0290) - connect to terminal server Everything works fine when connecting through WIFI - and everything works fine when connecting via the integrated broadband modem in the X220 until trying to connect to the terminal server. We also have an easier setup guide which makes use of our browser-based config generator. No VPN is used either way. This works when I am at a GUI, I can click the network connections icon in the top right, and select a VPN from the list and connect to it. We also have an easier setup guide which makes use of our browser-based config generator. Disconnecting from the PPTP VPN Server. 22) on browser and do what you want! Successfully establish an ICMP ping to the RTU's IP address (10. $ ls /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/ total 3. Connect VPN using terminal: Begin being unidentified today to Set Up via Terminal OpenVPN. Tunnel VPN is the easiest way to create a persistent, secure connection between your Untangle NG Firewall and a remote network. Iptables is a firewall for Linux distributions. You should control what routes exists on your machine when connected to the VPN to confirm it, normally the command netstat -r can be used to show that. I want to go one step further and configure a VPN connection without using System Preferences. DPD 30, Keepalive 20 Connected as 192. Let’s start installing VPN on Kali Linux 2016 by using the following command on a new terminal session: apt-get install network-manager-openvpn-gnome This command will install the OpenVPN network manager and the additional packages which are needed to have it function properly. To ensure your connection is working, start your terminal client and connect to a server such as eagle. These files are necessary for OpenVPN to connect to the VPN service. Disconnect from the VPN connection by right-clicking the small circle & lock icon in the taskbar This advanced terminal-only guide will teach you how to use the WireGuard® protocol to connect to Mullvad using Linux. z. 2. Then, boot up the openVPN initialization process using your pack. Step 5: Setting up the VPN. The files will typically come in a ZIP archive. Install PPTP Using the following command. or $ sudo pppd call workvpn. I am able to connect to it. For Ubuntu 18. z. Click Start, Run, type "tscc. Works fine over frame-relay, works Right-click the VPN network connection, and then select Properties. NOTE: While connected to the WTAMU VPN, you may not be able to access Internet resources from the computer you are connecting from – the computer you are using form off-campus. Setup for VPN in Linux: Follow the steps to Automate VPN using Python: Step 1: Open your terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and create a file using gedit by typing the following command on the terminal. py Step 2: import the modules of python into the opened file. 222. sudo apt-get install openvpn when using a Debian/Ubuntu based system or yum install openvpn / dnf install openvpn on a RedHat type distribution). 0. You can find these files on the service's Support page. 0. A Virtual Private Network is a way to extend a private network using a public network such as the internet. g. Louisville. set vpn_name to "VPN" tell application I have setup a VPN with the Unifi USG. Create a virtual interface to connect to the VPN server. Here is what I have tried: In Windows, I create the VPN using Pulse. Option 1: use the Mullvad app. The simplest way to disconnect from the PPP connection is to use the following command: sudo poff myvpn #To kill all active PPP connections, you can use the you can use nmcli to do that. 1_amd64 Connecting a virtual network to another virtual network using the VNet-to-VNet connection type (VNet2VNet) is similar to creating a Site-to-Site IPsec connection to an on-premises location. You can use either Settings, the rasphone. 18. 222 and 209. I've only tried to connect via the windows terminal. I am able to Remote Desktop to a normal workstation so I believe the port 3389 is open and working. 20. I’m using this software approach in this demo and I’m using a popular Cisco VPN Client to do it. UDP) Getting a Free VPN. You will need the 'Name' of this VPN connection as well as the credentials in the next steps. [You're now connected to the VPN, so you can browse or connect to servers within the network. Once the key is in your user’s root folder, launch a terminal window. NicCreate <name for virtual interface> eg : NicCreate vpn_se 6. 0/24 subnet. OR. There are several types of VPN such as PPTP and LP2SEC with varying types of protection. If you’re on campus, you’re already connected to the Etown network, so you can skip the VPN step and go straight to the RDP connection. To establish a Mobile Connect VPN session. Please verify that the VPN connection was established correctly. I'm looking to be able to connect to a IKEv2 VPN service, that has been previously setup through System Preferences, through the terminal. The RDSessionFarm1 terminal server hosts course software that Pace students, faculty, and staff can access remotely from their own computers. Run the following in the terminal: sudo pivpn add Enter an identifying name for the user. The hostname or IP address of the VPN server goes into the “Remote Host” box. The message will ask if want to connect anyway. I first set up the VPN using a wired connection (successful), then disconnected from the VPN, then disconnected my ethernet cable, then reconnected to the VPN using WiFi only, and again success - connect to VPN (using Cisco VPN Client Version 5. Once you have installed the client, you will need to initialize your ProtonVPN profile so you can connect it to a VPN server. sudo apt-get install openvpn when using a Debian/Ubuntu based system or yum install openvpn / dnf install openvpn on a RedHat type distribution). To connect FROM a Windows computer to a Mac: Install Tight VNC on the Windows computer, and use the Tight VNC Viewer to connect to the Mac’s IP address. To disconnect the VPN, tap the the UoP Re: FortiClient 6. Basically I don't want to open the GUI anymore, just connect to the server via Terminal, then I'll be trying some bash things with that. by Jeff Stern (Note: There is also an alternative method of installing UCI VPN support without using the Cisco client, but using the built-in Debian/Ubuntu openconnect and openvpn drivers, should you find the below method does not work for you, or if you prefer to use open-source non-proprietary software. Sign up for a Surfshark account. 04. ovpn OpenVPN will ask you to insert the VPN username and password to authenticate. Is the local address in VPN Tracker part of the remote network? Using a local address in VPN Tracker (Basic > Local Address) that is part of the remote network is not possible with most VPN gateways. Click on VPN Connections and then click on the button next to the VPN server you configured previously. 10 – Should you want to close the application, right-click on the Pulse Secure icon in the system notification To start an auto-login connection via the service daemon, place client. 0. by running "apt-get install openvpn") How to: Connect on or off campus using Terminal Services to access Software not otherwise available from your PC. The Mullvad VPN app for Linux uses the WireGuard protocol by default, so all you need to do is connect. me is using these commands in the terminal, while making appropriate changes to the username, password and name of the configuration file you use. z Click on the General tab and select Automatically connect to VPN and choose your VPN connection profile you created before, in our case, it is gentoo. 155. sudo aptitude install network-manager-pptp. Ubuntu makes it simple to connect to a Microsoft Windows VPN server at your workplace with NetworkManager and the pptp plugin. If you are using Wi-Fi, please try switching to a cable – Ethernet – connection instead. ovpn in /etc/openvpn/ and rename the file. The name only suggests that it is a Virtual “private network” i. ] To terminate the VPN client and close the connection, press Ctrl+C in the terminal window. In Terminal, run the command: ifconfig cscotun0; The inet address is your VPN IP. Enter your username and password and click Save. This video shows the connection process using MobaXterm, and then connection and running MATLAB from a qsh terminal. Here’s a short guide: 1. To then be able to use a script to automatically connect to the VPN when disconnected and on startup. A PS4 VPN also enables your PS4 console to access a secure, faster, and more stable server connection. How can I do this from Terminal? A sample if the Surfshark VPN the command line, once Terminal - Apple Community connection using Linux VPN from command line Solution: Using SSL VPN open Terminal and press to your Jump to VPN setup using the the terminal. In the VPN properties window, select the Security tab. On the other hand, I can connect to intranet sites via VPN, and syncronize with Exchange through ActiveSync - so VPN tunnel is OK . Where “workvpn” is the name used previously to identify the VPN connection. On VPNBook, you just download the config file for the VPN you want. This will terminate your connection to the server. There are three ways to establish a VPN connection in Windows 10. g. 13. 5. Download the openvpn package using your package manager if you have not already done so (e. 04 and 19. There is a distribution of this application for all operating systems. You can easily set up and manage a variety of network scenarios for a range of issues, such as: To connect using the command line, open the Terminal app on your system. These route commands should do the trick: ip rule add from x. image illustrating associated text 5. How to connect to SSL VPN Server with Openconnect using a Bash script. vpnserver. I wrote a bash script to simplify connecting to facilitate connecting to Cisco Autoconnect SSL VPN server. To start it, go to NetworkManager -> VPN off -> and select the server you wish to connect to. d/dbus restart Setting up VPN in Linux – OpenVPN Setup Instructions for Ubuntu: Open Terminal , Applications-> Terminal Install network-manager-openvpn by using the following command in the terminal: Connect to VPN with OpenVPN Connection. Use these instructions… If you are off campus (you must also use VPN) and wish to use an application only available on campus (SPSS/PASW etc. Install the OpenVPN package Open the terminal window. When connecting devices to a VPN hosted with OpenVPN, you will need to use the OpenVPN Connect client application. Until now this worked great. Select the client1 connection. exe tool or the console rasdial command. There is a similar issue with other software clients as well. This will bring up the screen below. 20. Once you have Pick the VPN connection you think you’ll use the most and edit the config file using sudo nano example. To do this, we’re going to be using the terminal window and running some commands in the terminal. How to use a VPN on PS4? There are many benefits of getting a VPN for PlayStation 4. The VPN is now set up. ) Enter your VPN connection information. 0. The vpn connected remoted user could not rdp to a computer inside the network using her domain account but she is able to rdp when she is inside the network using her domain account. y. If you’re learning or working off campus, you’ll need to connect through VPN first, then you can use the RDP program to access the terminal server or computer. 1 LTS. If you have any feedback on our support, please click here Tap the the UoP connection to start the VPN. 11. On mobile platforms (iOS and Android) you can download this from the App Store. A Virtual Private Network, or VPN, allows the client computer to connect to a remote local network to use it’s resources such as printers and file shares. 1. I checked the settings on the remote desktop and make sure she is in remote desktop user group and local administrator group. Not connected to the internet while attempting to connect ProtonVPN Please make sure that your internet connection is stable and uninterrupted. What does these lines do? The VPN server will use the localip inside the VPN and an IP with in the range 172. 0-1. . Installing OpenVPN directly via the Linux Terminal. Under Authentication, set the Type field to Password. TIP: Once the VPN connection is successfully created, the VPN connection name appears in the list of connections and in the VPN section. The password changes periodically, so you will need to get it again later. The script that I'm looking to use for connection is: on idle. Change the line that says "auth-user-pass" to "auth-user-pass vpnlogin". If no VPN is required With a VPN, you typically have a router that the CLICK PLC is behind that acts as a VPN server. You should now be getting a push notification within the Duo Mobile app on your smart phone. ovpn as the configuration file. 222. Download the openvpn package using your package manager if you have not already done so (e. After connecting we set your operating system's DNS servers to 209. Both connectivity types use a VPN gateway to provide a secure tunnel using IPsec/IKE, and both function the same way when communicating. Click the Network Adapter tab, select the correct network adapter and click OK We have remote sites with a VPN over DSL. gedit gfg. I want to go one step further and configure a VPN connection without using System Preferences. A window will appear saying “Create a VPN Connection” You will need to enter the connection details that are provided by your VPN. Very cool. Simply use the Finder, select Go -> Connect to server and enter the IP address of the other Mac. but the problem is my internet traffic does'nt route through this vpn connection. com:2049, for example. Copy the username and password. 100 to 300 (e. Enter the following command to install all the necessary packages: run in terminal either as root if your session is already elevated or by using sudo: (sudo) openvpn [path to the. 1 root root 14K Dec 13 03:26 acinstallhelper 1. A. Ensure the service daemon is enabled to run after a reboot, and then simply reboot the system. It makes use of tunneling protocols to establish a secure connection. Verify this by toggling the connection on and off. 7M -rwxr-xr-x. Does ProtonVPN have bandwidth limit? How to change VPN protocols? 3-5 seconds for the connection to be made, and a tiny padlock appears next to the icon, indicating the encrypted tunnel is up and running. I have used all solution listed above but unable fix it. Select OpenVPN from the list. My conclusion is like this: a VPN Connect Vpn Terminal Ubuntu with free trial Connect Vpn Terminal Ubuntu is a good solution for those who like to use the things having estimated the qualities of the “product” first. According to AirVPN, using OpenVPN via Linux Terminal is also more secure than using NetworkManager, although I have not been able to confirm this independently or uncover the 1. How To Set Up a VPN Connection in Windows 10. Steps for adding a Powershell script to auto connect to your VPN on startup. e. Open up a terminal and navigate to your Downloads folder. Most VPN services will provide configuration files for OpenVPN. Open the Cisco AnyConnect connection window. Connecting to the PPTP VPN Server. msc /s" (without quotation marks) and click OK 3. y/y dev eth0 ip route add table 128 default via z. It was made on Debian and tested on Ubuntu. You can enter any name you like under “Connection Name”. It makes use of tunneling protocols to establish a secure connection. Notice that, when you turn on, the VPN connection is also turned on. There is a key symbol in the top bar to alert you that a VPN connection is established. When you are finished remotely using the Terminal Server or your office desktop, click on Start and select Log Off. 20. The Settings window for your new VPN connection is displayed. Related questions. The same applies for other corporate services requiring special client software. In the Terminal Services Configuration snap-in double-click Connections, then RDP-Tcp in the right pane 4. To confirm that the connection is up, run ‘ifconfig’ to ensure a ppp interface gets created, and assigned an The easiest way to set up a VPN on your Linux system is to get the Surfshark VPN app. On the local network, the SSH connection happens without any issue. For example, if your remote network is 192. Linux Installing. g. It must end with. The easiest way to start using OpenVPN with hide. Leave that terminal window open in the background as long as you are using the VPN. Connect to Windows Terminal Servers Press the Windows Key on your keyboard Type remote desktop in the search bar and press Enter Enter the following in the computer field and click connect. I want to create a pptp vpn client and connect to it using terminal. 168. To connect from a Mac to another Mac, no additional software is required. Double click on VIA (Gray Round Ball) to open up the VIA window or right click to quick connect. Also I can connect using terminal client if I my ipaq connected to our inside Wi-Fi spot (in this case it does not use VPN connection, as it receives our internal IP) - so terminal client and server are OK. user can be part of a local network sitting at a remote location. opvn files stored in /home/pi/ovpns to devices you wish to access the machine using the graphical interface via your web browser; manage and/or monitor the state of the virtual machine and any configured devices; However, the use of the Recovery Console is only recommended if strictly necessary since access methods such as RDP or SSH are preferable, faster and perform For example, it is not possible to use RDP Application Tunneling resources directly in CudaLaunch, but you can use a local RDP app to connect to that same terminal server via the CudaLaunch VPN connection. Once the VPN connection has been established, the key turns green and the state changes to connected. 0. How to create a VPN connection via terminal? explains how to use Terminal to enable a VPN connection previously configured via System Preferences. Enter your username and password when prompted and tap OK. ] To terminate the VPN client and close the connection, press Ctrl+C in the terminal window. Once the window opens type the following command to log into the server Connecting to the PPTP VPN Server To connect to the remote PPTP VPN server, issue the following command: $ sudo pon workvpn. Your desktop environment or window manager might also include connection utilities. You can easily set up and manage a variety of network scenarios for a range of issues, such as: Installing and using the Cisco AnyConnect client with Debian and Ubuntu for UCI VPN. 155. 1 - Connect to the System VPN client using the Pulse Secure VPN client installed on your workstation. Connect to VPN After this, navigate to your Network Manager (located in the top right corner of your desktop). nordvpn connect or nordvpn c - Connect to VPN. I created a connection using pptp-setup and then connect to it using pon command. Kentucky. The instructions below will allow Windows computer users to connect from off campus without needing to use Virtual Private Networking (Pace VPN). A VPN will allow you to connect to the LAN to use a printer or to access files remotely and download them to your machine. Logon to the server locally 2. Connect To VPN Server with Cisco AnyConnect from Linux Terminal If you used the installation method covered in our guide, the vpn script used to connect, disconnect, and check the status of VPN is located in the directory below. Some distributions will write OpenVPN logs to the syslog e. You want to make sure that your traffic doesn’t leak out unencrypted if your VPN connection should ever drop. Connect to VPN Gateway using Cisco VPN Client from the laptop Open Browser in the laptop Enter Remote Terminal Unit's IP (10. Select the VPN tab. RDP, on the other hand, allows you to take over a computer terminal remotely to make use of that PC as if you were actually there - including by using licensed software that is installed on that machine. I used reliance previously, I can able to connect VPN and all remote dervers. Go to Click Network & Internet -> VPN. nrel. I’ll be using VPNBook for the rest of the steps. But it was enough to realize whether it suits me or not. Click on the icon, and then the Connect menu item to initiate the VPN connection. Ciphersuite (DTLS0. This advanced terminal-only guide will teach you how to use the WireGuard® protocol to connect to Mullvad using Linux. We are using GRE tunnels and IPSec on a 3825 router at the central site and 1841 routers at the remote sites. 168. Caveats The HPC VPN allows access to Computational Science Center resources only. Click But if you connect to Netflix once the VPN is on, it is likely that both the requests and responses pass through the VPN and the corporate proxy to internet. 124, etc. Open the Settings app. But now am trying using Airtel 3 G data card, now I can able to connect VPN but unable to connect my remote servers. If that window was closed but you are still connected to the VPN, you can when you connect to the Server by its public IP address, the return packets get routed over the VPN. ,) will be assinged to the clients that connect to the server. You can filter VPN connection details with the grep command: grep -i vpn /var/log/syslog Under "System" > "Preferences" > "Network Connections" I can create PPTP VPNs. This tutorial will explain how to Connect to Windows VPN server (PPTP) with Ubuntu Gutsy. 10 Users: First of all, close the Terminal and click on the Network icon in the top right of the screen as shown below. Setup for VPN in Linux: Virtual Private Network (VPN). The user is connecting to the VPN using wifi but PocketCloud will not connect to the server machine. This name is just used on your computer to help you identify the VPN connection. The terminal emulator uses SSH to establish connectivity. For more information, try man nmcli. I am able to ping all devices on the network except the Terminal Server. If you have any questions or problems with instructions detailed here, please contact the IT Service Center at (806) 651-4357. If you are using Linux, there are a variety of tools that you can use depending on your distribution. 2 Start VPN over terminal in Linux 2018/10/02 03:22:29 0 If you have FortiClient installed on the Linux box and it's registered to EMS you'll be able to pickup the internal IP of the client from there. sudo /etc/init. g. connect to vpn using terminal
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+ Cisco 1941 series router configuration
Cisco 1941 series router configuration
cisco 1941 series router configuration 4(25c) with two WAN lines connected. Router> enable. For one option, you configure the entire 128-bit IPv6 address, and for the other, you just configure the 64-bit prefix and tell the device to use an EUI-64 calculation for the interface ID portion of the address. You will immediately be taken to the prompt. network 172. In ISR G2 series routers, line number 2 cannot be accessed since it has been used for the second core feature. PDF - Complete Book (1. Other routers, switches, and Cisco IOS versions http://www. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command. 1941W Series Routers; Product Description Qty List Price Extended Price; AMERICAS: C1941W-A-N-SEC/K9: Cisco 1941 Security Router, 802. If you’d like to know how check out my post on Creating Users on a Cisco Router. Let me show you the basic configuration of these routers so that you can recreate it if you want: HQ(config)# interface fastEthernet 0/0 HQ(config-if)# ip address 192. 0(2) (lanbasek9 image). Use a number 2 Phillips screwdriver and the screw supplied with the ground lug. The configuration of a console router is not overly complex. The general rules for resetting Cisco routers can be found at Reset Router to Default Configuration. 0. The same configuration applies for other router series models as well. 0 Publication Date December 22, 2015 Vendor and ST Author Cisco Systems, Inc. 255. The Cisco 1941 Series support the existing single wide EtherSwitch HWIC and the double wide HWIC-D modules, which greatly expand the router’s capabilities by integrating industry leading Layer 2 or Layer 3 switching. You can also setup Configure IPSec VPN With Dynamic IP in Cisco IOS Router. The Cisco 1941 has a factory option to add an 802. 11n Access Point Product Overview Cisco 890 Series Integrated Services Routers (ISRs) are fixed-configuration routers that provide collaborative business solutions for secure voice and data communications to enterprise small branch offices (Figure 2). Download Cisco 1941W Configuration Manual. 168. 168. Let’s say that we want to configure for the following scenario: Above you can see that R1 is connected to H1 on its FastEthernet 0/0 interface, it should use IP address 192. ISR 1900 Transition Guide Guide to Upgrade Your ISR G1 and ISR G2 Routers to ISR 4000 Want to Buy Order Now Get a Quote Why Router-switch. For this exercise I will be using a Cisco 871 series SOHO router with IOS ver. In this post, I will show steps to Configure Site to Site IPSec VPN Tunnel in Cisco IOS Router. In addition to the support of a wide range of wireless and wired connectivity options supported on Cisco 1941 Series, Cisco 1941W offers integration i have been trying to configure DHCP server on cisco 1941 router but with no success. 0, which translates to the range 192. Cisco 1921: Cisco 1900 Review Cisco 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers (ISR) are designed to meet the application demands of today's small branches and to evolve to cloud-based services. The 1900 Series allows you to connect via USB, however after installing the driver and trying to use Hyperterm to connect, I cannot seem to open a poret to do so. This is the cheapest router that will get you into the G2 series and can run all of the CCNA commands found in our CCNA Lab Workbook. Two Ways to Reset the Cisco Router Back to Factory Defaults There are two main ways to reset the Cisco router to its original factory defaults. Cisco 3900 Series, Cisco 2900 Series, and Cis co 1 900 Series Int egr ated S ervices Routers Generation 2 Software Configuration Guide Further, the 1941 router is rather more secure than the earlier version of the series. Then we need to generate a Self-Signed certificate and enable remote access on the VTY interfaces. 11a/b/g access We have 3 Cisco 1941 manuals available for free PDF download: Configuration Manual, Hardware Installation Manual, Installing And Upgrading Cisco 1941 Configuration Manual (408 pages) Cisco 3900 Series, Cisco 2900 Series, Cisco 1900 Series The attachment points are shown in Chassis Ground Connection on the Cisco 1905 and Cisco 1921 Routers and Chassis Ground Connection on the Cisco 1941 Router. 11n Wi-Fi interface – this platform becomes the Cisco 1941W. Configure Basic Router Settings (1. 168. Telnet to the router/switch prompt#telnet testrouter; Go to the enable mode by specifying the password: Router>enable Password: Router# Go into configuration mode: Router#configure terminal Different Types of Cisco Routers Cisco Small Business RV Series Routers Comparison between Cisco ISR G2 Routers The difference between several modes of Cisco routers Tagged with: Catalyst 2960,Cisco 1941,Cisco 2901 , catalyst 3750 , Catalyst Switch , Cisco 2960x switch For this example, we'll start off with the default configuration on a Cisco 2611 router running IOS 12. 4 software. Cisco 2911 Router. PDF 457. In addition, the platforms support the industries widest range of wired and wireless connectivity options such as T1/E1, xDSL, 3G, and GE. Description. Billion 9600-2400; Cisco 2921 Router but with would work with although untested work with any 800 Series and 1900 series of 2900 or 3900 Series or any other ISR or ASR Router . This Cisco 1941 series integrated services router offers embedded hardware encryption acceleration, optional firewall, intrusion prevention, and application services. 12. Basic Router Configuration. Currently, I have a Cisco 1941 router, with a VWIC3-2MFT-T1/E1 card installed in EHWIC 0 slot. Cisco 1941W is a true solution in terms of delivering pure security for your transmitted data, application as well as for security of your mobility over wired or especially designed wireless network whether it is at home or the network is prepared for your small office. 0 HQ(config-if)# exit HQ(config)# interface loopback0 HQ(config-if)# ip address 172. 168. In this edition of Cisco Routers and Switches, David Davis 1 x CISCO 1941/K9 1900 Series Integrated Services Gigabit Router 2U ipbasek9 Overview Cisco 1941 builds on the best-in-class offering of the existing Cisco 1841 Integrated Services Routers by offering 2 models -Cisco 1941 and Cisco 1941W. http://www. Quick Start Guide Cisco 800 Series Router Cabling and Setup Pre-owned, used and refurbished Cisco C1941W-E-N-SEC/K9 Positioned for high-performance security, the Cisco C1941W-E-N-SEC/K9 router offers five times the performance of the Cisco 1841. However, Cisco 1941 also cannot achieve anything by itself when treating the problems of remote network management, external dial modem access, and low-density WAN aggregation and so on. 0(1)M for Cisco 1900 Series, Cisco 2900 Series and Cisco 3900 Series routers: IP Base License of the Universal image. Password Recovery Procedure for the Cisco 1900 Integrated Services Router ; Troubleshooting Guides; Cisco 1941 Integrated Services Router; Using Thus, we only share some tips of Configuring Static Routes and dynamic routers with configuration examples and verification steps whenever possible. com Cisco has more than 200 offices worldwide. router-switch. In addition to the support of a wide range of wireless and wired connectivity options supported on Cisco 1941 Series, Cisco 1941W offers integration of IEEE 802. Cisco 1921/K9 Router. 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers. 30. The new platforms are architected to enable the next phase of branch-office evolution, providing rich media collaboration and virtualization to the branch while maximizing operational cost savings. Router# config t! define an IP address pool name and range Router(config)# ip dhcp pool LANPOOL! define a network range for the addresses that will be This tells the router to issue IP addresses for the network 192. The Cisco 1941 Integrated Services Router Series will support the EHWIC LAN modules when they become available in future. Cisco 1941 vs cisco 1921 cisco 1900 review 1. Cisco system are the best ones for small to medium sized business routing with a new line of integrated services routers that are optimized for the secure, wire speed delivery, voice and video services. In this example, I just enable and configure SSH on SW1 and trying to access it from PC1. 11n access point which is backwards compatible with IEEE 802. 0 HQ(config-if)# exit HQ(config)# ip route 192. David Davis has the details. 280 Series and 3800 Series routers: IP Base image. TTY lines are not static and line numbers can be changed in future when more Figure 1-3 shows the front panel of a Cisco 1941 wireless router and Figure 1-4 shows the LEDs of the Cisco 1941 router. – On PC –> go Cisco 1941 512/256 Router This router with the base license is the exact router for the CCNA 200-125 exam. In Cisco IOS router, this feature is available by default. com, and start enjoying the professional sales service for solving the switch troubleshooting. The SDM software is constantly being updated with new features, bringing it closer to the flexibility and power of the IOS command line - however, it does still have a long way to go :) Buy Cisco CISCO1921-SEC/K9 1921 Series Router: Routers but it refused to recognize or configure a T1 wic. 255. The new platforms are architected to enable the next phase of branch-office evolution, providing rich media collaboration and virtualization to the branch while maximizing operational cost savings The Integrated Services Router Generation 2 platforms are future-enabled with multi-core CPUs You may also refer to the Cisco page on Standard Break Key Sequence Combinations During Password Recovery. com/?p=35605 Cisco Systems Cisco 1941 Security Router Wireless router for $1622 + Shipping. Find step-by-step tech guides to configure Cisco 1941 Security Bundle w/SEC license PAK for your needs. 3 ST Title Cisco Integrated Services Router Generation 2 (ISR G2), Integrated Services Router 800 Series (ISR-800) and Connected Grid Router 2010 (CGR 2010) Series Security Target ST Version 1. So down the configuration. Here, I have a cisco Router 1941 and a PC with console cable to connect to router. The 1941 does not have a reset switch. 1941, 2901, 2911, Network Router Cisco Cisco 2900 series Installation Manual 226 pages. It runs IOS 155-3 and has two gigabit ports. 2. This series allows for off-site access by authorized users. 1941 Series Integrated Services Routers application BGP Cisco Configuration Cisco products Cloud Comparison Configuration Using quality of service (QoS) on Cisco network devices helps provide both bandwidth and priority to certain types of network traffic. It has been a long while since I have logged into a Cisco Router. Caution Power off the router and the power over Ethernet (PoE) before installing an EHWIC in the Cisco 1905 and Cisco 1921 ISRs. 255. Example 4-12 prepares a Cisco router to send syslog messages at facility local3. We are now going to test accessing to our router using an SSH client software on the PC, in this example we’re using PuTTY. 255. 10. Any idea, what can be the issue over here? Do i need to post my configuration? Regards. 1 as the destination and SSH as the connection type. The problem was is does not act as internet gateway. com focuses on original new ICT equipment of Cisco, Cisco 1941 builds on the best-in-class offering of the existing Cisco 1841 Integrated Services Routers by offering 2 models-Cisco 1941 and Cisco 1941W. • Minimum Cisco IOS Software Release 15. Then we need to generate a Self-Signed certificate and enable remote access on the VTY interfaces. For this setup we are using the following hardware. Cisco 1841 router belongs to the cisco 1800 series integrated services routers. pdf), Text File (. 3. (The configuration should be the same—or very similar—on all IOS-based routers). Environmental Operating Temperature 32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C) the Cisco 1941 router. 0 KB) See full list on networkstraining. com Page 1 Cisco 3900 Series, Cisco 2900 Series, and Cisco 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers Generation 2 Software Configuration Guide April 10, 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. Conventions. View and Download Cisco MWR 1941-DC user manual online. cheapohippo. com/cisco1941-k9-p-148. The syslog server is on a machine with an IP address of 192. I have configured a static NAT for Polycom HDX 7000 on a Cisco 1941 Router. There is a two-port WAN interface card, which enhances your ability to secure and connect devices. I have an ethernet cable coming from the IE0/0 port going to a s As one of the most popular Cisco ISR series router, Cisco 1941 is already chosen by many small & media enterprises. From here you can configure or monitor any aspect of your Cisco router. HOWEVER, I always do The Cisco 1941W router has wireless onboard but this isn’t just any ordinary “wireless” interface. Traffic like data, voice, video, etc. Cisco 800M Series ISR Software Configuration Guide. How to: Setup NBN FTTN on a Cisco Router – 2900 Series Cisco® 1941 builds on the best-in-class offering of the existing Cisco 1841 Integrated Services Routers by offering 2 models-Cisco 1941 and Cisco 1941W. Cisco 1841 router belongs to the cisco 1800 series integrated services routers. 881G ISR, Cisco 891 ISR, Cisco 1905 ISR, Cisco 1921 ISR, Cisco 1941 ISR, Cisco 2901 ISR, Cisco 2911 ISR, Cisco 2921 ISR, Cisco 2951 ISR, Cisco 3925 ISR, Cisco 3925E ISR, Cisco 3945 ISR, and Cisco 3945E ISR. 11a/b/g access points. This G2 series router adds voice expansion options over the 1941 that will allow it to be upgraded for voice with additional hardware. The standard option is the base license router. I have two T1 lines connected to it. If you want a wireless router, you can choose Cisco 1941W router. Guide to User Documents. Cisco CISCO1921-SEC/K9 1921 Series Router 4. 1. 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers. Download Software for Cisco 800 Series Routers >>Choose Version of Software – Link<< Cisco 800 Series Quick Start Manual. In addition to the support of a wide range of wireless and wired connectivity options supported on Cisco 1941 Series, Cisco 1941W offers integration of The configuration register can be used to change Cisco router behavior in several ways, such as: How the router boots (into ROM Monitor (ROMmon) or NetBoot). cisco router 1941 series manual installation and configuration - Free download as PDF File (. 10. I have a Cisco 1941 Router that has just two ports for Gigabit connection but wanted more so I got a four port Cisco EH-WIC Card and connected it to it. 323 and SIP are reachable. txt) or read online for free. 2(4)M3 (universalk9 image). There are two steps involved to configure local usernames. Hello, I am new to Cisco routers, and trying to figure out what is needed to complete my router setup. Cisco Integrated Services Routers 1941 Series Datasheet Cisco ISR 4451-X vs. For example, you can configure a username on the router with full privileges (privilege level 15) who can configure anything on the router, or you can configure a username with unprivileged access (privilege level 1) who can only see a few things on the router and nothing else. Cisco 890 Series Integrated Services Router with Integrated 802. can be securely transmitted through the VPN tunnel. I was suggested to user IP SLA with static routing and to check each to line when one goes down the other takes over. We will have to exclude the IP addresses we want later on. Figure 1-5 shows the back panel connectors on the Cisco 1941 router. What’s more, these configuration tips not only suitable for Cisco 1941, but also for integrated services routers (ISRs) including 1900 series, 2900 series, and Cisco 3900 series. This is quite easy on other cisco routers with fastethernet interfaces but i am having a problem with configuring DHCP on gigabitethernet interfaces on cisco 1941. 12. Configure SSH on Cisco Router or Switch – Technig. Router# config t! define an IP address pool name and range Router(config)# ip dhcp pool LANPOOL! define a network range for the addresses that will be I was disappointed to see that there was very limited support for switch configuration but encouraged by the number of router models available, from the basic 800 to the 4000 series. It runs IOS 155-3 and has two gigabit ports. This topic introduces basic IOS commands that are required to configure a router. 1. In addition to the support of a wide range of wireless and wired connectivity options supported on Cisco 1941 Series, Cisco 1941W offers integration of IEEE 802. The last day to order the affected product(s) is September 29, 2018. Now that we have an understanding of how SSH works and why we should use it instead of Telnet, the next step is actually getting down to configuring the device, which is always my favorite part. 255. Router Configuration for Syslog Every network has unique settings that must be configured on a router. The first thing you do with a new router or switch is connect to it with a console cable from your serial com port or using a USB adapter to the console port Please I need some help. The router and (virtual) access point are connected to each other by using a virtual gigabit interface. com 2 OVERVIEW Cisco® 1941 builds on the best-in-class offering of the existing Cisco 1841 Integrated Services Routers by offering 2 models - Cisco 1941 and Cisco 1941W. The steps to configure the console lines are shown in Table 1: In Cisco ISR G2 series routers, the TTY lines are incremented by 1 and start with line number3 instead of line number 2 in Cisco ISR G1 series routers. 11n access point which is First of all, you must purchase a new memory card. This work perfectly fine as DHCP server. Then, you can begin to install it. The last day to order the affected product(s) is September 29, 2018. 1 - 192. Refer to the Cisco Technical Tips Conventions for more information on document conventions. The same configuration applies for other router series models as well. default-router Cisco 1941 w basic configuration example 1. We specified the router loopback address 1. conf terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. Theses are all the commands you need to set up SSH on a Cisco router in it’s simplest form. They Cisco 1941 Integrated Wired Router, 2 Gigabit Ethernet Ports, 256MB Flash / 512MB DRAM, IP Base License, CISCO1941/K9 Cisco ISR4321/K9 4321 Router Cisco WS-C3560-48PS-S Catalyst 3560 48-port POE 802. Cisco 1941 Integrated Services Router build on 25 years of Cisco innovation and product leadership. com As a leading network hardware supplier, Router-switch. I cannot use the dns server ip given by ISP since we have our own DNS server. how to install a cisco router 1941 integrated services router and configure it Using this configuration guide you can configue any Ciso IOS router like Cisco 1800 series,1841, cisco 1905 k9, 1941 k9, cisco 2900 series, cisco 800 series, cisco 800 series, cisco 881-k9, cisco asr 1001-x router, cisco ios xrv 9000 etc I have a brand new 1941 router that is supposedly still running the cisco default login credentials (cisco/cisco) however I am getting login invalid. With this configuration, we’ve successfully Enable SSH on Cisco IOS Router. But i can not establish a call to the same IP address. Helpful. As you can see from our feedback rating, we go above and beyond to make our customers happy and are willing to take care of any issue you have in a speedy manner. This article will guide your through the steps to enable SNMP in Cisco Routers and Switches. There have only been 2 people in contact with this router, the sys admin and myself and the former insists he did not change the login credentials. Learn how to configure SSH on your Cisco router. Verification. How to remove the old one and install the new one? Read these steps: Installing and Removing DRAM UDIMMs Before you remove or install a DRAM UDIMM, remove the ch Cisco announced the end-of-sale and end-of-life dates for the Cisco 1941 and 1921 Integrated Services Routers. 3. The Cisco 1941W Integrated Services Router (ISR) delivers highly secure data, mobility, and application services. I have been trying to assign IP address to the port GigabitEtnernet 0/0/0 because I have a cable already connected to it whose device I want it facing the router directly because I dont want to SSH Router Configuration. Includes 24/7 tech support - setup, connectivity issues, troubleshooting and much more. Cisco 3900 Series, 2900 Series, and 1900 Series Software Configuration Guide ; Configuring Multicast Listener DiscoveryV2 (MLDV2) Snooping ; Troubleshooting. If you’d like to know how check out my post on Creating Users on a Cisco Router. Most IT pros know that using Telnet to manage routers, switches, and firewalls is not exactly a security best practice. Cisco 1941 Integrated Services Router build on 25 years of Cisco innovation and product leadership. 1 TOE Product Type The Cisco 800, 1900, 2900, 3900 Series Integrated Service Routers (ISR) are router Cisco 2921 is the integrated service router of the cisco 2900 series that carried the 25 years of cisco innovation and product leadership. 1 and a default password). Cisco 1941 router builds on the best-in-class offering of the existing Cisco 1841 Integrated Services Routers by offering 2 models-Cisco 1941 and Cisco 1941W. Le routeur Cisco 1841 supporte plus de 30 cartes Cisco 1941 or 1921 router 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers (ISR) are designed to meet the application demands of today's small branches and to evolve to cloud-based services. htmlFollowing the best way to reset Cisco 1941/Kp Router's Password freely. 0. You can configure the wireless LAN interface as a standalone access point or as a component of a unified wireless infrastructure. With Configuration Register 0x2102 value, the router boots from NVRAM and the normal router precedures works. Cisco IOS routers can be used to setup VPN tunnel between two sites. 07 MB) PDF - This Chapter (122. 255. 0 KB) View with Adobe Reader on a variety of devices. ISR 2900 vs. www. 3af Switch Cisco 2800 series of integrated services routers offers secure, wire speed delivery of concurrent data, voice and video services. There are two options for static configuration of IPv6 addresses on Cisco routers. The Cisco IOS can only read FAT-formatted flash Anyway, after a lot of research I ended up getting the 1941 + cisco ehwic-vdsl (for the vdsl connection) and it copes perfectly well. Cisco 2921 integrated service router delivers the high quality secure, application services, voice, and video for small workplaces. 255. How to reset Cisco Router 1941 to factory default? Cisco Router 1900 Series. 1. (Cisco routers new come with an IP address of like 10. The 4- and 9-port Cisco EtherSwitch 10100 high-speed WAN interface cards HWICs supported onthe Cisco 1800 modular1941, Cisco 28002900, and Cisco 38003900 series integrated services. 254. Cisco announced the end-of-sale and end-of-life dates for the Cisco 1941 and 1921 Integrated Services Routers. 1. when you forgot router password to login and you want to reset it password by keeping the old configuration file. At the prompt, type the following command to tell the router to skip the existing configuration on startup: confreg 0x2142 . 11n access point which is backwards compatible with IEEE 802. Cisco 1941 Router This is a step up from the 1921 router. In a single unit for Layer 2 and allows WAN connection at Layer 3 through the router. 1 First check the configuration register on the router by issuing the show version command. 1) Cisco routers and Cisco switches are a lot alike. R1> R1>enable R1#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. It’s enough to learn how to configure SSH on Cisco router. . 1. 3(8)T for 1841. 23. com Hardware Cisco 1905 ISR Cisco 1921 ISR Cisco 1941 ISR HI, What would you guys suggest to setup Cisco Router with dual WAN redundancy. Cisco 1941 vs. 11 a/b/g/n AP N/A Compliant (1) Cisco 1900 Series Integrated Services Router CISCO1941/K9 We strive to be one of the best top sellers on eBay and our motto is to treat our customers how we would want to be treated. Here is part of the configs. Cisco system are the best ones for small to medium sized business routing with a new line of integrated services routers that are optimized for the secure, wire speed delivery, voice and video services. 16. Since most Cisco (and other) equipment defaults to the same console settings (9600, 8, 1, Hardware) only some minor changes need to be added to ensure a good console experience. The configuration stored in NVRAM is the startup configuration. Theses are all the commands you need to set up SSH on a Cisco router in it’s simplest form. Enabling SNMP in Cisco Routers / Switches Summary. Router-on-a-stick configurations are extremely useful in environments where no layer-3 switch exists, providing Inter-VLAN routing services with a single router and one interface - cutting Download 1409 Cisco Network Router PDF manuals. They support a similar modal operating system, similar command structures, and many of the same commands. 0 (/24). Cisco 1941W Basic configuration. Lab – Configuring Basic Router Settings with IOS CLI Note: The routers used with CCNA hands-on labs are Cisco 1941 Integrated Services Routers (ISRs) with Cisco IOS Release 15. This article explained the use of router-on-a-stick configurations and showed how you can configure an 802. ip dhcp pool LAN. 1q trunk link between a Cisco switch and router. From: Cisco 1900 Series Integrated Services Router Hardware Installation Guide - Overview of Cisco 1900 Ser The Cisco 1905, Cisco 1921, Cisco 1941, Cisco 2901, Cisco 2911, and Cisco 2921 Integrated Services Routers (ISRs) are routing platforms that provides VPN functionality, as well as, SIP Gateway Signaling over TLS Transport. A little hint, you don't actually NEED the wic card as you can use the BT box and connect to the router via Ethernet. This router comes with the base license, but if you want to add security topics to your learning or want to move to CCNP, you can use the radio button to also add the permanent security license (which includes BOTH the base and security licenses). Password Recovery. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. Ive read a lot about how the Cisco 800 routers lack the resources to run data a 40Mbits/sec, and you can check it out yourself on the following pdf: Cisco router performance chart. configuration. It’s a complete access point that has to be configured separately from the router. Get a quote for CISCO1941-SEC/K9 by email: cisco@router-switch. So, what about Cisco 1941 VS 1941W? Product Description: Cisco 850 Series integrated services routers are fixed-configuration routers that support broadband cable and Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) over analog telephone lines connections in small offices (Figures 1 and 2). Cisco 1941W Basic configuration Cisco 1941W is a true solution in terms ofdelivering pure security for your transmitted data, application as well as for security of your mobility over wired or especially designed wireless network whether it is at home or the network is prepared for your small office. 0 255. This is our techs favorite router for CCNA studies. Once this step is over, you'll get your first real-time overview of your router. 254 and the subnet mask is 255. 1 255. Options while booting (ignore Actually, you can’t, because Cisco 1941 router is not a wireless router. Use the cisco 800 ISRs series for the excellent security and communication system of your small business and enhance your business productivity with the help of it. Also, the router will only send messages with a severity of warning or higher. Router> enable. MWR 1941-DC network router pdf manual download. I was task to configure our cisco router to act as internet gateway. First Method This method uses the config-register 0×2102 command in global configuration mode. Routers have an IP address on each interface that they have. Read more. 1. Learn more: EoS and EoL Announcement for the Cisco 1941 and 1921… In the following section I will show you how to configure a Cisco 851 or 871 router to work as DHCP server. cisco. 255. User manuals, Cisco Network Router Operating guides and Service manuals. My test here is on a Cisco 861 which has 5 ethernet ports, 1 assign as a WAN port and a 4 port switch. ISR 3900 vs. Configuration Register 0x2102 The default value of Config Register is 0x2102. Reset Router Using Reset Button – For routers with Reset buttons; Reset Router Using Router Commands – For routers without Reset buttons; If you need additional information or help to reset your router, try the reset steps in Reset Router to Factory Settings, see the Cisco support document Reset a Cisco Router to Factory Default Settings, refer to the documentation for your router model Cisco Console Router Configuration. 168. 1. Software Support Minimum Cisco IOS Software Release 12. 1941 Series Integrated Services Routers application BGP Cisco Configuration Cisco products Cloud Comparison Configuration ==How to reset password on Cisco Router 1941== ===== This video, I will show you how to reset password on Cisco Router 1941 series. I have Cisco 2821 IOS:12. In addition to the support of a wide range of wireless connectivity options supported on Cisco 1941W, Cisco 1941W offers integration of IEEE 802. 168. 1. Learn more: EoS and EoL Announcement for the Cisco 1941 and 1921… In the following section I will show you how to configure a Cisco 851 or 871 router to work as DHCP server. Powerful and secure, a new surplus or used C1941W-E-N-SEC/K9 was designed for Metro Ethernet, high-density switching, and integrated wireless solutions. Cisco CCNA 1921/K9 Router. 16. They provide the performance needed to run concurrent services, including firewall and encryption Cisco 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers Leading Cisco networking products distributor-3anetwork. The modular design of the cisco 2800 series routers provide maximum flexibility and allows you to configure your router to meet the evolving needs. I am able to ping a remote device from the Polycom and it says that H. 1. The Cisco 1941 two-port Gigabit Wireless N router (CISCO1941-SEC/K9) series offers network agility. The last day to order the affected product(s) is September 29, 2018. 99. Configuration Video Configuration Guides. Attention please, the most popular Cisco 1941 and 1921 routers have been announced end-of-sale and end-of-life one on April 2, 2018. Cisco can do better than this. The switches used are Cisco Catalyst 2960 with Cisco IOS Release 15. 168. Please provide additional infor Complete tear-down and overview of a Cisco 1941 ISR G2 series router, which are real good devices for small businesses and for being used at a branch office Router-switch. Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) is a technology that enables the usage of multiple routing table instance in a layer-3 device. configuration. conf terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. This article will show you the way to Configure VRF in Cisco IOS Router and allow the usage of overlapping address. 4 out of 5 stars 10. 1. 800 series routers don't support CF, but they do support USB flash. 1 255. Example 4-12. ePub - Complete Book (212. Many of the newer 800, 1800, 2800, and 3800 series routers support USB Flash. Chapter Title. It is also the exact router for the new CCNA Security 210-260 exam if you add the Security license to it. cisco 1941 series router configuration
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+ What I read in 2011
What I read in 2011
12/26 N. K. Jemisin, The Kingdom of Gods
The title evokes the phrase “kingdom of God” from Christian theology, but I don't see any particularly close connection there. Between the World Tree and the deaths of gods, Ragnarök and Götterdämmerung seem more relevant.
Make sure not to skip reading the glossary!
12/18 Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Wide Window
“It would be difficult for me to tell you what the moral of the story is. In some stories, it's easy. The moral of ‘The Three Bears,’ for instance, is ‘Never break into someone else's house.’ The moral of ‘Snow White’ is ‘Never eat apples.’ The moral of World War One is ‘Never assassinate Archduke Ferdinand.’ But Violet, Klaus and Sunny sat on the dock and watched the sun come up over Lake Lachrymose and wondered exactly what the moral was of their time with Aunt Josephine.”
12/15 Emanuel Derman, Models. Behaving. Badly.
Like me, Emanuel Derman is a former theoretical particle physicist. Unlike me, he went to Wall Street when he left physics. He was a “quant” at Goldman Sachs, where he worked on financial modeling, and in 2005 he published a book about his experience there.
The years between 2005 and today were eventful for Wall Street, and a lot of seemingly sophisticated financial modeling seems to have gone badly wrong. Perhaps there's something wrong about the whole activity — overly complicated financial constructs, and managers who took theoretical calculations too seriously and didn't understand how risky those constructs could be, seem to have had a lot to do with the housing and financial crisis that surfaced in 2006. Perhaps the managers just didn't understand what a model was, and what its limitations were.
This book is partly about finance, but only partly — that's about 50 pages out of a 200 page book. For the most part, it's the author explaining his distinction between a model and a theory. A theory, as he sees it, is a deep description of the principles of the world; it “tells you what something is.” To illustrate what he means by a model, he uses the metaphor of a model airplane, and he sees models as essentially metaphorical: they may help to predict the future, but they provide no real insight and their results should always be distrusted: they “tell you merely what something is like.”
That “merely” is important. The distinction between “model” and “theory” isn't a neutral one; Derman clearly sees models as an inferior form of description, and I think it's even fair to say that he uses the word as a perjorative. He calls something a model not just when it is strictly speaking constructed as a metaphor, but whenever it's based on a simplifying hypothesis or when he wants to convey that he doesn't trust its predictions. Occasionally he has to use slightly unconventional terminology for that: he can't get around the fact that particle physicists call their current best description of nature the “Standard Model,” but he is at pains to point out that it's what he calls a theory. Conversely, what everyone else calls the “Efficient Market Hypothesis,” he instead calls the “Efficient Market Model.”
I found this binary opposition frustrating. There are real distinctions to be made, but I don't think they're as simple as he does. I think Derman would see this as essentially a book about philosophy, but I also don't have the sense that he's read much philosophy of science. And you don't have to have read much philosophy of science to find a comment like “Laws are not contingent. They describe the way the universe works, unconditionally” a little naïve. Whether you're a Kuhnian or a Popperian or a Rortian or a logical positivist, the relationship between science and nature is more complicated than that. How could he say something like that just one sentence before mentioning Newton? Yes, I, like most people with a physics education, agree that there's some important sense in which Newton's laws of motion are true, but we've known for more than a century that they are not a perfectly accurate description of planetary motion, and if you're looking for today's best mathematical description of what gravity truly is, rather than just a way of getting accurate predictions in the low energy domain, it's not the inverse square law (or any power law in flat space-time) that you'll turn to.
And what should we make of what he calls models? I'm not convinced that it's a coherent category. Model airplanes, climate models, the Black-Sholes model of options pricing, the Bohr-Mottelson collective model of nuclear structure, the IS/LM model of macroeconomics, the Turing Machine in theoretical computer science, the Standard Solar Model… I don't think they have much to do with each other. Some of these models are truly metaphors, some are gedankenexperiments (a simple model can be a very useful way of illustrating that a particular effect is or isn't important), some are just calculational tools.
It's the last category, in particular, that makes me think that Derman is wrong in drawing as sharp a distinction as he does. Climate models, for example, are based on perfectly well understood physics, thermodynamics and fluid dynamics. They're a use of finite element analysis, just like aeronautical engineers use, because we can't get exact analytic solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations with complicated boundary conditions. Is the use of an approximation technique all it takes to make the qualitative transition from a theory to a mere model? If so, there's not much left. Derman is right that quantum electrodynamics has made some astonishingly precise predictions, but he neglects to point out that those predictions all come from the approximation technique of perturbation theory, and that perturbative quantum field theory is on much shakier theoretical grounds than numerical solution of partial differential equations. Derman is contemptuous of theoretical finance for having a “Fundamental Theorem of Finance” that involves compact sets and topological vector spaces, contrasting it with physics: “Physics is concerned with the world about us. The world may or may not have laws, but it cannot have theorems.” But he's just wrong about that. There may well be good reasons to have contempt for theoretical finance, but the existence of theorems isn't one of them. As a former theoretical physicist, surely Derman is familiar with Noether's Theorem, the Spin-Statistics Theorem, and the CPT Theorem. They're all quite fundamental to theoretical particle physics.
I wanted to like this book more than I did. I wanted to see an explanation of why smart people on Wall Street could have been so badly wrong, and I thought that an ex-physicist could have explained it in language that I would have understood. The problem with this book was basically philosophical. Most scientists don't know much about philosophy of science, and that's perfectly normal and understandable. But scientists who write books about philosophy need to know more.
11/27 Jacques Tardi, It Was the War of the Trenches (tr. Kim Thompson)
Not a graphic novel, because it isn't a novel, but it is a graphic story in both senses. It also isn't World War I history; it's a “non-chronological sequence of situations,” some scenes from the lives and deaths of ordinary French soldiers.
11/27 Barbara Hambly, Search the Seven Hills (a.k.a. The Quirinal Affair)
A mystery story set in Rome in the time of Trajan, in the year that we would now call 116 AD (although nobody at the time would have called it that). The story begins when a young woman is violently kidnapped. There is evidence, the main character learns to his horror, that the kidnappers were the Christians — a proscribed and secretive cult that's rumored to practice sexual abominations and cannibalism and human sacrifice.
The mystery ends up being fairly straightforward, actually, once we meet all of the relevant characters. What makes this book interesting is its portrayal of a world that's very familiar in some ways, because it's an ancestor of our own culture, but very alien in others. For that most part it does so successfully. My only real complaint is that the main character sometimes seemed too modern; he sometimes seemed to react the way one of us would react when encountering casual cruelties that I would think he would have seen differently.
11/22 Jane Austen, Lady Susan
Chronologically it's not quite juvenilia and also not quite one of Austen's mature novels. It may have been written in the mid 1790s, around the time when she wrote the first drafts of what later became Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility, but some time before her first novel (Mansfield Park) was published.
It's not much like her six major novels. It's much shorter — novella length, really. It's an epistolary story. The main character is an antihero. There are some traces of Austen's wit (“My dear Alicia, of what a mistake were you guilty in marrying a man of his age! just old enough to be formal, ungovernable, and to have the gout; too old to be agreeable, too young to die.”), but not like in her major works. Perhaps that's because the epistolary form minimizes both dialogue and the authorial voice.
Definitely worth reading if you're a Jane Austen completist (and if you aren't an Austen completist you should be), but not a neglected masterpiece.
11/19 Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Reptile Room
The reptiles are the happy part of the book.
11/16 Laura Ingalls Wilder, Farmer Boy
Most of the series is about the author's childhood. This one is about her husband's.
Almanzo Wilder was the son of a prosperous Upstate New York farmer. The Wilders were certainly far more self sufficient than your average 21st century city dweller (Almanzo's father says that “If you're a farmer, you raise what you eat, you raise what you wear, and you keep warm with wood out of your own timber.”), but their life was very different from that of the Ingalls's in Little House in the Big Woods. The Wilders were a solid part of a cash economy; they sold potatoes and horses for the New York City market, they rented a shed at the church stables, they went to county fairs, they sent their children to the town Academy. This isn't a book about the frontier.
11/13 Robert Graves, Good-bye to All That (second edition, with a prologue and an epilogue)
Nowadays I think that Robert Graves is best known for I, Claudius, at least here in the US. Graves himself seems to have cared more about his poetry than about any of his prose works. Good-bye to All That, though, is the book that made him rich and famous. Or at least that made him financially secure enough that the money worries in the latter part of this book went away, enabling him to live comfortably as an expatriate in Majorca.
If Paul Fussell is to be believed, this book was deliberately written to be a best-seller. It's Graves's War memoir, published in 1929. It begins before the War but the shadow is always there, as when he mentions the farmhouse where “my cousin Wilhelm—later shot down in an air battle by a school-fellow of mine—used to lie for hours picking off mice with an air-gun.” Parts of it are undoubtedly fictionalized; it was written to be a good story, and it is a good story.
Parts of the story seemed very familiar. That's true in some details (Pat Barker's story about Siegfried Sassoon and W. H. R. Rivers in Regeneration must have been based at least in part on Graves's version), and it's also true in the overall tone: the deadly futility of trench warfare, the callous stupidity of the high command who ordered pointless attacks that wiped out whole battalions, the civilian world filled with jingoistic bombast written by people who didn't understand and didn't want to understand what was happening in France. It's familiar, I think, largely because of this book: even if you haven't read Good-bye to All That, you've undoubtedly read many books that were influenced by it.
10/30 Robert Goddard, Caught in the Light
A photographer on assignment in Vienna suddenly falls for a stranger he meets there. He agrees to leave his wife and she her husband, and they arrange a rendezvous. She doesn't show up. At that point the mystery begins — a double mystery, one part of which involves events from the first half of the 19th century.
The title refers to photography. The three sections of the book are called “Composition,” “Exposure,” and “Development.” At least one of the mysteries is about photography. Within the first few pages the main character talks about seeing light reflected from surfaces. As he learns, surfaces can be deceptive.
This is the first Goddard book I've read. I'll have to read more.
10/25 Vernor Vinge, The Children of the Sky
“The long-awaited sequel to the Hugo Award-winning bestseller A Fire Upon the Deep,” says the front cover. It's true. It's a direct sequel, set a few years after the end of A Fire Upon the Deep. (A Deepness in the Sky is not a sequel. It's set in the same universe, but in a very different place and in the very distant past.)
The best part of this book is the aliens: the Tines, pack animals that form group minds. The worst part is the human villain. I think that's a general weakness of Vinge's. His villains are too monochromatic, evil in too many different ways. It makes sense for the Blight to be a nightmare of destruction with nothing redeeming about it, since one of the key premises is that the Blight is beyond the comprehension of humans or anything that humans can talk to, but it makes less sense for an actual character.
The whole idea of a sequel to A Fire Upon the Deep seemed odd to me when I first heard about it. Given the way that book ended, I didn't see how there could be a direct sequel. It partly depends on how you interpret the end of A Fire Upon the Deep, though, and one of the key plot points of The Children of the Sky is that there's intense disagreement about what actually happened and what it meant. One character described it as a religious dispute, which is arguably a fair description in a couple of ways. The disagreement is bitterer than one might expect just from the factions' stated goals; it shouldn't have much effect on short term policy. But that's believable, because what's really at stake is accepting a truth that requires giving up something important to your identity — in this case, accepting that people you cared deeply about made a horrible mistake with disastrous consequences.
Even Ravna Bergsndot, the main character of both books, doesn't interpret the events at the end of A Fire Upon the Deep the same way I did. I'm not sure whether we, the readers, are supposed to accept her assumptions. There are some hints that we are, but this is clearly the middle book of a trilogy. There are many guns hanging on the wall in this book, some of which go off by the end of the book and some of which don't.
10/15 Ryan Avent, The Gated City
The Gated City is an argument that restrictions on development, such as height limits and low-density zoning, are a major drag on the economy. The underlying logic is pretty simple. Productive innovation comes from cities, and not just any cities — it's the ones that happen to be important centers of the most productive sectors of the moment. Back in the early 20th century, the cities with important and rapidly growing industries grew in population. Nowadays, though, that doesn't happen: in the first decade of the 21th century, Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties hardly gained any population, and in the late 20th century tech boom those counties actually lost population. For the last three decades the US has seen a net migration from the most productive cities to the least productive ones. And it's not too hard to find a pretty obvious reason for that migration. Anyone who has priced houses in Palo Alto (where I live now) and Pittsburgh (where I was born) knows it: housing costs. High prices are normally supposed to be a signal of high demand, which is supposed to be an incentive to increase supply, but legal restrictions make it impossible to add housing in those cities where there's such high demand for it.
What should we do about this? Mostly, the book argues, we should just stop doing things that hurt us. We should stop making it illegal to build more housing and to build dense, walkable neighborhoods. If we don't eliminate lot size and height restrictions and other laws that make it hard for people to build on their own property, we should at least relax them.
Ryan Avent writes on the Internet, and there are a lot of Internet folks who call themselves libertarians, so he was quite explicit about how libertarian-friendly his argument was: he isn't proposing any new government programs to increase urban density, he isn't trying to force everyone (or anyone) to live in cities, but is instead arguing that we should stop making it illegal to build dense neighborhoods, that we should reduce regulations about what people are allowed to do with their property. I'm not a libertarian, so I didn't care terribly much about that part. (Except to the extent that everyone, regardless of ideology, thinks that you shouldn't make something illegal without a good reason.) I suspect, actually, that nobody will care much about it. I suspect that most Internet-libertarians have an aesthetic preference for low suburbia and car culture, and that in practice they won't care much about the niceties of distinguishing between starting a government program to increase density, and ending government regulations that enforce sprawl. I hope to be proved wrong.
10/13 Laura Ingalls Wilder, Little House in the Big Woods
“Once upon a time, sixty years ago, a little girl lived in the Big Woods of Wisconsin, in a little gray house made of logs.
“The great, dark trees of the Big Woods stood all around the house, and beyond them were other trees and beyond them were more trees. As far as a man could go to the north in a day, or a week, or a whole month, there was nothing but woods. There were no houses. There were no people. There were only trees and the wild animals who had their homes among them.”
More like 140 years ago, now. The way of life in these books was long gone when they were written, and by now it's quite alien. What's fascinating is reading the minute step-by-step details of that life: how you make bullets, how you thresh grain, how you make cheese, what going to a store was like.
I don't think I ever read the whole series as a kid. I know I read (or perhaps had read to me) at least two, because I remember scenes from them. Now we're reading them to Alice.
10/9 Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son
Back when I was in high school, one of my friends said that Dombey and Son was his favorite Dickens novel. An idiosyncratic choice! It's not one of Dickens's most famous books. Not sure what I'd say my favorite is; Dickens wrote a lot of books, and there are still many that I haven't read.
There are, as I count it, four characters in Dombey and Son who are destroyed by their pride. Multiple kinds of pride: the arrogance of power, the resentment of others' power, an exaggerated sense of one's own worth. Most of those characters are sympathetic at least in part: “it would do us no harm to remember oftener than we do, that vices are sometimes only virtues carried to excess!” Some of the characters are merely ridiculous, some are admirable in a tragic way, some are truly monstrous. (Which, in this book, sometimes means treachery but mostly means cruelty toward people you ought to love.)
As with most Dickens books, one of the strengths of Dombey and Son is its minor chraracters. They have a way of not staying minor, of being memorable in their own right, even if they aren't central to the plot. Another strength is the book's description of unselfish and disinterested love. Some of the characters are almost too good to be believable, but only almost. Good people exist.
This is a long book with many characters, many coincidences, many plot twists. I expected one more surprise revelation that didn't happen, even though (I thought) there were hints to set it up early on. Possibly I just imagined those hints or possibly, since Dickens was writing this as a serial, he didn't know at the beginning exactly where he would take the story and he inserted many hints for many possible directions.
9/24 Kristine Kathryn Rusch, City of Ruins
Sequel to Diving into the Wreck. Essentially an expansion of the novella “Becoming One With The Ghosts,” published last year in Asimov's. This time I thought the novel worked better than the shorter version; it feels like a complete story, not a fragment.
9/22 Anita Loos, But Gentlemen Marry Brunettes
The further adventures of Lorelei Lee and Dorothy Shaw.
9/19 Anita Loos, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
The characters of Lorelei Lee and Dorothy Shaw are recognizably the same in the novel as in the Marilyn Monroe movie; so are some of the scenarios (yes, there's a diamond tiara!), and even some of the dialogue. (“kissing your hand may make you feel very very good but a diamond and safire [sic] bracelet lasts forever” turned into “A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, / But diamonds are a girl's best friend.”) That's unsurprising. Anita Loos was adapting her own work; she co-authored the musical that the movie was based on, and by that point she had worked for many years as a screenwriter.
Also unsurprisingly, the book is more complicated and meaner than the movie. It's written as the diary of Lorelei Lee, who is an unreliable narrator and an unreliable speller. Her account of her visit to “Dr. Froyd” is hysterical.
The book is entertaining, and so is the history of the book: the sketch that eventually turned into Gentlemen Prefer Blondes was originally a private joke, Loos poking fun at her friend H. L. Mencken's love life. But Mencken was able to laugh at himself, and he's one of the people who encouraged her to publish.
9/16 Herman Melville, The Confidence-Man
Not at all what I had expected from the title, and not at all like Moby-Dick. It hardly even seems like a novel; it's a series of sketches set aboard a Mississippi riverboat, some loosely connected to each other by common characters, others even more loosely connected by a common theme of “confidence,” or trust. Many of the sketches, not all, involve what we'd think of today as scammers or con men, but usually lacked a definite resolution. I'm not sure I understood the book. Some of the individual sketches were memorable and wonderful, but I don't think I understood the overall shape of the book.
9/9 Duncan Watts, Everything is Obvious (Once You Know the Answer)
This book is essentially an explanation of what sociology is, and why it matters, for the Internet age. Can social science ever tell us anything interesting? Doesn't it just confirm what we already know from common sense? Well, no.
What does it mean to understand something? One definition of understanding something is that you can tell yourself a satisfactory story that makes it make sense. A different definition is that you understand something if you can make predictions about it. Neither definition is completely satisfactory, but the idea of understanding as narrative make it particularly easy for you to fool yourself into thinking you understand a phenomenon when you really don't. You can usually tell a story to explain any possible outcome, which suggests that this mode has limited value. “It is this difference between making sense of behavior and predicting it that is responsible for many of the failures of commonsense reasoning.”
A big chunk of this book is devoted to cognitive biases, since those biases are responsible for most of us thinking that the world is simpler than it really is, that actual experiments about the behavior of people in groups are redundant. You may already be convinced of that; I was. Something I hadn't quite appreciated, though, was how the Internet has enabled psychological end sociological experiments that would have been completely impractical even in the recent past. Milgram's 1967 “six degress of separation” experiment has now been repeated on a scale orders of magnitude larger; Amazon's Mechanical Turk enables new kinds of experiments. We're living in a golden age for some kinds of science.
9/5 Mark Twain, Roughing It
The memoirs of Twain's time in the American west, 1861 – 1867. I read this book once before, a long time ago — probably before I'd ever seen Mono Lake, or San Francisco, or any of the other places Mark Twain wrote about in Roughing It. I picked it up this time when I was in Calaveras County, where part of the book takes place. (You can visit the “Mark Twain cabin” in Tuolumne, near Sonora.)
This is an early book, and it's a mixed bag. It covers a large territory, both figuratively and literally. Parts of it take place in San Francisco, parts in Hawaii, parts in the California gold country, parts in Utah (there are several appendices about Mormons). There's also a long section about the stagecoach journey that took Twain and his brother west. (Not an easy journey!) The bulk of the book, though, and the most memorable part, is about Twain's time living in Nevada in the middle of the silver mining boom. And an awful lot of the book is about money — about a world awash in easy money, about not having money, about making a fortune on paper and losing it by carelessness. (Twain lost fortunes later in life too.)
Roughing It, like much Twain, is a mixture of truth, fiction, and exaggeration. It's not always easy to tell which is which. The stories of flush times in Virginia City are all believable, though, because I saw them in Silicon Valley in the late 20th century. I guess a bubble is a bubble. “Every one of these wild cat mines — not mines, but holes in the ground over imaginary mines — was incorporated and had handsomely engraved ‘stock’ and the stock was salable, too. It was bought and sold with a feverish avidity in the boards every day. You could go up on the mountain side, scratch around and find a ledge (there was no lack of them), put up a ‘notice’ with a grandiloquent name in it, start a shaft, get your stock printed, and with nothing whatever to prove that your mine was worth a straw, you could put your stock on the market and sell out for hundreds and even thousands of dollars. To make money, and make it fast, was as easy as it was to eat your dinner.”
A rather violent science fiction story, set in a world that has been at war for many years. The war is in part a religious conflict, and religion is important to many of the characters, but, despite the title, I didn't see that as the central concern of the book. It has a noirish sensibility, with no really sympathetic characters.
8/8 Robert van Gulik, The Red Pavilion
A Judge Dee story, which includes, among other things, a locked room mystery. This is unlike the others I've read, partly because Judge Dee is travelling rather than presiding in his own provincial court and partly because the book is a single case rather than a number of loosely linked cases.
A standalone novel; no Bertie Wooster or Psmith or Lord Emsworth or any of Wodehouse's other continuing characters. Unmistakably Wodehouse, though.
8/2 Sylvia Neely, A Concise History of the French Revolution
In 1774, when Louis XVI became king, France had a severe debt problem — partly because of an antiquated revenue system and partly because it was still trying to pay off expenses from the Seven Years' War that ended (in defeat) ten years earlier. In the latter half of the decade France became involved in another war against Britain. This time France won, and Britain lost a large chunk of its American colonies, but France didn't get anything from the victory but revenge. France was paying for a large army, and a large navy, and subsidies for the new United States. Worse, the French government chose to finance its war through borrowing instead of through taxes.
By the mid 1780s it was clear that major changes were necessary, and in particular that the country couldn't survive without more revenue, but the political structures of the ancien régime lacked the legitimacy to make those changes and entrenched interests were able to block reform. The king convened the Estates-General in the hope that they would be able to find a political solution that his government failed to find. That ended badly for the monarchy. Most of the delegates didn't initially intend a radical transformation of the social order, but events led to greater radicalization. When an old system collapses, the outcome is inherently unpredictable.
This book is probably the best introduction to the French Revolution that I've seen yet. It is indeed concise, but it goes all the way through Napoleon's rise to power and it doesn't feel at all sketchy.
8/1 Agatha Christie, The Big Four
I picked up a random Hercule Poirot novel because we recently watched an episode of 30 Rock that was structured around Murder on the Orient Express. I don't think I'd ever read The Big Four before, even in my voracious Christie phase in high school. It's a very peculiar book: more like a thriller than like a puzzle novel where the detective puts together the clues. It was an early novel: published in 1927, Christie's seventh novel and her fourth Poirot book. Perhaps she intended it to be the last Poirot book; I'm sure she didn't realize that she was going to spend the next half century living with the little Belgian detective.
7/25 Robert Charles Wilson, Vortex
Sequel to Spin and Axis. I found Spin stunningly good, and Axis disappointing. Vortex is somewhere in between: not quite up to the level of Spin, but that would be a tough act to follow. Well worth reading. And yes, I'm pretty sure this is the last of these books.
7/24 Debra Satz, Why Some Things Should Not Be for Sale: The Moral Limits of Markets
Is economics a normative discipline or a descriptive one? Most economists, I imagine, would say the latter: it's a descriptive science, not a branch of philosophy. In practice, that distinction doesn't always seem so sharp. It's easy to take efficiency or utility or Pareto-optimality (a very weak condition) as normative goals. And as usual, it's hard to have a sophisticated analysis of something without explicitly acknowledging that you're doing it.
Political œconomy, in its 18th century origin, was not so limited. It recognized heterogeneity; different kinds of markets had different functions in society and had different practical and ethical implications. It was tied in with theories of human nature. It was explicitly concerned with the struggle against feudalism.
This book was written by a philosopher, not an economist. I didn't get much out of the author's four-part test for “noxious markets,” mostly because I don't think it added anything to the discussions of specific cases, but her discussion of the history and limitations of economic reasoning, including the limitations of externalities and Pareto-optimality, were valuable. It's useful to remember that markets aren't just the product of choices, but also constrain the universe of future choices. Even if an individual transaction improves two people's welfare, it does not necessarily follow that a world in which millions of people make such a transaction is better than a world in which they don't.
7/24 Edgar Wallace, The Clue of the Twisted Candle
I was vaguely familiar with Edgar Wallace as a mystery writer, but I don't think I'd actually read anything of his. (Although I had seen some of his work, sort of: he wrote the first version of the screenplay for King Kong.) He wrote an enormous number of books, and was once extremely popular. I don't know how widely read he is now, or which of his books are now best known. The Clue of the Twisted Candle has the most downloads from Gutenberg, for whatever that's worth.
This was a fun book, and I'll have to read more of his work. There is eventually a mystery (in the sense of a crime whose perpetrator is unknown to the police and the reader), a locked-room mystery no less, but the overall shape of the book wasn't what I had predicted. It didn't end up being about what I had thought it would be.
7/16 Beth Revis, Across the Universe
Oh dear. What happens when a spaceship's engines start to fail during a trip? The spaceship slows down, and if the engines fail completely then the ship stops, right? Uh, no. I'm not one to think that a science fiction book needs to be written with sliderule in hand, and that you need to justify every line of a story with pages of orbital mechanics calculation, but really, we've known about Newtonian mechanics since, well, Newton. This should just be automatic.
7/13 Charles Stross, Rule 34
Rule 34 of the Internet (ObXKCD): If you can imagine it, there is porn of it. Rule 34, the novel, is a near future crime novel set in Scotland some time in the 2020s or 2030s. It's a sequel to Halting State, with some characters in common, but the connection isn't very important.
A lot of science fiction is built around speculation about the possible societal implications of new technologies. Charlie Stross is one of the few writers who does that with the technologies of financial and business models. What would organized crime look like if it used more modern organizational principles? What kinds of models does the Net make possible? (Sure, I know about botnets and DDOS and spear phishing. So does he. That's just the beginning.)
Not the first time I've read the Republic, but the first time in a long while.
People often talk about the Republic as a Utopian book about an ideal society. That's not completely false, but it is misleading; that's not the real point of the book. It begins when Socrates is asked a dual question: what is morality (or “justice,” as it's more commonly rendered, but Waterfield prefers to consistently translate διχαιοσυνη as “morality”), and why is it better to be moral than to be immoral? Thinking about an imagined community is intended to clarify those question. It's introduced with the famous simile of the letters: if you're trying to understand something complicated then it's best to start looking at it in larger form than in smaller form, just as it's easier to understand a difficult text if it's written in larger letters. So by understanding morality in the context of a community we can understand individual morality better, for two reasons. First, we can see social morality, and second, we can use a community (in several different ways) as a metaphor for the different part of an individual human mind.
The most straightforward reading is that Plato intends the community to be taken as both metaphorical and real: he intends us to be taking all of the proposed social arrangements as commentary on how an individual's mind should be ordered internally, with the three classes reflecting what Plato believed to be the three parts of a mind, but he also intends to be presenting a better way of living, one that is possible in principle and that we should take as a measure of real communities even if the chance that it could be established in reality is slim. (There is some uncertainty about that reading, though. Before the enormously detailed discussion of a community with guardians and auxiliaries, we saw a simpler community. Glaucon thought that first community was more fit for pigs than for humans, but Socrates initially said the first community was better than the second. Is there some irony in the question of what kind of community is truly best?)
And the metaphorical view of the ideal community ends up answering the original question, by turning it around in an interesting way. The original questioners, even the cynical Thrasymachus, assumed that morality was a matter of what you did. What kinds of actions are moral and immoral? That's certainly a common assumption today; it's something that utilitarians and Kantians have in common. Socrates, instead, answered it in terms of what kind of person you are. What kind of person is moral and immoral, and which kind, if you distinguish adequately between real and illusory pleasures, is truly happier? I don't believe in Plato's tripartite psychology (why always threes?), but something along these lines does seem right.
Republic is long and discursive, and a big chunk of it has to do with the distinction between the real and the illusory. Plato never gave a full and straightforward explanation of his theory of forms (or of “types”, as Waterfield prefers to translate ειδος and ιδεα), but this where we see one of the most complete accounts. In particular, this is where we see the allegory of the cave. I'm not at all sure I understand platonic metaphysics, but I'm also not sure anyone does.
6/26 Father Owen Lee, Wagner's Ring: Turning the Sky Round
I'm studying for next week's Ring at San Francisco Opera. This is a very brief introduction, but with real depth.
6/11 John Scalzi, Fuzzy Nation
Not a sequel to H. Beam Piper's Little Fuzzy, but a reimagining. I can't think offhand of any other novel I've read that does this sort of thing. It's the same general situation as Little Fuzzy and the same general plot, and some (not all) characters have the same names, but the personalities and relationships and sensibilities are Scalzi's, not Piper's. It's fascinating to see what two different authors did with the same starting point.
6/7 Diana Wynne Jones, House of Many Ways
Sequel to Howl's Moving Castle. Not nearly as funny, but still worth reading.
6/5 Hilary Mantel, A Place of Greater Safety
A historical novel about the French Revolution — the sort of book that blurs the boundaries between fiction and history. All of the characters who are of any importance are real people, for the most part very famous people. The three main characters are Maximillien de Robespierre (he later dropped the “de”), George-Jacques Danton (or “d'Anton”, as he supposedly styled himself as a young lawyer), and Camille Desmoulins. Danton is the largest and most complicated character and Robespierre is, oddly, probably the most sympathetic. It's hard not to feel sorry for him.
From the author's forward: “The reader may ask how to tell fact from fiction. A rough guide: anything that seems particularly unlikely is probably true.”
6/3 Mary Roach, Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex
Some of the funniest segments in Stiff and Spook involved sex. This book is about sex research. As with her first two books, it's both entertaining and informative — often in ways one might not expect. The digressions are some of the best parts.
5/30 Ursula K. Le Guin, The Birthday of the World and Other Stories
I read this in the context of a discussion of generation ships; someone recommended that I read one of the stories in this collection, “Paradises Lost.” It's a very good and moving story, and it does new things with the generation ship setting. It was first published in this collection, and it would be worth buying this collection for “Paradises Lost” alone. Of course, it would also be worth buying this collection for “The Matter of Seggri” alone, or for “Mountain Ways” alone. The number of important and memorable stories in this collection is impressive.
5/26 Samuel R. Delany, The Ballad of Beta-2
In a way an old fashioned sort of science fiction book. The main character learns of a historical puzzle, and most of the book involves him finding the solution. In this case the puzzle is the meaning of a song, “The Ballad of Beta-2.” His initial reaction is that the song doesn't seem to be about anything. By the end, having learned the vocabulary and having learned the full story, he marvels at how clear and straightforward the song is. It's a similar experience for the reader.
5/16 Jack Campbell, The Lost Fleet: Victorious
In which some but not all mysteries are resolved.
5/15 Jack Campbell, The Lost Fleet: Relentless
5/15 Jack Campbell, The Lost Fleet: Valiant
5/14 Jack Campbell, The Lost Fleet: Courageous
Lots of military science fiction is obviously inspired by the naval part of the Napoleonic Wars. This series seems instead to be inspired by Anabasis. I really need to get around to reading Xenophon.
5/9 Jack Campbell, The Lost Fleet: Fearless
5/7 Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovator's Dilemma
This is the first time I've read this book, but I've heard so much about it over the years that it sometimes felt as if I'd read it already. It's the book that everyone was reading back when I was working at SGI.
The Innovator's Dilemma is about how good companies that are leaders in their fields, run by managers who make correct decisions, can fail. It distinguishes between sustaining and disruptive technological innovations. A disruptive technology isn't necessarily a radical technological innovation, and a radical technological change isn't necessarily disruptive — some of the examples in this book are mundane things like smaller form factors for disk drives, or a light lower-powered motorcycle, or a different business model for retail stores. The characteristic of a disruptive innovation is that in some important way it's worse than the previous technology; it's something that leading companies' customers don't want. It can't be sold into existing mainstream markets, but only into new ones, usually smaller and less profitable ones that involve lower margins and cost structures. Since the markets are different, the innovation doesn't even seem like a competitor. But it's easier to move up-market than down. By the time the established companies see a disruptive innovation as a competitor, it's often too late.
SGI — Silicon Graphics — is mentioned once in this book: one of the newcomers who manufactured engineering workstations that the established minicomputer companies didn't see coming. Nowadays, I imagine, someone who was writing a book about disruptive innovation in the computer industry would point to SGI as a classic victim of the process. What's extraordinary is that SGI failed with its eyes open. Management there, and even ordinary engineers, all read this book and all understood the kinds of threats that the company was facing. Knowledge wasn't enough. Responding to a disruptive innovation basically means turning your company into something else. That's very hard.
5/6 Jack Campbell, The Lost Fleet: Dauntless
A main character from the past, someone who is already the subject of legend and who has important insights into the present day, is a surprisingly common pattern. In a sense it's already there in the Odyssey.
The Lost Fleet: Dauntless is military science fiction, the first book in a series. The main character comes from the early years of a war that has now been going on for almost a century, a ghastly thought. It's well done. I'll have to read the rest of the books.
4/20 Donald Shoup, The High Cost of Free Parking
Cars are parked about 95% of the time, and in about 99% of trips they park for free. (The latter figure varies between metropolitan areas. In the Bay Area it's only 98%.) But, of course, we live in a society where things are owned and cost money. Someone owns those parking spaces, and someone ultimately pays. Who? Are we distributing those costs in a way that's fair, or efficient in the economists' sense, or good for society? Almost certainly not.
Parking spaces are heavily regulated, usually by local zoning regulations, and they're an extremely important and expensive part of those regulations. If a business is required to supply 4 parking spaces per 1000 square feet (this is a typical requirement, although the details vary wildly depending on the type of business), then that means more land devoted to parking than to the business itself. In a city with high land values, like Palo Alto (where I live), that's a huge burden. The book gives one example of a subsidized moderate-income housing development in Palo Alto — the amount spent on parking for that development ate up the whole subsidy. And the burden goes beyond the cost. Existing businesses, ones that predate today's parking regulations, may be grandfathered in, but anyone trying to use the same building for anything else may not be allowed to do it without meeting parking requirements that the building makes physically impossible. These regulations thus lock in old businesses and building uses, preventing cities from evolving and adapting themselves to new needs.
What I found the most surprising in The High Cost of Free Parking was the extent to which parking requirements are an afterthought. A parking garage may be a building's dominant architectural feature, but it's surely not where an architect will start thinking about a project. Parking regulations have an enormous impact on land use, but urban planning schools don't teach anything about them. If you ask city planning departments how they set their parking requirements for new developments, most won't be able to tell you — they may have copied the regulations from other cities, or they may have consulted the charts in the Institute of Traffic Engineers' Parking Generation, whose methodology is just embarrassing. (Seriously: look at the R2 in their charts and shudder. And that's just the beginning of what's wrong.) This isn't an area that's gotten serious study.
This book is essentially an argument for abandoning this heavy regulation, abandoning the idea that government should make it such a high priority to ensure that drivers can park for free all the time. It's persuasive. It's is a good and informative book, and I learned a lot from it. It's one of the rare books that literally changes how one looks at the world: anyone can see that most of El Camino is ugly, but reading this book teaches a lot about exactly what features make it ugly, and why those features are there.
This book is also far too long. It would have been a better book at half the length. Parts of it are repetitive, or redundant, or repeat the same thing, or give the same information and argument in slightly different words, or just repeat themselves unnecessarily. Some whole chapters could have been cut without loss. I recommend this book, but be prepared to skim in places.
4/13 Jo Walton, Among Others
A semi-autobiographical coming of age story; I don't know exactly how semi. “I've found that writing what you know is much harder than making it up. It's easier to research a historical period than your own life, and it's much easier to deal with things that have a little less emotional weight and where you have a little more detachment. It's terrible advice! So this is why you'll find that there's no such place as the Welsh valleys, no coal under them, and no red buses running up and down them; there never was such a year as 1979, no such age as fifteen, and no such planet as Earth.”
I didn't grow up Welsh, or female, or a twin, or with a bad leg, or talking to fairies. (Although I'm told the last is something children sometimes forget when they get older.) I did grow up reading, though, and in 1979 I was about the same age as the main character. She read a lot of the same books I grew up on, and they were as important to her as to me. It felt very real, and very familiar.
4/8 Diana Wynne Jones, Enchanted Glass
Magic, for the most part not very flashy, as part of ordinary and slightly old-fashioned 20th century English country life.
4/6 Plutarch, On Sparta (tr. Richard J. A. Talbert)
This book is part of Penguin's Plutarch series. It mostly consists of four biographies from Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans: Lycurgus, the semi-legendary lawgiver who is said to have established the Spartan way of life; Agesilaus, a king whose reign, if that's the right word to use for a Spartan king, began shortly after the Peloponnesian War; and two post-Alexandrian kings, Agis and Cleomenes. It also includes two famous works from Plutarch's Moralia, “Sayings of Spartans” and “Sayings of Spartan Women,” and, as an appendix, the “Spartan Society,” or “Politeia of the Spartans,” attributed to Xenophon. (The attribution is disputed. It was disputed even in Plutarch's day.)
Plutarch was an ancient writer, but he was writing about events centuries before he lived. He was a scholar who relied on secondary sources, not an eyewitness. He tells us what many of his sources were (many of which no longer exist; often Plutarch is the best surviving source), and tells us where the sources disagree. Modern scholars don't know when Lycurgus lived, or even if there was a single person with that name who did everything he's said to have done, and Plutarch doesn't know either. Some sources say that Lycurgus lived in Homer's time, whatever that might mean.
Penguin chose to publish Plutarch in an odd way, which has advantages and disadvantages: they divided up his work by era and theme, so in this volume, for example, I read most of what he wrote specifically about Sparta and Spartans. But that's not the way Plutarch himself organized his work. His major work is commonly called Parallel Lives, because that's what it is: pairs of biographies, one Greek and one Roman, each pair accompanied by an essay comparing the two men. His life of Lycurgus was meant to be read with that of Numa Pompilius (a semi-legendary early king of Rome), his life of Agesilaus with that of Pompey, and his lives of Agis and Cleomenes with those of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus. The comparisons were obviously an important part of Plutarch's project — he was writing character studies, not history. Penguin's organization, in which the Roman lives are in different volumes, makes it hard to see that.
3/30 Steven Johnson, Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation
A book about the kinds of environments in which innovation happens. The “natural history” is fairly literal: there's much discussion of how novelty arises in the natural world. The most interesting of those was the concept of “exaptation” from evolutionary theory, which has a close parallel in the history of human innovations.
Reading this made me think that maybe I should start keeping a commonplace book, like people in the 18th and 19th centuries did, or some modern-day electronic equivalent.
3/29 Thomas Paine, Rights of Man
Edmund Burke published Reflections on the Revolution in France in 1790, and Thomas Paine published Rights of Man in 1791. Rights of Man was published in two parts, written separately and published some months apart. The first part is subtitled Being an Answer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French Revolution, but really both parts are a response to Burke. It's interesting, actually, to see how directly both Burke and Paine reply to their opponents — a big part of Burke's book, too, was a response to one Dr. Price. Both Burke and Paine respond to (and make fun of) individual sentences and thoughts of their respective opponents, and both authors clearly take the dispute personally. It reminds me of a modern day blog spat.
Paine's short-term political predictions weren't as good as Burke's. The tense he chooses when he writes of the French constitution makes it seem as if it was a settled and established thing, but in fact the constitution of 1791 that Paine writes about didn't last beyond 1792. Paine thought that universal representative government would mean universal peace, and that a republic would never wage aggressive war, but in fact the French Revolutionary Wars, which continued without a pause until they turned into the Napoleonic Wars, started in 1792. Still, my sympathies are much more with Paine than with Burke, and Paine saw important truths that Burke didn't. Paine was right that hierarchy and hereditary aristocracy is a great evil, he was right in thinking it monstrous to declare that a people has no right to choose its own government, and he was right to celebrate the French National Assembly's Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens.
Paine and Burke both discuss grand matters of political philosophy, and they also both have many pages of detailed topical analysis. Some of that part, two hundred years after the fact, seems irrelevant and boring, but not all. A big chunk of Rights of Man is a detailed discussion of England's finances, and a proposal for tax reform. A lot of Americans today vaguely remember Paine as an anti-tax crusader, and there's some truth to that — he was very concerned with the tax burden on the poor — but it's also a misleading impression. The ideological fault lines of the 18th century weren't the same as the ones today, and Paine's proposed tax reforms included a proposal for a progressive tax on the income from estates (“progressive tax” is his phrase, and it appears to mean pretty much the same thing as it does today) that would eventually rise to marginal rates of 100%.
Paine has an odd status in American culture these days. He appears in every child's history of the Amerian Revolution, and everyone knows him as the most important revolutionary pamphleteer of the 1770s, but hardly anyone ever reads his famous pamphlets. By the end of his life, Paine ended up being too radical for the United States. Perhaps he still is.
3/21 John Steinbeck, Cannery Row
“Cannery Row in Monterey in California is a poem, a stink, a grating noise, a quality of light, a tone, a habit, a nostalgia, a dream. Cannery Row is the gathered and scattered, tin and iron and rust and splintered woodchipped pavement and weedy lots and junk heaps, sardine canneries of corrugated iron, honky tonks, restaurants and whore houses, and little crowded groceries, and laboratories and flophouses.”
Well, not anymore. Now it's gift shops and fancy hotels, and the Aquarium. Every time I've gone to the Aquarium I've reminded myself that I really ought to get around to reading this book.
3/17 Baroness Orczy, The Scarlet Pimpernel
“We seek him there, we seek him there, Those Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven? — Is he in hell? That demmed, elusive Pimpernel.”
The Daffy Duck version is funnier, but this is still a great anti-Revolutionary adventure story. Oddity: why in the world does a book set during the Terror in 1792 have a major character named St. Just, when the character has nothing to do with the real Saint-Just who was so important in precisely that time and place? Couldn't she have chosen a less confusing name? Nobody in the book even mentions that this character just happens to have the same name as Robespierre's henchman.
3/15 Alastair Reynolds, House of Suns
This is what space opera should be like! It's intelligent, it has compelling characters, it takes place on a grand scale of both space and time, and it has a healthy respect for what that scale means. At the beginning of the book the main characters have almost finished circumnavigating the galaxy; they took 200,000 years, because, well, that's how big the galaxy is. A chase scene may last decades, or millennia. Naturally the characters who make trips like that have no intention of going home, since there's no reason to think that a civilization can last that long. The book is also a crime story, and a love story.
It's not really what the book is about, and it's certainly not what the title refers to, but the earliest part of the book (set about six million years before the main part) takes place in what's obviously a fictionalized and futurististic Winchester Mystery House. Hadn't realized it was famous enough that a British writer would be putting it in his books.
3/13 Dani and Eytan Killon, The Unincorporated Man
The book begins with a quote from Milton Friedman, musing about the possibility of contracts where an individual's education is paid for in exchange for a claim on a fraction of the individual's future earnings. Stock is a claim on a fraction of a corporation's future earnings, so the logical extension of that idea is a society where individuals are treated as corporations, complete with publicly traded shares. One might, or might not, own a majority interest in oneself.
An intriguing idea, but the book doesn't live up to it. First, I could have done with less Fox Newsish haranguing, complete with snide remarks about the ACLU, modern art, incompetent government bureaucrats, jackbooted IRS thugs, and environmentalism. Second, and perhaps related, the authors didn't really do very much with the idea the book is written around. The society in this book is, for the most part, a libertopian paradise founded by Alaskan Republicans. A heroic billionaire from our time is horrified by the idea of personal incorporation, and thinks that it's an infringement on freedom, but, in a book that one might expect to be about a conflict between two different ideologies that both claim to maximize freedom, we never get a coherent exposition of the difference. Instead we get a villain who's personally nasty, an inadequate substitute.
I'll probably read the sequel, just so I can finish the story, but that's just because I'm an obsessive story finisher.
3/12 Georges Lefebvre, Napoleon: from Tilsit to Waterloo, 1807–1815 (tr. J. E. Anderson)
A translation of the second half of Lefebvre's Napoléon.
I found parts of this hard to understand; it was written for someone who already knew a lot of Napoleonic history, and I knew relatively little. I did still get a lot out of it, though. In particular, I have a better understanding of a seeming puzzle: Napoleon suppressed the Jacobins, set up a police state, reestablished monarchy and aristocracy, but was nonetheless considered, by most of his foreign enemies and even some of his friends, to be a personification of Revolutionary ideals. It becomes less of a puzzle once you realize that the ideological fault lines of 200 years ago weren't the same as those of today. Napoleon was certainly no democrat and no Jacobin, but he was also no defender of feudal privilege. His Civil Code really was a threat to the ancien régime social order. A centralized bureaucratic police state was not the same thing as 18th century despotism. (It's also easier to understand why subsequent generations viewed Napoleon as a Promethean Revolutionary hero when you realize that he portrayed himself that way in his memoirs.)
The chapter I found most fascinating, but understood the least, was the one on the Continental Blockade — by extension, a history of the economic warfare between England and the French empire. It was fascinating because so many things were changing at that precise moment. It was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, and the beginning of the modern international finance system (several of the Rothschild brothers set up their businesses during the war), and the beginnings of capitalism. It was also the time when the understanding of capitalism was just beginning, and 18th century mercantalist ideas were still prevalent. Both sides realized that economic warfare was important, but without quite understanding what they were doing.
Sequel to The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, and second book of the Inheritance Trilogy. Hm. There are three main gods in this world, and three books in a trilogy. A pattern?
3/4 P. G. Wodehouse, The Man With Two Left Feet and Other Stories
Not Wodehouse's first book — not by more than a decade, and not by more than a dozen books. It's early, though, and it does include the first Bertie Wooster story. (Jeeves is present, but with hardly a speaking role.) Many of the stories are English, but almost half of them are set in New York.
A first novel, and, deservedly, a 2010 Nebula nominee. I'll have to read the other two books in the trilogy. (The third isn't out yet.)
2/25 Georges Lefebvre, Napoleon: from 18 Brumaire to Tilsit, 1799–1807 (tr. Henry F. Stockhold)
A translation of the first half of Lefebvre's Napoléon.
The overall tone isn't as intemperate as Esdaile's, and it's obvious that in some ways Lefebvre admires Napoleon, but ultimately the portrait of Napoleon's character is still damning. “That is why it is idle to seek for limits to Napoleon's policy, or for a final goal at which he would have stopped: there simply was none.”
One part I found especially interesting was the economic analysis of the Revolution and of Napoleon's rolling back of the Revolution, an analysis that I found pretty persusasive and that seems to owe a lot to Marx. Another was an explanation of the interplay of logistics and strategy in Napoleon's military campaigns. It made it clear both why Napoleon was so successful in Italy and Germany, and why he ultimately failed in Spain and Russia.
2/22 Walter Jon Williams, Deep State
Sequel to This Is Not a Game. It's also a near future techno-thriller, but more explicitly a spy novel. (Complete with James Bond!) Some of the computer jargon is a little painful, but only a little.
I doubt if the author realized how topical this book would seem: it's about an Internet-mediated revolution in a middle eastern country.
2/16 Charlie Stross, Wireless
I'd read two of the works in this collection before: it includes the novella “Missile Gap”, which Subterranean Press published in a limited edition hardcover, and “A Colder War”, originally published ten years ago and still a terrific story. (The better known Laundry stories are sort of like “A Colder War” but much lighter.) The other stories were new to me. It includes one original story, “Palimpsest”, which is probably what most people will buy Wireless for: “Palimpsest” won the 2010 Hugo for best novella, and it's a worthy winner.
2/15 Garry Wills, Bomb Power: The Modern Presidency and the National Security State
In some important ways, the United States no longer uses the Constitution of 1789. Madison thought it was axiomatic that “In republican government the legislative authority, necessarily, predominates” — in matters of war and peace as in all other matters. Nothing can be clearer from the text of our Constitution than that Congress decides whether the country goes to war, establishes the rules for our armed services, decides whether the country enters into a treaty, and has many other powers in foreign and military policy. Americans have largely forgotten that. We've grown accustomed to presidents claiming sole power over foreign affairs, even the power to start wars on their own. We've read far more into the brief phrase “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States” than anyone in 1789 could have imagined, and we live with supposedly Constitutional doctrines of state secrets and executive privilege and implied inherent presidential powers that aren't even hinted at in the text.
In essence, although nobody put it that way at the time, we got used to an emergency wartime constitution in the early 1940s. When the war ended, we never went back to the original peacetime constitution — there was always another enemy. By the time a state of emergency lasts for 70 years, it becomes the new normal.
Wills's thesis, as implied by the title of the book, is that the national security state, the extraordinary expansion of presidential power, can ultimately be traced to nuclear weapons: new institutions to develop and deploy them, new bases all over the world to stage them, new organizations and legal theories to guard atomic secrets, and new layers of secrecy to guard the original layers. “Executive power has basically been, since World War II, Bomb Power.” I didn't ultimately find the thesis convincing, and in the later chapters of the book it had a tendency to disappear. As Bomb Power demonstrates, the national security state has many interlocking pieces, all mutually reinforcing. The Bomb is just one part of it.
2/12 Christopher Hibbert, The Days of the French Revolution
The title is almost literal. There's a prologue about the ancien régime and an epilogue about the rise of Napoleon, but the bulk of the book is a narrative history organized around individual events, sort of a series of set pieces. One or two chapters are on fairly extended periods (e.g. the Terror), but many of them have titles that really do refer to identifiable days: the Tennis Court Oath (June 20 1789), Bastille Day, the attack on the Tuileries (August 10 1792), the execution of the King (January 21 1793), etc.
2/8 Charles Yu, How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe
The main character's name is Charles Yu. Within the book there is a fictional book called How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe, written, of course, by Charles Yu. The book is full of time loops and paradoxes and fictional science and minor universes and metanarrative and self reference. Unsurprisingly, the author credits Douglas Hofstadter as one of his inspirations. The surprising thing is that, while there's whimsey enough in this book, that's not the main tone of the book; what there's more of is sadness. As much as anything else, it's time travel as a metaphor for loss and regret.
“Because I work in the time travel industry, everyone assumes I must be a scientist. Which is sort of correct. I was studying for my master's in applied science fiction — I wanted to be a structural engineer like my father — and then the whole situation with Mom got worse, and with my dad missing I had to do what made sense, and then things got even worse, and this job came along, and I took it. Now I fix time machines for a living.”
2/6 Frank Miller, with Klaus Janson and Lynn Varley, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
This is the first time I've read The Dark Knight Returns. I knew essentially nothing about it, other than that it's a Batman story and that everyone praises it as one of the must-read graphic novels. I hadn't known that it was a story about an aging Batman at the end of his career, or that Robin in this book is a girl wonder instead of a boy wonder. And I was especially struck by how much it was a Reagan era story, in several ways. Even if you didn't know that it was originally published in 1986, you'd be able to tell.
2/5 Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France
Written in 1790, this is probably the first well known counter-revolutionary book. It takes the form of a very long letter written to an unnamed young French gentleman, who asked for Burke's opinions of the Revolution. I don't know if this was real or a literary conceit.
The latter part of this book is an analysis of the Revolutionary political and economic system, at least as it appeared in 1789 and 1790. With the benefit of hindsight, many of Burke's attacks were undeniably right — the political system was indeed unstable, and did indeed collapse into chaos and then a military dictatorship. Others, again with the benefit of hindsight, were undeniably wrong. Constititional monarchies can work perfectly well even when the monarch has a weak or purely ceremonial role. Paper currencies, not backed by some heavy metal or another, can work perfectly well. But at least some of Burke's reputation for prescience is deserved.
This book is also well known as one of the intellectual foundations of conservatism, going beyond the details of the French Revolution. Burke famously attacked the French Revolutionaries for creating an entirely new system, instead of adapting and reforming what already existed: “you chose to act as if you had never been moulded into civil society, and had everything to begin anew.” He contrasts the French Revolution unfavorably to England's Glorious Revolution of 1688, which, he says, “was made to preserve our ancient indisputable laws and liberties, and that ancient constitution of government which is our only security for law and liberty.”
In this he's being disingenous. Yes, some politicians in 1688 justified their actions by appealing to the past. So did some politicians in 1789. It's also misleading to talk about 1688 without pointing out that it was merely the end point of a good half century of chaos. The English constitution in the 17th century, like the French constitution in the late 18th century, was contested. Before things were more or less settled, England had had its own civil war, its own beheaded king, and its own military dictatorship.
There's still much to admire in Burke's general point. Passing over the historical details, his general observation is: societies are complicated, our understanding is limited, and we don't always know why a functioning society works. Even when we make changes, we should respect the accumulated wisdom of the past and we should be cautious about tinkering with something that works. Burke's most famous formulation of this point is semi-mystical: he accepts a version of the social contract, but says that “As the ends of such a partnership cannot be obtained in many generations, it becomes a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living,those who are dead, and those who are to be born.“ You don't have to accept mysticism, though, or social contract theory, to see some merit in thinking that we should be cautious when we're dealing with a complicated system that we understand poorly. Much the same argument applies to ecology; we should be scared of experimenting with pumping unlimited amounts of CO2 into our atmosphere, or exterminating species we've barely even heard of. What makes us think we understand the ecosystem well enough to avoid disasters when we make those sorts of radical changes?
So this is indeed a founding intellectual text of a sort of conservatism, but not the sort of conservatism that's important in early 21st century American politics. It's certainly not a celebration of unrestrained free market capitalism. Burke thinks of landed property as the foundation of a well run country, and doesn't have many friendly things to say about financial innovation or dealmaking. He understood that capitalism was a socially radical force, not a conservative one. “All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.” That isn't actually Burke (it's one of the more famous quotes from the Communist Manifesto), but, allowing for the difference between 18th and 19th century language, it could easily have come out of Reflections on the Revolution in France.
There's another sense in which this work is a founding text of a sort of conservatism, one that I think fewer people today would claim with pride: its defense of inequality and hierarchy. Burke found it obvious that a country should be founded on “the natural landed interest,” and on a few men of great wealth, that ordinary occupations “cannot be a matter of honor to any any person” and that “the state suffers oppression, if such as they, either individually or collectively, are permitted to rule.” There probably are still some people today who wish we lived in an aristocracy, where we were ruled by our betters and where we ordinary people knew our place, but at least most people today won't say that openly. In decrying the principle of aristocracy, the French Revolutionaries were right.
2/2 P. G. Wodehouse, My Man Jeeves
Published 1919. Can you imagine Bertie Wooster in the trenches?
2/1 J. R. R. Tolkien, The Annotated Hobbit (annotated by Douglas A. Anderson; revised and expanded edition)
“This is a story of how a Baggins had an adventure, and found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected. He may have lost the neighbours' respect, but he gained — well, you will see whether he gained anything in the end.”
I've read The Hobbit before, of course, although not recently and not as many times as I've read The Lord of the Rings. This is a beautiful edition. It has an introduction with a brief Tolkien biography and a history of The Hobbit's publication and initial reception, a set of color plates (including Tolkien's own now-standard color illustrations), artwork from many translations, and extensive annotations on the sources and language and textual history of The Hobbit. Much of this information is based on Tolkien's own unpublished or hard-to-find works, like the guide to invented names and archaic words that he wrote for translators, or poems that he wrote around the same time as he was writing The Hobbit.
The Hobbit was first published in 1937. There was an extensive revision in 1951, a few years before the publication of The Lord of the Rings, and further revisions for a third edition in 1966. The annotations explain the changes between editions, in most cases showing the original and changed text. In most cases the changes are small: fixed typos, or minor adjustments to the geography as Tolkien understood it at the time of writing The Lord of the Rings, or things like that. As most Tolkien readers know, though, Chapter 5, “Riddles in the Dark,” was largely rewritten. You can guess what the original must have been like from the hints in The Lord of the Rings, but it's still wonderful to be able to see the original version.
1/31 Ellery Queen, The French Powder Mystery
1/29 Charles Esdaile, Napoleon's Wars: An International History, 1803–1815
This book has a definite point of view, in several ways. One of them is connected with the subtitle, “An International History”: a discussion on the conflict in Europe (and elsewhere) as a whole, which leads to an emphasis on the continuity between the great powers' foreign policies in the Napoleonic era and the same powers' policies in the era of continual dynastic warfare of the 18th century. It's not always easy to tell exactly what the phrase “Napoleonic Wars” should mean, either in time or in space. 1796 (the beginning of General Bonaparte's Italian campaign) is as good a beginning date as any, but it's hard to draw any definite line between the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars.
And all of the great powers had concerns, and wars, that didn't directly concern Napoleon or France. Were the Russo-Persian war, or Sweden's attempt to conquer Norway, or the United States's war against Tecumseh's confederacy, or the Serbian revolt against the Ottoman Empire, or the Austrian-Prussian-Russian partition of Poland, part of the Napoleonic Wars? Whatever the answer to that question, all of those conflicts, and more, were part of the extremely complicated diplomacy of the time. Part of the thesis of this book, then, is: the French Revolution, and Napoleon's coronation in 1804, didn't immediately cause an abrupt and qualitative change in great power politics. The other great powers continued to pursue their own goals, using war as one of their tools, and continued to treat France as the same sort of partner and rival that it was before. Napoleon were finally defeated when all the kingdoms of Europe saw him as something new, something requiring a suspension of traditional foreign policy goals.
Which gets to this book's other very definite point of view: it's strongly anti-Napoleonic. “If Europe was not divided along ideological lines, what did the long period of conflict that gripped her between 1792 and 1815 stem from? In the end, as we shall see, the prime mover was Napoleon's own aggression, egomania, and lust for power.” The author says he's writing as a corrective to histories written by generations of Napoleon's partisans. I haven't read that pro-Napoleonic propaganda; if I had, I might have found an alternate perspective useful. But I've read enough British and Russian fiction set in this era to be quite familiar with the anti-Napoleonic point of view. I don't know that I disagreed with the author's conclusions, but I found his relentlessness tiresome. He kept judging Napoleon's motives, always unfavorably, always arguing with those countless unnamed pro-Napoleonic partisans.
I ended up wishing this book had been written in a slightly more neutral manner, but it was still very informative. It's the first book I've read that puts all of the complicated wars and diplomacy of the era together. Alas, I can't recommend the Kindle edition, which is what I read. It was a poor quality etext. The block quotes consistently failed to be intended, the index was useless (literally just a list of index entries, with no hyperlinks back to where the entries appear), and, worst of all, there were persistent problems with dates and other numbers. Many of them were incorrect (the French Revolutionary Wars didn't start in 1972), many of them were bizarrely transposed with punctuation or nearby words, many of them caused spurious paragraph breaks in the middle of sentences, some were entirely missing. I have no idea what the publisher did with numbers during the ebook conversion that made so many of them go so wrong, but it was at best irritating and at worst a serious readability problem in a history book. At times the meaning was completely obscured. Penguin should be ashamed of having their name on such sloppy work.
1/22 Lois Bujold, Cryoburn
The latest Vorkosigan book.
1/22 Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
Everyone remembers the first line of this book, and the last. Also, everyone remembers the depiction of the Terror; a lot of people think of A Tale of Two Cities as an antirevolutionary book, and that's not completely wrong given what it says about the horrors of the Revolution. But it's only part of the story, literally. The Terror comes up in Book III, which is set in 1792. The first two parts are about the oppression that made the Terror inevitable. Mme. Defarge is certainly a monster, but she is a fairly sympathetic character when we first meet her. By the end of the book, we've had a long time to understand what the aristocrats did that made her a monster.
“It was too much the way of Monseigneur under his reverses as a refugee, and it was much too much the way of native British orthodoxy, to talk of this terrible Revolution as if it was the only harvest ever known under the skies that had not been sown — as if nothing had ever been done, or omitted to be done, that had led to it — as if observers of the wretched millions in France, and of the misused and perverted resources that should have made them prosperous, had not seen it inevitably coming, years before, and had not in plain words recorded what they saw.”
1/19 William Doyle, The French Revolution: A Very Short Introduction
Just what the title promises. The author has written many other books about the French Revolution (including The Oxford History of the French Revolution), and this is his contribution to Oxford's “Very Short Introduction” series. It's just 150 pages long, and assumes little or no previous knowledge of the subject. Its focus, to the extent that such a short book can have a focus, is on explaining why the French Revolution matters. It's fast reading, well worth the time if you're even casually interested.
I should have read this before reading Citizens. Even reading in the opposite order, though, I now understand Citizens better. This very short introduction includes a discussion of the historiography of the French Revolution, and now I have a better idea of where Citizens, published in the bicentennial year, fits into the scholarly disputes.
1/18The Best of Ellery Queen, edited by Francis M. Nevins, Jr. and Martin H. Greenberg
Is Ellery Queen the name of a fictional detective, or the name of a mystery writer? Both! It's the pseudonym that Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee published under, and it's also the name of their detective. The stories are told in the third person, though; it's not that there's some sort of conceit in the fictional world that Queen is writing his own adventures. The fact that the same name is used for both purposes was, as far as I can tell from the editor's forward in this collection, a purely commercial decision: Dannay and Lee were writing commercial fiction (initially for a mystery story contest in 1928), they wanted to have an unusual and memorable name for their detective, and they didn't want to dilute their brand by coming up with another name for the author.
Ellery Queen was published from 1929 through 1971, and at one point he was the most popular fictional American detective. He doesn't seem to be read much these days, and I've never read any Ellery Queen before. I'm afraid that my reaction, at least from this book, is: meh. Not bad, but none of the stories and characters were particularly memorable. Probably I'd have enjoyed them more if what I liked about mysteries were logic puzzles. I may still try reading at least one Ellery Queen novel, since novels and short stories are different.
1/16 Carl Hiaasen, Skinny Dip
“The events described are mostly imaginary, except for the destruction of the Florida Everglades and the $8 billion effort to save what remains.”
1/15 Jack London, The Sea-Wolf
I think this might actually be the first Jack London book I've ever read. Oh well, we all have our odd gaps. Now I should read more.
The opening of this book is oddly like that of another book I read just a week ago. A literary gentleman, Humphrey van Weyden, is cast adrift in the Bay when the ferry he's taking from Sausalito collides and sinks. He is rescued by the schooner Ghost, but he is kept on board, exposed to manual labor and brutality, instead of being returned to land. Captains Courageous is minor Kipling, though, and The Sea-Wolf is one of London's most famous works. This is a much better book.
I hadn't really known what to expect when I picked this up. I knew it would be a sea story, and I suppose I expected that it would be an adventure story. The adventures, though, to the extent that there are any, aren't all that important. What's more important is the character of Wolf Larsen, the titular sea wolf, the brutal, dominating, intelligent, well read, and arguably sociopathic captain of the Ghost. The Sea-Wolf is almost a philosophical novel. The conflict between Larsen and van Weyden, the narrator, has many levels, but at the center are the discussions they have, informed by (among others) Nietzsche and Spencer and Darwin, about ethics and altruism and immortality and whether life can be anything more than “piggishness,” a “yeasty crawling and squirming” where “the strong eat the weak that they may retain their strength.”
1/12 Roger Zelazny, Doorways in the Sand
1/10 H. Beam Piper, Little Fuzzy
As Stephen Jay Gould said, “Human equality is a contingent fact of history.” This novel is about the discovery of extraterrestrials who are unquestionably sapient beings, but not as intelligent as we are. They're also small, cute, helpful and just generally nice, and, well, fuzzy.
1/9 Robert van Gulik, The Chinese Maze Murders
In the Ming era, apparently, there were a number of works that in our own culture we would call historical detective novels: stories about famous magistrates of the past discovering and punishing crimes, with more or less basis in historical fact. Some of them were based on the real Tang era magistrate (and later in his career an important imperial official) Di Renjie.
Robert van Gulik, a Dutch diplomat and scholar, translated one of these historical works, Dee Goong An (“Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee”), into a number of languages, including English. Instead of translating more, though, he wrote his own, more adapted to modern and western tastes but using elements of the Chinese stories and written in a similar style. His own novels were doubly historical, since he retained the conceit that they were written in the Ming era and made sure to introduce appropriate anachronisms.
The Chinese Maze Murders, published in 1957, was the first Judge Dee novel written. (Although not the first in internal chronology.)
1/8 Rudyard Kipling, Captains Courageous: A Story of the Grand Banks
Not one of Kipling's best, but not bad either. Something I hadn't realized when I started, or even some pages in, is that it's an entirely American novel — the “Gloucester” that most of the characters are from is the one in Massachusetts, not the one in Gloucestershire.
I finished this book lying in bed at Stanford Hospital, so I found it especially amusing that the last chapter took place right at “The Farm.”
1/2 Philip Roth, Nemesis
A short novel set during the 1944 Newark polio epidemic. It's hard to remember in the second decade of the 21st century how feared polio once was.
This book isn't really about polio, though — it's a character study of one man, of his choices during the epidemic and what they did to him.
+ Matt Austern
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url--2111558769 b/run/test-data/url--2111558769
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98bfa7bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url--2111558769
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ Dropbear SSH
Dropbear is a relatively small SSH server and client. It runs on a variety of POSIX-based platforms. Dropbear is open source software, distributed under a MIT-style license. Dropbear is particularly useful for "embedded"-type Linux (or other Unix) systems, such as wireless routers.
If you want to be notified of new releases, or for general discussion of Dropbear, you can subscribe to the relatively low volume mailing list.
A small memory footprint suitable for memory-constrained environments – Dropbear can compile to a 110kB statically linked binary with uClibc on x86 (only minimal options selected)
Dropbear server implements X11 forwarding, and authentication-agent forwarding for OpenSSH clients
Can run from inetd or standalone
Compatible with OpenSSH ~/.ssh/authorized_keys public key authentication
The server, client, keygen, and key converter can be compiled into a single binary (like busybox)
Features can easily be disabled when compiling to save space
Multi-hop mode uses SSH TCP forwarding to tunnel through multiple SSH hosts in a single command. dbclient [email protected],[email protected],destination
IRIX 6.5 (with /dev/urandom, or prngd should work)
Tru64 5.1 (using prngd for entropy)
AIX 4.3.3 (with gcc and Linux Affinity Toolkit), AIX 5.2 (with /dev/urandom).
HPUX 11.00 (+prngd), TCP forwarding doesn't work
Cygwin – tested 1.5.19 on Windows XP
It shouldn't be hard to get it to work on other POSIX platforms, it is mostly a case of setting up the configure and Makefile settings.
The cryptographic code utilises Tom St Denis's LibTomCrypt, and uses his LibTomMath library for the bignum parts. PTY handling code is taken from OpenSSH (from Tatu Ylönen's original ssh), login recording (utmp/wtmp) code is from OpenSSH by Andre Lucas, and some implementation details were gleaned from PuTTY. Numerous people have contributed patches and bug reports, see CHANGES. Particular thanks go to Mihnea Stoenescu for his work on the client portion.
PSCP (an SCP client, i.e. command-line secure file copy)
PSFTP (an SFTP client, i.e. general file transfer sessions much like FTP)
PuTTYtel (a Telnet-only client)
Plink (a command-line interface to the PuTTY back ends)
Pageant (an SSH authentication agent for PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP, and Plink)
PuTTYgen (an RSA and DSA key generation utility).
LEGAL WARNING: Use of PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP and Plink is illegal in countries where encryption is outlawed. We believe it is legal to use PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP and Plink in England and Wales and in many other countries, but we are not lawyers, and so if in doubt you should seek legal advice before downloading it. You may find useful information at cryptolaw.org, which collects information on cryptography laws in many countries, but we can't vouch for its correctness.
Use of the Telnet-only binary (PuTTYtel) is unrestricted by any cryptography laws.
There are cryptographic signatures available for all the files we offer below. We also supply cryptographically signed lists of checksums. To download our public keys and find out more about our signature policy, visit the Keys page. If you need a Windows program to compute MD5 checksums, you could try this one at pc-tools.net. (This MD5 program is also cryptographically signed by its author.)
+ The latest release version (beta 0.67)
This will generally be a version we think is reasonably likely to work well. If you have a problem with the release version, it might be worth trying out the latest development snapshot (below) to see if we've already fixed the bug, before reporting it.
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(The filename of the development snapshot installer contains the snapshot date, so it will change every night.)
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Unix source code
These .tar.gz source archives should build the latest release version, and latest development snapshot, of PuTTY for Unix.
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+ Pre-Scholastic Philosophy
Physics of Plato. Theology, Cosmogony, and Psychology.
§ 30.
1. To begin with the Theological system of Plato; we find a threefold proof for the existence of Good:
(a) The older Philosophy of Nature took irrational Matter as the basis of all things, and held Reason, i.e, the rational soul of man, to be evolved from it. Against this assumption Plato protests. We must begin, not with inert Matter, but with the Rational Soul. Matter is not the cause of its own motion; its motion supposes a moving cause different from itself. This moving cause cannot itself be of such kind that it also requires to be moved from without; such an hypothesis would involve us in an endless series. It must, therefore, be of that kind which is self-moving. This self-movement is the essential characteristic of the spiritual or psychical being, as contrasted with the material. Matter, according to this reasoning, necessarily postulates the existence of a "Soul." This Soul is the Divine Spirit, or Divine "Soul." Atheism, as a theory, is therefore absolutely irrational. (De Leg. X., p. 893; Phaedr. p. 245.)
(b) In the world Order and Design are everywhere manifest; they are observable in the lower regions of the universe, but more notably still in the regions of the stars. Order and Design, however, are not possible unless we suppose a Reason, and Reason (nous) can exist only in a soul (psuchê) or Personal Spirit. We are thus forced to admit a Personal Divine Spirit, which presides over the universe, and is the cause of the Order and Design which prevail in it. (Phaedr. p. 30.)
(c) The ultimate elements of things are the Unlimited and the Limit, for it is only by limitation of the Indefinite that a determinate definite object is possible. But the determination of the Undefined by limitation supposes a determining cause, which, as such, is above the thing determined. This determining cause must be some supramundane divine principle. (Phileb. p. 23.)
2. We have next to inquire what are the attributes which Plato assigns to the Divine Being. We may sum up his teaching on the point as follows:
(a) The Divine nature is supremely perfect; it is endowed with every conceivable attribute; no perfection (aretê) is wanting to it. God is, therefore, the Absolute Good -- by no other notion is his nature more perfectly represented than by the notion of the Good, for this notion combines in itself all the perfections with which the Divine Nature is endowed. For this reason God is the cause of all that is good, and of that only which is good; wickedness, evil, cannot be attributed to him as to its cause; He is the Author of good, and of good only. When the poets describe the gods as doing wicked deeds, they are dishonouring the Divine Nature. God is, furthermore, the Absolute Truth; it is impossible that He should deceive men, or lead them astray; the mythological stories of deceptions practised on men by the gods are absurd.
(b) God, being supremely perfect in his Nature, is immutable. If God could undergo any change, the cause of that change would be within His own Being, or without Him. The latter alternative is not admissible, for the nature which is supremely perfect cannot be changed by another. The former is also inconceivable, for if God could change Himself, He should change either to a more perfect or to a less perfect state: the former He cannot do, since He is already absolutely perfect; nor can He effect the latter, for no being, and least of all the most perfect, changes of its own accord from a more perfect to a less perfect condition. God is, therefore, unchangeable; He does not take one form at one time, another at another, as the poets tells us; He retains throughout eternity one simple, immutable form. (De Rep. II., p. 380.)
(c) God is a Personal Spirit, and, as such, is transcendently raised above the world. As Personal Spirit, He rules all things, and directs and guides all according to Reason and Providence. He is a supramundane being, and is therefore above the temporal order. Time affects only things of earth; God is above Time; He is the beginning, the middle, and the end of all things; the Absolute Present. (Tim. p. 37; De Leg. IV., p. 715.)
(d) In addition to the sovereign Divinity, Plato admits the existence of subordinate gods, to whom he assigns an intermediate rank between the Supreme God and the world, i.e., man. He teaches that these subordinate divinities are ministers through whom God exercises His providence and His guiding influence upon earthly things, and that through them also the prayers and sacrifices of men are transmitted to God -- for which reasons men owe them reverence. The highest rank among the subordinate gods is held by the star-gods -- the souls of the stars; next come the demons, amongst whom the aether demons, i.e., those whose bodies are formed of aether, hold the first place; below these are the Air and Water demons, with bodies formed of air or water. (Conviv., p. 202; De Leg. X., p. 895; Tim. p. 39.)
3. We pass now to Plato's theory of Cosmogony. He assumes three principles as necessary to explain the origin and present existence of the world: Matter, the underlying basis of the physical world (causa materialis); God, the Demiurgos, or efficient cause (causa efficiens); and Ideas, the models or prototypes of things (causa exemplaris). Assuming the existence of these ultimate causes, Plato, in Timaeus, explains the process of the formation of the world.
(a) Matter existed, and exists eternally, side by side with God. It was not produced by Him; it exists apart from Him, though side by side with Him. At first it was purely indeterminate, and therefore without any definite qualities. In this original condition it was without order -- a wild, fluctuating mass, a chaotic thing, assuming, without rule or law, ever-changing forms. It was blind Necessity (anagkê), the antithesis of Mind acting by a plan (nous).
(b) But God was good, and free from jealousy; He resolved that Matter should not be abandoned to this disorder. He fixed His gaze upon the eternal, unchangeable prototype (Ideas), and after this model fashioned Matter into a well-ordered world. Being Himself the Supreme Good, He made all things to be good, and to be like Himself. The formation of the world was accomplished in this order:
First God, as Demiurgos, created the Soul of the World. Combining two elements, one of which was indivisible and immutable, the other divisible and changeable, He formed a third or intermediary substance. In this way the World-Soul came into existence.{1} The Soul thus formed was placed by God in the middle of the world, and extended in the form of a cross through the entire universe.
The Demiurgos next invested the World-Soul with a body of spherical form, this form being the most perfect. This body is composed of the four elements, each of which has a mathematical figure peculiar to itself. The elements of cubical form made the Earth, the pyramidal formed Fire, while midway between these, in the order of geometrical figures, came Water, composed of icosahedral elements, and Air composed of octahedral.
The Architect of the Universe has distributed the nobler, the unchangeable element of the World-Soul along the line of the Celestial Equator; the less noble, the changeable element, along the line of the Ecliptic. The inclination of the Ecliptic is a consequence of the less perfect nature of the spheres beneath the heaven of the fixed stars. The intervals that separate the celestial spheres are proportional to the lengths of a vibrating string which emit harmonizing tones. The Earth is placed in the middle of the universe; it forms a sphere through which passes the axis of the world.
From these fundamental premises Plato deduces the following conclusions regarding the world:
The world, as such, is not eternal. It had a beginning, at the moment when God began to impress order upon Matter. Time began with the beginning of the world; it is, however, the image of eternity. The world, once formed, cannot come to an end.
The world, as at present constituted, is the only possible world; any other is wholly inconceivable. The whole system of Ideas, forming the kosmos noêtos and serving as the model or prototype of the material world, reveals itself in the world actually existent. There is no Idea of the kosmos noêtos which has not its corresponding species existent in the world of phenomena. There is only one prototype, there is only one ectype.
The world, as it exists, is the most perfect world possible. A more perfect could not be. God, who is all goodness, and free from all jealousy, has made the world as like the ideal prototype as possible. He has made it to resemble Himself as closely as the nature of Matter permitted. Being the most perfect, and the most beautiful of all the things which have come into existence, the world must be endowed with life and reason, and this perfection is given it by the World-Soul; its motion is the most perfect, and the most constant -- motion in a circle; it is in truth a second God.
4. Admitting that this world is the most perfect world possible, we are at once confronted with the question: How is it possible that evil can exist in the world, and what are the causes of this evil? In his answer to this question Plato has recourse to the nature of Matter. Good alone can come from God. But Matter is not only incapable of receiving to the full the action of the Divine, world-forming Goodness, it further withstands the formative and co-ordinating action of God upon it. In virtue of this resistance it becomes the principle of all disorder, wickedness, and evil in this world. It stands, to a certain extent, in opposition to God, and its activity in this opposition generates evil. The world, as the work of God, is perfect in good; but inasmuch as Matter withstands the action of God, evil must necessarily exist in the world. God cannot vanquish evil.
5. We pass now to Plato's Psychology. Plato discusses, in great detail, the problems of psychology, and endeavours, at all points, to find solutions in harmony with his theological and cosmological theories. He condemns emphatically the doctrine that the Soul is nothing more than a harmonious arrangement of the constituents of the body. For in such an hypothesis the strivings of the soul against the tendencies of Sense would be impossible; and furthermore, since every harmony admits of increase and diminution, one soul would be more a soul than another -- an assertion which is clearly absurd. Again, harmony is incompatible with its antithesis -- discord; if then the Soul were merely harmony, it could not admit into itself the discord of evil or of vice, it follows that we must hold the Soul to be a spiritual substance, simple in its nature, and distinct from the body. The further argument used by Plato to establish this doctrine is analogous to the proof adduced above to prove the existence of God. Psychical, or spiritual being, is of its nature prior to the material and corporeal, for the latter can receive its motion only from the former. This principle must apply to the relations between Soul and Body. The psychical element in man's nature cannot be a product of the corporeal; on the contrary, the psychical element must exist as a causa movens antecedently to the body, for without a Soul as causa movens a living body capable of movement would be impossible. The Body being a composite substance, belongs to the same order of being as the things of Sense, whereas the Soul is a simple substance, allied in nature to that unchanging, simple Being which exists above the world of phenomena. The Body we know through the senses, the Soul through reason.
6. What are the relations subsisting between Soul and Body? This question Plato answers as follows: The Soul stands to the Body in the relation of a causa movens, and in this relation only. The Soul dwells within the Body somewhat as the charioteer in the chariot; the Body is merely the organ which it uses to exert an external activity. The real man is the Soul only; in the concept "man," the notion "body" does not enter as a constituent element in the same way as the notion "Soul." Man is, properly speaking, a Soul, which uses a body as the instrument by which it exercises an activity on things without itself (anima utens corpore).
7. In accordance with this view of the relations between Soul and Body is the further opinion of Plato, that along with the rational Soul there also exists in man an irrational Soul, which is made up of two distinct parts; thus giving us, ultimately, three Souls in man.
The rational Soul, the logos, is the Soul proper of man. It is like to God, it may be called the Divine element in man; it has its seat in the head. To this Soul belongs all rational knowledge. Subordinate to this are two other Souls, dependent on the body, and subject to death (according to the Timaeus), the one is called by Plato the irascible (to thumoeides, thumos), and this he locates within the breast; the other he calls the appetitum (to epithumêtikon, epithumia), and locates in the abdomen. The functions of these two Souls are purely sensuous; on them the life of sense in man is dependent. The appetitive Soul is found in plants, the irascible Soul is possessed by brutes.
The method which Plato adopts to establish the existence of this threefold psychical element in man is interesting. We notice, in man, he says, a conflict of opposing tendencies; the appetite strives after something which the reason forbids, and anger rises up in opposition to reason. No being which is really one can come into contradiction with itself; to explain the internal conflict of these opposing tendencies which clash within us, we are forced to admit internal principles of action really different from one another. And as these conflicting movements are of three different kinds, we are obliged to admit a triple Soul in man -- the appetitive, the irascible, and the rational. (De Rep. IV. p. 456).
In what relation do these three Souls stand to one another? Plato is of opinion that the rational Soul and the appetitive are, as it were, two extremes, between which the irascible Soul takes its place as a sort of middle term. Plato compares the thumos to a lion, the epithumia to a many-headed hydra, and also to a perforated or bottomless vessel. Of its nature the thumos is on the side of reason, and supports the reason against the many-headed hydra which is always in rebellion against it.
8. Regarding the origin of the human Soul, Plato, in Timaeus, teaches that it is produced by God -- in the same way as the World-Soul -- by a mixture of those elements which he calls the "identical" and the "different."{2} This, however, applies only to the rational Soul. The irrational Soul is produced by the subordinate gods. It would be unworthy of the Supreme God to create a merely mortal thing, so He entrusted to the subordinate divinities the task of forming the mortal Soul, and uniting it to the immortal. In Phaedrus, p. 245, Plato seems to represent the Soul as not produced (agenêtos). We have already learned that the Soul is not united to the body in the first moment of its existence, that it has already existed in an incorporeal condition. We have now to inquire why it is united to a body with which it is not by nature destined to enter into union.
9. In Phaedrus, Plato furnishes an answer to this question under the form of an allegory. The Soul, before its imprisonment in the body, lived an incorporeal life among the gods. Mounted upon heavenly chariots the gods career through that ultra-celestial region whose beauty no poet has ever worthily sung; in the midst of the gods, the Soul equipped with heavenly wings, and guiding a chariot drawn by two steeds, held its course through the ultra-celestial sphere, enjoying the vision of truth. But one of the steeds was restive and ungovernable, and it happened that many souls could not control this steed. In consequence confusion was created in their ranks; in the tumult the wings of many were injured, and they fell ever lower and lower, till at last they fell to the earth to the region of material substance, i.e., to the corporeal condition. The Soul that in its previous state had enjoyed most fully the vision of Being, became the Soul of a philosopher; the Soul that stood next in rank became the Soul of a king, and so on through a graduated series of human conditions down to the tyrants and sophists who hold the lowest places of all. In this first generation Souls do not enter into the bodies of brutes.
10. The meaning of this myth seems to be that the Soul in its incorporeal state had committed some offence for which it was punished by imprisonment in the body. Hence it is that Plato everywhere speaks of its union with the body not as an advantage, but as an evil. He calls the body the grave in which the Soul is shut in as a corpse; he calls it a prison, in which the Soul is confined like a captive; a heavy chain which binds the Soul, and hinders the free expansion of its energy and its activity. The culpability which has been punished by the imprisonment of the Soul within the body must have consisted, as indicated by the myth we have quoted, in the tendency towards the objects of sense; for we can hardiy understand the restive steed to signify other than the hepithumia which we have seen to be that part of our nature which is in continual revolt against the law of reason.
11. The immortality of the (rational) Soul is emphatically asserted by Plato, and in Phaedo the theory is supported by several arguments. These arguments may be briefly stated thus:
(a) Everywhere opposites generate opposites. Death follows life, and out of death life is again generated. Man cannot form an exception to this universal law. As man, therefore, passes from life to death, so must he again awake from death to life. This would be impossible if the Soul, the principle of life, came to an end in death. It must, therefore, live on, that in its reunion with a body man may wake to life again.
(b) Being a simple substance, the Soul is kindred in nature to that which is absolutely simple and immutable (the Idea); in the same way as the body, being a composite substance, is kindred in nature to things sensible and changeable. As then the body, because of this affinity with that which is destructible, is itself destructible, so must the Soul, because of its affinity with the indestructible, be itself indestructible.
(c) If the Soul has existed by itself before its union with the body, it follows that it must exist after separation from it. Now it is proved from the peculiar character of our cognitions that the Soul existed before its union with the body, it follows then that it will outlive its separation from the body.
(d) Furthermore, nothing can be at once itself, and the opposite of itself; it is impossible that the same object should have a share in two contradictory Ideas at the same time. Now the Soul is essentially life, for life is self-movement, and self-movement is the very essence of the Soul. But if the Soul participates in the Idea of "life," and is a Soul only in so far as it participates in this Idea, it follows that it cannot admit into itself the opposite of life, i.e., death. A dead Soul is a contradiction in terms. The Soul is, therefore, not merely immortal, its life is absolutely eternal, essentially excluding every possibility of dissolution.
(e) Again, the dissolution of any being whatever can be accomplished only by some evil antagonistic to the nature of that being. The one evil which is antagonistic to the nature of the Soul is vice, i.e., moral evil. But this is clearly not capable of destroying the being of the Soul, consequently the Soul cannot be destroyed; it is therefore incorruptible, immortal (De Rep. X., p. 608). This argument gains additional force if we consider that the destruction of the Soul by moral evil would mean that the wicked have no punishment to expect -- a consequence which is wholly at variance with the Moral Order. (Phaedo, p. 107.)
(f) Lastly, Plato, in Timaeus, appeals in proof of the Soul's immortality to the goodness of God, who could not destroy a creature of beauty, even though it were a thing destructible by nature. In Phaedo he appeals to the conduct of the philosopher whose effort after knowledge is a constant effort after incorporeal existence, a striving to die.
12. Plato always connects the notion of immortality with the notion of retribution after death. The latter principle he holds as firmly as the immortality of the Soul. The good are rewarded after death, the wicked punished according to their deserts. In his exposition of this doctrine, Plato frequently introduces the ancient myths; for, according to him, nothing truer or better can be said on this theme than what is contained in these myths. The several myths which he introduces are not, however, always consistent with one another, and it would hardly be possible to explain away their differences. The fundamental notions which are put forth in these several myths may be stated as follows:
(a) The man whose life has been good and pleasing to God, and has been purified by philosophic effort, enters immediately after death into a condition of bliss; those who have cultivated the merely social virtues must pass through a previous process of purification; those who pass out of life answerable for some misdeeds, but only for such as can still be cured, have a temporary punishment to suffer; those whose misdeeds are incurable, are doomed to eternal reprobation. These who are not fully purified, retain after death something of corporeal being, which forms a shroud in which they hover restlessly over the graves of their bodies till their tutelary demons conduct them to the nether world.
(b) Souls, after death, do not remain permanently in the disembodied state, they enter into other bodies (metempsychosis), but into such as correspond to the moral condition in which they have quitted life. The good enter into the bodies of men; the less perfect into the bodies of women the wicked into the bodies of beasts; the species of brute body into which each soul enters is determined by the species of vice or passion to which it was addicted in life.
(c) All these processes are accomplished within a period of ten thousand years. When this term has been completed, all souls return to the condition out of which they passed in their first process of generation, and a new cosmical period begins. Plato sometimes speaks of an earlier period, which may be described as a golden age. There was then no evil, and no death; the earth spontaneously brought forth food in abundance; man and beast lived together in friendly concord; there was no distinction of sexes; men were produced from the earth by spontaneous generation. All this came to an end at the beginning of the next great period -- a period which was introduced by a great cosmical revolution. It was then that the world, as we know it now, first came into existence (Polit. p. 296.) It was then that the distinction of the sexes was first established, and that the human species was reproduced by carnal generation. We have here distorted traditions of a happier and more highly privileged condition of existence enjoyed by the first men.
{1} Plato, in Timaeus, describes the former element as tauton the latter as thateron. As we have noticed above, he introduces these two elements into the world of Ideas, in order to make possible the transition from unity to plurality in the ideal order; here he seems to separate them, making tauton the Idea, and thateron Matter. In this explanation the World-Soul is not purely spiritual, it includes a material element as well.
{2} This seems to indicate that Plato hid bold the human Soul, as well as the World-Soul, to be a being not purely spiritual, but containing some admixture of matter. How this can be reconciled with his distinct assertion of the immaterial nature of the human Soul, is not easy to understand.
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+ Pre-Scholastic Philosophy
Plato's Life and Writings -- General Character of his Philosophy.
§ 28.
1. We come now to the greatest and most renowned of the pupils of Socrates, for whom it was reserved to complete the work planned and begun by the master. We speak of Plato. The Socratic doctrines formed the basis of his philosophic system; but he did not confine himself to these; he borrowed also from Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, and Parmenides, such notions as he found suitable to his purpose. But Plato did not merely collect and reproduce for us the opinions of these philosophers, he constructed for himself an original philosophy. The final results of the philosophical investigations of others he took only as the materials for the structure which he had planned in his own mind. The prominent feature of his philosophy is its thoroughly ideal character. "As the blood," says a modern writer, "flows from the heart to all parts of the body, and returns to the heart again, so in the Platonic philosophy everything proceeds from the Idea as from a centre, and everything returns thither again." Hence the great wealth of material which we observe in the Platonic Philosophy. With this wealth of material is united a grace of style and of exposition which has never been surpassed.
2. Plato was born at Athens, B.C. 425. He was originally named Aristocles. Ha was the son of Aristo, a descendant of Codrus, and of Perictone, who was a descendant of Dropides -- a near relative of Solon, and who was also a cousin of Cretias, one of the Thirty Tyrants. He is said to have devoted himself to poetry in his youth, a statement which the graceful style of his later writings renders probable. The weakness of his voice rendered him unfit for the duties of the public speaker. The stories regarding his military service rest on slender foundation. He appears to have pursued philosophical investigations at the same time that he was cultivating the poetic art, for he made acquaintance with Cratylus while still a youth, and learned from him the doctrines of Heraclitus. But Socrates seems to have been the first to give an entirely new direction to his efforts. He was twenty years old when he attached himself to Socrates, and he continued till the death of his master to enjoy the benefit of his teaching, and to be ranked among the most faithful and most esteemed of the philosopher's disciples.
3. After the death of Socrates, Plato, with some other disciples of the philosopher, joined Euclid at Megara. His intimacy with Euclid must have exercised considerable influence on the system formed by Plato. After his stay at Megara be undertook his first great journey (probably not before returning to Athens and sojourning for some time in that city). He visited Cyrene in Africa, and there made acquaintance with the mathematician Theodorus. He next proceeded to Egypt to pursue the study of Mathematics and Astronomy under its priests, and thence he continued his journey to Asia Minor. After another sojourn at Athens, he undertook, at the age of forty, a journey into Italy, to make acquaintance with the Pythagoreans. Thence he travelled to Sicily, where he formed a close intimacy with Dion, brother-in-law of the tyrant Dionysius the Elder. His moral admonitions are said to have provoked the tyrant himself to such a degree that he induced the Spartan envoy, Pollis, to sell the philosopher into slavery in �gina, as a prisoner of war. He was ransomed by Anniceris, and returned to Athens, where he founded, B.C. 887, his school of philosophy in the garden of Academus (Academy). His teachings as we observe in his writings, and as we learn from an express statement in the [Phaedrus] (p. 275), took the form of dialogue; though he seems, at a later period, especially for his more advanced pupils, to have delivered sustained discourses.
4. In the year B.C. 367, after the death of Dionysius the elder, Plato undertook another journey to Sicily. He did so at the suggestion of Dion, who hoped that the teaching of Plato would influence the new ruler of Syracuse, Dionysius the Younger, and would help to induce a change in the government of Sicily to the aristocratic form. The plan failed owing to the weak and sensual temperament of Dionysius; he suspected Dion of aiming at the sovereign power, and he condemned him to exile. In these circumstances Plato could no longer maintain his position, and he therefore returned once more to Athens. He visited Sicily a third time in B.C. 361, in the hope of effecting a reconciliation between Dionysius and Dion. But he failed in his purpose. His own life was in peril from the suspicions of the tyrant, and he owed his safety to the interposition of the Pythagorean, Archytas of Tarentum. Returning to Athens he again began to teach by writings and oral instruction, and to this task he devoted the remainder of his life. He died at the age of eighty-one in the year B.C. 348 (or 347).
5. "The works of Plato, which have come down to us, consist of thirty-six treatises, (the letters being counted as one), besides which others, pronounced spurious by the ancients, bear his name. Aristophanes of Byzantium, a grammarian of Alexandria, divided a certain number of the treatises of Plato into five trilogies, and the neo-Pythagorean Thrasyllus (of the time of the Emperor Tiberius), divided the treatises which he accepted as genuine into nine trilogies." In recent times many hypotheses have been framed regarding the order, and the succession in time of the dialogues of Plato. The most important theories on this point are those of Schleiermacher, Hermann, and Munk. (a) Schielermacher assumes that Plato had a definite plan of instruction before him when composing his several works (his occasional treatises excepted), and that they were composed in the order required by this plan. He accordingly divides them into three groups: elementary dialogues, mediatory dialogues, and constructive dialogues. In the first group he sets down as the leading dialogues: [Phaedrus, Protagoras,] and [Parmenides;] subsidiary dialogues, [Lysis, Laches, Charmides, Euthyphro;] occasional treatises, the [Apology] of Socrates and [Crito;] partly or wholly spurious, [Io, Hippias II., Hipparchus, Minos, Alcibiades II]. To the second group he assigns as the leading dialogues: [Theaetetus, Sophistes, Politicus, Phaedo, Philebus;] subsidiary dialogues: [Gorgias, Meno, Euthydemus, Cratylus,] the [Banquet;] partly or wholly spurious, [Theages, Erastae, Alcibiades I., Menexenus, Hippias I., Clitopho.] To the third group belong as leading dialogues: The [Republic, Timaeus, Critias,] and, as subsidiary dialogue, the [Laws.]
(b) On the other hand, K. F. Hermann maintains that there is no single plan traceable in Plato's works, that they are merely the expression of the philosophical development of his own mind. He fixes, therefore, in the literary career of Plato three periods, each of which has its distinguishing characteristics. The first period extends to the death of Socrates; the second covers the time of Plato's stay at Megara, and includes his subsequent travels in Egypt and Asia Minor; the third begins with Plato's return from his first visit to Sicily, and ends with his death. He assigns to the first period the dialogues: [Hippias II., Io, Alcibiades I., Charmides, Lysis, Laches, Protagoras, Euthydemus;] and to the "transition stage" between the first and second periods: the [Apology, Crito, Gorgias, Euthyphro, Meno, Hippias I.] To the second period he assigns the dialogues: [Cratylus, Theaetetus, Sophistes, Politicus, Parmenides;] to the third: [Phaedrus, Menexenus,] the [Banquet, Phaedo, Philebus,] the [Republic, Timaeus, Critias,] and the [Laws.]
(c) Munk is of opinion that Plato in his writings followed an order ideally representing the life of Socrates, the genuine philosopher, and that this order portrayed the several stages of the life of Socrates. Accordingly he distinguishes three series of treatises: (alpha) corresponding to Socrates' devoting himself to philosophy, and his attacks upon the current false teaching (B.C. 389-384); [Parmenides, Protagoras, Charmides, Laches, Gorgias, Hippias I., Cratylus, Euthydemus,] the [Banquet;] (beta) corresponding to Socrates' teaching of true wisdom (B.C. 383-370): [Phaedrus, Philebus, Republic, Timaeus, Critias;] (gamma) corresponding to Socrates' defence of his own teaching by criticism of rival schools, and to his death (after B.C. 370): [Meno, Theaetetus, Sophistes, Politicus, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo.] Cfr. Ueberweg, Vol. I., p. 95.
6. The controversy regarding the arrangement and succession in time of Plato's dialogues is not yet ended; no certain result has yet been obtained. It seems to us that the hypothesis of Hermann is the simplest and most natural; all the more than there is observable in the dialogues of Plato an unmistakable development of philosophic thought. Whether the classification given by Hermann is perfect in all its details, may be left an open question. Without attempting to discuss it, we shall indicate briefly the substance of the several dialogues, adopting the order suggested by Hermann.
First series: [Hippias II.] treats of Free Will in Wrong-doing; [Io,] of Inspiration and Reflection; [Alcibiades I.,] of Human Nature; [Charmides,] of the virtue of Temperance; [Lysis,] of Friendship; [Laches,] of Courage; [Protagoras,] of Virtue -- it is directed against the Sophists; [Euthydemus,] is a treatise on the same subject; the [Apology] of Socrates is a defence of that philosopher against his accusers; [Crito] treats of Right Action; [Gorgias] is a discussion upon Rhetoric, and a condemnation of the abuse of it by the Sophists; [Euthyphro] treats of Holiness; [Meno] of Virtue, and the possibility of its being taught; [Hippias I.] is directed against the Sophists.
In the second series: [Cratylus] contains philosophical investigations on Language; [Theaetetus] is an inquiry into the nature of Knowledge; it is chiefly a refutation of the Sophists, and contains little positive teaching; [Sophistes] is a treatise on the concept of Being; [Politicus] on the Statesman, what he should know, and how he should act; [Parmenides] treats of Ideas, and the notion of the One.
In the third series: [Phaedrus] treats of Love, and the Beautiful as the object of love; [Menexenus] of the Useful; the [Banquet] again of Love; [Phaedo] of the Soul and Immortality; [Philebus] of the Good, more particularly of the Supreme Good; the [Republic] is a treatise on Political Philosophy, but the ten books of which it is composed contain many important questions of large philosophic interest; [Timaeus] is a treatise on Cosmogony; [Critias] is a pretended history of primeval political institutions; the [Laws,] a treatise, in twelve books, on the State; not an inquiry as to the best possible (ideal) state, like the [Republic] ([[politeia]]) but a discussion as to that State which will best suit certain given conditions. (The genuineness of the [Meno] and [Epinomis,] which treat of Laws, is disputed.)
7. The writings of Plato were first published in a Latin translation in 1483-84; the translation was the work of Marsilius Ficinus. A Greek edition was published at Venice in 1583 by Aldus Manutius, aided by Marcus Musurus. The edition of Oporinus and Grynneus was published at Basle in 1534, followed by another edition in the same city in 1556. Then came the edition of Henricus Stephanus, accompanied by the translation of Serranus, Paris, 1578, the paging of this edition is inserted in the more recent editions, and is usually cited in quotations. Of the complete editions which have been published in recent times we have: the [Editio Bipontina] (1781-87) by Croll, Exter, and Embser; the Tauchnitz edition (1813-19) by Beck; the edition of Immanuel Bekker (Berlin, 1816-23); the editions of Ast, of Stallbaum, of Baiter, Orelli, and Winkelman (Zurich), of Schneider, and of Hermann.
8. Philosophy, according to Plato, is the science of the Unconditioned and the Unchangeable -- of that which is the basis of all phenomena. The Unconditioned and the Unchangeable are for him the ideas of things, for these he holds to be really existent ([[ontôs ôn]]) and thus to stand in contrast with the changeable fleeting things of the phenomenal world. Accordingly he holds Philosophy, rightly defined, to be the science of Ideas, the science of the really existent. But Philosophy is not mere theory, in Plato's estimate, it essentially includes a practical element also; it directs the whole man, Reason and Will alike, towards the Ideal, and is thus the complement of man's intellectual and moral life. Perfect wisdom belongs to God alone; man can only be a striver after wisdom ([[philosophos]]), his business is to approach ever nearer and nearer to the perfect wisdom of God. This effort must spring from a love of the Good and the Beautiful, and from wonder at the great phenomena which the objective order of things sets before the mind as so many problems to solve. These feelings give rise to a desire for a certain knowledge of the ultimate reasons of all things, and all phenomena, and thus the efforts of the philosopher are called forth.
9. Plato distinguishes between Philosophy and the preparatory sciences. Among the latter he reckons Mathematics. The science of Mathematics is not a part of philosophy; for it assumes certain notions and certain principles without giving any account of them, taking them as if they were evident to all -- a proceeding which philosophy as a pure science cannot admit. Furthermore it makes use, in its demonstrations, of visible images, though it does not treat of these, but of something which the mind alone perceives. It stands, therefore, midway between mere correct opinion and science; clearer than the one, more obscure than the other. But though Mathematics is not philosophy, it is nevertheless an indispensable means for training the mind to philosophical thought, a necessary step to knowledge, without which no one can become a philosopher. It is, in a certain sense, the vestibule of philosophy.
10. The [organon] proper of philosophical knowledge is Dialectic. Dialectic is the art of reducing what is multiple and manifold in our experience to unity in one concept, and of establishing an organic order and interdependence among the concepts so acquired. The dialectician is skilled to discover the several single concepts which underlie the many and varying objects of our cognition, and to arrange and classify these concepts according to their mutual relations, In the latter process the method he follows will be either the analytical method -- proceeding from below upwards, or the synthetical -- proceeding from above downwards. Dialectic will thus include the twofold process -- ascent from the particular to the general, and descent from the general to the particular.{1}
11. How and to what extent this Dialectic is the organon -- the operative factor in philosophical knowledge -- we find indicated in the relations which, according to Plato, subsist between the concepts to which it leads, and Ideas -- the really existent entities, which are the proper object of philosophy. Ideas are the objects of these concepts; in forming these concepts we are apprehending in them the ideas of things -- we are apprehending the really existent, and are arriving at the knowledge which is the ultimate end of all the efforts of the philosopher. Dialectic is thus the real organon, the vivifying centre of all philosophy. Hence it is that Plato not unfrequently uses Dialectic and Philosophy as synonymous terms.
12. Mythical notions prepare the way for dialectical knowledge, and, where it fails, come in to supplement it. The myth is an aid to the mind in its efforts to form right conceptions, but it is, in itself, an imperfect way of representing things; the dialectical method is the only method which leads to philosophical knowledge. The myth must, however, be appealed to when dialectical knowledge is either unattainable, or very difficult of attainment. Plato himself makes use largely of the mythical form in his expositions; he very frequently introduces the ancient myths and legends in order to state his theories through them. To this circumstance the charm of his writings is largely due.
13. With regard to the division of the Platonic philosophy, we find that Cicero (Acad. post. I., 5, 19) ascribes to Plato himself the division into Dialectics, Physics, and Ethics. According to Sextus Empiricus (adv. Math. VII., 16), this division was formally made by Plato's disciple Xenocrates, though Plato may be considered to have virtually ([[dunamei]]) established it himself. If this division is not expressly mentioned in Plato's writings, it is nevertheless practically adopted in his exposition of his theories. It will, therefore, be the most suitable for us to follow in setting forth Plato's doctrines. As, however, we have already indicated the general character of the Platonic Dialectic, it only remains for us to set forth, under the first head, Plato's theory of Ideas -- the central doctrine of the Dialectic, and indeed of the entire Platonic philosophy, and his theory of Knowledge. We shall therefore treat in order, first, Plato's theory of Ideas, in conjunction with his theory of Knowledge, which arises out of it, and depends on it; next, his Physics; and finally his Ethics, in which we shall include his Political Philosophy.
{1} Plato himself describes these two methods, which together constitute the whole dialectical process (Phaedr. 265), as, on the one hand, the union in intuition of several individuals, and their reduction by this means to unity of essence; and on the other the division of unity into plurality, in accordance with natural classifications. The first method leads to Definition -- the knowledge of the essence of things; the second is the Division of the generic notion into the subordinate specific concepts.
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ PuTTY wish log-timestamp
German mirror provided by / Deutscher Spiegelserver von & SEO LEO
summary: Timestamps in logs
+ class: wish: This is a request for an enhancement.
+ difficulty: tricky: Needs many tuits.
+ priority: low: We aren't sure whether to fix this or not.
Timestamps would occasionally be useful in the log files PuTTY produces.
Deciding where to put timestamps in SSH packet logs is trivial -- packet starts and Event Log entries.
Some people want timestamping in raw terminal logs. This is a rather harder design problem. (See save-scrollback for a possible solution.)
+ If you want to comment on this web site, see the Feedback page.
This page contains download links for PuTTY release 0.52.
0.52, released on 2002-01-14, is not the latest release. See the Latest Release page for the most up-to-date release (currently 0.74).
Past releases of PuTTY are versions we thought were reasonably likely to work well, at the time they were released. However, later releases will almost always have fixed bugs and/or added new features. If you have a problem with this release, please try the latest release, to see if the problem has already been fixed.
This release has known security vulnerabilities. Consider using a later release instead, such as the latest version, 0.74.
+ If you want to comment on this web site, see the Feedback page.
+ (last modified on Sun Nov 22 22:28:56 2020)
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ :Title PuTTY User Manual 1 Title page=Top 1 Chapter 1: Introduction to PuTTY 2 Chapter 1: Introduction to PuTTY=t00000000 2 Section 1.1: What are SSH, Telnet and Rlogin?=t00000001 2 Section 1.2: How do SSH, Telnet and Rlogin differ?=t00000002 1 Chapter 2: Getting started with PuTTY 2 Chapter 2: Getting started with PuTTY=t00000003 2 Section 2.1: Starting a session=t00000004 2 Section 2.2: Verifying the host key (SSH only)=t00000005 2 Section 2.3: Logging in=t00000006 2 Section 2.4: After logging in=t00000007 2 Section 2.5: Logging out=t00000008 1 Chapter 3: Using PuTTY 2 Chapter 3: Using PuTTY=t00000009 2 Section 3.1: During your session 3 Section 3.1: During your session=t00000010 3 Section 3.1.1: Copying and pasting text=t00000011 3 Section 3.1.2: Scrolling the screen back=t00000012 3 Section 3.1.3: The System menu 4 Section 3.1.3: The System menu=t00000013 4 Section The PuTTY Event Log=t00000014 4 Section Special commands=t00000015 4 Section Starting new sessions=t00000016 4 Section Changing your session settings=t00000017 4 Section Copy All to Clipboard=t00000018 4 Section Clearing and resetting the terminal=t00000019 4 Section Full screen mode=t00000020 1 Section 3.2: Creating a log file of your session=t00000021 1 Section 3.3: Altering your character set configuration=t00000022 1 Section 3.4: Using X11 forwarding in SSH=t00000023 1 Section 3.5: Using port forwarding in SSH=t00000024 1 Section 3.6: Making raw TCP connections=t00000025 1 Section 3.7: Connecting to a local serial line=t00000026 2 Section 3.8: The PuTTY command line 3 Section 3.8: The PuTTY command line=t00000027 3 Section 3.8.1: Starting a session from the command line=t00000028 3 Section 3.8.2: -cleanup=options.cleanup 3 Section 3.8.3: Standard command-line options 4 Section 3.8.3: Standard command-line options=t00000029 4 Section -load: load a saved session=t00000030 4 Section Selecting a protocol: -ssh, -telnet, -rlogin, -raw -serial=t00000031 4 Section -v: increase verbosity=t00000032 4 Section -l: specify a login name=t00000033 4 Section -L, -R and -D: set up port forwardings=t00000034 4 Section -m: read a remote command or script from a file=t00000035 4 Section -P: specify a port number=t00000036 4 Section -pw: specify a password=t00000037 4 Section -agent and -noagent: control use of Pageant for authentication=t00000038 4 Section -A and -a: control agent forwarding=t00000039 4 Section -X and -x: control X11 forwarding=t00000040 4 Section -t and -T: control pseudo-terminal allocation=t00000041 4 Section -N: suppress starting a shell or command=t00000042 4 Section -nc: make a remote network connection in place of a remote shell or command=t00000043 4 Section -C: enable compression=t00000044 4 Section -1 and -2: specify an SSH protocol version=t00000045 4 Section -4 and -6: specify an Internet protocol version=t00000046 4 Section -i: specify an SSH private key=t00000047 4 Section -loghost: specify a logical host name=t00000048 4 Section -hostkey: manually specify an expected host key=t00000049 4 Section -pgpfp: display PGP key fingerprints=t00000050 4 Section -sercfg: specify serial port configuration=t00000051 4 Section -sessionlog, -sshlog, -sshrawlog: specify session logging=t00000052 4 Section -proxycmd: specify a local proxy command=t00000053 4 Section -restrict-acl: restrict the Windows process ACL=t00000054 1 Chapter 4: Configuring PuTTY 2 Chapter 4: Configuring PuTTY=t00000055 2 Section 4.1: The Session panel 3 Section 4.1: The Session panel=t00000056 3 Section 4.1.1: The host name section=session.hostname 3 Section 4.1.2: Loading and storing saved sessions=session.saved 3 Section 4.1.3: �Close Window on Exit�=session.coe 2 Section 4.2: The Logging panel 3 Section 4.2: The Logging panel=logging.main 3 Section 4.2.1: �Log file name�=logging.filename 3 Section 4.2.2: �What to do if the log file already exists�=logging.exists 3 Section 4.2.3: �Flush log file frequently�=logging.flush 3 Section 4.2.4: Options specific to SSH packet logging 4 Section 4.2.4: Options specific to SSH packet logging=t00000057 4 Section �Omit known password fields�=logging.ssh.omitpassword 4 Section �Omit session data�=logging.ssh.omitdata 2 Section 4.3: The Terminal panel 3 Section 4.3: The Terminal panel=t00000058 3 Section 4.3.1: �Auto wrap mode initially on�=terminal.autowrap 3 Section 4.3.2: �DEC Origin Mode initially on�=terminal.decom 3 Section 4.3.3: �Implicit CR in every LF�=terminal.lfhascr 3 Section 4.3.4: �Implicit LF in every CR�=terminal.crhaslf 3 Section 4.3.5: �Use background colour to erase screen�=terminal.bce 3 Section 4.3.6: �Enable blinking text�=terminal.blink 3 Section 4.3.7: �Answerback to ^E�=terminal.answerback 3 Section 4.3.8: �Local echo�=terminal.localecho 3 Section 4.3.9: �Local line editing�=terminal.localedit 3 Section 4.3.10: Remote-controlled printing=terminal.printing 2 Section 4.4: The Keyboard panel 3 Section 4.4: The Keyboard panel=t00000059 3 Section 4.4.1: Changing the action of the Backspace key=keyboard.backspace 3 Section 4.4.2: Changing the action of the Home and End keys=keyboard.homeend 3 Section 4.4.3: Changing the action of the function keys and keypad=keyboard.funkeys 3 Section 4.4.4: Controlling Application Cursor Keys mode=keyboard.appcursor 3 Section 4.4.5: Controlling Application Keypad mode=keyboard.appkeypad 3 Section 4.4.6: Using NetHack keypad mode=keyboard.nethack 3 Section 4.4.7: Enabling a DEC-like Compose key=keyboard.compose 3 Section 4.4.8: �Control-Alt is different from AltGr�=keyboard.ctrlalt 2 Section 4.5: The Bell panel 3 Section 4.5: The Bell panel=t00000060 3 Section 4.5.1: �Set the style of bell�=bell.style 3 Section 4.5.2: �Taskbar/caption indication on bell�=bell.taskbar 3 Section 4.5.3: �Control the bell overload behaviour�=bell.overload 2 Section 4.6: The Features panel 3 Section 4.6: The Features panel=t00000061 3 Section 4.6.1: Disabling application keypad and cursor keys=features.application 3 Section 4.6.2: Disabling xterm-style mouse reporting=features.mouse 3 Section 4.6.3: Disabling remote terminal resizing=features.resize 3 Section 4.6.4: Disabling switching to the alternate screen=features.altscreen 3 Section 4.6.5: Disabling remote window title changing=features.retitle 3 Section 4.6.6: Response to remote window title querying=features.qtitle 3 Section 4.6.7: Disabling remote scrollback clearing=features.clearscroll 3 Section 4.6.8: Disabling destructive backspace=features.dbackspace 3 Section 4.6.9: Disabling remote character set configuration=features.charset 3 Section 4.6.10: Disabling Arabic text shaping=features.arabicshaping 3 Section 4.6.11: Disabling bidirectional text display=features.bidi 2 Section 4.7: The Window panel 3 Section 4.7: The Window panel=t00000062 3 Section 4.7.1: Setting the size of the PuTTY window=window.size 3 Section 4.7.2: What to do when the window is resized=window.resize 3 Section 4.7.3: Controlling scrollback=window.scrollback 3 Section 4.7.4: �Push erased text into scrollback�=window.erased 2 Section 4.8: The Appearance panel 3 Section 4.8: The Appearance panel=t00000063 3 Section 4.8.1: Controlling the appearance of the cursor=appearance.cursor 3 Section 4.8.2: Controlling the font used in the terminal window=appearance.font 3 Section 4.8.3: �Hide mouse pointer when typing in window�=appearance.hidemouse 3 Section 4.8.4: Controlling the window border=appearance.border 2 Section 4.9: The Behaviour panel 3 Section 4.9: The Behaviour panel=t00000064 3 Section 4.9.1: Controlling the window title=appearance.title 3 Section 4.9.2: �Warn before closing window�=behaviour.closewarn 3 Section 4.9.3: �Window closes on ALT-F4�=behaviour.altf4 3 Section 4.9.4: �System menu appears on ALT-Space�=behaviour.altspace 3 Section 4.9.5: �System menu appears on Alt alone�=behaviour.altonly 3 Section 4.9.6: �Ensure window is always on top�=behaviour.alwaysontop 3 Section 4.9.7: �Full screen on Alt-Enter�=behaviour.altenter 2 Section 4.10: The Translation panel 3 Section 4.10: The Translation panel=t00000065 3 Section 4.10.1: Controlling character set translation=translation.codepage 3 Section 4.10.2: �Treat CJK ambiguous characters as wide�=translation.cjkambigwide 3 Section 4.10.3: �Caps Lock acts as Cyrillic switch�=translation.cyrillic 3 Section 4.10.4: Controlling display of line-drawing characters=translation.linedraw 3 Section 4.10.5: Controlling copy and paste of line drawing characters=selection.linedraw 2 Section 4.11: The Selection panel 3 Section 4.11: The Selection panel=t00000066 3 Section 4.11.1: Pasting in Rich Text Format=selection.rtf 3 Section 4.11.2: Changing the actions of the mouse buttons=selection.buttons 3 Section 4.11.3: �Shift overrides application's use of mouse�=selection.shiftdrag 3 Section 4.11.4: Default selection mode=selection.rect 3 Section 4.11.5: Configuring word-by-word selection=selection.charclasses 2 Section 4.12: The Colours panel 3 Section 4.12: The Colours panel=t00000067 3 Section 4.12.1: �Allow terminal to specify ANSI colours�=colours.ansi 3 Section 4.12.2: �Allow terminal to use xterm 256-colour mode�=colours.xterm256 3 Section 4.12.3: �Indicate bolded text by changing...�=colours.bold 3 Section 4.12.4: �Attempt to use logical palettes�=colours.logpal 3 Section 4.12.5: �Use system colours�=colours.system 3 Section 4.12.6: Adjusting the colours in the terminal window=colours.config 2 Section 4.13: The Connection panel 3 Section 4.13: The Connection panel=t00000068 3 Section 4.13.1: Using keepalives to prevent disconnection=connection.keepalive 3 Section 4.13.2: �Disable Nagle's algorithm�=connection.nodelay 3 Section 4.13.3: �Enable TCP keepalives�=connection.tcpkeepalive 3 Section 4.13.4: �Internet protocol�=connection.ipversion 3 Section 4.13.5: �Logical name of remote host�=connection.loghost 2 Section 4.14: The Data panel 3 Section 4.14: The Data panel=t00000069 3 Section 4.14.1: �Auto-login username�=connection.username 3 Section 4.14.2: Use of system username=connection.usernamefromenv 3 Section 4.14.3: �Terminal-type string�=connection.termtype 3 Section 4.14.4: �Terminal speeds�=connection.termspeed 3 Section 4.14.5: Setting environment variables on the server=telnet.environ 2 Section 4.15: The Proxy panel 3 Section 4.15: The Proxy panel=proxy.main 3 Section 4.15.1: Setting the proxy type=proxy.type 3 Section 4.15.2: Excluding parts of the network from proxying=proxy.exclude 3 Section 4.15.3: Name resolution when using a proxy=proxy.dns 3 Section 4.15.4: Username and password=proxy.auth 3 Section 4.15.5: Specifying the Telnet or Local proxy command=proxy.command 3 Section 4.15.6: Controlling proxy logging=proxy.logging 2 Section 4.16: The Telnet panel 3 Section 4.16: The Telnet panel=t00000070 3 Section 4.16.1: �Handling of OLD_ENVIRON ambiguity�=telnet.oldenviron 3 Section 4.16.2: Passive and active Telnet negotiation modes=telnet.passive 3 Section 4.16.3: �Keyboard sends Telnet special commands�=telnet.specialkeys 3 Section 4.16.4: �Return key sends Telnet New Line instead of ^M�=telnet.newline 2 Section 4.17: The Rlogin panel 3 Section 4.17: The Rlogin panel=t00000071 3 Section 4.17.1: �Local username�=rlogin.localuser 2 Section 4.18: The SSH panel 3 Section 4.18: The SSH panel=t00000072 3 Section 4.18.1: Executing a specific command on the server=ssh.command 3 Section 4.18.2: �Don't start a shell or command at all�=ssh.noshell 3 Section 4.18.3: �Enable compression�=ssh.compress 3 Section 4.18.4: �SSH protocol version�=ssh.protocol 3 Section 4.18.5: Sharing an SSH connection between PuTTY tools=ssh.sharing 2 Section 4.19: The Kex panel 3 Section 4.19: The Kex panel=t00000073 3 Section 4.19.1: Key exchange algorithm selection=ssh.kex.order 3 Section 4.19.2: Repeat key exchange=ssh.kex.repeat 2 Section 4.20: The Host Keys panel 3 Section 4.20: The Host Keys panel=t00000074 3 Section 4.20.1: Host key type selection=ssh.hostkey.order 3 Section 4.20.2: Manually configuring host keys=ssh.kex.manualhostkeys 1 Section 4.21: The Cipher panel=ssh.ciphers 2 Section 4.22: The Auth panel 3 Section 4.22: The Auth panel=t00000075 3 Section 4.22.1: �Display pre-authentication banner�=ssh.auth.banner 3 Section 4.22.2: �Bypass authentication entirely�=ssh.auth.bypass 3 Section 4.22.3: �Attempt authentication using Pageant�=ssh.auth.pageant 3 Section 4.22.4: �Attempt TIS or CryptoCard authentication�=ssh.auth.tis 3 Section 4.22.5: �Attempt keyboard-interactive authentication�=ssh.auth.ki 3 Section 4.22.6: �Allow agent forwarding�=ssh.auth.agentfwd 3 Section 4.22.7: �Allow attempted changes of username in SSH-2�=ssh.auth.changeuser 3 Section 4.22.8: �Private key file for authentication�=ssh.auth.privkey 2 Section 4.23: The GSSAPI panel 3 Section 4.23: The GSSAPI panel=ssh.auth.gssapi 3 Section 4.23.1: �Allow GSSAPI credential delegation�=ssh.auth.gssapi.delegation 3 Section 4.23.2: Preference order for GSSAPI libraries=ssh.auth.gssapi.libraries 2 Section 4.24: The TTY panel 3 Section 4.24: The TTY panel=t00000076 3 Section 4.24.1: �Don't allocate a pseudo-terminal�=ssh.nopty 3 Section 4.24.2: Sending terminal modes=ssh.ttymodes 2 Section 4.25: The X11 panel 3 Section 4.25: The X11 panel=ssh.tunnels.x11 3 Section 4.25.1: Remote X11 authentication=ssh.tunnels.x11auth 3 Section 4.25.2: X authority file for local display=ssh.tunnels.xauthority 2 Section 4.26: The Tunnels panel 3 Section 4.26: The Tunnels panel=ssh.tunnels.portfwd 3 Section 4.26.1: Controlling the visibility of forwarded ports=ssh.tunnels.portfwd.localhost 3 Section 4.26.2: Selecting Internet protocol version for forwarded ports=ssh.tunnels.portfwd.ipversion 2 Section 4.27: The Bugs and More Bugs panels 3 Section 4.27: The Bugs and More Bugs panels=t00000077 3 Section 4.27.1: �Chokes on SSH-1 ignore messages�=ssh.bugs.ignore1 3 Section 4.27.2: �Refuses all SSH-1 password camouflage�=ssh.bugs.plainpw1 3 Section 4.27.3: �Chokes on SSH-1 RSA authentication�=ssh.bugs.rsa1 3 Section 4.27.4: �Chokes on SSH-2 ignore messages�=ssh.bugs.ignore2 3 Section 4.27.5: �Chokes on PuTTY's SSH-2 �winadj� requests�=ssh.bugs.winadj 3 Section 4.27.6: �Miscomputes SSH-2 HMAC keys�=ssh.bugs.hmac2 3 Section 4.27.7: �Miscomputes SSH-2 encryption keys�=ssh.bugs.derivekey2 3 Section 4.27.8: �Requires padding on SSH-2 RSA signatures�=ssh.bugs.rsapad2 3 Section 4.27.9: �Misuses the session ID in SSH-2 PK auth�=ssh.bugs.pksessid2 3 Section 4.27.10: �Handles SSH-2 key re-exchange badly�=ssh.bugs.rekey2 3 Section 4.27.11: �Ignores SSH-2 maximum packet size�=ssh.bugs.maxpkt2 3 Section 4.27.12: �Replies to requests on closed channels�=ssh.bugs.chanreq 3 Section 4.27.13: �Only supports pre-RFC4419 SSH-2 DH GEX�=ssh.bugs.oldgex2 2 Section 4.28: The Serial panel 3 Section 4.28: The Serial panel=t00000078 3 Section 4.28.1: Selecting a serial line to connect to=serial.line 3 Section 4.28.2: Selecting the speed of your serial line=serial.speed 3 Section 4.28.3: Selecting the number of data bits=serial.databits 3 Section 4.28.4: Selecting the number of stop bits=serial.stopbits 3 Section 4.28.5: Selecting the serial parity checking scheme=serial.parity 3 Section 4.28.6: Selecting the serial flow control scheme=serial.flow 1 Section 4.29: Storing configuration in a file=t00000079 1 Chapter 5: Using PSCP to transfer files securely 2 Chapter 5: Using PSCP to transfer files securely=t00000080 2 Section 5.1: Starting PSCP=t00000081 2 Section 5.2: PSCP Usage 3 Section 5.2: PSCP Usage=t00000082 3 Section 5.2.1: The basics 4 Section 5.2.1: The basics=t00000083 4 Section user=t00000084 4 Section host=t00000085 4 Section source=t00000086 4 Section target=t00000087 3 Section 5.2.2: Options 4 Section 5.2.2: Options=t00000088 4 Section -ls list remote files=t00000089 4 Section -p preserve file attributes=t00000090 4 Section -q quiet, don't show statistics=t00000091 4 Section -r copies directories recursively=t00000092 4 Section -batch avoid interactive prompts=t00000093 4 Section -sftp, -scp force use of particular protocol=t00000094 2 Section 5.2.3: Return value=t00000095 2 Section 5.2.4: Using public key authentication with PSCP=t00000096 1 Chapter 6: Using PSFTP to transfer files securely 2 Chapter 6: Using PSFTP to transfer files securely=t00000097 2 Section 6.1: Starting PSFTP 3 Section 6.1: Starting PSFTP=t00000098 3 Section 6.1.1: -b: specify a file containing batch commands=t00000099 3 Section 6.1.2: -bc: display batch commands as they are run=t00000100 3 Section 6.1.3: -be: continue batch processing on errors=t00000101 3 Section 6.1.4: -batch: avoid interactive prompts=t00000102 2 Section 6.2: Running PSFTP 3 Section 6.2: Running PSFTP=t00000103 3 Section 6.2.1: General quoting rules for PSFTP commands=t00000104 3 Section 6.2.2: Wildcards in PSFTP=t00000105 3 Section 6.2.3: The open command: start a session=t00000106 3 Section 6.2.4: The quit command: end your session=t00000107 3 Section 6.2.5: The close command: close your connection=t00000108 3 Section 6.2.6: The help command: get quick online help=t00000109 3 Section 6.2.7: The cd and pwd commands: changing the remote working directory=t00000110 3 Section 6.2.8: The lcd and lpwd commands: changing the local working directory=t00000111 3 Section 6.2.9: The get command: fetch a file from the server=t00000112 3 Section 6.2.10: The put command: send a file to the server=t00000113 3 Section 6.2.11: The mget and mput commands: fetch or send multiple files=t00000114 3 Section 6.2.12: The reget and reput commands: resuming file transfers=t00000115 3 Section 6.2.13: The dir command: list remote files=t00000116 3 Section 6.2.14: The chmod command: change permissions on remote files=t00000117 3 Section 6.2.15: The del command: delete remote files=t00000118 3 Section 6.2.16: The mkdir command: create remote directories=t00000119 3 Section 6.2.17: The rmdir command: remove remote directories=t00000120 3 Section 6.2.18: The mv command: move and rename remote files=t00000121 3 Section 6.2.19: The ! command: run a local Windows command=t00000122 1 Section 6.3: Using public key authentication with PSFTP=t00000123 1 Chapter 7: Using the command-line connection tool Plink 2 Chapter 7: Using the command-line connection tool Plink=t00000124 2 Section 7.1: Starting Plink=t00000125 2 Section 7.2: Using Plink 3 Section 7.2: Using Plink=t00000126 3 Section 7.2.1: Using Plink for interactive logins=t00000127 3 Section 7.2.2: Using Plink for automated connections=t00000128 3 Section 7.2.3: Plink command line options 4 Section 7.2.3: Plink command line options=t00000129 4 Section -batch: disable all interactive prompts=t00000130 4 Section -s: remote command is SSH subsystem=t00000131 4 Section -shareexists: test for connection-sharing upstream=t00000132 1 Section 7.3: Using Plink in batch files and scripts=t00000133 1 Section 7.4: Using Plink with CVS=t00000134 1 Section 7.5: Using Plink with WinCVS=t00000135 1 Chapter 8: Using public keys for SSH authentication 2 Chapter 8: Using public keys for SSH authentication=t00000136 2 Section 8.1: Public key authentication - an introduction=t00000137 2 Section 8.2: Using PuTTYgen, the PuTTY key generator 3 Section 8.2: Using PuTTYgen, the PuTTY key generator=puttygen.general 3 Section 8.2.1: Generating a new key=t00000138 3 Section 8.2.2: Selecting the type of key=puttygen.keytype 3 Section 8.2.3: Selecting the size (strength) of the key=puttygen.bits 3 Section 8.2.4: The �Generate� button=puttygen.generate 3 Section 8.2.5: The �Key fingerprint� box=puttygen.fingerprint 3 Section 8.2.6: Setting a comment for your key=puttygen.comment 3 Section 8.2.7: Setting a passphrase for your key=puttygen.passphrase 3 Section 8.2.8: Saving your private key to a disk file=puttygen.savepriv 3 Section 8.2.9: Saving your public key to a disk file=puttygen.savepub 3 Section 8.2.10: �Public key for pasting into authorized_keys file�=puttygen.pastekey 3 Section 8.2.11: Reloading a private key=puttygen.load 3 Section 8.2.12: Dealing with private keys in other formats=puttygen.conversions 1 Section 8.3: Getting ready for public key authentication=t00000139 1 Chapter 9: Using Pageant for authentication 2 Chapter 9: Using Pageant for authentication=pageant.general 2 Section 9.1: Getting started with Pageant=t00000140 2 Section 9.2: The Pageant main window 3 Section 9.2: The Pageant main window=t00000141 3 Section 9.2.1: The key list box=pageant.keylist 3 Section 9.2.2: The �Add Key� button=pageant.addkey 3 Section 9.2.3: The �Remove Key� button=pageant.remkey 2 Section 9.3: The Pageant command line 3 Section 9.3: The Pageant command line=t00000142 3 Section 9.3.1: Making Pageant automatically load keys on startup=t00000143 3 Section 9.3.2: Making Pageant run another program=t00000144 1 Section 9.4: Using agent forwarding=t00000145 1 Section 9.5: Security considerations=t00000146 1 Chapter 10: Common error messages 2 Chapter 10: Common error messages=t00000147 2 Section 10.1: �The server's host key is not cached in the registry�=errors.hostkey.absent 2 Section 10.2: �WARNING - POTENTIAL SECURITY BREACH!�=errors.hostkey.changed 2 Section 10.3: �SSH protocol version 2 required by our configuration but server only provides (old, insecure) SSH-1�=t00000148 2 Section 10.4: �The first cipher supported by the server is ... below the configured warning threshold�=t00000149 2 Section 10.5: �Server sent disconnect message type 2 (protocol error): "Too many authentication failures for root"�=t00000150 2 Section 10.6: �Out of memory�=t00000151 2 Section 10.7: �Internal error�, �Internal fault�, �Assertion failed�=t00000152 2 Section 10.8: �Unable to use this private key file�, �Couldn't load private key�, �Key is of wrong type�=errors.cantloadkey 2 Section 10.9: �Server refused our public key� or �Key refused�=t00000153 2 Section 10.10: �Access denied�, �Authentication refused�=t00000154 2 Section 10.11: �No supported authentication methods available�=t00000155 2 Section 10.12: �Incorrect CRC received on packet� or �Incorrect MAC received on packet�=t00000156 2 Section 10.13: �Incoming packet was garbled on decryption�=t00000157 2 Section 10.14: �PuTTY X11 proxy: various errors�=t00000158 2 Section 10.15: �Network error: Software caused connection abort�=t00000159 2 Section 10.16: �Network error: Connection reset by peer�=t00000160 2 Section 10.17: �Network error: Connection refused�=t00000161 2 Section 10.18: �Network error: Connection timed out�=t00000162 2 Section 10.19: �Network error: Cannot assign requested address�=t00000163 1 Appendix A: PuTTY FAQ 2 Appendix A: PuTTY FAQ=t00000164 2 Section A.1: Introduction 3 Section A.1: Introduction=t00000165 3 Question A.1.1: What is PuTTY?=t00000166 2 Section A.2: Features supported in PuTTY 3 Section A.2: Features supported in PuTTY=t00000167 3 Question A.2.1: Does PuTTY support SSH-2?=t00000168 3 Question A.2.2: Does PuTTY support reading OpenSSH or ssh.com SSH-2 private key files?=t00000169 3 Question A.2.3: Does PuTTY support SSH-1?=t00000170 3 Question A.2.4: Does PuTTY support local echo?=t00000171 3 Question A.2.5: Does PuTTY support storing settings, so I don't have to change them every time?=t00000172 3 Question A.2.6: Does PuTTY support storing its settings in a disk file?=t00000173 3 Question A.2.7: Does PuTTY support full-screen mode, like a DOS box?=t00000174 3 Question A.2.8: Does PuTTY have the ability to remember my password so I don't have to type it every time?=t00000175 3 Question A.2.9: Is there an option to turn off the annoying host key prompts?=t00000176 3 Question A.2.10: Will you write an SSH server for the PuTTY suite, to go with the client?=t00000177 3 Question A.2.11: Can PSCP or PSFTP transfer files in ASCII mode?=t00000178 2 Section A.3: Ports to other operating systems 3 Section A.3: Ports to other operating systems=t00000179 3 Question A.3.1: What ports of PuTTY exist?=t00000180 3 Question A.3.2: Is there a port to Unix?=t00000181 3 Question A.3.3: What's the point of the Unix port? Unix has OpenSSH.=t00000182 3 Question A.3.4: Will there be a port to Windows CE or PocketPC?=t00000183 3 Question A.3.5: Is there a port to Windows 3.1?=t00000184 3 Question A.3.6: Will there be a port to the Mac?=t00000185 3 Question A.3.7: Will there be a port to EPOC?=t00000186 3 Question A.3.8: Will there be a port to the iPhone?=t00000187 2 Section A.4: Embedding PuTTY in other programs 3 Section A.4: Embedding PuTTY in other programs=t00000188 3 Question A.4.1: Is the SSH or Telnet code available as a DLL?=t00000189 3 Question A.4.2: Is the SSH or Telnet code available as a Visual Basic component?=t00000190 3 Question A.4.3: How can I use PuTTY to make an SSH connection from within another program?=t00000191 2 Section A.5: Details of PuTTY's operation 3 Section A.5: Details of PuTTY's operation=t00000192 3 Question A.5.1: What terminal type does PuTTY use?=t00000193 3 Question A.5.2: Where does PuTTY store its data?=t00000194 2 Section A.6: HOWTO questions 3 Section A.6: HOWTO questions=t00000195 3 Question A.6.1: What login name / password should I use?=t00000196 3 Question A.6.2: What commands can I type into my PuTTY terminal window?=t00000197 3 Question A.6.3: How can I make PuTTY start up maximised?=t00000198 3 Question A.6.4: How can I create a Windows shortcut to start a particular saved session directly?=t00000199 3 Question A.6.5: How can I start an SSH session straight from the command line?=t00000200 3 Question A.6.6: How do I copy and paste between PuTTY and other Windows applications?=t00000201 3 Question A.6.7: How do I use all PuTTY's features (public keys, proxying, cipher selection, etc.) in PSCP, PSFTP and Plink?=t00000202 3 Question A.6.8: How do I use PSCP.EXE? When I double-click it gives me a command prompt window which then closes instantly.=t00000203 3 Question A.6.9: How do I use PSCP to copy a file whose name has spaces in?=t00000204 3 Question A.6.10: Should I run the 32-bit or the 64-bit version?=t00000205 2 Section A.7: Troubleshooting 3 Section A.7: Troubleshooting=t00000206 3 Question A.7.1: Why do I see �Incorrect MAC received on packet�?=t00000207 3 Question A.7.2: Why do I see �Fatal: Protocol error: Expected control record� in PSCP?=t00000208 3 Question A.7.3: I clicked on a colour in the Colours panel, and the colour didn't change in my terminal.=t00000209 3 Question A.7.4: Plink on Windows 95 says it can't find WS2_32.DLL.=t00000210 3 Question A.7.5: After trying to establish an SSH-2 connection, PuTTY says �Out of memory� and dies.=t00000211 3 Question A.7.6: When attempting a file transfer, either PSCP or PSFTP says �Out of memory� and dies.=t00000212 3 Question A.7.7: PSFTP transfers files much slower than PSCP.=t00000213 3 Question A.7.8: When I run full-colour applications, I see areas of black space where colour ought to be, or vice versa.=t00000214 3 Question A.7.9: When I change some terminal settings, nothing happens.=t00000215 3 Question A.7.10: My PuTTY sessions unexpectedly close after they are idle for a while.=t00000216 3 Question A.7.11: PuTTY's network connections time out too quickly when network connectivity is temporarily lost.=t00000217 3 Question A.7.12: When I cat a binary file, I get �PuTTYPuTTYPuTTY� on my command line.=t00000218 3 Question A.7.13: When I cat a binary file, my window title changes to a nonsense string.=t00000219 3 Question A.7.14: My keyboard stops working once PuTTY displays the password prompt.=t00000220 3 Question A.7.15: One or more function keys don't do what I expected in a server-side application.=t00000221 3 Question A.7.16: Since my SSH server was upgraded to OpenSSH 3.1p1/3.4p1, I can no longer connect with PuTTY.=t00000222 3 Question A.7.17: Why do I see �Couldn't load private key from ...�? Why can PuTTYgen load my key but not PuTTY?=t00000223 3 Question A.7.18: When I'm connected to a Red Hat Linux 8.0 system, some characters don't display properly.=t00000224 3 Question A.7.19: Since I upgraded to PuTTY 0.54, the scrollback has stopped working when I run screen.=t00000225 3 Question A.7.20: Since I upgraded Windows XP to Service Pack 2, I can't use addresses like 3 Question A.7.21: PSFTP commands seem to be missing a directory separator (slash).=t00000227 3 Question A.7.22: Do you want to hear about �Software caused connection abort�?=t00000228 3 Question A.7.23: My SSH-2 session locks up for a few seconds every so often.=t00000229 3 Question A.7.24: PuTTY fails to start up. Windows claims that �the application configuration is incorrect�.=t00000230 3 Question A.7.25: When I put 32-bit PuTTY in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 on my 64-bit Windows system, �Duplicate Session� doesn't work.=t00000231 2 Section A.8: Security questions 3 Section A.8: Security questions=t00000232 3 Question A.8.1: Is it safe for me to download PuTTY and use it on a public PC?=t00000233 3 Question A.8.2: What does PuTTY leave on a system? How can I clean up after it?=t00000234 3 Question A.8.3: How come PuTTY now supports DSA, when the website used to say how insecure it was?=t00000235 3 Question A.8.4: Couldn't Pageant use VirtualLock() to stop private keys being written to disk?=t00000236 2 Section A.9: Administrative questions 3 Section A.9: Administrative questions=t00000237 3 Question A.9.1: Would you like me to register you a nicer domain name?=t00000238 3 Question A.9.2: Would you like free web hosting for the PuTTY web site?=t00000239 3 Question A.9.3: Would you link to my web site from the PuTTY web site?=t00000240 3 Question A.9.4: Why don't you move PuTTY to SourceForge?=t00000241 3 Question A.9.5: Why can't I subscribe to the putty-bugs mailing list?=t00000242 3 Question A.9.6: If putty-bugs isn't a general-subscription mailing list, what is?=t00000243 3 Question A.9.7: How can I donate to PuTTY development?=t00000244 3 Question A.9.8: Can I have permission to put PuTTY on a cover disk / distribute it with other software / etc?=t00000245 3 Question A.9.9: Can you sign an agreement indemnifying us against security problems in PuTTY?=t00000246 3 Question A.9.10: Can you sign this form granting us permission to use/distribute PuTTY?=t00000247 3 Question A.9.11: Can you write us a formal notice of permission to use PuTTY?=t00000248 3 Question A.9.12: Can you sign anything for us?=t00000249 3 Question A.9.13: If you won't sign anything, can you give us some sort of assurance that you won't make PuTTY closed-source in future?=t00000250 3 Question A.9.14: Can you provide us with export control information / FIPS certification for PuTTY?=t00000251 3 Question A.9.15: As one of our existing software vendors, can you just fill in this questionnaire for us?=t00000252 3 Question A.9.16: The sha1sums / sha256sums / etc files on your download page don't match the binaries.=t00000253 2 Section A.10: Miscellaneous questions 3 Section A.10: Miscellaneous questions=t00000254 3 Question A.10.1: Is PuTTY a port of OpenSSH, or based on OpenSSH or OpenSSL?=t00000255 3 Question A.10.2: Where can I buy silly putty?=t00000256 3 Question A.10.3: What does �PuTTY� mean?=t00000257 3 Question A.10.4: How do I pronounce �PuTTY�?=t00000258 1 Appendix B: Feedback and bug reporting 2 Appendix B: Feedback and bug reporting=t00000259 2 Section B.1: General guidelines 3 Section B.1: General guidelines=t00000260 3 Section B.1.1: Sending large attachments=t00000261 3 Section B.1.2: Other places to ask for help=t00000262 1 Section B.2: Reporting bugs=t00000263 1 Section B.3: Reporting security vulnerabilities=t00000264 1 Section B.4: Requesting extra features=t00000265 1 Section B.5: Requesting features that have already been requested=t00000266 1 Section B.6: Support requests=t00000267 1 Section B.7: Web server administration=t00000268 1 Section B.8: Asking permission for things=t00000269 1 Section B.9: Mirroring the PuTTY web site=t00000270 1 Section B.10: Praise and compliments=t00000271 1 Section B.11: E-mail address=t00000272 1 Appendix C: PuTTY Licence 2 Appendix C: PuTTY Licence=t00000273 1 Appendix D: PuTTY hacking guide 2 Appendix D: PuTTY hacking guide=t00000274 2 Section D.1: Cross-OS portability=t00000275 2 Section D.2: Multiple backends treated equally=t00000276 2 Section D.3: Multiple sessions per process on some platforms=t00000277 2 Section D.4: C, not C++=t00000278 2 Section D.5: Security-conscious coding=t00000279 2 Section D.6: Independence of specific compiler=t00000280 2 Section D.7: Small code size=t00000281 2 Section D.8: Single-threaded code=t00000282 2 Section D.9: Keystrokes sent to the server wherever possible=t00000283 2 Section D.10: 640�480 friendliness in configuration panels=t00000284 2 Section D.11: Automatically generated Makefiles=t00000285 2 Section D.12: Coroutines in ssh.c=t00000286 2 Section D.13: Single compilation of each source file=t00000287 2 Section D.14: Do as we say, not as we do=t00000288 1 Appendix E: PuTTY download keys and signatures 2 Appendix E: PuTTY download keys and signatures=pgpfingerprints 2 Section E.1: Public keys=t00000289 2 Section E.2: Security details 3 Section E.2: Security details=t00000290 3 Section E.2.1: The Development Snapshots key=t00000291 3 Section E.2.2: The Releases key=t00000292 3 Section E.2.3: The Secure Contact Key=t00000293 3 Section E.2.4: The Master Keys=t00000294 1 Section E.3: Key rollover=t00000295 1 Appendix F: SSH-2 names specified for PuTTY 2 Appendix F: SSH-2 names specified for PuTTY=t00000296 2 Section F.1: Connection protocol channel request names=t00000297 2 Section F.2: Key exchange method names=t00000298 2 Section F.3: Encryption algorithm names=t00000299
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e2066ac
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ BKCLSDWL.RVW 981114 "The Closed World", Paul N. Edwards, 1997, 0-262-55028-8, U$17.50 %A Paul N. Edwards %C 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1399 %D 1997 %G 0-262-55028-8 %I MIT Press %O U$17.50 800-356-0343 fax: 617-625-6660 www-mitpress.mit.edu %P 440 p. %T "The Closed World: Computers and the Politics of Disclosure in Cold War America" In his recent general computer history (cf. BKHSMDCM.RVW), Cerruzi notes that the American dominance of the computer industry is likely due to contracts and support from the US government and military. Inevitably, such a single source impetus has to have some kind of impact on the direction and shape both of the industry, and the technology itself, although the specifics of that influence might be difficult to determine. In the current work, the author tries to trace the leverage not only through the Cold War, but to a line running through Western philosophy back to Plato (who, incidentally, had a computer based training system, originally designed for the military, named after him). It is instructive, before looking at the book itself, to examine Edward's "closed world" term. This phrase comes from literary, and particularly theatrical, criticism. A closed world centres on some form of conflict, and all activity concentrates on, or relates to, the conflict itself. Hence a play like Hamlet, where every action and every line spoken feeds back to the fight between Hamlet and his uncle, and seemingly disparate events are generally attempts to control the battle. In opposition to closed world dramas, another type is the green world play, which is characterized by magic. Magic (except in our modern fantasy derivations from science fiction, and that would make a fascinating exploration some other time) is essentially uncontrollable. Chapter one outlines two general themes: that of the rampant paranoia of the Cold War, in which the US tried to contain and control the threat of communism; and the cyborg, the ultimate outgrowth of factory time and motion studies, in which the outcome of both production and the battleground can be predicted and controlled. Most of this chapter is spent outlining various philosophical concepts and developments. The early post war development of computers, a massive military investment in research and development, and the initial superiority of analogue computers over digital ones is reviewed in chapter two. Chapter three describes SAGE as the original of the various command and control technologies, but does little to relate this to computer development overall. This is extended through the sixties in chapter four, and although neither chapter serves to indicate how these events influenced computer design as such, chapter four does indicate the increasing technocratic orientation of American business management theories, and the utter failure of the first real command and control attempt in Vietnam. Chapter five is an interlude examining the metaphors used to think about computers, and how that affects the perception of them. The emergence of cybernetic or cognitive psychology as an identifiable field of study is related in chapter six. Chapter seven reviews the third "C" in military management; communications; and attempts to relate it to the emergence of cognitive science. Artificial intelligence gets covered in chapter eight with a heavy emphasis on programming language development. Chapter nine reviews the large scale military technology plans of the 1980s, particularly the Strategic Defense Initiative (alias "Star Wars"), involving a number of the technologies developed to date. The book comes, in a sense, full circle in chapter ten by returning to the world of theatre and fiction to look at attitudes towards technology and computers. An epilogue echoes this, looking first at recent history, and then at a "green world ascendant" interpretation of the movie "Terminator 2." Edwards' thesis is interesting. His historical recounting brings forward a number of events and links that are generally not included in previous mainstream computer histories. However, his analysis and presentation may not be fully convincing. The influence of society on technology, and technology on society, cannot be doubted, and should be considered more often than it is, but I question how much of Edwards' view is either real or valuable. copyright Robert M. Slade, 1998 BKCLSDWL.RVW 981114
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new file mode 100644
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+ "Neue Rheinische Zeitung" - Die Debatte ueber den Jakobyschen Auftrag
Seitenzahlen verweisen auf: Karl Marx - Friedrich Engels - Werke, Band 5, S. 222-237 Dietz Verlag, Berlin/DDR 1971
Die Debatte über den Jacobyschen Antrag
["Neue Rheinische Zeitung" Nr. 48 vom 18. Juli 1848]
<222> **Köln, 17. Juli. Wir haben wieder einmal eine "große Debatte" gehabt, um mit Herrn Camphausen zu sprechen, eine Debatte, die volle zwei Tage dauerte.
Die Grundlagen der Debatte sind bekannt: der Vorbehalt der Regierung gegen die sofortige Rechtsgültigkeit der Beschlüsse der Nationalversammlung und der Jacobysche Antrag auf Anerkennung der Befugnis der Versammlung, sofort rechtskräftige Beschlüsse zu fassen, ohne die Zustimmung von irgend jemand abzuwarten, aber auch auf Mißbilligung des Beschlusses über die Zentralgewalt.
Wie eine Debatte über diesen Gegenstand nur möglich war, wird andern Völkern unbegreiflich erscheinen. Aber wir sind im Land der Eichen und der Linden, und da darf uns so leicht nichts verwundern.
Das Volk schickt eine Versammlung nach Frankfurt mit dem Mandat, sie soll sich souverän erklären über ganz Deutschland und alle seine Regierungen; sie soll kraft ihrer vom Volk ihr übertragenen Souveränetät eine Verfassung für Deutschland beschließen.
Die Versammlung, statt sogleich ihre Souveränetät gegenüber den Einzelstaaten und dem Bundestag zu proklamieren, umgeht schüchtern jede Frage, die darauf Bezug hat, und bewahrt eine unentschiedene, schwankende Stellung.
Endlich kommt sie zu einer entscheidenden Frage: zur Ernennung einer provisorischen Zentralgewalt. Scheinbar unabhängig, in der Tat aber von den Regierungen durch Gagerns Vermittlung geleitet, wählt sie selbst den ihr von den Regierungen im voraus bestimmten Reichsverweser.
Der Bundestag erkennt die Wahl an und zeigt eine gewisse Prätension, ihr durch seine Bestätigung erst Rechtskraft zu geben.
<223> Trotzdem aber laufen von Hannover und selbst von Preußen Vorbehalte ein; und der preußische Vorbehalt ist es, der der Debatte vom 11. und 12. zum Grunde liegt.
Die Berliner Kammer ist also diesmal nicht so sehr schuld daran, wenn die Debatten sich ins Nebelhafte verlaufen. Es ist die Schuld der unentschiedenen, schlaffen, energielosen Frankfurter Nationalversammlung, wenn ihre Beschlüsse derart sind, daß sich schwer andres über sie sagen läßt als bloße Kannegießereien.
Jacoby leitet seinen Antrag kurz und mit seiner gewöhnlichen Präzision ein. Er erschwert den Rednern der Linken ihren Standpunkt sehr; er sagt alles, was man über den Antrag sagen kann, wenn man nicht auf die für die Nationalversammlung so kompromittierende Entstehungsgeschichte der Zentralgewalt eingehen will.
In der Tat haben nach ihm die Abgeordneten der Linken wenig Neues mehr vorgebracht, wogegen es der Rechten noch viel schlimmer erging: sie verlief sich entweder in pure Kannegießerei oder in juristische Spitzfindigkeiten. Auf beiden Seiten wurde unendlich oft wiederholt.
Der Abgeordnete Schneider hat die Ehre, die Argumente der Rechten zuerst der Versammlung zu unterbreiten.
Er beginnt mit dem großen Argument, daß der Antrag sich selbst widerspreche. Einerseits erkenne er die Souveränetät der Nationalversammlung an, andrerseits fordre er die Vereinbarungskammer auf, einen Tadel gegen sie auszusprechen und sich dadurch über sie zu stellen. Jeder Einzelne könne den Tadel aussprechen, nicht aber die Versammlung.
Dieser feine Beweisgrund, auf den die Rechte augenscheinlich sehr stolz ist, denn er geht durch alle ihre Reden, stellt eine ganz neue Theorie auf. Nach ihr hat die Versammlung weniger Recht als ein Einzelner gegenüber der Nationalversammlung.
Auf dies erste große Argument folgt das republikanische. Deutschland besteht größtenteils aus konstitutionellen Monarchien und daher muß es auch ein konstitutionelles, unverantwortliches Oberhaupt haben, kein republikanisches, verantwortliches. Dies Argument hat am zweiten Tage Herr Stein beantwortet: Deutschland war seiner Zentralverfassung nach immer eine Republik, freilich auch eine erbauliche Republik.
"Wir haben", sagt Herr Schneider, "das Mandat erhalten, die konstitutionelle Monarchie zu vereinbaren, und die Frankfurter haben das ähnliche Mandat erhalten, mit den deutschen Regierungen eine Verfassung für Deutschland zu vereinbaren."
Die Reaktion spricht ihre Wünsche schon als bestehende Tatsachen aus. Damals, als der zitternde Bundestag auf Befehl einer Versammlung ohne <224> irgendein rechtskräftiges Mandat, des sogenannten Vorparlaments, die deutsche Nationalversammlung einberief, damals war von Vereinbarung nicht die Rede, damals galt die berufene Nationalversammlung für souverän. Jetzt aber ist das anders. Die Pariser Junitage haben die Hoffnungen nicht nur der großen Bourgeoisie, sondern auch der Anhänger des gestürzten Systems neu geschwellt. Jeder Krautjunker erwartet die Herstellung seines alten Kantschuregiments, und von dem kaiserlichen Hoflager zu Innsbruck bis zu der Stammburg Heinrichs LXXII. beginnt schon der Ruf nach "Vereinbarung der deutschen Verfassung" sich zu erheben. Das hat die Frankfurter Versammlung sich freilich selbst zuzuschreiben.
"Die Nationalversammlung hat also nach ihrem Mandat gehandelt, indem sie ein konstitutionelles Oberhaupt wählte. Sie hat aber auch nach dem Willen des Volkes gehandelt; die große Majorität will die konstitutionelle Monarchie. Ja, ich hätte es für ein Unglück gehalten, hatte die Nationalversammlung anders beschlossen. Nicht weil ich gegen die Republik bin, im Prinzip erkenne ich - darin bin ich mit mir vollständig einig - die Republik als die vollkommenste und edelste Staatsform an, aber in der Wirklichkeit sind wir dahin noch lange nicht gelangt. Wir können die Form nicht haben, ohne den Geist zu haben. Wir können keine Republik haben wollen, wenn uns die Republikaner fehlen, d.h. die edlen Charaktere, die nicht nur in der Begeisterung, sondern zu jeder Zeit mit ruhigem Bewußtsein und in edler Selbstverleugnung ihr Interesse dem gemeinsamen Interesse unterzuordnen wissen."
Kann man einen schönern Beweis verlangen, welche Tugenden in der Berliner Kammer vertreten sind, als diese edlen, bescheidenen Worte des Abgeordneten Schneider? Wahrlich, wenn noch ein Zweifel bestehen konnte über die Befähigung der Deutschen zur Republik, er mußte in sein Nichts verschwinden vor diesen Proben echter Bürgertugend, edler, bescheidenster Selbstaufopferung unseres Cincinnatus-Schneider! Möge Cincinnatus Mut fassen und Vertrauen zu sich und den zahllosen edlen Bürgern Deutschlands, die ebenfalls die Republik für die edelste Staatsform, aber sich selbst für schlechte Republikaner halten: Sie sind reif für die Republik, sie würden die Republik mit demselben heroischen Gleichmut ertragen wie die absolute Monarchie. Die Republik der Biedermänner würde die glücklichste sein, die je bestand: eine Republik ohne Brutus und Catilina, ohne Marat und Junistürme, die Republik der satten Tugend und zahlungsfähigen Moral.
Wie sehr täuscht sich Cincinnatus-Schneider, wenn er ausruft:
"Unter dem Absolutismus können sich keine republikanischen Charaktere bilden; es läßt sich der republikanische Geist nicht hervorrufen, wie man die Hand umdreht; wir haben unsere Kinder und Kindeskinder dahin erst zu erziehen! Gegenwärtig würde ich die Republik nur für das höchste Unheil halten, denn sie wäre die Anarchie <225> mit dem entheiligten Namen der Republik, der Despotismus unter der Larve der Freiheit!"
Im Gegenteil, die Deutschen sind, wie Herr Vogt (von Gießen) in der Nationalversammlung sagte, die gebornen Republikaner, und Cincinnatus-Schneider kann seine Kinder nicht besser zur Republik erziehen, als wenn er sie in der alten deutschen Zucht, Sitte und Gottesfurcht erzieht, in der er selbst schlecht und recht herangewachsen. Die Republik der Biedermänner würde anstatt Anarchie und Despotismus dieselben gemütlichen Weißbierverhandlungen erst zur höchsten Vollkommenheit entwickeln, in denen Cincinnatus-Schneider sich so sehr auszeichnet. Die Republik der Biedermänner, fern von allen Greueln und Verbrechen, die die französische erste Republik besudelten, rein von Blut und die rote Fahne verabscheuend, würde das bisher Unerreichte möglich machen, daß jeder honette Bürger ein stilles und ruhiges Leben führe in aller Gottseligkeit und Ehrbarkeit. Wer weiß, ob uns die Republik der Biedermänner nicht gar die Zünfte mit sämtlichen erheiternden Bönhasenprozessen wiederbrächte! Diese Republik der Biedermänner ist kein luftgewebtes Traumbild, sie ist eine Wirklichkeit, sie existiert in Bremen, Hamburg, Lübeck und Frankfurt und selbst noch in einigen Teilen der Schweiz. Überall aber droht ihr Gefahr im Sturm der Zeiten, überall ist sie am Untergehen.
Darum auf, Cincinnatus-Schneider, verlaß Pflug und Rübenfeld, Weißbier und Vereinbarung, steig zu Roß und rette die bedrohte Republik, deine Republik, die Republik der Biedermänner!
["Neue Rheinische Zeitung" Nr. 49 vom 19. Juli 1848]
**Köln, 18. Juli. Nach Herrn Schneider betritt Herr Waldeck die Tribüne, um für den Antrag zu sprechen:
"Wahrlich, die Lage des preußischen Staats ist jetzt beispiellos, und im Grunde kann man sich nicht verhehlen, sie ist auch einigermaßen bedenklich."
Dieser Anfang ist ebenfalls einigermaßen bedenklich. Wir glauben noch immer den Abgeordneten Schneider zu hören:
"Preußen war, wir dürfen es sagen, berufen zur Hegemonie in Deutschland."
Noch immer die altpreußische Illusion, noch immer der süße Traum, Deutschland in Preußen aufgehen zu machen und Berlin zum deutschen Paris zu erklären! Herr Waldeck sieht zwar diese süße Hoffnung vor seinen Augen zerrinnen, aber mit schmerzlichem Gefühl schaut er ihr nach, er <226> macht der vorigen und jetzigen Regierung einen Vorwurf daraus, sie habe es verschuldet, daß Preußen nicht an der Spitze von Deutschland stehe.
Leider, die schönen Tage sind vorüber, in denen der Zollverein die preußische Hegemonie über Deutschland anbahnte, in denen der Provinzialpatriotismus glauben konnte, "der märkische Stamm habe seit 200 Jahren die Geschicke Deutschlands entschieden" und werde sie auch ferner entscheiden; die schönen Tage, in denen das gänzlich zerfallende Bundestags-Deutschland selbst in der allgemeinen Anwendung der preußisch-bürokratischen Zwangsjacke ein letztes Mittel des Zusammenhalts sehen konnte!
"Der längst von der öffentlichen Meinung gerichtete Bundestag verschwindet, und plötzlich steht vor den Augen der erstaunten Welt die konstituierende Nationalversammlung zu Frankfurt!"
Die "Welt" mußte allerdings "erstaunen", als sie diese konstituierende Nationalversammlung sah. Man vergleiche darüber die französischen, englischen und italienischen Blätter.
Herr Waldeck erklärt sich noch des breiteren gegen einen deutschen Kaiser und macht dem Herrn Reichensperger II Platz.
Herr Reichensperger II erklärt die Unterstützer des Jacobyschen Antrags für Republikaner und wünscht, sie möchten nur so offen mit ihren Absichten hervortreten wie die Frankfurter Republikaner. Dann beteuert auch er, Deutschland besitze noch nicht das "Vollmaß bürgerlicher und politischer Tugend, welches ein großer Staatslehrer <Montesquieu> als die wesentliche Bedingung der Republik bezeichnet". Es muß schlimm um Deutschland stehen, wenn der Patriot Reichensperger das sagt!
Die Regierung, fährt er fort, hat keine Vorbehalte gemacht (!), sondern bloße Wünsche ausgesprochen. Dazu war Veranlassung genug, und auch ich hoffe, daß nicht immer die Regierungen bei den Beschlüssen der Nationalversammlung umgangen werden. Eine Festsetzung der Kompetenz der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung liegt außer unserer Kompetenz; die Nationalversammlung selbst hat sich dagegen ausgesprochen, Theorien über ihre Kompetenz aufzustellen, sie hat praktisch gehandelt, wo die Notwendigkeit das Handeln gebot.
Das heißt, die Frankfurter Versammlung hat nicht in der Zeit der revolutionären Aufregung, wo sie allmächtig war, den unausbleiblichen Kampf mit den deutschen Regierungen durch einen entscheidenden Schlag abgemacht; sie hat vorgezogen, die Entscheidung aufzuschieben, bei jedem einzelnen Beschluß kleine Scharmützel mit dieser oder jener Regierung zu <227> bestehen, die für sie in demselben Maße schwächend sind, als sie sich von der Zeit der Revolutionen entfernt und durch ihr schlaffes Auftreten in den Augen des Volks kompromittiert. Und insofern hat Herr Reichensperger recht: Es verlohnt sich für uns nicht der Mühe, einer Versammlung zu Hülfe zu kommen, die sich selbst im Stich läßt!
Rührend aber ist es, wenn Herr Reichensperger sagt:
"Es ist also unstaatsmännisch, derartige Kompetenzfragen zu erörtern; es kömmt nur darauf an, die jedesmal sich darbietenden praktischen Fragen zu lösen."
Allerdings, es ist "unstaatsmännisch", diese "praktischen Fragen" ein für allemal durch einen energischen Beschluß zu beseitigen; es ist "unstaatsmännisch", das revolutionäre Mandat, das jede aus den Barrikaden hervorgegangene Versammlung besitzt, geltend zu machen gegenüber den Versuchen der Reaktion, die Bewegung aufzuhalten; allerdings, Cromwell, Mirabeau, Danton, Napoleon, die ganze englische und französische Revolution waren höchst "unstaatsmännisch", aber Bassermann, Biedermann, Eisenmann, Wiedenmann, Dahlmann benehmen sich "staatsmännisch"! Die "Staatsmänner" hören überhaupt auf, wenn die Revolution eintritt, und die Revolution muß für den Augenblick eingeschlafen sein, wenn die "Staatsmänner" wieder auftreten! Und vollends die Staatsmänner von der Stärke des Herrn Reichensperger II, Abgeordneten des Kreises Kempen!
"Gehen Sie von diesem System ab, so wird es schwerlich gelingen, Konflikte mit der deutschen Nationalversammlung oder mit den Regierungen der Einzelstaaten zu vermeiden; in jedem Falle werden Sie beklagenswerten Zwiespalt säen; infolge des Zwiespalts wird die Anarchie sich erheben, und niemand schützt uns alsdann vor Bürgerkrieg. Der Bürgerkrieg aber ist der Anfang noch größern Unglücks ... ich halte es nicht für unmöglich, daß es alsdann auch einmal von uns heißen wird: Die Ordnung ist in Deutschland hergestellt - durch unsere Freunde von Osten und Westen!"
Herr Reichensperger mag recht haben. Wenn die Versammlung sich auf Kompetenzfragen einläßt, so mag das Veranlassung zu Kollisionen sein, die den Bürgerkrieg, die Franzosen und die Russen herbeirufen. Aber wenn sie es nicht tut, wie sie es wirklich nicht getan hat, so ist uns der Bürgerkrieg doppelt sicher. Die Konflikte, im Anfang der Revolution noch ziemlich einfach, verwickeln sich täglich mehr, und je länger die Entscheidung aufgeschoben wird, desto schwieriger, desto blutiger wird die Lösung sein.
Ein Land wie Deutschland, das gezwungen ist, sich aus der namenlosesten Zersplitterung zur Einheit emporzuarbeiten, das bei Strafe des Untergangs einer um so strengeren revolutionären Zentralisation bedarf, je zerfallener es bisher war; ein Land, das zwanzig Vendéen in seinem Schoße birgt, das <228> von den beiden mächtigsten und zentralisiertesten Kontinentalstaaten eingeklemmt, von zahllosen kleinen Nachbarn umgeben und mit allen gespannt oder gar im Kriege ist - ein solches Land kann in der gegenwärtigen Zeit der allgemeinen Revolution weder dem Bürgerkriege noch dem auswärtigen Kriege entgehen. Und diese Kriege, die uns ganz sicher bevorstehen, werden um so gefährlicher, um so verheerender werden, je unentschlossener das Volk und seine Leiter sich benehmen, je länger die Entscheidung hinausgeschoben wird. Bleiben die "Staatsmänner" des Herrn Reichensperger am Ruder, so können wir einen zweiten Dreißigjährigen Krieg erleben. Aber zum Glück haben die Gewalt der Ereignisse, das deutsche Volk, der Kaiser von Rußland und das französische Volk noch ein Wort mitzusprechen.
["Neue Rheinische Zeitung" Nr. 53 vom 23. Juli 1848]
**Köln, 22. Juli. Endlich gestatten uns die Ereignisse, Gesetzentwürfe, Waffenstillstandsprojekte usw. wieder zu unsern geliebten Vereinbarungsdebatten zurückzukehren. Wir finden den Abgeordneten Herrn v. Berg aus Jülich auf der Tribüne, einen Mann, der uns doppelt interessiert: erstens als Rheinländer und zweitens als Ministerieller neuesten Datums.
Herr Berg ist aus verschiedenen Gründen gegen den Jacobyschen Antrag. Der erste ist dieser:
"Der erste Teil des Antrags, der an uns die Forderung stellt, eine Mißbilligung eines Beschlusses des deutschen Parlaments auszusprechen, dieser erste Teil ist weiter nichts als ein Protest im Namen einer Minorität gegen eine gesetzliche Majorität. Es ist weiter nichts als ein Versuch einer Partei, die innerhalb eines gesetzgebenden Körpers unterlegen ist, sich von außen zu stärken, ein Versuch, der in seinen Konsequenzen zum Bürgerkrieg führen muß."
Herr Cobden befand sich von 1840 bis 1845 mit seinem Antrag zur Aufhebung der Korngesetze im Unterhause in der Minorität. Er gehörte zu "einer Partei, die innerhalb eines gesetzgebenden Körpers unterlegen" war. Was tat er? Er suchte sich "von außen zu stärken". Er erließ nicht bloß eine Mißbilligung der Beschlüsse des Parlaments; er ging viel weiter, er gründete und organisierte die Anti-Korngesetz-Ligue, die Anti-Korngesetz-Presse, kurz die ganze kolossale Agitation gegen die Korngesetze. Nach der Ansicht des Herrn Berg war das ein Versuch, der "zum Bürgerkrieg führen mußte".
Die Minorität des seligen Vereinigten Landtags suchte sich ebenfalls "von außen zu stärken". Herr Camphausen, Herr Hansemann, Herr Milde nahmen in dieser Beziehung nicht den mindesten Anstand. Die beweisenden Tatsachen sind notorisch. Es ist klar, nach Herrn Berg, daß die Konsequenzen <229> auch ihres Benehmens "zum Bürgerkrieg führen mußten". Sie führten aber nicht zum Bürgerkrieg, sondern zum Ministerium.
Und so könnten wir noch hundert andre Beispiele anführen.
Also die Minorität eines gesetzgebenden Körpers soll sich bei Strafe, zum Bürgerkriege zu führen, nicht von außen zu stärken suchen. Aber was ist denn "von außen"? Die Wähler, d.h. die Leute, die die gesetzgebenden Körper machen. Und wenn man sich nicht mehr durch Einwirkung auf diese Wähler "stärken" soll, wodurch soll man sich stärken?
Sind die Reden der Herrn Hansemann, Reichensperger, v. Berg etc. bloß für die Versammlung gehalten oder auch fürs Publikum, dem sie durch stenographische Berichte mitgeteilt werden? Sind diese Reden nicht ebenfalls Mittel, wodurch diese "Partei innerhalb eines gesetzgebenden Körpers" sich "von außen zu stärken sucht" oder zu [stärken] hofft?
Mit einem Wort: Das Prinzip des Herrn Berg würde zur Aufhebung aller politischen Agitation führen. Die Agitation ist nichts anders als die Anwendung der Unverantwortlichkeit der Repräsentanten, der Preßfreiheit, des Assoziationsrechts - d.h. der in Preußen zu Recht bestehenden Freiheiten. Ob diese Freiheiten zum Bürgerkriege führen oder nicht, geht uns gar nichts an; genug, sie bestehen, und wir wollen sehen, wohin es "führt", wenn man fortfährt, sie anzutasten.
"Meine Herren, diese Versuche der Minorität, sich außerhalb der gesetzgebenden Gewalt Kraft und Geltung zu verschaffen, sind nicht von heute und gestern, sie datieren vom ersten Tag der deutschen Erhebung. Auf dem Vorparlament entfernte sich die Minorität protestierend, und die Folge davon war ein Bürgerkrieg."
Erstens ist hier beim Jacobyschen Antrag von einer "protestierenden Entfernung der Minorität" keine Rede.
Zweitens "sind die Versuche der Minorität, sich außerhalb der gesetzgebenden Gewalt Geltung zu verschaffen", allerdings "nicht von heute und gestern", denn sie datieren von dem Tage, wo es gesetzgebende Gewalten und Minoritäten gab.
Drittens hat nicht die protestierende Entfernung der Minorität des Vorparlaments zum Bürgerkrieg geführt, sondern die "moralische Überzeugung" des Herrn Mittermaier, daß Hecker, Fickler und Konsorten Landesverräter seien, und die infolge davon ergriffenen, durch die schlotterndste Angst diktierten Maßregeln der badischen Regierung.
Nach dem Argument des Bürgerkriegs, das natürlich ganz geeignet ist, dem deutschen Bürger gewaltige Angst einzujagen, kommt das Argument des mangelnden Mandats.
<230> "Wir sind von unsern Wählern gewählt, um eine Staatsverfassung für Preußen zu begründen; dieselben Wähler haben andere ihrer Mitbürger nach Frankfurt entsendet, um dort die Zentralgewalt zu begründen. Es ist nicht zu leugnen, daß dem Wähler, welcher das Mandat gibt, allerdings zusteht, das, was der Mandatar tut, zu billigen oder zu mißbilligen; aber die Wähler haben uns nicht beauftragt, in dieser Beziehung die Stimmen für sie zu führen."
Dies triftige Argument hat große Bewunderung bei den Juristen und juristischen Dilettanten der Versammlung erregt. Wir haben kein Mandat! Und dennoch behauptet derselbe Herr Berg zwei Minuten später, die Frankfurter Versammlung sei "berufen worden, um im Einvernehmen mit den deutschen Regierungen die künftige Verfassung Deutschlands aufzubauen", und die preußische Regierung würde in diesem Falle doch hoffentlich ihre Bestätigung nicht geben, ohne die Vereinbarungsversammlung oder die nach der neuen Konstitution gewählte Kammer zu Rate zu ziehen. Und dennoch hat das Ministerium die Anerkennung des Reichsverwesers der Versammlung sogleich nebst ihren Vorbehalten angezeigt und die Versammlung dadurch aufgefordert, ihr Urteil abzugeben!
Gerade der Standpunkt des Herrn Berg, seine eigene Rede und die Mitteilung des Herrn Auerswald führen also zu der Konsequenz, daß die Versammlung allerdings ein Mandat hat, sich mit den Frankfurter Beschlüssen zu beschäftigen!
Wir haben kein Mandat! Also wenn die Frankfurter Versammlung die Zensur wieder vorschreibt, bei einem Konflikt zwischen Kammer und Krone bayrische und östreichische Truppen zur Unterstützung der Krone nach Preußen schickt, so hat Herr Berg "kein Mandat"!
Welches Mandat hat Herr Berg? Buchstäblich nur das, "die Verfassung mit der Krone zu vereinbaren". Er hat also keineswegs das Mandat zu interpellieren, Unverantwortlichkeitsgesetze, Bürgerwehrgesetze, Ablösungsgesetze und andere nicht in der Verfassung figurierende Gesetze zu vereinbaren. Die Reaktion behauptet das auch täglich. Er selbst sagt: "Jeder Schritt über dieses Mandat hinaus ist Ungerechtigkeit, ein Aufgeben desselben oder gar Verrat!"
Und dennoch gibt Herr Berg und die ganze Versammlung jeden Augenblick, von der Notwendigkeit gezwungen, ihr Mandat auf. Sie muß es infolge des revolutionären oder vielmehr jetzt reaktionären Provisoriums. Infolge dieses Provisoriums gehört aber alles zur Kompetenz der Versammlung, was dazu dient, die Errungenschaften der Märzrevolution sicherzustellen, und wenn dies durch einen moralischen Einfluß auf die Frankfurter Versammlung geschehen kann, so ist die Vereinbarungskammer dazu nicht nur befugt, sondern sogar verpflichtet.
<231> Folgt das rheinpreußische Argument, das für uns Rheinländer von besondrer Wichtigkeit ist, weil es beweist, wie wir in Berlin vertreten sind.
"Wir Rheinländer, Westfalen und noch andere Provinzen haben mit Preußen durchaus kein anderes Verband, als daß wir zur Krone Preußen gekommen sind. Lösen wir das Band auf, so fällt der Staat auseinander. Ich sehe auch gar nicht ein, und ich glaube, die meisten Deputierten meiner Provinz auch nicht, was wir mit einer Republik Berlin sollen. Da könnten wir ja lieber eine Republik Köln wollen."
Auf die kannegießerlichen Möglichkeiten, was wir wohl "wollen könnten", wenn Preußen sich in eine "Republik Berlin" verwandelte, auf die neue Theorie über die Lebensbedingungen des preußischen Staats usw. gehen wir gar nicht ein. Wir protestieren als Rheinländer nur dagegen, daß "wir zur Krone Preußen gekommen sind". Im Gegenteil, die "Krone Preußen" ist zu uns gekommen.
Der nächste Redner gegen den Antrag ist der Herr Simons aus Elberfeld. Er wiederholt alles, was der Herr Berg gesagt hat.
Auf ihn folgt ein Redner der Linken und sodann der Herr Zachariä. Er wiederholt alles, was Herr Simons gesagt hat.
Der Abgeordnete Duncker wiederholt alles, was Herr Zachariä gesagt hat. Er sagt aber auch noch einige andere Dinge, oder er sagt das schon Gesagte in so krasser Form, daß wir gut tun, auf seine Rede kurz einzugehen.
"Wenn wir, die konstituierende Versammlung von 16 Millionen Deutschen, der konstituierenden Versammlung sämtlicher Deutschen einen solchen Tadel hinwerfen, stärken wir dadurch in dem Bewußtsein des Volks die Autorität der deutschen Zentralgewalt, die Autorität des deutschen Parlaments? Untergraben wir nicht damit den freudigen Gehorsam, der ihr von den einzelnen Stämmen [gewährt] werden muß, wenn sie wirken soll für die Einheit Deutschlands?"
Nach Herrn Duncker besteht die Autorität der Zentralgewalt und Nationalversammlung, der "freudige Gehorsam"; er besteht darin, daß das Volk sich ihr blindlings unterwirft, aber die einzelnen Regierungen ihre Vorbehalte machen und gelegentlich ihr den Gehorsam kündigen.
"Wozu in unserer Zeit, wo die Gewalt der Tatsachen eine so unermeßliche ist, wozu theoretische Erklärungen?"
Die Anerkennung der Souveränetät der Frankfurter Versammlung durch die Vertreter "von 16 Millionen Deutschen" ist also eine bloß "theoretische Erklärung"!?
"Wenn in Zukunft die Regierung und die Volksvertretung Preußens einen Beschluß, der in Frankfurt gefaßt würde, für unmöglich, für unausführbar hielten, würde dann überhaupt die Möglichkeit der Ausführung eines solchen Beschlusses da sein?"
<232> Die bloße Meinung, das Dafürhalten der preußischen Regierung und Volksvertretung wäre also imstande, Beschlüsse der Nationalversammlung unmöglich zu machen.
"Wenn das ganze preußische Volk, wenn zwei Fünftel Deutschlands sich den Frankfurter Beschlüssen nicht unterwerfen wollten, so wären sie unausführbar, wir mögen heute aussprechen, was wir wollen."
Da haben wir den ganzen alten Preußenhochmut, den Berliner Nationalpatriotismus in der ganzen alten Glorie mit dem Zopf und Krückstock des alten Fritzen. Wir sind zwar die Minorität, wir sind nur zwei Fünftel (nicht einmal), aber wir werden der Majorität schon zeigen, daß wir die Herren in Deutschland, daß wir die Preußen sind!
Wir raten den Herrn von der Rechten nicht, einen solchen Konflikt zwischen "Zwei Fünftel" und "Drei Fünftel" zu provozieren. Das Zahlenverhältnis würde sich doch ganz anders stellen, und manche Provinz dürfte sich erinnern, daß sie seit undenklichen Zeiten deutsch, aber erst seit dreißig Jahren preußisch ist.
Aber Herr Duncker hat einen Ausweg. Die Frankfurter so gut wie wir müssen "solche Beschlüsse fassen, daß in ihnen ausgesprochen ist der vernünftige Gesamtwille, die wahre öffentliche Meinung, daß sie bestehen können vor dem sittlichen Bewußtsein der Nation", d.h. Beschlüsse nach dem Herzen des Abgeordneten Duncker.
"Wenn wir, wenn jene in Frankfurt solche Beschlüsse fassen, dann sind wir, dann sind sie souverän, sonst sind wir es nicht, und wenn wir es zehnmal dekretieren."
Nach dieser tiefsinnigen, seinem sittlichen Bewußtsein entsprechenden Definition der Souveränetät, stößt Herr Duncker den Seufzer aus "Jedenfalls gehört dies der Zukunft an" - und damit schließt er seine Rede.
Raum und Zeit schließen ein Eingehen auf die an demselben Tage gehaltenen Reden der Linken aus. Indessen werden unsre Leser schon aus den gegebenen Reden der Rechten gesehen haben, daß Herr Parrisius nicht ganz unrecht hatte, wenn er auf Vertagung antrug, aus dem Grunde, weil "die Hitze in dem Saale so hoch gestiegen ist, daß man seine Gedanken nicht vollständig klar haben kann"!
["Neue Rheinische Zeitung" Nr. 55 vom 25. Juli 1848]
**Köln, 24. Juli. Als wir vor einigen Tagen durch den Drang der Weltereignisse genötigt waren, die Schilderung dieser Debatte zu unterbrechen, hat ein benachbarter Publizist die Gefälligkeit gehabt, diese Schilderung an <233> unsrer Stelle zu übernehmen. Er hat das Publikum bereits auf "die Fülle treffender Gedanken und heller Ansichten", auf "den guten gesunden Sinn für wahre Freiheit" aufmerksam gemacht, welche "die Redner der Majorität in dieser großen zweitägigen Debatte gezeigt haben" - und namentlich unser unvergleichlicher Baumstark.
Wir müssen uns beeilen, die Debatte zu Ende zu bringen, aber wir können nicht umhin, einige Beispiele der "treffenden Gedanken und hellen Ansichten" der Rechten aus der "Fülle" hervorzusuchen.
Den zweiten Tag der Debatte eröffnet der Abgeordnete Abegg mit der Drohung an die Versammlung: Wenn man über diesen Antrag ins reine kommen wolle, so müsse man die ganzen Frankfurter Debatten vollständig wiederholen - und dazu sei die hohe Versammlung doch offenbar nicht berechtigt! Das würden ihre Herren Kommittenten "bei dem praktischen Takt und praktischen Sinn, der ihnen beiwohnt", nie billigen können! Übrigens, was solle aus der deutschen Einheit werden, wenn man sich (jetzt kömmt ein ganz besonders "treffender Gedanke") "nicht nur auf Vorbehalte beschränke, sondern zu einer entschiedenen Billigung oder Mißbilligung der Frankfurter Beschlüsse" übergehe! Da bleibe ja nichts als die "lediglich formelle Fügsamkeit"!
Natürlich, die "lediglich formelle Fügsamkeit", die kann man durch "Vorbehalte" und im Notfall auch direkt weigern, das kann der deutschen Einheit keinen Schaden tun; aber eine Billigung oder Mißbilligung, ein Urteil über diese Beschlüsse vom stilistischen, logischen oder Nützlichkeitsstandpunkt - da hört wirklich alles auf!
Herr Abegg schließt mit der Bemerkung, es sei die Sache der Frankfurter, nicht der Berliner Versammlung, sich über die der Berliner, nicht der Frankfurter Versammlung vorgelegten Vorbehalte zu erklären. Man dürfe den Frankfurtern nicht vorgreifen; das beleidige ja die Frankfurter!
Die Herren in Berlin sind inkompetent, über Erklärungen zu urteilen, die ihre eignen Minister ihnen machen.
Überspringen wir nun die Götter der kleinen Leute, einen Baltzer, einen Kämpff, einen Gräff, und eilen wir, den Helden des Tages, den unvergleichlichen Baumstark, zu hören.
Der Abgeordnete Baumstark erklärt, er werde sich nie für inkompetent erklären, sobald er nicht zugeben müsse, er verstehe von der Sache nichts - und das werde doch wohl nicht das Resultat der achtwöchentlichen Debatte sein, daß man von der Sache nichts verstehe?
Der Abgeordnete Baumstark ist also kompetent. Und zwar folgendermaßen:
<234> "Ich frage, sind wir denn durch unsere bisher bewiesene Weisheit dazu vollkommen berechtigt" (d.h. kompetent), "einer Versammlung gegenüberzutreten, welche das allgemeine Interesse Deutschlands, die Bewunderung von ganz Europa, durch die Vortrefflichkeit ihrer Gesinnung, durch die Höhe ihrer Intelligenz, durch die Sittlichkeit ihrer Staatsanschauung auf sich gezogen hat - ich sage, durch alles, was in der Geschichte den Namen Deutschlands groß gemacht und verherrlicht hat? Dem beuge ich mich" (d.h. erkläre mich inkompetent) "und wünsche, daß die Versammlung in dem Gefühl der Wahrheit (!!) sich ebenfalls beugen" (d.h. inkompetent erklären) "möge!"
"Meine Herren", fahrt der "kompetente" Abgeordnete Baumstark fort, "man hat in der gestrigen Sitzung gesagt, daß man von Republik usw. gesprochen, das sei ein unphilosophisches Wesen. Es kann aber unmöglich unphilosophisch sein, als ein Charakteristikum der Republik im demokratischen Sinne die Verantwortlichkeit dessen zu bezeichnen, der an der Spitze des Staats steht. Meine Herren, es steht fest, daß alle Staatsphilosophen von Plato an bis herab zu Dahlmann" (tiefer "herab" konnte der Abgeordnete Baumstark allerdings nicht steigen) "diese Ansicht ausgesprochen haben, und wir dürfen ohne ganz besondere Gründe, die noch erst vorgebracht werden müssen, dieser mehr als tausendjährigen Wahrheit (!) und historischen Tatsache nicht widersprechen."
Herr Baumstark meint also doch, daß man wohl zuweilen "ganz besondere Gründe" haben könne, um sogar "historischen Tatsachen" zu widersprechen. Die Herren von der Rechten pflegen sich allerdings in dieser Beziehung nicht zu genieren.
Herr Baumstark erklärt sich ferner abermals inkompetent, indem er die Kompetenz auf die Schultern "aller Staatsphilosophen von Plato bis herab zu Dahlmann" schiebt, zu welchen Staatsphilosophen Herr Baumstark natürlich nicht gehört.
"Denke man sich dies Staatsgebäude! Eine Kammer und ein verantwortlicher Reichsverweser, und basiert auf das jetzige Wahlgesetz! Bei einiger Betrachtung würde man finden, daß dies der gesunden Vernunft widerspricht."
Und nun tut Herr Baumstark folgenden tiefgeschöpften Ausspruch, der selbst bei der schärfsten Betrachtung nicht "der gesunden Vernunft" widersprechen wird:
"Meine Herren! Zur Republik gehört zweierlei: die Volksansicht und die leitenden Persönlichkeiten. Wenn wir unsere deutsche Volksansicht etwas näher betrachten, so werden wir darin von dieser" (nämlich der erwähnten reichsverweserlichen) "Republik wenig finden!"
<235> Herr Baumstark erklärt sich also abermals inkompetent, und diesmal ist es die Volksansicht, die für die Republik statt seiner kompetent ist. Die Volksansicht "versteht" also mehr von der Sache als der Angeordnete Baumstark.
Endlich aber beweist der Redner, daß es auch Sachen gibt, von denen er etwas "versteht", und zu diesen Sachen gehört vor allen Dingen die Volkssouveränetät.
"Meine Herren! Die Geschichte, und ich muß darauf zurückkommen, gibt den Beweis, wir haben Volkssouveränetät von jeher gehabt, aber sie hat sich unter verschiedenen Formen verschieden gestaltet."
Und jetzt folgt eine Reihe der "treffendsten Gedanken und hellsten Ansichten" über die brandenburgisch-preußische Geschichte und die Volkssouveränetät, welche den benachbarten Publizisten alle irdischen Leiden im Übermaß konstitutioneller Wonne und doktrinärer Seligkeit verschwinden macht.
"Als der Große Kurfürst jene morschen ständischen Elemente, infiziert von dem Gift französischer Entsittlichung" (das Recht der ersten Nacht war allerdings allmählich von der "französischen entsittlichten" Zivilisation zu Grabe getragen worden!) "unberücksichtigt ließ, ja (!) niederschmetterte" (das "Niederschmettern" ist allerdings die beste Art, etwas unberücksichtigt zu lassen), "da ward ihm allgemein vom Volke zugejauchzt in dem tiefen Gefühl der Sittlichkeit, einer Kräftigung des deutschen, insbesondere des preußischen Staatsgebäudes."
Man bewundre das "tiefe Gefühl der Sittlichkeit" der brandenburgischen Spießbürger des 17. Jahrhunderts, die im tiefen Gefühl ihrer Profite dem Kurfürsten zujauchzten, als er ihre Feinde, die Feudalherren, angriff und ihnen selbst Konzessionen verkaufte - man bewundre aber noch mehr die "gesunde Vernunft" und "helle Ansicht" des Herrn Baumstark, der in diesem Zujauchzen "Volkssouveränetät" erblickt!
"Zu jener Zeit ist keiner gewesen, der dieser absoluten Monarchie nicht gehuldigt hätte" (weil er sonst Stockprügel bekommen), "und der Große Friedrich wäre zu jener Bedeutung nicht gekommen, hätte ihn die wahre Volkssouveränetät nicht getragen."
Die Volkssouveränetät der Stockprügel, Leibeigenschaft und Frondienste - das ist für Herrn Baumstark die wahre Volkssouveränetät. Naives Geständnis!
Von der wahren kommt Herr Baumstark jetzt zu den falschen Volkssouveränetäten.
"Aber es kam eine andere Zeit, die der konstitutionellen Monarchie."
Dies wird bewiesen durch eine lange "konstitutionelle Litanei", deren kurzer Sinn ist, daß das Volk in Preußen von 1811 bis 1847 stets nach der <236> Konstitution, nie nach der Republik gerufen habe (!), woran sich ungezwungen die Bemerkung knüpft, daß auch von der letzten süddeutschen republikanischen Schilderhebung "das Volk sich mit Entrüstung hinweggewendet hat".
Daraus folgt nun ganz natürlich, daß die zweite Art der Volkssouveränetät (freilich nicht mehr die "wahre") die "eigentlich konstitutionelle" ist.
"Es ist die, durch welche die Staatsgewalt unter König und Volk geteilt wird, es ist eine geteilte Volkssouveränetät" (die "Staatsphilosophen von Plato bis herab zu Dahlmann" mögen uns sagen, was das heißen soll), "welche dem Volke unverkürzt und unbedingt werden muß (!!), aber ohne daß der König an seiner gesetzlichen Gewalt" (durch welche Gesetze ist diese in Preußen seit dem 19. März bestimmt?) "verliert - darüber ist Klarheit" (namentlich im Kopfe des Abgeordneten Baumstark); "der Begriff ist durch die Geschichte des konstitutionellen Systems festgesetzt, und kein Mensch kann mehr darüber im Zweifel sein" (die "Zweifel" fangen leider erst wieder an, wenn man die Rede des Abgeordneten Baumstark liest).
Endlich "gibt es eine dritte Volkssouveränetät, es ist die demokratisch-republikanische, auf den sogenannten breitesten Grundlagen ruhen sollende. Dieser unglückliche Ausdruck 'breiteste Grundlage'!"
Gegen diese breiteste Grundlage "erhebt" nun Herr Baumstark "ein Wort". Diese Grundlage führt zum Verfall der Staaten, zur Barbarei! Wir haben keine Catonen, die der Republik die sittliche Unterlage geben könnten. Und jetzt beginnt Herr Baumstark so laut in das alte, längst verstimmte und mit Beulen besäte Montesquieusche Horn von der republikanischen Tugend zu stoßen, daß der benachbarte Publizist von Bewunderung fortgerissen ebenfalls einstimmt und zum Erstaunen von ganz Europa den glänzenden Beweis führt, daß die "republikanische Tugend ... eben zum Konstitutionalismus führt"! Zu gleicher Zeit aber fällt Herr Baumstark in eine andere Tonart und läßt sich durch die Abwesenheit der republikanischen Tugend ebenfalls zum Konstitutionalismus führen. Den glänzenden Effekt dieses Duetts, in dem nach einer Reihe der herzzerreißendsten Dissonanzen zuletzt beide Stimmen auf dem versöhnenden Akkord des Konstitutionalismus zusammenkommen, mag sich der Leser denken.
Herr Baumstark kommt nun durch längere Erörterungen zu dem Resultat, daß die Minister eigentlich gar "keinen eigentlichen Vorbehalt" gemacht hätten, sondern nur "einen leisen Vorbehalt im Betreff der Zukunft", gerät zuletzt selbst auf die breiteste Grundlage, indem er das Heil Deutschlands nur in einem demokratisch-konstitutionellen Staate sieht, und wird dabei so sehr "von dem Gedanken an die Zukunft Deutschlands überwältigt", daß er sich durch den Ruf Luft macht: "Hoch, dreimal hoch das volkstümlich-konstitutionelle erbliche deutsche Königtum!"
<237> In der Tat, er hatte recht zu sagen: Diese unglückliche breiteste Grundlage!
Es sprechen nun noch mehrere Redner beider Seiten, aber nach dem Abgeordneten Baumstark wagen wir sie unsern Lesern nicht mehr vorzuführen. Nur eins erwähnen wir noch: Der Abgeordnete Wachsmuth erklärt, an der Spitze seines Glaubensbekenntnisses stehe der Satz des edlen Stein: Der Wille freier Menschen ist der unerschütterliche Pfeiler jedes Throns.
"Das", ruft der benachbarte Publizist, in Entzücken schwelgend, "das trifft den Mittelpunkt der Sache! Nirgends gedeiht der Wille freier Menschen besser als im Schatten des unerschütterlichen Throns, nirgends ruht der Thron so unerschütterlich wie auf der intelligenten Liebe freier Menschen!"
In der Tat, die "Fülle treffender Gedanken und heller Ansichten", der "gesunde Sinn für wahre Freiheit", die die Majorität in dieser Debatte entwickelt hat, reicht noch lange nicht an die inhaltreiche Gedankenschwere des benachbarten Publizisten!
Geschrieben von Friedrich Engels.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url--425233170 b/run/test-data/url--425233170
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..398af02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url--425233170
@@ -0,0 +1,2037 @@
+ Stampede2 User Guide - TACC User Portal
All users: read Managing I/O on TACC Resources. TACC Staff have put forth new file system and job submission guidelines. (01/09/20)
The Intel 18 compiler has replaced Intel 17 as the default compiler on Stampede2. The Intel 17 compiler and software stack are still available to those who load the appropriate modules explicitly. See Intel 18 to Become New Default Compiler on Stampede2 for more information. (02/26/19)
In order to balance queue wait times, the charge rate for all KNL queues has been adjusted to 0.8 SUs per node-hour. The charge rate for the SKX queues remains at 1 SU. (01/14/19)
Stampede2's Knights Landing (KNL) compute nodes each have 68 cores, and each core has 4 hardware threads. But it may not be a good idea to use all 272 hardware threads simultaneously, and it's certainly not the first thing you should try. In most cases it's best to specify no more than 64-68 MPI tasks or independent processes per node, and 1-2 threads/core. See Best Known Practices… for more information.
Stampede2's Skylake (SKX) compute nodes each have 48 cores on two sockets (24 cores/socket). Hyperthreading is enabled: there are two hardware threads per core, for a total of 48 x 2 = 96 hardware threads per node. See Table 2 for more information. Note that SKX nodes have their own queues.
Stampede2, generously funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through award ACI-1134872, is one of the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), University of Texas at Austin's flagship supercomputers. Stampede2 entered full production in the Fall 2017 as an 18-petaflop national resource that builds on the successes of the original Stampede system it replaces. The first phase of the Stampede2 rollout featured the second generation of processors based on Intel's Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture. Stampede2's 4,200 Knights Landing (KNL) nodes represent a radical break with the first-generation Knights Corner (KNC) MIC coprocessor. Unlike the legacy KNC, a Stampede2 KNL is not a coprocessor: each 68-core KNL is a stand-alone, self-booting processor that is the sole processor in its node. Phase 2 added to Stampede2 a total of 1,736 Intel Xeon Skylake (SKX) nodes.
Stampede2 hosts 4,200 KNL compute nodes, including 504 KNL nodes that were formerly configured as a Stampede1 sub-system.
Each of Stampede2's KNL nodes includes 96GB of traditional DDR4 Random Access Memory (RAM). They also feature an additional 16GB of high bandwidth, on-package memory known as Multi-Channel Dynamic Random Access Memory (MCDRAM) that is up to four times faster than DDR4. The KNL's memory is configurable in two important ways: there are BIOS settings that determine at boot time the processor's memory mode and cluster mode. The processor's memory mode determines whether the fast MCDRAM operates as RAM, as direct-mapped L3 cache, or as a mixture of the two. The cluster mode determines the mechanisms for achieving cache coherency, which in turn determines latency: roughly speaking, this mode specifies the degree to which some memory addresses are "closer" to some cores than to others. See "Programming and Performance: KNL" below for a top-level description of these and other available memory and cluster modes.
96GB DDR4 plus 16GB high-speed MCDRAM. Configurable in two important ways; see "Programming and Performance: KNL" for more info.
32KB L1 data cache per core; 1MB L2 per two-core tile. In default config, MCDRAM operates as 16GB direct-mapped L3.
Local storage:
All but 504 KNL nodes have a 107GB /tmp partition on a 200GB Solid State Drive (SSD). The 504 KNLs originally installed as the Stampede1 KNL sub-system each have a 32GB /tmp partition on 112GB SSDs. The latter nodes currently make up the development, long and flat-quadrantqueues. Size of /tmp partitions as of 24 Apr 2018.
The Stampede2 login nodes, upgraded at the start of Phase 2, are Intel Xeon Gold 6132 (SKX) nodes, each with 28 cores on two sockets (14 cores/socket). They replace the decommissioned Broadwell login nodes used during Phase 1.
The interconnect is a 100Gb/sec Intel Omni-Path (OPA) network with a fat tree topology employing six core switches. There is one leaf switch for each 28-node half rack, each with 20 leaf-to-core uplinks (28/20 oversubscription).
The $SCRATCH file system, as its name indicates, is a temporary storage space. Files that have not been accessed* in ten days are subject to purge. Deliberately modifying file access time (using any method, tool, or program) for the purpose of circumventing purge policies is prohibited.
Not intended for parallel or high-intensity file operations. Backed up regularly. Overall capacity ~1PB. Two Meta-Data Servers (MDS), four Object Storage Targets (OSTs). Defaults: 1 stripe, 1MB stripe size. Not purged.
1TB, 3,000,000 files across all TACC systems, regardless of where on the file system the files reside.
Not intended for high-intensity file operations or jobs involving very large files. On the Global Shared File System that is mounted on most TACC systems. See Stockyard system description for more information. Defaults: 1 stripe, 1MB stripe size Not backed up. Not purged.
no quota
Overall capacity ~30PB. Four MDSs, 66 OSTs. Defaults: 1 stripe, 1MB stripe size. Not backed up. Files are subject to purge if access time* is more than 10 days old.
*The operating system updates a file's access time when that file is modified on a login or compute node. Reading or executing a file/script on a login node does not update the access time, but reading or executing on a compute node does update the access time. This approach helps us distinguish between routine management tasks (e.g. tar, scp) and production use. Use the command "ls -ul" to view access times.
Access to all TACC systems now requires Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). You can create an MFA pairing on the TACC User Portal. After login on the portal, go to your account profile (Home->Account Profile), then click the "Manage" button under "Multi-Factor Authentication" on the right side of the page. See Multi-Factor Authentication at TACC for further information.
The "ssh" command (SSH protocol) is the standard way to connect to Stampede2. SSH also includes support for the file transfer utilities scp and sftp. Wikipedia is a good source of information on SSH. SSH is available within Linux and from the terminal app in the Mac OS. If you are using Windows, you will need an SSH client that supports the SSH-2 protocol: e.g. Bitvise, OpenSSH, PuTTY, or SecureCRT. Initiate a session using the ssh command or the equivalent; from the Linux command line the launch command looks like this:
The above command will rotate connections across all available login nodes and route your connection to one of them. To connect to a specific login node, use its full domain name:
Use your TACC password, not your XSEDE password, for direct logins to TACC resources. You can change your TACC password through the TACC User Portal. Log into the portal, then select "Change Password" under the "HOME" tab. If you've forgotten your password, go to the TACC User Portal home page and select "Password Reset" under the Home tab.
To report a connection problem, execute the ssh command with the "-vvv" option and include the verbose output when submitting a help ticket.
Do not run the "ssh-keygen" command on Stampede2. This command will create and configure a key pair that will interfere with the execution of job scripts in the batch system. If you do this by mistake, you can recover by renaming or deleting the .ssh directory located in your home directory; the system will automatically generate a new one for you when you next log into Stampede2.
execute "mv .ssh dot.ssh.old"
log out
log into Stampede2 again
After logging in again the system will generate a properly configured key pair.
When reporting a problem to the help desk, please execute the gsissh command with the "-vvv" option and include the verbose output in your problem description.
Stampede2 nodes run Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Regardless of your research workflow, you'll need to master Linux basics and a Linux-based text editor (e.g. emacs, nano, gedit, or vi/vim) to use the system properly. This user guide does not address these topics, however. There are numerous resources in a variety of formats that are available to help you learn Linux, including some listed on the TACC and XSEDE training sites. If you encounter a term or concept in this user guide that is new to you, a quick internet search should help you resolve the matter quickly.
The default login shell for your user account is Bash. To determine your current login shell, execute:
$ echo $SHELL
If you'd like to change your login shell to csh, sh, tcsh, or zsh, submit a ticket through the TACC or XSEDE portal. The "chsh" ("change shell") command will not work on TACC systems.
When you start a shell on Stampede2, system-level startup files initialize your account-level environment and aliases before the system sources your own user-level startup scripts. You can use these startup scripts to customize your shell by defining your own environment variables, aliases, and functions. These scripts (e.g. .profile and .bashrc) are generally hidden files: so-called dotfiles that begin with a period, visible when you execute: "ls -a".
Before editing your startup files, however, it's worth taking the time to understand the basics of how your shell manages startup. Bash startup behavior is very different from the simpler csh behavior, for example. The Bash startup sequence varies depending on how you start the shell (e.g. using ssh to open a login shell, executing the "bash" command to begin an interactive shell, or launching a script to start a non-interactive shell). Moreover, Bash does not automatically source your .bashrc when you start a login shell by using ssh to connect to a node. Unless you have specialized needs, however, this is undoubtedly more flexibility than you want: you will probably want your environment to be the same regardless of how you start the shell. The easiest way to achieve this is to execute "source ~/.bashrc" from your ".profile", then put all your customizations in ".bashrc". The system-generated default startup scripts demonstrate this approach. We recommend that you use these default files as templates.
For more information see the Bash Users' Startup Files: Quick Start Guide and other online resources that explain shell startup. To recover the originals that appear in a newly created account, execute "/usr/local/startup_scripts/install_default_scripts".
Your environment includes the environment variables and functions defined in your current shell: those initialized by the system, those you define or modify in your account-level startup scripts, and those defined or modified by the modules that you load to configure your software environment. Be sure to distinguish between an environment variable's name (e.g. HISTSIZE) and its value ($HISTSIZE). Understand as well that a sub-shell (e.g. a script) inherits environment variables from its parent, but does not inherit ordinary shell variables or aliases. Use export (in Bash) or setenv (in csh) to define an environment variable.
Execute the "env" command to see the environment variables that define the way your shell and child shells behave.
Pipe the results of env into grep to focus on specific environment variables. For example, to see all environment variables that contain the string GIT (in all caps), execute:
$ env | grep GIT
The environment variables PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are especially important. PATH is a colon-separated list of directory paths that determines where the system looks for your executables. LD_LIBRARY_PATH is a similar list that determines where the system looks for shared libraries.
TACC's sanitytool module loads an account-level diagnostic package that detects common account-level issues and often walks you through the fixes. You should certainly run the package's sanitycheck utility when you encounter unexpected behavior. You may also want to run sanitycheck periodically as preventive maintenance. To run sanitytool's account-level diagnostics, execute the following commands:
You connect to Stampede2 through one of four "front-end" login nodes. The login nodes are shared resources: at any given time, there are many users logged into each of these login nodes, each preparing to access the "back-end" compute nodes (Figure 2. Login and Compute Nodes). What you do on the login nodes affects other users directly because you are competing for the same memory and processing power. This is the reason you should not run your applications on the login nodes or otherwise abuse them. Think of the login nodes as a prep area where you can manage files and compile code before accessing the compute nodes to perform research computations. See Good Citizenship for more information.
You can use your command-line prompt, or the "hostname" command, to tell you whether you are on a login node or a compute node. The default prompt, or any custom prompt containing "\h", displays the short form of the hostname (e.g. c401-064). The hostname for a Stampede2 login node begins with the string "login" (e.g. login2.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu), while compute node hostnames begin with the character "c" (e.g. c401-064.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu). Note that the default prompts on the compute nodes include the node type (knl or skx) as well. The environment variable TACC_NODE_TYPE, defined only on the compute nodes, also displays the node type. The simplified prompts in the User Guide examples are shorter than Stampede2's actual default prompts.
While some workflows, tools, and applications hide the details, there are three basic ways to access the compute nodes:
Submit a batch job using the sbatch command. This directs the scheduler to run the job unattended when there are resources available. Until your batch job begins it will wait in a queue. You do not need to remain connected while the job is waiting or executing. See Running Jobs for more information. Note that the scheduler does not start jobs on a first come, first served basis; it juggles many variables to keep the machine busy while balancing the competing needs of all users. The best way to minimize wait time is to request only the resources you really need: the scheduler will have an easier time finding a slot for the two hours you need than for the 48 hours you unnecessarily request.
Begin an interactive session using idev or srun. This will log you into a compute node and give you a command prompt there, where you can issue commands and run code as if you were doing so on your personal machine. An interactive session is a great way to develop, test, and debug code. When you request an interactive session, the scheduler submits a job on your behalf. You will need to remain logged in until the interactive session begins.
Begin an interactive session using ssh to connect to a compute node on which you are already running a job. This is a good way to open a second window into a node so that you can monitor a job while it runs.
Be sure to request computing resources that are consistent with the type of application(s) you are running:
A serial (non-parallel) application can only make use of a single core on a single node, and will only see that node's memory.
A threaded program (e.g. one that uses OpenMP) employs a shared memory programming model and is also restricted to a single node, but the program's individual threads can run on multiple cores on that node.
An MPI (Message Passing Interface) program can exploit the distributed computing power of multiple nodes: it launches multiple copies of its executable (MPI tasks, each assigned unique IDs called ranks) that can communicate with each other across the network. The tasks on a given node, however, can only directly access the memory on that node. Depending on the program's memory requirements, it may not be possible to run a task on every core of every node assigned to your job. If it appears that your MPI job is running out of memory, try launching it with fewer tasks per node to increase the amount of memory available to individual tasks.
A popular type of parameter sweep (sometimes called high throughput computing) involves submitting a job that simultaneously runs many copies of one serial or threaded application, each with its own input parameters ("Single Program Multiple Data", or SPMD). The "launcher" tool is designed to make it easy to submit this type of job. For more information:
Lmod, a module system developed and maintained at TACC, makes it easy to manage your environment so you have access to the software packages and versions that you need to conduct your research. This is especially important on a system like Stampede2 that serves thousands of users with an enormous range of needs. Loading a module amounts to choosing a specific package from among available alternatives:
+$ module load intel # load the default Intel compiler
+$ module load intel/17.0.4 # load a specific version of Intel compiler
A module does its job by defining or modifying environment variables (and sometimes aliases and functions). For example, a module may prepend appropriate paths to $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that the system can find the executables and libraries associated with a given software package. The module creates the illusion that the system is installing software for your personal use. Unloading a module reverses these changes and creates the illusion that the system just uninstalled the software:
The module system does more, however. When you load a given module, the module system can automatically replace or deactivate modules to ensure the packages you have loaded are compatible with each other. In the example below, the module system automatically unloads one compiler when you load another, and replaces Intel-compatible versions of IMPI and PETSc with versions compatible with gcc:
+$ module load intel # load default version of Intel compiler
+$ module load petsc # load default version of PETSc
+$ module load gcc # change compiler
+Lmod is automatically replacing "intel/17.0.4" with "gcc/7.1.0".
+Due to MODULEPATH changes, the following have been reloaded:
+1) impi/17.0.3 2) petsc/3.7
On Stampede2, modules generally adhere to a TACC naming convention when defining environment variables that are helpful for building and running software. For example, the "papi" module defines TACC_PAPI_BIN (the path to PAPI executables), TACC_PAPI_LIB (the path to PAPI libraries), TACC_PAPI_INC (the path to PAPI include files), and TACC_PAPI_DIR (top-level PAPI directory). After loading a module, here are some easy ways to observe its effects:
+$ module show papi # see what this module does to your environment
+$ env | grep PAPI # see env vars that contain the string PAPI
+$ env | grep -i papi # case-insensitive search for 'papi' in environment
To see the modules you currently have loaded:
+$ module list
To see all modules that you can load right now because they are compatible with the currently loaded modules:
+$ module avail
To see all installed modules, even if they are not currently available because they are incompatible with your currently loaded modules:
+$ module spider # list all modules, even those not available to load
To filter your search:
+$ module spider slep # all modules with names containing 'slep'
+$ module spider sundials/2.5.0 # additional details on a specific module
Among other things, the latter command will tell you which modules you need to load before the module is available to load. You might also search for modules that are tagged with a keyword related to your needs (though your success here depends on the diligence of the module writers). For example:
+$ module keyword performance
You can save a collection of modules as a personal default collection that will load every time you log into Stampede2. To do so, load the modules you want in your collection, then execute:
+$ module save # save the currently loaded collection of modules
Two commands make it easy to return to a known, reproducible state:
+$ module reset # load the system default collection of modules
+$ module restore # load your personal default collection of modules
On TACC systems, the command "module reset" is equivalent to "module purge; module load TACC". It's a safer, easier way to get to a known baseline state than issuing the two commands separately.
Help text is available for both individual modules and the module system itself:
+$ module help swr # show help text for software package swr
+$ module help # show help text for the module system itself
See Lmod's online documentation for more extensive documentation. The online documentation addresses the basics in more detail, but also covers several topics beyond the scope of the help text (e.g. writing and using your own module files).
It's safe to execute module commands in job scripts. In fact, this is a good way to write self-documenting, portable job scripts that produce reproducible results. If you use "module save" to define a personal default module collection, it's rarely necessary to execute module commands in shell startup scripts, and it can be tricky to do so safely. If you do wish to put module commands in your startup scripts, see Stampede2's default startup scripts for a safe way to do so.
You share Stampede2 with many, sometimes hundreds, of other users, and what you do on the system affects others. All users must follow a set of good practices which entail limiting activities that may impact the system for other users. Exercise good citizenship to ensure that your activity does not adversely impact the system and the research community with whom you share it.
TACC staff has developed the following guidelines to good citizenship on Stampede2. Please familiarize yourself especially with the first two mandates. The next sections discuss best practices on limiting and minimizing I/O activity and file transfers. And finally, we provide job submission tips when constructing job scripts to help minimize wait times in the queues.
Stampede2's few login nodes are shared among all users. Dozens, (sometimes hundreds) of users may be logged on at one time accessing the file systems. Think of the login nodes as a prep area, where users may edit and manage files, compile code, perform file management, issue transfers, submit new and track existing batch jobs etc. The login nodes provide an interface to the "back-end" compute nodes.
The compute nodes are where actual computations occur and where research is done. Hundreds of jobs may be running on all compute nodes, with hundreds more queued up to run. All batch jobs and executables, as well as development and debugging sessions, must be run on the compute nodes. To access compute nodes on TACC resources, one must either submit a job to a batch queue or initiate an interactive session using the idev utility.
A single user running computationally expensive or disk intensive task/s will negatively impact performance for other users. Running jobs on the login nodes is one of the fastest routes to account suspension. Instead, run on the compute nodes via an interactive session (idev) or by submitting a batch job.
Do not run jobs or perform intensive computational activity on the login nodes or the shared file systems. Your account may be suspended and you will lose access to the queues if your jobs are impacting other users.
Do not run research applications on the login nodes; this includes frameworks like MATLAB and R, as well as computationally or I/O intensive Python scripts. If you need interactive access, use the idev utility or Slurm's srun to schedule one or more compute nodes.
DO THIS: Start an interactive session on a compute node and run Matlab.
+ login1$ idev
+ nid00181$ matlab
DO NOT DO THIS: Run Matlab or other software packages on a login node
login1$ matlab
Do not launch too many simultaneous processes; while it's fine to compile on a login node, a command like "make -j 16" (which compiles on 16 cores) may impact other users.
DO THIS: build and submit a batch job. All batch jobs run on the compute nodes.
+ login1$ make mytarget
+ login1$ sbatch myjobscript
DO NOT DO THIS: Invoke multiple build sessions.
login1$ make -j 12
DO NOT DO THIS: Run an executable on a login node.
+ login1$ ./myprogram
That script you wrote to poll job status should probably do so once every few minutes rather than several times a second.
The TACC Global Shared File System, Stockyard, is mounted on most TACC HPC resources as the /work ($WORK) directory. This file system is accessible to all TACC users, and therefore experiences a lot of I/O activity (reading and writing to disk, opening and closing files) as users run their jobs, read and generate data including intermediate and checkpointing files. As TACC adds more users, the stress on the $WORK file system is increasing to the extent that TACC staff is now recommending new job submission guidelines in order to reduce stress and I/O on Stockyard.
TACC staff now recommends that you run your jobs out of the $SCRATCH file system instead of the global $WORK file system.
To run your jobs out $SCRATCH:
Copy or move all job input files to $SCRATCH
Make sure your job script directs all output to $SCRATCH
Once your job is finished, move your output files to $WORK to avoid any data purges.
Compute nodes should not reference $WORK unless it's to stage data in/out only before/after jobs.
Consider that $HOME and $WORK are for storage and keeping track of important items. Actual job activity, reading and writing to disk, should be offloaded to your resource's $SCRATCH file system (see Table. File System Usage Recommendations. You can start a job from anywhere but the actual work of the job should occur only on the $SCRATCH partition. You can save original items to $HOME or $WORK so that you can copy them over to $SCRATCH if you need to re-generate results.
Don't run jobs in your $HOME directory. The $HOME file system is for routine file management, not parallel jobs.
Watch all your file system quotas. If you're near your quota in $WORK and your job is repeatedly trying (and failing) to write to $WORK, you will stress that file system. If you're near your quota in $HOME, jobs run on any file system may fail, because all jobs write some data to the hidden $HOME/.slurm directory.
Avoid storing many small files in a single directory, and avoid workflows that require many small files. A few hundred files in a single directory is probably fine; tens of thousands is almost certainly too many. If you must use many small files, group them in separate directories of manageable size.
TACC resources, with a few exceptions, mount three file systems: /home, /work and /scratch. Please follow each file system's recommended usage.
The $SCRATCH file system, as its name indicates, is a temporary storage space. Files that have not been accessed* in ten days are subject to purge. Deliberately modifying file access time (using any method, tool, or program) for the purpose of circumventing purge policies is prohibited.
In addition to the file system tips above, it's important that your jobs limit all I/O activity. This section focuses on ways to avoid causing problems on each resources' shared file systems.
Limit I/O intensive sessions (lots of reads and writes to disk, rapidly opening or closing many files)
Avoid opening and closing files repeatedly in tight loops. Every open/close operation on the file system requires interaction with the MetaData Service (MDS). The MDS acts as a gatekeeper for access to files on Lustre's parallel file system. Overloading the MDS will affect other users on the system. If possible, open files once at the beginning of your program/workflow, then close them at the end.
Don't get greedy. If you know or suspect your workflow is I/O intensive, don't submit a pile of simultaneous jobs. Writing restart/snapshot files can stress the file system; avoid doing so too frequently. Also, use the hdf5 or netcdf libraries to generate a single restart file in parallel, rather than generating files from each process separately.
If you know your jobs will require significant I/O, please submit a support ticket and an HPC consultant will work with you. See also Managing I/O on TACC Resources for additional information.
In order to not stress both internal and external networks, be mindful of the following guidelines:
When creating or transferring large files to Stockyard ($WORK) or the $SCRATCH file systems, be sure to stripe the receiving directories appropriately. See Striping Large Files for more information.
Avoid too many simultaneous file transfers. You share the network bandwidth with other users; don't use more than your fair share. Two or three concurrent scp sessions is probably fine. Twenty is probably not.
Avoid recursive file transfers, especially those involving many small files. Create a tar archive before transfers. This is especially true when transferring files to or from Ranch.
Request Only the Resources You Need Make sure your job scripts request only the resources that are needed for that job. Don't ask for more time or more nodes than you really need. The scheduler will have an easier time finding a slot for a job requesting 2 nodes for 2 hours, than for a job requesting 4 nodes for 24 hours. This means shorter queue waits times for you and everybody else.
Test your submission scripts. Start small: make sure everything works on 2 nodes before you try 20. Work out submission bugs and kinks with 5 minute jobs that won't wait long in the queue and involve short, simple substitutes for your real workload: simple test problems; hello world codes; one-liners like ibrun hostname; or an ldd on your executable.
Respect memory limits and other system constraints. If your application needs more memory than is available, your job will fail, and may leave nodes in unusable states. Use TACC's Remora tool to monitor your application's needs.
Stampede2 mounts three file Lustre file systems that are shared across all nodes: the home, work, and scratch file systems. Stampede2's startup mechanisms define corresponding account-level environment variables $HOME, $SCRATCH, and $WORK that store the paths to directories that you own on each of these file systems. Consult the Stampede2 File Systems table for the basic characteristics of these file systems, File Operations: I/O Performance for advice on performance issues, and Good Citizenship for tips on file system etiquette.
Stampede2's /home and /scratch file systems are mounted only on Stampede2, but the work file system mounted on Stampede2 is the Global Shared File System hosted on Stockyard. Stockyard is the same work file system that is currently available on Frontera, Lonestar5, and several other TACC resources.
The $STOCKYARD environment variable points to the highest-level directory that you own on the Global Shared File System. The definition of the $STOCKYARD environment variable is of course account-specific, but you will see the same value on all TACC systems that provide access to the Global Shared File System. This directory is an excellent place to store files you want to access regularly from multiple TACC resources.
Your account-specific $WORK environment variable varies from system to system and is a sub-directory of $STOCKYARD (Figure 3). The sub-directory name corresponds to the associated TACC resource. The $WORK environment variable on Stampede2 points to the $STOCKYARD/stampede2 subdirectory, a convenient location for files you use and jobs you run on Stampede2. Remember, however, that all subdirectories contained in your $STOCKYARD directory are available to you from any system that mounts the file system. If you have accounts on both Stampede2 and Maverick, for example, the $STOCKYARD/stampede2 directory is available from your Maverick account, and $STOCKYARD/maverick is available from your Stampede2 account.
Your quota and reported usage on the Global Shared File System reflects all files that you own on Stockyard, regardless of their actual location on the file system.
See the example for fictitious user bjones in the figure below. All directories are accessible from all systems, however a given sub-directory (e.g. lonestar5, maverick2) will exist only if you have an allocation on that system.
+ Figure 3.
+ Account-level directories on the work file system (Global Shared File System hosted on Stockyard). Example for fictitious user bjones. All directories usable from all systems. Sub-directories (e.g. wrangler, maverick2) exist only when you have allocations on the associated system.
Note that resource-specific sub-directories of $STOCKYARD are nothing more than convenient ways to manage your resource-specific files. You have access to any such sub-directory from any TACC resources. If you are logged into Stampede2, for example, executing the alias cdw (equivalent to "cd $WORK") will take you to the resource-specificsub-directory$STOCKYARD/stampede2. But you can access this directory from other TACC systems as well by executing "cd $STOCKYARD/stampede2". These commands allow you to share files across TACC systems. In fact, several convenient account-level aliases make it even easier to navigate across the directories you own in the shared file systems:
Stampede2's Lustre file systems look and act like a single logical hard disk, but are actually sophisticated integrated systems involving many physical drives (dozens of physical drives for $HOME, hundreds for $WORK and $SCRATCH).
Lustre can stripe (distribute) large files over several physical disks, making it possible to deliver the high performance needed to service input/output (I/O) requests from hundreds of users across thousands of nodes. Object Storage Targets (OSTs) manage the file system's spinning disks: a file with 16 stripes, for example, is distributed across 16 OSTs. One designated Meta-Data Server (MDS) tracks the OSTs assigned to a file, as well as the file's descriptive data.
Before transferring to, or creating large files on Stampede2, be sure to set an appropriate default stripe count on the receiving directory.
To avoid exceeding your fair share of any given OST, a good rule of thumb is to allow at least one stripe for each 100GB in the file. For example, to set the default stripe count on the current directory to 30 (a plausible stripe count for a directory receiving a file approaching 3TB in size), execute:
$ lfs setstripe -c 30 $PWD
Note that an "lfs setstripe" command always sets both stripe count and stripe size, even if you explicitly specify only one or the other. Since the example above does not explicitly specify stripe size, the command will set the stripe size on the directory to Stampede2's system default (1MB). In general there's no need to customize stripe size when creating or transferring files.
Remember that it's not possible to change the striping on a file that already exists. Moreover, the "mv" command has no effect on a file's striping if the source and destination directories are on the same file system. You can, of course, use the "cp" command to create a second copy with different striping; to do so, copy the file to a directory with the intended stripe parameters.
You can check the stripe count of a file using the "lfs getstripe" command:
You can transfer files between Stampede2 and Linux-based systems using either scp or rsync. Both scp and rsync are available in the Mac Terminal app. Windows ssh clients typically include scp-based file transfer capabilities.
The Linux scp (secure copy) utility is a component of the OpenSSH suite. Assuming your Stampede2 username is bjones, a simple scp transfer that pushes a file named "myfile" from your local Linux system to Stampede2 $HOME would look like this:
localhost$ scp ./myfile bjones@stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu: # note colon after net address
You can use wildcards, but you need to be careful about when and where you want wildcard expansion to occur. For example, to push all files ending in ".txt" from the current directory on your local machine to /work/01234/bjones/scripts on Stampede2:
To delay wildcard expansion until reaching Stampede2, use a backslash ("\") as an escape character before the wildcard. For example, to pull all files ending in ".txt" from /work/01234/bjones/scripts on Stampede2 to the current directory on your local system:
You can also issue scp commands on your local client that use Stampede2 environment variables like $HOME, $WORK, and $SCRATCH. To do so, use a backslash ("\") as an escape character before the "$"; this ensures that expansion occurs after establishing the connection to Stampede2:
The rsync (remote synchronization) utility is a great way to synchronize files that you maintain on more than one system: when you transfer files using rsync, the utility copies only the changed portions of individual files. As a result, rsync is especially efficient when you only need to update a small fraction of a large dataset. The basic syntax is similar to scp:
The options on the second transfer are typical and appropriate when synching a directory: this is a recursive update ("-r") with verbose ("-v") feedback; the synchronization preserves time stamps ("-t") as well as symbolic links and other meta-data ("-a"). Because rsync only transfers changes, recursive updates with rsync may be less demanding than an equivalent recursive transfer with scp.
See Striping Large Files for additional important advice about striping the receiving directory when transferring or creating large files on TACC systems.
As detailed in the Citizenship section above, it is important to monitor your quotas on the $HOME and $WORK file systems, and limit the number of simultaneous transfers. Remember also that $STOCKYARD (and your $WORK directory on each TACC resource) is available from several other TACC systems: there's no need for scp when both the source and destination involve sub-directories of $STOCKYARD. See Managing Your Files for more information about transfers on $STOCKYARD.
Globus is another way for XSEDE users to transfer data between XSEDE sites; see Globus at XSEDE and Data Transfer and Management for more information. You can also use Globus if you're affiliated with an institution like the University of Texas that provides access to CILogin.
If you wish to share files and data with collaborators in your project, see Sharing Project Files on TACC Systems for step-by-step instructions. Project managers or delegates can use Unix group permissions and commands to create read-only or read-write shared workspaces that function as data repositories and provide a common work area to all project members.
The phrase "building software" is a common way to describe the process of producing a machine-readable executable file from source files written in C, Fortran, or some other programming language. In its simplest form, building software involves a simple, one-line call or short shell script that invokes a compiler. More typically, the process leverages the power of makefiles, so you can change a line or two in the source code, then rebuild in a systematic way only the components affected by the change. Increasingly, however, the build process is a sophisticated multi-step automated workflow managed by a special framework like autotools or cmake, intended to achieve a repeatable, maintainable, portable mechanism for installing software across a wide range of target platforms.
This section of the user guide does nothing more than introduce the big ideas with simple one-line examples. You will undoubtedly want to explore these concepts more deeply using online resources. You will quickly outgrow the examples here. We recommend that you master the basics of makefiles as quickly as possible: even the simplest computational research project will benefit enormously from the power and flexibility of a makefile-based build process.
Intel is the recommended and default compiler suite on Stampede2. Each Intel module also gives you direct access to mkl without loading an mkl module; see Intel MKL for more information. Here are simple examples that use the Intel compiler to build an executable from source code:
Compiling a code that uses OpenMP would look like this:
$ icc -qopenmp mycode.c -o myexe # OpenMP
See the published Intel documentation, available both online and in ${TACC_INTEL_DIR}/documentation, for information on optimization flags and other Intel compiler options.
The GNU foundation maintains a number of high quality compilers, including a compiler for C (gcc), C++ (g++), and Fortran (gfortran). The gcc compiler is the foundation underneath all three, and the term "gcc" often means the suite of these three GNU compilers.
Load a gcc module to access a recent version of the GNU compiler suite. Avoid using the GNU compilers that are available without a gcc module — those will be older versions based on the "system gcc" that comes as part of the Linux distribution.
Here are simple examples that use the GNU compilers to produce an executable from source code:
+$ gcc mycode.c # C source file; executable a.out
+$ gcc mycode.c -o myexe # C source file; executable myexe
+$ g++ mycode.cpp -o myexe # C++ source file
+$ gfortran mycode.f90 -o myexe # Fortran90 source file
+$ gcc -fopenmp mycode.c -o myexe # OpenMP; GNU flag is different than Intel
Note that some compiler options are the same for both Intel and GNU (e.g. "-o"), while others are different (e.g. "-qopenmp" vs "-fopenmp"). Many options are available in one compiler suite but not the other. See the online GNU documentation for information on optimization flags and other GNU compiler options.
Building an executable requires two separate steps: (1) compiling (generating a binary object file associated with each source file); and (2) linking (combining those object files into a single executable file that also specifies the libraries that executable needs). The examples in the previous section accomplish these two steps in a single call to the compiler. When building more sophisticated applications or libraries, however, it is often necessary or helpful to accomplish these two steps separately.
Use the "-c" ("compile") flag to produce object files from source files:
$ icc -c main.c calc.c results.c
Barring errors, this command will produce object files main.o, calc.o, and results.o. Syntax for other compilers Intel and GNU compilers is similar.
You can now link the object files to produce an executable file:
$ icc main.o calc.o results.o -o myexe
The compiler calls a linker utility (usually /bin/ld) to accomplish this task. Again, syntax for other compilers is similar.
Software often depends on pre-compiled binaries called libraries. When this is true, compiling usually requires using the "-I" option to specify paths to so-called header or include files that define interfaces to the procedures and data in those libraries. Similarly, linking often requires using the "-L" option to specify paths to the libraries themselves. Typical compile and link lines might look like this:
On Stampede2, both the hdf5 and phdf5 modules define the environment variables $TACC_HDF5_INC and $TACC_HDF5_LIB. Other module files define similar environment variables; see Using Modules to Manage Your Environment for more information.
The details of the linking process vary, and order sometimes matters. Much depends on the type of library: static (.a suffix; library's binary code becomes part of executable image at link time) versus dynamically-linked shared (.so suffix; library's binary code is not part of executable; it's located and loaded into memory at run time). The link line can use rpath to store in the executable an explicit path to a shared library. In general, however, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable specifies the search path for dynamic libraries. For software installed at the system-level, TACC's modules generally modify LD_LIBRARY_PATH automatically. To see whether and how an executable named "myexe" resolves dependencies on dynamically linked libraries, execute "ldd myexe".
Intel MPI (module impi) and MVAPICH2 (module mvapich2) are the two MPI libraries available on Stampede2. After loading an impi or mvapich2 module, compile and/or link using an mpi wrapper (mpicc, mpicxx, mpif90) in place of the compiler:
+$ mpicc mycode.c -o myexe # C source, full build
+$ mpicc -c mycode.c # C source, compile without linking
+$ mpicxx mycode.cpp -o myexe # C++ source, full build
+$ mpif90 mycode.f90 -o myexe # Fortran source, full build
These wrappers call the compiler with the options, include paths, and libraries necessary to produce an MPI executable using the MPI module you're using. To see the effect of a given wrapper, call it with the "-show" option:
$ mpicc -show # Show compile line generated by call to mpicc; similarly for other wrappers
You're welcome to download third-party research software and install it in your own account. In most cases you'll want to download the source code and build the software so it's compatible with the Stampede2 software environment. You can't use yum or any other installation process that requires elevated privileges, but this is almost never necessary. The key is to specify an installation directory for which you have write permissions. Details vary; you should consult the package's documentation and be prepared to experiment. When using the famous three-step autotools build process, the standard approach is to use the PREFIX environment variable to specify a non-default, user-owned installation directory at the time you execute configure or make:
+$ export INSTALLDIR=$WORK/apps/t3pio
+$ ./configure --prefix=$INSTALLDIR
+$ make
+$ make install
Other languages, frameworks, and build systems generally have equivalent mechanisms for installing software in user space. In most cases a web search like "Python Linux install local" will get you the information you need.
In Python, a local install will resemble one of the following examples:
+$ module load Rstats # load TACC's default R
+$ R # launch R
+> install.packages('devtools') # R will prompt for install location
You may, of course, need to customize the build process in other ways. It's likely, for example, that you'll need to edit a makefile or other build artifacts to specify Stampede2-specific include and library paths or other compiler settings. A good way to proceed is to write a shell script that implements the entire process: definitions of environment variables, module commands, and calls to the build utilities. Include echo statements with appropriate diagnostics. Run the script until you encounter an error. Research and fix the current problem. Document your experience in the script itself; including dead-ends, alternatives, and lessons learned. Re-run the script to get to the next error, then repeat until done. When you're finished, you'll have a repeatable process that you can archive until it's time to update the software or move to a new machine.
If you wish to share a software package with collaborators, you may need to modify file permissions. See Sharing Files with Collaborators for more information.
The Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) is a collection of highly optimized functions implementing some of the most important mathematical kernels used in computational science, including standardized interfaces to:
BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines), a collection of low-level matrix and vector operations like matrix-matrix multiplication
LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage), which includes higher-level linear algebra algorithms like Gaussian Elimination
FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), including interfaces based on FFTW (Fastest Fourier Transform in the West)
ScaLAPACK (Scalable LAPACK), BLACS (Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms), Cluster FFT, and other functionality that provide block-based distributed memory (multi-node) versions of selected LAPACK, BLAS, and FFT algorithms;
Vector Mathematics (VM) functions that implement highly optimized and vectorized versions of special functions like sine and square root.
There is no MKL module for the Intel compilers because you don't need one: the Intel compilers have built-in support for MKL. Unless you have specialized needs, there is no need to specify include paths and libraries explicitly. Instead, using MKL with the Intel modules requires nothing more than compiling and linking with the "-mkl" option.; e.g.
+$ icc -mkl mycode.c
+$ ifort -mkl mycode.c
The "-mkl" switch is an abbreviated form of "-mkl=parallel", which links your code to the threaded version of MKL. To link to the unthreaded version, use "-mkl=sequential". A third option, "-mkl=cluster", which also links to the unthreaded libraries, is necessary and appropriate only when using ScaLAPACK or other distributed memory packages. For additional information, including advanced linking options, see the MKL documentation and Intel MKL Link Line Advisor.
When using a GNU compiler, load the MKL module before compiling or running your code, then specify explicitly the MKL libraries, library paths, and include paths your application needs. Consult the Intel MKL Link Line Advisor for details. A typical compile/link process on a TACC system will look like this:
For your convenience the mkl module file also provides alternative TACC-defined variables like $TACC_MKL_INCLUDE (equivalent to $MKLROOT/include). Execute "module help mkl" for more information.
When your third-party software requires BLAS or LAPACK, you can use MKL to supply this functionality. Replace generic instructions that include link options like "-lblas" or "-llapack" with the simpler MKL approach described above. There is no need to download and install alternatives like OpenBLAS.
TACC's MATLAB, Python, and R modules all use threaded (parallel) MKL as their underlying BLAS/LAPACK library. These means that even serial codes written in MATLAB, Python, or R may benefit from MKL's thread-based parallelism. This requires no action on your part other than specifying an appropriate max thread count for MKL; see the section below for more information.
Any code that calls MKL functions can potentially benefit from MKL's thread-based parallelism; this is true even if your code is not otherwise a parallel application. If you are linking to the threaded MKL (using "-mkl", "-mkl=parallel", or the equivalent explicit link line), you need only specify an appropriate value for the max number of threads available to MKL. You can do this with either of the two environment variables MKL_NUM_THREADS or OMP_NUM_THREADS. The environment variable MKL_NUM_THREADS specifies the max number of threads available to each instance of MKL, and has no effect on non-MKL code. If MKL_NUM_THREADS is undefined, MKL uses OMP_NUM_THREADS to determine the max number of threads available to MKL functions. In either case, MKL will attempt to choose an optimal thread count less than or equal to the specified value. Note that OMP_NUM_THREADS defaults to 1 on TACC systems; if you use the default value you will get no thread-based parallelism from MKL.
If you are running a single serial, unthreaded application (or an unthreaded MPI code involving a single MPI task per node) it is usually best to give MKL as much flexibility as possible by setting the max thread count to the total number of hardware threads on the node (272 on KNL, 96 on SKX). Of course things are more complicated if you are running more than one process on a node: e.g. multiple serial processes, threaded applications, hybrid MPI-threaded applications, or pure MPI codes running more than one MPI rank per node. See http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/recommended-settings-for-calling-intel-mkl-routines-from-multi-threaded-applications and related Intel resources for examples of how to manage threading when calling MKL from multiple processes.
When building software on Stampede2, we recommend using the most recent Intel compiler and Intel MPI library available on Stampede2. The most recent versions may be newer than the defaults. Execute "module spider intel" and "module spider impi" to see what's installed. When loading these modules you may need to specify version numbers explicitly (e.g. "module load intel/18.0.0" and "module load impi/18.0.0").
To compile for KNL only, include "-xMIC-AVX512" as a build option. The "-x" switch allows you to specify a target architecture, while MIC-AVX512 is the KNL-specific subset of Intel's Advanced Vector Extensions 512-bit instruction set. Besides all other appropriate compiler options, you should also consider specifying an optimization level using the "-O" flag:
$ icc -xMIC-AVX512 -O3 mycode.c -o myexe # will run only on KNL
Similarly, to build for SKX only, specify the CORE-AVX512 instruction set, which is native to SKX:
$ ifort -xCORE-AVX512 -O3 mycode.f90 -o myexe # will run only on SKX
Because Stampede2 has two kinds of compute nodes, however, we recommend a more flexible approach when building with the Intel compiler: use CPU dispatch to build a multi-architecture ("fat") binary that contains alternate code paths with optimized vector code for each type of Stampede2 node. To produce a multi-architecture binary for Stampede2, build with the following options:
These particular choices allow you to build on any Stampede2 node (login node, KNL compute node, SKX compute node), and use CPU dispatch to produce a multi-architecture binary. We recommend that you specify these flags in both the compile and link steps. Specify an optimization level (e.g. "-O3") along with any other appropriate compiler switches:
The "-x" option is the target base architecture (instruction set). The base instruction set must run on all targeted processors. Here we specify CORE-AVX2, which is native for older Broadwell processors and supported on both KNL and SKX. This option allows configure scripts and similar build systems to run test executables on any Stampede2 login or compute node. The "-ax" option is a comma-separated list of alternate instruction sets: CORE-AVX512 for SKX, and MIC-AVX512 for KNL.
Now that we have replaced the original Broadwell login nodes with newer Skylake login nodes, "-xCORE-AVX2" remains a reasonable (though conservative) base option. Another plausible, more aggressive base option is "-xCOMMON-AVX512", which is a subset of AVX512 that runs on both SKX and KNL.
It's best to avoid building with "-xHost" (a flag that means "optimize for the architecture on which I'm compiling now"). Using "-xHost" on a SKX login node, for example, will result in a binary that won't run on KNL.
Don't skip the "-x" flag in a multi-architecture build: the default is the very old SSE2 (Pentium 4) instruction set. Don't create a multi-architecture build with a base option of either "-xMIC-AVX512" (native on KNL) or "-xCORE-AVX512" (native on SKX); there are no meaningful, compatible alternate ("-ax") instruction sets:
$ icc -xCORE-AVX512 -axMIC-AVX512 -O3 mycode.c -o myexe # NO! Base incompatible with alternate
On Stampede2, the module files for newer Intel compilers (Intel 18.0.0 and later) define the environment variable TACC_VEC_FLAGS that stores the recommended architecture flags described above. This can simplify your builds:
$ echo $TACC_VEC_FLAGS # env variable available only for intel/18.0.0 and later
+$ icc $TACC_VEC_FLAGS -O3 mycode.c -o myexe
Simplicity is a major advantage of this multi-architecture approach: it allows you to build and run anywhere on Stampede2, and performance is generally comparable to single-architecture builds. There are some trade-offs to consider, however. This approach will take a little longer to compile than single-architecture builds, and will produce a larger binary. In some cases, you might also pay a small performance penalty over single-architecture approaches. For more information see the Intel documentation.
For information on the performance implications of your choice of build flags, see the sections on Programming and Performance for KNL and SKX respectively.
If you use GNU compilers, see GNU x86 Options for information regarding support for KNL and SKX. Note that GNU compilers do not support multi-architecture binaries.
Like all TACC systems, Stampede2's accounting system is based on node-hours: one unadjusted Service Unit (SU) represents a single compute node used for one hour (a node-hour). For any given job, the total cost in SUs is the use of one compute node for one hour of wall clock time plus any additional charges for the use of specialized queues, e.g. Stampede2's largemem queue, Lonestar5's gpu queue and Longhorn's v100 queue. The queue charge rates are determined by the supply and demand for that particular queue or type of node used.
Stampede2 SUs billed = (# nodes) x (job duration in wall clock hours) x (charge rate per node-hour)
The Slurm scheduler tracks and charges for usage to a granularity of a few seconds of wall clock time. The system charges only for the resources you actually use, not those you request. If your job finishes early and exits properly, Slurm will release the nodes back into the pool of available nodes. Your job will only be charged for as long as you are using the nodes.
TACC does not implement node-sharing on any compute resource. Each Stampede2 node can be assigned to only one user at a time; hence a complete node is dedicated to a user's job and accrues wall-clock time for all the node's cores whether or not all cores are used.
Tip: Your queue wait times will be less if you request only the time you need: the scheduler will have a much easier time finding a slot for the 2 hours you really need than say, for the 12 hours requested in your job script.
Principal Investigators can monitor allocation usage via the TACC User Portal under "Allocations->Projects and Allocations". Be aware that the figures shown on the portal may lag behind the most recent usage. Projects and allocation balances are also displayed upon command-line login.
To display a summary of your TACC project balances and disk quotas at any time, execute:
login1$ /usr/local/etc/taccinfo # Generally more current than balances displayed on the portals.
* Queue status as of January 14, 2019. Queues and limits are subject to change without notice. Execute "qlimits" on Stampede2 for real-time information regarding limits on available queues. See Monitoring Jobs and Queues for additional information.
** To request more nodes than are available in the normal queue, submit a consulting (help desk) ticket through the TACC or XSEDE user portal. Include in your request reasonable evidence of your readiness to run under the conditions you're requesting. In most cases this should include your own strong or weak scaling results from Stampede2.
*** For non-hybrid memory-cluster modes or other special requirements, submit a ticket through the TACC or XSEDE user portal.
Use Slurm's "sbatch" command to submit a batch job to one of the Stampede2 queues:
login1$ sbatch myjobscript
Here "myjobscript" is the name of a text file containing #SBATCH directives and shell commands that describe the particulars of the job you are submitting. The details of your job script's contents depend on the type of job you intend to run.
In your job script you (1) use #SBATCH directives to request computing resources (e.g. 10 nodes for 2 hrs); and then (2) use shell commands to specify what work you're going to do once your job begins. There are many possibilities: you might elect to launch a single application, or you might want to accomplish several steps in a workflow. You may even choose to launch more than one application at the same time. The details will vary, and there are many possibilities. But your own job script will probably include at least one launch line that is a variation of one of the examples described here.
+# Sample Slurm job script
+# for TACC Stampede2 KNL nodes
+# *** Serial Job on Normal Queue ***
+# Last revised: 20 Oct 2017
+# Notes:
+# -- Copy/edit this script as desired. Launch by executing
+# "sbatch knl.serial.slurm" on a Stampede2 login node.
+# -- Serial codes run on a single node (upper case N = 1).
+# A serial code ignores the value of lower case n,
+# but slurm needs a plausible value to schedule the job.
+# -- For a good way to run multiple serial executables at the
+# same time, execute "module load launcher" followed
+# by "module help launcher".
+#SBATCH -J myjob # Job name
+#SBATCH -o myjob.o%j # Name of stdout output file
+#SBATCH -e myjob.e%j # Name of stderr error file
+#SBATCH -p normal # Queue (partition) name
+#SBATCH -N 1 # Total # of nodes (must be 1 for serial)
+#SBATCH -n 1 # Total # of mpi tasks (should be 1 for serial)
+#SBATCH -t 01:30:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss)
+#SBATCH --mail-user=username@tacc.utexas.edu
+#SBATCH --mail-type=all # Send email at begin and end of job
+#SBATCH -A myproject # Allocation name (req'd if you have more than 1)
+# Other commands must follow all #SBATCH directives...
+module list
+# Launch serial code...
+./mycode.exe # Do not use ibrun or any other MPI launcher
+# ---------------------------------------------------
+# Sample Slurm job script
+# for TACC Stampede2 SKX nodes
+# *** Serial Job on SKX Normal Queue ***
+# Last revised: 20 Oct 2017
+# Notes:
+# -- Copy/edit this script as desired. Launch by executing
+# "sbatch skx.serial.slurm" on a Stampede2 login node.
+# -- Serial codes run on a single node (upper case N = 1).
+# A serial code ignores the value of lower case n,
+# but slurm needs a plausible value to schedule the job.
+# -- For a good way to run multiple serial executables at the
+# same time, execute "module load launcher" followed
+# by "module help launcher".
+#SBATCH -J myjob # Job name
+#SBATCH -o myjob.o%j # Name of stdout output file
+#SBATCH -e myjob.e%j # Name of stderr error file
+#SBATCH -p skx-normal # Queue (partition) name
+#SBATCH -N 1 # Total # of nodes (must be 1 for serial)
+#SBATCH -n 1 # Total # of mpi tasks (should be 1 for serial)
+#SBATCH -t 01:30:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss)
+#SBATCH --mail-user=username@tacc.utexas.edu
+#SBATCH --mail-type=all # Send email at begin and end of job
+#SBATCH -A myproject # Allocation name (req'd if you have more than 1)
+# Other commands must follow all #SBATCH directives...
+module list
+# Launch serial code...
+./mycode.exe # Do not use ibrun or any other MPI launcher
+# ---------------------------------------------------
+# Sample Slurm job script
+# for TACC Stampede2 KNL nodes
+# *** MPI Job on Normal Queue ***
+# Last revised: 20 Oct 2017
+# Notes:
+# -- Launch this script by executing
+# "sbatch knl.mpi.slurm" on Stampede2 login node.
+# -- Use ibrun to launch MPI codes on TACC systems.
+# Do not use mpirun or mpiexec.
+# -- Max recommended MPI tasks per KNL node: 64-68
+# (start small, increase gradually).
+# -- If you're running out of memory, try running
+# fewer tasks per node to give each task more memory.
+#SBATCH -J myjob # Job name
+#SBATCH -o myjob.o%j # Name of stdout output file
+#SBATCH -e myjob.e%j # Name of stderr error file
+#SBATCH -p normal # Queue (partition) name
+#SBATCH -N 4 # Total # of nodes
+#SBATCH -n 32 # Total # of mpi tasks
+#SBATCH -t 01:30:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss)
+#SBATCH --mail-user=username@tacc.utexas.edu
+#SBATCH --mail-type=all # Send email at begin and end of job
+#SBATCH -A myproject # Allocation name (req'd if you have more than 1)
+# Other commands must follow all #SBATCH directives...
+module list
+# Launch MPI code...
+ibrun ./mycode.exe # Use ibrun instead of mpirun or mpiexec
+# ---------------------------------------------------
+# Sample Slurm job script
+# for TACC Stampede2 SKX nodes
+# *** MPI Job on SKX Normal Queue ***
+# Last revised: 20 Oct 2017
+# Notes:
+# -- Launch this script by executing
+# "sbatch skx.mpi.slurm" on Stampede2 login node.
+# -- Use ibrun to launch MPI codes on TACC systems.
+# Do not use mpirun or mpiexec.
+# -- Max recommended MPI ranks per SKX node: 48
+# (start small, increase gradually).
+# -- If you're running out of memory, try running
+# fewer tasks per node to give each task more memory.
+#SBATCH -J myjob # Job name
+#SBATCH -o myjob.o%j # Name of stdout output file
+#SBATCH -e myjob.e%j # Name of stderr error file
+#SBATCH -p skx-normal # Queue (partition) name
+#SBATCH -N 4 # Total # of nodes
+#SBATCH -n 32 # Total # of mpi tasks
+#SBATCH -t 01:30:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss)
+#SBATCH --mail-user=username@tacc.utexas.edu
+#SBATCH --mail-type=all # Send email at begin and end of job
+#SBATCH -A myproject # Allocation name (req'd if you have more than 1)
+# Other commands must follow all #SBATCH directives...
+module list
+# Launch MPI code...
+ibrun ./mycode.exe # Use ibrun instead of mpirun or mpiexec
+# ---------------------------------------------------
+# Sample Slurm job script
+# for TACC Stampede2 KNL nodes
+# *** OpenMP Job on Normal Queue ***
+# Last revised: 20 Oct 2017
+# Notes:
+# -- Launch this script by executing
+# -- Copy/edit this script as desired. Launch by executing
+# "sbatch knl.openmp.slurm" on a Stampede2 login node.
+# -- OpenMP codes run on a single node (upper case N = 1).
+# OpenMP ignores the value of lower case n,
+# but slurm needs a plausible value to schedule the job.
+# -- Default value of OMP_NUM_THREADS is 1; be sure to change it!
+# -- Increase thread count gradually while looking for optimal setting.
+# If there is sufficient memory available, the optimal setting
+# is often 68 (1 thread per core) or 136 (2 threads per core).
+#SBATCH -J myjob # Job name
+#SBATCH -o myjob.o%j # Name of stdout output file
+#SBATCH -e myjob.e%j # Name of stderr error file
+#SBATCH -p normal # Queue (partition) name
+#SBATCH -N 1 # Total # of nodes (must be 1 for OpenMP)
+#SBATCH -n 1 # Total # of mpi tasks (should be 1 for OpenMP)
+#SBATCH -t 01:30:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss)
+#SBATCH --mail-user=username@tacc.utexas.edu
+#SBATCH --mail-type=all # Send email at begin and end of job
+#SBATCH -A myproject # Allocation name (req'd if you have more than 1)
+# Other commands must follow all #SBATCH directives...
+module list
+# Set thread count (default value is 1)...
+export OMP_NUM_THREADS=34
+# Launch OpenMP code...
+./mycode.exe # Do not use ibrun or any other MPI launcher
+# ---------------------------------------------------
+# Sample Slurm job script
+# for TACC Stampede2 SKX nodes
+# *** OpenMP Job on SKX Normal Queue ***
+# Last revised: 20 Oct 2017
+# Notes:
+# -- Launch this script by executing
+# -- Copy/edit this script as desired. Launch by executing
+# "sbatch skx.openmp.slurm" on a Stampede2 login node.
+# -- OpenMP codes run on a single node (upper case N = 1).
+# OpenMP ignores the value of lower case n,
+# but slurm needs a plausible value to schedule the job.
+# -- Default value of OMP_NUM_THREADS is 1; be sure to change it!
+# -- Increase thread count gradually while looking for optimal setting.
+# If there is sufficient memory available, the optimal setting
+# is often 48 (1 thread per core) but may be higher.
+#SBATCH -J myjob # Job name
+#SBATCH -o myjob.o%j # Name of stdout output file
+#SBATCH -e myjob.e%j # Name of stderr error file
+#SBATCH -p skx-normal # Queue (partition) name
+#SBATCH -N 1 # Total # of nodes (must be 1 for OpenMP)
+#SBATCH -n 1 # Total # of mpi tasks (should be 1 for OpenMP)
+#SBATCH -t 01:30:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss)
+#SBATCH --mail-user=username@tacc.utexas.edu
+#SBATCH --mail-type=all # Send email at begin and end of job
+#SBATCH -A myproject # Allocation name (req'd if you have more than 1)
+# Other commands must follow all #SBATCH directives...
+module list
+# Set thread count (default value is 1)...
+export OMP_NUM_THREADS=48 # this is 1 thread/core; may want to start lower
+# Launch OpenMP code...
+./mycode.exe # Do not use ibrun or any other MPI launcher
+# ---------------------------------------------------
+# Example Slurm job script
+# for TACC Stampede2 KNL nodes
+# *** Hybrid Job on Normal Queue ***
+# This sample script specifies:
+# 10 nodes (capital N)
+# 40 total MPI tasks (lower case n); this is 4 tasks/node
+# 16 OpenMP threads per MPI task (64 threads per node)
+# Last revised: 20 Oct 2017
+# Notes:
+# -- Launch this script by executing
+# "sbatch knl.hybrid.slurm" on Stampede2 login node.
+# -- Use ibrun to launch MPI codes on TACC systems.
+# Do not use mpirun or mpiexec.
+# -- In most cases it's best to specify no more
+# than 64-68 MPI ranks or independent processes
+# per node, and 1-2 threads/core.
+# -- If you're running out of memory, try running
+# fewer tasks and/or threads per node to give each
+# process access to more memory.
+# -- IMPI and MVAPICH2 both do sensible process pinning by default.
+#SBATCH -J myjob # Job name
+#SBATCH -o myjob.o%j # Name of stdout output file
+#SBATCH -e myjob.e%j # Name of stderr error file
+#SBATCH -p normal # Queue (partition) name
+#SBATCH -N 10 # Total # of nodes
+#SBATCH -n 40 # Total # of mpi tasks
+#SBATCH -t 01:30:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss)
+#SBATCH --mail-user=username@tacc.utexas.edu
+#SBATCH --mail-type=all # Send email at begin and end of job
+#SBATCH -A myproject # Allocation name (req'd if you have more than 1)
+# Other commands must follow all #SBATCH directives...
+module list
+# Set thread count (default value is 1)...
+export OMP_NUM_THREADS=16
+# Launch MPI code...
+ibrun ./mycode.exe # Use ibrun instead of mpirun or mpiexec
+# ---------------------------------------------------
+# Example Slurm job script
+# for TACC Stampede2 SKX nodes
+# *** Hybrid Job on SKX Normal Queue ***
+# This sample script specifies:
+# 10 nodes (capital N)
+# 40 total MPI tasks (lower case n); this is 4 tasks/node
+# 12 OpenMP threads per MPI task (48 threads per node)
+# Last revised: 20 Oct 2017
+# Notes:
+# -- Launch this script by executing
+# "sbatch skx.mpi.slurm" on Stampede2 login node.
+# -- Use ibrun to launch MPI codes on TACC systems.
+# Do not use mpirun or mpiexec.
+# -- In most cases it's best to keep
+# ( MPI ranks per node ) x ( threads per rank )
+# to a number no more than 48 (total cores).
+# -- If you're running out of memory, try running
+# fewer tasks and/or threads per node to give each
+# process access to more memory.
+# -- IMPI and MVAPICH2 both do sensible process pinning by default.
+#SBATCH -J myjob # Job name
+#SBATCH -o myjob.o%j # Name of stdout output file
+#SBATCH -e myjob.e%j # Name of stderr error file
+#SBATCH -p skx-normal # Queue (partition) name
+#SBATCH -N 10 # Total # of nodes
+#SBATCH -n 40 # Total # of mpi tasks
+#SBATCH -t 01:30:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss)
+#SBATCH --mail-user=username@tacc.utexas.edu
+#SBATCH --mail-type=all # Send email at begin and end of job
+#SBATCH -A myproject # Allocation name (req'd if you have more than 1)
+# Other commands must follow all #SBATCH directives...
+module list
+# Set thread count (default value is 1)...
+export OMP_NUM_THREADS=12
+# Launch MPI code...
+ibrun ./mycode.exe # Use ibrun instead of mpirun or mpiexec
+# ---------------------------------------------------
Your job will run in the environment it inherits at submission time; this environment includes the modules you have loaded and the current working directory. In most cases you should run your applications(s) after loading the same modules that you used to build them. You can of course use your job submission script to modify this environment by defining new environment variables; changing the values of existing environment variables; loading or unloading modules; changing directory; or specifying relative or absolute paths to files. Do not use the Slurm "--export" option to manage your job's environment: doing so can interfere with the way the system propagates the inherited environment.
The Common sbatch Options table below describes some of the most common sbatch command options. Slurm directives begin with "#SBATCH"; most have a short form (e.g. "-N") and a long form (e.g. "--nodes"). You can pass options to sbatch using either the command line or job script; most users find that the job script is the easier approach. The first line of your job script must specify the interpreter that will parse non-Slurm commands; in most cases "#!/bin/bash" or "#!/bin/csh" is the right choice. Avoid "#!/bin/sh" (its startup behavior can lead to subtle problems on Stampede2), and do not include comments or any other characters on this first line. All #SBATCH directives must precede all shell commands. Note also that certain #SBATCH options or combinations of options are mandatory, while others are not available on Stampede2.
Submits to queue (partition) designated by queue_name
Job Name
Required. Define the resources you need by specifying either: (1) "-N" and "-n"; or (2) "-N" and "--ntasks-per-node".
This is total MPI tasks in this job. See "-N" above for a good way to use this option. When using this option in a non-MPI job, it is usually best to set it to the same value as "-N".
--ntasks-per-node or --tasks-per-node
This is MPI tasks per node. See "-N" above for a good way to use this option. When using this option in a non-MPI job, it is usually best to set --ntasks-per-node to 1.
Required. Wall clock time for job.
Specify the email address to use for notifications. Use with the --mail-type= flag below.
begin, end, fail, or all
Specify when user notifications are to be sent (one option per line).
Direct job standard output to output_file (without -e option error goes to this file)
Direct job error output to error_file
Specifies a dependency: this run will start only after the specified job (jobid) successfully finishes
Charge job to the specified project/allocation number. This option is only necessary for logins associated with multiple projects.
-a or --array
Not available. Use the launcher module for parameter sweeps and other collections of related serial jobs.
Not available. If you attempt to use this option, the scheduler will not accept your job.
Avoid this option on Stampede2. Using it is rarely necessary and can interfere with the way the system propagates your environment.
By default, Slurm writes all console output to a file named "slurm-%j.out", where %j is the numerical job ID. To specify a different filename use the "-o" option. To save stdout (standard out) and stderr (standard error) to separate files, specify both "-o" and "-e".
The primary purpose of your job script is to launch your research application. How you do so depends on several factors, especially (1) the type of application (e.g. MPI, OpenMP, serial), and (2) what you're trying to accomplish (e.g. launch a single instance, complete several steps in a workflow, run several applications simultaneously within the same job). While there are many possibilities, your own job script will probably include a launch line that is a variation of one of the examples described in this section:
To launch a serial application, simply call the executable. Specify the path to the executable in either the PATH environment variable or in the call to the executable itself:
+mycode.exe # executable in a directory listed in $PATH
+$WORK/apps/myprov/mycode.exe # explicit full path to executable
+./mycode.exe # executable in current directory
+./mycode.exe -m -k 6 input1 # executable with notional input options
To launch an MPI application, use the TACC-specific MPI launcher "ibrun", which is a Stampede2-aware replacement for generic MPI launchers like mpirun and mpiexec. In most cases the only arguments you need are the name of your executable followed by any options your executable needs. When you call ibrun without other arguments, your Slurm #SBATCH directives will determine the number of ranks (MPI tasks) and number of nodes on which your program runs.
+ibrun ./mycode.exe # use ibrun instead of mpirun or mpiexec
When launching a single application you generally don't need to worry about affinity: both Intel MPI and MVAPICH2 will distribute and pin tasks and threads in a sensible way.
+export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 # 8 OpenMP threads per MPI rank
+ibrun ./mycode.exe # use ibrun instead of mpirun or mpiexec
TACC's "launcher" utility provides an easy way to launch more than one serial application in a single job. This is a great way to engage in a popular form of High Throughput Computing: running parameter sweeps (one serial application against many different input datasets) on several nodes simultaneously. The launcher utility will execute your specified list of independent serial commands, distributing the tasks evenly, pinning them to specific cores, and scheduling them to keep cores busy. Execute "module load launcher" followed by "module help launcher" for more information.
To run one MPI application after another (or any sequence of commands one at a time), simply list them in your job script in the order in which you'd like them to execute. When one application/command completes, the next one will begin.
+module load git
+module list
+ibrun ./mycode.exe input1 # runs after preprocess.sh completes
+ibrun ./mycode.exe input2 # runs after previous MPI app completes
To run more than one MPI application simultaneously in the same job, you need to do several things:
use ampersands to launch each instance in the background;
include a wait command to pause the job script until the background tasks complete;
use the ibrun "-n" and "-o" switches to specify task counts and hostlist offsets respectively; and
include a call to the task_affinity script in your ibrun launch line.
If, for example, you use #SBATCH directives to request N=4 nodes and n=128 total MPI tasks, Slurm will generate a hostfile with 128 entries (32 entries for each of 4 nodes). The "-n" and "-o" switches, which must be used together, determine which hostfile entries ibrun uses to launch a given application; execute "ibrun --help" for more information. Don't forget the ampersands ("&") to launch the jobs in the background, and the "wait" command to pause the script until the background tasks complete:
+ibrun -n 64 -o 0 task_affinity ./mycode.exe input1 & # 64 tasks; offset by 0 entries in hostfile.
+ibrun -n 64 -o 64 task_affinity ./mycode.exe input2 & # 64 tasks; offset by 64 entries in hostfile.
+wait # Required; else script will exit immediately.
The task_affinity script does two things:
task_affinity manages task placement and pinning when you call ibrun with the "-n, -o" switches (it's not necessary under any other circumstances); and
task_affinity also manages MCDRAM when you run in flat-quadrant mode on the KNL. It does this in the same way as mem_affinity.
Don't confuse task_affinity with tacc_affinity; the keyword "tacc_affinity" is now a symbolic link to mem_affinity. The mem_affinity script and the symbolic link tacc_affinity manage MCDRAM in flat-quadrant mode on the KNL, but they do not pin MPI tasks.
You can also run more than one OpenMP application simultaneously on a single node, but you will need to distribute and pin tasks appropriately. In the example below, "numactl -C" specifies virtual CPUs (hardware threads). According to the numbering scheme for KNL hardware threads, CPU (hardware thread) numbers 0-67 are spread across the 68 cores, 1 thread per core. Similarly for SKX: CPU (hardware thread) numbers 0-47 are spread across the 48 cores, 1 thread per core. See TACC training materials for more information.
TACC's own idev utility is the best way to begin an interactive session on one or more compute nodes. To launch a thirty-minute session on a single node in the development queue, simply execute:
login1$ idev
You'll then see output that includes the following excerpts:
+ Welcome to the Stampede2 Supercomputer
+-> After your idev job begins to run, a command prompt will appear,
+-> and you can begin your interactive development session.
+-> We will report the job status every 4 seconds: (PD=pending, R=running).
+->job status: PD
+->job status: PD
The "job status" messages indicate that your interactive session is waiting in the queue. When your session begins, you'll see a command prompt on a compute node (in this case, the node with hostname c449-001). If this is the first time you launch idev, the prompts may invite you to choose a default project and a default number of tasks per node for future idev sessions.
For command line options and other information, execute "idev --help". It's easy to tailor your submission request (e.g. shorter or longer duration) using Slurm-like syntax:
login1$ idev -p normal -N 2 -n 8 -m 150 # normal queue, 2 nodes, 8 total tasks, 150 minutes
You can also launch an interactive session with Slurm's srun command, though there's no clear reason to prefer srun to idev. A typical launch line would look like this:
login1$ srun --pty -N 2 -n 8 -t 2:30:00 -p normal /bin/bash -l # same conditions as above
If you have a batch job or interactive session running on a compute node, you "own the node": you can connect via ssh to open a new interactive session on that node. This is an especially convenient way to monitor your applications' progress. One particularly helpful example: login to a compute node that you own, execute "top", then press the "1" key to see a display that allows you to monitor thread ("CPU") and memory use.
There are many ways to determine the nodes on which you are running a job, including feedback messages following your sbatch submission, the compute node command prompt in an idev session, and the squeue or showq utilities. The sequence of identifying your compute node then connecting to it would look like this:
+login1$ squeue -u bjones
+858811 development idv46796 bjones R 0:39 1 c448-004
+1ogin1$ ssh c448-004
Be sure to distinguish between internal Slurm replacement symbols (e.g. "%j" described above) and Linux environment variables defined by Slurm (e.g. SLURM_JOBID). Execute "env | grep SLURM" from within your job script to see the full list of Slurm environment variables and their values. You can use Slurm replacement symbols like "%j" only to construct a Slurm filename pattern; they are not meaningful to your Linux shell. Conversely, you can use Slurm environment variables in the shell portion of your job script but not in an #SBATCH directive. For example, the following directive will not work the way you might think:
#SBATCH -o myMPI.o${SLURM_JOB_ID} # incorrect
Instead, use the following directive:
#SBATCH -o myMPI.o%j # "%j" expands to your job's numerical job ID
Similarly, you cannot use paths like $WORK or $SCRATCH in an #SBATCH directive.
For more information on this and other matters related to Slurm job submission, see the Slurm online documentation; the man pages for both Slurm itself ("man slurm") and its individual command (e.g. "man sbatch"); as well as numerous other online resources.
Several commands are available to help you plan and track your job submissions as well as check the status of the Slurm queues.
When interpreting queue and job status, remember that Stampede2 doesn't operate on a first-come-first-served basis. Instead, the sophisticated, tunable algorithms built into Slurm attempt to keep the system busy, while scheduling jobs in a way that is as fair as possible to everyone. At times this means leaving nodes idle ("draining the queue") to make room for a large job that would otherwise never run. It also means considering each user's "fair share", scheduling jobs so that those who haven't run jobs recently may have a slightly higher priority than those who have.
To display resource limits for the Stampede2 queues, execute "qlimits". The result is real-time data; the corresponding information in this document's table of Stampede2 queues may lag behind the actual configuration that the qlimits utility displays.
Slurm's "sinfo" command allows you to monitor the status of the queues. If you execute sinfo without arguments, you'll see a list of every node in the system together with its status. To skip the node list and produce a tight, alphabetized summary of the available queues and their status, execute:
login1$ sinfo -S+P -o "%18P %8a %20F" # compact summary of queue status
An excerpt from this command's output looks like this:
+development* up 41/70/1/112
+normal up 3685/8/3/3696
The AVAIL column displays the overall status of each queue (up or down), while the column labeled "NODES(A/I/O/T)" shows the number of nodes in each of several states ("Allocated", "Idle", "Other", and "Total"). Execute "man sinfo" for more information. Use caution when reading the generic documentation, however: some available fields are not meaningful or are misleading on Stampede2 (e.g. TIMELIMIT, displayed using the "%l" option).
Slurm's squeue command allows you to monitor jobs in the queues, whether pending (waiting) or currently running:
+login1$ squeue # show all jobs in all queues
+login1$ squeue -u bjones # show all jobs owned by bjones
+login1$ man squeue # more info
An excerpt from the default output looks like this:
+170361 normal spec12 bjones PD 0:00 32 (Resources)
+170356 normal mal2d slindsey PD 0:00 30 (Priority)
+170204 normal rr2-a2 tg123456 PD 0:00 1 (Dependency)
+170250 development idv59074 aturing R 29:30 1 c455-044
+169669 normal 04-99a1 aturing CG 2:47:47 1 c425-003
The column labeled "ST" displays each job's status:
"PD" means "Pending" (waiting);
"R" means "Running";
"CG" means "Completing" (cleaning up after exiting the job script).
Pending jobs appear in order of decreasing priority. The last column includes a nodelist for running/completing jobs, or a reason for pending jobs. If you submit a job before a scheduled system maintenance period, and the job cannot complete before the maintenance begins, your job will run when the maintenance/reservation concludes. The squeue command will report "ReqNodeNotAvailable" ("Required Node Not Available"). The job will remain in the PD state until Stampede2 returns to production.
The default format for squeue now reports total nodes associated with a job rather than cores, tasks, or hardware threads. One reason for this change is clarity: the operating system sees each KNL node's 272 hardware threads (and each SKX node's 96 hardware threads) as "processors", and output based on that information can be ambiguous or otherwise difficult to interpret.
The default format lists all nodes assigned to displayed jobs; this can make the output difficult to read. A handy variation that suppresses the nodelist is:
The "--start" option displays job start times, including very rough estimates for the expected start times of some pending jobs that are relatively high in the queue:
login1$ squeue --start -j 167635 # display estimated start time for job 167635
TACC's "showq" utility mimics a tool that originated in the PBS project, and serves as a popular alternative to the Slurm "squeue" command:
+login1$ showq # show all jobs; default format
+login1$ showq -u # show your own jobs
+login1$ showq -U bjones # show jobs associated with user bjones
+login1$ showq -h # more info
The output groups jobs in four categories: ACTIVE, WAITING, BLOCKED, and COMPLETING/ERRORED. A BLOCKED job is one that cannot yet run due to temporary circumstances (e.g. a pending maintenance or other large reservation.).
If your waiting job cannot complete before a maintenance/reservation begins, showq will display its state as "WaitNod" ("Waiting for Nodes"). The job will remain in this state until Stampede2 returns to production.
The default format for showq now reports total nodes associated with a job rather than cores, tasks, or hardware threads. One reason for this change is clarity: the operating system sees each KNL node's 272 hardware threads (and each SKX node's 96 hardware threads) as "processors", and output based on that information can be ambiguous or otherwise difficult to interpret.
It's not possible to add resources to a job (e.g. allow more time) once you've submitted the job to the queue.
To cancel a pending or running job, first determine its jobid, then use scancel:
+login1$ squeue -u bjones # one way to determine jobid
+ 170361 normal spec12 bjones PD 0:00 32 (Resources)
+login1$ scancel 170361 # cancel job
For detailed information about the configuration of a specific job, use scontrol:
login1$ scontrol show job=170361
To view some accounting data associated with your own jobs, use sacct:
login1$ sacct --starttime 2017-08-01 # show jobs that started on or after this date
You can use sbatch to help manage workflows that involve multiple steps: the "--dependency" option allows you to launch jobs that depend on the completion (or successful completion) of another job. For example you could use this technique to split into three jobs a workflow that requires you to (1) compile on a single node; then (2) compute on 40 nodes; then finally (3) post-process your results using 4 nodes.
For more information see the Slurm online documentation. Note that you can use $SLURM_JOBID from one job to find the jobid you'll need to construct the sbatch launch line for a subsequent one. But also remember that you can't use sbatch to submit a job from a compute node.
Stampede2 uses the SKX and KNL processors for all visualization and rendering operations. We use the Intel OpenSWR library to render raster graphics with OpenGL, and the Intel OSPRay framework for ray traced images inside visualization software. On Stampede2, "swr" replaces "vglrun" (e.g. "swr glxgears") and uses similar syntax. OpenSWR can be loaded by executing "module load swr". We expect most users will notice little difference in visualization experience on KNL. MCDRAM may improve visualization performance for some users. SKX nodes may provide better interactivity for intensive rendering applications.
There is currently no separate visualization queue on Stampede2. All visualization apps are available on all nodes. VNC and DCV sessions are available on any queue, either through the command line or via the TACC Visualization Portal. We recommend submitting to the development queue (for KNL) or the skx-dev queue (for SKX) for interactive sessions. If you are interested in an application that is not yet available, please submit a help desk ticket through the TACC or XSEDE User Portal.
Remote desktop access to Stampede2 is formed through a VNC connection to one or more visualization nodes. Users must first connect to a Stampede2 login node (see System Access) and submit a special interactive batch job that:
allocates a set of Stampede2 visualization nodes
starts a vncserver process on the first allocated node
sets up a tunnel through the login node to the vncserver access port
Once the vncserver process is running on the visualization node and a tunnel through the login node is created, an output message identifies the access port for connecting a VNC viewer. A VNC viewer application is run on the user's remote system and presents the desktop to the user.
Note: If this is your first time connecting to Stampede2, you must run vncpasswd to create a password for your VNC servers. This should NOT be your login password! This mechanism only deters unauthorized connections; it is not fully secure, as only the first eight characters of the password are saved. All VNC connections are tunneled through SSH for extra security, as described below.
Follow the steps below to start an interactive session.
Start a Remote Desktop
TACC has provided a VNC job script (/share/doc/slurm/job.vnc) that requests one node in the development queue for two hours, creating a VNC session.
login1$ sbatch /share/doc/slurm/job.vnc
You may modify or overwrite script defaults with sbatch command-line options:
"-t hours:minutes:seconds" modify the job runtime
"-A projectnumber" specify the project/allocation to be charged
The "vnc.job" script starts a vncserver process and writes to the output file, "vncserver.out" in the job submission directory, with the connect port for the vncviewer. Watch for the "To connect via VNC client" message at the end of the output file, or watch the output stream in a separate window with the commands:
The lightweight window manager, xfce, is the default VNC desktop and is recommended for remote performance. Gnome is available; to use gnome, open the "~/.vnc/xstartup" file (created after your first VNC session) and replace "startxfce4" with "gnome-session". Note that gnome may lag over slow internet connections.
Create an SSH Tunnel to Stampede2
TACC requires users to create an SSH tunnel from the local system to the Stampede2 login node to assure that the connection is secure. On a Unix or Linux system, execute the following command once the port has been opened on the Stampede2 login node:
"yyyy" is the port number given by the vncserver batch job
"xxxx" is a port on the remote system. Generally, the port number specified on the Stampede2 login node, yyyy, is a good choice to use on your local system as well
"-f" instructs SSH to only forward ports, not to execute a remote command
"-N" puts the ssh command into the background after connecting
"-L" forwards the port
On Windows systems find the menu in the Windows SSH client where tunnels can be specified, and enter the local and remote ports as required, then ssh to Stampede2.
Connecting vncviewer
Once the SSH tunnel has been established, use a VNC client to connect to the local port you created, which will then be tunneled to your VNC server on Stampede2. Connect to localhost:xxxx, where xxxx is the local port you used for your tunnel. In the examples above, we would connect the VNC client to localhost::xxxx. (Some VNC clients accept localhost:xxxx).
We recommend the TigerVNC VNC Client, a platform independent client/server application.
Once the desktop has been established, two initial xterm windows are presented (which may be overlapping). One, which is white-on-black, manages the lifetime of the VNC server process. Killing this window (typically by typing "exit" or "ctrl-D" at the prompt) will cause the vncserver to terminate and the original batch job to end. Because of this, we recommend that this window not be used for other purposes; it is just too easy to accidentally kill it and terminate the session.
The other xterm window is black-on-white, and can be used to start both serial programs running on the node hosting the vncserver process, or parallel jobs running across the set of cores associated with the original batch job. Additional xterm windows can be created using the window-manager left-button menu.
From an interactive desktop, applications can be run from icons or from xterm command prompts. Two special cases arise: running parallel applications, and running applications that use OpenGL.
Stampede2 uses the OpenSWR OpenGL library to perform efficient rendering. At present, the compute nodes on Stampede2 do not support native X instances. All windowing environments should use a VNC desktop launched via the job script in /share/doc/slurm/job.vnc or using the TACC Vis portal.
swr: To access the accelerated OpenSWR OpenGL library, it is necessary to use the swr module to point to the swr OpenGL implementation and configure the number of threads to allocate to rendering.
VisIt was compiled under the Intel compiler and the mvapich2 and MPI stacks.
After connecting to a VNC server on Stampede2, as described above, load the VisIt module at the beginning of your interactive session before launching the Visit application:
VisIt first loads a dataset and presents a dialog allowing for selecting either a serial or parallel engine. Select the parallel engine. Note that this dialog will also present options for the number of processes to start and the number of nodes to use; these options are actually ignored in favor of the options specified when the VNC server job was started.
In order to take advantage of parallel processing, VisIt input data must be partitioned and distributed across the cooperating processes. This requires that the input data be explicitly partitioned into independent subsets at the time it is input to VisIt. VisIt supports SILO data, which incorporates a parallel, partitioned representation. Otherwise, VisIt supports a metadata file (with a .visit extension) that lists multiple data files of any supported format that are to be associated into a single logical dataset. In addition, VisIt supports a "brick of values" format, also using the .visit metadata file, which enables single files containing data defined on rectilinear grids to be partitioned and imported in parallel. Note that VisIt does not support VTK parallel XML formats (.pvti, .pvtu, .pvtr, .pvtp, and .pvts). For more information on importing data into VisIt, see Getting Data Into VisIt though this documentation refers to VisIt version 2.0, it appears to be the most current available.
Click the "Connect" button, or select File -> Connect
Select the "auto" configuration, then press "Connect". In the Paraview Output Messages window, you'll see what appears to be an ‘lmod' error, but can be ignored. Then you'll see the parallel servers being spawned and the connection established.
Programming for performance is a broad and rich topic. While there are no shortcuts, there are certainly some basic principles that are worth considering any time you write or modify code.
Measure performance and experiment with both compiler and runtime options. This will help you gain insight into issues and opportunities, as well as recognize the performance impact of code changes and temporary system conditions.
Measuring performance can be as simple as prepending the shell keyword "time" or the command "perf stat" to your launch line. Both are simple to use and require no code changes. Typical calls look like this:
+perf stat ./a.out # report basic performance stats for a.out
+time ./a.out # report the time required to execute a.out
+time ibrun ./a.out # time an MPI code
+ibrun time ./a.out # crude timings for each MPI task (no rank info)
As your needs evolve you can add timing intrinsics to your source code to time specific loops or other sections of code. There are many such intrinsics available; some popular choices include gettimeofday, MPI_Wtime and omp_get_wtime. The resolution and overhead associated with each of these timers is on the order of a microsecond.
It can be helpful to compare results with different compiler and runtime options: e.g. with and without vectorization, threading, or Lustre striping. You may also want to learn to use profiling tools like Intel VTune Amplifier("module load vtune") or GNU gprof.
Appreciate the high cost (performance penalty) of moving data from one node to another, from disk to RAM, and even from RAM to cache. Write your code to keep data as close to the computation as possible: e.g. in RAM when needed, and on the node that needs it. This means keeping in mind the capacity and characteristics of each level of the memory hierarchy when designing your code and planning your simulations. A simple KNL-specific example illustrates the point: all things being equal, there's a good chance you'll see better performance when you keep your data in the KNL's fast MCDRAM instead of the slower DDR4.
When possible, best practice also calls for so-called "stride 1 access" – looping through large, contiguous blocks of data, touching items that are adjacent in memory as the loop proceeds. The goal here is to use "nearby" data that is already in cache rather than going back to main memory (a cache miss) in every loop iteration.
To achieve stride 1 access you need to understand how your program stores its data. Here C and C++ are different than (in fact the opposite of) Fortran. C and C++ are row-major: they store 2d arrays a row at a time, so elements a[3][4] and a[3][5] are adjacent in memory. Fortran, on the other hand, is column-major: it stores a column at a time, so elements a(4,3) and a(5,3) are adjacent in memory. Loops that achieve stride 1 access in the two languages look like this:
Fortran example
C example
real*8 :: a(m,n), b(m,n), c(m,n)
+ ...
+! inner loop strides through col i
+do i=1,n
+ do j=1,m
+ a(j,i)=b(j,i)+c(j,i)
+ end do
+end do
double a[m][n], b[m][n], c[m][n];
+ ...
+// inner loop strides through row i
+for (i=0;i<m;i++){
+ for (j=0;j<n;j++){
+ a[i][j]=b[i][j]+c[i][j];
+ }
Give the compiler a chance to produce efficient, vectorized code. The compiler can do this best when your inner loops are simple (e.g. no complex logic and a straightforward matrix update like the ones in the examples above), long (many iterations), and avoid complex data structures (e.g. objects). See Intel's note on Programming Guidelines for Vectorization for a nice summary of the factors that affect the compiler's ability to vectorize loops.
It's often worthwhile to generate optimization and vectorization reports when using the Intel compiler. This will allow you to see exactly what the compiler did and did not do with each loop, together with reasons why.
KNL cores are grouped in pairs; each pair of cores occupies a tile. Since there are 68 cores on each Stampede2 KNL node, each node has 34 active tiles. These 34 active tiles are connected by a two-dimensional mesh interconnect. Each KNL has 2 DDR memory controllers on opposite sides of the chip, each with 3 channels. There are 8 controllers for the fast, on-package MCDRAM, two in each quadrant.
Each core has its own local L1 cache (32KB, data, 32KB instruction) and two 512-bit vector units. Both vector units can execute AVX512 instructions, but only one can execute legacy vector instructions (SSE, AVX, and AVX2). Therefore, to use both vector units, you must compile with -xMIC-AVX512.
Each core can run up to 4 hardware threads. The two cores on a tile share a 1MB L2 cache. Different cluster modes specify the L2 cache coherence mechanism at the node level.
The processor's memory mode determines whether the fast MCDRAM operates as RAM, as direct-mapped L3 cache, or as a mixture of the two. The output of commands like "top", "free", and "ps -v" reflect the consequences of memory mode. Such commands will show the amount of RAM available to the operating system, not the hardware (DDR + MCDRAM) installed.
+ Figure 4. KNL Memory Modes
Cache Mode. In this mode, the fast MCDRAM is configured as an L3 cache. The operating system transparently uses the MCDRAM to move data from main memory. In this mode, the user has access to 96GB of RAM, all of it traditional DDR4. Most Stampede2 KNL nodes are configured in cache mode.
Flat Mode. In this mode, DDR4 and MCDRAM act as two distinct Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) nodes. It is therefore possible to specify the type of memory (DDR4 or MCDRAM) when allocating memory. In this mode, the user has access to 112GB of RAM: 96GB of traditional DDR and 16GB of fast MCDRAM. By default, memory allocations occur only in DDR4. To use MCDRAM in flat mode, use the numactl utility or the memkind library; see Managing Memory for more information. If you do not modify the default behavior you will have access only to the slower DDR4.
Hybrid Mode (not available on Stampede2). In this mode, the MCDRAM is configured so that a portion acts as L3 cache and the rest as RAM (a second NUMA node supplementing DDR4).
The KNL's core-level L1 and tile-level L2 caches can reduce the time it takes for a core to access the data it needs. To share memory safely, however, there must be mechanisms in place to ensure cache coherency. Cache coherency means that all cores have a consistent view of the data: if data value x changes on a given core, there must be no risk of other cores using outdated values of x. This, of course, is essential on any multi-core chip, but it is especially difficult to achieve on manycore processors.
The details for KNL are proprietary, but the key idea is this: each tile tracks an assigned range of memory addresses. It does so on behalf of all cores on the chip, maintaining a data structure (tag directory) that tells it which cores are using data from its assigned addresses. Coherence requires both tile-to-tile and tile-to-memory communication. Cores that read or modify data must communicate with the tiles that manage the memory associated with that data. Similarly, when cores need data from main memory, the tile(s) that manage the associated addresses will communicate with the memory controllers on behalf of those cores.
The KNL can do this in several ways, each of which is called a cluster mode. Each cluster mode, specified in the BIOS as a boot-time option, represents a tradeoff between simplicity and control. There are three major cluster modes with a few minor variations:
All-to-All. This is the most flexible and most general mode, intended to work on all possible hardware and memory configurations of the KNL. But this mode also may have higher latencies than other cluster modes because the processor does not attempt to optimize coherency-related communication paths. Stampede2 does not have nodes in this cluster mode.
Quadrant (variation: hemisphere). This is Intel's recommended default, and the cluster mode of most Stampede2 queues. This mode attempts to localize communication without requiring explicit memory management by the programmer/user. It does this by grouping tiles into four logical/virtual (not physical) quadrants, then requiring each tile to manage MCDRAM addresses only in its own quadrant (and DDR addresses in its own half of the chip). This reduces the average number of "hops" that tile-to-memory requests require compared to all-to-all mode, which can reduce latency and congestion on the mesh.
Sub-NUMA 4 (variation: Sub-NUMA 2). This mode, abbreviated SNC-4, divides the chip into four NUMA nodes so that it acts like a four-socket processor. SNC-4 aims to optimize coherency-related on-chip communication by confining this communication to a single NUMA node when it is possible to do so. To achieve any performance benefit, this requires explicit manual memory management by the programmer/user (in particular, allocating memory within the NUMA node that will use that memory). Stampede2 does not have nodes in this cluster mode.
+ Figure 5. KNL Cluster Modes
TACC's early experience with the KNL suggests that there is little reason to deviate from Intel's recommended default memory and cluster modes. Cache-quadrant tends to be a good choice for almost all workflows; it offers a nice compromise between performance and ease of use for the applications we have tested. Flat-quadrant is the most promising alternative and sometimes offers moderately better performance, especially when memory requirements per node are less than 16GB. We have not yet observed significant performance differences across cluster modes, and our current recommendation is that configurations other than cache-quadrant and flat-quadrant are worth considering only for very specialized needs. For more information see Managing Memory and Best Known Practices….
By design, any application can run in any memory and cluster mode, and applications always have access to all available RAM. Moreover, regardless of memory and cluster modes, there are no code changes or other manual interventions required to run your application safely. However, there are times when explicit manual memory management is worth considering to improve performance. The Linux numactl (pronounced "NUMA Control") utility allows you to specify at runtime where your code should allocate memory.
When running in flat-quadrant mode, launch your code with simple numactl settings to specify whether memory allocations occur in DDR or MCDRAM. See TACC Training Materials for additional information.
+numactl --membind=0 ./a.out # launch a.out (non-MPI); use DDR (default)
+ibrun numactl --membind=0 ./a.out # launch a.out (MPI-based); use DDR (default)
+numactl --membind=1 ./a.out # use only MCDRAM
+numactl --preferred=1 ./a.out # (RECOMMENDED) MCDRAM if possible; else DDR
+numactl --hardware # show numactl settings
+numactl --help # list available numactl options
Examples. Controlling memory in flat-quadrant mode: numactl options
Intel's new memkind library adds the ability to manage memory in source code with a special memory allocator for C code and a corresponding attribute for Fortran. This makes possible a level of control over memory allocation down to the level of the individual data element. As this library matures it will likely become an important tool for those who need fine-grained control of memory.
When you're running MPI codes in the flat-quadrant queue, the mem_affinity script simplifies memory management by calling numactl "under the hood" to make plausible NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) policy choices. For MPI and hybrid applications, the script attempts to ensure that each MPI process uses MCDRAM efficiently. To launch your MPI code with mem_affinity, simply place "mem_affinity" immediately after "ibrun":
ibrun mem_affinity a.out
It's safe to use mem_affinity even when it will have no effect (e.g. cache-quadrant mode). Note that mem_affinity and numactl cannot be used together.
On Stampede2 the keyword "tacc_affinity" was originally an older name for what is now the "mem_affinity" script. To ensure backward compatibility, tacc_affinity is now a symbolic link to mem_affinity. Note that mem_affinity and the symbolic link tacc_affinity do not pin MPI tasks.
Hyperthreading. It is rarely a good idea to use all 272 hardware threads simultaneously, and it's certainly not the first thing you should try. In most cases it's best to specify no more than 64-68 MPI tasks or independent processes per node, and 1-2 threads/core. One exception is worth noting: when calling threaded MKL from a serial code, it's safe to set OMP_NUM_THREADS or MKL_NUM_THREADS to 272. This is because MKL will choose an appropriate thread count less than or equal to the value you specify. See Controlling Threading in MKL for more information. In any case remember that the default value of OMP_NUM_THREADS is 1.
When measuring KNL performance against traditional processors, compare node-to-node rather than core-to-core. KNL cores run at lower frequencies than traditional multicore processors. Thus, for a fixed number of MPI tasks and threads, a given simulation may run 2-3x slower on KNL than the same submission ran on Stampede1's Sandy Bridge nodes. A well-designed parallel application, however, should be able to run more tasks and/or threads on a KNL node than is possible on Sandy Bridge. If so, it may exhibit better performance per KNL node than it does on Sandy Bridge.
General Expectations. From a pure hardware perspective, a single Stampede2 KNL node could outperform Stampede1's dual socket Sandy Bridge nodes by as much as 6x; this is true for both memory bandwidth-bound and compute-bound codes. This assumes the code is running out of (fast) MCDRAM on nodes configured in flat mode (450 GB/s bandwidth vs 75 GB/s on Sandy Bridge) or using cache-contained workloads on nodes configured in cache mode (memory footprint < 16GB). It also assumes perfect scalability and no latency issues. In practice we have observed application improvements between 1.3x and 5x for several HPC workloads typically run in TACC systems. Codes with poor vectorization or scalability could see much smaller improvements. In terms of network performance, the Omni-Path network provides 100 Gbits per second peak bandwidth, with point-to-point exchange performance measured at over 11 GBytes per second for a single task pair across nodes. Latency values will be higher than those for the Sandy Bridge FDR Infiniband network: on the order of 2-4 microseconds for exchanges across nodes.
MCDRAM in Flat-Quadrant Mode. Unless you have specialized needs, we recommend using mem_affinity or launching your application with "numactl --preferred=1" when running in flat-quadrant mode (see Managing Memory above). If you mistakenly use "--membind=1", only the 16GB of fast MCDRAM will be available. If you mistakenly use "--membind=0", you will not be able to access fast MCDRAM at all.
Task Affinity. If you're running one threaded, MPI, or hybrid application at a time, default affinity settings are usually sensible and often optimal. See TACC training materials for more information. If you run more than one threaded, MPI, or hybrid application at a time, you'll want to pay attention to affinity. For more information see the appropriate sub-sections under Launching Applications.
MPI Initialization. Our preliminary scaling tests with Intel MPI on Stampede2 suggest that the time required to complete MPI initialization scales quadratically with the number of MPI tasks (lower case "-n" in your Slurm submission script) and linearly with the number of nodes (upper case "-N").
Tuning the Performance Scaled Messaging (PSM2) Library. When running on KNL with MVAPICH2, set the environment variable PSM2_KASSIST_MODE to the value "none" per the MVAPICH2 User Guide. Do not use this environment variable with IMPI; doing so may degrade performance. The ibrun launcher will eventually control this environment variable automatically.
Hyperthreading. It is rarely a good idea to use 96 hardware threads simultaneously, and it's certainly not the first thing you should try. In most cases it's best to specify no more than 48 MPI tasks or independent processes per node, and 1-2 threads/core. One exception is worth noting: when calling threaded MKL from a serial code, it's safe to set OMP_NUM_THREADS or MKL_NUM_THREADS to 96. This is because MKL will choose an appropriate thread count less than or equal to the value you specify. See Controlling Threading in MKL for more information. In any case remember that the default value of OMP_NUM_THREADS is 1.
Clock Speed. The published nominal clock speed of the Stampede2 SKX processors is 2.1GHz. But actual clock speed varies widely: it depends on the vector instruction set, number of active cores, and other factors affecting power requirements and temperature limits. At one extreme, a single serial application using the AVX2 instruction set may run at frequencies approaching 3.7GHz, because it's running on a single core (in fact a single hardware thread). At the other extreme, a large, fully-threaded MKL dgemm (a highly vectorized routine in which all cores operate at nearly full throttle) may run at 1.4GHz.
Vector Optimization and AVX2. In some cases, using the AVX2 instruction set may produce better performance than AVX512. This is largely because cores can run at higher clock speeds when executing AVX2 code. To compile for AVX2, replace the multi-architecture flags described above with the single flag "-xCORE-AVX2". When you use this flag you will be able to build and run on any Stampede2 node.
Vector Optimization and 512-Bit ZMM Registers. If your code can take advantage of wide 512-bit vector registers, you may want to try compiling for SKX with (for example):
-xCORE-AVX512 -qopt-zmm-usage=high
The "qopt-zmm-usage" flag affects the algorithms the compiler uses to decide whether to vectorize a given loop with AVX51 intrinsics (wide 512-bit registers) or AVX2 code (256-bit registers). When the flag is set to "-qopt-zmm-usage=low" (the default when compiling for the SKX using CORE-AVX512), the compiler will choose AVX2 code more often; this may or may not be the optimal approach for your application. The qopt-zmm-usage flag is available only on Intel compilers newer than 17.0.4. Do not use $TACC_VEC_FLAGS when specifying qopt-zmm-usage. This is because $TACC_VEC_FLAGS specifies AVX2-CORE as the base architecture, and the compiler will ignore qopt-zmm-usage unless the base target is a variant of AVX512. See the recent Intel white paper, the compiler documentation, the compiler man pages, and the notes above for more information.
Vector Optimization and COMMON-AVX512. We have encountered a few complex packages that currently fail to build or run when compiled with CORE-AVX512 (native SKX). In all cases so far, these packages build and run well on both KNL and SKX when compiled as a single-architecture binary with -xCOMMON-AVX512.
Task Affinity. If you run one MPI application at a time, the ibrun MPI launcher will spread each node's tasks evenly across an SKX node's two sockets, with consecutive tasks occupying the same socket when possible.
Hardware Thread Numbering. Execute "lscpu" or "lstopo" on an SKX node to see the numbering scheme for hardware threads. Note that hardware thread numbers alternate between the sockets: even numbered threads are on NUMA node 0, while odd numbered threads are on NUMA node 1. Furthermore, the two hardware threads on a given core have thread numbers that differ by exactly 48 (e.g. threads 3 and 51 are on the same core).
Tuning the Performance Scaled Messaging (PSM2) Library. When running on SKX with MVAPICH2, setting the environment variable PSM2_KASSIST_MODE to the value "none" may or may not improve performance. For more information see the MVAPICH2 User Guide. Do not use this environment variable with IMPI; doing so may degrade performance. The ibrun launcher will eventually control this environment variable automatically.
This section includes general advice intended to help you achieve good performance during file operations. See Navigating the Shared File Systems for a brief overview of Stampede2's Lustre file systems and the concept of striping. See TACC Training material for additional information on I/O performance.
Follow the advice in Good Citizenship to avoid stressing the file system.
Stripe for performance. If your application writes large files using MPI-based parallel I/O (including MPI-IO, parallel HDF5, and parallel netCDF, you should experiment with stripe counts larger than the default values (2 stripes on $SCRATCH, 1 stripe on $WORK). See Striping Large Files for the simplest way to set the stripe count on the directory in which you will create new output files. You may also want to try larger stripe sizes up to 16MB or even 32MB; execute "man lfs" for more information. If you write many small files you should probably leave the stripe count at its default value, especially if you write each file from a single process. Note that it's not possible to change the stripe parameters on files that already exist. This means that you should make decisions about striping when you create input files, not when you read them.
Aggregate file operations. Open and close files once. Read and write large, contiguous blocks of data at a time; this requires understanding how a given programming language uses memory to store arrays.
Be smart about your general strategy. When possible avoid an I/O strategy that requires each process to access its own files; such strategies don't scale well and are likely to stress a Lustre file system. A better approach is to use a single process to read and write files. Even better is genuinely parallel MPI-based I/O.
Use parallel I/O libraries. Leave the details to a high performance package like MPI-IO (built into MPI itself), parallel HDF5("module load phdf5"), and parallel netCDF("module load pnetcdf").
When using the Intel Fortran compiler, compile with "-assume buffered_io". Equivalently, set the environment variable FORT_BUFFERED=TRUE. Doing otherwise can dramatically slow down access to variable length unformatted files. More generally, direct access in Fortran is typically faster than sequential access, and accessing a binary file is faster than ASCII.
TACC Consulting operates from 8am to 5pm CST, Monday through Friday, except for holidays. You can submit a help desk ticket at any time via the TACC User Portal with "Stampede2" in the Resource field. Help the consulting staff help you by following these best practices when submitting tickets.
Do your homework before submitting a help desk ticket. What does the user guide and other documentation say? Search the internet for key phrases in your error logs; that's probably what the consultants answering your ticket are going to do. What have you changed since the last time your job succeeded?
Describe your issue as precisely and completely as you can: what you did, what happened, verbatim error messages, other meaningful output. When appropriate, include the information a consultant would need to find your artifacts and understand your workflow: e.g. the directory containing your build and/or job script; the modules you were using; relevant job numbers; and recent changes in your workflow that could affect or explain the behavior you're observing.
Subscribe to Stampede2 User News. This is the best way to keep abreast of maintenance schedules, system outages, and other general interest items.
Have realistic expectations. Consultants can address system issues and answer questions about Stampede2. But they can't teach parallel programming in a ticket, and may know nothing about the package you downloaded. They may offer general advice that will help you build, debug, optimize, or modify your code, but you shouldn't expect them to do these things for you.
Be patient. It may take a business day for a consultant to get back to you, especially if your issue is complex. It might take an exchange or two before you and the consultant are on the same page. If the admins disable your account, it's not punitive. When the file system is in danger of crashing, or a login node hangs, they don't have time to notify you before taking action.
"Last Update" at the top of this document is the date of the most recent change to this document. This revision history is a list of non-trivial updates; it excludes routine items such as corrected typos and minor format changes.
04/24/18 Changes to Table 1 and Table 5 associated with new long queue.
04/03/18 Stampede1 decommissioned; removed/revised references to Stampede1 as appropriate.
03/26/18 Corrected and relocated material on qopt-zmm-usage.
02/23/18 New functionality associated with task_affinity, tacc_affinity, and mem_affinity (scripts related to MPI task pinning and KNL memory management).
08/02/17 Removed references and links to Stampede2 Transition Guide (now deprecated).
06/12/17 Initial public release.
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+ Plato's Symposium as High Camp
+ Plato's Symposium as High Camp
Plato never condemned the physical aspects of homosexual love outright until he was past the age of eighty and wrote the Laws, when his own desire was understandably on the wane. Too often we read only extracts and summaries of Plato's works without realizing that these have been extracted and suimmarized by anti-homosexual philosophers and teachers who, until relatively recently, could not tolerate anything that would undermine their own heterosexual ideals. But if we read the originals, we will discover what is seldom talked about in the schools.
Even within the Symposium, the definitionn of the ideal love between males excludes only genital contact leading to orgasm. Plato includes sleeping together naked, embracing, hugging, caressing, and kissing of all parts of the body as justifiable expressions of true "Platonic love". He considers heterosexual love to be but a pallid reflection of the ideal, and places great emphasis upon the attractiveness and youthfulness of the boyfriend. But even while he mildly discourages sexual intercourse between men, and praises nobility and high-minded virtue, he is using the tongue-in-cheek humor of classic High Camp.
Socrates, for example, fresh from the bath and sporting a new pair of sandals, is a beau on his way to the house of the poet Agathon, who we know from other sources is a drag-queen. Aristophanes in his play Thesmophoriazusae (411 BC) describes Agathon's "soft womanly voice and pretty, effeminate gestures," "dressed up in women's clothing," equipped with yellow silks, silver slippers, lyre, hair-net, and even a girdle, his hair singed off from all parts o the body including his anus. Socrates sits down on the couch beside Agathon, who is obviously his lover.
After the discussion of masculine love is well under way, in rushes drunken Alcibiades, reputed to be the most handsome young man in Athens, with ribbons and violets in his hair. The party had been slowing down, but everyone perks up at his entrance, for Alcibiades is known to have been the lover of numerous athletes and soldiers throughout Greece. There was a famous proverb to the effect that Alcibiades was the captain of his soldiers during battle, and their wife during peace-time. He squeeezes onto the couch between Agathon and Socrates, embraces and crowns the former with a wreath of ivy, and says to the latter: "By Heracles, here is Socrates always lying in wait for me, and always, as his way is, coming out at all sorts of unsuspected places." Socrates pleads to Agathon to protect him from the passionate advances of Alcibiades, and they engage in a mild bitch fight: "I swear," says Alcibiades, "that if I praise anyone but Socrates in his presence, whether God or man, he will hardly keep his hands off me." "For shame," says Socrates. "Hold your tongue," says Alcibiades, "for by Poseidon, there is no one else whom I will praise when you are of the company." "What are you about?" says Socrates, "are you going to raise a laugh at my expense?" "I am going to speak the truth," says Alcibiades, "but the fluent and orderly enumeration of all your singularities is not a task which is easy to a man in my drunken condition."
Alcibiades then tells the story of how he had attempted to seduce Socrates while sleeping naked with him, and how the temperate Socrates pretended to sleep and thus rejected his advances: "throwing my coat about him, I crept under his threadbare cloak and there I law during the whole night having this wonderful monster in my arms." Modern sage philosophers and moralists cite this story to prove Socrates' chaste virtue, not understanding its bawdy camp nature within the context of a drinking party. They further disregard Socrates' own statement that the whole story was untrue, and was intended "to get up a quarrel between me and Agathon." Agathon sees through Alcibiades' plot, and moves to lie on the couch right next to Socrates, who says "Yes, yes, by all means come here and lie on the couch below me." "Alas," says Alcibiades, "he is determined to get the better of me at every turn. I do beseech you, allow Agathon to lie between us." "Certianly not," says Socrates, and the banquet ends shortly thereafter.
The other persons who participate in the Symposium include Phaedrus, lover of the rhetorician Lysias; Arstophanes, lover of Dositheus; and Pausanius, an uninhibited homosexual whose praise of "spiritual friendship" is a tongue-in-cheek rhapsody on his impassioned love for Arilus. Pausanius has the most common-sense philosophy: "such practices are honorable to him who follows them honorably, dishonorable to him who follows them dishonorably." The only significant person absent from this gay gathering is Phaedo, the young hustler whom Socrates rescued from a boy-brothel and took him home and "redeemed" him. Socrates' last act before drinking the poison hemlock under order of the state was to caress this youth's long beautiful hair.
For Socrates' typical reaction to handsome young men, we need only cite this passage from the Charmides: "I was just going to ask a question of Charmides, when at that moment all the people in the palaestra crowded about us, and, O rare!, I caught a sight of the inwards of his garment, and took the flame. Then I could no longer contain myself, for I felt that I had been overcome by a sort of wild-beast appetite." Socrates was often called "Alcibiadis Paedogogus", with an intended pun upon "pedagogue" and "pederast". He was known to have loved Critias, Cebes, and Lysis as well as Agathon, Alcibiades, Charmides, and Phaedo.
An even more ralistic account of Socrates' personality can be found in the other Symposium written by Xenophon, in which Socrates is jokingly described as a pimp and a bantering coquette who engages in beauty contests and kissing contests with boys. At the end of this drinking party, the members watch a short ballet portraying Dionysus pursuing the nymph Ariadne, and the party ends with the parallel of Socrates pursuing the beautiful youth Aytolycus to his home while the others retire home to their wives.
Although Plato once had a concubine named Archeanassa, he is also known to have been the lover of at least three young men, as evidenced in three extant fragments of his love-poetry: Dion, "who filled my heart with the madness of love"; Aster, whose name means "star," described in two epigrams about how Plato envies the sky which gazes upon his favorite "star" with many starry eyes; and none other than the very same Agathon of the Symposium: "When I kissed you, Agathon, I felt your soul on my lips: as if it would penetrate into my heart with quivering longing."
Almost all scholars have regularly ignored the Phaedrus, in which Socrates explicitly justifies the validity of physical homosexual love. This is a passage from his famous myth of the charioteer, which Mary Renault would later use for her novel by that name: "When the lover and his beloved are lying side by side, the lover's unbridled horse [that is, the white horse of rational intellect] has much to say to its driver, and claims as the recompense of many labours a short enjoyment; but the vicious horse [that is, the black horse of irrational emotions] of the other has nothing to say, but burning and restless clasps the lover and kisses him as he would kiss a dear friend, and when they are folded in each other's embrace, is just of such a temper as not for his part to refuse indulging the lover in any pleasure he might request to enjoy." The two horses of reason and desire struggle with each other, and if reason wins out, the charioteer can live a full life while still remaining chaste. but, and this is the important point, some charioteers temporarily "lose their wings" by indulging in physical homosexual love, "and once consummated will for the future indulge in it. And in the end, without their wings it is truie, but not without having started feathers, they carry off no paltry prize for their impassioned madness, but walking hand in hand they shall love a bright and blessed life, and when they recover their wings, recover them together for their love's sake."
CITATION: If you cite this Web page, please use the following form of citation: Rictor Norton, "Plato's Symposium as High Camp", Gay History and Literature, 7 March 2018 <http://rictornorton.co.uk/plato.htm>.
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+ David Sedley: Creationism and its critics in Antiquity.
A review by Gert Korthof 29 May 2008 (updated: 18 Mar 2009)
Creationism and its critics in Antiquity. by David Sedley (2007) University of California Press, hardback, 269 pages.
In Antiquity basically two solutions for the origin of organisms were proposed: 'Design' and 'Accident'. The creationists Socrates and Plato argued for design. The Atomists Empedocles and Epicurus argued for accident. The Atomists needed an infinite universe to explain why accident could produce highly improbable adaptations such as the eye. Charles Darwin can be viewed as the successor of The Atomists. The big improvement was natural selection, which is a non-random factor and eliminates the need of an infinite universe.
Why is this book important for evolutionists, ID-ists and creationists alike?
If one is interested in the roots of the Creation-Evolution controversy, this is the book to read. I suspected for a long time that theories to explain the origin of the world must have existed in Greek Philosophy, but I did not know any accessible introduction for the non-specialist. I am very glad that philosopher David Sedley opened up the world of Greek philosophy for all those who never dared to read Plato or Aristotle. But Sedley did not write a general introduction to Greek philosophy. His unique focus is the origin and the nature of the world. He describes those ideas with modern concepts such as: 'creationism', 'design argument', 'the ultimate creationist manifesto' (Timaeus of Plato), 'Scientific Creationism' (p.25), 'The origin of species' (p.127), 'the survival of the fittest' (p.43), and 'atheism'. I wonder if it is not anachronistic to use modern concepts to describe ideas of 2300 years old. What would his colleagues say about that? Whatever they say, I think the use of those modern concepts contributes unmistakably to the accessibility of Greek philosophers to us. They come closer to us. We recognize our own concerns with evolution and creation.
Design or accident
It is no surprise that Greek philosophers ascribed the origin of the world to the gods, but the big surprise was to find out that a group of thinkers existed who opposed creationism and developed an amazing naturalist worldview with a materialist manifesto:
+ "To show how accident is fully capable of accounting for even the most purposive seeming features of the world".
And this all happened some 300 years before Christ. That is really an amazing fact, because it means explaining all design-like features without Darwinian evolution. Remember Richard Dawkins words in The Blind Watchmaker :
+ "Although atheism might have been logically tenable before Darwin, Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist"
+ (see: here), (6)
Dawkins did not tells us how such a "logically tenable" theory would look like, neither was he interested very much in finding out.
Did Darwin cause atheism?
Is ancient atheistic theorizing not relevant today? Surely, this is relevant and important, because it shows modern readers that explaining the world without invoking of gods existed more than 2000 years before Darwin! (9). Darwin was not the first to propose a non-theistic ('atheistic') explanation of the origin of species. Indeed, Sedley's book shows that Charles Darwin (1859) is certainly not the origin of atheism. Darwin may be the cause of the popularity and the growth of atheism, but he definitely is not the cause of atheism. Sedley explains us how it was logically possible to be an atheist in those days. However, my point here is not atheism per se. My point is the explanation of design-like features (8) of the world without invoking gods. If one rejects creationism as a valid explanation of the world, you are confronted with the task to explain design-like features! This holds as much today as in those days.
The Atomists
Sedley explains how a group of philosophers, the Atomists, solved that problem. That makes some fascinating reading. From today's point of view, the Atomists failed. But it is still very useful and instructive to find out why non-evolutionary non-theistic explanations of design-like features fail. We know that Darwin's origin of species was a reply to Paley. But Paley did not invent the argument for design. The argument for design has always been the default explanation. As far as I can see, the originality of Antiquity is the Atomist position. Today there exist rare individuals who try to explain design-like features of the world without evolution and without gods. For example Senapathy (1994) claims:
+ "There is no scientific theory that has ever been propounded to explain the origin and diversity of organisms on earth that does not involve evolution."
+ (see: my review)
After reading David Sedley (2007) 'Creationism and its Critics in Antiquity' we know for sure that Senapathy's claim to be the first to develop a non-creationist and non-evolutionary explanation, is wrong. The philosophers of Antiquity, discussed already issues that we today call the Creation-Evolution controversy. The Atomists were the first to develop a naturalistic explanation of the universe and the origin of species. It is clearly the merit of philosopher Sedley to show this to us. It is a huge loss to dismiss evolutionary explanations, because in my view Darwinian evolution is the greatest improvement of the Atomists position since Antiquity.
+ "When the number of random events are large enough, the unbelievable will certainly happen"
+ (Senapathy, 1994, p.332)
These words are from a living writer, but could easily have been written by Democritus! In fact this modern author did not go substantially beyond Atomism: lions and oak trees are the product of purely accidental interaction of water and fire (just substitute 'water and fire' with the building blocks of DNA). Despite his intentions, this modern author is very helpful in showing us why Darwinism is an improvement despite all its deficiencies, limitations, and unsolved riddles. Rejecting the power of trial and error, natural selection, the amplification of successful trials, is throwing away an invaluable explanatory resource. It throws one back into Greek Atomism. That is no progress. In fact people like Senapathy can be justly criticised for subscribing to the Boeing-747 metaphor or infinite monkey theorem which says:
+ A monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a particular chosen text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare.
Greek Atomists had no choice. They did not have Darwinian evolution available. Modern authors rejecting evolution do so at their own peril (1). Tragically, lots of people think Darwinian evolution equals 'chance' or 'accident' (2).
Survival of the fittest
I wrote that the Greek Atomists did not have Darwinian evolution available as an explanation. However, this is not quite true. It is widely assumed in the ancient tradition that life originated by Spontaneous Generation. Sedley writes "This second stage is the most famous phase of Empedocles' zoogony [origin of animals], partly because it is widely admired as an early anticipation of Darwinian survival of the fittest" (p. 43). In the first stage of the origin of life flesh, bone and blood were created and also feathers, leaves and scales. "Thrown together at random, the complex combination of body parts in numerous cases prove non-viable, and perish; but some prove capable of long-term survival" (p. 43). Indeed, this is very similar to Darwinian surivial of the fittest. However, this is far from a complete theory of the origin of adaptations. To begin with: survival is not enough. The ability and the drive to reproduce is the cornerstone of the Darwinian theory of evolution. The Greek survival-of-the-fittest is basically an one-time event, but in the Darwinian theory reproduction and the subsequent selection is a never ending cyclic process. A further difference is common descent (7).
A modern Empedocles
"Perhaps among the organisms produced in the primordial pond, some had only secondary sex organs, but no genital organ to copulate; whereas other organisms would have the latter but not the former. There could have been many seed cells producing individuals, with wrong combinations of male and female sex organs and secondary sex characteristics. Only those individuals with the absolutely right organs will survive." (Senapathy, 1994, page 358-359.)
This could have been written by Empedocles, but enthralling fact is that the author is a living author: Periannan Senapathy (see my review of his book). Even more amazing is that Senapathy is not aware of the fact! He reinvented Greek philosophical thinking about the origin of life without knowing it!
Robert Shapiro wrote "the scientific theories of Aristotle are as dead as the gentleman himself" (4). In my view Aristotle made a very important conceptual step. Unlike his contemporaries, who believed that animals were created for the benefit of humans, Aristotle pointed out that specialized defence mechanisms such as spines and horns are for their own advantage. This is called Aristotle's doctrine that each animal's endowments function for its own benefit (p.236). In retrospect this is an extremely important step towards Darwinian thinking and away from creationist anthropocentric thinking. This is even more clearer from the statement: 'the innate instinct for survival and propagation' (p.236). Survival and reproduction are the cornerstones of the modern theory of evolution. It is still very hard for many religious people to digest the idea that plants and animals are not created for humans (5). Aristotle's step was logically necessary but not sufficient for Darwinism. Darwin (1859) wrote that if any feature of an animal existed for the exclusive benefit of another animal or species, his theory would break down. The basic insight of Darwinism is that every organism exists because it survived and reproduced. Both Aristotle and Darwin rejected the creationist anthropocentric thinking and Darwin made it the cornerstone of his theory. Thanks to Sedley it is easy to see that Aristotle as a precursor of Darwinism. As far as I know Darwin did not read Aristotle.
Fine Tuning
The examples of 'design' are marvellous. I recommend the book if only for the beautiful examples of fine tuning. For evolutionists as well as creationists and ID-ists those examples are extremely useful for thinking about questions like 'What does it mean that the world is fine tuned for the benefit of humans?'; 'How can we know that the world is fine tuned for the benefit of human beings?'; 'What constitutes good evidence that the world is fine tuned for the benefit of the human species?'. One of these beautiful evidences is the fact that our eyes are positioned in the front of our head, that is in the same direction as we walk. They are not on the back or on the left and right side of our head. This is viewed as a wise and beneficial design of a Creator (Demiurge). Today, having available Darwinism, we would interpret this fact as an adaptation. However, anybody who rejects Darwinian explanations, has no other option than to endorse the beneficial-design-explanation for all biological adaptations, and physical fine tuning of the universe for life (3). As far as I can see, this holds even for creationists who reject the above example of the eyes as too naive.
How new is this story?
I wondered whether all this is known to authors writing about the history of evolution and creationism. Ernst Mayr (1982) The Growth of Biological Thought included a paragraph Antiquity (pp. 84-91), in which he discussed shortly Epicurus en Lucretius (p.90):
+ "Epicurus established a well thought-out materialistic explanation of the inanimate and living world, all things happening through natural causes. Lucretius presented a well-reasoned argument against the concept of design."
That's all. Mayr does not see the forerunners of creation - evolution controversy in Greek philosophers. He does not see that arguments by creationists and evolutionists of today are already present by Greek philosophers. He does not seem to be impressed by the first attempts to explain design-like features in the world. Historian of evolution Peter Bowler (2003) Evolution. The history of an idea ignores the contribution of Greek philosophers. Michael Ruse, philosopher and evolution expert, wrote many books about evolution and the Evolution-Creation controversy and its history. Only one book Darwin and Design (2003) describes Plato's Argument from design and Aristotle's theory (8 pages). It contains one short paragraph about atomism, coming close to describing survival of the fittest, but he does not notice that he is describing survival of the fittest! Sedley clearly views Greek philosphers as direct predecessors of modern thinkers about the origin of the world and gives far more details.
What do we learn from history?
I learned from Sedley that Darwinism is the first great improvement of the Atomist position. Darwin's theory does not rely on pure randomness. Natural selection is the crucial non-random part of this theory. However, it is true that viability of combined random parts in Empedocles theory also presents a non-random factor. What sets Darwin's theory apart from the Atomist theory, is that mutation and selection is not a one-time historical event, but is a never-ending trial and error process. Darwin in principle solved the origin of species. It is now easier to see Darwinism as the next, not the final step in the explanation of design-like features of the world. Neo-Darwinism has gaps, and is unfinished. That should not surprise us. We don't have difficulty accepting that Darwin had an incomplete theory because his theory of evolution lacked a proper theory of heredity. It is highly unlikely that we have finished the huge task of explaining the design-like features of the world. Sedley's book helps us to set this in historical perspective. The only theories that are finished are Creationism/ID and the modern version of Atomism (Independent Origin: 1 ). The reason is this: both theories are not capable of answering further questions. They are the final answer. Creationists, ID-ists and Fine Tuners could learn a lot from the evidences of the Greek creationists. Other beneficial effects of reading Sedley are the feeling of direct contact with Greek thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle. From now on, teaching the theory of evolution to the public should start with creationism and its critics in Antiquity. The reason is that the public has no knowledge of modern biology, just as the Greek philosophers, and intuitively understand the questions they asked and the answers they proposed.
Significantly, Senapathy uses natural selection and common descent in disguised and restricted ways! See for details: my review. See also my review at amazon. Similarly, ID-scientist Michael Behe uses mutation and natural selection to a certain extent.
A common objection is: "Complex structures could not have arisen by chance". See here for the explanation.
Recent examples of the wise and beneficial design of the universe are astronomer Hugh Ross (2001) The Creator and the Cosmos, and Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards (2004) The privileged planet: how our place in the cosmos is designed for discovery. For more examples see: Fine Tuning on the Introduction page of this website.
Robert Shapiro (1986) "Origins. A skeptic's guide to the creation of life on earth", page 38.
Of course humans need plants (and animals) to survive, but that does not prove they are created for us. We would simply not have evolved if there were no plants and animals.
Michael Ruse wrote: "One of the most interesting questions about evolutionary biology is whether, before Charles Darwin, Alfred Russel Wallace and the discovery of natural selection, one could get away from the God hypothesis. Many (Dawkins, for instance) argue that the design-like nature of the world -the hand and the eye- calls out for an explanation, and Dawkins maintains that before Darwin it was impossible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist." (American Scientist, July 2008)
Sedley refers to Gordon Campbell (2000) 'Zoogony and evolution in Plato's Timaeus, the Presocratics, Lucretius and Darwin', pp.145-180, which is chapter 8 in: M. R. Wright (2000) Reason and Necessity. Essays on Plato's Timaeus. Fortunately, the chapter can be downloaded as pdf. Campbell explains the difference between Empedocles and Darwin and much more. Recommended! Sedley explains that Empedocles' survival of the fittest is partly a creationist theory, because an intelligent source used trial and error to generate the vast diversity of life forms! Design and accident is not a weird combination. Remember that intelligent creatures design, produce and use dice!
"Evolutionary theory is a theory of design. More specifically it accounts for the origins and persistence of apparent design in organisms by regarding them as a consequence of natural selection." Thomas E. Dickins in Evolutionary Psychology, http://www.epjournal.net/ 2005. 3: 79-84. I think Richard Dawkins was first in describing the purpose of the theory of evolution in this way. Maybe 'desing-like' is just another word for 'adaptation'.
Furthermore, religious knowledge was attacked long before Darwin. See: Age of Enlightenment (eighteenth century). Example: David Hume (1711-1776).
Nature, 452, 153 (13 March 2008) : "David Sedley argues that, for the philosophers of ancient Greece, the central cosmological question was this: is the world, and all that it contains, the handiwork of an intelligent designer?". (large part of the review is free accessible).
Adam Crowl from Australia wrote: "Just read your review of the book about the Design argument in antiquity and there's a good example of arguments for and against in Cicero's " On the Nature of the Gods", as well as well as multiple arguments for design in the Pseudo-Clementine literature. They're surprisingly familiar sounding and as unsatisfying as their modern day equivalents."
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+ Michael Richardson's hotlist for 3Q2012
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+ Oxford Text Archive Short List
U*-1290-BQuranic teachings (thematic index to the Qur'an). Islamabad, 1988: International Islamic University. Depositor: A.K. Barkatulla, The Islamic Computing Centre. [On RLIN]
U-1457-ABrokmerbrief (The Law of Brokmerland). Ed. Buma and Ebel. Göttingen, 1965: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Depositor: Neil Fulton, Pembroke College. [From Altfriesische Rechtsquellen Vol.2]
Collections, corpora etc
X-424-EEindhoven corpus of contemporary Dutch. [On RLIN]
A-1430-AAdditions to the Spanish Tragedy (1602). Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [STC 15089]
U-535-AAlliterative Morte Arthure. Ed. Krishna. New York, 1976: Burt Franklin & Co. [preface by Hope Robins; on RLIN]
U-1675-AAlliterative Morte Arthure. Ed. Valerie Krishna. Depositor: Unknown. [SGML-tagged version of text 535]
U-817-AAnglo Saxon Chronicle (selections). Ed. Plummer. Depositor: Anita Dowsing. [2 chrons ed D.Whitelock, Oxford 1965. first publ 1892-99; on RLIN]
U-1936-CAnglo Saxon poetic records. Ed. Krapp & Dobbie. Depositor: O.Duncan Macrae-Gibson, D of English, U of Aberdeen.
U-814-AApollonius of Tyre. Ed. P. Goolden. Oxford, 1958: OUP. Depositor: Anita Dowsing. [On RLIN]
U-1-AArden of Faversham.
U*-290-BAsloan ms. Ed. W.A. Craigie. Edinburgh: Scottish Text Society. Depositor: Harry D. Watson, Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue. [Vol.1 1923/ Vol.2 1925; on RLIN]
U*-403-CBannatyne ms. Ed. W. Tod Ritchie. Edinburgh: Scottish Text Society. Depositor: Harry D. Watson, Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue. [Vol.1 1934, Vols.2&3 1928, Vol.4 1930; on RLIN]
U*-1289-ABattle of Maldon. Ed. Bruce Mitchell and Fred Robinson. Oxford, 1987. Depositor: Nikolaus Ritt, Institut fur Anglistik, U of Vienna. [From "A guide to Old English". Morphological tagging; on RLIN]
A-1389-BBeowulf. Ed. P. Magoun. Cambridge, Mass, 1959. Depositor: Claudia R. Barquist. [On RLIN]
U-1405-ABeowulf. Ed. Hutcheson. Depositor: B.R Hutcheson, 310 Philosophy Hall, Columbia Univ. [BL MS Cotton Vit. A XV]
U-1336-ACalisto and Melebea. Ed. Richard Axton. Cambridge, 1979: D.S. Brewer. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [in Three Rastell plays; on RLIN]
U*-388-AComplaynt of Scotland. Ed. James A.H Murray. Oxford, 1872: E.E.T.S. Depositor: Harry D. Watson, Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue. [On RLIN]
U-36-ACursor mundi Part V (Edinburgh MS). Ed. Richard Morris. London, 1878: N. Trubner for EETS. [On RLIN]
U*-664-AEdmund Ironside. Ed. E.B. Everitt. Depositor: Nicholas Ranson, D of English, U of Akron. [On RLIN]
A-557-AEnglands Helicon. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-1350-AEveryman. Johan Skot. [On RLIN]
U-1679-AEveryman. Ed. A.C.Macaulay. Manchester, 1961: Manchester University Press. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [SGML-tagged version of text 1350]
U*-1366-AFamous victories of Henry V. Depositor: M.W.A. Smith, D Information Systems, U of Ulster at Jordanstown. [Normalised spelling. Revised version of L.Ule text; on RLIN]
P-1491-CFederalist papers.
U-1337-AGammer Gurton's Needle. Ed. H.F.B.Brett-Smith. Oxford, 1920: Basil Blackwell. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
A-1376-AGestes of Alisaundre (A & B texts). Ed. H. Duggan. Depositor: H Duggan, D English, U of Virginia. [On RLIN]
U-1681-AHarley lyrics (selections). Ed. G.L.Brooke. Depositor: John Price-Wilkin, Graduate Library Reference Dept, U of Michigan Library. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1345-AHorestes. Ed. Marie Axton. Cambridge, 1982: D.S. Brewer. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [in Three classical interludes; on RLIN]
U-1351-AHyckescorner. Wynkyn de Worde. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
U-1352-AInterlude of youth. Ed. John Waley. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
U-1332-AJacke Jugeler. Ed. Marie Axton. Cambridge, 1982: D.S. Brewer. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [in Three Tudor Classical Interludes; on RLIN]
U*-1363-AKing Leir and his daughters. Depositor: M.W.A. Smith, D Information Systems, U of Ulster at Jordanstown. [Normalised spelling. Revised version of L.Ule text; on RLIN]
U-33-ALenten sermons (Filius Matris sermon cycle). British Library MS Harley 2276. [On RLIN]
U-1370-CLife of Saint Bridget. [On RLIN]
A-174-ALollard sermons. Ed. G. Cigman. BL,MS Add41321:Bodl. ms Raul.751. [17 14th Century sermons; on RLIN]
U-658-ALyfe of Ipomydon. Ed. Ikegami. [On RLIN]
U*-414-BMaitland folio. Ed. W.A. Craigie. Edinburgh: Scottish Text Society. Depositor: Harry D. Watson, Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue. [Vol.1 1919, Vol.2 1927; on RLIN]
U-170-AMediæval devotional prose (mss in the Katherine group). [On RLIN]
A-1693-EMichigan early modern English materials. Depositor: R.W. Bailey, D of English, U of Michigan. [SGML-tagged version of text 171]
A-1314-AMirour of Mans Salvacioune. Ed. Avril Henry. Aldershot, 1986: Scolar Press. Depositor: Avril Henry, School of English, U of Exeter. [On RLIN]
U-1683-AOctovian. Ed. F.McSparran from Cambridge U Library, MS Ff.2.38. 1986: EETS. Depositor: John Price-Wilkin, Graduate Library Reference Dept, U of Michigan Library. [SGML-tagged version]
P-1500-BOn-line hacker jargon file. [Version 2.9.6 16 August 1991]
U-815-AOrosius' histories. Ed. H. Sweet. Depositor: Anita Dowsing. [EETS O.S 79 London 1883, repr.1959; on RLIN]
A-109-AOwl and the nightingale. Ed. J.W.H. Atkins. New York, 1971: Russell & Russell. [On RLIN]
U-1684-AOwl and the nightingale. Ed. J.W.H.Atkins. New York, 1922: Russell and Russell. Depositor: C.C.R. Turk, D of English, U of Wales, Collage of Cardiff. [SGML-tagged version of text 109]
A*-581-APearl. Ed. Gordon. 1960: OUP. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-1686-APearl. Ed. E.V.Gordon. Oxford, 1953: Clarendon Press. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [SGML-tagged version of text 581]
A*-1047-APierce the ploughmans crede. Ed. Rev W.W. Skeat. New York, 1969: Greenwood Press (reprint). Depositor: Helen Barr, Lady Margaret Hall. [orig. publ. 1867 for EETS by Trubner & Co, London; on RLIN]
U*-10-APricke of conscience. Ed. Richard Morris. Berlin, 1863. Depositor: Christine Robinson, D of English, U of Edinburgh. [On RLIN]
U*-279-ARauf Coilzear. Ed. F.J. Amours. Edinburgh, 1897: Scottish Text Society. Depositor: Harry D. Watson, Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue. [On RLIN]
U-1323-ASawles warde.
U*-1357-ASiege of Jerusalem. Ed. Mabel Day & E.Kolbing. Oxford, 1932: EETS OS 188. Depositor: H Duggan, D English, U of Virginia. [On RLIN]
U*-62-ASir Gawayne and the grene knyght. Ed. Tolkien & Gordon, revised by Davis. Oxford, 1967: Clarendon Press. Depositor: J.A. Law, Computing Laboratory, U of Newcastle. [On RLIN]
U-1680-ASir Gawayne and the grene knyght. Ed. Tolkien & Gordon. Oxford, 1967: Clarendon Press. Depositor: J.A. Law, Computing Laboratory, U of Newcastle. [SGML-tagged verison of text 62]
U*-11-ASir Thomas More. Ed. Walter W. Greg. Oxford, 1911: Malone Society Reprints. Depositor: Trevor Howard-Hill, D of English, U of South Carolina. [From "The Book of Sir Thomas More"; on RLIN]
A-22-BSpeculum vitæ. Ed. Robinson. BL MS Add.33995. Depositor: Christine Robinson, D of English, U of Edinburgh. [On RLIN]
U-53-ASt Erkenwald. Bishop of London 675-693. London, 1922: Humphrey Milford:OUP. [Select early English poems Vol 4. I.Gollancz; on RLIN]
U*-1364-ATaming of a shrew. Depositor: M.W.A. Smith, D Information Systems, U of Ulster at Jordanstown. [Normalised spelling. Corrected version of L.Ule text; on RLIN]
U*-283-AThe Chepman and Myllar prints. Ed. George Stevenson. Edinburgh, 1918: Scottish Text Society. Depositor: Harry D. Watson, Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue. [On RLIN]
U-2086-AThe life and death of Cormac the Skald. Ulverston, 1901. [Translation W.G. Collingwood and J. Steffanson]
U-2085-AThe saga of Grettir the Strong. London, 1914. [Translation G.H. Hight]
U-1688-AThe siege of Jerusalem. Ed. E.Kolbing and M.Day. OUP. Depositor: H Duggan, D English, U of Virginia. [SGML-tagged version of text 1357]
U-2084-AThe story of Burnt Njal. London, 1861. [Translation George W. DaSent]
A-1414-AThe tain. Ed. Translated by Thomas Kinsella. Mountrath, Ire., 1969: Dolmen Press /OUP. Depositor: Mafalda Stasi.
U-1333-AThersites. Ed. Marie Axton. Cambridge, 1982: D.S. Brewer. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [in Three Tudor Classical Interludes; on RLIN]
U*-1365-AThomas of Woodstock. Depositor: M.W.A. Smith, D Information Systems, U of Ulster at Jordanstown. [Normalised spelling. Revised version of L.Ule text; on RLIN]
P-1699-ATreaty on European Union (Maastricht February 1992). Depositor: David Pollard, David Pollard Publishing.
U-5-ATroublesome reign of King John.
A-1355-BWars of Alexander. Ed. H.Duggan & T.Turville-Petre. EETS, SS 10. Depositor: H Duggan, D English, U of Virginia. [On RLIN]
U-1348-AWorld and the chylde. 1522. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
A-697-BWycliffite sermons. Ed. Pamela Gradon. BL MS Add 40672. Depositor: P. Gradon, St Hughs College. [printed text:English Wycliffite Sermons, vol.2; on RLIN]
Collections, corpora etc
U-1356-BAlliterative verse (samples from 14 mediaeval poems). Depositor: H Duggan, D English, U of Virginia. [Approx 500 line samples; normalised by H. Duggan; on RLIN]
U-159-CAmerican news stories. Depositor: Glenn A. Akers, Lex America. [Stories from the Associated Press network, Dec.1979; on RLIN]
A*-545-EAnthology of 14 Canadian poets. Ed. Sandra Djwa. Depositor: Hilde Colenbrander, Data Library, U of British Columbia. [On RLIN]
U-1284-BAnthology of Chancery English. Ed. John H. Fisher, M. Richardson, Jane L. F. Knoxville, Tenn, 1984: U of Tennessee Pr.
U-1676-BAnthology of Chancery English. Ed. J.Fisher, M.Richardson, J.L.Fisher. Knoxville, 1984: U of Tennessee Press. Depositor: J.D. Burnley, D of English, U of Sheffield. [SGML-tagged version of text 1284]
U-1398-AAnthology of Middle English texts. Ed. Dr Santiago Gonzalez y Fernandez-Corugedo. 1990: Various. Depositor: S. Gonzalez y Fe rnandez-Corugedo, D de Filologia Anglogermanica y Francesa, Universidad de Oviedo. [On RLIN]
U-685-EArticles from the New Scientist (2.12.82-12.5.83). [On RLIN]
U*-401-AAugustan prose sample. Depositor: Louis Milic, D of English, Cleveland State U. [Prose publ. 1675-1725; on RLIN]
U-646-ABerkshire probate inventories 1550-1670. Ed. C.R.J Currie. Depositor: C.R.J. Currie, Inst. of Historical Research, U of London. [Unpublished mss; on RLIN]
U*-643-CBirkbeck spelling error corpus. Depositor: Roger Mitton, D of Computer Science, Birkbeck College. [On RLIN]
A-1409-CBlues lyric poetry: An anthology. Ed. Michael Taft. New York, 1983: Garland Publishing Inc. Depositor: Michael J. Preston, D of English, U of Colorado. [On RLIN]
A*-160-CBritish Columbian Indian myths. Depositor: Hilde Colenbrander, Data Library, U of British Columbia. [from published & unpublished sources. Details available; on RLIN]
A-402-EBrown corpus of present day American English. [On RLIN]
U-1703-ECHILDES database. [Corpora of parent-child and child-child interactions]
U-1250-DCalgary compression corpus. Depositor: Tim Bell, D of Computer Science, U of Canterbury. [On RLIN]
U*-161-BCivil War polemic (34 3000-word samples)Modernised spelling. Various. Details available. Depositor: T.N. Corns, D of English, University College of North Wales. [normalised spelling of Yale prose Milton.; on RLIN]
U*-1378-BClaremont Corpus of Elizabethan Verse. Ed. Ward Elliott. various. Depositor: Ward Elliott, Claremont McKenna College. [Modern American spelling; on RLIN]
A-1236-BCollection of 18th c. verse. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-1518-ACollection of fairy stories.
U-163-EComplete corpus of Old English (the Toronto D.O.E. corpus). [On RLIN]
P-1674-CConstitutional papers.
U-2077-BCorpus of Late Modern English Prose. Depositor: David Denison, D of English, U of Manchester. [Details available]
U-1713-ACorpus of biblical texts in Scots. Depositor: John Kirk, D of English, Queen's U. [based on 'A history of the Scots Bible' G. Tulloch]
U*-164-CDedications etc. transcribed by Ralph Crane. Depositor: Trevor Howard-Hill, D of English, U of South Carolina. [On RLIN]
U*-1251-EEdinburgh Associative Thesaurus. Ed. George Kiss. Depositor: Michael Wilson, Informatics Division, SERC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. [On RLIN]
U-1514-EEdited Polytechnic of Wales Corpus (EPOW). Depositor: Tim O'Donoghue, Canon Research Centre Europe.
A-1477-EHelsinki Corpus of English Texts. Depositor: Merja Kyto, D of English, U of Helsinki.
X-1731-AHugo Corpus. [Electronic sci-fi stories nominated for the Hugo award]
U*-1324-EHumanist: the complete electronic discussion group, 1987-1989. Depositor: Willard McCarty, Centre for Computing in the Humanities, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
U*-668-CKucera-Francis wordlist (frequency count of text 402). Depositor: Max Coltheart, School of Behavioral Science, Macquaire University. [On RLIN]
A-167-ELancaster-Oslo-Bergen corpus of modern English (tagged, horizontal format). [On RLIN]
U-173-ALexis (samples of spoken English). 1963. [On RLIN]
A-168-ELondon-Lund corpus of spoken English. [On RLIN]
X-555-ELouvain corpus of modern English drama. [On RLIN]
A-1046-BMelbourne-Surrey corpus of Australian English. [On RLIN]
A-171-EMichigan early modern English materials. [On RLIN]
U-172-BModern prose (15 2000-word samples). [Chapter(s) from various mid-20th Century novels; on RLIN]
A-1245-ANew Dragon book of verse. Ed. M. Harrison and C. Stuart-Clark. Oxford: OUP. [On RLIN]
U-2093-BNew York newspaper advertisements and news items 1777-1779. Depositor: Jeffery Triggs, North American Reading Project, Oxford University Press (NY).
U-1488-CNorthern Ireland transcribed corpus of speech. Depositor: John Kirk, D of English, Queen's U.
U*-701-EOlder Scottish texts (The Edinburgh DOST corpus). Depositor: Harry D. Watson, Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue. [On RLIN]
U*-1207-AOxford University Poetry Society (undergraduate verse 1987-8). Depositor: Oxford Univ Poetry Society. [Selection publ. in Password:scop; on RLIN]
A-1752-APH Chinese Corpus. Depositor: Guo Jin, Institute of Systems Science, National U of Singapore.
U*-1372-APIXI corpus. Ed. L.Gavioli & G.Mansfield. Bologna, 1990: Cooperativa Libaria Uni.Editrice. Depositor: Guy Aston, Instituto di Lingue, U of Ancona. [Service encounters in English and Italian bookshops; on RLIN]
U-2021-APamphlets of the American Revolution (selections). Ed. Bernard Bailyn. Depositor: Daniel Greenstein, D of Modern History, U of Glasgow.
A-1325-CPrologues and epilogues of the Restoration. Ed. Danchin, with additions for 1642-1660. Nancy, 1980. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter. [On RLIN]
U*-1024-DRecords of early English drama (selections). Ed. Various. Depositor: Ann Abigail Young, REED, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
U-1732-ARole-play transcripts. Ed. John Bro. Depositor: John Bro, D of Linguistics, U of Florida. [Transcripts of discussions in American, English/Chinese]
P-1733-ASpeeches from the USA Presidential campaign 1992. [Includes speeches and biographies of the contenders]
U-1472-AStage directions from the York Cycle. Depositor: Michael J. Preston, D of English, U of Colorado.
P-1708-ESusanne Corpus. Depositor: Geoffrey Sampson, School of Cognitive & Computing Sciences, U of Sussex. [Subset of the Brown Corpus]
A-2081-EThe Helsinki Corpus of Older Scots (1450-1700).
A-2036-CThe Hong Kong South China Morning Post Corpus. Depositor: Phil Benson, English Centre, U of Hong Kong. [One Million word corpus from Feb-March 1992]
U-2047-ATottel's Miscellany (1557). Leeds, 1966: Scholars' Press Ltd. Depositor: Ray Siemens, D of English, U of Toronto. [TACT format]
U-1397-BTowneley miracle play cycle. [On RLIN]
U-166-EWarwick corpus of written materials. Depositor: John M. Gill, Royal National Institute for the Blind. [On RLIN]
U-1392-BYork miracle play cycle. Ed. R.Beadle. 1982: York medieval texts. [The York plays second series; on RLIN]
Dictionaries, etc.
A-1255-ECollins English dictionary. Ed. Hanks & Urdang. Glasgow: Collins. Depositor: Patrick Hanks, Harper-Collins Ltd. [copyright Harper Collins Publishers.; on RLIN]
U*-571-DEnglish pronouncing dictionary (Daniel Jones). London, 1963: Dent. Depositor: Roger Mitton, D of Computer Science, Birkbeck College. [On RLIN]
X*-683-EOxford advanced learner's dictionary (parsed and tagged version). Depositor: Rick Kazman, D Philosophy, Carnegie-Mellon U. [On RLIN]
P*-710-EOxford advanced learner's dictionary (expanded "Computer Usable" version). Ed. R. Mitton. Depositor: Roger Mitton, D of Computer Science, Birkbeck College. [On RLIN]
A-288-EOxford dictionary of current idiomatic English.
U-398-DOxford dictionary of quotations. [On RLIN]
U-592-EOxford dictionary of music.
A-1511-DOxford dictionary of current idiomatic English. Depositor: Susan Warwick, ISSCO, U of Geneva. [SGML style tagged version of text 288 part 1]
U-1459-CRoget's Thesaurus. 1911: Crowell Co. Depositor: Patrick Cassidy, Micra Inc..
U*-157-DShorter Oxford dictionary (headwords only). Depositor: Max Coltheart, School of Behavioral Science, Macquaire University. [On RLIN]
P-1192-EThe CED Prolog Factbase. [On RLIN]
U-2098-DThe Catholic encyclopedia. Depositor: Jeffery Triggs, North American Reading Project, Oxford University Press (NY). [192 Articles published between 1907-1917]
U-400-CThorndike-Lorge magazine count. Ed. E.L Thorndike & I. Lorge. New York, 1944: Columbia Univ.. [entries from "The teacher's word book of 30,000 words"; on RLIN]
P-1772-AFables in slang. Chicago: Herbert S Stone & Co. [TEI-compatible version]
Aeschylus (translations)
A-1303-AThe Persians. Englewood Cliffs, 1970: Prentice Hall. [Translation and commentary A.J.Podlecki; on RLIN]
Aesop (translations)
P-1508-AFables. Ed. Trans. George Fyler Townsend. [Various editions used, see appendix in file]
Akenside, Mark
U-392-APleasures of the imagination. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
Alcott, Louisa May
P-1894-BLittle Women.
Alger, Horatio
P-1924-ARagged Dick. 1985: Viking Penguin.
P-1926-AStruggling upward. 1985: Viking Penguin.
Ariosto, Ludovico (translations)
U-2083-EOrlando Furioso. Ed. Translation William Stewart Rose. London, 1910.
P-2041-AThe secret book. [From 'In pursuit of gold' by Lapidus]
Ashford, Daisy
A*-553-AThe young visiters. 1919: Chatto & Windus. Depositor: Roger Mitton, D of Computer Science, Birkbeck College. [Issued 1951. Reprint 1983 ISN; on RLIN]
Austen, Jane
U-1519-BEmma. Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1226]
U-1520-BJane Austen's letters to her sister Cassandra and others. Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 13]
U-1521-BMansfield Park. Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1227]
U-1522-ANorthanger Abbey. Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1228]
U-1523-APersuasion. Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1230]
P-1504-BPride and prejudice.
U-1524-BPride and prejudice. Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1229]
U-1526-BSense and sensibility. Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1224]
Austen, Jane (et al)
U*-17-BSanditon. London, 1975: Peter Davies. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
P-1837-ASanditon. [TEI-compatible version]
Ayckbourn, Alan
U-425-ARelatively speaking. London, 1968: Evans. [first performed 29 March 1967; on RLIN]
Bacon, Francis
P-1919-AThe New Atlantis. New York, 1901: Collier and Son.
Bale, John
U-1339-AA brefe comedy or enterlude concernynge the temptacyon of our lorde.... 1538. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
U-1340-AA tragedy or enterlude manyfestyng the chefe promyses of God. 1538. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
U-1338-AKing Johan. Ed. Barry Adams. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
Barbour, John
U*-218-AThe Brus. Ed. Rev. W.W. Skeat. Edinburgh, 1893: Scottish Text Society. Depositor: Harry D. Watson, Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue. [On RLIN]
Barclay, Alexander
A-1240-AEclogues. Ed. Beatrice White. 1927: EETS os 175. [On RLIN]
A-1238-ALife of St George. Ed. William Nelson. 1948: EETS O.S. 230. [On RLIN]
A-1239-BThe ship of fools. Ed. Thomas J. Jamieson. Edinburgh, 1874. [On RLIN]
A-684-BSettling the West 1896-1914: The promised land. Toronto, 1984: McClelland & Stewart. [copyright 1984 : Pierre Berton Enterprises Ltd]
U-1060-EKing James Authorised Version (with Apocrypha). [On RLIN]
P-1691-EKing James Bible. Gutenberg Project. Depositor: Derek Andrews, U of Saskatchewan.
U-1061-ERevised Standard Version (with Apocrypha). [On RLIN]
U-2100-CThe New Testament. Rheims, 1582: The English College. Depositor: Jeffery Triggs, North American Reading Project, Oxford University Press (NY). [Translated from the Latin Vulgate]
Bierce, Ambrose
P-1756-AThe Devil's dictionary. 1911.
Blake, William
U-1195-ASongs of innocence and experience. 1941: Random House. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [From ed.containing works of John Donne.Intro.R.S.Hillyer; on RLIN]
Bowen, John
U-430-AAfter the rain. London, 1967: Faber & Faber. [On RLIN]
Brennan, Michael
A-6-AThe war in Clare 1911-1921. 1980: Four Courts Press. [copyright M.Brennan; on RLIN]
Brenton, Howard
U-431-AChristie in love. London, 1970: Methuen. [On RLIN]
U-1421-AA soul's tragedy (1846). Depositor: D Karlin, U of London.
U-1295-BCollected poems and plays. [On RLIN]
U-1422-AEssay on Chatterton (1842). Depositor: D Karlin, U of London.
U-1420-ALuria (1846). Depositor: D Karlin, U of London.
U*-1201-AMen and women. Ed. Paul Turner. 1972: OUP. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [text of 1855 excluding notes & intro; on RLIN]
U-1417-AParacelsus (1835). Depositor: D Karlin, U of London.
U-1416-APauline (1833). Depositor: D Karlin, U of London.
U-1419-APippa passes (1841). Depositor: D Karlin, U of London.
U-1418-ASordello (1840). Depositor: D Karlin, U of London.
Bruce, Michael
U-28-ACollected poems. [On RLIN]
Buchan, John
P-1978-AThe thirty-nine steps. Depositor: Internet Wiretap, Thomas Dell.
Bulfinch, Thomas
P-2009-ALegends of Charlemagne. 1863.
P-2010-BThe age of chivalry. 1858.
P-2015-CThe age of fables. 1855.
Bullokar, William
U-25-BThree pamphlets on grammar. [Bibliographic details available; on RLIN]
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George
P-2004-BThe last days of Pompeii.
Bunyan, John
P-1895-AThe pilgrims progress. 1942.
Burke, Edmund
U-2022-AAddress to the British colonists in North America. Ed. Peter McKevitt. Depositor: Daniel Greenstein, D of Modern History, U of Glasgow. [frpm Speeches and letters on American affairs]
U-1212-BPoems and songs. Ed. James Barke. London & Glasgow, 1955: Collins. [On RLIN]
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
P-1903-AA princess of Mars. [TEI-compatible version]
P-2040-ASon of Tarzan.
P-2039-ATarzan and the jewels of Opar.
P-1975-ATarzan of the apes. Depositor: Internet Wiretap, Thomas Dell. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1930-AThe beasts of Tarzan.
P-1879-AThe gods of Mars. 1913. [Originally published in All-Story Magazine in five parts]
P-2038-AThe monster men.
P-1890-AThe warlord of Mars.
P-1888-AThuvia, Maid of Mars.
Butcher, William
U-1407-AMississippi madness: Canoeing the Mississippi-Missouri. Oxford, 1990: Oxford Illustrated Press. Depositor: William Butcher, The U of Buckingham. [Foreword by Edward Heath; on RLIN]
U-1408-AVerne's journey to the centre of the self. 1990: Macmillan. Depositor: William Butcher, The U of Buckingham. [Preface by Ray Bradbury; on RLIN]
Byrne, John
U-543-AStill life. Edinburgh: The Salamander Press. Depositor: John Kirk, D of English, Queen's U. [On RLIN]
U-541-AThe slab boys. Glasgow, 1981: Scottish Society of Playwrights. Depositor: John Kirk, D of English, Queen's U. [On RLIN]
U-542-AThreads. Lancs., 1980: Woodhouse books. Depositor: John Kirk, D of English, Queen's U. [taken from "A decade's drama: six Scottish plays"]
U-1486-ATutti Frutti. London, 1987: BBC Books. Depositor: John Kirk, D of English, Queen's U.
U-1487-AYour cheatin' heart. London, 1990: BBC Books. Depositor: John Kirk, D of English, Queen's U.
Byron, George Gordon, Lord
U*-1210-AChilde Harolde's pilgrimage. Ed. John D.Jump. London, 1975: J.M Dent. Depositor: D.R. Thornton, Computer Centre, U of Durham. [ISBN 087471-626-8; on RLIN]
P-2012-BDon Juan. 1821.
Cameron, K.C. et al
A-662-AThe computer and modern language studies. [On RLIN]
Camoens, Luís de (translations)
U*-1302-AThe Lusiad, Book 1. Ed. Geoffrey Bullough. London, 1963: Centaur. Depositor: T.N. Corns, D of English, University College of North Wales. [Translation Fanshawe; on RLIN]
Campanella, Tommaso
P-1920-AThe city of the sun. New York, 1901: P.F. Collier and Son.
Campbell, Ken
U-466-AAnything you say will be twisted. 1969: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Capgrave, John
A*-162-AThe life of St. Norbert. Ed. Cyril Lawrence Smetana. Toronto, 1977: Pontif.Inst of Mediaeval Studies. Depositor: P.J. Lucas, D of English, University College. [On RLIN]
A*-536-AYe solace of pilgrimes. Ed. C.A Mills. 1911: OUP/Henry Frowde. Depositor: P.J. Lucas, D of English, University College. [introduction, notes by Rev.H.M Bannister; on RLIN]
Carlyle, Thomas
U-26-B200 selected prose samples. [22 separate volumes. see appendix sheets; on RLIN]
A-549-AEnglish, and other critical essays. London/ New York, 1915: J.M Dent (Lond):E.P Dutton (NYC). [Everyman's library No 704; on RLIN]
Carroll, Lewis
P-1773-AAlice's adventures in Wonderland. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1804-AThe hunting of the Snark. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1528-AThrough the looking glass and what Alice found there. New York, 1941: Peter Pauper Press. [SGML-tagged version]
P-1823-AThrough the looking glass. [TEI-compatible version]
Cather, Willa
P-2037-AAlexander's bridge.
U-1852-AMy Ántonia. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1898-AO pioneers!. New York, 1987: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1531-BOne of ours. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1778-BThe song of the lark. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1533-AThe troll garden. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
Cavendish, George
U-1346-AThe life and death of Cardinal Wolsey. Ed. Richard S. Sylvester. 1959: EETS 243. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
Cawdrey, Robert
A-1715-AA table alphabetical of hard usual English words. 1966: Scholars' Facsimilies. Depositor: Ray Siemens, D of English, U of Toronto. [Four editions available 1604, 1609, 1613, 1617]
Cervantes, Miguel de (translations)
P-2011-CDon Quixote. Ed. translation by John Ormsby. 1615.
Chapman, George
U*-624-ABussy d'Ambois. 1613: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [On RLIN]
U-1534-ABussy d'Ambois. Ed. Allan Holaday. Cambridge, 1987: D.S. Brewer. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1297]
U*-1297-ABussy d'Ambois (1607-8). Depositor: M.W.A. Smith, D Information Systems, U of Ulster at Jordanstown. [normalised spelling; on RLIN]
U*-1298-AThe gentleman usher. Depositor: M.W.A. Smith, D Information Systems, U of Ulster at Jordanstown. [normalised spelling; on RLIN]
Chaucer, Geoffrey
X-1369-CCanterbury Tales. Ed. N.F. Blake. Depositor: J.D. Burnley, D of English, U of Sheffield. [York Medieval texts, 2nd series. Text as per Hengwrt MSS; on RLIN]
U-1678-CCanterbury tales. Ed. F.N.Robinson. Cambridge, Mass, 1933: Riverside Press. Depositor: Unknown. [SGML-tagged version of text 29]
P-1905-BCanterbury tales.
A-1362-ATroilus & Criseyde. Ed. B.A. Windeatt. New York, 1984: Longman. Depositor: J.D. Burnley, D of English, U of Sheffield. [On RLIN]
U-1689-ATroilus & Criseyde. Ed. B.A. Windeatt. New York, 1984: Longman. Depositor: J.D. Burnley, D of English, U of Sheffield. [SGML-tagged version of text 1362]
A-251-AThrough the day with Jesus. London & Oxford, 1979: Mowbrays.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
A-538-DNotebooks, vols 1-3. Ed. K. Coburn. London, 1962: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. [copyright 1961 Bollingen Foundation, New York; on RLIN]
U*-31-BPoetical works. Ed. E.H. Coleridge. 1912: OUP, Oxford Standard Authors. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-1535-BPoetical works. Ed. E.H. Coleridge. London, 1912: Henry Frowde OUP. [SGML-tagged version of Text 31]
Collins, Wilkie
A-1056-CThe woman in white. Ed. Julian Symons. UK, 1974: Penguin. [first publ. 1859-60 : notes, intro, copyright J. Symons; on RLIN]
P-1779-CThe woman in white. [TEI-compatible version]
Collins, William
U-32-AOdes & eclogues. 1742. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
Communist Affairs
A-492-CVol 1 Num 1 Jan 1982. [On RLIN]
Confucius (translations)
P-2058-AThe doctrine of the mean.
P-2059-AThe great learning.
Conrad, Joseph
P-1498-AHeart of darkness.
U-627-BLord Jim. Ed. Murray Krieger. New York, 1961: Signet, New American library. [follows Collected American ed, Doubleday & Co 1920; on RLIN]
P-1824-ALord Jim. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1780-ANigger of the Narcissus. 1987: Penguin Classic. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1755-AThe secret sharer.
Cook, James
A-1194-CVoyage of the Endeavour 1768-1771. Ed. J.C. Beaglehole. 1955: CUP for the Hakluyt Society. Depositor: C.E. Percy, Lady Margaret Hall. [Copyright Hakluyt Soc.; on RLIN]
Coombs, Norman
P-1887-AThe black experience in America. 1972: Twayne.
Cooper, Giles
U-34-AEverything in the garden. 1963: Penguin. [New English Dramatists Vol.7; on RLIN]
P-1976-AThe last of the Mohicans. Depositor: Internet Wiretap, Thomas Dell. [TEI-compatible version]
Cooper, Thomas
A-551-BThe life of Thomas Cooper. Leicester, 1971: Leicester Univ. Press. [Dist.in N.America by Humanities Press. Intro. J.Saville; on RLIN]
Cowley, Abraham
U*-1232-ACivil War, 1 and 2 (normalised spelling). Ed. Allan Pritchard. 1973: Toronto Press. Depositor: T.N. Corns, D of English, University College of North Wales. [On RLIN]
Cowper, William
U-35-AThe task. OUP. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
Crèvecœur, J. Hector St John de
P-1782-ALetter from an American farmer. [TEI-compatible version]
Crane, Steven
P-1896-AThe red badge of courage.
Cregan, David
U-434-AThe houses by the green. London, 1969: Methuen. [On RLIN]
Crowne, John
U-1328-AThe city politiques. Ed. J.H. Wilson. E. Arnold. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter. [Regent Renaissance; on RLIN]
Dailey, Janet
A*-1222-AThe thawing of Mara. 1980: Mills and Boon. Depositor: Sebastian Rahtz. [no consent from publisher; on RLIN]
Daniel, Samuel
U-1536-AA defence of ryme. Ed. Arthur Colby Sprague. Chicago/London, 1965: U of Chicago Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1203]
U-1537-ADelia. Ed. Arthur Colby Sprague. Chicago/London, 1965: U of Chicago Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1203]
U-1538-AEpistles. Ed. Arthur Colby Sprague. Chicago/London, 1965: U of Chicago Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1203]
U-1539-AMusophilus. Ed. Arthur Colby Sprague. Chicago/London, 1965: U of Chicago Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1203]
U-1203-APoems; a defence of ryme. [On RLIN]
U-37-ARosamund. 1594: Huntington Library copy. [modernised spelling; on RLIN]
U-1540-ARosamund. Ed. Arthur Colby Sprague. Chicago/London, 1965: U of Chicago Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 37]
U-1541-AUlisses and the Syren. Ed. Arthur Colby Sprague. Chicago/London, 1965: U of Chicago Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1203]
Darwin, Charles
U-632-ASketch of 1842. Ed. Sir Gavin De Beer. Cambridge, 1985. [from "Evolution by Natural Selection"; on RLIN]
U-1315-CThe origin of species. New York, 1979: Avenel books. [Facsimile of Darwin's first edition; on RLIN]
P-1783-AThe origin of species. New York, 1979: Avenel Books. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1932-CThe voyage of the Beagle. New York, 1909: P.F. Collier and Son. [Harvard Classics Vol 29]
Davenant, William
U-1318-ACruelty of the Spaniards in Peru. London, 1658: Henry Herringman. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter. [On RLIN]
Davenant, William and John Dryden
U-1319-AThe tempest, or The enchanted island. London, 1670: Henry Herringman. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter. [inform D.Bond of any users; on RLIN]
Davies, Robertson
A-661-BA voice from the attic. Ed. M.Ross, introduction R.Cockburn. Canada, 1960: McClelland and Stewart. [New Canadian library No 83, paperback ed. 1972]
Davies, Sir John
U*-556-AA discovery of the true causes why Ireland was never subdued. Ed. James Myers. Depositor: Richard K. Wood, Gettysburg College. [On RLIN]
Day, John
U-1465-AHumour out of breath. Ed. Bullen. London, 1963: Holland Press. Depositor: M.W.A. Smith, D Information Systems, U of Ulster at Jordanstown. [Modernised spelling from The Works of John Day]
Defoe, Daniel
U-2090-BA journal of the plague year. 1722. Depositor: Jeffery Triggs, North American Reading Project, Oxford University Press (NY).
U-537-BMoll Flanders. Ed. G.A Starr. London, 1971: OUP. [first issued as OUP paperback 1976; on RLIN]
P-1829-BMoll Flanders. [TEI-compatible version]
A-1020-BRobinson Crusoe. Ed. J. Donald Crowley. Oxford, 1972: OUP. [excludes editor's intro & notes; on RLIN]
A-1544-BRobinson Crusoe. London, 1972: OUP. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1020]
Deguileville, Guillaume de (translations)
A-1313-APilgrimage of the lyfe of the Manhode. Ed. Avril Henry. EETS,ES. 288(1985) 219(1988). Depositor: Avril Henry, School of English, U of Exeter. [On RLIN]
Dekker, Thomas
U-39-AMatch mee in London. [On RLIN]
U-1545-AMatch mee in London. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Cambridge, 1958: CUP. [SGML-tagged version of Text 39]
A-1432-AShoemaker's holiday (1600). Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [STC 6523]
U*-1204-AShoemakers holiday. Ed. Paul C Davies. 1968: Oliver & Boyd. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [Fountainwell Drama Text; on RLIN]
U-1546-AShoemakers holiday. Ed. Paul C. Davies. Edinburgh, 1968: Olivier and Boyd. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1204]
U*-619-AThe honest whore (part 2). Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [STC 6506; on RLIN]
U-1953-AThe whore of Babylon. Ed. M.G. Reily. New York, 1980: Garland.
U-38-AWitch of Edmonton. [On RLIN]
U-1547-AWitch of Edmonton. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Cambridge, 1958: CUP. [SGML-tagged version of Text 38]
Dell, Jack Holton
U-467-AThe duel. 1969: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Descartes, Rene (translations)
P-1749-AA discourse on Method.
Devanny, Jean
A-534-BThe butcher's shop. Ed. Heather Roberts. New Zealand, 1981: OUP & Auckland Univ. Press. [first published Duckworth 1926; on RLIN]
Dickens, Charles
P-1725-AA Christmas carol.
P-1736-AA Christmas carol. London, 1893: Chapman and Hall Ltd. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1999-BA tale of two cities.
U-1307-CBarnaby Rudge. Ed. Gordon William Spence. 1973: Penguin. Depositor: Clive Hurst, Special Collections, Bodleian Library. [On RLIN]
U*-657-BEdwin Drood. London, 1980: Andre Deutsch. Depositor: J. Aldridge, D of English and Communication Studies, Birmingham Polytechnic. [copyright: Leon Garfield; on RLIN]
U-1661-AGreene in conceipt. London, 1598: Richard Bradocke for Wm Jones. Depositor: Shirley Stacey, Hertford College. [Variants between Huntingdon and Bodleian copies noted]
Disraeli, Benjamin
A-550-ALord George Bentinck: a political biography. London, 1881: Longmans,Green & Co. [On RLIN]
Donne, John
U-1029-AAnatomie of the world: the first anniversary. [On RLIN]
A*-1052-APoems (1633). Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
Dostoevsky, Fydor (translations)
U-44-ANotes from underground. [On RLIN]
P-2002-CThe brothers Karamazov.
Douglass, Frederick
P-1784-AAutobiography. [TEI-compatible version]
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
P-1769-AA study in scarlet. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1765-AHis last bow. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1764-AThe Hound of the Baskervilles. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1762-AThe adventures of Sherlock Holmes. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1763-AThe casebook of Sherlock Holmes. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1766-AThe memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1767-AThe return of Sherlock Holmes. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1768-AThe sign of four. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1770-AThe valley of fear. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1857-AThrough the magic door. London, 191: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
Dreiser, Theodore
P-2013-BSister Carrie. 1900.
Dryden, John
U*-42-AAbsalom and Achitophel. London, 1681: W.Davis. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-1549-AAbsalom and Achitophel. London, 1681: W. Davis. [SGML-tagged version of Text 42]
U-1296-AAnnus Mirabilis. [normalised spelling; on RLIN]
U-1550-AAnnus Mirabilis. Ed. W.D. Christie. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1296]
Dryden, Ken
U-596-BThe game. Toronto, 1983: Macmillan of Canada.
Du Bartas, G. de S. (translations)
U-651-ADivine weeks and works (vol. 2). Oxford, 1979: OUP. [Trans. Josuah Sylvester. Intro, Commentary Susan Snyder]
Du Maurier, Daphne
A-498-BRebecca. London, 1980: Victor Gollancz.
Duffy, Maureen
U-468-ARites. 1969: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Dylan, Bob
U-1551-ALyrics, 1962-1985. New York, 1985: Knopf. [SGML-tagged version]
U-45-APublished songs 1962-9. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
A*-491-ATarantula. London, 1972: Panther. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford.
Edgeworth, Roger
A-244-CSermons very fruitful godly and learned. London, 1557: Robert Caly. [28 sermons; on RLIN]
Eliot, George
A-48-CDaniel Deronda (incomplete). [On RLIN]
A-47-CMiddlemarch. [On RLIN]
U-1241-DMiddlemarch. Ed. Gordon Haight. New York: Houghton Mifflin Riverside. Depositor: James D. Benson, Glendon College, York University. [On RLIN]
U-46-ASilas Marner. [On RLIN]
U-1552-ASilas Marner. Ed. Q.D. Leavis. Baltimore, 1967: Penguin Books. [SGML-tagged version of Text 46]
Eliot, Thomas Stearns
A-49-CComplete poems and plays. London, 1969. [On RLIN]
U-1565-AShamela. Los Angeles, 1956: Augustan reprints. [SGML-tagged version of Text 56]
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
X-57-BThe great Gatsby. [On RLIN]
X-1566-AThe great Gatsby. [SGML-tagged version of Text 57]
Fleming, Ian
A-507-ADr No. 1958: Jonathan Cape. [On RLIN]
Fletcher, John
U*-802-ADemetrius and Enanthe. Ed. Margaret McLaren Cook. London, 1951: Malone Society Reprints. Depositor: Trevor Howard-Hill, D of English, U of South Carolina. [Nat.Lib Wales Brogytyn MS in hand of Ralph Crane; on RLIN]
U-1569-ADemetrius and Enanthe. Ed. Margaret McLaren Cook. London, 1951: Malone Society. [SGML-tagged version of Text 802]
U-1571-AMonsieur Thomas. London, 1679: J.Macock. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1021]
U-688-AThe chances. Ed. Bowers. 1979. [On RLIN]
U-1568-AThe chances. Ed. George Walton Williams. Cambridge, 1979: CUP. [SGML-tagged version of Text 688]
U*-605-AThe faire maide of the inne. Ed. F.L.Lucas. London, 1927. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [from "The complete works of John Webster" 4 Vols; on RLIN]
U-689-AThe island princess. Ed. Bowers. 1982: CUP. [The dramatic works in the Beaumont & Fletcher canon,Vol5; on RLIN]
U-1570-AThe island princess. Ed. George Walton Williams. Cambridge, 1982: CUP. [SGML-tagged version of Text 689]
U-691-AThe loyal subject. Ed. Bowers. 1982: CUP. [The dramatic works in the Beaumont & Fletcher canon,Vol5; on RLIN]
U*-623-AThe tragedy of Bonduca. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [Beaumont and Fletcher 1647 folio Edinburgh U.; on RLIN]
U*-58-ASir John Van Olden Barnavelt. Ed. H.Milford. London, 1922: OUP. Depositor: Trevor Howard-Hill, D of English, U of South Carolina. [BL.MS.Add.18653 in hand of Ralph Crane 1619; on RLIN]
U-1567-ASir John Van Olden Barnavelt. Ed. W.P. Frijlinck. [SGML-tagged version of Text 58]
Ford, John
U*-639-A'Tis pitty shee's a whore. 1633: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [On RLIN]
Franklin, Benjamin
P-2071-AAutobiography. Ed. Charles W Eliot. New York, 1909: P F Collier and Son.
U-1575-ABoston and London. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1787-ALetters 1726-1757. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1576-BLondon 1757-1787. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1577-AParis 1776-1785. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1578-BPhiladelphia 1726-1757. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1573-APhiladelphia 1785-1790. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1579-APoor Richard's almanac. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1574-AThe autobiography. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
Frisby, Terence
U-436-AThere's a girl in my soup. London, 1966: French. [On RLIN]
U-1706-AThe beggar's opera. New York, 1922: B.W. Huebsch. Depositor: Richard S. Bear, D of English, U of Oregon. [Introduction, notes and bibliography included]
U-469-AOver gardens out. 1970: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
P-1803-AHerland. [TEI-compatible version]
Gombrich, Richard F.
A-1304-BPrecept and practice. Oxford, 1971: Clarendon Press. Depositor: Richard Gombrich, Balliol College. [On RLIN]
Gower, John
U-63-CConfessio amantis. Ed. G.C. Macaulay. 1900: EETS ES 81,82 OUP. [from The English works of John Gower Vols I & II; on RLIN]
U-1677-CConfessio amantis. Ed. G.C.Macaulay. Oxford, 1901: Clarendon Press. Depositor: John Dawson, Literary & Linguistic Computing Centre, U of Cambridge. [SGML-tagged version of text 63]
Grahame, Kenneth
P-1798-AThe golden age. [TEI-compatible version]
Grant, Audrey and Eric Rodwell
U-1242-BThe joy of bridge. Toronto, 1982: Prentice Hall. Depositor: James D. Benson, Glendon College, York University. [On RLIN]
Graves, Robert
U-64-BComplete poems.
Gray, Simon
U-437-AButley. London, 1972: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Gray, Thomas
U-65-AComplete poems. 1907: OUP. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
A-531-ANight and silence, who is here. New York: Charles Scribner. [On RLIN]
Hardy, Thomas
P-1802-BFar from the madding crowd. [TEI-compatible version]
A-539-BJude the obscure. London, 1912: Macmillan & Co / Wessex edition. Depositor: Patricia Ingham, St Annes College. [On RLIN]
P-2053-BReturn of the Native.
U-1326-ASeven Short Stories. USA: Misc. magazines and MSS. Depositor: Pamela Dalziel, D English, U British Columbia. [On RLIN]
U*-68-BTess of the D'Urbervilles. Ed. Scott Elledge. New York, 1965: WW Norton Co. Depositor: Michael J. Preston, D of English, U of Colorado. [Norton critical edition; on RLIN]
U-1581-BTess of the D'Urbervilles. New York, 1965: W.W. Norton & Co. [SGML-tagged version of Text 68]
Hare, David
U-470-ASlag. 1970: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Harries, Richard
A-252-ATurning to prayer. London & Oxford, 1978: Mowbrays.
Haworth, Don
U-471-AA hearts and minds job. 1971: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
U-1582-AFanshawe. New York, 1983: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-69-ASelections. [On RLIN]
U-1583-AThe Blithedale romance. New York, 1983: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1584-BThe house of the seven gables. New York, 1983: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
P-1914-AThe house of the seven gables. 1815: Houghton Mifflin and Co.
U-1585-BThe marble faun, or the romance of Monte Beni. New York, 1983: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U*-220-BThe buke of the law of armys; The buke of knychthede. Ed. J.H. Stevenson. Edinburgh: Scottish Text Society. Depositor: Harry D. Watson, Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue. [Vol.1 1901 / Vol.2 1914; on RLIN]
Hearst, Pattie
U-70-ADiaries. [On RLIN]
Henry, O
P-1797-AThe gift of the Magi. [TEI-compatible version]
Henryson, Robert
U*-243-ACollected works. Ed. G. Gregory Smith. Edinburgh: Scottish Text Society. Depositor: Harry D. Watson, Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue. [Vol.1 1914, Vol.2 1906, Vol.3 1908; on RLIN]
Herebert, William, OFM
U-1213-AWorks. Ed. Stephen R. Reimer. Toronto, 1987. Depositor: Stephen Reimer, D of English, U of Alberta. [Toronto pontifical institute of mediaeval studies 1987; on RLIN]
Hervey, Thomas
U-71-ALetter to Sir Thomas Hanmer. London, 1741. [See text 55; on RLIN]
Hesse, Hermann (translations)
Heywood, John
U*-635-AA woman kilde with kindnesse. 1607: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [On RLIN]
U-1469-AA woman killed with kindness. Depositor: M.W.A. Smith, D Information Systems, U of Ulster at Jordanstown. [From The Revels Plays]
U-1341-AThe play of the weather. Ed. David Bevington. Boston, 1975: Houghton Mifflin. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [in Medieval drama; on RLIN]
Heywood, John (attrib)
U-1335-AGentleness and nobility. Ed. Richard Axton. Cambridge, 1979: D.S. Brewer. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [in Three Rastell plays; on RLIN]
Higgins, Colin
P-1981-AHarold and Maude. Depositor: Internet Wiretap, Thomas Dell.
Hill, Susan
X-510-AGentleman and ladies. Penguin. [On RLIN]
Hinton, S.E.
A*-1223-AThat was then, this is now. 1971: Fontana Lion. Depositor: Sebastian Rahtz. [no permission from publishers; on RLIN]
Hippocrates (translations)
P-1942-AOath and law. New York, 1910: P.F. Collier and Son. [Harvard Classics Vol 38]
Hobbes, Thomas
P-2029-CLeviathan. 1651.
Hogg, James
A-588-CThe three perils of man. Scottish Academic Press. [On RLIN]
Holmes, T. Rice
P-1865-ACommentary on Ceasar's De Bello Gallico. Oxford, 1914: OUP.
Hope, Anthony
P-1979-AThe prisoner of Zenda. Depositor: Internet Wiretap, Thomas Dell.
Hopkins, Gerard Manley
U*-73-AComplete English Poems. Ed. W.H. Gardner and N.H. MacKenzie. 1967: OUP. Depositor: Donald Ross, D of English, U of Minnesota. [On RLIN]
Hopkins, John
U-472-AFind your way home. 1970: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Housman, A.E.
U-1034-AA Shropshire lad. [On RLIN]
P-1509-ATerance, this is stupid stuff.
Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey
U-1714-APoems. Depositor: G.W. Pigman, Division of Humanities 101-40, California Institute of Technology. [Various editions used. Details available]
Howarth, Donald
U-473-AThree months gone. 1970: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Howells, William Dean
U-2099-BThe rise of Silas Lapham. 1884. Depositor: Jeffery Triggs, North American Reading Project, Oxford University Press (NY).
Hume, David
P-1921-AAn enquiry concerning human understanding. 1910: P.F. Collier and Son.
Ibsen, Henrik (translations)
P-2017-APeer Gynt. 1875.
James, Henry
U-2087-BAmbassadors. New York, 1909. Depositor: Jeffery Triggs, North American Reading Project, Oxford University Press (NY).
U-1587-CAmerican writers. New York, 1984: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-2091-AAn international episode. 1878. Depositor: Jeffery Triggs, North American Reading Project, Oxford University Press (NY).
P-1807-AConfidence. New York: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
U-2089-ADaisy Miller. 1879. Depositor: Jeffery Triggs, North American Reading Project, Oxford University Press (NY).
U-1588-CEnglish writers. New York, 1984: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1589-AEssays on literature. New York, 1984: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1425-DNovels 1871-1880. New York, 1983: The Library of America. Depositor: of America Library, Paul Royster.
P-1809-BRoderick Hudson. New York, 1983: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1808-AThe Europeans. New York, 1983: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
P-2018-CThe portrait of a lady. 1881.
U-2096-AThe turn of the screw. 1898. Depositor: Jeffery Triggs, North American Reading Project, Oxford University Press (NY).
P-2019-AWashington Square. 1880.
P-1810-AWatch and ward. New York, 1983: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
James, William
P-1862-AEssays in radical empiricism. 1943: Longman, Green and Co.
Jefferson, Thomas
U-1813-AA summary view of the rights of British Americans. New York, 1984: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1590-AAddresses, messages and replies. New York, 1984: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
P-1811-AAddresses, messages and replies. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1591-AAutobiography. New York, 1984: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1812-AAutobiography. New York, 1984: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1592-CLetters. New York, 1984: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1814-CLetters. New York, 1984: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1593-AMiscellany. New York, 1984: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1815-AMiscellany. New York, 1984: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1596-ANotes on the state of Virginia. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1594-APublic papers. New York, 1984: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
Johnson, Samuel
A-76-AJourney to the Western Isles. [On RLIN]
U*-75-ALondon and The vanity of human wishes. 1748: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-1597-ALondon and the vanity of human wishes. 1970: Scolar Press. [SGML-tagged verison of Text 75]
U-77-ARasselas Prince of Abissinia. [On RLIN]
U-1598-ARasselas Prince of Abissinia. Ed. Bertrand H. Bronson. New York, 1960: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. [SGML-tagged version of Text 77]
Jonson, Ben
A-1434-ABartholomew Fair (1631). Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [STC 14753.5]
A-1600-ACatiline. Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1435]
P-2069-ACatiline. Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [TEI-compatible version]
A-1435-ACatiline (1611). Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [STC 14759]
P-2056-ACynthia's revels. Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [TEI-compatible format version]
A-1436-ACynthia's revels (1601). Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [STC 14773]
P-2068-AEpicoene. Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [TEI-compatible version]
A-1438-AEpicoene (1616). Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [STC 14751]
A-1437-AEvery man in his humour (1601). Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [STC 14766]
U-1602-AEvery man in his humour. Ed. Percy Simpson. Oxford, 1919: Clarendon Press. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1286]
P-2067-AEvery man in his humour. Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1286-AEveryman in his humor. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
A-1439-ANew inn (1631). Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [STC 14780]
U*-78-APleasure reconcil'd to vertue (a masque). Ed. Herford and Simpson. Oxford, 1941: Clarendon Press. Depositor: Trevor Howard-Hill, D of English, U of South Carolina. [On RLIN]
A-1440-APoetaster (1601). Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [STC 14781]
P-2070-ASejanus. Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [TEI-compatible version]
A-1441-ASejanus (1605). Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [STC 14782]
U-1466-AThe Alchemist. Depositor: M.W.A. Smith, D Information Systems, U of Ulster at Jordanstown. [From The Revels Plays]
A-1599-AThe Alchemist. Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1433]
A-1433-AThe Alchemist (1612). Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [STC 14755]
U*-616-AVolpone. 1607: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [On RLIN]
U-1604-AVolpone. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [SGML-tagged version of Text 616]
A-1442-AVolpone (1607). Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [STC 14783]
U-1359-AA portrait of the artist as a young man. Ed. Chester Anderson. New York, 1964: Viking. Depositor: Hans Walter Gabler, Inst. fur Englische Philologie, Universität Mänchen. [On RLIN]
U-1606-AA portrait of the artist as a young man. Ed. Chester Anderson. New York, 1964: Viking Press. Depositor: Hans Walter Gabler, Inst. fur Englische Philologie, Universität Mänchen. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1359]
A-1718-AA portrait of the artist as a young man. 1973: Penguin. Depositor: David Wilson. [reprint of Jonathan Cape 1948 edition]
U-1360-ADubliners. Ed. Robert Scholes. New York, 1967: Viking. Depositor: Hans Walter Gabler, Inst. fur Englische Philologie, Universität Mänchen. [On RLIN]
U-1605-ADubliners. Ed. Grant Richards. London, 1914: Grant Richards Ltd. Depositor: Hans Walter Gabler, Inst. fur Englische Philologie, Universität Mänchen. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1193]
A-1720-ADubliners. 1973: Penguin. Depositor: David Wilson. [reprint of Jonathan Cape 1948 edition]
U-1193-ADubliners (first ed). London, 1914: Grant Richards Ltd. Depositor: Hans Walter Gabler, Inst. fur Englische Philologie, Universität Mänchen. [On RLIN]
A-1719-AExiles. 1973: Penguin. Depositor: David Wilson. [reprint of Jonathan Cape 1948 edition]
U-1030-AExtract from 'Work in Progress'. [On RLIN]
A-1696-CFinnegans Wake. 1950: Faber. Depositor: Donald Theall, Trent U. [WP 5.1 with graphics and typographic effects available]
A-1709-CFinnegans Wake. 1964: Faber & Faber. Depositor: David Wilson.
A-1710-CUlysses. 1960: Bodley Head. Depositor: David Wilson. [Checked against various other editions]
Julian of Norwich
U-700-AA revelation of divine love. Ed. M. Glasscoe. 1976: Exeter University. [Exeter Mediaeval English Texts]
Kant, Immanuel (translations)
U-289-CCritique of pure reason. London, 1933: MacMillan & Co. Depositor: Stephen Palmquist, Religion and Philosophy D, Hong Kong Baptist College. [Translation Norman Kemp Smith; on RLIN]
Keats, John
U-1607-CPoems. Ed. Jack Stillinger. Cambridge, MA, 1978: Belknap Press of Harvard UP. Depositor: Valerie M. Sargent, Computing Laboratory, U of Newcastle. [SGML-tagged version of Text 81]
U-81-CPoetical works. Ed. J. Stillinger. Depositor: Valerie M. Sargent, Computing Laboratory, U of Newcastle. [On RLIN]
Kehoe, Brendan
P-1698-AZen and the art of the Internet. A beginners guide to the Internet. 1992. [Version 1.0]
Khapa, Tsong (translations)
X-652-BThe essence of true eloquence. 1984: Princeton U. Press. [Translation Robert A. Thurman. written 1407; on RLIN]
King, Martin Luther
P-1501-A"I have a dream" speech. New York, 1968: Pocket Books. [Taken from the peaceful warrior]
A-532-AStride for freedom. [On RLIN]
Kipling, Rudyard
P-1910-AThe jungle book.
P-1973-AThe jungle book. Depositor: Internet Wiretap, Thomas Dell. [TEI-compatible version]
Kirkland, Winifred
P-2042-AThe joys of being a woman and other papers. 1918.
Krusch, Barry
P-2064-AThe 21st Century constitution: A new America for a new millenium. New York, 1992: Stanhope Press. Depositor: Barry Krusch, PO BOX 1177, Stanhope Press.
Kyd, Thomas
U-82-ASpanish tragedie. 1592: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford.
A-1443-ASpanish tragedy (1592). Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [STC 15086]
U*-1311-AThe Spanish tragedy. 1592: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [On RLIN]
A*-1206-AThe adventures of Ulysses. Ed. E.E. Speight. London, 1905: Horace Marshall & Son. Depositor: Alistair McCleery, Dept of PMPC, Napier Polytechnic. [Introduction Sir George Birdwood; on RLIN]
Langland, William
U*-1367-AThe vision of Piers Plowman (B text). Ed. A.V.C. Schmidt. London: Dent/EML. Depositor: J.D. Burnley, D of English, U of Sheffield. [On RLIN]
U-1687-AThe vision of Piers Plowman (B text). Ed. A.V.C.Schmidt. New York, 1978: E.P.Dutton & Co Inc.. Depositor: J.D. Burnley, D of English, U of Sheffield. [SGML-tagged version of text 1367]
U*-1375-AThe vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman (B text). Ed. W.W.Skeat. Oxford, 1884: Clarendon Press. Depositor: H Duggan, D English, U of Virginia. [B Text, 2 vols.; on RLIN]
Lawrence, David Herbert
U-84-ASt Mawr. 1971: Penguin. [On RLIN]
U-85-CBrut. Ed. G.L. Brook and R.F. Leslie. OUP for EETS Vol3 1973,Vol2 1978. [from two BL MSS; on RLIN]
U-1682-CBrut. Ed. G.L.Brook and R.F.Fisher. Oxford, 1978: OUP. Depositor: Unknown. [SGML-tagged version of text 85]
Le Carré, John
A-86-AThe spy who came in from the cold. Victor Gollancz Ltd. [On RLIN]
A-1608-AThe spy who come in from the cold. London, 1963: Victor Gollancz. Depositor: Peter Gilliver, Oxford Dictionaries. [SGML-tagged version of Text 86]
Leibniz, Gottfried (translations)
P-2061-AThe Monadology. Ed. translated by Robert Latta. 1898.
Lessing, Doris
U-87-AEach his own wilderness. 1959: Penguin, New English Dramatists. [On RLIN]
U-89-AMemoirs of a survivor. [On RLIN]
U-88-ASummer before the dark. [On RLIN]
Lewis, Sinclair
P-1948-AOur Mr. Wrenn. 1914: Harper Bros.
Locke, John
A-1361-CAn essay concerning human understanding. Ed. Peter H. Nidditch. Oxford, 1975: Clarendon Press. Depositor: R.M.P. Malpas, Hertford college. [On RLIN]
London, Jack
P-1819-ASelected Klondike short stories. New York, 1982: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1821-ASelected stories. New York, 1982: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1818-AThe Call of the wild. New York, 1982: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1869-AThe call of the wild.
P-1820-BThe sea wolf. New York, 1982: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1871-ATo build a fire.
P-1822-AWhite fang. New York, 1982: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
Longfellow, Henry W.
P-1499-AThe song of Hiawatha.
Lowell, Robert
U-90-ANotebook. [On RLIN]
Luke, Peter
U-474-AHadrian VII. 1968: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Mac Donald, George
P-1945-AAt the back of the North wind. New York, 1871: George Routledge and Sins.
Machiavelli, Niccolo (translations)
U-1672-AThe Prince. 1961: Penguin Classics. Depositor: Tom Bryder, D of Political Science, U of Copenhagen. [Translation by George Bull]
Mainwaring, Sir Henry
U-93-ASeaman's glossary. Depositor: Trevor Howard-Hill, D of English, U of South Carolina. [U.Illinois MS q387.2 M 286,in hand of Ralph Crane 1626; on RLIN]
U-92-ASelected short stories. London, 1968: Constable. [On RLIN]
Marcus, Franc
U-441-AMrs Mouse are you within?. London, 1968: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Markham, Gervase
U-83-ADevoreux, or Virtue's tears. 1597: Huntington Library copy. [On RLIN]
Marlowe, Christopher
U-1617-ADido and Aeneas. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Cambridge, 1973: CUP. Depositor: Louis Ule. [SGML-tagged version of Text 94]
U-1616-ADr Faustus. Ed. Louis Ule. New York, 1979: George Olms Verlag. Depositor: Louis Ule. [SGML-tagged version of Text 94]
U-1621-ADr Faustus. Ed. C.F. Tucker Brooke. Oxford, 1910: Clarendon Press. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1219]
U*-1219-ADr Faustus (1604). Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-1618-AEdward II. Ed. C.F. Tucker Brooke. Oxford, 1962: Clarendon Press. Depositor: Louis Ule. [SGML-tagged version of Text 94]
U-1620-AHero and Leander. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Cambridge, 1973: CUP. Depositor: Louis Ule. [SGML-tagged version of Text 94]
U-1624-AOvid's Elegies (3 Vols). Ed. Fredson Bowers. Cambridge, 1973: CUP. Depositor: Louis Ule. [SGML-tagged version of Text 94]
U-1625-APassionate sheperd to his love. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Cambridge, 1973: CUP. Depositor: Louis Ule. [SGML-tagged version of Text 94]
U-1626-APharsalia. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Cambridge, 1973: CUP. Depositor: Louis Ule. [SGML-tagged version of Text 94]
U-1627-ARare. Ed. C.F. Tucker Brooke. Oxford, 1910: Clarendon Press. Depositor: Louis Ule. [SGML-tagged version of Text 94]
U*-615-ATamburlaine the Great (part 2). 1593: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [On RLIN]
U*-1383-ATamburlaine the Great (parts 1 and 2). Depositor: Mary Regina Smith, Haskins Laboratories. [Corrected version of L. Ule's text; modernised spelling; on RLIN]
U-1628-ATamburlaine the Great (Parts 1 and 2). Ed. Fredson Bowers. Cambridge, 1973: CUP. Depositor: Mary Regina Smith, Haskins Laboratories. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1383]
U-1622-AThe jew of Malta. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Cambridge, 1973: CUP. [SGML-tagged version of Text 94]
U-1623-AThe massacre at Paris. Ed. Fredson Bowers. Cambridge, 1973: CUP. [SGML-tagged version of Text 94]
Marston, John
U*-629-AThe Dutch courtezan. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [STC 17475; on RLIN]
U*-1205-AThe fawn. Ed. G.A. Smith. 1965: E. Arnold. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [Regent Renaissance Drama Series; on RLIN]
Marvell, Andrew
U*-95-AMiscellaneous poems. 1681: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-1673-AThe Communist manifesto. New York, 1964: Washington Square Press. Depositor: Tom Bryder, D of Political Science, U of Copenhagen. [Translation by Samuel More]
P-1761-AThe Communist manifesto. Ed. Friedrich Engels. 1888. [Transcribed from English edition]
Massinger, Philip
U*-603-AA new way to pay old debts. 1633: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [On RLIN]
P-1909-AOf human bondage. New York, 1915: Doubleday, Doran and Co.
McGowan, Richard
P-2051-AViolists. 1994.
McGrath, John
U-440-AEvents while guarding the Bofors gun. London, 1966: Methuen. [On RLIN]
McGuinness, Brian
A*-1252-CWittgenstein: a life. Young Ludwig, 1889-1921. London, 1988: Duckworth. Depositor: Stephen Cope. [On RLIN]
Medwall, Henry
U-1330-AFulgens and Lucres. Ed. Alan H. Nelson. Cambridge, 1980: D.S. Brewer. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
U-1331-ANature. Ed. Alan H. Nelson. Cambridge, 1980: D.S. Brewer. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
Melville, Herman
U-2088-ABartleby the scrivener. 1853. Depositor: Jeffery Triggs, North American Reading Project, Oxford University Press (NY).
U-628-CMoby-Dick. New York, 1961: Signet, New American library. [Afterword Denham Sutcliffe; on RLIN]
U-1629-AMoby-Dick. Ed. G. Thomas Tanselle. New York, 1983: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
P-1828-CMoby-Dick. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1630-ARedburn, his first voyage. Ed. G. Thomas Tanselle. New York, 1983: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1631-AWhite-jacket, or the World in a man-of-war. Ed. G. Thomas Tanselle. New York, 1983: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
Mercer, David
U-476-ABelcher's luck. 1967: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Middleton, Thomas
U-1202-AA chaste maid in Cheapside. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U*-97-AA game at chess (two mss). 1624. Depositor: Trevor Howard-Hill, D of English, U of South Carolina. [BM, Ms. Lansdowne 690: Folger Shake.Lib MS V.a.231; on RLIN]
U*-1312-AA game at chesse. Ed. R.C.Bald. Cambridge, 1929: CUP. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [On RLIN]
U-584-ANewes from Persia and Poland touching Sir Robert Sherley.... ["Printed by I. Windet, for John Budge,...1609"; on RLIN]
U*-15-ASong in several parts. Ed. In the hand of Ralph Crane. 1622. Depositor: Trevor Howard-Hill, D of English, U of South Carolina. [Pub.Rec.Off. MS. State papers domestic v.129 doc 53; on RLIN]
U-583-AThe black book. ["Printed by T.C for Jeffrey Chorlton, London 1604"; on RLIN]
U-585-AThe ghost of Lucrece. ["At London. Printed by Valentine Simmes...1600"; on RLIN]
U*-642-AThe revenger's tragædie. 1607: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [On RLIN]
U*-98-AThe witch. Ed. Walter W. Greg. London, 1950: Malone Society reprint. Depositor: Trevor Howard-Hill, D of English, U of South Carolina. [Bodleian MS. Malone 12 in hand of Ralph Crane; on RLIN]
Mill, John-Stuart
P-1923-AOn liberty. 1909: P.F. Colier and Son.
Millar, Ronald
U-443-AAbelard and Heloise. London, 1970: Samuel French. [On RLIN]
Milner, Roger
U-444-AHow's the world treating you?. London, 1966: French. [On RLIN]
Milton, John
A*-1027-AEnglish poems (1645). Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-102-AIl penseroso. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U*-1249-AParadise regained. 1671: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U*-101-ASamson agonistes. 1671: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Joseph Raben, Queen's College, The City U of New York. [On RLIN]
Monaco, James
U*-705-BThe connoisseur's guide to the movies. New York/London, 1988: Facts on File. Depositor: James Monaco, Baseline Inc.. [On RLIN]
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley
U-1891-ALetters and works. 1861: Henry G. Bohn. Depositor: Richard S. Bear, D of English, U of Oregon.
Montesquieu, Baron de (translations)
U-2035-AThe spirit of the laws. Ed. Translation by T. Nugent. 1748. Depositor: Daniel Greenstein, D of Modern History, U of Glasgow.
Montgomery, Lucy Maud
P-1830-AAnne of Avonlea. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1831-AAnne of Green Gables. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1832-AAnne of the Island. [TEI-compatible version]
Moore, Sir Thomas
U-1353-DThe confutation of Tyndale's answer (parts I and II). Ed. L.A.Schuster,R.C Marius,J.P.Lusardi,R.J.Schoeck. New Haven, 1973: Yale Univ. Press. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [from The complete works Vol.8; on RLIN]
P-1927-AUtopia. New York, 1901: P.F. Collier and son.
Morris, William
P-1883-ANews from Nowhere, or an epoch of rest. 1890. [TEI-compatible version]
Mortimer, John
U-477-AA voyage around my father. 1971: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Moss, Rose
A*-103-BThe terrorist. Depositor: Anna Bombak, D of Computer Services/Data Library, U of Alberta. [On RLIN]
Muir, John
P-1833-AMy first summer in the Sierra. 1911. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1834-AThe story of my boyhood and youth. [TEI-compatible version]
Munday, Anthony
U*-630-AThe book of John à Kent & John à Cumber. 1589: Malone Society reprint. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [On RLIN]
Munro, H.H. (Saki)
P-1876-AReginald in Russia.
P-1874-AThe chronicles of Clovis.
Murdoch, Iris
X-509-BThe bell. London, 1959: Chatto and Windus. [On RLIN]
Nashe, Thomas
U-680-APierce pennyless. 1957: Winny.
U-105-ASummer's last will and testament. Ed. R.B.McKerrow. 1968. [On RLIN]
Nassyngton, William of
U*-653-AThe bande of louynge. Ed. C. Robinson. BL ADD 33995. Depositor: Christine Robinson, D of English, U of Edinburgh.
Nichols, Peter
U-445-AA day in the death of Joe Egg. London, 1967: Faber & Faber. [On RLIN]
Nietzsche, Friedrich (translations)
P-2020-AThus spake Zarathustra. Ed. translation by Thomas Common. 1891.
Norman, Frank
U-478-AInside out. 1970: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Norris, Frank
P-2043-BThe pit. A story of Chicago. 1903.
O'Casey, Sean
U-107-AJuno and the paycock. 1967: St Martins Press. [On RLIN]
U-108-AShadow of a gunman. 1907: St Martins Press. [On RLIN]
U-106-AThe plough and the stars. 1967: St Martins Press. [On RLIN]
O'Malley, Ernie
A-213-BArmy without banners. Ireland, 1936: Anvil books. [1979 edition used]
U-447-AWhat the butler saw. London, 1971: Methuen. [On RLIN]
Orwell, George
A-1097-B1984. [On RLIN]
A-1632-B1984. New York, 1961: New American Library. Depositor: David C. Bennett, SOAS, U of London. [SGML-tagged version]
Osborne, John
U-448-AWest of Suez. London, 1971: Faber & Faber. [On RLIN]
Paine, Thomas
U*-1198-ACommon sense. Ed. P.S. Foner. New York, 1945: Citadel Press. Depositor: Jon K Adams, Lehrstul fuer Amerikanistik, Universitaet Augsburg. [vol I of "The complete writings of Thomas Paine"; on RLIN]
P-2072-ACommon sense.
U-2023-ARights of man. 1985: Penguin. Depositor: Daniel Greenstein, D of Modern History, U of Glasgow. [modernised version of 1791 edition]
U*-1199-AThe American crisis. Ed. P.S. Foner. New York, 1945: Citadel Press. Depositor: Jon K Adams, Lehrstul fuer Amerikanistik, Universitaet Augsburg. [Vol I of "The complete writings of Thomas Paine"; on RLIN]
Palsgrave, John
A-1354-DL'esclarcissement de la langue françoyse. Ed. Ian Lancashire. 1530. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
Parfit, Derek
X-250-CReasons and persons. OUP. [On RLIN]
Paston family
U*-395-CLetters and papers of the 15th century (vol 1 only). Ed. Norman Davis. Oxford, 1971: Clarendon Press. Depositor: Norman Davis, Merton College. [On RLIN]
U-1685-CLetters and papers of the 15th century vol 1 only. Ed. E.V.Gordon. Oxford, 1953: Clarendon Press. Depositor: Norman Davis, Merton College. [SGML-tagged verison of text 395]
Patten, Brian
A*-1042-ASelected verse. Allen & Unwin. Depositor: Sebastian Rahtz. [3 Vols: Vanishing trick, Irrelevant song, Grave gossip; on RLIN]
Peel, Sir Robert
A-552-AMemoirs, part 1. Ed. trustees of his papers:Earl Stanhope & E.Cardwell. New York, 1969: Kraus reprint Co. [orig. publ: J Murray, London, 1856; on RLIN]
Peele, George
U-1952-ADavid and Bethsabe. Ed. Ashley Thorndike. London, 1913: J.M. Dent. Depositor: Ward Elliott, Claremont McKenna College. [From The minor Elizabethan Drama]
A-1634-AThe bell jar. New York, 1971: Harper and Row. Depositor: John B. Smith, D of Computer Science, Chapel Hill College. [SGML-tagged version of Text 110]
Plato (translations)
P-1941-ACrito. Ed. translation Benjamin Jowett. New York, 1900: P.F. Collier and Son. [From Dialogues]
P-1925-AThe Republic. New York, 1901: P.F. Collier and Son.
U-2097-DThe lives of the noble Grecians and Romans. Ed. Clough Edition. 1864. Depositor: Jeffery Triggs, North American Reading Project, Oxford University Press (NY).
Poe, Edgar Allen
P-1855-ACollection of short stories.
U*-1244-ATwo stories. Ed. David Galloway. London: Penguin. Depositor: James D. Benson, Glendon College, York University. ["Fall of the house of Usher" and "Ligeia"; on RLIN]
Polwhele, Richard
P-2050-AThe unsex'd females. 1798. Depositor: John Price-Wilkin, Graduate Library Reference Dept, U of Michigan Library.
Pope, Alexander
A*-580-ARape of the lock. Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-1690-ARape of the lock. Depositor: H.G. Robertson, D of Humanities, Huddersfield Polytechnic. [four editions: 1712, 1714, 1717 and Twickenham]
Porter, Eleanor H.
P-1943-AJust David. New York: Grosset and Dunlap.
Powell, Antony
A-508-AAcceptance world. [On RLIN]
Pulman, Jack
U-479-AThe happy apple. 1970: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Ramsley, Peter
U-480-ADisabled. 1971: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Randolph, Mary
U-2094-AThe Virginia house-wife. Washington, 1824: Franklin's Head. Depositor: Jeffery Triggs, North American Reading Project, Oxford University Press (NY).
Randolph, Thomas
U-114-AAristippus. 1630: British Library MS:161.a.6. [printed edition; on RLIN]
U-116-APræludium. British Library add. MS 374245. [ff 54-55; on RLIN]
U-115-AThe conceited pedler. 1630: British Library MS:161.a.6. [printed edition; on RLIN]
U-117-AThe drinking academy. Ed. H.E. Rollins and S.A. Tannenbaum. Harvard, 1930. [Play first publ.PMLA Vol.39 1924;MS Huntington Lib.HM91; on RLIN]
Randolph, Thomas (attrib)
U-118-AThe fary knight, or Oberon the second (modernised spelling). Ed. Fredson T. Bowers; Murray Warren. 1942: Chapel Hill:U. of Nth Carolina. [Folger MS V.a.128 (copy in Bodleian); on RLIN]
Rastell, Henry
U-1334-AFour Elements. Ed. Richard Axton. Cambridge, 1979: D.S. Brewer. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [in Three Rastell plays; on RLIN]
Rattigan, Terence
U-451-AA bequest to the nation. 1971: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Redford, John
U-1344-AWit and science. Ed. David Bevington. Boston, 1975: Houghton Mifflin. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [in Medieval drama]
A*-1208-AThe best man to die. 1969: Arrow. Depositor: Sebastian Rahtz. [1981 repr. used. No consent from Arrow; on RLIN]
Repp, R.C.
A-1235-CThe Mufti of Istanbul:study in the development of the Ottoman learned hierarchy. [On RLIN]
Roberts, Charles G. D.
P-1970-AThe forge in the forest. Depositor: Internet Wiretap, Thomas Dell.
Robinson, Mary
P-2049-ASappho and Phaon. 1796. Depositor: John Price-Wilkin, Graduate Library Reference Dept, U of Michigan Library. [TEI compatible]
Ross, Kenneth
U-452-AMr Kilt and the great I am. 1970: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
A-217-AWorks. Ed. W.M Rossetti.
Rowley, Thomas
U-1471-AA shoemaker, a gentleman. Depositor: M.W.A. Smith, D Information Systems, U of Ulster at Jordanstown. [Modernised spelling]
Rowley, William
U*-608-AAll's lost by lust. 1633. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [STC 21425 National Library of Scotland; on RLIN]
U-2075-AThe Thracian wonder. 1661. Depositor: Michael Nolan. [Details available]
Saint Augustine (translations)
P-2060-BConfessions. Ed. translated by Edward Bouverie Pusey.
Sandburg, Carl
P-1892-AChicago poems. New York, 1916: H. Holt and Co.
Saunders, James
U-481-ANeighbours. 1967: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Schofield, A.T.
P-1904-AAnother world or The fourth dimension. London, 1888: George Allen and Unwin Ltd.
Schubert, Franz
U-2031-ALetters and other writings. Ed. Otto Erich Deutsch. New York, 1974: Vienna House. Depositor: Nigel Nettheim. [Originally published by Faber and Gwyer, London, 1928]
Schumacher, E.F.
A-399-BSmall is beautiful. Blond & Briggs. [On RLIN]
Scott, Walter
U-74-ACastle Dangerous. [On RLIN]
P-1751-AChronicles of the Cannongate. 1896: Archibald Constable & Co. [From the Waverley Novels Vols XLI and XLVIII]
P-1893-BIvanhoe. 1895: Archibald Constable & Co. [From the Waverley Novels Vols XVI and XVII]
A-529-AThe passionate pilgrim. [20 poems, 5 by Shakespeare, publ. W.Jaggard 1599; on RLIN]
Shakespeare, William and John Fletcher
U-1482-AHenry VIII. [1623 Folio based on Norton facsimile]
Shaw, George Bernard
P-1840-AQuintessence of Ibsenism. New York, 1891: Brentano. [TEI-compatible version]
Shaw, Robert
U-456-ACato street. 1971: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Shelley, Mary
P-1922-AFrankenstein. London, 1912: J.M. Dent and Son.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
U-139-APrometheus unbound. [On RLIN]
Shikibu, Murasaki (translations)
U-1384-DThe tale of Genji. Ed. Edward G. Seidensticker. Japan, 1978: Charles E. Tuttle Co, Inc. Depositor: Mari Nagase, Tokyo Woman's Christian University. [On RLIN]
Shirley, Thomas
U*-601-AThe cardinal. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [Wing S3461 National Library of Scotland; on RLIN]
Sidney, Sir Philip
U-1721-ADefence of poesie. 1595: Scolar Press Facsimile. Depositor: Richard S. Bear, D of English, U of Oregon. [facsimile of Ponsonby edition]
U-1734-AThe lady of May. Depositor: Richard S. Bear, D of English, U of Oregon. [from 1605 ed of The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia]
U-1455-CThe poems. Ed. William A. Ringler, Jr.. Oxford, 1962: Clarendon Press. Depositor: Herbert S. Donow, D of English, Southern Illinois U at Carbondale.
A-1237-BComplete English poems. Ed. John Scattergood. Harmondsworth, 1983: Penguin. [On RLIN]
Smith, Adam
U-2034-CLectures on jurisprudence. Depositor: Daniel Greenstein, D of Modern History, U of Glasgow.
U-2007-DThe wealth of nations.
Sophocles (translations)
P-1692-AOedipus trilogy. Ed. translation F. Storr. Cambridge, MA, 1912: Harvard University Press.
Speight, Johnny
U-458-AIf there weren't any blacks, you'd have to invent them. London, 1968: Methuen. [On RLIN]
Spencer, Colin
U-482-ASpitting image. 1968: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Spender, Stephen
A-141-ACollected poems 1928-1953. 1955: Faber & Faber and Random House. [On RLIN]
A-142-AThe generous days. 1971: Faber & Faber and Random House. [On RLIN]
Spenser, Edmund
U-1640-AAmoretti and Ephitalamion. Ed. Ernest de Selincourt. Oxford, 1910: Claredon Press. Depositor: John Dawson, Literary & Linguistic Computing Centre, U of Cambridge. [SGML-tagged version of Text 143]
U-144-CFaerie Queene. Ed. J.C. Smith. Oxford, 1902: OUP. Depositor: John Dawson, Literary & Linguistic Computing Centre, U of Cambridge. [On RLIN]
U-1639-CFaerie Queene. Oxford, 1902: Clarendon Press. Depositor: John Dawson, Literary & Linguistic Computing Centre, U of Cambridge. [SGML-tagged version of Text 144]
U-1429-BFaerie Queene Books I-III (1590). Ed. Yamashita, Matsuo, Suzuki, Sato,. Tokyo, 1990: Kenyusha. Depositor: Hiroshi Yamashita, Inst. of Modern Languages and Culture, U of Tsukuba.
U-1954-ALetter to Raleigh. Ed. Roach. Penguin. Depositor: Leslie Lorenson, Lincoln College.
U-143-BMinor poems. Ed. E. de Selincourt. Oxford, 1910. [On RLIN]
U-2062-ASpenser Harvey letters. London, 1580: H. Bynneman. Depositor: Leslie Lorenson, Lincoln College. [Bodleian Malone 662]
U-2063-ASpenser Lexica for concordances. Depositor: Leslie Lorenson, Lincoln College. [Lexicon prepared by the depositor herself]
U-1742-AThe Shepheardes calander. London, 1895: John C. Nimmo. Depositor: Richard S. Bear, D of English, U of Oregon. [Facsimile edition of British Museum first edition 1579]
Spooner, Lysander
P-1506-ANo treason. The constitution of no authority.
Spurling, John
U-483-AMacrune's Guevara. 1969: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Sterne, Laurence
U-2092-AA sentimental journey through France and Italy. New York, 1890: A.L. Burt. Depositor: Jeffery Triggs, North American Reading Project, Oxford University Press (NY).
U-1048-CTristram Shandy. [On RLIN]
U-1641-ATristram Shandy. New York, 1962: Signet Classic. Depositor: Diana Patterson. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1048]
U*-1388-CTristram Shandy (Chapters 1-6 and 9). 1760. Depositor: Diana Patterson. [4 copies of first edition used; on RLIN]
Stevenson, Robert Louis
P-1716-ADr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
P-1911-AKidnapped. New York, 1917: Charles Scribner's Sons.
P-1982-ANew Arabian knights. 1895. ['Edinburgh' edition]
U-1754-AThe strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. London, 1886: Longman, Green & Co. Depositor: Richard Dury, via Salvecchio 19, U di Bergamo.
A-72-AThis sporting life. 1960: Allen Lane. [On RLIN]
Stratton-Porter, Gene
P-1908-AAt the foot of the rainbow.
P-1907-AFreckles. New York, 1904: Grosset and Dunlap.
P-1906-AThe song of the cardinal. 1903: Doubleday, Page and Co.
Stuart-Mill, John
P-1928-AThe subjection of women.
Swift, Jonathan
P-2003-AA modest proposal.
P-2000-BGulliver's travels.
Swift, Jonathan and Thomas Sheridan
A-1386-AThe Intelligencer. Ed. J.Woolley. Oxford, 1990: Clarendon Press, OUP. Depositor: James Woolley, English D, Lafayette College. [On RLIN]
A-1642-AThe Intelligencer. Ed. James Wooley. Oxford, 1991: Clarendon Press. Depositor: James Woolley, English D, Lafayette College. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1386]
Swinburne, Algernon Charles
U*-1243-ASelected verse. Ed. Houghton & Stange. Houghton Mifflin. Depositor: James D. Benson, Glendon College, York University. [On RLIN]
Tagore, Rabindranath (translations)
U-1729-AGitanjali. Depositor: Jeroen Hellingman. [TEX format only]
Taylor, A.J.P.
A-158-CEnglish history 1914-1945. 1965: OUP. [On RLIN]
Taylor, Cecil
U-460-ABread and butter. London, 1966: Penguin. [On RLIN]
Tennyson, Alfred
U-1316-AIdylls of the King. Ed. Christopher Ricks. London: Penguin. Depositor: David T. Barnard, Computing and Information Service, Queen's U. [On RLIN]
U-1196-AMaud. Ed. Christopher Ricks. London, 1969: Longmans. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-1643-AMaud. Ed. Christopher Ricks. 1987: Longman. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1196]
Terson, Peter
U-485-ASpring-heeled Jack. 1970: Plays and Players. [On RLIN]
Textor, Ravisius
U-1349-AEcclesia. Ed. Hertha Schulze. Rochester: The press of the good mountain. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [Translation Radcliffe; on RLIN]
Thomas, Dylan
A-1320-APoems. Ed. Daniel Jones. London, 1974: J.M. Dent. [corrections for 1979 added in the proof; on RLIN]
A-1321-AUnder Milk Wood. Ed. Daniel Jones. New York, 1979: New Directions. [On RLIN]
Thomson, James
A*-21-AThe seasons. 1730: Scolars Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
Thoreau, Henry David
U-1647-AA week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers. New York, 1985: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1644-ACape Cod. New York, 1985: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1645-AThe Maine woods. New York, 1985: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1885-BWalden, or Life in the woods. New York, 1985: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
Thurber, James
U-1460-AFables for our times and famous poems illustrated. New York, 1940: Harper & Row. Depositor: Anthony Jappy, Etudes anglo-americaine, U of Perpignan.
Tolstoy, Leo (translations)
P-2025-CAnna Karenina. Ed. translation by Constance Garnett.
P-2026-DWar and peace. 1869.
Tourneur, Cyril
U*-600-AThe atheist's tragedy. 1611: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [On RLIN]
P-1845-CCan you forgive her?. 1864. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1848-ADr Wortle's school. Ed. David Skilton. 1881. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1846-BLady Anna. Ed. David Skilton. 1874. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1881-CPhineas Finn. Ed. David Skilton. 1869. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1847-CPhineas Redux. Ed. David Skilton. 1874. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1880-BRachel Ray. Ed. David Skilton. 1863. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1882-CThe Eustace Diamonds. Ed. David Skilton. 1873. [TEI-compatible version]
Twain, Mark
P-1877-BA Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court. New York: Harper and Brothers. [From The writings of Mark Twain Vol. XVI]
P-1884-BA Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. 1889. [TEI-compatible version]
P-2054-BA tramp abroad.
U-1648-AAdventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York, 1985: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
P-1971-AAdventures of Huckleberry Finn. Depositor: Internet Wiretap, Thomas Dell. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1651-AAdventures of Tom Sawyer. New York, 1985: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
P-1972-AAdventures of Tom Sawyer. Depositor: Internet Wiretap, Thomas Dell. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1859-AExtracts from Adam's diary. 1903. [From The writings of Mark Twain Vol. XX]
U-1649-ALife on the Mississippi. New York, 1985: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1836-CRoughing it. New York, 1984: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1805-CThe Innocents abroad. New York: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version]
P-1861-AThe great revolution in Pitcairn. 1903. [From The writings of Mark Twain Vol. XX]
U-1650-AThe tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson. New York, 1985: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
P-1858-ATom Sawyer abraod. 1903. [From The writings of Mark Twain Vol. XX]
P-1860-ATom Sawyer, detective. 1903. [From The writings of Mark Twain Vol. XX]
P-1856-ATwo short stories. 1903. [From Sketches new and old]
P-1889-AWhat is man? and other essays.
Udall, Nicholas
U-1342-ARoister Doister. Ed. Edmund Creeth. New York, 1966: Anchor Books. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [in Tudor plays]
Udall, Nicholas (attrib)
U-1343-ARespublica. Ed. W.W. Greg. 1952: EETS os 226. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
Ustinov, Peter
U-461-AThe unknown soldier and his wife. London, 1968: Heinemann. [On RLIN]
Van Dyke, Henry
U-1711-AThe story of the other wise man. New York, 1907: Harper & Bros.. Depositor: Kenneth McMahon, U of Strathclyde.
Vatasyayana (translations)
P-1505-AThe love teachings of Kama Sutra. [Translated by Indra Sinha]
Verne, Jules
P-1931-AFrom the Earth to the Moon.
P-1969-ARound the Moon. Depositor: Internet Wiretap, Thomas Dell.
Virgil (translations)
P-1937-AAeneid. Ed. John Dryden translation. New York, 1909: P.F. Collier and Son. [Harvard Classics Vol 13]
P-2008-BThe Aeneid.
P-2016-AThe Georgics.
Voltaire (translations)
P-2027-ACandide. 1759.
Wager, William
U-1033-AEnough is as good as a feast. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
U-1347-AThe longer thou livest the more fool thou art. Ed. R. Mark Benbow. Lincoln, NE, 1967: U of Nebraska Press. Depositor: Ian Lancashire, D of English, U of Toronto. [On RLIN]
Wain, John
A-530-AHurry on down. London, 1953: Secker & Warburg. [On RLIN]
Washington, Booker T
P-1933-AUp from slavery. 1900: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Wasserman, Harvey and Norman Solomon
P-1912-AKilling our own, the disaster of America's experience with atomic radiation.
U*-612-AA speedie poste, with certaine new letters. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [Microfilm of original (STC); on RLIN]
U*-610-AMiscellania. Ed. F.L.Lucas. London, 1927. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [from "The complete works of John Webster" 4 Vols; on RLIN]
A-1454-AThe Duchess of Malfi (1623). Depositor: Hugh Craig, D of English, U of Newcastle. [STC 25176]
P-1785-AThe Duchess of Malfi. [TEI-compatible version]
U*-607-AThe devil's law-case. Ed. F.L.Lucas. London, 1927. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [from "The complete works of John Webster" 4 Vols; on RLIN]
U*-606-AThe merchant's handmaide .... Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [Microfilm of original edition (STC); on RLIN]
U*-631-AThe tragedy of the dutchesse of Malfy. Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [1st quarto; on RLIN]
U*-613-AThe valiant Scot. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [Microfilm of original quarto (STC); on RLIN]
U*-618-AThe white divel. 1612: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [On RLIN]
Webster, John (et al)
U*-602-AA cure for a cuckold. Ed. F.L.Lucas. London, 1927. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [from "The complete works of John Webster"; on RLIN]
U*-621-AAnything for a quiet life. Ed. F.L.Lucas. London, 1927. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [from "The complete works of John Webster" 4 Vols; on RLIN]
U*-599-AAppius and Virginia. Ed. F.L.Lucas. London, 1927. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [from "The complete works of John Webster" 4Vols; on RLIN]
U*-637-ANorth-ward hoe. Ed. F.T.Bowers. Cambridge, 1961. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [from "The dramatic works of Thomas Dekker" 4 Vols; on RLIN]
U*-620-AThe famous history of Sir Thomas Wyat. Ed. F.T.Bowers. Cambridge, 1961. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [from "The dramatic works of Thomas Dekker" 4 Vols; on RLIN]
U*-634-AThe induction to the malcontent .... Ed. F.L.Lucas. London, 1927. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [from "The complete works of John Webster" 4 Vols; on RLIN]
U*-617-AWest-ward hoe. Ed. F.T.Bowers. Cambridge, 1961. Depositor: David Gunby, D of English, U of Canterbury. [from "The dramatic works of Thomas Dekker" 4 Vols; on RLIN]
Welburn, Vivienne
U-462-AJohnny so long. London, 1967: Calder & Boyars. [On RLIN]
U-1654-AComplete prose works (1892). New York, 1982: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1652-ALeaves of grass (1855). New York, 1982: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1653-ALeaves of grass (1891-92). New York, 1982: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1655-ASupplementary prose. New York, 1982: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
Wilde, Oscar
A-1246-AAn ideal husband. [On RLIN]
A-1247-ALady Windermere's fan. [On RLIN]
P-2046-AMiscellaneous poems.
A-1248-AThe importance of being Earnest. [On RLIN]
P-2028-AThe picture of Dorian Gray. 1890.
Wilkins, George
A*-666-APericles Prince of Tyre (1608). Ed. Geoffrey Bullough. London, 1977: Routledge, Kegan & Paul. Depositor: Bill Montgomery. [Narrative & dramatic sources of Shakespeare Vol6.; on RLIN]
U*-663-AThe miseries of an enforced marriage. 1964: The Malone society reprint. Depositor: Bill Montgomery. [On RLIN]
Williams, Tennessee
A-1233-ACat on a hot tin roof. [On RLIN]
Wilson, James
U-2024-AOn the legislative authority of the British Parliament. Ed. Randolph Adams. Depositor: Daniel Greenstein, D of Modern History, U of Glasgow. [from The selected political essays of James Wilson]
Wilson, R.A.
A-594-AThe birth of language. London, 1937: J.M Dent. [reprint: U.of Toronto Press for The CJL Vol.25, 1980]
Wilson, Thomas
U-2095-BThe arte of rhetorique. 1553. Depositor: Jeffery Triggs, North American Reading Project, Oxford University Press (NY).
Wollstonecraft, Mary
P-1929-AA vindication of the rights of women.
Woolf, Virginia
U-147-AA haunted house, and other stories. Ed. L. Woolf. 1967. [On RLIN]
U-149-AMrs Dalloway. 1976: Granada. [On RLIN]
U-1657-AMrs Dalloway. Depositor: John B. Smith, D of Computer Science, Chapel Hill College. [SGML-tagged version of Text 149]
P-2074-BThe voyage out. 1915.
U-148-AThe waves. [On RLIN]
U-1658-AThe waves. London, 1955: The Hogarth Press. Depositor: John B. Smith, D of Computer Science, Chapel Hill College. [SGML-tagged version of Text 148]
U-150-ATo the lighthouse. [On RLIN]
U-1656-ATo the lighthouse. New York, 1955: Harcourt, Brace and World Inc. Depositor: John B. Smith, D of Computer Science, Chapel Hill College. [SGML-tagged version of Text 150]
Wordsworth, William
U-151-ALyrical ballads. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-1659-ALyrical ballads. 1798. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [SGML-tagged version of Text 151]
U-1704-ALyrical ballads. Bristol, 1798. Depositor: Richard S. Bear, D of English, U of Oregon. [typed from 1927 facsimile of 1st ed.]
Wright, Harold Bell
P-1946-AThe uncrowned king.
Wroth, Lady Mary
U-1722-APamphilia to Amphilanthus. 1620: Marriott and Grismand. Depositor: Richard S. Bear, D of English, U of Oregon. [Transcribed from Folger Shakespeare Library MS]
Wyatt, Thomas
U-152-APoetical works. [On RLIN]
Wycherley, William
A*-1049-AThe country wife. Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-465-AStay where you are. London, 1971: Calder and Boyars. [On RLIN]
Yeats, William Butler
U-153-AComplete poems. Macmillan. [On RLIN]
U-1660-AComplete poems. New York, 1956: Macmillan. Depositor: Unknown. [SGML-tagged version of Text 153]
U*-1023-BEssays and introductions. London, 1961: MacMillan & Co. Depositor: Denis Cahalane, Dublin City University. [On RLIN]
Zimmerman, Carle C.
X-591-ASiam: rural economic survey, 1930-31. 1931: Bangkok Times Press. [Scanned from a copy in Oxford Univ. Indian Studies Lib.]
U-175-AAliscans. Ed. E. Wienbeck, W. Hartnacke, P. Rasch. Halle, 1903: Niemeyer. [On RLIN]
U-2030-AAymeri de Narbonne. Depositor: Valerie Goodwin, Bearwood College.
A-893-ALa chanson de Roland. Ed. Whitehead. 1947. [On RLIN]
A-587-CLe roman de Tristan (Vol 3). Ed. Renee L. Curtis. Cambridge, 1985: D.S Brewer. [On RLIN]
A-187-CLi fet des Romains I. [On RLIN]
A-404-BLi quatre livre des Reis. [On RLIN]
Collections, corpora etc
U-199-D18th century correspondence. Depositor: Robert Maxwell, Pergamon Press. [depositor 'cannot remember which texts these could be'; on RLIN]
A*-191-AEchantillon de québecois parlé. Ed. N. Beauchemin. Depositor: N Beauchemin, Faculte des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Universite de Sherbrooke. [Recherche Sociolinguistique en Estrie, 6 Vols 1973-78; on RLIN]
U*-569-BModern business correspondence. Depositor: A.A. Lyne, Language Learning Resource Centre, U of Sheffield. [see offprint from "IRAL" Vol.13/2 (1975); on RLIN]
U-176-AOld French corpus. [On RLIN]
A-590-ASample of Nova Scotian Acadian French. [On RLIN]
Balzac, Honoré de
A-572-BLa peau de chagrin. Paris, 1971: Garnier-Flammarion. [Preface and chronology by Pierre Citron; on RLIN]
Bar-Sur-Aube, Bertrand de
U-2065-AGirart de Vienne. Paris, 1977: Societe des Anciens Textes. Depositor: Valerie Goodwin, Bearwood College.
A-1044-ALa vallée incarnate. Flammarion. Depositor: Philip Powrie, D of French, U of Newcastle. [On RLIN]
A-1050-ALandes. Stock. Depositor: Philip Powrie, D of French, U of Newcastle. [On RLIN]
A-1051-AMaternité. Stock. Depositor: Philip Powrie, D of French, U of Newcastle. [On RLIN]
Chrétien de Troyes
A*-180-ACligés. Ed. A Micha. Paris, 1954: Champion. Depositor: Serge Lusignan, Inst. d'Etudes Mediévaux, Universite de Montreal. [Series:Classiques français du moyen age 84; on RLIN]
A*-181-AErec. Ed. M Roques. Paris, 1970: Champion. Depositor: Serge Lusignan, Inst. d'Etudes Mediévaux, Universite de Montreal. [Series:Classiques français du moyen age 80; on RLIN]
A*-182-ALancelot. Ed. M Roques. Paris, 1958: Champion. Depositor: Serge Lusignan, Inst. d'Etudes Mediévaux, Universite de Montreal. [Series:Classiques français du moyen age.86; on RLIN]
A*-184-AYwain. Ed. M Roques. Paris, 1971: Champion. Depositor: Serge Lusignan, Inst. d'Etudes Mediévaux, Universite de Montreal. [Series:Classiques français du moyen age.89; on RLIN]
Constant, Benjamin
U-560-AAdolphe. 1971: Garnier Fréres. [On RLIN]
A*-185-BLettres. Ed. C.P. Courtney. Depositor: Cecil Courtney, Modern Lang Faculty, U of Cambridge. [On RLIN]
Crébillon, C.P.J. (fils)
A-614-ALa nuit et le moment. Paris, 1983: Les editions desjonquères. [Preface Henri Coulet; on RLIN]
A-622-ALe hasard du coin de feu. [On RLIN]
U-1104-ALe sopha. Paris, 1984: Les editions desjonquères. [Preface Jean Sgard.1779 edition with modernised spelling; on RLIN]
A-609-ALes égarements du coeur et de l'esprit. Paris, 1985: Flammarion. [Intro, notes, chronology Jean Dagen; on RLIN]
Froissart, Jean
A-698-CChronicles. Vatican MS reg. lat. 869. Depositor: Margaret F. Lang, D of Languages, Heriot-Watt U. [On RLIN]
Gide, André
U-186-AL'Immoraliste. [On RLIN]
Gross, Maurice
A-1393-AMaterials for construction of lexicon grammar. Ed. M.Gross. [On RLIN]
Guyotat, Pierre
A-573-BÉden Éden Éden. 1970: Gallimard. [Preface: M. Leiris, R.Bartes, P.Sollers; on RLIN]
Hugo, Victor
U-1406-ALittérature et philosophie mêlées. Ed. Anthony R.W. James. Paris, 1976: Klincksieck. Depositor: A.R.W. James, D of French Studies, U of Manchester. [Read from punch cards, not checked against text.; on RLIN]
Malraux, André
U-189-ALa tentation de l'occident. [On RLIN]
U-190-ALa voie royale. [On RLIN]
U-188-ALes Conquérants. [On RLIN]
Marguerite de Navarre
U*-499-CL'Heptameron. Ed. Michel François. Paris: Garnier. Depositor: Paul Chilton, D of French, U of Warwick.
Maupassant, Guy de
U-215-APierre et Jean. Albin Michel. Depositor: Trevor Harris, U of Salford, D of Modern Languages.
P-1292-ADom Juan. Ed. René Bray. Paris, 1951: Textes Françaises. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter. [On RLIN]
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de
U*-1059-DLes essais books I-III. Ed. P. Villey, revised Verdun-L Saulnier. Paris, 1965: Presses Universitaires de France. Depositor: Roy E. Leake, D of French & Italian, Indiana U. [On RLIN]
Prévost, Abbé
U*-41-AManon Lescaut. 1972: Gallimard. Depositor: Christopher J. Betts, D of French, U of Warwick. [first ed. 1731.Preface J-L Bory, Copyright R.Julliard]
Proust, Marcel
X-405-EA la recherche du temps perdu. [On RLIN]
Queneau, Raymond
P-192-AExercises de style. [On RLIN]
X-193-APierrot mon ami. [On RLIN]
Racine, Jean
Rimbaud, Arthur
U-811-ACollected verse. [On RLIN]
Robbe-Grillet, Alain
U-194-ALa jalousie. [On RLIN]
Sartre, Jean-Paul
U-195-ALa nausée. [On RLIN]
X-196-BLa chartreuse de Parme. [On RLIN]
X-197-BLe rouge et le noir. [On RLIN]
X-198-CLucien Leuwen. [On RLIN]
Vaugelas, Claude Favre de
U-253-BRemarques sur la langue françoise. Ed. Intro.,bibliog.,index par Jeanne Streicher. Paris, 1934: Librairie E. Droz. Depositor: Wendy Ayers-Bennett, Queens' College, U of Cambridge. [facsimile of original pub under patronage of STFM]
Ba, A.H.
U-494-AKaidara. Ed. A-H Ba & L Kesteloot. Paris, 1968: Julliard. [series; Classiques Africains; on RLIN]
Lacroix, P.F.
U-493-APoésie peule de l'Adamawa. Ed. Pierre-francis Lacroix. Paris, 1965: Julliard. [copyright: Lacroix & Institut d'Ethnologie, U of Paris; on RLIN]
Sow, A.I.
U-496-AContes et fables des veillées. Ed. Christine Seydou. Paris, 1976: Nubia.
U-495-ALa femme, la vache, la foi. Ed. A I Sow. Paris, 1966: Julliard. [series: Classiques Africains; on RLIN]
Ó Grianna, Séamus
U*-1176-AAn Teach nár Tógadh. Depositor: Kieran Devine, D of Computer Science, Queen's U. [On RLIN]
A*-1178-ACaisleáin Óir. 1924: Dundalk Press. Depositor: Kieran Devine, D of Computer Science, Queen's U. [Text originally from Irish Dict.Group; on RLIN]
U*-1175-AMicheál Ruadh. 1925. Depositor: Kieran Devine, D of Computer Science, Queen's U. [On RLIN]
U*-1177-AScéal Úr agus Sean-Scéal. Depositor: Kieran Devine, D of Computer Science, Queen's U. [On RLIN]
A*-625-ASeanmenta chuinge uladh. Ed. Cainneach O'Mcronaigh, O.F.M. 1965: Dublin Inst.for Advanced Studies. Depositor: D. Devlin, D of European Studies, U of Ulster.
U-1411-CAlexander Macbain's Etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language. Glasgow, 1982: Gairm Publications. Depositor: Kevin Donnelly, Northern Research Station, Forestry Commission. [On RLIN]
A'Kempis, Thomas (translations)
A*-1036-CImitatio Christi. Depositor: D. Devlin, D of European Studies, U of Ulster. [MSS in Belfast Public Library; on RLIN]
Conrad, Joseph (translations)
U*-1174-AAmy Foster. 1936. Depositor: Kieran Devine, D of Computer Science, Queen's U. [Translation Seosamh Mac Grianna; on RLIN]
U*-1173-ASeideán Bruithne (Typhoon). 1935. Depositor: Kieran Devine, D of Computer Science, Queen's U. [Translation Seosamh Mac Grianna; on RLIN]
Mac Grianna, Seosamh
A*-214-APádraic Ó Conaire agus aistí eile. 1969. Depositor: Tomas de Baldraithe, Royal Irish Academy. [Standard modern spelling]
U*-1172-APádraic Ó Conaire agus aistí eile (1936). 1936. Depositor: Kieran Devine, D of Computer Science, Queen's U. [On RLIN]
U-1987-AAltdeutsche Predigten II: Die Oberaltaicher Sammlung. Ed. Schönbach. [HGR, Series C, Vol 5; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
U-1988-BAltdeutsche Predigten III: Die deutschen Predigten des Priesters Konrad. Ed. Schönbach. [HGR, Series C, Vol. 6; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
U-1989-BAltdeutsche Predigten und Gebete. Ed. Wackernagel. [HGR, Series C, Vol. 7; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
U-202-BDas Nibelungenlied. Ed. Bartsch/de Boor. Depositor: Michael S. Batts, U of British Columbia.
U-1662-BDas Nibelungenlied. Tübingen, 1971: Max Niemeyer Verlag. Depositor: Michael S. Batts, U of British Columbia. [SGML-tagged version of Text 202]
U-1984-ADas St. Trudperter Hohe Lied. [HGR, Series C, Vol 2; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
U-1863-ADer althochdeutsche Isidor. Ed. H. Eggers. Tübingen, 1964: Max Niemeyer. Depositor: Pilar Fernandez Alvarez, D de Filologia Classica E Indoeuropeo, U De Salaman&ccdil;a. [Aligned text in Old High German and Latin]
U-1986-ADeutsche Predigten des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts. Ed. Roth. [HGR, Series C, Vol 4; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
U-1983-ADie Vorauer Bücher Mosis. [HGR, Series C, Vol 1; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
U-1995-ADie Weingartner-Stuttgarter Liederhandschrift. Ed. Müller and Schindler. Stuttgart, 1969. [HGR, Series C, Vol.13; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
U-1864-ADie althochdeutsche Benediktinerregel des cod. sang. 916. Ed. Ursula Daab. Tübingen, 1959: Max Niemeyer. Depositor: Pilar Fernandez Alvarez, D de Filologia Classica E Indoeuropeo, U De Salaman&ccdil;a. [Aligned text in Old High German and Latin]
U-1992-AKönig Rother. Ed. Frings and Kuhnt. [HGR, Series C, Vol.10; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
U-1959-AKudrun. Depositor: Nigel F. Palmer, Oriel College, U of Oxford.
U-1961-ANibelungenlied. Depositor: Nigel F. Palmer, Oriel College, U of Oxford. [MS. C]
U-1962-ANibelungenlied. Depositor: Nigel F. Palmer, Oriel College, U of Oxford. [MS. B]
U-1990-ASpeculum ecclesiae: Eine frümittelhochdeutsche Predigtsammlung. Ed. Mellbourn. [HGR, Series C, Vol. 8; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
U*-210-ATundalus der Ritter. Speyer, 1483: Hist Brothers. Depositor: Nigel F. Palmer, Oriel College, U of Oxford. [Typescript copied from original 15th Century edition.; on RLIN]
Collections, corpora etc
U-1478-DDas Bonner Korpus. [10 dialect areas of German 1150-1700]
X-207-EMannheimer Korpus. [32 texts of contemporary written German, 2.3M textwords]
U-1380-AUlm Textbank (sample): four verbatim psycho-diagnostic interviews. Ed. E. Mergenthaler. Ulm. Depositor: Erhard Mergenthaler, Sektion Informatik in der Psychotherapie, Universität Ulm - Klinikum. [On RLIN]
Dictionaries, etc.
U-246-DLexikon zur Wortbildung Morpheminventar A-Z. Ed. Gerhard Augst. Tübingen, 1975: TBL Verlag Gunter Narr.
Beckett, Samuel (translations)
A-598-AWarten auf Godot. 1971: Suhrkamp. [On RLIN]
Benn, Gottfried
U-200-BWorks. Ed. Lyon.
P-1980-DÜbersetzung der Bibel. Depositor: Internet Wiretap, Thomas Dell.
Celan, Paul
U-201-ASelected poems.
Der Stricker
U-1956-ADaniel von dem blühenden Tal. Depositor: Nigel F. Palmer, Oriel College, U of Oxford.
Eilhart von Oberge
U-1991-ATristrant. [HGR, Series C, Vol. 9; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
Goethe, Wolfgang von
U*-203-BFaust. Ed. Eric Trunz. Hamburg, 1949: Christian Werner Verlag. Depositor: Walter Baumann, Magee College, U of Ulster. [from Goethes Werke, Vol III]
U-1663-BFaust. Ed. Erich Trunz. Hamburg, 1949: Christian Wegner Verlag. Depositor: Walter Baumann, Magee College, U of Ulster. [SGML-tagged version of Text 203]
U-211-ADer arme Heinrich. [12th c. Middle High German poem]
U-1664-ADer arme Heinrich. Ed. Erich Gierach. Heidelberg, 1913: Carl Winter's Univer.. [SGML-tagged version of Text 211]
U-1957-AErec. Depositor: Nigel F. Palmer, Oriel College, U of Oxford.
Hermann, Bruder
U-1968-AJolanda. Ed. J. Meyer. Depositor: Nigel F. Palmer, Oriel College, U of Oxford.
Kafka, Franz
U-205-AIn der Strafkolonie.
Konrad der Pfaffe
U-1993-ADas Rolandslied. [HGR, Series C, Vol.11; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
Konrad von Würzburg
U-1963-APartonopier und Meliur. Ed. Karl Bartsch. Depositor: Nigel F. Palmer, Oriel College, U of Oxford.
U-1964-DTrojanerkrieg. Ed. Adelbert von Keller. 1858. Depositor: Nigel F. Palmer, Oriel College, U of Oxford.
Lamprecht der Pfaffe
U-1994-ADas Alexanderlied. Ed. Vorauer and Strassburger. [HGR, Series C, Vol.12; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
Lessing, G.E.
U*-1211-AMinna von Barnhelm. Ed. Julius Petersen & Waldemar von Olshausen (1925). 1962: Reclam. Depositor: Osman Durrani, D of German, U of Durham. [1962 ed 'slightly modernised' version of 1925 ed.; on RLIN]
Mann, Thomas
U-206-ATonio Kröger.
Meyer, Conrad F.
U-812-ADie Hochzeit des Mönchs. [On RLIN]
U-208-ALyric poems.
Notker Labeo
U-1985-BPsalmen nach der Wiener Handschrift. [HGR, Series C, Vol 3; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
U-1996-AEraclius. Ed. Graef. [HGR, Series C, Vol.15; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
Rudolf von Ems
U-1997-BBarlaam und Josaphat. Ed. Pfeiffer. [HGR, Series C, Vol.16; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
Stramm, August
U-209-AComplete poems.
U-1727-BAligned texts of the Gospels harmonies in Old High German and Latin.
Ulrich von Zatzikhoven
U-1960-ALanzelet. Ed. K.A. Hahn. 1845. Depositor: Nigel F. Palmer, Oriel College, U of Oxford.
Wirnt von Grafenberg
U-1965-AWigalois. Depositor: Nigel F. Palmer, Oriel College, U of Oxford.
Wittenwiler, Heinrich
U-1966-ADer Ring. Ed. E. Wiessner. Depositor: Nigel F. Palmer, Oriel College, U of Oxford.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
U-562-ACulture and value. Ed. G.H Von Wright & Heikki Nyman. Oxford, 1980: Basil Blackwell. [translation Peter Winch; on RLIN]
U-564-ALast writings on the philosophy of psychology (part). Ed. G.H von Wright & Neikki Nyman. Oxford, 1982: B. Blackwell. [translation C.G Luckhardt & M.A.E Ave; on RLIN]
U-563-BRemarks on the philosophy of psychology. Ed. G.E.M Anscombe, G.H von Wright. Oxford, 1980: B. Blackwell. [translation G.E.M Anscombe; on RLIN]
Wolfram von Eschenbach
U-1665-ALieder. Ed. Karl Lachmann. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Depositor: John Price-Wilkin, Graduate Library Reference Dept, U of Michigan Library. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1998-BLieder, Parzival und Titurel. Ed. Karl Lachmann. Berlin, 1891. [HGR, Series C, Vol.17; St Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae]
U-1666-CParzival. Ed. Karl Lachmann. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Depositor: John Price-Wilkin, Graduate Library Reference Dept, U of Michigan Library. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1967-AParzival. Ed. Albert Leitzmann. Depositor: Nigel F. Palmer, Oriel College, U of Oxford.
U-1667-ATiturel. Ed. Karl Lachmann. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Depositor: John Price-Wilkin, Graduate Library Reference Dept, U of Michigan Library. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1668-BWillehalm. Ed. Karl Lachmann. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Depositor: John Price-Wilkin, Graduate Library Reference Dept, U of Michigan Library. [SGML-tagged version]
U-265-AHomeric hymns. [On RLIN]
X-316-AHomeric hymns (TLG ed). Ed. T.W. Allen, W.R. Halliday, E.E. Sikes. Oxford, 1936: Clarendon Press. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
Collections, corpora etc
X-421-CGreek anthology. Ed. H. Beckby. Munich, 1965: Heimeran. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [4 Vols 1965-68; on RLIN]
A*-270-EOxyrhynchus papyri vols 11-46 (documentary papyri only). Ed. B.P.Grenfell, A.S.Hunt and others. London: Egypt Exploration Society. Depositor: Peter J. Parsons, Christ Church College. [Series "The Oxyrhynchus Papyri" publ.from 1915-1978]
A*-696-EThe Duke documentary papyri corpus. Depositor: W.H. Willis, D of Classical Studies, Duke U. [Many different series and volumes used]
Achilles Tatius
X-386-ACollected works. Ed. E. Vilborg. Stockholm, 1955: Almquist & Wiksell. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
X-418-ACollected works. Ed. Plays; G.Murray, Fragments; H.J.Mette. Oxford, Berlin: Clarendon Press, Akademie-Verlag. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [Plays; 2nd ed.1955; Fragments 1959; on RLIN]
U-212-BPlays (Agamemnon, Choeforoi, Eumenides, Persai, Prometheus, Supplices, Seven). Ed. Gilbert Murray. Oxford: Clarendon. [Aeschyli septem quae supersunt tragoediae]
Apollonius Rhodius
U-221-AArgonautica, 3.
X-486-ACollected works. Ed. Epic; H.Fraenkel, Frag; J.U. Powell. Oxford: Clarendon Pr. (Epic & Fragments). Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [Epic 1961, Frag 1925; on RLIN]
X-487-ACollected works. Ed. J. Martin. Florence, 1956: La Nuova Italia Editrice. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
U-223-APhænomena. [On RLIN]
U-224-ADoubling the cube. [On RLIN]
Aristarchus of Samos
U-225-AOn sizes and distances of the Sun and Moon. Ed. T. Heath. 1913. [On RLIN]
X-488-BCollected works. Ed. V.Coulon, M.Van Daele, K.J.Dover, D.M.Macdowell. Oxford, Paris: Clarendon P, Les Belles Lettres. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [R.G.Ussher. Oxford 1968/71/73. Paris Vols 1-5 1923-30; on RLIN]
X-226-EComplete works. Details available. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
Aristoxenus of Tarentum
U-238-AElementa Harmonica. Ed. R. Da Rios. Rome, 1954. [On RLIN]
X-397-CNew Testament. Ed. K.Aland,M.Black,C.M.Martini,B.M.Metzger,A.Wikgren. Stuttgart, 1968: Wurttemberg Bible Society. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
X-516-ESeptuagint (TLG text). Ed. A. Rahlfs. Stuttgart, 1935: Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
A-540-CSeptuagint, vols 3 and 13. Ed. J.W. Wevers (vol.3 1977): J. Ziegler (vol.13 1967). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. [On RLIN]
U-269-AThe gospels. [On RLIN]
X-513-ACollected works. Ed. R.Pfeiffer. Oxford, 1949: Clarendon Press. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [2 Vols 1949-1953; on RLIN]
X-291-ACollected works. Ed. W.E. Blake. Oxford, 1938: Clarendon Press. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
X-292-DCollected works. Ed. S.H. Butcher & W. Rennie. Oxford, 1903: Clarendon Press. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [1903-1931; on RLIN]
Diodorus Siculus
X-239-DCollected works. Ed. F.R. Walton, F. Vogel, K.T. Fischer. Cambridge/Leipz.: Harvard Univ.Press/Teubner. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [Harvard ed.1957-67 Vols 11-12/Teubner ed 1888-1906 3d ed; on RLIN]
Diodorus Tarsensis
A*-644-ACommentarii in Psalmos (selected). Ed. Jean-Marie Olivier. 1980: Turnhout/Leuven. Depositor: Wolfram Kinzig, Universitat Heidelberg. [German preface; on RLIN]
Diogenes Laertius
X-293-BCollected works. Ed. H.S. Long. Oxford, 1964: Clarendon Press. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
U-241-AMusici scriptores græci. Ed. K.Jan. 1895: Teubner. [Musici scriptoles graeci]
X-294-CCollected works. Ed. G.Murray. Oxford, 1902: Clarendon Press. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [3 Vols 1902-1913/Plus Fragmenta-details available; on RLIN]
U-242-BMajor works.
Eusebius Cæsariensis
A*-649-ACommentarii in Psalmos (selections). Ed. J-P Migne. Paris, 1857. Depositor: Wolfram Kinzig, Universitat Heidelberg. [Patrologiae cursus completus, series graeca vol 23; on RLIN]
X-547-EComplete works. [On RLIN]
Gregory of Nyssa
U*-255-ADe tridui spatio. Ed. Ernestus Gebhardt. Leiden, 1967. Depositor: Hubertus R. Drobner, Theologische Fakultat. [Gregorii Nyssen Opera, Vol.IX, pp306-373]
Gregory the Pagurite
A*-1040-AEncomium of S. Pancratius of Taormina. Depositor: Cynthia J. Stallman-Pacitti, D of Classical & Near Eastern Studies, U of Melbourne. [MSS: Mess.S.Salv.3 / Mess.S.Salv.26; on RLIN]
X-295-BCollected works. Ed. R.M. Rattenbury, T.W. Lumb, J. Maillon. Paris, 1960: Les Belles Lettres. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
X-296-ACollected works. Ed. I.C. Cunningham. Oxford, 1971: Clarendon Press. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
X-256-CCollected works. Ed. Ph.-E. Legrand. Paris, 1930: Les Belles Lettres. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [1930-1954; Vol.4, 3rd ed., 1960; on RLIN]
X-297-ACollected works. Ed. Theog:M.L.West/Frag:R.Merkelbach & M.L.West/Others. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [F.Solmsen. Theogony 1966, Fragmenta 1967, Others 1970; on RLIN]
U-260-AFragments. [On RLIN]
U-257-AOpera et dies.
A-261-DCollected works. [On RLIN]
Hippocrates of Chios
U-262-AQuadrature of the Lunule.
X-299-CCollected works. Ed. Odyssey; P.Von der Muehll, Iliad; T.W. Allen. Basel/ Oxford: Helbing & Lichtenhahn,ClarendonP. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [Odyssey 1962, Iliad 1931; on RLIN]
U-263-BIliad. [On RLIN]
U-264-BOdyssey. [On RLIN]
X-524-ACollected works. Ed. P. Roussel. Paris, 1960: Les Belles Lettres. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
X-389-ECollected works. Ed. R.Foerster. Leipzig, 1902: Teubner. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [11 Vols. 1902-1922; on RLIN]
X-390-ACollected works. Ed. G. Dalmeyda. Paris, 1934: Les Belles Lettres. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
X-1215-DCollected works. [On RLIN]
X-394-ACollected works. Ed. Fragmenta; B.Snell, Alexandra; L.Mascialino. Gottingen,Leipzi: Vandenhoeck & Rupercht, Teubner. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [Frag. 1971, Alex. 1964; on RLIN]
X-1217-BOrations. [On RLIN]
U-267-ASpeeches 12 and 24.
X-396-ACollected works. Ed. A.S.F.Gow & A.F.Scholfield. Cambridge, 1953: CUP. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
X-412-ACollected works. Ed. E. Martini. Leipzig, 1902: Teubner. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
X-417-CCollected works. Ed. F.Spiro. Leipzig, 1903: Teubner. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [3 Vols; on RLIN]
X-1214-ACollected works. [On RLIN]
X-419-DCollected works. Ed. J.Burnet. Oxford, 1900: Clarendon Press. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [5 Vols 1900-1907; on RLIN]
A*-271-DWorks. Ed. J. Burnet. Oxford, 1900: Clarendon Press. Depositor: L Brandwood, D of Greek, U of Manchester.
Plato (pseudo)
U-561-ADoubling the cube. [On RLIN]
X-515-ACollected works I. Details available. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
X-544-ECollected works II.
U-273-ADe liberis educandis. 1925: Teubner.
A*-640-AIn adorationem venerandæ crucis. Ed. J-P Migne. Paris, 1862: Patrologiae cursus completus. Depositor: Wolfram Kinzig, Universitat Heidelberg. [series graeca Vol62 Col 747-754; on RLIN]
A*-641-ATwo Easter homilies. Ed. J. Liebaert. Paris, 1969. Depositor: Wolfram Kinzig, Universitat Heidelberg. [German preface; on RLIN]
A-1039-CLife of S. Pancratius of Taormina. Ed. Misc MSS: Vat.Gr.1591/Mess.S.Salv.53/Crypt.BBV/. Depositor: Cynthia J. Stallman-Pacitti, D of Classical & Near Eastern Studies, U of Melbourne. [Vat.Gr.1985/Vind.Hist.Gr.3/Vat.Ottobon.Gr.92; on RLIN]
X-548-CWorks. [On RLIN]
X-517-BCollected works. Ed. A.Dain & P.Mazon, 'Fragments' S.Radt. Paris: Les Belles Lettres. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [Vs1-3,1955-60.Frags:Gottingen,Vandenhoeck,Ruprecht 1917; on RLIN]
X-518-ACollected works. Ed. A.S.F. Gow. Cambridge, 1952: CUP. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
X-281-CComplete works. Ed. H.S Jones & J.E Powell. Oxford, 1942: Clarendon Press. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [1970 reprint used vols I & II; on RLIN]
X-519-DCollected works. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [Vols 1-5, 1900-1921; on RLIN]
U-282-DMajor works.
Xenophon Ephesius
X-523-ACollected works. Ed. G. Dalmeyda. Paris, 1926: Les Belles Lettres. Depositor: T.L. Brunner, Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, U of California at Irvine. [On RLIN]
Collections, corpora etc
U-1707-AAncient Hebrew inscriptions. Ed. G.I. Davies. Cambridge, 1991: Cambridge Univ Press. Depositor: G.I. Davies, Divinity School, U of Cambridge.
Agnon, S.Y.
U-300-AHadom vekisse. Shocken.
A-1111-EAligned texts of Hebrew and Greek Jewish scriptures (CATSS database;TLG format). [On RLIN]
U-1119-EAligned texts of Hebrew and Greek Jewish scriptures (CATSS database;Tov format). [On RLIN]
U*-301-CPentateuch. Ed. Baird & Freedman. 1980: Biblical research associates Inc. Depositor: Peter M.K. Morris (Rev.Can), D of Theology & Religious Studies, Saint Davids University College. [A critical word book of the Pentateuch:computer Bible 13]
A-140-APsalms (Targum text). Ed. P. de Lagarde. Lipsiae, 1873: Hagiographa Chaldaice pp 2-85.
A*-298-DMödruvallabók. Ed. Andrea van Arkel-de Leeuw van Weenen. Brill, 1987: AM 132 Fol.Vol2. Depositor: Andrea de Leeuw Van Weenen, D Comparative Linguistics, Leiden U.
Collections, corpora etc
U-1473-DOld Norse Corpus. Ed. Louis Janus. Depositor: Michael J. Preston, D of English, U of Colorado.
Collections, corpora etc
U*-1723-DCorpus of Italian newspapers. Depositor: Elisabeth Burr, FB 3/Romanistik, Universitaet-GH Duisburg.
Alighieri, Dante
A-695-AIl paradiso. [On RLIN]
A-694-AIl purgatorio. [On RLIN]
A-693-AL'Inferno. [On RLIN]
Ariosto, Lodovico
A-1041-DOrlando furioso. [On RLIN]
Boccaccio, Giovanni
A-1099-BIl Teseide. [On RLIN]
Boiardo, Matteo
A-1100-COrlando Innamorato. Ed. A. Zottoli. Milan, 1944. Depositor: David Robey, D of Italian, U of Manchester. [series : I Classici Mondadori]
Calvino, Italo
U*-406-ASeven dialect tales. Depositor: J.R. Woodhouse, Magdalen College. [Various texts used. No publication details; on RLIN]
A-1062-AAmori and Discorsi. Ed. Typescript by Prof.David Nolan,N.U.I,Dublin. Both MSS. Milan and London. Depositor: A. Bullock, D of Italian, U of Leeds. [Amoria from Bib.Ambrosiana,Milan.Discorsi from BL,London; on RLIN]
A-1390-CMorgante. Ed. R. Ramat. Milan, 1961: Rizzoli Editore. Depositor: David Robey, D of Italian, U of Manchester. [On RLIN]
Rossetti, Gabriele
A*-702-BLettere familiari: letters to Charles Lyell 1826-49. Ed. edited from orig. MSS by J.R Woodhouse & P.R Horne. 1983: Vasto. Depositor: J.R. Woodhouse, Magdalen College. [copyright with Lyell family; on RLIN]
Svevo, Italo
A-1043-BLa coscienza di Zeno. Ed. Gabriella Contini. Milan, 1985: Arnoldo Mondadori. Depositor: Brian Richardson, D of Italian, U of Leeds. [On RLIN]
U*-305-ASix short stories. Milan, 1967: Biblioteca moderna mondadori. Depositor: Andrew Wilkin, D of Italian, U of Strathclyde. [Stories from "Tutte le novelle, vol.1"; on RLIN]
Shikibu, Murasaki
U-1385-DGenji Monogatari. Ed. A.Abe, K. Akiyama, G. Imai. Japan, 1987: Shogakukan Ltd. Depositor: Mari Nagase, Tokyo Woman's Christian University. [On RLIN]
Hark&imacron;, Mull&amacron; Sa'&imacron;d
U*-249-AShamd&imacron;n&amacron;n&imacron; Kurdish texts. Depositor: Dr D.N. MacKenzie, Seminar fur Iranistik der Universitat, Georg-August Universitat. [transcribed D.N.MacKenzie. written c.1918]
U*-329-CCodex Theodosianus. Ed. Th. Mommsen. Depositor: Anthony Maurice Honore. [On RLIN]
U-309-ADe rebus bellicis. [On RLIN]
A*-512-CEarly scholastic colloquies. Ed. W.H. Stevenson. 1929. Depositor: David Howlett, Bodleian Library. [from 'Anecdota Oxoniensia' XV; on RLIN]
U-633-AGedichte des Archipoeta. Ed. Krefeld & Watenpuhl. Heidelberg, 1958: Carl Winter Universitaetsverlag. [On RLIN]
U-332-BHistoria Augusta. [On RLIN]
A*-504-ALatin texts of the Welsh law. Ed. Hywel D. Emanuel. Cardiff, 1967: Univ.of Wales Press. Depositor: David Howlett, Bodleian Library. [On RLIN]
U-310-ASententiæ et epistulæ Hadriani. Ed. George Goetz. Leipzig, 1892: B.G Teubner. [On RLIN]
A*-104-AThe book of Llan Dav. Ed. Gwenogvryn Evans and Rhys. Oxford, 1893: Series of old Welsh Texts,Vol.IV. Depositor: David Howlett, Bodleian Library. [Reproduced from the Gwysaney Manuscript; on RLIN]
U-568-AVitæ abbatum. [On RLIN]
A*-502-AVitæ sanctorum Britanniæ et genealogiæ. Ed. A.W.Wade-Evans. Cardiff, 1944. Depositor: David Howlett, Bodleian Library.
U-575-AVita S. Cuthberti. [On RLIN]
Collections, corpora etc
U-409-ADefixiones Latinæ. [On RLIN]
U-410-ADipinti on amphoræ from Rome and Pompeii from CIL 4 and 15. [On RLIN]
U-1950-CGlossed psalters.
U-411-BIndex of personal names from CIL 13. [On RLIN]
A*-506-ALittere Wallie. Ed. J.M. Edwards. Cardiff, 1940: University Press board. Depositor: David Howlett, Bodleian Library. [On RLIN]
Dictionaries, etc.
U-1191-CLatin wordlist. [On RLIN]
Africanus, Sextus Caecilius
U-306-AFragments (1975 lines). Ed. Otto Lenel, supplemented by Lorenz E. Sierl. Graz, Austria, 1960: Akademische Druck-U,. [series:Palingenesia Iuris Civilis. repr of 1889 ed; on RLIN]
U-307-ASelections. [On RLIN]
Ammianus Marcellinus
Andreas Cappelanus
A-321-ADe amore. [On RLIN]
U-311-ADe re coquinaria. [On RLIN]
U-315-ASelections. [On RLIN]
Aurelius Victor
U-317-ADe Cæsaribus.
Ausonius, Decimus Magnus
U-1949-AD. Magni Ausonii Opuscula. Depositor: Margaret Lantry.
Bacon, Francis
U*-318-A10 2000-word prose samples. Depositor: Alan Rogers, Centre for Informatics, Saint Davids University College. [Publication details not known; on RLIN]
U-578-ADe orthographia. [On RLIN]
U-558-AEpistola ad Egbertum. [On RLIN]
U-577-ARetractatio. [On RLIN]
U-576-AVitæ abbatum. [On RLIN]
U-579-AVita S. Cuthberti. [On RLIN]
X-319-EVulgate. Stuttgart, 1975: Details available. Depositor: Wilhelm Ott, Zentrum f. Datenverarbeitung, Universitat Tubingen. [concordance published 1977]
Birch, Walter de Gray
U*-511-CCartularium Saxonicum vols 1-3. Ed. Walter de Gray Birch. London: Whiting & Co. Depositor: David Howlett, Bodleian Library. [3 vols; I(1885), II(1887), III(1893); on RLIN]
U-320-ADe syllogismo hypothetico 1. [On RLIN]
Cassius Felix
A*-1231-ADe medicina. Ed. V. Rose. Leipzig, 1897: Teubner. Depositor: David Langslow, Wolfson College. [On RLIN]
U-322-ADe agri cultura. Leipzig, 1962: Teubner.
U-323-AHistorical and oratorical fragments.
U-324-ACarmina. [On RLIN]
Celsus, P. Iuventius
U-325-AFragments. Ed. Otto Lenel (supplemented Lorenz E. Sierl). Granz, 1960: Akademische Druck-UVerlagsantalt. [Series: Palingenesia Iuris Civilis, rpt of 1889 ed.; on RLIN]
U-1253-EComplete works. Various. [On RLIN]
A-1391-DLetters. Ed. D.R Shackleton-Bailey. Teubner/Cambrdge. [Two different editions used 1978 and 1987.see file; on RLIN]
U-327-DMajor works. [Details available]
Cicero (attrib)
U-328-AEpistula ad Octavianum.
U-330-ABreviarum A.U.C.. [On RLIN]
U-331-ABreviarum. [On RLIN]
U-326-AArs rhetorica (selections). Ed. Carolus Halm. Leipzig/F.furt, 1863: Teubner/Minerva. [series: Rhetroes Latini Minores. rpt 1964; on RLIN]
Giraldus Cambrensis
A*-503-ADe invectionibus. Ed. W.S.Davis. 1920. Depositor: David Howlett, Bodleian Library. [in 'Y Cymmrodor' Vol.XXX pp 77-237; on RLIN]
A*-497-ASpeculum duorum. Ed. Y.Lefè & R.B.C Huygens. Cardiff, 1974: Univ. of Wales Press. Depositor: David Howlett, Bodleian Library.
A*-699-DDecretum. Ed. E. Friedberg. Leipzig, 1897: T. Auscnitz. Depositor: Timothy A. Reuter, Monumenta Germaniae Historica. [On RLIN]
Gregory of Nyssa (translations)
U-582-ADe hominis opificio. Ed. trans. John Scottus Eriugena. [Ms. Bamberg, Staatsbiblothek Misc. Patr. 78; on RLIN]
U-333-AArs Poetica. [On RLIN]
U-334-AEpistulæ 1-2. [On RLIN]
U-546-AOdes. [On RLIN]
U-335-ASermones. [On RLIN]
U-336-BFragments. Ed. Otto Lenel (supp. Lorenz E. Sierl). Granz, 1960: Akademische Druck-UVerlagsantalt. [series:Palingenesia Iuris Civilis. reprt of 1889 ed; on RLIN]
U-1669-AAmores. Depositor: Stephen Waite, Packard Humanities Institute. [SGML-tagged version]
U-346-AArs amatoria. [On RLIN]
U-1670-AArs amatoria. Depositor: Stephen Waite, Packard Humanities Institute. [SGML-tagged version]
U-347-AFasti. [On RLIN]
U-1671-AFasti. Depositor: Stephen Waite, Packard Humanities Institute. [SGML-tagged version]
U-348-AMedicamina faciei femineae. [On RLIN]
U-349-AMetamorphoses 1 and 12.
U-350-ANux. [On RLIN]
U-351-ARemedia amoris. [On RLIN]
A*-505-AExpositions of thirteen epistles of St Paul. Ed. A. Souter. Cambridge. Depositor: David Howlett, Bodleian Library. [from 'Texts & studies' IX 1922-31; on RLIN]
U-800-ASatires. [On RLIN]
U-352-ABucolicum carmen. [On RLIN]
U*-711-ASaturæ. Ed. F. Buecheler. Berlin, 1963: Weid Mannsel velagsbuchhandlung. Depositor: J.L. Hilton, D of Classics, U of Natal. [English edition]
A-1382-CHikayat indraputra (a Malay romance). Ed. S.W.R. Mulyadi; lemmatised version I.Proudfoot. Leiden, 1983: KITLV. Depositor: I. Proudfoot, Asian History Centre, Australian National University. [permissions address: Postbus 9515, 2300 RA Leiden; on RLIN]
Wilkinson & Winstedt (eds)
U-376-APantun melayu. Singapore, 1914. [On RLIN]
U-247-BMah&amacron;niddesa, vols I & II. Ed. Poussin & Thomas. Pali Text Soc./ H. Milford OUP. Depositor: L. Cousins, D of Comparative Religions, U of Manchester. [Part I 1916 Part II 1917; on RLIN]
U-526-AO auto de Dom Luis et dos Turcos. [On RLIN]
U-1480-CThe Asian classical input project. ACIP. Depositor: Michael Roach, New York area office, Asian Classical Input Project. [Details available]
Bilvama&nodot;gala, L&imacron;l&amacron;śuka
A-1063-AK&rudot;&sudot;&nudot;akar&nudot;&amacron;m&rudot;ta. Ed. Frances Wilson. Philadelphia, 1975: U of Pennsylvania Press. Depositor: Dominik Wujastyk, of Medicine, Wellcome Institute for the History. [MS of text in Wellcome Inst. library; on RLIN]
U-527-AKum&amacron;rasambhava chaps 2 and 6. [On RLIN]
Collections, corpora etc
U-1700-ASerbo-Croatian text corpus. [Modern Yugoslav fiction]
Dictionaries, etc.
A-1428-AGlossary of the Oxford Dictionary of computing. Ed. Trans. Prof.N.Parezanovic, D.Vitas, S.Dordevic. Oxford/Belgrade: OUP/Nolit. Depositor: Dusko Vitas, Faculty of Science and Mathematics. [Glossary in both English and Serbo-Croat]
U-382-ASelected works. [On RLIN]
Orwell, George (translations)
A-1102-B1984 (in Croatian). [On RLIN]
A-1098-B1984 (in Serbian). [On RLIN]
A-1103-B1984 (in Slovenian). [On RLIN]
Petrovi&cgrave;, Rastko
A-1427-AOtkrovenje. Belgrade, 1974: Nolit. Depositor: Dusko Vitas, Faculty of Science and Mathematics.
Popa, Vasko
A-1413-ASporendo nebo. Belgrade, 1980: Nolit. Depositor: Dusko Vitas, Faculty of Science and Mathematics.
U-670-BLazarillo de Tormes (four editions).
U-528-ALibro de cirugia de Teodorico. [On RLIN]
U*-383-APoema de Mio Cid. Madrid: Clasicos castalia. Depositor: F. Hodcroft, St Cross College. [Intro notes by Ian Michael; on RLIN]
Collections, corpora etc
A-1287-BEl habla de la ciudad de Madrid: materiales para su estudio. Ed. M. Esgueva & M.Cantarero. Madrid, 1981: Inst. Miguel de Cervantes. Depositor: Chris Butler, The U College of Ripon and York St John. [On RLIN]
Alfonso X, El Sabio
A-384-DGeneral estoria (part 1).
Rosalía de Castro
A-656-APoesí completa en galego. Ed. Benito Varela Jacome. 1982: Edicions xerais de Galicia.
Sabato, Ernesto
U-1371-AEl tunel. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter. [On RLIN]
Tirso de Molina, (pseud. Gabriel Téllez)
U-1293-AEl burlador de Sevilla. Ed. Gwynne Edwards. 1986: Aris & Phillips. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter. [On RLIN]
P-1867-AThe Edda, songs of the Nordic Gods and heroes. Ed. Translated from the Icelandic by Erik Brate.
Collections, corpora etc
A-385-ANewspaper extracts. [On RLIN]
P-1866-ABible (Authorised version). 1917.
Runeberg, Johan Ludvig
P-1868-AFanrik Stals sagner.
U-387-CModern prose (samples from literary texts and newspapers).
A-1400-ALlyr gwyn Rhydderch: Kulhwch. Ed. Sebastian Evans. Aberystwyth. Depositor: Nancy H Rose, D of Modern language Box 159, Hampden-Sydney College. [On RLIN]
A-1401-ALlyr gwyn Rhydderch: Ronabwy. Ed. Sebastian Evans. Aberystwyth. Depositor: Nancy H Rose, D of Modern language Box 159, Hampden-Sydney College. [On RLIN]
A-1402-ALlyr gwyn Rhydderch: Peredur. Ed. Sebastian Evans. Aberystwyth. Depositor: Nancy H Rose, D of Modern language Box 159, Hampden-Sydney College. [On RLIN]
A-1403-ALlyr gwyn Rhydderch: Owein. Ed. Sebastian Evans. Aberystwyth. Depositor: Nancy H Rose, D of Modern language Box 159, Hampden-Sydney College. [On RLIN]
A-655-APeredur. Ed. J.G Evans & Sir John Rhys /"Text of the Mabinogion. Oxford, 1887. [and other Welsh tales from the red book of Hergest"; on RLIN]
A*-566-CY testament newydd. London, 1975: BFBS. Depositor: D.P. Davies, D of Theology and Religious Studies, St Davids University College.
U-1458-AUmal. Depositor: Phil Fields, Summer Institute of Linguistics. [Interlinear text in Orya language with cultural analysis]
Collections, corpora etc
U-1184-AAmele folktales and other materials. [On RLIN]
U-1485-ABulgarian textbooks. Depositor: Kjetil Ra Hauge, D of East European & Oriental studies, Universitetet I Oslo.
U-2076-ACorpus of Ndyuka language. Depositor: George L. Huttar, SIL/U of Texas at Arlington. [Collection of spoken and written material from Suriname]
U*-1185-AJurmödö folktales. Depositor: Andrew & Janet Persson. [Unpublished collection; on RLIN]
U*-1183-CHanga New Testament. Ed. G.Hunt. 1983: International Bible Society/WHBL. Depositor: Geoffrey Hunt, Summer Institute of Linguistics. [On RLIN]
U-1489-DSyriac New Testament. Depositor: Raymond G. Harder.
U-1038-CEssen corpus of German folksong melodies. [On RLIN]
A-514-CThe Tyneside linguistic survey corpus. Ed. Dr J. Pellowe and Ms.V.Jones. Depositor: J.A. Law, Computing Laboratory, U of Newcastle. [On RLIN]
Dictionaries, etc.
U-423-BChinese telegraphic code character set. [On RLIN]
Bach, Johann Sebastian
U-650-CWell-tempered clavier 1 & 2. 1880: Bischoff. Depositor: Eleanor Selfridge-Field, C.C.A.R.H. [Encoding Walter Hewlett.Sample from larger Bach database; on RLIN]
Crawford, T.D.
U-1410-AMETRIX programs. Cardiff. Depositor: T.D. Crawford. [Fortran source code]
Fletcher, J.M.
U*-692-ATree-ring dating of oak, AD 416-1687. Depositor: J.M Fletcher, (Deceased). [On RLIN]
Howgego, C.J.
U*-593-CGreek imperial countermarks: studies in provincial coinage of the Roman Empire. Ed. C.J.Howgego. London, 1985: Royal Numismatic Society,SPub 17. Depositor: C.J Howgego, Ashmolean Museum. [In English but lasercomp instructions embedded; on RLIN]
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+ Plato and his dialogues : home
"The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato" A. N. Whitehead, Process and Reality, 1929
+ Above: portrait of Plato after an original sculpted by Silanion around 370 B. C. for the Academy of Athens, Archæological Museum, Island of Thasos ; below, fragment of a mosaic from the Saint-Gregory Convent in Rome exhibiting the inscription in Greec "gnôthi sauton", meaning "Know thyself", Rome, National Museum of the Thermae.
Plato is probably one of the greatest philosophers of all times, if not the greatest. Yet, he was one of the first philosophers, at least in the western philosophical tradition that was born in Greece a few hundred years BC., and anyway he is the first one whose complete works are still available to us. But if we have more than we would bargain for in terms of writings attributed to Plato, as some of the dialogues and letters transmitted to us under his name are obviously not his, we have very little data on his life and literary activity. As a result, many conflicting theories have been developed by scholars of various times regarding the interpretation of Plato's dialogues and their chronology to the extent it bears on that interpretation. This set of pages intends to present a new theory on the interpretation of Plato's dialogues and "philosophy".
But these pages don't intend to make you a Plato scholar, a specialist of his thoughts and "theories", for the simple reason that one of the most ingrained convictions of the author of these pages is that, if Plato wrote dialogues rather than philosophy treatises, and, what's more, dialogues in which he never stages himself as a participant, it is because his purpose was not to tell his readers what he himself thought, what were the answers he himself had given to the most fundamental questions in life about what it means to be a (wo)man, but to teach them to think by themselves so that they could find their own answers to those questions, because he knew that, in such matters, neither he nor we would ever get ultimate, "scientifically" demonstrable, answers, and that each one of us has to build one's own life and live it(and that, no one can do for someone else) based upon hypotheses that had to be the most "reasonable" that was possible, as what defines man is his being an animal endowed with logos (a Greek word meaning both "speech" and "reason", among many other meanings), but that would nonetheless remain till the end "indemonstrable" assumptions. In short, he only wanted to help his readers practice for themselves the motto that was engraved above the main entrance of the temple at Delphi, and which his "master", Socrates, had made his own:
"Know thyself "
(in Greek : "gnôthi sauton", which is better translated by "come to know thyself" or "learn to know thyself") and thus, to become philosophers, that is, according to Plato at least, not specialists of one scholarly branch of knowledge among others, making a living out of their teaching, peer debates and published works, but, in the etymological sense of the word, "lovers of wisdom", lovers (philoi in Greek) only, not "wise" (sophoi in Greek), because they know the wisdom they love cannot be reached in this life (as the principles upon which it depends cannot be demonstrated, which means, as Socrates used to say, that "I know nothing", meaning "I known nothing for certain, in the strongest sense of these words, nothing, that is, of what alone counts to reach happiness in life"), but constitutes an idea(l) of justice, of a justice that is not merely abiding by the laws, but which is the inner harmony to be reached by a human being whose will is torn apart between passions and reason and whose unity is not given from the start, as the foundation for social harmony between men and women in the city.
(Note : if you are a first time visitor, click here to move directly to the directory of introductory material)
+ For returning visitors :
Latest additions to the site : (June 27th, 2017) The translation in English by me of a paper I originally wrote in French (French title: Platon, l'essentiel) titled in English Plato: the Essentials (pdf file, 449 Kb), which provides, in less than twenty pages an overview of the main suggestions Plato submits to our critical examination in the dialogues, followed by a lexicon of Greek words important for understanding Plato, added July 7th, 2017; (April 21th, 2017) The translation in English by me of a paper I originally wrote in French (French title: Platon, mode d'emploi) titled in English "Plato (the philosopher): User's Guide" (pdf file, about 1,7 Mb), providing a comprehensive overview of my understanding of Plato's dialogues, including a presentation of each dialogue and a translation by me of five key sections of the Republic: the parallel between good and sun (Rep. VI, 504e7-509c4), the analogy of the line (Rep. VI, 509c5-511e5), the allegory of the cave (Rep. VII, 514a1-517a7), its commentary by Socrates (Rep. VII, 517a8-519b7) and the definition of to dialegesthai (Rep. VII, 531c9-535a2) (the paper is about 150 pages plus about 50 pages of appendixes);
A "map" of Plato's dialogues provinding links to comments on specific tetralogies and dialogues (the "heart" of this site)
An overview of the main suggestions Plato submits to our critical examination in the dialogues titled "Plato: the Essentials" (pdf file of about 20 pages(256 Kb), translation in English by me of a paper I originally wrote in French under the title "Platon: l'essentiel")
A comprehensive overview of my understanding of Plato's dialogues titled "Plato (the philosopher): User's Guide" (pdf file of about 150 pages plus about 50 pages of appendixes (1.7 Mb) including a presentation of each dialogue and a translation by me of five key sections of the Republic: the parallel between good and sun (Rep. VI, 504e7-509c4), the analogy of the line (Rep. VI, 509c5-511e5), the allegory of the cave (Rep. VII, 514a1-517a7), its commentary by Socrates (Rep. VII, 517a8-519b7) and the definition of to dialegesthai (Rep. VII, 531c9-535a2), translation in English by me of a paper I originally wrote in French under the title "Platon, mode d'emploi")
Access to these papers requires Adobe Reader, which can be downloaded for free from the Adobe site by clicking here.
The translation in English by me of a paper I originally wrote in French (French title: Platon, l'essentiel) titled in English Plato: the Essentials (pdf file, 449 Kb), which provides, in less than twenty pages an overview of the main suggestions Plato submits to our critical examination in the dialogues, followed by a lexicon of Greek words important for understanding Plato
The translation in English by me of a paper I originally wrote in French (French title: Platon, mode d'emploi) titled in English "Plato (the philosopher): User's Guide" (pdf file, about 1,7 Mb), providing a comprehensive overview of my understanding of Plato's dialogues, including a presentation of each dialogue and a translation by me of five key sections of the Republic: the parallel between good and sun (Rep. VI, 504e7-509c4), the analogy of the line (Rep. VI, 509c5-511e5), the allegory of the cave (Rep. VII, 514a1-517a7), its commentary by Socrates (Rep. VII, 517a8,519b7) and the definition of to dialegesthai (Rep. VII, 531c9-535a2) (the paper is about 150 pages plus about 50 pages of appendixes)
A paper originally written in English, first put online on January 24th, 2015, titled "Can we see the sun?" (pdf file), detailing my understanding of the allegory of the cave (Republic VII, 514a1-517a7), the analogy of the line (Republic, VI, 509c5-511e5) and the parallel between good and sun (République, VI, 504e7-509c) and the consequences it has on the general understanding of Plato's dialogues and more specifically on his supposed "theory of forms/ideas";
French reading visitors will also find on the site of the online philosophical journal Klèsis (this journal changes often of host and of layout, which result in frequent changes of URL for individual pages; if the links below to the journal don't work, used the links to the local copies which, being on my site, don't change):
a two-part article I wrote for the first issue of that journal ("De la philosophie grecque", published in two parts, the first part, "De la philosophie grecque (1)", in February 2006 and the second part, "De la philosophie grecque (2)", in April 2006) titled "La fortune détournée de Platon, une étude sur le mot ousia dans les dialogues" ("The diverted wealth of Plato, a study on the word ousia in the dialogues"). The first part of this article (a copy of it is available on this site by clicking here, and a revised version of it taking into account the permutation between the Gorgias and the Lesser Hippias that I introduced in June, 2009 (for the reasons of this permutation, see the opening note to the introduction of the second tetralogy), is available by clicking here), subtitled "Pour en finir avec Darwin chez Platon" ("To rid Plato of Darwin"), is a synthetic presentation of my reading assumptions on the dialogues, as a prelude to the second part (a copy of it is available on this site by clicking here), which constitutes the body of the article and where I show how the dual meaning of the word ousia in greek ("wealth, fortune", or else "estate"), in the original meaning, prior to the metaphysical meaning usually rendered by "essence" or "substance") may help us understand in which "metaphysical" meaning Plato used this word and what he means when, at the end of book VI of the Republic, he has Socrates say the the good is "beyondousias" (Republic, VI, 509b9);
an article written by me and published in issue number 14, Varia, dated February 2010, titled "De la couleur avant toutes choses, les schèmas invisibles du Ménon", and commenting on the examples of "definitions" given by Socrates to Meno in that part of the dialogue bearing his name that I have translated in French under the title "Formes et couleurs" (a local copy of this article is available on this site by clicking here).
This site on Plato and his dialogues was made possible by the suggestion and encouragement the author received, and continues receiving, from Anthony F. Beavers, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion at the University of Evansville, Indiana, who accepted to host these pages for more than five years (May, 1996 to September, 2001) on one of the servers of the Internet Applications Laboratory (IALab) he founded and heads at the University of Evansville. Among many projects of the IALab, Tony is developing his own site on Plato, called "Exploring Plato's Dialogues : A Virtual Learning Environment on the World-Wide Web".
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+ First Alcibiades, by Plato
First Alcibiades
by Plato
translated by Benjamin Jowett
Persons of the Dialogue: Socrates and Alcibiades.
I dare say that you may be surprised to find, O son of Cleinias, that I, who am your first lover, not having spoken to you for many years, when the rest of the world were wearying you with their attentions, am the last of your lovers who still speaks to you. The cause of my silence has been that I was hindered by a power more than human, of which I will some day explain to you the nature; this impediment has now been removed; I therefore here present myself before you, and I greatly hope that no similar hindrance will again occur. Meanwhile, I have observed that your pride has been too much for the pride of your admirers; they were numerous and high-spirited, but they have all run away, overpowered by your superior force of character; not one of them remains. And I want you to understand the reason why you have been too much for them. You think that you have no need of them or of any other man, for you have great possessions and lack nothing, beginning with the body, and ending with the soul. In the first place, you say to yourself that you are the fairest and tallest of the citizens, and this every one who has eyes may see to be true; in the second place, that you are among the noblest of them, highly connected both on the father's and the mother's side, and sprung from one of the most distinguished families in your own state, which is the greatest in Hellas, and having many friends and kinsmen of the best sort, who can assist you when in need; and there is one potent relative, who is more to you than all the rest, Pericles the son of Xanthippus, whom your father left guardian of you, and of your brother, and who can do as he pleases not only in this city, but in all Hellas, and among many and mighty barbarous nations. Moreover, you are rich; but I must say that you value yourself least of all upon your possessions. And all these things have lifted you up; you have overcome your lovers, and they have acknowledged that you were too much for them. Have you not remarked their absence? And now I know that you wonder why I, unlike the rest of them, have not gone away, and what can be my motive in remaining.
Perhaps, Socrates, you are not aware that I was just going to ask you the very same question — What do you want? And what is your motive in annoying me, and always, wherever I am, making a point of coming? I do really wonder what you mean, and should greatly like to know.
Then if, as you say, you desire to know, I suppose that you will be willing to hear, and I may consider myself to be speaking to an auditor who will remain, and will not run away?
Certainly, let me hear.
You had better be careful, for I may very likely be as unwilling to end as I have hitherto been to begin.
Proceed, my good man, and I will listen.
I will proceed; and, although no lover likes to speak with one who has no feeling of love in him, I will make an effort, and tell you what I meant: My love, Alcibiades, which I hardly like to confess, would long ago have passed away, as I flatter myself, if I saw you loving your good things, or thinking that you ought to pass life in the enjoyment of them. But I shall reveal other thoughts of yours, which you keep to yourself; whereby you will know that I have always had my eye on you. Suppose that at this moment some God came to you and said: Alcibiades, will you live as you are, or die in an instant if you are forbidden to make any further acquisition? — I verily believe that you would choose death. And I will tell you the hope in which you are at present living: Before many days have elapsed, you think that you will come before the Athenian assembly, and will prove to them that you are more worthy of honour than Pericles, or any other man that ever lived, and having proved this, you will have the greatest power in the state. When you have gained the greatest power among us, you will go on to other Hellenic states, and not only to Hellenes, but to all the barbarians who inhabit the same continent with us. And if the God were then to say to you again: Here in Europe is to be your seat of empire, and you must not cross over into Asia or meddle with Asiatic affairs, I do not believe that you would choose to live upon these terms; but the world, as I may say, must be filled with your power and name — no man less than Cyrus and Xerxes is of any account with you. Such I know to be your hopes — I am not guessing only — and very likely you, who know that I am speaking the truth, will reply, Well, Socrates, but what have my hopes to do with the explanation which you promised of your unwillingness to leave me? And that is what I am now going to tell you, sweet son of Cleinias and Dinomache. The explanation is, that all these designs of yours cannot be accomplished by you without my help; so great is the power which I believe myself to have over you and your concerns; and this I conceive to be the reason why the God has hitherto forbidden me to converse with you, and I have been long expecting his permission. For, as you hope to prove your own great value to the state, and having proved it, to attain at once to absolute power, so do I indulge a hope that I shall be the supreme power over you, if I am able to prove my own great value to you, and to show you that neither guardian, nor kinsman, nor any one is able to deliver into your hands the power which you desire, but I only, God being my helper. When you were young and your hopes were not yet matured, I should have wasted my time, and therefore, as I conceive, the God forbade me to converse with you; but now, having his permission, I will speak, for now you will listen to me.
Your silence, Socrates, was always a surprise to me. I never could understand why you followed me about, and now that you have begun to speak again, I am still more amazed. Whether I think all this or not, is a matter about which you seem to have already made up your mind, and therefore my denial will have no effect upon you. But granting, if I must, that you have perfectly divined my purposes, why is your assistance necessary to the attainment of them? Can you tell me why?
You want to know whether I can make a long speech, such as you are in the habit of hearing; but that is not my way. I think, however, that I can prove to you the truth of what I am saying, if you will grant me one little favour.
Yes, if the favour which you mean be not a troublesome one.
Will you be troubled at having questions to answer?
Not at all.
Then please to answer.
Ask me.
Have you not the intention which I attribute to you?
I will grant anything you like, in the hope of hearing what more you have to say.
You do, then, mean, as I was saying, to come forward in a little while in the character of an adviser of the Athenians? And suppose that when you are ascending the bema, I pull you by the sleeve and say, Alcibiades, you are getting up to advise the Athenians — do you know the matter about which they are going to deliberate, better than they? — How would you answer?
I should reply, that I was going to advise them about a matter which I do know better than they.
Then you are a good adviser about the things which you know?
And do you know anything but what you have learned of others, or found out yourself?
That is all.
And would you have ever learned or discovered anything, if you had not been willing either to learn of others or to examine yourself?
I should not.
And would you have been willing to learn or to examine what you supposed that you knew?
Certainly not.
Then there was a time when you thought that you did not know what you are now supposed to know?
I think that I know tolerably well the extent of your acquirements; and you must tell me if I forget any of them: according to my recollection, you learned the arts of writing, of playing on the lyre, and of wrestling; the flute you never would learn; this is the sum of your accomplishments, unless there were some which you acquired in secret; and I think that secrecy was hardly possible, as you could not have come out of your door, either by day or night, without my seeing you.
Yes, that was the whole of my schooling.
And are you going to get up in the Athenian assembly, and give them advice about writing?
No, indeed.
Or about the touch of the lyre?
Certainly not.
And they are not in the habit of deliberating about wrestling, in the assembly?
Then what are the deliberations in which you propose to advise them? Surely not about building?
For the builder will advise better than you will about that?
He will.
Nor about divination?
About that again the diviner will advise better than you will?
Whether he be little or great, good or ill-looking, noble or ignoble — makes no difference.
Certainly not.
A man is a good adviser about anything, not because he has riches, but because he has knowledge?
Whether their counsellor is rich or poor, is not a matter which will make any difference to the Athenians when they are deliberating about the health of the citizens; they only require that he should be a physician.
Of course.
Then what will be the subject of deliberation about which you will be justified in getting up and advising them?
About their own concerns, Socrates.
You mean about shipbuilding, for example, when the question is what sort of ships they ought to build?
No, I should not advise them about that.
I suppose, because you do not understand shipbuilding: — is that the reason?
It is.
Then about what concerns of theirs will you advise them?
About war, Socrates, or about peace, or about any other concerns of the state.
You mean, when they deliberate with whom they ought to make peace, and with whom they ought to go to war, and in what manner?
And they ought to go to war with those against whom it is better to go to war?
And when it is better?
And for as long a time as is better?
But suppose the Athenians to deliberate with whom they ought to close in wrestling, and whom they should grasp by the hand, would you, or the master of gymnastics, be a better adviser of them?
Clearly, the master of gymnastics.
And can you tell me on what grounds the master of gymnastics would decide, with whom they ought or ought not to close, and when and how? To take an instance: Would he not say that they should wrestle with those against whom it is best to wrestle?
And as much as is best?
And at such times as are best?
Again; you sometimes accompany the lyre with the song and dance?
When it is well to do so?
And as much as is well?
Just so.
And as you speak of an excellence or art of the best in wrestling, and of an excellence in playing the lyre, I wish you would tell me what this latter is; — the excellence of wrestling I call gymnastic, and I want to know what you call the other.
I do not understand you.
Then try to do as I do; for the answer which I gave is universally right, and when I say right, I mean according to rule.
And was not the art of which I spoke gymnastic?
And I called the excellence in wrestling gymnastic?
You did.
And I was right?
I think that you were.
Well, now, — for you should learn to argue prettily — let me ask you in return to tell me, first, what is that art of which playing and singing, and stepping properly in the dance, are parts, — what is the name of the whole? I think that by this time you must be able to tell.
Indeed I cannot.
Then let me put the matter in another way: what do you call the Goddesses who are the patronesses of art?
The Muses do you mean, Socrates?
Yes, I do; and what is the name of the art which is called after them?
I suppose that you mean music.
Yes, that is my meaning; and what is the excellence of the art of music, as I told you truly that the excellence of wrestling was gymnastic — what is the excellence of music — to be what?
To be musical, I suppose.
Very good; and now please to tell me what is the excellence of war and peace; as the more musical was the more excellent, or the more gymnastical was the more excellent, tell me, what name do you give to the more excellent in war and peace?
But I really cannot tell you.
But if you were offering advice to another and said to him — This food is better than that, at this time and in this quantity, and he said to you — What do you mean, Alcibiades, by the word 'better'? you would have no difficulty in replying that you meant 'more wholesome,' although you do not profess to be a physician: and when the subject is one of which you profess to have knowledge, and about which you are ready to get up and advise as if you knew, are you not ashamed, when you are asked, not to be able to answer the question? Is it not disgraceful?
Well, then, consider and try to explain what is the meaning of 'better,' in the matter of making peace and going to war with those against whom you ought to go to war? To what does the word refer?
I am thinking, and I cannot tell.
But you surely know what are the charges which we bring against one another, when we arrive at the point of making war, and what name we give them?
Yes, certainly; we say that deceit or violence has been employed, or that we have been defrauded.
And how does this happen? Will you tell me how? For there may be a difference in the manner.
Do you mean by 'how,' Socrates, whether we suffered these things justly or unjustly?
There can be no greater difference than between just and unjust.
And would you advise the Athenians to go to war with the just or with the unjust?
That is an awkward question; for certainly, even if a person did intend to go to war with the just, he would not admit that they were just.
He would not go to war, because it would be unlawful?
Neither lawful nor honourable.
Then you, too, would address them on principles of justice?
What, then, is justice but that better, of which I spoke, in going to war or not going to war with those against whom we ought or ought not, and when we ought or ought not to go to war?
But how is this, friend Alcibiades? Have you forgotten that you do not know this, or have you been to the schoolmaster without my knowledge, and has he taught you to discern the just from the unjust? Who is he? I wish you would tell me, that I may go and learn of him — you shall introduce me.
You are mocking, Socrates.
No, indeed; I most solemnly declare to you by Zeus, who is the God of our common friendship, and whom I never will forswear, that I am not; tell me, then, who this instructor is, if he exists.
But, perhaps, he does not exist; may I not have acquired the knowledge of just and unjust in some other way?
Yes; if you have discovered them.
But do you not think that I could discover them?
I am sure that you might, if you enquired about them.
And do you not think that I would enquire?
Yes; if you thought that you did not know them.
And was there not a time when I did so think?
Very good; and can you tell me how long it is since you thought that you did not know the nature of the just and the unjust? What do you say to a year ago? Were you then in a state of conscious ignorance and enquiry? Or did you think that you knew? And please to answer truly, that our discussion may not be in vain.
Well, I thought that I knew.
And two years ago, and three years ago, and four years ago, you knew all the same?
I did.
And more than four years ago you were a child — were you not?
And then I am quite sure that you thought you knew.
Why are you so sure?
Because I often heard you when a child, in your teacher's house, or elsewhere, playing at dice or some other game with the boys, not hesitating at all about the nature of the just and unjust; but very confident — crying and shouting that one of the boys was a rogue and a cheat, and had been cheating. Is it not true?
But what was I to do, Socrates, when anybody cheated me?
And how can you say, 'What was I to do'? if at the time you did not know whether you were wronged or not?
To be sure I knew; I was quite aware that I was being cheated.
Then you suppose yourself even when a child to have known the nature of just and unjust?
Certainly; and I did know then.
And when did you discover them — not, surely, at the time when you thought that you knew them?
Certainly not.
And when did you think that you were ignorant — if you consider, you will find that there never was such a time?
Really, Socrates, I cannot say.
Then you did not learn them by discovering them?
Clearly not.
But just before you said that you did not know them by learning; now, if you have neither discovered nor learned them, how and whence do you come to know them?
I suppose that I was mistaken in saying that I knew them through my own discovery of them; whereas, in truth, I learned them in the same way that other people learn.
So you said before, and I must again ask, of whom? Do tell me.
Of the many.
Do you take refuge in them? I cannot say much for your teachers.
Why, are they not able to teach?
They could not teach you how to play at draughts, which you would acknowledge (would you not) to be a much smaller matter than justice?
And can they teach the better who are unable to teach the worse?
I think that they can; at any rate, they can teach many far better things than to play at draughts.
What things?
Why, for example, I learned to speak Greek of them, and I cannot say who was my teacher, or to whom I am to attribute my knowledge of Greek, if not to those good-for-nothing teachers, as you call them.
Why, yes, my friend; and the many are good enough teachers of Greek, and some of their instructions in that line may be justly praised.
Why is that?
Why, because they have the qualities which good teachers ought to have.
What qualities?
Why, you know that knowledge is the first qualification of any teacher?
And if they know, they must agree together and not differ?
And would you say that they knew the things about which they differ?
Then how can they teach them?
They cannot.
Well, but do you imagine that the many would differ about the nature of wood and stone? are they not agreed if you ask them what they are? and do they not run to fetch the same thing, when they want a piece of wood or a stone? And so in similar cases, which I suspect to be pretty nearly all that you mean by speaking Greek.
These, as we were saying, are matters about which they are agreed with one another and with themselves; both individuals and states use the same words about them; they do not use some one word and some another.
They do not.
Then they may be expected to be good teachers of these things?
And if we want to instruct any one in them, we shall be right in sending him to be taught by our friends the many?
Very true.
But if we wanted further to know not only which are men and which are horses, but which men or horses have powers of running, would the many still be able to inform us?
Certainly not.
And you have a sufficient proof that they do not know these things and are not the best teachers of them, inasmuch as they are never agreed about them?
And suppose that we wanted to know not only what men are like, but what healthy or diseased men are like — would the many be able to teach us?
They would not.
And you would have a proof that they were bad teachers of these matters, if you saw them at variance?
I should.
Well, but are the many agreed with themselves, or with one another, about the justice or injustice of men and things?
Assuredly not, Socrates.
There is no subject about which they are more at variance?
I do not suppose that you ever saw or heard of men quarrelling over the principles of health and disease to such an extent as to go to war and kill one another for the sake of them?
No indeed.
But of the quarrels about justice and injustice, even if you have never seen them, you have certainly heard from many people, including Homer; for you have heard of the Iliad and Odyssey?
To be sure, Socrates.
A difference of just and unjust is the argument of those poems?
Which difference caused all the wars and deaths of Trojans and Achaeans, and the deaths of the suitors of Penelope in their quarrel with Odysseus.
Very true.
And when the Athenians and Lacedaemonians and Boeotians fell at Tanagra, and afterwards in the battle of Coronea, at which your father Cleinias met his end, the question was one of justice — this was the sole cause of the battles, and of their deaths.
Very true.
But can they be said to understand that about which they are quarrelling to the death?
Clearly not.
And yet those whom you thus allow to be ignorant are the teachers to whom you are appealing.
Very true.
But how are you ever likely to know the nature of justice and injustice, about which you are so perplexed, if you have neither learned them of others nor discovered them yourself?
From what you say, I suppose not.
See, again, how inaccurately you speak, Alcibiades!
In what respect?
In saying that I say so.
Why, did you not say that I know nothing of the just and unjust?
No; I did not.
Did I, then?
How was that?
Let me explain. Suppose I were to ask you which is the greater number, two or one; you would reply 'two'?
I should.
And by how much greater?
By one.
Which of us now says that two is more than one?
I do.
Did not I ask, and you answer the question?
Then who is speaking? I who put the question, or you who answer me?
I am.
Or suppose that I ask and you tell me the letters which make up the name Socrates, which of us is the speaker?
I am.
Now let us put the case generally: whenever there is a question and answer, who is the speaker, — the questioner or the answerer?
I should say, Socrates, that the answerer was the speaker.
And have I not been the questioner all through?
And you the answerer?
Just so.
Which of us, then, was the speaker?
The inference is, Socrates, that I was the speaker.
Did not some one say that Alcibiades, the fair son of Cleinias, not understanding about just and unjust, but thinking that he did understand, was going to the assembly to advise the Athenians about what he did not know? Was not that said?
Very true.
Then, Alcibiades, the result may be expressed in the language of Euripides. I think that you have heard all this 'from yourself, and not from me'; nor did I say this, which you erroneously attribute to me, but you yourself, and what you said was very true. For indeed, my dear fellow, the design which you meditate of teaching what you do not know, and have not taken any pains to learn, is downright insanity.
But, Socrates, I think that the Athenians and the rest of the Hellenes do not often advise as to the more just or unjust; for they see no difficulty in them, and therefore they leave them, and consider which course of action will be most expedient; for there is a difference between justice and expediency. Many persons have done great wrong and profited by their injustice; others have done rightly and come to no good.
Well, but granting that the just and the expedient are ever so much opposed, you surely do not imagine that you know what is expedient for mankind, or why a thing is expedient?
Why not, Socrates? — But I am not going to be asked again from whom I learned, or when I made the discovery.
What a way you have! When you make a mistake which might be refuted by a previous argument, you insist on having a new and different refutation; the old argument is a worn-our garment which you will no longer put on, but some one must produce another which is clean and new. Now I shall disregard this move of yours, and shall ask over again, — Where did you learn and how do you know the nature of the expedient, and who is your teacher? All this I comprehend in a single question, and now you will manifestly be in the old difficulty, and will not be able to show that you know the expedient, either because you learned or because you discovered it yourself. But, as I perceive that you are dainty, and dislike the taste of a stale argument, I will enquire no further into your knowledge of what is expedient or what is not expedient for the Athenian people, and simply request you to say why you do not explain whether justice and expediency are the same or different? And if you like you may examine me as I have examined you, or, if you would rather, you may carry on the discussion by yourself.
But I am not certain, Socrates, whether I shall be able to discuss the matter with you.
Then imagine, my dear fellow, that I am the demus and the ecclesia; for in the ecclesia, too, you will have to persuade men individually.
And is not the same person able to persuade one individual singly and many individuals of the things which he knows? The grammarian, for example, can persuade one and he can persuade many about letters.
And about number, will not the same person persuade one and persuade many?
And this will be he who knows number, or the arithmetician?
Quite true.
And cannot you persuade one man about that of which you can persuade many?
I suppose so.
And that of which you can persuade either is clearly what you know?
And the only difference between one who argues as we are doing, and the orator who is addressing an assembly, is that the one seeks to persuade a number, and the other an individual, of the same things.
I suppose so.
Well, then, since the same person who can persuade a multitude can persuade individuals, try conclusions upon me, and prove to me that the just is not always expedient.
You take liberties, Socrates.
I shall take the liberty of proving to you the opposite of that which you will not prove to me.
Answer my questions — that is all.
Nay, I should like you to be the speaker.
What, do you not wish to be persuaded?
Certainly I do.
And can you be persuaded better than out of your own mouth?
I think not.
Then you shall answer; and if you do not hear the words, that the just is the expedient, coming from your own lips, never believe another man again.
I won't; but answer I will, for I do not see how I can come to any harm.
A true prophecy! Let me begin then by enquiring of you whether you allow that the just is sometimes expedient and sometimes not?
And sometimes honourable and sometimes not?
What do you mean?
I am asking if you ever knew any one who did what was dishonourable and yet just?
All just things are honourable?
And are honourable things sometimes good and sometimes not good, or are they always good?
I rather think, Socrates, that some honourable things are evil.
And are some dishonourable things good?
You mean in such a case as the following: — In time of war, men have been wounded or have died in rescuing a companion or kinsman, when others who have neglected the duty of rescuing them have escaped in safety?
And to rescue another under such circumstances is honourable, in respect of the attempt to save those whom we ought to save; and this is courage?
But evil in respect of death and wounds?
And the courage which is shown in the rescue is one thing, and the death another?
Then the rescue of one's friends is honourable in one point of view, but evil in another?
And if honourable, then also good: Will you consider now whether I may not be right, for you were acknowledging that the courage which is shown in the rescue is honourable? Now is this courage good or evil? Look at the matter thus: which would you rather choose, good or evil?
And the greatest goods you would be most ready to choose, and would least like to be deprived of them?
What would you say of courage? At what price would you be willing to be deprived of courage?
I would rather die than be a coward.
Then you think that cowardice is the worst of evils?
I do.
As bad as death, I suppose?
And life and courage are the extreme opposites of death and cowardice?
And they are what you would most desire to have, and their opposites you would least desire?
Is this because you think life and courage the best, and death and cowardice the worst?
And you would term the rescue of a friend in battle honourable, in as much as courage does a good work?
I should.
But evil because of the death which ensues?
Might we not describe their different effects as follows: — You may call either of them evil in respect of the evil which is the result, and good in respect of the good which is the result of either of them?
And they are honourable in so far as they are good, and dishonourable in so far as they are evil?
Then when you say that the rescue of a friend in battle is honourable and yet evil, that is equivalent to saying that the rescue is good and yet evil?
I believe that you are right, Socrates.
Nothing honourable, regarded as honourable, is evil; nor anything base, regarded as base, good.
Clearly not.
Look at the matter yet once more in a further light: he who acts honourably acts well?
And he who acts well is happy?
Of course.
And the happy are those who obtain good?
And they obtain good by acting well and honourably?
Then acting well is a good?
And happiness is a good?
Then the good and the honourable are again identified.
Then, if the argument holds, what we find to be honourable we shall also find to be good?
And is the good expedient or not?
Do you remember our admissions about the just?
Yes; if I am not mistaken, we said that those who acted justly must also act honourably.
And the honourable is the good?
And the good is expedient?
Then, Alcibiades, the just is expedient?
I should infer so.
And all this I prove out of your own mouth, for I ask and you answer?
I must acknowledge it to be true.
And having acknowledged that the just is the same as the expedient, are you not (let me ask) prepared to ridicule any one who, pretending to understand the principles of justice and injustice, gets up to advise the noble Athenians or the ignoble Peparethians, that the just may be the evil?
I solemnly declare, Socrates, that I do not know what I am saying. Verily, I am in a strange state, for when you put questions to me I am of different minds in successive instants.
And are you not aware of the nature of this perplexity, my friend?
Indeed I am not.
Do you suppose that if some one were to ask you whether you have two eyes or three, or two hands or four, or anything of that sort, you would then be of different minds in successive instants?
I begin to distrust myself, but still I do not suppose that I should.
You would feel no doubt; and for this reason — because you would know?
I suppose so.
And the reason why you involuntarily contradict yourself is clearly that you are ignorant?
Very likely.
And if you are perplexed in answering about just and unjust, honourable and dishonourable, good and evil, expedient and inexpedient, the reason is that you are ignorant of them, and therefore in perplexity. Is not that clear?
I agree.
But is this always the case, and is a man necessarily perplexed about that of which he has no knowledge?
Certainly he is.
And do you know how to ascend into heaven?
Certainly not.
And in this case, too, is your judgment perplexed?
Do you see the reason why, or shall I tell you?
Tell me.
The reason is, that you not only do not know, my friend, but you do not think that you know.
There again; what do you mean?
Ask yourself; are you in any perplexity about things of which you are ignorant? You know, for example, that you know nothing about the preparation of food.
Very true.
And do you think and perplex yourself about the preparation of food: or do you leave that to some one who understands the art?
The latter.
Or if you were on a voyage, would you bewilder yourself by considering whether the rudder is to be drawn inwards or outwards, or do you leave that to the pilot, and do nothing?
It would be the concern of the pilot.
Then you are not perplexed about what you do not know, if you know that you do not know it?
I imagine not.
Do you not see, then, that mistakes in life and practice are likewise to be attributed to the ignorance which has conceit of knowledge?
Once more, what do you mean?
I suppose that we begin to act when we think that we know what we are doing?
But when people think that they do not know, they entrust their business to others?
And so there is a class of ignorant persons who do not make mistakes in life, because they trust others about things of which they are ignorant?
Who, then, are the persons who make mistakes? They cannot, of course, be those who know?
Certainly not.
But if neither those who know, nor those who know that they do not know, make mistakes, there remain those only who do not know and think that they know.
Yes, only those.
Then this is ignorance of the disgraceful sort which is mischievous?
And most mischievous and most disgraceful when having to do with the greatest matters?
By far.
And can there be any matters greater than the just, the honourable, the good, and the expedient?
There cannot be.
And these, as you were saying, are what perplex you?
But if you are perplexed, then, as the previous argument has shown, you are not only ignorant of the greatest matters, but being ignorant you fancy that you know them?
I fear that you are right.
And now see what has happened to you, Alcibiades! I hardly like to speak of your evil case, but as we are alone I will: My good friend, you are wedded to ignorance of the most disgraceful kind, and of this you are convicted, not by me, but out of your own mouth and by your own argument; wherefore also you rush into politics before you are educated. Neither is your case to be deemed singular. For I might say the same of almost all our statesmen, with the exception, perhaps of your guardian, Pericles.
Yes, Socrates; and Pericles is said not to have got his wisdom by the light of nature, but to have associated with several of the philosophers; with Pythocleides, for example, and with Anaxagoras, and now in advanced life with Damon, in the hope of gaining wisdom.
Very good; but did you ever know a man wise in anything who was unable to impart his particular wisdom? For example, he who taught you letters was not only wise, but he made you and any others whom he liked wise.
And you, whom he taught, can do the same?
And in like manner the harper and gymnastic-master?
When a person is enabled to impart knowledge to another, he thereby gives an excellent proof of his own understanding of any matter.
I agree.
Well, and did Pericles make any one wise; did he begin by making his sons wise?
But, Socrates, if the two sons of Pericles were simpletons, what has that to do with the matter?
Well, but did he make your brother, Cleinias, wise?
Cleinias is a madman; there is no use in talking of him.
But if Cleinias is a madman and the two sons of Pericles were simpletons, what reason can be given why he neglects you, and lets you be as you are?
I believe that I am to blame for not listening to him.
But did you ever hear of any other Athenian or foreigner, bond or free, who was deemed to have grown wiser in the society of Pericles, — as I might cite Pythodorus, the son of Isolochus, and Callias, the son of Calliades, who have grown wiser in the society of Zeno, for which privilege they have each of them paid him the sum of a hundred minae to the increase of their wisdom and fame.
I certainly never did hear of any one.
Well, and in reference to your own case, do you mean to remain as you are, or will you take some pains about yourself?
With your aid, Socrates, I will. And indeed, when I hear you speak, the truth of what you are saying strikes home to me, and I agree with you, for our statesmen, all but a few, do appear to be quite uneducated.
What is the inference?
Why, that if they were educated they would be trained athletes, and he who means to rival them ought to have knowledge and experience when he attacks them; but now, as they have become politicians without any special training, why should I have the trouble of learning and practising? For I know well that by the light of nature I shall get the better of them.
My dear friend, what a sentiment! And how unworthy of your noble form and your high estate!
What do you mean, Socrates; why do you say so?
I am grieved when I think of our mutual love.
At what?
At your fancying that the contest on which you are entering is with people here.
Why, what others are there?
Is that a question which a magnanimous soul should ask?
Do you mean to say that the contest is not with these?
And suppose that you were going to steer a ship into action, would you only aim at being the best pilot on board? Would you not, while acknowledging that you must possess this degree of excellence, rather look to your antagonists, and not, as you are now doing, to your fellow combatants? You ought to be so far above these latter, that they will not even dare to be your rivals; and, being regarded by you as inferiors, will do battle for you against the enemy; this is the kind of superiority which you must establish over them, if you mean to accomplish any noble action really worthy of yourself and of the state.
That would certainly be my aim.
Verily, then, you have good reason to be satisfied, if you are better than the soldiers; and you need not, when you are their superior and have your thoughts and actions fixed upon them, look away to the generals of the enemy.
Of whom are you speaking, Socrates?
Why, you surely know that our city goes to war now and then with the Lacedaemonians and with the great king?
True enough.
And if you meant to be the ruler of this city, would you not be right in considering that the Lacedaemonian and Persian king were your true rivals?
I believe that you are right.
Oh no, my friend, I am quite wrong, and I think that you ought rather to turn your attention to Midias the quail-breeder and others like him, who manage our politics; in whom, as the women would remark, you may still see the slaves' cut of hair, cropping out in their minds as well as on their pates; and they come with their barbarous lingo to flatter us and not to rule us. To these, I say, you should look, and then you need not trouble yourself about your own fitness to contend in such a noble arena: there is no reason why you should either learn what has to be learned, or practise what has to be practised, and only when thoroughly prepared enter on a political career.
There, I think, Socrates, that you are right; I do not suppose, however, that the Spartan generals or the great king are really different from anybody else.
But, my dear friend, do consider what you are saying.
What am I to consider?
In the first place, will you be more likely to take care of yourself, if you are in a wholesome fear and dread of them, or if you are not?
Clearly, if I have such a fear of them.
And do you think that you will sustain any injury if you take care of yourself?
No, I shall be greatly benefited.
And this is one very important respect in which that notion of yours is bad.
In the next place, consider that what you say is probably false.
How so?
Let me ask you whether better natures are likely to be found in noble races or not in noble races?
Clearly in noble races.
Are not those who are well born and well bred most likely to be perfect in virtue?
Then let us compare our antecedents with those of the Lacedaemonian and Persian kings; are they inferior to us in descent? Have we not heard that the former are sprung from Heracles, and the latter from Achaemenes, and that the race of Heracles and the race of Achaemenes go back to Perseus, son of Zeus?
Why, so does mine go back to Eurysaces, and he to Zeus!
And mine, noble Alcibiades, to Daedalus, and he to Hephaestus, son of Zeus. But, for all that, we are far inferior to them. For they are descended 'from Zeus,' through a line of kings — either kings of Argos and Lacedaemon, or kings of Persia, a country which the descendants of Achaemenes have always possessed, besides being at various times sovereigns of Asia, as they now are; whereas, we and our fathers were but private persons. How ridiculous would you be thought if you were to make a display of your ancestors and of Salamis the island of Eurysaces, or of Aegina, the habitation of the still more ancient Aeacus, before Artaxerxes, son of Xerxes. You should consider how inferior we are to them both in the derivation of our birth and in other particulars. Did you never observe how great is the property of the Spartan kings? And their wives are under the guardianship of the Ephori, who are public officers and watch over them, in order to preserve as far as possible the purity of the Heracleid blood. Still greater is the difference among the Persians; for no one entertains a suspicion that the father of a prince of Persia can be any one but the king. Such is the awe which invests the person of the queen, that any other guard is needless. And when the heir of the kingdom is born, all the subjects of the king feast; and the day of his birth is for ever afterwards kept as a holiday and time of sacrifice by all Asia; whereas, when you and I were born, Alcibiades, as the comic poet says, the neighbours hardly knew of the important event. After the birth of the royal child, he is tended, not by a good-for-nothing woman-nurse, but by the best of the royal eunuchs, who are charged with the care of him, and especially with the fashioning and right formation of his limbs, in order that he may be as shapely as possible; which being their calling, they are held in great honour. And when the young prince is seven years old he is put upon a horse and taken to the riding-masters, and begins to go out hunting. And at fourteen years of age he is handed over to the royal schoolmasters, as they are termed: these are four chosen men, reputed to be the best among the Persians of a certain age; and one of them is the wisest, another the justest, a third the most temperate, and a fourth the most valiant. The first instructs him in the magianism of Zoroaster, the son of Oromasus, which is the worship of the Gods, and teaches him also the duties of his royal office; the second, who is the justest, teaches him always to speak the truth; the third, or most temperate, forbids him to allow any pleasure to be lord over him, that he may be accustomed to be a freeman and king indeed, — lord of himself first, and not a slave; the most valiant trains him to be bold and fearless, telling him that if he fears he is to deem himself a slave; whereas Pericles gave you, Alcibiades, for a tutor Zopyrus the Thracian, a slave of his who was past all other work. I might enlarge on the nurture and education of your rivals, but that would be tedious; and what I have said is a sufficient sample of what remains to be said. I have only to remark, by way of contrast, that no one cares about your birth or nurture or education, or, I may say, about that of any other Athenian, unless he has a lover who looks after him. And if you cast an eye on the wealth, the luxury, the garments with their flowing trains, the anointings with myrrh, the multitudes of attendants, and all the other bravery of the Persians, you will be ashamed when you discern your own inferiority; or if you look at the temperance and orderliness and ease and grace and magnanimity and courage and endurance and love of toil and desire of glory and ambition of the Lacedaemonians — in all these respects you will see that you are but a child in comparison of them. Even in the matter of wealth, if you value yourself upon that, I must reveal to you how you stand; for if you form an estimate of the wealth of the Lacedaemonians, you will see that our possessions fall far short of theirs. For no one here can compete with them either in the extent and fertility of their own and the Messenian territory, or in the number of their slaves, and especially of the Helots, or of their horses, or of the animals which feed on the Messenian pastures. But I have said enough of this: and as to gold and silver, there is more of them in Lacedaemon than in all the rest of Hellas, for during many generations gold has been always flowing in to them from the whole Hellenic world, and often from the barbarian also, and never going out, as in the fable of Aesop the fox said to the lion, 'The prints of the feet of those going in are distinct enough;' but who ever saw the trace of money going out of Lacedaemon? And therefore you may safely infer that the inhabitants are the richest of the Hellenes in gold and silver, and that their kings are the richest of them, for they have a larger share of these things, and they have also a tribute paid to them which is very considerable. Yet the Spartan wealth, though great in comparison of the wealth of the other Hellenes, is as nothing in comparison of that of the Persians and their kings. Why, I have been informed by a credible person who went up to the king (at Susa), that he passed through a large tract of excellent land, extending for nearly a day's journey, which the people of the country called the queen's girdle, and another, which they called her veil; and several other fair and fertile districts, which were reserved for the adornment of the queen, and are named after her several habiliments. Now, I cannot help thinking to myself, What if some one were to go to Amestris, the wife of Xerxes and mother of Artaxerxes, and say to her, There is a certain Dinomache, whose whole wardrobe is not worth fifty minae — and that will be more than the value — and she has a son who is possessed of a three-hundred acre patch at Erchiae, and he has a mind to go to war with your son — would she not wonder to what this Alcibiades trusts for success in the conflict? 'He must rely,' she would say to herself, 'upon his training and wisdom — these are the things which Hellenes value.' And if she heard that this Alcibiades who is making the attempt is not as yet twenty years old, and is wholly uneducated, and when his lover tells him that he ought to get education and training first, and then go and fight the king, he refuses, and says that he is well enough as he is, would she not be amazed, and ask 'On what, then, does the youth rely?' And if we replied: He relies on his beauty, and stature, and birth, and mental endowments, she would think that we were mad, Alcibiades, when she compared the advantages which you possess with those of her own people. And I believe that even Lampido, the daughter of Leotychides, the wife of Archidamus and mother of Agis, all of whom were kings, would have the same feeling; if, in your present uneducated state, you were to turn your thoughts against her son, she too would be equally astonished. But how disgraceful, that we should not have as high a notion of what is required in us as our enemies' wives and mothers have of the qualities which are required in their assailants! O my friend, be persuaded by me, and hear the Delphian inscription, 'Know thyself' — not the men whom you think, but these kings are our rivals, and we can only overcome them by pains and skill. And if you fail in the required qualities, you will fail also in becoming renowned among Hellenes and Barbarians, which you seem to desire more than any other man ever desired anything.
I entirely believe you; but what are the sort of pains which are required, Socrates, — can you tell me?
Yes, I can; but we must take counsel together concerning the manner in which both of us may be most improved. For what I am telling you of the necessity of education applies to myself as well as to you; and there is only one point in which I have an advantage over you.
What is that?
I have a guardian who is better and wiser than your guardian, Pericles.
Who is he, Socrates?
God, Alcibiades, who up to this day has not allowed me to converse with you; and he inspires in me the faith that I am especially designed to bring you to honour.
You are jesting, Socrates.
Perhaps, at any rate, I am right in saying that all men greatly need pains and care, and you and I above all men.
You are not far wrong about me.
And certainly not about myself.
But what can we do?
There must be no hesitation or cowardice, my friend.
That would not become us, Socrates.
No, indeed, and we ought to take counsel together: for do we not wish to be as good as possible?
We do.
In what sort of virtue?
Plainly, in the virtue of good men.
Who are good in what?
Those, clearly, who are good in the management of affairs.
What sort of affairs? Equestrian affairs?
Certainly not.
You mean that about them we should have recourse to horsemen?
Well, naval affairs?
You mean that we should have recourse to sailors about them?
Then what affairs? And who do them?
The affairs which occupy Athenian gentlemen.
And when you speak of gentlemen, do you mean the wise or the unwise?
The wise.
And a man is good in respect of that in which he is wise?
And evil in respect of that in which he is unwise?
The shoemaker, for example, is wise in respect of the making of shoes?
Then he is good in that?
He is.
But in respect of the making of garments he is unwise?
Then in that he is bad?
Then upon this view of the matter the same man is good and also bad?
But would you say that the good are the same as the bad?
Certainly not.
Then whom do you call the good?
I mean by the good those who are able to rule in the city.
Not, surely, over horses?
Certainly not.
But over men?
When they are sick?
Or on a voyage?
Or reaping the harvest?
When they are doing something or nothing?
When they are doing something, I should say.
I wish that you would explain to me what this something is.
When they are having dealings with one another, and using one another's services, as we citizens do in our daily life.
Those of whom you speak are ruling over men who are using the services of other men?
Are they ruling over the signal-men who give the time to the rowers?
No; they are not.
That would be the office of the pilot?
But, perhaps you mean that they rule over flute-players, who lead the singers and use the services of the dancers?
Certainly not.
That would be the business of the teacher of the chorus?
Then what is the meaning of being able to rule over men who use other men?
I mean that they rule over men who have common rights of citizenship, and dealings with one another.
And what sort of an art is this? Suppose that I ask you again, as I did just now, What art makes men know how to rule over their fellow-sailors, — how would you answer?
The art of the pilot.
And, if I may recur to another old instance, what art enables them to rule over their fellow-singers?
The art of the teacher of the chorus, which you were just now mentioning.
And what do you call the art of fellow-citizens?
I should say, good counsel, Socrates.
And is the art of the pilot evil counsel?
But good counsel?
Yes, that is what I should say, — good counsel, of which the aim is the preservation of the voyagers.
True. And what is the aim of that other good counsel of which you speak?
The aim is the better order and preservation of the city.
And what is that of which the absence or presence improves and preserves the order of the city? Suppose you were to ask me, what is that of which the presence or absence improves or preserves the order of the body? I should reply, the presence of health and the absence of disease. You would say the same?
And if you were to ask me the same question about the eyes, I should reply in the same way, 'the presence of sight and the absence of blindness;' or about the ears, I should reply, that they were improved and were in better case, when deafness was absent, and hearing was present in them.
And what would you say of a state? What is that by the presence or absence of which the state is improved and better managed and ordered?
I should say, Socrates: — the presence of friendship and the absence of hatred and division.
And do you mean by friendship agreement or disagreement?
What art makes cities agree about numbers?
And private individuals?
The same.
And what art makes each individual agree with himself?
The same.
And what art makes each of us agree with himself about the comparative length of the span and of the cubit? Does not the art of measure?
Individuals are agreed with one another about this; and states, equally?
And the same holds of the balance?
But what is the other agreement of which you speak, and about what? what art can give that agreement? And does that which gives it to the state give it also to the individual, so as to make him consistent with himself and with another?
I should suppose so.
But what is the nature of the agreement? — answer, and faint not.
I mean to say that there should be such friendship and agreement as exists between an affectionate father and mother and their son, or between brothers, or between husband and wife.
But can a man, Alcibiades, agree with a woman about the spinning of wool, which she understands and he does not?
No, truly.
Nor has he any need, for spinning is a female accomplishment.
And would a woman agree with a man about the science of arms, which she has never learned?
Certainly not.
I suppose that the use of arms would be regarded by you as a male accomplishment?
It would.
Then, upon your view, women and men have two sorts of knowledge?
Then in their knowledge there is no agreement of women and men?
There is not.
Nor can there be friendship, if friendship is agreement?
Plainly not.
Then women are not loved by men when they do their own work?
I suppose not.
Nor men by women when they do their own work?
Nor are states well administered, when individuals do their own work?
I should rather think, Socrates, that the reverse is the truth.
What! do you mean to say that states are well administered when friendship is absent, the presence of which, as we were saying, alone secures their good order?
But I should say that there is friendship among them, for this very reason, that the two parties respectively do their own work.
That was not what you were saying before; and what do you mean now by affirming that friendship exists when there is no agreement? How can there be agreement about matters which the one party knows, and of which the other is in ignorance?
And when individuals are doing their own work, are they doing what is just or unjust?
What is just, certainly.
And when individuals do what is just in the state, is there no friendship among them?
I suppose that there must be, Socrates.
Then what do you mean by this friendship or agreement about which we must be wise and discreet in order that we may be good men? I cannot make out where it exists or among whom; according to you, the same persons may sometimes have it, and sometimes not.
But, indeed, Socrates, I do not know what I am saying; and I have long been, unconsciously to myself, in a most disgraceful state.
Nevertheless, cheer up; at fifty, if you had discovered your deficiency, you would have been too old, and the time for taking care of yourself would have passed away, but yours is just the age at which the discovery should be made.
And what should he do, Socrates, who would make the discovery?
Answer questions, Alcibiades; and that is a process which, by the grace of God, if I may put any faith in my oracle, will be very improving to both of us.
If I can be improved by answering, I will answer.
And first of all, that we may not peradventure be deceived by appearances, fancying, perhaps, that we are taking care of ourselves when we are not, what is the meaning of a man taking care of himself? and when does he take care? Does he take care of himself when he takes care of what belongs to him?
I should think so.
When does a man take care of his feet? Does he not take care of them when he takes care of that which belongs to his feet?
I do not understand.
Let me take the hand as an illustration; does not a ring belong to the finger, and to the finger only?
And the shoe in like manner to the foot?
And when we take care of our shoes, do we not take care of our feet?
I do not comprehend, Socrates.
But you would admit, Alcibiades, that to take proper care of a thing is a correct expression?
And taking proper care means improving?
And what is the art which improves our shoes?
Then by shoemaking we take care of our shoes?
And do we by shoemaking take care of our feet, or by some other art which improves the feet?
By some other art.
And the same art improves the feet which improves the rest of the body?
Very true.
Which is gymnastic?
Then by gymnastic we take care of our feet, and by shoemaking of that which belongs to our feet?
Very true.
And by gymnastic we take care of our hands, and by the art of graving rings of that which belongs to our hands?
And by gymnastic we take care of the body, and by the art of weaving and the other arts we take care of the things of the body?
Then the art which takes care of each thing is different from that which takes care of the belongings of each thing?
Then in taking care of what belongs to you, you do not take care of yourself?
Certainly not.
For the art which takes care of our belongings appears not to be the same as that which takes care of ourselves?
Clearly not.
And now let me ask you what is the art with which we take care of ourselves?
I cannot say.
At any rate, thus much has been admitted, that the art is not one which makes any of our possessions, but which makes ourselves better?
But should we ever have known what art makes a shoe better, if we did not know a shoe?
Nor should we know what art makes a ring better, if we did not know a ring?
That is true.
And can we ever know what art makes a man better, if we do not know what we are ourselves?
And is self-knowledge such an easy thing, and was he to be lightly esteemed who inscribed the text on the temple at Delphi? Or is self-knowledge a difficult thing, which few are able to attain?
At times I fancy, Socrates, that anybody can know himself; at other times the task appears to be very difficult.
But whether easy or difficult, Alcibiades, still there is no other way; knowing what we are, we shall know how to take care of ourselves, and if we are ignorant we shall not know.
That is true.
Well, then, let us see in what way the self-existent can be discovered by us; that will give us a chance of discovering our own existence, which otherwise we can never know.
You say truly.
Come, now, I beseech you, tell me with whom you are conversing? — with whom but with me?
As I am, with you?
That is to say, I, Socrates, am talking?
And Alcibiades is my hearer?
And I in talking use words?
And talking and using words have, I suppose, the same meaning?
To be sure.
And the user is not the same as the thing which he uses?
What do you mean?
I will explain; the shoemaker, for example, uses a square tool, and a circular tool, and other tools for cutting?
But the tool is not the same as the cutter and user of the tool?
Of course not.
And in the same way the instrument of the harper is to be distinguished from the harper himself?
It is.
Now the question which I asked was whether you conceive the user to be always different from that which he uses?
I do.
Then what shall we say of the shoemaker? Does he cut with his tools only or with his hands?
With his hands as well.
He uses his hands too?
And does he use his eyes in cutting leather?
He does.
And we admit that the user is not the same with the things which he uses?
Then the shoemaker and the harper are to be distinguished from the hands and feet which they use?
And does not a man use the whole body?
And that which uses is different from that which is used?
Then a man is not the same as his own body?
That is the inference.
What is he, then?
I cannot say.
Nay, you can say that he is the user of the body.
And the user of the body is the soul?
Yes, the soul.
And the soul rules?
Let me make an assertion which will, I think, be universally admitted.
What is it?
That man is one of three things.
What are they?
Soul, body, or both together forming a whole.
But did we not say that the actual ruling principle of the body is man?
Yes, we did.
And does the body rule over itself?
Certainly not.
It is subject, as we were saying?
Then that is not the principle which we are seeking?
It would seem not.
But may we say that the union of the two rules over the body, and consequently that this is man?
Very likely.
The most unlikely of all things; for if one of the members is subject, the two united cannot possibly rule.
But since neither the body, nor the union of the two, is man, either man has no real existence, or the soul is man?
Just so.
Is anything more required to prove that the soul is man?
Certainly not; the proof is, I think, quite sufficient.
And if the proof, although not perfect, be sufficient, we shall be satisfied; — more precise proof will be supplied when we have discovered that which we were led to omit, from a fear that the enquiry would be too much protracted.
What was that?
What I meant, when I said that absolute existence must be first considered; but now, instead of absolute existence, we have been considering the nature of individual existence, and this may, perhaps, be sufficient; for surely there is nothing which may be called more properly ourselves than the soul?
There is nothing.
Then we may truly conceive that you and I are conversing with one another, soul to soul?
Very true.
And that is just what I was saying before — that I, Socrates, am not arguing or talking with the face of Alcibiades, but with the real Alcibiades; or in other words, with his soul.
Then he who bids a man know himself, would have him know his soul?
That appears to be true.
He whose knowledge only extends to the body, knows the things of a man, and not the man himself?
That is true.
Then neither the physician regarded as a physician, nor the trainer regarded as a trainer, knows himself?
He does not.
The husbandmen and the other craftsmen are very far from knowing themselves, for they would seem not even to know their own belongings? When regarded in relation to the arts which they practise they are even further removed from self-knowledge, for they only know the belongings of the body, which minister to the body.
That is true.
Then if temperance is the knowledge of self, in respect of his art none of them is temperate?
I agree.
And this is the reason why their arts are accounted vulgar, and are not such as a good man would practise?
Quite true.
Again, he who cherishes his body cherishes not himself, but what belongs to him?
That is true.
But he who cherishes his money, cherishes neither himself nor his belongings, but is in a stage yet further removed from himself?
I agree.
Then the money-maker has really ceased to be occupied with his own concerns?
And if any one has fallen in love with the person of Alcibiades, he loves not Alcibiades, but the belongings of Alcibiades?
But he who loves your soul is the true lover?
That is the necessary inference.
The lover of the body goes away when the flower of youth fades?
But he who loves the soul goes not away, as long as the soul follows after virtue?
And I am the lover who goes not away, but remains with you, when you are no longer young and the rest are gone?
Yes, Socrates; and therein you do well, and I hope that you will remain.
Then you must try to look your best.
I will.
The fact is, that there is only one lover of Alcibiades the son of Cleinias; there neither is nor ever has been seemingly any other; and he is his darling, — Socrates, the son of Sophroniscus and Phaenarete.
And did you not say, that if I had not spoken first, you were on the point of coming to me, and enquiring why I only remained?
That is true.
The reason was that I loved you for your own sake, whereas other men love what belongs to you; and your beauty, which is not you, is fading away, just as your true self is beginning to bloom. And I will never desert you, if you are not spoiled and deformed by the Athenian people; for the danger which I most fear is that you will become a lover of the people and will be spoiled by them. Many a noble Athenian has been ruined in this way. For the demus of the great-hearted Erechteus is of a fair countenance, but you should see him naked; wherefore observe the caution which I give you.
What caution?
Practise yourself, sweet friend, in learning what you ought to know, before you enter on politics; and then you will have an antidote which will keep you out of harm's way.
Good advice, Socrates, but I wish that you would explain to me in what way I am to take care of myself.
Have we not made an advance? for we are at any rate tolerably well agreed as to what we are, and there is no longer any danger, as we once feared, that we might be taking care not of ourselves, but of something which is not ourselves.
That is true.
And the next step will be to take care of the soul, and look to that?
Leaving the care of our bodies and of our properties to others?
Very good.
But how can we have a perfect knowledge of the things of the soul? — For if we know them, then I suppose we shall know ourselves. Can we really be ignorant of the excellent meaning of the Delphian inscription, of which we were just now speaking?
What have you in your thoughts, Socrates?
I will tell you what I suspect to be the meaning and lesson of that inscription. Let me take an illustration from sight, which I imagine to be the only one suitable to my purpose.
What do you mean?
Consider; if some one were to say to the eye, 'See thyself,' as you might say to a man, 'Know thyself,' what is the nature and meaning of this precept? Would not his meaning be: — That the eye should look at that in which it would see itself?
And what are the objects in looking at which we see ourselves?
Clearly, Socrates, in looking at mirrors and the like.
Very true; and is there not something of the nature of a mirror in our own eyes?
Did you ever observe that the face of the person looking into the eye of another is reflected as in a mirror; and in the visual organ which is over against him, and which is called the pupil, there is a sort of image of the person looking?
That is quite true.
Then the eye, looking at another eye, and at that in the eye which is most perfect, and which is the instrument of vision, will there see itself?
That is evident.
But looking at anything else either in man or in the world, and not to what resembles this, it will not see itself?
Very true.
Then if the eye is to see itself, it must look at the eye, and at that part of the eye where sight which is the virtue of the eye resides?
And if the soul, my dear Alcibiades, is ever to know herself, must she not look at the soul; and especially at that part of the soul in which her virtue resides, and to any other which is like this?
I agree, Socrates.
And do we know of any part of our souls more divine than that which has to do with wisdom and knowledge?
There is none.
Then this is that part of the soul which resembles the divine; and he who looks at this and at the whole class of things divine, will be most likely to know himself?
And self-knowledge we agree to be wisdom?
But if we have no self-knowledge and no wisdom, can we ever know our own good and evil?
How can we, Socrates?
You mean, that if you did not know Alcibiades, there would be no possibility of your knowing that what belonged to Alcibiades was really his?
It would be quite impossible.
Nor should we know that we were the persons to whom anything belonged, if we did not know ourselves?
How could we?
And if we did not know our own belongings, neither should we know the belongings of our belongings?
Clearly not.
Then we were not altogether right in acknowledging just now that a man may know what belongs to him and yet not know himself; nay, rather he cannot even know the belongings of his belongings; for the discernment of the things of self, and of the things which belong to the things of self, appear all to be the business of the same man, and of the same art.
So much may be supposed.
And he who knows not the things which belong to himself, will in like manner be ignorant of the things which belong to others?
Very true.
And if he knows not the affairs of others, he will not know the affairs of states?
Certainly not.
Then such a man can never be a statesman?
He cannot.
Nor an economist?
He cannot.
He will not know what he is doing?
He will not.
And will not he who is ignorant fall into error?
And if he falls into error will he not fail both in his public and private capacity?
Yes, indeed.
And failing, will he not be miserable?
And what will become of those for whom he is acting?
They will be miserable also.
Then he who is not wise and good cannot be happy?
He cannot.
The bad, then, are miserable?
Yes, very.
And if so, not he who has riches, but he who has wisdom, is delivered from his misery?
Cities, then, if they are to be happy, do not want walls, or triremes, or docks, or numbers, or size, Alcibiades, without virtue?
Indeed they do not.
And you must give the citizens virtue, if you mean to administer their affairs rightly or nobly?
But can a man give that which he has not?
Then you or any one who means to govern and superintend, not only himself and the things of himself, but the state and the things of the state, must in the first place acquire virtue.
That is true.
You have not therefore to obtain power or authority, in order to enable you to do what you wish for yourself and the state, but justice and wisdom.
You and the state, if you act wisely and justly, will act according to the will of God?
As I was saying before, you will look only at what is bright and divine, and act with a view to them?
In that mirror you will see and know yourselves and your own good?
And so you will act rightly and well?
In which case, I will be security for your happiness.
I accept the security.
But if you act unrighteously, your eye will turn to the dark and godless, and being in darkness and ignorance of yourselves, you will probably do deeds of darkness.
Very possibly.
For if a man, my dear Alcibiades, has the power to do what he likes, but has no understanding, what is likely to be the result, either to him as an individual or to the state — for example, if he be sick and is able to do what he likes, not having the mind of a physician — having moreover tyrannical power, and no one daring to reprove him, what will happen to him? Will he not be likely to have his constitution ruined?
That is true.
Or again, in a ship, if a man having the power to do what he likes, has no intelligence or skill in navigation, do you see what will happen to him and to his fellow-sailors?
Yes; I see that they will all perish.
And in like manner, in a state, and where there is any power and authority which is wanting in virtue, will not misfortune, in like manner, ensue?
Not tyrannical power, then, my good Alcibiades, should be the aim either of individuals or states, if they would be happy, but virtue.
That is true.
And before they have virtue, to be commanded by a superior is better for men as well as for children?
That is evident.
And that which is better is also nobler?
And what is nobler is more becoming?
Then to the bad man slavery is more becoming, because better?
Then vice is only suited to a slave?
And virtue to a freeman?
And, O my friend, is not the condition of a slave to be avoided?
Certainly, Socrates.
And are you now conscious of your own state? And do you know whether you are a freeman or not?
I think that I am very conscious indeed of my own state.
And do you know how to escape out of a state which I do not even like to name to my beauty?
Yes, I do.
By your help, Socrates.
That is not well said, Alcibiades.
What ought I to have said?
By the help of God.
I agree; and I further say, that our relations are likely to be reversed. From this day forward, I must and will follow you as you have followed me; I will be the disciple, and you shall be my master.
O that is rare! My love breeds another love: and so like the stork I shall be cherished by the bird whom I have hatched.
Strange, but true; and henceforward I shall begin to think about justice.
And I hope that you will persist; although I have fears, not because I doubt you; but I see the power of the state, which may be too much for both of us.
I have tested the BeagleBone Green (BBG) and it works fine for the MFM emulator and is cheaper. The green has some functions removed that are not needed for the MFM board. The micro USB cable it comes with is only 7" long. All references in these pages to BeagleBone Black (BBB) also apply to BBG unless otherwise noted.
File Information
The board was created using the KiCad software suite. See License file for license of this board and license information and attribution for included files.
The directory pdf has the board schematic (top.pdf) for the actual PCB layout.
The directory info has a spreadsheet of the BeagleBone Black (BBB) pins used, and the board license.
The directory bom has the bill of materials for building the board.
The directory datasheets has datasheets for the chips used.
Mechanical Information
The board is laid out such that it matches the normal drive connector locations and orientation when installed with the component side up. The BBB plugs into the bottom solder side of the board. The assembled height should allow installation in a half height 5.25" drive bay.
The mounting holes in the board match the standard 5.25" drive bottom mounting holes. If the drive being emulated was mounted with screws into the bottom of the drive the board can be mounted using standoffs. The board is shorter than a normal drive so the connectors will be further back.
For drives that mounted using screws into the side, mounting blocks for the board will need to be made. Space has been left along the side of the board to allow the board to be screwed to the blocks using #6 screws and then screwed to mounting rails or the drive cage as needed. This is a partially assembled example of the original revision A board with a mounting rail:
See this page if you are assembling the PCB or for some notes on the board design.
You may wish to remove or move P9 caps jumper to drain until you are ready to install the board in a computer to use for MFM emulation. This way the board won't have any voltages on it after you remove power.
Reflashing BBB/BBG
NOTE: BeagleBone normally run from on-board flash unlike some some other boards that always run from SD card. This card image is for loading the on-board flash with the proper image. BB's can run from the micro SD card but my image doesn't support that.
If you got a prebuilt board with BBB you can skip this step since the latest software at time of shipping was installed. You can check your software against the website version to see when updated or subscribe to the forum announcements. I only announce major changes. Minor changes such as adding a new format are not announced.
You may wish to follow the Getting started instructions to first power up and log into the BBB without attaching it to the MFM board to verify you know how to access it before changing its configuration.
The easiest way to get stuff setup is to copy This prebuilt image BBB-mfm-emu_v2.21.img.xz (last modified Sunday, 18-Oct-2020 21:03:03 EDT ) to a micro SD card and flash your BBB from windows. From Linux use xzcat imagefile.xz | dd of=/dev/sdx where sdx is the device your microSD card was detected at. May also be detected as mmcblkx. Make sure you get the device right or you may wipe out your hard disk.
Note that is it is not securely configured so don't use it if it will be accessible from untrusted machine or the Internet. I think my image will work on all BBB revisions. This image is based on the console version so most of the flash storage is free but doesn't have graphical tools installed. If you wish to do it manually see software installation
Install the microSD card in the BBB and power it on. The lights should switch to one LED on running back and forth after a minute if programming is working. If it doesn't power off the board and power it on while holding down the boot button. The LEDs go out when flashing is done. Wait 10 seconds after lights go out to ensure it's done and then remove the microSD card and then reset the BBB.
I'm not planning to update the image with each software release so you likely will need to update the software.
It is probably easiest to connect the USB cable for installing the software. I use the Ethernet which needs a DHCP server on your network. It allows access to the Internet the way my network is configured. If the Ethernet cable isn't plugged in at boot it may take 20 seconds for the board to activate the Ethernet after the cable is plugged in.
It is also possible to access the board using the USB serial port and move files using a USB stick. The USB stick doesn't automount with my image. Use mount /dev/sda /mnt or mount /dev/sda1 /mnt. For the micro SD card use one of the following. If it was mounted at boot mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt or mount /dev/mmcblk0 /mnt If it was inserted after boot mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt mount /dev/mmcblk1 /mnt
Note that after the MFM daughter card is installed the board will not power up from the USB port. You will need to power the board through the drive power connector J5.
Don't use the barrel jack when the MFM board is installed if the DC/DC converter U12 is also installed on the MFM board.
If you are using windows you will need a scp and ssh program. I use putty and pscp from here. Login to the BBB is root with no password. ipaddr in the commands below is the IP address of the BBB. The USB IP address is Delete (rm) all except the latest file for the * in the following commands to work.
Make can get confused if the clock is wrong. To check use th date command. If its wrong set with date command. Date command format is [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]] and my image the date is in UTC. For January 3 2021 4pm 31 minutes 30 seconds
date 010316312021.30
# If your BeagleBone has Internet access you can download on BBB using wget
+# otherwise from machine you downloaded image to. Make clean helps
+# prevent issues with make not rebuilding all files but shouldn't be needed.
+scp mfm_emu_powerfail*.tgz root@ipaddr:
+#On BBB
+tar -xzf mfm_emu_powerfail_*.tgz
+cd mfm
+make clean
+cd ../emu
+make clean
+cd ../powerfail
+make clean
+exit (or poweroff)
Board Testing with BBB
MFM board testing Power functions
If you bought a pre-assembled board this testing has already been performed. It may be worth running the powerfail command below to test the input 12V power.
Power up board. With the MFM board installed the power must be supplied from the MFM board power connector J5. If U12 isn't installed skip these tests. Ssh into the BBB.
If you installed the holdup capacitors first try the powerfail command.
It should print after several seconds something like
Average 12.27V max 12.30V min 12.24V
Control-c it after it prints the message. Verify the voltage matches the input voltage and min to max difference is reasonable for your supply ripple. For more information see the command documentation.
To test the auto power on when power available ssh into the BBB and enter the command:
poweroff -f
The board should power down then immediately power back on. This function is to ensure the BB does not get stuck in a powered off state if you turn off for a short time the computer you have it installed in as an emulator using the capacitors and powerfail shutdown.
If you really wish to power off the board you need to remove the 12V either before or during the poweroff. I use halt -f then remove the 12V when I'm shutting down the board. This halts but doesn't power off the board. Someone decided to be "helpful" and do poweroff when you use the halt command unless you specify -f. The -f prevents running the shutdown scripts.
If you don't want this behavior you can either put a short across R27 or short U17 pin 2 or 3 to ground. You could glue down jumper pins or a little switch if you want it selectable.
MFM board testing disk reading
The write jumper P1 should be removed before reading a disk to ensure that it can't be written to. I have seen corruption of disk contents when connected to a drive with jumper installed and hot plugging cables and power cycling beaglbone. I haven't seen it when the jumper is removed. Powering the drive up after the beaglebone is booted and setup_mfm run is advisable.
To test disk reading attach cables from J3 and J4 to a drive Ensure the cables are attached in the proper orientation. Data can be erased if they are plugged in backward. Note that PC hard and floppy cables look similar but are not interchangeable. Verify the drive has a terminating resistor installed. Power up the board and drive. Note that setup_mfm_read only needs to be done once per boot. It will give errors if you run it twice or after setup_emu is run. If you set up automatic starting of the emulator at boot you will need to turn that off. For now you need to reboot the board to switch between reading disks and emulating. If you get the error permission denied verify user has permission (I just use root) and the execute bit is set (chmod +x setup_mfm_read). mfm_read may take a minute to detect the format without visible progress indication so don't give up.
If you specify the extracted_data_file the program will retry on read error and report uncorrectable errors. This way you get the best emulation file and know where the errors are. If analyze doesn't understand your drive format use the second command where you will need to specify the number of cylinders, heads, and which drive select your drive is on. For reading important drives you should also use --transitions_file filename to archive the drive since it retains the most information if further work is needed and it least likely to be corrupted by software errors. You may also wish to use the script command to capture the messages from reading the disk and store it with the image so you know what errors the drive had.
If you use --analyze verify that the number of cylinders and heads found match your drive specifications. If they don't and retries weren't needed to recover marginal sectors use the second form of the command to read the entire disk. Otherwise you can use the parameters mfm_read prints out adjusted for your drive to manually read the entire disk. You can use mfm_util to see what errors are in the file read. Sometimes the mismatch is due to the system not using all the cylinders or heads. Others are due to how the controller formats the tracks and limitations in my decoding software. You can contact me if you need help understanding why the mismatch.
If you get "Unable to find drive. If just powered on retry in 30 seconds" it didn't see the drive selected signal come back when it raised any of the drive select lines. If your drive had a light did it come on? If you have test equipment test J4 pin 26, 28, 30, and 32 are being driven low and see if the drive responds by pulling J3 pin 1 low.
I have found with some drives that if you are getting read errors reorienting the drive may get rid of them. I normally start with lying flat then try on the sides. Probably best to start with the orientation the drive was originally used.
I have found that with Seagate ST-251 drives if I am getting read errors that if I push on the shaft of the head stepper motor during the retries most of the time it will get a good read. This may work with other drives with external stepper motors. I first do a read without touching anything in case it damages the drive. Then I increase the retries and position the drive so I can touch the shaft. When I hear it retrying I put a little pressure on the shaft and hopefully it will say all sectors recovered. If I press too hard I get seek errors. The program will recover from seek errors. Users results with ST-225.
If getting error free read took multiple retries its possible the emulator file will have errors since the way it puts together the sectors from multiple reads doesn't always work. Use mfm_util to check the emulator file to see if it has more sectors with errors than the original read. If this is an issue I may be able to adjust some parameters to help.
Remove cables for reading a drive before trying to emulate a drive. Set P9 jumper as desired for caps used or disabled.
To test disk emulation attach cables from controller to J1 and J2. Set the P7 jumper to the drive number you wish to emulate. Leave P8 open. RN1 should be installed unless you are trying to use it with another drive that is terminated at the end of the cable. Make sure RN1 is installed with the dot on the resistor at the pin 1 of the socket marked with dot and square pad. Power up board and run the following if you previously read the drive you wish to emulate. Note that setup_emu only needs to be run once per boot.
cd ~/emu
+./mfm_emu --drive 1 --file ../emu_file
Then try to boot the computer attached to the drive emulator or access the emulated disk drive. The mfm emulator should print messages like shown in the documentation and the computer should act like it has the disk attached.
If you didn't read a disk to emulate you will need to start with an unformatted drive:
Replace # with the proper numbers for the drive you wish to emulate (you don't need number of sectors). Then run the low level format command on the computer attached to the drive emulator. The mfm emulator should print messages like shown in the documentation and the format should complete without errors.
If you wish to try emulating two drives connect J6 to your controller and use --drive 1,2 --file file1,file2 on the command line and set P8 to the drive select you want the second drive to be detected as. This will only work if the system uses the same control cable for both drives being emulated. The Bill of materials at the bottom has possible cables for J6 if you don't have a suitable female-female 20 pin cable.
Note: mfm_emu has a number of internal consistency checks where if they fail the program will dump its state and exit. This is a large amount of hex data. If you see this send me the logfile.txt from the directory you start the program from.
J7 is for connecting operator controls or status displays. Currently only drive selected LED's are supported. Any I/O must be 3.3V to prevent damage.
The emulator software will drive pin 16 low when the first drive emulated is selected and pin 10 low when the second drive is selected. The LED anode (+) should be connected through a resistor to pin 1 (3.3V). Since only one LED is on at a time both LED's can share the same resistor. The BBB outputs are rated for 6 mA current. The resistors values should be (3.3V - LED Vf) / .006. For Vf (LED forward voltage) of 1.6V that gives 300 ohms rounded up to 5% value or 287 for 1%. Other usage of this connector is expected to be developed by the user community. See BBB_Pins for what functions the BBB supports for the expansion connector pins. See the bottom of the BOM for possible mates to J7 for making LED cable.
Starting Emulation on Power On
You should install P9 jumper for rev B or move P9 caps jumper to fill for rev C boards.
Using my prebuilt image the default when enabled is to emulate a single drive from /root/emufile_a. The emulation file will not be backed up on boot. If you want to start the emulator at boot with these options execute the following command
systemctl enable mfm_emu.service
If you wish to change the options edit /etc/mfm_emu.conf. The file has comments describing what the configuration variables do. For example if you wish to emulate two drives set EmuFN2 to the second file name. If your emulated drive has information you wish not to lose you may wish to enable backup. Set the Backup variable to the type of backup. Copy just copies the emulator file. rdiff and xdelta do a binary difference between the files to take less space. If you do something that changes most of the image file such as defragment the binary difference may take long enough for your computer to timeout. The straight copy is quicker but for small changes will take much more space. I didn't find a clear winner between rdiff and xdelta.
It seems to take about 12 seconds from power on until the mfm emulator is running if no backup is performed.
To stop automatic starting of the emulator
systemctl disable mfm_emu.service
If the emulator fails to start see /var/log/syslog, /var/log/daemon.log and /root/emu/logfile.txt. If they don't show anything useful try changing StandardOutput=null to StandardOutput=journal+console in /etc/systemd/system/mfm_emu.service then execute:
To see output of mfm_emu started by systemd change /etc/mfm_emu.conf NoLineBuffer to yes, restart as above, then run:
reptyr -s `ps -C mfm_emu -o pid=`
Without setting NoLineBuffer the output will be delayed by output buffering.
Editing Files
I used vi for editing files. If you haven't used vi there are manuals online. Here is one.
You may use any editor. The nano editor may be easier to use if you are not familiar with vi.
You can also copy off the file to another system to edit and copy back. You may need an editor under windows that can handle Unix line ending conventions.
+ Feel free to contact me, David Gesswein djg@pdp8online.com with any questions, comments on the web site, or if you have related equipment, documentation, software etc. you are willing to part with. I am interested in anything PDP-8 related, computers, peripherals used with them, DEC or third party, or documentation.
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url--639320493 b/run/test-data/url--639320493
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b13b1bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url--639320493
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ The MJ-12
UFO and Alien Section MJ12 Study Group Findings By MJ12 Study Group Findings Mar 17, 2004, 10:27
The Secret Government - an essay on MJ- 12
THE SECRET GOVERNMENT The Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12
A Hypothesis By Milton William Cooper May 23, 1989
(C) COPYRIGHT 1989 - All rights reserved. No part of this manuscript may be copied by any method, electronic, computer, or by any other means without written permission of the author.
************************************************************* NOTE....Many sources of information were used to research this paper. Most of this knowledge comes directly from or is a result of my own research into the TOP SECRET/MAJIC material which I personally saw and read between the years 1970 and 1973 as a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet. Since some of this information was derived from sources that I cannot divulge for obvious reasons, and from published sources which I personally cannot vouch for, this paper must be treated as a hypothesis. Although, I firmly believe that this is the true nature of the Beast. It is the only scenario that has been able to cohesively bind all the diverse elements which have been driving researchers to tears in their quest for answers. It is the only scenario that answers all the questions and places the various fundamental mysteries in an arena that makes sense. It is the only explanation which shows the chronology of events and shows that the different chronologies when assembled together match perfectly. The bulk of this I know to be true. As for the rest I do not know and that is why this paper must be termed a hypothesis *************************************************************
During the years following World War II the government of the United States was confronted with a series of events which were to change beyond prediction its future and with it the future of humanity. These events were so incredible that they defied belief. A stunned President Truman and his top Military Commanders found themselves virtually impotent after having just won the most devastating and costly war in history. The United States had developed, used, and was the only nation on earth in possession of the Atomic Bomb which alone had the potential to destroy any enemy, and even the Earth itself. At that time the United States had the best economy, the most advanced technology, the highest standard of living, exerted the most influence, and fielded the largest and most powerful military forces in history. We can only imagine the confusion and concern when the informed elite of the United States Government discovered that an alien spacecraft piloted by insect-like beings from a totally incomprehensible culture had crashed in the desert of New Mexico.
Between January 1947 and December 1952 at least 16 crashed or downed alien craft, 65 alien bodies, and 1 live alien were recovered. An additional alien craft had exploded and nothing was recovered from that incident. Of these incidents, 13 occurred within the borders of the United States not including the craft which disintegrated in the air. Of these 13, 1 was in Arizona, 11 were in New Mexico, and 1 was in Nevada. Three occurred in foreign countries. Of those 1 was in Norway, and the last 2 were in Mexico. Sightings of UFOS were so numerous that serious investigation and debunking of each report became impossible utilizing the existing intelligence assets.
An alien craft was found on February 13, 1948 on a Mesa near Aztec New Mexico. Another craft was located on March 25, 1948 in Hart Canyon near Aztec New Mexico. It was 100 feet in diameter. A total of 17 alien bodies were recovered from those two craft. Of even greater significance was the discovery of a large number of human body parts stored within both of these vehicles. A demon had reared its ugly head and paranoia quickly took hold of everyone then 'in the know'. The Secret lid immediately became an Above Top Secret lid and was screwed down tight. The security blanket was even tighter than that imposed upon the Manhattan Project. In the coming years these events were to become the most closely guarded secrets in the history of the world.
A special group of America's top scientists were organized under the name Project Sign in December of 1947 to study the phenomenon. The whole nasty business was contained within the shroud of secrecy. Project Sign evolved into Project Grudge in December of 1948. A low level collection and disinformation project named Blue Book was formed under Grudge. 16 volumes were to come out of Grudge including the controversial "Grudge 13" which I and Bill English saw, read, and revealed to the public. "Blue Teams" were put together to recover the crashed discs and dead or alive aliens. The Blue Teams were later to evolve into Alpha Teams under Project Pounce.
During these early years the United States Air Force and the Central Intelligence Agency exercised complete control over the Alien Secret. In fact the CIA was formed by Presidential Executive Order first as the Central Intelligence Group for the express purpose of dealing with the alien presence. Later the National Security Act was passed establishing it as the Central Intelligence Agency. The National Security Council was established to oversee the intelligence community and especially the alien endeavor. A series of National Security Council Memos and Executive Orders removed the CIA from the sole task of gathering foreign intelligence and slowly but thoroughly 'legalized' direct action in the form of covert activities at home and abroad.
On December 9, 1947 Truman approved issuance of NSC-4, entitled "Coordination of Foreign Intelligence Information Measures" at the urging of Secretaries Marshall, Forrestal, Patterson, and the director of the State Department's Policy Planning Staff, Kennan.
The Foreign and Military Intelligence, Book 1, "Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities." United States Senate, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Report No. 94-755, April 26, 1976, p. 49 states: "This directive empowered the secretary of state to coordinate overseas information activities designed to counter communism. A top secret annex to NSC-4, NSC-4A, instructed the director of Central Intelligence to undertake covert psychological activities in pursuit of the aims set forth in NSC-4. The initial authority given the CIA for covert operations under NSC-4A did not establish formal procedures for either coordinating or approving these operations. It simply directed the DCI to "undertake covert actions and to ensure, through liaison with State and Defense, that the resulting operations were consistent with American policy."
Later NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 were to supersede NSC-4 and NSC- 4A and expand the covert abilities even further. The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) was chartered to carry out an expanded program of covert activities. NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 validated illegal and extra-legal practices and procedures as being agreeable to the national security leadership. The reaction was swift. In the eyes of the intelligence community "no holds were barred". Under NSC-10/1 an Executive Coordination Group, was established to review, but not approve, covert project proposals. The ECG was secretly tasked to coordinate the alien projects. NSC-10/1 & /2 were interpreted to mean that no one at the top wanted to know about anything until it was over and successful. These actions established a buffer between the President and the information. It was intended that this buffer serve as a means for the President to deny knowledge if leaks divulged the true state of affairs. This buffer was used in later years for the purpose of effectively isolating succeeding Presidents from any knowledge of the alien presence other than what the Secret Government and the intelligence community wanted them to know. NSC-10/2 established a study panel which met secretly and was made up of the scientific minds of the day. The study panel was not called MJ-12. Another NSC memo, NSC-10/5 further outlined the duties of the study panel. these NSC memos and secret Executive Orders set the stage for the creation of MJ-12 only 4 years later.
Secretary of Defense James Forrestal began to object to the secrecy. He was a very idealistic and religious man who believed that the public should be told. When he began to talk to leaders of the opposition party and leaders of the Congress about the alien problem he was asked to resign by Truman. He expressed his fears to many people and rightfully believed that he was being watched. This was interpreted by those who were ignorant of the facts as paranoia. Forrestal later was said to have suffered a mental breakdown and was admitted to Bethesda Naval Hospital. In fact it was feared that Forrestal would begin to talk again and he had to be isolated and discredited. Sometime in the early morning of May 22, 1949 agents of the CIA tied a sheet around his neck, fastened the other end to a fixture in his room and threw James Forrestal out the window. The sheet tore and he plummeted to his death. He became one of the first victims of the cover-up.
The live alien that had been taken from the 1949 Roswell crash was named EBE. The name had been suggested by Dr. Vannever Bush and was short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. EBE had a tendency to lie and for over a year would give only the desired answer to questions asked. Those questions which would have resulted in an undesirable answer went unanswered. At some point during the second year of captivity he began to open up and the information derived from EBE was startling to say the least. This compilation of his revelations became the foundation of what would later be called the "Yellow Book". Photographs were taken of EBE which, among others, I and Bill English were to view years later in GRUDGE 13.
In late 1951 EBE became ill. Medical personnel had been unable to determine the cause of EBE's illness and had no background from which to draw. EBE's system was chlorophyll based and he processed food into energy much the same as plants. Waste material was excreted the same as plants. It was decided that an expert in botany was called for. A botanist, Dr. Guillermo Mendoza, was brought in to try and help him recover. Dr. Mendoza worked to save EBE until mid 1952 when EBE died. Dr. Mendoza became the expert on alien biology.
In a futile attempt to save EBE and to gain favor with this technologically superior alien race the United States began broadcasting a call for help early in 1952 into the vast regions of space. The call went unanswered but the project continued as an effort of good faith.
President Truman created the super secret National Security Agency by secret Executive Order on November 4, 1952. Its primary purpose was to decipher the alien communications and language and establish a dialog with the aliens. This most urgent task was a continuation of the earlier effort and was code named SIGMA. The secondary purpose of the NSA was to monitor all communications and emissions from any and all devices worldwide for the purpose of gathering intelligence, both human and alien, and to contain the secret of the alien presence. Project Sigma was successful. The NSA also maintains communications with the Luna base and other Secret Space Programs. By Executive Order The NSA is exempt from all laws which do not specifically name the NSA in the text of the law as being subject to that law. That means that if the agency is not spelled out in the text of any and every law passed by the Congress it is not subject to that or those laws. The NSA now performs many other duties and in fact is the premier agency within the intelligence community. Today the NSA receives 75% of the moneys allotted to the intelligence community. The old saying "where the money goes therein the power resides is true. The DCI today is a figurehead maintained as a public ruse. The primary task of the NSA is still alien communications but now includes other Alien projects as well.
President Truman had been keeping our allies, including the Soviet Union, informed of the developing alien problem since the Roswell recovery. This had been done in case the aliens turned out to be a threat to the human race. Plans were formulated to defend the Earth in case of invasion. Great difficulty was encountered in maintaining international secrecy. It was decided that an outside group was necessary to coordinate and control international efforts in order to hide the secret from the normal scrutiny of governments by the press. The result was the formation of a secret society which became known as the "Bilderburgers". The headquarters of this group is Geneva, Switzerland. The Bilderburgers evolved into a secret world government that now controls everything. The United Nations was then, and is now, an international joke.
In 1953 a new president occupied the White House. He was a man used to a structured staff organization with a chain of command. His method was to delegate authority and rule by committee. He made major decisions but only when his advisors were unable to come to consensus. His normal method was to read through or listen to several alternatives and then approve one. Those who worked closely with him have stated that his favorite comment was, "just do whatever it takes". He spent a lot of time on the golf course. This was not at all unusual for a man who had been career Army with the ultimate position of Supreme Allied Commander during the war. A post which carried 5 stars along with it. This President was General of the Army Dwight David Eisenhower.
During his first year in office, 1953, at least 10 more crashed discs were recovered along with 26 dead and 4 live aliens. Of the 10, 4 were found in Arizona, 2 in Texas, 1 in New Mexico, 1 in Louisiana, 1 in Montana, and 1 in South Africa. There were hundreds of sightings.
Eisenhower knew that he had to wrestle and beat the alien problem. He knew that he could not do it by revealing the secret to the Congress. Early in 1953 the new President turned to his friend and fellow member of the Council on Foreign Relations Nelson Rockefeller for help with the alien problem. Eisenhower and Rockefeller began planning the secret structure of alien task supervision which was to become a reality within 1 year. The idea for MJ-12 was thus born. It was Nelson's Uncle Winthrop Aldrich who had been crucial in convincing Eisenhower to run for President. The whole Rockefeller family and with them the Rockefeller empire had solidly backed Ike. Asking Rockefeller for help with the alien problem was to be the biggest mistake Eisenhower ever made for the future of the United States and most probably all of humanity.
Within 1 week of Eisenhower's election he had appointed Nelson Rockefeller chairman of a Presidential Advisory Committee on Government Organization. Rockefeller was responsible for planning the reorganization of the government. New Deal programs went into 1 single Cabinet position called the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. When the Congress approved the new Cabinet position in April of 1953, Nelson was named to the post of Undersecretary to Oveta Culp Hobby.
In 1953 Astronomers discovered large objects in space which were moving toward the Earth. It was first believed that they were asteroids. Later evidence proved that the objects could only be Spaceships. Project Sigma intercepted alien radio communications. When the objects reached the Earth they took up a very high orbit around the Equator. There were several huge ships, and their actual intent was unknown. Project Sigma, and a new project, Plato, through radio communications using the computer binary language, was able to arrange a landing that resulted in face to face contact with alien beings from another planet. Project Plato was tasked with establishing diplomatic relations with this race of space aliens.
In the meantime a race of human looking aliens contacted the U.S. Government. This alien group warned us against the aliens that were orbiting the Equator and offered to help us with our spiritual development. They demanded that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons as the major condition. They refused to exchange technology citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the technology which we then possessed. They believed that we would use any new technology to destroy each other. This race stated that we were on a path of self destruction and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting the Earth, stop raping the Earth's natural resources, and learn to live in harmony. These terms were met with extreme suspicion, especially the major condition of nuclear disarmament. It was believed that meeting that condition would leave us helpless in the face of an obvious alien threat. We also had nothing in history to help with the decision. Nuclear disarmament was not considered to be within the best interest of the United States. The overtures were rejected.
Later in 1954 the race of large nosed Gray Aliens which had been orbiting the Earth landed at Holloman Air Force Base. A basic agreement was reached. This race identified themselves as originating from a Planet around a red star in the Constellation of Orion which we called Betelgeuse. They stated that their planet was dying and that at some unknown future time they would no longer be able to survive there. This led to a second landing at Edwards Air Force Base. The historical event had been planned in advance and details of the treaty had been agreed upon. Eisenhower arranged to be in Palm Springs on vacation. On the appointed day the President was spirited away to the base and the excuse was given to the press that he was visiting a dentist.
President Eisenhower met with the aliens and a formal treaty between the Alien Nation and the United States of America was signed. We then received our first Alien Ambassador from outer space. His name and title was His "Omnipotent Highness Krlll", pronounced Krill. In the American tradition of distain for royal titles he was secretely called "Original Hostage Krlll". You should know that the Alien flag is known as the "Trilateral Insignia" and is displayed on their craft and worn on their uniforms. Both of these landings and the second meeting were filmed. These films exist today.
The treaty stated: The aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth a secret. They would furnish us with advanced technology and would help us in our technological development. They would not make any treaty with any other earth nation. They could abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring of our development with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, that the humans would have no memory of the event, and that the Alien nation would furnish MJ-12 with a list of all human contacts and abductees on a regularly scheduled basis. It was agreed that each nation would receive the Ambassador of the other for as long as the treaty remained in force. It was further agreed that the Alien nation and the United States would exchange 16 personnel each to the other with the purpose of learning, each of the other. The Alien "Guests" would remain on earth and the human "Guests" would travel to the Alien point of origin for a specified period of time then return, at which point a reverse exchange would be made. It was also agreed that bases would be constructed underground for the use of the Alien nation and that 2 bases would be constructed for the joint use of the Alien nation and the United States Government. Exchange of technology would take place in the jointly occupied bases. These Alien bases would be constructed under Indian reservations in the 4 corners of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and 1 would be constructed in Nevada in the area known as S-4 located approximately 7 miles south of the western border of Area 51, known as Dreamland. All alien areas are under complete control of the Naval Department and all personnel who work in these complexes receive their checks from the Navy. Construction of the bases began immediately but progress was slow until large amounts of money were made available in 1957. Work continued on the "Yellow Book".
Project REDLIGHT was formed and experimentation in test flying alien craft was begun in earnest. A super TOP SECRET facility was built at Groom Lake in Nevada in the midst of the weapons test range. It was code named DREAMLAND. The installation was placed under the Department of the Navy and clearance of all personnel required a "Q" clearance as well as Executive (Presidential) approval. This is ironic due to the fact that the President of the United States does not have clearance to visit the site. The alien base and exchange of technology actually took place in an Area known as S-4. Area S-4 was code named "The Dark Side of the Moon".
The Army was tasked to form a super secret organization to furnish security for all alien tasked projects. This organization became the National Reconnaissance Organization based at Fort Carson, Colorado. The specific teams trained to secure the projects were called Delta.
A second project code named SNOWBIRD was promulgated to explain away any sightings of the REDLIGHT crafts as being Air Force experiments. The SNOWBIRD crafts were manufactured using conventional technology and were flown for the press on several occasions. Project SNOWBIRD was also used to debunk legitimate public sightings of alien craft (UFOS). Project SNOWBIRD was very successful and reports from the public declined steadily until recent years.
A multimillion-dollar SECRET fund was organized and kept by the Military Office of the White House. This fund was used to build over 75 deep underground facilities. Presidents who asked were told the fund was used to build Deep Underground Shelters for the President in case of war. Only a few were built for the President. Millions of dollars were funnelled through this office to MJ-12 and then out to the contractors and was used to build TOP SECRET alien bases as well as TOP SECRET DUMB (Deep Underground Military Bases), and the facilities promulgated by "Alternative 2", throughout the nation. President Johnson used this fund to build a movie theater and pave the road on his ranch. He had no idea of its true purpose.
The secret White House underground construction fund was set up in 1957 by President Eisenhower. The funding was obtained from Congress under the guise of "construction and maintenance of secret sites where the President could be taken in case of military attack: Presidential Emergency Sites". The sites are literally holes in the ground, deep enough to withstand a nuclear blast and are outfitted with state of the art communications equipment. To date there are more than seventy-five sites spread around the country which were built using money from this fund. The Atomic Energy Commission has built at least an additional 22 underground sites.
The location and everything to do with these sites were and are considered and treated as TOP SECRET. The money was and is in control of the Military Office of the White House, and was and is laundered through a circuitous web that even the most knowledgeable spy or accountant can not follow. As of 1980 only a few at the beginning and end of this web knew what the money was for. At the beginning were Representative George Mahon, of Texas, the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and of its Defense Subcommittee; and Representative Robert Sikes, of Florida, chairman of the House Appropriations Military Construction Subcommittee. Today it is rumored that House Speaker Jim Wright controls the money in Congress and that a power struggle is underway to remove him. At the end of the line were the President, MJ-12, the director of the Military Office and a commander at the Washington Navy Yard.
The money was authorized by the Appropriations Committee who allocated it to the Department of Defense as a TOP SECRET item in the Army construction program. The Army, however could not spend it and in fact did not even know what it was for. Authorization to spend the money was in reality given to the Navy. The money was channeled to the Chesapeake Division of the Navy Engineers who did not know what it was for either. Not even the Commanding Officer, who was an Admiral, knew what the fund was to be used for. Only one man, a Navy Commander, who was assigned to the Chesapeake Division but in reality was responsible only to the Military Office of the White House knew of the actual purpose, amount, and ultimate destination of the TOP SECRET fund. The total secrecy surrounding the fund meant that almost every trace of it could be made to disappear by the very few people who controlled it. There has never been and most likely never will be an audit of this secret money.
Large amounts of money were transferred from the TOP SECRET fund to a location at Palm Beach, Florida that belongs to the Coast Guard called Peanut Island. The island is adjacent to property which was owned by Joseph Kennedy. The money was said to have been used for landscaping and general beautification. Some time ago a TV news special on the Kennedy assassination told of a Coast Guard Officer transferring money in a briefcase to a Kennedy employee across this property line. Could this have been a secret payment to the Kennedy family for the loss of their son John F. Kennedy? The payments continued through the year 1967 and then stopped. The total amount transferred is unknown and the actual use of the money is unknown.
Meanwhile, Nelson Rockefeller changed positions again. This time he was to take C. D. Jackson's old position which had been called the Special Assistant for Psychological Strategy. With Nelson's appointment the name was changed to the Special Assistant for Cold War Strategy. This position would evolve over the years into the same position Henry Kissinger was ultimately to hold under President Nixon. Officially he was to give "Advice and assistance in the development of increased understanding and cooperation among all peoples". The official description was a smoke screen for secretly he was the Presidential Coordinator for the Intelligence Community. In his new post Rockefeller reported directly, and only, to the President. He attended meetings of the Cabinet, the Council on Foreign Economic Policy, and the National Security Council which was the highest policy-making body in the government.
Nelson Rockefeller was also given a second important job as the head of the secret unit called the Planning Coordination Group which was formed under NSC 5412/1 in March of 1955. The group consisted of different ad hoc members depending on the subject on the agenda. The basic members were Rockefeller, A representative of the Department of Defense, A representative of the Department of State, and the Director of Central Intelligence. It was soon called the "5412 Committee" or the "Special Group". NSC 5412/1 established the rule that covert operations were subject to approval by an executive committee, whereas in the past these operations were initiated solely on the authority of the Director of Central Intelligence.
By secret Executive Memorandum, NSC 5410, Eisenhower had preceeded NSC 5412/1 in 1954 to establish a permanent committee (not ad hoc) to be known as Majority Twelve (MJ-12) to oversee and conduct all covert activities concerned with the alien question. NSC 5412/1 was created to explain the purpose of these meetings when Congress and the Press became curious. Majority Twelve was made up of Nelson Rockefeller, the Director of Central Intelligence Allen Welsh Dulles, the Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, the Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Arthur W. Radford, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation J. Edgar Hoover, and six men from the executive committee of the Council on Foreign Relations known as the "Wise Men". These men were all members of a secret society of scholars that called themselves "The Jason Society", or "The Jason Scholars" who recruited their members from the "Skull and Bones" and the "Scroll and Key" societies of Harvard and Yale.
The "Wise Men" were key members of the Council on Foreign Relations. There were 12 members including the first 6 from Government positions thus Majority Twelve. This group was made up over the years of the top officers and directors of the Council on Foreign Relations and later the Trilateral Commission. Gordon Dean, George Bush and Zbigniew Brzezinski were among them. The most important and influential of the "Wise Men" who served on MJ-12 were John McCloy, Robert Lovett, Averell Harriman, Charles Bohlen, George Kennan, and Dean Acheson. Their policies were to last well into the decade of the 70s. It is significant that President Eisenhower as well as the first 6 MJ-12 members from the Government were also members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Thorough researchers will soon discover that not all of the "Wise Men" attended Harvard or Yale and not all of them were chosen for "Skull and Bones" or "Scroll and Key" membership during their college years. You will be able to quickly clear up this mystery by obtaining the book "The Wise Men" by Walter Isaacson & Evan thomas, Simon and Schuster, New York. Under illustration #9 in the center of the book you will find the caption; "Lovett with the Yale Unit, above far right, and on the beach: His initiation into Skull and Bones came at an air base near Dunkirk". I have found that members were chosen on an ongoing basis by invitation based upon merit post college and was not confined to only Harvard or Yale attendees.
A chosen few were later initiated into the Jason Society. They are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations and at that time were known as the "Eastern Establishment". This should give you a clue to the far reaching and serious nature of these most secret college societies. The society is alive and well today but now includes members of the Trilateral Commission as well. The Trilateralists existed secretly several years BEFORE 1973. The name of the Trilateral Commission was taken from the alien flag known as the Trilateral Insignia.
Majority Twelve was to survive right up to the present day. Under Eisenhower and Kennedy it was erroniously called the "5412 Committee" or more correctly the "Special Group". In the Johnson Administration it became the "303 Committee" because the name 5412 had been compromised in the book "The Secret Government". Actually NSC 5412/1 was leaked to the author to hide the existence of NSC 5410. Under Nixon, Ford, and Carter it was called the "40 Committee", and under Reagan it became the "PI-40 Committee". Over all those years only the name changed.
By 1955 it became obvious that the aliens had deceived Eisenhower and had broken the treaty. Mutilated humans were being found along with mutilated animals all across the United States. It was suspected that the aliens were not submitting a complete list of human contacts and abductees to MJ-12 and it was suspected that not all abductees had been returned. The Soviet Union was suspected of interacting with them and this proved to be true. It was learned that the aliens had been and were then manipulating masses of people through secret societies, witchcraft, magic, the occult, and religion. After several Air Force combat air engagements with alien craft it also became apparent that our weapons were no match against them.
In November of 1955 NSC-5412/2 was issued establishing a study committee to explore "all factors which are involved in the making and implementing of foreign policy in the nuclear age". This was only a blanket of snow that covered the real subject of study, the alien question.
By secret Executive Memorandum, NSC 5411 in 1954, President Eisenhower had commissioned the study group to "examine all the facts, evidence, lies, and deception and discover the truth of the alien question". NSC 5412/2 was only a cover that had become necessary when the press began inquiring as to the purpose of regular meetings of such important men. The first meetings began in 1954 and were called the Quantico meetings because they met at the Quantico Marine Base. The study group was made up solely of 35 members of the Council on Foreign Relations' secret scholars known as "The Jason Society" or "The Jason Scholars". Dr. Edward Teller was invited to participate. Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski was the Study Director for the first 18 months. Dr. Henry Kissinger was chosen as the groups Study Director for the second 18 months beginning in November of 1955. Nelson Rockefeller was a frequent visitor during the study.
Gordon Dean, Chairman
Dr. Henry Kissinger, Study Director
Dr. Edward Teller Frank Altschul Maj. Gen. Richard C. Lindsay Hamilton Fish Armstrong Hanson W. Baldwin Maj. Gen. James McCormack, Jr. Lloyd V. Berkner Robert R. Bowie Frank C. Nash McGeorge Bundy Paul H. Nitze William A. M. Burden Charles P. Noyes John C. Campbell Frank Pace, Jr. Thomas K. Finletter James A. Perkins George S. Franklin, Jr. Don K. Price I. I. Rabi David Rockefeller Roswell L. Gilpatric Oscar M. Ruebhausen N. E. Halaby Lt. Gen. James M. Gavin Gen. Walter Bedell Smith Caryl P. haskins Henry DeWolf Smyth James T. Hill, Jr. Shields Warren Joseph E. Johnson Carroll L Wilson Mervin J. Kelly Arnold Wolfers
The Unix philosophy emphasizes building simple, short, clear, modular, and extensible code that can be easily maintained and repurposed by developers other than its creators. The Unix philosophy favors composability as opposed to monolithic design.
+ This is a good opportunity to merge old SBC technology (COSMAC Elf e.g. Elf Membership Card) with a new one (Raspberry Pi and GNU/Linux). If you are new to GNU/Linux get involved! I have always admired the UNIX philosophy, I hope this project achieves some of these UNIX goals.
+ Copies the Elf memory to a binary file (or stdout) on the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi GPIO is used as interface to the Cosmac Elf SBC (e.g. Elf Membership Card parallel port). The generated data is written to the standard output stream or to a file. Caution: Overwrite file if it exists. Use > for redirecting (save the file) or | for piping to another command (e.g. hexdump). All toggle switches on the Elf Membership Card have to be on the up position except for the READ switch, the READ switch has to be on the down position.
+ Non argument options that are duplicated on the command line are not harmful. For options that require an argument, each duplication will override the previous argument value.
+ start address in hex (0 is default)
+ end adress in hex (0xFFFF is default)
+ write enable when copying is finished
+ go to run mode when copying is finished
bin2elf (upload tool)
+ bin2belf - Copies the content of binary file on the Raspberry Pi to Elf (Membership Card) memory .
+ Copies the content of binary file on the Raspberry Pi to Elf (Membership Card) memory. The Raspberry Pi GPIO is used as interface to the Cosmac Elf SBC (e.g. Elf Membership Card parallel port). Use < for redirecting or | for piping from another command. All toggle switches on the Elf Membership Card have to be on the up position except for the READ switch, the READ switch has to be on the down position.
+ Non argument options that are duplicated on the command line are not harmful. For options that require an argument, each duplication will override the previous argument value.
+ start address in hex (0 is default)
+ end adress in hex (0xFFFF is default)
+ write enable when copying is finished
+ go to run mode when copying is finished
elf (command line tool)
+ elf - Controls the mode, sets data switches and gets LED data of an Elf (Membership Card).
+ Controls the mode, sets data switches and gets LED data of an Elf (Membership Card). The Raspberry Pi GPIO is used as interface to the Cosmac Elf SBC (e.g. Elf Membership Card parallel port). If a command is missing, the default command is then get. All toggle switches on the Elf Membership Card have to be on the up position except for the READ switch, the READ switch has to be on the down position.
+ load
+ sets the mode to load (WAIT and CLR active, is equivalent to switches down)
+ run
+ sets the mode to run (WAIT and CLR inactive, is equivalent to switches up)
+ wait
+ sets the WAIT to active (is equivalent to switch down), option -n inverts the WAIT to inactive (is equivalent to switch down)
+ reset|clear
+ sets the CLR to active (is equivalent to switch down), option -n inverts the CLR to inactive (is equivalent to switch down)
+ read
+ sets the WE to active (is equivalent to switch down), option -n inverts the CLR to inactive (is equivalent to switch down)
+ get
+ gets the mode and the switch data and the LED data
+ put switch
+ puts the switch data to the data switches. The data is in hex.
+ Non argument options that are duplicated on the command line are not harmful. For options that require an argument, each duplication will override the previous argument value.
+ start address in hex (0 is default). Pre increment to the start address before the data is read and written.
+ post increment. The IN is set active for > 100 us after the data is read and written
+ not, invert the command. No effect for load, run, get, and put.
+ elfdisplay - Reads a hex keypad and sets the data and gets LED data of an Elf (Membership Card) and shows address and data on micro dot pHAT display.
+ elfdisplay [-v] [<device-filename>]
+ Reads a hex keypad and sets the data and gets LED data of an Elf (Membership Card) and shows address and data on micro dot pHAT display. The console (stdin) can be used as keyboard or the EV_KEY events from USB keypad (e.g. /dev/input/event0).
+ Non argument options that are duplicated on the command line are not harmful. For options that require an argument, each duplication will override the previous argument value.
+ Get the source from the GIT repository (if you have not installed GIT yet, then install it with sudo apt-get install git), type only the bold text after the $ sign:
+ There are BASIC3, Tiny BASIC, and Chuck's Super Monitor EPROM binaries on Lee Hart's The COSMAC ELF Membership Cardhttp://www.sunrise-ev.com/membershipcard.htm website for his famous Membership Card. I have got some old 27C256 EPROMs but no programmer nor eraser.
+ But the MSC needs to have 64 KiB RAM, the standard 62256 RAM in the U2 socket and the CY7C199 (or IDT71256) soldered in U8.
+ First of all you need a serial console (terminal program) to communicate with the Elf. I prefer to use microcom (minicom or putty are good alternatives)
+ The Raspberry Pi UART is used as console (default setting). Change this with raspi-config:
pi@cosmac:~/elf/basic $ sudo raspi-config
Select option 5, Interfacing options, then option P6, Serial, and select No for Would you like a login shell to be accessible over serial? and select Yes for Would you like the serial port hardware to be enabled? . Exit raspi-config. Reboot Raspi now.
+ Add user pi to the tty group (give user pi the right to write to /dev/ttyS0):
pi@cosmac:~/elf/basic $ sudo usermod -a -G tty pi
+ Upload the EPROM binary to the Membership Card at starting address 0x8000:
pi@cosmac:~/elf/basic $ bin2elf -s 8000 MCSMP20J.bin
+0x8000 bytes written
+ Get the binary for LBR 8000 from my site:
pi@cosmac:~/elf/basic $ wget http://spyr.ch/twiki/pub/Cosmac/RaspiElf/LBR_8000.bin
+2017-12-26 23:49:28 (102 KB/s) - 'LBR_8000.bin' saved [3/3]
+pi@cosmac:~/elf/basic $ ls -l
+total 36
+-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 3 Dec 26 22:51 LBR_8000.bin
+-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 32768 Dec 13 17:59 MCSMP20J.bin
+ Start from address 0x8000:
pi@cosmac:~/elf/basic $ bin2elf -w -r LBR_8000.bin
+0x0003 bytes written
+ Start the serial console and connect to the Membership Card
pi@cosmac:~/elf/basic $ microcom -s 9600
+connected to /dev/ttyS0
+Escape character: Ctrl-\
+Type the escape character followed by c to get to the menu or q to quit
+Membership Card's Serial Monitor Program Ver. 2.0
+Enter "H" for Help.
+C RCA 1981
+BASIC3 V1.1
+:PRINT "Hello Raspberry Pi"
+Hello Raspberry Pi
+ For other than US keyboards you can use Ctrl-4 instead of Ctrl-\.
+ Remote access the Elf Membership Card with a GNU/Linux PC and SSH (or a Windows PC and PUTTY):
psi@homer:~> ssh -l pi -X
+pi@'s password:
+The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
+the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
+individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
+Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
+permitted by applicable law.
+Last login: Tue Jan 2 15:53:08 2018 from homer.home
+pi@cosmac:~ $ cd elf/basic/
+pi@cosmac:~/elf/basic $ bin2elf -w -r LBR_8000.bin
+0x0003 bytes written
+pi@cosmac:~/elf/basic $ microcom -s 9600
+connected to /dev/ttyS0
+Escape character: Ctrl-\
+Type the escape character followed by c to get to the menu or q to quit
+Membership Card's Serial Monitor Program Ver. 2.0
+Enter "H" for Help.
If your ISP supports DMZ, static IP addresses, port forwarding and dynamic DNS you have remote access to your Elf from everywhere.
+ RCA 1802 BASIC level 3 ver. 1.1 User Manual
Diodes on Veroboard, additional Socket for EEPROM
The red wires are for the EEPROM
+ The Raspberry Pi ARM processor supply voltage is 3.3 V and the GPIOs are not 5 V tolerant. The Elf supply voltage is 5 V. This means that the GPIOs (input) have to be protected from Elf. The easiest way is to use diodes e.g. 1N4148 to protect the GPIOs from the 5 V, but the GPIOs need then pullup resistors. Thankfully the Raspi GPIOs have internal pullups and they can be controlled by software. The cathode has to be on the Elf side.
+ It is possible that the Elf works with 3.3 V supply voltage, but this is not within the specifications. In this case the diodes are not needed. Connect the Raspi Pin 1 to P4 Pin 3 (do NOT connect Raspi Pin 2!).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url--663772351 b/run/test-data/url--663772351
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..598240b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url--663772351
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ Greece & Rome to 30 BC by Sanderson Beck
Powerful foundations for western civilization were laid by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The Greeks developed the mind with great depth, and in many ways their philosophy and literature are still unsurpassed. From the epic poetry of Homer to the dramatic tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides and the hilarious comedies of Aristophanes to the brilliant Socratic dialogs of Plato, and the comprehensive lectures of Aristotle that founded many academic disciplines, the classics of ancient Greece are still being studied and appreciated. Yet the aggressive Greeks and Romans fought almost continuous wars. Although the Athenians pioneered democracy and defended themselves against invasions by the Persian empire, they developed their own imperialism that brought them into a devastating conflict with their more militaristic neighbors in Sparta. Alexander got revenge by conquering the Persian empire; but eventually the Romans with their Senate and ability to govern other peoples enabled them to overcome the Greeks. Yet their republic was divided by social conflicts and the ambitions of powerful generals, causing a series of civil wars involving Julius Caesar and his heir Octavian that ended the republic and began the powerful Roman empire. Many of the current trends in western civilization are based on the experiences and ideas of the ancient Greeks and Romans, and we can learn much from understanding their history, literature, and philosophical ideas. The Chronological Index and Alphabetical Index make this a useful reference book for looking things up. For readers wanting to begin by getting an overall picture of this era, I recommend that you read first the last chapter, the Summary and Evaluation. Reading this entire book will give one a basic understanding of the main events and contributions of the ancient Greeks and Romans. With that overall background, one will then be able to choose which original works to read to gain further knowledge and wisdom. I hope that we can learn important lessons from the ethics of the Greeks and Romans so that we can save our own civilization, which is currently in great danger of self-destruction.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url--670789152 b/run/test-data/url--670789152
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5cd19a6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url--670789152
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ :Title PuTTY User Manual 1 Title page=Top 1 Chapter 1: Introduction to PuTTY 2 Chapter 1: Introduction to PuTTY=t00000000 2 Section 1.1: What are SSH, Telnet and Rlogin?=t00000001 2 Section 1.2: How do SSH, Telnet and Rlogin differ?=t00000002 1 Chapter 2: Getting started with PuTTY 2 Chapter 2: Getting started with PuTTY=t00000003 2 Section 2.1: Starting a session=t00000004 2 Section 2.2: Verifying the host key (SSH only)=t00000005 2 Section 2.3: Logging in=t00000006 2 Section 2.4: After logging in=t00000007 2 Section 2.5: Logging out=t00000008 1 Chapter 3: Using PuTTY 2 Chapter 3: Using PuTTY=t00000009 2 Section 3.1: During your session 3 Section 3.1: During your session=t00000010 3 Section 3.1.1: Copying and pasting text=t00000011 3 Section 3.1.2: Scrolling the screen back=t00000012 3 Section 3.1.3: The System menu 4 Section 3.1.3: The System menu=t00000013 4 Section The PuTTY Event Log=t00000014 4 Section Special commands=t00000015 4 Section Starting new sessions=t00000016 4 Section Changing your session settings=t00000017 4 Section Copy All to Clipboard=t00000018 4 Section Clearing and resetting the terminal=t00000019 4 Section Full screen mode=t00000020 1 Section 3.2: Creating a log file of your session=t00000021 1 Section 3.3: Altering your character set configuration=t00000022 1 Section 3.4: Using X11 forwarding in SSH=t00000023 1 Section 3.5: Using port forwarding in SSH=t00000024 1 Section 3.6: Making raw TCP connections=t00000025 1 Section 3.7: Connecting to a local serial line=t00000026 2 Section 3.8: The PuTTY command line 3 Section 3.8: The PuTTY command line=t00000027 3 Section 3.8.1: Starting a session from the command line=t00000028 3 Section 3.8.2: -cleanup=options.cleanup 3 Section 3.8.3: Standard command-line options 4 Section 3.8.3: Standard command-line options=t00000029 4 Section -load: load a saved session=t00000030 4 Section Selecting a protocol: -ssh, -telnet, -rlogin, -raw -serial=t00000031 4 Section -v: increase verbosity=t00000032 4 Section -l: specify a login name=t00000033 4 Section -L, -R and -D: set up port forwardings=t00000034 4 Section -m: read a remote command or script from a file=t00000035 4 Section -P: specify a port number=t00000036 4 Section -pw: specify a password=t00000037 4 Section -agent and -noagent: control use of Pageant for authentication=t00000038 4 Section -A and -a: control agent forwarding=t00000039 4 Section -X and -x: control X11 forwarding=t00000040 4 Section -t and -T: control pseudo-terminal allocation=t00000041 4 Section -N: suppress starting a shell or command=t00000042 4 Section -nc: make a remote network connection in place of a remote shell or command=t00000043 4 Section -C: enable compression=t00000044 4 Section -1 and -2: specify an SSH protocol version=t00000045 4 Section -4 and -6: specify an Internet protocol version=t00000046 4 Section -i: specify an SSH private key=t00000047 4 Section -loghost: specify a logical host name=t00000048 4 Section -pgpfp: display PGP key fingerprints=t00000049 4 Section -sercfg: specify serial port configuration=t00000050 1 Chapter 4: Configuring PuTTY 2 Chapter 4: Configuring PuTTY=t00000051 2 Section 4.1: The Session panel 3 Section 4.1: The Session panel=t00000052 3 Section 4.1.1: The host name section=session.hostname 3 Section 4.1.2: Loading and storing saved sessions=session.saved 3 Section 4.1.3: �Close Window on Exit�=session.coe 2 Section 4.2: The Logging panel 3 Section 4.2: The Logging panel=logging.main 3 Section 4.2.1: �Log file name�=logging.filename 3 Section 4.2.2: �What to do if the log file already exists�=logging.exists 3 Section 4.2.3: �Flush log file frequently�=logging.flush 3 Section 4.2.4: Options specific to SSH packet logging 4 Section 4.2.4: Options specific to SSH packet logging=t00000053 4 Section �Omit known password fields�=logging.ssh.omitpassword 4 Section �Omit session data�=logging.ssh.omitdata 2 Section 4.3: The Terminal panel 3 Section 4.3: The Terminal panel=t00000054 3 Section 4.3.1: �Auto wrap mode initially on�=terminal.autowrap 3 Section 4.3.2: �DEC Origin Mode initially on�=terminal.decom 3 Section 4.3.3: �Implicit CR in every LF�=terminal.lfhascr 3 Section 4.3.4: �Implicit LF in every CR�=terminal.crhaslf 3 Section 4.3.5: �Use background colour to erase screen�=terminal.bce 3 Section 4.3.6: �Enable blinking text�=terminal.blink 3 Section 4.3.7: �Answerback to ^E�=terminal.answerback 3 Section 4.3.8: �Local echo�=terminal.localecho 3 Section 4.3.9: �Local line editing�=terminal.localedit 3 Section 4.3.10: Remote-controlled printing=terminal.printing 2 Section 4.4: The Keyboard panel 3 Section 4.4: The Keyboard panel=t00000055 3 Section 4.4.1: Changing the action of the Backspace key=keyboard.backspace 3 Section 4.4.2: Changing the action of the Home and End keys=keyboard.homeend 3 Section 4.4.3: Changing the action of the function keys and keypad=keyboard.funkeys 3 Section 4.4.4: Controlling Application Cursor Keys mode=keyboard.appcursor 3 Section 4.4.5: Controlling Application Keypad mode=keyboard.appkeypad 3 Section 4.4.6: Using NetHack keypad mode=keyboard.nethack 3 Section 4.4.7: Enabling a DEC-like Compose key=keyboard.compose 3 Section 4.4.8: �Control-Alt is different from AltGr�=keyboard.ctrlalt 2 Section 4.5: The Bell panel 3 Section 4.5: The Bell panel=t00000056 3 Section 4.5.1: �Set the style of bell�=bell.style 3 Section 4.5.2: �Taskbar/caption indication on bell�=bell.taskbar 3 Section 4.5.3: �Control the bell overload behaviour�=bell.overload 2 Section 4.6: The Features panel 3 Section 4.6: The Features panel=t00000057 3 Section 4.6.1: Disabling application keypad and cursor keys=features.application 3 Section 4.6.2: Disabling xterm-style mouse reporting=features.mouse 3 Section 4.6.3: Disabling remote terminal resizing=features.resize 3 Section 4.6.4: Disabling switching to the alternate screen=features.altscreen 3 Section 4.6.5: Disabling remote window title changing=features.retitle 3 Section 4.6.6: Response to remote window title querying=features.qtitle 3 Section 4.6.7: Disabling destructive backspace=features.dbackspace 3 Section 4.6.8: Disabling remote character set configuration=features.charset 3 Section 4.6.9: Disabling Arabic text shaping=features.arabicshaping 3 Section 4.6.10: Disabling bidirectional text display=features.bidi 2 Section 4.7: The Window panel 3 Section 4.7: The Window panel=t00000058 3 Section 4.7.1: Setting the size of the PuTTY window=window.size 3 Section 4.7.2: What to do when the window is resized=window.resize 3 Section 4.7.3: Controlling scrollback=window.scrollback 3 Section 4.7.4: �Push erased text into scrollback�=window.erased 2 Section 4.8: The Appearance panel 3 Section 4.8: The Appearance panel=t00000059 3 Section 4.8.1: Controlling the appearance of the cursor=appearance.cursor 3 Section 4.8.2: Controlling the font used in the terminal window=appearance.font 3 Section 4.8.3: �Hide mouse pointer when typing in window�=appearance.hidemouse 3 Section 4.8.4: Controlling the window border=appearance.border 2 Section 4.9: The Behaviour panel 3 Section 4.9: The Behaviour panel=t00000060 3 Section 4.9.1: Controlling the window title=appearance.title 3 Section 4.9.2: �Warn before closing window�=behaviour.closewarn 3 Section 4.9.3: �Window closes on ALT-F4�=behaviour.altf4 3 Section 4.9.4: �System menu appears on ALT-Space�=behaviour.altspace 3 Section 4.9.5: �System menu appears on Alt alone�=behaviour.altonly 3 Section 4.9.6: �Ensure window is always on top�=behaviour.alwaysontop 3 Section 4.9.7: �Full screen on Alt-Enter�=behaviour.altenter 2 Section 4.10: The Translation panel 3 Section 4.10: The Translation panel=t00000061 3 Section 4.10.1: Controlling character set translation=translation.codepage 3 Section 4.10.2: �Treat CJK ambiguous characters as wide�=translation.cjkambigwide 3 Section 4.10.3: �Caps Lock acts as Cyrillic switch�=translation.cyrillic 3 Section 4.10.4: Controlling display of line-drawing characters=translation.linedraw 3 Section 4.10.5: Controlling copy and paste of line drawing characters=selection.linedraw 2 Section 4.11: The Selection panel 3 Section 4.11: The Selection panel=t00000062 3 Section 4.11.1: Pasting in Rich Text Format=selection.rtf 3 Section 4.11.2: Changing the actions of the mouse buttons=selection.buttons 3 Section 4.11.3: �Shift overrides application's use of mouse�=selection.shiftdrag 3 Section 4.11.4: Default selection mode=selection.rect 3 Section 4.11.5: Configuring word-by-word selection=selection.charclasses 2 Section 4.12: The Colours panel 3 Section 4.12: The Colours panel=t00000063 3 Section 4.12.1: �Allow terminal to specify ANSI colours�=colours.ansi 3 Section 4.12.2: �Allow terminal to use xterm 256-colour mode�=colours.xterm256 3 Section 4.12.3: �Bolded text is a different colour�=colours.bold 3 Section 4.12.4: �Attempt to use logical palettes�=colours.logpal 3 Section 4.12.5: �Use system colours�=colours.system 3 Section 4.12.6: Adjusting the colours in the terminal window=colours.config 2 Section 4.13: The Connection panel 3 Section 4.13: The Connection panel=t00000064 3 Section 4.13.1: Using keepalives to prevent disconnection=connection.keepalive 3 Section 4.13.2: �Disable Nagle's algorithm�=connection.nodelay 3 Section 4.13.3: �Enable TCP keepalives�=connection.tcpkeepalive 3 Section 4.13.4: �Internet protocol�=connection.ipversion 3 Section 4.13.5: �Logical name of remote host�=connection.loghost 2 Section 4.14: The Data panel 3 Section 4.14: The Data panel=t00000065 3 Section 4.14.1: �Auto-login username�=connection.username 3 Section 4.14.2: Use of system username=connection.usernamefromenv 3 Section 4.14.3: �Terminal-type string�=connection.termtype 3 Section 4.14.4: �Terminal speeds�=connection.termspeed 3 Section 4.14.5: Setting environment variables on the server=telnet.environ 2 Section 4.15: The Proxy panel 3 Section 4.15: The Proxy panel=proxy.main 3 Section 4.15.1: Setting the proxy type=proxy.type 3 Section 4.15.2: Excluding parts of the network from proxying=proxy.exclude 3 Section 4.15.3: Name resolution when using a proxy=proxy.dns 3 Section 4.15.4: Username and password=proxy.auth 3 Section 4.15.5: Specifying the Telnet or Local proxy command=proxy.command 2 Section 4.16: The Telnet panel 3 Section 4.16: The Telnet panel=t00000066 3 Section 4.16.1: �Handling of OLD_ENVIRON ambiguity�=telnet.oldenviron 3 Section 4.16.2: Passive and active Telnet negotiation modes=telnet.passive 3 Section 4.16.3: �Keyboard sends Telnet special commands�=telnet.specialkeys 3 Section 4.16.4: �Return key sends Telnet New Line instead of ^M�=telnet.newline 2 Section 4.17: The Rlogin panel 3 Section 4.17: The Rlogin panel=t00000067 3 Section 4.17.1: �Local username�=rlogin.localuser 2 Section 4.18: The SSH panel 3 Section 4.18: The SSH panel=t00000068 3 Section 4.18.1: Executing a specific command on the server=ssh.command 3 Section 4.18.2: �Don't start a shell or command at all�=ssh.noshell 3 Section 4.18.3: �Enable compression�=ssh.compress 3 Section 4.18.4: �Preferred SSH protocol version�=ssh.protocol 3 Section 4.18.5: Encryption algorithm selection=ssh.ciphers 2 Section 4.19: The Kex panel 3 Section 4.19: The Kex panel=t00000069 3 Section 4.19.1: Key exchange algorithm selection=ssh.kex.order 3 Section 4.19.2: Repeat key exchange=ssh.kex.repeat 2 Section 4.20: The Auth panel 3 Section 4.20: The Auth panel=t00000070 3 Section 4.20.1: �Bypass authentication entirely�=ssh.auth.bypass 3 Section 4.20.2: �Display pre-authentication banner�=ssh.auth.banner 3 Section 4.20.3: �Attempt authentication using Pageant�=ssh.auth.pageant 3 Section 4.20.4: �Attempt TIS or CryptoCard authentication�=ssh.auth.tis 3 Section 4.20.5: �Attempt keyboard-interactive authentication�=ssh.auth.ki 3 Section 4.20.6: �Allow agent forwarding�=ssh.auth.agentfwd 3 Section 4.20.7: �Allow attempted changes of username in SSH-2�=ssh.auth.changeuser 3 Section 4.20.8: �Private key file for authentication�=ssh.auth.privkey 2 Section 4.21: The GSSAPI panel 3 Section 4.21: The GSSAPI panel=ssh.auth.gssapi 3 Section 4.21.1: �Allow GSSAPI credential delegation�=ssh.auth.gssapi.delegation 3 Section 4.21.2: Preference order for GSSAPI libraries=ssh.auth.gssapi.libraries 2 Section 4.22: The TTY panel 3 Section 4.22: The TTY panel=t00000071 3 Section 4.22.1: �Don't allocate a pseudo-terminal�=ssh.nopty 3 Section 4.22.2: Sending terminal modes=ssh.ttymodes 2 Section 4.23: The X11 panel 3 Section 4.23: The X11 panel=ssh.tunnels.x11 3 Section 4.23.1: Remote X11 authentication=ssh.tunnels.x11auth 3 Section 4.23.2: X authority file for local display=ssh.tunnels.xauthority 2 Section 4.24: The Tunnels panel 3 Section 4.24: The Tunnels panel=ssh.tunnels.portfwd 3 Section 4.24.1: Controlling the visibility of forwarded ports=ssh.tunnels.portfwd.localhost 3 Section 4.24.2: Selecting Internet protocol version for forwarded ports=ssh.tunnels.portfwd.ipversion 2 Section 4.25: The Bugs panel 3 Section 4.25: The Bugs panel=t00000072 3 Section 4.25.1: �Chokes on SSH-1 ignore messages�=ssh.bugs.ignore1 3 Section 4.25.2: �Refuses all SSH-1 password camouflage�=ssh.bugs.plainpw1 3 Section 4.25.3: �Chokes on SSH-1 RSA authentication�=ssh.bugs.rsa1 3 Section 4.25.4: �Chokes on SSH-2 ignore messages�=ssh.bugs.ignore2 3 Section 4.25.5: �Miscomputes SSH-2 HMAC keys�=ssh.bugs.hmac2 3 Section 4.25.6: �Miscomputes SSH-2 encryption keys�=ssh.bugs.derivekey2 3 Section 4.25.7: �Requires padding on SSH-2 RSA signatures�=ssh.bugs.rsapad2 3 Section 4.25.8: �Misuses the session ID in SSH-2 PK auth�=ssh.bugs.pksessid2 3 Section 4.25.9: �Handles SSH-2 key re-exchange badly�=ssh.bugs.rekey2 3 Section 4.25.10: �Ignores SSH-2 maximum packet size�=ssh.bugs.maxpkt2 2 Section 4.26: The Serial panel 3 Section 4.26: The Serial panel=t00000073 3 Section 4.26.1: Selecting a serial line to connect to=serial.line 3 Section 4.26.2: Selecting the speed of your serial line=serial.speed 3 Section 4.26.3: Selecting the number of data bits=serial.databits 3 Section 4.26.4: Selecting the number of stop bits=serial.stopbits 3 Section 4.26.5: Selecting the serial parity checking scheme=serial.parity 3 Section 4.26.6: Selecting the serial flow control scheme=serial.flow 1 Section 4.27: Storing configuration in a file=t00000074 1 Chapter 5: Using PSCP to transfer files securely 2 Chapter 5: Using PSCP to transfer files securely=t00000075 2 Section 5.1: Starting PSCP=t00000076 2 Section 5.2: PSCP Usage 3 Section 5.2: PSCP Usage=t00000077 3 Section 5.2.1: The basics 4 Section 5.2.1: The basics=t00000078 4 Section user=t00000079 4 Section host=t00000080 4 Section source=t00000081 4 Section target=t00000082 3 Section 5.2.2: Options 4 Section 5.2.2: Options=t00000083 4 Section -ls list remote files=t00000084 4 Section -p preserve file attributes=t00000085 4 Section -q quiet, don't show statistics=t00000086 4 Section -r copies directories recursively=t00000087 4 Section -batch avoid interactive prompts=t00000088 4 Section -sftp, -scp force use of particular protocol=t00000089 2 Section 5.2.3: Return value=t00000090 2 Section 5.2.4: Using public key authentication with PSCP=t00000091 1 Chapter 6: Using PSFTP to transfer files securely 2 Chapter 6: Using PSFTP to transfer files securely=t00000092 2 Section 6.1: Starting PSFTP 3 Section 6.1: Starting PSFTP=t00000093 3 Section 6.1.1: -b: specify a file containing batch commands=t00000094 3 Section 6.1.2: -bc: display batch commands as they are run=t00000095 3 Section 6.1.3: -be: continue batch processing on errors=t00000096 3 Section 6.1.4: -batch: avoid interactive prompts=t00000097 2 Section 6.2: Running PSFTP 3 Section 6.2: Running PSFTP=t00000098 3 Section 6.2.1: General quoting rules for PSFTP commands=t00000099 3 Section 6.2.2: Wildcards in PSFTP=t00000100 3 Section 6.2.3: The open command: start a session=t00000101 3 Section 6.2.4: The quit command: end your session=t00000102 3 Section 6.2.5: The close command: close your connection=t00000103 3 Section 6.2.6: The help command: get quick online help=t00000104 3 Section 6.2.7: The cd and pwd commands: changing the remote working directory=t00000105 3 Section 6.2.8: The lcd and lpwd commands: changing the local working directory=t00000106 3 Section 6.2.9: The get command: fetch a file from the server=t00000107 3 Section 6.2.10: The put command: send a file to the server=t00000108 3 Section 6.2.11: The mget and mput commands: fetch or send multiple files=t00000109 3 Section 6.2.12: The reget and reput commands: resuming file transfers=t00000110 3 Section 6.2.13: The dir command: list remote files=t00000111 3 Section 6.2.14: The chmod command: change permissions on remote files=t00000112 3 Section 6.2.15: The del command: delete remote files=t00000113 3 Section 6.2.16: The mkdir command: create remote directories=t00000114 3 Section 6.2.17: The rmdir command: remove remote directories=t00000115 3 Section 6.2.18: The mv command: move and rename remote files=t00000116 3 Section 6.2.19: The ! command: run a local Windows command=t00000117 1 Section 6.3: Using public key authentication with PSFTP=t00000118 1 Chapter 7: Using the command-line connection tool Plink 2 Chapter 7: Using the command-line connection tool Plink=t00000119 2 Section 7.1: Starting Plink=t00000120 2 Section 7.2: Using Plink 3 Section 7.2: Using Plink=t00000121 3 Section 7.2.1: Using Plink for interactive logins=t00000122 3 Section 7.2.2: Using Plink for automated connections=t00000123 3 Section 7.2.3: Plink command line options 4 Section 7.2.3: Plink command line options=t00000124 4 Section -batch: disable all interactive prompts=t00000125 4 Section -s: remote command is SSH subsystem=t00000126 1 Section 7.3: Using Plink in batch files and scripts=t00000127 1 Section 7.4: Using Plink with CVS=t00000128 1 Section 7.5: Using Plink with WinCVS=t00000129 1 Chapter 8: Using public keys for SSH authentication 2 Chapter 8: Using public keys for SSH authentication=t00000130 2 Section 8.1: Public key authentication - an introduction=t00000131 2 Section 8.2: Using PuTTYgen, the PuTTY key generator 3 Section 8.2: Using PuTTYgen, the PuTTY key generator=puttygen.general 3 Section 8.2.1: Generating a new key=t00000132 3 Section 8.2.2: Selecting the type of key=puttygen.keytype 3 Section 8.2.3: Selecting the size (strength) of the key=puttygen.bits 3 Section 8.2.4: The �Generate� button=puttygen.generate 3 Section 8.2.5: The �Key fingerprint� box=puttygen.fingerprint 3 Section 8.2.6: Setting a comment for your key=puttygen.comment 3 Section 8.2.7: Setting a passphrase for your key=puttygen.passphrase 3 Section 8.2.8: Saving your private key to a disk file=puttygen.savepriv 3 Section 8.2.9: Saving your public key to a disk file=puttygen.savepub 3 Section 8.2.10: �Public key for pasting into authorized_keys file�=puttygen.pastekey 3 Section 8.2.11: Reloading a private key=puttygen.load 3 Section 8.2.12: Dealing with private keys in other formats=puttygen.conversions 1 Section 8.3: Getting ready for public key authentication=t00000133 1 Chapter 9: Using Pageant for authentication 2 Chapter 9: Using Pageant for authentication=pageant.general 2 Section 9.1: Getting started with Pageant=t00000134 2 Section 9.2: The Pageant main window 3 Section 9.2: The Pageant main window=t00000135 3 Section 9.2.1: The key list box=pageant.keylist 3 Section 9.2.2: The �Add Key� button=pageant.addkey 3 Section 9.2.3: The �Remove Key� button=pageant.remkey 2 Section 9.3: The Pageant command line 3 Section 9.3: The Pageant command line=t00000136 3 Section 9.3.1: Making Pageant automatically load keys on startup=t00000137 3 Section 9.3.2: Making Pageant run another program=t00000138 1 Section 9.4: Using agent forwarding=t00000139 1 Section 9.5: Security considerations=t00000140 1 Chapter 10: Common error messages 2 Chapter 10: Common error messages=t00000141 2 Section 10.1: �The server's host key is not cached in the registry�=errors.hostkey.absent 2 Section 10.2: �WARNING - POTENTIAL SECURITY BREACH!�=errors.hostkey.changed 2 Section 10.3: �Out of space for port forwardings�=t00000142 2 Section 10.4: �The first cipher supported by the server is ... below the configured warning threshold�=t00000143 2 Section 10.5: �Server sent disconnect message type 2 (protocol error): "Too many authentication failures for root"�=t00000144 2 Section 10.6: �Out of memory�=t00000145 2 Section 10.7: �Internal error�, �Internal fault�, �Assertion failed�=t00000146 2 Section 10.8: �Unable to use this private key file�, �Couldn't load private key�, �Key is of wrong type�=errors.cantloadkey 2 Section 10.9: �Server refused our public key� or �Key refused�=t00000147 2 Section 10.10: �Access denied�, �Authentication refused�=t00000148 2 Section 10.11: �No supported authentication methods available�=t00000149 2 Section 10.12: �Incorrect CRC received on packet� or �Incorrect MAC received on packet�=t00000150 2 Section 10.13: �Incoming packet was garbled on decryption�=t00000151 2 Section 10.14: �PuTTY X11 proxy: various errors�=t00000152 2 Section 10.15: �Network error: Software caused connection abort�=t00000153 2 Section 10.16: �Network error: Connection reset by peer�=t00000154 2 Section 10.17: �Network error: Connection refused�=t00000155 2 Section 10.18: �Network error: Connection timed out�=t00000156 1 Appendix A: PuTTY FAQ 2 Appendix A: PuTTY FAQ=t00000157 2 Section A.1: Introduction 3 Section A.1: Introduction=t00000158 3 Question A.1.1: What is PuTTY?=t00000159 2 Section A.2: Features supported in PuTTY 3 Section A.2: Features supported in PuTTY=t00000160 3 Question A.2.1: Does PuTTY support SSH-2?=t00000161 3 Question A.2.2: Does PuTTY support reading OpenSSH or ssh.com SSH-2 private key files?=t00000162 3 Question A.2.3: Does PuTTY support SSH-1?=t00000163 3 Question A.2.4: Does PuTTY support local echo?=t00000164 3 Question A.2.5: Does PuTTY support storing settings, so I don't have to change them every time?=t00000165 3 Question A.2.6: Does PuTTY support storing its settings in a disk file?=t00000166 3 Question A.2.7: Does PuTTY support full-screen mode, like a DOS box?=t00000167 3 Question A.2.8: Does PuTTY have the ability to remember my password so I don't have to type it every time?=t00000168 3 Question A.2.9: Is there an option to turn off the annoying host key prompts?=t00000169 3 Question A.2.10: Will you write an SSH server for the PuTTY suite, to go with the client?=t00000170 3 Question A.2.11: Can PSCP or PSFTP transfer files in ASCII mode?=t00000171 2 Section A.3: Ports to other operating systems 3 Section A.3: Ports to other operating systems=t00000172 3 Question A.3.1: What ports of PuTTY exist?=t00000173 3 Question A.3.2: Is there a port to Unix?=t00000174 3 Question A.3.3: What's the point of the Unix port? Unix has OpenSSH.=t00000175 3 Question A.3.4: Will there be a port to Windows CE or PocketPC?=t00000176 3 Question A.3.5: Is there a port to Windows 3.1?=t00000177 3 Question A.3.6: Will there be a port to the Mac?=t00000178 3 Question A.3.7: Will there be a port to EPOC?=t00000179 3 Question A.3.8: Will there be a port to the iPhone?=t00000180 2 Section A.4: Embedding PuTTY in other programs 3 Section A.4: Embedding PuTTY in other programs=t00000181 3 Question A.4.1: Is the SSH or Telnet code available as a DLL?=t00000182 3 Question A.4.2: Is the SSH or Telnet code available as a Visual Basic component?=t00000183 3 Question A.4.3: How can I use PuTTY to make an SSH connection from within another program?=t00000184 2 Section A.5: Details of PuTTY's operation 3 Section A.5: Details of PuTTY's operation=t00000185 3 Question A.5.1: What terminal type does PuTTY use?=t00000186 3 Question A.5.2: Where does PuTTY store its data?=t00000187 2 Section A.6: HOWTO questions 3 Section A.6: HOWTO questions=t00000188 3 Question A.6.1: What login name / password should I use?=t00000189 3 Question A.6.2: What commands can I type into my PuTTY terminal window?=t00000190 3 Question A.6.3: How can I make PuTTY start up maximised?=t00000191 3 Question A.6.4: How can I create a Windows shortcut to start a particular saved session directly?=t00000192 3 Question A.6.5: How can I start an SSH session straight from the command line?=t00000193 3 Question A.6.6: How do I copy and paste between PuTTY and other Windows applications?=t00000194 3 Question A.6.7: How do I use all PuTTY's features (public keys, proxying, cipher selection, etc.) in PSCP, PSFTP and Plink?=t00000195 3 Question A.6.8: How do I use PSCP.EXE? When I double-click it gives me a command prompt window which then closes instantly.=t00000196 3 Question A.6.9: How do I use PSCP to copy a file whose name has spaces in?=t00000197 2 Section A.7: Troubleshooting 3 Section A.7: Troubleshooting=t00000198 3 Question A.7.1: Why do I see �Incorrect MAC received on packet�?=t00000199 3 Question A.7.2: Why do I see �Fatal: Protocol error: Expected control record� in PSCP?=t00000200 3 Question A.7.3: I clicked on a colour in the Colours panel, and the colour didn't change in my terminal.=t00000201 3 Question A.7.4: Plink on Windows 95 says it can't find WS2_32.DLL.=t00000202 3 Question A.7.5: After trying to establish an SSH-2 connection, PuTTY says �Out of memory� and dies.=t00000203 3 Question A.7.6: When attempting a file transfer, either PSCP or PSFTP says �Out of memory� and dies.=t00000204 3 Question A.7.7: PSFTP transfers files much slower than PSCP.=t00000205 3 Question A.7.8: When I run full-colour applications, I see areas of black space where colour ought to be, or vice versa.=t00000206 3 Question A.7.9: When I change some terminal settings, nothing happens.=t00000207 3 Question A.7.10: My PuTTY sessions unexpectedly close after they are idle for a while.=t00000208 3 Question A.7.11: PuTTY's network connections time out too quickly when network connectivity is temporarily lost.=t00000209 3 Question A.7.12: When I cat a binary file, I get �PuTTYPuTTYPuTTY� on my command line.=t00000210 3 Question A.7.13: When I cat a binary file, my window title changes to a nonsense string.=t00000211 3 Question A.7.14: My keyboard stops working once PuTTY displays the password prompt.=t00000212 3 Question A.7.15: One or more function keys don't do what I expected in a server-side application.=t00000213 3 Question A.7.16: Since my SSH server was upgraded to OpenSSH 3.1p1/3.4p1, I can no longer connect with PuTTY.=t00000214 3 Question A.7.17: Why do I see �Couldn't load private key from ...�? Why can PuTTYgen load my key but not PuTTY?=t00000215 3 Question A.7.18: When I'm connected to a Red Hat Linux 8.0 system, some characters don't display properly.=t00000216 3 Question A.7.19: Since I upgraded to PuTTY 0.54, the scrollback has stopped working when I run screen.=t00000217 3 Question A.7.20: Since I upgraded Windows XP to Service Pack 2, I can't use addresses like 3 Question A.7.21: PSFTP commands seem to be missing a directory separator (slash).=t00000219 3 Question A.7.22: Do you want to hear about �Software caused connection abort�?=t00000220 3 Question A.7.23: My SSH-2 session locks up for a few seconds every so often.=t00000221 3 Question A.7.24: PuTTY fails to start up. Windows claims that �the application configuration is incorrect�.=t00000222 2 Section A.8: Security questions 3 Section A.8: Security questions=t00000223 3 Question A.8.1: Is it safe for me to download PuTTY and use it on a public PC?=t00000224 3 Question A.8.2: What does PuTTY leave on a system? How can I clean up after it?=t00000225 3 Question A.8.3: How come PuTTY now supports DSA, when the website used to say how insecure it was?=t00000226 3 Question A.8.4: Couldn't Pageant use VirtualLock() to stop private keys being written to disk?=t00000227 2 Section A.9: Administrative questions 3 Section A.9: Administrative questions=t00000228 3 Question A.9.1: Would you like me to register you a nicer domain name?=t00000229 3 Question A.9.2: Would you like free web hosting for the PuTTY web site?=t00000230 3 Question A.9.3: Would you link to my web site from the PuTTY web site?=t00000231 3 Question A.9.4: Why don't you move PuTTY to SourceForge?=t00000232 3 Question A.9.5: Why can't I subscribe to the putty-bugs mailing list?=t00000233 3 Question A.9.6: If putty-bugs isn't a general-subscription mailing list, what is?=t00000234 3 Question A.9.7: How can I donate to PuTTY development?=t00000235 3 Question A.9.8: Can I have permission to put PuTTY on a cover disk / distribute it with other software / etc?=t00000236 3 Question A.9.9: Can you sign an agreement indemnifying us against security problems in PuTTY?=t00000237 3 Question A.9.10: Can you sign this form granting us permission to use/distribute PuTTY?=t00000238 3 Question A.9.11: Can you write us a formal notice of permission to use PuTTY?=t00000239 3 Question A.9.12: Can you sign anything for us?=t00000240 3 Question A.9.13: If you won't sign anything, can you give us some sort of assurance that you won't make PuTTY closed-source in future?=t00000241 3 Question A.9.14: Can you provide us with export control information / FIPS certification for PuTTY?=t00000242 2 Section A.10: Miscellaneous questions 3 Section A.10: Miscellaneous questions=t00000243 3 Question A.10.1: Is PuTTY a port of OpenSSH, or based on OpenSSH or OpenSSL?=t00000244 3 Question A.10.2: Where can I buy silly putty?=t00000245 3 Question A.10.3: What does �PuTTY� mean?=t00000246 3 Question A.10.4: How do I pronounce �PuTTY�?=t00000247 1 Appendix B: Feedback and bug reporting 2 Appendix B: Feedback and bug reporting=t00000248 2 Section B.1: General guidelines 3 Section B.1: General guidelines=t00000249 3 Section B.1.1: Sending large attachments=t00000250 3 Section B.1.2: Other places to ask for help=t00000251 1 Section B.2: Reporting bugs=t00000252 1 Section B.3: Requesting extra features=t00000253 1 Section B.4: Requesting features that have already been requested=t00000254 1 Section B.5: Support requests=t00000255 1 Section B.6: Web server administration=t00000256 1 Section B.7: Asking permission for things=t00000257 1 Section B.8: Mirroring the PuTTY web site=t00000258 1 Section B.9: Praise and compliments=t00000259 1 Section B.10: E-mail address=t00000260 1 Appendix C: PuTTY Licence 2 Appendix C: PuTTY Licence=t00000261 1 Appendix D: PuTTY hacking guide 2 Appendix D: PuTTY hacking guide=t00000262 2 Section D.1: Cross-OS portability=t00000263 2 Section D.2: Multiple backends treated equally=t00000264 2 Section D.3: Multiple sessions per process on some platforms=t00000265 2 Section D.4: C, not C++=t00000266 2 Section D.5: Security-conscious coding=t00000267 2 Section D.6: Independence of specific compiler=t00000268 2 Section D.7: Small code size=t00000269 2 Section D.8: Single-threaded code=t00000270 2 Section D.9: Keystrokes sent to the server wherever possible=t00000271 2 Section D.10: 640�480 friendliness in configuration panels=t00000272 2 Section D.11: Automatically generated Makefiles=t00000273 2 Section D.12: Coroutines in ssh.c=t00000274 2 Section D.13: Single compilation of each source file=t00000275 2 Section D.14: Do as we say, not as we do=t00000276 1 Appendix E: PuTTY download keys and signatures 2 Appendix E: PuTTY download keys and signatures=pgpfingerprints 2 Section E.1: Public keys=t00000277 2 Section E.2: Security details 3 Section E.2: Security details=t00000278 3 Section E.2.1: The Development Snapshots keys=t00000279 3 Section E.2.2: The Releases keys=t00000280 3 Section E.2.3: The Master Keys=t00000281 1 Appendix F: SSH-2 names specified for PuTTY 2 Appendix F: SSH-2 names specified for PuTTY=t00000282 2 Section F.1: Connection protocol channel request names=t00000283 2 Section F.2: Key exchange method names=t00000284 2 Section F.3: Encryption algorithm names=t00000285
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url--6797317 b/run/test-data/url--6797317
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..965154c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url--6797317
@@ -0,0 +1,1072 @@
+Arabesque | Systems, Tools, and Terminal Science
Shell script and AWK are very complementary languages. AWK was designed from its very beginnings at Bell Labs as a pattern-action language for short programs, ideally one or two lines long. It was intended to be used on the Unix shell interactive command line, or in shell scripts. Its feature set filled out some functionality that shell script at the time lacked, and often still lacks, as is the case with floating point numbers; it thereby (indirectly) brings much of the C language’s expressive power to the shell.
It’s therefore both common and reasonable to see AWK one-liners in shell scripts for data processing where doing the same in shell is unwieldy or impossible, especially when floating point operations or data delimiting are involved. While AWK’s full power is in general tragically underused, most shell script users and developers know about one of its most useful properties: selecting a single column from whitespace-delimited data. Sometimes, cut(1) doesn’t, uh, cut it.
In order for one language to cooperate with another usefully via embedded programs in this way, data of some sort needs to be passed between them at runtime, and here there are a few traps with syntax that may catch out unwary shell programmers. We’ll go through a simple example showing the problems, and demonstrate a few potential solutions.
Easy: Fixed data
Embedded AWK programs in shell scripts work great when you already know before runtime what you want your patterns for the pattern-action pairs to be. Suppose our company has a vendor-supplied program that returns temperature sensor data for the server room, and we want to run some commands for any and all rows registering over a certain threshold temperature. The output for the existing server-room-temps command might look like this:
The task for the monitoring script is simple: get a list of all the locations where the temperature is above 28°C. If there are any such locations, we need to email the administrator the full list. Easy! It looks like every introductory AWK example you’ve ever seen—it could be straight out of the book. Let’s type it up on the shell to test it:
So, after writing the alerts data file, we test if with [ -s ... ] to see whether it’s got any data in it. If it does, we send it all to the administrator with mail(1). Done!
We set that running every few minutes with cron(8) or systemd.timer(5), and we have a nice stop-gap solution until the lazy systems administrator gets around to fixing the Nagios server. He’s probably just off playing ADOM again…
Hard: runtime data
A few weeks later, our sysadmin still hasn’t got the Nagios server running, because his high elf wizard is about to hit level 50, and there’s a new request from the boss: can we adjust the script so that it accepts the cutoff temperature data as an argument, and other departments can use it? Sure, why not. Let’s mock that up, with a threshold of, let’s say, 25.5°C.
Wait, that’s not right. There are three lines with temperatures over 25.5°C, not two. Where’s cold_aisle_1?
Looking at the code more carefully, you realize that you assumed your shell variable would be accessible from within the AWK program, when of course, it isn’t; AWK’s variables are independent of shell variables. You don’t know why the hell it’s showing those two rows, though…
Cool, that works. Let’s submit it to the security team and go to lunch.
Caught out
To your surprise, the script is rejected. The security officer says you have an unescaped variable that allows arbitrary code execution. What? Where? It’s just AWK, not SQL…!
To your horror, the security officer demonstrates:
Oh, hell… if that were installed, and someone were able to set threshold to an arbitrary value, they could execute any AWK code, and thereby shell script, that they wanted to. It’s AWK injection! How embarrassing—good thing that was never going to run as root (…right?) Back to the drawing board …
Validating the data
One approach that might come readily to mind is to ensure that no unexpected characters appear in the value. We could use a case statement before interpolating the variable into the AWK program to check it contains no characters outside digits and a decimal:
case $threshold in
+ *[!0-9.]*) exit 2 ;;
That works just fine, and it’s appropriate to do some data validation at the opening of the script, anyway. It’s certainly better than leaving it as it was. But we learned this lesson with PHP in the 90s; you don’t just filter on characters, or slap in some backslashes—that’s missing the point. Ideally, we need to safely pass the data into the AWK process without ever parsing it as AWK code, sanitized or nay, so the situation doesn’t arise in the first place.
Environment variables
The shell and your embedded AWK program may not share the shell’s local variables, but they do share environment variables, accessible in AWK’s ENVIRON array. So, passing the threshold in as an environment variable works:
This is already much better. AWK will parse our data only as a variable, and won’t try to execute anything within it. The only snag with this method is picking a name; make sure that you don’t overwrite another, more important environment variable, like PATH, or LANG…
Another argument
Passing the data as another argument and then reading it out of the ARGV array works, too:
This method is also safe from arbitrary code execution, but it’s still somewhat awkward because it requires us to decrease the argument count ARGC by one so that AWK doesn’t try to process a file named “25.5” and end up upset when it’s not there. AWK arguments can mean whatever you need them to mean, but unless told otherwise, AWK generally assumes they are filenames, and will attempt to iterate through them for lines of data to chew on.
Here’s another way that’s very similar; we read the threshold from the second argument, and then blank it out in the ARGV array:
Note that in both cases, we still quote the $threshold expansion; this is because the shell is expanding the value before we pass it in.
The difference between these two syntaxes is when the variable assignment occurs. With -v, the assignment happens straight away, before reading any data from the input sources, as if it were in the BEGIN block of the program. With the argument form, it happens when the program’s data processing reaches that argument. The upshot of that is that you could test several files with several different temperatures in one hit, if you wanted to:
Both of these assignment syntaxes are standardized in POSIX awk.
These are my preferred methods for passing runtime data; they require no argument count munging, avoid the possibility of trampling on existing environment variables, use AWK’s own variable and expression syntax, and most importantly, the chances of anyone reading the script being able to grasp what’s going on are higher. You can thereby avoid a mess of quoting and back-ticking that often plagues these sorts of embedded programs.
Safety not guaranteed
If you take away only one thing from this post, it might be: don’t interpolate shell variables in AWK programs, because it has the same fundamental problems as interpolating data into query strings in PHP. Pass the data in safely instead, using either environment variables, arguments, or AWK variable assignments. Keeping this principle in mind will serve you well for other embedded programs, too; stop thinking in terms of escaping and character whitelists, and start thinking in terms of passing the data safely in the first place.
I’ve written a new article over on Vimways for the 2018 Vim advent calendar. It’s about converting a long and unwieldy .vimrc into a ~/.vim runtime directory.
A good sign of a philosophically sound interactive Unix tool is the facilities it offers for interacting with the filesystem and the shell: specifically, how easily can you run file operations and/or shell commands with reference to data within the tool? The more straightforward this is, the more likely the tool will fit neatly into a terminal-driven Unix workflow.
If all else fails, you could always suspend the task with Ctrl+Z to drop to a shell, but it’s helpful if the tool shows more deference to the shell than that; it means you can use and (even more importantly) write tools to manipulate the data in the program in whatever languages you choose, rather than being forced to use any kind of heretical internal scripting language, or worse, an over-engineered API.
vi is a good example of a tool that interacts openly and easily with the Unix shell, allowing you to pass open buffers as streams of text transparently to classic filter and text processing tools. In the case of Vim, it’s particularly useful to get to know these, because in many cases they allow you to avoid painful Vimscript, and to do things your way, without having to learn an ad-hoc language or to rely on plugins. This was touched on briefly in the “Editing” article of the Unix as IDE series.
Choosing your shell
By default, vi will use the value of your SHELL environment variable as the shell in which your commands will be run. In most cases, this is probably what you want, but it might pay to check before you start:
:set shell?
If you’re using Bash, and this prints /bin/bash, you’re good to go, and you’ll be able to use Bash-specific features or builtins such as [[ comfortably in your command lines if you wish.
Running commands
You can run a shell command from vi with the !ex command. This is inherited from the same behaviour in ed. A good example would be to read a manual page in the same terminal window without exiting or suspending vi:
:!man grep
Or to build your project:
You’ll find that exclamation point prefix ! shows up in the context of running external commands pretty consistently in vi.
You will probably need to press Enter afterwards to return to vi. This is to allow you to read any output remaining on your screen.
Of course, that’s not the only way to do it; you may prefer to drop to a forked shell with :sh, or suspend vi with ^Z to get back to the original shell, resuming it later with fg.
You can refer to the current buffer’s filename in the command with %, but be aware that this may cause escaping problems for files with special characters in their names:
:!gcc % -o foo
If you want a literal %, you will need to escape it with a backslash:
:!grep \% .vimrc
The same applies for the # character, for the alternate buffer.
:!gcc # -o bar
+:!grep \# .vimrc
And for the ! character, which expands to the previous command:
:!echo !
+:!echo \!
You can try to work around special characters for these expansions by single-quoting them:
:!gcc '%' -o foo
+:!gcc '#' -o bar
But that’s still imperfect for files with apostrophes in their names. In Vim (but not vi) you can do this:
Also inherited from ed is reading the output of commands into a buffer, which is done by giving a command starting with ! as the argument to :r:
:r !grep vim .vimrc
This will insert the output of the command after the current line position in the buffer; it works in the same way as reading in a file directly.
You can add a line number prefix to :r to place the output after that line number:
:5r !grep vim .vimrc
To put the output at the very start of the file, a line number of 0 works:
:0r !grep vim .vimrc
And for the very end of the file, you’d use $:
:$r !grep vim .vimrc
Note that redirections work fine, too, if you want to prevent stderr from being written to your buffer in the case of errors:
:$r !grep vim .vimrc 2>>vim_errorlog
Writing buffer text into a command
To run a command with standard input coming from text in your buffer, but without deleting it or writing the output back into your buffer, you can provide a ! command as an argument to :w. Again, this behaviour is inherited from ed.
By default, the whole buffer is written to the command; you might initially expect that only the current line would be written, but this makes sense if you consider the usual behaviour of w when writing directly to a file.
Given a file with a first column full of numbers:
304 Donald Trump
+227 Hillary Clinton
+3 Colin Powell
+1 Spotted Eagle
+1 Ron Paul
+1 John Kasich
+1 Bernie Sanders
We could calculate and view (but not save) the sum of the first column with awk(1), to see the expected value of 538 printed to the terminal:
:w !awk '{sum+=$1}END{print sum}'
We could limit the operation to the faithless electoral votes by specifying a line range:
:3,$w !awk '{sum+=$1}END{print sum}'
You can also give a range of just ., if you only want to write out the current line.
In Vim, if you’re using visual mode, pressing : while you have some text selected will automatically add the '<,'> range marks for you, and you can write out the rest of the command:
:'<,'>w !grep Bernie
Note that this writes every line of your selection to the command, not merely the characters you have selected. It’s more intuitive to use visual line mode (Shift+V) if you take this approach.
Filtering text
If you want to replace text in your buffer by filtering it through a command, you can do this by providing a range to the ! command:
:1,2!tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
This example would capitalise the letters in the first two lines of the buffer, passing them as input to the command and replacing them with the command’s output.
+3 Colin Powell
+1 Spotted Eagle
+1 Ron Paul
+1 John Kasich
+1 Bernie Sanders
Note that the number of lines passed as input need not match the number of lines of output. The length of the buffer can change. Note also that by default any stderr is included; you may want to redirect that away.
You can specify the entire file for such a filter with %:
:%!tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
As before, the current line must be explicitly specified with . if you want to use only that as input, otherwise you’ll just be running the command with no buffer interaction at all, per the first heading of this article:
:.!tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
You can also use ! as a motion rather than an ex command on a range of lines, by pressing ! in normal mode and then a motion (w, 3w, }, etc) to select all the lines you want to pass through the filter. Doubling it (!!) filters the current line, in a similar way to the yy and dd shortcuts, and you can provide a numeric prefix (e.g. 3!!) to specify a number of lines from the current line.
This is an example of a general approach that will work with any POSIX-compliant version of vi. In Vim, you have the gU command available to coerce text to uppercase, but this is not available in vanilla vi; the best you have is the tilde command ~ to toggle the case of the character under the cursor. tr(1), however, is specified by POSIX–including the locale-aware transformation–so you are much more likely to find it works on any modern Unix system.
If you end up needing such a command during editing a lot, you could make a generic command for your private bindir, say named upp for uppercase, that forces all of its standard input to uppercase:
+tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
Once saved somewhere in $PATH and made executable, this would allow you simply to write the following to apply the filter to the entire buffer:
The main takeaway from this is that the scripts you use with your editor don’t have to be in shell. You might prefer Awk:
ed supports this Incidentally, this “filtering” feature is where vi‘s heritage from ed ends as far as external commands are concerned. In POSIX ed, there isn’t a way to filter a subset of the buffer text through a command in one hit. It’s not too hard to emulate it with a temporary file, though, using all the syntax learned above:
*1,2w !upp > tmp
+*0r tmp
+*!rm tmp
However, there is a way to filter a whole file in one hit:
As part of its programmable completion suite, Bash includes hostname completion. This completion mode reads hostnames from a file in hosts(5) format to find possible completions matching the current word. On Unix-like operating systems, it defaults to reading the file in its usual path at /etc/hosts.
For example, given the following hosts(5) file in place at /etc/hosts:
We could then use this to complete hostnames for network diagnostic tools like ping(8):
$ complete -A hostname ping
Typing ping we and then pressing Tab would then complete to ping web.example.com. If the shopt option hostcomplete is on, which it is by default, Bash will also attempt host completion if completing any word with an @ character in it. This can be useful for email address completion or for SSH username@hostname completion.
We could also trigger hostname completion in any other Bash command line (regardless of complete settings) with the Readline shortcut Alt+@ (i.e. Alt+Shift+2). This works even if hostcomplete is turned off.
However, with DNS so widely deployed, and with system /etc/hosts files normally so brief on internet-connected systems, this may not seem terribly useful; you’d just end up completing localhost, and (somewhat erroneously) a few IPv6 addresses that don’t begin with a digit. It may seem even less useful if you have your own set of hosts in which you’re interested, since they may not correspond to the hosts in the system’s /etc/hosts file, and you probably really do want them looked up via DNS each time, rather than maintaining static addresses for them.
There’s a simple way to make host completion much more useful by defining the HOSTFILE variable in ~/.bashrc to point to any other file containing a list of hostnames. You could, for example, create a simple file ~/.hosts in your home directory, and then include this in your ~/.bashrc:
# Use a private mock hosts(5) file for completion
You could then populate the ~/.hosts file with a list of hostnames in which you’re interested, which will allow you to influence hostname completion usefully without messing with your system’s DNS resolution process at all. Because of the way the Bash HOSTFILE parsing works, you don’t even have to fake an IP address as the first field; it simply scans the file for any word that doesn’t start with a digit:
# Comments with leading hashes will be excluded
+router.example.com router
You can even include other files from it with an $include directive!
This really surprised me when reading the source, because I don’t think /etc/hosts files generally support that for their usual name resolution function. I would love to know if any systems out there actually do support this.
The behaviour of the HOSTFILE variable is a bit weird; all of the hosts from the HOSTFILE are appended to the in-memory list of completion hosts each time the HOSTFILE variable is set (not even just changed), and host completion is attempted, even if the hostnames were already in the list. It’s probably sufficient just to set the file once in ~/.bashrc.
This setup allows you to set hostname completion as the default method for all sorts of network-poking tools, falling back on the usual filename completion if nothing matches with -o default:
You could also use hostname completions for ssh(1), but to account for hostname aliases and other ssh_config(5) tricks, I prefer to read Host directives values from ~/.ssh/config for that.
If you have machine-readable access to the complete zone data for your home or work domain, it may even be worth periodically enumerating all of the hostnames into that file, perhaps using rndc dumpdb -zones for a BIND9 setup, or using an AXFR request. If you have a locally caching recursive nameserver, you could even periodically examine the contents of its cache for new and interesting hosts to add to the file.
As users grow more familiar with the feature set available to them on UNIX-like operating systems, and grow more comfortable using the command line, they will find more often that they develop their own routines for solving problems using their preferred tools, often repeatedly solving the same problem in the same way. You can usually tell if you’ve entered this stage if one or more of the below applies:
You repeatedly search the web for the same long commands to copy-paste.
You type a particular long command so often it’s gone into muscle memory, and you type it without thinking.
You have a text file somewhere with a list of useful commands to solve some frequently recurring problem or task, and you copy-paste from it a lot.
You’re keeping large amounts of history so you can search back through commands you ran weeks or months ago with ^R, to find the last time an instance of a problem came up, and getting angry when you realize it’s fallen away off the end of your history file.
You’ve found that you prefer to run a tool like ls(1) more often with a non-default flag than without it; -l is a common example.
You can definitely accomplish a lot of work quickly with shoving the output of some monolithic program through a terse one-liner to get the information you want, or by developing muscle memory for your chosen toolbox and oft-repeated commands, but if you want to apply more discipline and automation to managing these sorts of tasks, it may be useful for you to explore more rigorously defining your own commands for use during your shell sessions, or for automation purposes.
This is consistent with the original idea of the Unix shell as a programming environment; the tools provided by the base system are intentionally very general, not prescribing how they’re used, an approach which allows the user to build and customize their own command set as appropriate for their system’s needs, even on a per-user basis.
What this all means is that you need not treat the tools available to you as holy writ. To leverage the Unix philosophy’s real power, you should consider customizing and extending the command set in ways that are useful to you, refining them as you go, and sharing those extensions and tweaks if they may be useful to others. We’ll discuss here a few methods for implementing custom commands, and where and how to apply them.
The first step users take toward customizing the behaviour of their shell tools is often to define shell aliases in their shell’s startup file, usually specifically for interactive sessions; for Bash, this is usually ~/.bashrc.
Some aliases are so common that they’re included as commented-out suggestions in the default ~/.bashrc file for new users. For example, on Debian systems, the following alias is defined by default if the dircolors(1) tool is available for coloring ls(1) output by filetype:
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
With this defined at startup, invoking ls, with or without other arguments, will expand to run ls --color=auto, including any given arguments on the end as well.
In the same block of that file, but commented out, are suggestions for other aliases to enable coloured output for GNU versions of the dir and grep tools:
Commenting these out would make ll, la, and l work as commands during an interactive session, with the appropriate options added to the call.
You can check the aliases defined in your current shell session by typing alias with no arguments:
$ alias
+alias ls='ls --color=auto'
Aliases are convenient ways to add options to commands, and are very common features of ~/.bashrc files shared on the web. They also work in POSIX-conforming shells besides Bash. However, for general use, they aren’t very sophisticated. For one thing, you can’t process arguments with them:
# An attempt to write an alias that searches for a given pattern in a fixed
+# file; doesn't work because aliases don't expand parameters
+alias grepvim='grep "$1" ~/.vimrc'
They also don’t work for defining new commands within scripts for certain shells:
+alias ll='ls -l'
When saved in a file as test, made executable, and run, this script fails:
./test: line 3: ll: command not found
So, once you understand how aliases work so you can read them when others define them in startup files, my suggestion is there’s no point writing any. Aside from some very niche evaluation tricks, they have no functional advantages over shell functions and scripts.
A more flexible method for defining custom commands for an interactive shell (or within a script) is to use a shell function. We could declare our ll function in a Bash startup file as a function instead of an alias like so:
# Shortcut to call ls(1) with the -l flag
+ll() {
+ command ls -l "$@"
Note the use of the command builtin here to specify that the ll function should invoke the program named ls, and not any function named ls. This is particularly important when writing a function wrapper around a command, to stop an infinite loop where the function calls itself indefinitely:
# Always add -q to invocations of gdb(1)
+gdb() {
+ command gdb -q "$@"
In both examples, note also the use of the "$@" expansion, to add to the final command line any arguments given to the function. We wrap it in double quotes to stop spaces and other shell metacharacters in the arguments causing problems. This means that the ll command will work correctly if you were to pass it further options and/or one or more directories as arguments:
$ ll -a
+$ ll ~/.config
Shell functions declared in this way are specified by POSIX for Bourne-style shells, so they should work in your shell of choice, including Bash, dash, Korn shell, and Zsh. They can also be used within scripts, allowing you to abstract away multiple instances of similar commands to improve the clarity of your script, in much the same way the basics of functions work in general-purpose programming languages.
Functions are a good and portable way to approach adding features to your interactive shell; written carefully, they even allow you to port features you might like from other shells into your shell of choice. I’m fond of taking commands I like from Korn shell or Zsh and implementing them in Bash or POSIX shell functions, such as Zsh’s vared or its two-argument cd features.
If you end up writing a lot of shell functions, you should consider putting them into separate configuration subfiles to keep your shell’s primary startup file from becoming unmanageably large.
Examples from the author
You can take a look at some of the shell functions I have defined here that are useful to me in general shell usage; a lot of these amount to implementing convenience features that I wish my shell had, especially for quick directory navigation, or adding options to commands:
You can manipulate variables within shell functions, too:
# Print the filename of a path, stripping off its leading path and
+# extension
+fn() {
+ name=$1
+ name=${name##*/}
+ name=${name%.*}
+ printf '%s\n' "$name"
This works fine, but the catch is that after the function is done, the value for name will still be defined in the shell, and will overwrite whatever was in there previously:
This may be desirable if you actually want the function to change some aspect of your current shell session, such as managing variables or changing the working directory. If you don’t want that, you will probably want to find some means of avoiding name collisions in your variables.
If your function is only for use with a shell that provides the local (Bash) or typeset (Ksh) features, you can declare the variable as local to the function to remove its global scope, to prevent this happening:
# Bash-like
+fn() {
+ local name
+ name=$1
+ name=${name##*/}
+ name=${name%.*}
+ printf '%s\n' "$name"
+# Ksh-like
+# Note different syntax for first line
+function fn {
+ typeset name
+ name=$1
+ name=${name##*/}
+ name=${name%.*}
+ printf '%s\n' "$name"
If you’re using a shell that lacks these features, or you want to aim for POSIX compatibility, things are a little trickier, since local function variables aren’t specified by the standard. One option is to use a subshell, so that the variables are only defined for the duration of the function:
# POSIX; note we're using plain parentheses rather than curly brackets, for
+# a subshell
+fn() (
+ name=$1
+ name=${name##*/}
+ name=${name%.*}
+ printf '%s\n' "$name"
+# POSIX; alternative approach using command substitution:
+fn() {
+ printf '%s\n' "$(
+ name=$1
+ name=${name##*/}
+ name=${name%.*}
+ printf %s "$name"
+ )"
This subshell method also allows you to change directory with cd within a function without changing the working directory of the user’s interactive shell, or to change shell options with set or Bash options with shopt only temporarily for the purposes of the function.
Another method to deal with variables is to manipulate the positional parameters directly ($1, $2 … ) with set, since they are local to the function call too:
# POSIX; using positional parameters
+fn() {
+ set -- "${1##*/}"
+ set -- "${1%.*}"
+ printf '%s\n' "$1"
These methods work well, and can sometimes even be combined, but they’re awkward to write, and harder to read than the modern shell versions. If you only need your functions to work with your modern shell, I recommend just using local or typeset. The Bash Guide on Greg’s Wiki has a very thorough breakdown of functions in Bash, if you want to read about this and other aspects of functions in more detail.
Keeping functions for later
As you get comfortable with defining and using functions during an interactive session, you might define them in ad-hoc ways on the command line for calling in a loop or some other similar circumstance, just to solve a task in that moment.
As an example, I recently made an ad-hoc function called monit to run a set of commands for its hostname argument that together established different types of monitoring system checks, using an existing script called nmfs:
$ monit() { nmfs "$1" Ping Y ; nmfs "$1" HTTP Y ; nmfs "$1" SNMP Y ; }
+$ for host in webhost{1..10} ; do
+> monit "$host"
+> done
After that task was done, I realized I was likely to use the monit command interactively again, so I decided to keep it. Shell functions only last as long as the current shell, so if you want to make them permanent, you need to store their definitions somewhere in your startup files. If you’re using Bash, and you’re content to just add things to the end of your ~/.bashrc file, you could just do something like this:
$ declare -f monit >> ~/.bashrc
That would append the existing definition of monit in parseable form to your ~/.bashrc file, and the monit function would then be loaded and available to you for future interactive sessions. Later on, I ended up converting monit into a shell script, as its use wasn’t limited to just an interactive shell.
If you want a more robust approach to keeping functions like this for Bash permanently, I wrote a tool called Bashkeep, which allows you to quickly store functions and variables defined in your current shell into separate and appropriately-named files, including viewing and managing the list of names conveniently:
Shell functions are a great way to portably customize behaviour you want for your interactive shell, but if a task isn’t specific only to an interactive shell context, you should instead consider putting it into its own script whether written in shell or not, to be invoked somewhere from your PATH. This makes the script useable in contexts besides an interactive shell with your personal configuration loaded, for example from within another script, by another user, or by an X11 session called by something like dmenu.
Even if your set of commands is only a few lines long, if you need to call it often–especially with reference to other scripts and in varying contexts– making it into a generally-available shell script has many advantages.
Users making their own scripts often start by putting them in /usr/local/bin and making them executable with sudo chmod +x, since many Unix systems include this directory in the system PATH. If you want a script to be generally available to all users on a system, this is a reasonable approach. However, if the script is just something for your own personal use, or if you don’t have the permissions necessary to write to this system path, it may be preferable to have your own directory for logical binaries, including scripts.
Private bindir
Unix-like users who do this seem to vary in where they choose to put their private logical binaries directory. I’ve seen each of the below used or recommended:
I personally favour ~/.local/bin, but you can put your scripts wherever they best fit into your HOME directory layout. You may want to choose something that fits in well with the XDG standard, or whatever existing standard or system your distribution chooses for filesystem layout in $HOME.
In order to make this work, you will want to customize your login shell startup to include the directory in your PATH environment variable. It’s better to put this into ~/.profile or whichever file your shell runs on login, so that it’s only run once. That should be all that’s necessary, as PATH is typically exported as an environment variable for all the shell’s child processes. A line like this at the end of one of those scripts works well to extend the system PATH for our login shell:
Note that we specifically put our new path at the front of the PATH variable’s value, so that it’s the first directory searched for programs. This allows you to implement or install your own versions of programs with the same name as those in the system; this is useful, for example, if you like to experiment with building software in $HOME.
If you’re using a systemd-based GNU/Linux, and particularly if you’re using a display manager like GDM rather than a TTY login and startx for your X11 environment, you may find it more robust to instead set this variable with the appropriate systemd configuration file. Another option you may prefer on systems using PAM is to set it with pam_env(8).
After logging in, we first verify the directory is in place in the PATH variable:
We can test this is working correctly by placing a test script into the directory, including the #!/bin/shshebang, and making it executable by the current user with chmod(1):
I publish the more generic scripts I keep in ~/.local/bin, which I keep up-to-date on my personal systems in version control using Git, along with my configuration files. Many of the scripts are very short, and are intended mostly as building blocks for other scripts in the same directory. A few examples:
gscr(1df): Run a set of commands on a Git repository to minimize its size.
fgscr(1df): Find all Git repositories in a directory tree and run gscr(1df) over them.
hurl(1df): Extract URLs from links in an HTML document.
maybe(1df): Exit with success or failure with a given probability.
For such scripts, I try to write them as much as possible to use tools specified by POSIX, so that there’s a decent chance of them working on whatever Unix-like system I need them to.
On systems I use or manage, I might specify commands to do things relevant specifically to that system, such as:
Filter out uninteresting lines in an Apache HTTPD logfile with awk.
Check whether mail has been delivered to system users in /var/mail.
Upgrade the Adobe Flash player in a private Firefox instance.
The tasks you need to solve both generally and specifically will almost certainly be different; this is where you can get creative with your automation and abstraction.
X windows scripts
An additional advantage worth mentioning of using scripts rather than shell functions where possible is that they can be called from environments besides shells, such as in X11 or by other scripts. You can combine this method with X11-based utilities such as dmenu(1), libnotify’s notify-send(1), or ImageMagick’s import(1) to implement custom interactive behaviour for your X windows session, without having to write your own X11-interfacing code.
Other languages
Of course, you’re not limited to just shell scripts with this system; it might suit you to write a script completely in a language like awk(1), or even sed(1). If portability isn’t a concern for the particular script, you should use your favourite scripting language. Notably, don’t fall into the trap of implementing a script in shell for no reason …
… when you can instead write the whole script in the main language used, and save a fork(2) syscall and a layer of quoting:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+NF>2 && /foobar/ {print $1}
Versioning and sharing
Finally, if you end up writing more than a couple of useful shell functions and scripts, you should consider versioning them with Git or a similar version control system. This also eases implementing your shell setup and scripts on other systems, and sharing them with others via publishing on GitHub. You might even go so far as to write a Makefile to install them, or manual pages for quick reference as documentation … if you’re just a little bit crazy …
The time-based job scheduler cron(8) has been around since Version 7 Unix, and its crontab(5) syntax is familiar even for people who don’t do much Unix system administration. It’s standardised, reasonably flexible, simple to configure, and works reliably, and so it’s trusted by both system packages and users to manage many important tasks.
However, like many older Unix tools, cron(8)‘s simplicity has a drawback: it relies upon the user to know some detail of how it works, and to correctly implement any other safety checking behaviour around it. Specifically, all it does is try and run the job at an appropriate time, and email the output. For simple and unimportant per-user jobs, that may be just fine, but for more crucial system tasks it’s worthwhile to wrap a little extra infrastructure around it and the tasks it calls.
There are a few ways to make the way you use cron(8) more robust if you’re in a situation where keeping track of the running job is desirable.
Apply the principle of least privilege
The sixth column of a system crontab(5) file is the username of the user as which the task should run:
0 * * * * root cron-task
To the extent that is practical, you should run the task as a user with only the privileges it needs to run, and nothing else. This can sometimes make it worthwhile to create a dedicated system user purely for running scheduled tasks relevant to your application.
0 * * * * myappcron cron-task
This is not just for security reasons, although those are good ones; it helps protect you against nasties like scripting errors attempting to remove entire system directories.
Similarly, for tasks with database systems such as MySQL, don’t use the administrative root user if you can avoid it; instead, use or even create a dedicated user with a unique random password stored in a locked-down ~/.my.cnf file, with only the needed permissions. For a MySQL backup task, for example, only a few permissions should be required, including SELECT, SHOW VIEW, and LOCK TABLES.
In some cases, of course, you really will need to be root. In particularly sensitive contexts you might even consider using sudo(8) with appropriate NOPASSWD options, to allow the dedicated user to run only the appropriate tasks as root, and nothing else.
Test the tasks
Before placing a task in a crontab(5) file, you should test it on the command line, as the user configured to run the task and with the appropriate environment set. If you’re going to run the task as root, use something like su or sudo -i to get a root shell with the user’s expected environment first:
$ sudo -i -u cronuser
+$ cron-task
Once the task works on the command line, place it in the crontab(5) file with the timing settings modified to run the task a few minutes later, and then watch /var/log/syslog with tail -f to check that the task actually runs without errors, and that the task itself completes properly:
May 7 13:30:01 yourhost CRON[20249]: (you) CMD (cron-task)
This may seem pedantic at first, but it becomes routine very quickly, and it saves a lot of hassles down the line as it’s very easy to make an assumption about something in your environment that doesn’t actually hold in the one that cron(8) will use. It’s also a necessary acid test to make sure that your crontab(5) file is well-formed, as some implementations of cron(8) will refuse to load the entire file if one of the lines is malformed.
If necessary, you can set arbitrary environment variables for the tasks at the top of the file:
+0 * * * * you cron-task
Don’t throw away errors or useful output
You’ve probably seen tutorials on the web where in order to keep the crontab(5) job from sending standard output and/or standard error emails every five minutes, shell redirection operators are included at the end of the job specification to discard both the standard output and standard error. This kluge is particularly common for running web development tasks by automating a request to a URL with curl(1) or wget(1):
Ignoring the output completely is generally not a good idea, because unless you have other tasks or monitoring ensuring the job does its work, you won’t notice problems (or know what they are), when the job emits output or errors that you actually care about.
In the case of curl(1), there are just way too many things that could go wrong, that you might notice far too late:
The script could get broken and return 500 errors.
The URL of the cron.php task could change, and someone could forget to add a HTTP 301 redirect.
Even if a HTTP 301 redirect is added, if you don’t use -L or --location for curl(1), it won’t follow it.
The client could get blacklisted, firewalled, or otherwise impeded by automatic or manual processes that falsely flag the request as spam.
If using HTTPS, connectivity could break due to cipher or protocol mismatch.
The author has seen all of the above happen, in some cases very frequently.
As a general policy, it’s worth taking the time to read the manual page of the task you’re calling, and to look for ways to correctly control its output so that it emits only the output you actually want. In the case of curl(1), for example, I’ve found the following formula works well:
curl -fLsS -o /dev/null http://example.com/
-f: If the HTTP response code is an error, emit an error message rather than the 404 page.
-L: If there’s an HTTP 301 redirect given, try to follow it.
-sS: Don’t show progress meter (-S stops -s from also blocking error messages).
-o /dev/null: Send the standard output (the actual page returned) to /dev/null.
This way, the curl(1) request should stay silent if everything is well, per the old Unix philosophy Rule of Silence.
You may not agree with some of the choices above; you might think it important to e.g. log the complete output of the returned page, or to fail rather than silently accept a 301 redirect, or you might prefer to use wget(1). The point is that you take the time to understand in more depth what the called program will actually emit under what circumstances, and make it match your requirements as closely as possible, rather than blindly discarding all the output and (worse) the errors. Work with Murphy’s law; assume that anything that can go wrong eventually will.
Send the output somewhere useful
Another common mistake is failing to set a useful MAILTO at the top of the crontab(5) file, as the specified destination for any output and errors from the tasks. cron(8) uses the system mail implementation to send its messages, and typically, default configurations for mail agents will simply send the message to an mbox file in /var/mail/$USER, that they may not ever read. This defeats much of the point of mailing output and errors.
This is easily dealt with, though; ensure that you can send a message to an address you actually do check from the server, perhaps using mail(1):
Once you’ve verified that your mail agent is correctly configured and that the mail arrives in your inbox, set the address in a MAILTO variable at the top of your file:
+0 * * * * you cron-task-1
+*/5 * * * * you cron-task-2
If you don’t want to use email for routine output, another method that works is sending the output to syslog with a tool like logger(1):
0 * * * * you cron-task | logger -it cron-task
Alternatively, you can configure aliases on your system to forward system mail destined for you on to an address you check. For Postfix, you’d use an aliases(5) file.
I sometimes use this setup in cases where the task is expected to emit a few lines of output which might be useful for later review, but send stderr output via MAILTO as normal. If you’d rather not use syslog, perhaps because the output is high in volume and/or frequency, you can always set up a log file /var/log/cron-task.log … but don’t forget to add a logrotate(8) rule for it!
Put the tasks in their own shell script file
Ideally, the commands in your crontab(5) definitions should only be a few words, in one or two commands. If the command is running off the screen, it’s likely too long to be in the crontab(5) file, and you should instead put it into its own script. This is a particularly good idea if you want to reliably use features of bash or some other shell besides POSIX/Bourne /bin/sh for your commands, or even a scripting language like Awk or Perl; by default, cron(8) uses the system’s /bin/sh implementation for parsing the commands.
Because crontab(5) files don’t allow multi-line commands, and have other gotchas like the need to escape percent signs % with backslashes, keeping as much configuration out of the actual crontab(5) file as you can is generally a good idea.
If you’re running cron(8) tasks as a non-system user, and can’t add scripts into a system bindir like /usr/local/bin, a tidy method is to start your own, and include a reference to it as part of your PATH. I favour ~/.local/bin, and have seen references to ~/bin as well. Save the script in ~/.local/bin/cron-task, make it executable with chmod +x, and include the directory in the PATH environment definition at the top of the file:
Having your own directory with custom scripts for your own purposes has a host of other benefits, but that’s another article…
Avoid /etc/crontab
If your implementation of cron(8) supports it, rather than having an /etc/crontab file a mile long, you can put tasks into separate files in /etc/cron.d:
$ ls /etc/cron.d
This approach allows you to group the configuration files meaningfully, so that you and other administrators can find the appropriate tasks more easily; it also allows you to make some files editable by some users and not others, and reduces the chance of edit conflicts. Using sudoedit(8) helps here too. Another advantage is that it works better with version control; if I start collecting more than a few of these task files or to update them more often than every few months, I start a Git repository to track them:
If you’re editing a crontab(5) file for tasks related only to the individual user, use the crontab(1) tool; you can edit your own crontab(5) by typing crontab -e, which will open your $EDITOR to edit a temporary file that will be installed on exit. This will save the files into a dedicated directory, which on my system is /var/spool/cron/crontabs.
On the systems maintained by the author, it’s quite normal for /etc/crontab never to change from its packaged template.
Include a timeout
cron(8) will normally allow a task to run indefinitely, so if this is not desirable, you should consider either using options of the program you’re calling to implement a timeout, or including one in the script. If there’s no option for the command itself, the timeout(1) command wrapper in coreutils is one possible way of implementing this:
cron(8) will start a new process regardless of whether its previous runs have completed, so if you wish to avoid locking for long-running task, on GNU/Linux you could use the flock(1) wrapper for the flock(2) system call to set an exclusive lockfile, in order to prevent the task from running more than one instance in parallel.
Greg’s wiki has some more in-depth discussion of the file locking problem for scripts in a general sense, including important information about the caveats of “rolling your own” when flock(1) is not available.
If it’s important that your tasks run in a certain order, consider whether it’s necessary to have them in separate tasks at all; it may be easier to guarantee they’re run sequentially by collecting them in a single shell script.
Do something useful with exit statuses
If your cron(8) task or commands within its script exit non-zero, it can be useful to run commands that handle the failure appropriately, including cleanup of appropriate resources, and sending information to monitoring tools about the current status of the job. If you’re using Nagios Core or one of its derivatives, you could consider using send_nsca to send passive checks reporting the status of jobs to your monitoring server. I’ve written a simple script called nscaw to do this for me:
0 * * * * you nscaw CRON_TASK -- cron-task
Consider alternatives to cron(8)
If your machine isn’t always on and your task doesn’t need to run at a specific time, but rather needs to run once daily or weekly, you can install anacron and drop scripts into the cron.hourly, cron.daily, cron.monthly, and cron.weekly directories in /etc, as appropriate. Note that on Debian and Ubuntu GNU/Linux systems, the default /etc/crontab contains hooks that run these, but they run only if anacron(8) is not installed.
If you’re using cron(8) to poll a directory for changes and run a script if there are such changes, on GNU/Linux you could consider using a daemon based on inotifywait(1) instead.
Finally, if you require more advanced control over when and how your task runs than cron(8) can provide, you could perhaps consider writing a daemon to run on the server consistently and fork processes for its task. This would allow running a task more often than once a minute, as an example. Don’t get too bogged down into thinking that cron(8) is your only option for any kind of asynchronous task management!
Large shell startup scripts (.bashrc, .profile) over about fifty lines or so with a lot of options, aliases, custom functions, and similar tweaks can get cumbersome to manage over time, and if you keep your dotfiles under version control it’s not terribly helpful to see large sets of commits just editing the one file when it could be more instructive if broken up into files by section.
Given that shell configuration is just shell code, we can apply the source builtin (or the . builtin for POSIX sh) to load several files at the end of a .bashrc, for example:
This is a better approach, but it still binds us into using those filenames; we still have to edit the ~/.bashrc file if we want to rename them, or remove them, or add new ones.
Fortunately, UNIX-like systems have a common convention for this, the .d directory suffix, in which sections of configuration can be stored to be read by a main configuration file dynamically. In our case, we can create a new directory ~/.bashrc.d:
$ ls ~/.bashrc.d
With a slightly more advanced snippet at the end of ~/.bashrc, we can then load every file with the suffix .bash in this directory:
# Load any supplementary scripts
+for config in "$HOME"/.bashrc.d/*.bash ; do
+ source "$config"
+unset -v config
Note that we unset the config variable after we’re done, otherwise it’ll be in the namespace of our shell where we don’t need it. You may also wish to check for the existence of the ~/.bashrc.d directory, check there’s at least one matching file inside it, or check that the file is readable before attempting to source it, depending on your preference.
The same method can be applied with .profile to load all scripts with the suffix .sh in ~/.profile.d, if we want to write in POSIX sh, with some slightly different syntax:
# Load any supplementary scripts
+for config in "$HOME"/.profile.d/*.sh ; do
+ . "$config"
+unset -v config
Another advantage of this method is that if you have your dotfiles under version control, you can arrange to add extra snippets on a per-machine basis unversioned, without having to update your .bashrc file.
Here’s my implementation of the above method, for both .bashrc and .profile:
The common default of some variant of \h:\w\$ for a Bash promptPS1 string includes the \w escape character, so that the user’s current working directory appears in the prompt, but with $HOME shortened to a tilde:
This is normally very helpful, particularly if you leave your shell for a time and forget where you are, though of course you can always call the pwd shell builtin. However it can get annoying for very deep directory hierarchies, particularly if you’re using a smaller terminal window:
If you’re using Bash version 4.0 or above (bash --version), you can save a bit of terminal space by setting the PROMPT_DIRTRIM variable for the shell. This limits the length of the tail end of the \w and \W expansions to that number of path elements:
This is a good thing to include in your ~/.bashrc file if you often find yourself deep in directory trees where the upper end of the hierarchy isn’t of immediate interest to you. You can remove the effect again by unsetting the variable:
In Bash scripting (and shell scripting in general), we often want to check the exit value of a command to decide an action to take after it completes, likely for the purpose of error handling. For example, to determine whether a particular regular expression regex was present somewhere in a file options, we might apply grep(1) with its POSIX -q option to suppress output and just use the exit value:
grep -q regex options
An approach sometimes taken is then to test the exit value with the $? parameter, using if to check if it’s non-zero, which is not very elegant and a bit hard to read:
# Bad practice
+grep -q regex options
+if (($? > 0)); then
+ printf '%s\n' 'myscript: Pattern not found!' >&2
+ exit 1
Because the if construct by design tests the exit value of commands, it’s better to test the command directly, making the expansion of $? unnecessary:
# Better
+if grep -q regex options; then
+ # Do nothing
+ :
+ printf '%s\n' 'myscript: Pattern not found!\n' >&2
+ exit 1
We can precede the command to be tested with ! to negate the test as well, to prevent us having to use else as well:
# Best
+if ! grep -q regex options; then
+ printf '%s\n' 'myscript: Pattern not found!' >&2
+ exit 1
An alternative syntax is to use && and || to perform if and else tests with grouped commands between braces, but these tend to be harder to read:
With this syntax, the two commands in the block are only executed if the grep(1) call exits with a non-zero status. We can apply && instead to execute commands if it does exit with zero.
That syntax can be convenient for quickly short-circuiting failures in scripts, for example due to nonexistent commands, particularly if the command being tested already outputs its own error message. This therefore cuts the script off if the given command fails, likely due to ffmpeg(1) being unavailable on the system:
hash ffmpeg || exit 1
Note that the braces for a grouped command are not needed here, as there’s only one command to be run in case of failure, the exit call.
Calls to cd are another good use case here, as running a script in the wrong directory if a call to cd fails could have really nasty effects:
cd wherever || exit 1
In general, you’ll probably only want to test $? when you have specific non-zero error conditions to catch. For example, if we were using the --max-delete option for rsync(1), we could check a call’s return value to see whether rsync(1) hit the threshold for deleted file count and write a message to a logfile appropriately:
It may be tempting to use the errexit feature in the hopes of stopping a script as soon as it encounters any error, but there are some problems with its usage that make it a bit error-prone. It’s generally more straightforward to simply write your own error handling using the methods above.
For a really thorough breakdown of dealing with conditionals in Bash, take a look at the relevant chapter of the Bash Guide.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url--700978490 b/run/test-data/url--700978490
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08ff3c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url--700978490
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ Arbitrary code execution on clients through malicious svn+ssh URLs in svn:externals and svn:sync-from-url Summary: ======== A Subversion client sometimes connects to URLs provided by the repository. This happens in two primary cases: during 'checkout', 'export', 'update', and 'switch', when the tree being downloaded contains svn:externals properties; and when using 'svnsync sync' with one URL argument. A maliciously constructed svn+ssh:// URL would cause Subversion clients to run an arbitrary shell command. Such a URL could be generated by a malicious server, by a malicious user committing to a honest server (to attack another user of that server's repositories), or by a proxy server. The vulnerability affects all clients, including those that use file://, http://, and plain (untunneled) svn://. An exploit has been tested. Known vulnerable: ================= Subversion clients 1.0.0 through 1.8.18 (inclusive) Subversion clients 1.9.0 through 1.9.6 (inclusive) Subversion client 1.10.0-alpha3 Subversion 1.10.0-alpha1 and 1.10.0-alpha2 are vulnerable, however, were never publicly released. Known fixed: ============ Subversion 1.8.19 Subversion 1.9.7 Patches are available for 1.9, 1.8, 1.6. The patch for 1.9 applies to 1.10.0-alpha3 with an offset. The patch for 1.8 applies to 1.7 with an offset. Clients that do not have access to an ssh client, and have no custom tunnels configured in their runtime configuration area [1], are not vulnerable. Clients using Subversion's own runtime module loading for Repository Access (RA) modules are not vulnerable if the 'libsvn_ra_svn' module, which provides support for the svn+ssh:// and svn:// protocols is removed. [1] http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.advanced.confarea.html#svn.advanced.confarea.layout This link describes Subversion 1.7, but the description is correct for all other versions as well. Details: ======== OpenSSH implements a ProxyCommand feature which instructs the client to run an additional local command before opening a connection to the server. The intention is that this local command will run a proxy server for the connection to the SSH server. This feature can be enabled on the command line with the -oProxyCommand option switch. The -oProxyCommand option takes an arbitrary command as its argument which will be executed by the ssh client before connecting to the SSH server. The attack makes use of this feature by placing a ProxyCommand option with an arbitrary command into an svn+ssh:// URL. A vulnerable svn client will pass this option to the ssh command, which in turn will execute the arbitrary command provided by the attacker. PuTTY's plink SSH client implements the same feature with a slightly different option name "-proxycmd". Severity: ========= CVSSv3 Base Score: 9.9 (Critical) CVSSv3 Base Vector: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H/E:H/RL:O/RC:C A successful exploit will run an arbitrary shell command with the privileges of the Subversion client. Recommendations: ================ Several alternative ways to fix the issue are available. Any one of #1, #2, #3, and #4 fixes the issue completely. There is no need to implement more than one of these four options. 1. We recommend all users to upgrade to Subversion 1.9.7 or 1.8.19. New Subversion source and binary packages can be found at: https://subversion.apache.org/download https://subversion.apache.org/packages 2. Users of Subversion 1.8.x and 1.9.x who are unable to upgrade may apply the included patch. 3. Clients that are not able to execute the 'ssh' command are not vulnerable. The name of the ssh command which is executed may be changed by setting the $SVN_SSH environment variable or by setting a value for the 'ssh' key in the "[tunnels]" section of the file "config" in the runtime configuration area [1]. By default, only the "ssh" tunnel is configured. It is available even if it is commented out in the file "config". The default definition of the "ssh" tunnel is equivalent to: ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -q If the value of this option is set to a non-existent path, then svn+ssh:// URLs will no longer work but the svn client will not be vulnerable: ssh = /this/path/does/not/exist However, if OpenSSH is used as SSH client (the default on most UNIX-like systems), then svn+ssh:// URLs can still be used safely. Either change the configuration file setting to: ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -q -- or set the environment variable "SVN_SSH" to the value: ssh -q -- The -- argument tells OpenSSH to stop processing subsequent arguments as command line options, and hence neuters the attack because a -oProxyCommand option on the command line will no longer be evaluated as an option. If PuTTY is used as SSH client (the default on Windows systems, including TortoiseSVN) this trick WILL NOT WORK because PuTTY evaluates command line options even after -- occurs on its command line. If using PuTTY, either the svn client must be upgraded or svn+ssh:// URLs must be disabled entirely as described above. The "[tunnels]" section may define additional third-party custom tunnels; those may be vulnerable if they do not perform input validation on their first argument, which contains the hostname to connect to. Custom tunnels are invoked with three arguments: the hostname to connect to, the string "svnserve" and the string "-t". It is recommended that custom tunnel definitions be audited for correct handling of unusual or invalid host values; the Subversion libraries perform some basic validation, but cannot guarantee correct quoting/escaping of the parameters to arbitrary third-party tunnel commands. 4. Clients built to use Subversion's own runtime mechanism for loading modules can remove the libsvn_ra_svn shared module and thus remove the threat. The svn:// and svn+ssh:// protocols will no longer be available. This does not apply to clients built to use the normal compile-time linking of shared libraries: those clients will fail to start if the libsvn_ra_svn shared module is removed. Subversion's own runtime loading mechanism is enabled at build-time by using --enable-runtime-module-search. 5. Users of 'svnsync sync' should use the two-URL-arguments form of the command. The current remote URL may be found by either of these two commands: svnsync info -- $DEST_URL svn proplist --verbose --revision=0 -- $DEST_URL where $DEST_URL is the (first, or only) URL argument to 'svnsync sync'. Then, change the svnsync invocation to always pass that URL as an additional argument: change svnsync sync URL/to/sync to svnsync sync URL/to/sync URL/to/source NOTE: This recommendation applies only to 'svnsync sync' and does not fix the 'checkout' / 'update' part of the issue. 6. Server administrators may wish to install a 'pre-commit' hook that rejects commits that add invalid svn+*:// URLs, in order to protect their users from other (malicious) users committing such URLs. An example hook is available at:
+ 7. API consumers that implement a 'svn_ra_open_tunnel_func_t open_tunnel_func' callback should audit it for issues similar to this one. 8. Subversion 1.7 and 1.6 are officially no longer supported. The patch for 1.8 will apply to 1.7 and a patch for 1.6 is available, the patch for 1.6 could be adapted to even older versions. Since 1.7 and 1.6 are no longer supported there will be no official releases of those branches for this vulnerablity. [1] http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.advanced.confarea.html#svn.advanced.confarea.layout This link describes Subversion 1.7, but the description is correct for all other versions as well. References: =========== CVE-2017-9800 (Subversion) CVE-2017-12426 (GitLab) CVE-2017-1000116 (Mercurial (hg)) CVE-2017-1000117 (Git) Reported by: ============ Jonathan Nieder Discovered by Joern Schneeweisz of Recurity Labs. Patches: ======== Patch for Subversion 1.9.6: [[[ Index: subversion/libsvn_ra_svn/client.c =================================================================== --- subversion/libsvn_ra_svn/client.c (revision 1803926) +++ subversion/libsvn_ra_svn/client.c (working copy) @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ #include "svn_props.h" #include "svn_mergeinfo.h" #include "svn_version.h" +#include "svn_ctype.h" #include "svn_private_config.h" @@ -396,7 +397,7 @@ * versions have it too. If the user is using some other ssh * implementation that doesn't accept it, they can override it * in the [tunnels] section of the config. */ - val = "$SVN_SSH ssh -q"; + val = "$SVN_SSH ssh -q --"; } if (!val || !*val) @@ -441,7 +442,7 @@ for (n = 0; cmd_argv[n] != NULL; n++) argv[n] = cmd_argv[n]; - argv[n++] = svn_path_uri_decode(hostinfo, pool); + argv[n++] = hostinfo; argv[n++] = "svnserve"; argv[n++] = "-t"; argv[n] = NULL; @@ -802,7 +803,33 @@ } +/* A simple whitelist to ensure the following are valid: + * user@server + * [::1]:22 + * server-name + * server_name + * + * with an extra restriction that a leading '-' is invalid. + */ +static svn_boolean_t +is_valid_hostinfo(const char *hostinfo) +{ + const char *p = hostinfo; + if (p[0] == '-') + return FALSE; + + while (*p) + { + if (!svn_ctype_isalnum(*p) && !strchr(":.-_[]@", *p)) + return FALSE; + + ++p; + } + + return TRUE; +} + static svn_error_t *ra_svn_open(svn_ra_session_t *session, const char **corrected_url, const char *url, @@ -835,8 +862,18 @@ || (callbacks->check_tunnel_func && callbacks->open_tunnel_func && !callbacks->check_tunnel_func(callbacks->tunnel_baton, tunnel)))) - SVN_ERR(find_tunnel_agent(tunnel, uri.hostinfo, &tunnel_argv, config, - result_pool)); + { + const char *decoded_hostinfo; + + decoded_hostinfo = svn_path_uri_decode(uri.hostinfo, result_pool); + + if (!is_valid_hostinfo(decoded_hostinfo)) + return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_BAD_URL, NULL, _("Invalid host '%s'"), + uri.hostinfo); + + SVN_ERR(find_tunnel_agent(tunnel, decoded_hostinfo, &tunnel_argv, + config, result_pool)); + } else tunnel_argv = NULL; Index: subversion/libsvn_subr/config_file.c =================================================================== --- subversion/libsvn_subr/config_file.c (revision 1803926) +++ subversion/libsvn_subr/config_file.c (working copy) @@ -1248,12 +1248,12 @@ "### passed to the tunnel agent as
+ @
+ .) If the" NL "### built-in ssh scheme were not predefined, it could be defined" NL "### as:" NL - "# ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -q" NL + "# ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -q --" NL "### If you wanted to define a new 'rsh' scheme, to be used with" NL "### 'svn+rsh:' URLs, you could do so as follows:" NL - "# rsh = rsh" NL + "# rsh = rsh --" NL "### Or, if you wanted to specify a full path and arguments:" NL - "# rsh = /path/to/rsh -l myusername" NL + "# rsh = /path/to/rsh -l myusername --" NL "### On Windows, if you are specifying a full path to a command," NL "### use a forward slash (/) or a paired backslash (\\\\) as the" NL "### path separator. A single backslash will be treated as an" NL ]]] Patch for Subversion 1.8.18 [[[ Index: subversion/libsvn_ra_svn/client.c =================================================================== --- subversion/libsvn_ra_svn/client.c (revision 1803926) +++ subversion/libsvn_ra_svn/client.c (working copy) @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ #include "svn_props.h" #include "svn_mergeinfo.h" #include "svn_version.h" +#include "svn_ctype.h" #include "svn_private_config.h" @@ -395,7 +396,7 @@ * versions have it too. If the user is using some other ssh * implementation that doesn't accept it, they can override it * in the [tunnels] section of the config. */ - val = "$SVN_SSH ssh -q"; + val = "$SVN_SSH ssh -q --"; } if (!val || !*val) @@ -435,7 +436,7 @@ ; *argv = apr_palloc(pool, (n + 4) * sizeof(char *)); memcpy((void *) *argv, cmd_argv, n * sizeof(char *)); - (*argv)[n++] = svn_path_uri_decode(hostinfo, pool); + (*argv)[n++] = hostinfo; (*argv)[n++] = "svnserve"; (*argv)[n++] = "-t"; (*argv)[n] = NULL; @@ -716,7 +717,33 @@ } +/* A simple whitelist to ensure the following are valid: + * user@server + * [::1]:22 + * server-name + * server_name + * + * with an extra restriction that a leading '-' is invalid. + */ +static svn_boolean_t +is_valid_hostinfo(const char *hostinfo) +{ + const char *p = hostinfo; + if (p[0] == '-') + return FALSE; + + while (*p) + { + if (!svn_ctype_isalnum(*p) && !strchr(":.-_[]@", *p)) + return FALSE; + + ++p; + } + + return TRUE; +} + static svn_error_t *ra_svn_open(svn_ra_session_t *session, const char **corrected_url, const char *url, @@ -740,8 +767,17 @@ parse_tunnel(url, &tunnel, pool); if (tunnel) - SVN_ERR(find_tunnel_agent(tunnel, uri.hostinfo, &tunnel_argv, config, - pool)); + { + const char *decoded_hostinfo; + + decoded_hostinfo = svn_path_uri_decode(uri.hostinfo, pool); + if (!is_valid_hostinfo(decoded_hostinfo)) + return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_BAD_URL, NULL, _("Invalid host '%s'"), + uri.hostinfo); + + SVN_ERR(find_tunnel_agent(tunnel, decoded_hostinfo, &tunnel_argv, + config, pool)); + } else tunnel_argv = NULL; Index: subversion/libsvn_subr/config_file.c =================================================================== --- subversion/libsvn_subr/config_file.c (revision 1803926) +++ subversion/libsvn_subr/config_file.c (working copy) @@ -1134,12 +1134,12 @@ "### passed to the tunnel agent as
+ @
+ .) If the" NL "### built-in ssh scheme were not predefined, it could be defined" NL "### as:" NL - "# ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -q" NL + "# ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -q --" NL "### If you wanted to define a new 'rsh' scheme, to be used with" NL "### 'svn+rsh:' URLs, you could do so as follows:" NL - "# rsh = rsh" NL + "# rsh = rsh --" NL "### Or, if you wanted to specify a full path and arguments:" NL - "# rsh = /path/to/rsh -l myusername" NL + "# rsh = /path/to/rsh -l myusername --" NL "### On Windows, if you are specifying a full path to a command," NL "### use a forward slash (/) or a paired backslash (\\\\) as the" NL "### path separator. A single backslash will be treated as an" NL ]]]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url--708035332 b/run/test-data/url--708035332
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22f938a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url--708035332
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ Gabriel's Gift
~ Gabriel's Gift ~ The Message and Mysteries in Luke and Acts
Luke's surprise gift to the world has finally arrived after a long and arduous journey.
And, as a special bonus, "Luke's" real identity is revealed for the first time.
Gabriel's Gift was neatly wrapped in a package nearly two thousand years ago by a man known to biblical history as "Luke." On the wrapping, in plain sight, Luke placed thinly veiled clues that a gift of immense value was inside. He used Pythagorean and Platonic sacred numbers to prove beyond any doubt that a secret message was awaiting discovery. Numbers easily solved in each chapter prove Luke's knowledge of the sizes of the earth, moon, and sun; the speed of light; DNA/RNA behaviors, and other scientific knowledge rediscovered only within the last century.
With that hook set, a never-before-told story unfolds as Luke's coded messages reveal the buried truth about Jesus, his disciples, and the role played by the Apostle Paul during the formation of Christianity.
Sample Chapter
Among the items found at Nag Hammadi in 1945, in addition to ancient Jewish texts and texts with Gnostic undertones, was a short excerpt from Plato’s Republic. This item is, in my opinion, far more important than has been previously acknowledged. This puts Greek philosophy into the hands of the people of Jesus’ time and location and strengthens the argument for his knowledge of, and probable indoctrination into, the ancient Secret Schools that taught the Pythagorean philosophy that “Number is All.”
In case there are still doubts, perhaps one final proof that the numbers aren’t merely coincidental can be found by looking at Luke’s chapter nine. There are fifteen numbers greater than one in chapter nine, and I almost felt foolish multiplying them all together. But I was compelled to do so anyway. The fifteen numbers are:
For convenience Plato frequently used 22/7 as pi. But another value and slightly more accurate pi which he also used is 864/275. It takes a little more work to manually calculate the circumference of a sphere using this larger number, but sometimes it was necessary in order to reveal the “coded messages.” Using the mean diameter of the earth, 7920 miles, and this slightly more accurate value for pi, the results are truly amazing:
7920 miles x 864/275:
7920 times 864 = 6 842 880
6 842 880 divided by 275 = 24,883.2 miles.
That’s the very number reached after multiplying all fifteen numbers in Luke’s chapter nine after the zeros are dropped from the end.
Every chapter in Luke’s Gospel contains similarly hidden numbers. Why would Luke go to such lengths to leave “Sacred Numbers” in his gospel?
The answer is quite simple: Regardless of the language spoken by readers, they will have the same understanding of numbers and the various functions applied to numbers. Numbers are the One Universal Language.
It seems that a Pythagorean Master Teacher inserted the numbers into Luke’s Gospel to attract attention. But why?
There is just one logical answer: to send a numeric message—using the One Universal Language—that there is a coded, written message. That’s the real story. And that’s where Philo’s Rules for Allegory are needed.
Perhaps the most important of Philo’s guidelines is to watch for something unusual in the text. The first obviously “unusual” occurrence in Luke’s gospel is the appearance of the Angel, Gabriel:
Luke 1:19: “The angel replied, ‘I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news.’“
The angel Gabriel is named only four times in the Bible—twice in the book of Daniel, twice in Luke’s gospel.
Gabriel’s first appearance is at Daniel 8:16, and what he says seems pertinent to this story:
“And I heard a human voice . . . calling, ‘Gabriel, help this man understand the vision.’“
The numbers indicate Luke is sending a coded message; Gabriel says he has been “sent to speak,” Daniel adds that Gabriel is to “help this man understand . . .,” and the Book of Revelation ends with these words from Jesus: “‘I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things…”
Could it be any clearer that Gabriel and Daniel have been assigned to “help Theophilus” understand the “allegorical messages” and why “Sacred Numbers” have been imbedded in Luke’s gospel?
The obvious message in the Book of Daniel gets rather tedious after the first five or so verses, so the most important words in each verse are underlined:
Daniel 1:20: “In every matter of wisdom and understanding concerning which the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom . . .”
Daniel 2:19: “Then the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision of the night, and Daniel blessed the God of heaven.”
Daniel 2:22: “‘He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with him’“
Daniel 2:27: “Daniel answered the king, ‘No wise men, enchanters, magicians, or diviners can show to the king the mystery that the king is asking, . . .’"
Daniel 2:28: “. . . but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries . . .”
Daniel 2:29: “‘To you, O king, as you lay in bed, came thoughts of what would be hereafter, and the revealer of mysteries disclosed to you what is to be.’“
Daniel 2:30: “But as for me, this mystery has not been revealed to me because of any wisdom that I have more than any other living being, but in order that the interpretation may be known to the king and that you may understand the thoughts of your mind.”
Daniel 2:47: “The king said to Daniel, ‘Truly, your God is God of gods and Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, for you have been able to reveal this mystery!’“
Daniel 5:12: “. . . because an excellent spirit, knowledge, and understanding to interpret dreams, explain riddles, and solve problemswere found in this Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar. Now let Daniel be called, and he will give the interpretation.”
Daniel 5:17: “Then Daniel answered in the presence of the king, ‘Let your gifts be for yourself, or give your rewards to someone else! Nevertheless I will read the writing to the king and let him know the interpretation.’“
Daniel 9:22: “He (Gabriel) came and said to me, ‘Daniel, I have now come out to give you wisdom and understanding.’“
Daniel 12:9: “He (Gabriel) said, ‘Go your way, Daniel, for the words are to remain secret and sealed until the time of the end.’“
Daniel 12:10: “. . . but the wicked shall continue to act wickedly. None of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand.”
Did you get that message??
Gabriel and Daniel report that the wicked will not understand but the wise will understand! What are “The Wise” to understand?
The message is that there is some great mystery, puzzle, or riddle that “The Wise Theophilus” is to solve and interpret. But, what??
In addition to describing a great detective who is able to solve mysteries, riddles, and puzzles, the Book of Daniel reveals more about Daniel that pertains to Luke’s story:
Daniel 1:8: “But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the royal rations of food and wine; so he asked the palace master to allow him not to defile himself.”
Daniel 1:12: “‘. . . Let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink.’“
Daniel 1:16: “So the guard continued to withdraw their royal rations and the wine they were to drink, and gave themvegetables.”
It seems clear that Daniel is a vegetarian who does not drink wine. But what does that reveal that might pertain to Luke’s coded message?
Pythagoreans were vegetarians; they drank no wine or strong drink; they did not cut their hair; they wore white robes; they abhorred slavery; they considered men and women to be equal. (Leonardo da Vinci was also a vegetarian.)
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af363c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url--804917062
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+ Windows 7 Log
+T3500 2BF8LK1 (BOB)
+Installed Windows 7 on top of RAID-1 disk.
+Configured network to static IPs, req'd ARP clear. Much wrestling, network is flaky displaying other systems!
+Installed 57 updates!
+Installed 2 more updates
+Connect USB octopus, enables Logitech wireless mouse
+Installed IATA89ENU Intel Matrix Storage Manager. Now reports RAID status on login.
+Installed Windows Grep so I can look at the archdisk index files
+Installed VB6 and VB6 SP6 update, ignoring the compatibility warnings. Right-click VB6.exe, Properties, run in XP compat and always as admin.
+Installed Dart PowerTCP WebServer for ActiveX and licensed/activated successfully.
+Installed Dart PowerTCP Server for ActiveX (for FTP) and licensed/activated. This stuff is on Archive 41.
+Installed Agent for Windows 7 (KB969168 - 64bit) which is a stand-alone Windows Update
+Installed ASCOM Platform 5.1b with developer options
+Installed ASCOM Platform 5.5 update
+Installed Kepler 1.0.1
+Installed NOVAS 2.1.1
+INstalled Dome Simulator 5.0.8a update
+Installed POTH update 5.0.5
+Registered PointCalc.dll for ACP development (no MaxPoint installed yet). It is in the ACP dev area under MaxPoint stuff.
+Installed the SOAP Development Toolkit 3.0 (os-components)
+Registered the DC-3 Registration Component (DC3Reg.dll) from the development area (release)
+Installed Tortoise SVN
+Required reboot, system came up very slowly and eventually the screen went black. Hard reboot, RAID reports volume #0 errors, and Matrix Storage reports it failed. I doubt it. but now's the time for a system backup so...
+Install Acronis TrueImage 2009. FAIL!!! No good on Win7/64
+Purchase and Install TrueImage 2011.
+Back up C drive twice (Merops and Calaeno)
+Restart Acronis and let it update online - FAILED!
+Login to Acronis site, register my 2011, then download the update from there.
+Install PuTTY and the DC-3 keypairs. COnfigure for SSH to the A2 sites. Test with Tortoise, OK!
+Install Chrome standard (not the bleeding edge one!).
+*NOTE* Other nodes in the net back to not showing. WHY?
+Installed Updated Acronis TrueImage 2011
+Installed FocusMax 3.2.1 then 3.4.40
+Installed MaxIm DL 5.12 and installed license.
+Setup MaxIm cameras and filter wheel. Calibrate guider. Disable sounds.
+Run FocusMax Simulator V-curves (2). FocusMax will now focus.
+Install ACP 6.0 alpha, set up for Red Mountain. Runs OK.
+BACK UP C Drive (Calaeno, replace one of above)
+Install Targus BT dongle and WIDCOM 6 software. Looks OK.
+NOTE: Device Manager shows WD SES device n/g (ugh)
+ Device Manager shows Acronis Backup Explorer n/g but TrueImage Backup Explorer OK
+Changed workgroup to DENNY and added DNS suffix, naming computer to bob.dc3.com, rebooted for that. Now other systems show in Network after about 30 sec.
+Installed RocketDock and started on icons.
+Ported over all of the FileZilla sites and settings.
+Installed Stacks Docklet for RocketDock and configure astro and misc dev stacks.
+Installed HyperSnap 6 and its license.
+Installed Office 2007 Enterprise (partial, not all progs/features but including script debugger)
+Installed Dreamweaver CS5 and activated. Set up window layout, saved. Found the old window layouts from CS4 work great. Bob's Best is exactly what I wanted.
+Installed PrimalScript 2009 and its license. Imported settings from XP, OK. No help documents though.
+Spent an hour looping through the HP web trying to find drivers for the HP2100 LaserJet. FAIL! I got both universal PCL5 and PCL6 drivers but neither work when trying to add a networked 2100 served by my XP system SERVER. There are a bunch of .inf files in the folders but which one????? They have cryptic names. Their misnamed install.exe just opens the add new printer wizard and you end up looking in the same place. OH!!! Google search revealed you add a LOCAL printer, then use the share name for a new LOCAL port (if net share) and TCP port if ethernet printer (like our all in one 7600). Holy Shit, I did it. I let the printer wiz go to Windows Update for the big list and the 2100 was there. For the L7600 I chose a LOCAL printer again, TCP port, then that failed. I selected Custom and typed in the IP address for the TCP port. It failed to contact the printer but then showed the big list. Hand chose it and it installed and ran.
+Replaced the failed 500Gb drive with brand new one. Rebuilt all.
+Installed HTML Workshop, checks OK.
+Installed Inno Setup and Pack.
+Added a bunch of exclusion patterns to Tortoise SVN, now dev trees don't show any more unversioned files.
+Moved Unix folder into place and added bin and local\wbin to path.
+Long wrestle with the BT dongle and WIDCOMM drivers. Finally got it all working as I want. Some opperator error with the headset :-).
+Installed Bria 2, configured as extension 104, working OK
+Moved Prog86 Utilities folder into place, added to path. Includes OLEVIEW, a separate checklist item.
+Installed Paint.NET 3.5.5, checked out, added RocketDock icon.
+Installed ACDSee Photo Manager 12, purchased upgrade.
+Installed TeamViewer 5.1, added to RocketDock.
+Installed VMWare 7 and checked out with a couple of VMs. OK.
+Moved CwRss and CwSvr over to Program Files. Not tested.
+Installed Araxis Merge 2010, added external commands to Tortoise SVN to use Araxis for diff and merge.
+Moved the entire My Documents folder over from old system. Large copy.
+Oops, copy of My Documents stopped at My Music. Complete move of the files.
+Removed old Web Video Editing and Publishing. I have new recipe now with Vegas 9 and YouTube, with the Sony encoder.
+Purchased and installed Araxis support/upgrades thrpough 2011. New license.
+Installed SecureCRT and set up SSH logins to all of the A2 host sites, including public key auth. Install on RocketDock. All check out OK.
+Installed TakeCommand 12, and set up alias and startup shell scripts. Install on RocketDock.
+Worked on RocketDock some more.
+Installed Dreamweaver CS5. Using old XP/64 VM, exported then imported 22 site projects and spot tested them. Migrated window layouts from CS4 and now using Bob's Best. NOTE that some things didn't install (like AIR).
+Installed WinRAR 3.90 and license.
+Installed Office 2007 Enterprise (not all components, but script editor included)
+Installed Visio 2007
+Installed 20 Microsoft updates, including those for Office
+Installed Microsoft Security Essentials (one of the updates). Hopefully this will be faster than ZoneAlarm, etc.
+Installed 21 more Microsoft updates, 20 for Office 2007 and a new Security Essentials database
+Installed Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4
+Installed CleanMyPC Registry Cleaner and license. Ran and fixed 280 problems.
+Installed Dreamweaver CS3 starter templates (extension)
+Installed XTND.US Dreamweaver JQuery extension
+Installed MySQL ODBC COnnector 5.1.8 (needed for TrackStar)
+Installed MySQL Workbench 5.2.29. Configured for A2 Forums. Can't figure out how to do scheduled backup. ALso cannot get the Health displays to activate.
+Installed MySQL Gui Tools 5.0 (obsolete) for the MySQL Administrator
+NOTE: MySQL Administrator used for daily forum backups! I had to use the XP/64 VM to find where /how those backups were scheduled. DOH!
+Set up Forum Backup project in MySQL Admin and scheduled it daily. Backups go to D:\web\commctr-backup (obviously). Tested and confirmed.
+In XP/64 VM, export all settings from VS2005, VS2008, VS2010. Noted that some things were installed as add-ons!!
+Installed Caps-Lock registry hack and saved in Arch55
+Gemini backups stopped, due to inbound file sharing being disabled! Turned on sharing for C and D drives, full contgrol for only Robert B. Denny. Tested Gemini backup, OK now. Tested access from other systems, OK now.
+Installed the SMTP control
+Tested TrackStar for Comm Center remote MySQL access (read/write) and ability to send emails. OK! Trackstar can now run.
+Installed GoldWave 5.58.
+Create System Restore checkpoint.
+Fun: Windows 7 doesn't have the "Stereo Mix" recording input option, apparently. It was working on this same system under Windows XP, so it's not a hardware limitation. I see it's listed in Device Manager as "High Definition Audio Device". I suspect I need real drivers. Went to Dell support, my system, found Analog Devices driver and installed it. It came up on reboot with those drivers. Wallah! I have it now. Open the Sound control panel, in the Recording tab, click Stereo Mix, then click the Set Default button. That will change it from Currently Unavailable to Default Device, and it will be ready to go!
+Tested Windows Media with MP4(!) and GoldWave recording, working OK. Can record sound output now.
+Installed uTorrent 10
+Installed Quicken 2009, let it update to R7
+Move Quicken live files to DC3SERVER\c\QUICKEN on drive Q, allowing her to use the data without needing an account on this system.
+Map Quicken backup folder on old server at \\SERVER\C\QCKNBU to drive R.
+Install VS2005 Pro from 2xCD distribution (11/2010)
+Install VS2005 SP1 KB 926601 as required (arch 34)
+Install VS2005 SP1 Update KB 932232 as required (arch 55)
+Install VS2005 MSDN doc set from Team Edition DVD
+Imported VS2005 settings saved from old system. IOE looks just like it used to!
+PROBLEM: Scheduler is looking for Jet Replication Objects) for compacting the database. It is part of ActiveX Data Objects. Now to look at what comes with Windows 7...etc... The DLL is there C:\Progx86\Common\System\ado\msjro.dll and it registers. However it does not show in COM references, and cannot be added via Browse...
+Installed Visual Studio 2008 Pro from DVD
+Installed VS2008 MSDN Documentation from DVD
+Installed VS2008 SP1 Update KB 945140 as required (arch 55)
+Installed NUnit 2.5.8
+Installed Visual NUnit for VS2008 1.0.3. Check out on Morse Tools project in VS2008, OK.
+Installed 18 Windows updates, including some huge ones for VS2008
+Installed Sizer 3.32
+Installed FileZilla
+Installed and licensed PrimalSQL 1.1.3
+Installed Fiddler
+Installed and licensed Camtasia Studio 7.0
+Installed Camtasia Studio update 7.1, runs OK. Tested Camtasia Recorder too, it's OK.
+Tried installing Vegas 9.0e, got error on VC++ 2005 and 2008 SP1 (x64) redistributables, failed to install them. I believe they are already there because I have both development systems installed. This is gonna take some snooping.
+Installed Process Monitor 2.93, required for Win7/64. Will use to see what's going on with the Vegas 9 installer.
+OK, I solved it. When the installer gets to the error message popup. let it sit there. Now go into C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Temp\SonyInstall_1. You will find all of the bits. Hand install vcredist_x86 (the VS2005 redist), and for 64-bit install vcredist2_x64 (the VS2008 SP1 (x64) redist). Then just run the Vegas90.msi installer that is in that same folder. That will start the main Vegas 9 installer. Vegas is installed and licensed now!
+Installed Lagarith Lossless Video Encoder 1.3.20 (needed for video editing)
+Installed many fonts from XP/64 that did not exist in the new OS
+Activated Quicken, then set it to do automatic updates each night. Ran an update, successful. Backed up.
+Installed and licensed TheSky X Pro.
+Installed TheSky X Pro 10.0.9 update.
+Installed VisualSVN 2.0.3. Damn it, the license for 1.x isn't valid.
+Upgraded to V2.0 (50%0ff, $24.50).
+VisualSVN 2.0 licensed, integrated, and tested with VS2005 and VS2008.
+Installed CwCOM
+Installed MorseMail
+Installed Morse Code Tools 1.6
+Installed Western Digital SES drivers for Passport drives. Needed even if virtual CD is disabled in the drive.
+Installed WinAmp 5.581 and licensed for Pro.
+Initial organization of the Start menu, enough for now! Moved all of the folders into Program Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs and sub folders. This is the "all users" area.
+Installed HyffyYUV video encoder, used by older video projects.
+FocusMax went into MSI Hell, had to let it see the 3.2.1 installer on the desktop. Something to do with shortcuts during start menu cleanup.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url--819771302 b/run/test-data/url--819771302
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c18ec16a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url--819771302
@@ -0,0 +1,2074 @@
+ Linux by Examplesfstab with uuid | Linux by Examples
We explain every GNU/Linux command by examples in this blog!
When linux system starts, auto mounting partition will be done by refering to /etc/fstab. The file /etc/fstab will list down how you like the system to mount your partition. For examples,
/dev/sda1 is the device, the number will be change depend on the order of your hard disk that inject to your motherboard. /media/sda1 is the mount point, where the place you access the data of your disk storage. vfat is the file system’s type. Next is the list of mount options, carry on is dump and pass option.
Mount with device path has problems when you have multiple hard disk, and the order of hard disk changed may cause the file system failed to mount. Therefore later days of fstab entries has been modified to identify by uuid,
UUID stands for Universally Unique Identifier, it gives each filesystem a unique identifier. With uuid, you no need to worry about the reordering of hard disk anymore.
It came in handy today. I upgraded my machine to Ubuntu 7.10 on Friday and had no problems, but this morning, my partner installed Kubuntu 7.10 and had had all kinds of problems because he uses 7 different drives on two different controllers. The problems he ran into was because the new kernel changed the /dev/sd & hd device names.
We finally got around it by unhooking all but the volume we used for the root file system, and then added the other drives into fstab via the UUID method.
I remembered reading this a few days ago so I came back to refresh my memory on how to see each device’s UUID.
I configured my /etc/fstab to use UUID for the root partition (default with Feisty Fawn install) and the laptop ran out of power during a normal user session, with some file corruption.
Upon reboot the file system check for the root partition was forced, and this check failed for some reason. I used the Ubuntu Live CD to fsck the root partition and there was no problem, but still on boot the system still forced me to do the same file system check and it would fail yet again, no matter how many times I tried.
I used the Live CD to look at /etc/fstab and saw the UUID statements. I replaced the line for the root partition with the old-fashioned way (/dev/sda1) – this time the file system check passed and the boot continued ok.
I am sure that people with less patience would have probably reinstalled or swapped back to an evil OS for this reason alone.
Roonaldo: I have no idea how uuid calculate the id and assigns to your partition. It seems to me that if you format your partition , uuid will stay unchange, but if you RESIZE or add in a new partition, uuid will be different.
Mount with device with UUID, you do not need to worry about the ordering of your HDD. I can change my HDD that contain MBR from IDE0 to IDE1, and my system will still able to boot up.
Thankyou for this. I have 3 internal drives that had been changing and I could not work out how to fix it. I run Ubuntu 7.04, and have learned a lot from the excellent Ubuntu community and sites like this.
ok, err, i dessire to knwon what package are the resposable for write the fstab, can be possible change this by use uuid even the device naming, currently lenny used scsi device names now, every device now are handle as scsi device, whell see ..
Thanks, I never remember how to find the UUID. Note that on RHEL4 (yes, I know, but our IT department ‘standardised’ on it) it seems that neither /dev/disk/by-uuid/ nor vol_id exist (it’s an ancient kernel), but fortunately /sbin/blkid does. And you have to run it as root to show some of the disks (but not others). But I got there eventually…
Everything has its 2 sides: I had to install RAID1 on a running hardy-heron server. I switched over to good old /dev/sdx etc. and RAID was running in no time.
Even more: if you have to change disks its much easier !
[…] it seems much better, but I couldn't find anything. UUID's can be used for mounting (fstab): Linux by examples – fstab with uuid (search with fstab uuid and get a ton of hits) And although I never tried using UUID's and grub […]
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new file mode 100644
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+ Philosophy in Preparation for Law School
Many Brandeis graduates who have pursued careers in law had some exposure to philosophy while they were undergraduates at Brandeis. This is not surprising. Every philosophy course taught at Brandeis helps students to develop analytical skills that are invaluable in the practice of law and this is true of every course currently taught by the Department, whether the course is one directly related to law, such as Philosophy of Law, or whether its focus is elsewhere, say on Amercian Pragmatism or on the Philosophy of Religion.
Below you will find a list of courses taught in the Philosophy Department that may be of special interest to students who are contemplating a career in law, but it should be borne in mind that any course in philosophy can introduce you to the basic skills essential to the study and practice of law, to help you to improve upon your ability to make and evaluate arguments, to anticipate and respond to objections, and to uncover principles that may help to explain conflicting judgments of similar cases.
The Department welcomes students with an interest in law, and is eager to help each student find the right mix of courses that will suit his or her specific needs. Majors in other fields, in Politics, Economics, or History, for example, who wish to pursue legal careers need not become Philosophy Majors to benefit from the courses the Department has to offer. The pre-law student who takes one or two courses in Philosophy in addition to fulfilling his or her course requirements in another Field will be far better prepared to enter law school than a pre-law candidate who has had no exposure to philosophy at all.
A recent comprehensive study of college students' scores on major tests used for admission to graduate and professional schools shows that students majoring in Philosophy received scores substantially higher than the average on each of the tests studied.
The performance of Philosophy Majors on all three tests was remarkable: Philosophy Majors received higher scores on the LSAT, for instance, than students in all other humanities areas, and higher scores than all social and natural science majors except economics and mathematics, and higher scores than all applied majors.
Moreover, the differences in most cases were substantial:
Philosophy Majors scored 10% better than political science majors on the LSAT. Philosophy Majors outperformed business majors by a margin of 15% on the GMAT and outperformed every other undergraduate major except mathematics. And Philosophy Majors' scores on the verbal portion of the GRE were higher than in any other major even English; and although several science majors showed higher averages in the quantitative portion of the test, Philosophy Majors scored substantially higher than all other humanities majors and were alone among humanities majors in scoring above the overall average.
The study compared the scores of 550,000 college students who took the LSAT, GMAT, and the verbal and quantitative portions of the GRE with data collected over the previous eighteen years and was conducted by the National Institute of Education and reported in THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION.
Courses of Special Interest for Students Preparing for a Career in Law
A study of the most basic forms of reasoning and their linguistic expression. Provides an introduction to the traditional theory of syllogism relations, contemporary symbolic logic, and the nature of scientific reasoning. Usually offered every fourth year. Last offered in the fall of 1994.
Explores the basic concepts and theories of ethical philosophy. What makes a life good? What are our moral obligations to other people? Applications of ethical philosophy to various concrete questions will be considered. Usually offered every year.
Examines international human rights policies and the moral and political issues to which they give rise. Includes civilians' wartime rights, the role of human rights in foreign policy, and the responsibility of individuals and states to alleviate world hunger and famine. Usually offered in even years.
Mr. Teuber
PHIL 20a Social and Political Philosophy: Democracy and Disobedience
Investigates some central questions of social and political philosophy. Topics include the origins of legitimate political authority, the duties owed by citizens to governments, and by governments to citizens; the right to rebellion, individual rights, the limits of legitimate political authority, the relationship between citizenship and individual freedom, and the ends which political institutions ought to pursue. Usually offered in odd years.
Examines the nature of criminal responsibility, causation in the law, negligence and liability, omission and the duty to rescue, and the nature and limits of law. Also, is the law more or less like chess or poker, cooking recipes, or the Ten Commandments? Usually offered in even years.
An examination of ethical issues that arise in a biomedical context, such as the issues of abortion, euthanasia, eugenics, lying to patients, and the right to health care. The relevance of ethical theory to such issues will be considered. Usually offered in even years.
The course examines the case that can be made for and against distributing certain goods and services on an open market as the result of free exchange, or through public mechanisms of planning and control. For examples, the arguments for and against public funding of the arts, fire departments, patents, zoning laws, and national health care. Usually offered in even years.
Is morality something we have reasons to obey regardless of our interests and desires, or do the reasons grow out of our interests and desires? Is the moral life always a personally satisfying life? Is morality a social invention or is it more deeply rooted in the nature of things? The course will address such questions. Usually offered in odd years.
Mr. Wong
PHIL 116a Seminar in Political Philosophy: Privacy
Privacy has assumed an increasingly central role in contemporary social and political thought, but there is still no clear agreement on what it is, or if indeed it exists independently at all. We consider such questions as to whether or not there is a right to privacy, its derivation and value and its relationship to other values such as freedom and autonomy. Usually offered in even years.
Ms. Chaplin
PHIL 121a Politics, Philosophy, and the Legal Regulation of Sexuality
Treating the sexual exchange as a proper subject for politics, we will read traditional philosophers like Tocqueville and Mill, as well as laws and court opinions in an effort to understand how sex is regulated in America as a political matter. Usually offered in even years.
Ms. Hirshman
Department of Philosophy Brandeis University Rabb 305/MS 055 South Street Waltham, MA 02254 (781) 736-2788
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new file mode 100644
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+ local_network_carousel
+ Relearn 2017
+ To support the array of tools we wanted to have at Relearn this year, we've set up a local network and a local server to allow for outside internet connections but ensure some tools to function properly while on local networks.
+ By the front door is a server called complex.local
+ First form groups of three.
+ One person login as the user relearn
$ ssh relearn@complex.local
passw is entrepot
Then that person makes extra user accounts for the each of the three:
$ sudo adduser username
+ It will first ask you to give the password for the user relearn, its entrepot
+ Then it will ask you to choose and confirm a password for the new user you made.
+ Then each user we add to the permission group 'relearn'
$ sudo usermod -a -G relearn $user
where $user is the username you just made.
Once everyone has a their own user account, you can log in to complex.local with it!
$ssh username@complex.local
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c33bdd8
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@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ Download PuTTY: release 0.59
This page contains download links for PuTTY release 0.59.
0.59, released on 2007-01-24, is not the latest release. See the Latest Release page for the most up-to-date release (currently 0.74).
Past releases of PuTTY are versions we thought were reasonably likely to work well, at the time they were released. However, later releases will almost always have fixed bugs and/or added new features. If you have a problem with this release, please try the latest release, to see if the problem has already been fixed.
This release has known security vulnerabilities. Consider using a later release instead, such as the latest version, 0.74.
You probably want one of these. They include versions of all the PuTTY utilities.
SECURITY WARNING: The main installer for this release was built with a version of Inno Setup that had a DLL hijacking vulnerability. If you need to run this file, copy it into an empty directory first, to prevent attack by malicious DLLs in your download directory.
The installer packages above will provide versions of all of these (except PuTTYtel), but you can download standalone binaries one by one if you prefer.
+ If you want to comment on this web site, see the Feedback page.
+ (last modified on Sun Nov 22 22:29:05 2020)
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new file mode 100644
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To play Crawl on this server, either visit WebTiles, or SSH to crawl.akrasiac.org. The username and password are both joshua; if you catch the reference, give yourself a cookie. If you prefer to connect via SSH key, click here to get the RSA key. Or, if you are running PuTTY, click here to get the key in a format PuTTY can use natively! If all of that is gibberish to you, read this. If it's gibberish to you and you're not interested in playing online, you can download a copy for Windows, OS X, or GNU/Linux.
This server is currently running Crawl Stone Soup 0.25 and takes version updates with elegant quickness, although this front page does not always announce them with such. :) You also play the development versions as well, if you prefer the latest and greatest. Because the 0.4 release changed the scoring system pretty fundamentally, scores prior to that release are archived here. Hopefully the scoring system will not change again.
+ Filled in by Javascript
We hang out in ##crawl on Freenode, come join us! The server administrator's nick is rax; advil, gammafunk, |amethyst, and johnstein also help out from time to time.
Darshan and all the Stone Soup team for their hard work, especially with server stuff.
Napkin for constantly and consistently helping me with server administration issues.
Jarmo Kielosto for scoring and statistics script, and Markus Maier for adding in additional statistics.
The dgamelaunch guys for writing the server software and providing help where they could. The new version is excellent!
Eidolos for setting up this front page.
jmr for the sweet favicon!
elliptic for setting up and organizing the 2011 tournament!
And, of course, to Linley Henzell for writing an amazing game.
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+ CYBEK of New York topics
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by Martin Masse
This presentation was delivered at the Austrian Scholars Conference organized by the Ludwig von Mises Institute on March 18, 2005, in Auburn, Alabama.
On page 147 of Human Action, Ludwig von Mises writes:
The historical role of the theory of the division of labor as elaborated by British political economy from Hume to Ricardo consisted in the complete demolition of all metaphysical doctrines concerning the origin and the operation of social cooperation. It consummated the spiritual, moral and intellectual emancipation of mankind inaugurated by the philosophy of Epicureanism.
This is a rather strong statement. Epicureanism, says Mises, inaugurated the spiritual, moral and intellectual emancipation of mankind. There are several other passages in his books where he mentions this philosophy in a very favourable light, but without ever explaining in details why. And although a lot of attention has been devoted to the influence of Aristotle, Aquinas, the Scholastics, the French liberals and others on Austrian ideas, as far as I know, nobody has ever paid attention to Epicurus.
Now, why would Mises make such a claim in relation to a philosophy that has been so reviled for 2000 years? Stacks of new books devoted to Plato, Aristotle and other philosophers of Antiquity appear every year. But if you go to a university library, you will usually find a shelf or two containing books on Epicureanism, and that's for all those that were published in the past hundred years.
Epicureanism has been largely forgotten. And when it is mentioned, it is usually the distorted view that has been propagated since Antiquity that is being repeated. Epicureanism is said to be the philosophy of "Eat, drink and be merry because tomorrow you die." An "Epicure" is a depraved and irresponsible individual only concerned with bodily pleasures. In Austrian terms, we would say he has very high time preference.
I even read in an article posted on LewRockwell.com that the unbridled hedonism of the Epicureans played an important role in the transformation of ancient Rome from a republic to an empire. There is not a shred of historical evidence that they had that kind of influence, and Epicureans were not a licentious lot anyway. On the contrary, their goal was tranquility of mind. For them, it is true, all pleasures were good, including those of the body. But they tried to attain happiness by planning their lives in the long term in the most rational way possible.
Epicurus' ethics can be summed up by this sentence from his Letter to Menoeceus: "For it is not drinking bouts and continuous partying and enjoying boys and women, or consuming fish and the other dainties of an extravagant table, which produce the pleasant life, but sober calculation which searches out the reasons for every choice and avoidance and drives out the opinions which are the source of the greatest turmoil for men's souls."
Let me briefly give you some general information. Epicurus was born in 341 B.C., only six years after Plato's death. He was 18 when Alexander the Great died. This event conventionally separates the classical Greece of independent city-states from the Hellenistic period, when Alexander's generals and their dynasties ruled vast kingdoms in the former Persian Empire. He set up his school in a Garden in the outskirt of Athens. There is very little that survived from his many books. But fortunately, the work of his Roman disciple Lucretius, who lived in the first century B.C., De Rerum Natura, or On the Nature of Things, was rediscovered in the 15th century.
Through this work, Epicureanism had a major influence on the development of science in the following centuries. Epicurus had borrowed and refined the atomic hypothesis of earlier philosophers, and De Rerum Natura was studied and discussed by most scientists and philosophers of the West. The physics of Epicureanism, which explains that worlds spontaneously emerge from the interaction of millions of tiny particles, still looks amazingly modern. It is the only scientific view coming out of the Ancient World that one can still read today and find relevant.
Those influenced by Epicureanism include Hobbes, Mandeville, Hume, Locke, Smith, and many of the British moralists up to the 19th century. They not only discussed the Atomic theory, but Epicurean ethics, his views on the origin of society, on religion, his evolutionary account of life, and other aspects of his philosophy.
To me, Epicureanism is the closest thing to a libertarian philosophy that you can find in Antiquity. Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, were all statists to various degrees, glorified political involvement, and devised political programs for their audiences of rich and well-connected aristocrats. Epicurus focused on the individual search for happiness, counselled not to get involved in politics because of the personal trouble it brings, and thought that politics was irrelevant. His school included women and slaves. He had no political program to offer and one can find no concept of collective virtues or order or justice in his teachings. On the contrary, the search for happiness implied that individuals should be as free as possible to plan their lives. To him, as one of his sayings goes "natural justice is a pledge guaranteeing mutual advantage, to prevent one from harming others and to keep oneself from being harmed."
« To me, Epicureanism is the closest thing to a libertarian philosophy that you can find in Antiquity. Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, were all statists to various degrees. Epicurus focused on the individual search for happiness, counselled not to get involved in politics because of the personal trouble it brings, and thought that politics was irrelevant. »
In a letter to William Short sent in 1819, Thomas Jefferson writes "I too am an Epicurean. I consider the genuine (not the imputed) doctrines of Epicurus as containing everything rational in moral philosophy which Greece and Rome have left us." But what's also interesting is that our friends the Marxists also thought Epicurus was a great philosopher. Marx himself did his doctoral dissertation on the differences between the atomism of Epicurus and his forerunner Democritus.
Most books on Epicureanism published in France in the 20th century were written by Marxists. (Well, I suppose you could say that of most books published in France on any topics in the 20th century…!) I have a booklet on Lucretius at home published in France in the 1950s in a collection called Les classiques du peuple – The classics of the people. In the Acknowledgement section, the author thanks all the Soviet specialists of Epicureanism and materialism for any original insight that might appear in the book.
Marx found in Epicureanism a materialist conception of nature that rejected all teleology and all religious conceptions of natural and social existence. And to get back to Mises, that's also precisely what he liked about it. The section of Human Action in which you find the quote I read at the beginning is called, "A Critique of the Holistic and Metaphysical View of Society." In it, Mises denounces all the nonrationalist, nonutilitarian and nonliberal social doctrines which, he says, "must beget wars and civil wars until one of the adversaries is annihilated or subdued."
As most of you probably know, Mises included natural law traditions in these non-scientific doctrines, a crucial point over which Rothbard and many of his followers who are here present disagreed with him. He embraced a utilitarian view instead, for which "Law and legality, the moral code and social institutions are no longer revered as unfathomable decrees of Heaven. They are of human origin, and the only yardstick that must be applied to them is that of expediency with regard to human welfare."
Epicurus had reacted against the Platonic concepts of Reason with a capital R, the Good, the Beautiful, Duty, and other absolute concepts existing in themselves in some supernatural world. For Epicurus, what is moral is what brings pleasures to individuals in a context where there is no social strife. The Epicurean wise man will keep the covenant and not harm others not because he wishes to comply with some moral injunction being imposed from above, but simply because that's the best way to pursue his happiness and keep his tranquility of mind.
Mises says the same thing when he repeats his adherence to utilitarianism, which looks upon the rules of morality not as absolutes, but as means for attaining an individual's desired ends through social cooperation. In his book Socialism, he writes: "The ethical valuation 'good' and 'evil' can be applied only in respect of ends towards which action strives. As Epicurus said […] Vice without injurious consequences would not be vice. Since action is never its own end, but rather the means to an end, we call an action good or evil only in respect of the consequences of the action." To Mises, Epicureanism inaugurated the emancipation of mankind precisely because it led to utilitarianism.
The very basis of praxeology, the logic of human action, rests on Epicurean concepts. Epicurus says that nature compels all living beings to search for pleasures and to avoid pain. When they reach their goal, they are in a state of contentment and rest that we can call happiness or tranquility of mind. Ataraxia is the term used by Epicurus to describe a perfect state of contentment, free or all uneasiness.
Reading the first pages of Human Action is like reading an Epicurean treatise. Mises explains in the section "The Prerequisites of Human Action" that "We call contentment or satisfaction that state of a human being which does not and cannot result in any action. […] The incentive that impels a man to act is always some uneasiness. A man perfectly content with the state of his affairs would have no incentive to change things." He adds a reference here to John Locke who, in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding, uses the same type of language. Two pages on, Mises mentions Epicurean ataraxia and again defends Epicurus against the attacks of "The theological, mystical and other schools of a heteronomous ethic" which, he writes, "did not shake the core of Epicureanism because they could not raise any other objection than its neglect of the 'higher' and 'nobler' pleasures."
In the same vein, Mises ridicules the naïve anthropomorphism that consists in applying human characteristics to deities defined as perfect and omnipotent. How could such a being be understood to be planning and acting, or be angry, jealous, and open to bribing, as he is shown in many religious traditions? As he writes in Human Action again, "An acting being is discontented and therefore not almighty. If he were contented, he would not act, and if he were almighty, he would have long since radically removed his discontent."
In an article on the implications of human action published on Mises.org two years ago, Gene Callahan discusses this and asserts that Mises' insight into the relationship of praxeology to any possible supreme being is quite original, at least as far as he knows. Well, in fact, this insight is straight out of Epicureanism. Epicurus declared that since Gods were perfect and completely contented, they could not be involved in any way in human affairs. It was silly to be afraid of them, and useless to try to propitiate them. For this of course, he was suspected of being an atheist, and this is a major reason why he has been so vilified by Christian writers for centuries.
There are several groups of neo-Epicureans that one can find on the Web today. Several years ago, I joined a discussion list on Epicureanism and discovered to my amazement that most of the participants were libertarians, many of whom Randians or former Randians. One can find articles on the Internet discussing similarities between Objectivism and Epicureanism, and how Ayn Rand has been influenced by Epicurus.
This is just one more example of how this ancient philosophy is connected to the classical liberal and libertarian tradition. As I said at the beginning, very little has been written on this or for that matter on Epicureanism in general. I only had time here to give a brief overview of some of these connections. My hope is that other students and scholars will see here interesting avenues of research and uncover the various threads that lead from Epicurus to Mises.
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+ Centos 7 latest version
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Centos 7 latest version
centos 7 latest version 10 worked like a champ. Note that it may not have the latest version of PostgreSQL. x that is compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. I like to have most recent version so I compile OpenSSL from source. However, if you want to install the latest version of some program, and it isn’t available in the YUM repository, you have to install it manually from HI: Curl on CentOS 6. Installing PHP version 7. 5? Is Apache httpd 2. Only 'centos' user is allowed to login using ssh public key authentication. 7 source package from their official website. Let’s update the box. help" for usage hints. Multiple version installed of the same components, you can have multiple GNU GCC installed without breaking your system or compiling manually. This guide explains how to install the latest version of Git on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 using the Wandisco GIT Repository. The procedure to install PHP 7. com Latest Version: CentOS-7-Latest-20210120-8GiB. 11 and Ansible 4. 10. 44. Overview Pricing Usage Support Reviews. x version is loaded. We’ll begin with a fresh CentOS 7. /configure --with-ssl Installing Java JRE on CentOS 7. 16. open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database. By default CentOS is shipped with older version. August 26th, 2019. Until a few years ago, upgrading the Linux version was only possible through a complete format and new installation of the OS of the desired version. 4 only. 9 as soon as possible using the built-in package management system. 2. These instructions are intended specifically for checking the installed version of glibc. 0-1406. 0 (1406): As with every first major release most of the packages have changed and have been updated to more recent versions. 2 unfortunately. b. Atleast 512 MB of RAM for a fast and seamless installation. gz | tar xvf - It would create a new folder on the present working directory. exit or . 7 or above - we will be using Java 8 that can be installed from the CentOS repository. com * epel: mirror. Steps to update and upgrade CentOS 7. 2), no further source packages (from We plan to host an online dojo, May 13th and 14th. Red Hat has announced that RHEL 7. Thank you. CentOS 7 (x86_64) - with Updates HVM. If I try to add them afterwards, there are some dependency failures which really bugs me. It also works on RHEL 7. You can find more details about current version on node. 2. After that, open the PhpMyAdmin configuration file for apache to allow the connections to it. Take a moment to create an account after which you can easily deploy your own cloud servers. Machine details: cat /etc/os-release Due to latest CVE-2021-3156, I try to update my centos 7. 1 and CentOS 7. 3, we’ve been waiting for a new version of CentOS. To do so type the following command on your CentOS 7 terminal: sudo yum install devtoolset-7. This is important you don’t want to wait to find one of the build dependencies were missing after 2hr’s of build See full list on digitalocean. el7. But the old kernel doesn’t support some new hardwares that we have today. 2 the /etc/multipath. 6. Now for the dependencies The official build of CentOS. Open your terminal and run this command: ssh [email protected]-p PORT In our tutorial, we show you how to install Java 8 and set its variable path on a CentOS 7 server. I wish you update it to latest stable version preferabally httpd 2. 0, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies. Docker is an open-source platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. 0. 0. 3 on 3rd November 2016. I’ve been trying to install the latest PHP version on my CentOS 7 droplet but every install keeps missing some key extensions. The install guide is also available for cloud servers running Debian 9 and Ubuntu 16. x to the latest version (Centos 7. – finferflu Mar 19 '15 at 1:27 1 At the very start it says: " While using a package is the recommended way of installing Docker, the above package might not be the current release version. Since the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. The following table is a list of currently supported . To install CentOS 7: Fetch the latest CentOS 7 ISO from here; Make a bootable USB stick out of the ISO e. It should also work on CentOS 7. Step 5) Install the latest kernel version To upgrade the kernel on CentOS 7. 5, the current version for CentOS 7 and the Mate desktop as far as I can ascertain. org/download/ Mirror list to download CentOS: here The alternate mirrors should also have the ISO images available. This blog will help you to Upgrade Java version 8 to the Latest Java version 14. gunzip -c curl-7. Use ". Start off by first installing the “Development Tools” group. 4. 2. 1 via yum. Check out our PuTTY tutorial if you’re having trouble. This page shows how to install PHP 7. CentOS is a fantastic Linux distribution and. centos. 10. 12 is the latest stable release as of writing this article. 4. My system is remote. How to download CentOS 7 ISO Image : Use the following links to download the latest CentOS 7 ISO images from CentOS official download page or its mirror pages. 7. Select one of the following versions of Java JRE, version 8 being the latest: sudo yum install java-1. 8. This makes CentOS Stream essentially the beta version of future releases of the RHEL operating system. kernel. Catch up on the parts you missed. This tutorial, will walk you through the steps of installing Jenkins on a CentOS 7 system using the official Jenkins repository. The official build of CentOS. This post is mainly focusing on upgrading the previous version of CentOS 7. In order to conserve the limited bandwidth available, ISO images are not downloadable from mirror. Normally, CentOS enjoys the same ten-year support lifecycle as RHEL itself—which would give CentOS 8 an end-of-life date in 2029. Includes support and maintenance fees. 10. Before going to update, let’s take a look at the main changes in the latest version. 7. IMPORT CENTOS 7 PGP KEY directory and create a new grub entry. By: Centos. Upgrading Postgres to the latest version on Centos 7 Server First, take a backup of database. Install Java 8 on CentOS 7 using the yum command. Linux/Unix. 6. Currently I only can get Git 1. x. 0-openjdk sudo yum install java-1. In this guide, we are going to install the latest version of OpenSSL on CentOS 7. ansible-core 2. In this blogpost I will explain how to install the latest stable release on CentOS 7. 7. If the default version of Python is updated, it can break base system components like the yum package manager. Various bittorrent clients are available, including (in no particular order of preference): utorrent, vuze See full list on itzgeek. sudo yum -y update. Previous to Centos 8, yum was the package manager used. org CentOS has released its major release of CentOS 7. yum install epel-release. 1. 2. # sqlite3 SQLite version 3. And note version 7 is the latest CentOS version with long-term support. 10. By default, centos 7 comes with kernel version 3. Older version does not support it, so you need to compile new version from source. It is very easy to upgrade Apache web server to the latest version in CentOS. js verify and check the installed version. Starting with version 7. 0, CentOS version numbers also include a third part that indicates the monthstamp of the source code the release is based on. To access GCC version 7, you need to launch a new shell instance using the Software Collection scl tool: scl enable devtoolset-7 bash. 7. Access Your Server. 5 the easiest way to install it is through the REMI repository. tar. For example, version number 7. CEBA-2020:5433 CentOS 7 iscsi-initiator-utils BugFix Introduction. 4 you must disable PHP 5. What version of httpd is supported on RHEL? Is the community version of Apache httpd supported? Which versions of Apache httpd are supported? How can I install Apache 2. 2 is compiled with all settings required to recognize and correctly manage ONTAP LUNs. js and NPM Version. org. 4/2. For those using CentOS 7, Red Hat will continue to support and update this offering throughout the rest of the RHEL 7 life cycle, ending on June 30, 2024. How to change the default Python version on Linux. 0. $ sudo CentOS is one of many Linux distros out there with CentOS 7-1708 being the current version. 9 while the latest long term release is 4. Is there any solution ? Second, if I reboot, still 3. 8. Nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server. quit. Step 1 : Login to Server. Spread the love In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Gitea on a CentOS 7 Cloud VPS. js official website. 8. Use the “update” option to upgrade all of your CentOS system software to the latest version with If you are new at using CentOS and need some expert advice from the internet you need to tell about the version you are using on your system. See full list on osradar. Major changes CentOS Linux 7 was released in July 2014. Do I have to build it from source or is there any repo I can use? In this brief tutorial, let us show you how I have upgraded my centos 7 kernel to the latest stable version. For debuginfo packages, see Debuginfo mirror For CentOS 7. We can check it through this command: You may need an operating system RHEL 7 or Centos 7 in your dedicated or vps server. And, of course, it’s no surprise that Karanbir Singh worked on it, and, on the official mailing list, announced the release of CentOS Linux 7. This meant that instead of having to guess where Qt and its libraries/headers were installed we could use一、安装CentOS7. *Update Tested for gcc 9. 4 to 7. See full list on crosp. cd /opt. 04 as of In this article, we are going to see about the method to install and update OpenSSL in CentOS 7, which also works for CentOS 6. Configure with SSL as below. Latest version: 8. In this guide, you will find instructions on how to install Snort on CentOS 7. Today, we will going to update apache server on Centos server to the latest version. My Centos run Plesk. NIDS software, when installed and configured appropriately, can identify the latest attacks, malware infections, compromised systems, and network policy violations. com In addition, Git is the most popular distributed version control and source code management system. 0 will make Python 3. In this article I will show you how to update the kernel of CentOS 7. It is not mandatory, since you can use default version. You can also use this tutorial to upgrade your CentOS 7 to the latest version. By default CentOS 7 provide some predefined repositries but they are lots of packages which are not up to date. In this article we will install latest version of Kubernetes 1. Following are the steps documented for upgrading gcc on centos 7. 0 at the time of this writing (other versions are available from the same site). NET is still supported. 1 and 7. Docker v17. As confirmed, the current version of Git is 2. 12 Getting the Qt 5. sqlite> Exit from the sqlite3 shell using . According to distrowatch it comes with 52. The CentOS 7 repository contains PostgreSQL. 6 via modules: RHEL/CentOS/SL/OL 7: 9. 2003, the install works (does not report any errors), but after the update, the version string still shows NSS/3. . However, it'd be good it worked from Conda. x. I’ve removed and installed PHP from 5. After the installation is complete, check the installed java version. On the Master Node following components will be installed 20Apr2019 – Rewrite for new GVM 10 version 13Dec2019 – Updated write-up. yum groupinstall "Development Tools" Just to cover our bases, install the epel repo. 3 about a dozen times already. Head to https://www. 1) installed on CentOS 7 server. The tables below list the major and minor Red Hat Enterprise Linux updates, their release dates, and the kernel versions that shipped with them. 7 will be the last point release on the RHEL 7. 0. Active 5 months ago. 17 2013-05-20 00:56:22 Enter ". 0 Also, check the version of npm. 6 is the latest version, but in the future We can say these packages are officially maintained by CentOS 7 team and as a whole Red Hat/CentOS officials and community developers! The collection aims at. It The latest version of Centos has moved to the dnf package manager. You can use the multipath -ll command to verify the settings for your ONTAP LUNs. 2 should be able to run. 1-1511 64-bit: Since release 1503 (abrt>= 2. net Check Kernel Version in CentOS 7 If we now go to https://www. Upgrade Centos 6 to Centos 7 Publisher: Psychz Networks, January 29,2019. x. But the developer community took a lot of efforts to enable the OS upgrade. Installing CentOS 7. Update and reboot CentOS after update installed. Step 1 - Install Java OpenJDK on CentOS 7. centos. When you are searching for the solution to a particular issue for the swift solution you need to download the most compatible solution to the version of CentOS you are using. 26. We need to update I like to enable Git "Push to Deploy" on my CentOS 7 server. Regardless of which version you're running, we'll show you the proper commands so you can update your system. In this article, you learned how to install SQLite on CentOS 7. Reboot into Old Kernel. 9. When you install a new Python version using the above methods, the new version of Python will not become your default Python version, until you perform the steps below. Newer kernel: CentOS 7 introduced kernel version 3. The latest PHP version Installing the latest version of Docker on CentOS 7 minimal Posted by Chris Greene I’ve been playing with docker lately and usually I want to have the latest version available as it brings bug fixes and enhancements, but I find that docker is released so quickly that the distribution releases lag behind the latest version a little bit. 2 on CentOS 7 or RHEL 7 is as follows: Turn on EPEL repo, enter: sudo yum -y install epel-release; Turn on Remi repo i. 236 at the time of writing this guide. These versions remain supported until either the version of . 8, 2020) If you’re still using the CentOS 7 series on your hardware, it is highly recommended that you update to version 7. 4. Security updates are also automatically taken care of, thanks again to the association with Red Hat. Viewed 248k times 251. Install PostgreSQL on CentOS 7. The list returned depends on which repositories are enabled, and is specific to your version of CentOS (indicated by the . 0-1406 still maps this CentOS release to the zeroth update set of RHEL 7, while "1406" indicates that the source code this release is based on dates from June 2014. Recently, the latest version of CentOS 7. remi-php72: If you want to install the latest version 3. 0. NIDS software, when installed and configured appropriately, can identify the latest attacks, malware infections, compromised systems, and network policy violations. After installing node. 8 is now available to update existing installations. All users of CentOS 7. 9 with the following command : yum update sudo* But the command return the follwing : Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * atomic: www5. 11-19. x release series, so we expect users will be looking to upgrade to RHEL 8 before support for RHEL 7. Use the following command to find the absolute path of Python binary packages: # which python /usr/bin/python The default branch holds packaging sources for the current mainline version, while stable-* branches contain latest sources for stable releases. 6-89. The official build of CentOS. 2 on your Linux CentOS Server and Click to update java version 1. At the time of writing the repository hosts PostgreSQL version 9. OverviewPlans + PricingReviews. 9 ISO file for installation from the following site. CentOS would not be possible without the support of our sponsors. The default yum repositories on CentOS 7 will not install the latest Nginx version on the system. CentOS 7. The first thing we will do here is to install Java on the CentOS 7 server. So at Step 2 to “configure PHP 7. Once a new point release is issued (say: 6. 4(e. NET releases on both CentOS 7 and CentOS 8. :~# yum --enablerepo=remi install phpmyadmin. 0 was Released. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 1 month ago. 6. So first things first, I prefer to start with a minimal install of CentOS. ansible-core 2. I need a newer version. Install Latest Git (2. Install dependency packages required: It was pushed to the CR repo in the last couple of hours so 7. For archived content, see Vault mirror. It is simple to install PostgreSQL from CentOS 7 repositories. For CentOS 7. Install the latest Nginx version on CentOS 7. So, install it. Step 3 – Check Node. 6. 3. At the time of writing this post, the latest stable version of PhpMyAdmin is 4. 8. By default CentOS 7 uses kernel 3. 42 or higher to resolve the some of the vulnerabilities that have been reported. You can use the multipath -ll command to verify the settings for your ONTAP LUNs. Update CentOS or upgrade CentOS to the latest version : Used to update the specified packages to the latest available version. 110. com The current version of CentOS is CentOS 8, itself built atop RHEL 8. 2. Start with the following command: The only difference is with using OpenSSL version. 7. 5 supported? Does Redhat support self compiled apache installations? What are supported install methods for apache 2. Download CentOS Linux 7. x repo” you might also need to add “yum-config-manager –disable remi-php56” (or whatever version had been configured previously). This article is tested on CentOS 7. How to Install the Latest Version of GIT on CentOS 7 Posted on December 13, 2017. Mainly used as a common base system on top of which other appliances could be built and tested, it contains just enough packages to run within AWS, bring up a SSH Server and allow users to login. x. 0. x) from source on CentOS 7. Please make sure to set a hostname for your server and its dns is pointing to the IP address of the server. Gitea is an alternative to GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket. org/dist/v4/ and grab the latest . 4. I used the usual: This directory tree contains current CentOS Linux and Stream releases. 12 and Ansible 5. Step 2: Install Java. CentOS 7. It does work from PyPI's version, so I just use that one. centos. Now that the update is done lets install the dependencies needed for the build. Latest CentOS 7 AMI automatically updated at launch with latest security patches. x/6. conf file must exist, but you do not need to make specific changes to the file. centos. 2 can upgrade their system to the most recent. 7 concludes in August 2021. Atleast 10 GB of disk space to avoid any lag or unnecessary system crash due to insufficient space. Java is a free, secure, and reliable programming language that was first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. Linux/Unix. Continue to Subscribe. Download the CentOS 7. 2 the /etc/multipath. The install guide is also available for cloud servers running Debian 9 and Ubuntu 16. 5. Now, first of all we have find out the current version on our server. Make a subdirectory to store everything: mkdir -p /opt/apps/nano The default for CentOS 7 is PHP 5. After installation of centos 7, I have upgraded kernel to 4. 2 on CentOS 7 or RHEL 7 server using yum command. 0 which is a ESR version that came out when Firefox 54. If not just In this tutorial, I will show you how to upgrade the CentOS 7 kernel to the latest version. el7. 3 was released. Where is the problem ? This makes CentOS Stream essentially the beta version of future releases of the RHEL operating system. Select one of the following versions of Java JDK, version 8 being the latest: The official guide only makes you install the version available in the official CentOS 7 repos, which is 1. you need to install the latest kernel version. Red Hat does not generally disclose future release schedules. The install takes less time, the filesystem takes up less space, and I despise updating packages I never use! Download the latest version of CentOS 7 and go through the CentOS 7 Latest with support by ProComputers. One server will acts master node and rest two servers will be minion or worker nodes. It provides the ability to package and run an application in a totally isolated environment called a container. You can find information about that feature at this page; sudo is now capable of verifying command checksums; A Kerberos https proxy is now available for identity management But this path is only supported from the latest version of CentOS-6 (being 6. To the right is a column that shows the kernel versions and we can observe that the latest mainline release is 5. T he CentOS Linux project has released an updated version of its stable Linux distribution CentOS Linux 7. rpm and yum only etc. e. Now Install PG latest version. You may try a demo http server as given below. 7 at the time of writing) to the latest version of CentOS-7. 7 to 1. Before you download, you also can read the Major Changes for CentOS 7. One of the disadvantages is that your system may be at risk because important security updates may be missing. 0 is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution built from sources and freely maintained to the public by Red Hat. It is free and open source high-performance web server. March 17, 2021 February 7, 2018. 0, 7. 3, following 6. java -version. centos. by Saheetha Shameer. 8. In Version; RHEL/CentOS/OL 8: 10 and 9. Support for Linux containers: Containers provide a way of isolating a process, sandboxing an application in a secure environment isolated from other applications running on the same operating system. Step 1: Update your CentOS system. 8 which is derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Once you’ve downloaded and extracted the latest cURL, it’s time to build them. Go inside the newly created folder after extraction; cd curl-7. 8. hostnet. g. 7 at the time writing). On 24 September 2019 CentOS officially released CentOS version 8. OpenSSL - do you have latest version? If you want to enable HTTP/2 in Apache HTTPD which I strongly recommend for increased performance you need to have latest version of OpenSSL installed in your system. 7. 0 You have successfully installed Node. Previous to Centos 8, yum was the package manager used. 8 is the latest version). We The CentOS project has announced a new update to the distribution, releasing CentOS 7. el7 suffix in this example). And you will get the result as below. Building cURL on CentOS/RHEL. I usually use all_db. Remember, before starting to install PostgreSQL on CentOS 7, we need to access our VPS server with SSH. First, it is very expensive for me to reboot at each kernel update/upgrade. 0-openjdk-devel. This newly released CentOS 7. 67. Main site to download CentOS: www. - Install the latest PhpMyAdmin. In this method, you’ll be tasked with building git from source code. You must upgrade to get corrections for security problem as this version made a few adjustments for the severe issue found in CentOS 7. 1) CentOS-7 can report bugs directly to bugs. , this can create challenges. Check your current PHP version ( if applicable ): # php --version PHP 5. 4, and all is well. x86_64 2. Removing the New Kernel in Case of Issues 1. 7 on 17th September 2019, derived from the release of RHEL 7. g. 7 on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 with kubeadm utility. 67. js on your CentOS 7 system. 0 This is the configuration Examples for CentOS 7. 8 a soft dependency for the control node, but will function with the aforementioned requirements. 2 (also supplies package rh-postgresql10, rh-postgresql96, rh-postgresql95 and rh-postgresql94 via SCL) RHEL/CentOS/SL/OL 6: 8. node -v v15. Today we will install the latest version of Nginx on CentOS server. 4. Sometimes, a new kernel can cause problems in CentOS, and you may wish to remove it. At first, we need to login to our server via SSH. And you need to download the Python3. This directory tree contains current CentOS Linux and Stream releases. As you download and use CentOS Linux, the CentOS Project invites you to be a part of the community as a contributor. Then on reboot the system will try to upgrade the distribution release to it’s latest version. This quick guide will explain the steps you need to update CentOS or upgrade CentOS to the latest version. By default, CentOS 7/RHEL 7 comes with PHP version 5. 7. How to install latest version of git on CentOS 7. 3 (Dec. For your control node (the machine that runs Ansible), you can use any machine with Python 2 (version 2. 5, but as Python has updated to 3. 0. Right now postgres 9. 10. nano-editor. Now if you check the GCC version, you’ll notice that GCC 7 is the default version in your current shell: gcc --version Hello, I have apache (httpd. First things first, you need to update the system to the latest stable status: sudo yum install epel-release sudo yum update -y && sudo reboot Use the same sudo user to log into the system after the reboot finishes. CentOS 7 uses Python 2. So in order further upgrade to PHP 7. Furthermore, Git can also be compiled from source and installed on any operating system using their respective package managers In this article, we discuss hot to check the glibc version on centOS 6 and centOS 7. 0-openjdk sudo yum install java-1. cd to a suitable directory, e. atomicorp. Install a specific version by its fully qualified package name, which is the package name (docker-ce) plus the version string (2nd column) starting at the first colon (:), up to the first hyphen, separated by a hyphen (-). 16 (cli) (built: Nov 6 2016 00:29:02) Copyright (c) 1997-2013 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2. Apache Maven requires JDK 1. In my setup I am taking three CentOS 7 servers with minimal installation. This makes CentOS Stream essentially the beta version of future releases of the RHEL operating system. 6. We will use a precompiled kernel from the ELRepo repository. Jenkins is an open-source, Java-based automation server that offers an easy way to set up a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. Continue to Subscribe. For those using CentOS 7, Red Hat will continue to support and update this offering throughout the rest of the RHEL 7 life cycle, ending on June 30, 2024. If it can run Firefox 52 then Firefox 57. 3. 3. 4. sudo yum install -y java-1. 3. By: ProComputers. To get Nano 4 on a CentOS 7 machine it's fairly simple. To build binary packages, run make in debian/ directory on Debian/Ubuntu, or in rpm/SPECS/ on RHEL/CentOS/SLES, or in alpine/ on Alpine. These instructions include updating the server, verifying the Java install, setting java's home environment, as well as setting java's path. If you prefer to upgrade it follow this tutorial first and get back here once you will have latest version. We held the annual CentOS Dojo at FOSDEM on Feburuary 4th and 5th. 1. org Latest Version: 2002_01. 4/2. CentOS 7 was released on 7 July 2014 and will be supported untill the end of June, 2024. Details and the call for presentations are now available on the events wiki. 3 of Python on your CentOS system, you have to compile the Python source code by manually. It’s stable, and its link to Red Hat means that you can use packages that are noted for their stability under stress. NET reaches end-of-support or the version of CentOS is no longer supported. conf file must exist, but you do not need to make specific changes to the file. 2 is compiled with all settings required to recognize and correctly manage ONTAP LUNs. torrent files can be found from CentOS mirrors. CentOS project team finally released CentOS 7 for 64 bit x86 compatible systems. 15. We’ll be installing the latest version released in April 2019, version 2. 0 or later before Apache Tomcat can run properly. It is important to update Apache regularly for new features & security updates. 2. 4. 7) or Python 3 (versions 3. on CentOS 7. x that is latest stable version. . 8. Deploying your cloud server If you have not already registered with Cloudwafer, you should begin by getting signed up. 2. Connected to a transient in-memory database. In this guide, you will find instructions on how to install Snort on CentOS 7. Root access to the server/machine; Step 1 – Installing necessary packages to begin with. 8. The very first step to begin the installation is to get its current version by using “ openssl version ” and “ yum info openssl ” command. The following guide will either upgrade your current PHP 5 to PHP 7 or will install new PHP 7 on your CentOS system. CentOS 7 Download Links This is the first major release for CentOS 7 and actual version is 7. sql as the filename, but you can use Next, remove postgres. This is the latest CentOS 7 image that is automatically updated at launch with the up to the minute security patches making sure you are always running the most secure version available. First SSH into the server. When you boot up the system, there should be a new entry in your bootloader with the new kernel version. To do this, you will need to reboot into the old kernel. For those using CentOS 7, Red Hat will continue to support and update this offering throughout the rest of the RHEL 7 life cycle, ending on June 30, 2024. CentOS has released its major release of CentOS 7. xz (as of February 2020, v4. So it’s necessary to update the old kernel for better hardware support. a year ago. com How to install the latest version of haproxy on centos 7 1) Define and download a new version of haproxy below and for convenience write the latest version into The . New kernel in GRUB. By default, CentOS 7 uses an old version of kernel, which is 3. 6 minimal installation. MariaDB Server is available for use on both RHEL 7 and CentOS 7. nl No packages marked for update I also try yum clean all but still the same result. Once that’s done, re-install 7. 9 Last updated 5 months ago New in CentOS 7. 5 and higher) installed. This is the first major release for CentOS 7 and actual version. Minimal CentOS 7 image automatically updated at launch with latest security patches. Can someone provide me with some proper stepts to Home » CentOS » Pdftotext Latest Version For CentOS 7 December 14, 2019 Hakan CentOS 1 Comment I have pdftotext 0. So it seems it's related to the glibc version specified by Conda, while the one provided by ubuntu-latest (Ubuntu 18. There are many ways to contribute to the project, from documentation, QA, and testing to coding changes for SIGs, providing mirroring or hosting, and helping other users. Otherwise, the new ISO images are here only for new deployments. Conclusion. For debuginfo packages, see Debuginfo mirror * Completed a full infrastructure-wide upgrade of the monitoring stack to latest version of Zabbix. 0. 6. A ️ indicates that the version of CentOS or . 0 version. 0-openjdk Installing Java JDK on CentOS 7. Let’s get started. For archived content, see Vault mirror. Gitea is a self-hosted Git service forked from Gogs, making it lightweight and written entirely in Golang. To Install and Update OpenSSL. 6. If you get errors about missing packages/metadata for the CR repo then try yum clean all and try again. npm -v 7. )? Support for Apache installation. You need to install Java SE 7. I am going to use a simple way so that beginners can easily understand how to upgrade to latest kernel. 4 (also supplies package rh-postgresql96, via SCL) Fedora 33: 12: Fedora 32: 12 The following version of CentOS 7 comes with great stability, and you can use it on your computer if you don’t want that update notification to bother you each time you turn on your computer. org/, we will see that the latest kernel version is 5. CentOS. centos 7 latest version
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diff --git a/run/test-data/url--972614909 b/run/test-data/url--972614909
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1959fe27
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+ Administration at CYBEK of New York
summary: Data received from local proxy commands tagged as TCP Urgent (breaks telnet)
+ class: bug: This is clearly an actual problem we want fixed.
+ difficulty: fun: Just needs tuits, and not many of them.
+ blocks: cygwin-terminal-window
+ priority: low: We aren't sure whether to fix this or not.
+ absent-in: r6807
+ present-in: r6808
+ fixed-in: r8158 4829802c43d46584cd2292785d77552fb94bfa4e (0.61)
When I implemented the proxy-command feature, I accidentally set it up so that all data received from a local proxy subprocess (on both Unix and Windows) was tagged as TCP Urgent.
This made no difference to SSH (which is how I didn't notice), but it completely breaks Telnet. Fixed in r8158.
+ If you want to comment on this web site, see the Feedback page.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d844baa3
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+++ b/run/test-data/url-1019241851
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ Department of German University of California-Berkeley _Postmodern Culture_ v.2 n.2 (January, 1992) Norris, Christopher. _What's Wrong With Postmodernism? Critical Theory and the Ends of Philosophy_. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1990. [1] From the outset two features of the title of Christopher Norris's latest book need clarification. First, it is not insignificant that, despite the possibility of an interrogatory "What," the title is not a question, but a declaration. Norris knows what's wrong with postmodernism, and he does not hesitate to impart his diagnosis to the reader. Second, the term "postmodernism" does not match exactly the material he covers. He is actually less concerned with postmodernism as a direction in literature and the arts--its more usual field of meaning--than he is with contemporary theory. The title should be understood, therefore, as an assertion about recent directions in theory, not as a query into artistic practices. And what is most interesting about Norris's survey of the critical terrain is the way in which he divides the turf. Most commentators tend to take a stand either for or against poststructuralism, defined rather generally as anything coming out of France or influenced by the French over the past two decades. By contrast Norris splits French and Francophilic theory into two halves. While he continues to advocate most prominently the work of Jacques Derrida and Paul de Man, he is highly critical of Baudrillard, certain aspects of Jean- Francois Lyotard, and Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe's monograph on Heidegger. Joining these French postmodernists on Norris's roster of adversaries are American neopragmatists, in particular Stanley Fish and Richard Rorty. Making a surprising appearance on the approval list is the German philosopher of communication theory, Jurgen Habermas. Although he devotes a chapter of this book to a reproof of Habermas's remarks on Derrida--a chastisement whose root cause is Habermas's carelessness in attributing to Derrida views held by his less philosophically schooled American epigones--he approves of the broad and critical outline of recent French thought found in Habermas's _Philosophical Discourse of Modernity_ (1985). [2] Since these are anything but natural alliances, they deserve further attention. Essentially Norris validates those theorists who he feels continue a tradition of enlightenment critique. There is no difficulty in placing Habermas in this camp since he is perhaps the single strongest voice in contemporary theory to openly and directly declare his allegiance to the progressive heritage of modernity. Norris does not discuss his work in any detail, however, except to point out his errors in dealing with Derrida, and his reference to Habermas's notion of universal or formal pragmatics as "transcendental pragmatics" indicates at least a possible confusion of Habermas's current concerns with his abandoned attempt to locate "quasi-transcendental" interests in the late sixties. More difficult to locate in a tradition of enlightened reason are Derrida and de Man. The latter is incorporated into the enlightenment project largely by way of his interest in "aesthetic ideology," which includes a critique of Schiller and of all subsequent misreadings of Kant's aesthetic theory. Derrida is likewise assimilated to the enlightenment paradigm through Kant. In Chapter Five, a consideration of Irene Harvey's _Derrida and the Economy of Difference_ (1986), Norris argues with Harvey (and Rodolphe Gasche) that Derrida is best described as a rigorous Kantian, except that he is "asking what conditions of IMpossibility mark out the limits of Kantian conceptual critique" (200). Indeed, Norris claims that Derrida's is "the most authentically %Kantian% reading of Kant precisely through his willingness to problematise the grounds of reason, truth and knowledge" (199). Norris thus opposes both the facile notion of Derridean deconstruction as the authorizing strategy for "free play" as a free-for-all of meaning, a false lesson learned and propagated by inattentive American disciples, and the equally false understanding of Derrida's work as a dismissal of previous philosophical problems, the tendency found in Fish, Rorty, and French postmodernists such as Baudrillard. Derrida and de Man are for Norris rigorous philosophical minds who question traditional philosophemes and point out their limits. These actions, however, are undertaken in the spirit of Kantian critique, and have nothing to do with the various illicit reductions (of truth to belief, of philosophy to rhetoric, of history to fiction, and of reality to appearance) prevalent in the neopragmatic and the poststructuralist camp. [3] This is a credible account of contemporary theory. It makes necessary distinctions between Derrida and his American reception and correctly credits de Man with a seriousness of purpose that is not always matched by poststructuralist gamesmanship. It also rightly dismisses the philosophical legitimacy of the "antitheoretical" neopragmatists, who seem to delight more in the sophistry of their own banal arguments than in the pragmatic endeavors they allegedly prefer. What is not very persuasive in Norris's presentation, however, is the contention that the works of Derrida and de Man carry with them a profoundly ethical and political message that can assist us in combating the entrenched conservatism of the Reagan-Bush-Thatcher- Major era. Indeed, it is precisely in the realm of ethics that Derrida and de Man are most open to attack. Derrida's very style of debate has proven a barrier to discussion of philosophical and political issues. Although it would be silly not to grant his theoretical points in the debate with Searle, the manner in which he ridicules his adversary, refusing to clarify Searle's misunderstandings and to confront issues on which they both have something to say, leads to a closing down of discussion. His encounter with Gadamer, a more patient and open interlocutor than Searle, repeats this elusive strategy; one has the impression here as well that Derrida simply does not want to enter into candid and direct debate about his theoretical position. His sarcastic and condescending dismissal of Anne McClintock and Rob Nixon, who criticize Derrida for his analysis of the word "apartheid," provides a more directly political illustration of an arrogance of argumentation that Derrida has come to epitomize. Finally, one could detail--as I do in a forthcoming book (_Crossing Borders_)--the lack of candor in his response to critics of de Man; in this performance from 1989 his dogmatism about his own position, his haughtiness concerning deconstruction, and his unwillingness to counter opponents's legitimate objections was obvious except to deconstructive true believers in what has become (unfortunately) a quasi-religious cult. [4] The afterword to _Limited Inc._ (1988), the book version containing his essay on Austin and his response to Searle, entitled "Toward An Ethic of Discussion," thus has something of a hollow ring to it. Although Norris uses this afterword as a counter-illustration to the wayward practices of postmodernist thinking, a careful consideration of it would reveal seminal weaknesses in Derrida's ethics and politics. Most blatant perhaps is Derrida's interpretation of his use of the word "police" in his earlier rebuttal of Searle. In the final section of his lengthy response Derrida has written that "there is always a police and a tribunal ready to intervene each time that a rule . . . is invoked in a case involving signatures, events, or contexts." He continues by hypothesizing a situation in which Searle is arrested by the Secret Service in Nixon's White House and taken to a psychiatrist. He asserts that there is a connection "between the notion of responsibility manipulated by the psychiatric expert [the representative of law and of political-linguistic conventions, in the service of the State and its police] and the exclusion of parasitism." He concludes by stating that the entire matter of the police must be reconsidered, "and not merely in a theoretical manner, if one does not want the police to be omnipotent" (_Limited Inc._ 105-6). Searle's practice, the exclusion of parasitism, is thus connected directly with the State and the police, and for good measure Derrida includes a warning about the possible omnipotence of the police. [5] For a reader in 1977, when the debate originally occurred, it would have been difficult not to identify the police and the State with repression; it seemed that Derrida was making an openly political statement. But in 1988 he denies this most obvious reading: His statements "did not aim at condemning a determinate or particularly repressive politics by pointing out the implication of the police and of the tribunal whenever a rule is invoked concerning signatures, events, or contexts. Rather, I sought to recall that in its very generality, which is to say, before all specification, this implication is irreducible" (_Limited Inc._ 134). Derrida is of course correct when he writes in 1988 that there is no society without police and no conceptuality without delimiting (or policing) factors. But there are nonetheless two disturbing aspects of his recent self-interpretation. The first is that Derrida seeks to control or limit meaning by clarifying his intention from 1977. He tells us how the word "police" "must be understood" (_Limited Inc._ 136). Thus he would appear here to want his intention to govern the entire scene of meaning, a possibility he attributed to Searle and argued explicitly against in 1977. Second, he seems to argue disingenuously in 1988. Although his 1988 argument makes more philosophical sense, the rhetoric of his arguments in 1977 was certainly meant to suggest a political disqualification of Searle's position. One cannot connect the police and the State--traditional buzz words, among the left, for repressive instances---with an adversary's stance, and not expect that connection to be understood as a political attack. That Derrida denies this dimension of his 1977 essay appears simply as dishonesty. But in that same "ethical afterword" Derrida also seals himself off from any political criticism. Deconstruction, he tells us, if it has a political dimension, "is engaged in the writing . . . of a language and of a political practice that can no longer be comprehended, judged, deciphered by these codes [the traditional Western codes of right or left]" (_Limited Inc._ 139). We are left with the conclusion that only deconstruction can comprehend, judge, and decipher what it is doing. Those who stand outside the light of its eternal truth have no right to pass political judgment. If a self-policing notion of deconstruction is thus the upshot of Derrida's "ethic of discussion," then Norris might want to reconsider its political usefulness. [6] The case for de Man's political usefulness is even weaker. It rests, in Norris's view of things, on the notion of "aesthetic ideology." Following de Man's lead, Norris locates "aesthetic ideology" in post-Kantian philosophers who confound the realm of language, conceptual understanding, or linguistic representation with the phenomenal or natural world. No doubt this topos has been consistently thematized in de Man's writings; it accounts for his placement of allegory above symbolism, his critique of romanticisms, and even his objections to literary theories such as Jauss's aesthetics of reception. But the schema of intellectual history propagated by de Man and repeated by Norris is both undifferentiated and ahistorical. Friedrich Schiller, to whom Norris constantly refers as the first "misreader" of Kant and therefore the perpetrator of the original sin of "aesthetic ideology," certainly differed from the author of the _Critique of Judgment_ on matters of aesthetics. But Schiller's relationship to Kant should not be categorized as a misreading, although Schiller undoubtedly misunderstood various aspects of Kantian thought. Rather, Schiller was trying to go beyond Kant in establishing an objective realm for aesthetic objects. He did this consciously and openly, and his purpose in doing so had to do not only with philosophy, but also with reactions to the French revolution. To wrench Schiller out of his historical moment and make the resulting abstraction responsible for a wayward tradition in aesthetic thought, which encompasses all major tendencies from the Romantics to the New Critics, is to propagate a type of black-and-white portrayal that recalls Heidegger's totalized picture of Western philosophy since the pre-Socratics. Norris criticizes Lacoue-Labarthe for refusing to entertain socio- historical discussions of Heidegger's work, but he himself consistently steers the reader away from a historical situating of theory that could lead to a more differentiated understanding. [7] Even if we accept the schema informing "aesthetic ideology," however, it is difficult to see why it has to be connected with political critique. It may be true that the organic worldview of Romanticism can lend itself to various political abuses, among them nationalism and fascism. But it can also have affinities with various sorts of ecological consciousness or with a "principled and consistent" socialism that Norris defends in his introduction. Norris offers no argument for political affiliations either. Instead he contends that "collapsing ontological distinctions is an error that all too readily falls in with a mystified conception of Being, nature and truth" (268), and that "there is no great distance" (21) between the notion of an organic state and an authentic nationalism. These juxtapositions masquerading as arguments serve only to discredit anything not associated with de Manian thought, but in their undifferentiated, schematic, and ahistorical formulation they are only persuasive to those already convinced of their correctness. In short, there is no reason--and Norris supplies none--to connect de Man's mode of operation with anything politically progressive, nor any grounds for finding his objects of criticism inherently regressive. It is probably worth noting that de Man's own theoretical position did not move him toward any great political activity during his three decades of teaching in the United States, and that the short speeches at his funeral (found in _Yale French Studies_ in 1985) contain no references to political inspiration he supplied. Most of the talk about "aesthetic ideology" surfaces only after his wartime journalism came to light, although Norris did develop this line of thought somewhat earlier to defend de Man against political attacks by Frank Lentricchia and Terry Eagleton. The notion that de Man enunciates a coherent and powerfully progressive political program is thus something totally absent from comments about him during his lifetime. [8] Unless we buy Norris's line on de Man, however, his endeavor in the final chapter to save de Man while simultaneously criticizing Lacoue-Labarthe and Heidegger is an empty gesture. While the differences between Heidegger and de Man with regard to National Socialism are not trivial, we should not ignore the obvious similarities. Most notable among these is their postwar attitude of repression and prevarication. Neither man owned up publicly to his actions, and there is much evidence to suggest that de Man misled people with regard to his activities during the war. To suggest, as Norris does, that de Man's postwar writing must be read as a determined effort to resist the effects of the very ideology that had entrapped him is simply not supported by common sense. Antifascist and political essays are not de Man's preferred genre; he produced no body of significant statements on any directly political matter as an academician. Moreover, when political topics suggested themselves he consistently turned away from them. Norris himself points to his essay on Heidegger from 1953 in which the context of Heidegger's interpretations of Holderlin--World War II and national destiny--are written off as a "side issue that would take us away from our topic." The bulk of the writings we have at our disposal indicates that Norris is performing the same function for de Man as Lacoue-Labarthe does for Heidegger. Both claim that the best way to understand the phenomenon to which de Man/Heidegger succumbed is to look at de Man/Heidegger's theory. Norris writes: "What Lacoue-Labarthe cannot for a moment entertain is the idea that Heidegger's philosophical concerns might not, after all, have come down to him as a legacy of `Western metaphysics' from Plato to Nietzsche, but that they might--on the contrary--be products of his own, deeply mystified and reactionary habits of mind." If we substitute "Norris" for "Lacoue-Labarthe," "de Man" for "Heidegger," "aesthetic ideology" for "Western metaphysics," and "from Schiller to Jauss" for "from Plato to Nietzsche," we can see that the parallelism Norris seeks to escape is unwittingly retained. [9] In this most welcome and perceptive book on contemporary theory Norris thus fails to step back far enough from the critics he has discussed in the past. De Man and Derrida are powerful and interesting voices in theory, and they are certainly a cut above many who would emulate their deconstructive strategies. But their political and ethical valence remains clouded by the undecidabilities of the very practices they exhibit in their writings. There is also a theoretical dimension to their inability to offer a sustained ethical vision. The preference for viewing language as a system rather than as speech acts, for looking at semantics and semiology rather than at pragmatics, for remaining in the realm of virtual language rather than its actualization in the world--in short, for valorizing everywhere %langue% over %parole%--prevents de Man, Derrida, and Norris as well from theorizing ethics and politics. We only have to look at Derrida's initial remarks on Austin to see why deconstruction has such difficulties in connecting theory and practice. Instead of examining Austin from the potentially radical reorientation that Austin himself offers--language as action--Derrida shifts the discussion back to the "non-semiotic," to the level of linguistic meaning that Austin wanted to leave behind. A similar unwillingness to conceive language pragmatically, as always infused with ethical substance, is evident in Derrida's confrontation with Gadamer. In this regard, as Gadamer points out, Derrida's point of departure is retrograde. Norris's attempt to make the deconstructive strategies of de Man and Derrida the basis for a political opposition is thus a questionable undertaking. In this his most overtly political volume to date he might have done better to explore more thoroughly those theories that take language-as-action as their starting point.
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+ Homosexuality in 18th-cent. England: Immorality of the Ancient Philosophers, 1735
+ Immorality of the Ancient Philosophers, 1735
NOTE Reverend Conyers Place (1665-1738) was the Master of Dorchester Grammar School 1689-1736 and Rector of Woodford, Dorset. He wrote mostly about religious controversies, and also in support of Tory politics. The following excerpt from one of his books demonstrates that any educated man in the early eighteenth century would be fully aware of the fact that homosexuality was regularly practised by the ancient Greek philosophers, and that phrases such as "Platonic love" were evasive euphemisms for the practice of boy-love. Although the text is an attack on homosexuality, it could of course be read subversively, for anyone wishing to justify homosexuality would be directed to all the sources in Classical literature that defend and praise it.
And to give at last some Specimens of the Moralty of these so celebrated philosophical Hypocrites themselves, with regard as well to their Doctrines as their Practice, that our Religion of Nature Men cry up as so many Wonders of Virtue, that they canonize as their Heathen Saints, that are they Patriarchs and Fathers in Religion, to whose Works they refer us as their Scriptures, and to whose Lives for our Patterns, and then let them that likes them say, Sit anima mea cum Philosophis.
And first, we find them almost all charged, on undoubted Record, with the Guilt of [p.188] infamous and unnatural Lust, not only Fornication, Adultery, and Incest, but Pederasty and Sodomy, active and passive.
Solon, one of their seven wise Men, and the famous Lawgives of the Athenians, Plutarch tells us, (Amat.) not only himself used this infamous Trade of Sodomy, but recommended it as honest, and established it by Law, (Chryysost.) forbidding it only to Servants, or with them, as a refined Pleasure, proper only for the Ingenuous, and to be reserved to Men of Quality and Distinction; and he himself made Travel and a trading Voyage a Pretence for taking a lewd Jaunt with Pisistratus on that monstrous Account; and his buying up Girls for the publick Service of young Fellows; his instituting Brothel-Houses, and establishing them by Law, and endowing them with Immunities, his building a Temple to Venus Pandemia, at the Expence of Harlots, are Instances of his being a compleat Moralist.
Socrates, whom the Oracle, as he said himself, (Xen.) pronounced to be wiser than Euripides, who was wiser than Sophocles, and so to be sure the wisest of Men; tho' not much the wiser, I should think, for the Devil's saying so; . . . [p.189]
Socrates, I say, that was the Father and Founder of moral Philosophy, which is now advanced to the Title and Diognity of the Religion of Nature, tho' 'till then it had laid blended with Sophistry, Rhetorick, and Logick, which were what he chiefly professed, together with Fortune-telling; which, for the Enlargement of his Trade, he struck out from them all into a distinct Province, by the methodical Arrangement, and a formal Digestion of Actions relating to social Life into Virtues and Vices: This so pious and excellent Socrates, as an Instance of his Sapience in Morality, was deeply tained with this foul Diseas of Arsenocoitism [anal coitus, i.e. sodomy], (Philo de vita Contempl.) and Laertius mentions both the Persons corrupted by him that Way, and by whom also himself was corrupted in Turn, being guilty both the active and passive Way; and one of the Articles of his Indictment was for debauching Youths, which cannot mean his corrupting their Principles with regard to their Gods, because then the two Articles of his [p.191] Indictment would have fallen into one and the same; neither does it appear that his Lectures had any Effect that way, by his Scholars renmouncing either the Gods or Religion of their Country, which Article he stoutly denies, and pleads not guilty to, but as to the Charge of debauching the carnal Way, he makes no Defence; and Xenophon (Apol.) only endeavours to extenuate by Attonement for it, by the excellent Principles that he instilled into them other ways; and these Youths must be ingenuous Youths, and those ofDistinction, as well because such only were his Disciples, and amongst whom his Conversation that way lay, as because by the Institution of their Founder it would not have been otherwise Capital; and he was so full of this sodomitical Form of Lust, that he betrays himself frequently guilty, and confirms his Indictment, and thereby shews that Xantippe was not so bad a Wife without the highest Provocation, as finding herself yoked to such an old beastly (Silenus) Baboon, so unnatural addicted; his Consciousness of which Guilt was enough to have stopt his Mouth, had he been no Philosopher, and to make bearing with her Tongue no Virtue of Patience, and to justify theReproaches cast upon him by Zeno, O hominen scurram, and embellished by Lactantius, (Lib. 3) ineptupm perditum, desperatum, &c. [p.192]
Instances of this are his calling hmiself the Slaves of Love, (Cel. Rhodig. p. 882) and a rare Sort of Love it was you find; and saying, that Love Matters were his Master-piece; and whilst he pretended to know nothing else, yet here he threw off his wonted Cloak of Modesty and Dissimulation, and owned himself profoundly skilled in Eroticks; his saying that he did not remember when he was not in Love, (Xenoph. Conviv.) and engaged in some Amour, like Petronius's Madam, that could not remember when she was not a Whore; that he knew no greater Blessing that could happen to Youth than a good Lover, and to a Lover than a faithful Minion; his making Cupid to be a God (Plat. Phaedrus) and what Xenophon makes him pitch upon as his peculiar Excellence, (Conviv.) that he was a right good Pandar and Procurer, as well as Practitioner, — that he loved kissing better than fighting; and in the Dispute between him and Clitobulus, a young Lad, at whom his Mouth watered, tho' in his Father's Presence, whether was the handsomer, and the better kissing Lips; his ordering, like the King at Questions and Commands, that he that had the Verdict for him, should be kissed round by the Company; are Instances of his great Proficiency in the Religion of Nature, as all the vile Stuff that he is there made to say, and to be assenting to also, is; as his beingput in mind of being catched with [p.193] his Cheek and part of his naked Body close to that of a young Lad's; his saying upon it, that he had a Tickling at his Heart five Days after upon it; and was as if he had been stung with a Tarantula, or bit by a mad Dog, (venomous Creature) (Xenoph. Conviv.). Such Stuff as this is out of all virtuous and modest Character, is too rank and luscious to pass for Drollery, and deservedly got him the Nick-name of "Scurra Atheniensis", the Ribaldry Professor of Athens, as too unclean and coarse a Cover to wrap refined Sentiments up in, and would create Suspicion, were there no Grounds for it beside; but where a Man is formally tried for bestial Practice, Plato and Xenophon must, one would think, see the Impropriety of putting such Words in his Mouth, as would confirm the Justice of his Sentence, and clench the Guilt of the Crime upon him.
Add to this, his reckoning Dancing amongst the serious Parts of Education, his looking upon it as a religious Exercise, that came into the World together with the Love of the Gods, (Things very well paired) and giving Credit to his Words, learning to dance himself when he was an old Man; a Prayer upon which Occasion to Pan, that he might frisk and caper well, whose Talent lay that Way, had been more proper than that for Beauty: And Aristophanes (nubes mentions an obscene Dance in Fashion at that Time, [p.194] called the Κόρδαξ [Kordax], which it is not unsuitable to his Behaviour to think our old Moralist learned, and which descended from him to his moral Successors, and is what is noted by the Satyrist (Juven.)
+ —— et de virtute locuti clunem agitant.
As the Crime itself did.
+ Inter Socraticos notissima fossa Cinedos.
The divine Plato, tho' he is said to disapprove it in his Laws, and some have attempted to clear him from it, yet is made to sully his divine Character with the Guilt of it by Laertius in his Life, by Aulus Gellius (Book 18, 19.) by Plutarch (de educ. Lib.) by Aristippus, and as having had great Variety of both Sexes, as Stella, Dion, Phedrus, Alexis, of the Male Kind; insomuch that lewd Women used to quote him as their Patron, from hius Dogma that Women ought to be common, (Book 4. de Repub. and Arrian on Epict.). The Grecian Philosophers, says Grotius, (Book 2. de ver. Rel. Christ.) seem to have took Pains to cover their sodomitical Turpitude, by putting an honest Name to it: And Philo, tho' a Friend to Plato (de vit. Contempl.) looked upon his Banquet to be nothing but a Scene of unnatural Lust, where [p.195] Men are not represented as running mad for Love ofWomen, but Men for Love of Men; and Xenophon's Banquet is just such another Scene of monstrous Lewdness, where Socrates is the chief Actor and Promoter; and all their Cant of spiritual Love, and their celestial Cupid, and heavenly Venus, is but gilding over their detestable Obscenity with fine Epithets; and under the Notion of philosophizing in this so precious Banquet, fit to be acted in Sodom, putting upon Mankind their Turpitudes as artificial Integument, in which were wrapped up mysteriously refined Truths and Pleasures of the same Name, but more excellent Kind and Nature: Of the same Mind, as to this Banquet, were Lucian (de Amor.) and others. . . . [p.196] . . .
Menedemus is marked with sodomitical Practice with a Lad that was Asclepiades's Minion, his Friend, Brother, and Son-in-Law.
Aristtippus taught, like manner, that a Philosopher might steal, commit Adultery, and Sacrilege, when Opportunity offered; and mightl publickly, without Shame, lie with Women or Boys, as his Inclination led him. (Diog. Laert.)
Phedo got himself a Lifelihood by the infamous Trade of prostituing his Body, having the moral Socrates for one of his Customers (Diog. Laert.) who brought him out of a Brothel-house for his own particular Use. . . . [p.197]
. . . Eudoxus was a Pathick. (Laert. Book 7.)
Bion, the Platonick, was a prophane and scandalous Wretch as ever lived, so notorious for debauching both Sexes, that he was called the Corrupter of Youth. (Laert. Book 4.)
Aristotle had both his Hebe's and his Ganymede's still about him; is charged with Sodomy with his Cousin Hermias the Eunuch; and with so much at the same time on his Concubind Pythais, that he sacrificed to her, and write a Paean or religioius Hymn in Praise of this his Goddess; who, like several others, were deified for their Lewdness, and had their religious Rites and Mysteries publickly and solemnly observed, suitable to their Characters. And that he died the Man he [p.198] lived, appears by the Provision made for his natural Children in his last Will, and by the Number of Boys he kept; my Will is, that none of my Boys be sold, (Diog. Laert.) for by the Quality of this Stock, we may perceive what Trade the Owner drove with it; and speaking of Minos, that just Law-giver of Crete, instituting masculine Venery, he calls his doing this a wise and philosophical Institution. He instituted many Things Philosopher like, and Sodomy for one; and gives this political Reason for it, that Women might overstock the Community with too many Children. He is also charged with Covetousness to a high Degree, and everlastingly laing at Alexander a Beggar for more; whom, in Return for his Benefactions, he is supposed at last to have poisoned; and compleated his Wickedness with Self-Murder.
Epicurus used both Boys and Females for his Pleasures (Laert. Book 10.); but this was what might but be expected from him, as consistent with his impious Principles as his allowing a Philosopher to steal, provided he should not be found out; as the Lacedemonians did their Youths, for the Encouragement of Ingenuity. . . . [p.199]
. . . [p.200]
Nay, so far was Sodomy from being punished amongst the Athenians, under the Institutes of their famous Philosophers, and in their Times, that Aeschylus, and Sophocles also, had a Tragedy publickly acted upon the Stage, called the "Pederastes" Boy-Lover, and had not, unlikely, Socrates, Plato, &c. Spectators; and Aristophanes (nubes) reflects upon allthe Top of the City as Catamites; and no Wonder, when trained up to it, both by Doctrine and Practice, in the Schools of these then flourishing Mirrors of Morality, and the Religion of Nature, who had it from their Gods, who were almost all made guilty of it, and several of them owed their Deification to it, as Ganymede, Antinous, Orpheus, for being the celebrated Authors of it; and the Practice was Part of the religious Mysteries and [p.201] sacred Rites, into which, as a Degree of holiness, to raise their Characters of being Religious, they were initiated, and was part of the spiritual Worship of the one true God that Socrates, Plato, &c. taught Compliance withal: At virtuous Lacedemon they had select Regiments, made up of Pathics and their Gallants, that the sight of their He-Misses might heighten the Courage of their Sodomitical Heroes; the like they had also amongst the Thebans and eleans; and Pausanias says, that an Army, composed in this Manner of Sodomites, would be the bravest that could be raised; ;and Jerome, the Peripatetick, is said to extol it, as That by the Use of which many Tyrants had been destroyed; not to mention the Feast of Boy-kissing amongst the Lacedemonians in Socrates and Plato's Time, for Prizes, to which all Greece resorted far and near, as to the Olympick or Isthmian Games, that lasted several Days; for Xenophon mentions the last Dayi of it. (Conviv.)
I think it justly observed, that as the AEgyptians that worshipped Leeks, Onions, &c. were yet wiser Idolaters than the Greeks, that worshipped notorious Whores and Rogues; so the Greeks were wiser than the Romans, who deified Fevers and other Distempers, Storms, and the most trifling Actions, Passions, Forms of Motion, and Circumstances of Life. (See Varro, &c.) [p.202]
The Romans indeed at first, whilst rude and barbarous, punished Sodomy with Death; but as the Grecian Philosophy opened their eyes, and Reason by the Lift of Nature brightened up the Religious of Nature to them, they practised thisDoctrine of it to a great Height; and tho; what they called the Scantinian Law was made against it, yet that Law confined the Crime to the corrupting the Ingenuous only; which, as Grotius observes, was little regarded, and the Mode so far prevailed, that it grew obsolete, and was thought neither a Crime nor an Infamy publickly to profess the Guilty of it, or Scandal to be caught in it; not even in Augustus's Time, who, from its being before pecuniary, made its Punishment once more capital; as we find by Horace, Maiden Virgil himself, and Martial in the After-ages; and the Dignity of the Person was, as amongst the Greeks, only a greater Provocation to the Wickedness, and Triumph to the Accomplisher. . . . [p.203]
SOURCE: Conyers Place, Reason an Insufficient guide to conduct Mankind in Religion, London: Printed for J. Roberts, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1735, pp. 188-203.
CITATION: If you cite this Web page, please use the following citation: Rictor Norton (Ed.), "Immoralitt of the Ancient Philosophers, 1735", Homosexuality in Eighteenth-Century England: A Sourcebook, 28 April 2007 <http://rictornorton.co.uk/eighteen/philoso.htm>.
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+ % CentOS Download, Installation in VMware, and Configuration % Ian! D. Allen -
+ - [www.idallen.com] % Fall 2014 - September to December 2014 - Updated Mon Feb 9 02:07:41 EST 2015 Overview for CentOS VMware Installation ======================================= > This document uses the VMware Workstation virtualization software. For a > guide to installing CentOS using the free **VirtualBox** virtulalization > software, see the [VirtualBox CentOS Installation Guide HTML]. - You will create a VMware Workstation Virtual Machine running a minimal server-style installation of Linux CentOS version 6.6 (\~339MB minimal installation, no GUI) using the instructions below. This is *not* a Desktop system. - For full information on this minimal installation, read the [CentOS MinimalCD 6.5 Release Notes]. (The 6.6 minimal release notes are missing in November 2014; read the 6.5 notes instead.) - [CentOS] creates versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, with Red Hat trademarks and images removed to allow free distribution. They recently became partners with Red Hat “to provide a common platform for open source community project needs”. - Installing and configuring a server (not Desktop) CentOS operating system requires significant Linux expertise. You may not initially know the meaning of all the instructions you must follow, below. By the end of the course, you will know what everything means. - Failure to follow these instructions exactly may lead to future penalties, as we need the exact configuration listed here. - Do not install extra packages or software in this CentOS virtual machine. If you want to experiment, create a separate non-course clone to use. > If you want to play with an easy-install desktop version of Linux, don’t do > it using the system you will install in this document. This document > installs a *server* system, not a *Desktop* system. A Desktop system should > be something graphical and desktop-friendly such as [Ubuntu] or [Mint]. > You can’t use the CentOS system in this document as a Desktop system. This > document is configuring a minimal, non-GUI, **server** version of Linux. Using Other Virtualization Software ----------------------------------- You can use any virtualization software you like to create and run this server-style CentOS virtual machine, e.g. VirtualBox, Parallels, etc., but faculty only fully support questions about **VMware** (and maybe a little bit of **VirtualBox**). It’s what we know. It isn’t the virtualization software that’s important; it’s the running CentOS virtual machine. I don’t recommend running CentOS directly on your hardware; you lose all the snapshot and backup features available in a Virtual Machine. Don’t do it. Download `CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso` ============================================ **We don’t recommend trying to download large software images over wireless. Find a network jack and plug in.** > You can start this ISO download process and wait for it to finish while you > move on to the next step to [Create an Empty Virtual Machine] In this section, you will download the `CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso` to your machine. It **must** be the `CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso`, no other version is acceptable for this server. You can get the `CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso` image from one of the following places. We recommend that you choose the first or second one if you are on campus; they are the fastest. Download Method 1 (best): From the on-campus CSTECH Downloads Folder -------------------------------------------------------------------- This method only works on the Algonquin campus, using the private IP address of the CSTECH web site. **Use a wired connection to download big files such as ISO images; don’t use wireless!** 1. On your laptop use a browser to go to the Web site at the private IP address
+ on campus. (This only works **ON CAMPUS**!) 2. Choose any room from the left side-bar (e.g. T108). Go to **Drivers and Downloads**, **Linux**, **CentOS**, **CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal** 3. Choose and download exactly this `355467264`-byte (`339MB`) ISO file: [`CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso`] 4. Also download the [`CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal-MD5sum.txt`] file containing the **md5sum** file checksum hash. Download Method 2 (best): From the on-campus Course Linux Server ---------------------------------------------------------------- This method only works on the Algonquin campus, using the private IP address of the [Course Linux Server]. **Use a wired connection to download big files such as ISO images; don’t use wireless!** 1. On your laptop use a browser to go to the Web site at the private IP address
+ on campus. (This only works **ON CAMPUS**!) 2. Choose and download exactly this `355467264`-byte (`339MB`) ISO file: [`CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso`][1] 3. Also download the text file [`md5sum.txt`] file containing the **md5sum** file checksum hash. Download Method 999 (worst): From the Internet (slow) ----------------------------------------------------- This is much slower than the above on-campus methods. Use this Internet method only if you have to (i.e. you are off-campus): 1. **Don’t use this method on campus – it’s much slower than the on-campus methods, above.** 2. On your laptop use a browser to go to the Web site
+ . 3. On the bottom of the page, select the **Older Versions** button
+ . 4. On the **Download CentOS ISO images** page, select the **CentOS-6 i386** button
+ . 5. Pick a nearby HTTP mirror from the list of `/i386/` mirrors. 6. In the **Index of `/centos/6.6/isos/i386`** find the ISO named `CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso` to download: 7. Choose and download exactly this `355467264`-byte (`339MB`) ISO file: `CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso` 8. Also download the `md5sum.txt` file containing the **md5sum** file checksum hashes. Verify the Downloaded ISO ========================= To verify the downloaded CentOS ISO, you must get a copy of the checksum file from the same CentOS folder where you found the i386 (32-bit) ISO image. 1. Verify that you have the exact ISO file named `CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso` that is `355467264` bytes (`339MB`). 2. To verify the download, you will need some form of checksum program that runs on your local computer that can calculate **md5** or **sha** hashes. Unix/Linux/OSX machines already have the `md5sum` command available (sometimes called just `md5` on OSX); you don’t need to download anything; read the `man` page or just run `md5sum` (or `md5`) followed by the ISO image name and compare the number with the number saved in the checksum hash file. For Windows users, one suggestion to use (thanks Richard!) is [**HashTab**]: a. Windows only: Download and install [**HashTab**] for Windows. (Unix/Linux/OSX users don’t need this program.) b. Copy the desired checksum hash to the clipboard (e.g. from the `md5sum.txt` file). c. Right click in the file you wish to verify, i.e. select your ISO image `CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso` d. Click **Properties** and then **file hashes**. - It will compare the hashes to the one(s) in your clipboard. - MD5 and SHA-1 are the defaults, but it can be customized to include others. 3. Verify the checksum hash of the ISO file against the checksum hash recorded in any of the checksum files located in the same folder. (For example, open `md5sum.txt` and locate the checksum for your ISO file and compare it with the checksum of the ISO file you downloaded.) > Sysadmin Tip for Windows users: You can install the free [**Cygwin**] > package on your own Windows laptop to get BASH and all the Unix tools for > Windows, including `md5sum`, `find`, etc. MacOSX users already have most of > the tools installed and available in any **Terminal** window. Create an Empty Virtual Machine in VMware ========================================= These detailed instructions are for **VMware** Workstation Version 10. You may use any other virtualization software you like, e.g. see the [VirtualBox CentOS Installation Guide HTML], but you’re on your own if things go wrong. In this section, you will first create an empty Linux **32bit** CentOS-compatible Virtual Machine with no operating system installed. You can do this while you are waiting for your CentOS minimal `CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso` to download. VMware Workstation will try to guide you into an “Easy” or automatic install; you must *not* do an Easy/automatic install. **Do *not* let VMware use “Easy Install”!** 1. Start VMware on your machine. Any version of VMware since Version 8 should work. These instructions were prepared with Version 10. 2. Choose **Create a New Virtual Machine** or **File | New Virtual Machine**. 3. **Welcome to the New Virtual Machine Wizard:** - Choose **Typical (recommended)**. - **Typical** asks fewer questions than the full **Custom** install - Click **Next**. 4. **Guest Operating System Installation:** - Choose: **I will install the operating system later** - “The virtual machine will be created with a blank hard disk.” - Do *not* let VMware use “Easy Install”! - *Do **not** let VMware use “Easy Install”!* - **Do *not* let VMware use “Easy Install”!** - Click **Next**. 5. **Select a Guest Operating System:** - Chose: **Linux** and then Version **CentOS** - **Do *not* choose 64 bit!** - If the installation is asking you to create a userid for this step, then you need to start over: **Do *not* let VMware use “Easy Install”!** - Click **Next**. 6. **Name the Virtual Machine:** - If your course and term is **CST1234** and **14F**, then use the name `CST1234-14F-CentOS-6` (no spaces). - You may want to change the **Location** if you keep your VMware images in a different folder on your host machine, otherwise leave **Location** unchanged. - You can invent your own virtual machine name, if you prefer. - Click **Next**. 7. **Specify Disk Capacity:** - Enter **2** GB (actually type the number `2` into the box) - If asked, say: **Store virtual disk as a single file (Monolithic)** - Click **Next**. 8. **Ready to Create Virtual Machine**: confirm these important settings: Operating System: CentOS Hard Disk: 2 GB, Monolithic Memory: 1024 MB - Click **Finish**. 9. **Virtual Machine Created**: - Click **Close** to close the New Virtual Machine Wizard. 10. In the VMware **VM | Settings | Hardware** page for this virtual machine: a. Select the **Network Adapter** and under **Network Connection** choose **NAT: Used to share the host’s IP address** b. Select the **Sound Card** and un-check everything. c. Select the **USB Controller** and un-check everything. d. Click **Save** or **OK**. To confirm your settings: In VMware, select menu **VM | Settings** to open **Virtual Machine Settings** and look under the **Hardware** tab to confirm: Memory: 1024 MB (or 1GB) Processors: 1 Hard Disk: 2GB Network Adapter: NAT In the same **VM | Settings** window (“**Virtual Machine Settings**”), go to the **Options | General** tab and confirm: Guest Operating System: Linux Version: CentOS If you don’t see the above settings, delete this virtual machine and start over. Install the CentOS 6 Operating System ===================================== After you have downloaded and verified the checksum of the 32-bit ISO file `CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso`, you can next follow these instructions below to install this minimal 32-bit CentOS ISO image into your empty CentOS virtual machine that you just created above. 1. The installation software requires more memory than the running CentOS server. If you are installing or re-installing your system, set your VM Memory to **1024MB** (1 GB) before you continue. 2. Connect your downloaded and checksum-verified `CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso` ISO to your VMware virtual CD/DVD drive using the **VM | Settings**, **Hardware | CD/DVD** device page: a. On the CD/DVD device page, under **Device Status** check **Connect at power on**. b. On the CD/DVD device page, select radio button **Use ISO image file:** and browse to the location of your downloaded CentOS ISO file and select it and **Open** it. c. Select **Save** or **OK**. 3. With the downloaded CentOS ISO connected to the CD/DVD of your virtual machine, in your VMware Workstation screen select **Power on this Virtual Machine** or **Start up this guest operating system**. You should see a blue CentOS 6 screen with the title **Welcome to CentOS 6.6!** and five menu entries: ![CentOS 6 Welcome] 4. Put aside your mouse for the moment – the next few configuration steps must be done using the keyboard: a. The first menu entry **Install or upgrade an existing system** is the one that will be chosen as the **Automatic boot** when the 60-second time-out expires. You can use the keyboard **Up/Down** arrow keys to move the cursor up and down to stop the time-out or choose some other menu entry. b. Use the arrow keys to choose the first menu entry **Install or upgrade an existing system** and push **Enter**. (This will happen automatically when the 60-second time-out occurs.) c. Watch many Linux kernel messages stream by in black-and-white. 5. You will see a text screen titled **Welcome to CentOS for i386** containing a box titled `Disc Found` and asking you if you want to test the media: ![CentOS 6 Disc Found] 6. In **Disc Found** use the Space bar to select the OK choice. You will see another box titled **Media Check**. 7. In **Media Check** use the Space bar to select **Test**. The result must be **Success** or else your ISO file is corrupt and needs to be removed and downloaded again. 8. In **Success** use Space to select **OK**. - You will see a box saying **Media ejected**. - This is dumb. Now we have to reconnect the ISO file! 9. Release your cursor from the virtual machine and go back to the VMware **VM | Settings**, **Hardware | CD/DVD** device page: a. Under the CD/DVD **Device Status** section check **Connected**. b. Select **Save** or **OK**. c. Go back to your CentOS virtual machine console. d. (You can also connect the CD using right-click on the CD/DVD icon in the bottom right and select **Connect**.) 10. After re-connecting the CD, go back to the **Media ejected** box and use Space to select OK. You will see another **Media Check** box asking you about testing additional media. Make sure the ISO file is connected to your CD/DVD before you continue from this step. 11. In this **Media Check** box, use the TAB key to select **Continue** and then the Space bar to activate Continue. a. It should say **Media detected** and **Found local installation media** and then you should see a graphical CentOS 6 screen with a **Next** button on it (see below). b. If it says **Error** and it can’t find the CentOS installation disc, you forgot to reconnect the ISO file to your CD/DVD device, above. Connect the ISO and try again. c. If you only see a blue/gray text screen saying **Welcome to CentOS!**, you forgot to increase the Memory to 1024MB for the installation. Power off, do that, and try again. ![CentOS 6 Splash Screen] 12. On the CentOS 6 page, the mouse is working again. Use it or Space to select the **Next** button. You should see a **What language** page. 13. On the **What language** page use the default English selection. (You may be tempted to chose your own non-English language, but if you do so your Instructor will not be able to help you with any problems. Always use the default English language.) Select **Next**. 14. On the **Select the appropriate keyboard** page use the default **U.S. English** keyboard. Select **Next**. 15. On the **What type of devices** page use the default **Basic Storage Devices**. Select **Next**. 16. On the **Storage Device Warning** page select **Yes, discard any data**. (If you are re-installing your system, you will instead see here an **At least one existing installation** page that asks you to either overwrite or upgrade your existing installation. Choose appropriately.) 17. On the **Please name this computer** page: a. For **Hostname:** enter your eight-character Algonquin Blackboard userid (all lower-case). b. Select **Next**. 18. On the **Please select the nearest city** page: a. Select `America/Toronto` as the city for the time zone. b. Turn *off* **System clock uses UTC**. Un-check this box. c. Select **Next**. 19. On the **The root account** page enter (twice) a `root` account [password that you can remember]. Keep it simple – this is a low-security student course machine and not a high-security bank! Select **Next**. 20. On the **Which type of installation** page select **Create Custom Layout**. We are going to use a simple two-partition system instead of the default (and more complex) Logical Volume Manager layout. Select **Next**. 21. On the **Please Select A Device** page click on the **Free 2047** line then click on **Create**. (If you are re-installing your system, you will first need to select each existing partition and Delete it to make the free space.) a. On the **Create Storage** page use the default **Standard Partition** then click on **Create**. b. On the **Add Partition** page: i. Use the drop-down list for **Mount Point:** and select `/` (the ROOT). ii. Leave the **File System Type** as `ext4`. iii. Type `1500` into the **Size (MB)** box. iv. Check **Force to be a primary partition** v. Select **OK**. c. You should now have a ROOT (`/`) partition of type `ext4` size 1500 on `sda1`. Delete this partition and start over if this is not true. 22. On the **Please Select A Device** page click on the **Free 547** line then click on **Create**. a. On the **Create Storage** page use the default **Standard Partition** then click on **Create**. b. On the **Add Partition** page: i. Ignore the Mount Point. ii. Change the **File System Type** to `swap`. iii. Ignore the **Size (MB)** box. iv. Check **Fill to maximum allowable size** v. Check **Force to be a primary partition** vi. Select **OK**. c. You should now have a swap partition on `sda2` size 547. Delete this partition and start over if this is not true. On the **Please Select A Device** page, there should be no free space left: ![CentOS 6 Partitions] 23. After confirming the above two partitions and sizes, on the **Please Select A Device** page click on **Next**. 24. On the **Format Warnings** page click **Format**. This completely wipes your Linux virtual disk, not your host machine’s disk. 25. On the **Writing storage configuration to disk** page click **Write changes to disk**. 26. On the **Install boot loader page** page leave the default setting checked (**Install boot loader on `/dev/sda`**) and click **Next**. It should say **Installation starting**. 27. You should see a progress bar saying **Packages completed** as exactly 204 CentOS packages are installed into the system. (If the number is not exactly 204, you are using the wrong ISO image.) The 204-package installation should take less than five minutes. ![CentOS 6 Install Packages] 28. On the **Congratulations, your CentOS installation is complete** page select **Reboot**. Some Linux kernel shutdown messages will print on the console, then the virtual machine will reboot. 29. The system should reboot into a black login screen with the banner `CentOS release 6.6 (Final)` and a login prompt preceded by the hostname of the machine, similar to this: CentOS release 6.6 (Final) Kernel 2.6.32-504.el6.i686 on an i686 abcd0001 login: The machine name in front of the `login:` prompt should be your own Blackboard userid, not `abcd0001`. Verify Correct CentOS Installation ---------------------------------- 1. Log in on the black text console as the user `root` with the password that you remembered from the above installation. - If the login doesn’t work, go back and read all the words in the previous sentence, especially the words starting with the letter `r`. Run the following installation verification commands. Your CentOS installation must pass all of the following verification steps: 2. Run: `hostname` and verify that it prints your eight-character Blackboard userid as the machine name. 3. In text file `/etc/sysconfig/network` verify that the `NETWORKING` variable is set to `yes` and the `HOSTNAME` variable is set to your Blackboard userid. 4. Run: `fdisk -clu` and verify that your Disk `/dev/sda` is `2147 MB` and that the disk partitions `/dev/sda1` and `/dev/sda2` have `1,536,000` and `560,128` blocks (a block is 1024 bytes). It should look almost exactly like the following, except your machine name and `Disk identifier` number will differ: [root@abcd0001 ~]# fdisk -clu Disk /dev/sda: 2147 MB, 2147483648 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 261 cylinders, total 4194304 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x00000000 Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sda1 * 2048 3074047 1536000 83 Linux /dev/sda2 3074048 4194303 560128 82 Linux swap / Solaris 5. Run: `rpm -q -a | wc -l` and verify that you have exactly `204` packages installed. 6. Run: `df -h` and verify that your `/dev/sda1` virtual disk partition mounted on `/` (the ROOT) has a **Size** of `1.5G` (ignore the other sizes – they may differ slightly): [root@abcd0001 ~]# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 1.5G 578M 793M 43% / tmpfs 504M 0 504M 0% /dev/shm 7. Run: `swapon -s` and verify that partition `/dev/sda2` is listed as an active swap partition: [root@abcd0001 ~]# swapon -s Filename Type Size Used Priority /dev/sda2 partition 560124 0 -1 8. In text file `/etc/sysconfig/clock` verify that the `ZONE` is set to local time zone `America/Toronto` - If this is not true, see [Appendix II] You may need to delete this virtual machine and re-install if any of the above numbers or verification steps are wrong. Redo your installation or consult with your instructor if any of the above verification commands don’t give the expected output. Networking is not enabled on this server yet. It is a good idea to configure your system a bit before enabling networking, so we will enable networking later, after doing some configuration. Snapshot your Fresh Installation ================================ Make sure your CentOS virtual machine passes the all above verify steps before saving it! 1. Shut down your CentOS machine by typing: `shutdown -h now` - You will see some Linux kernel messages on the VMware console before the machine powers off. - **NEVER** power off a Linux machine using the VMware Power button! - **ALWAYS** safely power off a Linux machine using `shutdown`! - Ignore any warnings about VMware Tools. 2. In the VMware **VM | Settings | Hardware** page for this virtual machine: a. Change the **Memory** from `1024MB` down to `256MB`. Say OK. - You will need to put Memory back up to 1024MB if you need to re-install the system from CD. - Keeping system memory small (e.g. 256MB) makes snapshots of running systems smaller and faster. b. Select the **Network Adapter** and under **Network Connection** choose **NAT: Used to share the host’s IP address** (You should have already done this when creating the VM.) c. Select the **Sound Card** and un-check everything. (You should have already done this when creating the VM.) d. Select the **USB Controller** and un-check everything. (You should have already done this.) e. Select **Save** or **OK**. 3. Use VMware (or your virtualization software) to create a Snapshot of your new VM. In VMware use **VM | Snapshot | Take snapshot…**. Label the Snapshot **Fresh Minimal Installation** and enter a dated comment explaining how you created it and what installation parameters you used: a. Minimal ISO: `CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso` b. Memory `256MB` c. Disk `2GB` d. `NAT` networking (not bridged). e. Hostname `abcd0001` (should be your Blackboard userid) f. Standard `204` packages g. No network enabled at boot time 4. Open the **VM | Snapshot | Snapshot Manager** to confirm your snapshot. - You will have this snapshot to come back to if you ever need it. 5. If you have taken a successful snapshot, close the snapshot manager. Problems with Snapshots of Running Systems ========================================== A snapshot of a running (not fully shut down) system is quick to resume if you ever need to go back to it, but a running snapshot has some potentially serious problems: 1. Snapshots take more space if you take them when the machine is running, since the snapshot has to save all the system memory. Snapshots are smaller if you take them of a system that is powered off. 2. Often you need to restore a snapshot and also make some **VM | Settings** changes. If you snapshot a running system, then you have to shut it down every time you restore it when you want to make **VM | Settings** changes. Better to create the snapshot of the powered-off system. 3. A snapshot of a running system can only safely be resumed (restarted) on the system that created it, or a system running a similar CPU type. You cannot safely back-up the running snapshot files onto a different CPU type and resume it there. A snapshot of a running system may be useless if you try to restart it on a different computer, such as might happen if your laptop computer fails and you need to borrow another. When possible, make your important snapshots of virtual machines that are actually powered off. You can make intermediate snapshots of running machines just before you make an important change, but you should consider deleting these temporary snapshots after you confirm that the change was successful. Configure CentOS ================ > References to man pages in this document will be to **CentOS** man pages, > not **CLS Ubuntu** man pages. Since **CentOS** Linux and **Ubuntu** Linux > are different distributions, from different vendors, they sometimes have > different documentation and programs. This configuration section assumes you are starting your configuration from the **Fresh Minimal Installation** snapshot from the previous section. Before you begin, you need to understand some terms. These next few points are not action items; they are for your information; there is nothing you need to type yet. Make note of these things: A. When it says **back up a file** below, it means copy the file, preserving time and owner information, into the *same* directory with a `.bak` suffix on the file name, for example: $ cp -p /foo/bar /foo/bar.bak $ cp -p /some/path/name/file /some/path/name/file.bak $ cd /some/very/very/very/long/path/name ; cp -p conf conf.bak You may find this shell alias useful: `alias cp='cp -p -i'`\ but remember that aliases are not saved when the shell exits. B. When it says **edit a file** below, it means use the `vi` (not `vim`) text editor to read the original file, make some changes, and then save the file. (Don’t forget to save the changes!) - Servers, including this one, don’t have any other text editors. - Every Unix/Linux system has a basic version of `vi` installed. - You need to know how to use basic `vi` text editor commands to open a file, edit it, and save it. - The `vim` editor is named `vi`, not `vim` on CentOS. - **Remember to edit the *original* file, not the back-up file.** C. When it says **comment out** a line of text below, it means insert a comment character (usually `#`) at the very start (left end) of the line. - e.g. change the line `hiddenmenu` to `#hiddenmenu` or change the line `alias rm='rm -i'` to `#alias rm='rm -i'` - The comment character at the start of the line turns the whole line into a *comment* – something that the program reading the file will ignore. **Remember to preserve modification times on all files copied!** Boot the Fresh Minimal Installation snapshot -------------------------------------------- 1. Boot (power on) your **Fresh Minimal Installation** snapshot from the previous section. Make the configuration changes below to your **Fresh Minimal Installation** virtual machine. 2. Log in as the `root` user on the black text console, as you did before. 3. Review the above points **A.**, **B.**, and **C.** so that you know what **back up**, **edit**, and **comment out** mean. 4. Create your alias for `cp` to preserve modify times so that you don’t forget: `alias cp='cp -i -p'` Enable CentOS networking ------------------------ Networking is not yet enabled on boot. We will enable it now, so that you can connect to your CentOS system using a proper SSH connection instead of using the limited VMware system console: 1. Run: `ifconfig eth0` and make sure it doesn’t say `device not found`. - If it says `device not found` for `eth0`, see [Appendix III] on how to rename the interfaces to get `eth0` back. 2. Back up the file `/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0` then edit the original file and change the `ONBOOT` variable setting from `ONBOOT=no` to `ONBOOT=yes` - Always edit the original file, not the back-up file! - When you are done, display the original file and make sure `ONBOOT=yes` - Use the `diff` command to compare the back-up file with the edited original file and make sure only *one* line has changed:\ `cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts ; diff ifcfg-eth0.bak ifcfg-eth0` 3. Run: `service network restart`\ to enable the new networking settings. - See the example commands and output given below. - You should now see several lines including two lines for `eth0`:\ `Bringing up interface eth0:` and\ `Determining IP information for eth0... done. [OK]` - If you don’t see `done`, you have network connection problems: Your machine may be unable to get a `DHCP` IP address. See [Network Diagnostics]. 4. Confirm that you have a working IP address on `eth0` (see the example commands and output given below): a. Run: `ifconfig eth0 | fgrep 'inet addr'`\ and see one line of output containing your system local IP address (your `inet addr`). b. **Write down this local IP address; you will need it shortly.** c. Run: `ip route | fgrep 'default'`\ and see one line of output containing your default gateway IP address. d. Run: `ping -c 1`*X.X.X.X*\ where *X.X.X.X* is your default gateway IP address. e. Look for `0% packet loss`. (This may not work if you are using Bridged networking on-campus at Algonquin College because the ITS department blocks `ping`.) f. If you don’t see `0% packet loss`, you have network connection problems. See [Network Diagnostics]. Sample output for the above commands is given below – your hostname and CentOS local IP addresses (write it down) will differ: [root@abcd0001 ~]# fgrep 'ONBOOT' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ONBOOT=yes [root@abcd0001 ~]# service network restart Shutting down loopback interface: [ OK ] Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ] Bringing up interface eth0: Determining IP information for eth0... done. [ OK ] [root@abcd0001 ~]# ifconfig eth0 | fgrep 'inet addr' inet addr: Bcast: Mask: [root@abcd0001 ~]# ip route | fgrep 'default' default via dev eth0 [root@abcd0001 ~]# ping -c 1 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.78 ms --- ping statistics --- 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 2ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.780/1.780/1.780/0.000 ms Make sure the `ping` shows `0% packet loss` (unless you are at Algonquin College, using Bridged networking, and `ping` is being blocked by ITS, sorry). Did you write down your **CentOS local IP address** (not your default gateway address)? You will need it later. > If your virtual machine is using **bridged** networking instead of the > recommended **NAT** networking, then the IP address of your CentOS virtual > machine may change depending on the network of your host O/S. If you use > **bridged** networking, you will need to use `service network restart` and > `ifconfig` to restart your network every time you resume your VM or the > network of your host O/S changes. Using **NAT** networking, the CentOS > local IP address should be stable and this restart and reconfiguration > shouldn’t be necessary. Setting the SSH login banner ---------------------------- You will remember that when you log in to the CLS using the SSH protocol, you first see a banner announcing `COURSE LINUX SERVER`. We will enable a similar banner for our CentOS virtual system, so that we know to which machine we are connecting: 1. Back up the file `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` then edit the original file: - Find the line containing `#Banner` (It’s around line 129 in the file.) - This line is commented out with `#` at the start; it does nothing. - Un-comment this line: remove the comment `#` from the line. - Change the file name from `Banner none` to: `Banner /etc/issue.net` - Use the `diff` command to compare the back-up file with the edited original file and make sure only *one* line has changed:\ `diff /etc/ssh/sshd_config.bak /etc/ssh/sshd_config` - Make sure the line does not start with the comment character. 2. Restart your CentOS SSH service to use the new banner: `service sshd restart` 3. Using the commands below, verify that an SSH connection shows the new banner by using the `ssh` command in CentOS to connect to the loopback `localhost` address of your CentOS VM: - You may be asked to accept the new connection: say `yes` - Verify that you see the SSH banner: `CentOS release 6.6 (Final)` - You don’t need to log in, so just use `^C` to interrupt the root password prompt: [root@abcd0001 ~]# ssh localhost The authenticity of host 'localhost (::1)' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 1d:1c:b2:7e:fe:b9:87:e8:89:71:bf:dd:ca:31:49:3b. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added 'localhost' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. CentOS release 6.6 (Final) Kernel \r on an \m root@localhost's password: ^C [root@abcd0001 ~]# ssh localhost CentOS release 6.6 (Final) Kernel \r on an \m root@localhost's password: ^C Whenever you attempt to connect to your CentOS virtual machine using SSH, make sure you see the above banner text. If you don’t see the banner, you are not connecting to the right IP address! > Feel free to edit the file `/etc/issue.net` to contain any text that you > would like to see as a banner. You might delete the `Kernel` line and > replace it with something of your own, e.g. `Hello Linux People!` Use an SSH connection instead of the console -------------------------------------------- > These SSH instructions below are for **VMware** users. If you are using > **VirtualBox** virtulalization software, see the section “Using SSH to > connect to your VirtualBox VM” in [VirtualBox CentOS Installation Guide > HTML][2]. The VMware console that we have been using has very limited functionality. You can’t resize it, change the console colour, or font size, or copy and paste text into it easily from your host machine. Instead of using this console to work on the machine, we will do what most system administrators do and connect to the machine using a terminal program of our choice and the standard SSH protocol. CentOS already has the SSH programs installed and running that enable us to do this; we verified that in the previous section where we set the login banner. To connect to your CentOS virtual machine using the SSH protocol, users with a Windows host O/S might choose to run the **PuTTY** terminal program (as you do when connecting to the CLS); users with a Linux or MacOSX host O/S will use a standard terminal and the `ssh` command. > Sometimes the networking set-up on your host operating system does not > permit you to connect to the network addresses of your virtual machines. > You may have a firewall setting that blocks access. If that is true, the > following won’t work and you’ll have to consult the manual for your host > operating system on how to enable network access to the IP addresses of > your virtual machines. 1. In your host operating system (not in the CentOS guest OS), run a terminal program that will let your create an SSH remote connection: - Run the **PuTTY** program from a Windows host machine, or use a terminal and the `ssh` program from a MacOSX or Linux host O/S. - Review the instructions on how to do a [Remote Login] to the [Course Linux Server], but do *not* use the CLS IP information. - Create and save a new SSH connection **using the CentOS local IP address** that you wrote down in the previous step. - Do *not* use your CLS IP address! Use your CentOS IP address! - When you start your session, make sure you are connecting to your CentOS local IP address, not to the CLS. - You must see the `CentOS release 6.6 (Final)` banner text before you enter your login userid. - If you see the `COURSE LINUX SERVER` banner, **stop**! Do not try to log in as `root` to the CLS; you will be locked out! - Use your terminal program to log in to **your** CentOS IP address (not the CLS) as `root` using your `root` password. - Make sure you see the `CentOS release 6.6 (Final)` banner before you log in with your `root` userid! - If you use **PuTTY**, save your new settings for your CentOS connection. Do not overwrite your CLS settings. - If you are using **bridged** instead of the recommended **NAT** networking, you will have to keep changing the saved CentOS IP address to match the address shown by `ifconfig` in CentOS. If you use **NAT** networking, this shouldn’t be a problem. 2. Once you are logged in to your own CentOS machine, type `who` and see that `root` is logged in once on a VMware system console (`tty1`) and once remotely via an SSH *pseudo-terminal* (`pts/0`). [root@abcd0001 ~]# who root tty1 Nov 2 08:26 root pts/0 Nov 2 08:33 ( [root@abcd0001 ~]# tty /dev/pts/0 **I recommend using the SSH connection for all sysadmin work (including the rest of this document).** Do not use the crappy VMware console. Note that, unlike using the system console, SSH network connections do not survive across a VM Pause or Suspend. All SSH sessions active when you pause or suspend your VM will be disconnected. **Save and exit your editors that are running over SSH before you suspend.** Install the `man` command ------------------------- This system has manual pages, but no `man` command to view them: [root@abcd0001 ~]# which man /usr/bin/which: no man in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin) [root@abcd0001 ~]# whereis man man: /usr/share/man Use the `yum` install command to fetch information about the `man` package, and then we will install it: 1. As `root` run: `yum info man` - The first time you do this, `yum` will download some package lists before it answers the `info` query. - If `yum` cannot connect to the Internet, see [Network Diagnostics]. - If `yum` seems to hang for a long time, see [Appendix I]. 2. Confirm that `yum` shows `Name : man` under `Available Packages`. - If you see `man` under `Installed Packages`, you have already installed it. 3. Run: `yum install man` and when it asks `Is this ok [y/N]:` answer with `y` (yes) and *Enter*. - The first time you do this, `yum` will also ask you to import a GPG **CentOS 6 Official Signing Key**. Answer with `y` (yes). - Some dependency packages and updates will also be selected for download along with `man`. - The installation will print `Complete!` when it finishes. 4. Make sure `which man` and `whereis man` and `man man` now work: [root@abcd0001 ~]# which man /usr/bin/man [root@abcd0001 ~]# whereis man man: /usr/bin/man /etc/man.config /usr/share/man /usr/share/man/man1/man.1.gz [root@abcd0001 ~]# man man ...etc... Install the `mail` command -------------------------- Servers often need to email status messages to humans. We need to use the `yum` install command to fetch and install an email client program package named `mailx`: 1. As `root` run: `yum info mailx` - The first time you do this, `yum` will download some package lists before it answers the `info` query. - If `yum` cannot connect to the Internet, see [Network Diagnostics]. - If `yum` seems to hang for a long time, see [Appendix I]. 2. Confirm that `yum` shows `Name : mailx` under `Available Packages`. - If you see `mailx` under `Installed Packages`, you have already installed it. 3. Run: `yum install mailx` and when it asks `Is this ok [y/N]:` answer with `y` (yes) and *Enter*. - The first time you do this, `yum` will also ask you to import a GPG **CentOS 6 Official Signing Key**. Answer with `y` (yes). - The installation will print `Complete!` when it finishes. 4. After installation, make sure that `mail -V` (upper case!) prints a version number (the number may differ, depending on which version of CentOS is installed): [root@abcd0001 ~]# mail -V 12.4 7/29/08 The `mailx` package installs some symbolic links so that the command `mail` actually runs the `mailx` program: [root@abcd0001 ~]# ls -l /bin/mail* lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 22 Mar 9 22:16 /bin/mail -> /etc/alternatives/mail -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 369440 Aug 1 2013 /bin/mailx [root@abcd0001 ~]# ls -l /etc/alternatives/mail lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Mar 9 22:16 /etc/alternatives/mail -> /bin/mailx Also `man mail` gives you the same `man` page as `man mailx` (again using more symlinks): [root@abcd0001 ~]# whereis mail mailx mailx: /bin/mail /etc/mail.rc /usr/share/man/man1/mail.1.gz mailx: /bin/mailx /usr/share/man/man1/mailx.1.gz [root@abcd0001 ~]# ls -l /usr/share/man/man1/mail.1.gz lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 31 Mar 9 22:16 /usr/share/man/man1/mail.1.gz -> /etc/alternatives/mail-mail-man [root@abcd0001 ~]# ls -l /etc/alternatives/mail-mail-man lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 30 Mar 9 22:16 /etc/alternatives/mail-mail-man -> /usr/share/man/man1/mailx.1.gz Install the full version of the `vim` editor -------------------------------------------- Your CentOS **Minimal Installation** comes with a *minimal* (they call it `Small`) version of the `vim` text editor named `vi` that is missing many features and help files: [root@abcd0001 ~]# vi --version | fgrep 'version' Small version without GUI. Features included (+) or not (-): [root@abcd0001 ~]# vimtutor -bash: vimtutor: command not found We want the full version, with help files and tutorials. As `root`, download and install the full (they call it `Huge`) version of `vim` as follows: 1. As `root` run: `yum info vim-enhanced` - The first time you do this, `yum` will download some package lists before it answers the `info` query. - If `yum` cannot connect to the Internet, see [Network Diagnostics]. - If `yum` seems to hang for a long time, see [Appendix I]. 2. Confirm that `yum` shows `Name : vim-enhanced` under `Available Packages`. - If you see `vim-enhanced` under `Installed Packages`, you have already installed it. 3. Run: `yum install vim-enhanced` and when it asks `Is this ok [y/N]:` answer with `y` (yes) and *Enter*. - The first time you do this, `yum` will also ask you to import a GPG **CentOS 6 Official Signing Key**. Answer with `y` (yes). - You will note under **Installing for dependencies** a list of other packages on which the full version of VIM depends. All this software also has to be downloaded and installed with VIM, including the **Perl** interpreter and some libraries. - Downloading all the software will take a minute or two. - The installation will print `Complete!` when it finishes. 4. After successful download and installation, start the newly-installed full version of VIM by typing `vim` (not `vi`) and note that this is the *Huge* version: [root@abcd0001 ~]# vi --version | fgrep 'version' Small version without GUI. Features included (+) or not (-): [root@abcd0001 ~]# vim --version | fgrep 'version' Huge version without GUI. Features included (+) or not (-): [root@abcd0001 ~]# which vimtutor /usr/bin/vimtutor 5. The programs `vi` and `vim` are different in CentOS! - You may find some accounts come with an alias: `alias vi=vim` - In which system directory is the minimal (`Small`) `vi` program found? - In which system directory is full (`Huge`) enhanced `vim` program found? - What system command makes it easy to answer the above two questions? Remove confusing and dangerous `root` aliases --------------------------------------------- CentOS has provided the `root` account with some personal shell aliases that change the behaviour of some important commands and this is a bad idea. Type `alias` and you will see some aliases similar to these: [root@abcd0001 ~]# alias alias cp='cp -i' alias l.='ls -d .* --color=auto' alias ll='ls -l --color=auto' alias ls='ls --color=auto' alias mv='mv -i' alias rm='rm -i' alias which='alias | /usr/bin/which --tty-only --read-alias --show-dot --show-tilde' The aliases for `ls` and `which` are harmless, but the options added in the aliases for `cp`, `mv`, and `rm` change the behaviour of these commands significantly. (What do those options do? RTFM for each command.) On real servers, the `root` account is often shared among several sysadmin, and so you must be very careful what aliases you define in the `root` account. Commands must work exactly as expected, not the way aliases might change them to work. We will remove these dangerous aliases from our `root` account: **Note that the HOME directory for the `root` account is under `/root`, not under `/home` with all the other accounts.** 1. Back up the file `/root/.bashrc` (preserve the modify time) then edit the original file: a. Remove or comment out the alias for `rm`. b. Remove or comment out the alias for `cp`. c. Remove or comment out the alias for `mv`. d. Insert this line at the top (beginning) of the file:\ `[ -z "${PS1-}" ] && return # exit if not interactive` 2. In addition to making the above essential changes, you might also optionally add `unalias -a` to the end of the file to make sure that no misleading aliases are defined for the `root` account. - Add this `unalias` line at the *bottom* (end) of the `.bashrc`, *after* all the existing lines in the file. 3. You might add `alias cp='cp -i -p'` to the bottom of the file, since we use it so often, especially as `root`. - This is a useful and common alias, safe even for a `root` account. 4. Use the `diff` command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only a few lines have changed. 5. Run a loopback SSH network test of `true`, a command that doesn’t generate any output, to make sure the new `.bashrc` doesn’t generate any output or errors: [root@abcd0001 ~]# ssh localhost true CentOS release 6.6 (Final) Kernel \r on an \m root@localhost's password: [root@abcd0001 ~]# Make sure there is no output after you type your `root` password. *(If you don’t see the `CentOS release 6.6 (Final)` login banner, you missed [Setting the SSH login banner], above.)* Keep your own personal aliases in your *own* account and `source` them when you need them as `root`. Do **NOT** put many of your personal aliases into the `root` account itself. Log out of your VM and then log back in. Type `alias` and make sure all the dangerous aliases are gone. Keep the aliases in the `root` account to the bare minimum. Enable shell History -------------------- Shell command line history for is important to a sysadmin. It’s one way of knowing what commands were typed and remembering how to do things without having to look them up again. Although the shell is saving its history upon exit, the history from different shells is not being merged, so history can be lost if you run more than one shell, e.g. multiple windows or multiple logins. Also, history is not being saved until a shell exits, which means you can also lose history if a shell is killed prematurely. We could fix these history issues just for the `root` user, using the `root` `.bashrc` start-up file, but then we would also have to fix it for our own sysadmin account (that we will create later), and for any other accounts we might create. Instead we are going to make changes to the system-wide `bash` shell initialization so that *all* users on the system receive these benefits, not just `root`. The comments at the start of `/etc/profile` suggest that we should create a `custom.sh` file and install it in the `/etc/profile.d` directory: 1. Put these lines into the new file `/etc/profile.d/custom.sh` on your CentOS machine: # keep a lot of shell history in memory and in the history file export HISTSIZE=9000 export HISTFILESIZE=99000 # keep time stamps on each entry export HISTTIMEFORMAT= # update history file after every command (not just on exit) export PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a' # useful history-related bash options: use one-line and append shopt -s cmdhist shopt -s histappend This new file will be sourced by every user when they log in. 2. Run `source /etc/profile.d/custom.sh` to source the new file to set up the history in the current shell. Make sure you see no output and no errors! 3. After sourcing the file, print the changed history variables to confirm: [root@abcd0001 ~]# source /etc/profile.d/custom.sh [root@abcd0001 ~]# printenv | fgrep 'HIST' HISTSIZE=9000 HISTFILESIZE=99000 HISTCONTROL=ignoredups HISTTIMEFORMAT= [root@abcd0001 ~]# echo "$PROMPT_COMMAND" history -a 4. Check that the verification commands you just typed into the shell, above, are appearing at the bottom (end) of the `root` BASH history file, `.bash_history`, in the HOME directory of the `root` account. - Use a command that shows you the last few lines of a text file. - Recall, as mentioned earlier, that the HOME directory of the `root` account is *not* under the usual `/home` directory. 5. Log out. Log back in. Verify that the same history variables have been changed, and that your history file is being updated after every command you type. Enable loopback address for your machine name --------------------------------------------- The file `/etc/hosts` usually contains a local copy of the name of the current machine, paired with the loopback IP address. CentOS is missing this, which means you can’t `ping` your own host name: [root@abcd0001 ~]# echo "$HOSTNAME" abcd0001 [root@abcd0001 ~]# ping "$HOSTNAME" ping: unknown host abcd0001 1. Back up the file `/etc/hosts` then edit the original file and add your machine’s host name by adding the line ` abcd0001` where *abcd0001* is replaced by *your* machine’s host name (which must be the same name as your Blackboard userid): [root@abcd0001 ~]# cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 abcd0001 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 Use the `diff` command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only the intended lines have changed. 2. Confirm that you can now `ping` your own machine name with zero packet loss: [root@abcd0001 ~]# echo "$HOSTNAME" abcd0001 [root@abcd0001 ~]# ping -c 1 "$HOSTNAME" PING abcd0001 ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from abcd0001 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.072 ms --- abcd0001 ping statistics --- 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.072/0.072/0.072/0.000 ms The name *abcd0001* above must be *your* machine’s name, not `abcd0001`. Your machine name must be the same name as your Blackboard userid. Enable Internet Time using NTP and `ntpd` ----------------------------------------- The system time is not being synchronized with the Internet. We need to use the `yum` install command to fetch and install the Network Time Protocol (NTP) package named `ntp` with its time daemon named `ntpd`: 1. As `root` run: `yum info ntp` - The NTP package is named `ntp`; the NTP daemon is named `ntpd`. - The first time you do this, `yum` will download some package lists before it answers the `info` query. - If `yum` cannot connect to the Internet, see [Network Diagnostics]. - If `yum` seems to hang for a long time, see [Appendix I]. 2. Confirm that `yum` shows `Name : ntp` under `Available Packages`. - If you see `ntp` under `Installed Packages`, you have already installed it. 3. Run: `yum install ntp` and when it asks `Is this ok [y/N]:` answer with `y` (yes) and *Enter*. - The first time you do this, `yum` will also ask you to import a GPG **CentOS 6 Official Signing Key**. Answer with `y` (yes). - The installation will print `Complete!` when it finishes. 4. Back up the file `/etc/ntp.conf` then edit the original file to add the line `tinker panic 0` on its own line just above the `driftfile` line. - Use the `diff` command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only the one line changed. - This line tells the `ntpd` program that it can always change the clock value, no matter how far off it is. Normally the `ntpd` daemon refuses to change a clock value that is more than 1,000 seconds wrong. - This doesn’t always work, and sometimes NTP can’t synchronize your clock inside some versions of VMware or under some host operating systems. Sometimes, installing the VMware Tools package can mitigate this problem; more on that later. 5. Run: `chkconfig --list ntpd` (and note the spelling of the service name `ntpd`). You will see one line indicating that the `ntpd` time daemon is turned **off** in every Run Level. 6. Run: `chkconfig ntpd on` (again note the spelling of `ntpd`). 7. Run: `chkconfig --list ntpd` (again note the spelling of `ntpd`). You will see one line indicating that the `ntpd` time daemon is now turned **on** in Run Levels 2 through 5: [root@abcd0001 ~]# chkconfig --list ntpd ntpd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off 8. Run: `service ntpd start` and you should see one line saying `Starting ntpd: [OK]`. (If you already started `ntpd`, you won’t see the `[OK]`.) 9. Run: `tail /var/log/messages` or `fgrep 'ntpd' /var/log/messages` and confirm that there are several log entries for `ntpd` saying `Listen normally`. If you see errors, fix them and run `service ntpd restart` to restart `ntpd`. 10. If all goes well, `ntpd` starting up will have reset your system clock to the correct time. (Run the `date` command and see.) The log file might say something like `clock_step +14398.864481s` indicating a time change of (for example) 14398 seconds. If nothing happened, try waiting 5–10 minutes and see if the time updates. You can perform the other edits below while you wait for this to happen. Continue reading: 11. Installing NTP doesn’t always work to keep your system time updated, and sometimes NTP can’t synchronize your clock inside some versions of VMware or under some host operating systems. Sometimes, installing the VMware Tools package can mitigate this problem; more on that later. Even with `ntpd` running, the system may take 5-10 minutes to re-synchronize its time after a VM Pause, Suspend, or reboot. (Earlier versions of CentOS were faster at time synchronization.) Servers in the real world are not paused, suspended, or rebooted as often as at school. Installing **VMware Tools** will often help with getting the time right after a VM pause or suspend. **VMware Tools** will be installed in a separate document, later. Disable SELinux --------------- Security Enabled Linux is turned on, which can cause many problems for novice Linux users. On a real server, we would leave it enabled. You will learn SELinux configuration in later Linux courses. 1. Back up the file `/etc/sysconfig/selinux` then edit the original file and change the `SELINUX` variable setting from `SELINUX=enforcing` to `SELINUX=disabled`. - Use the `diff` command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only the one line changed. 2. We won’t check to see that this works until after the next reboot. Disable GRUB Pretty Boot ------------------------ The system boot messages are being hidden by a pretty but unhelpful CentOS graphics “splash” screen. The screen covers up many useful system messages at boot time. As a sysadmin, you *want* to see *all* the boot messages. 1. Make a temporary snapshot of your VM now, in case you make a mistake in the following edit. If you damage lines in this GRUB configuration file, your machine may not boot at all. You’ll have to restore from the snapshot and reconfigure. 2. Back up the file `/boot/grub/grub.conf` then edit the original file: a. Change the value of the `timeout` from `5` to `30`. b. Comment out the `hiddenmenu` line to make the GRUB menu visible on boot. (Insert a single `#` comment character in front of `hiddenmenu` so that it looks like `#hiddenmenu` and will be ignored.) c. Remove the two words `rhgb quiet` from the far right end of the very long `kernel` line to get rid of the silly CentOS animated graphics screen. (Make sure you don’t accidentally break this line into pieces. Keep it one long line.) d. The resulting file should be two words smaller than the back-up file: [root@abcd0001 ~]# wc -lw /boot/grub/grub.conf* 17 82 /boot/grub/grub.conf 17 84 /boot/grub/grub.conf.bak e. Use the `diff` command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only the intended lines have changed. 3. You will know if your edits are accurate at the next reboot, coming up in the next section. If the reboot fails, restore back to your temporary snapshot and try the edit again. 4. If everything is working, you may delete the temporary snapshot you made. Verify Correct CentOS Configuration ----------------------------------- Having made all the above configuration changes, your CentOS configuration must pass all of the following verification steps after you reboot it: 1. Safely shut down and reboot the system using: `shutdown -r now` - If you are using a remote SSH connection, you will be disconnected. - You will see some Linux kernel messages on the VMware console before the machine restarts. - **NEVER** reboot a Linux machine using the VMware Power button! - **ALWAYS** reboot a Linux machine using `shutdown`! - As the machine reboots, open up the VMware system console and verify that you now see the full GRUB boot menu (image below). 2. Verify the new GNU GRUB boot menu (image below): a. The `GNU GRUB` menu should now be visible (not hidden) – see the image below. b. In 30 seconds the menu will time out and boot the highlighted kernel menu entry (usually the first one), or you can push the **Enter** key to boot it immediately. If you don’t see the GRUB menu, you forgot to edit the GRUB configuration file above (or your edits were wrong). Try again. ![CentOS 6 GRUB Menu] 3. After the boot, when the machine is up and running, log in on the console again (or, better, use an `ssh` or **PuTTY** connection to the CentOS local IP address) and log in as the user `root` so you can run some verification commands. 4. Run `alias` and make sure the `root` account has no dangerous aliases. 5. Check that the commands you just typed, above, are appearing at the bottom (end) of the `root` BASH history file and that the history environment variables set in the `root` `.bashrc` are all set in the current shell. 6. Run: `free` and verify that you have a `total` Memory of about 256MB, e.g. approximately `248836KB`. - If you have more than about 256MB, you forgot to change the VMware Memory settings for this VM. Shut CentOS down safely with `shutdown` and fix the VM Hardware Memory settings and reboot. 7. Run the `selinuxenabled` command followed by `echo "$?"` to display the command exit status variable contents. The status must be `1` (indicating failure – SELinux should not be enabled). If you see zero, you forgot to disable `SELINUX` above. Try again. [root@abcd0001 ~]# selinuxenabled ; echo $? 1 8. In file `/etc/sysconfig/clock` verify that the `ZONE` variable is set to a local Ontario city time zone (not New York). 9. Run: `pgrep -l ntpd` and verify that the output is one line (a process number and the word `ntpd`). If you don’t see anything, you forgot to enable NTP above. Try again. 10. Look at the first ten lines of `/etc/ntp.conf` and verify that you find the `tinker panic 0` line you added. 11. Search for the word `ONBOOT` in file `/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0` and verify that its value is set to `yes`. 12. Run: `ifconfig eth0` and verify that its `inet addr:` has an IP address listed. - If you logged in successfully using an SSH connection, you already know networking is working! 13. Run: `ip route` and verify that you have a `default via` route listed for `dev eth0`. (This default is your gateway IP address.) 14. Examine file `/etc/resolv.conf` and verify that there is at least one`nameserver` line in the file. (It will probably be the same IP as the gateway IP.) 15. Confirm that you can `ping` your own machine name with zero packet loss and that your host name resolves to the IP loopback address ``: [root@abcd0001 ~]# ping -c 1 "$HOSTNAME" PING abcd0001 ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from abcd0001 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.072 ms --- abcd0001 ping statistics --- 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.072/0.072/0.072/0.000 ms 16. Make sure the `man` command works: `man --version` 17. Make sure the `mail` command is installed: `mail -V` 18. Make sure the full `Huge` version of VIM is installed: `vim --version` 19. Run: `rpm -q -a | wc -l` and verify that you have exactly `220` packages installed. - Do *not* install in this CentoS virtual machine any packages other than those specified in these instructions and your assignments. - Servers have very strict control over which packages are permitted to be installed. Fewer packages means fewer problems. Consult with your instructor if any of the above verification steps fail. Sometimes you can recover a missed configuration step without starting over from scratch. Install VMware Tools -------------------- > These Tools instructions below are for **VMware** users. If you are using > **VirtualBox** virtulalization software, see the section “Install > VirtualBox Guest Additions” in [VirtualBox CentOS Installation Guide > HTML][3]. 1. Make a temporary snapshot of your VM now, in case you make a mistake in the following installation. If you mis-install the VMware tools, un-installing it may be difficult. You’ll have to restore from the snapshot and reconfigure. 2. Follow this link to [**Install VMware Tools**] and confirm that the installation worked. If you have problems or make mistakes, restore back to the temporary snapshot and try again. 3. If everything is working, you may delete the temporary snapshot you made. With the addition of the library needed by VMware Tools, your CentOS VM should have exactly 221 packages installed: $ rpm -q -a | wc -l 221 Creating a System Administrator Account --------------------------------------- In this section you will create your own system administration account on your CentOS VM. This personal account can be customized for you, including your own aliases and shell options (things you should *not* set in the `root` account). All work is done on your CentOS Virtual Machine. > Do not add extensive customization to the `root` account on a system, since > such customization may not suit all `root` users of the system and may > break automated programs that need to become the `root` user. ### Review of key commands used - Remember that a character used in your shell prompt indicates whether or not the current shell is running as the `root` user. For an interactive `root` shell, your shell prompt includes the `#` character that indicates `root` privileges. Ordinary users get the `$` character in the prompt. - The CentOS `useradd` command creates a new account, storing information about the account in the `/etc/passwd` file and about the account groups in the `/etc/group` file. It also can create a HOME directory for the account and places standard start-up files into it. - The `passwd` command sets a password for an account, storing the password in the *shadow* password file named `/etc/shadow`. An account cannot be used until a password has been set. - Recall that `man` pages often list options with both GNU long-form syntax using double dashes, e.g. `--comment`, and old short-form syntax using single dashes, e.g. `-c`, for the same option. The long-form syntax is easier to understand, but the short-form syntax is easier to type. Use whichever syntax you prefer. ### Before creating the sysadmin account 1. Make a temporary snapshot of your VM now, in case you make a mistake in the following installation. If you mis-install the new account, un-installing it may be difficult. You’ll have to restore from the snapshot and restart. 2. If necessary, login to your CentOS Virtual Machine as the `root` user (the only user). (We recommend using an SSH connection to your VM rather than working on the VMware console.) 3. Do the following reading (no typing) in the CentOS `man useradd` manual page: a. Read the **SYNOPSIS** syntax and note where the new **LOGIN** name must always be used on the `useradd` command line. (It’s always the **last** thing on the command line; don’t put it anywhere else!) b. Read about the `--comment` option and following argument used to define your *full name*. The (quoted) full name argument must immediately follow the `--comment` option argument on the command line. See below. c. Read about the Red Hat `--system` *system account* option (`-r`) and how using it will require you to use the `--create-home` option (`-m`) as well. Remember that. - The `uid` field for a *system account* will be less than the value of `UID_MIN` found in the `login.defs` file. Look up the numeric value for `UID_MIN` in the `login.defs` file; you will need that number later. d. Read about the `--create-home` option (`-m`). You must use this when creating your *system account*. e. You will need to use all three of the above options correctly. Do *NOT* place anything between the `--comment` option and the quoted *full name* string that must follow it. ### Create the sysadmin account 4. Following the **SYNOPSIS** syntax given in the `useradd` man page, create a command line to add a new **system account** with the following settings (three options will be needed as well as the new **LOGIN** name): a. **COMMENT**: The comment option must be the exact text used for the fifth field of your own account line in `/etc/passwd` on the CLS: - The fifth field in `/etc/passwd` is called the **GECOS** field or **user’s name or comment** field. - The text you must copy and paste from the CLS and use as a comment field on CentOS is in the form: “*Firstname Lastname - CST1234-14F-NNN*” where *CST1234* is your course number, *Firstname* and *Lastname* are *your* name and *NNN* is your own three-digit lab section number. - **Warning:** Prevent the spaces in this comment field from being seen by the shell! - Copy and paste all this information from your GECOS entry in the CLS password file to be the (quoted) argument immediately following the `--comment` option on the `useradd` command line. b. Use the option to make sure the account is created as a **system account**. (System accounts have no password expiry.) c. Use the option to create the HOME directory at the same time. (This option is required when you create a *system account*.) d. **LOGIN**: Use your eight-character College/Blackboard/CLS username as the name of the new account to be created. As mentioned earlier, pay strict attention to where this userid must appear on the `useradd` command line! 5. After creating your account with `useradd`, verify it: a. Search for the newly created account line in the password file: - Make sure it has the correct **GECOS/comment/name** field that should be a copy of the same field on the CLS. b. Run `id abcd0001` where *abcd0001* is your new account name. - To be a system account, the userid number for the account must be less than `UID_MIN` that you remember from the `login.defs` file, above. Verify that the `uid` and `gid` are less than `UID_MIN`, indicating a system account. c. Make sure the newly created account also has a HOME directory created in the file system. - Note that some default hidden files have been put into the HOME directory, copied from the directory `/etc/skel`. (As system admin, you could put custom files in the `/etc/skel` directory that would be given to all newly created accounts. We don’t do that in this course.) 6. Test your new sysadmin account from your current `root` shell: a. Run the command line `su --login abcd0001` where *abcd0001* is your new account name. - No password will be required when run from `root` - This will start a login subshell with your account privileges. - You should see no error messages. - The `id` command should tell you that you are using your new sysadmin account and groups. - The `pwd` command should show your HOME directory in the usual place. - Fix any errors before you continue. b. Exit the `su` subshell, which will return you to your `root` login shell, with the `#` prompt character. 7. If you didn’t succeed in creating your sysadmin account and HOME directory correctly, with the correct comment (GECOS) and correct `uid` field values, you may restore your snapshot and try again, or delete the account using `userdel -r` and try again. ### Set permissions on the sysadmin account HOME directory 8. After having successfully created your sysadmin account, adjust the permissions of the new account HOME directory, if necessary, as follows: a. Set the permissions (mode) of the new HOME directory for your new account such that: - The owner (that is, you) can do everything - The group can search but not read or write - Other users can do nothing (no permissions) b. You will need a particular option to `ls` to show the permissions of a *directory* instead of the permissions of everything *inside* the directory. ### Set password for sysadmin account 9. Before you can log in, you must (as `root`) set a password for your new sysadmin account, as follows: a. Review the section “Choose a hard-to-guess password” in the CentOS `man passwd`. b. Assign your new sysadmin account a strong password that you can [remember][password that you can remember]. - Make sure you assign the password to the **new** account; do not change your `root` account password. - **Warning:** If you do not type the *username* argument to the password command, you are changing the password of the account that you are signed in with (i.e. the `root` account!). Do **not** change your `root` password! Change the password of your new syadmin non-root account. ### Test the sysadmin account 10. Test your new sysadmin account using a loopback login via `localhost` (see the example commands and output given below): a. Run: `ssh abcd0001@localhost`\ where *abcd0001* is your new account name. b. Say `yes` to accept the new host key, if asked. c. Enter your new sysadmin account password. - If the password doesn’t work, you probably changed the `root` password by mistake in an earlier step. Fix it and try again. d. Upon success, you will be logged in through the network as your sysadmin account through the SSH daemon and the `localhost` loopback connetion. e. The `id` command should tell you that you are using your new sysadmin account and groups. f. The `pwd` command should show your HOME directory in the usual place. g. Type `who` to see who is logged in. Your new account should be there. h. Exit this sysadmin login session to return to your `root` login. (Your prompt should again show the `#` character as `root`.) Sample output for the above commands is given below – your hostname and account name should be **your** userid: [root@abcd0001 ~]# ssh abcd0001@localhost CentOS release 6.6 (Final) Kernel \r on an \m abcd0001@localhost's password: Last login: Sun Nov 2 15:51:40 2014 from localhost [abcd0001@abcd0001 ~]$ id uid=498(abcd0001) gid=498(abcd0001) groups=498(abcd0001) [abcd0001@abcd0001 ~]$ pwd /home/abcd0001 [abcd0001@abcd0001 ~]$ who root pts/0 Nov 2 14:44 ( abcd0001 pts/1 Nov 2 15:58 (localhost) [abcd0001@abcd0001 ~]$ exit logout Connection to localhost closed. [root@abcd0001 ~]# ### Customize the sysadmin account and clean up 10. Customize your new sysadmin account: a. Log in as your new sysadmin account, either directly or using `su` (as you did above). b. Type `alias` and note that the account has some aliases defined in it, set using system configuration files under `/etc/profile.d`. c. Copy your settings from the CLS and edit your own `.bashrc` to undo aliases that you don’t want and have only the alias, options, and settings that you do want. 11. If everything is working, you may delete the temporary snapshot you made. This concludes the creation of your own personal sysadmin account. Enable `sudo` and the `wheel` group ----------------------------------- Logging in to a machine as `root` is not recommended. Many servers actually disable direct login by the `root` user; you have to log in as the sysadmin user and then use `su` or `sudo` to run `root` commands. You can already use the `su` account to become the `root` user, using the `root` password. We will now enable our sysadmin account to use the `sudo` command by enabling the `wheel` group and adding our account to that group. 1. Make a temporary snapshot of your VM now, in case you make a mistake in the following installation. 2. If necessary, login to your CentOS Virtual Machine as the `root` user. (We recommend using an SSH connection to your VM rather than working on the VMware console.) 3. Enable `sudo` to use the existing `wheel` group, as follows: a. Use a command to search for all lines containing the word `wheel` in the file `/etc/sudoers` and redirect those lines into the new file `/etc/sudoers.d/wheel` b. The new `wheel` file should contain 3 lines, 19 words, 108 characters. Display the file: all three lines are commented out. c. Edit the new `wheel` file and remove the comment and the space that follows it from the second line in the file. The second line should now be: `%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL` d. Save the file and exit the editor when the second line is correct. e. The edited `wheel` file should contain 3 lines, 18 words, 106 characters: exactly one word less and two characters less than the unedited file. 4. Enable your new sysadmin account to be a member of the `wheel` group, as follows: a. Run this command (as `root`): `gpasswd -a abcd0001 wheel` where *abcd0001* is replaced by *your* sysadmin account userid. b. If it works, you will see: `Adding user abcd0001 to group wheel` c. Search for the group `wheel` line in the system group file `/etc/group` and confirm that your userid is on that line. 5. Test that your sysadmin accound can use `sudo` now: a. As you did earlier to test your sysadmin account, use the same `su` command line and options to start a login subshell running as your sysadmin (non-`root`) account. b. Your prompt in this unprivileged subshell will change from `#` to `$`. c. Confirm that `id` shows your sysadmin uid and gid and that you now have a `wheel` group listed as one of your groups. d. In this subshell, as your sysadmin account (not `root`), type: `sudo id` - You will be prompted for your *own* password (not the `root` password). - Enter your own password (not the `root` password). - The `id` command should be run as the `root` user and show zeroes for the uid and gid. e. Immediately re-run the same `sudo id` command line, and note that you don’t have to type the password this time. The `sudo` command remembers your password for a few minutes so that you don’t have to keep typing it for multiple `sudo` commands. 6. Exit your account subshell and return to the `root` shell. 7. If everything is working, you may delete the temporary snapshot you made. This concludes the enabling of `sudo` for your own personal sysadmin account. > Your sysadmin account can now run any privileged commands as the `root` > user using `sudo`. To enhance the security of the system, we could now > safely disable the `root` account password so that no direct `root` logins > would be possible, but we won’t do that just yet since students often > forget their sysadmin account passwords and need to use the `root` account > to reset them. Update all system packages -------------------------- The system has been installed mostly from the original distribution CD, so it needs to have updates downloaded and installed from the Internet. **We don’t recommend trying to download large software images over wireless. Find a network jack and plug in.** 1. Run: `yum check-update` - It will show a list of packages that need updating. 2. Run (avoid wireless): `yum update` - Say `yes`. - About 14 packages (48MB) will be downloaded and updated as of November 15, 2014. (You may see more.) > If the list of updates installed includes the linux kernel package, you > should safely shut down and reboot the system using: > `shutdown -r now` to install the new kernel. This is only necessary > if you updated the *linux kernel* package. The system updates may mean that you now have one or two more than the original 221 installed packages. Snapshot your Configured Installation ===================================== Make sure your CentOS virtual machine passes the all above verification steps before saving it! 1. To avoid all the resume problems mentioned earlier, you may want to [shut down your machine before taking a major snapshot]. 2. Use VMware (or your virtualization software) to create a power-off Snapshot of your new **Configured Installation** VM. a) Safely shut down and power off your machine, so that you don’t have to save the system memory as part of the snapshot. (*Always use the correct Linux `shutdown` command line, not the VMware power buttons!*) b) Label the Snapshot **Configured Installation** c) Enter a dated comment explaining how you created it and what configuration changes you made (above) from the previous snapshot. Enter one line of comment for every configuration change you made, above. (You can mostly copy-and-paste the Table of Contents of this web page!) 3. Use **VM | Snapshot | Snapshot Manager** to confirm your snapshot. - You will have this snapshot to come back to if you ever need it. 4. You can delete any intermediate snapshots that you don’t need, leaving only the **Fresh Minimal Installation** and the **Configured Installation**. ![CentOS 6 Configuration Snapshot] * * * * * This ends the initial Installation and Configuration of a minimal server-style CentOS system. The next sections explain some important things to know about your new virtual server. * * * * * Suspending and Shutting Down Safely =================================== - **NEVER POWER OFF OR RESET/RESTART YOUR CENTOS VIRTUAL MACHINE VIA VMWARE POWER OFF OR RESET/RESTART!** - Never use the VMware **Power off** or **Reset/Restart** buttons in a virtual machine that you care about! - Never close or kill VMware without first suspending or shutting down all your virtual machines. - Powering off or restarting a virtual machine via the VMware power button can corrupt your disk and lose all your work. You can either *Pause*, *Suspend*, or *Shut Down* (power off) your VM as follows: Pausing ------- The VMware **Pause** button simply stops the virtual machine from using much CPU. It doesn’t save any state or allow you to close VMware; the virtual machine is still fully loaded into host O/S memory. All network and SSH connections will be disconnected when you **Pause** the machine. Save your work before you **Pause**. Suspending ---------- VMware **Suspend** is the fastest way to save your machine state so that you can close VMware or reboot your host O/S. The current state of the machine, including all the system memory, is saved to disk and then the VM is stopped. Most times you will want to suspend your Virtual Machine so that you can resume it quickly where you left off: 1. Save any work you are doing over a remote SSH connection. - All network and SSH connections will be disconnected during a **Suspend**. 2. Go to **VM** and **Power** and choose **Suspend** 3. Wait until VMware fully saves the state of the machine to disk. 4. You may now safely close VMware and then shut down or reboot your host O/S, as needed. 5. You can’t change most VMware settings on a suspended machine, since the machine is still considered “active”. Resuming -------- When you resume your Virtual Machine after a **Suspend**, if you use **bridged** networking, you may need to refresh the network settings for your new network location by running (as `root` or with `sudo`): `service network restart` and your CentOS local IP address may change as a result. Safely Shutting Down (Power Off) -------------------------------- If you need to reconfigure most parts of the VMware Virtual Machine that is running your Linux server, you need to fully shut down the running virtual machine before VMware will let you change the VMware settings. (**Suspending** won’t work, since the machine is still active.) Here’s how to safely shut down any running Linux system, virtual or not: 1. Log in as `root` (or login in as a user and then become `root` or use `sudo`, if you have disabled `root` logins) 2. Save any work you are doing in the virtual machine. 3. As `root` run: `shutdown -h now` - You can also schedule a shutdown at a later time; see the man page. 4. Wait until the Virtual Machine fully shuts down and stops. 5. You may now change VMware settings or safely close VMware, and then shut down or reboot your host O/S, as needed. Safely Rebooting a running system --------------------------------- Again, don’t use the VMware power buttons to reboot a system. Use the Linux commands: 1. Log in as `root` (or login in as a user and then become `root` or use `sudo`, if you have disabled `root` logins) 2. Save any work you are doing in the virtual machine. 3. As `root` run: `shutdown -r now` - You can also schedule a reboot at a later time; see the man page. 4. The system will shut down and then reboot itself. Switching Consoles with `ALT+F2` ================================ Most Linux machines running in multi-user mode (not single-user) allow you to have multiple system consoles active by typing `ALT+F2` (hold down `ALT` and simultaneously push `Function Key 2`) to switch to the second console, `ALT+F3` to the next one, etc. The default, first, console is of course `ALT+F1`. This only works on console terminals, including VMware console terminals, not on remote login sessions. Multiple consoles allow you to multi-task and have multiple “windows” on the system console without all the overhead of a graphical user interface. > When you log out of a server console, make sure you check all the alternate > consoles and log them out, too! Don’t leave an open `root` login session > active when you walk away from the machine console! You can’t do `ALT+F2` inside a **PuTTY** or **SSH** session, but there are programs such as [`tmux`] and [`screen`] that let you do that type of multiple console interface and much, much more. * * * * * Appendix I: What to do if `yum` doesn’t work ============================================ This **Appendix** is only necessary if you find that the `yum` installer hangs or does not work. If `yum` hangs or fails, do these steps until it works: 1. If `^C` (`Ctrl-C`) will not interrupt the hung `yum` command, use `^Z` to `STOP` the `yum` command and then `kill %yum` to kill it. (If that doesn’t kill it, use `kill -9 %yum`) a. Another way to kill a hung `yum` session is to switch to a second console (e.g. `ALT-F2`), log in as `root`, find the process ID of the hung `yum` process, use `kill` to send that process ID a `SIGTERM` or `SIGKILL` termination signal, then switch back to the first console again. 2. Make sure your host operating system is **not** using wireless. Change your host O/S to use a wired connection and **disable your wireless** so that it is not used. (Never use wireless if wires are available!) 3. As `root` type: `service network restart` and try `yum` again. - You can try to `ping` hosts, but Algonquin College blocks most ICMP traffic so it may not work as a diagnostic tool. 4. If `yum` still hangs on the wired network, kill `yum` again (see above) and then try: a. Go to **VM | Settings** and **Hardware** and **Network Adapter** b. Change your networking from **Bridged** to **NAT** or from **NAT** to **Bridged** c. Save the new settings. d. Run: `service network restart` and try `yum` again. When `yum` finally works, you may need to accept a security key: say yes * * * * * Appendix II: Configure the local Time Zone ========================================== Use this section if the system time zone file is not correct for your time zone. 1. Run: `tzselect` and answer the questions to find the correct full name of the **Eastern Time – Ontario** time zone assigned to variable `TZ`. - **Hint:** The name is two words separated by a slash, and has the name `Toronto` in it. - Ignore the advice about your `.profile` file – you are the **sysadmin** of this machine and you are setting the system time zone, not an individual user’s time zone. - Write down the value assigned to the `TZ=` variable. 2. Back up the file `/etc/sysconfig/clock` then edit the original file to change the `ZONE` variable to `ZONE="XXX/YYY"` where *XXX/YYY* is the name of the time zone you just discovered using `tzselect`, above. (The word `Toronto` is in this name.) Include the double quotes around the variable assignment. - Use the `diff` command to compare the back-up file with the edited original file and make sure only *one* line has changed:\ `diff /etc/sysconfig/clock.bak /etc/sysconfig/clock` 3. Run the `tzdata-update` command. This will use the above `ZONE` information to copy the correct time zone information file from under directory `/usr/share/zoneinfo/` to the file `/etc/localtime` * * * * * Appendix III: Renaming Network Interfaces: `eth0`, `eth1` ========================================================= If `ifconfig eth0` says `device not found`, here’s how to fix it. If you have moved, cloned, or copied your CentOS virtual machine to another system, you may find that networking is not using the `eth0` interface but is using `eth1` (or some other name) instead. 1. Find out what your current interface name is, using one of these: a. `ip link list` - Look for the highest numbered `eth?` b. `netstat -ia` - Look for the highest numbered `eth?` c. `dmesg | fgrep 'eth'` - Look for `renamed network interface eth0 to eth?` d. `fgrep 'renamed' /var/log/messages` - Look for `renamed network interface eth0 to eth?` Usually the new interface name will be `eth1`, but it could be a larger number such as `eth2`, etc. In the examples below, we will assume `eth1` is the new interface, but you should use the actual number found in the above step. Look at the text file `/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules` This file remembers the interface names and their MAC addresses. Your new copy/clone/moved VM has a new MAC address for its ethernet interface, so CentOS gave it a new interface name `eth1` instead of using `eth0`. Your job is to delete the old `eth0` interface line and change the name of the line with the new MAC address to be `eth0` from its current `eth1`: 2. Back up the file `/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules` 3. Edit `/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules` as follows: a. Delete the old PCI device line containing `NAME="eth0"` b. Edit the line containing the new MAC address and `NAME="eth1"` and change the new `eth1` to be the old `eth0` c. Write down the new MAC address from the `ATTR(address)==` field. 4. Back up the file `/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0` 5. Edit `/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0` as follows: a. On the `HWADDR` line replace the old MAC address with the new one. b. (You might also simply delete or comment-out the `HWADDR` line so that future MAC address changes don’t cause more failure.) 6. Safely shut down and reboot your machine. Networking should be configured normally using `eth0` again. - If `ifconfig eth0` still says `Device not found`, you renamed the wrong interface name. Go back and try again. Appendix IV: VMware bugs ======================== There are several critical Windows VMware bugs that trigger when installing Linux. Many seem related to using VMware on an AMD processor instead of an Intel processor, or using VMware on a base O/S that is not plain Windows 7 or 8. Some suggested fixes are listed below. > The mobile device requirements for the CST program specify that you must > have Intel hardware and run Windows 7 or 8 as a base operating system. > Students running other hardware or software are responsible for fixing > their own problems. Problems related to using the wrong hardware and > software aren’t usually accepted as reasons for assignment extensions, but > if you encounter any of these bugs, please contact your professor for a > possible extension to your CentOS assignments. 1. Your VM says “not enough memory” when you try to run it. VMware says to read this:
+ 2. When you boot Linux you see `detecting hardware` followed by a long pause and then `BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck`. This has been seen on AMD hardware. See below for possible solutions. 3. When you boot Linux you see `lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions` followed by a long pause followed by a kernel traceback related to `ipv6` networking. Sometimes changing networks (moving to a different room) or rebooting Windows fixes the problem. This has been seen on AMD hardware. See below for possible solutions. 4. When you try to restart your `sshd` service, it fails. If you run `ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /tmp/junk` it fails with `rsa_generate_private_key: key generation failed`. This was seen in Centos 6.6 in VMware 8 on Windows 8 with an AMD processor. See below for possible solutions. 5. You see `software virtualization is incompatible with long mode on this platform` when you start your VM. Is this only on AMD hardware? See below for possible solutions. Possible Solutions ------------------ Students with hardware or software that don’t meet CST program requirements are responsible for fixing their own problems. The correct solution to avoid these bugs is to run the required CST program Intel hardware and Windows 7 or 8 base O/S. Failing that, these fixes below have worked for some students: - Install the free Oracle **VirtualBox** and use that to install Linux. - CST student Joshua Caseley has written a [VirtualBox CentOS Installation Guide HTML]. - Joshua tested this on seven different systems using both Intel and AMD processes and all of them work. - **Remember to set up SSH port forwarding to allow SSH in.** - Downgrade VMware and use an earlier version of VMware than version 10. - One student using AMD said only Workstation 8 would work, not 9 or 10. - Note that earlier versions of VMware will not open VMware 10 virtual machines created with VMware 10 machine formats (the default for VMware Workstation 10). - Try running VMware, perhaps an older version, inside an existing Windows VM and then running CentOS inside that. - Yes, you would be running Windows running VMware running Windows running VMware running CentOS. - Use the workstations on the second floor of T building to do your CentOS assignments. Keep your CentOS virtual machines on a portable external disk drive. * * * * * Appendix X: Document Revision History ===================================== - Fall 2013 – original document. - Fall 2014 – Convert to CentOS 6.6; major updates: added run yum update, sysadmin account and sudo, SSH banner, history, CLS download, VMware bugs, etc. * * * * * -- | Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/ | College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/ | Defend digital freedom: http://eff.org/ and have fun: http://fools.ca/ [Plain Text] - plain text version of this page in [Pandoc Markdown] format [www.idallen.com]: http://www.idallen.com/ [VirtualBox CentOS Installation Guide HTML]: 000_centos_virtualbox_install.html [CentOS MinimalCD 6.5 Release Notes]: http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOSMinimalCD6.5 [CentOS]: http://www.centos.org/ [Ubuntu]: http://ubuntu.com/ [Mint]: http://www.linuxmint.com/ [Create an Empty Virtual Machine]: #create-an-empty-virtual-machine-in-vmware [`CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso`]: http://cstech/repo/linux/CentOS/CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal/CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso [`CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal-MD5sum.txt`]: http://cstech/repo/linux/CentOS/CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal/CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal-MD5sum.txt [Course Linux Server]: 070_course_linux_server.html [1]: http://cst8207-alg.idallen.ca/distributions/CentOS-6.6-i386-minimal.iso [`md5sum.txt`]: http://cst8207-alg.idallen.ca/distributions/md5sum.txt [**HashTab**]: http://implbits.com/products/hashtab/ [**Cygwin**]: http://cygwin.com/ [CentOS 6 Welcome]: data/centos6_welcome.jpg "CentOS 6 Welcome" [CentOS 6 Disc Found]: data/centos6_discfound.jpg "CentOS 6 Disc Found" [CentOS 6 Splash Screen]: data/centos6_splash.jpg "CentOS 6 Splash Screen" [password that you can remember]: http://xkcd.com/936/ [CentOS 6 Partitions]: data/centos6_partitions.jpg "CentOS 6 Partitions" [CentOS 6 Install Packages]: data/centos6_install_packages.jpg "CentOS 6 Install Packages" [Appendix II]: #appendix-ii-configure-the-local-time-zone [Appendix III]: #appendix-iii-renaming-network-interfaces-eth0-eth1 [Network Diagnostics]: 000_network_diagnostics.html [2]: 000_centos_virtualbox_install.html#using-ssh-to-connect-to-your-virtualbox-vm [Remote Login]: 110_remote_login.html [Appendix I]: #appendix-i-what-to-do-if-yum-doesnt-work [Setting the SSH login banner]: #setting-the-ssh-login-banner [CentOS 6 GRUB Menu]: data/centos6_grub_menu.jpg "CentOS 6 GRUB Menu" [3]: 000_centos_virtualbox_install.html#install-virtualbox-guest-additions [**Install VMware Tools**]: 000_centos_vmware_tools.html [shut down your machine before taking a major snapshot]: #problems-with-snapshots-of-running-systems [CentOS 6 Configuration Snapshot]: data/centos6_configsnap.jpg "CentOS 6 Configuration Snapshot" [`tmux`]: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/linux-and-open-source/is-tmux-the-gnu-screen-killer/ [`screen`]: http://www.rackaid.com/resources/linux-screen-tutorial-and-how-to/ [Plain Text]: 000_centos_install.txt [Pandoc Markdown]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/
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+ 8 IN Name Format Description AC-85 SSSD8 Auto Control AC-85 CP/M 2.2 & source ADC-CPM DSDD8 Advanced Digital Corp. SuperBios CP/M 2.2 CDOS236 SSDD8 CDOS v2.36 CDOS256 DSDD8 CDOS v2.56 (?) DIM1010 SSDD8 Dimension 1010 CP/M 2.2 DLTADCPM SSSD8 Delta D CP/M v2.0 DYN-ALEC SSDD8 Dynasty smart-ALEC II CP/M 2.2 FLGCPM22 SSDD8 FFlag Computer CP/M 2.2 v1.31 system disk FLGCTRL2 SSDD8 FFlag Computer CP/M 2.2 control disk HEATHZ89 SSDD8 Heath/Zenith Z89 CP/M 2.2 w/ Magnolia FDC IBEX7202 DSDD8 IBEX 7202 CP/M 2.2 system disk IBEX7301 DSDD8 IBEX 7301 CP/M 2.2 system disk JADE-DD SSDD8 Jade Double D CP/M LIFEBOAT SSDD8 Lifeboat CP/M for TRS-80 Model II w/ F80 PRTC2000 SSDD8 Pertec PCC-2000 CP/M 2.2 PSY48K14 SSSD8 Psytech 48K CP/M v1.4 PSY48K20 SSSD8 Psytech 48K CP/M v2.0 & BIOS source SB80-1K DSDD8 Colonial Data SB80 CP/M 2.2 - req spl boot ROM SB80-DR DSDD8 Colonial Data SB80 CP/M 2.2 - BIOS by Dave Rand SOL20-1 SSDD8 SOL20 I/O w/ Morrow Designs Disk Jockey 2D Sol20-2 SSDD8 " " " " SOL20-3 SSDD8 " " " " TARBLCPM SSSD8 Tarbell FDC CP/M UNK64K22 SSSD8 Unknown 64K CP/M v2.2 w/Basic games VDP-80-1 SSSD8 IMSAI VDP-80 w/ Electric Pencil VDP-80-2 SSSD8 IMSAI VDP-80 system files XOR DSDD8 XOR DATA SCIENCE CP/M 2.2 system disk ZOBX-SDD SSDD8 Zobex CP/M ALSPA Name Format Description 61KCPM3B SSDD8 ACIDOS (CP/M) system disk 61KFILES ZIP Source and .COM files for Monitor, BIOS, etc. 61KSOURC ZIP Source files for BIOS, etc., basic & Corvus 61KUTILS ZIP Miscellaneous utilities ACI-CORV ZIP Corvus Hard disk related files MONDYNHD ZIP Monitor Dynamics HDC-101x related files ALTOS Name Format Description A4-CCP86 DSQD CCP/M-86 system disk for Altos 486 w/ ROM 486 A5-5CPM2 DSQD CP/M 2.2 for Altos 5-5, 5-15 A5-5MPM2 DSQD MP/M 2 for Altos 5-5, 5-15 A6-CCD-1 DSQD ConcurrentDOS v4.1 system disk (DIR @ cyl 32) A6-CCD-2 DSQD / \ supplemental files for 686 A8-2CPM1 SSSD8 CP/M 1.4 system disk for Altos 8000-2 A8-2CPM2 SSSD8 CP/M 2.21 for Altos 8000-2 (also UCSDP read prog) A8-2CPMF SSSD8 CP/M 2.22F2 for Altos 8000-2 A8-2DIAG SSSD8 CP/M diagnostics and utilities for Altos 8000-2 A8-2UCWP SSSD8 UCSD Pascal Editor for word processing for 8000-2 A82HUCP2 SSSD8 UCSD Pascal 2.0 system disk for Altos 8000-2 HFP A82SUCP2 SSSD8 UCSD Pascal 2.0 system disk for Aptos 8000-2 SFP UCPFRTRN SSSD8 UCSD Pascal Fortran Compiler ADAP (?) ALTOSBIO ZIP CBIOS222 source files AMPRO Name Format Description LB-CPM-G DSDD Little Board/LB+ system disk - Rev G LB-HDS-I DSDD Little Board+ disk - hard disk files only LBSYS-B SSDD Little Board system disk LBSYS-E SSDD Little Board system - enhanced AMSTRAD Name Format Description LOCO SSDD30 Locoscript W/P for PCW8256 LOCO1 SSDD30 Locoscript W/P for PCW8256 CPM SSDD30 CP/M 3.0 system disk for PCW8256 CPM3 SSDD30 / LOCO2-1 SSDD30 Locoscript 2 side 1 for PCW8256 LOCO2-2 SSDD30 / \ 2 - printer files & examples LOCOSP-1 SSDD30 Locospell Start of Day Dictionary for PCW8256 LOCOSP-2 SSDD30 / \ Dictionary for PCW8256 LOCASCRP SSDD30 Locascript (Americanized) for PCW8256 PROGUTIL SSDD30 Programming utilities for / DRLOGO SSDD30 Dr.Logo & Help for / LOCSCRPT DSDD35 Locoscript word processor for Amstrad PCW9512 PCW9512 DSDD35 CP/M 3.0 system disk for Amstrad PCW9512 ATARI Name Format Description 800BASIC SSSD Microsoft BASIC for Atari 800XL 800DASM SSSD Ultra Disassembler for Atari 800XL 800DOS3 SSSD DOS 3 boot disk for Atari 800XL 800MASM SSSD Macro assembler for Atari 800XL ATR8000 DSDD CP/M 2.2 for SWP ATR8000 ATR8K382 SSDD CP/M-2.2 (3/31/82) for SWP ATR8000 ATR8K484 SSDD CP/M-2.2 (4/27/84) for SWP ATR8000 ATR8KBIO SSDD BIOS source for SWP ATR8000 ATR8KMDM SSDD Modem source for SWP ATR8000 ATR8KATM SSDD AUTO-TERM for SWP ATR8000 AUTOTERM SSSD Autoterminal program for Atari 400/800 ATR8000 ZIP All files from ATR8000.TD0 BEEHIVE Name Format Description BEEV10 DSDD Beehive Topper II CP/M 2.2 System - BIOS 1.0 BEEV13 DSDD Beehive Topper II CP/M 2.2 System - BIOS 1.3 BIGBOARD Name Format Description 60KCPM22 SSSD8 CP/M 60K system disk X4ACPM22 SSSD8 CP/M system disk - variant 60KSOURC ZIP BIOS & other source files BMC Name Format Description IF800BAS DSDD BASICA like operating system IF800CPM DSDD CP/M 2.2 for BMC IF800 computer BONDWELL Name Format Description BONDWL02 SSDD 3.5 CP/M 2.2 System Disk for Bondwell 2 Laptop BONDWL12 SSDD 5.25 CP/M 2.2 System Disk for Bondwell 12 BONDWL14 DSDD 5.25 CP/M 2.2 System Disk for Bondwell 12A/14 CASIO Name Format Description FP1000FL DSDD CP/M 2.2 system disk for floppy only FP1000 series FP1000HD DSDD CP/M 2.2 system disk for hard disk FP1000 series FP10BIOS DSDD Disassembled BIOS code for FP1000 series CALIFORNIA COMPUTER SYSTEMS Name Format Description CCS-CPM SSSD8 California Computer Systems 2810/2422@ 9600 baud CCS-CPM ZIP CCS system disk files CCSFILES ZIP Misc system files CDC-110 Viking Name Format Description CD110DIA DSDD8 CP/M 2.2 diagnostics disk CD110SYS DSDD8 CP/M 2.2 system disk CDC-PLAT DSDD8 non CP/M Plato control software & instructional COMPUPRO Name Format Description ACT86 SSDD8 Sorcim ACT86 Assembler on CP/M-80 v2.2J system CPM8022H SSDD8 CompuPro CP/M-80 v2.2H system disk CPM8022N SSDD8 CompuPro CP/M-80 v2.2N system disk CPM822K1 SSDD8 CompuPro CP/M-80 v2.2K system disk #1 CPM822K2 SSDD8 CompuPro CP/M-80 v2.2K system disk #2 CPM822LD SSDD8 CompuPro/G & G Engrng CP/M-80 v2.2LD system disk CPM861PA DSDD8 CompuPro CP/M-86 v1.1PAA system disk CPM861PD DSDD8 CompuPro CP/M-86 v1.1PD system disk CPMPM816 SSDD8 CompuPro 8/16 MP/M @ 19.2K baud CROMEMCO Name Format Description CDOS256 DSDD Cromemco CDOS 2.56 CDOS011 ZIP Cromemco CDOS 0.11 disassembled CROM-CPM ZIP Cromemco CP/M 2.2 disassembled DEC Rainbow Name Format Description CPMV21 SSQD CP/M-80 for Rainbow DCCPMGSX SSQD CCP/M GSX Graphics System Extensions DCCPMSYS SSQD Concurrent CP/M System Disk DCCPMUTL SSQD CCP/M Utilities DECDSTAR SSQD DATASTAR for Rainbow DECOVRBW SSQD Rainbow overview DECRSTAR SSQD REPORTSTAR for Rainbow DECWSTAR SSQD WORDSTAR DOS310B SSQD MSDOS 3.10 for Rainbow DRCDUTIL SSQD CORVUS utilities DRCPM86 SSQD CP/M-86 for Rainbow DRDATSTR SSQD DATASTAR DRRPTSTR SSQD REPORTSTAR DRSYSOVR SSQD System overview DRWRDSTR SSQD WORDSTAR MDM9-CPM SSQD Modem 9 for CP/M PCOM-CPM SSQD Communications program - CP/M PCOM-DOS SSQD Communications program - DOS POSCPMS SSQD *CP/M-80 system disk for Pro-3xx POSCPMAD SSQD *CP/M-80 applications disk for Pro-3xx FD system POSCPMAH SSQD *CP/M-80 applications disk for Pro-3xx HD system *(requires CP/M Z-80 card) ROBN-CPM SSDD CP/M 2.2 for DEC Robin VT-180 ROBNDIAG SSDD Diagnostic programs for DEC Robin VT-180 ROBNKERM SSDD Kermit configured for DEC Robin VT-180 WUTIL SSQD Winchester utilities for Rainbow DRCDUTIL ZIP CORVUS utility files DRDATSTR ZIP DATASTAR files DROVRVUE ZIP Overview files DRRPTSTR ZIP REPORTSTAR files DRWRDSTR ZIP WORDSTAR files DIMENSION 68000 Name Format Description 68K-EMUL DSDD Emulation disk, Rel. 1.24 68K-SYS1 DSDD CP/M-68K User Master, Rel. 1.24 68K-SYS2 DSDD Utilities, Rel. 1.24 68K-SYS3 DSDD Assembler, Rel. 1.24 68K-SYS4 DSDD C Language/Linker, Rel. 1.24 EAGLE Name Format Description EAGLII SSQD EAGLE II system disk EAGLII-A SSQD EAGLE II system disk w/ CBASIC EAGLII-E DSQD EAGLE II E-4 CP/M 2.2E HD (DS) system disk EAGLIII DSQD EAGLE III system disk E-SPBNDR DSQD EAGLE word processor disk E-ULCALC SSQD EAGLE spreadsheet disk EAGLE-PC DSDD EAGLE-PC CP/M-86 system disk (runs on IBM, also) EAGLE-P1 DSDD \ Additional CP/M-86 files & source code COMM ZIP Communications programs EAGLE ZIP System files MOVE-IT ZIP MOVE-IT (comm) files UTILS ZIP Miscellaneous utilities AVLEAGLE SSSD Procall 5A boot disk - non-CP/M, ran planetarium EPSON Name Format Description EPSNQX10 DSDD Epson QX-10 System disk EPSNVLDC DSDD Epson QX-10 Valdocs GNAT System 10 Name Format Description GNAT-10D DSDD CP/M 2.2 system disk for Gnat System 10 GNAT-10Q DSQD CP/M 2.2 system disk for Gnat System 10 HEATH/ZENITH H89/90 Name Format Description CPM22041 SSDD Heath/Zenith CP/M-2.2.04 for H89/90 w/ H-37 contr. CPM22042 SSDD / CPM22043 SSDD / CPM2204S SSDD / MAG-HZ37 SSDD Magnolia CP/M-2.2 for use w/ H-37 controller MAG-128K SSDD / \ 77318 (128k) board MAG-CORV SSDD / \77314 board, Corvus & Remex drives USCDSTRT SSDD UCSD p-System for HZ89/90 w/ HX-37 & HZ-17 UCSDSYS1 SSDD / UCSDSYS2 SSDD / UCSDUTIL SSDD / UCSDZINT SSDD / UCSDPASC SSDD / HEWLETT-PACKARD Name Format Description 100-SYS DSDD HP 100 series (120/125) CP/M 2.2 system disk 100-UTIL DSDD HP 100 series utilities 100-TUT DSDD HP 100 series Computer Tutor 100-WS DSDD HP 100 series Wordstar 3.0 100-WORD DSDD HP 100 series The Word+ 100-COND DSDD HP 100 series Condor 20 dbms 100-VISI DSDD HP 100 series Visicalc 100-GRPH DSDD HP 100 series Graphics 100-DLNK DSDD HP 100 series to host comm programs ICM/SDCC CPZ4800x Name Format Description ASCOMICM DSTD8 ASCOM communications program ICM-SDD SSDD8 ICM system disk SDCC-SDD SSDD8 SDCC system disk TD122-1 DSTD8 TURBODOS v 1.22 system disk 1 TD122-2 DSTD8 TURBODOS v 1.22 system disk 2 TD143-1 DSTD8 TURBODOS v 1.43 system disk 1 TD143-2 DSTD8 TURBODOS v 1.43 system disk 2 TD-BOOT DSTD8 TURBODOS boot disk CPM-MNTR ZIP CP/M monitor source files TD143-1 ZIP .COM & .SYS files - #24-1030 TD143-2 ZIP .GEN, .PAR & .REL files - #24-1030 TD143-3 ZIP .REL files A->Z - #24-1030 NOTE: DSTD is ICM TurboDOS DSDD format w/o boot track INTERTEC SUPERBRAIN & COMPUSTAR Name Format Description QD-BIOS4 DSDD System disk w/ experimental BIOS QD-UTILS DSDD System-specific utilities QD-ZCPR3 DSDD ZCPR BIOS and source QDHDBIOS DSDD Hard disk BIOSes SBRAIN32 SSDD SUPERBRAIN v 3.2 system disk VPU-COMM SSDD COMPUSTAR communications files VPU30ENH SSDD COMPUSTAR enhanced system disk VPU30NON SSDD COMPUSTAR non-enhanced system disk VPU30NRM SSDD COMPUSTAR non-enhanced system disk WATSTAR DSDD COMPUSTAR(?) network BIOS & files COMPUSTR TXT System description SBRNINFO TXT Boot-up information CMPSTR30 ZIP COMPUSTAR system files CSR-COMM SSDD Backup to VPU-COMM CSR30ENH SSDD Backup to VPU30ENH CSR30NON SSDD Backup to VPU30NON CSR30NRM SSDD Backup to VPU30NRM NEW.COM Short program to allow 'smarter' C'Star to run non enhanced operating system NORMAL.COM Restores screen to normal video JONOS (Escort) Name Format Description JONOSSYS SSDD CP/M 3.0 boot disk for Jonos Escort JONOSWP SSDD Spellbinder 5.12 (bootable) for Jonas KAYPRO Name Format Description ROM K10FLOAD DSDD CP/M 2.2F system disk (81-302-C) K10FRLOD DSDD CP/M 2.2F reload disk (81-302-C) K10GRLD1 DSDD CP/M-2.2G RELOAD DISK (81-302-C) K10GRLD2 DSDD / K10GRLD3 DSDD / K10GRLD4 DSDD / K10GRLD5 DSDD / K10GRLD6 DSDD / K10GRLD7 DSDD / K10GRLD8 DSDD \ K10GRLD9 DSDD \ K10GRLDA DSDD \ K10GRLDB DSDD \ K10GRLDC DSDD \ K10GRLDD DSDD \ K10GRLDE DSDD CP/M-2.2G reload disk (81-302-C) K10HLOAD DSDD CP/M 2.2H system disk (81-302-C) K10U-RLD DSDD CP/M 2.2U reload disk (U-ROM) K10URLOD DSDD CP/M 2.2U reload disk (U ROM) K2-22G SSDD CP/M 2.2G system disk for New 2 (81-292-A) K2X22G DSDD CP/M 2.2G system disk (81-292-A) K4836765 DSDD CP/M 2.2F system disk (81-232-A) K4836768 DSDD CP/M 2.2F system disk (81-232-A) K483FDSD DSDD CP/M 2.2F system disk (81-232-A) KAYPRO1 DSDD CP/M 2.2U1 system disk (U-ROM) KII-6085 SSDD CP/M 2.2F system disk (81-232-A) KII-SSDD SSDD CP/M 2.2F system disk (81-232-A) KPIVDSDD DSDD CP/M 2.2? system disk (81- ) KP-TROM DSDD CP/M 2.2T system disk (ADVENT T'ROM) KP22GDSD DSDD CP/M 2.2G system disk (81-292-A) KPII-149 SSDD CP/M-2.2 system disk (81-149) KPII-OLD SSDD CP/M 2.2F system disk (81-232-A) KPRO-II SSDD CP/M 2.2F system disk (81-232-A) KPROSSDD SSDD CP/M 2.2F system disk (81-232-A) KPWS-330 DSDD Word/Spellstar 3.30 bootable (G) disk PRO884MX DSDD CP/M 2.2M system disk (MICRO C PRO-884-MAX) COPWRCPM DSDD CP/M 2.2F system loader disk for CoPower Bd COPWRDOS DSDD MSDOS v2.11 for SWP Copower Board K10HDIAG ZIP Diagnostics for 2.2H K10ROM7A ZIP ROM 1.7A source K10TKIT ZIP K10 BIOS source K10TKITG ZIP K10 BIOS G source K10UDIAG ZIP K10 Diagnostics for U ROM KCOM-BCN ZIP Business Computer Network log-in files KII4TKIT ZIP Kaypro II & 4 source files KIIWINDO ZIP Kaypro II Windows KMASMENU ZIP MASMENU files KP-MITE ZIP MITE Communications Program (Mycroft Labs) KP-U-MAC ZIP DUTIL source files (U ROM) KP10DIAG ZIP KP10 Diagnostics KP4DIAG ZIP KP4 Diagnostics KPDIAG1 ZIP Diagnostics for 2, 4, 10 (w/ source) KPGETROM ZIP Save ROM content to file KPIIDIAG ZIP KP-II Diagnostics KPIISCRN ZIP KP-II screen control routines KPLTIME ZIP Legacy clock program source code MULTICPY ZIP DOSDISK files PRO884MX ZIP PRO-884-MAX installation files SHPHDTST ZIP Shipping tests for KP 2, 4, 10 TRMSUPPT ZIP TurboROM installation files URMTKIT1 ZIP U ROM Tool kit #1 URMTKIT2 ZIP U ROM Tool kit #2 URMTKIT3 ZIP U ROM Tool kit #3 WAN-LAN ZIP WEB CP/M LAN files WSTAR330 ZIP WordStar v3.30 for Kaypro Computers CPM63U SYS CP/M 2.2U system file LOBO Max 80 Name Format Description LCPM22 SSQD CP/M-2.2 System disk for Lobo Max 80 LCPM30A DSDD CP/M 3.0 System disk for Lobo Max 80 - disk A LCPM30B DSDD / \ - disk B LCPM30C DSDD / \ - disk C MAGNUM Name Format Description FC100DIS SSSD8 Micro Design Associates MAGNUM FC-100 dist. disk MAGBIO25 SSDD8 MAGNUM Computer Company BIOS 2.5 system disk MORROW MD-2 Name Format Description MD2PRGMR SSDD Programmer utilities MOMBASIC SSDD MBASIC disk MOMD216 SSDD System disk rev 1.6 MOMD2R13 SSDD System disk rev 1.3 MOMD2R16 SSDD System disk rev 1.6 MOMD2R1X SSDD System disk rev 1.x MOMD2R21 SSDD System disk rev 2.1 MD2SUPPT ZIP Misc support programs and information PPEARL01 ZIP Personal Pearl Welcome and Install PPEARL03 ZIP Personal Pearl Starter Library PPEARL04 ZIP Personal Pearl PEARLI PPEARL05 ZIP Personal Pearl PSORT PPEARL06 ZIP Peraonal Pearl Design Reports PPEARL07 ZIP Personal Pearl Design Forms PPEARL08 ZIP Personal Pearl File Maintenance PPEARL09 ZIP Personal Pearl Print Reports PPEARL10 ZIP Personal Pearl Enter Data QKCHK1 ZIP Quick Check accounting program 1 QKCHK2 ZIP Quick Check accounting program 2 MONSTEP ARC Monitor/Debugger program & docs PPRLxx ZIP Personal Pearl Working Disks MORROW MD-3 Name Format Description MOMD3R22 DSDD CP/M 2.2 System disk rev 2.2 MOMD3R23 DSDD CP/M 2.2 System disk rev 2.3 MOMD3R31 DSDD CP/M 2.2 System disk rev 3.1 BAZIC ZIP BAZIC Basic program files CORRCTIT ZIP Correct-It spelling checker LOGICALC ZIP Logicalc spreadsheet MD3SUPPT ZIP MD-3 Support programs & info NW205 ZIP New Word word processor PPRL105A ZIP Personal Pearl database 1 PPRL105B ZIP Personal Pearl database 2 QUEST1 ZIP Quest accounting program (Instructions) QUEST2 ZIP Quest accounting program (Reporting) QUEST3 ZIP Quest accounting program (Posting) REACHOUT ZIP Communications program WORDSTR3 ZIP WordStar v 3.0 word processor MORROW MD-5/11 (HD Models) Name Format Description MD5-BOOT DSDD MD-5 system disk MD5-GEN3 DSDD MD-5 CP/M 3.0 system generation files MD05DSK1 DSDD MD-5 distribution disk #1 MD05DSK2 DSDD MD-5 distribution disk #2 MD11DSK1 DSDD MD-11 distribution disk #1 MD11DSK2 DSDD MD-11 distribution disk #2 FORMAT23 ARC Format program & mods for 96tpi drives MICROMINT Name Format Description MMSB180A DSDD Release 2 ZCPR3 System MMSB180B DSDD / \ Help MMSB180C DSDD / \ Source MMSB180D DSDD / \ Utilities MMSB180E DSDD Release 2 Comm180-S SCSI MMSB180F DSDD Release 3 ZCPR3 Update MMSB180G DSDD 9.216 mhz Ugrade Release 1 MMSB180H DSDD XBIOS for SB180 MICELLANEOUS Name Format Description ACTRIX SSDD Access Actrix CP/M 2.2 system disk ASTER-CT DSQD Aster CT-80 system and source files AVTR-TC1 DSDD CP/M-2.2 system disk for Avatar TC-1 BASI108A ZIP Basis 108 (Apple ][e clone) CP/M 2.2 disk image BASI108B ZIP / CDP-M64 SSDD Columbia M64 boot disk - comms but no utils CDP-MPC DSDD Columbia Data Products MultiProcessor Computer CP/M-86 v1.5 IMP-PT20 DSDD Impactech PT-20 CP/M 2.2 system disk KONTRN96 DSDD Kontron 59K CP/M 1.6 system disk - 96tpi MAGIC-S DSDD MAGIC CP/M 2.24 system disk MAGIC-C DSDD MAGIC CBasic disk - bootable MOLEC-S9 DSDD Molecular Series 9 CP/M 2.2 (54K) MONROE SSQD Monroe 88 CP/M-2.27 system disk - 96tpi MONROE88 SSQD Monroe 88 CP/M 2.27 system disk - 96tpi PC-5000 DSDD Sharp PC-5000 laptop DOS system disk PC-5UTIL ZIP Sharp PC-5000 utility programs TOSH200 DSDD CP/M-2.2 58K system disk for Toshiba T-200 ZMAG8990 SSDD Zenith-Magnolia system disk - soft sector ADAMAKER ARC Program & doc to create ADAM diskette BIOS-SRC ZIP BIOS/BDOS source code for Aster CT-80 EKDRIVE ZIP Driver source for EK 6 meg floppy MULTITECH Name Format Description MIC504-1 DSQD CP/M 2.2 system for MIC-540 BIOS 1.3 MIC504-2 DSQD CP/M 2.2 system for MIC-540 BIOS 1.6 NCR Name Format Description DM5-CPM DSDD CP/M-80 for Decisionmate V DM5-DOS DSDD MSDOS 2.02 for Decisionmate V DM5-WS DSDD Wordstar 3.30 for Decisionmate V DM5-MPLN DSDD MultiPlan for Decisionmate V NEC (PC8800 & APC) Name Format Description 8800CPM DSDD CP/M 2.2 system disk for PC-8800 series 8801-AR DSDD CP/M 2.2 system disk for NEC PC-8801 MKIIAR 8801BAS DSDD Basic for NEC PC-8801 MKIIAR BOOT-211 DSDD8 MSDOS 2.11 boot disk for NEC-APC CPM86SRC DSDD8 CP/M-86 source code files CPM86SYS DSDD8 CP/M-86 system disk CPM86UTL DSDD8 CP/M-86 utilities MBIOSLST DSDD8 MSDOS 2.11 BIOS list MSDOS211 DSDD8 MDSOS 2.11 MSRC-LST DSDD8 MSDOS 2.11 source MS_P-SYS DSDD8 UCSD p-System boots from MSDOS PS-BIOS DSDD8 UCSD p-System BIOS PS-BIOSR DSDD8 UCSD p-System BIOSR PS-BOOT DSDD8 UCSD p-System boot PS-DAVID DSDD8 UCSD p-System files PS-GD-06 DSDD8 UCSD p-System files PS-GRAF DSDD8 UCSD p-System graphic files PS-GRAPH DSDD8 UCSD p-System graphic files PS-GRDOC DSDD8 UCSD p-System graphic docs PS-UTIL DSDD8 UCSD p-System utilities TDOS-CMD DSDD8 TurboDOS system disk - CP/M bootable TDOS-SRC DSDD8 \ source disk / 8800DIAG ZIP Diagnostic programs for PC-8800 series 8xx1BIOS ZIP CP/M 2.2 BIOS source for PC-8xx1 MS211LST ZIP Miscellaneous module .LST files NEC-APC3 ZIP Source code for portions of MSDOS for APC III NEC-DIAG ZIP More diagnostics for PC-8800 series - may be bad NNC-CCS Name Format Description NNC-CCS DSDD8 CP/M 2.2 System disk for the NNC processor with CCS 2422 FDC and CCS xxxx memory card NNC-CCS ZIP CP/M 2.2 programs for the NNC processor with CCS 2422 FDC and CCS xxxx memory card OSBORNE Name Format Description OS1BASIC SSSD Osborne 1 Basic disk OS1DBASE SSSD dBase II program disk OS1DIAS SSSD Osborne 1 diagnostics disk OS1MCAL SSSD Osborne 1 communications disk OS1MDM7 SSSD Osborne 1 Modem 740 OS1SYSS SSSD Osborne 1 system disk OS1UTLS SSSD Osborne 1 utilities disk OS1WRDST SSSD Osborne 1 Wordstar disk OS1XUTLS SSSD Osborne 1 extended utilities OS1NUEVO SSDD Osborne 1 with DD and 80 col mods OS1SYSD SSDD Osborne 1 system disk (SSDD upgrade) OSE-CPMA SSDD Osborne Executive CP/M 3.0 system disk #1 OSE-CPMB SSDD Osborne Executive CP/M 3.0 system disk #2 OSE-CPMC SSDD Osborne Executive CP/M 3.0 system disk #3 OSE-PSYS SSDD UCSD p-System disk for Osborne Executive OSV-SYS DSDD Osborne Vixen CP/M 2.2 w/ MBasic & Media Master OSV-WS DSDD Osborne Vixen bootable Wordstar & Supercalc 2 OSV-SC2 DSDD Osborne Vixen bootable w/ Supercalc templates OS1DBASE ZIP dBase II v2.3 for Osborne 1 OTRONA Attache' Name Format Description OATT8086 DSDD Otrona Attache' w/ 8086 add-in board - MSDOS v2.1 OATTACHE DSDD Otrona Attache' system disk OTR-SRCE DSDD Attache' ASM/BAS/MAC source code OTR-UTIL DSDD Attache' Utilities OTR-MEX ZIP MEX communications OTR-MP ZIP MultiPlan for the Attache' OTR-WS ZIP Wordstar 3.0 for the Attache' PMC 101 Micromate Name Format Description PMC-SRC DSDD CP/M 3.0 system disk with source for PMC 101 Micromate - Set Terminal at 300bps PMC-SYS DSDD CP/M 3.0 system disk for PMC 101 Micromate - Set Terminal at 9600bps Research Machines Limited Name Format Description RML14B31 SSSD CP/M 1.4B (31K) system disk for 380Z RML14B56 SSSD CP/M 1.4B (56K) system disk for 380Z RML22C31 SSSD CP/M 2.2C (31K) system disk for 380Z RML22C3R SSSD CP/M 2.2C (31K) system disk for 380Z (reformatted) RML22C56 SSSD CP/M 2.2C (56K) system disk for 380Z SAGE II & IV Name Format Description CPM68K-A DSQD CP/M-68K for SAGE Computer - Disk A CPM68K-B DSQD CP/M-68K for SAGE Computer - Disk B CPM68K-C DSQD CP/M-68K for SAGE Computer - Disk C - Boot disk CPM68KB1 SSSD CP/M-68K V1.0 (beta) for EXORMACS - 1 of 5 CPM68KB2 SSSD CP/M-68K V1.0 (beta) for EXORMACS - 2 of 5 CPM68KB3 SSSD CP/M-68K V1.0 (beta) for EXORMACS - 3 of 5 CPM68KB4 SSSD CP/M-68K V1.0 (beta) for EXORMACS - 4 of 5 CPM68KB5 SSSD CP/M-68K V1.0 (beta) for EXORMACS - 5 of 5 SANYO Name Format Description SMBC1000 DSDD Sanyo MBC-1000 CP/M 2.2 system disk SMBC1100 DSDD Sanyo MBC-1100 CP/M 2.2 system disk SMBC1200 DSQD Sanyo MBC-1200 CP/M 2.2 system disk v1.3 MBC1200+ DSQD / \ v1.5 MBC2000S SSQD Sanyo MBC-2000 CP/M 2.2 system disk MBC2000U SSQD / \ utilities disk MBC3000 DSDD8 Sanyo MBC-3000 CP/M 2.2 system disk SAN555 DSDD Sanyo 555 MSDOS 2.11 system disk HELPDEX DSDD Online Help for MBC-555 MSDOS 2.11 SDSYSTEMS Name Format Description CPM30-1 DSDD SDSystems CP/M+ disk 1 for SBC-300 & VF-II CPM30-2 DSDD SDSystems CP/M+ disk 2 CPM30-3 DSDD SDSystems CP/M+ disk 3 MS-20 SSDD SDSystems CP/M-2.2 for MS-20 (also Jade) SEEQUA Chameleon Name Format Description SEEQCPM SSDD 64K CP/M 2.2 system disk SEEQDOS1 SSDD MSDOS v1.1 for Chameleon (?) SEEQDOS2 DSDD MSDOS v2.0 for Chameleon SIERRA Name Format Description CPM22DD SSSD8 CP/M 2.2 DD system disk CPM22HDS SSSD8 CP/M 2.2 HD system disk CPM22S SSSD8 CP/M 2.2 SD system disk HOLGUIN SSSD8 Group of specialized programs MPM2CS SSSD8 MP/M 2 system disk MPM2MS SSSD8 MP/M 2 system disk RECLAIM SSSD8 Reclaim (Findbad clone) CPM22 ZIP CP/M 2.2 files CPM22HD ZIP CP/M 2.2 HD peculiar files MPM2C ZIP MP/M 2 files MPM2M ZIP MP/M 2 files RECLAIM ZIP Reclaim files MODEM COM Modem 7 for the Sierra 5000 TANDY Name Format Description MONTE-22 SSDD Montezuma CP/M 2.2 for TRS80 Model 4 RSCPM-31 SSDD Radio Shack CP/M 3 (unbanked) the TRS80 Model 4 RSCPM-32 SSDD Radio Shack CP/M 3 (banked) for TRS80 Model 4 RSCPM-33 SSDD \ additional files RSCPM-34 SSDD / RSCPM-35 SSDD / TRS2-P&T SSDD8 Pickles & Trout CP/M v2.2m for TRS Mod II w/RSHD TRS2-LBT SSDD8 Lifeboat CP/M for TRS-80 Model II TRS2-F80 SSDD8 Microsoft F80 in Lifeboat 1024 format TRSDOSII SSDD8 TRS Model II TRSDOS system disk T2SCRPST SSDD8 TRS Model II Scripsit word processor TR2PRFL SSDD8 TRS Model II Profile spreadsheet TR2PRFL2 SSDD8 TRS Model II Profile spreadsheet 2 TR2PRUTL SSDD8 TRS Model II Profile utilities TR16SYS DSDD8 TRSDOS II v4.2 & TRSDOS16 v4.1 for Mdl 16 TR16XNX1 SSDD8 Xenix v3.02.00 for TRS Mdl 16 TR16XNX2 SSDD8 / TR16XNX3 SSDD8 / TR16XNX4 SSDD8 / TR16XNX5 SSDD8 / TRSIIP&T ZIP TRS Model II Pickles & Trout CP/M files TRS2-P&T ZIP TRS Model II w/ RSHD P&T CP/M files Z3-MONTE ZIP ZCPR3 for Montezuma CP/M 2.2 for TRS80 Model 4 TELEVIDEO Name Format Description 802CPM DSDD Televideo TS-802 (floppy) system disk 802FBIOS DSDD Televideo TS-802 (floppy) reload disk 806-CPM DSDD Televideo TS-806/20 bootable system disk TPC-1 DSDD Televideo TPC-1 (portable) system disk TS-802H DSDD Televideo TS-802H system disk TS-803 DSDD Televideo TS-803 system disk 802HBIOS ZIP Televideo TS-802H (hard) reload files 803HRLOD ZIP Televideo TS-803H (hard) reload files (boot??) 806TDOSA ZIP Televideo TS-806 TurboDOS 1.43 .REL/.GEN/.PAR files 806TDOSB ZIP Televideo TS-806 TurboDOS 1.43 .COM files 806TDOS1 ZIP Televideo TS-806 TurboDOS 1.41 .COM/.SYS files 806TDOS2 ZIP Televideo TS-806 TurboDOS 1.41 .GEN/.PAR/.REL files 806TDOS3 ZIP Televideo TS-806 TurboDOS 1.41 .GEN/.PAR files 806TDOS4 ZIP Televideo TS-806 TurboDOS 1.41 .REL files 806TDCOG ZIP Televideo TS-806 TurboDOS 1.41 boot sec.(Cogitate) MMMST21A ZIP Televideo TS 806/20 v1.2 MMMOST 2.11 Rev C Disk A MMMST21B ZIP Televideo TS 806/20 v1.2 MMMOST 2.11 Rev C Disk B TVID-FB ZIP Televideo Field Bulletins on 802/803/TPC TVDOS211 DSDD Televideo PC (?) DOS 2.11 system disk UCSD Pascal Name Format Description ALTOS-SY SSSD8 p-system disk for Altos 8000-? OII40S SSSD8 Standard orienter - Altos 8000-? KSA40S SSSD8 KSAM disk - Altos 8000-? PDQ-3 SSDD8 PDQ-3 boot disk w/ misc files PDQ3UTIL SSDD8 PDQ-3 utilities CPM40D.B SSSD8 CP/M Readable Booter MC401D SSSD8 CP/M Upgrade - 1/2 MC402D SSSD8 CP/M Upgrade - 2/2 OII40D SSSD8 ADAP Orienter CZP40D.C SSSD8 CP/M ADAP SCP40D SSSD8 SYSTEM UZP40D SSSD8 UTILITIES PASBOOT SSSD8 UCSD Pascal direct booter PASBOOT ZIP UCSD Pascal direct booter VECTOR Name Format Description VSX-CPM DSQD CP/M-86 & CP/M-80 emulator for Vector SX/3000 Note: These are 16 hard sector diskettes V4CPM86 ? CP/M-86 System disk for Vector 4 V4ZCPR3 ? ZCPR3 for Vector 4 V4Z80DOS ? ZCPR3 and Z80DOS for Vector 4 ? VISUAL Name Format Description 1050-ADD SSQD Additional CP/M files for the Visual 1050 1050-SYS SSQD CP/M-2.2 system disk for Visual 1050 WANG PC Disks & Files Name Format Description WNG-SFMT DSDD Wang PC Special Hard Disk format WNG-SYS1 DSDD Wang PC System diskette 1 WNG-SYS2 DSDD \ diskette 2 WNG-SYS3 DSDD \ diskette 3 WNG-PRN DSDD Wang PC Printer installation WNG-IBM DSDD Wang PC IBM Emulation program WNG-WUTL DSDD Wang Winchester Disk Utilities WNG-WFMT DSDD Wang Winchester Special Format Utility Wavemate Bullet Name Format Description WMBCPM22 SSDD Bullet CP/M 2.2 system disk WMBCPM2A DSDD Bullet CP/M 2.2 system disk WMBCPM30 DSDD Bullet CP/M 3.0 system disk WMBCPM3A SSDD8 WaveMate Bullet CP/M 3.0 system disk WMBCPM3B SSDD8 WaveMate Bullet CP/M 3.0 source files BIOS-DIS ZIP BIOS disassembly BULLET-1 ZIP Bullet CP/M 2.2 BIOS & Utility source BULLET-F ZIP Bullet CP/M 3.0 files for Rev. F board BULLET-Z ZIP Bullet CP/M 3.0 w/ ZCPR files XEROX 820 Name Format Description 5SYS-II SSDD 820-II 5.25" system disk s/n DC0003121 5DSYS-II DSDD 820-II 5.25" system disk s/n DC1001697 5WP-II SSDD 820-II 5.25" word processor dsk s/n DC0003121 1800-P SSDD 1800 Portable 5.25" system disk 8202CPM5 SSDD 820-II 5.25" system disk s/n DC0003121 8202DIA5 SSDD 820-II 5.25" diagnostic exerciser 8202PRG5 SSSD 820-II 5.25" programs No System 8202SIS5 SSDD 820-II 5.25" system disk s/n DC0003121 8202SYS8 SSDD8 820-II 8" system disk s/n DC1001697 8202TRN5 SSSD 820-II 5.25" WP training disk No System 8202TRN8 SSSD8 820-II 8" WP training disk No System 820DIA5 SSSD 820 5.25" diagnostics s/n BD0053000 820DIA8 SSSD8 820 8" diagnostics s/n BD0050266 820SSSD SSSD8 820 8" system disk s/n BS0054300 820SYS5 SSSD 820 5.25" system disk s/n BW0061446 820SYS8 SSSD8 820 8" system disk s/n BS0050484 820SYS8S SSSD8 820 8" system disk s/n BS0050484 820WP5 SSSD 820 5.25" word procesor disk s/n BW0061446 820WP8 SSSD8 820 8" word processor disk s/n BW0050522 860-D3 SSDD8 860 (?) 860SCRCH SSDD8 860 Scratch disk 860SCSYS SSDD8 860 (?) 860TRNG SSDD8 860 Training disk 16-8DEV5 DSDD 16/8 5.25" CP/M-80/86 Development disk 16-8SYS5 DSDD 16/8 5.25" CP/M-80/86 System disk 16-8DOS5 DSDD 16/8 5.25" MS-DOS 2.0 Operating system 16-8UTL5 DSDD 16/8 5.25" MS-DOS 2.0 Utilities 16-8DEV8 SSDD8 16/8 8" CP/M-80/86 Development disk 16-8SYS8 SSDD8 16/8 8" CP/M-80/86 System disk 16-8DOS8 SSDD8 16/8 8" MS-DOS 2.0 Operating system 16-8UTL8 SSDD8 16/8 8" MS-DOS 2.0 Utilities NOTE: 5.25" 16/8 disks require Disk Expansion Module (DEM) EMIIDIA5 DSDD 16/8 5.25" EM-II Diagnostics SSSD BAD SSSD 820 5.25" system disk s/n BS0054300 8202SYS5 BAD SSSD 820-II 5.25" system disk s/n BS0067421 16-8DOS ZIP 16/8 MS-DOS 2.0 files 16-8UTL ZIP 16/8 MS-DOS 2.0 utilities 820-DIAG ZIP 820 diagnostics 820-PRGM ZIP 820 programs 820-SYS ZIP 820 system programs 820-TRNG ZIP 820 training files 820-UTIL ZIP 820 utilities 820-WP ZIP 820 word processor programs 8202DIAG ZIP 820-II diagnostics ZENITH Z100 Name Format Description Z100CPM DSDD CP/M-85 ver 2.2.100 system disk Z100DOSB DSDD ZDOS disk B source files (same as ZDOS100B) ZBASIC DSDD Z100 BASIC ZDOS100A DSDD ZDOS disk A / appear to dupe Z100DOSx ZDOS100B DSDD ZDOS disk B / ZEKDRIVE DSDD EK drive files ZDOS125A DSDD Z100 ZDOS v1.25 ZDOS125B DSDD Z100 BIOS source ZDOS125C SSDD Z100 ZBasic ZDOS125D SSDD Z100 CPS communications ZDOS125E DSDD Z100 utilities source ZMDOS218 DSDD Z100 MSDOS v2.18 ZMDOS310 DSDD Z100 MSDOS v3.10 ZMDOSZPC DSDD Z100 MSDOS 2.18 w/ EK drives variant EKDRIVE ZIP ZDOS driver source for 6.6mb EK drive ZORBA Name Format Description ZRBACPM2 DSDD CP/M 2.2 system disk for Telcon Zorba w/ bios 1.6 ZRBA-CPM DSDD CP/M 2.2 system disk for Telcon Zorba w/ bios 1.6 ZRBUTIL6 DSDD CP/M 2.2 bios 1.6 with utilities for Zorba ZRBUTIL7 DSDD CP/M 2.2 bios 1.7 with utilities for Zorba ZRBSOURC DSDD CP/M 2.2 source code for bios, etc. for Zorba
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url-1191749784 b/run/test-data/url-1191749784
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e5ee00d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url-1191749784
@@ -0,0 +1,10024 @@
+ OpenSSH: Release Notes
OpenSSH 8.5 was released on 2021-03-03. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Future deprecation notice
+It is now possible[1] to perform chosen-prefix attacks against the
+SHA-1 algorithm for less than USD$50K.
+In the SSH protocol, the "ssh-rsa" signature scheme uses the SHA-1
+hash algorithm in conjunction with the RSA public key algorithm.
+OpenSSH will disable this signature scheme by default in the near
+Note that the deactivation of "ssh-rsa" signatures does not necessarily
+require cessation of use for RSA keys. In the SSH protocol, keys may be
+capable of signing using multiple algorithms. In particular, "ssh-rsa"
+keys are capable of signing using "rsa-sha2-256" (RSA/SHA256),
+"rsa-sha2-512" (RSA/SHA512) and "ssh-rsa" (RSA/SHA1). Only the last of
+these is being turned off by default.
+This algorithm is unfortunately still used widely despite the
+existence of better alternatives, being the only remaining public key
+signature algorithm specified by the original SSH RFCs that is still
+enabled by default.
+The better alternatives include:
+ * The RFC8332 RSA SHA-2 signature algorithms rsa-sha2-256/512. These
+ algorithms have the advantage of using the same key type as
+ "ssh-rsa" but use the safe SHA-2 hash algorithms. These have been
+ supported since OpenSSH 7.2 and are already used by default if the
+ client and server support them.
+ * The RFC8709 ssh-ed25519 signature algorithm. It has been supported
+ in OpenSSH since release 6.5.
+ * The RFC5656 ECDSA algorithms: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256/384/521. These
+ have been supported by OpenSSH since release 5.7.
+To check whether a server is using the weak ssh-rsa public key
+algorithm, for host authentication, try to connect to it after
+removing the ssh-rsa algorithm from ssh(1)'s allowed list:
+ ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=-ssh-rsa user@host
+If the host key verification fails and no other supported host key
+types are available, the server software on that host should be
+This release enables the UpdateHostKeys option by default to assist
+the client by automatically migrating to better algorithms.
+[1] "SHA-1 is a Shambles: First Chosen-Prefix Collision on SHA-1 and
+ Application to the PGP Web of Trust" Leurent, G and Peyrin, T
+ (2020) https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/014.pdf
+ * ssh-agent(1): fixed a double-free memory corruption that was
+ introduced in OpenSSH 8.2 . We treat all such memory faults as
+ potentially exploitable. This bug could be reached by an attacker
+ with access to the agent socket.
+ On modern operating systems where the OS can provide information
+ about the user identity connected to a socket, OpenSSH ssh-agent
+ and sshd limit agent socket access only to the originating user
+ and root. Additional mitigation may be afforded by the system's
+ malloc(3)/free(3) implementation, if it detects double-free
+ conditions.
+ The most likely scenario for exploitation is a user forwarding an
+ agent either to an account shared with a malicious user or to a
+ host with an attacker holding root access.
+ * Portable sshd(8): Prevent excessively long username going to PAM.
+ This is a mitigation for a buffer overflow in Solaris' PAM username
+ handling (CVE-2020-14871), and is only enabled for Sun-derived PAM
+ implementations. This is not a problem in sshd itself, it only
+ prevents sshd from being used as a vector to attack Solaris' PAM.
+ It does not prevent the bug in PAM from being exploited via some
+ other PAM application. GHPR212
+Potentially-incompatible changes
+This release includes a number of changes that may affect existing
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): this release changes the first-preference signature
+ algorithm from ECDSA to ED25519.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): set the TOS/DSCP specified in the configuration
+ for interactive use prior to TCP connect. The connection phase of
+ the SSH session is time-sensitive and often explicitly interactive.
+ The ultimate interactive/bulk TOS/DSCP will be set after
+ authentication completes.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): remove the pre-standardization cipher
+ rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se. It is an alias for aes256-cbc before
+ it was standardized in RFC4253 (2006), has been deprecated and
+ disabled by default since OpenSSH 7.2 (2016) and was only briefly
+ documented in ssh.1 in 2001.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): update/replace the experimental post-quantum
+ hybrid key exchange method based on Streamlined NTRU Prime coupled
+ with X25519.
+ The previous sntrup4591761x25519-sha512@tinyssh.org method is
+ replaced with sntrup761x25519-sha512@openssh.com. Per its
+ designers, the sntrup4591761 algorithm was superseded almost two
+ years ago by sntrup761.
+ (note this both the updated method and the one that it replaced are
+ disabled by default)
+ * ssh(1): disable CheckHostIP by default. It provides insignificant
+ benefits while making key rotation significantly more difficult,
+ especially for hosts behind IP-based load-balancers.
+Changes since OpenSSH 8.4
+New features
+ * ssh(1): this release enables UpdateHostkeys by default subject to
+ some conservative preconditions:
+ - The key was matched in the UserKnownHostsFile (and not in the
+ GlobalKnownHostsFile).
+ - The same key does not exist under another name.
+ - A certificate host key is not in use.
+ - known_hosts contains no matching wildcard hostname pattern.
+ - VerifyHostKeyDNS is not enabled.
+ - The default UserKnownHostsFile is in use.
+ We expect some of these conditions will be modified or relaxed in
+ future.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): add a new LogVerbose configuration directive for
+ that allows forcing maximum debug logging by file/function/line
+ pattern-lists.
+ * ssh(1): when prompting the user to accept a new hostkey, display
+ any other host names/addresses already associated with the key.
+ * ssh(1): allow UserKnownHostsFile=none to indicate that no
+ known_hosts file should be used to identify host keys.
+ * ssh(1): add a ssh_config KnownHostsCommand option that allows the
+ client to obtain known_hosts data from a command in addition to
+ the usual files.
+ * ssh(1): add a ssh_config PermitRemoteOpen option that allows the
+ client to restrict the destination when RemoteForward is used
+ with SOCKS.
+ * ssh(1): for FIDO keys, if a signature operation fails with a
+ "incorrect PIN" reason and no PIN was initially requested from the
+ user, then request a PIN and retry the operation. This supports
+ some biometric devices that fall back to requiring PIN when reading
+ of the biometric failed, and devices that require PINs for all
+ hosted credentials.
+ * sshd(8): implement client address-based rate-limiting via new
+ sshd_config(5) PerSourceMaxStartups and PerSourceNetBlockSize
+ directives that provide more fine-grained control on a per-origin
+ address basis than the global MaxStartups limit.
+ * ssh(1): Prefix keyboard interactive prompts with "(user@host)" to
+ make it easier to determine which connection they are associated
+ with in cases like scp -3, ProxyJump, etc. bz#3224
+ * sshd(8): fix sshd_config SetEnv directives located inside Match
+ blocks. GHPR201
+ * ssh(1): when requesting a FIDO token touch on stderr, inform the
+ user once the touch has been recorded.
+ * ssh(1): prevent integer overflow when ridiculously large
+ ConnectTimeout values are specified, capping the effective value
+ (for most platforms) at 24 days. bz#3229
+ * ssh(1): consider the ECDSA key subtype when ordering host key
+ algorithms in the client.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): rename the PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes keyword to
+ PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms. The previous name incorrectly suggested
+ that it control allowed key algorithms, when this option actually
+ specifies the signature algorithms that are accepted. The previous
+ name remains available as an alias. bz#3253
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): similarly, rename HostbasedKeyTypes (ssh) and
+ HostbasedAcceptedKeyTypes (sshd) to HostbasedAcceptedAlgorithms.
+ * sftp-server(8): add missing lsetstat@openssh.com documentation
+ and advertisement in the server's SSH2_FXP_VERSION hello packet.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): more strictly enforce KEX state-machine by
+ banning packet types once they are received. Fixes memleak caused
+ by duplicate SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST (oss-fuzz #30078).
+ * sftp(1): allow the full range of UIDs/GIDs for chown/chgrp on 32bit
+ platforms instead of being limited by LONG_MAX. bz#3206
+ * Minor man page fixes (capitalization, commas, etc.) bz#3223
+ * sftp(1): when doing an sftp recursive upload or download of a
+ read-only directory, ensure that the directory is created with
+ write and execute permissions in the interim so that the transfer
+ can actually complete, then set the directory permission as the
+ final step. bz#3222
+ * ssh-keygen(1): document the -Z, check the validity of its argument
+ earlier and provide a better error message if it's not correct.
+ bz#2879
+ * ssh(1): ignore comments at the end of config lines in ssh_config,
+ similar to what we already do for sshd_config. bz#2320
+ * sshd_config(5): mention that DisableForwarding is valid in a
+ sshd_config Match block. bz3239
+ * sftp(1): fix incorrect sorting of "ls -ltr" under some
+ circumstances. bz3248.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): fix potential integer truncation of (unlikely)
+ timeout values. bz#3250
+ * ssh(1): make hostbased authentication send the signature algorithm
+ in its SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST packets instead of the key type.
+ This make HostbasedAcceptedAlgorithms do what it is supposed to -
+ filter on signature algorithm and not key type.
+ * sshd(8): add a number of platform-specific syscalls to the Linux
+ seccomp-bpf sandbox. bz#3232bz#3260
+ * sshd(8): remove debug message from sigchld handler that could cause
+ deadlock on some platforms. bz#3259
+ * Sync contrib/ssh-copy-id with upstream.
+ * unittests: add a hostname function for systems that don't have it.
+ Some systems don't have a hostname command (it's not required by
+ POSIX). The do have uname -n (which is), but not all of those have
+ it report the FQDN.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-8.5.tar.gz) = 04cae43c389fb411227c01219e4eb46e3113f34e
+ - SHA256 (openssh-8.5.tar.gz) = 5qB2CgzNG4io4DmChTjHgCWqRWvEOvCKJskLdJCz+SU=
+ - SHA1 (openssh-8.5p1.tar.gz) = 72eadcbe313b07b1dd3b693e41d3cd56d354e24e
+ - SHA256 (openssh-8.5p1.tar.gz) = 9S8/QdQpqpkY44zyAK8iXM3Y5m8FLaVyhwyJc3ZG7CU=
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available from the mirror sites:
+Please note that the OpenPGP key used to sign releases has been
+rotated for this release. The new key has been signed by the previous
+key to provide continuity.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read https://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
OpenSSH 8.4 was released on 2020-09-27. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Future deprecation notice
+It is now possible[1] to perform chosen-prefix attacks against the
+SHA-1 algorithm for less than USD$50K. For this reason, we will be
+disabling the "ssh-rsa" public key signature algorithm by default in a
+near-future release.
+This algorithm is unfortunately still used widely despite the
+existence of better alternatives, being the only remaining public key
+signature algorithm specified by the original SSH RFCs.
+The better alternatives include:
+ * The RFC8332 RSA SHA-2 signature algorithms rsa-sha2-256/512. These
+ algorithms have the advantage of using the same key type as
+ "ssh-rsa" but use the safe SHA-2 hash algorithms. These have been
+ supported since OpenSSH 7.2 and are already used by default if the
+ client and server support them.
+ * The ssh-ed25519 signature algorithm. It has been supported in
+ OpenSSH since release 6.5.
+ * The RFC5656 ECDSA algorithms: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256/384/521. These
+ have been supported by OpenSSH since release 5.7.
+To check whether a server is using the weak ssh-rsa public key
+algorithm, for host authentication, try to connect to it after
+removing the ssh-rsa algorithm from ssh(1)'s allowed list:
+ ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=-ssh-rsa user@host
+If the host key verification fails and no other supported host key
+types are available, the server software on that host should be
+We intend to enable UpdateHostKeys by default in the next OpenSSH
+release. This will assist the client by automatically migrating to
+better algorithms. Users may consider enabling this option manually.
+[1] "SHA-1 is a Shambles: First Chosen-Prefix Collision on SHA-1 and
+ Application to the PGP Web of Trust" Leurent, G and Peyrin, T
+ (2020) https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/014.pdf
+ * ssh-agent(1): restrict ssh-agent from signing web challenges for
+ FIDO/U2F keys.
+ When signing messages in ssh-agent using a FIDO key that has an
+ application string that does not start with "ssh:", ensure that the
+ message being signed is one of the forms expected for the SSH protocol
+ (currently public key authentication and sshsig signatures).
+ This prevents ssh-agent forwarding on a host that has FIDO keys
+ attached granting the ability for the remote side to sign challenges
+ for web authentication using those keys too.
+ Note that the converse case of web browsers signing SSH challenges is
+ already precluded because no web RP can have the "ssh:" prefix in the
+ application string that we require.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Enable FIDO 2.1 credProtect extension when generating
+ a FIDO resident key.
+ The recent FIDO 2.1 Client to Authenticator Protocol introduced a
+ "credProtect" feature to better protect resident keys. We use this
+ option to require a PIN prior to all operations that may retrieve
+ a resident key from a FIDO token.
+Potentially-incompatible changes
+This release includes a number of changes that may affect existing
+ * For FIDO/U2F support, OpenSSH recommends the use of libfido2 1.5.0
+ or greater. Older libraries have limited support at the expense of
+ disabling particular features. These include resident keys, PIN-
+ required keys and multiple attached tokens.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): the format of the attestation information optionally
+ recorded when a FIDO key is generated has changed. It now includes
+ the authenticator data needed to validate attestation signatures.
+ * The API between OpenSSH and the FIDO token middleware has changed
+ and the SSH_SK_VERSION_MAJOR version has been incremented as a
+ result. Third-party middleware libraries must support the current
+ API version (7) to work with OpenSSH 8.4.
+ * The portable OpenSSH distribution now requires automake to rebuild
+ the configure script and supporting files. This is not required when
+ simply building portable OpenSSH from a release tar file.
+Changes since OpenSSH 8.3
+New features
+ * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): support for FIDO keys that require a PIN for
+ each use. These keys may be generated using ssh-keygen using a new
+ "verify-required" option. When a PIN-required key is used, the user
+ will be prompted for a PIN to complete the signature operation.
+ * sshd(8): authorized_keys now supports a new "verify-required"
+ option to require FIDO signatures assert that the token verified
+ that the user was present before making the signature. The FIDO
+ protocol supports multiple methods for user-verification, but
+ currently OpenSSH only supports PIN verification.
+ * sshd(8), ssh-keygen(1): add support for verifying FIDO webauthn
+ signatures. Webauthn is a standard for using FIDO keys in web
+ browsers. These signatures are a slightly different format to plain
+ FIDO signatures and thus require explicit support.
+ * ssh(1): allow some keywords to expand shell-style ${ENV}
+ environment variables. The supported keywords are CertificateFile,
+ ControlPath, IdentityAgent and IdentityFile, plus LocalForward and
+ RemoteForward when used for Unix domain socket paths. bz#3140
+ * ssh(1), ssh-agent(1): allow some additional control over the use of
+ ssh-askpass via a new $SSH_ASKPASS_REQUIRE environment variable,
+ including forcibly enabling and disabling its use. bz#69
+ * ssh(1): allow ssh_config(5)'s AddKeysToAgent keyword accept a time
+ limit for keys in addition to its current flag options. Time-
+ limited keys will automatically be removed from ssh-agent after
+ their expiry time has passed.
+ * scp(1), sftp(1): allow the -A flag to explicitly enable agent
+ forwarding in scp and sftp. The default remains to not forward an
+ agent, even when ssh_config enables it.
+ * ssh(1): add a '%k' TOKEN that expands to the effective HostKey of
+ the destination. This allows, e.g., keeping host keys in individual
+ files using "UserKnownHostsFile ~/.ssh/known_hosts.d/%k". bz#1654
+ * ssh(1): add %-TOKEN, environment variable and tilde expansion to
+ the UserKnownHostsFile directive, allowing the path to be
+ completed by the configuration (e.g. bz#1654)
+ * ssh-keygen(1): allow "ssh-add -d -" to read keys to be deleted
+ from stdin. bz#3180
+ * sshd(8): improve logging for MaxStartups connection throttling.
+ sshd will now log when it starts and stops throttling and periodically
+ while in this state. bz#3055
+ * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): better support for multiple attached FIDO
+ tokens. In cases where OpenSSH cannot unambiguously determine which
+ token to direct a request to, the user is now required to select a
+ token by touching it. In cases of operations that require a PIN to
+ be verified, this avoids sending the wrong PIN to the wrong token
+ and incrementing the token's PIN failure counter (tokens
+ effectively erase their keys after too many PIN failures).
+ * sshd(8): fix Include before Match in sshd_config; bz#3122
+ * ssh(1): close stdin/out/error when forking after authentication
+ completes ("ssh -f ...") bz#3137
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): limit the amount of channel input data buffered,
+ avoiding peers that advertise large windows but are slow to read
+ from causing high memory consumption.
+ * ssh-agent(1): handle multiple requests sent in a single write() to
+ the agent.
+ * sshd(8): allow sshd_config longer than 256k
+ * sshd(8): avoid spurious "Unable to load host key" message when sshd
+ load a private key but no public counterpart
+ * ssh(1): prefer the default hostkey algorithm list whenever we have
+ a hostkey that matches its best-preference algorithm.
+ * sshd(1): when ordering the hostkey algorithms to request from a
+ server, prefer certificate types if the known_hosts files contain a key
+ marked as a @cert-authority; bz#3157
+ * ssh(1): perform host key fingerprint comparisons for the "Are you
+ sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?"
+ prompt with case sensitivity.
+ * sshd(8): ensure that address/masklen mismatches in sshd_config
+ yield fatal errors at daemon start time rather than later when
+ they are evaluated.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): ensure that certificate extensions are lexically
+ sorted. Previously if the user specified a custom extension then
+ the everything would be in order except the custom ones. bz#3198
+ * ssh(1): also compare username when checking for JumpHost loops.
+ bz#3057
+ * ssh-keygen(1): preserve group/world read permission on known_hosts
+ files across runs of "ssh-keygen -Rf /path". The old behaviour was
+ to remove all rights for group/other. bz#3146
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Mention the [-a rounds] flag in the ssh-keygen
+ manual page and usage().
+ * sshd(8): explicitly construct path to ~/.ssh/rc rather than
+ relying on it being relative to the current directory, so that it
+ can still be found if the shell startup changes its directory.
+ bz#3185
+ * sshd(8): when redirecting sshd's log output to a file, undo this
+ redirection after the session child process is forked(). Fixes
+ missing log messages when using this feature under some
+ circumstances.
+ * sshd(8): start ClientAliveInterval bookkeeping before first pass
+ through select() loop; fixed theoretical case where busy sshd may
+ ignore timeouts from client.
+ * ssh(1): only reset the ServerAliveInterval check when we receive
+ traffic from the server and ignore traffic from a port forwarding
+ client, preventing a client from keeping a connection alive when
+ it should be terminated. bz#2265
+ * ssh-keygen(1): avoid spurious error message when ssh-keygen
+ creates files outside ~/.ssh
+ * sftp-client(1): fix off-by-one error that caused sftp downloads to
+ make one more concurrent request that desired. This prevented using
+ sftp(1) in unpipelined request/response mode, which is useful when
+ debugging. bz#3054
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): handle EINTR in waitfd() and timeout_connect()
+ helpers. bz#3071
+ * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): defer creation of ~/.ssh until we attempt to
+ write to it so we don't leave an empty .ssh directory when it's not
+ needed. bz#3156
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): fix multiplier when parsing time specifications
+ when handling seconds after other units. bz#3171
+ * sshd(8): always send any PAM account messages. If the PAM account
+ stack returns any messages, always send them to the user and not
+ just if the check succeeds. bz#2049
+ * Implement some backwards compatibility for libfido2 libraries
+ older than 1.5.0. Note that use of an older library will result
+ in the loss of certain features including resident key support,
+ PIN support and support for multiple attached tokens.
+ * configure fixes for XCode 12
+ * gnome-ssh-askpass3: ensure the "close" button is not focused by
+ default for SSH_ASKPASS_PROMPT=none prompts. Avoids space/enter
+ accidentally dismissing FIDO touch notifications.
+ * gnome-ssh-askpass3: allow some control over textarea colour via
+ environment variables.
+ * sshd(8): document another PAM spec problem in a frustrated comment
+ * sshd(8): support NetBSD's utmpx.ut_ss address field. bz#960
+ * Add the ssh-sk-helper binary and its manpage to the RPM spec file
+ * Detect the Frankenstein monster of Linux/X32 and allow the sandbox
+ to function there. bz#3085
+- SHA1 (openssh-8.4.tar.gz) = 71675139df6807f396e6bd92ff8cb9b0356385d8
+- SHA256 (openssh-8.4.tar.gz) = JhBgLYkyRge/zQK8ylBSRcOYvrV/tHwQcvVXfExGB70=
+- SHA1 (openssh-8.4p1.tar.gz) = 69305059e10a60693ebe6f17731f962c9577535c
+- SHA256 (openssh-8.4p1.tar.gz) = WgHSLkB+scBbqKj3xlTTiKE+nyJuTtM704dI2vodKyQ=
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read https://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
OpenSSH 8.3 was released on 2020-05-27. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Future deprecation notice
+It is now possible[1] to perform chosen-prefix attacks against the
+SHA-1 algorithm for less than USD$50K. For this reason, we will be
+disabling the "ssh-rsa" public key signature algorithm by default in a
+near-future release.
+This algorithm is unfortunately still used widely despite the
+existence of better alternatives, being the only remaining public key
+signature algorithm specified by the original SSH RFCs.
+The better alternatives include:
+ * The RFC8332 RSA SHA-2 signature algorithms rsa-sha2-256/512. These
+ algorithms have the advantage of using the same key type as
+ "ssh-rsa" but use the safe SHA-2 hash algorithms. These have been
+ supported since OpenSSH 7.2 and are already used by default if the
+ client and server support them.
+ * The ssh-ed25519 signature algorithm. It has been supported in
+ OpenSSH since release 6.5.
+ * The RFC5656 ECDSA algorithms: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256/384/521. These
+ have been supported by OpenSSH since release 5.7.
+To check whether a server is using the weak ssh-rsa public key
+algorithm, for host authentication, try to connect to it after
+removing the ssh-rsa algorithm from ssh(1)'s allowed list:
+ ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=-ssh-rsa user@host
+If the host key verification fails and no other supported host key
+types are available, the server software on that host should be
+A future release of OpenSSH will enable UpdateHostKeys by default
+to allow the client to automatically migrate to better algorithms.
+Users may consider enabling this option manually. Vendors of devices
+that implement the SSH protocol should ensure that they support the
+new signature algorithms for RSA keys.
+[1] "SHA-1 is a Shambles: First Chosen-Prefix Collision on SHA-1 and
+ Application to the PGP Web of Trust" Leurent, G and Peyrin, T
+ (2020) https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/014.pdf
+ * scp(1): when receiving files, scp(1) could be become desynchronised
+ if a utimes(2) system call failed. This could allow file contents
+ to be interpreted as file metadata and thereby permit an adversary
+ to craft a file system that, when copied with scp(1) in a
+ configuration that caused utimes(2) to fail (e.g. under a SELinux
+ policy or syscall sandbox), transferred different file names and
+ contents to the actual file system layout.
+ Exploitation of this is not likely as utimes(2) does not fail under
+ normal circumstances. Successful exploitation is not silent - the
+ output of scp(1) would show transfer errors followed by the actual
+ file(s) that were received.
+ Finally, filenames returned from the peer are (since openssh-8.0)
+ matched against the user's requested destination, thereby
+ disallowing a successful exploit from writing files outside the
+ user's selected target glob (or directory, in the case of a
+ recursive transfer). This ensures that this attack can achieve no
+ more than a hostile peer is already able to achieve within the scp
+ protocol.
+Potentially-incompatible changes
+This release includes a number of changes that may affect existing
+ * sftp(1): reject an argument of "-1" in the same way as ssh(1) and
+ scp(1) do instead of accepting and silently ignoring it.
+Changes since OpenSSH 8.2
+The focus of this release is bug fixing.
+New Features
+ * sshd(8): make IgnoreRhosts a tri-state option: "yes" to ignore
+ rhosts/shosts, "no" allow rhosts/shosts or (new) "shosts-only"
+ to allow .shosts files but not .rhosts.
+ * sshd(8): allow the IgnoreRhosts directive to appear anywhere in a
+ sshd_config, not just before any Match blocks; bz3148
+ * ssh(1): add %TOKEN percent expansion for the LocalFoward and
+ RemoteForward keywords when used for Unix domain socket forwarding.
+ bz#3014
+ * all: allow loading public keys from the unencrypted envelope of a
+ private key file if no corresponding public key file is present.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): prefer to use chacha20 from libcrypto where
+ possible instead of the (slower) portable C implementation included
+ in OpenSSH.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): add ability to dump the contents of a binary key
+ revocation list via "ssh-keygen -lQf /path" bz#3132
+ * ssh(1): fix IdentitiesOnly=yes to also apply to keys loaded from
+ a PKCS11Provider; bz#3141
+ * ssh-keygen(1): avoid NULL dereference when trying to convert an
+ invalid RFC4716 private key.
+ * scp(1): when performing remote-to-remote copies using "scp -3",
+ start the second ssh(1) channel with BatchMode=yes enabled to
+ avoid confusing and non-deterministic ordering of prompts.
+ * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): when signing a challenge using a FIDO token,
+ perform hashing of the message to be signed in the middleware layer
+ rather than in OpenSSH code. This permits the use of security key
+ middlewares that perform the hashing implicitly, such as Windows
+ Hello.
+ * ssh(1): fix incorrect error message for "too many known hosts
+ files." bz#3149
+ * ssh(1): make failures when establishing "Tunnel" forwarding
+ terminate the connection when ExitOnForwardFailure is enabled;
+ bz#3116
+ * ssh-keygen(1): fix printing of fingerprints on private keys and add
+ a regression test for same.
+ * sshd(8): document order of checking AuthorizedKeysFile (first) and
+ AuthorizedKeysCommand (subsequently, if the file doesn't match);
+ bz#3134
+ * sshd(8): document that /etc/hosts.equiv and /etc/shosts.equiv are
+ not considered for HostbasedAuthentication when the target user is
+ root; bz#3148
+ * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): fix NULL dereference in private certificate
+ key parsing (oss-fuzz #20074).
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): more consistency between sets of %TOKENS are
+ accepted in various configuration options.
+ * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): improve error messages for some common
+ PKCS#11 C_Login failure cases; bz#3130
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): make error messages for problems during SSH banner
+ exchange consistent with other SSH transport-layer error messages
+ and ensure they include the relevant IP addresses bz#3129
+ * various: fix a number of spelling errors in comments and debug/error
+ messages
+ * ssh-keygen(1), ssh-add(1): when downloading FIDO2 resident keys
+ from a token, don't prompt for a PIN until the token has told us
+ that it needs one. Avoids double-prompting on devices that
+ implement on-device authentication.
+ * sshd(8), ssh-keygen(1): no-touch-required FIDO certificate option
+ should be an extension, not a critical option.
+ * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1), ssh-add(1): offer a better error message
+ when trying to use a FIDO key function and SecurityKeyProvider is
+ empty.
+ * ssh-add(1), ssh-agent(8): ensure that a key lifetime fits within
+ the values allowed by the wire format (u32). Prevents integer
+ wraparound of the timeout values. bz#3119
+ * ssh(1): detect and prevent trivial configuration loops when using
+ ProxyJump. bz#3057.
+ * Detect systems where signals flagged with SA_RESTART will interrupt
+ select(2). POSIX permits implementations to choose whether
+ select(2) will return when interrupted with a SA_RESTART-flagged
+ signal, but OpenSSH requires interrupting behaviour.
+ * Several compilation fixes for HP/UX and AIX.
+ * On platforms that do not support setting process-wide routing
+ domains (all excepting OpenBSD at present), fail to accept a
+ configuration attempts to set one at process start time rather than
+ fatally erroring at run time. bz#3126
+ * Improve detection of egrep (used in regression tests) on platforms
+ that offer a poor default one (e.g. Solaris).
+ * A number of shell portability fixes for the regression tests.
+ * Fix theoretical infinite loop in the glob(3) replacement
+ implementation.
+ * Fix seccomp sandbox compilation problems for some Linux
+ configurations bz#3085
+ * Improved detection of libfido2 and some compilation fixes for some
+ configurations when --with-security-key-builtin is selected.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-8.3.tar.gz) = 46c63b7ddbe46a0666222f7988c993866c31fcca
+ - SHA256 (openssh-8.3.tar.gz) = M6CnZ+duGs4bzDio8hQNLwyLQChV+3wkUEO8HWLV35c=
+ - SHA1 (/openssh-8.3p1.tar.gz) = 04c7adb9986f16746588db8988b910530c589819
+ - SHA256 (openssh-8.3p1.tar.gz) = 8r774Ecv5+t10jNA6xdTHLazqsJAdeIGa0H4FOEjh7I=
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read https://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
OpenSSH 8.2 was released on 2020-02-14. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Future deprecation notice
+It is now possible[1] to perform chosen-prefix attacks against the
+SHA-1 hash algorithm for less than USD$50K. For this reason, we will
+be disabling the "ssh-rsa" public key signature algorithm that depends
+on SHA-1 by default in a near-future release.
+This algorithm is unfortunately still used widely despite the
+existence of better alternatives, being the only remaining public key
+signature algorithm specified by the original SSH RFCs.
+The better alternatives include:
+ * The RFC8332 RSA SHA-2 signature algorithms rsa-sha2-256/512. These
+ algorithms have the advantage of using the same key type as
+ "ssh-rsa" but use the safe SHA-2 hash algorithms. These have been
+ supported since OpenSSH 7.2 and are already used by default if the
+ client and server support them.
+ * The ssh-ed25519 signature algorithm. It has been supported in
+ OpenSSH since release 6.5.
+ * The RFC5656 ECDSA algorithms: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256/384/521. These
+ have been supported by OpenSSH since release 5.7.
+To check whether a server is using the weak ssh-rsa public key
+algorithm for host authentication, try to connect to it after
+removing the ssh-rsa algorithm from ssh(1)'s allowed list:
+ ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=-ssh-rsa user@host
+If the host key verification fails and no other supported host key
+types are available, the server software on that host should be
+A future release of OpenSSH will enable UpdateHostKeys by default
+to allow the client to automatically migrate to better algorithms.
+Users may consider enabling this option manually.
+[1] "SHA-1 is a Shambles: First Chosen-Prefix Collision on SHA-1 and
+ Application to the PGP Web of Trust" Leurent, G and Peyrin, T
+ (2020) https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/014.pdf
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8), ssh-keygen(1): this release removes the "ssh-rsa"
+ (RSA/SHA1) algorithm from those accepted for certificate signatures
+ (i.e. the client and server CASignatureAlgorithms option) and will
+ use the rsa-sha2-512 signature algorithm by default when the
+ ssh-keygen(1) CA signs new certificates.
+ Certificates are at special risk to the aforementioned SHA1
+ collision vulnerability as an attacker has effectively unlimited
+ time in which to craft a collision that yields them a valid
+ certificate, far more than the relatively brief LoginGraceTime
+ window that they have to forge a host key signature.
+ The OpenSSH certificate format includes a CA-specified (typically
+ random) nonce value near the start of the certificate that should
+ make exploitation of chosen-prefix collisions in this context
+ challenging, as the attacker does not have full control over the
+ prefix that actually gets signed. Nonetheless, SHA1 is now a
+ demonstrably broken algorithm and futher improvements in attacks
+ are highly likely.
+ OpenSSH releases prior to 7.2 do not support the newer RSA/SHA2
+ algorithms and will refuse to accept certificates signed by an
+ OpenSSH 8.2+ CA using RSA keys unless the unsafe algorithm is
+ explicitly selected during signing ("ssh-keygen -t ssh-rsa").
+ Older clients/servers may use another CA key type such as
+ ssh-ed25519 (supported since OpenSSH 6.5) or one of the
+ ecdsa-sha2-nistp256/384/521 types (supported since OpenSSH 5.7)
+ instead if they cannot be upgraded.
+Potentially-incompatible changes
+This release includes a number of changes that may affect existing
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): the above removal of "ssh-rsa" from the accepted
+ CASignatureAlgorithms list.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): this release removes diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
+ from the default key exchange proposal for both the client and
+ server.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): the command-line options related to the generation
+ and screening of safe prime numbers used by the
+ diffie-hellman-group-exchange-* key exchange algorithms have
+ changed. Most options have been folded under the -O flag.
+ * sshd(8): the sshd listener process title visible to ps(1) has
+ changed to include information about the number of connections that
+ are currently attempting authentication and the limits configured
+ by MaxStartups.
+ * ssh-sk-helper(8): this is a new binary. It is used by the FIDO/U2F
+ support to provide address-space isolation for token middleware
+ libraries (including the internal one). It needs to be installed
+ in the expected path, typically under /usr/libexec or similar.
+Changes since OpenSSH 8.1
+This release contains some significant new features.
+FIDO/U2F Support
+This release adds support for FIDO/U2F hardware authenticators to
+OpenSSH. U2F/FIDO are open standards for inexpensive two-factor
+authentication hardware that are widely used for website
+authentication. In OpenSSH FIDO devices are supported by new public
+key types "ecdsa-sk" and "ed25519-sk", along with corresponding
+certificate types.
+ssh-keygen(1) may be used to generate a FIDO token-backed key, after
+which they may be used much like any other key type supported by
+OpenSSH, so long as the hardware token is attached when the keys are
+used. FIDO tokens also generally require the user explicitly authorise
+operations by touching or tapping them.
+Generating a FIDO key requires the token be attached, and will usually
+require the user tap the token to confirm the operation:
+ $ ssh-keygen -t ecdsa-sk -f ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa_sk
+ Generating public/private ecdsa-sk key pair.
+ You may need to touch your security key to authorize key generation.
+ Enter file in which to save the key (/home/djm/.ssh/id_ecdsa_sk):
+ Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
+ Enter same passphrase again:
+ Your identification has been saved in /home/djm/.ssh/id_ecdsa_sk
+ Your public key has been saved in /home/djm/.ssh/id_ecdsa_sk.pub
+This will yield a public and private key-pair. The private key file
+should be useless to an attacker who does not have access to the
+physical token. After generation, this key may be used like any other
+supported key in OpenSSH and may be listed in authorized_keys, added
+to ssh-agent(1), etc. The only additional stipulation is that the FIDO
+token that the key belongs to must be attached when the key is used.
+FIDO tokens are most commonly connected via USB but may be attached
+via other means such as Bluetooth or NFC. In OpenSSH, communication
+with the token is managed via a middleware library, specified by the
+SecurityKeyProvider directive in ssh/sshd_config(5) or the
+$SSH_SK_PROVIDER environment variable for ssh-keygen(1) and
+ssh-add(1). The API for this middleware is documented in the sk-api.h
+and PROTOCOL.u2f files in the source distribution.
+OpenSSH includes a middleware ("SecurityKeyProvider=internal") with
+support for USB tokens. It is automatically enabled in OpenBSD and may
+be enabled in portable OpenSSH via the configure flag
+--with-security-key-builtin. If the internal middleware is enabled
+then it is automatically used by default. This internal middleware
+requires that libfido2 (https://github.com/Yubico/libfido2)and its
+dependencies be installed. We recommend that packagers of portable
+OpenSSH enable the built-in middleware, as it provides the
+lowest-friction experience for users.
+Note: FIDO/U2F tokens are required to implement the ECDSA-P256
+"ecdsa-sk" key type, but hardware support for Ed25519 "ed25519-sk" is
+less common. Similarly, not all hardware tokens support some of the
+optional features such as resident keys.
+The protocol-level changes to support FIDO/U2F keys in SSH are
+documented in the PROTOCOL.u2f file in the OpenSSH source
+There are a number of supporting changes to this feature:
+ * ssh-keygen(1): add a "no-touch-required" option when generating
+ FIDO-hosted keys, that disables their default behaviour of
+ requiring a physical touch/tap on the token during authentication.
+ Note: not all tokens support disabling the touch requirement.
+ * sshd(8): add a sshd_config PubkeyAuthOptions directive that
+ collects miscellaneous public key authentication-related options
+ for sshd(8). At present it supports only a single option
+ "no-touch-required". This causes sshd to skip its default check for
+ FIDO/U2F keys that the signature was authorised by a touch or press
+ event on the token hardware.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8), ssh-keygen(1): add a "no-touch-required" option
+ for authorized_keys and a similar extension for certificates. This
+ option disables the default requirement that FIDO key signatures
+ attest that the user touched their key to authorize them, mirroring
+ the similar PubkeyAuthOptions sshd_config option.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): add support for the writing the FIDO attestation
+ information that is returned when new keys are generated via the
+ "-O write-attestation=/path" option. FIDO attestation certificates
+ may be used to verify that a FIDO key is hosted in trusted
+ hardware. OpenSSH does not currently make use of this information,
+ beyond optionally writing it to disk.
+FIDO2 resident keys
+FIDO/U2F OpenSSH keys consist of two parts: a "key handle" part stored
+in the private key file on disk, and a per-device private key that is
+unique to each FIDO/U2F token and that cannot be exported from the
+token hardware. These are combined by the hardware at authentication
+time to derive the real key that is used to sign authentication
+For tokens that are required to move between computers, it can be
+cumbersome to have to move the private key file first. To avoid this
+requirement, tokens implementing the newer FIDO2 standard support
+"resident keys", where it is possible to effectively retrieve the key
+handle part of the key from the hardware.
+OpenSSH supports this feature, allowing resident keys to be generated
+using the ssh-keygen(1) "-O resident" flag. This will produce a
+public/private key pair as usual, but it will be possible to retrieve
+the private key part from the token later. This may be done using
+"ssh-keygen -K", which will download all available resident keys from
+the tokens attached to the host and write public/private key files
+for them. It is also possible to download and add resident keys
+directly to ssh-agent(1) without writing files to the file-system
+using "ssh-add -K".
+Resident keys are indexed on the token by the application string and
+user ID. By default, OpenSSH uses an application string of "ssh:" and
+an empty user ID. If multiple resident keys on a single token are
+desired then it may be necessary to override one or both of these
+defaults using the ssh-keygen(1) "-O application=" or "-O user="
+options. Note: OpenSSH will only download and use resident keys whose
+application string begins with "ssh:"
+Storing both parts of a key on a FIDO token increases the likelihood
+of an attacker being able to use a stolen token device. For this
+reason, tokens should enforce PIN authentication before allowing
+download of keys, and users should set a PIN on their tokens before
+creating any resident keys.
+Other New Features
+ * sshd(8): add an Include sshd_config keyword that allows including
+ additional configuration files via glob(3) patterns. bz2468
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): make the LE (low effort) DSCP code point available
+ via the IPQoS directive; bz2986,
+ * ssh(1): when AddKeysToAgent=yes is set and the key contains no
+ comment, add the key to the agent with the key's path as the
+ comment. bz2564
+ * ssh-keygen(1), ssh-agent(1): expose PKCS#11 key labels and X.509
+ subjects as key comments, rather than simply listing the PKCS#11
+ provider library path. PR138
+ * ssh-keygen(1): allow PEM export of DSA and ECDSA keys; bz3091
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): make zlib compile-time optional, available via the
+ Makefile.inc ZLIB flag on OpenBSD or via the --with-zlib configure
+ option for OpenSSH portable.
+ * sshd(8): when clients get denied by MaxStartups, send a
+ notification prior to the SSH2 protocol banner according to
+ RFC4253 section 4.2.
+ * ssh(1), ssh-agent(1): when invoking the $SSH_ASKPASS prompt
+ program, pass a hint to the program to describe the type of
+ desired prompt. The possible values are "confirm" (indicating
+ that a yes/no confirmation dialog with no text entry should be
+ shown), "none" (to indicate an informational message only), or
+ blank for the original ssh-askpass behaviour of requesting a
+ password/phrase.
+ * ssh(1): allow forwarding a different agent socket to the path
+ specified by $SSH_AUTH_SOCK, by extending the existing ForwardAgent
+ option to accepting an explicit path or the name of an environment
+ variable in addition to yes/no.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): add a new signature operations "find-principals" to
+ look up the principal associated with a signature from an allowed-
+ signers file.
+ * sshd(8): expose the number of currently-authenticating connections
+ along with the MaxStartups limit in the process title visible to
+ "ps".
+ * sshd(8): make ClientAliveCountMax=0 have sensible semantics: it
+ will now disable connection killing entirely rather than the
+ current behaviour of instantly killing the connection after the
+ first liveness test regardless of success. bz2627
+ * sshd(8): clarify order of AllowUsers / DenyUsers vs AllowGroups /
+ DenyGroups in the sshd(8) manual page. bz1690
+ * sshd(8): better describe HashKnownHosts in the manual page. bz2560
+ * sshd(8): clarify that that permitopen=/PermitOpen do no name or
+ address translation in the manual page. bz3099
+ * sshd(8): allow the UpdateHostKeys feature to function when
+ multiple known_hosts files are in use. When updating host keys,
+ ssh will now search subsequent known_hosts files, but will add
+ updated host keys to the first specified file only. bz2738
+ * All: replace all calls to signal(2) with a wrapper around
+ sigaction(2). This wrapper blocks all other signals during the
+ handler preventing races between handlers, and sets SA_RESTART
+ which should reduce the potential for short read/write operations.
+ * sftp(1): fix a race condition in the SIGCHILD handler that could
+ turn in to a kill(-1); bz3084
+ * sshd(8): fix a case where valid (but extremely large) SSH channel
+ IDs were being incorrectly rejected. bz3098
+ * ssh(1): when checking host key fingerprints as answers to new
+ hostkey prompts, ignore whitespace surrounding the fingerprint
+ itself.
+ * All: wait for file descriptors to be readable or writeable during
+ non-blocking connect, not just readable. Prevents a timeout when
+ the server doesn't immediately send a banner (e.g. multiplexers
+ like sslh)
+ * sshd_config(5): document the sntrup4591761x25519-sha512@tinyssh.org
+ key exchange algorithm. PR151
+ * sshd(8): multiple adjustments to the Linux seccomp sandbox:
+ - Non-fatally deny IPC syscalls in sandbox
+ - Allow clock_gettime64() in sandbox (MIPS / glibc >= 2.31)
+ - Allow clock_nanosleep_time64 in sandbox (ARM) bz3100
+ - Allow clock_nanosleep() in sandbox (recent glibc) bz3093
+ * Explicit check for memmem declaration and fix up declaration if the
+ system headers lack it. bz3102
+ - SHA1 (openssh-8.2.tar.gz) = 0daae2a8c47c489a8784f2c38c4b39e6159ba678
+ - SHA256 (openssh-8.2.tar.gz) = +UmInEIoHJqYqWneMb/kgRbLcq8WDCo7+ooYcjzW4jg=
+ - SHA1 (openssh-8.2p1.tar.gz) = d1ab35a93507321c5db885e02d41ce1414f0507c
+ - SHA256 (openssh-8.2p1.tar.gz) = Q5JRUebPbO4UUBkMDpr03Da0HBJzdhnt/4vOvf9k5nE=
+Note: the openssh-8.2 tarball for OpenBSD that was initially released
+advertised an incorrect version for "ssh -V" and the sshd server
+banner. The above tarball replace the incorrect release, which has
+been renamed to openssh-8.2.tar.gz.incorrect. These are the checksums
+for the original, incorrect tarball:
+ - SHA1 (openssh-8.2.tar.gz) = 77584c22fbb89269398acdf53c1e554400584ba8
+ - SHA256 (openssh-8.2.tar.gz) = UttLaaSYXVK1O65cYvyQzyQ5sCfuJ4Lwrs8zNsPrluQ=
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read https://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
OpenSSH 8.1 was released on 2019-10-09. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8), ssh-add(1), ssh-keygen(1): an exploitable integer
+ overflow bug was found in the private key parsing code for the XMSS
+ key type. This key type is still experimental and support for it is
+ not compiled by default. No user-facing autoconf option exists in
+ portable OpenSSH to enable it. This bug was found by Adam Zabrocki
+ and reported via SecuriTeam's SSD program.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8), ssh-agent(1): add protection for private keys at
+ rest in RAM against speculation and memory side-channel attacks like
+ Spectre, Meltdown and Rambleed. This release encrypts private keys
+ when they are not in use with a symmetric key that is derived from a
+ relatively large "prekey" consisting of random data (currently 16KB).
+Potentially-incompatible changes
+This release includes a number of changes that may affect existing
+ * ssh-keygen(1): when acting as a CA and signing certificates with
+ an RSA key, default to using the rsa-sha2-512 signature algorithm.
+ Certificates signed by RSA keys will therefore be incompatible
+ with OpenSSH versions prior to 7.2 unless the default is
+ overridden (using "ssh-keygen -t ssh-rsa -s ...").
+Changes since OpenSSH 8.0
+This release is focused on bug-fixing.
+New Features
+ * ssh(1): Allow %n to be expanded in ProxyCommand strings
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Allow prepending a list of algorithms to the
+ default set by starting the list with the '^' character, E.g.
+ "HostKeyAlgorithms ^ssh-ed25519"
+ * ssh-keygen(1): add an experimental lightweight signature and
+ verification ability. Signatures may be made using regular ssh keys
+ held on disk or stored in a ssh-agent and verified against an
+ authorized_keys-like list of allowed keys. Signatures embed a
+ namespace that prevents confusion and attacks between different
+ usage domains (e.g. files vs email).
+ * ssh-keygen(1): print key comment when extracting public key from a
+ private key. bz#3052
+ * ssh-keygen(1): accept the verbose flag when searching for host keys
+ in known hosts (i.e. "ssh-keygen -vF host") to print the matching
+ host's random-art signature too. bz#3003
+ * All: support PKCS8 as an optional format for storage of private
+ keys to disk. The OpenSSH native key format remains the default,
+ but PKCS8 is a superior format to PEM if interoperability with
+ non-OpenSSH software is required, as it may use a less insecure
+ key derivation function than PEM's.
+ * ssh(1): if a PKCS#11 token returns no keys then try to login and
+ refetch them. Based on patch from Jakub Jelen; bz#2430
+ * ssh(1): produce a useful error message if the user's shell is set
+ incorrectly during "match exec" processing. bz#2791
+ * sftp(1): allow the maximum uint32 value for the argument passed
+ to -b which allows better error messages from later validation.
+ bz#3050
+ * ssh(1): avoid pledge sandbox violations in some combinations of
+ remote forwarding, connection multiplexing and ControlMaster.
+ * ssh-keyscan(1): include SHA2-variant RSA key algorithms in KEX
+ proposal; allows ssh-keyscan to harvest keys from servers that
+ disable old SHA1 ssh-rsa. bz#3029
+ * sftp(1): print explicit "not modified" message if a file was
+ requested for resumed download but was considered already complete.
+ bz#2978
+ * sftp(1): fix a typo and make <esc><right> move right to the
+ closest end of a word just like <esc><left> moves left to the
+ closest beginning of a word.
+ * sshd(8): cap the number of permitopen/permitlisten directives
+ allowed to appear on a single authorized_keys line.
+ * All: fix a number of memory leaks (one-off or on exit paths).
+ * Regression tests: a number of fixes and improvements, including
+ fixes to the interop tests, adding the ability to run most tests
+ on builds that disable OpenSSL support, better support for running
+ tests under Valgrind and a number of bug-fixes.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): check for convtime() refusing to accept times that
+ resolve to LONG_MAX Reported by Kirk Wolf bz2977
+ * ssh(1): slightly more instructive error message when the user
+ specifies multiple -J options on the command-line. bz3015
+ * ssh-agent(1): process agent requests for RSA certificate private
+ keys using correct signature algorithm when requested. bz3016
+ * sftp(1): check for user@host when parsing sftp target. This
+ allows user@[] to work without a path. bz#2999
+ * sshd(8): enlarge format buffer size for certificate serial
+ number so the log message can record any 64-bit integer without
+ truncation. bz#3012
+ * sshd(8): for PermitOpen violations add the remote host and port to
+ be able to more easily ascertain the source of the request. Add the
+ same logging for PermitListen violations which where not previously
+ logged at all.
+ * scp(1), sftp(1): use the correct POSIX format style for left
+ justification for the transfer progress meter. bz#3002
+ * sshd(8) when examining a configuration using sshd -T, assume any
+ attribute not provided by -C does not match, which allows it to work
+ when sshd_config contains a Match directive with or without -C.
+ bz#2858
+ * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): downgrade PKCS#11 "provider returned no
+ slots" warning from log level error to debug. This is common when
+ attempting to enumerate keys on smartcard readers with no cards
+ plugged in. bz#3058
+ * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): do not unconditionally log in to PKCS#11
+ tokens. Avoids spurious PIN prompts for keys not selected for
+ authentication in ssh(1) and when listing public keys available in
+ a token using ssh-keygen(1). bz#3006
+ * ssh(1): fix SIGWINCH delivery of Solaris for multiplexed sessions
+ bz#3030
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): fix typo that prevented detection of Linux VRF
+ * sshd(8): add no-op implementation of pam_putenv to avoid build
+ breakage on platforms where the PAM implementation lacks this
+ function (e.g. HP-UX). bz#3008
+ * sftp-server(8): fix Solaris privilege sandbox from preventing
+ the legacy sftp rename operation from working (was refusing to
+ allow hard links to files owned by other users). bz#3036
+ * All: add a proc_pidinfo()-based closefrom() for OS X to avoid
+ the need to brute-force close all high-numbered file descriptors.
+ bz#3049
+ * sshd(8): in the Linux seccomp-bpf sandbox, allow mprotect(2) with
+ PROT_(READ|WRITE|NONE) only. This syscall is used by some hardened
+ heap allocators. Github PR142
+ * sshd(8): in the Linux seccomp-bpf sandbox, allow the s390-specific
+ ioctl for ECC hardware support.
+ * All: use "doc" man page format if the mandoc(1) tool is present on
+ the system. Previously configure would not select the "doc" man
+ page format if mandoc was present but nroff was not.
+ * sshd(8): don't install duplicate STREAMS modules on Solaris; check
+ if STREAMS modules are already installed on a pty before installing
+ since when compiling with XPG>=4 they will likely be installed
+ already. Prevents hangs and duplicate lines on the terminal.
+ bz#2945 and bz#2998,
+ - SHA1 (openssh-8.1.tar.gz) = bf7b0c65a7c0afa5ba9c787f345b8a24fa459add
+ - SHA256 (openssh-8.1.tar.gz) = vamkKxZTFfgxQXSxGeJ1vbuot0H3Vx9bNBgrvChSrFg=
+ - SHA1 (openssh-8.1p1.tar.gz) = c44b96094869f177735ae053d92bd5fcab1319de
+ - SHA256 (openssh-8.1p1.tar.gz) = AvXb7zg10HU1VvlzzVe0wZtrH2zSTANEXiOsd8obk/8=
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
OpenSSH 8.0 was released on 2019-04-17. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+This release contains mitigation for a weakness in the scp(1) tool
+and protocol (CVE-2019-6111): when copying files from a remote system
+to a local directory, scp(1) did not verify that the filenames that
+the server sent matched those requested by the client. This could
+allow a hostile server to create or clobber unexpected local files
+with attacker-controlled content.
+This release adds client-side checking that the filenames sent from
+the server match the command-line request,
+The scp protocol is outdated, inflexible and not readily fixed. We
+recommend the use of more modern protocols like sftp and rsync for
+file transfer instead.
+Potentially-incompatible changes
+This release includes a number of changes that may affect existing
+ * scp(1): Relating to the above changes to scp(1); the scp protocol
+ relies on the remote shell for wildcard expansion, so there is no
+ infallible way for the client's wildcard matching to perfectly
+ reflect the server's. If there is a difference between client and
+ server wildcard expansion, the client may refuse files from the
+ server. For this reason, we have provided a new "-T" flag to scp
+ that disables these client-side checks at the risk of
+ reintroducing the attack described above.
+ * sshd(8): Remove support for obsolete "host/port" syntax. Slash-
+ separated host/port was added in 2001 as an alternative to
+ host:port syntax for the benefit of IPv6 users. These days there
+ are establised standards for this like [::1]:22 and the slash
+ syntax is easily mistaken for CIDR notation, which OpenSSH
+ supports for some things. Remove the slash notation from
+ ListenAddress and PermitOpen; bz#2335
+Changes since OpenSSH 7.9
+This release is focused on new features and internal refactoring.
+New Features
+ * ssh(1), ssh-agent(1), ssh-add(1): Add support for ECDSA keys in
+ PKCS#11 tokens.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Add experimental quantum-computing resistant
+ key exchange method, based on a combination of Streamlined NTRU
+ Prime 4591^761 and X25519.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Increase the default RSA key size to 3072 bits,
+ following NIST Special Publication 800-57's guidance for a
+ 128-bit equivalent symmetric security level.
+ * ssh(1): Allow "PKCS11Provider=none" to override later instances of
+ the PKCS11Provider directive in ssh_config; bz#2974
+ * sshd(8): Add a log message for situations where a connection is
+ dropped for attempting to run a command but a sshd_config
+ ForceCommand=internal-sftp restriction is in effect; bz#2960
+ * ssh(1): When prompting whether to record a new host key, accept
+ the key fingerprint as a synonym for "yes". This allows the user
+ to paste a fingerprint obtained out of band at the prompt and
+ have the client do the comparison for you.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): When signing multiple certificates on a single
+ command-line invocation, allow automatically incrementing the
+ certificate serial number.
+ * scp(1), sftp(1): Accept -J option as an alias to ProxyJump on
+ the scp and sftp command-lines.
+ * ssh-agent(1), ssh-pkcs11-helper(8), ssh-add(1): Accept "-v"
+ command-line flags to increase the verbosity of output; pass
+ verbose flags though to subprocesses, such as ssh-pkcs11-helper
+ started from ssh-agent.
+ * ssh-add(1): Add a "-T" option to allowing testing whether keys in
+ an agent are usable by performing a signature and a verification.
+ * sftp-server(8): Add a "lsetstat@openssh.com" protocol extension
+ that replicates the functionality of the existing SSH2_FXP_SETSTAT
+ operation but does not follow symlinks. bz#2067
+ * sftp(1): Add "-h" flag to chown/chgrp/chmod commands to request
+ they do not follow symlinks.
+ * sshd(8): Expose $SSH_CONNECTION in the PAM environment. This makes
+ the connection 4-tuple available to PAM modules that wish to use
+ it in decision-making. bz#2741
+ * sshd(8): Add a ssh_config "Match final" predicate Matches in same
+ pass as "Match canonical" but doesn't require hostname
+ canonicalisation be enabled. bz#2906
+ * sftp(1): Support a prefix of '@' to suppress echo of sftp batch
+ commands; bz#2926
+ * ssh-keygen(1): When printing certificate contents using
+ "ssh-keygen -Lf /path/certificate", include the algorithm that
+ the CA used to sign the cert.
+ * sshd(8): Fix authentication failures when sshd_config contains
+ "AuthenticationMethods any" inside a Match block that overrides
+ a more restrictive default.
+ * sshd(8): Avoid sending duplicate keepalives when ClientAliveCount
+ is enabled.
+ * sshd(8): Fix two race conditions related to SIGHUP daemon restart.
+ Remnant file descriptors in recently-forked child processes could
+ block the parent sshd's attempt to listen(2) to the configured
+ addresses. Also, the restarting parent sshd could exit before any
+ child processes that were awaiting their re-execution state had
+ completed reading it, leaving them in a fallback path.
+ * ssh(1): Fix stdout potentially being redirected to /dev/null when
+ ProxyCommand=- was in use.
+ * sshd(8): Avoid sending SIGPIPE to child processes if they attempt
+ to write to stderr after their parent processes have exited;
+ bz#2071
+ * ssh(1): Fix bad interaction between the ssh_config ConnectTimeout
+ and ConnectionAttempts directives - connection attempts after the
+ first were ignoring the requested timeout; bz#2918
+ * ssh-keyscan(1): Return a non-zero exit status if no keys were
+ found; bz#2903
+ * scp(1): Sanitize scp filenames to allow UTF-8 characters without
+ terminal control sequences; bz#2434
+ * sshd(8): Fix confusion between ClientAliveInterval and time-based
+ RekeyLimit that could cause connections to be incorrectly closed.
+ bz#2757
+ * ssh(1), ssh-add(1): Correct some bugs in PKCS#11 token PIN
+ handling at initial token login. The attempt to read the PIN
+ could be skipped in some cases, particularly on devices with
+ integrated PIN readers. This would lead to an inability to
+ retrieve keys from these tokens. bz#2652
+ * ssh(1), ssh-add(1): Support keys on PKCS#11 tokens that set the
+ CKA_ALWAYS_AUTHENTICATE flag by requring a fresh login after the
+ C_SignInit operation. bz#2638
+ * ssh(1): Improve documentation for ProxyJump/-J, clarifying that
+ local configuration does not apply to jump hosts.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Clarify manual - ssh-keygen -e only writes
+ public keys, not private.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): be more strict in processing protocol banners,
+ allowing \r characters only immediately before \n.
+ * Various: fix a number of memory leaks, including bz#2942 and
+ bz#2938
+ * scp(1), sftp(1): fix calculation of initial bandwidth limits.
+ Account for bytes written before the timer starts and adjust the
+ schedule on which recalculations are performed. Avoids an initial
+ burst of traffic and yields more accurate bandwidth limits;
+ bz#2927
+ * sshd(8): Only consider the ext-info-c extension during the initial
+ key eschange. It shouldn't be sent in subsequent ones, but if it
+ is present we should ignore it. This prevents sshd from sending a
+ SSH_MSG_EXT_INFO for REKEX for buggy these clients. bz#2929
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Clarify manual that ssh-keygen -F (find host in
+ authorized_keys) and -R (remove host from authorized_keys) options
+ may accept either a bare hostname or a [hostname]:port combo.
+ bz#2935
+ * ssh(1): Don't attempt to connect to empty SSH_AUTH_SOCK; bz#2936
+ * sshd(8): Silence error messages when sshd fails to load some of
+ the default host keys. Failure to load an explicitly-configured
+ hostkey is still an error, and failure to load any host key is
+ still fatal. pr/103
+ * ssh(1): Redirect stderr of ProxyCommands to /dev/null when ssh is
+ started with ControlPersist; prevents random ProxyCommand output
+ from interfering with session output.
+ * ssh(1): The ssh client was keeping a redundant ssh-agent socket
+ (leftover from authentication) around for the life of the
+ connection; bz#2912
+ * sshd(8): Fix bug in HostbasedAcceptedKeyTypes and
+ PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes options. If only RSA-SHA2 siganture types
+ were specified, then authentication would always fail for RSA keys
+ as the monitor checks only the base key (not the signature
+ algorithm) type against *AcceptedKeyTypes. bz#2746
+ * ssh(1): Request correct signature types from ssh-agent when
+ certificate keys and RSA-SHA2 signatures are in use.
+ * sshd(8): On Cygwin, run as SYSTEM where possible, using S4U for
+ token creation if it supports MsV1_0 S4U Logon.
+ * sshd(8): On Cygwin, use custom user/group matching code that
+ respects the OS' behaviour of case-insensitive matching.
+ * sshd(8): Don't set $MAIL if UsePAM=yes as PAM typically specifies
+ the user environment if it's enabled; bz#2937
+ * sshd(8) Cygwin: Change service name to cygsshd to avoid collision
+ with Microsoft's OpenSSH port.
+ * Allow building against OpenSSL -dev (3.x)
+ * Fix a number of build problems against version configurations and
+ versions of OpenSSL. Including bz#2931 and bz#2921
+ * Improve warnings in cygwin service setup. bz#2922
+ * Remove hardcoded service name in cygwin setup. bz#2922
+ - SHA1 (openssh-8.0.tar.gz) = 8aaa99091fc7e5a92a4a320e1e5521046b3f95f0
+ - SHA256 (openssh-8.0.tar.gz) = 1xvSJk1KYSnOLPYEUzyCVwTEQ7MHOaCO65DzeNuuLdo=
+ - SHA1 (openssh-8.0p1.tar.gz) = 756dbb99193f9541c9206a667eaa27b0fa184a4f
+ - SHA256 (openssh-8.0p1.tar.gz) = vZQ4eeaUmOgDHra39E0IzcN9WaeraJqgtDcyDDSB/Wg=
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
OpenSSH 7.9 was released on 2018-10-19. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Potentially-incompatible changes
+This release includes a number of changes that may affect existing
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): the setting of the new CASignatureAlgorithms
+ option (see below) bans the use of DSA keys as certificate
+ authorities.
+ * sshd(8): the authentication success/failure log message has
+ changed format slightly. It now includes the certificate
+ fingerprint (previously it included only key ID and CA key
+ fingerprint).
+Changes since OpenSSH 7.8
+This is primarily a bugfix release.
+New Features
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): allow most port numbers to be specified using
+ service names from getservbyname(3) (typically /etc/services).
+ * ssh(1): allow the IdentityAgent configuration directive to accept
+ environment variable names. This supports the use of multiple
+ agent sockets without needing to use fixed paths.
+ * sshd(8): support signalling sessions via the SSH protocol.
+ A limited subset of signals is supported and only for login or
+ command sessions (i.e. not subsystems) that were not subject to
+ a forced command via authorized_keys or sshd_config. bz#1424
+ * ssh(1): support "ssh -Q sig" to list supported signature options.
+ Also "ssh -Q help" to show the full set of supported queries.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): add a CASignatureAlgorithms option for the
+ client and server configs to allow control over which signature
+ formats are allowed for CAs to sign certificates. For example,
+ this allows banning CAs that sign certificates using the RSA-SHA1
+ signature algorithm.
+ * sshd(8), ssh-keygen(1): allow key revocation lists (KRLs) to
+ revoke keys specified by SHA256 hash.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): allow creation of key revocation lists directly
+ from base64-encoded SHA256 fingerprints. This supports revoking
+ keys using only the information contained in sshd(8)
+ authentication log messages.
+ * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): avoid spurious "invalid format" errors when
+ attempting to load PEM private keys while using an incorrect
+ passphrase. bz#2901
+ * sshd(8): when a channel closed message is received from a client,
+ close the stderr file descriptor at the same time stdout is
+ closed. This avoids stuck processes if they were waiting for
+ stderr to close and were insensitive to stdin/out closing. bz#2863
+ * ssh(1): allow ForwardX11Timeout=0 to disable the untrusted X11
+ forwarding timeout and support X11 forwarding indefinitely.
+ Previously the behaviour of ForwardX11Timeout=0 was undefined.
+ * sshd(8): when compiled with GSSAPI support, cache supported method
+ OIDs regardless of whether GSSAPI authentication is enabled in the
+ main section of sshd_config. This avoids sandbox violations if
+ GSSAPI authentication was later enabled in a Match block. bz#2107
+ * sshd(8): do not fail closed when configured with a text key
+ revocation list that contains a too-short key. bz#2897
+ * ssh(1): treat connections with ProxyJump specified the same as
+ ones with a ProxyCommand set with regards to hostname
+ canonicalisation (i.e. don't try to canonicalise the hostname
+ unless CanonicalizeHostname is set to 'always'). bz#2896
+ * ssh(1): fix regression in OpenSSH 7.8 that could prevent public-
+ key authentication using certificates hosted in a ssh-agent(1)
+ or against sshd(8) from OpenSSH <7.8.
+ * All: support building against the openssl-1.1 API (releases 1.1.0g
+ and later). The openssl-1.0 API will remain supported at least
+ until OpenSSL terminates security patch support for that API version.
+ * sshd(8): allow the futex(2) syscall in the Linux seccomp sandbox;
+ apparently required by some glibc/OpenSSL combinations.
+ * sshd(8): handle getgrouplist(3) returning more than
+ _SC_NGROUPS_MAX groups. Some platforms consider this limit more
+ as a guideline.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.9.tar.gz) = 7c50a86b8f591decd172ed7f5527abc533098dec
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.9.tar.gz) = nSVigtHGn3+xKXRqpSnp4YOyEPPAb+pCHdWS9Eh/IPY=
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.9p1.tar.gz) = 993aceedea8ecabb1d0dd7293508a361891c4eaa
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.9p1.tar.gz) = a0s7oiU9hO03ccgFByjVl8kc/OiYcTvre2SjBbbxGq0=
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
OpenSSH 7.8 was released on 2018-08-24. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Potentially-incompatible changes
+This release includes a number of changes that may affect existing
+ * ssh-keygen(1): write OpenSSH format private keys by default
+ instead of using OpenSSL's PEM format. The OpenSSH format,
+ supported in OpenSSH releases since 2014 and described in the
+ PROTOCOL.key file in the source distribution, offers substantially
+ better protection against offline password guessing and supports
+ key comments in private keys. If necessary, it is possible to write
+ old PEM-style keys by adding "-m PEM" to ssh-keygen's arguments
+ when generating or updating a key.
+ * sshd(8): remove internal support for S/Key multiple factor
+ authentication. S/Key may still be used via PAM or BSD auth.
+ * ssh(1): remove vestigal support for running ssh(1) as setuid. This
+ used to be required for hostbased authentication and the (long
+ gone) rhosts-style authentication, but has not been necessary for
+ a long time. Attempting to execute ssh as a setuid binary, or with
+ uid != effective uid will now yield a fatal error at runtime.
+ * sshd(8): the semantics of PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes and the similar
+ HostbasedAcceptedKeyTypes options have changed. These now specify
+ signature algorithms that are accepted for their respective
+ authentication mechanism, where previously they specified accepted
+ key types. This distinction matters when using the RSA/SHA2
+ signature algorithms "rsa-sha2-256", "rsa-sha2-512" and their
+ certificate counterparts. Configurations that override these
+ options but omit these algorithm names may cause unexpected
+ authentication failures (no action is required for configurations
+ that accept the default for these options).
+ * sshd(8): the precedence of session environment variables has
+ changed. ~/.ssh/environment and environment="..." options in
+ authorized_keys files can no longer override SSH_* variables set
+ implicitly by sshd.
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): the default IPQoS used by ssh/sshd has changed.
+ They will now use DSCP AF21 for interactive traffic and CS1 for
+ bulk. For a detailed rationale, please see the commit message:
+ https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/src/usr.bin/ssh/readconf.c#rev1.284
+Changes since OpenSSH 7.7
+This is primarily a bugfix release.
+New Features
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): add new signature algorithms "rsa-sha2-256-cert-
+ v01@openssh.com" and "rsa-sha2-512-cert-v01@openssh.com" to
+ explicitly force use of RSA/SHA2 signatures in authentication.
+ * sshd(8): extend the PermitUserEnvironment option to accept a
+ whitelist of environment variable names in addition to global
+ "yes" or "no" settings.
+ * sshd(8): add a PermitListen directive to sshd_config(5) and a
+ corresponding permitlisten= authorized_keys option that control
+ which listen addresses and port numbers may be used by remote
+ forwarding (ssh -R ...).
+ * sshd(8): add some countermeasures against timing attacks used for
+ account validation/enumeration. sshd will enforce a minimum time
+ or each failed authentication attempt consisting of a global 5ms
+ minimum plus an additional per-user 0-4ms delay derived from a
+ host secret.
+ * sshd(8): add a SetEnv directive to allow an administrator to
+ explicitly specify environment variables in sshd_config.
+ Variables set by SetEnv override the default and client-specified
+ environment.
+ * ssh(1): add a SetEnv directive to request that the server sets
+ an environment variable in the session. Similar to the existing
+ SendEnv option, these variables are set subject to server
+ configuration.
+ * ssh(1): allow "SendEnv -PATTERN" to clear environment variables
+ previously marked for sending to the server. bz#1285
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): make UID available as a %-expansion everywhere
+ that the username is available currently. bz#2870
+ * ssh(1): allow setting ProxyJump=none to disable ProxyJump
+ functionality. bz#2869
+ * sshd(8): avoid observable differences in request parsing that could
+ be used to determine whether a target user is valid.
+ * all: substantial internal refactoring
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): fix some memory leaks; bz#2366
+ * ssh(1): fix a pwent clobber (introduced in openssh-7.7) that could
+ occur during key loading, manifesting as crash on some platforms.
+ * sshd_config(5): clarify documentation for AuthenticationMethods
+ option; bz#2663
+ * ssh(1): ensure that the public key algorithm sent in a
+ public key SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST matches the content of the
+ signature blob. Previously, these could be inconsistent when a
+ legacy or non-OpenSSH ssh-agent returned a RSA/SHA1 signature
+ when asked to make a RSA/SHA2 signature.
+ * sshd(8): fix failures to read authorized_keys caused by faulty
+ supplemental group caching. bz#2873
+ * scp(1): apply umask to directories, fixing potential mkdir/chmod
+ race when copying directory trees bz#2839
+ * ssh-keygen(1): return correct exit code when searching for and
+ hashing known_hosts entries in a single operation; bz#2772
+ * ssh(1): prefer the ssh binary pointed to via argv[0] to $PATH when
+ re-executing ssh for ProxyJump. bz#2831
+ * sshd(8): do not ban PTY allocation when a sshd session is
+ restricted because the user password is expired as it breaks
+ password change dialog. (regression in openssh-7.7).
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): fix error reporting from select() failures.
+ * ssh(1): improve documentation for -w (tunnel) flag, emphasising
+ that -w implicitly sets Tunnel=point-to-point. bz#2365
+ * ssh-agent(1): implement EMFILE mitigation for ssh-agent. ssh-agent
+ will no longer spin when its file descriptor limit is exceeded.
+ bz#2576
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): disable SSH2_MSG_DEBUG messages for Twisted Conch
+ clients. Twisted Conch versions that lack a version number in
+ their identification strings will mishandle these messages when
+ running on Python 2.x (https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/9422)
+ * sftp(1): notify user immediately when underlying ssh process dies
+ expectedly. bz#2719
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): fix tunnel forwarding; regression in 7.7 release.
+ bz#2855
+ * ssh-agent(1): don't kill ssh-agent's listening socket entirely if
+ it fails to accept(2) a connection. bz#2837
+ * sshd(8): relax checking of authorized_keys environment="..."
+ options to allow underscores in variable names (regression
+ introduced in 7.7). bz#2851
+ * ssh(1): add some missing options in the configuration dump output
+ (ssh -G). bz#2835
+ * sshd(8): Expose details of completed authentication to PAM auth
+ modules via SSH_AUTH_INFO_0 in the PAM environment. bz#2408
+ * Fix compilation problems caused by fights between zlib and OpenSSL
+ colliding uses of "free_func"
+ * Improve detection of unsupported compiler options. Recently these
+ may have manifested as "unsupported -Wl,-z,retpoline" warnings
+ during linking.
+ * sshd(8): some sandbox support for Linux/s390 bz#2752.
+ * regress tests: unbreak key-options.sh test on platforms without
+ openpty(3). bz#2856
+ * use getrandom(2) for PRNG seeding when built without OpenSSL.
+- SHA1 (openssh-7.8.tar.gz) = ed5511cd42b543cd15166a9cbc56705f23b847e7
+- SHA256 (openssh-7.8.tar.gz) = TDqIsMEmghsBUNCrSCPyCxChfitntyOLXNC694py1XE
+- SHA1 (openssh-7.8p1.tar.gz) = 27e267e370315561de96577fccae563bc2c37a60
+- SHA256 (openssh-7.8p1.tar.gz) = GkhLsVFSwYO7JRThEqow3TQTjDz7Ay7uVJCmbFBxRMo
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
OpenSSH 7.7 was released on 2018-04-02. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Potentially-incompatible changes
+This release includes a number of changes that may affect existing
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): Drop compatibility support for some very old SSH
+ implementations, including ssh.com <=2.* and OpenSSH <= 3.*. These
+ versions were all released in or before 2001 and predate the final
+ SSH RFCs. The support in question isn't necessary for RFC-compliant
+ SSH implementations.
+Changes since OpenSSH 7.6
+This is primarily a bugfix release.
+New Features
+ * All: Add experimental support for PQC XMSS keys (Extended Hash-
+ Based Signatures) based on the algorithm described in
+ https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-irtf-cfrg-xmss-hash-based-signatures-12
+ The XMSS signature code is experimental and not compiled in by
+ default.
+ * sshd(8): Add a "rdomain" criteria for the sshd_config Match keyword
+ to allow conditional configuration that depends on which routing
+ domain a connection was received on (currently supported on OpenBSD
+ and Linux).
+ * sshd_config(5): Add an optional rdomain qualifier to the
+ ListenAddress directive to allow listening on different routing
+ domains. This is supported only on OpenBSD and Linux at present.
+ * sshd_config(5): Add RDomain directive to allow the authenticated
+ session to be placed in an explicit routing domain. This is only
+ supported on OpenBSD at present.
+ * sshd(8): Add "expiry-time" option for authorized_keys files to
+ allow for expiring keys.
+ * ssh(1): Add a BindInterface option to allow binding the outgoing
+ connection to an interface's address (basically a more usable
+ BindAddress)
+ * ssh(1): Expose device allocated for tun/tap forwarding via a new
+ %T expansion for LocalCommand. This allows LocalCommand to be used
+ to prepare the interface.
+ * sshd(8): Expose the device allocated for tun/tap forwarding via a
+ new SSH_TUNNEL environment variable. This allows automatic setup of
+ the interface and surrounding network configuration automatically on
+ the server.
+ * ssh(1)/scp(1)/sftp(1): Add URI support to ssh, sftp and scp, e.g.
+ ssh://user@host or sftp://user@host/path. Additional connection
+ parameters described in draft-ietf-secsh-scp-sftp-ssh-uri-04 are not
+ implemented since the ssh fingerprint format in the draft uses the
+ deprecated MD5 hash with no way to specify the any other algorithm.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Allow certificate validity intervals that specify
+ only a start or stop time (instead of both or neither).
+ * sftp(1): Allow "cd" and "lcd" commands with no explicit path
+ argument. lcd will change to the local user's home directory as
+ usual. cd will change to the starting directory for session (because
+ the protocol offers no way to obtain the remote user's home
+ directory). bz#2760
+ * sshd(8): When doing a config test with sshd -T, only require the
+ attributes that are actually used in Match criteria rather than (an
+ incomplete list of) all criteria.
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): More strictly check signature types during key
+ exchange against what was negotiated. Prevents downgrade of RSA
+ signatures made with SHA-256/512 to SHA-1.
+ * sshd(8): Fix support for client that advertise a protocol version
+ of "1.99" (indicating that they are prepared to accept both SSHv1 and
+ SSHv2). This was broken in OpenSSH 7.6 during the removal of SSHv1
+ support. bz#2810
+ * ssh(1): Warn when the agent returns a ssh-rsa (SHA1) signature when
+ a rsa-sha2-256/512 signature was requested. This condition is possible
+ when an old or non-OpenSSH agent is in use. bz#2799
+ * ssh-agent(1): Fix regression introduced in 7.6 that caused ssh-agent
+ to fatally exit if presented an invalid signature request message.
+ * sshd_config(5): Accept yes/no flag options case-insensitively, as
+ has been the case in ssh_config(5) for a long time. bz#2664
+ * ssh(1): Improve error reporting for failures during connection.
+ Under some circumstances misleading errors were being shown. bz#2814
+ * ssh-keyscan(1): Add -D option to allow printing of results directly
+ in SSHFP format. bz#2821
+ * regress tests: fix PuTTY interop test broken in last release's SSHv1
+ removal. bz#2823
+ * ssh(1): Compatibility fix for some servers that erroneously drop the
+ connection when the IUTF8 (RFC8160) option is sent.
+ * scp(1): Disable RemoteCommand and RequestTTY in the ssh session
+ started by scp (sftp was already doing this.)
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Refuse to create a certificate with an unusable
+ number of principals.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Fatally exit if ssh-keygen is unable to write all the
+ public key during key generation. Previously it would silently
+ ignore errors writing the comment and terminating newline.
+ * ssh(1): Do not modify hostname arguments that are addresses by
+ automatically forcing them to lower-case. Instead canonicalise them
+ to resolve ambiguities (e.g. ::0001 => ::1) before they are matched
+ against known_hosts. bz#2763
+ * ssh(1): Don't accept junk after "yes" or "no" responses to hostkey
+ prompts. bz#2803
+ * sftp(1): Have sftp print a warning about shell cleanliness when
+ decoding the first packet fails, which is usually caused by shells
+ polluting stdout of non-interactive startups. bz#2800
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): Switch timers in packet code from using wall-clock
+ time to monotonic time, allowing the packet layer to better function
+ over a clock step and avoiding possible integer overflows during
+ steps.
+ * Numerous manual page fixes and improvements.
+ * sshd(8): Correctly detect MIPS ABI in use at configure time. Fixes
+ sandbox violations on some environments.
+ * sshd(8): Remove UNICOS support. The hardware and software are literal
+ museum pieces and support in sshd is too intrusive to justify
+ maintaining.
+ * All: Build and link with "retpoline" flags when available to mitigate
+ the "branch target injection" style (variant 2) of the Spectre
+ branch-prediction vulnerability.
+ * All: Add auto-generated dependency information to Makefile.
+ * Numerous fixed to the RPM spec files.
+- SHA1 (openssh-7.7.tar.gz) = 24812e05fa233014c847c7775748316e7f8a836c
+- SHA256 (openssh-7.7.tar.gz) = T4ua1L/vgAYqwB0muRahvnm5ZUr3PLY9nPljaG8egvo=
+- SHA1 (openssh-7.7p1.tar.gz) = 446fe9ed171f289f0d62197dffdbfdaaf21c49f2
+- SHA256 (openssh-7.7p1.tar.gz) = 1zvn5oTpnvzQJL4Vowv/y+QbASsvezyQhK7WIXdea48=
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
OpenSSH 7.6 was released on 2017-10-03. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Potentially-incompatible changes
+This release includes a number of changes that may affect existing
+ * ssh(1): delete SSH protocol version 1 support, associated
+ configuration options and documentation.
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): remove support for the hmac-ripemd160 MAC.
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): remove support for the arcfour, blowfish and CAST
+ ciphers.
+ * Refuse RSA keys <1024 bits in length and improve reporting for keys
+ that do not meet this requirement.
+ * ssh(1): do not offer CBC ciphers by default.
+Changes since OpenSSH 7.5
+This is primarily a bugfix release. It also contains substantial
+internal refactoring.
+ * sftp-server(8): in read-only mode, sftp-server was incorrectly
+ permitting creation of zero-length files. Reported by Michal
+ Zalewski.
+New Features
+ * ssh(1): add RemoteCommand option to specify a command in the ssh
+ config file instead of giving it on the client's command line. This
+ allows the configuration file to specify the command that will be
+ executed on the remote host.
+ * sshd(8): add ExposeAuthInfo option that enables writing details of
+ the authentication methods used (including public keys where
+ applicable) to a file that is exposed via a $SSH_USER_AUTH
+ environment variable in the subsequent session.
+ * ssh(1): add support for reverse dynamic forwarding. In this mode,
+ ssh will act as a SOCKS4/5 proxy and forward connections
+ to destinations requested by the remote SOCKS client. This mode
+ is requested using extended syntax for the -R and RemoteForward
+ options and, because it is implemented solely at the client,
+ does not require the server be updated to be supported.
+ * sshd(8): allow LogLevel directive in sshd_config Match blocks;
+ bz#2717
+ * ssh-keygen(1): allow inclusion of arbitrary string or flag
+ certificate extensions and critical options.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): allow ssh-keygen to use a key held in ssh-agent as
+ a CA when signing certificates. bz#2377
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): allow IPQoS=none in ssh/sshd to not set an explicit
+ ToS/DSCP value and just use the operating system default.
+ * ssh-add(1): added -q option to make ssh-add quiet on success.
+ * ssh(1): expand the StrictHostKeyChecking option with two new
+ settings. The first "accept-new" will automatically accept
+ hitherto-unseen keys but will refuse connections for changed or
+ invalid hostkeys. This is a safer subset of the current behaviour
+ of StrictHostKeyChecking=no. The second setting "off", is a synonym
+ for the current behaviour of StrictHostKeyChecking=no: accept new
+ host keys, and continue connection for hosts with incorrect
+ hostkeys. A future release will change the meaning of
+ StrictHostKeyChecking=no to the behaviour of "accept-new". bz#2400
+ * ssh(1): add SyslogFacility option to ssh(1) matching the equivalent
+ option in sshd(8). bz#2705
+ * ssh(1): use HostKeyAlias if specified instead of hostname for
+ matching host certificate principal names; bz#2728
+ * sftp(1): implement sorting for globbed ls; bz#2649
+ * ssh(1): add a user@host prefix to client's "Permission denied"
+ messages, useful in particular when using "stacked" connections
+ (e.g. ssh -J) where it's not clear which host is denying. bz#2720
+ * ssh(1): accept unknown EXT_INFO extension values that contain \0
+ characters. These are legal, but would previously cause fatal
+ connection errors if received.
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): repair compression statistics printed at
+ connection exit
+ * sftp(1): print '?' instead of incorrect link count (that the
+ protocol doesn't provide) for remote listings. bz#2710
+ * ssh(1): return failure rather than fatal() for more cases during
+ session multiplexing negotiations. Causes the session to fall back
+ to a non-mux connection if they occur. bz#2707
+ * ssh(1): mention that the server may send debug messages to explain
+ public key authentication problems under some circumstances; bz#2709
+ * Translate OpenSSL error codes to better report incorrect passphrase
+ errors when loading private keys; bz#2699
+ * sshd(8): adjust compatibility patterns for WinSCP to correctly
+ identify versions that implement only the legacy DH group exchange
+ scheme. bz#2748
+ * ssh(1): print the "Killed by signal 1" message only at LogLevel
+ verbose so that it is not shown at the default level; prevents it
+ from appearing during ssh -J and equivalent ProxyCommand configs.
+ bz#1906, bz#2744
+ * ssh-keygen(1): when generating all hostkeys (ssh-keygen -A), clobber
+ existing keys if they exist but are zero length. zero-length keys
+ could previously be made if ssh-keygen failed or was interrupted part
+ way through generating them. bz#2561
+ * ssh(1): fix pledge(2) violation in the escape sequence "~&" used to
+ place the current session in the background.
+ * ssh-keyscan(1): avoid double-close() on file descriptors; bz#2734
+ * sshd(8): avoid reliance on shared use of pointers shared between
+ monitor and child sshd processes. bz#2704
+ * sshd_config(8): document available AuthenticationMethods; bz#2453
+ * ssh(1): avoid truncation in some login prompts; bz#2768
+ * sshd(8): Fix various compilations failures, inc bz#2767
+ * ssh(1): make "--" before the hostname terminate argument processing
+ after the hostname too.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): switch from aes256-cbc to aes256-ctr for encrypting
+ new-style private keys. Fixes problems related to private key
+ handling for no-OpenSSL builds. bz#2754
+ * ssh(1): warn and do not attempt to use keys when the public and
+ private halves do not match. bz#2737
+ * sftp(1): don't print verbose error message when ssh disconnects
+ from under sftp. bz#2750
+ * sshd(8): fix keepalive scheduling problem: activity on a forwarded
+ port from preventing the keepalive from being sent; bz#2756
+ * sshd(8): when started without root privileges, don't require the
+ privilege separation user or path to exist. Makes running the
+ regression tests easier without touching the filesystem.
+ * Make integrity.sh regression tests more robust against timeouts.
+ bz#2658
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): correctness fix for channels implementation: accept
+ channel IDs greater than 0x7FFFFFFF.
+ * sshd(9): drop two more privileges in the Solaris sandbox:
+ * sshd(8): expose list of completed authentication methods to PAM
+ via the SSH_AUTH_INFO_0 PAM environment variable. bz#2408
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): fix several problems in the tun/tap forwarding code,
+ mostly to do with host/network byte order confusion. bz#2735
+ * Add --with-cflags-after and --with-ldflags-after configure flags to
+ allow setting CFLAGS/LDFLAGS after configure has completed. These
+ are useful for setting sanitiser/fuzzing options that may interfere
+ with configure's operation.
+ * sshd(8): avoid Linux seccomp violations on ppc64le over the
+ socketcall syscall.
+ * Fix use of ldns when using ldns-config; bz#2697
+ * configure: set cache variables when cross-compiling. The cross-
+ compiling fallback message was saying it assumed the test passed,
+ but it wasn't actually set the cache variables and this would
+ cause later tests to fail.
+ * Add clang libFuzzer harnesses for public key parsing and signature
+ verification.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.6.tar.gz) = 157fe3989a245c58fcdb34d9fe722a3c4e14c008
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.6p1.tar.gz) = a6984bc2c72192bed015c8b879b35dd9f5350b3b
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.6.tar.gz) = Xu3bdpCcu65vM2FnW7b6IKLgd4Kvf2P3WBTMw+I7Bao=
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.6p1.tar.gz) = oyPK7t3+FFuqoNsW6Y14Sx+8fdQ2pr8fR539XNHSFyM=
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de
+Raadt, Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre,
+Tim Rice and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 7.5 was released on 2017-03-20. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support. OpenSSH also includes
+transitional support for the legacy SSH 1.3 and 1.5 protocols
+that may be enabled at compile-time.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Future deprecation notice
+We plan on retiring more legacy cryptography in future releases,
+ * In the next major release (expected June-August), removing remaining
+ support for the SSH v.1 protocol (currently client-only and compile-
+ time disabled).
+ * In the same release, removing support for Blowfish and RC4 ciphers
+ and the RIPE-MD160 HMAC. (These are currently run-time disabled).
+ * In the same release, removing the remaining CBC ciphers from being
+ offered by default in the client (These have not been offered in
+ sshd by default for several years).
+ * Refusing all RSA keys smaller than 1024 bits (the current minimum
+ is 768 bits)
+This list reflects our current intentions, but please check the final
+release notes for future releases.
+Potentially-incompatible changes
+This release includes a number of changes that may affect existing
+ * This release deprecates the sshd_config UsePrivilegeSeparation
+ option, thereby making privilege separation mandatory. Privilege
+ separation has been on by default for almost 15 years and
+ sandboxing has been on by default for almost the last five.
+ * The format of several log messages emitted by the packet code has
+ changed to include additional information about the user and
+ their authentication state. Software that monitors ssh/sshd logs
+ may need to account for these changes. For example:
+ Connection closed by user x port 1234 [preauth]
+ Connection closed by authenticating user x port 1234 [preauth]
+ Connection closed by invalid user x port 1234 [preauth]
+ Affected messages include connection closure, timeout, remote
+ disconnection, negotiation failure and some other fatal messages
+ generated by the packet code.
+ * [Portable OpenSSH only] This version removes support for building
+ against OpenSSL versions prior to 1.0.1. OpenSSL stopped supporting
+ versions prior to 1.0.1 over 12 months ago (i.e. they no longer
+ receive fixes for security bugs).
+Changes since OpenSSH 7.4
+This is a bugfix release.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Fix weakness in CBC padding oracle countermeasures
+ that allowed a variant of the attack fixed in OpenSSH 7.3 to proceed.
+ Note that the OpenSSH client disables CBC ciphers by default, sshd
+ offers them as lowest-preference options and will remove them by
+ default entriely in the next release. Reported by Jean Paul
+ Degabriele, Kenny Paterson, Martin Albrecht and Torben Hansen of
+ Royal Holloway, University of London.
+ * sftp-client(1): [portable OpenSSH only] On Cygwin, a client making
+ a recursive file transfer could be maniuplated by a hostile server to
+ perform a path-traversal attack. creating or modifying files outside
+ of the intended target directory. Reported by Jann Horn of Google
+ Project Zero.
+New Features
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Support "=-" syntax to easily remove methods from
+ algorithm lists, e.g. Ciphers=-*cbc. bz#2671
+ * sshd(1): Fix NULL dereference crash when key exchange start
+ messages are sent out of sequence.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Allow form-feed characters to appear in
+ configuration files.
+ * sshd(8): Fix regression in OpenSSH 7.4 support for the
+ server-sig-algs extension, where SHA2 RSA signature methods were
+ not being correctly advertised. bz#2680
+ * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): Fix a number of case-sensitivity bugs in
+ known_hosts processing. bz#2591bz#2685
+ * ssh(1): Allow ssh to use certificates accompanied by a private key
+ file but no corresponding plain *.pub public key. bz#2617
+ * ssh(1): When updating hostkeys using the UpdateHostKeys option,
+ accept RSA keys if HostkeyAlgorithms contains any RSA keytype.
+ Previously, ssh could ignore RSA keys when only the ssh-rsa-sha2-*
+ methods were enabled in HostkeyAlgorithms and not the old ssh-rsa
+ method. bz#2650
+ * ssh(1): Detect and report excessively long configuration file
+ lines. bz#2651
+ * Merge a number of fixes found by Coverity and reported via Redhat
+ and FreeBSD. Includes fixes for some memory and file descriptor
+ leaks in error paths. bz#2687
+ * ssh-keyscan(1): Correctly hash hosts with a port number. bz#2692
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): When logging long messages to stderr, don't truncate
+ "\r\n" if the length of the message exceeds the buffer. bz#2688
+ * ssh(1): Fully quote [host]:port in generated ProxyJump/-J command-
+ line; avoid confusion over IPv6 addresses and shells that treat
+ square bracket characters specially.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Fix corruption of known_hosts when running
+ "ssh-keygen -H" on a known_hosts containing already-hashed entries.
+ * Fix various fallout and sharp edges caused by removing SSH protocol
+ 1 support from the server, including the server banner string being
+ incorrectly terminated with only \n (instead of \r\n), confusing
+ error messages from ssh-keyscan bz#2583 and a segfault in sshd
+ if protocol v.1 was enabled for the client and sshd_config
+ contained references to legacy keys bz#2686.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Free fd_set on connection timeout. bz#2683
+ * sshd(8): Fix Unix domain socket forwarding for root (regression in
+ OpenSSH 7.4).
+ * sftp(1): Fix division by zero crash in "df" output when server
+ returns zero total filesystem blocks/inodes.
+ * ssh(1), ssh-add(1), ssh-keygen(1), sshd(8): Translate OpenSSL errors
+ encountered during key loading to more meaningful error codes.
+ bz#2522bz#2523
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Sanitise escape sequences in key comments sent to
+ printf but preserve valid UTF-8 when the locale supports it;
+ bz#2520
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Return reason for port forwarding failures where
+ feasible rather than always "administratively prohibited". bz#2674
+ * sshd(8): Fix deadlock when AuthorizedKeysCommand or
+ AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand produces a lot of output and a key is
+ matched early. bz#2655
+ * Regression tests: several reliability fixes. bz#2654bz#2658bz#2659
+ * ssh(1): Fix typo in ~C error message for bad port forward
+ cancellation. bz#2672
+ * ssh(1): Show a useful error message when included config files
+ can't be opened; bz#2653
+ * sshd(8): Make sshd set GSSAPIStrictAcceptorCheck=yes as the manual page
+ (previously incorrectly) advertised. bz#2637
+ * sshd_config(5): Repair accidentally-deleted mention of %k token
+ in AuthorizedKeysCommand; bz#2656
+ * sshd(8): Remove vestiges of previously removed LOGIN_PROGRAM; bz#2665
+ * ssh-agent(1): Relax PKCS#11 whitelist to include libexec and
+ common 32-bit compatibility library directories.
+ * sftp-client(1): Fix non-exploitable integer overflow in SSH2_FXP_NAME
+ response handling.
+ * ssh-agent(1): Fix regression in 7.4 of deleting PKCS#11-hosted
+ keys. It was not possible to delete them except by specifying
+ their full physical path. bz#2682
+ * sshd(8): Avoid sandbox errors for Linux S390 systems using an ICA
+ crypto coprocessor.
+ * sshd(8): Fix non-exploitable weakness in seccomp-bpf sandbox arg
+ inspection.
+ * ssh(1): Fix X11 forwarding on OSX where X11 was being started by
+ launchd. bz#2341
+ * ssh-keygen(1), ssh(1), sftp(1): Fix output truncation for various that
+ contain non-printable characters where the codeset in use is ASCII.
+ * build: Fix builds that attempt to link a kerberised libldns. bz#2603
+ * build: Fix compilation problems caused by unconditionally defining
+ _XOPEN_SOURCE in wide character detection.
+ * sshd(8): Fix sandbox violations for clock_gettime VSDO syscall
+ fallback on some Linux/X32 kernels. bz#2142
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.5.tar.gz) = 81384df377e38551f7659a4c250383d0bbd25341
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.5p1.tar.gz) = 5e8f185d00afb4f4f89801e9b0f8b9cee9d87ebd
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.5.tar.gz) = Gmk8jOdGdKa7NixUN5J+bTMfeum5Vx8Nv+leAdQNq3U=
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.5p1.tar.gz) = mEbjxfq58FR0ALTSwBeZL5FCIrP9H47ubH3GvF5Z+fA=
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de
+Raadt, Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre,
+Tim Rice and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 7.4 was released on 2016-12-19. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support. OpenSSH also includes
+transitional support for the legacy SSH 1.3 and 1.5 protocols
+that may be enabled at compile-time.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Future deprecation notice
+We plan on retiring more legacy cryptography in future releases,
+ * In approximately August 2017, removing remaining support for the
+ SSH v.1 protocol (client-only and currently compile-time disabled).
+ * In the same release, removing support for Blowfish and RC4 ciphers
+ and the RIPE-MD160 HMAC. (These are currently run-time disabled).
+ * Refusing all RSA keys smaller than 1024 bits (the current minimum
+ is 768 bits)
+ * The next release of OpenSSH will remove support for running sshd(8)
+ with privilege separation disabled.
+ * The next release of portable OpenSSH will remove support for
+ OpenSSL version prior to 1.0.1.
+This list reflects our current intentions, but please check the final
+release notes for future releases.
+Potentially-incompatible changes
+This release includes a number of changes that may affect existing
+ * This release removes server support for the SSH v.1 protocol.
+ * ssh(1): Remove 3des-cbc from the client's default proposal. 64-bit
+ block ciphers are not safe in 2016 and we don't want to wait until
+ attacks like SWEET32 are extended to SSH. As 3des-cbc was the
+ only mandatory cipher in the SSH RFCs, this may cause problems
+ connecting to older devices using the default configuration,
+ but it's highly likely that such devices already need explicit
+ configuration for key exchange and hostkey algorithms already
+ anyway.
+ * sshd(8): Remove support for pre-authentication compression.
+ Doing compression early in the protocol probably seemed reasonable
+ in the 1990s, but today it's clearly a bad idea in terms of both
+ cryptography (cf. multiple compression oracle attacks in TLS) and
+ attack surface. Pre-auth compression support has been disabled by
+ default for >10 years. Support remains in the client.
+ * ssh-agent will refuse to load PKCS#11 modules outside a whitelist
+ of trusted paths by default. The path whitelist may be specified
+ at run-time.
+ * sshd(8): When a forced-command appears in both a certificate and
+ an authorized keys/principals command= restriction, sshd will now
+ refuse to accept the certificate unless they are identical.
+ The previous (documented) behaviour of having the certificate
+ forced-command override the other could be a bit confusing and
+ error-prone.
+ * sshd(8): Remove the UseLogin configuration directive and support
+ for having /bin/login manage login sessions.
+Changes since OpenSSH 7.3
+This is primarily a bugfix release.
+ * ssh-agent(1): Will now refuse to load PKCS#11 modules from paths
+ outside a trusted whitelist (run-time configurable). Requests to
+ load modules could be passed via agent forwarding and an attacker
+ could attempt to load a hostile PKCS#11 module across the forwarded
+ agent channel: PKCS#11 modules are shared libraries, so this would
+ result in code execution on the system running the ssh-agent if the
+ attacker has control of the forwarded agent-socket (on the host
+ running the sshd server) and the ability to write to the filesystem
+ of the host running ssh-agent (usually the host running the ssh
+ client). Reported by Jann Horn of Project Zero.
+ * sshd(8): When privilege separation is disabled, forwarded Unix-
+ domain sockets would be created by sshd(8) with the privileges of
+ 'root' instead of the authenticated user. This release refuses
+ Unix-domain socket forwarding when privilege separation is disabled
+ (Privilege separation has been enabled by default for 14 years).
+ Reported by Jann Horn of Project Zero.
+ * sshd(8): Avoid theoretical leak of host private key material to
+ privilege-separated child processes via realloc() when reading
+ keys. No such leak was observed in practice for normal-sized keys,
+ nor does a leak to the child processes directly expose key material
+ to unprivileged users. Reported by Jann Horn of Project Zero.
+ * sshd(8): The shared memory manager used by pre-authentication
+ compression support had a bounds checks that could be elided by
+ some optimising compilers. Additionally, this memory manager was
+ incorrectly accessible when pre-authentication compression was
+ disabled. This could potentially allow attacks against the
+ privileged monitor process from the sandboxed privilege-separation
+ process (a compromise of the latter would be required first).
+ This release removes support for pre-authentication compression
+ from sshd(8). Reported by Guido Vranken using the Stack unstable
+ optimisation identification tool (http://css.csail.mit.edu/stack/)
+ * sshd(8): Fix denial-of-service condition where an attacker who
+ sends multiple KEXINIT messages may consume up to 128MB per
+ connection. Reported by Shi Lei of Gear Team, Qihoo 360.
+ * sshd(8): Validate address ranges for AllowUser and DenyUsers
+ directives at configuration load time and refuse to accept invalid
+ ones. It was previously possible to specify invalid CIDR address
+ ranges (e.g. user@ and these would always match,
+ possibly resulting in granting access where it was not intended.
+ Reported by Laurence Parry.
+New Features
+ * ssh(1): Add a proxy multiplexing mode to ssh(1) inspired by the
+ version in PuTTY by Simon Tatham. This allows a multiplexing
+ client to communicate with the master process using a subset of
+ the SSH packet and channels protocol over a Unix-domain socket,
+ with the main process acting as a proxy that translates channel
+ IDs, etc. This allows multiplexing mode to run on systems that
+ lack file- descriptor passing (used by current multiplexing
+ code) and potentially, in conjunction with Unix-domain socket
+ forwarding, with the client and multiplexing master process on
+ different machines. Multiplexing proxy mode may be invoked using
+ "ssh -O proxy ..."
+ * sshd(8): Add a sshd_config DisableForwarding option that disables
+ X11, agent, TCP, tunnel and Unix domain socket forwarding, as well
+ as anything else we might implement in the future. Like the
+ 'restrict' authorized_keys flag, this is intended to be a simple
+ and future-proof way of restricting an account.
+ * sshd(8), ssh(1): Support the "curve25519-sha256" key exchange
+ method. This is identical to the currently-supported method named
+ "curve25519-sha256@libssh.org".
+ * sshd(8): Improve handling of SIGHUP by checking to see if sshd is
+ already daemonised at startup and skipping the call to daemon(3)
+ if it is. This ensures that a SIGHUP restart of sshd(8) will
+ retain the same process-ID as the initial execution. sshd(8) will
+ also now unlink the PidFile prior to SIGHUP restart and re-create
+ it after a successful restart, rather than leaving a stale file in
+ the case of a configuration error. bz#2641
+ * sshd(8): Allow ClientAliveInterval and ClientAliveCountMax
+ directives to appear in sshd_config Match blocks.
+ * sshd(8): Add %-escapes to AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand to match
+ those supported by AuthorizedKeysCommand (key, key type,
+ fingerprint, etc.) and a few more to provide access to the
+ contents of the certificate being offered.
+ * Added regression tests for string matching, address matching and
+ string sanitisation functions.
+ * Improved the key exchange fuzzer harness.
+ * ssh(1): Allow IdentityFile to successfully load and use
+ certificates that have no corresponding bare public key. bz#2617
+ certificate id_rsa-cert.pub (and no id_rsa.pub).
+ * ssh(1): Fix public key authentication when multiple
+ authentication is in use and publickey is not just the first
+ method attempted. bz#2642
+ * regress: Allow the PuTTY interop tests to run unattended. bz#2639
+ * ssh-agent(1), ssh(1): improve reporting when attempting to load
+ keys from PKCS#11 tokens with fewer useless log messages and more
+ detail in debug messages. bz#2610
+ * ssh(1): When tearing down ControlMaster connections, don't
+ pollute stderr when LogLevel=quiet.
+ * sftp(1): On ^Z wait for underlying ssh(1) to suspend before
+ suspending sftp(1) to ensure that ssh(1) restores the terminal mode
+ correctly if suspended during a password prompt.
+ * ssh(1): Avoid busy-wait when ssh(1) is suspended during a password
+ prompt.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Correctly report errors during sending of ext-
+ info messages.
+ * sshd(8): fix NULL-deref crash if sshd(8) received an out-of-
+ sequence NEWKEYS message.
+ * sshd(8): Correct list of supported signature algorithms sent in
+ the server-sig-algs extension. bz#2547
+ * sshd(8): Fix sending ext_info message if privsep is disabled.
+ * sshd(8): more strictly enforce the expected ordering of privilege
+ separation monitor calls used for authentication and allow them
+ only when their respective authentication methods are enabled
+ in the configuration
+ * sshd(8): Fix uninitialised optlen in getsockopt() call; harmless
+ on Unix/BSD but potentially crashy on Cygwin.
+ * Fix false positive reports caused by explicit_bzero(3) not being
+ recognised as a memory initialiser when compiled with
+ -fsanitize-memory.
+ * sshd_config(5): Use 2001:db8::/32, the official IPv6 subnet for
+ configuration examples.
+ * On environments configured with Turkish locales, fall back to the
+ C/POSIX locale to avoid errors in configuration parsing caused by
+ that locale's unique handling of the letters 'i' and 'I'. bz#2643
+ * sftp-server(8), ssh-agent(1): Deny ptrace on OS X using
+ ptrace(PT_DENY_ATTACH, ..)
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Unbreak AES-CTR ciphers on old (~0.9.8) OpenSSL.
+ * Fix compilation for libcrypto compiled without RIPEMD160 support.
+ * contrib: Add a gnome-ssh-askpass3 with GTK+3 support. bz#2640
+ * sshd(8): Improve PRNG reseeding across privilege separation and
+ force libcrypto to obtain a high-quality seed before chroot or
+ sandboxing.
+ * All: Explicitly test for broken strnvis. NetBSD added an strnvis
+ and unfortunately made it incompatible with the existing one in
+ OpenBSD and Linux's libbsd (the former having existed for over ten
+ years). Try to detect this mess, and assume the only safe option
+ if we're cross compiling.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.4.tar.gz) = 1e2073f95d5ead8f2814b4b6c0700bcd533c410f
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.4p1.tar.gz) = 2330bbf82ed08cf3ac70e0acf00186ef3eeb97e0
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.4.tar.gz) = +GEXh7Xr2J87cq1uA97hF9e+3lfOQ2LKxXGdmFXREf0
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.4p1.tar.gz) = Gx/EoU4gJCkxgZJO0khy5vLgYpPz6JJqN2uK7EgfGdE=
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de
+Raadt, Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre,
+Tim Rice and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 7.3 was released on 2016-08-01. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support. OpenSSH also includes
+transitional support for the legacy SSH 1.3 and 1.5 protocols
+that may be enabled at compile-time.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Future deprecation notice
+We plan on retiring more legacy cryptography in a near-future
+release, specifically:
+ * Refusing all RSA keys smaller than 1024 bits (the current minimum
+ is 768 bits)
+ * Removing server-side support for the SSH v.1 protocol (currently
+ compile-time disabled).
+ * In approximately 1 year, removing all support for the SSH v.1
+ protocol (currently compile-time disabled).
+This list reflects our current intentions, but please check the final
+release notes for future releases.
+Changes since OpenSSH 7.2
+This is primarily a bugfix release.
+ * sshd(8): Mitigate a potential denial-of-service attack against
+ the system's crypt(3) function via sshd(8). An attacker could
+ send very long passwords that would cause excessive CPU use in
+ crypt(3). sshd(8) now refuses to accept password authentication
+ requests of length greater than 1024 characters. Independently
+ reported by Tomas Kuthan (Oracle), Andres Rojas and Javier Nieto.
+ * sshd(8): Mitigate timing differences in password authentication
+ that could be used to discern valid from invalid account names
+ when long passwords were sent and particular password hashing
+ algorithms are in use on the server. CVE-2016-6210, reported by
+ EddieEzra.Harari at verint.com
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Fix observable timing weakness in the CBC padding
+ oracle countermeasures. Reported by Jean Paul Degabriele, Kenny
+ Paterson, Torben Hansen and Martin Albrecht. Note that CBC ciphers
+ are disabled by default and only included for legacy compatibility.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Improve operation ordering of MAC verification for
+ Encrypt-then-MAC (EtM) mode transport MAC algorithms to verify the
+ MAC before decrypting any ciphertext. This removes the possibility
+ of timing differences leaking facts about the plaintext, though no
+ such leakage has been observed. Reported by Jean Paul Degabriele,
+ Kenny Paterson, Torben Hansen and Martin Albrecht.
+ * sshd(8): (portable only) Ignore PAM environment vars when
+ UseLogin=yes. If PAM is configured to read user-specified
+ environment variables and UseLogin=yes in sshd_config, then a
+ hostile local user may attack /bin/login via LD_PRELOAD or
+ similar environment variables set via PAM. CVE-2015-8325,
+ found by Shayan Sadigh.
+New Features
+ * ssh(1): Add a ProxyJump option and corresponding -J command-line
+ flag to allow simplified indirection through a one or more SSH
+ bastions or "jump hosts".
+ * ssh(1): Add an IdentityAgent option to allow specifying specific
+ agent sockets instead of accepting one from the environment.
+ * ssh(1): Allow ExitOnForwardFailure and ClearAllForwardings to be
+ optionally overridden when using ssh -W. bz#2577
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Implement support for the IUTF8 terminal mode as
+ per draft-sgtatham-secsh-iutf8-00.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Add support for additional fixed Diffie-Hellman
+ 2K, 4K and 8K groups from draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2-03.
+ * ssh-keygen(1), ssh(1), sshd(8): support SHA256 and SHA512 RSA
+ signatures in certificates;
+ * ssh(1): Add an Include directive for ssh_config(5) files.
+ * ssh(1): Permit UTF-8 characters in pre-authentication banners sent
+ from the server. bz#2058
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Reduce the syslog level of some relatively common
+ protocol events from LOG_CRIT. bz#2585
+ * sshd(8): Refuse AuthenticationMethods="" in configurations and
+ accept AuthenticationMethods=any for the default behaviour of not
+ requiring multiple authentication. bz#2398
+ * sshd(8): Remove obsolete and misleading "POSSIBLE BREAK-IN
+ ATTEMPT!" message when forward and reverse DNS don't match. bz#2585
+ * ssh(1): Close ControlPersist background process stderr except
+ in debug mode or when logging to syslog. bz#1988
+ * misc: Make PROTOCOL description for direct-streamlocal@openssh.com
+ channel open messages match deployed code. bz#2529
+ * ssh(1): Deduplicate LocalForward and RemoteForward entries to fix
+ failures when both ExitOnForwardFailure and hostname
+ canonicalisation are enabled. bz#2562
+ * sshd(8): Remove fallback from moduli to obsolete "primes" file
+ that was deprecated in 2001. bz#2559.
+ * sshd_config(5): Correct description of UseDNS: it affects ssh
+ hostname processing for authorized_keys, not known_hosts; bz#2554
+ * ssh(1): Fix authentication using lone certificate keys in an agent
+ without corresponding private keys on the filesystem. bz#2550
+ * sshd(8): Send ClientAliveInterval pings when a time-based
+ RekeyLimit is set; previously keepalive packets were not being
+ sent. bz#2252
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Fix compilation by automatically disabling ciphers
+ not supported by OpenSSL. bz#2466
+ * misc: Fix compilation failures on some versions of AIX's compiler
+ related to the definition of the VA_COPY macro. bz#2589
+ * sshd(8): Whitelist more architectures to enable the seccomp-bpf
+ sandbox. bz#2590
+ * ssh-agent(1), sftp-server(8): Disable process tracing on Solaris
+ using setpflags(__PROC_PROTECT, ...). bz#2584
+ * sshd(8): On Solaris, don't call Solaris setproject() with
+ UsePAM=yes it's PAM's responsibility. bz#2425
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.3.tar.gz) = b1641e5265d9ec68a9a19decc3a7edd1203cbd33
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.3.tar.gz) = vS0X35qrX9OOPBkyDMYhOje/DBwHBVEV7nv5rkzw4vM=
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.3p1.tar.gz) = bfade84283fcba885e2084343ab19a08c7d123a5
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.3p1.tar.gz) = P/uYmm3KppWUw7VQ1IVaWi4XGMzd5/XjY4e0JCIPvsw=
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de
+Raadt, Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre,
+Tim Rice and Ben Lindstrom.
Portable OpenSSH 7.2p2 was released on 2016-03-10. It will be available
+from the mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support. OpenSSH also includes
+transitional support for the legacy SSH 1.3 and 1.5 protocols that
+may be enabled at compile-time.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for
+their continued support of the project, especially those who
+contributed code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or
+donated to the project. More information on donations may be found
+at: http://www.openssh.com/donations.html
+Changes since OpenSSH 7.2p1
+This release fixes a security bug:
+ * sshd(8): sanitise X11 authentication credentials to avoid xauth
+ command injection when X11Forwarding is enabled.
+ Full details of the vulnerability are available at:
+ http://www.openssh.com/txt/x11fwd.adv
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.2p2.tar.gz) = 70e35d7d6386fe08abbd823b3a12a3ca44ac6d38
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.2p2.tar.gz) = pyeB0aBDh2oiT/GwAy2qQJTYdWWmhSh1nBwsq1SCVIw=
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de
+Raadt, Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre,
+Tim Rice and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 7.2 was released on 2016-02-29. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support. OpenSSH also includes
+transitional support for the legacy SSH 1.3 and 1.5 protocols
+that may be enabled at compile-time.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Future deprecation notice
+We plan on retiring more legacy cryptography in a near-future
+release, specifically:
+ * Refusing all RSA keys smaller than 1024 bits (the current minimum
+ is 768 bits)
+This list reflects our current intentions, but please check the final
+release notes for future releases.
+Potentially-incompatible changes
+This release disables a number of legacy cryptographic algorithms
+by default in ssh:
+ * Several ciphers blowfish-cbc, cast128-cbc, all arcfour variants
+ and the rijndael-cbc aliases for AES.
+ * MD5-based and truncated HMAC algorithms.
+These algorithms are already disabled by default in sshd.
+Changes since OpenSSH 7.1p2
+This is primarily a bugfix release.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): remove unfinished and unused roaming code (was
+ already forcibly disabled in OpenSSH 7.1p2).
+ * ssh(1): eliminate fallback from untrusted X11 forwarding to
+ trusted forwarding when the X server disables the SECURITY
+ extension.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): increase the minimum modulus size supported for
+ diffie-hellman-group-exchange to 2048 bits.
+ * sshd(8): pre-auth sandboxing is now enabled by default (previous
+ releases enabled it for new installations via sshd_config).
+New Features
+ * all: add support for RSA signatures using SHA-256/512 hash
+ algorithms based on draft-rsa-dsa-sha2-256-03.txt and
+ draft-ssh-ext-info-04.txt.
+ * ssh(1): Add an AddKeysToAgent client option which can be set to
+ 'yes', 'no', 'ask', or 'confirm', and defaults to 'no'. When
+ enabled, a private key that is used during authentication will be
+ added to ssh-agent if it is running (with confirmation enabled if
+ set to 'confirm').
+ * sshd(8): add a new authorized_keys option "restrict" that includes
+ all current and future key restrictions (no-*-forwarding, etc.).
+ Also add permissive versions of the existing restrictions, e.g.
+ "no-pty" -> "pty". This simplifies the task of setting up
+ restricted keys and ensures they are maximally-restricted,
+ regardless of any permissions we might implement in the future.
+ * ssh(1): add ssh_config CertificateFile option to explicitly list
+ certificates. bz#2436
+ * ssh-keygen(1): allow ssh-keygen to change the key comment for all
+ supported formats.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): allow fingerprinting from standard input, e.g.
+ "ssh-keygen -lf -"
+ * ssh-keygen(1): allow fingerprinting multiple public keys in a
+ file, e.g. "ssh-keygen -lf ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" bz#1319
+ * sshd(8): support "none" as an argument for sshd_config
+ Foreground and ChrootDirectory. Useful inside Match blocks to
+ override a global default. bz#2486
+ * ssh-keygen(1): support multiple certificates (one per line) and
+ reading from standard input (using "-f -") for "ssh-keygen -L"
+ * ssh-keyscan(1): add "ssh-keyscan -c ..." flag to allow fetching
+ certificates instead of plain keys.
+ * ssh(1): better handle anchored FQDNs (e.g. 'cvs.openbsd.org.') in
+ hostname canonicalisation - treat them as already canonical and
+ remove the trailing '.' before matching ssh_config.
+ * sftp(1): existing destination directories should not terminate
+ recursive uploads (regression in openssh 6.8) bz#2528
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): correctly send back SSH2_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED
+ replies to unexpected messages during key exchange. bz#2949
+ * ssh(1): refuse attempts to set ConnectionAttempts=0, which does
+ not make sense and would cause ssh to print an uninitialised stack
+ variable. bz#2500
+ * ssh(1): fix errors when attempting to connect to scoped IPv6
+ addresses with hostname canonicalisation enabled.
+ * sshd_config(5): list a couple more options usable in Match blocks.
+ bz#2489
+ * sshd(8): fix "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +..." inside a Match block.
+ * ssh(1): expand tilde characters in filenames passed to -i options
+ before checking whether or not the identity file exists. Avoids
+ confusion for cases where shell doesn't expand (e.g. "-i ~/file"
+ vs. "-i~/file"). bz#2481
+ * ssh(1): do not prepend "exec" to the shell command run by "Match
+ exec" in a config file, which could cause some commands to fail
+ in certain environments. bz#2471
+ * ssh-keyscan(1): fix output for multiple hosts/addrs on one line
+ when host hashing or a non standard port is in use bz#2479
+ * sshd(8): skip "Could not chdir to home directory" message when
+ ChrootDirectory is active. bz#2485
+ * ssh(1): include PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes in ssh -G config dump.
+ * sshd(8): avoid changing TunnelForwarding device flags if they are
+ already what is needed; makes it possible to use tun/tap
+ networking as non-root user if device permissions and interface
+ flags are pre-established
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): RekeyLimits could be exceeded by one packet.
+ bz#2521
+ * ssh(1): fix multiplexing master failure to notice client exit.
+ * ssh(1), ssh-agent(1): avoid fatal() for PKCS11 tokens that present
+ empty key IDs. bz#1773
+ * sshd(8): avoid printf of NULL argument. bz#2535
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): allow RekeyLimits larger than 4GB. bz#2521
+ * ssh-keygen(1): sshd(8): fix several bugs in (unused) KRL signature
+ support.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): fix connections with peers that use the key
+ exchange guess feature of the protocol. bz#2515
+ * sshd(8): include remote port number in log messages. bz#2503
+ * ssh(1): don't try to load SSHv1 private key when compiled without
+ SSHv1 support. bz#2505
+ * ssh-agent(1), ssh(1): fix incorrect error messages during key
+ loading and signing errors. bz#2507
+ * ssh-keygen(1): don't leave empty temporary files when performing
+ known_hosts file edits when known_hosts doesn't exist.
+ * sshd(8): correct packet format for tcpip-forward replies for
+ requests that don't allocate a port bz#2509
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): fix possible hang on closed output. bz#2469
+ * ssh(1): expand %i in ControlPath to UID. bz#2449
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): fix return type of openssh_RSA_verify. bz#2460
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): fix some option parsing memory leaks. bz#2182
+ * ssh(1): add a some debug output before DNS resolution; it's a
+ place where ssh could previously silently stall in cases of
+ unresponsive DNS servers. bz#2433
+ * ssh(1): remove spurious newline in visual hostkey. bz#2686
+ * ssh(1): fix printing (ssh -G ...) of HostKeyAlgorithms=+...
+ * ssh(1): fix expansion of HostkeyAlgorithms=+...
+ * ssh_config(5), sshd_config(5): update default algorithm lists to
+ match current reality. bz#2527
+ * ssh(1): mention -Q key-plain and -Q key-cert query options.
+ bz#2455
+ * sshd_config(8): more clearly describe what AuthorizedKeysFile=none
+ does.
+ * ssh_config(5): better document ExitOnForwardFailure. bz#2444
+ * sshd(5): mention internal DH-GEX fallback groups in manual.
+ bz#2302
+ * sshd_config(5): better description for MaxSessions option.
+ bz#2531
+ * ssh(1), sftp-server(8), ssh-agent(1), sshd(8): Support Illumos/
+ Solaris fine-grained privileges. Including a pre-auth privsep
+ sandbox and several pledge() emulations. bz#2511
+ * Renovate redhat/openssh.spec, removing deprecated options and
+ syntax.
+ * configure: allow --without-ssl-engine with --without-openssl
+ * sshd(8): fix multiple authentication using S/Key. bz#2502
+ * sshd(8): read back from libcrypto RAND_* before dropping
+ privileges. Avoids sandboxing violations with BoringSSL.
+ * Fix name collision with system-provided glob(3) functions.
+ bz#2463
+ * Adapt Makefile to use ssh-keygen -A when generating host keys.
+ bz#2459
+ * configure: correct default value for --with-ssh1 bz#2457
+ * configure: better detection of _res symbol bz#2259
+ * support getrandom() syscall on Linux
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.2.tar.gz) = 9567d00fffe655010c087aeb80c830cecbbecca6
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.2.tar.gz) = 99GsHA8NwSGuEJhMc7hAOQ510y1xfGx27uJqyw73sCI=
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.2p1.tar.gz) = d30a6fd472199ab5838a7668c0c5fd885fb8d371
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.2p1.tar.gz) = lzzDey81l+TPWZsJ5gTnnA/l2bb1laJOke0GYoYLSsM=
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de
+Raadt, Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre,
+Tim Rice and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 7.1p2 was released on 2016-01-14. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support. OpenSSH also includes
+transitional support for the legacy SSH 1.3 and 1.5 protocols
+that may be enabled at compile-time.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Changes since OpenSSH 7.1p1
+ * SECURITY: ssh(1): The OpenSSH client code between 5.4 and 7.1
+ contains experimental support for resuming SSH-connections (roaming).
+ The matching server code has never been shipped, but the client
+ code was enabled by default and could be tricked by a malicious
+ server into leaking client memory to the server, including private
+ client user keys.
+ The authentication of the server host key prevents exploitation
+ by a man-in-the-middle, so this information leak is restricted
+ to connections to malicious or compromised servers.
+ MITIGATION: For OpenSSH >= 5.4 the vulnerable code in the client
+ can be completely disabled by adding 'UseRoaming no' to the gobal
+ ssh_config(5) file, or to user configuration in ~/.ssh/config,
+ or by passing -oUseRoaming=no on the command line.
+ PATCH: See below for a patch to disable this feature (Disabling
+ Roaming in the Source Code).
+ This problem was reported by the Qualys Security Advisory team.
+ * SECURITY: Fix an out of-bound read access in the packet handling
+ code. Reported by Ben Hawkes.
+ * PROTOCOL: Correctly interpret the 'first_kex_follows' option during
+ the intial key exchange. Reported by Matt Johnston.
+ * Further use of explicit_bzero has been added in various buffer
+ handling code paths to guard against compilers aggressively
+ doing dead-store removal.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.1p2.tar.gz) = 9202f5a2a50c8a55ecfb830609df1e1fde97f758
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.1p2.tar.gz) = dd75f024dcf21e06a0d6421d582690bf987a1f6323e32ad6619392f3bfde6bbd
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
+Disabling Roaming in the Source Code:
+--- readconf.c 30 Jul 2015 00:01:34 -0000 1.239
++++ readconf.c 13 Jan 2016 23:17:23 -0000
+@@ -1648,7 +1648,7 @@ initialize_options(Options * options)
+ options->tun_remote = -1;
+ options->local_command = NULL;
+ options->permit_local_command = -1;
+- options->use_roaming = -1;
++ options->use_roaming = 0;
+ options->visual_host_key = -1;
+ options->ip_qos_interactive = -1;
+ options->ip_qos_bulk = -1;
+@@ -1819,8 +1819,7 @@ fill_default_options(Options * options)
+ options->tun_remote = SSH_TUNID_ANY;
+ if (options->permit_local_command == -1)
+ options->permit_local_command = 0;
+- if (options->use_roaming == -1)
+- options->use_roaming = 1;
++ options->use_roaming = 0;
+ if (options->visual_host_key == -1)
+ options->visual_host_key = 0;
+ if (options->ip_qos_interactive == -1)
+--- ssh.c 30 Jul 2015 00:01:34 -0000 1.420
++++ ssh.c 13 Jan 2016 23:17:23 -0000
+@@ -1882,9 +1882,6 @@ ssh_session2(void)
+ fork_postauth();
+ }
+- if (options.use_roaming)
+- request_roaming();
+ return client_loop(tty_flag, tty_flag ?
+ options.escape_char : SSH_ESCAPECHAR_NONE, id);
+ }
OpenSSH 7.1 was released on 2015-08-21. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support. OpenSSH also includes
+transitional support for the legacy SSH 1.3 and 1.5 protocols
+that may be enabled at compile-time.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Future deprecation notice
+We plan on retiring more legacy cryptography in the next release
+ * Refusing all RSA keys smaller than 1024 bits (the current minimum
+ is 768 bits)
+ * Several ciphers will be disabled by default: blowfish-cbc,
+ cast128-cbc, all arcfour variants and the rijndael-cbc aliases
+ for AES.
+ * MD5-based HMAC algorithms will be disabled by default.
+This list reflects our current intentions, but please check the final
+release notes for OpenSSH 7.2 when it is released.
+Changes since OpenSSH 7.0
+This is a bugfix release.
+ * sshd(8): OpenSSH 7.0 contained a logic error in PermitRootLogin=
+ prohibit-password/without-password that could, depending on
+ compile-time configuration, permit password authentication to
+ root while preventing other forms of authentication. This problem
+ was reported by Mantas Mikulenas.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): add compatibility workarounds for FuTTY
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): refine compatibility workarounds for WinSCP
+ * Fix a number of memory faults (double-free, free of uninitialised
+ memory, etc) in ssh(1) and ssh-keygen(1). Reported by Mateusz
+ Kocielski.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.1.tar.gz) = 06c1db39f33831fe004726e013b2cf84f1889042
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.1.tar.gz) = H7U1se9EoBmhkKi2i7lqpMX9QHdDTsgpu7kd5VZUGSY=
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.1p1.tar.gz) = ed22af19f962262c493fcc6ed8c8826b2761d9b6
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.1p1.tar.gz) = /AptLR0GPVxm3/2VJJPQzaJWytIE9oHeD4TvhbKthCg=
+Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
+hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
+key used to sign the releases is available as RELEASE_KEY.asc from
+the mirror sites.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 7.0 was released on 2015-08-11. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
+includes sftp client and server support. OpenSSH also includes
+transitional support for the legacy SSH 1.3 and 1.5 protocols
+that may be enabled at compile-time.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Future deprecation notice
+We plan on retiring more legacy cryptography in the next release
+ * Refusing all RSA keys smaller than 1024 bits (the current minimum
+ is 768 bits)
+ * Several ciphers will be disabled by default: blowfish-cbc,
+ cast128-cbc, all arcfour variants and the rijndael-cbc aliases
+ for AES.
+ * MD5-based HMAC algorithms will be disabled by default.
+This list reflects our current intentions, but please check the final
+release notes for OpenSSH 7.1 when it is released.
+Changes since OpenSSH 6.9
+This focus of this release is primarily to deprecate weak, legacy
+and/or unsafe cryptography.
+ * sshd(8): OpenSSH 6.8 and 6.9 incorrectly set TTYs to be world-
+ writable. Local attackers may be able to write arbitrary messages
+ to logged-in users, including terminal escape sequences.
+ Reported by Nikolay Edigaryev.
+ * sshd(8): Portable OpenSSH only: Fixed a privilege separation
+ weakness related to PAM support. Attackers who could successfully
+ compromise the pre-authentication process for remote code
+ execution and who had valid credentials on the host could
+ impersonate other users. Reported by Moritz Jodeit.
+ * sshd(8): Portable OpenSSH only: Fixed a use-after-free bug
+ related to PAM support that was reachable by attackers who could
+ compromise the pre-authentication process for remote code
+ execution. Also reported by Moritz Jodeit.
+ * sshd(8): fix circumvention of MaxAuthTries using keyboard-
+ interactive authentication. By specifying a long, repeating
+ keyboard-interactive "devices" string, an attacker could request
+ the same authentication method be tried thousands of times in
+ a single pass. The LoginGraceTime timeout in sshd(8) and any
+ authentication failure delays implemented by the authentication
+ mechanism itself were still applied. Found by Kingcope.
+Potentially-incompatible Changes
+ * Support for the legacy SSH version 1 protocol is disabled by
+ default at compile time.
+ * Support for the 1024-bit diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 key exchange
+ is disabled by default at run-time. It may be re-enabled using
+ the instructions at http://www.openssh.com/legacy.html
+ * Support for ssh-dss, ssh-dss-cert-* host and user keys is disabled
+ by default at run-time. These may be re-enabled using the
+ instructions at http://www.openssh.com/legacy.html
+ * Support for the legacy v00 cert format has been removed.
+ * The default for the sshd_config(5) PermitRootLogin option has
+ changed from "yes" to "prohibit-password".
+ * PermitRootLogin=without-password/prohibit-password now bans all
+ interactive authentication methods, allowing only public-key,
+ hostbased and GSSAPI authentication (previously it permitted
+ keyboard-interactive and password-less authentication if those
+ were enabled).
+New Features
+ * ssh_config(5): add PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes option to control which
+ public key types are available for user authentication.
+ * sshd_config(5): add HostKeyAlgorithms option to control which
+ public key types are offered for host authentications.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): extend Ciphers, MACs, KexAlgorithms,
+ HostKeyAlgorithms, PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes and HostbasedKeyTypes
+ options to allow appending to the default set of algorithms
+ instead of replacing it. Options may now be prefixed with a '+'
+ to append to the default, e.g. "HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss".
+ * sshd_config(5): PermitRootLogin now accepts an argument of
+ 'prohibit-password' as a less-ambiguous synonym of 'without-
+ password'.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): add compatability workarounds for Cisco and more
+ PuTTY versions. bz#2424
+ * Fix some omissions and errors in the PROTOCOL and PROTOCOL.mux
+ documentation relating to Unix domain socket forwarding;
+ bz#2421bz#2422
+ * ssh(1): Improve the ssh(1) manual page to include a better
+ description of Unix domain socket forwarding; bz#2423
+ * ssh(1), ssh-agent(1): skip uninitialised PKCS#11 slots, fixing
+ failures to load keys when they are present. bz#2427
+ * ssh(1), ssh-agent(1): do not ignore PKCS#11 hosted keys that wth
+ empty CKA_ID; bz#2429
+ * sshd(8): clarify documentation for UseDNS option; bz#2045
+Portable OpenSSH
+ * Check realpath(3) behaviour matches what sftp-server requires and
+ use a replacement if necessary.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.0.tar.gz) = a19ff0bad2a67348b1d01a38a9580236120b7099
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.0.tar.gz) = 4F6HV/ZqT465f3sMB2vIkXO+wrYtL5hnqzAymfbZ1Jk=
+ - SHA1 (openssh-7.0p1.tar.gz) = d8337c9eab91d360d104f6dd805f8b32089c063c
+ - SHA256 (openssh-7.0p1.tar.gz) = /VkySToZ9MgRU9gS7k4EK0m707dZqz2TRKvswrwUheU=
+Please note that the PGP key used to sign releases was recently rotated.
+The new key has been signed by the old key to provide continuity. It is
+available from the mirror sites as RELEASE_KEY.asc.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
+OpenSSH 6.9 was released on 2015-07-01. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Future Deprecation Notice
+The 7.0 release of OpenSSH, due for release in late July, will
+deprecate several features, some of which may affect compatibility
+or existing configurations. The intended changes are as follows:
+ * The default for the sshd_config(5) PermitRootLogin option will
+ change from "yes" to "no".
+ * Support for the legacy version 1.x of the SSH protocol will be
+ disabled at compile time by default.
+ * Support for the 1024-bit diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 key exchange
+ will be run-time disabled by default.
+ * Support for ssh-dss, ssh-dss-cert-* host and user keys will be
+ run-time disabled by default.
+ * Support for the legacy v00 cert format will be removed
+ * Several ciphers will be disabled by default: blowfish-cbc,
+ cast128-cbc, all arcfour variants and the rijndael-cbc aliases
+ for AES
+ * Refusing all RSA keys smaller than 1024 bits (the current minimum
+ is 768 bits)
+This list reflects our current intentions, but please check the final
+release notes for OpenSSH 7.0 when it is released.
+Changes since OpenSSH 6.8
+This is primarily a bugfix release.
+ * ssh(1): when forwarding X11 connections with ForwardX11Trusted=no,
+ connections made after ForwardX11Timeout expired could be permitted
+ and no longer subject to XSECURITY restrictions because of an
+ ineffective timeout check in ssh(1) coupled with "fail open"
+ behaviour in the X11 server when clients attempted connections with
+ expired credentials. This problem was reported by Jann Horn.
+ * ssh-agent(1): fix weakness of agent locking (ssh-add -x) to
+ password guessing by implementing an increasing failure delay,
+ storing a salted hash of the password rather than the password
+ itself and using a timing-safe comparison function for verifying
+ unlock attempts. This problem was reported by Ryan Castellucci.
+New Features
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): promote chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com to be the
+ default cipher
+ * sshd(8): support admin-specified arguments to AuthorizedKeysCommand;
+ bz#2081
+ * sshd(8): add AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand that allows retrieving
+ authorized principals information from a subprocess rather than
+ a file.
+ * ssh(1), ssh-add(1): support PKCS#11 devices with external PIN
+ entry devices bz#2240
+ * sshd(8): allow GSSAPI host credential check to be relaxed for
+ multihomed hosts via GSSAPIStrictAcceptorCheck option; bz#928
+ * ssh-keygen(1): support "ssh-keygen -lF hostname" to search
+ known_hosts and print key hashes rather than full keys.
+ * ssh-agent(1): add -D flag to leave ssh-agent in foreground without
+ enabling debug mode; bz#2381
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): deprecate legacy SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD
+ message and do not try to use it against some 3rd-party SSH
+ implementations that use it (older PuTTY, WinSCP).
+ * Many fixes for problems caused by compile-time deactivation of
+ SSH1 support (including bz#2369)
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): cap DH-GEX group size at 4Kbits for Cisco
+ implementations as some would fail when attempting to use group
+ sizes >4K; bz#2209
+ * ssh(1): fix out-of-bound read in EscapeChar configuration option
+ parsing; bz#2396
+ * sshd(8): fix application of PermitTunnel, LoginGraceTime,
+ AuthenticationMethods and StreamLocalBindMask options in Match
+ blocks
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): improve disconnection message on TCP reset;
+ bz#2257
+ * ssh(1): remove failed remote forwards established by muliplexing
+ from the list of active forwards; bz#2363
+ * sshd(8): make parsing of authorized_keys "environment=" options
+ independent of PermitUserEnv being enabled; bz#2329
+ * sshd(8): fix post-auth crash with permitopen=none; bz#2355
+ * ssh(1), ssh-add(1), ssh-keygen(1): allow new-format private keys
+ to be encrypted with AEAD ciphers; bz#2366
+ * ssh(1): allow ListenAddress, Port and AddressFamily configuration
+ options to appear in any order; bz#86
+ * sshd(8): check for and reject missing arguments for VersionAddendum
+ and ForceCommand; bz#2281
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): don't treat unknown certificate extensions as
+ fatal; bz#2387
+ * ssh-keygen(1): make stdout and stderr output consistent; bz#2325
+ * ssh(1): mention missing DISPLAY environment in debug log when X11
+ forwarding requested; bz#1682
+ * sshd(8): correctly record login when UseLogin is set; bz#378
+ * sshd(8): Add some missing options to sshd -T output and fix output
+ of VersionAddendum and HostCertificate. bz#2346
+ * Document and improve consistency of options that accept a "none"
+ argument" TrustedUserCAKeys, RevokedKeys (bz#2382),
+ AuthorizedPrincipalsFile (bz#2288)
+ * ssh(1): include remote username in debug output; bz#2368
+ * sshd(8): avoid compatibility problem with some versions of Tera
+ Term, which would crash when they received the hostkeys notification
+ message (hostkeys-00@openssh.com)
+ * sshd(8): mention ssh-keygen -E as useful when comparing legacy MD5
+ host key fingerprints; bz#2332
+ * ssh(1): clarify pseudo-terminal request behaviour and use make
+ manual language consistent; bz#1716
+ * ssh(1): document that the TERM environment variable is not subject
+ to SendEnv and AcceptEnv; bz#2386
+Portable OpenSSH
+ * sshd(8): Format UsePAM setting when using sshd -T, part of bz#2346
+ * Look for '${host}-ar' before 'ar', making cross-compilation easier;
+ bz#2352.
+ * Several portable compilation fixes: bz#2402, bz#2337, bz#2370
+ * moduli(5): update DH-GEX moduli
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.9.tar.gz) = cd5fcb93411025bbc4b4b57753b622769dfb1e0d
+ - SHA256 (openssh-6.9.tar.gz) = itCMw0aE/xvrGKWhzRD2UM/9kzIOyFaH2dIWMfX8agQ=
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.9p1.tar.gz) = 86ab57f00d0fd9bf302760f2f6deac1b6e9df265
+ - SHA256 (openssh-6.9p1.tar.gz) = bgdN9TjzV9RAvmz5PcWBoh8i054jbyF/zY6su2yJbP4=
+Please note that the PGP key used to sign releases was recently rotated.
+The new key has been signed by the old key to provide continuity. It is
+available from the mirror sites as RELEASE_KEY.asc.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 6.8 was released on 2015-03-18. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Changes since OpenSSH 6.7
+This is a major release, containing a number of new features as
+well as a large internal re-factoring.
+Potentially-incompatible changes
+ * sshd(8): UseDNS now defaults to 'no'. Configurations that match
+ against the client host name (via sshd_config or authorized_keys)
+ may need to re-enable it or convert to matching against addresses.
+New Features
+ * Much of OpenSSH's internal code has been re-factored to be more
+ library-like. These changes are mostly not user-visible, but
+ have greatly improved OpenSSH's testability and internal layout.
+ * Add FingerprintHash option to ssh(1) and sshd(8), and equivalent
+ command-line flags to the other tools to control algorithm used
+ for key fingerprints. The default changes from MD5 to SHA256 and
+ format from hex to base64.
+ Fingerprints now have the hash algorithm prepended. An example of
+ the new format: SHA256:mVPwvezndPv/ARoIadVY98vAC0g+P/5633yTC4d/wXE
+ Please note that visual host keys will also be different.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Experimental host key rotation support. Add a
+ protocol extension for a server to inform a client of all its
+ available host keys after authentication has completed. The client
+ may record the keys in known_hosts, allowing it to upgrade to better
+ host key algorithms and a server to gracefully rotate its keys.
+ The client side of this is controlled by a UpdateHostkeys config
+ option (default off).
+ * ssh(1): Add a ssh_config HostbasedKeyType option to control which
+ host public key types are tried during host-based authentication.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): fix connection-killing host key mismatch errors
+ when sshd offers multiple ECDSA keys of different lengths.
+ * ssh(1): when host name canonicalisation is enabled, try to
+ parse host names as addresses before looking them up for
+ canonicalisation. fixes bz#2074 and avoiding needless DNS
+ lookups in some cases.
+ * ssh-keygen(1), sshd(8): Key Revocation Lists (KRLs) no longer
+ require OpenSSH to be compiled with OpenSSL support.
+ * ssh(1), ssh-keysign(8): Make ed25519 keys work for host based
+ authentication.
+ * sshd(8): SSH protocol v.1 workaround for the Meyer, et al,
+ Bleichenbacher Side Channel Attack. Fake up a bignum key before
+ RSA decryption.
+ * sshd(8): Remember which public keys have been used for
+ authentication and refuse to accept previously-used keys.
+ This allows AuthenticationMethods=publickey,publickey to require
+ that users authenticate using two _different_ public keys.
+ * sshd(8): add sshd_config HostbasedAcceptedKeyTypes and
+ PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes options to allow sshd to control what
+ public key types will be accepted. Currently defaults to all.
+ * sshd(8): Don't count partial authentication success as a failure
+ against MaxAuthTries.
+ * ssh(1): Add RevokedHostKeys option for the client to allow
+ text-file or KRL-based revocation of host keys.
+ * ssh-keygen(1), sshd(8): Permit KRLs that revoke certificates by
+ serial number or key ID without scoping to a particular CA.
+ * ssh(1): Add a "Match canonical" criteria that allows ssh_config
+ Match blocks to trigger only in the second config pass.
+ * ssh(1): Add a -G option to ssh that causes it to parse its
+ configuration and dump the result to stdout, similar to "sshd -T".
+ * ssh(1): Allow Match criteria to be negated. E.g. "Match !host".
+ * The regression test suite has been extended to cover more OpenSSH
+ features. The unit tests have been expanded and now cover key
+ exchange.
+ * ssh-keyscan(1): ssh-keyscan has been made much more robust again
+ servers that hang or violate the SSH protocol.
+ * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): Fix regression bz#2306: Key path names were
+ being lost as comment fields.
+ * ssh(1): Allow ssh_config Port options set in the second config
+ parse phase to be applied (they were being ignored). bz#2286
+ * ssh(1): Tweak config re-parsing with host canonicalisation - make
+ the second pass through the config files always run when host name
+ canonicalisation is enabled (and not whenever the host name
+ changes) bz#2267
+ * ssh(1): Fix passing of wildcard forward bind addresses when
+ connection multiplexing is in use; bz#2324;
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Fix broken private key conversion from non-OpenSSH
+ formats; bz#2345.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Fix KRL generation bug when multiple CAs are in
+ use.
+ * Various fixes to manual pages: bz#2288, bz#2316, bz#2273
+Portable OpenSSH
+ * Support --without-openssl at configure time
+ Disables and removes dependency on OpenSSL. Many features,
+ including SSH protocol 1 are not supported and the set of crypto
+ options is greatly restricted. This will only work on systems
+ with native arc4random or /dev/urandom.
+ Considered highly experimental for now.
+ * Support --without-ssh1 option at configure time
+ Allows disabling support for SSH protocol 1.
+ * sshd(8): Fix compilation on systems with IPv6 support in utmpx; bz#2296
+ * Allow custom service name for sshd on Cygwin. Permits the use of
+ multiple sshd running with different service names.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.8.tar.gz) = 99903c6ca76e0a2c044711017f81127e12459d37
+ - SHA256 (openssh-6.8.tar.gz) = N1uzVarFbrm2CzAwuDu3sRoszmqpK+5phAChP/QNyuw=
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.8p1.tar.gz) = cdbc51e46a902b30d263b05fdc71340920e91c92
+ - SHA256 (openssh-6.8p1.tar.gz) = P/ZM5z7hJEgLW/dnuYMNfTwDu8tqvnFrePAZLDfOFg4=
+Please note that the PGP key used to sign releases was recently rotated.
+The new key has been signed by the old key to provide continuity. It is
+available from the mirror sites as RELEASE_KEY.asc.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 6.7 was released on 2014-10-06. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Changes since OpenSSH 6.6
+Potentially-incompatible changes
+ * sshd(8): The default set of ciphers and MACs has been altered to
+ remove unsafe algorithms. In particular, CBC ciphers and arcfour*
+ are disabled by default.
+ The full set of algorithms remains available if configured
+ explicitly via the Ciphers and MACs sshd_config options.
+ * sshd(8): Support for tcpwrappers/libwrap has been removed.
+ * OpenSSH 6.5 and 6.6 have a bug that causes ~0.2% of connections
+ using the curve25519-sha256@libssh.org KEX exchange method to fail
+ when connecting with something that implements the specification
+ correctly. OpenSSH 6.7 disables this KEX method when speaking to
+ one of the affected versions.
+New Features
+ * Major internal refactoring to begin to make part of OpenSSH usable
+ as a library. So far the wire parsing, key handling and KRL code
+ has been refactored. Please note that we do not consider the API
+ stable yet, nor do we offer the library in separable form.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Add support for Unix domain socket forwarding.
+ A remote TCP port may be forwarded to a local Unix domain socket
+ and vice versa or both ends may be a Unix domain socket.
+ * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): Add support for SSHFP DNS records for
+ ED25519 key types.
+ * sftp(1): Allow resumption of interrupted uploads.
+ * ssh(1): When rekeying, skip file/DNS lookups of the hostkey if it
+ is the same as the one sent during initial key exchange; bz#2154
+ * sshd(8): Allow explicit ::1 and forwarding bind
+ addresses when GatewayPorts=no; allows client to choose address
+ family; bz#2222
+ * sshd(8): Add a sshd_config PermitUserRC option to control whether
+ ~/.ssh/rc is executed, mirroring the no-user-rc authorized_keys
+ option; bz#2160
+ * ssh(1): Add a %C escape sequence for LocalCommand and ControlPath
+ that expands to a unique identifer based on a hash of the tuple of
+ (local host, remote user, hostname, port). Helps avoid exceeding
+ miserly pathname limits for Unix domain sockets in multiplexing
+ control paths; bz#2220
+ * sshd(8): Make the "Too many authentication failures" message
+ include the user, source address, port and protocol in a format
+ similar to the authentication success / failure messages; bz#2199
+ * Added unit and fuzz tests for refactored code. These are run
+ automatically in portable OpenSSH via the "make tests" target.
+ * sshd(8): Fix remote forwarding with the same listen port but
+ different listen address.
+ * ssh(1): Fix inverted test that caused PKCS#11 keys that were
+ explicitly listed in ssh_config or on the commandline not to be
+ preferred.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Fix bug in KRL generation: multiple consecutive
+ revoked certificate serial number ranges could be serialised to an
+ invalid format. Readers of a broken KRL caused by this bug will
+ fail closed, so no should-have-been-revoked key will be accepted.
+ * ssh(1): Reflect stdio-forward ("ssh -W host:port ...") failures in
+ exit status. Previously we were always returning 0; bz#2255
+ * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): Make Ed25519 keys' title fit properly in the
+ randomart border; bz#2247
+ * ssh-agent(1): Only cleanup agent socket in the main agent process
+ and not in any subprocesses it may have started (e.g. forked
+ askpass). Fixes agent sockets being zapped when askpass processes
+ fatal(); bz#2236
+ * ssh-add(1): Make stdout line-buffered; saves partial output getting
+ lost when ssh-add fatal()s part-way through (e.g. when listing keys
+ from an agent that supports key types that ssh-add doesn't);
+ bz#2234
+ * ssh-keygen(1): When hashing or removing hosts, don't choke on
+ @revoked markers and don't remove @cert-authority markers; bz#2241
+ * ssh(1): Don't fatal when hostname canonicalisation fails and a
+ ProxyCommand is in use; continue and allow the ProxyCommand to
+ connect anyway (e.g. to a host with a name outside the DNS behind
+ a bastion)
+ * scp(1): When copying local->remote fails during read, don't send
+ uninitialised heap to the remote end.
+ * sftp(1): Fix fatal "el_insertstr failed" errors when tab-completing
+ filenames with a single quote char somewhere in the string;
+ bz#2238
+ * ssh-keyscan(1): Scan for Ed25519 keys by default.
+ * ssh(1): When using VerifyHostKeyDNS with a DNSSEC resolver, down-
+ convert any certificate keys to plain keys and attempt SSHFP
+ resolution. Prevents a server from skipping SSHFP lookup and
+ forcing a new-hostkey dialog by offering only certificate keys.
+ * sshd(8): Avoid crash at exit via NULL pointer reference; bz#2225
+ * Fix some strict-alignment errors.
+Portable OpenSSH
+ * Portable OpenSSH now supports building against libressl-portable.
+ * Portable OpenSSH now requires openssl 0.9.8f or greater. Older
+ versions are no longer supported.
+ * In the OpenSSL version check, allow fix version upgrades (but not
+ downgrades. Debian bug #748150.
+ * sshd(8): On Cygwin, determine privilege separation user at runtime,
+ since it may need to be a domain account.
+ * sshd(8): Don't attempt to use vhangup on Linux. It doesn't work for
+ non-root users, and for them it just messes up the tty settings.
+ * Use CLOCK_BOOTTIME in preference to CLOCK_MONOTONIC when it is
+ available. It considers time spent suspended, thereby ensuring
+ timeouts (e.g. for expiring agent keys) fire correctly. bz#2228
+ * Add support for ed25519 to opensshd.init init script.
+ * sftp-server(8): On platforms that support it, use prctl() to
+ prevent sftp-server from accessing /proc/self/{mem,maps}
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.7.tar.gz) = 315497b27a0186e4aef67987cfc9f3d9ba561cd8
+ - SHA256 (openssh-6.7.tar.gz) = /me/hPxDw9Tfd3siNKQubSQph84qiKwftiMsgj6nh5E=
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.7p1.tar.gz) = 14e5fbed710ade334d65925e080d1aaeb9c85bf6
+ - SHA256 (openssh-6.7p1.tar.gz) = svg5Tq6Fjau9732sELma7ADJVGJ1PoA0LlMLu29yVQc=
+Please note that the PGP key used to sign releases was recently rotated.
+The new key has been signed by the old key to provide continuity. It is
+available from the mirror sites as RELEASE_KEY.asc.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 6.6 was released on 2014-03-15. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Changes since OpenSSH 6.6
+This is primarily a bugfix release.
+ * sshd(8): when using environment passing with a sshd_config(5)
+ AcceptEnv pattern with a wildcard. OpenSSH prior to 6.6 could be
+ tricked into accepting any enviornment variable that contains the
+ characters before the wildcard character.
+New / changed features:
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): this release removes the J-PAKE authentication code.
+ This code was experimental, never enabled and had been unmaintained
+ for some time.
+ * ssh(1): when processing Match blocks, skip 'exec' clauses other clauses
+ predicates failed to match.
+ * ssh(1): if hostname canonicalisation is enabled and results in the
+ destination hostname being changed, then re-parse ssh_config(5) files
+ using the new destination hostname. This gives 'Host' and 'Match'
+ directives that use the expanded hostname a chance to be applied.
+ * ssh(1): avoid spurious "getsockname failed: Bad file descriptor" in
+ ssh -W. bz#2200, debian#738692
+ * sshd(8): allow the shutdown(2) syscall in seccomp-bpf and systrace
+ sandbox modes, as it is reachable if the connection is terminated
+ during the pre-auth phase.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): fix unsigned overflow that in SSH protocol 1 bignum
+ parsing. Minimum key length checks render this bug unexploitable to
+ compromise SSH 1 sessions.
+ * sshd_config(5): clarify behaviour of a keyword that appears in
+ multiple matching Match blocks. bz#2184
+ * ssh(1): avoid unnecessary hostname lookups when canonicalisation is
+ disabled. bz#2205
+ * sshd(8): avoid sandbox violation crashes in GSSAPI code by caching
+ the supported list of GSSAPI mechanism OIDs before entering the
+ sandbox. bz#2107
+ * ssh(1): fix possible crashes in SOCKS4 parsing caused by assumption
+ that the SOCKS username is nul-terminated.
+ * ssh(1): fix regression for UsePrivilegedPort=yes when BindAddress is
+ not specified.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): fix memory leak in ECDSA signature verification.
+ * ssh(1): fix matching of 'Host' directives in ssh_config(5) files
+ to be case-insensitive again (regression in 6.5).
+Portable OpenSSH:
+ * sshd(8): don't fatal if the FreeBSD Capsicum is offered by the
+ system headers and libc but is not supported by the kernel.
+ * Fix build using the HP-UX compiler.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.6.tar.gz) = bf932d798324ff2502409d3714d0ad8d65c7e1e7
+ - SHA256 (openssh-6.6.tar.gz) = jaSJE5aiQRm+91dV6EvVGr/ozo33tbxyjjFSiu+Cy80=
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.6p1.tar.gz) = b850fd1af704942d9b3c2eff7ef6b3a59b6a6b6e
+ - SHA256 (openssh-6.6p1.tar.gz) = SMHwZktFNIdQOABMxPNVW4MpwqgcHfSNtcUXgA3iA7s=
+Please note that the PGP key used to sign releases was recently rotated.
+The new key has been signed by the old key to provide continuity. It is
+available from the mirror sites as RELEASE_KEY.asc.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
Changes since OpenSSH 6.4
+This is a feature-focused release.
+New features:
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Add support for key exchange using elliptic-curve
+ Diffie Hellman in Daniel Bernstein's Curve25519. This key exchange
+ method is the default when both the client and server support it.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Add support for Ed25519 as a public key type.
+ Ed25519 is a elliptic curve signature scheme that offers
+ better security than ECDSA and DSA and good performance. It may be
+ used for both user and host keys.
+ * Add a new private key format that uses a bcrypt KDF to better
+ protect keys at rest. This format is used unconditionally for
+ Ed25519 keys, but may be requested when generating or saving
+ existing keys of other types via the -o ssh-keygen(1) option.
+ We intend to make the new format the default in the near future.
+ Details of the new format are in the PROTOCOL.key file.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Add a new transport cipher
+ "chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com" that combines Daniel Bernstein's
+ ChaCha20 stream cipher and Poly1305 MAC to build an authenticated
+ encryption mode. Details are in the PROTOCOL.chacha20poly1305 file.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Refuse RSA keys from old proprietary clients and
+ servers that use the obsolete RSA+MD5 signature scheme. It will
+ still be possible to connect with these clients/servers but only
+ DSA keys will be accepted, and OpenSSH will refuse connection
+ entirely in a future release.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Refuse old proprietary clients and servers that
+ use a weaker key exchange hash calculation.
+ * ssh(1): Increase the size of the Diffie-Hellman groups requested
+ for each symmetric key size. New values from NIST Special
+ Publication 800-57 with the upper limit specified by RFC4419.
+ * ssh(1), ssh-agent(1): Support PKCS#11 tokens that only provide
+ X.509 certs instead of raw public keys (requested as bz#1908).
+ * ssh(1): Add a ssh_config(5) "Match" keyword that allows
+ conditional configuration to be applied by matching on hostname,
+ user and result of arbitrary commands.
+ * ssh(1): Add support for client-side hostname canonicalisation
+ using a set of DNS suffixes and rules in ssh_config(5). This
+ allows unqualified names to be canonicalised to fully-qualified
+ domain names to eliminate ambiguity when looking up keys in
+ known_hosts or checking host certificate names.
+ * sftp-server(8): Add the ability to whitelist and/or blacklist sftp
+ protocol requests by name.
+ * sftp-server(8): Add a sftp "fsync@openssh.com" to support calling
+ fsync(2) on an open file handle.
+ * sshd(8): Add a ssh_config(5) PermitTTY to disallow TTY allocation,
+ mirroring the longstanding no-pty authorized_keys option.
+ * ssh(1): Add a ssh_config ProxyUseFDPass option that supports the
+ use of ProxyCommands that establish a connection and then pass a
+ connected file descriptor back to ssh(1). This allows the
+ ProxyCommand to exit rather than staying around to transfer data.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Fix potential stack exhaustion caused by nested
+ certificates.
+ * ssh(1): bz#1211: make BindAddress work with UsePrivilegedPort.
+ * sftp(1): bz#2137: fix the progress meter for resumed transfer.
+ * ssh-add(1): bz#2187: do not request smartcard PIN when removing
+ keys from ssh-agent.
+ * sshd(8): bz#2139: fix re-exec fallback when original sshd binary
+ cannot be executed.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Make relative-specified certificate expiry times
+ relative to current time and not the validity start time.
+ * sshd(8): bz#2161: fix AuthorizedKeysCommand inside a Match block.
+ * sftp(1): bz#2129: symlinking a file would incorrectly canonicalise
+ the target path.
+ * ssh-agent(1): bz#2175: fix a use-after-free in the PKCS#11 agent
+ helper executable.
+ * sshd(8): Improve logging of sessions to include the user name,
+ remote host and port, the session type (shell, command, etc.) and
+ allocated TTY (if any).
+ * sshd(8): bz#1297: tell the client (via a debug message) when
+ their preferred listen address has been overridden by the
+ server's GatewayPorts setting.
+ * sshd(8): bz#2162: include report port in bad protocol banner
+ message.
+ * sftp(1): bz#2163: fix memory leak in error path in do_readdir().
+ * sftp(1): bz#2171: don't leak file descriptor on error.
+ * sshd(8): Include the local address and port in "Connection from
+ ..." message (only shown at loglevel>=verbose).
+Portable OpenSSH:
+ * Please note that this is the last version of Portable OpenSSH that
+ will support versions of OpenSSL prior to 0.9.6. Support (i.e.
+ SSH_OLD_EVP) will be removed following the 6.5p1 release.
+ * Portable OpenSSH will attempt compile and link as a Position
+ Independent Executable on Linux, OS X and OpenBSD on recent gcc-
+ like compilers. Other platforms and older/other compilers may
+ request this using the --with-pie configure flag.
+ * A number of other toolchain-related hardening options are used
+ automatically if available, including -ftrapv to abort on signed
+ integer overflow and options to write-protect dynamic linking
+ information. The use of these options may be disabled using the
+ --without-hardening configure flag.
+ * If the toolchain supports it, one of the -fstack-protector-strong,
+ -fstack-protector-all or -fstack-protector compilation flag are
+ used to add guards to mitigate attacks based on stack overflows.
+ The use of these options may be disabled using the
+ --without-stackprotect configure option.
+ * sshd(8): Add support for pre-authentication sandboxing using the
+ Capsicum API introduced in FreeBSD 10.
+ * Switch to a ChaCha20-based arc4random() PRNG for platforms that do
+ not provide their own.
+ * sshd(8): bz#2156: restore Linux oom_adj setting when handling
+ SIGHUP to maintain behaviour over retart.
+ * sshd(8): bz#2032: use local username in krb5_kuserok check rather
+ than full client name which may be of form user@REALM.
+ * ssh(1), sshd(8): Test for both the presence of ECC NID numbers in
+ OpenSSL and that they actually work. Fedora (at least) has
+ NID_secp521r1 that doesn't work.
+ * bz#2173: use pkg-config --libs to include correct -L location for
+ libedit.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.5.tar.gz) = 0a375e20d895670489a9241f8faa57670214fbed
+ - SHA256 (openssh-6.5.tar.gz) = sK5q2rB0o5JCbEmbeE/6N9DtJkT81dwmeuhogT4i900=
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.5p1.tar.gz) = 3363a72b4fee91b29cf2024ff633c17f6cd2f86d
+ - SHA256 (openssh-6.5p1.tar.gz) = oRle1V25RSUtWhcw1KKipcHJpqoB7y5a91CpYmI9kCc=
+Please note that the PGP key used to sign releases has been rotated.
+The new key has been signed by the old key to provide continuity. It
+is available from the mirror sites as RELEASE_KEY.asc.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
Changes since OpenSSH 6.3
+This release fixes a security bug:
+ * sshd(8): fix a memory corruption problem triggered during rekeying
+ when an AES-GCM cipher is selected. Full details of the vulnerability
+ are available at: http://www.openssh.com/txt/gcmrekey.adv
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.4.tar.gz) = 4caf1a50eb3a3da821c16298c4aaa576fe24210c
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.4p1.tar.gz) = cf5fe0eb118d7e4f9296fbc5d6884965885fc55d
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
Changes since OpenSSH 6.2
+This release is predominantly a bugfix release:
+ * sshd(8): add ssh-agent(1) support to sshd(8); allows encrypted hostkeys,
+ or hostkeys on smartcards.
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): allow optional time-based rekeying via a second argument
+ to the existing RekeyLimit option. RekeyLimit is now supported in
+ sshd_config as well as on the client.
+ * sshd(8): standardise logging of information during user authentication.
+ The presented key/cert and the remote username (if available) is now
+ logged in the authentication success/failure message on the same log
+ line as the local username, remote host/port and protocol in use.
+ Certificates contents and the key fingerprint of the signing CA are
+ logged too.
+ Including all relevant information on a single line simplifies log
+ analysis as it is no longer necessary to relate information scattered
+ across multiple log entries.
+ * ssh(1): add the ability to query which ciphers, MAC algorithms, key
+ types and key exchange methods are supported in the binary.
+ * ssh(1): support ProxyCommand=- to allow support cases where stdin and
+ stdout already point to the proxy.
+ * ssh(1): allow IdentityFile=none
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): add -E option to ssh and sshd to append debugging logs
+ to a specified file instead of stderr or syslog.
+ * sftp(1): add support for resuming partial downloads using the "reget"
+ command and on the sftp commandline or on the "get" commandline using
+ the "-a" (append) option.
+ * ssh(1): add an "IgnoreUnknown" configuration option to selectively
+ suppress errors arising from unknown configuration directives.
+ * sshd(8): add support for submethods to be appended to required
+ authentication methods listed via AuthenticationMethods.
+ * sshd(8): fix refusal to accept certificate if a key of a different type
+ to the CA key appeared in authorized_keys before the CA key.
+ * ssh(1)/ssh-agent(1)/sshd(8): Use a monotonic time source for timers so
+ that things like keepalives and rekeying will work properly over clock
+ steps.
+ * sftp(1): update progressmeter when data is acknowledged, not when it's
+ sent. bz#2108
+ * ssh(1)/ssh-keygen(1): improve error messages when the current user does
+ not exist in /etc/passwd; bz#2125
+ * ssh(1): reset the order in which public keys are tried after partial
+ authentication success.
+ * ssh-agent(1): clean up socket files after SIGINT when in debug mode;
+ bz#2120
+ * ssh(1) and others: avoid confusing error messages in the case of broken
+ system resolver configurations; bz#2122
+ * ssh(1): set TCP nodelay for connections started with -N; bz#2124
+ * ssh(1): correct manual for permission requirements on ~/.ssh/config;
+ bz#2078
+ * ssh(1): fix ControlPersist timeout not triggering in cases where TCP
+ connections have hung. bz#1917
+ * ssh(1): properly deatch a ControlPersist master from its controlling
+ terminal.
+ * sftp(1): avoid crashes in libedit when it has been compiled with multi-
+ byte character support. bz#1990
+ * sshd(8): when running sshd -D, close stderr unless we have explicitly
+ requested logging to stderr. bz#1976,
+ * ssh(1): fix incomplete bzero; bz#2100
+ * sshd(8): log and error and exit if ChrootDirectory is specified and
+ running without root privileges.
+ * Many improvements to the regression test suite. In particular log files
+ are now saved from ssh and sshd after failures.
+ * Fix a number of memory leaks. bz#1967bz#2096 and others
+ * sshd(8): fix public key authentication when a :style is appended to
+ the requested username.
+ * ssh(1): do not fatally exit when attempting to cleanup multiplexing-
+ created channels that are incompletely opened. bz#2079
+Portable OpenSSH:
+ * Major overhaul of contrib/cygwin/README
+ * Fix unaligned accesses in umac.c for strict-alignment architectures.
+ bz#2101
+ * Enable -Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess if the compiler supports it. bz#2100
+ * Fix broken incorrect commandline reporting errors. bz#1448
+ * Only include SHA256 and ECC-based key exchange methods if libcrypto has
+ the required support.
+ * Fix crash in SOCKS5 dynamic forwarding code on strict-alignment
+ architectures.
+ * A number of portability fixes for Android:
+ * Don't try to use lastlog on Android; bz#2111
+ * Fall back to using openssl's DES_crypt function on platorms that don't
+ have a native crypt() function; bz#2112
+ * Test for fd_mask, howmany and NFDBITS rather than trying to enumerate
+ the plaforms that don't have them. bz#2085
+ * Replace S_IWRITE, which isn't standardized, with S_IWUSR, which is.
+ bz#2085
+ * Add a null implementation of endgrent for platforms that don't have
+ it (eg Android) bz#2087
+ * Support platforms, such as Android, that lack struct passwd.pw_gecos.
+ bz#2086
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.3.tar.gz) = 8a6ef99ffc80c19e9afe9fe1e857370f6adcf450
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.3p1.tar.gz) = 70845ca79474258cab29dbefae13d93e41a83ccb
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
+Changes since OpenSSH 6.2p1
+This is a bugfix release:
+ * ssh(1): Only warn for missing identity files that were explicitly
+ specified.
+ * Fix bug in contributed contrib/ssh-copy-id script that could result in
+ "rm *" being called on mktemp failure. bz#2105
+ * sshd(8): Quiet disconnect notifications on the server from error() back
+ to logit() from error() for normal, client-initiated disconnections.
+ bz#2057
+ * Avoid conflicting definitions of __int64 on Cygwin
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.2p2.tar.gz) = c2b4909eba6f5ec6f9f75866c202db47f3b501ba
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
+Changes since OpenSSH 6.1
+This release introduces a number of new features:
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): Added support for AES-GCM authenticated encryption in
+ SSH protocol 2. The new cipher is available as aes128-gcm@openssh.com
+ and aes256-gcm@openssh.com. It uses an identical packet format to the
+ AES-GCM mode specified in RFC 5647, but uses simpler and different
+ selection rules during key exchange.
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): Added support for encrypt-then-mac (EtM) MAC modes
+ for SSH protocol 2. These modes alter the packet format and compute
+ the MAC over the packet length and encrypted packet rather than over
+ the plaintext data. These modes are considered more secure and are
+ used by default when available.
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): Added support for the UMAC-128 MAC as
+ "umac-128@openssh.com" and "umac-128-etm@openssh.com". The latter
+ being an encrypt-then-mac mode.
+ * sshd(8): Added support for multiple required authentication in SSH
+ protocol 2 via an AuthenticationMethods option. This option lists
+ one or more comma-separated lists of authentication method names.
+ Successful completion of all the methods in any list is required for
+ authentication to complete. This allows, for example, requiring a
+ user having to authenticate via public key or GSSAPI before they
+ are offered password authentication.
+ * sshd(8)/ssh-keygen(1): Added support for Key Revocation Lists
+ (KRLs), a compact binary format to represent lists of revoked keys
+ and certificates that take as little as one bit per certificate when
+ revoking by serial number. KRLs may be generated using ssh-keygen(1)
+ and are loaded into sshd(8) via the existing RevokedKeys sshd_config
+ option.
+ * ssh(1): IdentitiesOnly now applies to keys obtained from a
+ PKCS11Provider. This allows control of which keys are offered from
+ tokens using IdentityFile.
+ * sshd(8): sshd_config(5)'s AllowTcpForwarding now accepts "local"
+ and "remote" in addition to its previous "yes"/"no" keywords to allow
+ the server to specify whether just local or remote TCP forwarding is
+ enabled.
+ * sshd(8): Added a sshd_config(5) option AuthorizedKeysCommand to
+ support fetching authorized_keys from a command in addition to (or
+ instead of) from the filesystem. The command is run under an account
+ specified by an AuthorizedKeysCommandUser sshd_config(5) option.
+ * sftp-server(8): Now supports a -d option to allow the starting
+ directory to be something other than the user's home directory.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Now allows fingerprinting of keys hosted in PKCS#11
+ tokens using "ssh-keygen -lD pkcs11_provider".
+ * ssh(1): When SSH protocol 2 only is selected (the default), ssh(1)
+ now immediately sends its SSH protocol banner to the server without
+ waiting to receive the server's banner, saving time when connecting.
+ * ssh(1): Added ~v and ~V escape sequences to raise and lower the
+ logging level respectively.
+ * ssh(1): Made the escape command help (~?) context sensitive so that
+ only commands that will work in the current session are shown.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): When deleting host lines from known_hosts using
+ "ssh-keygen -R host", ssh-keygen(1) now prints details of which lines
+ were removed.
+ * ssh(1): Force a clean shutdown of ControlMaster client sessions when
+ the ~. escape sequence is used. This means that ~. should now work in
+ mux clients even if the server is no longer responding.
+ * ssh(1): Correctly detect errors during local TCP forward setup in
+ multiplexed clients. bz#2055
+ * ssh-add(1): Made deleting explicit keys "ssh-add -d" symmetric with
+ adding keys with respect to certificates. It now tries to delete the
+ corresponding certificate and respects the -k option to allow deleting
+ of the key only.
+ * sftp(1): Fix a number of parsing and command-editing bugs, including
+ bz#1956
+ * ssh(1): When muxmaster is run with -N, ensured that it shuts down
+ gracefully when a client sends it "-O stop" rather than hanging around.
+ bz#1985
+ * ssh-keygen(1): When screening moduli candidates, append to the file
+ rather than overwriting to allow resumption. bz#1957
+ * ssh(1): Record "Received disconnect" messages at ERROR rather than
+ INFO priority. bz#2057.
+ * ssh(1): Loudly warn if explicitly-provided private key is unreadable.
+ bz#1981
+Portable OpenSSH:
+ * sshd(8): The Linux seccomp-filter sandbox is now supported on ARM
+ platforms where the kernel supports it.
+ * sshd(8): The seccomp-filter sandbox will not be enabled if the system
+ headers support it at compile time, regardless of whether it can be
+ enabled then. If the run-time system does not support seccomp-filter,
+ sshd will fall back to the rlimit pseudo-sandbox.
+ * ssh(1): Don't link in the Kerberos libraries. They aren't necessary
+ on the client, just on sshd(8). bz#2072
+ * Fix GSSAPI linking on Solaris, which uses a differently-named GSSAPI
+ library. bz#2073
+ * Fix compilation on systems with openssl-1.0.0-fips.
+ * Fix a number of errors in the RPM spec files.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.2.tar.gz) = b3f6cd774d345f22f6d0038cc9464cce131a0676
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.2p1.tar.gz) = 8824708c617cc781b2bb29fa20bd905fd3d2a43d
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 6.1 was released on 2012-08-29. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Changes since OpenSSH 6.0
+This is primarily a bugfix release.
+ * sshd(8): This release turns on pre-auth sandboxing sshd by default for
+ new installs, by setting UsePrivilegeSeparation=sandbox in sshd_config.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Add options to specify starting line number and number of
+ lines to process when screening moduli candidates, allowing processing
+ of different parts of a candidate moduli file in parallel
+ * sshd(8): The Match directive now supports matching on the local (listen)
+ address and port upon which the incoming connection was received via
+ LocalAddress and LocalPort clauses.
+ * sshd(8): Extend sshd_config Match directive to allow setting AcceptEnv
+ and {Allow,Deny}{Users,Groups}
+ * Add support for RFC6594 SSHFP DNS records for ECDSA key types. bz#1978
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Allow conversion of RSA1 keys to public PEM and PKCS8
+ * sshd(8): Allow the sshd_config PermitOpen directive to accept "none" as
+ an argument to refuse all port-forwarding requests.
+ * sshd(8): Support "none" as an argument for AuthorizedPrincipalsFile
+ * ssh-keyscan(1): Look for ECDSA keys by default. bz#1971
+ * sshd(8): Add "VersionAddendum" to sshd_config to allow server operators
+ to append some arbitrary text to the server SSH protocol banner.
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): Don't spin in accept() in situations of file
+ descriptor exhaustion. Instead back off for a while.
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): Remove hmac-sha2-256-96 and hmac-sha2-512-96 MACs as
+ they were removed from the specification. bz#2023,
+ * sshd(8): Handle long comments in config files better. bz#2025
+ * ssh(1): Delay setting tty_flag so RequestTTY options are correctly
+ picked up. bz#1995
+ * sshd(8): Fix handling of /etc/nologin incorrectly being applied to root
+ on platforms that use login_cap.
+Portable OpenSSH:
+ * sshd(8): Allow sshd pre-auth sandboxing to fall-back to the rlimit
+ sandbox from the Linux SECCOMP filter sandbox when the latter is
+ not available in the kernel.
+ * ssh(1): Fix NULL dereference when built with LDNS and using DNSSEC to
+ retrieve a CNAME SSHFP record.
+ * Fix cross-compilation problems related to pkg-config. bz#1996
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.1.tar.gz) = 7ed5b491cfebcaee2273d1f872314107273c2167
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.1p1.tar.gz) = 751c92c912310c3aa9cadc113e14458f843fc7b3
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 6.0 was released on 2012-04-22. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Changes since OpenSSH 5.9
+This is primarily a bugfix release.
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Add optional checkpoints for moduli screening
+ * ssh-add(1): new -k option to load plain keys (skipping certificates)
+ * sshd(8): Add wildcard support to PermitOpen, allowing things like
+ "PermitOpen localhost:*". bz #1857
+ * ssh(1): support for cancelling local and remote port forwards via the
+ multiplex socket. Use ssh -O cancel -L xx:xx:xx -R yy:yy:yy user@host"
+ to request the cancellation of the specified forwardings
+ * support cancellation of local/dynamic forwardings from ~C commandline
+ * ssh(1): ensure that $DISPLAY contains only valid characters before
+ using it to extract xauth data so that it can't be used to play local
+ shell metacharacter games.
+ * ssh(1): unbreak remote portforwarding with dynamic allocated listen ports
+ * scp(1): uppress adding '--' to remote commandlines when the first
+ argument does not start with '-'. saves breakage on some
+ difficult-to-upgrade embedded/router platforms
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): fix typo in IPQoS parsing: there is no "AF14" class,
+ but there is an "AF21" class
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): do not permit SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST/ACCEPT during
+ rekeying
+ * ssh(1): skip attempting to create ~/.ssh when -F is passed
+ * sshd(8): unbreak stdio forwarding when ControlPersist is in use; bz#1943
+ * sshd(1): send tty break to pty master instead of (probably already
+ closed) slave side; bz#1859
+ * sftp(1): silence error spam for "ls */foo" in directory with files;
+ bz#1683
+ * Fixed a number of memory and file descriptor leaks
+Portable OpenSSH:
+ * Add a new privilege separation sandbox implementation for Linux's
+ new seccomp sandbox, automatically enabled on platforms that support
+ it. (Note: privilege separation sandboxing is still experimental)
+ * Fix compilation problems on FreeBSD, where libutil contained openpty()
+ but not login().
+ * ssh-keygen(1): don't fail in -A on platforms that don't support ECC
+ * Add optional support for LDNS, a BSD licensed DNS resolver library
+ which supports DNSSEC
+ * Relax OpenSSL version check to allow running OpenSSH binaries on
+ systems with OpenSSL libraries with a newer "fix" or "patch" level
+ than the binaries were originally compiled on (previous check only
+ allowed movement within "patch" releases). bz#1991
+ * Fix builds using contributed Redhat spec file. bz#1992
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.0.tar.gz) = 5d30aba0423c44e89924bb44c5d2153635506a9f
+ - SHA1 (openssh-6.0p1.tar.gz) = f691e53ef83417031a2854b8b1b661c9c08e4422
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 5.9 was released on 2011-09-06. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Changes since OpenSSH 5.8
+ * Introduce sandboxing of the pre-auth privsep child using an optional
+ sshd_config(5) "UsePrivilegeSeparation=sandbox" mode that enables
+ mandatory restrictions on the syscalls the privsep child can perform.
+ This intention is to prevent a compromised privsep child from being
+ used to attack other hosts (by opening sockets and proxying) or
+ probing local kernel attack surface.
+ Three concrete sandbox implementation are provided (selected at
+ configure time): systrace, seatbelt and rlimit.
+ The systrace sandbox uses systrace(4) in unsupervised "fast-path"
+ mode, where a list of permitted syscalls is supplied. Any syscall not
+ on the list results in SIGKILL being sent to the privsep child. Note
+ that this requires a kernel with the new SYSTR_POLICY_KILL option
+ (only OpenBSD has this mode at present).
+ The seatbelt sandbox uses OS X/Darwin sandbox(7) facilities with a
+ strict (kSBXProfilePureComputation) policy that disables access to
+ filesystem and network resources.
+ The rlimit sandbox is a fallback choice for platforms that don't
+ support a better one; it uses setrlimit() to reset the hard-limit
+ of file descriptors and processes to zero, which should prevent
+ the privsep child from forking or opening new network connections.
+ Sandboxing of the privilege separated child process is currently
+ experimental but should become the default in a future release.
+ Native sandboxes for other platforms are welcome (e.g. Capsicum,
+ Linux pid/net namespaces, etc.)
+ * Add new SHA256-based HMAC transport integrity modes from
+ http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-dbider-sha2-mac-for-ssh-02.txt
+ These modes are hmac-sha2-256, hmac-sha2-256-96, hmac-sha2-512,
+ and hmac-sha2-512-96, and are available by default in ssh(1) and
+ sshd(8)
+ * The pre-authentication sshd(8) privilege separation slave process
+ now logs via a socket shared with the master process, avoiding the
+ need to maintain /dev/log inside the chroot.
+ * ssh(1) now warns when a server refuses X11 forwarding
+ * sshd_config(5)'s AuthorizedKeysFile now accepts multiple paths,
+ separated by whitespace. The undocumented AuthorizedKeysFile2
+ option is deprecated (though the default for AuthorizedKeysFile
+ includes .ssh/authorized_keys2)
+ * sshd_config(5): similarly deprecate UserKnownHostsFile2 and
+ GlobalKnownHostsFile2 by making UserKnownHostsFile and
+ GlobalKnownHostsFile accept multiple options and default to
+ include known_hosts2
+ * Retain key comments when loading v.2 keys. These will be visible
+ in "ssh-add -l" and other places. bz#439
+ * ssh(1) and sshd(8): set IPv6 traffic class from IPQoS (as well as
+ IPv4 ToS/DSCP). bz#1855
+ * ssh_config(5)'s ControlPath option now expands %L to the host
+ portion of the destination host name.
+ * ssh_config(5) "Host" options now support negated Host matching, e.g.
+ Host *.example.org !c.example.org
+ User mekmitasdigoat
+ Will match "a.example.org", "b.example.org", but not "c.example.org"
+ * ssh_config(5): a new RequestTTY option provides control over when a
+ TTY is requested for a connection, similar to the existing -t/-tt/-T
+ ssh(1) commandline options.
+ * sshd(8): allow GSSAPI authentication to detect when a server-side
+ failure causes authentication failure and don't count such failures
+ against MaxAuthTries; bz#1244
+ * ssh-keygen(1): Add -A option. For each of the key types (rsa1, rsa,
+ dsa and ecdsa) for which host keys do not exist, generate the host
+ keys with the default key file path, an empty passphrase, default
+ bits for the key type, and default comment. This is useful for
+ system initialisation scripts.
+ * ssh(1): Allow graceful shutdown of multiplexing: request that a mux
+ server removes its listener socket and refuse future multiplexing
+ requests but don't kill existing connections. This may be requested
+ using "ssh -O stop ..."
+ * ssh-add(1) now accepts keys piped from standard input. E.g.
+ "ssh-add - < /path/to/key"
+ * ssh-keysign(8) now signs hostbased authentication
+ challenges correctly using ECDSA keys; bz#1858
+ * sftp(1): document that sftp accepts square brackets to delimit
+ addresses (useful for IPv6); bz#1847a
+ * ssh(1): when using session multiplexing, the master process will
+ change its process title to reflect the control path in use and
+ when a ControlPersist-ed master is waiting to close; bz#1883 and
+ bz#1911
+ * Other minor bugs fixed: 1849 1861 1862 1869 1875 1878 1879 1892
+ 1900 1905 1913
+Portable OpenSSH Bugfixes:
+ * Fix a compilation error in the SELinux support code. bz#1851
+ * This release removes support for ssh-rand-helper. OpenSSH now
+ obtains its random numbers directly from OpenSSL or from
+ a PRNGd/EGD instance specified at configure time.
+ * sshd(8) now resets the SELinux process execution context before
+ executing passwd for password changes; bz#1891
+ * Since gcc >= 4.x ignores all -Wno-options options, test only the
+ corresponding -W-option when trying to determine whether it is
+ accepted; bz#1901
+ * Add ECDSA key generation to the Cygwin ssh-{host,user}-config
+ scripts.
+ * Updated .spec and init files for Linux; bz#1920
+ * Improved SELinux error messages in context change failures and
+ suppress error messages when attempting to change from the
+ "unconfined_t" type; bz#1924bz#1919
+ * Fix build errors on platforms without dlopen(); bz#1929
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.9.tar.gz) = bc0cb728bbc394769f9a2ce5b8cd99dc41e12632
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.9p1.tar.gz) = ac4e0055421e9543f0af5da607a72cf5922dcc56
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
Portable OpenSSH 5.8p2 was released on 2011-05-03. It will be available
+from the mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Changes since OpenSSH 5.8p1
+ * Fix local private host key compromise on platforms without host-
+ level randomness support (e.g. /dev/random) reported by Tomas Mraz
+ On hosts that did not have a randomness source configured in
+ OpenSSL and were not configured to use EGD/PRNGd (using the
+ --with-prngd-socket configure option), the ssh-rand-helper command
+ was being implicitly executed by ssh-keysign with open file
+ descriptors to the host private keys. An attacker could use
+ ptrace(2) to attach to ssh-rand-helper and exfiltrate the keys.
+ Most modern operating systems are not vulnerable. In particular,
+ *BSD, Linux, OS X and Cygwin do not use ssh-rand-helper.
+ A full advisory for this issue is available at:
+ http://www.openssh.com/txt/portable-keysign-rand-helper.adv
+Portable OpenSSH Bugfixes:
+ * Fix compilation failure when enabling SELinux support.
+ * Revised Cygwin ssh-{host,user}-config that include ECDSA key
+ support.
+ * Revised Cygwin ssh-host-config to be more thorough in error checking
+ and reporting.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.8p2.tar.gz) = 64798328d310e4f06c9f01228107520adbc8b3e5
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 5.8 was released on 2011-02-04. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Changes since OpenSSH 5.7
+ * Fix vulnerability in legacy certificate signing introduced in
+ OpenSSH-5.6 and found by Mateusz Kocielski.
+ Legacy certificates signed by OpenSSH 5.6 or 5.7 included data from
+ the stack in place of a random nonce field. The contents of the stack
+ do not appear to contain private data at this point, but this cannot
+ be stated with certainty for all platform, library and compiler
+ combinations. In particular, there exists a risk that some bytes from
+ the privileged CA key may be accidentally included.
+ A full advisory for this issue is available at:
+ http://www.openssh.com/txt/legacy-cert.adv
+Portable OpenSSH Bugfixes:
+ * Fix compilation failure when enableing SELinux support.
+ * Do not attempt to call SELinux functions when SELinux is disabled.
+ bz#1851
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.8.tar.gz) = 205dece2c8b41c69b082eb65320d359987aae25b
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.8p1.tar.gz) = adebb2faa9aba2a3a3c8b401b2b19677ab53f0de
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 5.7 was released on 2011-01-24. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Changes since OpenSSH 5.6
+ * Implement Elliptic Curve Cryptography modes for key exchange (ECDH)
+ and host/user keys (ECDSA) as specified by RFC5656. ECDH and ECDSA
+ offer better performance than plain DH and DSA at the same equivalent
+ symmetric key length, as well as much shorter keys.
+ Only the mandatory sections of RFC5656 are implemented, specifically
+ the three REQUIRED curves nistp256, nistp384 and nistp521 and only
+ ECDH and ECDSA. Point compression (optional in RFC5656) is NOT
+ implemented.
+ Certificate host and user keys using the new ECDSA key types are
+ supported - an ECDSA key may be certified, and an ECDSA key may act
+ as a CA to sign certificates.
+ ECDH in a 256 bit curve field is the preferred key agreement
+ algorithm when both the client and server support it. ECDSA host
+ keys are preferred when learning a host's keys for the first time,
+ or can be learned using ssh-keyscan(1).
+ * sftp(1)/sftp-server(8): add a protocol extension to support a hard
+ link operation. It is available through the "ln" command in the
+ client. The old "ln" behaviour of creating a symlink is available
+ using its "-s" option or through the preexisting "symlink" command
+ * scp(1): Add a new -3 option to scp: Copies between two remote hosts
+ are transferred through the local host. Without this option the
+ data is copied directly between the two remote hosts.
+ * ssh(1): automatically order the hostkeys requested by the client
+ based on which hostkeys are already recorded in known_hosts. This
+ avoids hostkey warnings when connecting to servers with new ECDSA
+ keys, since these are now preferred when learning hostkeys for the
+ first time.
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): add a new IPQoS option to specify arbitrary
+ TOS/DSCP/QoS values instead of hardcoding lowdelay/throughput.
+ bz#1733
+ * sftp(1): the sftp client is now significantly faster at performing
+ directory listings, using OpenBSD glob(3) extensions to preserve
+ the results of stat(3) operations performed in the course of its
+ execution rather than performing expensive round trips to fetch
+ them again afterwards.
+ * ssh(1): "atomically" create the listening mux socket by binding it on
+ a temporary name and then linking it into position after listen() has
+ succeeded. This allows the mux clients to determine that the server
+ socket is either ready or stale without races. stale server sockets
+ are now automatically removed. (also fixes bz#1711)
+ * ssh(1)/sshd(8): add a KexAlgorithms knob to the client and server
+ configuration to allow selection of which key exchange methods are
+ used by ssh(1) and sshd(8) and their order of preference.
+ * sftp(1)/scp(1): factor out bandwidth limiting code from scp(1) into
+ a generic bandwidth limiter that can be attached using the atomicio
+ callback mechanism and use it to add a bandwidth limit option to
+ sftp(1). bz#1147
+ * ssh(1)/ssh-agent(1): honour $TMPDIR for client xauth and ssh-agent
+ temporary directories. bz#1809
+ * ssh(1): avoid NULL deref on receiving a channel request on an unknown
+ or invalid channel; bz#1842
+ * sshd(8): remove a debug() that pollutes stderr on client connecting
+ to a server in debug mode; bz#1719
+ * scp(1): pass through ssh command-line flags and options when doing
+ remote-remote transfers, e.g. to enable agent forwarding which is
+ particularly useful in this case; bz#1837
+ * sftp-server(8): umask should be parsed as octal
+ * sftp(1): escape '[' in filename tab-completion
+ * ssh(1): Typo in confirmation message. bz#1827
+ * sshd(8): prevent free() of string in .rodata when overriding
+ AuthorizedKeys in a Match block
+ * sshd(8): Use default shell /bin/sh if $SHELL is ""
+ * ssh(1): kill proxy command on fatal() (we already killed it on
+ clean exit);
+ * ssh(1): install a SIGCHLD handler to reap expiried child process;
+ bz#1812
+ * Support building against openssl-1.0.0a
+Portable OpenSSH Bugfixes:
+ * Use mandoc as preferred manpage formatter if it is present, followed
+ by nroff and groff respectively.
+ * sshd(8): Relax permission requirement on btmp logs to allow group
+ read/write
+ * bz#1840: fix warning when configuring --with-ssl-engine
+ * sshd(8): Use correct uid_t/pid_t types instead of int. bz#1817
+ * sshd(8): bz#1824: Add Solaris Project support.
+ * sshd(8): Check is_selinux_enabled for exact return code since it can
+ apparently return -1 under some conditions.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.7.tar.gz) = 67cb91772a33fb3a004b39bcdb9148218365494c
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.7p1.tar.gz) = 423e27475f06e1055847dfff7f61e1ac632b5372
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 5.6 was released on 2010-08-23. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Changes since OpenSSH 5.5
+ * Added a ControlPersist option to ssh_config(5) that automatically
+ starts a background ssh(1) multiplex master when connecting. This
+ connection can stay alive indefinitely, or can be set to
+ automatically close after a user-specified duration of inactivity.
+ * Hostbased authentication may now use certificate host keys. CA keys
+ must be specified in a known_hosts file using the @cert-authority
+ marker as described in sshd(8).
+ * ssh-keygen(1) now supports signing certificate using a CA key that
+ has been stored in a PKCS#11 token.
+ * ssh(1) will now log the hostname and address that we connected to at
+ LogLevel=verbose after authentication is successful to mitigate
+ "phishing" attacks by servers with trusted keys that accept
+ authentication silently and automatically before presenting fake
+ password/passphrase prompts.
+ Note that, for such an attack to be successful, the user must have
+ disabled StrictHostKeyChecking (enabled by default) or an attacker
+ must have access to a trusted host key for the destination server.
+ * Expand %h to the hostname in ssh_config Hostname options. While this
+ sounds useless, it is actually handy for working with unqualified
+ hostnames:
+ Host *.*
+ Hostname %h
+ Host *
+ Hostname %h.example.org
+ * Allow ssh-keygen(1) to import (-i) and export (-e) of PEM and PKCS#8
+ keys in addition to RFC4716 (SSH.COM) encodings via a new -m option
+ (bz#1749)
+ * sshd(8) will now queue debug messages for bad ownership or
+ permissions on the user's keyfiles encountered during authentication
+ and will send them after authentication has successfully completed.
+ These messages may be viewed in ssh(1) at LogLevel=debug or higher.
+ * ssh(1) connection multiplexing now supports remote forwarding with
+ dynamic port allocation and can report the allocated port back to
+ the user:
+ LPORT=`ssh -S muxsocket -R0:localhost:25 -O forward somehost`
+ * sshd(8) now supports indirection in matching of principal names
+ listed in certificates. By default, if a certificate has an
+ embedded principals list then the username on the server must match
+ one of the names in the list for it to be accepted for
+ authentication.
+ sshd(8) now has a new AuthorizedPrincipalsFile option to specify a
+ file containing a list of names that may be accepted in place of the
+ username when authorizing a certificate trusted via the
+ sshd_config(5) TrustedCAKeys option. Similarly, authentication
+ using a CA trusted in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys now accepts a
+ principals="name1[,name2,...]" to specify a list of permitted names.
+ If either option is absent, the current behaviour of requiring the
+ username to appear in principals continues to apply. These options
+ are useful for role accounts, disjoint account namespaces and
+ "user@realm"-style naming policies in certificates.
+ * Additional sshd_config(5) options are now valid inside Match blocks:
+ AuthorizedKeysFile
+ AuthorizedPrincipalsFile
+ HostbasedUsesNameFromPacketOnly
+ PermitTunnel
+ * Revised the format of certificate keys. The new format, identified as
+ ssh-{dss,rsa}-cert-v01@openssh.com includes the following changes:
+ - Adding a serial number field. This may be specified by the CA at
+ the time of certificate signing.
+ - Moving the nonce field to the beginning of the certificate where
+ it can better protect against chosen-prefix attacks on the
+ signature hash (currently infeasible against the SHA1 hash used)
+ - Renaming the "constraints" field to "critical options"
+ - Addng a new non-critical "extensions" field. The "permit-*"
+ options are now extensions, rather than critical options to
+ permit non-OpenSSH implementation of this key format to degrade
+ gracefully when encountering keys with options they do not
+ recognize.
+ The older format is still supported for authentication and may still
+ be used when signing certificates (use "ssh-keygen -t v00 ...").
+ The v00 format, introduced in OpenSSH 5.4, will be supported for at
+ least one year from this release, after which it will be deprecated
+ and removed.
+ * The PKCS#11 code now retries a lookup for a private key if there is
+ no matching key with CKA_SIGN attribute enabled; this fixes fixes
+ MuscleCard support (bz#1736)
+ * Unbreak strdelim() skipping past quoted strings (bz#1757). For
+ example, the following directive was not parsed correctly:
+ AllowUsers "blah blah" blah
+ * sftp(1): fix swapped args in upload_dir_internal(), breaking
+ recursive upload depth checks and causing verbose printing of
+ transfers to always be turned on (bz#1797)
+ * Fix a longstanding problem where if you suspend scp(1) at the
+ password/passphrase prompt the terminal mode is not restored.
+ * Fix a PKCS#11 crash on some smartcards by validating the length
+ returned for C_GetAttributValue (bz#1773)
+ * sftp(1): fix ls in working directories that contain globbing
+ characters in their pathnames (bz#1655)
+ * Print warning for missing home directory when ChrootDirectory=none
+ (bz#1564)
+ * sftp(1): fix a memory leak in do_realpath() error path (bz#1771)
+ * ssk-keygen(1): Standardise error messages when attempting to open
+ private key files to include "progname: filename: error reason"
+ (bz#1783)
+ * Replace verbose and overflow-prone Linebuf code with
+ read_keyfile_line() (bz#1565)
+ * Include the user name on "subsystem request for ..." log messages
+ * ssh(1) and sshd(8): remove hardcoded limit of 100 permitopen clauses
+ and port forwards per direction (bz#1327)
+ * sshd(8): ignore stderr output from subsystems to avoid hangs if a
+ subsystem or shell initialisation writes to stderr (bz#1750)
+ * Skip the initial check for access with an empty password when
+ PermitEmptyPasswords=no (bz#1638)
+ * sshd(8): fix logspam when key options (from="..." especially) deny
+ non-matching keys (bz#1765)
+ * ssh-keygen(1): display a more helpful error message when $HOME is
+ inaccessible while trying to create .ssh directory (bz#1740)
+ * ssh(1): fix hang when terminating a mux slave using ~. (bz#1758)
+ * ssh-keygen(1): refuse to generate keys longer than
+ OPENSSL_[RD]SA_MAX_MODULUS_BITS, since we would refuse to use
+ them anyway (bz#1516)
+ * Suppress spurious tty warning when using -O and stdin is not a tty
+ (bz#1746)
+ * Kill channel when pty allocation requests fail. Fixed stuck client
+ if the server refuses pty allocation (bz#1698)
+Portable OpenSSH Bugfixes:
+ * sshd(8): increase the maximum username length for login recording
+ to 512 characters (bz#1579)
+ * Initialize the values to be returned from PAM to sane values in
+ case the PAM method doesn't write to them. (bz#1795)
+ * Let configure find OpenSSL libraries in a lib64 subdirectory.
+ (bz#1756)
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.6.tar.gz) = fa5ac394b874d6709031306b6ac5c48399697f7f
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.6p1.tar.gz) = 347dd39c91c3529f41dae63714d452fb95efea1e
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
+OpenSSH 5.5 was released on 2010-04-16. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed code
+or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the project.
+More information on donations may be found at:
+This is a bugfix release.
+Changes since OpenSSH 5.4
+ * Unbreak sshd_config's AuthorizedKeysFile option for $HOME-relative paths
+ * Fix compilation failures on platforms that lack dlopen()
+ * Include a language tag when sending a protocol 2 disconnection message.
+ * Make logging of certificates used for user authentication more clear and
+ consistent between CAs specified using TrustedUserCAKeys and
+ authorized_keys
+Portable OpenSSH:
+ * Allow contrib/ssh-copy-id to fail gracefully when there are no keys in
+ the ssh-agent. bz#1723
+ * Explicitly link libX11 into contrib/gnome-ssh-askpass2. bz#1725
+ * Allow ChrootDirectory to work in SELinux platforms. bz#1726
+ * Add configure.ac stanza for Haiku OS. bz#1741
+ * Enable utmpx support on FreeBSD where possible. bz#1732
+ * Use pkg-config to determine libedit linker flags where possible. bz#1744
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.5.tar.gz) = 59864a048b09ad1b6e65a74d5d385d8189ab8c74
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.5p1.tar.gz) = 361c6335e74809b26ea096b34062ba8ff6c97cd6
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
+OpenSSH 5.4 was released on 2010-03-08. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed code
+or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the project.
+More information on donations may be found at:
+This is a major feature and bugfix release.
+Changes since OpenSSH 5.3
+ * After a transition period of about 10 years, this release disables
+ SSH protocol 1 by default. Clients and servers that need to use the
+ legacy protocol must explicitly enable it in ssh_config / sshd_config
+ or on the command-line.
+ * Remove the libsectok/OpenSC-based smartcard code and add support for
+ PKCS#11 tokens. This support is automatically enabled on all
+ platforms that support dlopen(3) and was inspired by patches written
+ by Alon Bar-Lev. Details in the ssh(1) and ssh-add(1) manpages.
+ * Add support for certificate authentication of users and hosts using a
+ new, minimal OpenSSH certificate format (not X.509). Certificates
+ contain a public key, identity information and some validity
+ constraints and are signed with a standard SSH public key using
+ ssh-keygen(1). CA keys may be marked as trusted in authorized_keys
+ or via a TrustedUserCAKeys option in sshd_config(5) (for user
+ authentication), or in known_hosts (for host authentication).
+ Documentation for certificate support may be found in ssh-keygen(1),
+ sshd(8) and ssh(1) and a description of the protocol extensions in
+ PROTOCOL.certkeys.
+ * Added a 'netcat mode' to ssh(1): "ssh -W host:port ..." This connects
+ stdio on the client to a single port forward on the server. This
+ allows, for example, using ssh as a ProxyCommand to route connections
+ via intermediate servers. bz#1618
+ * Add the ability to revoke keys in sshd(8) and ssh(1). User keys may
+ be revoked using a new sshd_config(5) option "RevokedKeys". Host keys
+ are revoked through known_hosts (details in the sshd(8) man page).
+ Revoked keys cannot be used for user or host authentication and will
+ trigger a warning if used.
+ * Rewrite the ssh(1) multiplexing support to support non-blocking
+ operation of the mux master, improve the resilience of the master to
+ malformed messages sent to it by the slave and add support for
+ requesting port- forwardings via the multiplex protocol. The new
+ stdio-to-local forward mode ("ssh -W host:port ...") is also
+ supported. The revised multiplexing protocol is documented in the
+ file PROTOCOL.mux in the source distribution.
+ * Add a 'read-only' mode to sftp-server(8) that disables open in write
+ mode and all other fs-modifying protocol methods. bz#430
+ * Allow setting an explicit umask on the sftp-server(8) commandline to
+ override whatever default the user has. bz#1229
+ * Many improvements to the sftp(1) client, many of which were
+ implemented by Carlos Silva through the Google Summer of Code
+ program:
+ - Support the "-h" (human-readable units) flag for ls
+ - Implement tab-completion of commands, local and remote filenames
+ - Support most of scp(1)'s commandline arguments in sftp(1), as a
+ first step towards making sftp(1) a drop-in replacement for scp(1).
+ Note that the rarely-used "-P sftp_server_path" option has been
+ moved to "-D sftp_server_path" to make way for "-P port" to match
+ scp(1).
+ - Add recursive transfer support for get/put and on the commandline
+ * New RSA keys will be generated with a public exponent of RSA_F4 ==
+ (2**16)+1 == 65537 instead of the previous value 35.
+ * Passphrase-protected SSH protocol 2 private keys are now protected
+ with AES-128 instead of 3DES. This applied to newly-generated keys
+ as well as keys that are reencrypted (e.g. by changing their
+ passphrase).
+ * Hold authentication debug messages until after successful
+ authentication. Fixes a minor information leak of environment
+ variables specified in authorized_keys if an attacker happens to
+ know the public key in use.
+ * When using ChrootDirectory, make sure we test for the existence of
+ the user's shell inside the chroot and not outside (bz#1679)
+ * Cache user and group name lookups in sftp-server using
+ user_from_[ug]id(3) to improve performance on hosts where these
+ operations are slow (e.g. NIS or LDAP). bz#1495
+ * Fix problem that prevented passphrase reading from being interrupted
+ in some circumstances; bz#1590
+ * Ignore and log any Protocol 1 keys where the claimed size is not
+ equal to the actual size.
+ * Make HostBased authentication work with a ProxyCommand. bz#1569
+ * Avoid run-time failures when specifying hostkeys via a relative
+ path by prepending the current working directory in these cases.
+ bz#1290
+ * Do not prompt for a passphrase if we fail to open a keyfile, and log
+ the reason why the open failed to debug. bz#1693
+ * Document that the PubkeyAuthentication directive is allowed in a
+ sshd_config(5) Match block. bz#1577
+ * When converting keys, truncate key comments at 72 chars as per
+ RFC4716. bz#1630
+ * Do not allow logins if /etc/nologin exists but is not readable by the
+ user logging in.
+ * Output a debug log if sshd(8) can't open an existing authorized_keys.
+ bz#1694
+ * Quell tc[gs]etattr warnings when forcing a tty (ssh -tt), since we
+ usually don't actually have a tty to read/set; bz#1686
+ * Prevent sftp from crashing when given a "-" without a command.
+ Also, allow whitespace to follow a "-". bz#1691
+ * After sshd receives a SIGHUP, ignore subsequent HUPs while sshd
+ re-execs itself. Prevents two HUPs in quick succession from resulting
+ in sshd dying. bz#1692
+ * Clarify in sshd_config(5) that StrictModes does not apply to
+ ChrootDirectory. Permissions and ownership are always checked when
+ chrooting. bz#1532
+ * Set close-on-exec on various descriptors so they don't get leaked to
+ child processes. bz#1643
+ * Fix very rare race condition in x11/agent channel allocation: don't
+ read after the end of the select read/write fdset and make sure a
+ reused FD is not touched before the pre-handlers are called.
+ * Fix incorrect exit status when multiplexing and channel ID 0 is
+ recycled. bz#1570
+ * Fail with an error when an attempt is made to connect to a server
+ with ForceCommand=internal-sftp with a shell session (i.e. not a
+ subsystem session). Avoids stuck client when attempting to ssh to
+ such a service. bz#1606:
+ * Warn but do not fail if stat()ing the subsystem binary fails. This
+ helps with chrootdirectory+forcecommand=sftp-server and restricted
+ shells. bz #1599
+ * Change "Connecting to host..." message to "Connected to host."
+ and delay it until after the sftp protocol connection has been
+ established. Avoids confusing sequence of messages when the
+ underlying ssh connection experiences problems. bz#1588
+ * Use the HostKeyAlias rather than the hostname specified on the
+ commandline when prompting for passwords. bz#1039
+ * Correct off-by-one in percent_expand(): we would fatal() when trying
+ to expand EXPAND_MAX_KEYS, allowing only EXPAND_MAX_KEYS-1 to
+ actually work. Note that nothing in OpenSSH actually uses close to
+ this limit at present. bz#1607
+ * Fix passing of empty options from scp(1) and sftp(1) to the
+ underlying ssh(1). Also add support for the stop option "--".
+ * Fix an incorrect magic number and typo in PROTOCOL; bz#1688
+ * Don't escape backslashes when displaying the SSH2 banner. bz#1533
+ * Don't unnecessarily dup() the in and out fds for sftp-server. bz#1566
+ * Force use of the correct hash function for random-art signature
+ display as it was inheriting the wrong one when bubblebabble
+ signatures were activated. bz#1611
+ * Do not fall back to adding keys without constraints (ssh-add -c /
+ -t ...) when the agent refuses the constrained add request. bz#1612
+ * Fix a race condition in ssh-agent that could result in a wedged or
+ spinning agent. bz#1633
+ * Flush stdio before exec() to ensure that everying (motd
+ in particular) has made it out before the streams go away. bz#1596
+ * Set FD_CLOEXEC on in/out sockets in sshd(8). bz#1706
+Portable OpenSSH Bugfixes:
+ * Use system's kerberos principal name on AIX if it's available.
+ bz#1583
+ * Disable OOM-killing of the listening sshd on Linux. bz#1470
+ * Use pkg-config for opensc config if it's available. bz#1160
+ * Unbreak Redhat spec to allow building without askpass. bz#1677
+ * If PidFile is set in sshd_config, use it in SMF init file. bz#1628
+ * Print error and usage() when ssh-rand-helper is passed command-
+ line arguments as none are supported. bz#1568
+ * Add missing setsockopt() to set IPV6_V6ONLY for local forwarding
+ with GatwayPorts=yes. bz#1648
+ * Make GNOME 2 askpass dialog desktop-modal. bz#1645
+ * If SELinux is enabled set the security context to "sftpd_t" before
+ running the internal sftp server. bz#1637
+ * Correctly check libselinux for necessary SELinux functions; bz#1713
+ * Unbreak builds on Redhat using the supplied openssh.spec; bz#1731
+ * Fix incorrect privilege dropping order on AIX that prevented
+ chroot operation; bz#1567
+ * Call aix_setauthdb/aix_restoredb at the correct times on AIX to
+ prevent authentication failure; bz#1710
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.4.tar.gz) = 1776832d902f7b4c7863afd41a5ec7a14efe95d6
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.4p1.tar.gz) = 2a3042372f08afb1415ceaec8178213276a36302
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 5.3 was released on 2009-10-01. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+This release marks the 10th anniversary of the OpenSSH project.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their support,
+especially those who will continue to contribute code or patches,
+report bugs, test snapshots or donate to the project during the
+next 10 years. More information on donations may be found at:
+This is a bugfix release, no new features have been added.
+Changes since OpenSSH 5.2
+General Bugfixes:
+ * Do not limit home directory paths to 256 characters. bz#1615
+ * Several minor documentation and correctness fixes.
+Portable OpenSSH Bugfixes:
+ * This release removes for support for very old versions of Cygwin and
+ for Windows 95/98/ME
+ * Move the deletion of PAM credentials on logout to after the session
+ close. bz#1534
+ * Make PrintLastLog work on AIX. bz#1595
+ * Avoid compile errors on FreeBSD from conflicts in glob.h. bz#1634
+ * Delay dropping of root privileges on AIX so chroot and pam_open_session
+ work correctly. bz#1249 and bz#1567
+ * Increase client IO buffer on Cygwin to 64K, realising a significant
+ performance improvement.
+ * Roll back bz#1241 (better handling for expired passwords on Tru64).
+ The change broke password logins on some configurations.
+ * Accept ENOSYS as a fallback error when attempting atomic
+ rename(). bz#1535
+ * Fix passing of variables to recursive make(1) invocations on Solaris.
+ bz#1505
+ * Skip the tcgetattr call on the pty master on Solaris, since it never
+ succeeds and can hang if large amounts of data is sent to the slave
+ (eg a copy-paste). bz#1528
+ * Fix detection of krb5-config. bz#1639
+ * Fix test for server-assigned remote forwarding port for non-root users.
+ bz#1578
+ * Fix detection of libresolv on OSX 10.6.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.3.tar.gz) = f1b9a280565e916c1f84fd4d944313ec926242a2
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.3p1.tar.gz) = d411fde2584ef6022187f565360b2c63a05602b5
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 5.2 was released on 2009-02-23. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We have also recently completed another Internet SSH usage scan, the
+results of which may be found at http://www.openssh.com/usage.html
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+The focus of this release has been on bugfixes as the previous
+openssh-5.1 release introduced many new features and made some
+invasive changes.
+Changes since OpenSSH 5.1
+ * This release changes the default cipher order to prefer the AES CTR
+ modes and the revised "arcfour256" mode to CBC mode ciphers that are
+ susceptible to CPNI-957037 "Plaintext Recovery Attack Against SSH".
+ * This release also adds countermeasures to mitigate CPNI-957037-style
+ attacks against the SSH protocol's use of CBC-mode ciphers. Upon
+ detection of an invalid packet length or Message Authentication
+ Code, ssh/sshd will continue reading up to the maximum supported
+ packet length rather than immediately terminating the connection.
+ This eliminates most of the known differences in behaviour that
+ leaked information about the plaintext of injected data which formed
+ the basis of this attack. We believe that these attacks are rendered
+ infeasible by these changes.
+New features:
+ * Added a -y option to ssh(1) to force logging to syslog rather than
+ stderr, which is useful when running daemonised (ssh -f)
+ * The sshd_config(5) ForceCommand directive now accepts commandline
+ arguments for the internal-sftp server.
+ * The ssh(1) ~C escape commandline now support runtime creation of
+ dynamic (-D) port forwards.
+ * Support the SOCKS4A protocol in ssh(1) dynamic (-D) forwards.
+ (bz#1482)
+ * Support remote port forwarding with a listen port of '0'. This
+ informs the server that it should dynamically allocate a listen
+ port and report it back to the client. (bz#1003)
+ * sshd(8) now supports setting PermitEmptyPasswords and
+ AllowAgentForwarding in Match blocks
+Bug and documentation fixes
+ * Repair a ssh(1) crash introduced in openssh-5.1 when the client is
+ sent a zero-length banner (bz#1496)
+ * Due to interoperability problems with certain
+ broken SSH implementations, the eow@openssh.com and
+ no-more-sessions@openssh.com protocol extensions are now only sent
+ to peers that identify themselves as OpenSSH.
+ * Make ssh(1) send the correct channel number for
+ avoid triggering 'Non-public channel' error messages on sshd(8) in
+ openssh-5.1.
+ * Avoid printing 'Non-public channel' warnings in sshd(8), since the
+ ssh(1) has sent incorrect channel numbers since ~2004 (this reverts
+ a behaviour introduced in openssh-5.1).
+ * Avoid double-free in ssh(1) ~C escape -L handler (bz#1539)
+ * Correct fail-on-error behaviour in sftp(1) batchmode for remote
+ stat operations. (bz#1541)
+ * Disable nonfunctional ssh(1) ~C escape handler in multiplex slave
+ connections. (bz#1543)
+ * Avoid hang in ssh(1) when attempting to connect to a server that
+ has MaxSessions=0 set.
+ * Multiple fixes to sshd(8) configuration test (-T) mode
+ * Several core and portable OpenSSH bugs fixed: 1380, 1412, 1418,
+ 1419, 1421, 1490, 1491, 1492, 1514, 1515, 1518, 1520, 1538, 1540
+ * Many manual page improvements.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.2.tar.gz) = 260074ed466e95f054ac05a4406f613d08575217
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.2p1.tar.gz) = 8273a0237db98179fbdc412207ff8eb14ff3d6de
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 5.1 was released on 2008-07-22. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We have also recently completed another Internet SSH usage scan, the
+results of which may be found at http://www.openssh.com/usage.html
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
+project. More information on donations may be found at:
+Changes since OpenSSH 5.0
+ * sshd(8): Avoid X11 man-in-the-middle attack on HP/UX (and possibly
+ other platforms) when X11UseLocalhost=no
+ When attempting to bind(2) to a port that has previously been bound
+ with SO_REUSEADDR set, most operating systems check that either the
+ effective user-id matches the previous bind (common on BSD-derived
+ systems) or that the bind addresses do not overlap (Linux and
+ Solaris).
+ Some operating systems, such as HP/UX, do not perform these checks
+ and are vulnerable to an X11 man-in-the-middle attack when the
+ sshd_config(5) option X11UseLocalhost has been set to "no" - an
+ attacker may establish a more-specific bind, which will be used in
+ preference to sshd's wildcard listener.
+ Modern BSD operating systems, Linux, OS X and Solaris implement the
+ above checks and are not vulnerable to this attack, nor are systems
+ where the X11UseLocalhost has been left at the default value of
+ "yes".
+ Portable OpenSSH 5.1 avoids this problem for all operating systems
+ by not setting SO_REUSEADDR when X11UseLocalhost is set to no.
+ This vulnerability was reported by sway2004009 AT hotmail.com.
+New features:
+ * Introduce experimental SSH Fingerprint ASCII Visualisation to ssh(1)
+ and ssh-keygen(1). Visual fingerprinnt display is controlled by a new
+ ssh_config(5) option "VisualHostKey". The intent is to render
+ SSH host keys in a visual form that is amenable to easy recall and
+ rejection of changed host keys. This technique inspired by the
+ graphical hash visualisation schemes known as "random art[*]", and
+ by Dan Kaminsky's musings at 23C3 in Berlin.
+ Fingerprint visualisation in is currently disabled by default, as the
+ algorithm used to generate the random art is still subject to change.
+ [*] "Hash Visualization: a New Technique to improve Real-World
+ Security", Perrig A. and Song D., 1999, International Workshop on
+ Cryptographic Techniques and E-Commerce (CrypTEC '99)
+ http://sparrow.ece.cmu.edu/~adrian/projects/validation/validation.pdf
+ * sshd_config(5) now supports CIDR address/masklen matching in "Match
+ address" blocks, with a fallback to classic wildcard matching. For
+ example:
+ Match address,3ffe:ffff::/32,!10.*
+ PasswordAuthentication yes
+ * sshd(8) now supports CIDR matching in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ from="..." restrictions, also with a fallback to classic wildcard
+ matching.
+ * Added an extended test mode (-T) to sshd(8) to request that it write
+ its effective configuration to stdout and exit. Extended test mode
+ also supports the specification of connection parameters (username,
+ source address and hostname) to test the application of
+ sshd_config(5) Match rules.
+ * ssh(1) now prints the number of bytes transferred and the overall
+ connection throughput for SSH protocol 2 sessions when in verbose
+ mode (previously these statistics were displayed for protocol 1
+ connections only).
+ * sftp-server(8) now supports extension methods statvfs@openssh.com and
+ fstatvfs@openssh.com that implement statvfs(2)-like operations.
+ (bz#1399)
+ * sftp(1) now has a "df" command to the sftp client that uses the
+ statvfs@openssh.com to produce a df(1)-like display of filesystem
+ space and inode utilisation (requires statvfs@openssh.com support on
+ the server)
+ * Added a MaxSessions option to sshd_config(5) to allow control of the
+ number of multiplexed sessions supported over a single TCP connection.
+ This allows increasing the number of allowed sessions above the
+ previous default of 10, disabling connection multiplexing
+ (MaxSessions=1) or disallowing login/shell/subsystem sessions
+ entirely (MaxSessions=0).
+ * Added a no-more-sessions@openssh.com global request extension that is
+ sent from ssh(1) to sshd(8) when the client knows that it will never
+ request another session (i.e. when session multiplexing is disabled).
+ This allows a server to disallow further session requests and
+ terminate the session in cases where the client has been hijacked.
+ * ssh-keygen(1) now supports the use of the -l option in combination
+ with -F to search for a host in ~/.ssh/known_hosts and display its
+ fingerprint.
+ * ssh-keyscan(1) now defaults to "rsa" (protocol 2) keys, instead of
+ "rsa1".
+ * Added an AllowAgentForwarding option to sshd_config(8) to control
+ whether authentication agent forwarding is permitted. Note that this
+ is a loose control, as a client may install their own unofficial
+ forwarder.
+ * ssh(1) and sshd(8): avoid unnecessary malloc/copy/free when receiving
+ network data, resulting in a ~10% speedup
+ * ssh(1) and sshd(8) will now try additional addresses when connecting
+ to a port forward destination whose DNS name resolves to more than
+ one address. The previous behaviour was to try the only first address
+ and give up if that failed. (bz#383)
+ * ssh(1) and sshd(8) now support signalling that channels are
+ half-closed for writing, through a channel protocol extension
+ notification "eow@openssh.com". This allows propagation of closed
+ file descriptors, so that commands such as:
+ "ssh -2 localhost od /bin/ls | true"
+ do not send unnecessary data over the wire. (bz#85)
+ * sshd(8): increased the default size of ssh protocol 1 ephemeral keys
+ from 768 to 1024 bits.
+ * When ssh(1) has been requested to fork after authentication
+ ("ssh -f") with ExitOnForwardFailure enabled, delay the fork until
+ after replies for any -R forwards have been seen. Allows for robust
+ detection of -R forward failure when using -f. (bz#92)
+ * "Match group" blocks in sshd_config(5) now support negation of
+ groups. E.g. "Match group staff,!guests" (bz#1315)
+ * sftp(1) and sftp-server(8) now allow chmod-like operations to set
+ set[ug]id/sticky bits. (bz#1310)
+ * The MaxAuthTries option is now permitted in sshd_config(5) match
+ blocks.
+ * Multiplexed ssh(1) sessions now support a subset of the ~ escapes
+ that are available to a primary connection. (bz#1331)
+ * ssh(1) connection multiplexing will now fall back to creating a new
+ connection in most error cases. (bz#1439bz#1329)
+ * Added some basic interoperability tests against Twisted Conch.
+ * Documented OpenSSH's extensions to and deviations from the published
+ SSH protocols (the PROTOCOL file in the distribution)
+ * Documented OpenSSH's ssh-agent protocol (PROTOCOL.agent).
+Bug and documentation fixes
+ * Make ssh(1) deal more gracefully with channel requests that fail.
+ Previously it would optimistically assume that requests would always
+ succeed, which could cause hangs if they did not (e.g. when the
+ server runs out of file descriptors). (bz#1384)
+ * ssh(1) now reports multiplexing errors via the multiplex slave's
+ stderr where possible (subject to LogLevel in the mux master).
+ * ssh(1) and sshd(8) now send terminate protocol banners with CR+LF for
+ protocol 2 to comply with RFC 4253. Previously they were terminated
+ with CR alone. Protocol 1 banners remain CR terminated. (bz#1443)
+ * Merged duplicate authentication file checks in sshd(8) and refuse to
+ read authorised_keys and .shosts from non-regular files. (bz#1438)
+ * Ensure that sshd(8)'s umask disallows at least group and world write,
+ even if a more permissive one has been inherited. (bz#1433)
+ * Suppress the warning message from sshd(8) when changing to a
+ non-existent user home directory after chrooting. (bz#1461)
+ * Mention that scp(1) follows symlinks when performing recursive
+ copies. (bz#1466)
+ * Prevent sshd(8) from erroneously applying public key restrictions
+ leaned from ~/.ssh/authorized_keys to other authentication methods
+ when public key authentication subsequently fails. (bz#1472)
+ * Fix protocol keepalive timeouts - in some cases, keepalive packets
+ were being sent, but the connection was not being closed when the
+ limit for missing replies was exceeded. (bz#1465)
+ * Fix ssh(1) sending invalid TTY modes when a TTY was forced (ssh -tt)
+ but stdin was not a TTY. (bz#1199)
+ * ssh(1) will now exit with a non-zero exit status if
+ ExitOnForwardFailure was set and forwardings were disabled due to a
+ failed host key check.
+ * Fix MaxAuthTries tests to disallow a free authentication try to
+ clients that skipped the protocol 2 "none" authentication method.
+ (part of bz#1432)
+ * Make keepalive timeouts apply while synchronously waiting
+ for a packet, particularly during key renegotiation. (bz#1363)
+ * sshd(8) has been audited to eliminate fd leaks and calls to fatal()
+ in conditions of file descriptor exhaustion.
+Portable OpenSSH-specific bugfixes
+ * Avoid a sshd(8) hang-on-exit on Solaris caused by depending on the
+ success of isatty() on a PTY master (undefined behaviour). Probably
+ affected other platforms too. (bz#1463)
+ * Fixed test for locked accounts on HP/UX with shadowed
+ passwords disabled. (bz#1083)
+ * Disable poll() fallback in atomiciov for Tru64. readv
+ doesn't seem to be a comparable object there, which lead to
+ compilation errors. (bz#1386)
+ * Fall back to racy rename if link returns EXDEV. (bz#1447)
+ * Explicitly handle EWOULDBLOCK wherever we handle EAGAIN, on
+ some platforms (HP nonstop) it is a distinct errno. (bz#1467)
+ * Avoid NULL dereferences in ancient sigaction replacement
+ code. (bz#1240)
+ * Avoid linking against libgssapi, which despite its name
+ doesn't seem to implement all of GSSAPI. (bz#1276)
+ * Use explicit noreturn attribute instead of __dead, fixing
+ compilation problems on Interix. (bz#1112)
+ * Added support password expiry on Tru64 SIA systems. (bz#1241)
+ * Fixed an UMAC alignment problem that manifested on Itanium
+ platforms. (bz#1462)
+ * The sftp-server(8) manual now describes the requirements for
+ transfer logging in chroot environments. (bz#1488)
+ * Strip trailing dot from hostnames when the sshd_config(5)
+ HostbasedUsesNameFromPacketOnly option is set. (bz#1200)
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.1.tar.gz) = 1e5b43844ed015e4fbbbe25cfad6f5377c60e759
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.1p1.tar.gz) = 877ea5b283060fe0160e376ea645e8e168047ff5
+Reporting Bugs:
+- Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ Security bugs should be reported directly to openssh@openssh.com
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 5.0 was released on 2008-04-03. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+We apologise for any inconvenience resulting from this release
+being made so shortly after 4.9. Unfortunately we only learned of
+the below security issue from the public CVE report. The Debian
+OpenSSH maintainers responsible for handling the initial report of
+this bug failed to report it via either the private OpenSSH security
+contact list (openssh@openssh.com) or the portable OpenSSH Bugzilla
+We ask anyone wishing to report security bugs in OpenSSH to please use
+the openssh@openssh.com contact and to practice responsible disclosure.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots and purchased
+T-shirts or posters.
+T-shirt, poster and CD sales directly support the project. Pictures
+and more information can be found at:
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html and
+ http://www.openbsd.org/orders.html
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Changes since OpenSSH 4.9:
+ * CVE-2008-1483: Avoid possible hijacking of X11-forwarded connections
+ by refusing to listen on a port unless all address families bind
+ successfully.
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.0.tar.gz) = 729fb3168edf6a68408223b5ed82e59d13b57c47
+ - SHA1 (openssh-5.0p1.tar.gz) = 121cea3a730c0b0353334b6f46f438de30ab4928
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 4.9 was released on 2008-03-31. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots and purchased
+T-shirts or posters.
+T-shirt, poster and CD sales directly support the project. Pictures
+and more information can be found at:
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html and
+ http://www.openbsd.org/orders.html
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Note that OpenSSH 4.8 was an OpenBSD-only release shipped with the
+OpenBSD 4.3 CD.
+Changes since OpenSSH 4.7:
+ * Disable execution of ~/.ssh/rc for sessions where a command has been
+ forced by the sshd_config ForceCommand directive. Users who had
+ write access to this file could use it to execute abritrary commands.
+ This behaviour was documented, but was an unsafe default and an extra
+ hassle for administrators.
+New features:
+ * Added chroot(2) support for sshd(8), controlled by a new option
+ "ChrootDirectory". Please refer to sshd_config(5) for details, and
+ please use this feature carefully. (bz#177bz#1352)
+ * Linked sftp-server(8) into sshd(8). The internal sftp server is
+ used when the command "internal-sftp" is specified in a Subsystem
+ or ForceCommand declaration. When used with ChrootDirectory, the
+ internal sftp server requires no special configuration of files
+ inside the chroot environment. Please refer to sshd_config(5) for
+ more information.
+ * Added a "no-user-rc" option for authorized_keys to disable execution
+ of ~/.ssh/rc
+ * Added a protocol extension method "posix-rename@openssh.com" for
+ sftp-server(8) to perform POSIX atomic rename() operations.
+ (bz#1400)
+ * Removed the fixed limit of 100 file handles in sftp-server(8). The
+ server will now dynamically allocate handles up to the number of
+ available file descriptors. (bz#1397)
+ * ssh(8) will now skip generation of SSH protocol 1 ephemeral server
+ keys when in inetd mode and protocol 2 connections are negotiated.
+ This speeds up protocol 2 connections to inetd-mode servers that
+ also allow Protocol 1 (bz#440)
+ * Accept the PermitRootLogin directive in a sshd_config(5) Match
+ block. Allows for, e.g. permitting root only from the local
+ network.
+ * Reworked sftp(1) argument splitting and escaping to be more
+ internally consistent (i.e. between sftp commands) and more
+ consistent with sh(1). Please note that this will change the
+ interpretation of some quoted strings, especially those with
+ embedded backslash escape sequences. (bz#778)
+ * Support "Banner=none" in sshd_config(5) to disable sending of a
+ pre-login banner (e.g. in a Match block).
+ * ssh(1) ProxyCommands are now executed with $SHELL rather than
+ /bin/sh.
+ * ssh(1)'s ConnectTimeout option is now applied to both the TCP
+ connection and the SSH banner exchange (previously it just covered
+ the TCP connection). This allows callers of ssh(1) to better detect
+ and deal with stuck servers that accept a TCP connection but don't
+ progress the protocol, and also makes ConnectTimeout useful for
+ connections via a ProxyCommand.
+ * Many new regression tests, including interop tests against PuTTY's
+ plink.
+ * Support BSM auditing on Mac OS X
+The following bugs have been fixed in this release:
+ - scp(1) incorrectly reported "stalled" on slow copies. (bz#799)
+ - scp(1) date underflow for timestamps before epoch. (bz#828)
+ - scp(1) and sftp(1) progressmeter type fixes. (bz#842)
+ - SSH2_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED packets did not correctly reset the client
+ keepalive logic, causing disconnections on servers that did not
+ explicitly implement "keepalive@openssh.com". (bz#1307)
+ - ssh(1) used the obsolete SIG DNS RRtype for host keys in DNS,
+ instead of the current standard RRSIG. (bz#1317)
+ - Extract magic buffer size constants in scp(1) to #defines.
+ (bz#1333)
+ - Correctly drain ACKs when a sftp(1) upload write fails midway,
+ avoids a fatal() exit from what should be a recoverable condition.
+ (bz#1354)
+ - Avoid pointer arithmetic and strict aliasing warnings. (bz#1355)
+ - Fixed packet size advertisements. Previously TCP and agent
+ forwarding incorrectly advertised the channel window size as the
+ packet size, causing fatal errors under some conditions. (bz#1360)
+ - Document KbdInteractiveAuthentication in sshd_config(5). (bz#1367)
+ - Fixed sftp(1) file handle leak on download when the local file
+ could not be opened. (bz#1375)
+ - Fixed ssh-keygen(1) selective host key hashing (i.e.
+ "ssh-keygen -HF hostname") to not include any IP address in the
+ data to be hashed. (bz#1376)
+ - Fix clobbering of struct passwd from multiple getpwid calls,
+ resulting in fatal errors inside tilde_expand_filename. (bz#1377)
+ - Fix parsing of port-forwarding specifications to correctly
+ detect errors in either specified port number. (bz#1378)
+ - Fix memory leak in ssh(1) ~ escape commandline handling. (bz#1379)
+ - Make ssh(1) skip listening on the IPv6 wildcard address when a
+ binding address of is used against an old SSH server that
+ does not support the RFC4254 syntax for wildcard bind addresses.
+ (bz#1381)
+ - Remove extra backslashes in the RB_PROTOTYPE macro definition.
+ (bz#1385)
+ - Support ssh(1) RekeyLimits up to the maximum allowed by the
+ protocol: 2**32-1. (bz#1390)
+ - Enable IPV6_V6ONLY socket option on sshd(8) listen socket, as is
+ already done for X11/TCP forwarding sockets. (bz#1392)
+ - Fix FD leak that could hang a ssh(1) connection multiplexing
+ master. (bz#1398)
+ - Improve error messages when hostname resolution fails due to a
+ system error. (bz#1417)
+ - Make ssh(1) -q option documentation consistent with reality.
+ (bz#1427bz#1429)
+Portable OpenSSH bugs fixed:
+ - Fixed sshd(8) PAM support not calling pam_session_close(), or
+ failing to call it with root privileges. (bz#926)
+ - Made sshd(8) use configuration-specified SyslogFacility for
+ hosts_access(3) messages for denied connections. (bz#1042)
+ - Implement getgrouplist(3) for AIX, enabling NSS LDAP to work on
+ this platform. (bz#1081)
+ - Fix compilation errors on AIX due to misdefinition of LLONG_MAX.
+ (bz#1347)
+ - Force use of local glob(3) implementation on Mac OS X and FreeBSD,
+ as the platform versions lack features or have unexpected
+ behaviour. (bz#1407)
+ - Reduce stdout/stderr noise from ssh-copy-id. (bz#1431)
+ - Fix activation of OpenSSL engine support when requested in
+ configure. (bz#1437)
+ - SHA1 (openssh-4.9.tar.gz) = fa7d1b3dcb093bd0dfc643b33b1a57a26f459373
+ - SHA1 (openssh-4.9p1.tar.gz) = 91575878883065bd777f82b47e0d481ac69ee7fe
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 4.8 was an OpenBSD-only release, included on the OpenBSD 4.3
+CD only.
+Changes since OpenSSH 4.8:
+New features:
+ * Added chroot(2) support for sshd(8), controlled by a new option
+ "ChrootDirectory". Please refer to sshd_config(5) for details, and
+ please use this feature carefully. (bz#177bz#1352)
+ * Linked sftp-server(8) into sshd(8). The internal sftp server is
+ used when the command "internal-sftp" is specified in a Subsystem
+ or ForceCommand declaration. When used with ChrootDirectory, the
+ internal sftp server requires no special configuration of files
+ inside the chroot environment. Please refer to sshd_config(5) for
+ more information.
+ * Added a protocol extension method "posix-rename@openssh.com" for
+ sftp-server(8) to perform POSIX atomic rename() operations.
+ (bz#1400)
+ * Removed the fixed limit of 100 file handles in sftp-server(8). The
+ server will now dynamically allocate handles up to the number of
+ available file descriptors. (bz#1397)
+ * ssh(8) will now skip generation of SSH protocol 1 ephemeral server
+ keys when in inetd mode and protocol 2 connections are negotiated.
+ This speeds up protocol 2 connections to inetd-mode servers that
+ also allow Protocol 1 (bz#440)
+ * Accept the PermitRootLogin directive in a sshd_config(5) Match
+ block. Allows for, e.g. permitting root only from the local
+ network.
+ * Reworked sftp(1) argument splitting and escaping to be more
+ internally consistent (i.e. between sftp commands) and more
+ consistent with sh(1). Please note that this will change the
+ interpretation of some quoted strings, especially those with
+ embedded backslash escape sequences. (bz#778)
+ * Support "Banner=none" in sshd_config(5) to disable sending of a
+ pre-login banner (e.g. in a Match block).
+ * ssh(1) ProxyCommands are now executed with $SHELL rather than
+ /bin/sh.
+ * ssh(1)'s ConnectTimeout option is now applied to both the TCP
+ connection and the SSH banner exchange (previously it just covered
+ the TCP connection). This allows callers of ssh(1) to better detect
+ and deal with stuck servers that accept a TCP connection but don't
+ progress the protocol, and also makes ConnectTimeout useful for
+ connections via a ProxyCommand.
+ * Many new regression tests, including interop tests against PuTTY's
+ plink.
+ * Support BSM auditing on Mac OS X
+The following bugs have been fixed in this release:
+ - scp(1) incorrectly reported "stalled" on slow copies. (bz#799)
+ - scp(1) date underflow for timestamps before epoch. (bz#828)
+ - scp(1) and sftp(1) progressmeter type fixes. (bz#842)
+ - SSH2_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED packets did not correctly reset the client
+ keepalive logic, causing disconnections on servers that did not
+ explicitly implement "keepalive@openssh.com". (bz#1307)
+ - ssh(1) used the obsolete SIG DNS RRtype for host keys in DNS,
+ instead of the current standard RRSIG. (bz#1317)
+ - Extract magic buffer size constants in scp(1) to #defines.
+ (bz#1333)
+ - Correctly drain ACKs when a sftp(1) upload write fails midway,
+ avoids a fatal() exit from what should be a recoverable condition.
+ (bz#1354)
+ - Avoid pointer arithmetic and strict aliasing warnings. (bz#1355)
+ - Fixed packet size advertisements. Previously TCP and agent
+ forwarding incorrectly advertised the channel window size as the
+ packet size, causing fatal errors under some conditions. (bz#1360)
+ - Document KbdInteractiveAuthentication in sshd_config(5). (bz#1367)
+ - Fixed sftp(1) file handle leak on download when the local file
+ could not be opened. (bz#1375)
+ - Fixed ssh-keygen(1) selective host key hashing (i.e.
+ "ssh-keygen -HF hostname") to not include any IP address in the
+ data to be hashed. (bz#1376)
+ - Fix clobbering of struct passwd from multiple getpwid calls,
+ resulting in fatal errors inside tilde_expand_filename. (bz#1377)
+ - Fix parsing of port-forwarding specifications to correctly
+ detect errors in either specified port number. (bz#1378)
+ - Fix memory leak in ssh(1) ~ escape commandline handling. (bz#1379)
+ - Make ssh(1) skip listening on the IPv6 wildcard address when a
+ binding address of is used against an old SSH server that
+ does not support the RFC4254 syntax for wildcard bind addresses.
+ (bz#1381)
+ - Remove extra backslashes in the RB_PROTOTYPE macro definition.
+ (bz#1385)
+ - Support ssh(1) RekeyLimits up to the maximum allowed by the
+ protocol: 2**32-1. (bz#1390)
+ - Enable IPV6_V6ONLY socket option on sshd(8) listen socket, as is
+ already done for X11/TCP forwarding sockets. (bz#1392)
+ - Fix FD leak that could hang a ssh(1) connection multiplexing
+ master. (bz#1398)
+ - Improve error messages when hostname resolution fails due to a
+ system error. (bz#1417)
+ - Make ssh(1) -q option documentation consistent with reality.
+ (bz#1427bz#1429)
+Portable OpenSSH bugs fixed:
+ - Fixed sshd(8) PAM support not calling pam_session_close(), or
+ failing to call it with root privileges. (bz#926)
+ - Made sshd(8) use configuration-specified SyslogFacility for
+ hosts_access(3) messages for denied connections. (bz#1042)
+ - Implement getgrouplist(3) for AIX, enabling NSS LDAP to work on
+ this platform. (bz#1081)
+ - Fix compilation errors on AIX due to misdefinition of LLONG_MAX.
+ (bz#1347)
+ - Force use of local glob(3) implementation on Mac OS X and FreeBSD,
+ as the platform versions lack features or have unexpected
+ behaviour. (bz#1407)
+ - Reduce stdout/stderr noise from ssh-copy-id. (bz#1431)
+ - Fix activation of OpenSSL engine support when requested in
+ configure. (bz#1437)
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 4.7 was released on 2007-09-05. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots and purchased
+T-shirts or posters.
+T-shirt, poster and CD sales directly support the project. Pictures
+and more information can be found at:
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html and
+ http://www.openbsd.org/orders.html
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Changes since OpenSSH 4.6:
+Security bugs resolved in this release:
+ * Prevent ssh(1) from using a trusted X11 cookie if creation of an
+ untrusted cookie fails; found and fixed by Jan Pechanec.
+Other changes, new functionality and fixes in this release:
+ * sshd(8) in new installations defaults to SSH Protocol 2 only.
+ Existing installations are unchanged.
+ * The SSH channel window size has been increased, and both ssh(1)
+ sshd(8) now send window updates more aggressively. These improves
+ performance on high-BDP (Bandwidth Delay Product) networks.
+ * ssh(1) and sshd(8) now preserve MAC contexts between packets, which
+ saves 2 hash calls per packet and results in 12-16% speedup for
+ arcfour256/hmac-md5.
+ * A new MAC algorithm has been added, UMAC-64 (RFC4418) as
+ "umac-64@openssh.com". UMAC-64 has been measured to be
+ approximately 20% faster than HMAC-MD5.
+ * A -K flag was added to ssh(1) to set GSSAPIAuthentication=Yes
+ * Failure to establish a ssh(1) TunnelForward is now treated as a
+ fatal error when the ExitOnForwardFailure option is set.
+ * ssh(1) returns a sensible exit status if the control master goes
+ away without passing the full exit status. (bz #1261)
+ * The following bugs have been fixed in this release:
+ - When using a ProxyCommand in ssh(1), set the outgoing hostname with
+ gethostname(2), allowing hostbased authentication to work (bz #616)
+ - Make scp(1) skip FIFOs rather than hanging (bz #856)
+ - Encode non-printing characters in scp(1) filenames.
+ these could cause copies to be aborted with a "protocol error"
+ (bz #891)
+ - Handle SIGINT in sshd(8) privilege separation child process to
+ ensure that wtmp and lastlog records are correctly updated
+ (bz #1196)
+ - Report GSSAPI mechanism in errors, for libraries that support
+ multiple mechanisms (bz #1220)
+ - Improve documentation for ssh-add(1)'s -d option (bz #1224)
+ - Rearrange and tidy GSSAPI code, removing server-only code being
+ linked into the client. (bz #1225)
+ - Delay execution of ssh(1)'s LocalCommand until after all forwadings
+ have been established. (bz #1232)
+ - In scp(1), do not truncate non-regular files (bz #1236)
+ - Improve exit message from ControlMaster clients. (bz #1262)
+ - Prevent sftp-server(8) from reading until it runs out of buffer
+ space, whereupon it would exit with a fatal error. (bz #1286)
+ * Portable OpenSSH bugs fixed:
+ - Fix multiple inclusion of paths.h on AIX 5.1 systems. (bz #1243)
+ - Implement getpeereid for Solaris using getpeerucred. Solaris
+ systems will now refuse ssh-agent(1) and ssh(1) ControlMaster
+ clients from different, non-root users (bz #1287)
+ - Fix compilation warnings by including string.h if found. (bz #1294)
+ - Remove redefinition of _res in getrrsetbyname.c for platforms that
+ already define it. (bz #1299)
+ - Fix spurious "chan_read_failed for istate 3" errors from sshd(8),
+ a side-effect of the "hang on exit" fix introduced in 4.6p1.
+ (bz #1306)
+ - pam_end() was not being called if authentication failed (bz #1322)
+ - Fix SELinux support when SELinux is in permissive mode. Previously
+ sshd(8) was treating SELinux errors as always fatal. (bz #1325)
+ - Ensure that pam_setcred(..., PAM_ESTABLISH_CRED) is called before
+ pam_setcred(..., PAM_REINITIALIZE_CRED), fixing pam_dhkeys.
+ (bz #1339)
+ - Fix privilege separation on QNX - pre-auth only, this platform does
+ not support file descriptior passing needed for post-auth privilege
+ separation. (bz #1343)
+Thanks to everyone who has contributed patches, reported bugs and
+tested releases.
+- SHA1 (openssh-4.7.tar.gz) = 9ebaab9b31e01bd0d04425dc23536bcc78f8d990
+- SHA1 (openssh-4.7p1.tar.gz) = 58357db9e64ba6382bef3d73d1d386fcdc0508f4
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 4.6 was released on 2007-03-09. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots and purchased
+T-shirts or posters.
+T-shirt, poster and CD sales directly support the project. Pictures
+and more information can be found at:
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html and
+ http://www.openbsd.org/orders.html
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Changes since OpenSSH 4.5:
+ * sshd now allows the enabling and disabling of authentication
+ methods on a per user, group, host and network basis via the
+ Match directive in sshd_config.
+ * The following bugs have been fixed in this release:
+ - Clear SIGALRM when restarting due to SIGHUP. Prevents stray
+ signal from taking down sshd if a connection was pending at
+ the time SIGHUP was received
+ - sftp returned a zero exit status when upload failed due to write
+ errors (bugzilla #1252)
+ - fixed an inconsistent check for a terminal when displaying scp
+ progress meter (bugzilla #1265)
+ - Parsing of time values in Match blocks was incorrectly applied
+ to the global configuration (bugzilla #1275)
+ - Allow multiple forwarding options to work when specified in a
+ PermitOpen directive (bugzilla #1267)
+ - Interoperate with ssh.com versions that do not support binding
+ remote port forwarding sessions to a hostname (bugzilla #1019)
+ * Portable OpenSSH bugs fixed:
+ - "hang on exit" when background processes are running at the time
+ of exit on a ttyful/login session (bugzilla #52)
+ - Fix typos in the ssh-rand-helper(8) man page (bugzilla #1259)
+ - Check that some SIG records have been returned in getrrsetbyname
+ (bugzilla #1281)
+ - Fix contrib/findssl for platforms that lack "which" (bugzilla
+ #1237)
+ - Work around bug in OpenSSL 0.9.8e that broke aes256-ctr,
+ aes192-ctr, arcfour256 (bugzilla #1291)
+- SHA1 (openssh-4.6.tar.gz) = c1700845be464a769428f34ef727c1f530728afc
+- SHA1 (openssh-4.6p1.tar.gz) = b2aefeb1861b4688b1777436035239ec32a47da8
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 4.5 was released on 2006-11-07. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots and purchased
+T-shirts or posters.
+T-shirt, poster and CD sales directly support the project. Pictures
+and more information can be found at:
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html and
+ http://www.openbsd.org/orders.html
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Changes since OpenSSH 4.4:
+This is a bugfix only release. No new features have been added.
+Security bugs resolved in this release:
+ * Fix a bug in the sshd privilege separation monitor that weakened its
+ verification of successful authentication. This bug is not known to
+ be exploitable in the absence of additional vulnerabilities.
+This release includes the following non-security fixes:
+ * Several compilation fixes for portable OpenSSH
+ * Fixes to Solaris SMF/process contract support (bugzilla #1255)
+Thanks to everyone who has contributed patches, reported bugs and
+tested releases.
+- SHA1 (openssh-4.5.tar.gz) = def3de1557181062d788695b9371d02635af39fb
+- SHA1 (openssh-4.5p1.tar.gz) = 2eefcbbeb9e4fa16fa4500dec107d1a09d3d02d7
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 4.4 was released on 2006-09-27. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots and purchased
+T-shirts or posters.
+T-shirt, poster and CD sales directly support the project. Pictures
+and more information can be found at:
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html and
+ http://www.openbsd.org/orders.html
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Changes since OpenSSH 4.3:
+Security bugs resolved in this release:
+ * Fix a pre-authentication denial of service found by Tavis Ormandy,
+ that would cause sshd(8) to spin until the login grace time
+ expired.
+ * Fix an unsafe signal hander reported by Mark Dowd. The signal
+ handler was vulnerable to a race condition that could be exploited
+ to perform a pre-authentication denial of service. On portable
+ OpenSSH, this vulnerability could theoretically lead to
+ pre-authentication remote code execution if GSSAPI authentication
+ is enabled, but the likelihood of successful exploitation appears
+ remote.
+ * On portable OpenSSH, fix a GSSAPI authentication abort that could
+ be used to determine the validity of usernames on some platforms.
+This release includes the following new functionality and fixes:
+ * Implemented conditional configuration in sshd_config(5) using the
+ "Match" directive. This allows some configuration options to be
+ selectively overridden if specific criteria (based on user, group,
+ hostname and/or address) are met. So far a useful subset of post-
+ authentication options are supported and more are expected to be
+ added in future releases.
+ * Add support for Diffie-Hellman group exchange key agreement with a
+ final hash of SHA256.
+ * Added a "ForceCommand" directive to sshd_config(5). Similar to the
+ command="..." option accepted in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, this forces
+ the execution of the specified command regardless of what the user
+ requested. This is very useful in conjunction with the new "Match"
+ option.
+ * Add a "PermitOpen" directive to sshd_config(5). This mirrors the
+ permitopen="..." authorized_keys option, allowing fine-grained
+ control over the port-forwardings that a user is allowed to
+ establish.
+ * Add optional logging of transactions to sftp-server(8).
+ * ssh(1) will now record port numbers for hosts stored in
+ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys when a non-standard port has been requested.
+ * Add an "ExitOnForwardFailure" option to cause ssh(1) to exit (with
+ a non-zero exit code) when requested port forwardings could not be
+ established.
+ * Extend sshd_config(5) "SubSystem" declarations to allow the
+ specification of command-line arguments.
+ * Replacement of all integer overflow susceptible invocations of
+ malloc(3) and realloc(3) with overflow-checking equivalents.
+ * Many manpage fixes and improvements
+ * New portable OpenSSH-specific features:
+ - Add optional support for SELinux, controlled using the
+ --with-selinux configure option (experimental)
+ - Add optional support for Solaris process contracts, enabled
+ using the --with-solaris-contracts configure option (experimental)
+ This option will also include SMF metadata in Solaris packages
+ built using the "make package" target
+ - Add optional support for OpenSSL hardware accelerators (engines),
+ enabled using the --with-ssl-engine configure option.
+ * Bugs from http://bugzilla.mindrot.org fixed:
+ #482 - readconf doesn't accept paths with spaces in them.
+ #906 - syslog messages from sshd [net] lost.
+ #975 - Kerberos authentication timing can leak information
+ about account validity.
+ #981 - Flow stop in SSH2.
+ #1102 - C program 'write' with zero length hangs.
+ #1129 - sshd hangs for command-only invocations due to
+ fork/child signals.
+ #1131 - error "buffer_append_space:alloc not supported"
+ #1138 - Passphrase asked for (but ignored) if key file permissions
+ too liberal..
+ #1156 - Closes connection after C-c is pressed on QNX.
+ #1157 - ssh-keygen doesn't handle DOS line breaks.
+ #1159 - %u and %h not handled in IdentityFile.
+ #1161 - scp -r fails.
+ #1162 - Inappropriate sequence of syslog messages.
+ #1166 - openssh-4.3p1 has some issues compiling.
+ #1171 - configure can't always figure out LLONG_MAX..
+ #1173 - scp reports lost connection for very large files.
+ #1177 - Incorrect sshrc file location in Makefile.in.
+ #1179 - sshd incorrectly rejects connections due to IP options.
+ #1181 - configure should detect when openssl-0.9.8x needs -ldl.
+ #1186 - ssh tries multiple times to open unprotected keys.
+ #1188 - keyboard-interactive should not allow retry after
+ pam_acct_mgmt fails.
+ #1193 - Open ssh will not allow changing of passwords on usernames
+ greater than 8 characters..
+ #1201 - Bind address information is not specified in command line
+ help messages.
+ #1203 - configure.ac is missing an open [.
+ #1207 - sshd does not clear unsuccessful login count on
+ non-interactive logins.
+ #1218 - GSSAPI client code permits SPNEGO usage.
+ #1221 - Banner only suppressed at log level = QUIET (used to be
+ at log level < INFO).
+ * Fixes to memory and file descriptor leaks reported by the Coverity
+ static analysis tool
+ * Fixes to inconsistent pointer checks reported by the Stanford
+ SATURN tool
+Thanks to everyone who has contributed patches, reported bugs and
+tested releases.
+- SHA1 (openssh-4.4.tar.gz) = 2294b5e5a591420aa05ff607c1890ab622ace878
+- SHA1 (openssh-4.4p1.tar.gz) = 6a52b1dee1c2c9862923c0008d201d98a7fd9d6c
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
Portable OpenSSH 4.3p2 was released on 2006-02-11. It will be available
+from the mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We have also recently completed another Internet SSH usage scan, the
+results of which may be found at http://www.openssh.com/usage.html
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots and purchased
+T-shirts or posters.
+T-shirt, poster and CD sales directly support the project. Pictures
+and more information can be found at:
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html and
+ http://www.openbsd.org/orders.html
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Changes since Portable OpenSSH 4.3p1:
+This is a release of Portable OpenSSH only, to resolve some
+portability bugs. There are no new features, only fixes:
+ * Explicitly test for egrep in ./configure, fixing a problem in 4.3p1
+ that caused some platforms to fail to detect the available fields
+ in utmp/wtmp/lastlog records. This bug manifested as missing or
+ empty login/logout records (as seen by last(1), etc.)
+ * Fix for logout records not being updated on platforms without
+ support for post-authentication privilege separation (e.g. Cygwin)
+ * Fixed compilation problems on Ultrix, NewsOS and QNX
+Thanks to everyone who has contributed patches, reported bugs or test
+- SHA1 (openssh-4.3p2.tar.gz) = 2b5b0751fd578283ba7b106025c0ba391fd72f1f
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 4.3 was released on 2006-02-01. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We have also recently completed another Internet SSH usage scan, the
+results of which may be found at http://www.openssh.com/usage.html
+Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
+continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
+code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots and purchased
+T-shirts or posters.
+T-shirt, poster and CD sales directly support the project. Pictures
+and more information can be found at:
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html and
+ http://www.openbsd.org/orders.html
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Changes since OpenSSH 4.2:
+Security bugs resolved in this release:
+ * CVE-2006-0225: scp (as does rcp, on which it is based) invoked a
+ subshell to perform local to local, and remote to remote copy
+ operations. This subshell exposed filenames to shell expansion
+ twice; allowing a local attacker to create filenames containing
+ shell metacharacters that, if matched by a wildcard, could lead
+ to execution of attacker-specified commands with the privilege of
+ the user running scp (Bugzilla #1094)
+This is primarily a bug-fix release, only one new feature has been
+ * Add support for tunneling arbitrary network packets over a
+ connection between an OpenSSH client and server via tun(4) virtual
+ network interfaces. This allows the use of OpenSSH (4.3+) to create
+ a true VPN between the client and server providing real network
+ connectivity at layer 2 or 3. This feature is experimental and is
+ currently supported on OpenBSD, Linux, NetBSD (IPv4 only) and
+ FreeBSD. Other operating systems with tun/tap interface capability
+ may be added in future portable OpenSSH releases. Please refer to
+ the README.tun file in the source distribution for further details
+ and usage examples.
+Some of the other bugs resolved and internal improvements are:
+ * Reduce default key length for new DSA keys generated by ssh-keygen
+ back to 1024 bits. DSA is not specified for longer lengths and does
+ not fully benefit from simply making keys longer. As per FIPS 186-2
+ Change Notice 1, ssh-keygen will refuse to generate a new DSA key
+ smaller or larger than 1024 bits
+ * Fixed X forwarding failing to start when a the X11 client is executed
+ in background at the time of session exit (Bugzilla #1086)
+ * Change ssh-keygen to generate a protocol 2 RSA key when invoked
+ without arguments (Bugzilla #1064)
+ * Fix timing variance for valid vs. invalid accounts when attempting
+ Kerberos authentication (Bugzilla #975)
+ * Ensure that ssh always returns code 255 on internal error (Bugzilla
+ #1137)
+ * Cleanup wtmp files on SIGTERM when not using privsep (Bugzilla #1029)
+ * Set SO_REUSEADDR on X11 listeners to avoid problems caused by
+ lingering sockets from previous session (X11 applications can
+ sometimes not connect to (Bugzilla #1076)
+ * Ensure that fds 0, 1 and 2 are always attached in all programs, by
+ duping /dev/null to them if necessary.
+ * Xauth list invocation had bogus "." argument (Bugzilla #1082)
+ * Remove internal assumptions on key exchange hash algorithm and output
+ length, preparing OpenSSH for KEX methods with alternate hashes.
+ * Ignore junk sent by a server before it sends the "SSH-" banner
+ (Bugzilla #1067)
+ * The manpages has been significantly improves and rearranged, in
+ addition to other specific manpage fixes:
+ #1037 - Man page entries for -L and -R should mention -g.
+ #1077 - Descriptions for "ssh -D" and DynamicForward should mention
+ they can specify "bind_address" optionally.
+ #1088 - Incorrect descriptions in ssh_config man page for
+ ControlMaster=no.
+ #1121 - Several corrections for ssh_agent manpages
+ * Lots of cleanups, including fixes to memory leaks on error paths
+ (Bugzilla #1109, #1110, #1111 and more) and possible crashes (#1092)
+ * Portable OpenSSH-specific fixes:
+ - Pass random seed during re-exec for each connection: speeds up
+ processing of new connections on platforms using the OpenSSH's
+ builtin entropy collector (ssh-rand-helper)
+ - PAM fixes and improvements:
+ #1045 - Missing option for ignoring the /etc/nologin file
+ #1087 - Show PAM password expiry message from LDAP on login
+ #1028 - Forward final non-query conversations to client
+ #1126 - Prevent user from being forced to change an expired
+ password repeatedly on AIX in some PAM configurations.
+ #1045 - Do not check /etc/nologin when PAM is enabled, instead
+ allow PAM to handle it. Note that on platforms using
+ PAM, the pam_nologin module should be used in sshd's
+ session stack in order to maintain past behaviour
+ - Portability-related fixes:
+ #989 - Fix multiplexing regress test on Solaris
+ #1097 - Cross-compile fixes.
+ #1096 - ssh-keygen broken on HPUX.
+ #1098 - $MAIL being set incorrectly for HPUX server login.
+ #1104 - Compile error on Tru64 Unix 4.0f
+ #1106 - Updated .spec file and startup for SuSE.
+ #1122 - Use _GNU_SOURCE define in favor of __USE_GNU, fixing
+ compilation problems on glibc 2.4
+Thanks to everyone who has contributed patches, reported bugs or test
+- SHA1 (openssh-4.3.tar.gz) = 0cb66e56805d66b51511455423bab88aa58a1455
+- SHA1 (openssh-4.3p1.tar.gz) = b1f379127829e7e820955b2825130edd1601ba59
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
+Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 4.2 was released on 2005-09-01. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support of the project, especially those who contributed source,
+reported bugs, tested snapshots and purchased T-shirts or posters.
+T-shirt, poster and CD sales directly support the project. Pictures
+and more information can be found at:
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html and
+ http://www.openbsd.org/orders.html
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Changes since OpenSSH 4.1:
+ - SECURITY: Fix a bug introduced in OpenSSH 4.0 that caused
+ GatewayPorts to be incorrectly activated for dynamic ("-D") port
+ forwardings when no listen address was explicitly specified.
+ - SECURITY: sshd in OpenSSH versions prior to 4.2 allow GSSAPI
+ credentials to be delegated to users who log in with methods
+ other than GSSAPI authentication (e.g. public key) when the
+ client requests it. This behaviour has been changed in OpenSSH
+ 4.2 to only delegate credentials to users who authenticate
+ using the GSSAPI method. This eliminates the risk of credentials
+ being inadvertently exposed to an untrusted user/host (though
+ users should not activate GSSAPIDelegateCredentials to begin
+ with when the remote user or host is untrusted)
+ - Added a new compression method that delays the start of zlib
+ compression until the user has been authenticated successfully.
+ The new method ("Compression delayed") is on by default in the
+ server. This eliminates the risk of any zlib vulnerability
+ leading to a compromise of the server from unauthenticated users.
+ NB. Older OpenSSH (<3.5) versions have a bug that will cause them
+ to refuse to connect to any server that does not offer compression
+ when the client has compression requested. Since the new "delayed"
+ server mode isn't supported by these older clients, they will
+ refuse to connect to a new server unless compression is disabled
+ (on the client end) or the original compression method is enabled
+ on the server ("Compression yes" in sshd_config)
+ - Another round of proactive changes for signed vs unsigned integer
+ bugs has been completed, including changing the atomicio() API to
+ encourage safer programming. This work is ongoing.
+ - Added support for the improved arcfour cipher modes from
+ draft-harris-ssh-arcfour-fixes-02. The improves the cipher's
+ resistance to a number of attacks by discarding early keystream
+ output.
+ - Increase the default size of new RSA/DSA keys generated by
+ ssh-keygen from 1024 to 2048 bits.
+ - Many bugfixes and improvements to connection multiplexing,
+ including:
+ - Added ControlMaster=auto/autoask options to support opportunistic
+ multiplexing (see the ssh_config(5) manpage for details).
+ - The client will now gracefully fallback to starting a new TCP
+ connection if it cannot connect to a specified multiplexing
+ control socket
+ - Added %h (target hostname), %p (target port) and %r (remote
+ username) expansion sequences to ControlPath. Also allow
+ ControlPath=none to disable connection multiplexing.
+ - Implemented support for X11 and agent forwarding over multiplexed
+ connections. Because of protocol limitations, the slave
+ connections inherit the master's DISPLAY and SSH_AUTH_SOCK rather
+ than distinctly forwarding their own.
+ - Portable OpenSSH: Added support for long passwords (> 8-char) on
+ UnixWare 7.
+ - The following bugs from http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/ were closed:
+ #471 - Misleading error message if /dev/tty perms wrong
+ #623 - Don't use $HOME in manpages
+ #829 - Don't allocate a tty if -n option is set
+ #1025 - Correctly handle disabled special character in ttymodes
+ #1033 - Fix compile-time warnings
+ #1046 - AIX 5.3 Garbage on Login
+ #1054 - Don't terminate connection on getpeername() failure
+ #1076 - GSSAPIDelegateCredentials issue mentioned above
+ - Lots of other improvements and fixes. Please refer to the ChangeLog
+ for details
+Thanks to everyone who has contributed patches, problem or test reports.
+- SHA1 (openssh-4.2.tar.gz) = d2bd777986a30e446268ceeb24cddbf2edf51b21
+- SHA1 (openssh-4.2p1.tar.gz) = 5e7231cfa8ec673ea856ce291b78fac8b380eb78
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Ben Lindstrom, Darren Tucker and Tim Rice.
OpenSSH 4.1 was released on 2005-05-26. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support to the project, especially those who contributed source and
+bought T-shirts or posters.
+We have a new design of T-shirt available, more info on
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html#18
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Changes since OpenSSH 4.0:
+* This is a bugfix release, no new features have been added. Some notable
+ fixes are:
+ - Fix segfault when using forwardings configured in ssh_config(5) and
+ ClearAllForwardings (bugzilla #996)
+ - Limit input buffer size for channels. A peer could send more data
+ than the buffer code was willing to accept. This would cause OpenSSH
+ to abort the connection (bugzilla #896)
+* Several improvements to the regression tests
+* Portable OpenSSH:
+ - OpenSSH will now always normalise IPv4 in IPv6 mapped addresses back to
+ IPv4 addresses. This means that IPv4 addresses in log messages on IPv6
+ enabled machines will no longer be prefixed by "::ffff:" and AllowUsers,
+ DenyUsers, AllowGroups, DenyGroups will match IPv4-style addresses only
+ for 4-in-6 mapped connections. This ensures a consistent representation
+ of IPv4 addresses regardless of whether or not the machine is IPv6
+ enabled.
+* Other bugfixes, including bugzilla #950, #997, #998, #999, #1005, #1006,
+ #1024, and #1038
+Changes since OpenSSH 3.9:
+* ssh(1) now allows the optional specification of an address to bind to
+ in port forwarding connections (local, remote and dynamic). Please
+ refer to the documentation for the -L and -R options in the ssh(1)
+ manual page and the LocalForward and RemoteForward options in the
+ ssh_config(5) manpage. (Bugzilla #413)
+* To control remote bindings while retaining backwards compatibility,
+ sshd(8)'s GatewayPorts option has been extended. To allow client
+ specified bind addresses for remote (-R) port forwardings, the server
+ must be configured with "GatewayPorts clientspecified".
+* ssh(1) and ssh-keyscan(1) now support hashing of host names and
+ addresses added to known_hosts files, controlled by the ssh(1)
+ HashKnownHosts configuration directive. This option improves user
+ privacy by hiding which hosts have been visited. At present this
+ option is off by default, but may be turned on once it receives
+ sufficient testing.
+* Added options for managing keys in known_hosts files to ssh-keygen(1),
+ including the ability to search for hosts by name, delete hosts by
+ name and convert an unhashed known_hosts file into one with hashed
+ names. These are particularly useful for managing known_hosts files
+ with hashed hostnames.
+* Improve account and password expiry support in sshd(8). Ther server
+ will now warn in advance for both account and password expiry.
+* sshd(8) will now log the source of connections denied by AllowUsers,
+ DenyUsers, AllowGroups and DenyGroups (Bugzilla #909)
+* Added AddressFamily option to sshd(8) to allow global control over
+ IPv4/IPv6 usage. (Bugzilla #989)
+* Improved sftp(1) client, including bugfixes and optimisations for the
+ ``ls'' command and command history and editing support using libedit.
+* Improved the handling of bad data in authorized_keys files,
+ eliminating fatal errors on corrupt or very large keys. (Bugzilla
+ #884)
+* Improved connection multiplexing support in ssh(1). Several bugs
+ have been fixed and a new "command mode" has been added to allow the
+ control of a running multiplexing master connection, including
+ checking that it is up, determining its PID and asking it to exit.
+* Have scp(1) and sftp(1) wait for the spawned ssh to exit before they
+ exit themselves. This prevents ssh from being unable to restore
+ terminal modes (not normally a problem on OpenBSD but common with
+ -Portable on POSIX platforms). (Bugzilla #950)
+* Portable OpenSSH:
+ - Add *EXPERIMENTAL* BSM audit support for Solaris systems
+ (Bugzilla #125)
+ - Enable IPv6 on AIX where possible (see README.platform for
+ details), working around a misfeature of AIX's getnameinfo.
+ (Bugzilla #835)
+ - Teach sshd(8) to write failed login records to btmp for
+ unsuccessful auth attempts. Currently this is only for password,
+ keyboard-interactive and challenge/response authentication methods
+ and only on Linux and HP-UX.
+ - sshd(8) now sends output from failing PAM session modules to the
+ user before exiting, similar to the way /etc/nologin is handled
+ - Store credentials from gssapi-with-mic authentication early enough
+ to be available to PAM session modules when privsep=yes.
+- SHA1 (openssh-4.1.tar.gz) = 62fc9596b20244bb559d5fee3ff3ecc0dfd557cb
+- SHA1 (openssh-4.1p1.tar.gz) = e85d389da8ad8290f5031b8f9972e2623c674e46
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Ben Lindstrom, Darren Tucker and Tim Rice.
OpenSSH 4.0 was released on 2005-03-09. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support to the project, especially those who contributed source and
+bought T-shirts or posters.
+We have a new design of T-shirt available, more info on
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html#18
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Changes since OpenSSH 3.9:
+* ssh(1) now allows the optional specification of an address to bind to
+ in port forwarding connections (local, remote and dynamic). Please
+ refer to the documentation for the -L and -R options in the ssh(1)
+ manual page and the LocalForward and RemoteForward options in the
+ ssh_config(5) manpage. (Bugzilla #413)
+* To control remote bindings while retaining backwards compatibility,
+ sshd(8)'s GatewayPorts option has been extended. To allow client
+ specified bind addresses for remote (-R) port forwardings, the server
+ must be configured with "GatewayPorts clientspecified".
+* ssh(1) and ssh-keyscan(1) now support hashing of host names and
+ addresses added to known_hosts files, controlled by the ssh(1)
+ HashKnownHosts configuration directive. This option improves user
+ privacy by hiding which hosts have been visited. At present this
+ option is off by default, but may be turned on once it receives
+ sufficient testing.
+* Added options for managing keys in known_hosts files to ssh-keygen(1),
+ including the ability to search for hosts by name, delete hosts by
+ name and convert an unhashed known_hosts file into one with hashed
+ names. These are particularly useful for managing known_hosts files
+ with hashed hostnames.
+* Improve account and password expiry support in sshd(8). Ther server
+ will now warn in advance for both account and password expiry.
+* sshd(8) will now log the source of connections denied by AllowUsers,
+ DenyUsers, AllowGroups and DenyGroups (Bugzilla #909)
+* Added AddressFamily option to sshd(8) to allow global control over
+ IPv4/IPv6 usage. (Bugzilla #989)
+* Improved sftp(1) client, including bugfixes and optimisations for the
+ ``ls'' command and command history and editing support using libedit.
+* Improved the handling of bad data in authorized_keys files,
+ eliminating fatal errors on corrupt or very large keys. (Bugzilla
+ #884)
+* Improved connection multiplexing support in ssh(1). Several bugs
+ have been fixed and a new "command mode" has been added to allow the
+ control of a running multiplexing master connection, including
+ checking that it is up, determining its PID and asking it to exit.
+* Have scp(1) and sftp(1) wait for the spawned ssh to exit before they
+ exit themselves. This prevents ssh from being unable to restore
+ terminal modes (not normally a problem on OpenBSD but common with
+ -Portable on POSIX platforms). (Bugzilla #950)
+* Portable OpenSSH:
+ - Add *EXPERIMENTAL* BSM audit support for Solaris systems
+ (Bugzilla #125)
+ - Enable IPv6 on AIX where possible (see README.platform for
+ details), working around a misfeature of AIX's getnameinfo.
+ (Bugzilla #835)
+ - Teach sshd(8) to write failed login records to btmp for
+ unsuccessful auth attempts. Currently this is only for password,
+ keyboard-interactive and challenge/response authentication methods
+ and only on Linux and HP-UX.
+ - sshd(8) now sends output from failing PAM session modules to the
+ user before exiting, similar to the way /etc/nologin is handled
+ - Store credentials from gssapi-with-mic authentication early enough
+ to be available to PAM session modules when privsep=yes.
+- MD5 (openssh-4.0.tgz) = 7dbf15fe7c294672e8822127f50107d0
+- MD5 (openssh-4.0p1.tar.gz) = 7b36f28fc16e1b7f4ba3c1dca191ac92
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Ben Lindstrom, Darren Tucker and Tim Rice.
OpenSSH 3.9 was released on 2004-08-18. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support to the project, especially those who contributed source and
+bought T-shirts or posters.
+We have a new design of T-shirt available, more info on
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html#18
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Changes since OpenSSH 3.8:
+* Added new "IdentitiesOnly" option to ssh(1), which specifies that it should
+ use keys specified in ssh_config, rather than any keys in ssh-agent(1)
+* Make sshd(8) re-execute itself on accepting a new connection. This security
+ measure ensures that all execute-time randomisations are reapplied for each
+ connection rather than once, for the master process' lifetime. This includes
+ mmap and malloc mappings, shared library addressing, shared library mapping
+ order, ProPolice and StackGhost cookies on systems that support such things
+* Add strict permission and ownership checks to programs reading ~/.ssh/config
+ NB ssh(1) will now exit instead of trying to process a config with poor
+ ownership or permissions
+* Implemented the ability to pass selected environment variables between the
+ client and the server. See "AcceptEnv" in sshd_config(5) and "SendEnv" in
+ ssh_config(5) for details
+* Added a "MaxAuthTries" option to sshd(8), allowing control over the maximum
+ number of authentication attempts permitted per connection
+* Added support for cancellation of active remote port forwarding sessions.
+ This may be performed using the ~C escape character, see "Escape Characters"
+ in ssh(1) for details
+* Many sftp(1) interface improvements, including greatly enhanced "ls" support
+ and the ability to cancel active transfers using SIGINT (^C)
+* Implement session multiplexing: a single ssh(1) connection can now carry
+ multiple login/command/file transfer sessions. Refer to the "ControlMaster"
+ and "ControlPath" options in ssh_config(5) for more information
+* The sftp-server has improved support for non-POSIX filesystems (e.g. FAT)
+* Portable OpenSSH: Re-introduce support for PAM password authentication, in
+ addition to the keyboard-interactive driver. PAM password authentication
+ is less flexible, and doesn't support pre-authentication password expiry but
+ runs in-process so Kerberos tokens, etc are retained
+* Improved and more extensive regression tests
+* Many bugfixes and small improvements
+- MD5 (openssh-3.9.tgz) = 93f48bfcc1560895ae53de6bfc41689b
+- MD5 (openssh-3.9p1.tar.gz) = 8e1774d0b52aff08f817f3987442a16e
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Ben Lindstrom, Darren Tucker and Tim Rice.
OpenSSH 3.8.1p1 was released on 2004-04-19. It is available from
+the mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+This release is a bug-fix release for the portable version. There are
+no feature additions and no corresponding OpenBSD-only release.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support to the project, especially those who contributed source, help
+with testing and have bought T-shirts or posters.
+We have a new design of T-shirt available, more info on
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html#18
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Bugs fixed since OpenSSH 3.8p1:
+Bug #673 - Fix compilation on NetBSD with S/Key enabled
+Bug #748 - Detect and workaround broken name resolution on HP-UX
+Bug #802 - Fix linking on Tru64 when compiled with SIA support
+Bug #808 - Fix PAM crash on expired password when not authenticated using
+ pam/kbdint mechanism
+Bug #810 - Fix erroneous clearing of TZ environment variable
+Bug #811 - Improve locked password detection across Linux variants
+Bug #820 - Fix utmp corruption on Irix
+Bug #825 - Fix disconnection problem when using IPv4-in-IPv6 mapped
+ addresses on Solaris.
+- Fix compilation on OS X systems with Kerberos/GSSAPI
+- Many more minor fixes, please refer to the ChangeLog file for details
+- MD5 (openssh-3.8.1p1.tar.gz) = 1dbfd40ae683f822ae917eebf171ca42
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Ben Lindstrom, Darren Tucker and Tim Rice.
OpenSSH 3.8 was released on 2004-02-24. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support to the project, especially those who contributed source and
+bought T-shirts or posters.
+We have a new design of T-shirt available, more info on
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html#18
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Changes since OpenSSH 3.7.1:
+* sshd(8) now supports forced changes of expired passwords via
+ /usr/bin/passwd or keyboard-interactive authentication.
+ Note for AIX: sshd will now deny password access to accounts with
+ passwords expired longer than their maxexpired attribute. For
+ details, see the AIX section in README.platform.
+* ssh(1) now uses untrusted cookies for X11-Forwarding.
+ Some X11 applications might need full access to the X11 server,
+ see ForwardX11Trusted in ssh(1) and xauth(1) for more information.
+* ssh(1) now supports sending application layer
+ keep-alive messages to the server. See ServerAliveInterval
+ in ssh(1) for more information.
+* Improved sftp(1) batch file support.
+* New KerberosGetAFSToken option for sshd(8).
+* Updated /etc/moduli file and improved performance for
+ protocol version 2.
+* Support for host keys in DNS (draft-ietf-secsh-dns-xx.txt).
+ Please see README.dns in the source distribution for details.
+* Fix a number of memory leaks.
+* The experimental "gssapi" support has been replaced with
+ the "gssapi-with-mic" to fix possible MITM attacks.
+ The two versions are not compatible.
+- MD5 (openssh-3.8.tgz) = 7d5590a333d8f8aa1fa6f19e24938700
+- MD5 (openssh-3.8p1.tar.gz) = 7861a4c0841ab69a6eec5c747daff6fb
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Ben Lindstrom, Darren Tucker and Tim Rice.
Portable OpenSSH 3.7.1p2 was released on 2003-09-23. It will be available
+from the mirrors listed at http://www.openssh.com/portable.html shortly.
+Please note that this is a release to address issues in the portable
+version only. The items mentioned below do not affect the OpenBSD
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support to the project, especially those who contributed source and
+bought T-shirts or posters.
+We have a new design of T-shirt available, more info on
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html#18
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Security Changes:
+ Portable OpenSSH version 3.7p1 and 3.7.1p1 contain multiple
+ vulnerabilities in the new PAM authentication code. At least one of
+ these bugs is remotely exploitable (under a non-standard
+ configuration, with privsep disabled).
+ OpenSSH 3.7.1p2 fixes these bugs. Please note that these bugs do not
+ exist in OpenBSD's releases of OpenSSH.
+Changes since OpenSSH 3.7.1p1:
+* This release disables PAM by default. To enable it, set "UsePAM yes" in
+ sshd_config. Due to complexity, inconsistencies in the specification and
+ differences between vendors' PAM implementations we recommend that PAM
+ be left disabled in sshd_config unless there is a need for its use.
+ Sites using only public key or simple password authentication usually
+ have little need to enable PAM support.
+* This release now requires zlib 1.1.4 to build correctly. Previous
+ versions have security problems.
+* Fix compilation for versions of OpenSSL before 0.9.6. Some cipher modes
+ are not supported for older OpenSSL versions.
+* Fix compilation problems on systems with a missing or lacking inet_ntoa()
+ function.
+* Workaround problems related to unimplemented or broken setresuid/setreuid
+ functions on several platforms.
+* Fix compilation on older OpenBSD systems.
+* Fix handling of password-less authentication (PermitEmptyPasswords=yes)
+ that has not worked since the 3.7p1 release.
+- MD5 (openssh-3.7.1p2.tar.gz) = 61cf5b059938718308836d00f6764a94
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Ben Lindstrom, Darren Tucker and Tim Rice.
OpenSSH 3.7.1 was released on 2004-02-25. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support to the project, especially those who contributed source and
+bought T-shirts or posters.
+We have a new design of T-shirt available, more info on
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html#18
+For international orders use https://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use https://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Security Changes:
+ All versions of OpenSSH's sshd prior to 3.7.1 contain buffer
+ management errors. It is uncertain whether these errors are
+ potentially exploitable, however, we prefer to see bugs
+ fixed proactively.
+ OpenSSH 3.7 fixed one of these bugs.
+ OpenSSH 3.7.1 fixes more similar bugs.
+Changes since OpenSSH 3.6.1:
+* The entire OpenSSH code-base has undergone a license review. As
+ a result, all non-ssh1.x code is under a BSD-style license with no
+ advertising requirement. Please refer to README in the source
+ distribution for the exact license terms.
+* Rhosts authentication has been removed in ssh(1) and sshd(8).
+* Changes in Kerberos support:
+ - KerberosV password support now uses a file cache instead of
+ a memory cache.
+ - KerberosIV and AFS support has been removed.
+ - KerberosV support has been removed from SSH protocol 1.
+ - KerberosV password authentication support remains for SSH
+ protocols 1 and 2.
+ - This release contains some GSSAPI user authentication support
+ to replace legacy KerberosV authentication support. At present
+ this code is still considered experimental and SHOULD NOT BE
+* Changed order that keys are tried in public key authentication.
+ The ssh(1) client tries the keys in the following order:
+ 1. ssh-agent(1) keys that are found in the ssh_config(5) file
+ 2. remaining ssh-agent(1) keys
+ 3. keys that are only listed in the ssh_config(5) file
+ This helps when an ssh-agent(1) has many keys, where the sshd(8)
+ server might close the connection before the correct key is tried.
+* SOCKS5 support has been added to the dynamic forwarding mode
+ in ssh(1).
+* Removed implementation barriers to operation of SSH over SCTP.
+* sftp(1) client can now transfer files with quote characters in
+ their filenames.
+* Replaced sshd(8)'s VerifyReverseMapping with UseDNS option.
+ When UseDNS option is on, reverse hostname lookups are always
+ performed.
+* Fix a number of memory leaks.
+* Support for sending tty BREAK over SSH protocol 2.
+* Workaround for other vendor bugs in KEX guess handling.
+* Support for generating KEX-GEX groups (/etc/moduli) in ssh-keygen(1).
+* Automatic re-keying based on amount of data sent over connection.
+* New AddressFamily option on client to select protocol to use (IPv4
+ or IPv6).
+* Experimental support for the "aes128-ctr", "aes192-ctr", and
+ "aes256-ctr" ciphers for SSH protocol 2.
+* Experimental support for host keys in DNS (draft-ietf-secsh-dns-xx.txt).
+ Please see README.dns in the source distribution for details.
+* Portable OpenSSH:
+ - Replace PAM password authentication kludge with a more correct
+ PAM challenge-response module from FreeBSD.
+ - PAM support may now be enabled/disabled at runtime using the
+ UsePAM directive.
+ - Many improvements to the OpenSC smartcard support.
+ - Regression tests now work with portable OpenSSH.
+ Please refer to regress/README.regress in the source distribution.
+ - On platforms that support it, portable OpenSSH now honors the
+ UMASK, PATH and SUPATH attributes set in /etc/default/login.
+ - Deny access to locked accounts, regardless of authentication
+ method in use.
+- MD5 (openssh-3.7.1.tgz) = 3d2f1644d6a3d3267e5e2421f1385129
+- MD5 (openssh-3.7.1p1.tar.gz) = f54e574e606c08ef63ebb1ab2f7689dc
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Ben Lindstrom, Darren Tucker and Tim Rice.
OpenSSH 3.7 was released on 2003-09-16. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support to the project, especially those who contributed source and
+bought T-shirts or posters.
+We have a new design of T-shirt available, more info on
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html#18
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Security Changes:
+ All versions of OpenSSH's sshd prior to 3.7 contain a buffer
+ management error. It is uncertain whether this error is
+ potentially exploitable, however, we prefer to see bugs
+ fixed proactively.
+ OpenSSH 3.7 fixes this bug.
+Changes since OpenSSH 3.6.1:
+* The entire OpenSSH code-base has undergone a license review. As
+ a result, all non-ssh1.x code is under a BSD-style license with no
+ advertising requirement. Please refer to README in the source
+ distribution for the exact license terms.
+* Rhosts authentication has been removed in ssh(1) and sshd(8).
+* Changes in Kerberos support:
+ - KerberosV password support now uses a file cache instead of
+ a memory cache.
+ - KerberosIV and AFS support has been removed.
+ - KerberosV support has been removed from SSH protocol 1.
+ - KerberosV password authentication support remains for SSH
+ protocols 1 and 2.
+ - This release contains some GSSAPI user authentication support
+ to replace legacy KerberosV authentication support. At present
+ this code is still considered experimental and SHOULD NOT BE
+* Changed order that keys are tried in public key authentication.
+ The ssh(1) client tries the keys in the following order:
+ 1. ssh-agent(1) keys that are found in the ssh_config(5) file
+ 2. remaining ssh-agent(1) keys
+ 3. keys that are only listed in the ssh_config(5) file
+ This helps when an ssh-agent(1) has many keys, where the sshd(8)
+ server might close the connection before the correct key is tried.
+* SOCKS5 support has been added to the dynamic forwarding mode
+ in ssh(1).
+* Removed implementation barriers to operation of SSH over SCTP.
+* sftp(1) client can now transfer files with quote characters in
+ their filenames.
+* Replaced sshd(8)'s VerifyReverseMapping with UseDNS option.
+ When UseDNS option is on, reverse hostname lookups are always
+ performed.
+* Fix a number of memory leaks.
+* Support for sending tty BREAK over SSH protocol 2.
+* Workaround for other vendor bugs in KEX guess handling.
+* Support for generating KEX-GEX groups (/etc/moduli) in ssh-keygen(1).
+* Automatic re-keying based on amount of data sent over connection.
+* New AddressFamily option on client to select protocol to use (IPv4
+ or IPv6).
+* Experimental support for the "aes128-ctr", "aes192-ctr", and
+ "aes256-ctr" ciphers for SSH protocol 2.
+* Experimental support for host keys in DNS (draft-ietf-secsh-dns-xx.txt).
+ Please see README.dns in the source distribution for details.
+* Portable OpenSSH:
+ - Replace PAM password authentication kludge with a more correct
+ PAM challenge-response module from FreeBSD.
+ - PAM support may now be enabled/disabled at runtime using the
+ UsePAM directive.
+ - Many improvements to the OpenSC smartcard support.
+ - Regression tests now work with portable OpenSSH.
+ Please refer to regress/README.regress in the source distribution.
+ - On platforms that support it, portable OpenSSH now honors the
+ UMASK, PATH and SUPATH attributes set in /etc/default/login.
+ - Deny access to locked accounts, regardless of authentication
+ method in use.
+- MD5 (openssh-3.7.tgz) = 86864ecc276c5f75b06d4872a553fa70
+- MD5 (openssh-3.7p1.tar.gz) = 77662801ba2a9cadc0ac10054bc6cb37
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Ben Lindstrom, Darren Tucker and Tim Rice.
OpenSSH 3.6.1p2 was released on 2003-04-30. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.This is a release
+of the Portable version only.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support and encouragement.
+Changes since OpenSSH 3.6.1p1:
+* Security: corrected linking problem on AIX/gcc. AIX users are
+ advised to upgrade immediately. For details, please refer to
+ separate advisory (aixgcc.adv).
+* Corrected build problems on Irix
+* Corrected build problem when building with AFS support
+* Merged some changes from Openwall Linux
+- MD5 (openssh-3.6p1.tar.gz) = f3879270bffe479e1bd057aa36258696
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 3.6.1 was released on 2003-04-01. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support to the project, especially those who contributed source and
+bought T-shirts or posters.
+We have a new design of T-shirt available, more info on
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html#18
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Changes since OpenSSH 3.6:
+* The 'kex guesses' bugfix from OpenSSH 3.6 triggers a bug
+ in a few other SSH v2 implementations and causes connections to
+ stall. OpenSSH 3.6.1 disables this bugfix when interoperating
+ with these implementations.
+Changes between OpenSSH 3.5 and OpenSSH 3.6:
+* RSA blinding is now used by ssh(1), sshd(8) and ssh-agent(1).
+ in order to avoid potential timing attacks against the RSA keys.
+ Older versions of OpenSSH have been using RSA blinding in
+ ssh-keysign(1) only.
+ Please note that there is no evidence that the SSH protocol is
+ vulnerable to the OpenSSL/TLS timing attack described in
+ http://crypto.stanford.edu/~dabo/papers/ssl-timing.pdf
+* ssh-agent(1) optionally requires user confirmation if a key gets
+ used, see '-c' in ssh-add(1).
+* sshd(8) now handles PermitRootLogin correctly when UsePrivilegeSeparation
+ is enabled.
+* sshd(8) now removes X11 cookies when a session gets closed.
+* ssh-keysign(8) is disabled by default and only enabled if the
+ new EnableSSHKeysign option is set in the global ssh_config(5)
+ file.
+* ssh(1) and sshd(8) now handle 'kex guesses' correctly (key exchange
+ guesses).
+* ssh(1) no longer overwrites SIG_IGN. This matches behaviour from
+ rsh(1) and is used by backup tools.
+* setting ProxyCommand to 'none' disables the proxy feature, see
+ ssh_config(5).
+* scp(1) supports add -1 and -2.
+* scp(1) supports bandwidth limiting.
+* sftp(1) displays a progressmeter.
+* sftp(1) has improved error handling for scripting.
+- MD5 (openssh-3.6.1p1.tar.gz) = d4c2c88b883f097fe88e327cbb4b2e2a
+- MD5 (openssh-3.6.1.tgz) = aa2acd2be17dc3fd514a1e09336aab51
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 3.6 was released on 2003-03-31. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support to the project, especially those who contributed source and
+bought T-shirts or posters.
+We have a new design of T-shirt available, more info on
+ http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html#18
+For international orders use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order
+and for European orders, use http://https.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/order.eu
+Changes since OpenSSH 3.5:
+* RSA blinding is now used by ssh(1), sshd(8) and ssh-agent(1).
+ in order to avoid potential timing attacks against the RSA keys.
+ Older versions of OpenSSH have been using RSA blinding in
+ ssh-keysign(1) only.
+ Please note that there is no evidence that the SSH protocol is
+ vulnerable to the OpenSSL/TLS timing attack described in
+ http://crypto.stanford.edu/~dabo/papers/ssl-timing.pdf
+* ssh-agent(1) optionally requires user confirmation if a key gets
+ used, see '-c' in ssh-add(1).
+* sshd(8) now handles PermitRootLogin correctly when UsePrivilegeSeparation
+ is enabled.
+* sshd(8) now removes X11 cookies when a session gets closed.
+* ssh-keysign(8) is disabled by default and only enabled if the
+ new EnableSSHKeysign option is set in the global ssh_config(5)
+ file.
+* ssh(1) and sshd(8) now handle 'kex guesses' correctly (key exchange
+ guesses).
+* ssh(1) no longer overwrites SIG_IGN. This matches behaviour from
+ rsh(1) and is used by backup tools.
+* setting ProxyCommand to 'none' disables the proxy feature, see
+ ssh_config(5).
+* scp(1) supports add -1 and -2.
+* scp(1) supports bandwidth limiting.
+* sftp(1) displays a progressmeter.
+* sftp(1) has improved error handling for scripting.
+- MD5 (openssh-3.6p1.tar.gz) = 72ef1134d521cb6926c99256dad17fe0
+- MD5 (openssh-3.6.tgz) = 758822b888c5c3f83a98045aef904254
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 3.5 was released on 2002-10-15. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support and encouragement.
+Changes since OpenSSH 3.4:
+* Improved support for Privilege Separation (Portability, Kerberos,
+ PermitRootLogin handling).
+* ssh(1) prints out all known host keys for a host if it receives an
+ unknown host key of a different type.
+* Fixed AES/Rijndael EVP integration for OpenSSL < 0.9.7 (caused
+ problems with bounds checking patches for gcc).
+* ssh-keysign(8) is disabled by default and only enabled if the
+ HostbasedAuthentication option is enabled in the global ssh_config(5)
+ file.
+* ssh-keysign(8) uses RSA blinding in order to avoid timing attacks
+ against the RSA host key.
+* A use-after-free bug was fixed in ssh-keysign(8). This bug
+ broke hostbased authentication on several platforms.
+* ssh-agent(1) is now installed setgid in order to avoid ptrace(2)
+ attacks.
+* ssh-agent(1) now restricts the access with getpeereid(2) (or
+ equivalent, where available).
+* sshd(8) no longer uses the ASN.1 parsing code from libcrypto when
+ verifying RSA signatures.
+* sshd(8) now sets the SSH_CONNECTION environment variable.
+* Enhanced "ls" support for the sftp(1) client, including globbing and
+ detailed listings.
+* ssh(1) now always falls back to uncompressed sessions, if the
+ server does not support compression.
+* The default behavior of sshd(8) with regard to user settable
+ environ variables has changed: the new option PermitUserEnvironment
+ is disabled by default, see sshd_config(5).
+* The default value for LoginGraceTime has been changed from 600 to 120
+ seconds, see sshd_config(5).
+* Removed erroneous SO_LINGER handling.
+- MD5 (openssh-3.5p1.tar.gz) = 42bd78508d208b55843c84dd54dea848
+- MD5 (openssh-3.5.tgz) = 79fc225dbe0fe71ebb6910f449101d23
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 3.4 was released on 2002-06-26. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support and encouragement.
+Changes since OpenSSH 3.3:
+Security Changes:
+ All versions of OpenSSH's sshd between 2.9.9 and 3.3
+ contain an input validation error that can result in
+ an integer overflow and privilege escalation.
+ OpenSSH 3.4 fixes this bug.
+ In addition, OpenSSH 3.4 adds many checks to detect
+ invalid input and mitigate resource exhaustion attacks.
+ OpenSSH 3.2 and later prevent privilege escalation
+ if UsePrivilegeSeparation is enabled in sshd_config.
+ OpenSSH 3.3 enables UsePrivilegeSeparation by
+ default.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 3.3 was released on 2002-06-21. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support and encouragement.
+Changes since OpenSSH 3.2.3:
+Security Changes:
+- improved support for privilege separation:
+ privilege separation is now enabled by default
+ See UsePrivilegeSeparation in sshd_config(5)
+ and http://www.citi.umich.edu/u/provos/ssh/privsep.html for more
+ information.
+- ssh no longer needs to be installed setuid root for protocol
+ version 2 hostbased authentication, see ssh-keysign(8).
+ protocol version 1 rhosts-rsa authentication still requires privileges
+ and is not recommended.
+Other Changes:
+- documentation for the client and server configuration options have
+ been moved to ssh_config(5) and sshd_config(5).
+- the server now supports the Compression option, see sshd_config(5).
+- the client options RhostsRSAAuthentication and RhostsAuthentication now
+ default to no, see ssh_config(5).
+- the client options FallBackToRsh and UseRsh are deprecated.
+- ssh-agent now supports locking and timeouts for keys, see ssh-add(1).
+- ssh-agent can now bind to unix-domain sockets given on the command line,
+ see ssh-agent(1).
+- fixes problems with valid RSA signatures from putty clients.
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 3.2.3 was released on 2002-05-23. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support and encouragement.
+Changes since OpenSSH 3.2.2:
+ This release fixes several problems in OpenSSH 3.2.2:
+ - a defect in the BSD_AUTH access control handling for
+ OpenBSD and BSD/OS systems:
+ Under certain conditions, on systems using YP with netgroups
+ in the password database, it is possible that sshd does ACL
+ checks for the requested user name but uses the password
+ database entry of a different user for authentication. This
+ means that denied users might authenticate successfully while
+ permitted users could be locked out (OpenBSD PR 2659).
+ - login/tty problems on Solaris (bug #245)
+ - build problems on Cygwin systems
+Changes between OpenSSH 3.1 and OpenSSH 3.2.2:
+ Security Changes:
+ =================
+ - fixed buffer overflow in Kerberos/AFS token passing
+ - fixed overflow in Kerberos client code
+ - sshd no longer auto-enables Kerberos/AFS
+ - experimental support for privilege separation,
+ see UsePrivilegeSeparation in sshd(8) and
+ http://www.citi.umich.edu/u/provos/ssh/privsep.html
+ for more information.
+ - only accept RSA keys of size SSH_RSA_MINIMUM_MODULUS_SIZE (768) or larger
+ Other Changes:
+ ==============
+ - improved smartcard support (including support for OpenSC,
+ see www.opensc.org)
+ - improved Kerberos support (including support for MIT-Kerberos V)
+ - fixed stderr handling in protocol v2
+ - client reports failure if -R style TCP forwarding fails in protocol v2
+ - support configuration of TCP forwarding during interactive sessions (~C)
+ - improved support for older sftp servers
+ - improved support for importing old DSA keys (from ssh.com software).
+ - client side suport for PASSWD_CHANGEREQ in protocol v2
+ - fixed waitpid race conditions
+ - record correct lastlogin time
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html
+ and http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 3.2.2 was released on 2002-05-16. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support and encouragement.
+Security Changes:
+- fixed buffer overflow in Kerberos/AFS token passing
+- fixed overflow in Kerberos client code
+- sshd no longer auto-enables Kerberos/AFS
+- experimental support for privilege separation,
+ see UsePrivilegeSeparation in sshd(8) and
+ http://www.citi.umich.edu/u/provos/ssh/privsep.html
+ for more information.
+- only accept RSA keys of size SSH_RSA_MINIMUM_MODULUS_SIZE (768) or larger
+Other Changes:
+- improved smartcard support (including support for OpenSC, see www.opensc.org)
+- improved Kerberos support (including support for MIT-Kerberos V)
+- fixed stderr handling in protocol v2
+- client reports failure if -R style TCP forwarding fails in protocol v2
+- support configuration of TCP forwarding during interactive sessions (~C)
+- improved support for older sftp servers
+- improved support for importing old DSA keys (from ssh.com software).
+- client side suport for PASSWD_CHANGEREQ in protocol v2
+- fixed waitpid race conditions
+- record correct lastlogin time
+Reporting Bugs:
+- please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html and
+ http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 3.1 was released on 2004-04-09. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support and encouragement.
+Important Changes:
+- /etc/ssh/ now default directory for keys and configuration files
+- ssh-keygen no longer defaults to a specific key type (rsa1);
+ use ssh-keygen -t {rsa,dsa,rsa1}
+- sshd x11 forwarding listens on localhost by default;
+ see sshd X11UseLocalhost option to revert to prior behaviour
+ if your older X11 clients do not function with this configuration
+Other Changes:
+- ssh ~& escape char functions now for both protocol versions
+- sshd ReverseMappingCheck option changed to VerifyReverseMapping
+ to clarify its function; ReverseMappingCheck can still be used
+- public key fingerprint is now logged with LogLevel=VERBOSE
+- reason logged for disallowed logins (e.g., no shell, etc.)
+- more robust error handling for x11 forwarding
+- improved packet/window size handling in ssh2
+- use of regex(3) has been removed
+- fix SIGCHLD races in sshd (seen on Solaris)
+- sshd -o option added
+- sftp -B -R -P options added
+- ssh-add now adds all 3 default keys
+- ssh-keyscan bug fixes
+- ssh-askpass for hostkey dialog
+- fix fd leak in sshd on SIGHUP
+- TCP_NODELAY set on X11 and TCP forwarding endpoints
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 3.0.2 was released on 2002-12-04. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support and encouragement.
+Important Changes:
+ This release fixes a vulnerability in the UseLogin option
+ of OpenSSH. This option is not enabled in the default
+ installation of OpenSSH.
+ However, if UseLogin is enabled by the administrator, all
+ versions of OpenSSH prior to 3.0.2 may be vulnerable to
+ local attacks.
+ The vulnerability allows local users to pass environment
+ variables (e.g. LD_PRELOAD) to the login process. The login
+ process is run with the same privilege as sshd (usually
+ with root privilege).
+ Do not enable UseLogin on your machines or disable UseLogin
+ again in /etc/sshd_config:
+ UseLogin no
+We also have received many reports about attacks against the crc32
+bug. This bug has been fixed about 12 months ago in OpenSSH 2.3.0.
+However, these attacks cause non-vulnerable daemons to chew a lot
+of cpu since the crc32 attack sends a tremendously large amount of
+data which must be processed.
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller and Ben Lindstrom.
+The following patch fixes the UseLogin vulnerability in OpenSSH 3.0.1 and
+earlier releases.
+--- session.c 11 Oct 2001 13:45:21 -0000 1.108
++++ session.c 1 Dec 2001 22:14:39 -0000
+@@ -875,6 +875,7 @@
+ child_set_env(&env, &envsize, "TZ", getenv("TZ"));
+ /* Set custom environment options from RSA authentication. */
++ if (!options.use_login)
+ while (custom_environment) {
+ struct envstring *ce = custom_environment;
+ char *s = ce->s;
OpenSSH 3.0.1 was released on 2001-11-19. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support and encouragement.
+Important Changes:
+ A security hole that may allow an attacker to authenticate
+ if -- and only if -- the administrator has enabled KerberosV.
+ By default, OpenSSH KerberosV support only becomes active
+ after KerberosV has been properly configured.
+ An excessive memory clearing bug (which we believe to be
+ unexploitable) also exists, but since this may cause daemon
+ crashes, we are providing a fix as well.
+ Various other non-critical fixes (~& support and more).
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 3.0 was released on 2001-11-06. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+This release contains many portability bug-fixes (listed in the
+ChangeLog) as well as several new features (listed below).
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support and encouragement.
+Important Changes:
+1) SSH protocol v2 is now the default protocol version
+ use the 'Protocol' option from ssh(1) and sshd(8) if
+ you need to change this.
+2) The files
+ /etc/ssh_known_hosts2
+ ~/.ssh/known_hosts2
+ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
+ are now obsolete, you can use
+ /etc/ssh_known_hosts
+ ~/.ssh/known_hosts
+ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ For backward compatibility ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 will still used for
+ authentication and hostkeys are still read from the known_hosts2.
+ However, those deprecated files are considered 'readonly'. Future
+ releases are likely not to read these files.
+3) The CheckMail option in sshd_config is deprecated, as sshd(8) no longer
+ checks for new mail.
+4) X11 cookies are now stored in $HOME.
+New Features:
+1) Smartcard support in the ssh client and agent based on work by
+ University of Michigan CITI (http://www.citi.umich.edu/projects/smartcard/).
+2) support for Rekeying in protocol version 2
+3) improved Kerberos support in protocol v1 (KerbIV and KerbV)
+4) backward compatibility with older commercial SSH versions >= 2.0.10
+5) getopt(3) is now used by all programs
+6) dynamic forwarding (use ssh(1) as your socks server)
+7) ClearAllForwardings in ssh(1)
+8) ssh(1) now checks the hostkey for localhost (NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes/no).
+9) -F option in ssh(1)
+10) ssh(1) now has a '-b bindaddress' option
+11) scp(1) allows "scp /file localhost:/file"
+12) The AuthorizedKeysFile option allows specification of alternative
+ files that contain the public keys that can be used for user authentication
+ (e.g. /etc/ssh_keys/%u, see sshd(8))
+13) extended AllowUsers user@host syntax in sshd(8)
+14) improved challenge-response support (especially for systems supporting BSD_AUTH)
+15) sshd(8) can specify time args as 1h, 2h30s etc.
+16) sshd(8) transmits the correct exit status for remote execution with protocol version 2.
+17) ssh-keygen(1) can import private RSA/DSA keys generated with the commercial version
+18) ssh-keyscan(1) supports protocol version 2
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller and Ben Lindstrom.
Portable OpenSSH 2.9p2 has just been uploaded and shall be making its
+way to the mirrors listed at http://www.openssh.com/portable.html
+This release fixes the "cookies" file deletion problem reported on
+BUGTRAQ as well as a few other minor (non-security) bugs. No new
+features have been added in this release.
+Damien Miller
OpenSSH 2.9.9 has just been uploaded. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH 2.9.9 fixes a weakness in the key file option handling,
+including source IP based access control.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+This release contains many portability bug-fixes (listed in the
+ChangeLog) as well as several new features (listed below).
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support and encouragement.
+Security Notes:
+This release fixes weakness in the source IP based access control
+for SSH protocol v2 public key authentication:
+ Versions of OpenSSH between 2.5 and 2.9.9 are
+ affected if they use the 'from=' key file option in
+ combination with both RSA and DSA keys in
+ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2.
+ Depending on the order of the user keys in
+ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 sshd might fail to apply the
+ source IP based access control restriction (e.g.
+ from="") to the correct key:
+ If a source IP restricted key (e.g. DSA key) is
+ immediately followed by a key of a different type
+ (e.g. RSA key), then key options for the second key
+ are applied to both keys, which includes 'from='.
+ This means that users can circumvent the system policy
+ and login from disallowed source IP addresses.
+Important Changes:
+OpenSSH 2.9.9 might have upgrade issues introduced by the long time
+between releases, which may affect people in unforseen ways:
+1) The files
+ /etc/ssh_known_hosts2
+ ~/.ssh/known_hosts2
+ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
+ are now obsolete, you can use
+ /etc/ssh_known_hosts
+ ~/.ssh/known_hosts
+ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ For backward compatibility ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 is still used for
+ authentication and hostkeys are still read from the known_hosts2.
+ However, old files are considered 'readonly'. Future releases are
+ likely to not read these files.
+2) The CheckMail option in sshd_config is deprecated, sshd no longer
+ checks for new mail.
+3) X11 cookies are stored in $HOME
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller and Ben Lindstrom.
OpenSSH 2.9 has just been uploaded. It is available from the
+mirrors listed at https://www.openssh.com/.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0
+implementation and includes sftp client and server support.
+This release contains many portability bug-fixes (listed in the
+ChangeLog) as well as several new features (listed below).
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued
+support and encouragement.
+Important Changes:
+WARNING: SSH protocol v2 is now the default protocol version
+ use the 'Protocol' option from ssh(1) and sshd(8) if
+ you want to change this.
+SSH protocol v2 implementation adds support for:
+ HostbasedAuthentication, similar to RhostsRSA in SSH protocol
+ v1
+ Rekeying (negotiate new encryption keys for the current SSH
+ session, try ~R in interactive SSH sessions)
+ updated DH group exchange:
+ draft-ietf-secsh-dh-group-exchange-01.txt
+ client option HostKeyAlgorithms
+ server options ClientAliveInterval and ClientAliveCountMax
+ tty mode passing
+ gid swapping in sshd (fixes access to /home/group/user based
+ directory structures)
+ Dan Kaminsky <dankamin@cisco.com> contributed an experimental
+ SOCKS4 proxy to the ssh client (yes, client not the server).
+ Use 'ssh -D 1080 server' if you want to try this out.
+ server option PrintLastLog
+ improvements for scp > 2GB
+ improved ListenAddress option.
+ You can now use ListenAddress host:port
+ improved interoperability (bug detection for older implementations)
+ improved documentation
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller and Ben Lindstrom.
Portable OpenSSH 2.5.2p2 is now available from the mirror sites
+listed at http://www.openssh.com/portable.html
+Security related changes:
+ Improved countermeasure against "Passive Analysis of SSH
+ (Secure Shell) Traffic"
+ http://openwall.com/advisories/OW-003-ssh-traffic-analysis.txt
+ The countermeasures introduced in earlier OpenSSH-2.5.x versions
+ caused interoperability problems with some other implementations.
+ Improved countermeasure against "SSH protocol 1.5 session
+ key recovery vulnerability"
+ http://www.core-sdi.com/advisories/ssh1_sessionkey_recovery.htm
+New options:
+ permitopen authorized_keys option to restrict portforwarding.
+ PreferredAuthentications allows client to specify the order in which
+ authentication methods are tried.
+ sftp client supports globbing (get *, put *).
+ Support for sftp protocol v3 (draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-01.txt).
+ Batch file (-b) support for automated transfers
+ Speedup DH exchange. OpenSSH should now be significantly faster when
+ connecting use SSH protocol 2.
+ Preferred SSH protocol 2 cipher is AES with hmac-md5. AES offers
+ much faster throughput in a well scrutinised cipher.
+ stderr handling fixes in SSH protocol 2.
+ Improved interoperability.
+ The client no longer asks for the the passphrase if the key
+ will not be accepted by the server (SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK)
+ scp should now work for files > 2GB
+ ssh-keygen can now generate fingerprints in the "bubble babble"
+ format for exchanging fingerprints with SSH.COM's SSH protocol 2
+ implementation.
+Portable version:
+ Better support for the PRNGd[1] entropy collection daemon. The
+ --with-egd-pool configure option has been deprecated in favour
+ of --with-prngd-socket and the new --with-prngd-port options.
+ The latter allows collection of entropy from a localhost
+ socket.
+ configure ensures that scp is in the $PATH set by the server
+ (unless a custom path is specified).
+[1] http://www.aet.tu-cottbus.de/personen/jaenicke/postfix_tls/prngd.html
Portable OpenSSH 2.5.1p2 has just been uploaded and will be making its
+way to the mirror sites (http://www.openssh.com/portable.html)in due
+This release contains primarily bug-fixes over 2.5.1p1 but an upgrade is
+recommended. Specific bug-fixes include:
+ - Fixed endianess issue causing failues when usin Rijndael/AES cipher
+ - Fix PAM failures on Solaris and Linux
+ - Fix RPM spec file for Redhat systems
+ - Fixed several compatibility functions
+ - Fix entropy collection code for SCO3 and NeXTStep
+ - Many other minor fixes (see Changelog for details)
+This release includes Mark Roth's mdoc2man.pl script which can be used
+to fix up the manpages on systems that lack the full andoc set of
+macros (e.g. Solaris). A future release of portable OpenSSH will automate
+this scripts use for systems that require it.
Portable OpenSSH 2.5.1p1 has just been uploaded. It will be available
+from the mirrors listed at http://www.openssh.com/portable.html shortly.
+OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH 1.3 & 1.5 protocol implementation and
+a 99% SSH 2 protocol implementation, including sftp client and server
+This release contains many portability bug-fixes (listed in the
+ChangeLog) as well as several new features (listed below).
+OpenSSH 2.5.0p1 was skipped because of interoperability issues with
+ssh-1.2.18 => ssh-1.2.22.
+We would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their continued support
+and encouragement.
+Important Changes:
+1) Features added to the implementation of the SSH 2 protocol:
+ * agent forwarding
+ * support for -R forwarding
+ * RSA host and userkeys
+ * extended support for older SSH 2 protocol implementations
+ OpenSSH still lacks support for rekeying, so you have to turn off
+ rekeying if your server tries to force this feature.
+ The next release of OpenSSH will probably support rekeying.
+2) Damien Miller contributed an interactive sftp client.
+ The sftp client works for both SSH protocol versions.
+3) David Mazieres' ssh-keyscan has been added to the OpenSSH distribution.
+4) Now there are three types of keys in OpenSSH:
+ RSA1 is used by the SSH 1 protocol only,
+ RSA and DSA keys are used by the SSH 2 protocol implementation.
+ You can generate RSA keys for use with SSH 2 protocol with:
+ $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/ssh_host_rsa_key
+ To use RSA or DSA keys in SSH 2 protocol, simply
+ add the public keys to the .ssh/authorised_keys2 file.
+ IdentityFile2, HostDsaKey and DSAAuthentication are obsolete:
+ You can use multiple IdentityFile and HostKey options instead, e.g
+ HostKey /etc/ssh_host_key
+ HostKey /etc/ssh_host_dsa_key
+ HostKey /etc/ssh_host_rsa_key
+ in /etc/sshd_config
+ The option DSAAuthentication has been replaced by PubkeyAuthentication.
+ Fingerprinting works for all types of keys:
+ $ ssh-keygen -l -f $HOME/.ssh/{authorized_keys,known_hosts}{,2}
+5) Important changes in the implementation of SSH 1 protocol:
+ The OpenSSH server does not require a privileged source port for
+ RhostsRsaAuthentication, since it adds no additional security.
+ Interoperation with SSH 1.4 protocol
+6) New option HostKeyAlias
+ This option allows the user to record the host key under a
+ different name. This is useful for tunneling over
+ forwarded connections or if you run multiple sshd's on
+ different ports on the same machine.
+ Alternatively you can use the UserKnownHostsFile or
+ UserKnownHostsFile2 options to specify seperate host key
+ files for the connection.
+7) The ReverseMappingCheck is now optional in sshd_config.
+ If you combine this with the 'sshd -u0' option the server
+ will not do DNS lookups when a client connects.
+8) Stricter Hostkey Checking
+9) Option Change Summary:
+ a) New or changed:
+ ChallengeResponseAuthentication
+ MACs
+ PubkeyAuthentication
+ HostkeyAlias (Client only)
+ Banner (Server only)
+ ReverseMappingCheck (Server only)
+ PermitRootLogin {yes,without-password,forced-commands-only,no}
+ {Allow,Deny}Groups now support supplementary groups
+ sshd -D for monitoring scripts or inittab
+ ssh -t multiple -t force tty allocation
+ b) Obsolete:
+ DsaAuthentication (use PubkeyAuthentication instead)
+ HostDsaKey (use HostKey)
+ Identityfile2 (use Identityfile or -i)
+ SkeyAuthentication (use ChallengeResponseAuthentication)
+ TisAuthentication (use ChallengeResponseAuthentication)
+OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
+Kevin Steves, Damien Miller and Ben Lindstrom.
This is to announce the release of portable openssh-2.3.0p1. This
+release includes many new features and bug fixes. This is a
+recommended upgrade if you are using 2.2.0p1 or an older release.
+Portable OpenSSH is available from one of the many mirrors listed at
+Some of the more notable features include:
+- Rijndael support for SSH2. Use the "Ciphers" configuration directive
+ to enable it. (Markus Friedl <markus@cvs.openbsd.org>
+- Cygwin support (Corinna Vinschen <vinschen@cygnus.com>)
+- sftp-server support (Markus Friedl <markus@cvs.openbsd.org>)
+- SSH1 single-des support for interop with Cisco routers. This cipher
+ is never enabled automatically, you have to either specify "-c des"
+ or enable it using "Cipher des" in a config file. (Markus Friedl
+ <markus@cvs.openbsd.org>
+- Support expired password change through PAM (Steve VanDevender's
+ <stevev@darkwing.uoregon.edu>)
+- Better compatibility with buggy SSH implementations (Markus Friedl
+ <markus@cvs.openbsd.org>
+- S/key support for SSH2, based on kbd-interactive auth (Markus Friedl
+ <markus@cvs.openbsd.org> and mkiernan@avantgo.com
+- scp now supports "-o" option (Ben Lindstron <mouring@pconline.com>)
+Please refer to the ChangeLog for a full list of features and bugfixes.
+Damien Miller
Version 2.2.0p1 of portable OpenSSH has just been uploaded to the
+master site and should be making its way to the mirrors in due
+This release contains several new features and bugfixes relative to
+the previous 2.1.1p4 release. In particular:
+- DSA key support in ssh-agent. Please not that this will not
+ interop with ssh.com's ssh-agent (Markus Friedl)
+- sshd now implements Random Early Drop connection rate limiting,
+ which can help mitigate DoS attacks against sshd. See the
+ `MaxStartups' option in the sshd manpage for details (Markus Friedl)
+- `-u' option to sshd allow logging of hostnames (rather than IP
+ addresses) in wtmp when `UseLogin' is set to `yes'. (Markus Friedl)
+- Escape character `~' support in SSH2 (Markus Friedl)
+- Interop with SSH.COM ssh 2.3.0 (Markus Friedl)
+- Fix problems when sshd is run from inetd
+- Better SunOS 4.1.x support (Nate Itkin and Charles Levert)
+- Solaris package support, see contrib/solaris (Rip Loomis)
+- Work around connection freezes on HPUX and SunOS 4 (Lutz Jaenicke,
+ Tamito KAJIYAMA)
+- Fix ^C ignored issue on Solaris. (Gert Doering, John Horne and
+ Garrick James)
+- Further improved NeXT support. (Ben Lindstrom, Mark Miller)
+- Lots of other minor fixes (see ChangeLog for details)
+This release has been tested on HPUX (10.20, 11.00), Irix (5.3,
+6.5), Linux (Debian, Redhat, Slackware, SuSE), NeXTstep 3 (HPPA,
+i386, m68k), OpenStep (i386, m68k, Sparc), SCO Unixware 7.1.0, SCO
+OpenServer 5.0.5, Solaris 2.7 (Sparc), Solaris 2.8 (i386, Sparc),
+SNI/Reliant Unix, DEC OSF/Tru64 5.0.
+Many thanks to those who contributed bug reports, fixes and testing
+Damien Miller
+I have just uploaded portable OpenSSH 2.1.1p4, it should be making
+its way to the mirrors listed at http://www.openssh.com/portable.html
+This release contains several bugfixes from the OpenBSD team,
+primarily the config file parsing problem reported by Ralf
+Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
+Damien Miller
+--------------- Changelog:
+ - Release 2.1.1p4
+ - (djm) OpenBSD CVS updates
+ - provos@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/13 16:53:22
+ [aux.c readconf.c servconf.c ssh.h]
+ allow multiple whitespace but only one '=' between tokens, bug report from
+ Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com> but different fix. okay deraadt@
+ - provos@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/13 17:14:09
+ [clientloop.c]
+ typo; todd@fries.net
+ - provos@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/13 17:19:31
+ [scp.c]
+ close can fail on AFS, report error; from Greg Hudson <ghudson@mit.edu>
+ - markus@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/14 16:59:46
+ [readconf.c servconf.c]
+ allow leading whitespace. ok niels
+ - djm@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/14 22:01:38
+ [ssh-keygen.c ssh.c]
+ Always create ~/.ssh with mode 700; ok Markus
+ - Fixes for SunOS 4.1.4 from Gordon Atwood <gordon@cs.ualberta.ca>
+ - Include floatingpoint.h for entropy.c
+ - strerror replacement
+The 2.1.1p3 release of portable OpenSSH has been uploaded to the
+OpenBSD ftp master site. In a few hours it will be available from one
+of the many mirrors listed at:
+This release fixes several bugs reported since the previous release
+and extends portability to NeXT and Reliant Unix.
+As usual, the OpenBSD team has been hard at work further polishing and
+enhancing OpenSSH. This release brings a new configuration directive
+"MaxStartups" which mitigates connection flooding attacks, further
+details are in the sshd man-page.
+Another noteworthy difference from previous releases is that
+'FallBackToRsh' now defaults to 'no'. Users of this feature may need
+to edit their /etc/ssh_config or ~/.ssh/config files to achieve the
+same behavior.
+Again, thanks to those who reported bugs, tested the snapshot and sent
+Damien Miller
+------------------ Changelog
+ - (djm) Remove -lresolve for Reliant Unix
+ - (djm) OpenBSD CVS Updates:
+ - deraadt@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/11 02:11:34
+ [session.c sshd.c ]
+ make MaxStartups code still work with -d; djm
+ - deraadt@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/11 13:17:45
+ [readconf.c ssh_config]
+ disable FallBackToRsh by default
+ - (djm) Replace in_addr_t with u_int32_t in bsd-inet_aton.c. Report from
+ Ben Lindstrom <mouring@pconline.com>
+ - (djm) Make building of X11-Askpass and GNOME-Askpass optional in RPM
+ spec file.
+ - (djm) Released 2.1.1p3
+ - (djm) Fixup for AIX getuserattr() support from Tom Bertelson
+ <tbert@abac.com>
+ - (djm) ReliantUNIX support from Udo Schweigert <ust@cert.siemens.de>
+ - (djm) NeXT: dirent structures to get scp working from Ben Lindstrom
+ <mouring@pconline.com>
+ - (djm) Fix broken inet_ntoa check and ut_user/ut_name confusion, report
+ from Jim Watt <jimw@peisj.pebio.com>
+ - (djm) Replaced bsd-snprintf.c with one from Mutt source tree, it is known
+ to compile on more platforms (incl NeXT).
+ - (djm) Added bsd-inet_aton and configure support for NeXT
+ - (djm) Misc NeXT fixes from Ben Lindstrom <mouring@pconline.com>
+ - (djm) OpenBSD CVS updates:
+ - markus@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/06/26 03:22:29
+ [authfd.c]
+ cleanup, less cut&paste
+ - markus@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/06/26 15:59:19
+ [servconf.c servconf.h session.c sshd.8 sshd.c]
+ MaxStartups: limit number of unauthenticated connections, work by
+ theo and me
+ - deraadt@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/05 14:18:07
+ [session.c]
+ use no_x11_forwarding_flag correctly; provos ok
+ - provos@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/05 15:35:57
+ [sshd.c]
+ typo
+ - aaron@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/05 22:06:58
+ [scp.1 ssh-agent.1 ssh-keygen.1 sshd.8]
+ Insert more missing .El directives. Our troff really should identify
+ these and spit out a warning.
+ - todd@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/06 21:55:04
+ [auth-rsa.c auth2.c ssh-keygen.c]
+ clean code is good code
+ - deraadt@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/07 02:14:29
+ [serverloop.c]
+ sense of port forwarding flag test was backwards
+ - provos@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/08 17:17:31
+ [compat.c readconf.c]
+ replace strtok with strsep; from David Young <dyoung@onthejob.net>
+ - deraadt@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/08 19:21:15
+ [auth.h]
+ - ho@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/08 19:27:33
+ [compat.c readconf.c]
+ Better conditions for strsep() ending.
+ - ho@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/10 10:27:05
+ [readconf.c]
+ Get the correct message on errors. (niels@ ok)
+ - ho@cvs.openbsd.org 2000/07/10 10:30:25
+ [cipher.c kex.c servconf.c]
+ strtok() --> strsep(). (niels@ ok)
+ - (djm) Fix problem with debug mode and MaxStartups
+ - (djm) Don't generate host keys when $(DESTDIR) is set (e.g. during RPM
+ builds)
+ - (djm) Add strsep function from OpenBSD libc for systems that lack it
+ - (djm) Only enable PAM_TTY kludge for Linux. Problem report from
+ Kevin Steves <stevesk@sweden.hp.com>
+ - (djm) Match prototype and function declaration for rresvport_af.
+ Problem report from Niklas Edmundsson <nikke@ing.umu.se>
+ - (djm) Missing $(DESTDIR) on host-key target causing problems with RPM
+ builds. Problem report from Gregory Leblanc <GLeblanc@cu-portland.edu>
+ - (djm) Replace ut_name with ut_user. Patch from Jim Watt
+ <jimw@peisj.pebio.com>
+ - (djm) Fix pam sprintf fix
+ - (djm) Cleanup entropy collection code a little more. Split initialisation
+ from seeding, perform intialisation immediatly at start, be careful with
+ uids. Based on problem report from Jim Watt <jimw@peisj.pebio.com>
+ - (djm) More NeXT compatibility from Ben Lindstrom <mouring@pconline.com>
+ Including sigaction() et al. replacements
+ - (djm) AIX getuserattr() session initialisation from Tom Bertelson
+ <tbert@abac.com>
+ - (djm) Fix bad fprintf format handling in auth-pam.c. Patch from
+ Aaron Hopkins <aaron@die.net>
+ - (djm) Fix incorrect configure handling of --with-rsh-path option. Fix from
+ Lutz Jaenicke <Lutz.Jaenicke@aet.TU-Cottbus.DE>
+ - (djm) Fixed undefined variables for OSF SIA. Report from
+ Baars, Henk <Hendrik.Baars@nl.origin-it.com>
+ - (djm) Handle EWOULDBLOCK returns from read() and write() in atomicio.c
+ Fix from Marquess, Steve Mr JMLFDC <Steve.Marquess@DET.AMEDD.ARMY.MIL>
+ - (djm) Don't use inet_addr.
+ - (djm) Fix brace mismatch from Corinna Vinschen <vinschen@cygnus.com>
+ - (djm) Stop shadow expiry checking from preventing logins with NIS. Based
+ on fix from HARUYAMA Seigo <haruyama@nt.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
+ - (djm) Use standard OpenSSL functions in auth-skey.c. Patch from
+ Chris, the Young One <cky@pobox.com>
+ - (djm) Fix scp progress meter on really wide terminals. Based on patch
+ from James H. Cloos Jr. <cloos@jhcloos.com>
Announcing the release of portable OpenSSH 2.1.1p2.
+This release primarily contains fixes to the bugs that have been
+reported over the last month, in particular:
+ - Invalid time bring written to utmp/wtmp on systems using bash2
+ - Several lastlog fixes
+ - AIX, SCO, Irix portability fixes
+ - Avoid failures on PAM systems when using PAM authentication modules
+ which require a tty.
+ - Entropy collection fixes for Solaris.
+ - EGD robustness improvements
+ - Fixes and enhancements from the OpenBSD team:
+ - Fixed options processing in authorized_keys2 file
+ - Compatibility with commercial SSH 2.0.13 and 2.2.0
+ - Numerous minor fixes
+There are also a couple of new features:
+ - Shadow password expiry support (no password change support yet)
+ - Irix 6.x array sessions, project IDs and system audit trail IDs
+ - Beginnings of Tru64 / OSF SIA (Security Integration Architecture)
+ support
+ - Beginnings of NeXT support
+Version 2.1.1p2 will be available from the mirrors listed at
+http://www.openssh.com/portable.html (as soon as they update).
+Many thanks to all those who tested the snapshots and/or contributed
+bug reports and patches
+Damien Miller
Announcing the availability of portable OpenSSH 2.1.1p1.
+This release contains the fix for the "UseLogin yes" vulnerability
+identified in Markus' release and several other enhancements and
+bugfixes. Including:
+ - Better login code. Andre Lucas has rewritten the login code to
+ be much more modular and extensible. In the process he has fixed
+ the problems with Solaris utmp[x].
+ - Revised the entropy collection code to be faster and more reliable.
+ - Fix for RSA host restrictions ("from=" in authorized_keys)
+It is recommended that all users upgrade to this version.
+Portable OpenSSH 2.1.1p1 is available from one of the many mirrors
+listed at: http://www.openssh.com/portable.html
+Damien Miller
+This is to announce the release of openssh-2.1.0, the first stable
+release of portable OpenSSH to incorporate support for the SSH2
+The SSH2 protocol offers a number of advantages over the SSH1 protocol
+including standards compliance (SSH2 is on the IETF standards
+track[1]), improved security and operation without RSA (which is
+patented in some countries).
+The SSH2 support in OpenSSH has been developed by Markus Friedl, with
+support from the OpenBSD team.
+This is also the first version of the portable version of OpenSSH
+to offer built-in entropy collection. This removes the requirement
+for EGD on systems that lack a /dev/random driver. As a result,
+OpenSSH-2.1.0 now requires a recent version of OpenSSL[2] to compile
+(version 0.9.5 or later).
+NB. The portable version of OpenSSH is currently in the
+process of merging its webpages with the official OpenBSD
+project. Please use http://www.openssh.com/ from now
+on. Distribution files are also available from the mirrors listed at
+Please read http://www.openssh.com/report.html before reporting bugs.
+Patches, bug reports, developer and user queries are welcome on the
+mailing list (http://www.openssh.com/list.html).
+Damien Miller
+[1] http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/secsh-charter.html
+[2] http://www.openssl.org/
+The Unix/Linux port of OpenSSH 1.2.3 was released yesterday and should
+be available from a mirror near you. A mirror list is available from:
+This release fixes the bugs reported since 1.2.2p1 and contains many
+cleanups from the OpenBSD tree.
+In particular, the OpenSSL detection problems have been resolved.
+The layout has changed a little bit. The packages/ subdirectory has
+been replaced with a contrib/ subdirectory which contains platform
+specific code and other patches. Submissions are welcome.
+Damien Miller
+ - Clarified --with-default-path option.
+ - Added -blibpath handling for AIX to work around stupid runtime linking.
+ Problem elucidated by gshapiro@SENDMAIL.ORG by way of Jim Knoble
+ <jmknoble@pobox.com>
+ - Checks for 64 bit int types. Problem report from Mats Fredholm
+ <matsf@init.se>
+ - OpenBSD CVS updates:
+ - [atomicio.c auth-krb4.c bufaux.c channels.c compress.c fingerprint.c]
+ [packet.h radix.c rsa.c scp.c ssh-agent.c ssh-keygen.c sshconnect.c]
+ [sshd.c]
+ pedantic: signed vs. unsigned, void*-arithm, etc
+ - [ssh.1 sshd.8]
+ Various cleanups and standardizations.
+ - Runtime error fix for HPUX from Otmar Stahl
+ <O.Stahl@lsw.uni-heidelberg.de>
+ - Fixed configure not passing LDFLAGS to Solaris. Report from David G.
+ Hesprich <dghespri@sprintparanet.com>
+ - Propogate LD through to Makefile
+ - Doc cleanups
+ - Added blurb about "scp: command not found" errors to UPGRADING
+ - Fix broken CFLAGS handling during search for OpenSSL. Fixes va_list
+ problems with gcc/Solaris.
+ - Don't free argument to putenv() after use (in setenv() replacement).
+ Report from Seigo Tanimura <tanimura@r.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
+ - Created contrib/ subdirectory. Included helpers from Phil Hands'
+ Debian package, README file and chroot patch from Ricardo Cerqueira
+ <rmcc@clix.pt>
+ - Moved gnome-ssh-askpass.c to contrib directory and removed config
+ option.
+ - Slight cleanup to doc files
+ - Configure fix from Bratislav ILICH <bilic@zepter.ru>
+ - Include macro for IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED. Report from
+ peter@frontierflying.com
+ - Include /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib for systems that don't
+ do it themselves
+ - -R/usr/local/lib for Solaris
+ - Fix RSAref detection
+ - Fix IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED macro
+ - Detect RSAref
+ - OpenBSD CVS change
+ [sshd.c]
+ - disallow guessing of root password
+ - More configure fixes
+ - IPv6 workarounds from Hideaki YOSHIFUJI <yoshfuji@ecei.tohoku.ac.jp>
+ - OpenBSD CVS updates to v1.2.3
+ [ssh.h atomicio.c]
+ - int atomicio -> ssize_t (for alpha). ok deraadt@
+ [auth-rsa.c]
+ - delay MD5 computation until client sends response, free() early, cleanup.
+ [cipher.c]
+ - void* -> unsigned char*, ok niels@
+ [hostfile.c]
+ - remove unused variable 'len'. fix comments.
+ - remove unused variable
+ [log-client.c log-server.c]
+ - rename a cpp symbol, to avoid param.h collision
+ [packet.c]
+ - missing xfree()
+ - getsockname() requires initialized tolen; andy@guildsoftware.com
+ - use getpeername() in packet_connection_is_on_socket(), fixes sshd -i;
+ from Holger.Trapp@Informatik.TU-Chemnitz.DE
+ [pty.c pty.h]
+ - register cleanup for pty earlier. move code for pty-owner handling to
+ pty.c ok provos@, dugsong@
+ [readconf.c]
+ - turn off x11-fwd for the client, too.
+ [rsa.c]
+ - PKCS#1 padding
+ [scp.c]
+ - allow '.' in usernames; from jedgar@fxp.org
+ [servconf.c]
+ - typo: ignore_user_known_hosts int->flag; naddy@mips.rhein-neckar.de
+ - sync with sshd_config
+ [ssh-keygen.c]
+ - enable ssh-keygen -l -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts, ok deraadt@
+ [ssh.1]
+ - Change invalid 'CHAT' loglevel to 'VERBOSE'
+ [ssh.c]
+ - suppress AAAA query host when '-4' is used; from shin@nd.net.fujitsu.co.jp
+ - turn off x11-fwd for the client, too.
+ [sshconnect.c]
+ - missing xfree()
+ - retry rresvport_af(), too. from sumikawa@ebina.hitachi.co.jp.
+ - read error vs. "Connection closed by remote host"
+ [sshd.8]
+ - ie. -> i.e.,
+ - do not link to a commercial page..
+ - sync with sshd_config
+ [sshd.c]
+ - no need for poll.h; from bright@wintelcom.net
+ - log with level log() not fatal() if peer behaves badly.
+ - don't panic if client behaves strange. ok deraadt@
+ - make no-port-forwarding for RSA keys deny both -L and -R style fwding
+ - delay close() of pty until the pty has been chowned back to root
+ - oops, fix comment, too.
+ - missing xfree()
+ - move XAUTHORITY to subdir. ok dugsong@. fixes debian bug #57907, too.
+ (http://cgi.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?archive=no&bug=57907) - register cleanup for pty earlier. move code for pty-owner handling to
+ pty.c ok provos@, dugsong@
+ - create x11 cookie file
+ - fix pr 1113, fclose() -> pclose(), todo: remote popen()
+ - version 1.2.3
+ - Cleaned up
+ - Removed warning workaround for Linux and devpts filesystems (no longer
+ required after OpenBSD updates)
+ - Configure fix from Hiroshi Takekawa <takekawa@sr3.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
+It gives me no little pleasure to announce the first stable release
+of the Unix port of OpenSSH.
+It is available in tar.gz and RPM format from one of the mirrors
+listed at:
+This release fixes all known issues and is known to compile and
+function on (at least) recent releases on Linux, Solaris, HPUX and SCO
+Please review the ChangeLog[1] for details on what has changed since
+the last release.
+I am holding off on a wider announcement until the mirrors have
+Thanks to everyone who assisted with testing, bug reports, success
+stories and most of all, patches :) Special thanks to the OpenBSD
+developers for giving us OpenSSH to begin with.
+Damien Miller
+[1] http://violet.ibs.com.au/openssh/files/ChangeLog
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf7f47a9
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@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ Pico: Of Being and Unity
1. In this translation I have used the text of the 1557 (Venice) edition of Pico's Opera Omnia, as reprinted by Festugière in Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age Vol. VII (1932), pp. 208-224, which text I have compared with that of the 1519 edition, available to me at the Newberry Library, Chicago. I have been aided by Father Festugière's French version of the Latin original, as well as by his notes. I have accepted Festugière's emendations of the text.
To Angelo Poliziano
You were telling me lately of the dispute which you and Lorenzo de' Medici had concerning being and unity, and how, taking his stand with the Platonists, that man of a genius so powerful and versatile that he seems made for all things, who finds (wonderful to relate!) even in the incessant occupations of the State leisure for some literary study or conversation, argued against Aristotle, whose Ethics you expounded publicly this year. And since those who estrange Aristotle from Plato estrange themselves also from my point of view -- for I hold to the concord of both systems --, you ask me how we might defend the Stagirite on this point and bring him into agreement with his master, Plato. I have told you what came into my mind at that time, and it was rather a confirmation of your own objections against Lorenzo than a contribution of anything new. But you are not content with that. Without waiting for the developments which will come to the subject in my future Concord of Plato and Aristotle,2 you beg me to run over for you now, in the shape of a brief commentary, those things which I told you in the presence of our friend Domenico Benevieni, so dear to us for his knowledge and his integrity. How can I refuse you? Especially in a literary matter like this, and in the case of a friend who is almost my self? Pardon me, nevertheless, if I risk at times to employ words which perhaps have not yet received the stamp of true Latinity. The novelty of the subject, and I might almost say necessity, have demanded this license. Do not then expect a style too elegant and chaste. As our Malius3 says, the subject itself needs no ornament; simple exposition is enough. The following, therefore, if I remember well, were the things about which we had a discussion.
2. This was the projected work left unwritten because of Pico's early death.
Chapter I. For the Neo-Platonists Unity precedes Being.
In more than one place Aristotle says that unity and being are convertible and reciprocal (the same is true of truth and goodness, but we shall speak of these later). This the followers of the Academy4 denied, saying that the one is anterior to being; by which they meant that they regarded the former as a concept more simple and universal. Wherefore they would define even God, the Sovereign Simplicity, as the One rather than as Being. Similarly, say they, prime matter, that crude and formless matter which is found in all things, ought to be included under the category of the one, and therefore they would exclude it from the category of being. Then, they say, unity and being have not the same opposites: to being is opposed non-being, to the one, the many. By the same law, therefore, by which their opposites are reckoned as two, being and unity are to be considered non-convertible and non-reciprocal.
4. Pico means especially the Neo-Platonists Plotinus and Proclus. Cf. L. Robin La théorie platonicienne des Idées et der Nombres d'après Aristote, (Paris 1908), passim: E. Brehier, Les idées philosophiques et religieuses de Philon d'Alexandrie, (Paris, 1908), 71 ff.
Chapter II. Plato nowhere says that the one is superior to being, but rather that the two are equal.
Such are the reasons they rest upon. Before we refute them, it would not be impertinent to find out what Plato himself thought on this point. I discover that he treats twice of being and unity: namely, in the Paramenides and in the Sophist. In these two places, therefore, according to the Academy, Plato gives the one priority over being.
I shall say at once, as regards the Parmenides, that in this entire dialogue one does not find a single strict affirmation,5 and that, in any case, even if there were such an affirmation, nothing would allow one to draw such an inference with certitude. Actually there is nothing less dogmatic than this hook, which, taken in its totality, is nothing else than a sort of exercise in dialectic.6 Indeed, so far are the words of this dialogue from being opposed to my opinion, that all the attempts of critics to read something else into them achieve only arbitrary and willful interpretations. But let us dismiss all the critics. Let us instead inquire into the argument of the dialogue itself, and examine its beginning and its development, its promises and its performance.
5. Cf. Dié, ed. Parmenides, pp. 46: 'L'argumentation de Parmenide est donnée comme un jeu laborieux. Les Neo-platoniciennes, qui prennent 'laborieux' au sens de 'sérieux' . . . ont tiré de ce jeu toute une argumentation.' Cornford, Plato and Parmenides, (London, 1939), p. vii, writes: 'The conviction that Plato's purpose was serious and not merely destructive grows, the more clearly the Hypotheses are studied. If it is justified, the theory of the humorous polemic falls to the ground.
6. Cf. Cornford, op. cit., 131: 'What Parmenides offered Socrates was a gymnastic exercise, not the disclosure of a supreme divinity.'
Here, then, is the content of the Parmenides:
The discussion having started with the question whether all things that exist are one or many,7 Socrates turned it in the direction of the problem of ideas and overwhelmed Parmenides with questions on that subject,8 whereupon the latter exclaimed how he admired that transport, that energy of mind, which drove Socrates on to the definition of the highest truths.9 'Exercise yourself,' -- these are Parmenides' words -- 'train yourself thoroughly in this gymnastic while you are still young. Many will call it vanity, and accuse you of trifling and prating; yet if ever you cease from it, truth will escape you.'10 Everyone recognizes, -- and what follows makes it plain -- that Parmenides is here referring to dialectic.
10.Ibid., 135d 3-5. Pico's translation of Plato's words follows that of Marsilio Ficino pretty closely. Cf. Ficino, Divini Platonis Opera Omnia, (Lugd., 1588), 46: 'Caeterum collige teipsum, diligentiusque te in ea facultate exerce, quae inutilis esse videtur multis, et quaedam garrulitas nuncupatur, dum iuvenis es, alioquin te veritas fugiet.'
Thereupon, a propos of a new query of Socrates -- 'But in what, Parmenides, does this gymnastic consist?' -- the sage answered by first referring him to Zeno's argument as his model. Then, passing on to a more particular instruction, he with ingenious subtlety invites his adversary to consider not only what would follow from the existence of an object, but also what would follow from its non-existence; for example, in the case of this thing (the one) of which we posit or deny the existence, one must inquire what would follow both as regards the thing in itself, and in regard to other things, and, as regards other things, both in themselves and in respect to the one.11 While he is preparing to develop these points, Socrates cries out: "What a difficult task you set me there! I do not completely understand. But why do you not demonstrate this method which you vaunt so highly, by giving me a model on some point? I should then understand it better." Parmenides replies that this would be a great labor for a man of his advanced years. Thereupon Zeno insists that Parmenides ought to speak because the assembly is not numerous; if it were, the case would be different, for it is not becoming that an old man treat of such matters before a large public, since few people understand that it is necessary to consider questions so discursively in order to attain the truth.12
11. Pico is here translating the Greek text, 136a 3, in a somewhat too condensed form.
These words of Zeno fully confirm what we have said concerning the nature of the subject which Parmenides is going to treat. They do so at any rate if one agrees with Zeno that 'it is not becoming that an old man treat of such matters before a large public.' If, as some pretend,13 it were a question here of the divine hierarchies, of the first principle of all things, what discourse could we imagine more appropriate to an old man, or less calculated to make him blush? But it is beyond all dispute (unless we want to deceive ourselves) that Parmenides' subject is the dialectic method; besides, Socrates had demanded nothing else. Now, it is precisely such a subject which is, to Zeno, appropriate to a young man rather than to an old one. But for those who want other proofs, let us run through this dialogue. We shall nowhere find any dogmatic assertion, but everywhere only this question: 'If this is, what follows, and what if this is not?'
The Academy, however, has taken occasion to defend its doctrine regarding being and unity because, in the first hypothesis,14 where he attacks the problem: if all things are one, what follows? Parmenides answers that that one of which existence is posited would be without parts, limitless, and therefore would be nothing;15 among many conclusions of this kind, he brings up this: 'that sort of one would not be being.'16 But is this not a mere exercise in dialectic? Is it really a dogmatic discourse on unity and being? There is a great difference between these two assertions: 'the one is above being,' and 'if all things are one, that one is not being.' But enough of the Parmenides.
As regards the Sophist, Plato there rather indicates the equivalence of unity and being17 than the priority of the one over being. Nowhere, indeed, do I find him speaking of priority, whereas there is an abundance of texts indicating equivalence. Take for example this passage: 'considering the question thus, you will confess that to say "something" is to say "some one thing;" and soon after: "He who says "not something" necessarily says "not some one thing," that is, he says nothing." '18
Thus Plato. Not-one and nothing are therefore for him the same, rather, identical. Then the one and something are equal. After this he proves in the same way that it is impossible to say that not-being is one, and concludes thus: 'Being cannot be coupled with non-being;19 therefore unity cannot be coupled with non-being.'20 Now, he is speaking here of the unity which he had already called equal to that which is something. It seems then that he holds the identity of being and unity to be beyond doubt.
Very well. We may agree that Plato arrived at that affirmation, though we do not find it explicitly stated in any of his writings. Let us see, then, in what sense it might have been so stated. And first of all let us discuss in these terms the foundations of the doctrine of Aristotle.21
21. Cf. Cornford, op. cit., 110-111: "It was from the Parmenides and from countless discussions to which it must have given rise that Aristotle learnt the maxim he so often repeats: 'One' and 'being' are used in many senses. But whereas Aristotle as a rule sets out with a systematic enumeration of the meanings of ambiguous terms, Plato makes his point by indirect procedure. . . . As we proceed, we shall find that Plato, in scattered passages, unobtrusively indicates the many ambiguities lurking in the phrase: 'If a One (or the One) is.' . . . Owing to certain peculiarities of Greek grammar, 'the one' (to en) can mean (1) Unity or Oneness in general; (2) the unity of anything that has unity or is one thing; (3) that which has unity, anything that is one; (4) the one thing we are speaking of as opposed to 'other ones,' and so on. The words for 'being' (to on, einai, ousia) are even more ambiguous, 'Being' can mean (1) the sort of being that belongs to any entity, whether it exists or not; (2) an entity which has being in this sense, any term that can be the subject of a true statement (3) the essence or nature of a thing; (4) existence; (5) that which has existence, or (collectively) all that exists."
Chapter III. From the testimony of Parmenides, of Dionysius, and of Simplicius, we conclude the convertibility of unity and being.
This word being, concerning which there is doubt whether it is equal to the concept unity, can be taken in two senses. The first is this: When we say 'being' we may mean anything that is outside of nothing. This is the sense of the word with Aristotle, wherever he makes being equivalent to unity. And this meaning is not unreasonable, for, as it is truly said, we ought to think with the few, but talk like the many. We think and judge for ourselves; we speak for the multitude, and we speak so that we may be understood. The vulgar, then, the unsophisticated, so understand being that they call anything 'being' (ens) which does not lack existence (esse), and which cannot properly be called nothing. But do we not find that those who are considered the wisest among the opposition22 have not understood being in any other way?
22. I.e. the Neo-Platonists who make unity superior to being.
When Parmenides the Pythagorean said that the one is that which is, he meant God, if we credit Simplicius23 and all the many others who want to defend Parmenides against those who falsely accuse him of saying that all things are one.24 For they all agree in answering that, in employing the word 'one', Parmenides never believed that division, multiplicity, and plurality do not attach to things, since in other passages of his poems he himself openly affirms the contrary. But, they say, when he said 'one' what he meant is that to which the name of being truly applies, and which is truly the one being (esse), which one is God. Thus, for Parmenides and his defenders, even the 'Platonists,' the one cannot be above being unless it be above God. However, far from denying that God is being, it is to God alone that Parmenides accords, as is in truth fitting, the name of being. And so we solve the first difficulty of the 'Platonists.'
23. Simplicius, In Phys., (ed. H. Diels, Berlin, 1882) t. I, p.147, 12.
24. The universe -- a pantheistic interpretation, the only legitimate one, Cf. Cornford, op. cit., 29: "This One Being is not a mere abstraction; it proves to be a single continuous and homogeneous substance filling the whole of space."
As regards Dionysius the Areopagite,25 whom our opponents invoke in favor of their opinion, he will not deny that God verily said to Moses: 'I am who am,' which reads in Greek: egw eimi o wn, that is, 'I am being' (ens). Of a truth, they themselves, when they say that nothing, or non-being is opposed to being as the many to the one, concede that of necessity that which is not being is nothing or non-being, in just the same way that what is not one is multiple or plurality. However, if they observe the same manner of speaking, they must say either that God is nothing, which appalls the ears, or that He is being. But to understand being in this fashion is to return to that which we have established as the first axiom and universal proposition, namely, that concerning anything it is necessary to say that it is or is not, and that concerning anything it is impossible to say or think both together at the same time. Since, therefore, outside of everything there is nothing but nothingness itself, if being understood in this sense excludes nothing but only nothingess, it is evidently necessary that being encompass all that is. Therefore the extension of unity cannot be greater unless it included nothingness itself, a possibility which Plato denies in the Sophist when he says that non-being or nothing cannot be called one. Besides, if unity cannot have less extension than being, it follows that being and unity must be convertible concepts.
25. Cf. The Divine Names, I, paragraph 6 (Patrologia Graeca, vol. III, 596 A-B). A convenient English translation of this work as well as of the Mystical Theology may be found in C. E. Rolt, Dionysius the Areopagite, (Macmillan, 1920).
Chapter IV. In what sense one can say that something is superior to being.
We have explained one of the senses which we said could be given to being. Understanding it so, -- a perfectly legitimate usage of the word -- one affirms most truly that there is nothing more common than being. It remains to explain the second sense, according to which it will be manifest that one can no less justly say that there is something that surpasses in eminence being itself.
Words are either concrete or abstract. Concrete are, for example, hot, bright, white, man; abstract: heat, light, whiteness, humanity. This is their power and diversity: that what is called abstract connotes that which is such by itself (a se), not by another (ab alio), while concrete signifies that which is what it is not by itself, but by virtue of another. Thus the luminous is such in virtue of light, the white is such through whiteness, and man is man by virtue of his humanity. Moreover, since there is nothing which participates in itself, and since the same thing cannot possess the same quality at the same time by itself (a se) and by participation in another thing, it follows that the abstract cannot take its denomination from the concrete. Wherefore it is incongruous to say that whiteness is white, blackness black. Indeed, it is ridiculous to speak thus, not because whiteness is black or heat cold, but because such is the distance of the one from blackness and of the other from coldness, that all that is white is so by participation in the first, and all that is hot is so by participation in the second. When, then, we refuse to attribute such or such qualities to such or such an object, it is either because that object does not possess them, for example in the expression "black is not white," or because we want to signify that it possesses them in a more excellent and more perfect way than we do: as when we deny that whiteness is white, not because it is black, but because it is whiteness itself.
But let us return to the subject. The word 'being' (ens) has the aspect of a concrete word. For to say 'being' (ens) and to say 'that which is' (id quod est) is to say the same thing. The abstract of this would seem to be the word esse, in that one calls ens that which participates in esse, in the same way that one calls luminous that which participates in light.26 If we look at this meaning of being which we have thus defined, we shall have to deny being not only to that which is not, and to that which is nothing, but also to that which is so that it is that being (esse) itself which is of itself (ex se) and by itself (a se), and by participation in which all things are: just as we not only deny that that is hot which lacks heat, but also that which is heat itself. Now, such is God, the plenitude of all being, the sole being a se, and from Whom alone, without the intervention of any intermediary, all things have come to be.
We have, therefore, the right to say that God is not being but is above being, and that there is something to being, namely God Himself. If we give to God the name of the One, it follows that we avow the one to be above being.
However, in calling God the One, we do so less to indicate what He is than to show in what manner He is all that is, and how other beings are through Him, 'God is called the One,' says Denys, 'because He is in a unique way all things,'27 and again: 'God is called the one because He is the principle of all things, just as unity is the principle of all numbers.28 Wherefore if (as the Academy pretends) Plato, in the first hypothesis of the Parmenides, affirms that the one is superior to being, that one will be nothing else than God. They (the Academy), indeed, themselves recognize this, since they admit by universal consensus that Plato here treats of the first principle of all things.29
27.The Divine Names, I, paragraph 7. (P. G., III, 596 D).
28.Ibid., II, paragraphs 4 and 11; V, paragraph 6.
29. Plotinus, Ennead V, I, 8. The Parmenides of Plato distinguishes the First One, or the one in the proper sense of the word; the second, which he calls the One-Many; and the third, or 'One-and-Many.' The First One is for the Neo-Platonists God Himself.
But, some will say, on this point at least Aristotle differs from Plato, for Aristotle never understands being as subordinate to the one and as not including God in its extension. Those who speak in this way have not read Aristotle, for he does this very thing, and much more plainly than Plato.
In the sixth book of his Metaphysics30 he divides being into being-by-itself (per se) and being-by-accident (per accidens). When being-by-itself (per se) is divided into ten categories, there is no doubt on the part of good interpreters of the philosopher that God is not included under this being, since He is neither being-by-accident nor is He contained under any one of the ten classes into which being per se is divided. Nothing is more of a commonplace among the Peripatetics than that division of being into substance and accident. Since this is so, we understand being so that God is above being and not below it, as St. Thomas himself teaches in the first book of his Commentaries on the Theological Sentences.31 I shall add that certain Platonists do wrong in vaunting themselves as if they possessed a secret unknown to Aristotle, when they say that God has two proper appellations, namely, the One and the Good, as if the good and the one were superior to being. Just as we have demonstrated that it did not escape the Peripatetics in what sense God can be understood as superior to being, so we are able to show that it was particularly these two names, the Good and the One, that Aristotle gave to God.
31.Commentum in libros IV. Sententiarum Magistri Petri Lombardi I, dist. xix, q. 4, ad 2 and esp. dist. xxiv, q. I, a. 1.
In the second book of the Metaphysics,32 after having treated of being in its totality and of separate minds,33 he asks finally (as if, after all the rest, he wanted to turn to the investigation of the attributes of God alone), if, besides the good which is in the universality of things as in an army, there were some separate good like the person of the chief of this army, and he answers that this good exists, and that it is God. Of this God, in the same chapter, he demonstrates the unity, citing in testimony of this, after strong arguments, the phrase of Homer; eiz koiranoV estw, eiV basileuV.34 Where then is his error? Where is Aristotle at odds with Plato? Wherein is he profane? Wherein does he fail to give God the honors which are due to Him?
33. This book of the Metaphysics first studies sensible substance in its elements and its structure (ch. 1 to 5), then incorporeal immobile substance (ch. 6 to 10). The complex problem of the different first movers is touched on in ch. 8. The comparison with the army occurs in ch. 10, 1075 a 11 ff.
34. 10, 1076 a 4. Cf. Iliad II, 204. Pico misquotes Aristotle, who quotes Homer correctly: ouk agaqon polukoiranih: eiV koiranoV estw.
Chapter V. In which is shown why the Peripatetics attribute to God many qualities which the Platonists deny Him, and how one may ascend through four degrees even to the cloud which God inhabits.35
35. This entire chapter is inspired by the Mystical Theology of the Pseudo-Denys.
Let us respond now to the arguments which the Platonists invoke to sustain against Aristotle -- not in the sense with which we agree, but absolutely speaking -- the superiority of the one over being. We have, I think, already answered adequately the first of these arguments by which God is considered one and nevertheless is not being, but it is worth the labor to pursue the discussion in order to show that not only with the Platonists and Peripatetics, who disagree with one another, but often in the same single writer, there can be, with respect to the divine attributes, many affirmations and many negations equally just.
God is everything, and he is everything in the most eminent and perfect way. Now, He would not be this unless He included in Himself all perfections in such a manner that He rejected all that has to do with imperfection in things. However, one must distinguish two kinds of imperfection. On the one hand, that is imperfect which in its class does not attain the perfection of that class or type. On the other, that is imperfect which, although perfect of its kind, is not absolutely perfect, because it has only the perfections of its kind, and there exist outside of it a number of kinds of things enriched with perfections that are proper to them and which, on its part, it does not include. As an example of the first case consider sense-knowledge, the imperfection of which comes not only from the fact that it is merely knowledge, and not appetition, but also from the fact that it is an imperfect kind of knowledge, both because of the organs which it must use, and which are brute and corporeal, and because it attains only to the superficial aspects of things and does not penetrate to the innermost reality, namely, the substance. So likewise is that human knowledge which one calls rational an imperfect knowledge, being vague, uncertain, mobile, and laborious. Even the intellectual knowledge36 of those divine intelligences called angels by the theologians, is nothing but an imperfect knowledge, if only because of the obligation it is under to seek without that which it does not possess within, at least in plenitude, namely, the light of truth which it needs for its actuation.
36. 'Intellectualem cognitionem,' (Mirandola) This is the classical distinction between discursive thought, logoV dianoia, and intuitive thought, nomsiV According to the Mystical Theology, ch. 3, It is necessary to pass beyond both before attaining God.
Take another example: life. The life which resides in plants, indeed that which moves every body, is imperfect not only because it is life and not appetition, but because it is not pure life, but rather an influx of life derived from the soul in the body, constantly flowing, constantly mixed with death, fitter indeed to be called death than life. Are you unaware of it? We begin to die as soon as we begin to live, and death extends along with life, so that we stop dying only at that instant when corporeal death delivers us from the body of this death.37 But even the life of the angels is not perfect: unless the unifying ray of the Divine light incessantly vitalized it, it would slip completely into nothingness. So for all the rest. When therefore you make God knowing and living, attend first to this, that the life and knowledge which you ascribe to Him be understood as free from all these detriments.
But this is not enough. There remains the second kind of imperfection, of which the following is an example.38 Imagine the most perfect kind of life possible, a life completely or perfectly alive, having in it nothing mortal, nothing mixed with death, a life which needs nothing outside or itself by means of which to remain stable and permanent. Imagine likewise a kind of knowledge which perceives everything at once and perfectly. Add this: that he who thus knows all things, knows them in himself and need not search outside himself the truth to be known, but be himself the very truth. Nay, to whatever high degree of perfection this life and this knowledge have attained in their proper natures, and though one could find them nowhere except in God, if, even in this degree of perfection one divides the one from the other, they are unworthy of God.
38. On this point cf. the Mystical Theology, chapters 4 and 5.
For God, in short, is perfection in all its modes and in an infinite manner, but He is not such perfection merely because He comprehends in Himself all particular perfections and those in infinite number. For in that case, neither would He Himself be perfectly simple, nor would the perfections which are in Him be infinite; but He would be nothing more than a unique infinite, composed of many things infinite in number but finite in perfection.39 Now, to think or speak so of God is blasphemous. However, if the most perfect life possible is nonetheless only life, and not knowledge, and the same for all other similar perfections which are assembled in God, there will manifestly ensue a divine life of finite perfection, since it will have the perfection which pertains to life and not that which pertains to knowledge or to appetition. Let us then take from life not only that which makes life imperfect, but also that which makes it life merely, and do the same as regards knowledge and the other qualities which we have ascribed to God. Then what remains of all this will necessarily correspond to the idea which we want to have of God, namely, a Being one, absolutely perfect, infinite, altogether simple. And since life is a certain particular being, and wisdom likewise, and justice, if we remove from them this condition of particularity and limitation, that which remains will not be this or that being, but being itself, simple being, being universal, not with the universality of attribution but with the universality of perfection.40 Similarly wisdom is a particular good, because it is that good which is wisdom, and not that other which is justice. Take away, says St. Augustine,41 this, and take away that, that is to say, this limitation of particularity by which wisdom is that good called wisdom, and not that good called justice, and by which, similarly, justice has the particular goodness of justice and not that of wisdom; then only will you see in an obscure way42 the face of God, i.e. all good in itself, simple good, the good of all good. So also as life is a particular thing, it is one particular thing. For it is a certain perfection; and similarly wisdom is a certain perfection. Cast off the particularity, and there remains, not this or that unity, but the one itself, the absolute One. Since therefore God is that being which, as we said in the beginning, when the imperfections of all things are removed, is all things, certainly that which remains when you have rejected from all things both that imperfection which each one possesses in its kind, and that particularity which reduces each to one kind, will assuredly be God. God is, then, Being itself, the one Himself, the Good, and the True.
39. On this distinction between the quantitative infinite and the infinite of perfection, cf. St. Thomas, Summa Theologica, I, q. 7, a. 1 to 4.
40. That is to say, not abstract analogous being, but this concrete infinite being which is God.
41. Cf. Enarrationes in Psalmos, (Migue Patrologia Latina vols. XXXVI-XXXVII, 1490, 1741) in Ps. cxxxiv: "Dixit (Deus) Ego sum qui sum . . . non dixit Dominus Deus ille omnipotens, misericors, justus . . . Sublatis de medio omnibus quibus appellari posset et dici Deus, ipsum esse se vocari respondit et tamquam non esset ei nomen, hoc dices eis, inquit, qui est misit me."
42. 'In enigmate' (Mirandola). Cf. the Mystical Theology on this matter of the Divine darkness.
In thus purifying the Divine names of all the stains that come from the imperfection of the things signified by them, we have already moved two steps in the ascent to the cloud which God inhabits. There remain two more, one of which indicates the deficiency of language, the other the weakness of our intelligence.
These terms: being (ens), true, one, good, signify something concrete and as it were participated; wherefore we say again of God that He is being (esse) itself, truth itself, goodness itself, unity itself. Thus far indeed we are in the light, but God has placed His dwelling in the shadows.43 We have then not yet come to God himself. So long, in short, as that which we say of God is fully understood and entirely comprehended, we are in the light. But all that we say and perceive thus is a mere trifle, considering the infinite distance which separates Divinity from the capacity of our minds. In climbing to the fourth step we enter into the light of ignorance,44 and, blinded by the cloud of the Divine splendor, we cry out with the Prophet: 'I have fainted in Thy halls, O Lord,'45 finally declaring this one thing about God, that He is incomprehensibly and ineffably above all that we can speak or think of most perfect, placing Him pre-eminently above that unity and that goodness and that truth which we had conceived, and above being (esse) itself. Thus Denys the Areopagite, when he had written his Symbolic Theology, his Theological Institutes,46 the treatise on the Divine Names, and the Mystical Theology, and come to the end of the last-mentioned work, like a man already, so to speak, standing in the darkness and trying to find words most adequate to God, after some essays exclaimed: 'He is neither truth nor kingdom, nor unity, nor divinity,47 nor goodness, nor spirit, as we know it; one cannot apply to Him the names of son or of father or of any other things in the world known to us or to any other being. He is nothing of that which is not, nothing of that which is. Things which are do not know Him as He is, nor does He know things as they are.48 of Him there is no definition, neither is there a name nor a science of Him. He is neither darkness nor light, neither error nor truth,49 in short, every affirmation and every negation in regard to Him is equally impossible.' This is how that divine man expresses it.
43. Psal. XVII, 12: 'Et posuit tenebras latibulum suum, in circuitu ejus tabernaculum; tenebrosa aqua nubibus aeris.'
44. Cf. the 'superessential light of the Divine darkness' in the Mystical Theology, ch. I, paragraph 1, and the De Docta Ignorantia of Nicholas Cusanus. The latter work is available in a new critical edition by E. Hoffmann and R. Klibansky (Leipzig, 1932).
45. Psal. LXXXIII. 3: 'Deficit anima mea in atria Domini.'
46. I.e. the Hypotyposes theologicae. Cf. the Mystical Theology, ch. 3, where all these works are named.
47. Cf. C. E. Rolt's note (Dionysius the Areopagite, N.Y., 1920, p. 200, No. 2): "Godhead (divinity) is regarded as the property of deified men, and so belongs to relativity."
48. Cf. Rolt (ibid., 200, No. 3): "It (God) knows only Itself, and there knows all things in their Super-Essence-sub specie aeternitatis."
49. Rolt (200, No. 4): "Truth is an object of thought. Therefore, being beyond objectivity, the ultimate Reality is not Truth. But still less is it Error." I should rather say that truth is a relation or quality, and that since God transcends all relationship and all quality, He is not truth but THE TRUE.
Let us gather up our conclusions. We learn, then, in the first degree, that God is not body, as the Epicureans say, nor the form of a body, as those say who affirm that God is the soul of the sky and of the universe -- the opinion of the Egyptians, according to the testimony of Plutarch50 and Varro the Roman theologian,51 whence they draw great nourishment for idolatry. Yet there are some even among the Peripatetics52 so stupid as to hold this the true doctrine and moreover as the teaching of Aristotle. How far they are from knowing God truly! They rest in the starting-place as if they had already reached the goal, and believe themselves already come to the heights of the Divinity while in fact they are lying on the ground and have not even begun to move a foot towards Him. For from this point of view God could be neither perfect life nor perfect being nor even perfect intelligence. But we have elaborately confuted these profane opinions in the fifth section of our Concordia.53
50.De Iside et Osiride, 49. Osiris is the nouV of the world-soul, Typhon its paqhtikon, seat of the passions.
53. I.e. the Symphonia Platonis et Aristotelis described in my Introduction, p. 4, above.
We learn, in the second degree, a truth which few men understand correctly, and in regard to which we risk deceiving ourselves the more however little we deviate from true intelligence, namely, that God is neither life nor intelligence nor intelligible, but something better and more excellent than all these. For all these names state one particular perfection, and there is nothing of the sort in God. Mindful of this, Denys54 and the Platonists have denied God life, intellect, wisdom, and the like. But since God unites and gathers up in Himself by His unique perfection which is His infinitude, in short, Himself, the totality of perfection which is found is these divided and multiplied, and because He does this not as a unity composed of these multiple perfections, but as a unity anterior to them, certain philosophers, especially the Peripatetics,54a imitated insofar as is permissible on almost all these points by the theologians of Paris,54b concede that all these perfections are in God. We agree with them, and we believe that in so doing we are not only thinking justly but that we are at the same time in agreement with those who deny these same perfections, on condition that we never lose sight of what St. Augustine says,55 namely, that God's wisdom is not more wisdom than justice, His justice not more justice than wisdom, nor His knowledge more knowledge than life. For all these things are in God one, not by confusion of mixture, or mutual penetration of distinct entities, but by a simple, sovereign, ineffable, and fundamental unity in which actuality, all form, all perfection, hidden as if in the supreme and pre-eminent jewel in the treasury of the Divine Infinity, are enclosed so excellently above and beyond all things that it is not only intimate to all things, but rather united with all things more closely than they are with themselves. Assuredly words fail us, altogether unable to express this concept.
54a. Pico is no doubt referring here to the authentic Aristotelian tradition of Alexander and Thimistitis (the latter lately edited by Ermolao Barbaro) which found itself opposed, in the 15th century, to the Arabianizing tradition and to the Averroism of Padua.
55. Cf. Sermo CCCXL, I, ch. 5 (P. L. 38, 1482); ch. 7 (ibid., 39, 1498).
But see, my dear Angelo, what folly possesses us! While we are in the body we are able to love God better than we can know or describe Him. In loving there is for us more profit, and less labor , the more we obey this tendency. Nevertheless, we prefer constantly to seek through knowledge, never finding what we seek, rather than to possess through love that which without love would be found in vain. But let us return to our subject. You already see plainly by what convention one can call God spirit, intelligence, life, wisdom, and on the other hand place Him above all these determinations, both having good proofs to witness to their truth and their accord. Nor does Plato dissent from Aristotle, because when, in the sixth book of the Republic,56 he calls God "the idea of the Good" which surpasses intelligibles, he shows Him giving to Intelligence the power of intellection, and to intelligibles their intelligibility,57 while the latter of them (Aristotle) defines God as the being who is at once intelligence, intellect, and intelligible.58 Denys the Areopagite, also, though he talks like Plato, is nevertheless obliged to affirm with Aristotle that God is ignorant neither of Himself nor of other beings; wherefore, if He knows Himself, it is because He is both intelligence and intelligible; for he who knows himself is necessarily both knower and known. And yet, if we consider these perfections as particular perfections, as I have said, or if, when we say intelligence, we mean to signify that nature which tends to the intelligible as to something exterior to itself, there is no doubt that Aristotle, like the Platonists, would firmly deny that God is intelligence or intelligible.
56.Republic VI, 509 b, where God is called, not an essence, but something far above essence in dignity and in power.
57. "Et intelligibilia statuat dantem illis quidem ut intelligant, his autem ut intelligantur." (Mirandola.)
In the third degree, the more we approach the darkness, the more light we have to see that not only is God not (impious to say!) something imperfect or a mutilated being, as He would be if we called Him a body, or the soul of a body, or an animated being composed of soul and body, nor some particular genus however perfect, which human wisdom can fashion,59 like life, or spirit, or reason, but that we ought to conceive of Him as superior to all that these universal terms which include in their extension all things, i.e., the one, the true, the good, and being, signify.
59. Cf. I Corinthians II, 13: "Quae et loquimur non in doctis humanae sapientiae verbis sed in doctrina Spiritus, spiritualibus spiritualia comparatites."
In the fourth degree, finally, we know Him as superior not only to these four transcendentals, but also to every idea which we could form, to every essence which we could conceive Him to be. Then only, with this total ignorance, does true knowledge commence.
From all this we conclude that God is not only the being than which, according to St. Anselm,60 nothing higher can be conceived, but the being who infinitely transcends all that can be imagined, as David the prophet put it in the Hebrew: "Silence alone is Thy, praise."61
60.Proslogion, ch. xv (P. L., 158, 235): "Domine, non solum es quo majus cogitari nequit; sed es quiddam majus quam cogitari possit."
So much for the solution of the first difficulty. The window is now wide open for a true understanding of the books composed by Denys the Areopagite on Mystical Theology and The Divine Names. Here we must avoid two mistakes: either to make too little of works whose value is great, or, seeing that we understand them so ill, to fashion for ourselves idle fancies and inextricable commentaries.
Chapter VI. In which is solved the second difficulty of the Platonists, namely that with respect to prime matter.
As regards their objection on the subject of prime matter, this is frivolous. For insofar as this matter is being, it has unity. Indeed, those who wish to follow Plato's words to the letter, must concede that it has less unity than it has being. For Plato it is not nothing, but a sort of receptacle of forms, a kind of nurse, a special kind of nature and similar things, as he establishes in the Timaeus.62 It is therefore not nothing; it is not altogether outside of being, if we credit Plato, who even calls it, in his Philebus,63 not merely multiplicity -- opposed to the one as nothing is opposed to being -- but infinity. Now multiplicity, if it is finite, is not entirely outside the confines of unity, since insofar as it is finite it is one. On the other hand, an infinite multiplicity escapes equally the nature of the one and that of limit. Prime matter is then for Plato rather being than one.
62. On the cwra tiqhnh cf. Timaeus 49a, 51a, 32d, and Robin, op. cit., 573-574.
63.Philebus 16 c ff., and the long discussion on the peraV and the apeiron 23c-27e. On that discussion, cf. Rodier, "Remarques sur le Philebe," Etudes de Philosophie Grecque, (Paris, 1926), 79-93; E. Poste, The Philebus of Plato, (Oxford, 1860), Appendices A and B.
However, those who have argued to prove the superiority of unity over being, have said that prime matter is not being, though it is a unity. Thus the Platonist Iamblichus, in his book On the Pythagorean Sect,64 designates prime matter as duality because duality is the first multiple and the root, as it were, of all other multiplicity. According, then, to him who is so great among the Platonists that he is called "divine," prime matter is not only not one, but a multitude, and the root of all multiplicity in things. Their own arguments condemn them. Still, prime matter does not entirely escape any more from the category of unity than from that of being. The same form that imprints being on it, also imposes unity. I pass over all the arguments pro or con the unity of prime matter since they are so well-known to all those who have gone any distance at all with Aristotle.
64. In the fifth book of his sunagwgh twn Puqagoreiwn dogmatwn. This opposition of the dyad, multiplicity, matter, and evil, and the monad, Unity, Form, and Good, is one of the classic themes of the Pythagorean doctrine. Cf. Robin, op. cit., 564-566, 641 f.; Cornford, op. cit. 4 f.
Chapter VII. In which is solved the third difficulty of the Platonists, on the subject of multiplicity, and in which it is demonstrated that it is not possible to say that unity is more common than being, without coming to a conclusion which Plato rejects.
The third objection is their worst error. For the opposition between multiplicity and unity is not of the same sort as the opposition between non-being and being. Here it is a case of contradiction; there, of privation or contrariety. Aristotle discusses this distinction at length in the tenth book of his Metaphysics.65
65.Meta. I, 3 (different kinds of opposition, ai antiqeseiV tetracwV, 1054 a 23), 4 (contrariety and its different modes), 6 (opposition of the one and the many). The kinds of opposition are: contradiction, privation, contrariety, relation. On the distinction between negation and contrariety in Plato, cf. Soph. 257 b-c.
But see into what disaster those philosophers fall who call themselves Platonists and yet wish to say that unity is superior to being. It is certain that, when two genera are reciprocally in a relation of dependence such that one is more common than the other, an object can escape from the extension of the inferior without being excluded from the superior. That is because the latter is more common. An example off-hand --- animal is more common than man: it can happen, therefore, that a being may not be man, and yet be animal. By the same token, if unity were more common than being, it could happen that something might be non-being or nothing, which would notwithstanding be one, and thus unity might be predicated of non-being, a possibility which Plato expressly rejects in the Sophist.66
Chapter VIII. In which is shown in what manner these four attributes: being, unity, truth, and goodness, are present in all that exists beneath God.
Most true, indeed, is the statement that there are four attributes which embrace all that exists, namely, being, unity, truth, and goodness, provided that they are taken in the sense that their negations be: nothing, division, falsity, evil. Two others, something (aliquid) and thing (res), have been added to these by the late disciples of Avicenna, who interpolated the philosophy of Averroes in more than one place, wherefore Averroes attacked them vigorously.67 But, to tell the truth, on this point there is little reason for discord. For they merely divide what is subsumed under 'one' into 'one' and 'something,' a procedure that is not contrary to Plato who, in the Sophist,68 enumerates unity among the most extense genera; and that which is contained under 'being' they divide into being and thing. But of this later. To return to our subject, -- these four attributes exist in one way in God, and in another way in beings created by God, since God has them from Himself, other beings from Him.
68. On the community of genera in The Sophist, cf. 251a-253b, 254b-256d. On the inclusion of unity among the supreme genera, cf. 253d.
Let us see first how they pertain to created things. All things that are beneath God have an efficient, an exemplary, and a final cause. For from Him, and through Him, and for Him, are all things. If then we consider things as constituted by the efficient causality of God, we call them beings (entia), since it is because of this efficiency that they participate in being (esse). If we consider them as conforming to and according with the Divine exemplars which we call Ideas, and according to which God has created them, namely, being, unity, truth, goodness, something, thing -- the two last due to the disciples of Avicenna --, we call them true. The true picture of Hercules is, for example, said to be that which conforms to the true Hercules himself. If, again, we consider things as tending to God as their last end, we call them good. And finally, if each thing is considered absolutely, according to itself, we call it one. Now, the order is such that each thing must first be conceived under the idea of being, since every thing, whatever it be, must be produced by an efficient agent before being anything particular in itself, lest that which it is do not depend in its totality from the efficient cause. Thus it happens that a thing which comes after God cannot be conceived without being immediately thought of as a dependent being: finite being is being by participation. To being succeeds unity. Third comes truth, since it is only when a thing exists as such that one can inquire if it corresponds to the exemplar according to which it has been formed. If it resembles that exemplar, it has only to turn towards it by its attribute of goodness, in virtue of a sort of affinity or relationship.
Who does not see, however that all these attributes have equal extension? Give me any being; it is certain that it will be one. For to say 'not one' is to say 'nothing,' according to Plato's expression in the Sophist.69 For whatever is, is undivided in itself and divided from other things which are not it. When we say this we mean 'one,' or, to use Plato's words, identical with itself, different from others'; and this he declares, in the same dialogue, attributable to each thing.70
70.Soph., 252c, and, on the inclusion of the same and the other among the five supreme genera, 254e-256d.
Necessarily, also, this being is true. For if it is a man, it is certainly a true man. It is the same thing to say: 'This is not true gold' and 'This is not gold,' for, when you say: 'This is not true gold,' you mean: 'This appears to be gold, it resembles gold, but it is not gold.' Therefore St. Augustine gives the following definition of truth in his Soliloquies:71 "Truth is that which is." One ought not to understand this to indicate that being and truth are the same, for though they are identical in a thing, they are diverse in principle and definition; wherefore one ought not to define the one by the other. What Augustine wanted to say is that a thing is true when it is really what it is called and said to be, as for example, that gold is true when it is really gold and not something other than gold. This is the sense of the words: "Truth is that which is." Those who do not perceive this, falsely attack Augustine's definition.
71.Soliloquia, II, 5 (P. L. XXXI, 889): 'Nam verum mihi videtur esse id quod est.'
Similarly, this being is good. For whatever is, insofar as it is, is good. And Olympiodorus seems to me to make a great mistake in believing that being and good are different because we desire the good absolutely and in itself.72 However, it is not being pure and simple, but well-being that he means; thus, it can happen that if we are suffering we desire not to be. Passing over the point whether, when one is suffering from misery one can, by a right and natural appetite, desire not to be, Olympiodorus did not see that good is as multiple as being.
72. Olympiodorus in Phaed., 188, 29 Norvin. Cf. Dionysius, Divine Names, chs. 3 and 5. Manuscripts of Olympiodorus were numerous in Italy in the sixteenth century. Cf. Festugiere, op. cit., p. 246, note I. For St. Thomas' criticism of this sophism, cf. Summa Theologica, I, q. 5, a. 2: "Utrum bonum secundum rationem sit prius quam ens."
There is first of all the natural being of things, as, for example, of a man his humanity, of a lion his lioninity, of a stone its stoniness. To this natural being corresponds, for each individual thing, a natural goodness.
But there are other modes of being, which may be called adventitious, as, for man, to be wise, to be handsome, to be sane. Now, just as wisdom and beauty are different, as regards being, from humanity, so it is with goodness. The quality of humanity by which man is man is a different good from the quality of wisdom by which he becomes, not a man merely, but a wise man. All the same, there are here two different modes of being, and one is justified in speaking of them so.
Just as, therefore, all things desire being, so all desire the good, and first of all they desire that good which corresponds to their natural being, since that is the foundation of all other goods, which come to it in such a way that they are unable to stand without it. For how will he be happy who is altogether without being? That good, however, which they acquire with their being, does not suffice them; they desire to attain also all the other goods which complete and adorn this primary good. Just as, then, we rightly say that besides the first good we desire other goods, so we can rightly say that besides the first being we desire other modes of being, for it is one thing to be happy, another thing to be man. And if any one grants that it might happen that one preferred not to be if one could not be happy, it does not follow, as Olympiodorus thinks, that goodness of man is one thing, and happiness another, so that one does not desire the one (being man), except on condition that one possess also the other (happiness).
I omit the consideration whether there is an exact correspondence between the good taken absolutely and being taken absolutely, or whether being taken absolutely is called a certain good, or the good taken absolutely is called a certain being. For this is not the place to discuss all things.
Truly, therefore, did we say that whatever is, is good in the measure that it is. "God saw all the beings He had made, and behold, they were very good."73 And why not? They are the work of a good artificer Who engraves His image on all things that are from His hand. In the entity of things therefore, we can admire the power of the Maker, in their truth we can adore the wisdom of the Artist, in their goodness we can return love to the liberality of the Lover, in their unity, finally, we can grasp the idea of the unifying simplicity, so to speak, of the Creator, which unites all things among themselves and to Himself, calling them all to love themselves, their neighbors, and ultimately God.
Let us examine now if the opposed terms have likewise the same extension. That the false and the non-existing are identical, we have shown above. And if we say that evil and non-being are different, philosophers and theologians will again object: to make something evil is to make nothing; therefore is one wont to say that the principle of evil is not an efficient but a deficient cause. Thus is refuted the folly of those who have posited two principles, one for good, the other for evil, as if there could exist an efficient cause of evil. But to divide a thing is the same as destroying it, nor can we take away from any thing its natural unity without at the same time robbing it of its integrity of being. For a whole is not its parts, but that unity which springs out of the sum of its parts, as Aristotle demonstrates in the eighth book of his Metaphysics.74 Wherefore if one divides a whole into its parts, these parts remain something although the whole which is divided does not remain, but ceases to exist actually, and is only potentially, just as its parts, which earlier were in potency, now commence to exist in actuality. Before, when these parts were in the whole, they had no real unity in actuality; this they first acquire when they subsist by themselves, apart from the whole.
74.Meta., H 3, 1044 a 2 ff., and H 6, 1045 a 7 ff.
Chapter IX. In which it is indicated how these four attributes pertain to God.
Let us examine once more how these four attributes find themselves in God. They do not pertain to Him in the relation of a cause, since there is no question of cause with God. He himself being the cause of all things, and caused by nothing. They can be considered in God in two ways, (1) either as He is taken absolutely in Himself, or (2) as He is the cause of other beings, a distinction inapplicable to created things, since God can exist without being cause, whereas other beings cannot exist unless caused by Him.
We conceive God, then, first of all as the perfect totality of act, the plenitude of being itself. It follows from this concept that He is one, that a term opposite to Him cannot be imagined. See then how much they err who fashion many first principles, many gods! At once it is clear that God is truth itself. For, what can He have which appears to be and is not, He who is being itself? It follows with certainty that he is truth itself. But He is likewise goodness itself. Three conditions are required for the good, as Plato writes in his Philebus:75 perfection, sufficiency, and desirability. Now the good which we conceive will be perfect, since nothing can be lacking to that which is everything; it will be sufficient, since nothing can be lacking to those who possess that in which they will find all; it will be desirable, since from Him and in Him are all things which can possibly be desired. God is therefore the fullest plenitude of being, undivided unity, the most solid truth, the most perfect good. This, if I am not mistaken, is that tetraktuV or quaternity,76 by which Pythagoras swore and which he called the principle of ever-flowing nature. Indeed, in this quarternity, which is One God, we have demonstrated the principle of all things. But we also swear by that which is holy, true, divine; now, what more true, more holy, more divine than these four characters? If we attribute them to God as the cause of things, the entire order is inverted. First He will be one, because He is conceived in Himself before He is conceived as cause. Then He will be good, true, and finally being (ens). For since the final cause has priority over the exemplary cause, and that over the efficient (we first desire to have something to protect us from the weather, then we conceive the idea of a house, and finally we construct one by making it materially), if, as has been described in Chapter VIII above, the good pertains to the final cause, the true to the exemplary, being to the efficient, God as cause will have first of all the attribute of good, then of true, and finally of being. We shall here terminate these brief remarks on a subject teeming with many important problems.
76. On tetraktuV, cf. the formula ou ma ton ametera genea paradonta tetrakun, by which the Pythagoreans were wont to swear. Cornford (op. cit., 2): 'These four numbers are the tetractys of the decad: 1 2 3 4 10 . . . The tetractys was a symbol of great significance and, like other such symbols, capable of many interpretations.'
Chapter X. In which the whole discussion is related to the conduct of life and the reform of morals.
Let us, lest we speak more of other things than of ourselves, take care that, while we scrutinize the heights, we do not live too basely in a manner unworthy of beings to whom has been given the divine power of inquiring into things divine. We ought, then, to consider assiduously that our mind, with its divine privileges, cannot have a mortal origin nor can find happiness otherwise than in the possession of things divine, and that the more it elevates and inflames itself with the contemplation of the Divine by renouncing earthly preoccupations while yet a traveler on this pilgrimage here below, the more it will approach felicity. The best precept, then, which this discussion can give us, seems to be that, if we wish to be happy, we ought to imitate the most happy and blessed of all beings, God, by establishing in ourselves unity, truth, and goodness.
What disturbs the peace of unity is ambition, the vice that steals away from itself the soul which abandons itself to it, tearing it, as it were, in pieces, and dispersing it. The resplendent light of truth, who will not lose it in the mud, in the darkness of lust? Avarice and cupidity steal from us goodness, for it is the peculiar property of goodness to communicate to others the goods which it possesses. Thus, when Plato asked himself why God had created the world, he answered: "because he was good."77 These are the three vices: pride of life, concupiscence of the flesh, concupiscence of the eyes, which, as St. John says,78 are of the world and not of the Father who is unity, goodness, and truth indeed.
78. I John II:16: 'Quoniam omne quod est in mundo concuposcentia carnis est, et concupiscentia oculorum, et superbia vitae, quia non est ex Patre, sed ex mundo est.'
Let us therefore fly from the world, which is confirmed in evil79; let us soar to the Father in whom are the peace that unifies, the true light, and the greatest happiness. But what will give us wings to soar?80 The love of the things that are above.81 What will take them from us? The lust for the things below, to follow which is to lose unity, truth, and goodness. For we are not one and integrated if we do not link together with a bond of virtue our senses, which incline to earth, and our reason, which tends to heavenly things; this is rather to have two principles ruling in us in turn, so that, while today we follow God by the law of the spirit, and tomorrow Baal by the law of the flesh, our inner realm is divided and as it were laid waste. And if our unity is purchased by the enslavement of a reason submitted to the rule of the law of the members, that will be a false unity, since thus we shall not be true. For we are called and appear to be men, that is, animate beings living by reason; and yet we will be brutes, having for law only sensual appetite. We will be performing a juggling trick to those who see us, and among whom we live. The image will not conform to its exemplar. For we are made in the likeness of God, and God is spirit82 but we are not yet spirits, to use St. Paul's words,83 but animals. If, on the contrary, by grace of truth, we do not fall beneath our model, we have only to move towards Him who is our model, through goodness, in order to be united with Him in the afterworld.
79.Ibid., V:19: 'Mundus totus in maligno positus est.'
80.Psal. LIV:7: 'Quis dabit mihi pennas sicut columbae, et volabo, et requiescam?
81.Colossians III:162: 'Igitur, si consurrexistis cum Christo, quae sursum sunt quaeris . . . Quae sursum sunt sapite, non quae super terram.'
82.John IV:24: 'Spiritus est Deus: et eos, qui adorant eum, in spiritu et veritate oportet adorare.'
83. I Corinthians II:14; XV:46: 'Animalis autem homo non percipit ea quae sunt Spiritus Del; stultitia enim est illi, et non potest intelligere: quia spiritualiter examinatur.'
'Sed non prius quod spiritalis est, sed quod animale, deinde quod spiritale.'
Since, finally, these three attributes: unity, truth, and goodness, are united to being by a bond which is eternal, it follows that, if we do not possess them, we no longer exist, even though we may seem to do so; and although others may believe we exist, we are in fact in a state of continuous death rather than of life.
A virtual private network (VPN) is a private data network that makes use of the public telecommunication infrastructure(Internet), maintaining privacy through the use of a tunneling protocol and security procedures. The idea of the VPN is to give a company or a person the same capabilities at much lower cost by using the shared public infrastructure rather than a private one. In our case, we use a VPN to connect you to our servers in Europe and Asia.
Protect your computer from internet attacks and intrusions.
Prevents from unauthorized access your computers from internet.
Filter network spam by our servers firewall system.
Anonymize and secure all your Internet traffic and replace your ip address.
Works with VOIP software, web browsing, e-mail, p2p, ftp, instant messaging, streaming, games etc.
If free VPN is not your cup of tea or you find them unreliable, do give this paid VPN a try. Based on my own experience, VyprVPN is really reliable and good, they are from Germany and they have their own unique ‘Chameleon’ technology that sets them apart from other VPN that uses the same open source technology.
NordVPN | Comes with P2P Servers, 100% no log. Pay 1 year and get 2 years free! 70% off!
Together with a VPN service, they creat a connection called VPN. This is a secure connection that encrypts all your information and is not readable by anyone else so wherever you are your privacy is always maintained! The best part is, there is no software to install because most VPN works on all Platforms including Windows, Mac, Linux, IPhone etc using the build in VPN software in your operating system. Without further ado, here are 9 Open Source VPN that can be used with VPN Gate.
Libreswan is a free software implementation of the most widely supported and standarized VPN protocol based on (“IPsec”) and the Internet Key Exchange (“IKE”). These standards are produced and maintained by the Internet Engineering Task Force (“IETF”). Libreswan performs some additional hardening for the IKEv1 protocol that other implementations have not implemented. This is not a vulnerability and CVE-2016-5361 was issued erroneously.
OpenConnect is an SSL VPN client initially created to support Cisco’s AnyConnect SSL VPN. It has since been ported to support the Juniper SSL VPN which is now known as Pulse Connect Secure. OpenConnect is released under the GNU Lesser Public License, version 2.1. Like vpnc, OpenConnect is not officially supported by, or associated in any way with, Cisco Systems, Juniper Networks or Pulse Secure. It just happens to interoperate with their equipment. Development of OpenConnect was started after a trial of the Cisco client under Linux found it to have many deficiencies:
Inability to use SSL certificates from a TPM or PKCS#11 smartcard, or even use a passphrase.
Lack of support for Linux platforms other than i386.
Lack of integration with NetworkManager on the Linux desktop.
Lack of proper (RPM/DEB) packaging for Linux distributions.
“Stealth” use of libraries with dlopen(), even using the development-only symlinks such as libz.so — making it hard to properly discover the dependencies which proper packaging would have expressed
Tempfile races allowing unprivileged users to trick it into overwriting arbitrary files, as root.
Unable to run as an unprivileged user, which would have reduced the severity of the above bug.
Inability to audit the source code for further such “Security 101” bugs.
Naturally, OpenConnect addresses all of the above issues, and more.
Connection through HTTP proxy, including libproxy support for automatic proxy configuration.
Connection through SOCKS5 proxy.
Automatic detection of IPv4 and IPv6 address, routes.
Authentication via HTTP forms.
Authentication using SSL certificates — from local file, Trusted Platform Module and PKCS#11 smartcards.
Authentication using SecurID software tokens (when built with libstoken)
Authentication using OATH TOTP or HOTP software tokens.
Authentication using Yubikey OATH tokens (when built with libpcsclite)
UserGroup support for selecting between multiple configurations on a single VPN server.
Data transport over TCP (HTTPS) or UDP (DTLS or ESP).
Keepalive and Dead Peer Detection on both HTTPS and DTLS.
Automatic update of VPN server list / configuration.
Roaming support, allowing reconnection when the local IP address changes.
Openswan is an IPsec implementation for Linux. It has support for most of the extensions (RFC + IETF drafts) related to IPsec, including IKEv2, X.509 Digital Certificates, NAT Traversal, and many others. Openswan has been the de-facto Virtual Private Network software for the Linux community since 2005. If you are running Fedora, Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian (Wheezy), Gentoo, or many others, it is already included in your distribution! Just start using it right away. If you wish to download the source code directly, you can click the button below.
OpenVPN is a full-featured open source SSL VPN solution that accommodates a wide range of configurations, including remote access, site-to-site VPNs, Wi-Fi security, and enterprise-scale remote access solutions with load balancing, failover, and fine-grained access-controls. Starting with the fundamental premise that complexity is the enemy of security, OpenVPN offers a cost-effective, lightweight alternative to other VPN technologies that is well-targeted for the SME and enterprise markets. With OpenVPN, you can:
Tunnel any IP subnetwork or virtual ethernet adapter over a single UDP or TCP port,
Configure a scalable, load-balanced VPN server farm using one or more machines which can handle thousands of dynamic connections from incoming VPN clients,
Use all of the encryption, authentication, and certification features of the OpenSSL library to protect your private network traffic as it transits the internet,
Use any cipher, key size, or HMAC digest (for datagram integrity checking) supported by the OpenSSL library,
Choose between static-key based conventional encryption or certificate-based public key encryption,
Use static, pre-shared keys or TLS-based dynamic key exchange,
Use real-time adaptive link compression and traffic-shaping to manage link bandwidth utilization,
Tunnel networks whose public endpoints are dynamic such as DHCP or dial-in clients,
Tunnel networks through connection-oriented stateful firewalls without having to use explicit firewall rules,
Tunnel networks over NAT.
Create secure ethernet bridges using virtual tap devices, and
Control OpenVPN using a GUI on Windows or Mac OS X.
SocialVPN is an open-source IPOP-based virtual network that connects your computers privately to your friends’ computers. It automatically maps online social network relationships using Jingle and XMPP to create your own user-defined peer-to-peer VPNs – with no hassle, and supporting unmodified TCP/IP applications. In the SocialVPN, each user is in control of who their VPN connects to. To scale to large online social networks, SocialVPN employs a unique dynamic IPv4 address allocation/translation approach that avoids conflicts with local networks and devices outside a user’s social network. These are some of the ways you can use SocialVPN:
Private data sharing – SocialVPN allows you to create private, end-to-end virtual IP networks connecting you to your friends. You can use these links to privately share data with your friends, using existing applications for file transfer and sharing.
Mobile cloud computing – SocialVPN runs on Android devices and allows users to create VPNs connecting mobile devices as well as desktops, laptops and servers. It provides a basis for research and development on “social area networks” for data sharing and computational offloading.
Decentralized OSNs – SocialVPN creates a communication overlay that can be used as a basis to design decentralized Online Social Networks (OSNs).
↓ 06 – SoftEther VPN | Windows | Linux | macOS | FreeBSD | Solaris
SoftEther VPN (“SoftEther” means “Software Ethernet”) is one of the world’s most powerful and easy-to-use multi-protocol VPN software. It runs on Windows, Linux, Mac, FreeBSD and Solaris. SoftEther VPN is open source. You can use SoftEther for any personal or commercial use for free charge.
SoftEther VPN is an optimum alternative to OpenVPN and Microsoft’s VPN servers. SoftEther VPN has a clone-function of OpenVPN Server. You can integrate from OpenVPN to SoftEther VPN smoothly. SoftEther VPN is faster than OpenVPN. SoftEther VPN also supports Microsoft SSTP VPN for Windows Vista / 7 / 8. No more need to pay expensive charges for Windows Server license for Remote-Access VPN function. Features of SoftEther VPN
Easy to establish both remote-access and site-to-site VPN.
SSL-VPN Tunneling on HTTPS to pass through NATs and firewalls.
Revolutionary VPN over ICMP and VPN over DNS features.
Resistance to highly-restricted firewall.
Ethernet-bridging (L2) and IP-routing (L3) over VPN.
Embedded dynamic-DNS and NAT-traversal so that no static nor fixed IP address is required.
AES 256-bit and RSA 4096-bit encryptions.
Sufficient security features such as logging and firewall inner VPN tunnel.
1Gbps-class high-speed throughput performance with low memory and CPU usage.
Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iPhone, iPad and Windows Mobile are supported.
SSL-VPN (HTTPS) and 6 major VPN protocols (OpenVPN, IPsec, L2TP, MS-SSTP, L2TPv3 and EtherIP) are all supported as VPN tunneling underlay protocols.
The OpenVPN clone function supports legacy OpenVPN clients.
IPv4 / IPv6 dual-stack.
The VPN server runs on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and Mac OS X.
Configure All settings on GUI.
Multi-languages (English, Japanese and Simplified-Chinese).
No memory leaks. High quality stable codes, intended for long-term runs. We always verify that there are no memory or resource leaks before releasing the build.
strongSwan is a complete IPsec implementation for Linux 2.6, 3.x, and 4.x kernels. The focus of the project is on strong authentication mechanisms using X.509 public key certificates and optional secure storage of private keys on smartcards through a standardized PKCS#11 interface.
Runs on Linux 2.6, 3.x and 4.x kernels, Android, FreeBSD, OS X and Windows
Implements both the IKEv1 and IKEv2 (RFC 7296) key exchange protocols
Fully tested support of IPv6 IPsec tunnel and transport connections
Dynamical IP address and interface update with IKEv2 MOBIKE (RFC 4555)
Automatic insertion and deletion of IPsec-policy-based firewall rules
NAT-Traversal via UDP encapsulation and port floating (RFC 3947)
Support of IKEv2 message fragmentation (RFC 7383) to avoid issues with IP fragmentation
Dead Peer Detection (DPD, RFC 3706) takes care of dangling tunnels
Static virtual IPs and IKEv1 ModeConfig pull and push modes
XAUTH server and client functionality on top of IKEv1 Main Mode authentication
Virtual IP address pool managed by IKE daemon or SQL database
Secure IKEv2 EAP user authentication (EAP-SIM, EAP-AKA, EAP-TLS, EAP-MSCHAPv2, etc.)
Optional relaying of EAP messages to AAA server via EAP-RADIUS plugin
Support of IKEv2 Multiple Authentication Exchanges (RFC 4739)
Authentication based on X.509 certificates or preshared keys
Use of strong signature algorithms with Signature Authentication in IKEv2 (RFC 7427)
Retrieval and local caching of Certificate Revocation Lists via HTTP or LDAP
Full support of the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP, RFC 2560).
CA management (OCSP and CRL URIs, default LDAP server)
Powerful IPsec policies based on wildcards or intermediate CAs
Storage of RSA private keys and certificates on a smartcard (PKCS #11 interface)
Tcpcrypt is a protocol that attempts to encrypt (almost) all of your network traffic. Unlike other security mechanisms, Tcpcrypt works out of the box: it requires no configuration, no changes to applications, and your network connections will continue to work even if the remote end does not support Tcpcrypt, in which case connections will gracefully fall back to standard clear-text TCP. Install Tcpcrypt and you’ll feel no difference in your every day user experience, but yet your traffic will be more secure and you’ll have made life much harder for hackers. So why is now the right time to turn on encryption? Here are some reasons:
Intercepting communications today is simpler than ever because of wireless networks. Ask a hacker how many e-mail passwords can be intercepted at an airport by just using a wifi-enabled laptop. This unsophisticated attack is in reach of many. The times when only a few elite had the necessary skill to eavesdrop are gone.
Computers have now become fast enough to encrypt all Internet traffic. New computers come with special hardware crypto instructions that allow encrypted networking speeds of 10Gbit/s. How many of us even achieve those speeds on the Internet or would want to download (and watch) one movie per second? Clearly, we can encrypt fast enough.
Research advances and the lessons learnt from over 10 years of experience with the web finally enabled us to design a protocol that can be used in today’s Internet, by today’s users. Our protocol is pragmatic: it requires no changes to applications, it works with NATs (i.e., compatible with your DSL router), and will work even if the other end has not yet upgraded to tcpcrypt—in which case it will gracefully fall back to using the old plain-text TCP. No user configuration is required, making it accessible to lay users—no more obscure requests like “Please generate a 2048-bit RSA-3 key and a certificate request for signing by a CA”. Tcpcrypt can be incrementally deployed today, and with time the whole Internet will become encrypted.
↓ 09 – Tinc VPN | Windows | Linux | FreeBSD | OpenBSD | NetBSD | macOS | Solaris
tinc is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon that uses tunnelling and encryption to create a secure private network between hosts on the Internet. tinc is Free Software and licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later. Because the VPN appears to the IP level network code as a normal network device, there is no need to adapt any existing software. This allows VPN sites to share information with each other over the Internet without exposing any information to others. In addition, tinc has the following features:
Encryption, authentication and compression – All traffic is optionally compressed using zlib or LZO, and LibreSSL or OpenSSL is used to encrypt the traffic and protect it from alteration with message authentication codes and sequence numbers.
Automatic full mesh routing – Regardless of how you set up the tinc daemons to connect to each other, VPN traffic is always (if possible) sent directly to the destination, without going through intermediate hops.
Easily expand your VPN – When you want to add nodes to your VPN, all you have to do is add an extra configuration file, there is no need to start new daemons or create and configure new devices or network interfaces.
Ability to bridge ethernet segments – You can link multiple ethernet segments together to work like a single segment, allowing you to run applications and games that normally only work on a LAN over the Internet.
Runs on many operating systems and supports IPv6 – Currently Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, OS X, Solaris, Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7 and 8 platforms are supported. See our section about supported platforms for more information about the state of the ports. tinc has also full support for IPv6, providing both the possibility of tunneling IPv6 traffic over its tunnels and of creating tunnels over existing IPv6 networks.
Hotspot shield is the shittest VPN which is probably made by NSA. Cyberghost and Nordvpn ;) Every “free vpn” on app store or playstore are just changing ip, not more. dns leak, everything… maybe secure to dont let your internet get ddosed, but you arent secure. they all are saving logs, the “free vpns”.
Ngan Tengyuen
Honestly, I never believe in this ‘no log’ thing. It is against the law not to do so, maybe what they will not provide the logs to authority if there are no crimes involved.
There are a lot free VPN service online, just search Free VPN in Google, then you will see the lists. But there will be some limits with Free VPN, Maybe you can try some paid ones.
Great Article. I was searching for a more secure VPN solution like OpenVPN for my VPS server but with free licence. I think SoftEther VPN is what I was looking for. I’m going to try it. Thanks for the guide.
Well, All free VPNs are good because they provide free services :) I was wondering on google its show result about ReviewsDir, and there are many VPNs almost same from the list. I am using Spotflux which is best free VPN for iPhone.
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+ % CST8207 Assignment 13 - CentOS: Partitions, File Systems, single user % Ian! D. Allen –
+ – [www.idallen.com] % Winter 2014 - January to April 2014 - Updated Thu Apr 17 00:32:06 EDT 2014 Due Date and Deliverables ========================= > **Do not print this assignment on paper!** > > - On paper, you will miss updates, corrections, and hints added to the > online version. > - On paper, you cannot follow any of the [hyperlink URLs] that lead you > to hints and course notes relevant to answering a question. > - On paper, scrolling text boxes will be cut off and not print properly. - **Due Date**: `23h59 (11:59pm) Thursday April 17, 2014 (end of Week 14)` - Late assignments or wrong file names may not be marked. Please be accurate and punctual. - College policy does not allow assignments to be due after classes end. - **Available online** - Version 1 – 04:10 April 7, 2014 - **Prerequisites** - All [Class Notes][hyperlink URLs] since the beginning of term. - All your previous [Assignments]. - Completed [CentOS Virtual Machine] virtual machine installation (done in a previous assignment). - Completed [Assignment #08] (CentOS install and configure) - Completed [Assignment #12] (Sysadmin account) - An ability to **READ ALL THE WORDS** to work effectively. - **Deliverables** 1. Modifications to your [CentOS Virtual Machine] as given in this assignment. - **Do not delete any assignment work from your [CentOS Virtual Machine] until after the term is over!** 2. One text file uploaded to Blackboard according to the steps in the [Checking Program] section below. 3. Directory structure and files created and left for marking on the [Course Linux Server] (**CLS**).\ **Do not delete any assignment work from the CLS until after the term is over!** Purpose of this Assignment ========================== > **Do not print this assignment on paper!** On paper, you cannot follow any > of the hyperlink URLs that lead you to hints and course notes relevant to > answering a question. This assignment is based on your weekly [Class Notes]. 1. Review the [Partitions and File Systems] commands in the [Class Notes]. 2. Practice creating and deleting partitions. Create file systems. Mount and unmount file systems. 3. Review [Booting and GRUB] in the [Class Notes]. 4. Boot into **single user** mode. (This is how you change a forgotten `root` password.) Introduction and Overview ========================= This is an overview of how you are expected to complete this assignment. Read all the words before you start working. > Do not print this assignment on paper. On paper, you cannot follow any of > the hyperlink URLs that lead you to hints and course notes relevant to > answering a question. You also don’t get any of the later updates to the > assignment. Do not print this assignment on paper. 1. Complete the readings in your weekly [Class Notes]. 2. Complete the **Tasks** listed below, in order. 3. Verify your own work before running the **Checking Program**. 4. Run the **Checking Program** to help you find errors. 5. Submit the output of the **Checking Program** to Blackboard before the due date. 6. **READ ALL THE WORDS** to work effectively and not waste time. You will create filesystem structure in your CLS home directory containing various directories and files. You will also make changes in your own Linux Virtual Machine running CentOS 6.5. You can use the **Checking Program** to check your work as you do the tasks. You can check your work with the checking program as often as you like before you submit your final mark. **Some task sections below require you to finish the whole section before running the checking program; you may not always be able to run the checking program successfully after every single task step.** When you are finished the tasks, leave the files and directories in place on both the CLS and your own Linux Virtual Machine as part of your deliverables. **Do not delete any assignment work until after the term is over!** Assignments may be re-marked at any time on the CLS; you must have your term work available on the CLS right until term end. > Since I also do manual marking of student assignments, your final mark may > not be the same as the mark submitted using the current version of the > [Checking Program]. I do not guarantee that any version of the [Checking > Program] will find all the errors in your work. Complete your assignments > according to the specifications, not according to the incomplete set of > mistakes detected by the [Checking Program]. Searching the course notes -------------------------- The current term’s course notes are always available on the Internet here: [CST8207 GNU/Linux Operating Systems I]. All the current and previous terms notes files are also stored on the CLS. You can learn about how to read and search these files using the command line on the CLS under the heading *Copies of the CST8207 course notes* near the bottom of the page [Course Linux Server]. The CLS Source Directory ------------------------ All references to the “Source Directory” below are to the CLS directory `~idallen/cst8207/14w/assignment13/` and that name starts with a *tilde* character `~` followed by a userid with no intervening slash. The leading tilde indicates to the shell that the pathname starts with the HOME directory of the account `idallen` (seven letters). You do not have permission to list the names of all the files in the Source Directory, but you can access any files whose names you already know. Commands, topics, and features covered -------------------------------------- Review course notes on [Partitions and File Systems] and [Booting and GRUB]. Use the on-line help (`man` command) for the commands listed below for more information. - `df` – show mounted partitions and amount of used/free space (optionally inodes available) on all mounted file systems - `du` – recursively display disk usage in directories - `fdisk` – to display, create, delete, and manage partitions; option `-l`is very useful See [Partitioning with fdisk] - `file` – determine what kind of thing a pathname is. Can show disk and partition file system types using option `-s` and will follow (dereference) symbolic links using option `-L` (upper case) - `mkfs` – create a file system on a device, usually a hard disk partition. - `mkswap` – initialize a partition for use as a Linux swap partition. - `mount` – mount a file system into the main file system tree or display a list of all mounted file systems, including devices, types, and mount points - `swapon` – tell the Linux kernel to use an initialized swap partition. - `umount` – detach (unmount) a mounted file system (e.g. that was mounted with `mount`). - `uname` – display system information, including kernel release (version) number - `runlevel` – display previous and current system Run Level Correct user, command lines, and command output ----------------------------------------------- - Most of the commands in this assignment require `root` privilege. You must use the `su` command to start a shell with the permissions of another user. The `root` user can use `su` to become any other user without requiring a password. - If you start a `root` subshell, your prompt will tell you if you are the `root` user by changing to include a `#` character instead of a `$` character. You can also use the commands `id` or `whoami` to show your current userid. - Some answers require you to record **command lines**. Do **not** include the shell **prompt** with your command lines. Give only the part of the command line that you would type yourself. - Make sure you know the difference between a command **line** (which is what you type into the shell) and command **output** (which is what the command displays on your screen). Pay attention to whether the question asks you to record the command line or the command output. Backup and Recovery on CentOS ----------------------------- 1. Take a snapshot of your virtual machine before you begin each section of this lab so that you can recover back to the snapshot if needed. - You can delete the unused snapshots if everything works well. - CentOS snapshots are very small and fast compared to your Windows snapshots; you can save lots of them. 2. *Are you keeping an external backup copy of all your coursework (including your virtual machines) somewhere? You should be!* Use a remote login, not the VMware console ------------------------------------------ I recommend that once you have booted your CentOS VM, you connect to it and work using a remote login session (e.g. `ssh` or `PuTTY`) where copy-and-paste works and where you can have multiple simultaneous connections into the VM. The VMware console is not friendly. If you can’t get an SSH (PuTTY or `ssh`) connection working into your Linux VM, see the [Network Diagnostics] page. Note that SSH sessions (and whatever you are doing inside them) do not survive across a VMware suspend. Make sure you save your editor files and exit your SSH session before you pause or suspend your virtual machine. (Editor sessions that run inside the VMware console do survive across suspend and resume, since they don’t depend on a network connection.) > Advanced users may look into the various virtual terminal programs such as > `tmux` and `screen` that do allow you to suspend and resume your sessions > even from a remote login. The Answer File `answer.txt` ---------------------------- Where you are required to record or save a command line or its output into [The Answer File], **do** the command and then copy and **record** the command line or its output as a separate line into an `answer.txt` file in your CentOS `assignment13` directory. You will be told how many lines to save in the file. If you can’t answer a question, leave a blank line in this answer file. (The `vim` option `:set number` may be useful to you as you edit.) You can use either `nl` or `cat -n` to show the contents of a file with line numbers, to make sure each answer is on its correct line number. Tasks ===== - Do the following tasks in order, from top to bottom. - Pay attention as to which tasks must be done in your own [CentOS Virtual Machine] and which must be done in your account on the [Course Linux Server]. - Tasks done on your own [CentOS Virtual Machine] require you to run a marking program in that Virtual machine. That marking program will transfer marking data from the VM to the CLS for marking. - Your instructor will mark on the due date the work transferred to your account on the CLS. Leave all your work on the CLS and do not modify it. - **Do not delete any assignment work from the CLS until after the course is over.** - **READ ALL THE WORDS!** and do not skip steps. Set Up – The Base Directory on the CLS -------------------------------------- 1. Do a [Remote Login] to the [Course Linux Server] (**CLS**) from any existing computer, using the host name appropriate for whether you are on-campus or off-campus. 2. Create the CLS directory `~/CST8207-14W/Assignments/assignment13` 3. Create the `check` symbolic link needed to run the **Checking Program**, as described in the section [Part II - Check and Submit] below. Run [Part II - Check and Submit] to verify your work so far. CentOS: Snapshot ---------------- 0. Complete your [CentOS Virtual Machine] Installation and Verification. - Make sure it passes the checks for disk sizes and package counts. - Complete these critical system administration tasks required in [Assignment #08] and [Assignment #12]: a. Create your own personal sysadmin account. b. Install and configure the NTP package. 1. Before you begin this assignment, create a snapshot of your [CentOS Virtual Machine]. - Enter a comment explaining where and when you took this snapshot. - You can restore back to this snapshot if anything goes wrong. CentOS: Set Up – The Base Directory on CentOS --------------------------------------------- 1. In your own account in your [CentOS Virtual Machine], also make the directory `~/CST8207-14W/Assignments/assignment13` (the same hierarchy as you have already made on the CLS). **This CentOS `assignmment13` directory is the *base* directory for all pathnames in this assignment. Store your CentOS files and answers below in this *base* `assignment13` directory.** Run the **Fetch** and [Checking Program] to verify your work so far. CentOS: Add a second disk to your VM: `sdb` ------------------------------------------- > You will add a second hard disk to your [CentOS Virtual Machine], and > partition it. The procedure for adding a hard disk to an actual physical > computer is different only in the steps that take place while the machine > is powered off. Any step carried out while the machine is running would be > the same for physical machines as it is for virtual machines. The console > of a physical machine is its actual keyboard and monitor, but in the case > of a VM, the console is the VMware window of the machine. Most of the system admin commands in this assignment access the raw disk and will require you to use `su` to gain `root` permissions (unless you are in single-user mode and therefore running everything as `root`). **If you get “permission denied” errors, you forgot to use `su`.** 1. If your [CentOS Virtual Machine] is not already powered off, login and use the correct command to power off the virtual machine. - Never user the VMware **Power Off** button to kill power! - Never unplug a running Linux machine! 2. With your CentOS machine still powered off, use the **VMware** **Settings** menu for your CentOS VM to add to your VM a virtual `1GB` hard disk, accepting defaults for everything except the size. See [Create VMware Disk]. Create the disk exactly `1GB` in size. 3. After adding the new disk, power on your VM, then login as your system administrator user. 4. Ensure the `/proc/partitions` file contains the second disk you added. - Verify that there is a second disk of the correct size: - The size of your second drive should be `1048576`. - Divide: `1048576/1024/1024` to confirm the number of gigabytes. - Verify that no partitions are listed for the second disk. - If you have any `sdb1` or `sdb2` or other `sdb` partitions, this is *not* a new disk with no partition table. Get help. - Note the three-letter device name of the second disk. 5. When the second disk is correct, copy `/proc/partitions` to file `partitions_before.txt` in your CentOS base directory (6 lines, 20 words). Remember: all files should be placed under your sysadmin base directory on CentOS. 6. Verify that the three-letter device name for the second disk also exists under the `/dev` directory. Put a long (`ls -l`) listing of all names under `/dev` that start with the first two letters of the new disk name into file `sd_all.txt` in your base directory. - Do not change your current directory. - Use the absolute pathnames for the devices. - No pipeline or other command is needed. - The output should show the absolute paths of two disks, and two partitions in the first disk. - [**Hint**] The useful `file` command – what is that thing? ----------------------------------------------- The Unix/Linux `file` command is very useful for identifying things in the file system, such as directories, programs, images, files, and special files that might contain file systems, such as disk partitions: 1. Run `file -s` on (the device name of) each of your two disks. Note that your new empty disk says simply `data` while your ROOT disk has a very long line full of information about the boot sector and partitions: # file -s /dev/sd[ab] /dev/sda: x86 boot sector; GRand Unified Bootloader, ... /dev/sdb: data Save the two lines of `file` output in a `file_s.txt` file (2 lines, 44 words) in your CentOS base directory. Viewing and Creating Partitions: `fdisk` ---------------------------------------- 1. First, you must have added a new `1GB` hard drive in **VMware** and rebooted, as described above. Log in to the machine. Let’s look at the partitions on the first disk (`sda`): 2. Run (always with `root` privileges) `fdisk -cul /dev/sda` and you will see the two partitions on your first (`sda`) disk that holds your main ROOT file system: # fdisk -cul /dev/sda Disk /dev/sda: 2147 MB, 2147483648 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 261 cylinders, total 4194304 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x00000000 Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sda1 * 2048 3074047 1536000 83 Linux /dev/sda2 3074048 4194303 560128 82 Linux swap / Solaris **DO NOT OVERWRITE `/dev/sda` THAT IS YOUR MAIN CENTOS INSTALLATION DRIVE!** Now let’s look at the second disk (`sdb`) that should have **no** partitions: 3. Run (always with `root` privileges) `fdisk -cul /dev/sdb` and make sure you see `Disk /dev/sdb: 1073 MB` with no errors and no partitions listed under it. # fdisk -cul /dev/sdb Disk /dev/sdb: 1073 MB, 1073741824 bytes If you don’t see `1073 MB`, then shut down, delete the disk, recreate the disk, and reboot until your **1GB** disk install works. > Make sure you **only** change things on this new `sdb` disk in this > section! The `sda` disk is your Linux **ROOT** disk; if you damage it you > will need to recover back to your snapshot. *Make sure you have a snapshot > to go back to!* 4. In the `man` page for the `fdisk` command, locate and make a note of two option letters: - The option to “*Switch off DOS-compatible mode. (Recommended)*” - The option to “*give sizes in sectors instead of cylinders*” We are now going to run the `fdisk` program in **interactive** mode. > To learn more on how to use `fdisk`, see your in-class notes or see >
+ 5. Start `fdisk` interactively as `root` using the command `fdisk`*devicename*, where *devicename* is the absolute path of the device corresponding to the new disk under `/dev`. - As `fdisk` starts, read the upper-case `WARNING` about **DOS-compatible mode**. This is a serious (**strongly recommended**) warning! - Type the correct one-letter command to quit the `fdisk` program. Do not continue. 6. Re-run same `fdisk` command, this time inserting the two option letters you found in the `man` page, above. (Keep the same device name.) - The DOS `WARNING` should be gone when you start `fdisk` with those two options. (One other harmless warning about an invalid flag will remain. This is normal, since the new virtual disk is empty and has not been initialized yet. Ignore the one warning.) - Always use these two `fdisk` options on CentOS. (Other versions of `fdisk` use these options as defaults.) > You should avoid this DOS warning message in future by always using the > `-cu` command line options to `fdisk` (RTFM) when you run it, even > non-interactively. You might even consider making a shell alias that always > supplies these two options to `fdisk` every time you use it: > `alias fdisk='fdisk -cu'` 7. The `fdisk` utility should now be running in **interactive** mode, prompting you for input with a different **prompt** from your BASH shell **prompt**: `Command (m for help):` - This prompt is the `fdisk` utility **prompt**. - Do not type Linux commands into the `fdisk` program prompt! - As it says, type the command letter `m` for a list of helpful `fdisk` interactive command letters. 8. Inside interactive `fdisk` use the command to display the partition table and verify that the disk you are working on is the `1GB` disk (1073MB) with no partition table and no partitions. 9. Read the list of `Command action` commands. Copy the lines below into a file `fdisk_info.txt` and replace each underscore character with the (one-character) `fdisk` command letter that does the listed function: 1. _ save/write partition table to disk (and exit) 2. _ change a partition's type (system id) 3. _ exit/quit fdisk without saving changes 4. _ display/list/print the table of all partitions 5. _ create/add a new partition 6. _ show/display/list partition types (system ids) 7. _ remove/delete a partition You will need to use every one of these command letters in this assignment. Make sure you get them right. 10. Use the `fdisk` command letter that lists all the two-hex-digit *partition types*. (Partition types are also called “system identifiers”.) Use that list to answer this: Add the lines below to the end of the same `fdisk_info.txt` file and replace the underscore on each line with the hex type number (system id) of the following partition types, making sure you read the numbers correctly from the screen: 8. _ Linux 9. _ Linux swap / So 10. _ HPFS/NTFS 11. _ W95 FAT32 (LBA) The swap line, above, is short for `Linux swap / Solaris`. You will need all these partition ID numbers later in the assignment. Your completed `fdisk_info.txt` file should be 11 lines 67 words. Run the **Fetch** and [Checking Program] to verify your work so far. ### Creating Partitions using `fdisk` > To learn more on how to use `fdisk`, see your in-class notes or see >
+ Below, we will use the correct commands in the `fdisk` utility to create the following **seven** new partitions on your `sdb` disk. - Always accept the **default** proposed by `fdisk` for the **starting** sector of a new partition. Push **[Enter]**; do not type any numbers. You only need to set the **end** sector (size) of the new partition using the `+size{K,M,G}` syntax shown by `fdisk`. - `fdisk` will sometimes adjust the size of each partition slightly to fit the DOS partition table disk geometry and sector size. Don’t be alarmed that the size that `fdisk` creates and displays to you isn’t *exactly* the size you asked for. - Use the `fdisk` command letter to display the partition table **after each change** to confirm that you created the correct partition with the correct size. - No changes will be saved to disk unless you explicitly use the `fdisk` command letter to save them. You can always quit `fdisk` before saving any changes. - First, make sure the disk you are about to change has *no* partitions configured. If you see partitions, you are using `fdisk` on *the wrong disk*. Make sure you use `fdisk` on the new disk device name! 1. On the empty disk (the new disk), create a **primary** first partition of size **200M**. - **Use the suffix letter `M`, not `MB`, inside `fdisk`.** Using `MB` as a suffix creates partitions using power-of-ten MegaBytes (1,000,000) instead of power-of-two [MebiBytes]. - The type (system id) will default to type **Linux**. Don’t change the type. - Use the `fdisk` command letter to display the partition table to confirm the values and make sure that the size (in blocks) looks correct for the size you requested. - The `Start` sector of this first partition should be `2048`. If it isn’t, you probably forgot to use the option that turns off DOS compatibility. Quit and restart with the correct two options. - The `End` sector must be `411647`. If it is less, re-read all the words in this question, especially the words in the sentence starting with “Use the suffix…”. 2. Create a **primary** second partition of **100M**. - Leave the type (**Linux**) as default. - Confirm the change. The `Number of blocks` must be `102400`. (If it is less, re-read all the words in the previous question.) 3. Create an **extended** third partition large enough to host the following three **logical** partitions inside it. - You must make the extended partition large enough to hold **all three** logical partitions described in the next step: > NOTE: As mentioned in class, you cannot create an extended partition > *exactly* the sum of the sizes of the logical partitions inside it. You > need to make the extended a bit *larger* to accommodate the overhead of the > logical partition information. Experiment to see how much “a bit larger” > means. The end of the extended partition must be *less than* sector 2097151 > that is the last sector in the disk. (i.e. Don’t use up the whole disk for > the extended partition!) 4. Create these three **logical** partitions inside the **extended** partition that you created in the previous step: 1. The size of the **first logical** partition is **200M**. Leave the partition type set as “**Linux**”. 2. The size of the **second logical** partition is **100M**. Change the partition type to “**Linux swap**”. 3. The size of the **third logical** partition is **300M**. Change the partition type to “**HPFS/NTFS**”. If you run out of space creating the logical partitions inside the extended partition, you can delete the extended partition and start over as many times as needed. (You can also start over by exiting `fdisk` without saving/writing any of your partition changes.) Make the extended partition *just big enough* to contain the logical partitions, no bigger. Try not to have much wasted space between the end of the third logical partition (its **end** sector) and the end of the extended partition (its **end** sector). **Hint:** `610M` is too big; make it smaller. 5. Create a **primary** fourth partition that uses up the rest of the space after the end of the extended partition. - To do this, accept the defaults for both the start and the end of the partition. - The last **end** sector of this last partition will be the end sector of the disk: `2097151` - The partition should be about 121MB in size. - Set the partition type to `W95 FAT32 (LBA)`. 6. Did you remember to set the correct partition **types** (system id) on each of the seven partitions? 7. When all seven partitions are created, with the correct types and sizes, **save** your changes (seven partitions) to disk, which will cause `fdisk` to exit. You will return to your shell prompt. ### Verify the partitions 1. Verify the creation of seven new `sdb` partitions using `ls -l /dev/sd*` and by looking at the new contents of the system `partitions` file, as you did before. You should have exactly **seven** partitions on this second disk. 2. Again, copy the system `partitions` file into a `partitions_after.txt` file. (13 lines, 48 words. You might look and see how it differs from the previous values you copied in `partitions_before.txt`. You should see seven new partitions on the new disk.) 3. From the command line, use `fdisk` (non-interactive) to show the partition table for the new disk, always using the above-mentioned two options to give sector (not cylinder) output and avoid the DOS compatibility warnings. Part of the output will look similar to this: Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sdb1 2048 411647 204800 83 Linux /dev/sdb2 411648 616447 102400 83 Linux /dev/sdb3 616448 1853439 618496 5 Extended /dev/sdb4 1853440 2097151 121856 c W95 FAT32 (LBA) /dev/sdb5 618496 1028095 204800 83 Linux /dev/sdb6 1030144 1234943 102400 82 Linux swap / Solaris /dev/sdb7 1236992 1851391 307200 7 HPFS/NTFS The exact numbers for **end** and **blocks** of `sdb3` and the **start** and **blocks** of `sdb4` may differ slightly from the numbers above. All the other numbers should match *exactly*. Save the output for your disk into an `fdisk_sdb.txt` file (16 lines, 98 words). 4. Look at your new disk (only the new disk) and record these three answers (just the answers) on lines in [The Answer File]: **Line 1:** Full absolute device names of all primary (not extended) partitions on the new disk.\ **Line 2:** Full absolute device names of all extended partitions.\ **Line 3:** Full absolute device names of all logical partitions. **Hint:** Re-read the word **absolute** in the above sentences. ### Deleting a logical partition using `fdisk` 1. You have **seven** partitions on your second hard disk. (Make sure this is true before continuing!) Your partition table should look quite similar to the table shown in the previous section. (Read the comments at the bottom of the table to know the allowed differences.) - Create a **VMware** backup **snapshot** of this virtual machine, so you can return here if things go wrong. 2. Start `fdisk` interactively. (Remember the two options to avoid DOS warnings!) a) Show the partition table. You should have **seven** partitions. b) Delete the first primary partition that has size **100M**. - Display the new partition table. You should still have two type `Linux` (**System ID 83**) partitions left. - Note how when you delete a primary partition, none of the other partitions change names. - You now have **six** remaining partitions on `sdb`. c) Quit `fdisk` without saving any changes. - Do not save the changes. You still have seven partitions. d) Start `fdisk` interactively again. (Remember the two options to avoid warnings!) e) Show the partition table. You should still have **seven** partitions. - You have **seven** because you did not save any changes, right? f) Delete the first **logical** (not primary) partition that has size **200M**. - Display the new partition table. You now have six partitions. - Note how when you delete a logical partition `sdb5` the other logical partitions above it all renumber themselves downward to keep the first logical partition numbered `sdb5`. Logical partitions always number consecutively from `5`. - You now have **six** remaining partitions on `sdb`. g) Now **save** (write) the new partition table (six partitions) to disk, which will cause `fdisk` to exit. You will return to your shell prompt. 3. Record the full absolute device names of all remaining logical partitions on **Line 4** in [The Answer File] (two names only). Run the **Fetch** and [Checking Program] to verify your work so far. ### Snapshot and Practice 1. Take a VMware back-up snapshot now and name it something like `done_fdisk`. 2. For practice, use `fdisk` interactively to delete all the partitions and then re-create them again, **without** writing out your changes. - Recreate the above six partitions, but don’t save your work. - Would you remember how to do this when asked to demonstrate it at a **job interview**? When installing a new disk? Practice! Creating file systems using `mkfs` ---------------------------------- > After partitioning a disk, the next step is making file systems inside the > partitions. You must have six partitions available to continue with this > section. To continue with the next sections of this lab, you must have successfully created these **six** (remaining) partitions on the 1GB disk. Verify that they have exactly the same **Device** numbers, exactly the same `Id` and `System`, *approximately* the same `Start` and `End`, and *approximately* the same number of `Blocks`. Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sdb1 2048 411647 204800 83 Linux /dev/sdb2 411648 616447 102400 83 Linux /dev/sdb3 616448 1853439 618496 5 Extended /dev/sdb4 1853440 2097151 121856 c W95 FAT32 (LBA) /dev/sdb5 1030144 1234943 102400 82 Linux swap / Solaris /dev/sdb6 1236992 1851391 307200 7 HPFS/NTFS **Do not proceed until you have the above six partitions created**.\ The sizes may vary *slightly*. The System ID must match. The **end** of the `Extended` partition must be **less than** the end sector of the disk. There is a large gap between the start of the extended partition and the start of the first logical partition; this gap corresponds to the space left by the deleted **200M** logical partition. All file system commands in the next part of this lab that refer to a hard disk will **use one of the above partitions**. Do not continue until you have the above partitions created correctly. 1. Enter the number of sectors in the gap at the start of the extended partition as **Line 5** in [The Answer File]. - *Read All The Words* in the previous paragraphs to know what “the gap” means. 2. Find the device names of the two partitions that have partition type of `Linux` (**System ID 83**). (These should be exactly two of the six partitions.) A) On the *first* Linux partition: a) Run `file -s` on this empty partition and note the uninteresting output when the partition has no file system in it. b) Use a command to create a Linux type `ext3` file system on this partition. - Many lines will print on your screen, telling you the characteristics of the file system you just created. Make sure there are no error messages! - Record the exact command line you used to create the file system as **Line 6** in [The Answer File]. c) Run `file -s` on this same partition name again to show the type of file system in the partition. - You should see one single output line containing this partition type text: `ext3 filesystem data` - Repeat the command and record the one line of **partition type output** as **Line 7** in [The Answer File]. B) On the *second* Linux partition: a) Repeat the above two commands for creating a file system and showing its type, but use a file system type of `ext4` this time. - Record your command line and the partition type output line on **Lines 8 and 9** in [The Answer File]. 3. On the only `W95 FAT` partition: a) Repeat the above command for creating a file system, but use a file system type of `vfat` this time. - The command will fail with: `mkfs.vfat: No such file or directory` - The commands for creating DOS file systems are not installed! - Confirm the missing command by running: `whereis mkfs.vfat` - We can try to fix this by finding and installing the right package. b) To locate the missing package run a query command: `yum whatprovides '*/mkfs.vfat'` - `yum` will update some internal files then tell you that the missing package name is `dosfstools` (with a version number). c) Install the missing `dosfstools` package. - Verify that `which mkfs.vfat` now finds the command. - (If it doesn’t find it, make sure `/sbin` is in your `PATH`.) d) Again: Repeat the above two commands for creating a file system and showing its type, but use a file system type of `vfat` this time. - If you have installed the missing `dosfstools` package, everything will work correctly with no errors. - Record your command line and the partition type output line on **Lines 10 and 11** in [The Answer File]. 4. On the only `HPFS/NTFS` partition: a) Repeat the above steps for creating a file system, but use a file system type of `ntfs` this time. - The command will fail with: `mkfs.ntfs: No such file or directory` - The commands for creating NTFS file systems are not installed! - Confirm the missing command by running: `whereis mkfs.ntfs` - We can try to fix this by finding and installing the right package. b) As you did before, try to locate the missing package based on the missing `mkfs.ntfs` file name. - `yum` will update some internal files then tell you `No Matches found` - This version of CentOS does not support NTFS file systems using the standard `yum` repositories for software! `:-(` - We could install an experimental NTFS software package, but we don’t want any experimental software on our server machine. c) Give up without making any NTFS file system here. d) Send an angry note to Microsoft for using undocumented file system formats that have to be experimentally reverse-engineered. Run the **Fetch** and [Checking Program] to verify your work so far. ### Snapshot and Practice 1. Take a VMware back-up snapshot now and name it something like `done_mkfs`. 2. For practice, repeat this section again, re-typing each of the commands you used to create the file systems. Would you remember how to do this when asked to demonstrate it at a **job interview**? When installing a new disk? Practice! Mounting & Unmounting a Linux File system using `mount` ------------------------------------------------------- > After partitioning a disk and creating file systems, next comes mounting > the new file systems onto existing directories in the system. You must have > created six partitions with three new file systems to continue. 1. List all the currently mounted file systems using the `mount` command with no arguments. - You should see six lines, or seven if you use VMware and have a `vmware-vmblock` device mounted. - None of the above new file systems should be visible in the output. If you have any disk partitions mounted other than the ROOT partition (`sda1`), unmount the partitions now before continuing. - Save the `mount` output as a `mount_before.txt` file. (6 lines, 36 words or 7 lines, 42 words if you use VMware) 2. Use a single command to create (empty) directories named `/mnt/ext3`, `/mnt/ext4`, and `/mnt/vfat` to use as mount points for all the file systems you successfully created above. - If you don’t remember to create the empty directory first, the `mount` command will generate error messages such as `mount point /mnt/ext3 does not exist`. 3. Use `mount` commands to mount all three file systems you created previously, each mounted on its own self-named directory. (Recall that each file system was created with a particular type. Match the partition file system type with the directory name.) - You do not need to specify the type of the file system being mounted, because `mount` can tell. If `mount` says `you must specify the filesystem type` then almost surely there is *no* file system created in that partition. Fix it and then try again. - Record as **Lines 12-14** in [The Answer File] the three `mount` commands you used to mount these three partitions. (Remember: The directories must already exist!) > Reminder: You almost never need the `-t` option when mounting a file > system, since Linux knows the type by looking inside the partition. If > `mount` ever gives the error `you must specify the filesystem type`, it is > because there is **no** file system created inside that partition. The > `file -s` command can confirm this for you. Create the file system > first, then mount it. ### Show mounted: `mount` 1. Use `mount` without any arguments to verify that you have three new mounted file systems. Each file system type should match the directory name on which it is mounted. Each file system should be mounted only **once**. (If you have duplicate entries, unmount them using the `umount` command.) - Save the `mount` output as a `mount_after.txt` file. (9 lines, 54 words or 10 lines, 60 words if you use VMware) 2. Save the output (run as `root`) of `file -s /dev/sd*` as a `file_after.txt` file. (10 lines) 3. Save the output (run as `root`) of the command `blkid` as a `blkid_after.txt` file. (at least 5 lines) - This command shows you the `UUID` values that you could use to uniquely identify each partition in the first column of the `/etc/fstab` file. (Do not use `UUID` mount names in this assignment; use the device partition names when the time comes.) 4. Use the command `ls -lid / /mnt/ext?` to see the inode numbers of the three Linux directories mounted on your system. - Notes that all three directories have the *same* inode number `2`. Aren’t inode numbers supposed to be unique? (Review [Links and Inodes].) Know why these three directories have the same inode number. (This question may appear on your final exam.) 5. Take a VMware back-up Snapshot now and name it something like `done_3mount`. ### Show mounted: `df` 1. The `df` (“disk free”) command shows information about mounted file systems, including the amount of disk space used and disk space still available. A useful option is `-h` that shows output in “human-readable” form. - Use the command `df -h` to see the sizes of the file systems. 2. The two new, empty Linux file systems we just mounted show about `5.6MB` of space used. Why is a new file system not empty? (This question may appear on your final exam.) 3. If you add up the `Used` plus `Available` disk space on a `VFAT` (DOS) file system, it exactly equals the `Size` of the file system. If you add up `Used`+`Available` on a `Linux` file system, it is usually about 5% smaller than the `Size` of the file system. [Why?] (This question may appear on your final exam.) ### Disk Usage - `du` > The `du` command walks the file system and recursively shows the disk usage > in every directory under a directory. > > - With the `-s` option, only the `summary` of the disk usage is shown. > - With the `-h` option, the output is given in “human-readable” form > (similar to the same option to `df`). > - With the `-x` option, `du` will stay within a file system and not > follow directories that are mount points. 1. Use `du` to show a **summary** of the **human-readable** amount of disk space on only the `/` (ROOT) file system. - You will need three option letters. - The command will take some time to finish! Wait for it! 2. Compare the speed of running the above `du` command (which has to walk the entire ROOT directory tree) against the speed of running `df` in the previous section. This is why sysadmin prever `df`! 3. Unmount all three file systems that you just mounted. - Make sure that the system is back to the state you recorded in the `mount_before.txt` file. Only seven lines! Run the **Fetch** and [Checking Program] to verify your work so far. ### Practice 1. For practice, repeat this section again, re-typing each of the commands you used to mount and unmount each file system. Would you remember how to do this when asked to demonstrate it at a **job interview**? When installing a new disk? Practice! Preparing a Swap Partition using `mkswap` and `swapon` ------------------------------------------------------ 1. Use one command to initialize the `Linux swap` partition on your new **1GB** disk. a) Record the command line you used as **Line 15** in [The Answer File]. b) Record as **Line 16** in [The Answer File] the **output** of using `file -s` on the `Linux swap` partition. - The output should include the words `swap file` 2. Use one command to tell the kernel to use the new swap device. - Record the command line you used as **Line 17** in [The Answer File]. 3. Display the list of active swap partitions. - Save the output of this command in a `swap.txt` file. (3 lines, 15 words) 4. Disconnect the swap area you just connected. - Only one swap partition should remain, on your first disk. Run the **Fetch** and [Checking Program] to verify your work so far. ### Snapshot and Practice 1. Take a VMware back-up snapshot now and name it something like `done_swap`. 2. For practice, repeat this section again, re-typing each of the commands you used to initialize and enable the swap partition. Would you remember how to do this when asked to demonstrate it at a **job interview**? When installing a new disk? Practice! Kernel Version Number (release number) -------------------------------------- Your Linux kernel has a **version** number, as in “What **version** of the kernel are you running? I’m running **version** `2.6.32`”. Unfortunately, the command that prints system information, including the kernel **version** number, calls the number a kernel **release** number, because it uses the option name **version** to stand for the kernel **compile date**. When using this system information command you must use the option named **release** to display the kernel version number. 1. Display **only** the version (release) of the Linux kernel that is running on CentOS (19 characters): - Record the command line you must use as **Line 18** in [The Answer File]. - Record the one line of output for CentOS as **Line 19** in [The Answer File]. (The output starts with the digit `2` on CentOS.) - Log in to the CLS find out what kernel version it is running. Record the one line of output for the CLS as **Line 20** in [The Answer File]. (The output starts with the digit `3` on the CLS – the CLS runs a newer kernel than CentOS.) Run the **Fetch** and [Checking Program] to verify your work so far. Booting into single-user mode (changing forgotten `root` password) ------------------------------------------------------------------ > If you find yourself locked out of a Linux machine, and you have access to > the console, booting into single user mode will will often not require a > password, and in single-user mode you are given a `root` shell and can > change passwords or perform various other repair tasks. (Some systems > **do** password-protect single-user mode, in which case you would need to > boot a “live” or “rescue” CD to reset your `root` password.) Review [Booting and GRUB]. This section depends on a successful [CentOS Virtual Machine] installation, including a visible (not hidden) GRUB menu. (You made these changes when you configured CentOS in an earlier assignment.) To change a forgotten `root` password or do maintenance on the system that requires it to be quiescent (no users or disk activity), you can boot your system in a restricted **single-user** mode that does not start many system daemons and goes directly into a `root` shell prompt on the system console without requiring a password. The system should not be left in single-user mode; many service programs are not started. Networking may not be enabled; you may not even be able to log-in remotely in single-user mode. 1. View your CentOS GRUB configuration file and look at the (very long) `kernel` line in that file. Note all the options used on the right end of the `kernel` line; you will see them again soon. - Record on **Line 21** in [The Answer File] the Linux absolute pathname of this GRUB configuration file. 2. Record on **Line 22** in [The Answer File] the kernel option keyword used in booting a machine single-user (maintenance mode). (one word) 3. Safely reboot your CentOS VM into the GRUB menu and halt the time-out: - When the boot process begins, if you correctly disabled the `hiddenmenu` command in GRUB, you will boot directly to the GNU GRUB menu where you should see a one-line list of CentOS systems to boot and at the bottom a 30 second countdown in progress. - Interrupt the countdown by pressing an arrow key. (If you didn’t disable `hiddenmenu`, when the countdown is interrupted your system should display the one-entry GRUB menu.) ![CentOS 6 GRUB Menu] 4. Now, just as the GRUB menu instructions tell you, to modify the kernel arguments you press just the single letter `a` – just the letter key, no `[Enter]` key! - After pressing `a` you will see your cursor on a line that ends with the same `kernel` arguments you viewed earlier in the configuration file. - You can use the `[Home]` key to zoom to the left end of the kernel options line, and the `[End]` key to zoom to the right. ![CentOS 6 Kernel Options] 5. Modify this kernel options line so that the system will boot single-user. (Add the correct kernel option keyword to the right end of the line.) - As the instructions say, push **[Enter]** to accept your changes and directly boot the system using these new kernel options. - These changes to the kernel options are **not** saved back into the configuration file – they are only in effect for this boot menu. - (If you wanted to abandon your changes and leave the menu entry unmodified, you would have used the **Escape** key, as it says.) 6. The system should come up in single-user (maintenance) mode with a `root` shell prompt. (If you get a `login` prompt, you didn’t use the right kernel option keyword. Reboot into GRUB and try again.) - You can perform any `root` function at this prompt, including changing passwords (even the `root` password). - Often single-user mode has no networking enabled and only a minimal number of file systems mounted. 7. From the single-user shell, place a full list of all processes for all users, **BSD** format, text user name (not numeric UID), full wide listing (not truncated at all), into a `psbsd_single.txt` file. (All assignment answer files must be saved in your sysadmin base directory.) The output should be approximately 52 lines and 4KB. All the processes will be owned by `root`. The first two lines should look similar to this: USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND root 1 0.0 0.5 2900 1380 ? Ss 16:35 0:01 /sbin/init Remember to fix the owner and group of the file. 8. Use the command that displays the previous and current Run Level (two words on one line) and record this line of output as **Line 23** in [The Answer File]. 9. Leave single-user mode and let the system finish booting into full multi-user mode: - Leaving single-user mode does *not* mean rebooting the machine; do not reboot or shut down the machine. - Go directly from single-user to multi-user mode without a shutdown or reboot. - The `login` prompt should appear on the console. 10. Log in as your sysadmin account (optionally use an SSH login, not the terrible console window) and repeat the command that displays the previous and current Run Level and save the output as **Line 24** in [The Answer File] (two more words on one line). - If you rebooted the machine, you won’t have the right answer here. Boot back into single-user mode and then transition to multi-user mode without a shutdown or reboot. Run the **Fetch** and [Checking Program] to verify your work so far. When you are All Done --------------------- That is all the tasks you need to do. Check your work a final time using the **Fetch** and [Checking Program] and save the output on the CLS as described below. Submit your mark following the directions below. > Optional: Keeping your main [CentOS Virtual Machine] snapshot, remove any > intermediate snapshots you no longer require, to free up disk space. - Be > careful not to remove your current work! Checking, Marking, and Submitting your Work =========================================== **Summary:** Do some tasks, then run the **Fetch** and checking program to verify your work as you go. You can run the **Fetch** and checking program as often as you want. When you have the best mark, upload the marks file to Blackboard. > Since I also do manual marking of student assignments, your final mark may > not be the same as the mark submitted using the current version of the > [Checking Program]. I do not guarantee that any version of the [Checking > Program] will find all the errors in your work. Complete your assignments > according to the specifications, not according to the incomplete set of the > mistakes detected by the [Checking Program]. The checking program resides on the [Course Linux Server], but your work is on your [CentOS Virtual Machine]. There is a **Fetch** program that you must download and use on your CentOS Virtual Machine to copy information from your CentOS Virtual Machine to your account on the CLS so that the checking program can check it on the CLS. Once the **Fetch** program has fetched these files from your Virtual Machine to the CLS, you can run the checking program on the CLS to check what is saved in the files. When you make changes on your CentOS Virtual Machine, you need to run the **Fetch** program again on CentOS to update the saved files on the CLS. Simply running the checking program on the CLS will *not* update the saved files on the CLS. You must run the **Fetch** program on your CentOS VM when you make changes on your [CentOS Virtual Machine]. Part I - Fetch and Check ------------------------ Do all the following steps on your [CentOS Virtual Machine]. Read through the whole list before you start typing anything. An example of what to type is given below the descriptions that follow. Failure to **read all the words** will lock your account out of the CLS. 1. Log in to CentOS. Use your sysadmin non-`root` account (same userid as Blackboard). 2. Create a directory in your sysadmin account named `CST8207-14W/Assignments/assignment13` (use the same directory hierarchy as you already have in your own account on the CLS). This is your **base** directory for this assignment. 3. Change to the above sysadmin base directory (on CentOS!). 4. As shown below, use `curl` to get a copy of the **Fetch** program from the given URL into a file named `do.sh`. Make sure you have a file named `do.sh` in your sysadmin base directory. You only need to download this *once* per assignment. 5. **Warning:** If you printed this page on paper, you may not be able to scroll right to read the whole web URL that you must pass to the `curl` program. $ whoami ; hostname ; pwd abcd0001 # your userid, not abcd0001 abcd0001 # your userid, not abcd0001 /home/abcd0001/CST8207-14W/Assignments/assignment13 $ url=http://teaching.idallen.com/cst8207/14w/notes/data/assignment13do.sh $ curl -A mozilla "$url" >do.sh [... make sure you scroll right to read the full web URL above ...] [... various download statistics print here ...] $ fgrep -i 'error' do.sh # make sure no errors (no output) $ head -n1 do.sh # make sure it's a shell script #!/bin/sh -u 5. You must run the `do.sh` script you just downloaded. You must run the script as the `root` user with the `USER` environment variable set to your own CLS account userid. (Do not use *abcd0001*; use your own.) Failure to set the `USER=` variable as shown below will cause your account to be locked out of the CLS. Use `su` to run the `do.sh` script: $ echo "$USER" ; pwd abcd0001 # your userid, not abcd0001 /home/abcd0001/CST8207-14W/Assignments/assignment13 # your userid, not abcd0001 $ su -c "USER=$USER sh do.sh" # must be double quotes, not single This `do.sh` script runs a **Fetch** program that will connect from your CentOS machine to the CLS using your account name in the `USER` variable. It will copy selected files from your CentOS machine to your `assignment13` directory on the CLS. It will then run the checking program on the CLS to check your work. You will need to answer one question about your IP address, and then wait and type in your CLS password, as shown below: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- abcd0001: FETCH version 3. Connecting to CLS as USER='abcd0001' using ssh --------------------------------------------------------------------------- abcd0001: Use local Algonquin IP cst8207-alg.idallen.ca [y/N/?]? n abcd0001: Please wait; using ssh to connect to user 'abcd0001' on cst8207.idallen.ca ... *** COURSE LINUX SERVER *** abcd0001@cst8207.idallen.ca's password: # enter your CLS password --------------------------------------------------------------------------- idallen-ubuntu assignment13fetch_server.sh version 9 run by abcd0001. Please wait; collecting info from abcd0001 Virtual Machine --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VM files collected into CST8207-14W/Assignments/assignment13/abcd0001.tar.bz on CLS. Now running checking program for abcd0001 on CLS: [... checking program output appears here ...] ### Notes on the Fetch program - This **Fetch** program copies files and information from your CentOS virtual machine into a `tar` archive in your account under `assignment13` on the CLS and then runs the checking program on the CLS. If you only run the checking program on the CLS, it won’t update the files from your CentOS VM and it will just check the existing files saved under `assignment13` on the CLS. - The checking program is running on the CLS, not on your CentOS VM. At the start, the checking program will issue messages relevant to your account on the CLS (e.g. errors in your CLS `.bashrc` file or world-writable files on the CLS). These errors are on the CLS, not on your CentOS machine. Part II - Check and Submit -------------------------- When you are done with your assignment, you need to run the checking program one last time on the CLS (not from CentOS) and submit the output file, as follows: Do all this on the [Course Linux Server] when you are ready to submit: 1. There is a [Checking Program] named `assignment13check` in the [Source Directory] on the CLS. Create a [Symbolic Link] to this program named `check` under your new `assignment13` directory on the CLS so that you can easily run the program to check your work and assign your work a mark on the CLS. Note: You can create a symbolic link to this executable program but you do not have permission to read or copy the program file. 2. Execute the above “check” program on the CLS using its symbolic link. (Review the [Search Path] notes if you forget how to run a program by pathname from the command line.) This program will check your fetched CentOS work, assign you a mark, and display the output on your screen. (You may want to paginate the long output so you can read all of it.) Remember: The checking program does not fetch new files to the CLS from your CentOS VM. You must run the **Fetch** program on your CentOS VM to update the fetched files on the CLS so that the checking program can mark them on the CLS. You may run the “check” program as many times as you wish, to correct mistakes and get the best mark. **Some task sections require you to finish the whole section before running the checking program at the end; you may not always be able to run the checking program successfully after every single task step.** 3. When you are done with checking this assignment, and you like what you see on your screen, **redirect** the output of the [Checking Program] into the text file `assignment13.txt` under your `assignment13` directory on the CLS. Use the *exact* name `assignment13.txt` in your `assignment13` directory. Case (upper/lower case letters) matters. Be absolutely accurate, as if your marks depended on it. Do not edit the file. - Make sure the file actually contains the output of the checking program! - The last text line of the file should begin with: `YOUR MARK for` - Really! **MAKE SURE THE FILE HAS YOUR MARKS IN IT!** 4. Transfer the above `assignment13.txt` file from the CLS to your local computer and verify that the file still contains all the output from the checking program. Do not edit this file! No empty files, please! Edited or damaged files will not be marked. You may want to refer to your [File Transfer] notes. - Make sure the file actually contains the output of the checking program! - The last text line of the file should begin with: `YOUR MARK for` - Really! **MAKE SURE THE FILE HAS YOUR MARKS IN IT!** 5. Upload the `assignment13.txt` file under the correct Assignment area on Blackboard (with the exact correct name) before the due date. Upload the file via the **assignment13** “Upload Assignment” facility in Blackboard: click on the underlined **assignment13** link in Blackboard. Use “**Attach File**” and “**Submit**” to upload your plain text file. No word-processor documents. Do not send email. Use only “Attach File”. Do not enter any text into the **Submission** or **Comments** boxes on Blackboard; I do not read them. Use only the “**Attach File**” section followed by the **Submit** button. If you need to comment on any assignment submission, send me [email]. You can upload the file more than once; I only look at the most recent. You must upload the file with the correct name; you cannot correct the name as you upload it to Blackboard. 6. **Verify that Blackboard has received your submission**: After using the *Submit* button, you will see a page titled *Review Submission History* that will show all your submissions. a) Verify that your latest submission has the correct 16-character, lower-case file name beside the *Attached Files* heading. b) The *Submission Field* and *Student Comments* headings must be **empty**. (I do not read them.) c) **Save a screen capture** showing the uploaded file name. If there is an upload missing, you will need this to prove that you uploaded the file. (Blackboard has never lost a file.) You will also see the *Review Submission History* page any time you already have an assignment attempt uploaded and you click on the underlined **assignment13** link. You cannot delete an assignment attempt, but you can always upload a new version. I only mark the latest version. 7. Your instructor may also mark files in your directory in your CLS account after the due date. Leave everything there on the CLS. **Do not delete any assignment work from the CLS until after the term is over!** - I do not accept any assignment submissions by email. Use only the Blackboard *Attach File*. No word processor documents. Plain Text only. - Use the *exact* file name given above. Upload only one single file of Linux-format plain text, not HTML, not RTF, not MSWord. No fonts, no word-processing. Linux plain text only. - **NO EMAIL, WORD PROCESSOR, PDF, RTF, or HTML DOCUMENTS ACCEPTED.** - No marks are awarded for submitting under the wrong assignment number or for using the wrong file name. Use the exact 16-character, lower-case name given above. - WARNING: Some inattentive students don’t read all these words. Don’t make that mistake! Be exact. **READ ALL THE WORDS. OH PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE READ ALL THE WORDS!** -- | Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/ | College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/ | Defend digital freedom: http://eff.org/ and have fun: http://fools.ca/ [Plain Text] - plain text version of this page in [Pandoc Markdown] format [www.idallen.com]: http://www.idallen.com/ [hyperlink URLs]: indexcgi.cgi#XImportant_Notes__alphabetical_order_ [Assignments]: indexcgi.cgi#XAssignments [CentOS Virtual Machine]: 000_centos_install.html [Checking Program]: #checking-marking-and-submitting-your-work [Course Linux Server]: 070_course_linux_server.html [Partitions and File Systems]: 720_partitions_and_file_systems.html [Booting and GRUB]: 750_booting_and_grub.html [CST8207 GNU/Linux Operating Systems I]: ../ [Partitioning with fdisk]: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Partition/fdisk_partitioning.html [Network Diagnostics]: 000_network_diagnostics.html [The Answer File]: #the-answer-file-answer.txt [Remote Login]: 110_remote_login.html [Part II - Check and Submit]: #part-ii---check-and-submit [Create VMware Disk]: 730_create_vmware_disk.pdf [**Hint**]: 190_glob_patterns.html [MebiBytes]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mebibyte [Links and Inodes]: 455_links_and_inodes.html#many-file-systems---one-root [Why?]: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/7950/reserved-space-for-root-on-a-filesystem-why [CentOS 6 GRUB Menu]: data/centos6_grub_menu.jpg "CentOS 6 GRUB Menu" [CentOS 6 Kernel Options]: data/centos6_kernel.png "CentOS 6 Kernel Options" [Source Directory]: #the-cls-source-directory [Symbolic Link]: 460_symbolic_links.html [Search Path]: 400_search_path.html [File Transfer]: 015_file_transfer.html [email]: mailto:idallen@idallen.ca [Plain Text]: assignment13.txt [Pandoc Markdown]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/
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+ Web of Games: Items tagged preservation
+ Once again game stores are shutting down, and once again people are discussing how we could (and should) preserve all those games. And yes, it's tricky not just due to copyrights, or new consoles coming up all the time. I hadn't even thought about issues like TV plugs! But you know... having just made yet another game port, with more on the way, I can't help but think that if even one of the platforms I make my games for survives, so will the games, even if they weren't open source, and they are. That alone is reason to port them widely. Even if we're no longer in the Tower of Babel that was the 80s computing. Oh wait. The simple, self-contained machines from back then are precisely those most easily emulated nowadays, whose games will run forever.
+ Just in case somebody's actually watching this space: as of this writing, older links will move to the archive section, and this one will become more of a staging ground for the main blog. Hopefully that will make both more interesting and useful for everyone.
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+ % CentOS Download, Installation, and Configuration % Ian! D. Allen -
+ - [www.idallen.com] % Winter 2014 - January to April 2014 - Updated Mon Apr 14 16:32:25 EDT 2014 Overview for CentOS Installation ================================ - You will create a VMware Workstation Virtual Machine running a minimal server-style installation of Linux CentOS version 6.5 (\~324MB minimal installation, no GUI) using the instructions below. This is *not* a Desktop system. - For full information on this minimal installation, read the [CentOS MinimalCD 6.5 Release Notes]. - [CentOS] creates versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, with Red Hat trademarks and images removed to allow free distribution. They recently became partners with Red Hat “to provide a common platform for open source community project needs”. - Installing and configuring a server (not Desktop) CentOS operating system requires significant Linux expertise. You may not initially know the meaning of all the instructions you must follow, below. By the end of the course, you will know what everything means. - Failure to follow these instructions exactly may lead to future penalties, as we need the exact configuration listed here. - Do not install extra packages or software in this CentOS virtual machine. If you want to experiment, create a separate non-course clone to use. > If you want to play with an easy-install desktop version of Linux, don’t do > it using the system you will install in this document. This document > installs a *server* system, not a *Desktop* system. A Desktop system should > be something graphical and desktop-friendly such as [Ubuntu] or [Mint]. > You can’t use the CentOS system in this document as a Desktop system. This > document is configuring a minimal, non-GUI, **server** version of Linux. Using Other Virtualization Software ----------------------------------- You can use any virtualization software you like to create and run this server-style CentOS virtual machine, e.g. VirtualBox, Parallels, etc., but faculty only fully support questions about **VMware** (and maybe **VirtualBox**). It’s what we know. It isn’t the virtualization software that’s important; it’s the running CentOS virtual machine. I don’t recommend running CentOS directly on your hardware; you lose all the snapshot and backup features available in a Virtual Machine. Don’t do it. Download `CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso` ====================================== > You can start this ISO download process and wait for it to finish while you > move on to the next step to [Create an Empty Virtual Machine] In this section, you will download the `CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso` to your machine. It **must** be the `CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso`, no other version is acceptable for this server. You can get the `CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso` image from one of the following places. We recommend that you choose the first one if you are on campus; it’s the fastest one. Download Method 1 (best): From the CSTECH Downloads Folder ---------------------------------------------------------- This method only works on the Algonquin campus. **Use a wired connection to download big files such as ISO images; don’t use wireless!** 1. On your laptop use a browser to go to the Web site
+ on campus. (This only works **ON CAMPUS**!) 2. Choose any room from the left side-bar (e.g. T108). Go to **Drivers and Downloads**, **Linux**, **CentOS**, [**CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso**] 3. Choose exactly this `339738624`-byte ISO file: [`CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso`] 4. Also download the [`CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso-md5.txt`] file containing the *md5sum* file checksum hash. Download Method 2 (worst): From the Internet (slow) --------------------------------------------------- This is much slower than the above CSTECH method. Use it only if you have to: 1. Don’t use this method – it’s slower than the CSTECH method, above. 2. On your laptop use a browser to go to the Web site
+ . 3. Select the **Get CentOS Linux Now** button. 4. Near the bottom of the **Download CentOS** page, find the **Minimal Install Images** section and choose the **More Information** link. 5. In the **Introduction** section, choose the **32-bit** **i386** link
+ 6. Pick a nearby HTTP mirror from the list of `/i386/` mirrors. 7. In the **Index of `/centos/6.5/isos/i386`** find the ISO named `CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso` to download: 8. Choose exactly this `339738624`-byte (324MB) ISO file: `CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso` 9. Also download the `md5sum.txt` file containing the *md5sum* file checksum hashes. Verify the Downloaded ISO ------------------------- To verify the downloaded ISO, you must get a copy of the checksum file from the same CentOS folder where you found the i386 (32-bit) ISO image. 1. Verify that you have the exact ISO file named `CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso` that is 339,738,624 bytes (324MB). 2. To verify the download, you will need some form of checksum program that runs on your local computer that can calculate **md5** or **sha** hashes. Unix/Linux/OSX machines already have the `md5sum` command available (sometimes called just `md5` on OSX); you don’t need to download anything; read the `man` page or just run `md5sum` (or `md5`) followed by the ISO image name and compare the number with the number saved in the checksum hash file. For Windows users, one suggestion to use (thanks Richard!) is [**HashTab**]: a. Windows only: Download and install [**HashTab**] for Windows. (Unix/Linux/OSX users don’t need this program.) b. Copy the desired checksum hash to the clipboard (e.g. from the `md5sum.txt` file). c. Right click in the file you wish to verify, i.e. select your ISO image `CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso` d. Click **Properties** and then **file hashes**. - It will compare the hashes to the one(s) in your clipboard. - MD5 and SHA-1 are the defaults, but it can be customized to include others. 3. Verify the checksum hash of the ISO file against the checksum hash recorded in any of the checksum files located in the same folder. (For example, open `md5sum.txt` and locate the checksum for your ISO file and compare it with the checksum of the ISO file you downloaded.) > Sysadmin Tip for Windows users: You can install the free [**Cygwin**] > package on your own Windows laptop to get BASH and all the Unix tools for > Windows, including `md5sum`, `find`, etc. MacOSX users already have most of > the tools installed and available in any **Terminal** window. Create an Empty Virtual Machine in VMware ========================================= These detailed instructions are for **VMware** Workstation Version 10. You may use any other virtualization software you like (e.g. **VirtualBox**), but you’re on your own if things go wrong. In this section, you will first create an empty Linux **32bit** CentOS-compatible Virtual Machine with no operating system installed. You can do this while you are waiting for your CentOS minimal `CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso` to download. VMware Workstation will try to guide you into an “Easy” or automatic install; you must *not* do an Easy/automatic install. **Do *not* let VMware use “Easy Install”!** 1. Start VMware on your machine. Any version of VMware since Version 8 should work. These instructions were prepared with Version 10. 2. Choose **Create a New Virtual Machine** or **File | New Virtual Machine**. 3. **Welcome to the New Virtual Machine Wizard:** Choose **Typical (recommended)**. - **Typical** asks fewer questions than the full **Custom** install 4. **Guest Operating System Installation:** Select: **I will install the operating system later** - “The virtual machine will be created with a blank hard disk.” - Do *not* let VMware use “Easy Install”! - *Do **not** let VMware use “Easy Install”!* - **Do *not* let VMware use “Easy Install”!** 5. **Select a Guest Operating System:** Select: **Linux**, Version **CentOS** - **Do *not* choose 64 bit!** - If the installation is asking you to create a userid for this step, then you need to start over: **Do *not* let VMware use “Easy Install”!** 6. **Name the Virtual Machine:** If your course and term is **CST8207** and **14W**, then use the name `CST8207-14W-CentOS-6.5` (no spaces). - You may want to change the **Location** if you keep your VMware images in a different folder on your host machine, otherwise leave **Location** unchanged. - You can invent your own virtual machine name, if you prefer. 7. **Specify Disk Capacity:** Enter **2** GB (actually type the number `2` into the box) - If asked, say: **Store virtual disk as a single file (Monolithic)** Under the **Ready to Create Virtual Machine** screen, confirm these important settings: Operating System: CentOS Hard Disk: 2 GB, Monolithic Memory: 1024 MB 8. Finish. You will see **Virtual Machine Created**. 9. Close the New Virtual Machine Wizard. 10. In the VMware **VM | Settings | Hardware** page for this virtual machine: a. Select the **Sound Card** and un-check everything. b. Select the **USB Controller** and un-check everything. c. Select **Save** or **OK**. To confirm your settings: In VMware, select menu **VM | Settings** to open **Virtual Machine Settings** and look under the **Hardware** tab to confirm: Memory: 1024 MB (or 1GB) Processors: 1 Hard Disk: 2GB In the same **VM | Settings** window (“**Virtual Machine Settings**”), go to the **Options | General** tab and confirm: Guest Operating System: Linux Version: CentOS If you don’t see the above settings, delete this virtual machine and start over. Install The Operating System ============================ After you have downloaded and verified the checksum of the 32-bit ISO file `CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso`, you can next follow these instructions below to install this minimal 32-bit CentOS ISO image into your empty CentOS virtual machine that you just created above. 1. The installation software requires more memory than the running CentOS server. If you are installing or re-installing your system, set your VM Memory to **1024MB** (1 GB) before you continue. 2. Connect your downloaded and checksum-verified `CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso` ISO to your VMware virtual CD/DVD drive using the **VM | Settings**, **Hardware | CD/DVD** device page: a. On the CD/DVD device page, under **Device Status** check **Connect at power on**. b. On the CD/DVD device page, select radio button **Use ISO image file:** and browse to the location of your downloaded CentOS ISO file and select it and **Open** it. c. Select **Save** or **OK**. 3. With the downloaded CentOS ISO connected to the CD/DVD of your virtual machine, in your VMware Workstation screen select **Power on this Virtual Machine** or **Start up this guest operating system**. You should see a blue CentOS 6 screen with the title “Welcome to CentOS 6.5!” and five menu entries: ![CentOS 6 Welcome] 4. Put aside your mouse for the moment – the next few configuration steps must be done using the keyboard: a. The first menu entry **Install or upgrade an existing system** is the one that will be chosen as the “Automatic boot” when the 60-second time-out expires. You can use the keyboard **Up/Down** arrow keys to move the cursor up and down to stop the time-out or choose some other menu entry. b. Use the arrow keys to choose the first menu entry **Install or upgrade an existing system** and push **Enter**. (This will happen automatically when the 60-second time-out occurs.) c. Watch many Linux kernel messages stream by in black-and-white. 5. You will see a text screen titled “Welcome to CentOS for i386” containing a box titled `Disc Found` and asking you if you want to test the media. a. In “Disc Found” use the Space bar to select the OK choice. You will see another box titled “Media Check”. b. In “Media Check” use the Space bar to select “Test”. The result must be “Success” or else your ISO file is corrupt and needs to be removed and downloaded again. c. In “Success” use Space to select “OK”. You will see a box saying “Media ejected”. This is dumb. Now we have to reconnect the ISO file! d. Release your cursor from the virtual machine and go back to the VMware **VM | Settings**, **Hardware | CD/DVD** device page: i. Under the CD/DVD **Device Status** section check **Connected**. ii. Select **Save** or **OK**. iii. Go back to your CentOS virtual machine console. iv. (You can also connect the CD using right-click on the CD/DVD icon in the bottom right and select “Connect”.) e. After re-connecting the CD, go back to the “Media ejected” box and use Space to select OK. You will see another “Media Check” box asking you about testing additional media. Make sure the ISO file is connected to your CD/DVD before you continue from this step. f. In this “Media Check” box, use the TAB key to select “Continue” and then the Space bar to activate Continue. It should say “Media detected” and “Found local installation media” and then you should see a graphical CentOS 6 screen with a “Next” button on it (see below). a. If it says “**Error**” and it can’t find the CentOS installation disc, you forgot to reconnect the ISO file to your CD/DVD device, above. Connect the ISO and try again. b. If you only see a blue/gray text screen saying “**Welcome to CentOS!**”, you forgot to increase the Memory to 1024MB for the installation. Power off, do that, and try again. ![CentOS 6 Splash Screen] 6. On the CentOS 6 page, the mouse is working again. Use it or Space to select the Next button. You should see a “What language” page. 7. On the “What language” page use the default English selection. (You may be tempted to chose your own non-English language, but if you do so your Instructor will not be able to help you with any problems. Always use the default English language.) Select Next. 8. On the “Select the appropriate keyboard” page use the default “U.S. English” keyboard. Select Next. 9. On the “What type of devices” page use the default “Basic Storage Devices”. Select Next. 10. On the “Storage Device Warning” page select “Yes, discard any data”. (If you are re-installing your system, you will instead see here an “At least one existing installation” page that asks you to either overwrite or upgrade your existing installation. Choose appropriately.) 11. On the “Please name this computer” page: a. For **Hostname:** enter your eight-character Algonquin Blackboard userid (all lower-case). b. Select Next. 12. On the “Please select the nearest city” page: a. Turn *off* “System clock uses UTC”. Un-check this box. b. Do not change the city. c. Select Next. 13. On the “The root account” page enter (twice) a `root` account [password that you can remember]. Keep it simple – this is a low-security student course machine and not a high-security bank! Select Next. 14. On the “Which type of installation” page select “Create Custom Layout”. We are going to use a simple two-partition system instead of the default (and more complex) Logical Volume Manager layout. Select Next. 15. On the “Please Select A Device” page click on the “Free 2047” line then click on “Create”. (If you are re-installing your system, you will first need to select each existing partition and Delete it to make the free space.) a. On the “Create Storage” page use the default “Standard Partition” then click on “Create”. b. On the “Add Partition” page: i. Use the drop-down list for “Mount Point:” and select `/` (the ROOT). ii. Leave the “File System Type” as `ext4`. iii. Type `1500` into the “Size (MB)” box. iv. Check “Force to be a primary partition” v. Select “OK”. c. You should now have a ROOT (`/`) partition of type `ext4` size 1500 on `sda1`. Delete this partition and start over if this is not true. 16. On the “Please Select A Device” page click on the “Free 547” line then click on “Create”. a. On the “Create Storage” page use the default “Standard Partition” then click on “Create”. b. On the “Add Partition” page: i. Ignore the Mount Point. ii. Change the “File System Type” to `swap`. iii. Ignore the “Size (MB)” box. iv. Check “Fill to maximum allowable size” v. Check “Force to be a primary partition” vi. Select “OK”. c. You should now have a swap partition on `sda2` size 547. Delete this partition and start over if this is not true. ![CentOS 6 Partitions] 17. After confirming the above two partitions and sizes, on the “Please Select A Device” page click on “Next”. 18. On the “Format Warnings” page click “Format”. This completely wipes your Linux virtual disk, not your host machine’s disk. 19. On the “Writing storage configuration to disk” page click “Write changes to disk”. 20. On the “Install boot loader page” page leave the default setting checked (“Install boot loader on `/dev/sda`”) and click “Next”. It should say “Installation starting”. 21. You should see a progress bar saying “Packages completed” as exactly 204 CentOS packages are installed into the system. (If the number is not exactly 204, you are using the wrong ISO image.) The 204-package installation should take about five minutes. ![CentOS 6 Install Packages] 22. On the “Congratulations, your CentOS installation is complete” page select “Reboot”. Some Linux kernel shutdown messages will print, then the virtual machine will reboot. 23. The system should reboot into a black login screen with the banner `CentOS release 6.5 (Final)` and a login prompt preceded by the hostname of the machine, similar to this: CentOS release 6.5 (Final) Kernel 2.6.32-431.el6.i686 on an i686 abcd0001 login: The machine name in front of the `login:` prompt should be your own Blackboard userid, not `abcd0001`. Verify Correct CentOS Installation ---------------------------------- 1. Log in on the black text console as the user `root` with the password that you remembered from the above installation. - If the login doesn’t work, go back and read all the words in the previous sentence, especially the words starting with the letter `r`. Run the following installation verification commands. Your CentOS installation must pass all of the following verification steps: 2. Run: `hostname` and verify that it prints your eight-character Blackboard userid as the machine name. 3. In file `/etc/sysconfig/network` verify that the `NETWORKING` variable is set to `yes` and the `HOSTNAME` variable is set to your Blackboard userid. 4. Run: `fdisk -clu` and verify that your Disk `/dev/sda` is `2147 MB` and that the disk partitions `/dev/sda1` and `/dev/sda2` have `1,536,000` and `560,128` blocks (a block is 1024 bytes). It should look almost exactly like the following, except your machine name and `Disk identifier` number will differ: [root@abcd0001 ~]# fdisk -clu Disk /dev/sda: 2147 MB, 2147483648 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 261 cylinders, total 4194304 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x00000000 Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sda1 * 2048 3074047 1536000 83 Linux /dev/sda2 3074048 4194303 560128 82 Linux swap / Solaris 5. Run: `rpm -q -a | wc` and verify that you have exactly `204` packages installed. 6. Run: `df -h` and verify that your `/dev/sda1` virtual disk partition mounted on `/` (the ROOT) has a **Size** of `1.5G` (ignore the other sizes – they may differ slightly): [root@abcd0001 ~]# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 1.5G 598M 804M 43% / tmpfs 504M 0 504M 0% /dev/shm 7. Run: `swapon -s` and verify that partition `/dev/sda2` is listed as an active swap partition: [root@abcd0001 ~]# swapon -s Filename Type Size Used Priority /dev/sda2 partition 560120 0 -1 You may need to delete this virtual machine and re-install if any of the above numbers or verification steps are wrong. Redo your installation or consult with your instructor if any of the above verification commands don’t give the expected output. Networking is not enabled on this server yet. It is a good idea to configure your system a bit before enabling networking, so we will enable networking later, after doing some configuration. Snapshot your Fresh Installation -------------------------------- Make sure your CentOS virtual machine passes the all above verify steps before saving it! 1. Shut down your CentOS machine by typing: `shutdown -h now` - You will see some Linux kernel messages before the machine halts. - **NEVER** power off a Linux machine using the VMware Power button! - **ALWAYS** power off a Linux machine using `shutdown` or `halt`. 2. In the VMware **VM | Settings | Hardware** page for this virtual machine: a. Change the **Memory** from `1024MB` down to `256MB`. Say OK. - You will need to put Memory back up to 1024MB if you need to re-install the system from CD. - Keeping system memory small (e.g. 256MB) makes snapshots of running systems faster. b. Select the **Sound Card** and un-check everything. (You should have already done this when creating the VM.) c. Select the **USB Controller** and un-check everything. (You should have already done this.) d. Select **Save** or **OK**. 3. Use VMware (or your virtualization software) to create a Snapshot of your new VM. In VMware use **VM | Snapshot | Take snapshot…**. Label the Snapshot **Fresh Minimal Installation** and enter a dated comment explaining how you created it and what installation parameters you used: a. Minimal ISO: `CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso` b. Memory `256MB` c. Disk `2GB` d. Hostname `abcd0001` (should be your Blackboard userid) e. 204 packages f. no network at boot time 4. Open the **VM | Snapshot | Snapshot Manager** to confirm your snapshot. - You will have this snapshot to come back to if you ever need it. 5. If you have taken a successful snapshot, close the snapshot manager. Problems with Snapshots of Running Systems ------------------------------------------ A snapshot of a running (not fully shut down) system is quick to resume if you ever need to go back to it, but a running snapshot has some potentially serious problems: 1. Snapshots take more space if you take them when the machine is running, since the snapshot has to save all the system memory. Snapshots are smaller if you take them of a system that is powered off. 2. Often you need to restore a snapshot and also make some **VM | Settings** changes. If you snapshot a running system, then you have to shut it down every time you restore it when you want to make **VM | Settings** changes. Better to create the snapshot of the powered-off system. 3. A snapshot of a running system can only safely be resumed (restarted) on the system that created it, or a system running a similar CPU type. You cannot safely back-up the running snapshot files onto a different CPU type and resume it there. A snapshot of a running system may be useless if you try to restart it on a different computer, such as might happen if your laptop computer fails and you need to borrow another. When possible, make your important snapshots of virtual machines that are actually powered off. Configure CentOS ================ This configuration section assumes you are starting your configuration from the **Fresh Minimal Installation** snapshot from the previous section. Before you begin, you need to understand some terms. (These few points are not action items; they are for your information.) Make note of these things: A. When it says “*back up a file*” below, it means copy the file, preserving time and owner information, into the *same* directory with a `.bak` suffix on the file name, for example: $ cp -p /foo/bar /foo/bar.bak $ cp -p /some/path/name/file /some/path/name/file.bak You may find this shell alias useful: `alias cp='cp -p -i'`\ but remember that aliases are not saved when the shell exits. Remember to edit the *original* file, not the back-up file. B. When it says “*edit a file*” below, it means use the `vi` (not `vim`) text editor, because that’s the only editor there is. Every Unix/Linux system has `vi` installed. (Servers, including this one, don’t by default install the dumb `nano` editor.) - You need to how to use basic `vi` editor commands to open a file, edit it, and save it do the editing work below. - The editor is named `vi`, not `vim` on CentOS. We will install a full version of `vim` shortly. C. When it says “*comment out*” something below, it means insert a comment character (usually `#`) at the very start of the line, e.g. change `hiddenmenu` to `#hiddenmenu` or change `alias rm='rm -i'` to `#alias rm='rm -i'`. The comment character turns the whole line into a *comment* – something that the program reading the file will ignore. Make the configuration changes below to your **Fresh Minimal Installation** machine. Remember to preserve modification times on all files copied! If you have network connection problems below see [Network Diagnostics]. Boot the Fresh Minimal Installation snapshot -------------------------------------------- 1. Boot (power on) your **Fresh Minimal Installation** snapshot from the previous section. 2. Log in as the `root` user on the black text console, as you did before. 3. Review the above points A., B., and C. so that you know what “*back up*”, “*edit*”, and “*comment out*” mean. 4. Create your alias for `cp` to preserve modify times so that you don’t forget. Enable networking ----------------- Networking is not yet enabled on boot. Enable it, so that you can connect to your CentOS system using a proper SSH connection instead of using the limited VMware system console: 1. Back up the file `/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0` then edit the original file and change the `ONBOOT` variable setting from `ONBOOT=no` to `ONBOOT=yes`. (Always edit the original file, not the back-up file!) Save the file and exit the editor. - Display the file and make sure `ONBOOT=yes` - Use the `diff` command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only *one* line has changed. 2. At the bash `root` prompt run: `service network restart` - You should now see several lines including two lines for `eth0`:\ `Bringing up interface eth0:` and\ `Determining IP information for eth0... done. [OK]` - If you have network connection problems see [Network Diagnostics]. 3. Confirm that you have a working IP address on `eth0`: a. Run: `ifconfig eth0 | fgrep 'inet addr'` and see one line of output containing your system IP address (your `inet addr`). **Write down this local IP address; you will need it shortly.** b. Run: `ip route | fgrep 'default'` and see one line of output containing your default gateway IP address. c. Run: `ping -c 1` *X.X.X.X* where *X.X.X.X* is your default gateway IP address and look for `0% packet loss`. (This may not work if you are using Bridged networking on-campus at Algonquin College because the ITS department blocks `ping`.) Sample output for the above commands is given below – your hostname and CentOS IP addresses (write it down) will differ: [root@abcd0001 ~]# fgrep 'ONBOOT' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ONBOOT=yes [root@abcd0001 ~]# service network restart Shutting down loopback interface: [ OK ] Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ] Bringing up interface eth0: Determining IP information for eth0... done. [ OK ] [root@abcd0001 ~]# ifconfig eth0 | fgrep 'inet addr' inet addr: Bcast: Mask: [root@abcd0001 ~]# ip route | fgrep 'default' default via dev eth0 [root@abcd0001 ~]# ping -c 1 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.78 ms --- ping statistics --- 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 2ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.780/1.780/1.780/0.000 ms Make sure the `ping` shows `0% packet loss` (unless you are at Algonquin College, using Bridged networking, and `ping` is being blocked by ITS, sorry). Did you write down your CentOS IP address (not your default gateway address)? You are about to use it. Use an SSH connection instead of the console -------------------------------------------- You may find it easier to use and configure your CentOS system using an SSH terminal connection that you can resize and in which you can use copy/paste instead of the fixed-size VMware CentOS console that you cannot resize or use copy/paste. > Sometimes the networking set-up on your host operating system does not > permit you to connect to the network addresses of your virtual machines. If > that is true, the following won’t work and you’ll have to consult the > manual for your host operating system on how to enable network access to > virtual machines. 1. In your host operating system (not in the CentOS guest OS), create an SSH remote connection to the CentOS IP address for your machine that you wrote down in the previous step. (This IP address was listed beside the output for `inet addr` for `eth0`.) - Review the instructions on how to do a [Remote Login] to the [Course Linux Server], but do not use any of your saved CLS connection information. Create a new SSH connection with the (above) new CentOS IP address. - Connect via SSH using **PuTTY** on Windows, or use `ssh` on Macintosh or Linux. - If you have saved CLS settings in your connection program, do not use your CLS settings; create new settings. - Log in to your CentOS machine (not the CLS) as `root` with your `root` password. Make sure you are using your CentOS address. - Do not try to log in as `root` to the CLS! The CLS will lock out your IP address! Log in to **your** CentOS machine using **your** CentOS IP address! 2. Once you are logged in to your own CentOS machine, type `who` and see that `root` is logged in once on a VMware system console (`tty1`) and once remotely via an SSH *pseudo-terminal* (`pts/0`). [root@abcd0001 ~]# who root tty1 2014-03-09 23:26 root pts/0 2014-03-09 01:22 ( [root@abcd0001 ~]# tty /dev/pts/0 **I recommend using the SSH connection for all sysadmin work (including the rest of this document). Do not use the crappy VMware console. Note that, unlike using the system console, SSH network connections do not survive across a VM Suspend and Restore. All SSH sessions active when you suspend your VM will be disconnected. Save and exit your editors that are running over SSH before you suspend.** Install the `man` command ------------------------- This system has manual pages, but no `man` command to view them: [root@abcd0001 ~]# which man /usr/bin/which: no man in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin) [root@abcd0001 ~]# whereis man man: /usr/share/man Use the `yum` install command to fetch information about the `man` package, and then we will install it: 1. As `root` run: `yum info man` - The first time you do this, `yum` will download some package lists before it answers the `info` query. - If `yum` cannot connect to the Internet, see [Network Diagnostics]. - If `yum` seems to hang for a long time, see [Appendix I]. 2. Confirm that `yum` shows `Name : man` under `Available Packages`. - If you see `man` under `Installed Packages`, you have already installed it. 3. Run: `yum install man` and when it asks `Is this ok [y/N]:` answer with `y` (yes) and *Enter*. - The first time you do this, `yum` will also ask you to import a GPG **CentOS 6 Official Signing Key**. Answer with `y` (yes). 4. Make sure `which man` and `whereis man` and `man man` now work: [root@abcd0001 ~]# which man /usr/bin/man [root@abcd0001 ~]# whereis man man: /usr/bin/man /etc/man.config /usr/share/man /usr/share/man/man1/man.1.gz [root@abcd0001 ~]# man man ...etc... Install the `mail` command -------------------------- Servers often need to email status messages to humans. We need to use the `yum` install command to fetch and install an email client program package named `mailx`: 1. As `root` run: `yum info mailx` - The first time you do this, `yum` will download some package lists before it answers the `info` query. - If `yum` cannot connect to the Internet, see [Network Diagnostics]. - If `yum` seems to hang for a long time, see [Appendix I]. 2. Confirm that `yum` shows `Name : mailx` under `Available Packages`. - If you see `mailx` under `Installed Packages`, you have already installed it. 3. Run: `yum install mailx` and when it asks `Is this ok [y/N]:` answer with `y` (yes) and *Enter*. - The first time you do this, `yum` will also ask you to import a GPG **CentOS 6 Official Signing Key**. Answer with `y` (yes). 4. After installation, make sure that `mail -V` (upper case!) prints a version number (the number may differ, depending on which version of CentOS is installed): [root@abcd0001 ~]# mail -V 12.4 7/29/08 The `mailx` package installs some symbolic links so that the command `mail` actually runs the `mailx` program: [root@abcd0001 ~]# ls -l /bin/mail* lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 22 Mar 9 22:16 /bin/mail -> /etc/alternatives/mail -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 369440 Aug 1 2013 /bin/mailx [root@abcd0001 ~]# ls -l /etc/alternatives/mail lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Mar 9 22:16 /etc/alternatives/mail -> /bin/mailx Also `man mail` gives you the same `man` page as `man mailx` (again using more symlinks): [root@abcd0001 ~]# whereis mail mailx mailx: /bin/mail /etc/mail.rc /usr/share/man/man1/mail.1.gz mailx: /bin/mailx /usr/share/man/man1/mailx.1.gz [root@abcd0001 ~]# ls -l /usr/share/man/man1/mail.1.gz lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 31 Mar 9 22:16 /usr/share/man/man1/mail.1.gz -> /etc/alternatives/mail-mail-man [root@abcd0001 ~]# ls -l /etc/alternatives/mail-mail-man lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 30 Mar 9 22:16 /etc/alternatives/mail-mail-man -> /usr/share/man/man1/mailx.1.gz Install the full version of the `vim` editor -------------------------------------------- Your CentOS **Minimal Installation** comes with a *minimal* (they call it `Small`) version of the `vim` text editor named `vi` that is missing many features and help files: [root@abcd0001 ~]# vi --version | fgrep 'version' Small version without GUI. Features included (+) or not (-): [root@abcd0001 ~]# vimtutor -bash: vimtutor: command not found We want the full version, with help files and tutorials. As `root`, download and install the full (they call it `Huge`) version of `vim` as follows: 1. As `root` run: `yum info vim-enhanced` - The first time you do this, `yum` will download some package lists before it answers the `info` query. - If `yum` cannot connect to the Internet, see [Network Diagnostics]. - If `yum` seems to hang for a long time, see [Appendix I]. 2. Confirm that `yum` shows `Name : vim-enhanced` under `Available Packages`. - If you see `vim-enhanced` under `Installed Packages`, you have already installed it. 3. Run: `yum install vim-enhanced` and when it asks `Is this ok [y/N]:` answer with `y` (yes) and *Enter*. - The first time you do this, `yum` will also ask you to import a GPG **CentOS 6 Official Signing Key**. Answer with `y` (yes). - You will note under **Installing for dependencies** a list of other packages on which the full version of VIM depends. All this software also has to be downloaded and installed with VIM, including the **Perl** interpreter and some libraries. - Downloading all the software will take a minute or two. 4. After successful download and installation, start the newly-installed full version of VIM by typing `vim` (not `vi`) and note that this is the *Huge* version: [root@abcd0001 ~]# vim --version | fgrep 'version' Huge version without GUI. Features included (+) or not (-): [root@abcd0001 ~]# which vimtutor /usr/bin/vimtutor 5. The programs `vi` and `vim` are different in CentOS! - You may find some accounts come with an alias: `alias vi=vim` - In which system directory is the minimal (`Small`) `vi` program found? - In which system directory is full (`Huge`) enhanced `vim` program found? - What system command makes it easy to answer the above two questions? Remove confusing and dangerous `root` aliases --------------------------------------------- CentOS has provided the `root` account with some personal shell aliases that change the behaviour of some important commands and this is a bad idea. Type `alias` and you will see some aliases similar to these: [root@abcd0001 ~]# alias alias cp='cp -i' alias l.='ls -d .* --color=auto' alias ll='ls -l --color=auto' alias ls='ls --color=auto' alias mv='mv -i' alias rm='rm -i' alias which='alias | /usr/bin/which --tty-only --read-alias --show-dot --show-tilde' The aliases for `ls` and `which` are harmless, but the options added in the aliases for `cp`, `mv`, and `rm` change the behaviour of these commands significantly. (What do those options do? RTFM for each command.) On real servers, the `root` account is often shared among several sysadmin, and so you must *not* define your own personal aliases in the `root` account. Commands must work exactly as expected, not the way aliases might change them to work. We will remove these dangerous aliases from our `root` account: 1. Back up the file `/root/.bashrc` (preserve the modify time) then edit the original file: a. Remove or comment out the alias for `rm`. b. Remove or comment out the alias for `cp`. c. Remove or comment out the alias for `mv`. 2. In addition to making the above essential changes, you might also optionally add `unalias -a` to make sure that no misleading aliases are defined for the `root` account. - Add this `unalias` line at the *bottom* (end) of the `.bashrc`, *after* all the existing lines in the file. - Use the `diff` command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only a few lines have changed. Keep your own personal aliases in your *own* account and `source` them when you need them as `root`. Do **NOT** put your personal aliases into the `root` account itself. (Review [Optional Sysadmin Shell Aliases].) Log out of your VM and then log back in. Type `alias` and make sure all the dangerous aliases are gone. Enable shell History -------------------- Shell command line history for `root` is important to a sysadmin. It’s one way of knowing what commands were typed as `root`. Although the shell is saving its history upon exit, the history from different shells is not being saved, so history can be lost if you run more than one shell (e.g. multiple windows or multiple logins). Also, history is not being saved until a shell exits, which means you can also lose history if a shell is killed prematurely. We will fix this: 1. Confirm that you have already backed up the file `/root/.bashrc` then edit the original file again: a. Insert this line at the top (beginning) of the file: [ -z "${PS1-}" ] && return b. Add these lines at the bottom (end) of the file: # check the window size after each command and update LINES and COLUMNS # append history to history file instead of overwriting it shopt -s checkwinsize shopt -s histappend # keep a lot of shell history # keep time stamps on each entry # update history file after every command (not just on exit) export HISTSIZE=9000 export HISTFILESIZE=99000 export HISTTIMEFORMAT= PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a' c. Save your changes and exit your text editor back to the command prompt. d. Use the `diff` command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only the intended lines have changed. 2. Run `source ~/.bashrc` to source the new file to set up the history in the current shell. Make sure you see no output and no errors! 3. After sourcing the file, print the changed history variables to confirm: [root@abcd0001 ~]# source ~/.bashrc [root@abcd0001 ~]# printenv | fgrep 'HIST' HISTSIZE=9000 HISTFILESIZE=99000 HISTTIMEFORMAT= [root@abcd0001 ~]# echo "$PROMPT_COMMAND" history -a 4. Check that the verification commands you just typed into the shell, above, are appearing at the bottom (end) of the `root` BASH history file `.bash_history`. (What command shows you the last few lines of a text file?) Enable loopback address for your machine name name -------------------------------------------------- The file `/etc/hosts` usually contains a local copy of the name of the current machine, paired with the loopback IP address. CentOS is missing this, which means you can’t `ping` your own host name: [root@abcd0001 ~]# echo "$HOSTNAME" abcd0001 [root@abcd0001 ~]# ping "$HOSTNAME" ping: unknown host abcd0001 1. Back up the file `/etc/hosts` then edit the original file and add your machine’s host name by adding the line ` abcd0001` where *abcd0001* is replaced by *your* machine’s host name (which must be the same name as your Blackboard userid): [root@abcd0001 ~]# cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 abcd0001 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 Use the `diff` command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only the intended lines have changed. 2. Confirm that you can now `ping` your own machine name with zero packet loss: [root@abcd0001 ~]# echo "$HOSTNAME" abcd0001 [root@abcd0001 ~]# ping -c 1 "$HOSTNAME" PING abcd0001 ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from abcd0001 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.072 ms --- abcd0001 ping statistics --- 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.072/0.072/0.072/0.000 ms The name *abcd0001* above must be *your* machine’s name, not `abcd0001`. Your machine name must be the same name as your Blackboard userid. Enable Internet Time using NTP and `ntpd` ----------------------------------------- The system time is not being synchronized with the Internet. We need to use the `yum` install command to fetch and install the Network Time Protocol (NTP) package named `ntp` with its time daemon named `ntpd`: 1. As `root` run: `yum info ntp` - The NTP package is named `ntp`; the NTP daemon is named `ntpd`. - The first time you do this, `yum` will download some package lists before it answers the `info` query. - If `yum` cannot connect to the Internet, see [Network Diagnostics]. - If `yum` seems to hang for a long time, see [Appendix I]. 2. Confirm that `yum` shows `Name : ntp` under `Available Packages`. - If you see `ntp` under `Installed Packages`, you have already installed it. 3. Run: `yum install ntp` and when it asks `Is this ok [y/N]:` answer with `y` (yes) and *Enter*. - The first time you do this, `yum` will also ask you to import a GPG **CentOS 6 Official Signing Key**. Answer with `y` (yes). 4. Back up the file `/etc/ntp.conf` then edit the original file to add the line `tinker panic 0` on its own line just above the `driftfile` line. - Use the `diff` command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only the one line changed. - This line tells the `ntpd` program that it can always change the clock value, no matter how far off it is. Normally the `ntpd` daemon refuses to change a clock value that is more than 1,000 seconds wrong. - This doesn’t always work, and sometimes NTP can’t synchronize your clock inside some versions of VMware or under some host operating systems. Sometimes, installing the VMware Tools package can mitigate this problem; more on that later. 5. Run: `chkconfig --list ntpd` (and note the spelling of the service name `ntpd`). You will see one line indicating that the `ntpd` time daemon is turned **off** in every Run Level. 6. Run: `chkconfig ntpd on` (again note the spelling of `ntpd`). 7. Run: `chkconfig --list ntpd` (again note the spelling of `ntpd`). You will see one line indicating that the `ntpd` time daemon is now turned **on** in Run Levels 2 through 5: [root@abcd0001 ~]# chkconfig --list ntpd ntpd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off 8. Run: `service ntpd start` and you should see one line saying `Starting ntpd: [OK]`. (If you already started `ntpd`, you won’t see the `[OK]`.) 9. Run: `tail /var/log/messages` or `fgrep 'ntpd' /var/log/messages` and confirm that there are several log entries for `ntpd` saying `Listen normally`. If you see errors, fix them and run `service ntpd restart` to restart `ntpd`. 10. If all goes well, `ntpd` starting up will have reset your system clock to the correct time. (Run the `date` command and see.) The log file might say something like `clock_step +14398.864481s` indicating a time change of (for example) 14398 seconds. If nothing happened, try waiting 5–10 minutes and see if the time updates. You can perform the other edits below while you wait for this to happen. Continue reading: 11. Installing NTP doesn’t always work to keep your system time updated, and sometimes NTP can’t synchronize your clock inside some versions of VMware or under some host operating systems. Sometimes, installing the VMware Tools package can mitigate this problem; more on that later. Even with `ntpd` running, the system may take 5-10 minutes to re-synchronize its time after a VM Pause, Suspend, or reboot. (Earlier versions of CentOS were faster at time synchronization.) Servers in the real world are not paused, suspended, or rebooted as often as at school. Installing **VMware Tools** will often help with getting the time right after a VM pause or suspend. **VMware Tools** will be installed in a separate document, later. Configure our local Time Zone ----------------------------- The system time zone file is not correct for our time zone. 1. Run: `tzselect` and answer the questions to find the full name of the **Eastern Time – Ontario** time zone. (Hint: It is two words separated by a slash, and has the name `Toronto` in it.) Ignore the advice about your `.profile` file – you are the **sysadmin** of this machine and you are setting the system time zone, not an individual user’s time zone. 2. Back up the file `/etc/sysconfig/clock` then edit the original file to change the `ZONE` variable to `ZONE="XXX/YYY"` where *XXX/YYY* is the name of the time zone printed by `tzselect` (including the double quotes). The word `Toronto` is in this name. 3. Run the `tzdata-update` command. This will copy the correct time zone information file from under directory `/usr/share/zoneinfo/` to `/etc/localtime`. 4. Run a checksum (any kind) on the file `/etc/localtime` and on the file under directory `/usr/share/zoneinfo/` corresponding to the `Toronto` time zone and verify that both files have the same checksum. (Hint: You will need to search for the correct `Toronto` file under that directory. What command finds file names by basename? What command can calculate a checksum?) Disable SELinux --------------- Security Enabled Linux is turned on, which can cause many problems for novice Linux users. On a real server, we would leave it enabled. You will learn SELinux configuration in later Linux courses. 1. Back up the file `/etc/sysconfig/selinux` then edit the original file and change the `SELINUX` variable setting from `SELINUX=enforcing` to `SELINUX=disabled`. - Use the `diff` command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only the one line changed. 2. We won’t check to see that this works until after the next reboot. Disable Pretty Boot ------------------- The system boot messages are being hidden by a pretty but unhelpful CentOS graphics screen. The screen covers up many useful system messages at boot time. As a sysadmin, you *want* to see *all* the boot messages. 1. Take a snapshot of your VM now, in case you make a mistake in the following edit. If you damage lines in this GRUB configuration file, your machine may not boot at all. You’ll have to restore from the snapshot and reconfigure. 2. Back up the file `/boot/grub/grub.conf` then edit the original file: a. Change the value of the `timeout` from `5` to `30`. b. Comment out the `hiddenmenu` line to make the GRUB menu visible on boot. (Insert a single `#` comment character in front of `hiddenmenu` so that it looks like `#hiddenmenu` and will be ignored.) c. Remove the two words `rhgb quiet` from the far right end of the very long `kernel` line to get rid of the silly CentOS animated graphics screen. (Make sure you don’t accidentally break this line into pieces. Keep it one long line.) d. The resulting file should be two words smaller than the back-up file: [root@abcd0001 ~]# wc -lw /boot/grub/grub.conf* 17 81 /boot/grub/grub.conf 17 83 /boot/grub/grub.conf.bak e. Use the `diff` command to compare the back-up file with the new file and make sure only the intended lines have changed. 3. You will know if your edits are accurate at the next reboot, coming up in the next section. If the reboot fails, restore back to your snapshot and try the edit again. Verify Correct CentOS Configuration ----------------------------------- Having made all the above configuration changes, your CentOS configuration must pass all of the following verification steps after you reboot it: 1. Reboot your CentOS machine by typing: `shutdown -r now` or simply `reboot` - If you are using a remote SSH connection, you will be disconnected. - Open up the VMware system console and verify that you now see the GRUB boot menu. 2. Verify the new GNU GRUB boot menu: a. The `GNU GRUB` menu should now be visible (not hidden) – see the image below. b. In 30 seconds the menu will time out and boot the highlighted menu entry (usually the first one), or you can push the **Enter** key to boot it immediately. If you don’t see the GRUB menu, you forgot to edit the GRUB configuration file above (or your edits were wrong). Try again. ![CentOS 6 GRUB Menu] After the boot, when the machine is up and running, log in on the console again (or, better, use an `ssh` or `PuTTY` connection to the IP address) and log in as the user `root` so you can run some verification commands: 3. Run `alias` and make sure the `root` account has no dangerous aliases. 4. Check that the commands you just typed, above, are appearing at the bottom (end) of the `root` BASH history file `.bash_history` and that the history environment variables set in the `root` `.bashrc` are all set in the current shell. 5. Run: `free` and verify that you have a `total` Memory of about 256MB (e.g. approximately `248836KB`). (If you have more than about 256MB, you forgot to change the Memory settings for this VM. Shut it down safely and fix the Memory and reboot.) 6. Run the `selinuxenabled` command followed by `echo "$?"` to display the command exit status variable contents. The status must be `1` (indicating failure – SELinux should not be enabled). If you see zero, you forgot to disable `SELINUX` above. Try again. [root@abcd0001 ~]# selinuxenabled ; echo $? 1 7. In file `/etc/sysconfig/clock` verify that the `ZONE` variable is set to a local Ontario city time zone (not New York). 8. Run: `pgrep -l ntpd` and verify that the output is one line (a process number and the word `ntpd`). - The system can take 5-10 minutes to re-establish the correct time when started or resumed. - Sometimes the time just won’t stay synchronized. We will be installing VMware Tools shortly. 9. Look at the first ten lines of `/etc/ntp.conf` and verify that you find the `tinker panic 0` line you added. 10. Search for the word `ONBOOT` in file `/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0` and verify that its value is set to `yes`. 11. Run: `ifconfig eth0` and verify that its `inet addr:` has an IP address listed. - If you logged in successfully using an SSH connection, you already know networking is working! 12. Run: `ip route` and verify that you have a `default via` route listed for `dev eth0`. 13. Examine file `/etc/resolv.conf` and verify that there is at least one`nameserver` line in the file. 14. Confirm that you can `ping` your own machine name with zero packet loss and that your host name resolves to the IP loopback address ``: [root@abcd0001 ~]# ping -c 1 "$HOSTNAME" PING abcd0001 ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from abcd0001 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.072 ms --- abcd0001 ping statistics --- 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.072/0.072/0.072/0.000 ms 15. Make sure the `man` command works. 16. Make sure the `mail` command is installed. 17. Make sure the full `Huge` version of VIM is installed. 18. Run: `rpm -q -a | wc` and verify that you have exactly `220` packages installed. - Do not install any packages other than those required for your course. Consult with your instructor if any of the above verification steps fail. Sometimes you can recover a missed configuration step without starting over from scratch. Snapshot your Configured Installation ------------------------------------- Make sure your CentOS virtual machine passes the all above verification steps before saving it! 1. To avoid all the resume problems mentioned earlier, you may want to [shut down your machine before taking a snapshot]. 2. Use VMware (or your virtualization software) to create a power-off Snapshot of your new **Configured Installation** VM. a) Shut down and power off your machine, so that you don’t have to save the system memory as part of the snapshot. b) Label the Snapshot **Configured Installation** c) Enter a dated comment explaining how you created it and what configuration changes you made (above) from the previous snapshot. Enter one line of comment for every configuration change you made, above. 3. Use **VM | Snapshot | Snapshot Manager** to confirm your snapshot. - You will have this snapshot to come back to if you ever need it. 4. You can delete any intermediate snapshots that you don’t need, leaving only the **Fresh Minimal Installation** and the **Configured Installation**. ![CentOS 6 Configuration Snapshot] Install VMware Tools -------------------- Now, [**Install VMware Tools**] * * * * * This ends the initial Installation and Configuration of a minimal server-style CentOS system. The next sections explain some important things to know about your new virtual server. * * * * * Suspending and Shutting Down Safely =================================== - **NEVER POWER OFF YOUR CENTOS VIRTUAL MACHINE VIA VMWARE POWER OFF!** - Never use the **Power off** button in a virtual machine that you care about! - Never close or kill VMware without first suspending or shutting down all your virtual machines. - Powering off a virtual machine via the VMware power button can corrupt your disk and lose all your work. You can either *Suspend* or *Shut Down* (power off) your VM as follows: Suspending ---------- This is the fastest way to save your machine state. Most times you will want to suspend your Virtual Machine so that you can resume it quickly where you left off: 1. Save any work you are doing over a remote SSH connection. - All SSH connections will be dropped during a *suspend*. 2. Go to **VM** and **Power** and choose **Suspend** 3. Wait until VMware fully saves the state of the machine. 4. You may now safely close VMware. Resuming -------- When you resume your Virtual Machine, you may need to refresh the network settings for your new network location by running (as `root`): `service network restart` Shutting Down (Power Off) ------------------------- If you need to reconfigure most parts of the VMware Virtual Machine that is running your Linux server, you need to shut down Linux before VMware will let you change the settings. Here’s how: 1. Log in as `root` (or login in as a user and then become `root`, if you have disabled `root` logins) 2. Save any work you are doing in the virtual machine. 3. As `root` run: `shutdown -h now` or simply `halt` (if available) - You can also schedule a shutdown at a later time; see the man page. 4. Wait until the Virtual Machine fully shuts down and stops. 5. You may now change VMware settings or safely close VMware. Switching Consoles ================== Most Linux machines running in multi-user mode (not single-user) allow you to have multiple system consoles active by typing `ALT+F2` (hold down `ALT` and simultaneously push `Function Key 2`) to switch to the second console, `ALT+F3` to the next one, etc. The default, first, console is of course `ALT+F1`. This only works on console terminals, not on remote login sessions. Multiple consoles allow you to multi-task and have multiple “windows” on the system console without all the overhead of a graphical user interface. > When you log out of a server console, make sure you check all the alternate > consoles and log them out, too! Don’t leave an open `root` login session > active when you walk away from the machine console! You can’t do `ALT+F2` inside a **PuTTY** or **SSH** session, but there are programs such as [`screen`] and [`tmux`] that let you do that type of multiple console interface and much, much more. * * * * * Appendix I: What to do if `yum` doesn’t work ============================================ This **Appendix** is only necessary if you find that the `yum` installer hangs or does not work. If `yum` hangs or fails, do these steps until it works: 1. If `^C` (`Ctrl-C`) will not interrupt the hung `yum` command, use `^Z` to `STOP` the `yum` command and then `kill %yum` to kill it. (If that doesn’t kill it, use `kill -9 %yum`) a. Another way to kill a hung `yum` session is to switch to a second console (e.g. `ALT-F2`), log in as `root`, find the process ID of the hung `yum` process, use `kill` to send that process ID a `SIGTERM` or `SIGKILL` termination signal, then switch back to the first console again. 2. Make sure your host operating system is **not** using wireless. Change your host O/S to use a wired connection and **disable your wireless** so that it is not used. (Never use wireless if wires are available!) 3. As `root` type: `service network restart` and try `yum` again. - You can try to `ping` hosts, but Algonquin College blocks most ICMP traffic so it may not work as a diagnostic tool. 4. If `yum` still hangs on the wired network, kill `yum` again (see above) and then try: a. Go to **VM | Settings** and **Hardware** and **Network Adapter** b. Change your networking from **Bridged** to **NAT** or from **NAT** to **Bridged** c. Save the new settings. d. Run: `service network restart` and try `yum` again. When `yum` finally works, you may need to accept a security key: say yes * * * * * Appendix II: Document Revision History ====================================== - Version 1: 04:00 Oct 16 2013 - Version 2: 11:45 Oct 16 2013 - put enable networking first - Version 3: 14:20 Oct 16 2013 - check for tinker and - Version 4: 20:15 Oct 17 2013 - clarified some wording; made SSH more prominent - Version 5: 08:00 Feb 16 2014 - added “man” command to system - Version 6: 05:00 Mar 10 2014 - added “mail”, “vim” to system * * * * * -- | Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Home Page: http://idallen.com/ Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/ | College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/ | Defend digital freedom: http://eff.org/ and have fun: http://fools.ca/ [Plain Text] - plain text version of this page in [Pandoc Markdown] format [www.idallen.com]: http://www.idallen.com/ [CentOS MinimalCD 6.5 Release Notes]: http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOSMinimalCD6.5 [CentOS]: http://www.centos.org/ [Ubuntu]: http://ubuntu.com/ [Mint]: http://www.linuxmint.com/ [Create an Empty Virtual Machine]: #create-an-empty-virtual-machine-in-vmware [**CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso**]: http://cstech/repo/linux/CentOS/CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso/ [`CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso`]: http://cstech/repo/linux/CentOS/CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso/CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso [`CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso-md5.txt`]: http://cstech/repo/linux/CentOS/CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso/CentOS-6.5-i386-minimal.iso-md5.txt [**HashTab**]: http://www.implbits.com/hashtab.aspx [**Cygwin**]: http://cygwin.com/ [CentOS 6 Welcome]: data/centos6_welcome.jpg "CentOS 6 Welcome" [CentOS 6 Splash Screen]: data/centos6_splash.jpg "CentOS 6 Splash Screen" [password that you can remember]: http://xkcd.com/936/ [CentOS 6 Partitions]: data/centos6_partitions.jpg "CentOS 6 Partitions" [CentOS 6 Install Packages]: data/centos6_install_packages.jpg "CentOS 6 Install Packages" [Network Diagnostics]: 000_network_diagnostics.html [Remote Login]: 110_remote_login.html [Course Linux Server]: 070_course_linux_server.html [Appendix I]: #appendix-i-what-to-do-if-yum-doesnt-work [Optional Sysadmin Shell Aliases]: 350_startup_files.html#optional-sysadmin-shell-aliases [CentOS 6 GRUB Menu]: data/centos6_grub_menu.jpg "CentOS 6 GRUB Menu" [shut down your machine before taking a snapshot]: #problems-with-snapshots-of-running-systems [CentOS 6 Configuration Snapshot]: data/centos6_configsnap.jpg "CentOS 6 Configuration Snapshot" [**Install VMware Tools**]: 000_centos_vmware_tools.html [`screen`]: http://www.rackaid.com/resources/linux-screen-tutorial-and-how-to/ [`tmux`]: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/linux-and-open-source/is-tmux-the-gnu-screen-killer/ [Plain Text]: 000_centos_install.txt [Pandoc Markdown]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/
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+ Borges-Odyssey
Borges is interested in the idea that transmigration was a respectable concept in ancient Greek thought and is still an under-appreciated thought in the West today. He cites Pythagoras who recognized the shield he fought with in the Trojan War. And then there was Plato:
"In the tenth book of Plato's Republic is the dream of Er, a soldier who watches the souls choose their fates before drinking in the river of Oblivion. Agamemnon chooses to be an eagle, Orpheus a swan, and Odysseus - who once called himself Nobody - chooses to be the most modest, the most unknown of men."
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+ plato.cgl.ucsf.edu Mailing Lists
plato.cgl.ucsf.edu Mailing Lists
Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on plato.cgl.ucsf.edu. Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.
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+ Aristotle
+ 384-322 BC. Aristotle was the greatest of the Greek philosophers. He criticized Plato and Socrates with a certain hardness. Been the tutor of Alexander of several years at the court of Philip of Macedon. Studied under Plato. Accepted Plato's general notion of the existence of ideas, but held that physical matter also is a part of reality and not to be despised. Like Plato, Aristotle thought it necessary, first of all, to understand and explain the workings of the human mind and to show what kinds of reasoning were valid and could be relied on to give us sure knowledge of anything and what were not. God the first principal and final cause of all the universe. Not the creator, nothing can be produced out of nothing. In a lunar eclipse, the earth throws a curved shadow on the moon, which it could only do if it were a ball.
The wisdom for which all philosophers are in search is the knowledge of first principles and the causes of things. The first heaven must be eternal. There is also something that moves it.. moves others without being moved. Motion in space is the first beginning of change. Life also belongs to God, for thought as actuality is life, and God is that actuality. For a man is magnificent not when he spends on himself, but when he spends for the common good. Every prophetic vision contains some lesson by means of allegory. The universe has not a beginning.. an ultimate final cause cannot be sought.. t of a permanent order of things. Everything in nature serves a purpose.. each part is thought to be a product of the divine will. The circumference and the radius of the earth are known. While one part of the universe owes its existence to Providence and is under control of a ruler and a governor, another part is abandoned and left to chance. Man has free will, it is therefore unintelligible that the Law contains commands and prohibitions. The theory of man's perfectly free will is one of the fundamental principles of the law of our teacher Moses, and of those who follow the Law. Providence can only proceed from an intelligent being. Earth lies at the center of the universe and must be spherical.. it is clear that the earth does not move. Called father of science.
The basis of a democratic state is liberty. To be happy means to be self-sufficient. From the same truth-seeking school came Aristotle, who led the search into added fields and made it more scientific and exact. Philosophy in his hands was enlarged, to embrace natural science, as well as morals and metaphysics. Natural science, indeed, may be said to have originated with Aristotle. [04, 07, 10, 167, 368, 375, 393, 394, 396]
+ The Lord has given Christians the grace to reconcile the children to their Fathers
Thanks to its membership in ACORN-NS, Chebucto Community Net has been given its own range of IPv6 addresses to work with. Chebucto's range is 2001:410:a002::/48 a block containing over 35 trillion network addresses. By comparison, Chebucto's previous IPv4 block contained about 250 available addresses.
The traditional Internet uses the IPv4 protocol for all computers to communicate. In recent years the number of available IPv4 addresses has dropped as more and more computers have connected to the Internet. The solution is called IPv6, which has many, many more addresses. As time goes by, more and more of the Internet will move to the IPv6 protocol.
Chebucto plans to start using the IPv6 addresses in the near future, a change that should be completely transparent to end users.
Chebucto now on Twitter
As you can see from the top of the live News page, Chebucto has joined Twitter and entered the age of Social Media. The Twitter feed is a way to communicate news and points of interest to a wide audience in a timely fashion as well as giving Chebucto a way to reach members at those very rare times when Chebucto web services aren't available.
Chebucto users are warned that there are email scams where users are asked for their passwords and other personal information. No matter whom the email says it is from or why they say they need the information, these emails are always a lie. Real organizations do not require you to send them confidential personal information over email. For more information on these sorts of scams, tips to help you recognize these scams and resources to help you find out more, see this Mousepad column about spear-phishing, yet another in a long line of scams through email designed to snag the unwary.
Help promote Chebucto!
We need your help. We invite our members and supporters to help promote the Chebucto Community Net in the community by printing off and distributing Chebucto brochures and posters from our website.
Chebucto Community Net RSS how-to guide
Chebucto Community Net has posted a guide on how to use our RSS news feed here: chebucto.ca/rss/
Our RSS feed is our way of letting people know fast about important software updates and security alerts as well as new developments at Chebucto. Stay informed with the news as soon as we have it ourselves with our RSS news feed.
Updated - Recommended software list
With the recent interest in Internet security and the rise in various exploits meant to take over user machines, the Chebucto Office has compiled this list of recommended software for user computers running Microsoft Windows.
Web browser: Mozilla Firefox free from Mozilla.com
Email client: Mozilla Thunderbird free from Mozilla.com
All-in-one web browser, email client, web page editor: Mozilla SeaMonkey free from Seamonkey-project.org
Free anti-virus programs for home users
Microsoft Security Essentials: available for free from Microsoft.com For Windows Vista and Windows 7. Later versions of Windows include this protection built-in, renaming it Windows Defender. (Requires Windows Validation, i.e. legal copy of Windows)
(Note that both of the following free anti-virus programs also have paid versions which offer additional features):
FTP and SFTP Software: FileZilla free Client Version from Filezilla-project.org As of mid-2016 FileZilla download includes optional bundled software offer. Installation of the bundled software is not necessary to install FileZilla. We recommend not installing any bundled software as a general rule.
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) free from Microsoft.com
Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) free from Microsoft.com
Microsoft Sysinternals free suite of tools from Microsoft.com
Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) free from Secunia
Keeping Microsoft Windows up to date is very important.
All Microsoft Windows users should make sure to run Windows Update at least once a month and download all critical updates. Updates for Windows 10 are released as completed. Updates for Windows 8.1, 8, 7 and Vista are released after 2 PM on the second Tuesday of the month, with an optional second release the fourth Tuesday of the month, and out-of-band emergency updates as necessary. Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft and is not secure to use.
Integrates PuTTYcyg,PuTTYSC, HyperLink, zmodem and session manager projects
Change default settings from configuration file
Change putty settings during session
PuTTYcmdSender : tool to send command or keyboard shortcut to multiple putty windows
It is written and maintained primarily by Sebastien Blavier and Simon Tatham (team's) for PuTTY.
+ ExtraPuTTY is free and only designed for Microsoft Windows platform.
+ You can also be part of the success of ExtraPuTTY, by translating these pages into your own language.Let us know.
+ After 14 years in the same company for the same client i need new challenges.
+ Look at my profile if you have opportunities.
Latest News
ExtraPuTTY 0.30 (Ind 17) snapshot version
+ April-04-2016
A new version of ExtraPuTTY 0.30 snapshot (with PuTTY 0.67) is now available for download!
ExtraPuTTY 0.29 (with PuTTY 0.64) is now available for download!! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and also includes some updates. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.29.
ExtraPuTTY 0.28 RC1 released
+ April-02-2014
ExtraPuTTY 0.28 (with PuTTY 0.63) is now available for download! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and also includes some updates. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.28.
ExtraPuTTY 0.27 (with PuTTY 0.62) is now available for download! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and also includes some updates. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.27.
ExtraPuTTY 0.26 (with PuTTY 0.60) is now available for download! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and also includes some updates. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.26.
ExtraPuTTY 0.24 (with PuTTY 0.60) is now available for download! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and also includes some updates. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.24.
ExtraPuTTY 0.23 released
+ March-20-2008
ExtraPuTTY 0.23 (with PuTTY 0.60) is now available for download! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and also includes some updates. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.23.
ExtraPuTTY 0.22 released
+ Feb-04-2008
ExtraPuTTY 0.22 (with PuTTY 0.60) is now available for download! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and also includes some updates. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.22.
ExtraPuTTY 0.21 released
+ Jan-27-2008
ExtraPuTTY 0.21 (with PuTTY 0.60) is now available for download! This release candidate fixes bugs reported from the previous releases and Telnet API for win32 application. We highly recommend upgrading to 0.21.
A Help desk page used to log online tickets (bugs,updates ...).
Subscribe to the PuTTY-announce mailing list to be notified of new releases.
Feedback and bug reporting: contact address and guidelines. Please read the guidelines before sending us mail; we get a very large amount of mail and it will help us answer you more quickly.
This page contains download links for the latest development snapshot of PuTTY.
The development snapshots are built every day, automatically, from the current development code – in whatever state it's currently in. So you may be able to find new features or bug fixes in these snapshot builds, well before the same changes make it into the latest release. On the other hand, these snapshots might also be unstable, if a lot of new development has happened recently and introduced new bugs.
In particular, they may contain security holes. If we find one that's not also in a release, we're likely to just fix it in the next day's snapshot. If it's a particularly bad one we might make a note on the wishlist page.
Package files
You probably want one of these. They include versions of all the PuTTY utilities.
(Not sure whether you want the 32-bit or the 64-bit version? Read the FAQ entry.)
The installer packages above will provide versions of all of these (except PuTTYtel), but you can download standalone binaries one by one if you prefer.
(Not sure whether you want the 32-bit or the 64-bit version? Read the FAQ entry.)
+ If you want to comment on this web site, see the Feedback page.
+ (last modified on Sun Nov 22 22:28:56 2020)
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+ Cosmic Voyage - How to Join
+ . . , .
+ |__| _ . , -+- _ | _ *._
+ | |(_) \/\/ | (_) \__|(_)|[ )
+Anyone* who enjoys writing is welcome to join Cosmic.Voyage. To do
+so you will need to choose a username for the system, and create
+an SSH pubkey to log in. This is a public access unix system, so
+you will be working in a command-line shell environment to
+interact with the system. Getting started instructions:
+For Linux Users:
+- open a terminal
+- generate a key using ssh-keygen (just accept all the defaults)
+- your secret key is the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa
+- your public key is the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
+- send the id_rsa.pub file to james [at] tomasino.org along
+ with your desired username
+- when your account has been approved, connect using ssh and your
+ user name, e.g. ssh asimov@cosmic.voyage
+For Mac Users:
+- use Command+Space to search for Terminal
+- generate a key using ssh-keygen (just accept all the defaults)
+- your secret key is the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa
+- your public key is the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
+- send the id_rsa.pub file to james [at] tomasino.org along
+ with your desired username
+- when your account has been approved, connect using ssh and your
+ user name, e.g. ssh asimov@cosmic.voyage
+For Windows Users:
+- download the latest version of PuTTY
+- use puttygen to generate a key
+- save private and public keys
+- send the public key to james [at] tomasino.org along with
+ your desired username
+- when your account has been approved, start pageant (this will
+ put an icon of a computer wearing a hat into the System tray)
+- right click the icon and choose View Keys
+- click the Add Keys button
+- select the private key you created up above and open it
+- start putty and connect to your username at cosmic.voyage, e.g.
+ asimov@cosmic.voyage
+Once you log in to the system for the first time, you will have a
+welcome email waiting for you. You can read this message by
+running the 'alpine' or 'mutt' commands to open the respective
+mail program. Alpine is easier for those unfamiliar with the
+command line. Your welcome email will explain how to get started
+on the system and where to look for help.
+* To comply with COPPA in the United States, this service is not
+ intended for users under the age of 13. If you would like to
+ join and are under that age, please sign up with a parent or
+ guardian who can administer your account, and read the privacy
+ information below. Users found violating this policy will have
+ their accounts and stories removed from the system.
+Privacy Information:
+This site does not collect any personal data beyond your username
+and information volunteered, such as in the stories written and
+submitted. Server logs are rotated regularly and contain basic
+information such as timestamps, IP addresses, and some command
+debugging information. We have no third party reporting or data
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+ PuTTY: a free telnet/ssh client
PuTTY: A Free Telnet/SSH Client
+ This is a mirror. The primary PuTTY web site can be found here.
PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. It is written and maintained primarily by Simon Tatham.
The latest version is beta 0.60.
LEGAL WARNING: Use of PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP and Plink is illegal in countries where encryption is outlawed. I believe it is legal to use PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP and Plink in England and Wales and in many other countries, but I am not a lawyer and so if in doubt you should seek legal advice before downloading it. You may find this site useful (it's a survey of cryptography laws in many countries) but I can't vouch for its correctness.
Use of the Telnet-only binary (PuTTYtel) is unrestricted by any cryptography laws.
Latest news
2007-04-29 PuTTY 0.60 is released
PuTTY 0.60 is out, containing mostly bug fixes.
2007-01-24 PuTTY 0.59 is released
PuTTY 0.59 is out (finally!), and as previously announced we no longer provide Alpha binaries.
2006-03-31 Proposed withdrawal of Alpha NT PuTTY
From the next release, we propose to stop providing binaries for PuTTY on Windows NT on the Alpha processor. Our own original need for PuTTY on Alpha NT has gone, and our logs suggest that nobody else now uses it. If this is a problem for you let us know.
Subscribe to the PuTTY-announce mailing list to be notified of new releases.
Feedback and bug reporting: contact address and guidelines. Please read the guidelines before sending mail; we get a very large amount of mail and it will help us answer you more quickly.
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+ Plato and his Dialogues: site map
On the map below, titles in English are links to pages in English and titles in French are links to pages in French. Some pages exist only in one or the other language, while others exist in both languages.
Dans la carte ci-dessous, les titres en anglais sont des liens vers des pages en anglais et les titres en français sont des liens vers des pages en français. Certaines pages n'existent que dans l'une ou l'autre langues, d'autres sont disponibles dans les deux langues.
For features planned for the next full release (and already available in the development snapshots), see the wishlist page.
These features are new in beta 0.60 (released 2007-04-29):
Pressing Ctrl+Break now sends a serial break signal. (The previous behaviour can still be obtained with Ctrl+C.)
Serial ports higher than COM9 now no longer need a leading \\.\.
You can now store a host name in the Default Settings.
Bug fix: serial connections and local proxies should no longer crash all the time.
Bug fix: configuring the default connection type to serial should no longer cause the configuration dialog to be skipped on startup.
Bug fix: "Unable to read from standard input" should now not happen, or if it still does it should produce more detailed diagnostics.
Bug fix: fixed some malformed SSH-2 packet generation.
Other minor bug fixes.
These features were new in beta 0.59 (released 2007-01-24):
PuTTY can now connect to local serial ports as well as making network connections.
Windows PuTTY now supports "local proxying", where a network connection is replaced by a local command. (Unix PuTTY has supported this since it was first released in 0.54.) Also, Plink has gained a "-nc" mode where the primary channel is replaced by an SSH tunnel, which makes it particularly useful as the local command to run.
Improved speed of SSH on Windows (particularly SSH-2 key exchange and public-key authentication).
Improved SFTP throughput.
Various cryptographic improvements in SSH-2, including SDCTR cipher modes, a workaround for a weakness in CBC cipher modes, and Diffie-Hellman group exchange with SHA-256.
Support for the Arcfour cipher in SSH-2.
Support for sending terminal modes in SSH.
When Pageant is running and an SSH key is specified in the configuration, PuTTY will now only try Pageant authentication with that key. This gets round a problem where some servers would only allow a limited number of keys to be offered before disconnecting.
Support for SSH-2 password expiry mechanisms, and various other improvements and bugfixes in authentication.
A change to the SSH-2 password camouflage mechanism in 0.58 upset some Cisco servers, so we have reverted to the old method.
The Windows version now comes with documentation in HTML Help format. (Windows Vista does not support the older WinHelp format. However, we still provide documentation in that format, since Win95 does not support HTML Help.)
On Windows, when pasting as RTF, attributes of the selection such as colours and formatting are also pasted.
Ability to configure font quality on Windows (including antialiasing and ClearType).
The terminal is now restored to a sensible state when reusing a window to restart a session.
We now support an escape sequence invented by xterm which lets the server clear the scrollback (CSI 3 J). This is useful for applications such as terminal locking programs.
Improvements to the Unix port:
now compiles cleanly with GCC 4
now has a configure script, and should be portable to more platforms
Bug fix: 0.58 utterly failed to run on some installations of Windows XP.
Bug fix: PSCP and PSFTP now support large files (greater than 4 gigabytes), provided the underlying operating system does too.
Bug fix: PSFTP (and PSCP) sometimes ran slowly and consumed lots of CPU when started directly from Windows Explorer.
Bug fix: font linking (the automatic use of other fonts on the system to provide Unicode characters not present in the selected one) should now work again on Windows, after being broken in 0.58. (However, it unfortunately still won't work for Arabic and other right-to-left text.)
Bug fix: if the remote server saturated PuTTY with data, PuTTY could become unresponsive.
Bug fix: certain large clipboard operations could cause PuTTY to crash.
Bug fix: SSH-1 connections tended to crash, particularly when using port forwarding.
Bug fix: SSH Tectia Server would reject SSH-2 tunnels from PuTTY due to a malformed request.
Bug fix: SSH-2 login banner messages were being dropped silently under some circumstances.
Bug fix: the cursor could end up in the wrong place when a server-side application used the alternate screen.
Bug fix: on Windows, PuTTY now tries harder to find a suitable place to store its random seed file PUTTY.RND (previously it was tending to end up in C:\ or C:\WINDOWS).
Bug fix: IPv6 should now work on Windows Vista.
Numerous other bugfixes, as usual.
These features were new in beta 0.58 (released 2005-04-05):
Wildcards (mput/mget) and recursive file transfer in PSFTP.
You can now save your session details from the Change Settings dialog box, after you've started your session.
Various improvements to Unicode support, including:
support for right-to-left and bidirectional text (Arabic, Hebrew etc). Thanks to arabeyes.org for design and most of the implementation.
support for Arabic text shaping, again thanks to arabeyes.org.
support for Unicode combining characters.
Support for the xterm 256-colour control sequences.
Port forwardings can now be reconfigured in mid-session.
Support for IPv6. Thanks to unfix.org for having patiently maintained the patch for this until we were finally ready to integrate it.
More configurability and flexibility in SSH-2 key exchange. In particular, PuTTY can now initiate repeat key exchange during the session, which means that if your server doesn't initiate it (some servers don't bother) you can still have the cryptographic benefits.
Bug fix: display artefacts caused by characters overflowing their character cell should now all be gone. (This would probably have bothered Windows ClearType users more than anyone else.)
Bug fix: keepalives are now supported everywhere. (Previously they were supported by Windows GUI PuTTY, but were missing in Plink, PSFTP and the Unix port.)
Miscellaneous improvements for CJK/IME users; many thanks to Hung-Te Lin for assistance.
These features are new in beta 0.57 (released 2005-02-20):
Security fixes: two vulnerabilities discovered by iDEFENSE, potentially allowing arbitrary code execution on an SFTP client by a malicious SFTP server (but only after host key verification), have been fixed. See vuln-sftp-readdir, vuln-sftp-string.
Fixed small bug with X forwarding to local displays.
Fixed crashing bug with remote port forwarding.
Fixed handling of SSH-2 debug messages (embarrassingly, a bug introduced when fixing the previous vulnerability - it was more secure but didn't work any more!).
These features were new in beta 0.56 (released 2004-10-26):
Security fix: a vulnerability discovered by iDEFENSE, potentially allowing arbitrary code execution on the client by a malicious SSH-2 server before host key verification, has been fixed. See vuln-ssh2-debug.
Ability to restart a session within an inactive window, via a new menu option.
Minimal support for not running a shell or command at all in SSH protocol 2 (equivalent to OpenSSH's "-N" option). PuTTY/Plink still provide a normal window for interaction, and have to be explicitly killed.
Transparent support for CHAP cryptographic authentication in the SOCKS 5 proxy protocol. (Not in PuTTYtel.)
More diagnostics in the Event Log, particularly of SSH port forwarding.
Ability to request setting of environment variables in SSH (protocol 2 only). (However, we don't know of any servers that support this.)
Ability to send POSIX signals in SSH (protocol 2 only) via the "Special Commands" menu. (Again, we don't know of any servers supporting this.)
Bug fix: The PuTTY tools now more consistently support usernames containing "@" signs.
Support for the Polish character set "Mazovia".
When logging is enabled, the log file is flushed more frequently, so that its contents can be viewed before it is closed.
More flexibility in SSH packet logging: known passwords and session data can be omitted from the log file. Passwords are omitted by default. (This option isn't perfect for removing sensitive details; you should still review log files before letting them out of your sight.)
Unix-specific changes:
Ability to set environment variables in pterm.
PuTTY and pterm attempt to use a UTF-8 line character set by default if this is indicated by the locale; however, this can be overridden.
These features were new in beta 0.55 (released 2004-08-03):
Security fix: a vulnerability discovered by Core Security Technologies (advisory number CORE-2004-0705), potentially allowing arbitrary code execution on the client by a malicious server before host key verification, has been fixed.
Bug fix: General robustness of the SSH-1 implementation has been improved, which may have fixed further potential security problems although we are not aware of any specific ones.
Bug fix: Random noise generation was hanging some computers and interfering with other processes' precision timing, and should now not do so.
Bug fix: dead key support should work better.
Bug fix: a terminal speed is now sent to the SSH server.
Bug fix: removed a spurious diagnostic message in Plink.
Bug fix: the `-load' option in PSCP and PSFTP should work better.
Bug fix: X forwarding on the Unix port can now talk to Unix sockets as well as TCP sockets.
Bug fix: various crashes and assertion failures fixed..
These features were new in beta 0.54 (released 2004-02-12):
Port to Unix!
Dynamic SSH port forwarding.
Ability to leave DNS lookups to the proxy, when using a proxy.
Sped up PSFTP.
Fixed various bugs, notably one which was impeding port-forwarding of SMB.
Some default settings changes: SSH and SSH-2 are now default, BCE is off.
These features were new in beta 0.53b (released 2002-11-12):
Fixed an embarrassing command-line bug: the -P option didn't work at all.
Security fix: the vulnerability found by the Rapid7 SSHredder test suite is now believed fixed. See CERT advisory CA-2002-36.
Security fix: an improvement in random number policy when running more than one PuTTY at the same time.
These features were new in beta 0.53 (released 2002-10-01):
The feature everyone's been asking for: ANSI printer support. Currently this sends data to the printer in completely raw mode, without benefit of Windows GDI or the printer driver; so it will be fine for anyone whose server already knows what type of printer it expects to be talking to, but probably not ideal for someone who wants to print a text file and have it look nice. A less raw mode of printer access is still on the Wishlist, but is quite a big piece of coding work so it's in the Implausible section.
The other feature everyone's been asking for: PuTTYgen can now import and export OpenSSH and ssh.com SSH-2 private keys, as well as PuTTY's own format.
We now ship the PuTTY tool set as an installer, created using Jordan Russell's excellent and easy-to-use Inno Setup. (For the other half of our users, who felt the best thing about PuTTY was that they didn't have to mess around with installers, we still ship the single executables and the zip file, so nobody has to use the installer if they don't want to.)
PuTTY now has a default file extension for private key files: .PPK (PuTTY Private Key). The installer associates this file extension with Pageant and PuTTYgen.
PuTTY now natively supports making its connection through various types of proxy. We support SOCKS 4 and 5, HTTP CONNECT (RFC 2817), and the common ad-hoc type of proxy where you telnet to the proxy and then send text of the form "connect host.name 22". Basic password authentication is supported in SOCKS and HTTP proxies. Many thanks to Justin Bradford for doing most of the work here.
PuTTY now supports a standard set of command-line options across all tools. Most of these options are ones that Plink has always supported; however, we also support a number of new options similar to the OpenSSH ones (-A and -a, -X and -x, and similar things; also the -i option to specify a private key file).
The right-button menu on Pageant's System tray icon now offers the option to start PuTTY (New Session plus the Saved Sessions submenu). This feature is disabled if Pageant can't find the PuTTY binary on startup. Thanks to Dominique Faure.
Added the Features control panel, allowing the user to disable some of the more controversial terminal capabilities.
Added the Bugs control panel, allowing the user to manually control PuTTY's various workarounds for SSH server bugs.
Various bug fixes, including (with luck) much greater stability in high-traffic port forwarding situations.
These features were new in beta 0.52 (released 2002-01-14):
A full manual has been written, and is supplied as a Windows Help file alongside the program executables.
Support for public keys in SSH-2, both RSA and DSA. Agent forwarding is supported, but only to OpenSSH servers, because ssh.com have a different agent protocol which they haven't published.
(Yes, I know I've been claiming DSA is horrifically insecure for ages, but now I've been told about a clever way to get round the insecurity. Details are in sshdss.c for anyone who's interested; credit mostly goes to Colin Plumb for letting me know about it. We still think RSA is better, and recommend you use it if you have the choice.)
PSCP now uses the new SFTP protocol if possible, and only falls back to the old scp1 form if SFTP can't be found (for example, if your connection is SSH-1). This should allow it to interoperate cleanly with ssh.com's product, and is a security improvement besides.
PSCP, in old-style scp1 mode, is now much tighter on security. It will refuse to let the remote host write to a file that doesn't have the same name as the file that was requested. NOTE WELL that this disallows remote-to-local wildcards such as "pscp server:*.c .". scp1's implementation of server-side wildcards is inherently unsafe. If you are sure you trust your scp server not to be malicious, you can use the "-unsafe" command line option to re-enable this behaviour. When using the new SFTP-based back end none of this is a problem, because SFTP is better designed.
Generic port forwarding support is now supported, thanks to a very comprehensive contribution from Nicolas Barry.
X11 forwarding support. Thanks to Andreas Schultz for doing a large part of the coding for this. Authentication munging is supported. However, PuTTY does not currently attempt to authenticate connections to the local X server, because finding the authentication data to do so is server-dependent and complex and I thought I'd wait to see what servers people actually want to use this with.
Added an SFTP client, for the improved file transfer protocol that comes with SSH-2.
Full-screen mode, "like a DOS box". Not really like a DOS box, since it works within the current graphics mode rather than shifting into text mode, but it seems to work.
Support for resizing the font rather than the terminal when the user changes the window size. Also supports a hybrid mode, in which window resizes change the terminal size but maximising or going full-screen changes the font size. Patch due to Robert de Bath.
Unicode support in the terminal emulator. In the first place this allows us to support servers which actually send UTF-8 down their terminal sessions; but the architecture changes also mean that instead of specifying the local and remote character sets in the Translation panel, you simply specify what character set you expect the server to be talking, and PuTTY handles the rest automatically. Many thanks to Robert de Bath.
Experimental rlogin support. Thanks to Delian Delchev for the patch. Note that this may fail because the rlogin protocol relies on TCP Urgent data, which not all operating systems get right, and which not all firewalls pass through correctly. Also, local flow control is unsupported as yet, and the "flush" command is not handled correctly. Despite all this, it worked fine for me!
Improved support for local echo and local line editing. These are now separate options, controllable independently. PuTTY will make sensible guesses at the right settings, but those guesses can always be overridden by the user.
Improved bell support. There's now a whole configuration panel; you can choose a bell that plays the Windows default sound, or plays a sound of your choice, or flashes the window, or does nothing. In addition the window's Taskbar entry can be made to flash if a bell goes off when the window is minimised, and also there's an option that disables all bells if it receives them too fast (so that if you cat a binary file into your terminal it won't bleep for a week).
Support for AES in SSH-2.
Default Settings can now be used to save a default protocol and port number.
Scrollback should now automatically scroll if you try to drag-select off the top of the window (or off the bottom of the window when it's scrolled back), so you can easily select more than a screenful.
We now support rectangular-block selection, triggered by holding Alt while you drag the mouse. (You can also configure rectangular selection to be the default and Alt-drag to be conventional line-by-line selection.)
The mouse pointer can now be configured to disappear when the PuTTY window is active and text is typed, and reappear when the mouse is moved, à la MS Word. Particularly useful for those of us using focus-follows-mouse, where the pointer is quite likely to be inside the window and obscuring the view.
The cursor can now be displayed as an underline or as a vertical line, as well as a block. When it's a vertical line, it does something useful when not-quite-wrapping in the rightmost column.
Keepalive timeouts can now be specified in seconds rather than minutes.
Support for Diffie-Hellman group exchange in SSH-2.
If you don't supply a username, PSCP now guesses your remote username to be the same as your local username. (On Win95/98, this might not be useful to everybody, but it's at least no worse than bombing out with a complaint. On WinNT, it might be seriously useful.) Patch due to Christian Biesinger.
You can now enter a service name such as "finger", in place of a port number. Patch due to Christian Biesinger.
It's now possible to invoke a second Pageant with some key files on the command line and have it feed those key files to the first Pageant. Also, you can make Pageant start another command once it's initialised itself; for example, "pageant -c wincvs.exe" to start Pageant and then start WinCVS.
Scrollback on the terminal is no longer implemented by physically copying a huge array. It should now be safe to use very large scrollback buffers without suffering noticeable slowdown.
Patch due to Roman Pompejus: the "-log" command line option on PuTTY is gone, replaced by a proper GUI-configurable logging facility.
Implemented a selection option to paste line drawing as the underlying characters or as poor-man's. Thanks to to Robert de Bath.
Ctrl+Alt can be configured to either have the traditional PuTTY behaviour (Ctrl+Alt+X is equivalent to ESC then Ctrl+X), or to behave like AltGr. Thanks to Robert de Bath.
Added SCO ANSI function key support (F1 is ESC [ M and F12 is ESC [ X, with all obvious points in between).
Font changes when the window is maximised now keep it maximised. Thanks to Robert de Bath.
The Application key on Windows keyboards now behaves like a Compose key all the time. Compose behaviour on AltGr can still be configured on and off. Thanks to Robert de Bath.
The terminal driver now returns a configurable string when it sees ^E. Thanks to Robert de Bath.
The About box now has a button that brings up a browser pointing at the PuTTY web site. Thanks to Eric Theriault.
Bug fix: the long-standing socket buffering bug should now be gone forever. If PuTTY is receiving data faster than it can send it out, it will attempt to slow down the entity it's receiving from rather than continuing to grow its buffers without bound.
Bug fix: AltGr should now be fixed. It was broken in 0.51.
Bug fix: repeat key exchange in SSH-2 is now handled correctly. You should no longer see "Server failed host key check" after your session has been running for an hour.
Bug fix: various socket-handling problems should be corrected. Crashes on network errors, bad handling of TCP Urgent data in telnet and rlogin, and truncation of output when the remote server sends a lot of data and then immediately closes the connection. Thanks to Robert de Bath for the TCP Urgent stuff.
Bug fix: the cascading-error-boxes bug should be fixed. (This occurred when you had keepalives enabled and got Connection Aborted.)
Bug fix in the configuration box: controls in panels other than the visible one should now not be able to get keyboard focus.
Bug fix: Tab and accelerator keys now work in the Event Log and in the About box while a session is running. Thanks to Roman Pompejus for the fix.
These features were new in beta 0.51 (released 2000-12-14):
Addition of PuTTYgen, an RSA key generation utility. Since PuTTY uses the same RSA key file format as SSH 1, keys generated by PuTTYgen are usable with SSH 1 as well.
SSH compression is now implemented.
Security improvement: better collection of randomness for the cryptographic random number generator. Thanks to Peter Gutmann of cryptlib for ideas.
Security improvement: PSCP should now not be vulnerable to malicious servers sending deliberately incorrect and harmful filenames down the SCP connection. (The problem was reported in Bugtraq #1742.)
Security improvement: the ssh client will not open agent forwarding channels unless agent forwarding has genuinely been enabled, by the user and the server. This allows a user to disable agent forwarding if they suspect the server might abuse the agent. (The problem was reported in Bugtraq #1949.)
New configurable option: the Compose key support is now off by default and configurable on.
New configurable option: whether or not Alt on its own brings up the System menu.
New configurable option: whether or not scrollback resets to the bottom when the display changes. (Previously you could control whether it reset on a keypress.)
New configurable options: application keypad mode and application cursor keys mode can be completely disabled. (Independently.)
New configurable options: Always On Top for the PuTTY window, so you can use it to keep system logs on-screen the whole time. (Might work particularly well with a really small font.)
Better network error handling. All errors are now translated into plain text: "Unexpected network error 10053" is a thing of the past.
Added a small patch to improve Chinese support. Thanks to Zhong Ming-Xun.
Bug fix: ISO8859-2 to Win1250 translation accidentally got broken in the 0.50 release. It should be back to normal now.
Bug fix: restore the SSH back end's ability to distinguish stderr output from stdout output. This was breaking PSCP and potentially also Plink.
Bug fix: correct the "Lost connection while sending" problem when pasting large amounts of data into PuTTY. This should also have fixed random connection loss in Plink. Note: some of my experiments suggest that some SSH servers are not entirely happy with very large (80Kb or so) pastes, so if you still have problems, they may not be PuTTY's fault.
Bug fix: PuTTY proper now ignores trailing whitespace on the command line (this was causing problems with "putty @sessionname " and similar.
Bug fix: the scrollbar is now reset to the bottom whenever the scrollback is, so they don't end up out of sync any more.
Bug fix: both PuTTY and Pageant, when trying to load a private key file that turned out to be the wrong format, failed to close the file, so you couldn't delete it until the app had shut down.
Bug fix: some SSH-2 connections were reporting "Server failed host key check" on session startup. This was a bug in PuTTY's DSA implementation.
Bug fix: the "Default Settings" pseudo-saved-session was often missing from the saved session list. This was causing chaos, as the rest of the code assumed it was there and so treated the first item in the list specially. It's now back.
Bug fix: Plink and PSCP didn't load the Default Settings when presented with a simple hostname. (So a default username, default private key, etc, didn't get used.) Now they do.
Bug fix: terminal resize events weren't being sent in SSH-2. Now they are.
Bug fix: although local terminal line discipline was being turned off correctly on receipt of IAC WILL ECHO, it wasn't being turned on again on receipt of IAC WONT ECHO. This was breaking some BBS/MUD connections. Now fixed.
Bug fix: pscp's GUI interface was computing wrong percentages for very large files (within a factor of 100 of 2^32).
Bug fix: the Compose key now doesn't randomly trigger and cause keystroke loss on switching back into the PuTTY window.
Bug fix: the Colours panel now works again. (The RGB values weren't updating when the selection changed in the list box.)
Bug fix: if you tried to use a local wildcard with PSCP (for example, "pscp * remotehost:", that wildcard would match the special directories "." and "..". It now doesn't; "." and ".." can only be specified explicitly.
These features were new in beta 0.50 (released 2000-10-16):
Keep-alives to prevent overzealous idle detectors in firewalls from closing connections down. Done by sending Telnet NOP or SSH_MSG_IGNORE, so as to avoid affecting the actual data stream.
In PuTTY proper, in SSH mode, you can now specify a command to be run at the remote end. (The SSH functionality was already there, because it was required for PSCP and Plink. All it took was a bit of GUI work to make it accessible from PuTTY itself.)
You can now configure the initial window title.
Running "putty -cleanup" will now remove all files and registry entries created by PuTTY. If you've used PuTTY on somebody else's machine and don't want to leave any mess behind, you can run this before deleting the PuTTY executable.
The Event Log now scrolls down when new events appear on it, so that if you leave it up all the time you can watch things happen. Also, you can select items from the Event Log and copy them to the clipboard (should help for debugging).
When using NT's opaque resize feature, resizing the window doesn't send resize events at every step of the process, but instead sends a single one at the end. (I'd have quite liked it to do a resize event if the drag paused for maybe a second, but WM_TIMER doesn't seem to get through in the middle of a resize. Oh well, this is good enough.)
Everyone's favourite trivial change: Shift+Ins pastes. (No configurable option to control this: it wasn't doing anything interesting anyway.)
Included two extra Makefile options: /DAUTO_WINSOCK makes the build process assume that <windows.h> implicitly includes a WinSock header file, and /DWINSOCK_TWO makes PuTTY include <winsock2.h> instead of <winsock.h>.
Bug fix for a bug nobody had ever noticed: if you hit About twice, you only get one About box (as designed), except that if you open and close the Licence box then PuTTY forgets about the About box, so it will then let you open another. Now the behaviour is sane, and you can never open more than one About box.
Bug fix: choosing local-terminal line discipline together with SSH password authentication now doesn't cause the password to be echoed to the screen.
Bug fix: network errors now do not close the window if Close On Exit isn't set.
Bug fix: fonts such as 9-point (12-pixel) Courier New, which previously failed to display underlines, now do so.
Bug fix: stopped the saved-configuration-name box getting blanked when you swap away from and back to the Connection panel.
Bug fix: closing the About box returns focus to the config box, and closing the View Licence box returns focus to the About box.
The moment you've all been waiting for: RSA public key authentication is here! You can enter a public-key file name in the SSH configuration panel, and PuTTY will attempt to authenticate with that before falling back to passwords or TIS. Key file format is the same as "regular" ssh. Decryption of the key using a passphrase is supported. No key generation utility is provided, yet.
Created Pageant, a PuTTY authentication agent. PuTTY can use RSA keys from this for authentication, and can also forward agent communications to the remote end. Keys can be added and removed either locally or remotely.
Created Plink, a command-line version of PuTTY suitable for use as a component of a pipe assembly (for example, Windows NT CVS can use it as a transport).
SSH protocol version 2 support. This is disabled by default unless you connect to a v2-only server. Public key authentication isn't supported (this places PuTTY technically in violation of the SSH-2 specification).
Enable handling of telnet://hostname:port/ URLs on the command line. With this feature, you can now set PuTTY as the default handler for Telnet URLs. If you run the Registry Editor and set the value in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\telnet\shell\open\command to be "\path\to\putty.exe %1" (with the full pathname of your PuTTY executable), you should find that clicking on telnet links in your web browser now runs PuTTY.
Re-merge the two separate forks of the ssh protocol code. PuTTY and PSCP now use the same protocol module, meaning that further SSH developments will be easily able to affect both.
These features were new in beta 0.49 (released 2000-06-28):
Stop the SSH protocol code from sending zero-length SSH_CMSG_STDIN_DATA packets when Shift is pressed. These appear to be harmless to Unix sshd, but cause VMS sshd to generate an Exit signal.
Fix a small bug about using special port numbers in pscp; thanks to Joris van Rantwijk.
Three security improvements. PuTTY now checks the CRC on incoming packets, checks that the packet length and string length fields on incoming SSH_SMSG_*_DATA packets are consistent, and outlaws attempts to set the terminal size too big by escape sequences (countering the xterm DoS attack shown in bugtraq #1298).
High-half characters (160 and above) are now supported in username and password input.
Bug fix: RSA keys whose storage format used an odd number of bytes (i.e. the bit length of the key, mod 16, was between 1 and 8 inclusive) were being handled incorrectly. An sshd with an 850-bit server key wasn't able to accept connections from PuTTY as a result.
pscp now has the "-ls" option to get a directory listing of a remote host. It does this by sending the command "ls -la <dirspec>", so it might well not work on non-Unix ssh servers. It's mainly there to allow a useful directory listing facility for potential GUI front ends.
Local line discipline is now invoked in more sensible circumstances, and understands Telnet Erase Line. Thanks to Robert de Bath.
Blinking cursor support (off by default). Thanks to Robert de Bath.
xterm mouse tracking support, thanks to Wez Furlong.
Hopefully vastly improved PuTTY's behaviour under load; also we can process incoming data even during a window move/resize. Thanks to Robert de Bath.
Better handling of the bug in which underlines are drawn outside the character cell. Now they don't get drawn at _all_, which is still non-ideal but it's better than rampaging screen corruption. Thanks to Robert de Bath.
Various terminal emulation upgrades. Thanks to Robert de Bath.
By popular demand, Shift-Tab now sends ESC [ Z instead of being indistinguishable from ordinary Tab.
^C, ^Z and ^D now instruct the local-terminal line discipline to send Telnet special control codes. The local line discipline can also be enabled and disabled in mid-session without dropping data, and it's also linked to the Telnet ECHO option. Patch due to Robert de Bath.
Telnet SYNCH is now preceded by IAC, which it wasn't previously. Patch due to Robert de Bath.
Fixed the long-standing bug in which CSI ? Q and CSI Q were treated identically for most values of Q. Patch due to Robert de Bath.
Pressing Return in a Telnet session now sends Telnet NL instead of Telnet CR (in raw data, that's CR-LF not CR-NUL; ^J continues to send just LF). Unix telnetds should not notice any difference; others might suddenly start working. Patch due to Robert de Bath.
Much patchery in font selection code; with any luck, mixed OEM+ANSI line drawing mode will now be more reliable. Patch due to Robert de Bath.
An attempt has been made to deal with the dropping of incoming data between decoding and display.
Replaced all the algorithms that weren't already my own code. The DES, MD5, SHA, and CRC32 implementations used in PuTTY are now all written by me and distributable under the PuTTY licence, instead of being borrowed from a variety of other places. Better still, there are comments: the DES implementation contains a careful description of how the algorithm given in the spec was transformed into the optimised algorithm in the code, and the CRC32 implementation explains what a CRC is and how the table lookup algorithm works.
Scrollback behaviour has changed. ANSI Delete Line at the top of the screen now inserts the lines into the scrollback (previously, only genuine scroll-up would do this). However, the scrollback is never touched by scroll operations in the alternate screen.
The response to Ctrl-E is now "PuTTY" instead of the xtermalike sequence it was previously.
The command line option -log will now cause all data received from the remote host to be logged to a file putty.log.
PSCP now doesn't try to "recurse" into the directories . and .. like it did before.
Add keyboard accelerators on the System menu.
"Warn On Close" no longer applies to inactive windows: you can close one of those without complaint.
There is now a system to generate Borland and Cygnus makefiles from the master makefile, so that people can build PuTTY with other compilers but I still only have to maintain one makefile.
These features were new in beta 0.48 (released 1999-11-18):
Cyrillic support: optional KOI8 to Win1251 translation, an internal version of the Cyrillic key map for machines that don't have it installed systemwide, and support for selecting a character set in the font configuration. All thanks to Oleg Panashchenko.
Support for the TIS authentication option (to the client, this looks much like a form of password authentication, so there's no local state involved).
SSH mode now shows an Event Log of all the initial protocol setup, to match the Telnet negotiation log.
Alt-F4 as "close window" can be configured off. Alt-Space as System menu is now an option and can be configured on, although it doesn't work very well (you have to press Down after hitting Alt-Space).
NetHack keypad mode mapping (shift-with-)numeric-keypad to (shift-with-)hjklyubn. Unfortunately Shift only works when NumLock is off, which is a bit odd.
An implementation of the scp client, as a separate binary. Many thanks to Joris van Rantwijk.
Change the default title bar format to "host.name - PuTTY" rather than "PuTTY: host.name", so as to be more useful in the taskbar.
Warning box "are you sure you want to disconnect?" on hitting the Close button or Alt-F4 or whatever.
Telnet mode was reported to drop char-255, presumably due to mishandling IAC IAC. Fix due to Robert de Bath.
Add some keyboard accelerators in the configuration box.
A raw-TCP connection option, alongside Telnet and SSH. Thanks to Mark Baker.
A local line-editing line discipline, which can be layered over any of the back end connection options. Most usefully, this can be used to make the raw-TCP back end suitable for talking to finger, SMTP, POP, NNTP etc. servers.
A small tool-tip that shows the size of the terminal window in character cells while it's being resized, so you can drag it out to a precise size. Many thanks to John Sullivan, who achieved this despite other people supporting my belief that it was impossible.
Single DES as an SSH encryption option, as well as triple DES. Thanks to Murphy Lam.
Support for using ssh by default: a -ssh command line option, a compile-time definition SSH_DEFAULT, and the ability to honour port and protocol (and host!) settings in the "Default Settings" part of the registry if they've been manually inserted.
Made stored sessions available as a submenu from the system menu. Thanks to Owen Dunn.
Minimal Win32s compatibility, as a compile-time option (so it's not in the snapshot binaries but is in the snapshot source releases). The configuration box apparently doesn't work, but the actual sessions will run OK. Thanks to Owen Dunn.
This feature was new in beta 0.47 (released 1999-08-27):
Fixed a potential security flaw in the random number generator.
These features were new in beta 0.46 (released 1999-07-09):
Fixed a bug causing hangs when an SSH window was resized after the connection was closed. I'd never spotted it, because I never use Close Window On Exit...
Default mouse pointer inside the PuTTY window is now an I-beam.
Support for AltGr. As it turns out, it is possible to do this without also changing the behaviour of Ctrl/LeftAlt. Many thanks to <andre@via.ecp.fr> for inventing a way to achieve this.
Resource/memory leaks are apparently fixed. I'm going to assume they are completely fixed, unless someone mails me to suggest otherwise.
Fixed the bug in the configuration box whereby double-clicking on a saved session leaked the double click through to the window below.
ESC[?9r was being interpreted just like ESC[9r, with disastrous results (the former turns off mouse click reporting, which PuTTY doesn't support yet anyway; the latter munges the scroll region horribly). Fixed, in a temporary sort of way.
Added Blowfish encryption as an alternative to triple-DES.
These features were new in beta 0.45 (released 1999-01-22):
Fix the GPF on maximise-then-restore.
Fix the delayed update of the window title when in always-use-window-title mode and iconic.
Employ SetCapture() to allow drag-selects to continue to work when the pointer drifts out of the window.
Some platforms apparently define the identifier "environ" as a macro; stop using it inside PuTTY.
Add an option to ask SSH not to allocate a pty.
Add a terminal setting to cause LF to imply CR (useful with the above).
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+ (last modified on Sun Feb 24 00:34:40 2008)
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+ The Church of The Modern Era P.O.Box 348 Cambridge, MA 02139 Tel. 617-924-1244 * Fax 617-924-0280 * aspidle@aol.com February 6, 1998 Dear Friend, "Before you throw out the old ways, you must have something of value with which to replace them." The wisdom of this ancient Kikuyu saying is being borne out all over the world today. Have you noticed the evil operating in this world (Algeria, the Middle East, Yugoslavia, Northern Ireland, Central Africa, Columbia, etc.), but are amazed that our popular culture is blind to it and helpless before it? Have you noticed how much of this evil is perpetrated in the name of religion? Are you someone whose scientific education and/or knowledge of the bloody histories of the major religions prevents you from enjoying the moral certitude that believers have always lived in? I invite you to join in the most important adventure of the new millenium. Help us create a church that is integral with scientific thought, not embarassed by it, yet provides a solid moral grounding, a ground of being that will truly save, nourish and heal our species. Have you noticed the moral poverty and confusion of our society? Do you believe Evil exists, yet no one is talking about it, much less fighting it? Are you proud of how our leaders are conducting the peoples' business? Isn't it time to replace the allegiance to your political party, nationality, race or religion with allegiance to our whole species? Our species is at risk, what are you doing about it? Isn't it time our leaders dealt with each other and us maturely without the lying, snickering, childlike insults and intolerence of each others' ideas and points of view? Do any of these thoughts resonate with you? Then please help us. Now is the time for you to be a CoFounder of the The Church Of The Modern Era. Thinkers of the World unite! You have nothing to lose but your confusion, you have a Universe to gain. Sincerely, The universe is a womb for the genesis of gods. The Way of the Cosmic Chain of Being of The Church of the Modern Era Beliefs: There is a Cosmic Chain of Being that runs from the beginning of time in our Universe through the stars, the planets, blue green algae, the early hominids, Mitochondrial Eve, Agamemnon, the Buddha, Confucius, Zoroaster, Moses, Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Jesus Christ, Mohammad, Galileo, Newton, Darwin, Einstein, our ancestors, us, our descendents and successors to God. At some point in the next one hundred billion years or so, our successors will develop understanding and control of biology; matter and energy; time and space. These omniscient descendents of ours will be/are and were God. There is Good and Evil in this Universe and we must see that Good triumphs in the God Time and not Evil. Using then available technology (billions of years from now) and data in the light cone and other sources, God can bring us back to life and reunite us with our loved ones in Virtual Heaven, Hell or Purgatory. We must see that this happens. As ancestors and children of God, it is our First Sacred Duty to defeat Evil and perfect ourselves, our families and our species to be worthy of this gift and to wisely guide the Cosmic Chain of Being (Targeted Selection ). We are all equal before God, but we are each unique. The Way to satisfy the First Sacred Duty is to diligently follow the Moral Laws and Sacred Duties of our Church. Moral Laws: 1- You must protect Good and defeat Evil. 2- You must not kill intelligent beings unless in defense of the Good. If possible, non lethal means must be used in this defense. 3- You must avoid and reject causing harm to yourself or others unless in defense of the Good. 4- Since envy and greed are the most powerful tools of Evil, you must avoid and reject envy and temper greed. 5- Since you can only see what you're looking at, you must respect others' points of view. Sacred Duties: 2- You must love, honor and respect your parents, spouse(s), children, ancestors and descendents. 3- You must love, respect, and maturely help all Human Beings as the cousins they are. 4- You must strive to understand the structure and properties of this Universe and all in it. 5- You must especially honor all the Saints of our Church, including: those who served or died in the defense of Good and defeat of Evil, those who devote their lives to the advancement of knowledge and morality, those who govern according to the Moral Laws and Sacred Duties, those who are good spouses and good parents and, those who create the *Sacred Writings. *Sacred Writings are all books and other media that follow the Moral Laws and promote Sacred Duties. Confession, Restitution and Forgiveness: You can confess your violations of Moral Law and through prescribed acts of restitution attain forgiveness. Other Religions: We recognize and honor most other religions as vital steps integral to the Cosmic Chain of Being.
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+ Timaeus, by Plato
by Plato
translated by Benjamin Jowett
Persons of the Dialogue: Socrates, Critias, Timaeus, Hermocrates.
One, two, three; but where, my dear Timaeus, is the fourth of those who were yesterday my guests and are to be my entertainers to-day?
He has been taken ill, Socrates; for he would not willingly have been absent from this gathering.
Then, if he is not coming, you and the two others must supply his place.
Certainly, and we will do all that we can; having been handsomely entertained by you yesterday, those of us who remain should be only too glad to return your hospitality.
Do you remember what were the points of which I required you to speak?
We remember some of them, and you will be here to remind us of anything which we have forgotten: or rather, if we are not troubling you, will you briefly recapitulate the whole, and then the particulars will be more firmly fixed in our memories?
To be sure I will: the chief theme of my yesterday's discourse was the State — how constituted and of what citizens composed it would seem likely to be most perfect.
Yes, Socrates; and what you said of it was very much to our mind.
Did we not begin by separating the husbandmen and the artisans from the class of defenders of the State?
And when we had given to each one that single employment and particular art which was suited to his nature, we spoke of those who were intended to be our warriors, and said that they were to be guardians of the city against attacks from within as well as from without, and to have no other employment; they were to be merciful in judging their subjects, of whom they were by nature friends, but fierce to their enemies, when they came across them in battle.
We said, if I am not mistaken, that the guardians should be gifted with a temperament in a high degree both passionate and philosophical; and that then they would be as they ought to be, gentle to their friends and fierce with their enemies.
And what did we say of their education? Were they not to be trained in gymnastic, and music, and all other sorts of knowledge which were proper for them?
Very true.
And being thus trained they were not to consider gold or silver or anything else to be their own private property; they were to be like hired troops, receiving pay for keeping guard from those who were protected by them — the pay was to be no more than would suffice for men of simple life; and they were to spend in common, and to live together in the continual practice of virtue, which was to be their sole pursuit.
That was also said.
Neither did we forget the women; of whom we declared, that their natures should be assimilated and brought into harmony with those of the men, and that common pursuits should be assigned to them both in time of war and in their ordinary life.
That, again, was as you say.
And what about the procreation of children? Or rather was not the proposal too singular to be forgotten? for all wives and children were to be in common, to the intent that no one should ever know his own child, but they were to imagine that they were all one family; those who were within a suitable limit of age were to be brothers and sisters, those who were of an elder generation parents and grandparents, and those of a younger, children and grandchildren.
Yes, and the proposal is easy to remember, as you say.
And do you also remember how, with a view of securing as far as we could the best breed, we said that the chief magistrates, male and female, should contrive secretly, by the use of certain lots, so to arrange the nuptial meeting, that the bad of either sex and the good of either sex might pair with their like; and there was to be no quarrelling on this account, for they would imagine that the union was a mere accident, and was to be attributed to the lot?
I remember.
And you remember how we said that the children of the good parents were to be educated, and the children of the bad secretly dispersed among the inferior citizens; and while they were all growing up the rulers were to be on the look-out, and to bring up from below in their turn those who were worthy, and those among themselves who were unworthy were to take the places of those who came up?
Then have I now given you all the heads of our yesterday's discussion? Or is there anything more, my dear Timaeus, which has been omitted?
Nothing, Socrates; it was just as you have said.
I should like, before proceeding further, to tell you how I feel about the State which we have described. I might compare myself to a person who, on beholding beautiful animals either created by the painter's art, or, better still, alive but at rest, is seized with a desire of seeing them in motion or engaged in some struggle or conflict to which their forms appear suited; this is my feeling about the State which we have been describing. There are conflicts which all cities undergo, and I should like to hear some one tell of our own city carrying on a struggle against her neighbours, and how she went out to war in a becoming manner, and when at war showed by the greatness of her actions and the magnanimity of her words in dealing with other cities a result worthy of her training and education. Now I, Critias and Hermocrates, am conscious that I myself should never be able to celebrate the city and her citizens in a befitting manner, and I am not surprised at my own incapacity; to me the wonder is rather that the poets present as well as past are no better — not that I mean to depreciate them; but every one can see that they are a tribe of imitators, and will imitate best and most easily the life in which they have been brought up; while that which is beyond the range of a man's education he finds hard to carry out in action, and still harder adequately to represent in language. I am aware that the Sophists have plenty of brave words and fair conceits, but I am afraid that being only wanderers from one city to another, and having never had habitations of their own, they may fail in their conception of philosophers and statesmen, and may not know what they do and say in time of war, when they are fighting or holding parley with their enemies. And thus people of your class are the only ones remaining who are fitted by nature and education to take part at once both in politics and philosophy. Here is Timaeus, of Locris in Italy, a city which has admirable laws, and who is himself in wealth and rank the equal of any of his fellow-citizens; he has held the most important and honourable offices in his own state, and, as I believe, has scaled the heights of all philosophy; and here is Critias, whom every Athenian knows to be no novice in the matters of which we are speaking; and as to Hermocrates, I am assured by many witnesses that his genius and education qualify him to take part in any speculation of the kind. And therefore yesterday when I saw that you wanted me to describe the formation of the State, I readily assented, being very well aware, that, if you only would, none were better qualified to carry the discussion further, and that when you had engaged our city in a suitable war, you of all men living could best exhibit her playing a fitting part. When I had completed my task, I in return imposed this other task upon you. You conferred together and agreed to entertain me to-day, as I had entertained you, with a feast of discourse. Here am I in festive array, and no man can be more ready for the promised banquet.
And we too, Socrates, as Timaeus says, will not be wanting in enthusiasm; and there is no excuse for not complying with your request. As soon as we arrived yesterday at the guest-chamber of Critias, with whom we are staying, or rather on our way thither, we talked the matter over, and he told us an ancient tradition, which I wish, Critias, that you would repeat to Socrates, so that he may help us to judge whether it will satisfy his requirements or not.
I will, if Timaeus, who is our other partner, approves.
I quite approve.
Then listen, Socrates, to a tale which, though strange, is certainly true, having been attested by Solon, who was the wisest of the seven sages. He was a relative and a dear friend of my great-grandfather, Dropides, as he himself says in many passages of his poems; and he told the story to Critias, my grandfather, who remembered and repeated it to us. There were of old, he said, great and marvellous actions of the Athenian city, which have passed into oblivion through lapse of time and the destruction of mankind, and one in particular, greater than all the rest. This we will now rehearse. It will be a fitting monument of our gratitude to you, and a hymn of praise true and worthy of the goddess, on this her day of festival.
Very good. And what is this ancient famous action of the Athenians, which Critias declared, on the authority of Solon, to be not a mere legend, but an actual fact?
I will tell an old-world story which I heard from an aged man; for Critias, at the time of telling it, was, as he said, nearly ninety years of age, and I was about ten. Now the day was that day of the Apaturia which is called the Registration of Youth, at which, according to custom, our parents gave prizes for recitations, and the poems of several poets were recited by us boys, and many of us sang the poems of Solon, which at that time had not gone out of fashion. One of our tribe, either because he thought so or to please Critias, said that in his judgment Solon was not only the wisest of men, but also the noblest of poets. The old man, as I very well remember, brightened up at hearing this and said, smiling: Yes, Amynander, if Solon had only, like other poets, made poetry the business of his life, and had completed the tale which he brought with him from Egypt, and had not been compelled, by reason of the factions and troubles which he found stirring in his own country when he came home, to attend to other matters, in my opinion he would have been as famous as Homer or Hesiod, or any poet.
And what was the tale about, Critias? said Amynander.
About the greatest action which the Athenians ever did, and which ought to have been the most famous, but, through the lapse of time and the destruction of the actors, it has not come down to us.
Tell us, said the other, the whole story, and how and from whom Solon heard this veritable tradition.
He replied: — In the Egyptian Delta, at the head of which the river Nile divides, there is a certain district which is called the district of Sais, and the great city of the district is also called Sais, and is the city from which King Amasis came. The citizens have a deity for their foundress; she is called in the Egyptian tongue Neith, and is asserted by them to be the same whom the Hellenes call Athene; they are great lovers of the Athenians, and say that they are in some way related to them. To this city came Solon, and was received there with great honour; he asked the priests who were most skilful in such matters, about antiquity, and made the discovery that neither he nor any other Hellene knew anything worth mentioning about the times of old. On one occasion, wishing to draw them on to speak of antiquity, he began to tell about the most ancient things in our part of the world — about Phoroneus, who is called 'the first man,' and about Niobe; and after the Deluge, of the survival of Deucalion and Pyrrha; and he traced the genealogy of their descendants, and reckoning up the dates, tried to compute how many years ago the events of which he was speaking happened. Thereupon one of the priests, who was of a very great age, said: O Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are never anything but children, and there is not an old man among you. Solon in return asked him what he meant. I mean to say, he replied, that in mind you are all young; there is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient tradition, nor any science which is hoary with age. And I will tell you why. There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes; the greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and water, and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes. There is a story, which even you have preserved, that once upon a time Paethon, the son of Helios, having yoked the steeds in his father's chariot, because he was not able to drive them in the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the earth, and was himself destroyed by a thunderbolt. Now this has the form of a myth, but really signifies a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens around the earth, and a great conflagration of things upon the earth, which recurs after long intervals; at such times those who live upon the mountains and in dry and lofty places are more liable to destruction than those who dwell by rivers or on the seashore. And from this calamity the Nile, who is our never-failing saviour, delivers and preserves us. When, on the other hand, the gods purge the earth with a deluge of water, the survivors in your country are herdsmen and shepherds who dwell on the mountains, but those who, like you, live in cities are carried by the rivers into the sea. Whereas in this land, neither then nor at any other time, does the water come down from above on the fields, having always a tendency to come up from below; for which reason the traditions preserved here are the most ancient. The fact is, that wherever the extremity of winter frost or of summer sun does not prevent, mankind exist, sometimes in greater, sometimes in lesser numbers. And whatever happened either in your country or in ours, or in any other region of which we are informed — if there were any actions noble or great or in any other way remarkable, they have all been written down by us of old, and are preserved in our temples. Whereas just when you and other nations are beginning to be provided with letters and the other requisites of civilized life, after the usual interval, the stream from heaven, like a pestilence, comes pouring down, and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education; and so you have to begin all over again like children, and know nothing of what happened in ancient times, either among us or among yourselves. As for those genealogies of yours which you just now recounted to us, Solon, they are no better than the tales of children. In the first place you remember a single deluge only, but there were many previous ones; in the next place, you do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descended from a small seed or remnant of them which survived. And this was unknown to you, because, for many generations, the survivors of that destruction died, leaving no written word. For there was a time, Solon, before the great deluge of all, when the city which now is Athens was first in war and in every way the best governed of all cities, is said to have performed the noblest deeds and to have had the fairest constitution of any of which tradition tells, under the face of heaven. Solon marvelled at his words, and earnestly requested the priests to inform him exactly and in order about these former citizens. You are welcome to hear about them, Solon, said the priest, both for your own sake and for that of your city, and above all, for the sake of the goddess who is the common patron and parent and educator of both our cities. She founded your city a thousand years before ours (Observe that Plato gives the same date (9000 years ago) for the foundation of Athens and for the repulse of the invasion from Atlantis (Crit.).), receiving from the Earth and Hephaestus the seed of your race, and afterwards she founded ours, of which the constitution is recorded in our sacred registers to be 8000 years old. As touching your citizens of 9000 years ago, I will briefly inform you of their laws and of their most famous action; the exact particulars of the whole we will hereafter go through at our leisure in the sacred registers themselves. If you compare these very laws with ours you will find that many of ours are the counterpart of yours as they were in the olden time. In the first place, there is the caste of priests, which is separated from all the others; next, there are the artificers, who ply their several crafts by themselves and do not intermix; and also there is the class of shepherds and of hunters, as well as that of husbandmen; and you will observe, too, that the warriors in Egypt are distinct from all the other classes, and are commanded by the law to devote themselves solely to military pursuits; moreover, the weapons which they carry are shields and spears, a style of equipment which the goddess taught of Asiatics first to us, as in your part of the world first to you. Then as to wisdom, do you observe how our law from the very first made a study of the whole order of things, extending even to prophecy and medicine which gives health, out of these divine elements deriving what was needful for human life, and adding every sort of knowledge which was akin to them. All this order and arrangement the goddess first imparted to you when establishing your city; and she chose the spot of earth in which you were born, because she saw that the happy temperament of the seasons in that land would produce the wisest of men. Wherefore the goddess, who was a lover both of war and of wisdom, selected and first of all settled that spot which was the most likely to produce men likest herself. And there you dwelt, having such laws as these and still better ones, and excelled all mankind in all virtue, as became the children and disciples of the gods.
Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our histories. But one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valour. For these histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end. This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles; the island was larger than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean; for this sea which is within the Straits of Heracles is only a harbour, having a narrow entrance, but that other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly called a boundless continent. Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and over parts of the continent, and, furthermore, the men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia. This vast power, gathered into one, endeavoured to subdue at a blow our country and yours and the whole of the region within the straits; and then, Solon, your country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and strength, among all mankind. She was pre-eminent in courage and military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes. And when the rest fell off from her, being compelled to stand alone, after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest of us who dwell within the pillars. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea. For which reason the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is a shoal of mud in the way; and this was caused by the subsidence of the island.
I have told you briefly, Socrates, what the aged Critias heard from Solon and related to us. And when you were speaking yesterday about your city and citizens, the tale which I have just been repeating to you came into my mind, and I remarked with astonishment how, by some mysterious coincidence, you agreed in almost every particular with the narrative of Solon; but I did not like to speak at the moment. For a long time had elapsed, and I had forgotten too much; I thought that I must first of all run over the narrative in my own mind, and then I would speak. And so I readily assented to your request yesterday, considering that in all such cases the chief difficulty is to find a tale suitable to our purpose, and that with such a tale we should be fairly well provided.
And therefore, as Hermocrates has told you, on my way home yesterday I at once communicated the tale to my companions as I remembered it; and after I left them, during the night by thinking I recovered nearly the whole of it. Truly, as is often said, the lessons of our childhood make a wonderful impression on our memories; for I am not sure that I could remember all the discourse of yesterday, but I should be much surprised if I forgot any of these things which I have heard very long ago. I listened at the time with childlike interest to the old man's narrative; he was very ready to teach me, and I asked him again and again to repeat his words, so that like an indelible picture they were branded into my mind. As soon as the day broke, I rehearsed them as he spoke them to my companions, that they, as well as myself, might have something to say. And now, Socrates, to make an end of my preface, I am ready to tell you the whole tale. I will give you not only the general heads, but the particulars, as they were told to me. The city and citizens, which you yesterday described to us in fiction, we will now transfer to the world of reality. It shall be the ancient city of Athens, and we will suppose that the citizens whom you imagined, were our veritable ancestors, of whom the priest spoke; they will perfectly harmonize, and there will be no inconsistency in saying that the citizens of your republic are these ancient Athenians. Let us divide the subject among us, and all endeavour according to our ability gracefully to execute the task which you have imposed upon us. Consider then, Socrates, if this narrative is suited to the purpose, or whether we should seek for some other instead.
And what other, Critias, can we find that will be better than this, which is natural and suitable to the festival of the goddess, and has the very great advantage of being a fact and not a fiction? How or where shall we find another if we abandon this? We cannot, and therefore you must tell the tale, and good luck to you; and I in return for my yesterday's discourse will now rest and be a listener.
Let me proceed to explain to you, Socrates, the order in which we have arranged our entertainment. Our intention is, that Timaeus, who is the most of an astronomer amongst us, and has made the nature of the universe his special study, should speak first, beginning with the generation of the world and going down to the creation of man; next, I am to receive the men whom he has created, and of whom some will have profited by the excellent education which you have given them; and then, in accordance with the tale of Solon, and equally with his law, we will bring them into court and make them citizens, as if they were those very Athenians whom the sacred Egyptian record has recovered from oblivion, and thenceforward we will speak of them as Athenians and fellow-citizens.
I see that I shall receive in my turn a perfect and splendid feast of reason. And now, Timaeus, you, I suppose, should speak next, after duly calling upon the Gods.
All men, Socrates, who have any degree of right feeling, at the beginning of every enterprise, whether small or great, always call upon God. And we, too, who are going to discourse of the nature of the universe, how created or how existing without creation, if we be not altogether out of our wits, must invoke the aid of Gods and Goddesses and pray that our words may be acceptable to them and consistent with themselves. Let this, then, be our invocation of the Gods, to which I add an exhortation of myself to speak in such manner as will be most intelligible to you, and will most accord with my own intent.
First then, in my judgment, we must make a distinction and ask, What is that which always is and has no becoming; and what is that which is always becoming and never is? That which is apprehended by intelligence and reason is always in the same state; but that which is conceived by opinion with the help of sensation and without reason, is always in a process of becoming and perishing and never really is. Now everything that becomes or is created must of necessity be created by some cause, for without a cause nothing can be created. The work of the creator, whenever he looks to the unchangeable and fashions the form and nature of his work after an unchangeable pattern, must necessarily be made fair and perfect; but when he looks to the created only, and uses a created pattern, it is not fair or perfect. Was the heaven then or the world, whether called by this or by any other more appropriate name — assuming the name, I am asking a question which has to be asked at the beginning of an enquiry about anything — was the world, I say, always in existence and without beginning? or created, and had it a beginning? Created, I reply, being visible and tangible and having a body, and therefore sensible; and all sensible things are apprehended by opinion and sense and are in a process of creation and created. Now that which is created must, as we affirm, of necessity be created by a cause. But the father and maker of all this universe is past finding out; and even if we found him, to tell of him to all men would be impossible. And there is still a question to be asked about him: Which of the patterns had the artificer in view when he made the world — the pattern of the unchangeable, or of that which is created? If the world be indeed fair and the artificer good, it is manifest that he must have looked to that which is eternal; but if what cannot be said without blasphemy is true, then to the created pattern. Every one will see that he must have looked to the eternal; for the world is the fairest of creations and he is the best of causes. And having been created in this way, the world has been framed in the likeness of that which is apprehended by reason and mind and is unchangeable, and must therefore of necessity, if this is admitted, be a copy of something. Now it is all-important that the beginning of everything should be according to nature. And in speaking of the copy and the original we may assume that words are akin to the matter which they describe; when they relate to the lasting and permanent and intelligible, they ought to be lasting and unalterable, and, as far as their nature allows, irrefutable and immovable — nothing less. But when they express only the copy or likeness and not the eternal things themselves, they need only be likely and analogous to the real words. As being is to becoming, so is truth to belief. If then, Socrates, amid the many opinions about the gods and the generation of the universe, we are not able to give notions which are altogether and in every respect exact and consistent with one another, do not be surprised. Enough, if we adduce probabilities as likely as any others; for we must remember that I who am the speaker, and you who are the judges, are only mortal men, and we ought to accept the tale which is probable and enquire no further.
Excellent, Timaeus; and we will do precisely as you bid us. The prelude is charming, and is already accepted by us — may we beg of you to proceed to the strain?
Let me tell you then why the creator made this world of generation. He was good, and the good can never have any jealousy of anything. And being free from jealousy, he desired that all things should be as like himself as they could be. This is in the truest sense the origin of creation and of the world, as we shall do well in believing on the testimony of wise men: God desired that all things should be good and nothing bad, so far as this was attainable. Wherefore also finding the whole visible sphere not at rest, but moving in an irregular and disorderly fashion, out of disorder he brought order, considering that this was in every way better than the other. Now the deeds of the best could never be or have been other than the fairest; and the creator, reflecting on the things which are by nature visible, found that no unintelligent creature taken as a whole was fairer than the intelligent taken as a whole; and that intelligence could not be present in anything which was devoid of soul. For which reason, when he was framing the universe, he put intelligence in soul, and soul in body, that he might be the creator of a work which was by nature fairest and best. Wherefore, using the language of probability, we may say that the world became a living creature truly endowed with soul and intelligence by the providence of God.
This being supposed, let us proceed to the next stage: In the likeness of what animal did the Creator make the world? It would be an unworthy thing to liken it to any nature which exists as a part only; for nothing can be beautiful which is like any imperfect thing; but let us suppose the world to be the very image of that whole of which all other animals both individually and in their tribes are portions. For the original of the universe contains in itself all intelligible beings, just as this world comprehends us and all other visible creatures. For the Deity, intending to make this world like the fairest and most perfect of intelligible beings, framed one visible animal comprehending within itself all other animals of a kindred nature. Are we right in saying that there is one world, or that they are many and infinite? There must be one only, if the created copy is to accord with the original. For that which includes all other intelligible creatures cannot have a second or companion; in that case there would be need of another living being which would include both, and of which they would be parts, and the likeness would be more truly said to resemble not them, but that other which included them. In order then that the world might be solitary, like the perfect animal, the creator made not two worlds or an infinite number of them; but there is and ever will be one only-begotten and created heaven.
Now that which is created is of necessity corporeal, and also visible and tangible. And nothing is visible where there is no fire, or tangible which has no solidity, and nothing is solid without earth. Wherefore also God in the beginning of creation made the body of the universe to consist of fire and earth. But two things cannot be rightly put together without a third; there must be some bond of union between them. And the fairest bond is that which makes the most complete fusion of itself and the things which it combines; and proportion is best adapted to effect such a union. For whenever in any three numbers, whether cube or square, there is a mean, which is to the last term what the first term is to it; and again, when the mean is to the first term as the last term is to the mean — then the mean becoming first and last, and the first and last both becoming means, they will all of them of necessity come to be the same, and having become the same with one another will be all one. If the universal frame had been created a surface only and having no depth, a single mean would have sufficed to bind together itself and the other terms; but now, as the world must be solid, and solid bodies are always compacted not by one mean but by two, God placed water and air in the mean between fire and earth, and made them to have the same proportion so far as was possible (as fire is to air so is air to water, and as air is to water so is water to earth); and thus he bound and put together a visible and tangible heaven. And for these reasons, and out of such elements which are in number four, the body of the world was created, and it was harmonized by proportion, and therefore has the spirit of friendship; and having been reconciled to itself, it was indissoluble by the hand of any other than the framer.
Now the creation took up the whole of each of the four elements; for the Creator compounded the world out of all the fire and all the water and all the air and all the earth, leaving no part of any of them nor any power of them outside. His intention was, in the first place, that the animal should be as far as possible a perfect whole and of perfect parts: secondly, that it should be one, leaving no remnants out of which another such world might be created: and also that it should be free from old age and unaffected by disease. Considering that if heat and cold and other powerful forces which unite bodies surround and attack them from without when they are unprepared, they decompose them, and by bringing diseases and old age upon them, make them waste away — for this cause and on these grounds he made the world one whole, having every part entire, and being therefore perfect and not liable to old age and disease. And he gave to the world the figure which was suitable and also natural. Now to the animal which was to comprehend all animals, that figure was suitable which comprehends within itself all other figures. Wherefore he made the world in the form of a globe, round as from a lathe, having its extremes in every direction equidistant from the centre, the most perfect and the most like itself of all figures; for he considered that the like is infinitely fairer than the unlike. This he finished off, making the surface smooth all round for many reasons; in the first place, because the living being had no need of eyes when there was nothing remaining outside him to be seen; nor of ears when there was nothing to be heard; and there was no surrounding atmosphere to be breathed; nor would there have been any use of organs by the help of which he might receive his food or get rid of what he had already digested, since there was nothing which went from him or came into him: for there was nothing beside him. Of design he was created thus, his own waste providing his own food, and all that he did or suffered taking place in and by himself. For the Creator conceived that a being which was self-sufficient would be far more excellent than one which lacked anything; and, as he had no need to take anything or defend himself against any one, the Creator did not think it necessary to bestow upon him hands: nor had he any need of feet, nor of the whole apparatus of walking; but the movement suited to his spherical form was assigned to him, being of all the seven that which is most appropriate to mind and intelligence; and he was made to move in the same manner and on the same spot, within his own limits revolving in a circle. All the other six motions were taken away from him, and he was made not to partake of their deviations. And as this circular movement required no feet, the universe was created without legs and without feet.
Such was the whole plan of the eternal God about the god that was to be, to whom for this reason he gave a body, smooth and even, having a surface in every direction equidistant from the centre, a body entire and perfect, and formed out of perfect bodies. And in the centre he put the soul, which he diffused throughout the body, making it also to be the exterior environment of it; and he made the universe a circle moving in a circle, one and solitary, yet by reason of its excellence able to converse with itself, and needing no other friendship or acquaintance. Having these purposes in view he created the world a blessed god.
Now God did not make the soul after the body, although we are speaking of them in this order; for having brought them together he would never have allowed that the elder should be ruled by the younger; but this is a random manner of speaking which we have, because somehow we ourselves too are very much under the dominion of chance. Whereas he made the soul in origin and excellence prior to and older than the body, to be the ruler and mistress, of whom the body was to be the subject. And he made her out of the following elements and on this wise: Out of the indivisible and unchangeable, and also out of that which is divisible and has to do with material bodies, he compounded a third and intermediate kind of essence, partaking of the nature of the same and of the other, and this compound he placed accordingly in a mean between the indivisible, and the divisible and material. He took the three elements of the same, the other, and the essence, and mingled them into one form, compressing by force the reluctant and unsociable nature of the other into the same. When he had mingled them with the essence and out of three made one, he again divided this whole into as many portions as was fitting, each portion being a compound of the same, the other, and the essence. And he proceeded to divide after this manner: — First of all, he took away one part of the whole (1), and then he separated a second part which was double the first (2), and then he took away a third part which was half as much again as the second and three times as much as the first (3), and then he took a fourth part which was twice as much as the second (4), and a fifth part which was three times the third (9), and a sixth part which was eight times the first (8), and a seventh part which was twenty-seven times the first (27). After this he filled up the double intervals (i.e. between 1, 2, 4, 8) and the triple (i.e. between 1, 3, 9, 27) cutting off yet other portions from the mixture and placing them in the intervals, so that in each interval there were two kinds of means, the one exceeding and exceeded by equal parts of its extremes (as for example 1, 4/3, 2, in which the mean 4/3 is one-third of 1 more than 1, and one-third of 2 less than 2), the other being that kind of mean which exceeds and is exceeded by an equal number (e.g.
+ - over 1, 4/3, 3/2, - over 2, 8/3, 3, - over 4, 16/3, 6, - over 8:
+ and
+ - over 1, 3/2, 2, - over 3, 9/2, 6, - over 9, 27/2, 18, - over 27.
Where there were intervals of 3/2 and of 4/3 and of 9/8, made by the connecting terms in the former intervals, he filled up all the intervals of 4/3 with the interval of 9/8, leaving a fraction over; and the interval which this fraction expressed was in the ratio of 256 to 243 (e.g. 243:256 :: 81/64:4/3 :: 243/128:2 :: 81/32:8/3 :: 243/64:4 :: 81/16:16/3 :: 242/32:8).
And thus the whole mixture out of which he cut these portions was all exhausted by him. This entire compound he divided lengthways into two parts, which he joined to one another at the centre like the letter X, and bent them into a circular form, connecting them with themselves and each other at the point opposite to their original meeting-point; and, comprehending them in a uniform revolution upon the same axis, he made the one the outer and the other the inner circle. Now the motion of the outer circle he called the motion of the same, and the motion of the inner circle the motion of the other or diverse. The motion of the same he carried round by the side (i.e. of the rectangular figure supposed to be inscribed in the circle of the Same) to the right, and the motion of the diverse diagonally (i.e. across the rectangular figure from corner to corner) to the left. And he gave dominion to the motion of the same and like, for that he left single and undivided; but the inner motion he divided in six places and made seven unequal circles having their intervals in ratios of two and three, three of each, and bade the orbits proceed in a direction opposite to one another; and three (Sun, Mercury, Venus) he made to move with equal swiftness, and the remaining four (Moon, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter) to move with unequal swiftness to the three and to one another, but in due proportion.
Now when the Creator had framed the soul according to his will, he formed within her the corporeal universe, and brought the two together, and united them centre to centre. The soul, interfused everywhere from the centre to the circumference of heaven, of which also she is the external envelopment, herself turning in herself, began a divine beginning of never-ceasing and rational life enduring throughout all time. The body of heaven is visible, but the soul is invisible, and partakes of reason and harmony, and being made by the best of intellectual and everlasting natures, is the best of things created. And because she is composed of the same and of the other and of the essence, these three, and is divided and united in due proportion, and in her revolutions returns upon herself, the soul, when touching anything which has essence, whether dispersed in parts or undivided, is stirred through all her powers, to declare the sameness or difference of that thing and some other; and to what individuals are related, and by what affected, and in what way and how and when, both in the world of generation and in the world of immutable being. And when reason, which works with equal truth, whether she be in the circle of the diverse or of the same — in voiceless silence holding her onward course in the sphere of the self-moved — when reason, I say, is hovering around the sensible world and when the circle of the diverse also moving truly imparts the intimations of sense to the whole soul, then arise opinions and beliefs sure and certain. But when reason is concerned with the rational, and the circle of the same moving smoothly declares it, then intelligence and knowledge are necessarily perfected. And if any one affirms that in which these two are found to be other than the soul, he will say the very opposite of the truth.
When the father and creator saw the creature which he had made moving and living, the created image of the eternal gods, he rejoiced, and in his joy determined to make the copy still more like the original; and as this was eternal, he sought to make the universe eternal, so far as might be. Now the nature of the ideal being was everlasting, but to bestow this attribute in its fulness upon a creature was impossible. Wherefore he resolved to have a moving image of eternity, and when he set in order the heaven, he made this image eternal but moving according to number, while eternity itself rests in unity; and this image we call time. For there were no days and nights and months and years before the heaven was created, but when he constructed the heaven he created them also. They are all parts of time, and the past and future are created species of time, which we unconsciously but wrongly transfer to the eternal essence; for we say that he 'was,' he 'is,' he 'will be,' but the truth is that 'is' alone is properly attributed to him, and that 'was' and 'will be' are only to be spoken of becoming in time, for they are motions, but that which is immovably the same cannot become older or younger by time, nor ever did or has become, or hereafter will be, older or younger, nor is subject at all to any of those states which affect moving and sensible things and of which generation is the cause. These are the forms of time, which imitates eternity and revolves according to a law of number. Moreover, when we say that what has become IS become and what becomes IS becoming, and that what will become IS about to become and that the non-existent IS non-existent — all these are inaccurate modes of expression. But perhaps this whole subject will be more suitably discussed on some other occasion.
Time, then, and the heaven came into being at the same instant in order that, having been created together, if ever there was to be a dissolution of them, they might be dissolved together. It was framed after the pattern of the eternal nature, that it might resemble this as far as was possible; for the pattern exists from eternity, and the created heaven has been, and is, and will be, in all time. Such was the mind and thought of God in the creation of time. The sun and moon and five other stars, which are called the planets, were created by him in order to distinguish and preserve the numbers of time; and when he had made their several bodies, he placed them in the orbits in which the circle of the other was revolving, — in seven orbits seven stars. First, there was the moon in the orbit nearest the earth, and next the sun, in the second orbit above the earth; then came the morning star and the star sacred to Hermes, moving in orbits which have an equal swiftness with the sun, but in an opposite direction; and this is the reason why the sun and Hermes and Lucifer overtake and are overtaken by each other. To enumerate the places which he assigned to the other stars, and to give all the reasons why he assigned them, although a secondary matter, would give more trouble than the primary. These things at some future time, when we are at leisure, may have the consideration which they deserve, but not at present.
Now, when all the stars which were necessary to the creation of time had attained a motion suitable to them, and had become living creatures having bodies fastened by vital chains, and learnt their appointed task, moving in the motion of the diverse, which is diagonal, and passes through and is governed by the motion of the same, they revolved, some in a larger and some in a lesser orbit — those which had the lesser orbit revolving faster, and those which had the larger more slowly. Now by reason of the motion of the same, those which revolved fastest appeared to be overtaken by those which moved slower although they really overtook them; for the motion of the same made them all turn in a spiral, and, because some went one way and some another, that which receded most slowly from the sphere of the same, which was the swiftest, appeared to follow it most nearly. That there might be some visible measure of their relative swiftness and slowness as they proceeded in their eight courses, God lighted a fire, which we now call the sun, in the second from the earth of these orbits, that it might give light to the whole of heaven, and that the animals, as many as nature intended, might participate in number, learning arithmetic from the revolution of the same and the like. Thus then, and for this reason the night and the day were created, being the period of the one most intelligent revolution. And the month is accomplished when the moon has completed her orbit and overtaken the sun, and the year when the sun has completed his own orbit. Mankind, with hardly an exception, have not remarked the periods of the other stars, and they have no name for them, and do not measure them against one another by the help of number, and hence they can scarcely be said to know that their wanderings, being infinite in number and admirable for their variety, make up time. And yet there is no difficulty in seeing that the perfect number of time fulfils the perfect year when all the eight revolutions, having their relative degrees of swiftness, are accomplished together and attain their completion at the same time, measured by the rotation of the same and equally moving. After this manner, and for these reasons, came into being such of the stars as in their heavenly progress received reversals of motion, to the end that the created heaven might imitate the eternal nature, and be as like as possible to the perfect and intelligible animal.
Thus far and until the birth of time the created universe was made in the likeness of the original, but inasmuch as all animals were not yet comprehended therein, it was still unlike. What remained, the creator then proceeded to fashion after the nature of the pattern. Now as in the ideal animal the mind perceives ideas or species of a certain nature and number, he thought that this created animal ought to have species of a like nature and number. There are four such; one of them is the heavenly race of the gods; another, the race of birds whose way is in the air; the third, the watery species; and the fourth, the pedestrian and land creatures. Of the heavenly and divine, he created the greater part out of fire, that they might be the brightest of all things and fairest to behold, and he fashioned them after the likeness of the universe in the figure of a circle, and made them follow the intelligent motion of the supreme, distributing them over the whole circumference of heaven, which was to be a true cosmos or glorious world spangled with them all over. And he gave to each of them two movements: the first, a movement on the same spot after the same manner, whereby they ever continue to think consistently the same thoughts about the same things; the second, a forward movement, in which they are controlled by the revolution of the same and the like; but by the other five motions they were unaffected, in order that each of them might attain the highest perfection. And for this reason the fixed stars were created, to be divine and eternal animals, ever-abiding and revolving after the same manner and on the same spot; and the other stars which reverse their motion and are subject to deviations of this kind, were created in the manner already described. The earth, which is our nurse, clinging (or 'circling') around the pole which is extended through the universe, he framed to be the guardian and artificer of night and day, first and eldest of gods that are in the interior of heaven. Vain would be the attempt to tell all the figures of them circling as in dance, and their juxtapositions, and the return of them in their revolutions upon themselves, and their approximations, and to say which of these deities in their conjunctions meet, and which of them are in opposition, and in what order they get behind and before one another, and when they are severally eclipsed to our sight and again reappear, sending terrors and intimations of the future to those who cannot calculate their movements — to attempt to tell of all this without a visible representation of the heavenly system would be labour in vain. Enough on this head; and now let what we have said about the nature of the created and visible gods have an end.
To know or tell the origin of the other divinities is beyond us, and we must accept the traditions of the men of old time who affirm themselves to be the offspring of the gods — that is what they say — and they must surely have known their own ancestors. How can we doubt the word of the children of the gods? Although they give no probable or certain proofs, still, as they declare that they are speaking of what took place in their own family, we must conform to custom and believe them. In this manner, then, according to them, the genealogy of these gods is to be received and set forth.
Oceanus and Tethys were the children of Earth and Heaven, and from these sprang Phorcys and Cronos and Rhea, and all that generation; and from Cronos and Rhea sprang Zeus and Hera, and all those who are said to be their brethren, and others who were the children of these.
Now, when all of them, both those who visibly appear in their revolutions as well as those other gods who are of a more retiring nature, had come into being, the creator of the universe addressed them in these words: 'Gods, children of gods, who are my works, and of whom I am the artificer and father, my creations are indissoluble, if so I will. All that is bound may be undone, but only an evil being would wish to undo that which is harmonious and happy. Wherefore, since ye are but creatures, ye are not altogether immortal and indissoluble, but ye shall certainly not be dissolved, nor be liable to the fate of death, having in my will a greater and mightier bond than those with which ye were bound at the time of your birth. And now listen to my instructions: — Three tribes of mortal beings remain to be created — without them the universe will be incomplete, for it will not contain every kind of animal which it ought to contain, if it is to be perfect. On the other hand, if they were created by me and received life at my hands, they would be on an equality with the gods. In order then that they may be mortal, and that this universe may be truly universal, do ye, according to your natures, betake yourselves to the formation of animals, imitating the power which was shown by me in creating you. The part of them worthy of the name immortal, which is called divine and is the guiding principle of those who are willing to follow justice and you — of that divine part I will myself sow the seed, and having made a beginning, I will hand the work over to you. And do ye then interweave the mortal with the immortal, and make and beget living creatures, and give them food, and make them to grow, and receive them again in death.'
Thus he spake, and once more into the cup in which he had previously mingled the soul of the universe he poured the remains of the elements, and mingled them in much the same manner; they were not, however, pure as before, but diluted to the second and third degree. And having made it he divided the whole mixture into souls equal in number to the stars, and assigned each soul to a star; and having there placed them as in a chariot, he showed them the nature of the universe, and declared to them the laws of destiny, according to which their first birth would be one and the same for all, — no one should suffer a disadvantage at his hands; they were to be sown in the instruments of time severally adapted to them, and to come forth the most religious of animals; and as human nature was of two kinds, the superior race would hereafter be called man. Now, when they should be implanted in bodies by necessity, and be always gaining or losing some part of their bodily substance, then in the first place it would be necessary that they should all have in them one and the same faculty of sensation, arising out of irresistible impressions; in the second place, they must have love, in which pleasure and pain mingle; also fear and anger, and the feelings which are akin or opposite to them; if they conquered these they would live righteously, and if they were conquered by them, unrighteously. He who lived well during his appointed time was to return and dwell in his native star, and there he would have a blessed and congenial existence. But if he failed in attaining this, at the second birth he would pass into a woman, and if, when in that state of being, he did not desist from evil, he would continually be changed into some brute who resembled him in the evil nature which he had acquired, and would not cease from his toils and transformations until he followed the revolution of the same and the like within him, and overcame by the help of reason the turbulent and irrational mob of later accretions, made up of fire and air and water and earth, and returned to the form of his first and better state. Having given all these laws to his creatures, that he might be guiltless of future evil in any of them, the creator sowed some of them in the earth, and some in the moon, and some in the other instruments of time; and when he had sown them he committed to the younger gods the fashioning of their mortal bodies, and desired them to furnish what was still lacking to the human soul, and having made all the suitable additions, to rule over them, and to pilot the mortal animal in the best and wisest manner which they could, and avert from him all but self-inflicted evils.
When the creator had made all these ordinances he remained in his own accustomed nature, and his children heard and were obedient to their father's word, and receiving from him the immortal principle of a mortal creature, in imitation of their own creator they borrowed portions of fire, and earth, and water, and air from the world, which were hereafter to be restored — these they took and welded them together, not with the indissoluble chains by which they were themselves bound, but with little pegs too small to be visible, making up out of all the four elements each separate body, and fastening the courses of the immortal soul in a body which was in a state of perpetual influx and efflux. Now these courses, detained as in a vast river, neither overcame nor were overcome; but were hurrying and hurried to and fro, so that the whole animal was moved and progressed, irregularly however and irrationally and anyhow, in all the six directions of motion, wandering backwards and forwards, and right and left, and up and down, and in all the six directions. For great as was the advancing and retiring flood which provided nourishment, the affections produced by external contact caused still greater tumult — when the body of any one met and came into collision with some external fire, or with the solid earth or the gliding waters, or was caught in the tempest borne on the air, and the motions produced by any of these impulses were carried through the body to the soul. All such motions have consequently received the general name of 'sensations,' which they still retain. And they did in fact at that time create a very great and mighty movement; uniting with the ever-flowing stream in stirring up and violently shaking the courses of the soul, they completely stopped the revolution of the same by their opposing current, and hindered it from predominating and advancing; and they so disturbed the nature of the other or diverse, that the three double intervals (i.e. between 1, 2, 4, 8), and the three triple intervals (i.e. between 1, 3, 9, 27), together with the mean terms and connecting links which are expressed by the ratios of 3:2, and 4:3, and of 9:8 — these, although they cannot be wholly undone except by him who united them, were twisted by them in all sorts of ways, and the circles were broken and disordered in every possible manner, so that when they moved they were tumbling to pieces, and moved irrationally, at one time in a reverse direction, and then again obliquely, and then upside down, as you might imagine a person who is upside down and has his head leaning upon the ground and his feet up against something in the air; and when he is in such a position, both he and the spectator fancy that the right of either is his left, and the left right. If, when powerfully experiencing these and similar effects, the revolutions of the soul come in contact with some external thing, either of the class of the same or of the other, they speak of the same or of the other in a manner the very opposite of the truth; and they become false and foolish, and there is no course or revolution in them which has a guiding or directing power; and if again any sensations enter in violently from without and drag after them the whole vessel of the soul, then the courses of the soul, though they seem to conquer, are really conquered.
And by reason of all these affections, the soul, when encased in a mortal body, now, as in the beginning, is at first without intelligence; but when the flood of growth and nutriment abates, and the courses of the soul, calming down, go their own way and become steadier as time goes on, then the several circles return to their natural form, and their revolutions are corrected, and they call the same and the other by their right names, and make the possessor of them to become a rational being. And if these combine in him with any true nurture or education, he attains the fulness and health of the perfect man, and escapes the worst disease of all; but if he neglects education he walks lame to the end of his life, and returns imperfect and good for nothing to the world below. This, however, is a later stage; at present we must treat more exactly the subject before us, which involves a preliminary enquiry into the generation of the body and its members, and as to how the soul was created — for what reason and by what providence of the gods; and holding fast to probability, we must pursue our way.
First, then, the gods, imitating the spherical shape of the universe, enclosed the two divine courses in a spherical body, that, namely, which we now term the head, being the most divine part of us and the lord of all that is in us: to this the gods, when they put together the body, gave all the other members to be servants, considering that it partook of every sort of motion. In order then that it might not tumble about among the high and deep places of the earth, but might be able to get over the one and out of the other, they provided the body to be its vehicle and means of locomotion; which consequently had length and was furnished with four limbs extended and flexible; these God contrived to be instruments of locomotion with which it might take hold and find support, and so be able to pass through all places, carrying on high the dwelling-place of the most sacred and divine part of us. Such was the origin of legs and hands, which for this reason were attached to every man; and the gods, deeming the front part of man to be more honourable and more fit to command than the hinder part, made us to move mostly in a forward direction. Wherefore man must needs have his front part unlike and distinguished from the rest of his body.
And so in the vessel of the head, they first of all put a face in which they inserted organs to minister in all things to the providence of the soul, and they appointed this part, which has authority, to be by nature the part which is in front. And of the organs they first contrived the eyes to give light, and the principle according to which they were inserted was as follows: So much of fire as would not burn, but gave a gentle light, they formed into a substance akin to the light of every-day life; and the pure fire which is within us and related thereto they made to flow through the eyes in a stream smooth and dense, compressing the whole eye, and especially the centre part, so that it kept out everything of a coarser nature, and allowed to pass only this pure element. When the light of day surrounds the stream of vision, then like falls upon like, and they coalesce, and one body is formed by natural affinity in the line of vision, wherever the light that falls from within meets with an external object. And the whole stream of vision, being similarly affected in virtue of similarity, diffuses the motions of what it touches or what touches it over the whole body, until they reach the soul, causing that perception which we call sight. But when night comes on and the external and kindred fire departs, then the stream of vision is cut off; for going forth to an unlike element it is changed and extinguished, being no longer of one nature with the surrounding atmosphere which is now deprived of fire: and so the eye no longer sees, and we feel disposed to sleep. For when the eyelids, which the gods invented for the preservation of sight, are closed, they keep in the internal fire; and the power of the fire diffuses and equalizes the inward motions; when they are equalized, there is rest, and when the rest is profound, sleep comes over us scarce disturbed by dreams; but where the greater motions still remain, of whatever nature and in whatever locality, they engender corresponding visions in dreams, which are remembered by us when we are awake and in the external world. And now there is no longer any difficulty in understanding the creation of images in mirrors and all smooth and bright surfaces. For from the communion of the internal and external fires, and again from the union of them and their numerous transformations when they meet in the mirror, all these appearances of necessity arise, when the fire from the face coalesces with the fire from the eye on the bright and smooth surface. And right appears left and left right, because the visual rays come into contact with the rays emitted by the object in a manner contrary to the usual mode of meeting; but the right appears right, and the left left, when the position of one of the two concurring lights is reversed; and this happens when the mirror is concave and its smooth surface repels the right stream of vision to the left side, and the left to the right (He is speaking of two kinds of mirrors, first the plane, secondly the concave; and the latter is supposed to be placed, first horizontally, and then vertically.). Or if the mirror be turned vertically, then the concavity makes the countenance appear to be all upside down, and the lower rays are driven upwards and the upper downwards.
All these are to be reckoned among the second and co-operative causes which God, carrying into execution the idea of the best as far as possible, uses as his ministers. They are thought by most men not to be the second, but the prime causes of all things, because they freeze and heat, and contract and dilate, and the like. But they are not so, for they are incapable of reason or intellect; the only being which can properly have mind is the invisible soul, whereas fire and water, and earth and air, are all of them visible bodies. The lover of intellect and knowledge ought to explore causes of intelligent nature first of all, and, secondly, of those things which, being moved by others, are compelled to move others. And this is what we too must do. Both kinds of causes should be acknowledged by us, but a distinction should be made between those which are endowed with mind and are the workers of things fair and good, and those which are deprived of intelligence and always produce chance effects without order or design. Of the second or co-operative causes of sight, which help to give to the eyes the power which they now possess, enough has been said. I will therefore now proceed to speak of the higher use and purpose for which God has given them to us. The sight in my opinion is the source of the greatest benefit to us, for had we never seen the stars, and the sun, and the heaven, none of the words which we have spoken about the universe would ever have been uttered. But now the sight of day and night, and the months and the revolutions of the years, have created number, and have given us a conception of time, and the power of enquiring about the nature of the universe; and from this source we have derived philosophy, than which no greater good ever was or will be given by the gods to mortal man. This is the greatest boon of sight: and of the lesser benefits why should I speak? even the ordinary man if he were deprived of them would bewail his loss, but in vain. Thus much let me say however: God invented and gave us sight to the end that we might behold the courses of intelligence in the heaven, and apply them to the courses of our own intelligence which are akin to them, the unperturbed to the perturbed; and that we, learning them and partaking of the natural truth of reason, might imitate the absolutely unerring courses of God and regulate our own vagaries. The same may be affirmed of speech and hearing: they have been given by the gods to the same end and for a like reason. For this is the principal end of speech, whereto it most contributes. Moreover, so much of music as is adapted to the sound of the voice and to the sense of hearing is granted to us for the sake of harmony; and harmony, which has motions akin to the revolutions of our souls, is not regarded by the intelligent votary of the Muses as given by them with a view to irrational pleasure, which is deemed to be the purpose of it in our day, but as meant to correct any discord which may have arisen in the courses of the soul, and to be our ally in bringing her into harmony and agreement with herself; and rhythm too was given by them for the same reason, on account of the irregular and graceless ways which prevail among mankind generally, and to help us against them.
Thus far in what we have been saying, with small exception, the works of intelligence have been set forth; and now we must place by the side of them in our discourse the things which come into being through necessity — for the creation is mixed, being made up of necessity and mind. Mind, the ruling power, persuaded necessity to bring the greater part of created things to perfection, and thus and after this manner in the beginning, when the influence of reason got the better of necessity, the universe was created. But if a person will truly tell of the way in which the work was accomplished, he must include the other influence of the variable cause as well. Wherefore, we must return again and find another suitable beginning, as about the former matters, so also about these. To which end we must consider the nature of fire, and water, and air, and earth, such as they were prior to the creation of the heaven, and what was happening to them in this previous state; for no one has as yet explained the manner of their generation, but we speak of fire and the rest of them, whatever they mean, as though men knew their natures, and we maintain them to be the first principles and letters or elements of the whole, when they cannot reasonably be compared by a man of any sense even to syllables or first compounds. And let me say thus much: I will not now speak of the first principle or principles of all things, or by whatever name they are to be called, for this reason — because it is difficult to set forth my opinion according to the method of discussion which we are at present employing. Do not imagine, any more than I can bring myself to imagine, that I should be right in undertaking so great and difficult a task. Remembering what I said at first about probability, I will do my best to give as probable an explanation as any other — or rather, more probable; and I will first go back to the beginning and try to speak of each thing and of all. Once more, then, at the commencement of my discourse, I call upon God, and beg him to be our saviour out of a strange and unwonted enquiry, and to bring us to the haven of probability. So now let us begin again.
This new beginning of our discussion of the universe requires a fuller division than the former; for then we made two classes, now a third must be revealed. The two sufficed for the former discussion: one, which we assumed, was a pattern intelligible and always the same; and the second was only the imitation of the pattern, generated and visible. There is also a third kind which we did not distinguish at the time, conceiving that the two would be enough. But now the argument seems to require that we should set forth in words another kind, which is difficult of explanation and dimly seen. What nature are we to attribute to this new kind of being? We reply, that it is the receptacle, and in a manner the nurse, of all generation. I have spoken the truth; but I must express myself in clearer language, and this will be an arduous task for many reasons, and in particular because I must first raise questions concerning fire and the other elements, and determine what each of them is; for to say, with any probability or certitude, which of them should be called water rather than fire, and which should be called any of them rather than all or some one of them, is a difficult matter. How, then, shall we settle this point, and what questions about the elements may be fairly raised?
In the first place, we see that what we just now called water, by condensation, I suppose, becomes stone and earth; and this same element, when melted and dispersed, passes into vapour and air. Air, again, when inflamed, becomes fire; and again fire, when condensed and extinguished, passes once more into the form of air; and once more, air, when collected and condensed, produces cloud and mist; and from these, when still more compressed, comes flowing water, and from water comes earth and stones once more; and thus generation appears to be transmitted from one to the other in a circle. Thus, then, as the several elements never present themselves in the same form, how can any one have the assurance to assert positively that any of them, whatever it may be, is one thing rather than another? No one can. But much the safest plan is to speak of them as follows: — Anything which we see to be continually changing, as, for example, fire, we must not call 'this' or 'that,' but rather say that it is 'of such a nature'; nor let us speak of water as 'this'; but always as 'such'; nor must we imply that there is any stability in any of those things which we indicate by the use of the words 'this' and 'that,' supposing ourselves to signify something thereby; for they are too volatile to be detained in any such expressions as 'this,' or 'that,' or 'relative to this,' or any other mode of speaking which represents them as permanent. We ought not to apply 'this' to any of them, but rather the word 'such'; which expresses the similar principle circulating in each and all of them; for example, that should be called 'fire' which is of such a nature always, and so of everything that has generation. That in which the elements severally grow up, and appear, and decay, is alone to be called by the name 'this' or 'that'; but that which is of a certain nature, hot or white, or anything which admits of opposite qualities, and all things that are compounded of them, ought not to be so denominated. Let me make another attempt to explain my meaning more clearly. Suppose a person to make all kinds of figures of gold and to be always transmuting one form into all the rest; — somebody points to one of them and asks what it is. By far the safest and truest answer is, That is gold; and not to call the triangle or any other figures which are formed in the gold 'these,' as though they had existence, since they are in process of change while he is making the assertion; but if the questioner be willing to take the safe and indefinite expression, 'such,' we should be satisfied. And the same argument applies to the universal nature which receives all bodies — that must be always called the same; for, while receiving all things, she never departs at all from her own nature, and never in any way, or at any time, assumes a form like that of any of the things which enter into her; she is the natural recipient of all impressions, and is stirred and informed by them, and appears different from time to time by reason of them. But the forms which enter into and go out of her are the likenesses of real existences modelled after their patterns in a wonderful and inexplicable manner, which we will hereafter investigate. For the present we have only to conceive of three natures: first, that which is in process of generation; secondly, that in which the generation takes place; and thirdly, that of which the thing generated is a resemblance. And we may liken the receiving principle to a mother, and the source or spring to a father, and the intermediate nature to a child; and may remark further, that if the model is to take every variety of form, then the matter in which the model is fashioned will not be duly prepared, unless it is formless, and free from the impress of any of those shapes which it is hereafter to receive from without. For if the matter were like any of the supervening forms, then whenever any opposite or entirely different nature was stamped upon its surface, it would take the impression badly, because it would intrude its own shape. Wherefore, that which is to receive all forms should have no form; as in making perfumes they first contrive that the liquid substance which is to receive the scent shall be as inodorous as possible; or as those who wish to impress figures on soft substances do not allow any previous impression to remain, but begin by making the surface as even and smooth as possible. In the same way that which is to receive perpetually and through its whole extent the resemblances of all eternal beings ought to be devoid of any particular form. Wherefore, the mother and receptacle of all created and visible and in any way sensible things, is not to be termed earth, or air, or fire, or water, or any of their compounds or any of the elements from which these are derived, but is an invisible and formless being which receives all things and in some mysterious way partakes of the intelligible, and is most incomprehensible. In saying this we shall not be far wrong; as far, however, as we can attain to a knowledge of her from the previous considerations, we may truly say that fire is that part of her nature which from time to time is inflamed, and water that which is moistened, and that the mother substance becomes earth and air, in so far as she receives the impressions of them.
Let us consider this question more precisely. Is there any self-existent fire? and do all those things which we call self-existent exist? or are only those things which we see, or in some way perceive through the bodily organs, truly existent, and nothing whatever besides them? And is all that which we call an intelligible essence nothing at all, and only a name? Here is a question which we must not leave unexamined or undetermined, nor must we affirm too confidently that there can be no decision; neither must we interpolate in our present long discourse a digression equally long, but if it is possible to set forth a great principle in a few words, that is just what we want.
Thus I state my view: — If mind and true opinion are two distinct classes, then I say that there certainly are these self-existent ideas unperceived by sense, and apprehended only by the mind; if, however, as some say, true opinion differs in no respect from mind, then everything that we perceive through the body is to be regarded as most real and certain. But we must affirm them to be distinct, for they have a distinct origin and are of a different nature; the one is implanted in us by instruction, the other by persuasion; the one is always accompanied by true reason, the other is without reason; the one cannot be overcome by persuasion, but the other can: and lastly, every man may be said to share in true opinion, but mind is the attribute of the gods and of very few men. Wherefore also we must acknowledge that there is one kind of being which is always the same, uncreated and indestructible, never receiving anything into itself from without, nor itself going out to any other, but invisible and imperceptible by any sense, and of which the contemplation is granted to intelligence only. And there is another nature of the same name with it, and like to it, perceived by sense, created, always in motion, becoming in place and again vanishing out of place, which is apprehended by opinion and sense. And there is a third nature, which is space, and is eternal, and admits not of destruction and provides a home for all created things, and is apprehended without the help of sense, by a kind of spurious reason, and is hardly real; which we beholding as in a dream, say of all existence that it must of necessity be in some place and occupy a space, but that what is neither in heaven nor in earth has no existence. Of these and other things of the same kind, relating to the true and waking reality of nature, we have only this dreamlike sense, and we are unable to cast off sleep and determine the truth about them. For an image, since the reality, after which it is modelled, does not belong to it, and it exists ever as the fleeting shadow of some other, must be inferred to be in another (i.e. in space), grasping existence in some way or other, or it could not be at all. But true and exact reason, vindicating the nature of true being, maintains that while two things (i.e. the image and space) are different they cannot exist one of them in the other and so be one and also two at the same time.
Thus have I concisely given the result of my thoughts; and my verdict is that being and space and generation, these three, existed in their three ways before the heaven; and that the nurse of generation, moistened by water and inflamed by fire, and receiving the forms of earth and air, and experiencing all the affections which accompany these, presented a strange variety of appearances; and being full of powers which were neither similar nor equally balanced, was never in any part in a state of equipoise, but swaying unevenly hither and thither, was shaken by them, and by its motion again shook them; and the elements when moved were separated and carried continually, some one way, some another; as, when grain is shaken and winnowed by fans and other instruments used in the threshing of corn, the close and heavy particles are borne away and settle in one direction, and the loose and light particles in another. In this manner, the four kinds or elements were then shaken by the receiving vessel, which, moving like a winnowing machine, scattered far away from one another the elements most unlike, and forced the most similar elements into close contact. Wherefore also the various elements had different places before they were arranged so as to form the universe. At first, they were all without reason and measure. But when the world began to get into order, fire and water and earth and air had only certain faint traces of themselves, and were altogether such as everything might be expected to be in the absence of God; this, I say, was their nature at that time, and God fashioned them by form and number. Let it be consistently maintained by us in all that we say that God made them as far as possible the fairest and best, out of things which were not fair and good. And now I will endeavour to show you the disposition and generation of them by an unaccustomed argument, which I am compelled to use; but I believe that you will be able to follow me, for your education has made you familiar with the methods of science.
In the first place, then, as is evident to all, fire and earth and water and air are bodies. And every sort of body possesses solidity, and every solid must necessarily be contained in planes; and every plane rectilinear figure is composed of triangles; and all triangles are originally of two kinds, both of which are made up of one right and two acute angles; one of them has at either end of the base the half of a divided right angle, having equal sides, while in the other the right angle is divided into unequal parts, having unequal sides. These, then, proceeding by a combination of probability with demonstration, we assume to be the original elements of fire and the other bodies; but the principles which are prior to these God only knows, and he of men who is the friend of God. And next we have to determine what are the four most beautiful bodies which are unlike one another, and of which some are capable of resolution into one another; for having discovered thus much, we shall know the true origin of earth and fire and of the proportionate and intermediate elements. And then we shall not be willing to allow that there are any distinct kinds of visible bodies fairer than these. Wherefore we must endeavour to construct the four forms of bodies which excel in beauty, and then we shall be able to say that we have sufficiently apprehended their nature. Now of the two triangles, the isosceles has one form only; the scalene or unequal-sided has an infinite number. Of the infinite forms we must select the most beautiful, if we are to proceed in due order, and any one who can point out a more beautiful form than ours for the construction of these bodies, shall carry off the palm, not as an enemy, but as a friend. Now, the one which we maintain to be the most beautiful of all the many triangles (and we need not speak of the others) is that of which the double forms a third triangle which is equilateral; the reason of this would be long to tell; he who disproves what we are saying, and shows that we are mistaken, may claim a friendly victory. Then let us choose two triangles, out of which fire and the other elements have been constructed, one isosceles, the other having the square of the longer side equal to three times the square of the lesser side.
Now is the time to explain what was before obscurely said: there was an error in imagining that all the four elements might be generated by and into one another; this, I say, was an erroneous supposition, for there are generated from the triangles which we have selected four kinds — three from the one which has the sides unequal; the fourth alone is framed out of the isosceles triangle. Hence they cannot all be resolved into one another, a great number of small bodies being combined into a few large ones, or the converse. But three of them can be thus resolved and compounded, for they all spring from one, and when the greater bodies are broken up, many small bodies will spring up out of them and take their own proper figures; or, again, when many small bodies are dissolved into their triangles, if they become one, they will form one large mass of another kind. So much for their passage into one another. I have now to speak of their several kinds, and show out of what combinations of numbers each of them was formed. The first will be the simplest and smallest construction, and its element is that triangle which has its hypotenuse twice the lesser side. When two such triangles are joined at the diagonal, and this is repeated three times, and the triangles rest their diagonals and shorter sides on the same point as a centre, a single equilateral triangle is formed out of six triangles; and four equilateral triangles, if put together, make out of every three plane angles one solid angle, being that which is nearest to the most obtuse of plane angles; and out of the combination of these four angles arises the first solid form which distributes into equal and similar parts the whole circle in which it is inscribed. The second species of solid is formed out of the same triangles, which unite as eight equilateral triangles and form one solid angle out of four plane angles, and out of six such angles the second body is completed. And the third body is made up of 120 triangular elements, forming twelve solid angles, each of them included in five plane equilateral triangles, having altogether twenty bases, each of which is an equilateral triangle. The one element (that is, the triangle which has its hypotenuse twice the lesser side) having generated these figures, generated no more; but the isosceles triangle produced the fourth elementary figure, which is compounded of four such triangles, joining their right angles in a centre, and forming one equilateral quadrangle. Six of these united form eight solid angles, each of which is made by the combination of three plane right angles; the figure of the body thus composed is a cube, having six plane quadrangular equilateral bases. There was yet a fifth combination which God used in the delineation of the universe.
Now, he who, duly reflecting on all this, enquires whether the worlds are to be regarded as indefinite or definite in number, will be of opinion that the notion of their indefiniteness is characteristic of a sadly indefinite and ignorant mind. He, however, who raises the question whether they are to be truly regarded as one or five, takes up a more reasonable position. Arguing from probabilities, I am of opinion that they are one; another, regarding the question from another point of view, will be of another mind. But, leaving this enquiry, let us proceed to distribute the elementary forms, which have now been created in idea, among the four elements.
To earth, then, let us assign the cubical form; for earth is the most immoveable of the four and the most plastic of all bodies, and that which has the most stable bases must of necessity be of such a nature. Now, of the triangles which we assumed at first, that which has two equal sides is by nature more firmly based than that which has unequal sides; and of the compound figures which are formed out of either, the plane equilateral quadrangle has necessarily a more stable basis than the equilateral triangle, both in the whole and in the parts. Wherefore, in assigning this figure to earth, we adhere to probability; and to water we assign that one of the remaining forms which is the least moveable; and the most moveable of them to fire; and to air that which is intermediate. Also we assign the smallest body to fire, and the greatest to water, and the intermediate in size to air; and, again, the acutest body to fire, and the next in acuteness to air, and the third to water. Of all these elements, that which has the fewest bases must necessarily be the most moveable, for it must be the acutest and most penetrating in every way, and also the lightest as being composed of the smallest number of similar particles: and the second body has similar properties in a second degree, and the third body in the third degree. Let it be agreed, then, both according to strict reason and according to probability, that the pyramid is the solid which is the original element and seed of fire; and let us assign the element which was next in the order of generation to air, and the third to water. We must imagine all these to be so small that no single particle of any of the four kinds is seen by us on account of their smallness: but when many of them are collected together their aggregates are seen. And the ratios of their numbers, motions, and other properties, everywhere God, as far as necessity allowed or gave consent, has exactly perfected, and harmonized in due proportion.
From all that we have just been saying about the elements or kinds, the most probable conclusion is as follows: — earth, when meeting with fire and dissolved by its sharpness, whether the dissolution take place in the fire itself or perhaps in some mass of air or water, is borne hither and thither, until its parts, meeting together and mutually harmonising, again become earth; for they can never take any other form. But water, when divided by fire or by air, on re-forming, may become one part fire and two parts air; and a single volume of air divided becomes two of fire. Again, when a small body of fire is contained in a larger body of air or water or earth, and both are moving, and the fire struggling is overcome and broken up, then two volumes of fire form one volume of air; and when air is overcome and cut up into small pieces, two and a half parts of air are condensed into one part of water. Let us consider the matter in another way. When one of the other elements is fastened upon by fire, and is cut by the sharpness of its angles and sides, it coalesces with the fire, and then ceases to be cut by them any longer. For no element which is one and the same with itself can be changed by or change another of the same kind and in the same state. But so long as in the process of transition the weaker is fighting against the stronger, the dissolution continues. Again, when a few small particles, enclosed in many larger ones, are in process of decomposition and extinction, they only cease from their tendency to extinction when they consent to pass into the conquering nature, and fire becomes air and air water. But if bodies of another kind go and attack them (i.e. the small particles), the latter continue to be dissolved until, being completely forced back and dispersed, they make their escape to their own kindred, or else, being overcome and assimilated to the conquering power, they remain where they are and dwell with their victors, and from being many become one. And owing to these affections, all things are changing their place, for by the motion of the receiving vessel the bulk of each class is distributed into its proper place; but those things which become unlike themselves and like other things, are hurried by the shaking into the place of the things to which they grow like.
Now all unmixed and primary bodies are produced by such causes as these. As to the subordinate species which are included in the greater kinds, they are to be attributed to the varieties in the structure of the two original triangles. For either structure did not originally produce the triangle of one size only, but some larger and some smaller, and there are as many sizes as there are species of the four elements. Hence when they are mingled with themselves and with one another there is an endless variety of them, which those who would arrive at the probable truth of nature ought duly to consider.
Unless a person comes to an understanding about the nature and conditions of rest and motion, he will meet with many difficulties in the discussion which follows. Something has been said of this matter already, and something more remains to be said, which is, that motion never exists in what is uniform. For to conceive that anything can be moved without a mover is hard or indeed impossible, and equally impossible to conceive that there can be a mover unless there be something which can be moved — motion cannot exist where either of these are wanting, and for these to be uniform is impossible; wherefore we must assign rest to uniformity and motion to the want of uniformity. Now inequality is the cause of the nature which is wanting in uniformity; and of this we have already described the origin. But there still remains the further point — why things when divided after their kinds do not cease to pass through one another and to change their place — which we will now proceed to explain. In the revolution of the universe are comprehended all the four elements, and this being circular and having a tendency to come together, compresses everything and will not allow any place to be left void. Wherefore, also, fire above all things penetrates everywhere, and air next, as being next in rarity of the elements; and the two other elements in like manner penetrate according to their degrees of rarity. For those things which are composed of the largest particles have the largest void left in their compositions, and those which are composed of the smallest particles have the least. And the contraction caused by the compression thrusts the smaller particles into the interstices of the larger. And thus, when the small parts are placed side by side with the larger, and the lesser divide the greater and the greater unite the lesser, all the elements are borne up and down and hither and thither towards their own places; for the change in the size of each changes its position in space. And these causes generate an inequality which is always maintained, and is continually creating a perpetual motion of the elements in all time.
In the next place we have to consider that there are divers kinds of fire. There are, for example, first, flame; and secondly, those emanations of flame which do not burn but only give light to the eyes; thirdly, the remains of fire, which are seen in red-hot embers after the flame has been extinguished. There are similar differences in the air; of which the brightest part is called the aether, and the most turbid sort mist and darkness; and there are various other nameless kinds which arise from the inequality of the triangles. Water, again, admits in the first place of a division into two kinds; the one liquid and the other fusile. The liquid kind is composed of the small and unequal particles of water; and moves itself and is moved by other bodies owing to the want of uniformity and the shape of its particles; whereas the fusile kind, being formed of large and uniform particles, is more stable than the other, and is heavy and compact by reason of its uniformity. But when fire gets in and dissolves the particles and destroys the uniformity, it has greater mobility, and becoming fluid is thrust forth by the neighbouring air and spreads upon the earth; and this dissolution of the solid masses is called melting, and their spreading out upon the earth flowing. Again, when the fire goes out of the fusile substance, it does not pass into a vacuum, but into the neighbouring air; and the air which is displaced forces together the liquid and still moveable mass into the place which was occupied by the fire, and unites it with itself. Thus compressed the mass resumes its equability, and is again at unity with itself, because the fire which was the author of the inequality has retreated; and this departure of the fire is called cooling, and the coming together which follows upon it is termed congealment. Of all the kinds termed fusile, that which is the densest and is formed out of the finest and most uniform parts is that most precious possession called gold, which is hardened by filtration through rock; this is unique in kind, and has both a glittering and a yellow colour. A shoot of gold, which is so dense as to be very hard, and takes a black colour, is termed adamant. There is also another kind which has parts nearly like gold, and of which there are several species; it is denser than gold, and it contains a small and fine portion of earth, and is therefore harder, yet also lighter because of the great interstices which it has within itself; and this substance, which is one of the bright and denser kinds of water, when solidified is called copper. There is an alloy of earth mingled with it, which, when the two parts grow old and are disunited, shows itself separately and is called rust. The remaining phenomena of the same kind there will be no difficulty in reasoning out by the method of probabilities. A man may sometimes set aside meditations about eternal things, and for recreation turn to consider the truths of generation which are probable only; he will thus gain a pleasure not to be repented of, and secure for himself while he lives a wise and moderate pastime. Let us grant ourselves this indulgence, and go through the probabilities relating to the same subjects which follow next in order.
Water which is mingled with fire, so much as is fine and liquid (being so called by reason of its motion and the way in which it rolls along the ground), and soft, because its bases give way and are less stable than those of earth, when separated from fire and air and isolated, becomes more uniform, and by their retirement is compressed into itself; and if the condensation be very great, the water above the earth becomes hail, but on the earth, ice; and that which is congealed in a less degree and is only half solid, when above the earth is called snow, and when upon the earth, and condensed from dew, hoar-frost. Then, again, there are the numerous kinds of water which have been mingled with one another, and are distilled through plants which grow in the earth; and this whole class is called by the name of juices or saps. The unequal admixture of these fluids creates a variety of species; most of them are nameless, but four which are of a fiery nature are clearly distinguished and have names. First, there is wine, which warms the soul as well as the body: secondly, there is the oily nature, which is smooth and divides the visual ray, and for this reason is bright and shining and of a glistening appearance, including pitch, the juice of the castor berry, oil itself, and other things of a like kind: thirdly, there is the class of substances which expand the contracted parts of the mouth, until they return to their natural state, and by reason of this property create sweetness; — these are included under the general name of honey: and, lastly, there is a frothy nature, which differs from all juices, having a burning quality which dissolves the flesh; it is called opos (a vegetable acid).
As to the kinds of earth, that which is filtered through water passes into stone in the following manner: — The water which mixes with the earth and is broken up in the process changes into air, and taking this form mounts into its own place. But as there is no surrounding vacuum it thrusts away the neighbouring air, and this being rendered heavy, and, when it is displaced, having been poured around the mass of earth, forcibly compresses it and drives it into the vacant space whence the new air had come up; and the earth when compressed by the air into an indissoluble union with water becomes rock. The fairer sort is that which is made up of equal and similar parts and is transparent; that which has the opposite qualities is inferior. But when all the watery part is suddenly drawn out by fire, a more brittle substance is formed, to which we give the name of pottery. Sometimes also moisture may remain, and the earth which has been fused by fire becomes, when cool, a certain stone of a black colour. A like separation of the water which had been copiously mingled with them may occur in two substances composed of finer particles of earth and of a briny nature; out of either of them a half-solid-body is then formed, soluble in water — the one, soda, which is used for purging away oil and earth, the other, salt, which harmonizes so well in combinations pleasing to the palate, and is, as the law testifies, a substance dear to the gods. The compounds of earth and water are not soluble by water, but by fire only, and for this reason: — Neither fire nor air melt masses of earth; for their particles, being smaller than the interstices in its structure, have plenty of room to move without forcing their way, and so they leave the earth unmelted and undissolved; but particles of water, which are larger, force a passage, and dissolve and melt the earth. Wherefore earth when not consolidated by force is dissolved by water only; when consolidated, by nothing but fire; for this is the only body which can find an entrance. The cohesion of water again, when very strong, is dissolved by fire only — when weaker, then either by air or fire — the former entering the interstices, and the latter penetrating even the triangles. But nothing can dissolve air, when strongly condensed, which does not reach the elements or triangles; or if not strongly condensed, then only fire can dissolve it. As to bodies composed of earth and water, while the water occupies the vacant interstices of the earth in them which are compressed by force, the particles of water which approach them from without, finding no entrance, flow around the entire mass and leave it undissolved; but the particles of fire, entering into the interstices of the water, do to the water what water does to earth and fire to air (The text seems to be corrupt.), and are the sole causes of the compound body of earth and water liquefying and becoming fluid. Now these bodies are of two kinds; some of them, such as glass and the fusible sort of stones, have less water than they have earth; on the other hand, substances of the nature of wax and incense have more of water entering into their composition.
I have thus shown the various classes of bodies as they are diversified by their forms and combinations and changes into one another, and now I must endeavour to set forth their affections and the causes of them. In the first place, the bodies which I have been describing are necessarily objects of sense. But we have not yet considered the origin of flesh, or what belongs to flesh, or of that part of the soul which is mortal. And these things cannot be adequately explained without also explaining the affections which are concerned with sensation, nor the latter without the former: and yet to explain them together is hardly possible; for which reason we must assume first one or the other and afterwards examine the nature of our hypothesis. In order, then, that the affections may follow regularly after the elements, let us presuppose the existence of body and soul.
First, let us enquire what we mean by saying that fire is hot; and about this we may reason from the dividing or cutting power which it exercises on our bodies. We all of us feel that fire is sharp; and we may further consider the fineness of the sides, and the sharpness of the angles, and the smallness of the particles, and the swiftness of the motion — all this makes the action of fire violent and sharp, so that it cuts whatever it meets. And we must not forget that the original figure of fire (i.e. the pyramid), more than any other form, has a dividing power which cuts our bodies into small pieces (Kepmatizei), and thus naturally produces that affection which we call heat; and hence the origin of the name (thepmos, Kepma). Now, the opposite of this is sufficiently manifest; nevertheless we will not fail to describe it. For the larger particles of moisture which surround the body, entering in and driving out the lesser, but not being able to take their places, compress the moist principle in us; and this from being unequal and disturbed, is forced by them into a state of rest, which is due to equability and compression. But things which are contracted contrary to nature are by nature at war, and force themselves apart; and to this war and convulsion the name of shivering and trembling is given; and the whole affection and the cause of the affection are both termed cold. That is called hard to which our flesh yields, and soft which yields to our flesh; and things are also termed hard and soft relatively to one another. That which yields has a small base; but that which rests on quadrangular bases is firmly posed and belongs to the class which offers the greatest resistance; so too does that which is the most compact and therefore most repellent. The nature of the light and the heavy will be best understood when examined in connexion with our notions of above and below; for it is quite a mistake to suppose that the universe is parted into two regions, separate from and opposite to each other, the one a lower to which all things tend which have any bulk, and an upper to which things only ascend against their will. For as the universe is in the form of a sphere, all the extremities, being equidistant from the centre, are equally extremities, and the centre, which is equidistant from them, is equally to be regarded as the opposite of them all. Such being the nature of the world, when a person says that any of these points is above or below, may he not be justly charged with using an improper expression? For the centre of the world cannot be rightly called either above or below, but is the centre and nothing else; and the circumference is not the centre, and has in no one part of itself a different relation to the centre from what it has in any of the opposite parts. Indeed, when it is in every direction similar, how can one rightly give to it names which imply opposition? For if there were any solid body in equipoise at the centre of the universe, there would be nothing to draw it to this extreme rather than to that, for they are all perfectly similar; and if a person were to go round the world in a circle, he would often, when standing at the antipodes of his former position, speak of the same point as above and below; for, as I was saying just now, to speak of the whole which is in the form of a globe as having one part above and another below is not like a sensible man. The reason why these names are used, and the circumstances under which they are ordinarily applied by us to the division of the heavens, may be elucidated by the following supposition: — if a person were to stand in that part of the universe which is the appointed place of fire, and where there is the great mass of fire to which fiery bodies gather — if, I say, he were to ascend thither, and, having the power to do this, were to abstract particles of fire and put them in scales and weigh them, and then, raising the balance, were to draw the fire by force towards the uncongenial element of the air, it would be very evident that he could compel the smaller mass more readily than the larger; for when two things are simultaneously raised by one and the same power, the smaller body must necessarily yield to the superior power with less reluctance than the larger; and the larger body is called heavy and said to tend downwards, and the smaller body is called light and said to tend upwards. And we may detect ourselves who are upon the earth doing precisely the same thing. For we often separate earthy natures, and sometimes earth itself, and draw them into the uncongenial element of air by force and contrary to nature, both clinging to their kindred elements. But that which is smaller yields to the impulse given by us towards the dissimilar element more easily than the larger; and so we call the former light, and the place towards which it is impelled we call above, and the contrary state and place we call heavy and below respectively. Now the relations of these must necessarily vary, because the principal masses of the different elements hold opposite positions; for that which is light, heavy, below or above in one place will be found to be and become contrary and transverse and every way diverse in relation to that which is light, heavy, below or above in an opposite place. And about all of them this has to be considered: — that the tendency of each towards its kindred element makes the body which is moved heavy, and the place towards which the motion tends below, but things which have an opposite tendency we call by an opposite name. Such are the causes which we assign to these phenomena. As to the smooth and the rough, any one who sees them can explain the reason of them to another. For roughness is hardness mingled with irregularity, and smoothness is produced by the joint effect of uniformity and density.
The most important of the affections which concern the whole body remains to be considered — that is, the cause of pleasure and pain in the perceptions of which I have been speaking, and in all other things which are perceived by sense through the parts of the body, and have both pains and pleasures attendant on them. Let us imagine the causes of every affection, whether of sense or not, to be of the following nature, remembering that we have already distinguished between the nature which is easy and which is hard to move; for this is the direction in which we must hunt the prey which we mean to take. A body which is of a nature to be easily moved, on receiving an impression however slight, spreads abroad the motion in a circle, the parts communicating with each other, until at last, reaching the principle of mind, they announce the quality of the agent. But a body of the opposite kind, being immobile, and not extending to the surrounding region, merely receives the impression, and does not stir any of the neighbouring parts; and since the parts do not distribute the original impression to other parts, it has no effect of motion on the whole animal, and therefore produces no effect on the patient. This is true of the bones and hair and other more earthy parts of the human body; whereas what was said above relates mainly to sight and hearing, because they have in them the greatest amount of fire and air. Now we must conceive of pleasure and pain in this way. An impression produced in us contrary to nature and violent, if sudden, is painful; and, again, the sudden return to nature is pleasant; but a gentle and gradual return is imperceptible and vice versa. On the other hand the impression of sense which is most easily produced is most readily felt, but is not accompanied by pleasure or pain; such, for example, are the affections of the sight, which, as we said above, is a body naturally uniting with our body in the day-time; for cuttings and burnings and other affections which happen to the sight do not give pain, nor is there pleasure when the sight returns to its natural state; but the sensations are clearest and strongest according to the manner in which the eye is affected by the object, and itself strikes and touches it; there is no violence either in the contraction or dilation of the eye. But bodies formed of larger particles yield to the agent only with a struggle; and then they impart their motions to the whole and cause pleasure and pain — pain when alienated from their natural conditions, and pleasure when restored to them. Things which experience gradual withdrawings and emptyings of their nature, and great and sudden replenishments, fail to perceive the emptying, but are sensible of the replenishment; and so they occasion no pain, but the greatest pleasure, to the mortal part of the soul, as is manifest in the case of perfumes. But things which are changed all of a sudden, and only gradually and with difficulty return to their own nature, have effects in every way opposite to the former, as is evident in the case of burnings and cuttings of the body.
Thus have we discussed the general affections of the whole body, and the names of the agents which produce them. And now I will endeavour to speak of the affections of particular parts, and the causes and agents of them, as far as I am able. In the first place let us set forth what was omitted when we were speaking of juices, concerning the affections peculiar to the tongue. These too, like most of the other affections, appear to be caused by certain contractions and dilations, but they have besides more of roughness and smoothness than is found in other affections; for whenever earthy particles enter into the small veins which are the testing instruments of the tongue, reaching to the heart, and fall upon the moist, delicate portions of flesh — when, as they are dissolved, they contract and dry up the little veins, they are astringent if they are rougher, but if not so rough, then only harsh. Those of them which are of an abstergent nature, and purge the whole surface of the tongue, if they do it in excess, and so encroach as to consume some part of the flesh itself, like potash and soda, are all termed bitter. But the particles which are deficient in the alkaline quality, and which cleanse only moderately, are called salt, and having no bitterness or roughness, are regarded as rather agreeable than otherwise. Bodies which share in and are made smooth by the heat of the mouth, and which are inflamed, and again in turn inflame that which heats them, and which are so light that they are carried upwards to the sensations of the head, and cut all that comes in their way, by reason of these qualities in them, are all termed pungent. But when these same particles, refined by putrefaction, enter into the narrow veins, and are duly proportioned to the particles of earth and air which are there, they set them whirling about one another, and while they are in a whirl cause them to dash against and enter into one another, and so form hollows surrounding the particles that enter — which watery vessels of air (for a film of moisture, sometimes earthy, sometimes pure, is spread around the air) are hollow spheres of water; and those of them which are pure, are transparent, and are called bubbles, while those composed of the earthy liquid, which is in a state of general agitation and effervescence, are said to boil or ferment — of all these affections the cause is termed acid. And there is the opposite affection arising from an opposite cause, when the mass of entering particles, immersed in the moisture of the mouth, is congenial to the tongue, and smooths and oils over the roughness, and relaxes the parts which are unnaturally contracted, and contracts the parts which are relaxed, and disposes them all according to their nature; — that sort of remedy of violent affections is pleasant and agreeable to every man, and has the name sweet. But enough of this.
The faculty of smell does not admit of differences of kind; for all smells are of a half-formed nature, and no element is so proportioned as to have any smell. The veins about the nose are too narrow to admit earth and water, and too wide to detain fire and air; and for this reason no one ever perceives the smell of any of them; but smells always proceed from bodies that are damp, or putrefying, or liquefying, or evaporating, and are perceptible only in the intermediate state, when water is changing into air and air into water; and all of them are either vapour or mist. That which is passing out of air into water is mist, and that which is passing from water into air is vapour; and hence all smells are thinner than water and thicker than air. The proof of this is, that when there is any obstruction to the respiration, and a man draws in his breath by force, then no smell filters through, but the air without the smell alone penetrates. Wherefore the varieties of smell have no name, and they have not many, or definite and simple kinds; but they are distinguished only as painful and pleasant, the one sort irritating and disturbing the whole cavity which is situated between the head and the navel, the other having a soothing influence, and restoring this same region to an agreeable and natural condition.
In considering the third kind of sense, hearing, we must speak of the causes in which it originates. We may in general assume sound to be a blow which passes through the ears, and is transmitted by means of the air, the brain, and the blood, to the soul, and that hearing is the vibration of this blow, which begins in the head and ends in the region of the liver. The sound which moves swiftly is acute, and the sound which moves slowly is grave, and that which is regular is equable and smooth, and the reverse is harsh. A great body of sound is loud, and a small body of sound the reverse. Respecting the harmonies of sound I must hereafter speak.
There is a fourth class of sensible things, having many intricate varieties, which must now be distinguished. They are called by the general name of colours, and are a flame which emanates from every sort of body, and has particles corresponding to the sense of sight. I have spoken already, in what has preceded, of the causes which generate sight, and in this place it will be natural and suitable to give a rational theory of colours.
Of the particles coming from other bodies which fall upon the sight, some are smaller and some are larger, and some are equal to the parts of the sight itself. Those which are equal are imperceptible, and we call them transparent. The larger produce contraction, the smaller dilation, in the sight, exercising a power akin to that of hot and cold bodies on the flesh, or of astringent bodies on the tongue, or of those heating bodies which we termed pungent. White and black are similar effects of contraction and dilation in another sphere, and for this reason have a different appearance. Wherefore, we ought to term white that which dilates the visual ray, and the opposite of this is black. There is also a swifter motion of a different sort of fire which strikes and dilates the ray of sight until it reaches the eyes, forcing a way through their passages and melting them, and eliciting from them a union of fire and water which we call tears, being itself an opposite fire which comes to them from an opposite direction — the inner fire flashes forth like lightning, and the outer finds a way in and is extinguished in the moisture, and all sorts of colours are generated by the mixture. This affection is termed dazzling, and the object which produces it is called bright and flashing. There is another sort of fire which is intermediate, and which reaches and mingles with the moisture of the eye without flashing; and in this, the fire mingling with the ray of the moisture, produces a colour like blood, to which we give the name of red. A bright hue mingled with red and white gives the colour called auburn. The law of proportion, however, according to which the several colours are formed, even if a man knew he would be foolish in telling, for he could not give any necessary reason, nor indeed any tolerable or probable explanation of them. Again, red, when mingled with black and white, becomes purple, but it becomes umber when the colours are burnt as well as mingled and the black is more thoroughly mixed with them. Flame-colour is produced by a union of auburn and dun, and dun by an admixture of black and white; pale yellow, by an admixture of white and auburn. White and bright meeting, and falling upon a full black, become dark blue, and when dark blue mingles with white, a light blue colour is formed, as flame-colour with black makes leek green. There will be no difficulty in seeing how and by what mixtures the colours derived from these are made according to the rules of probability. He, however, who should attempt to verify all this by experiment, would forget the difference of the human and divine nature. For God only has the knowledge and also the power which are able to combine many things into one and again resolve the one into many. But no man either is or ever will be able to accomplish either the one or the other operation.
These are the elements, thus of necessity then subsisting, which the creator of the fairest and best of created things associated with himself, when he made the self-sufficing and most perfect God, using the necessary causes as his ministers in the accomplishment of his work, but himself contriving the good in all his creations. Wherefore we may distinguish two sorts of causes, the one divine and the other necessary, and may seek for the divine in all things, as far as our nature admits, with a view to the blessed life; but the necessary kind only for the sake of the divine, considering that without them and when isolated from them, these higher things for which we look cannot be apprehended or received or in any way shared by us.
Seeing, then, that we have now prepared for our use the various classes of causes which are the material out of which the remainder of our discourse must be woven, just as wood is the material of the carpenter, let us revert in a few words to the point at which we began, and then endeavour to add on a suitable ending to the beginning of our tale.
As I said at first, when all things were in disorder God created in each thing in relation to itself, and in all things in relation to each other, all the measures and harmonies which they could possibly receive. For in those days nothing had any proportion except by accident; nor did any of the things which now have names deserve to be named at all — as, for example, fire, water, and the rest of the elements. All these the creator first set in order, and out of them he constructed the universe, which was a single animal comprehending in itself all other animals, mortal and immortal. Now of the divine, he himself was the creator, but the creation of the mortal he committed to his offspring. And they, imitating him, received from him the immortal principle of the soul; and around this they proceeded to fashion a mortal body, and made it to be the vehicle of the soul, and constructed within the body a soul of another nature which was mortal, subject to terrible and irresistible affections, — first of all, pleasure, the greatest incitement to evil; then, pain, which deters from good; also rashness and fear, two foolish counsellors, anger hard to be appeased, and hope easily led astray; — these they mingled with irrational sense and with all-daring love according to necessary laws, and so framed man. Wherefore, fearing to pollute the divine any more than was absolutely unavoidable, they gave to the mortal nature a separate habitation in another part of the body, placing the neck between them to be the isthmus and boundary, which they constructed between the head and breast, to keep them apart. And in the breast, and in what is termed the thorax, they encased the mortal soul; and as the one part of this was superior and the other inferior they divided the cavity of the thorax into two parts, as the women's and men's apartments are divided in houses, and placed the midriff to be a wall of partition between them. That part of the inferior soul which is endowed with courage and passion and loves contention they settled nearer the head, midway between the midriff and the neck, in order that it might be under the rule of reason and might join with it in controlling and restraining the desires when they are no longer willing of their own accord to obey the word of command issuing from the citadel.
The heart, the knot of the veins and the fountain of the blood which races through all the limbs, was set in the place of guard, that when the might of passion was roused by reason making proclamation of any wrong assailing them from without or being perpetrated by the desires within, quickly the whole power of feeling in the body, perceiving these commands and threats, might obey and follow through every turn and alley, and thus allow the principle of the best to have the command in all of them. But the gods, foreknowing that the palpitation of the heart in the expectation of danger and the swelling and excitement of passion was caused by fire, formed and implanted as a supporter to the heart the lung, which was, in the first place, soft and bloodless, and also had within hollows like the pores of a sponge, in order that by receiving the breath and the drink, it might give coolness and the power of respiration and alleviate the heat. Wherefore they cut the air-channels leading to the lung, and placed the lung about the heart as a soft spring, that, when passion was rife within, the heart, beating against a yielding body, might be cooled and suffer less, and might thus become more ready to join with passion in the service of reason.
The part of the soul which desires meats and drinks and the other things of which it has need by reason of the bodily nature, they placed between the midriff and the boundary of the navel, contriving in all this region a sort of manger for the food of the body; and there they bound it down like a wild animal which was chained up with man, and must be nourished if man was to exist. They appointed this lower creation his place here in order that he might be always feeding at the manger, and have his dwelling as far as might be from the council-chamber, making as little noise and disturbance as possible, and permitting the best part to advise quietly for the good of the whole. And knowing that this lower principle in man would not comprehend reason, and even if attaining to some degree of perception would never naturally care for rational notions, but that it would be led away by phantoms and visions night and day, — to be a remedy for this, God combined with it the liver, and placed it in the house of the lower nature, contriving that it should be solid and smooth, and bright and sweet, and should also have a bitter quality, in order that the power of thought, which proceeds from the mind, might be reflected as in a mirror which receives likenesses of objects and gives back images of them to the sight; and so might strike terror into the desires, when, making use of the bitter part of the liver, to which it is akin, it comes threatening and invading, and diffusing this bitter element swiftly through the whole liver produces colours like bile, and contracting every part makes it wrinkled and rough; and twisting out of its right place and contorting the lobe and closing and shutting up the vessels and gates, causes pain and loathing. And the converse happens when some gentle inspiration of the understanding pictures images of an opposite character, and allays the bile and bitterness by refusing to stir or touch the nature opposed to itself, but by making use of the natural sweetness of the liver, corrects all things and makes them to be right and smooth and free, and renders the portion of the soul which resides about the liver happy and joyful, enabling it to pass the night in peace, and to practise divination in sleep, inasmuch as it has no share in mind and reason. For the authors of our being, remembering the command of their father when he bade them create the human race as good as they could, that they might correct our inferior parts and make them to attain a measure of truth, placed in the liver the seat of divination. And herein is a proof that God has given the art of divination not to the wisdom, but to the foolishness of man. No man, when in his wits, attains prophetic truth and inspiration; but when he receives the inspired word, either his intelligence is enthralled in sleep, or he is demented by some distemper or possession. And he who would understand what he remembers to have been said, whether in a dream or when he was awake, by the prophetic and inspired nature, or would determine by reason the meaning of the apparitions which he has seen, and what indications they afford to this man or that, of past, present or future good and evil, must first recover his wits. But, while he continues demented, he cannot judge of the visions which he sees or the words which he utters; the ancient saying is very true, that 'only a man who has his wits can act or judge about himself and his own affairs.' And for this reason it is customary to appoint interpreters to be judges of the true inspiration. Some persons call them prophets; they are quite unaware that they are only the expositors of dark sayings and visions, and are not to be called prophets at all, but only interpreters of prophecy.
Such is the nature of the liver, which is placed as we have described in order that it may give prophetic intimations. During the life of each individual these intimations are plainer, but after his death the liver becomes blind, and delivers oracles too obscure to be intelligible. The neighbouring organ (the spleen) is situated on the left-hand side, and is constructed with a view of keeping the liver bright and pure, — like a napkin, always ready prepared and at hand to clean the mirror. And hence, when any impurities arise in the region of the liver by reason of disorders of the body, the loose nature of the spleen, which is composed of a hollow and bloodless tissue, receives them all and clears them away, and when filled with the unclean matter, swells and festers, but, again, when the body is purged, settles down into the same place as before, and is humbled.
Concerning the soul, as to which part is mortal and which divine, and how and why they are separated, and where located, if God acknowledges that we have spoken the truth, then, and then only, can we be confident; still, we may venture to assert that what has been said by us is probable, and will be rendered more probable by investigation. Let us assume thus much.
The creation of the rest of the body follows next in order, and this we may investigate in a similar manner. And it appears to be very meet that the body should be framed on the following principles: —
The authors of our race were aware that we should be intemperate in eating and drinking, and take a good deal more than was necessary or proper, by reason of gluttony. In order then that disease might not quickly destroy us, and lest our mortal race should perish without fulfilling its end — intending to provide against this, the gods made what is called the lower belly, to be a receptacle for the superfluous meat and drink, and formed the convolution of the bowels, so that the food might be prevented from passing quickly through and compelling the body to require more food, thus producing insatiable gluttony, and making the whole race an enemy to philosophy and music, and rebellious against the divinest element within us.
The bones and flesh, and other similar parts of us, were made as follows. The first principle of all of them was the generation of the marrow. For the bonds of life which unite the soul with the body are made fast there, and they are the root and foundation of the human race. The marrow itself is created out of other materials: God took such of the primary triangles as were straight and smooth, and were adapted by their perfection to produce fire and water, and air and earth — these, I say, he separated from their kinds, and mingling them in due proportions with one another, made the marrow out of them to be a universal seed of the whole race of mankind; and in this seed he then planted and enclosed the souls, and in the original distribution gave to the marrow as many and various forms as the different kinds of souls were hereafter to receive. That which, like a field, was to receive the divine seed, he made round every way, and called that portion of the marrow, brain, intending that, when an animal was perfected, the vessel containing this substance should be the head; but that which was intended to contain the remaining and mortal part of the soul he distributed into figures at once round and elongated, and he called them all by the name 'marrow'; and to these, as to anchors, fastening the bonds of the whole soul, he proceeded to fashion around them the entire framework of our body, constructing for the marrow, first of all a complete covering of bone.
Bone was composed by him in the following manner. Having sifted pure and smooth earth he kneaded it and wetted it with marrow, and after that he put it into fire and then into water, and once more into fire and again into water — in this way by frequent transfers from one to the other he made it insoluble by either. Out of this he fashioned, as in a lathe, a globe made of bone, which he placed around the brain, and in this he left a narrow opening; and around the marrow of the neck and back he formed vertebrae which he placed under one another like pivots, beginning at the head and extending through the whole of the trunk. Thus wishing to preserve the entire seed, he enclosed it in a stone-like casing, inserting joints, and using in the formation of them the power of the other or diverse as an intermediate nature, that they might have motion and flexure. Then again, considering that the bone would be too brittle and inflexible, and when heated and again cooled would soon mortify and destroy the seed within — having this in view, he contrived the sinews and the flesh, that so binding all the members together by the sinews, which admitted of being stretched and relaxed about the vertebrae, he might thus make the body capable of flexion and extension, while the flesh would serve as a protection against the summer heat and against the winter cold, and also against falls, softly and easily yielding to external bodies, like articles made of felt; and containing in itself a warm moisture which in summer exudes and makes the surface damp, would impart a natural coolness to the whole body; and again in winter by the help of this internal warmth would form a very tolerable defence against the frost which surrounds it and attacks it from without. He who modelled us, considering these things, mixed earth with fire and water and blended them; and making a ferment of acid and salt, he mingled it with them and formed soft and succulent flesh. As for the sinews, he made them of a mixture of bone and unfermented flesh, attempered so as to be in a mean, and gave them a yellow colour; wherefore the sinews have a firmer and more glutinous nature than flesh, but a softer and moister nature than the bones. With these God covered the bones and marrow, binding them together by sinews, and then enshrouded them all in an upper covering of flesh. The more living and sensitive of the bones he enclosed in the thinnest film of flesh, and those which had the least life within them in the thickest and most solid flesh. So again on the joints of the bones, where reason indicated that no more was required, he placed only a thin covering of flesh, that it might not interfere with the flexion of our bodies and make them unwieldy because difficult to move; and also that it might not, by being crowded and pressed and matted together, destroy sensation by reason of its hardness, and impair the memory and dull the edge of intelligence. Wherefore also the thighs and the shanks and the hips, and the bones of the arms and the forearms, and other parts which have no joints, and the inner bones, which on account of the rarity of the soul in the marrow are destitute of reason — all these are abundantly provided with flesh; but such as have mind in them are in general less fleshy, except where the creator has made some part solely of flesh in order to give sensation, — as, for example, the tongue. But commonly this is not the case. For the nature which comes into being and grows up in us by a law of necessity, does not admit of the combination of solid bone and much flesh with acute perceptions. More than any other part the framework of the head would have had them, if they could have co-existed, and the human race, having a strong and fleshy and sinewy head, would have had a life twice or many times as long as it now has, and also more healthy and free from pain. But our creators, considering whether they should make a longer-lived race which was worse, or a shorter-lived race which was better, came to the conclusion that every one ought to prefer a shorter span of life, which was better, to a longer one, which was worse; and therefore they covered the head with thin bone, but not with flesh and sinews, since it had no joints; and thus the head was added, having more wisdom and sensation than the rest of the body, but also being in every man far weaker. For these reasons and after this manner God placed the sinews at the extremity of the head, in a circle round the neck, and glued them together by the principle of likeness and fastened the extremities of the jawbones to them below the face, and the other sinews he dispersed throughout the body, fastening limb to limb. The framers of us framed the mouth, as now arranged, having teeth and tongue and lips, with a view to the necessary and the good contriving the way in for necessary purposes, the way out for the best purposes; for that is necessary which enters in and gives food to the body; but the river of speech, which flows out of a man and ministers to the intelligence, is the fairest and noblest of all streams. Still the head could neither be left a bare frame of bones, on account of the extremes of heat and cold in the different seasons, nor yet be allowed to be wholly covered, and so become dull and senseless by reason of an overgrowth of flesh. The fleshy nature was not therefore wholly dried up, but a large sort of peel was parted off and remained over, which is now called the skin. This met and grew by the help of the cerebral moisture, and became the circular envelopment of the head. And the moisture, rising up under the sutures, watered and closed in the skin upon the crown, forming a sort of knot. The diversity of the sutures was caused by the power of the courses of the soul and of the food, and the more these struggled against one another the more numerous they became, and fewer if the struggle were less violent. This skin the divine power pierced all round with fire, and out of the punctures which were thus made the moisture issued forth, and the liquid and heat which was pure came away, and a mixed part which was composed of the same material as the skin, and had a fineness equal to the punctures, was borne up by its own impulse and extended far outside the head, but being too slow to escape, was thrust back by the external air, and rolled up underneath the skin, where it took root. Thus the hair sprang up in the skin, being akin to it because it is like threads of leather, but rendered harder and closer through the pressure of the cold, by which each hair, while in process of separation from the skin, is compressed and cooled. Wherefore the creator formed the head hairy, making use of the causes which I have mentioned, and reflecting also that instead of flesh the brain needed the hair to be a light covering or guard, which would give shade in summer and shelter in winter, and at the same time would not impede our quickness of perception. From the combination of sinew, skin, and bone, in the structure of the finger, there arises a triple compound, which, when dried up, takes the form of one hard skin partaking of all three natures, and was fabricated by these second causes, but designed by mind which is the principal cause with an eye to the future. For our creators well knew that women and other animals would some day be framed out of men, and they further knew that many animals would require the use of nails for many purposes; wherefore they fashioned in men at their first creation the rudiments of nails. For this purpose and for these reasons they caused skin, hair, and nails to grow at the extremities of the limbs.
And now that all the parts and members of the mortal animal had come together, since its life of necessity consisted of fire and breath, and it therefore wasted away by dissolution and depletion, the gods contrived the following remedy: They mingled a nature akin to that of man with other forms and perceptions, and thus created another kind of animal. These are the trees and plants and seeds which have been improved by cultivation and are now domesticated among us; anciently there were only the wild kinds, which are older than the cultivated. For everything that partakes of life may be truly called a living being, and the animal of which we are now speaking partakes of the third kind of soul, which is said to be seated between the midriff and the navel, having no part in opinion or reason or mind, but only in feelings of pleasure and pain and the desires which accompany them. For this nature is always in a passive state, revolving in and about itself, repelling the motion from without and using its own, and accordingly is not endowed by nature with the power of observing or reflecting on its own concerns. Wherefore it lives and does not differ from a living being, but is fixed and rooted in the same spot, having no power of self-motion.
Now after the superior powers had created all these natures to be food for us who are of the inferior nature, they cut various channels through the body as through a garden, that it might be watered as from a running stream. In the first place, they cut two hidden channels or veins down the back where the skin and the flesh join, which answered severally to the right and left side of the body. These they let down along the backbone, so as to have the marrow of generation between them, where it was most likely to flourish, and in order that the stream coming down from above might flow freely to the other parts, and equalize the irrigation. In the next place, they divided the veins about the head, and interlacing them, they sent them in opposite directions; those coming from the right side they sent to the left of the body, and those from the left they diverted towards the right, so that they and the skin might together form a bond which should fasten the head to the body, since the crown of the head was not encircled by sinews; and also in order that the sensations from both sides might be distributed over the whole body. And next, they ordered the water-courses of the body in a manner which I will describe, and which will be more easily understood if we begin by admitting that all things which have lesser parts retain the greater, but the greater cannot retain the lesser. Now of all natures fire has the smallest parts, and therefore penetrates through earth and water and air and their compounds, nor can anything hold it. And a similar principle applies to the human belly; for when meats and drinks enter it, it holds them, but it cannot hold air and fire, because the particles of which they consist are smaller than its own structure.
These elements, therefore, God employed for the sake of distributing moisture from the belly into the veins, weaving together a network of fire and air like a weel, having at the entrance two lesser weels; further he constructed one of these with two openings, and from the lesser weels he extended cords reaching all round to the extremities of the network. All the interior of the net he made of fire, but the lesser weels and their cavity, of air. The network he took and spread over the newly-formed animal in the following manner: — He let the lesser weels pass into the mouth; there were two of them, and one he let down by the air-pipes into the lungs, the other by the side of the air-pipes into the belly. The former he divided into two branches, both of which he made to meet at the channels of the nose, so that when the way through the mouth did not act, the streams of the mouth as well were replenished through the nose. With the other cavity (i.e. of the greater weel) he enveloped the hollow parts of the body, and at one time he made all this to flow into the lesser weels, quite gently, for they are composed of air, and at another time he caused the lesser weels to flow back again; and the net he made to find a way in and out through the pores of the body, and the rays of fire which are bound fast within followed the passage of the air either way, never at any time ceasing so long as the mortal being holds together. This process, as we affirm, the name-giver named inspiration and expiration. And all this movement, active as well as passive, takes place in order that the body, being watered and cooled, may receive nourishment and life; for when the respiration is going in and out, and the fire, which is fast bound within, follows it, and ever and anon moving to and fro, enters through the belly and reaches the meat and drink, it dissolves them, and dividing them into small portions and guiding them through the passages where it goes, pumps them as from a fountain into the channels of the veins, and makes the stream of the veins flow through the body as through a conduit.
Let us once more consider the phenomena of respiration, and enquire into the causes which have made it what it is. They are as follows: — Seeing that there is no such thing as a vacuum into which any of those things which are moved can enter, and the breath is carried from us into the external air, the next point is, as will be clear to every one, that it does not go into a vacant space, but pushes its neighbour out of its place, and that which is thrust out in turn drives out its neighbour; and in this way everything of necessity at last comes round to that place from whence the breath came forth, and enters in there, and following the breath, fills up the vacant space; and this goes on like the rotation of a wheel, because there can be no such thing as a vacuum. Wherefore also the breast and the lungs, when they emit the breath, are replenished by the air which surrounds the body and which enters in through the pores of the flesh and is driven round in a circle; and again, the air which is sent away and passes out through the body forces the breath inwards through the passage of the mouth and the nostrils. Now the origin of this movement may be supposed to be as follows. In the interior of every animal the hottest part is that which is around the blood and veins; it is in a manner an internal fountain of fire, which we compare to the network of a creel, being woven all of fire and extended through the centre of the body, while the outer parts are composed of air. Now we must admit that heat naturally proceeds outward to its own place and to its kindred element; and as there are two exits for the heat, the one out through the body, and the other through the mouth and nostrils, when it moves towards the one, it drives round the air at the other, and that which is driven round falls into the fire and becomes warm, and that which goes forth is cooled. But when the heat changes its place, and the particles at the other exit grow warmer, the hotter air inclining in that direction and carried towards its native element, fire, pushes round the air at the other; and this being affected in the same way and communicating the same impulse, a circular motion swaying to and fro is produced by the double process, which we call inspiration and expiration.
The phenomena of medical cupping-glasses and of the swallowing of drink and of the projection of bodies, whether discharged in the air or bowled along the ground, are to be investigated on a similar principle; and swift and slow sounds, which appear to be high and low, and are sometimes discordant on account of their inequality, and then again harmonical on account of the equality of the motion which they excite in us. For when the motions of the antecedent swifter sounds begin to pause and the two are equalized, the slower sounds overtake the swifter and then propel them. When they overtake them they do not intrude a new and discordant motion, but introduce the beginnings of a slower, which answers to the swifter as it dies away, thus producing a single mixed expression out of high and low, whence arises a pleasure which even the unwise feel, and which to the wise becomes a higher sort of delight, being an imitation of divine harmony in mortal motions. Moreover, as to the flowing of water, the fall of the thunderbolt, and the marvels that are observed about the attraction of amber and the Heraclean stones, — in none of these cases is there any attraction; but he who investigates rightly, will find that such wonderful phenomena are attributable to the combination of certain conditions — the non-existence of a vacuum, the fact that objects push one another round, and that they change places, passing severally into their proper positions as they are divided or combined.
Such as we have seen, is the nature and such are the causes of respiration, — the subject in which this discussion originated. For the fire cuts the food and following the breath surges up within, fire and breath rising together and filling the veins by drawing up out of the belly and pouring into them the cut portions of the food; and so the streams of food are kept flowing through the whole body in all animals. And fresh cuttings from kindred substances, whether the fruits of the earth or herb of the field, which God planted to be our daily food, acquire all sorts of colours by their inter-mixture; but red is the most pervading of them, being created by the cutting action of fire and by the impression which it makes on a moist substance; and hence the liquid which circulates in the body has a colour such as we have described. The liquid itself we call blood, which nourishes the flesh and the whole body, whence all parts are watered and empty places filled.
Now the process of repletion and evacuation is effected after the manner of the universal motion by which all kindred substances are drawn towards one another. For the external elements which surround us are always causing us to consume away, and distributing and sending off like to like; the particles of blood, too, which are divided and contained within the frame of the animal as in a sort of heaven, are compelled to imitate the motion of the universe. Each, therefore, of the divided parts within us, being carried to its kindred nature, replenishes the void. When more is taken away than flows in, then we decay, and when less, we grow and increase.
The frame of the entire creature when young has the triangles of each kind new, and may be compared to the keel of a vessel which is just off the stocks; they are locked firmly together and yet the whole mass is soft and delicate, being freshly formed of marrow and nurtured on milk. Now when the triangles out of which meats and drinks are composed come in from without, and are comprehended in the body, being older and weaker than the triangles already there, the frame of the body gets the better of them and its newer triangles cut them up, and so the animal grows great, being nourished by a multitude of similar particles. But when the roots of the triangles are loosened by having undergone many conflicts with many things in the course of time, they are no longer able to cut or assimilate the food which enters, but are themselves easily divided by the bodies which come in from without. In this way every animal is overcome and decays, and this affection is called old age. And at last, when the bonds by which the triangles of the marrow are united no longer hold, and are parted by the strain of existence, they in turn loosen the bonds of the soul, and she, obtaining a natural release, flies away with joy. For that which takes place according to nature is pleasant, but that which is contrary to nature is painful. And thus death, if caused by disease or produced by wounds, is painful and violent; but that sort of death which comes with old age and fulfils the debt of nature is the easiest of deaths, and is accompanied with pleasure rather than with pain.
Now every one can see whence diseases arise. There are four natures out of which the body is compacted, earth and fire and water and air, and the unnatural excess or defect of these, or the change of any of them from its own natural place into another, or — since there are more kinds than one of fire and of the other elements — the assumption by any of these of a wrong kind, or any similar irregularity, produces disorders and diseases; for when any of them is produced or changed in a manner contrary to nature, the parts which were previously cool grow warm, and those which were dry become moist, and the light become heavy, and the heavy light; all sorts of changes occur. For, as we affirm, a thing can only remain the same with itself, whole and sound, when the same is added to it, or subtracted from it, in the same respect and in the same manner and in due proportion; and whatever comes or goes away in violation of these laws causes all manner of changes and infinite diseases and corruptions. Now there is a second class of structures which are also natural, and this affords a second opportunity of observing diseases to him who would understand them. For whereas marrow and bone and flesh and sinews are composed of the four elements, and the blood, though after another manner, is likewise formed out of them, most diseases originate in the way which I have described; but the worst of all owe their severity to the fact that the generation of these substances proceeds in a wrong order; they are then destroyed. For the natural order is that the flesh and sinews should be made of blood, the sinews out of the fibres to which they are akin, and the flesh out of the clots which are formed when the fibres are separated. And the glutinous and rich matter which comes away from the sinews and the flesh, not only glues the flesh to the bones, but nourishes and imparts growth to the bone which surrounds the marrow; and by reason of the solidity of the bones, that which filters through consists of the purest and smoothest and oiliest sort of triangles, dropping like dew from the bones and watering the marrow. Now when each process takes place in this order, health commonly results; when in the opposite order, disease. For when the flesh becomes decomposed and sends back the wasting substance into the veins, then an over-supply of blood of diverse kinds, mingling with air in the veins, having variegated colours and bitter properties, as well as acid and saline qualities, contains all sorts of bile and serum and phlegm. For all things go the wrong way, and having become corrupted, first they taint the blood itself, and then ceasing to give nourishment to the body they are carried along the veins in all directions, no longer preserving the order of their natural courses, but at war with themselves, because they receive no good from one another, and are hostile to the abiding constitution of the body, which they corrupt and dissolve. The oldest part of the flesh which is corrupted, being hard to decompose, from long burning grows black, and from being everywhere corroded becomes bitter, and is injurious to every part of the body which is still uncorrupted. Sometimes, when the bitter element is refined away, the black part assumes an acidity which takes the place of the bitterness; at other times the bitterness being tinged with blood has a redder colour; and this, when mixed with black, takes the hue of grass; and again, an auburn colour mingles with the bitter matter when new flesh is decomposed by the fire which surrounds the internal flame; — to all which symptoms some physician perhaps, or rather some philosopher, who had the power of seeing in many dissimilar things one nature deserving of a name, has assigned the common name of bile. But the other kinds of bile are variously distinguished by their colours. As for serum, that sort which is the watery part of blood is innocent, but that which is a secretion of black and acid bile is malignant when mingled by the power of heat with any salt substance, and is then called acid phlegm. Again, the substance which is formed by the liquefaction of new and tender flesh when air is present, if inflated and encased in liquid so as to form bubbles, which separately are invisible owing to their small size, but when collected are of a bulk which is visible, and have a white colour arising out of the generation of foam — all this decomposition of tender flesh when intermingled with air is termed by us white phlegm. And the whey or sediment of newly-formed phlegm is sweat and tears, and includes the various daily discharges by which the body is purified. Now all these become causes of disease when the blood is not replenished in a natural manner by food and drink but gains bulk from opposite sources in violation of the laws of nature. When the several parts of the flesh are separated by disease, if the foundation remains, the power of the disorder is only half as great, and there is still a prospect of an easy recovery; but when that which binds the flesh to the bones is diseased, and no longer being separated from the muscles and sinews, ceases to give nourishment to the bone and to unite flesh and bone, and from being oily and smooth and glutinous becomes rough and salt and dry, owing to bad regimen, then all the substance thus corrupted crumbles away under the flesh and the sinews, and separates from the bone, and the fleshy parts fall away from their foundation and leave the sinews bare and full of brine, and the flesh again gets into the circulation of the blood and makes the previously-mentioned disorders still greater. And if these bodily affections be severe, still worse are the prior disorders; as when the bone itself, by reason of the density of the flesh, does not obtain sufficient air, but becomes mouldy and hot and gangrened and receives no nutriment, and the natural process is inverted, and the bone crumbling passes into the food, and the food into the flesh, and the flesh again falling into the blood makes all maladies that may occur more virulent than those already mentioned. But the worst case of all is when the marrow is diseased, either from excess or defect; and this is the cause of the very greatest and most fatal disorders, in which the whole course of the body is reversed.
There is a third class of diseases which may be conceived of as arising in three ways; for they are produced sometimes by wind, and sometimes by phlegm, and sometimes by bile. When the lung, which is the dispenser of the air to the body, is obstructed by rheums and its passages are not free, some of them not acting, while through others too much air enters, then the parts which are unrefreshed by air corrode, while in other parts the excess of air forcing its way through the veins distorts them and decomposing the body is enclosed in the midst of it and occupies the midriff; thus numberless painful diseases are produced, accompanied by copious sweats. And oftentimes when the flesh is dissolved in the body, wind, generated within and unable to escape, is the source of quite as much pain as the air coming in from without; but the greatest pain is felt when the wind gets about the sinews and the veins of the shoulders, and swells them up, and so twists back the great tendons and the sinews which are connected with them. These disorders are called tetanus and opisthotonus, by reason of the tension which accompanies them. The cure of them is difficult; relief is in most cases given by fever supervening. The white phlegm, though dangerous when detained within by reason of the air-bubbles, yet if it can communicate with the outside air, is less severe, and only discolours the body, generating leprous eruptions and similar diseases. When it is mingled with black bile and dispersed about the courses of the head, which are the divinest part of us, the attack if coming on in sleep, is not so severe; but when assailing those who are awake it is hard to be got rid of, and being an affection of a sacred part, is most justly called sacred. An acid and salt phlegm, again, is the source of all those diseases which take the form of catarrh, but they have many names because the places into which they flow are manifold.
Inflammations of the body come from burnings and inflamings, and all of them originate in bile. When bile finds a means of discharge, it boils up and sends forth all sorts of tumours; but when imprisoned within, it generates many inflammatory diseases, above all when mingled with pure blood; since it then displaces the fibres which are scattered about in the blood and are designed to maintain the balance of rare and dense, in order that the blood may not be so liquefied by heat as to exude from the pores of the body, nor again become too dense and thus find a difficulty in circulating through the veins. The fibres are so constituted as to maintain this balance; and if any one brings them all together when the blood is dead and in process of cooling, then the blood which remains becomes fluid, but if they are left alone, they soon congeal by reason of the surrounding cold. The fibres having this power over the blood, bile, which is only stale blood, and which from being flesh is dissolved again into blood, at the first influx coming in little by little, hot and liquid, is congealed by the power of the fibres; and so congealing and made to cool, it produces internal cold and shuddering. When it enters with more of a flood and overcomes the fibres by its heat, and boiling up throws them into disorder, if it have power enough to maintain its supremacy, it penetrates the marrow and burns up what may be termed the cables of the soul, and sets her free; but when there is not so much of it, and the body though wasted still holds out, the bile is itself mastered, and is either utterly banished, or is thrust through the veins into the lower or upper belly, and is driven out of the body like an exile from a state in which there has been civil war; whence arise diarrhoeas and dysenteries, and all such disorders. When the constitution is disordered by excess of fire, continuous heat and fever are the result; when excess of air is the cause, then the fever is quotidian; when of water, which is a more sluggish element than either fire or air, then the fever is a tertian; when of earth, which is the most sluggish of the four, and is only purged away in a four-fold period, the result is a quartan fever, which can with difficulty be shaken off.
Such is the manner in which diseases of the body arise; the disorders of the soul, which depend upon the body, originate as follows. We must acknowledge disease of the mind to be a want of intelligence; and of this there are two kinds; to wit, madness and ignorance. In whatever state a man experiences either of them, that state may be called disease; and excessive pains and pleasures are justly to be regarded as the greatest diseases to which the soul is liable. For a man who is in great joy or in great pain, in his unreasonable eagerness to attain the one and to avoid the other, is not able to see or to hear anything rightly; but he is mad, and is at the time utterly incapable of any participation in reason. He who has the seed about the spinal marrow too plentiful and overflowing, like a tree overladen with fruit, has many throes, and also obtains many pleasures in his desires and their offspring, and is for the most part of his life deranged, because his pleasures and pains are so very great; his soul is rendered foolish and disordered by his body; yet he is regarded not as one diseased, but as one who is voluntarily bad, which is a mistake. The truth is that the intemperance of love is a disease of the soul due chiefly to the moisture and fluidity which is produced in one of the elements by the loose consistency of the bones. And in general, all that which is termed the incontinence of pleasure and is deemed a reproach under the idea that the wicked voluntarily do wrong is not justly a matter for reproach. For no man is voluntarily bad; but the bad become bad by reason of an ill disposition of the body and bad education, things which are hateful to every man and happen to him against his will. And in the case of pain too in like manner the soul suffers much evil from the body. For where the acid and briny phlegm and other bitter and bilious humours wander about in the body, and find no exit or escape, but are pent up within and mingle their own vapours with the motions of the soul, and are blended with them, they produce all sorts of diseases, more or fewer, and in every degree of intensity; and being carried to the three places of the soul, whichever they may severally assail, they create infinite varieties of ill-temper and melancholy, of rashness and cowardice, and also of forgetfulness and stupidity. Further, when to this evil constitution of body evil forms of government are added and evil discourses are uttered in private as well as in public, and no sort of instruction is given in youth to cure these evils, then all of us who are bad become bad from two causes which are entirely beyond our control. In such cases the planters are to blame rather than the plants, the educators rather than the educated. But however that may be, we should endeavour as far as we can by education, and studies, and learning, to avoid vice and attain virtue; this, however, is part of another subject.
There is a corresponding enquiry concerning the mode of treatment by which the mind and the body are to be preserved, about which it is meet and right that I should say a word in turn; for it is more our duty to speak of the good than of the evil. Everything that is good is fair, and the fair is not without proportion, and the animal which is to be fair must have due proportion. Now we perceive lesser symmetries or proportions and reason about them, but of the highest and greatest we take no heed; for there is no proportion or disproportion more productive of health and disease, and virtue and vice, than that between soul and body. This however we do not perceive, nor do we reflect that when a weak or small frame is the vehicle of a great and mighty soul, or conversely, when a little soul is encased in a large body, then the whole animal is not fair, for it lacks the most important of all symmetries; but the due proportion of mind and body is the fairest and loveliest of all sights to him who has the seeing eye. Just as a body which has a leg too long, or which is unsymmetrical in some other respect, is an unpleasant sight, and also, when doing its share of work, is much distressed and makes convulsive efforts, and often stumbles through awkwardness, and is the cause of infinite evil to its own self — in like manner we should conceive of the double nature which we call the living being; and when in this compound there is an impassioned soul more powerful than the body, that soul, I say, convulses and fills with disorders the whole inner nature of man; and when eager in the pursuit of some sort of learning or study, causes wasting; or again, when teaching or disputing in private or in public, and strifes and controversies arise, inflames and dissolves the composite frame of man and introduces rheums; and the nature of this phenomenon is not understood by most professors of medicine, who ascribe it to the opposite of the real cause. And once more, when a body large and too strong for the soul is united to a small and weak intelligence, then inasmuch as there are two desires natural to man, — one of food for the sake of the body, and one of wisdom for the sake of the diviner part of us — then, I say, the motions of the stronger, getting the better and increasing their own power, but making the soul dull, and stupid, and forgetful, engender ignorance, which is the greatest of diseases. There is one protection against both kinds of disproportion: — that we should not move the body without the soul or the soul without the body, and thus they will be on their guard against each other, and be healthy and well balanced. And therefore the mathematician or any one else whose thoughts are much absorbed in some intellectual pursuit, must allow his body also to have due exercise, and practise gymnastic; and he who is careful to fashion the body, should in turn impart to the soul its proper motions, and should cultivate music and all philosophy, if he would deserve to be called truly fair and truly good. And the separate parts should be treated in the same manner, in imitation of the pattern of the universe; for as the body is heated and also cooled within by the elements which enter into it, and is again dried up and moistened by external things, and experiences these and the like affections from both kinds of motions, the result is that the body if given up to motion when in a state of quiescence is overmastered and perishes; but if any one, in imitation of that which we call the foster-mother and nurse of the universe, will not allow the body ever to be inactive, but is always producing motions and agitations through its whole extent, which form the natural defence against other motions both internal and external, and by moderate exercise reduces to order according to their affinities the particles and affections which are wandering about the body, as we have already said when speaking of the universe, he will not allow enemy placed by the side of enemy to stir up wars and disorders in the body, but he will place friend by the side of friend, so as to create health. Now of all motions that is the best which is produced in a thing by itself, for it is most akin to the motion of thought and of the universe; but that motion which is caused by others is not so good, and worst of all is that which moves the body, when at rest, in parts only and by some external agency. Wherefore of all modes of purifying and re-uniting the body the best is gymnastic; the next best is a surging motion, as in sailing or any other mode of conveyance which is not fatiguing; the third sort of motion may be of use in a case of extreme necessity, but in any other will be adopted by no man of sense: I mean the purgative treatment of physicians; for diseases unless they are very dangerous should not be irritated by medicines, since every form of disease is in a manner akin to the living being, whose complex frame has an appointed term of life. For not the whole race only, but each individual — barring inevitable accidents — comes into the world having a fixed span, and the triangles in us are originally framed with power to last for a certain time, beyond which no man can prolong his life. And this holds also of the constitution of diseases; if any one regardless of the appointed time tries to subdue them by medicine, he only aggravates and multiplies them. Wherefore we ought always to manage them by regimen, as far as a man can spare the time, and not provoke a disagreeable enemy by medicines.
Enough of the composite animal, and of the body which is a part of him, and of the manner in which a man may train and be trained by himself so as to live most according to reason: and we must above and before all provide that the element which is to train him shall be the fairest and best adapted to that purpose. A minute discussion of this subject would be a serious task; but if, as before, I am to give only an outline, the subject may not unfitly be summed up as follows.
I have often remarked that there are three kinds of soul located within us, having each of them motions, and I must now repeat in the fewest words possible, that one part, if remaining inactive and ceasing from its natural motion, must necessarily become very weak, but that which is trained and exercised, very strong. Wherefore we should take care that the movements of the different parts of the soul should be in due proportion.
And we should consider that God gave the sovereign part of the human soul to be the divinity of each one, being that part which, as we say, dwells at the top of the body, and inasmuch as we are a plant not of an earthly but of a heavenly growth, raises us from earth to our kindred who are in heaven. And in this we say truly; for the divine power suspended the head and root of us from that place where the generation of the soul first began, and thus made the whole body upright. When a man is always occupied with the cravings of desire and ambition, and is eagerly striving to satisfy them, all his thoughts must be mortal, and, as far as it is possible altogether to become such, he must be mortal every whit, because he has cherished his mortal part. But he who has been earnest in the love of knowledge and of true wisdom, and has exercised his intellect more than any other part of him, must have thoughts immortal and divine, if he attain truth, and in so far as human nature is capable of sharing in immortality, he must altogether be immortal; and since he is ever cherishing the divine power, and has the divinity within him in perfect order, he will be perfectly happy. Now there is only one way of taking care of things, and this is to give to each the food and motion which are natural to it. And the motions which are naturally akin to the divine principle within us are the thoughts and revolutions of the universe. These each man should follow, and correct the courses of the head which were corrupted at our birth, and by learning the harmonies and revolutions of the universe, should assimilate the thinking being to the thought, renewing his original nature, and having assimilated them should attain to that perfect life which the gods have set before mankind, both for the present and the future.
Thus our original design of discoursing about the universe down to the creation of man is nearly completed. A brief mention may be made of the generation of other animals, so far as the subject admits of brevity; in this manner our argument will best attain a due proportion. On the subject of animals, then, the following remarks may be offered. Of the men who came into the world, those who were cowards or led unrighteous lives may with reason be supposed to have changed into the nature of women in the second generation. And this was the reason why at that time the gods created in us the desire of sexual intercourse, contriving in man one animated substance, and in woman another, which they formed respectively in the following manner. The outlet for drink by which liquids pass through the lung under the kidneys and into the bladder, which receives and then by the pressure of the air emits them, was so fashioned by them as to penetrate also into the body of the marrow, which passes from the head along the neck and through the back, and which in the preceding discourse we have named the seed. And the seed having life, and becoming endowed with respiration, produces in that part in which it respires a lively desire of emission, and thus creates in us the love of procreation. Wherefore also in men the organ of generation becoming rebellious and masterful, like an animal disobedient to reason, and maddened with the sting of lust, seeks to gain absolute sway; and the same is the case with the so-called womb or matrix of women; the animal within them is desirous of procreating children, and when remaining unfruitful long beyond its proper time, gets discontented and angry, and wandering in every direction through the body, closes up the passages of the breath, and, by obstructing respiration, drives them to extremity, causing all varieties of disease, until at length the desire and love of the man and the woman, bringing them together and as it were plucking the fruit from the tree, sow in the womb, as in a field, animals unseen by reason of their smallness and without form; these again are separated and matured within; they are then finally brought out into the light, and thus the generation of animals is completed.
Thus were created women and the female sex in general. But the race of birds was created out of innocent light-minded men, who, although their minds were directed toward heaven, imagined, in their simplicity, that the clearest demonstration of the things above was to be obtained by sight; these were remodelled and transformed into birds, and they grew feathers instead of hair. The race of wild pedestrian animals, again, came from those who had no philosophy in any of their thoughts, and never considered at all about the nature of the heavens, because they had ceased to use the courses of the head, but followed the guidance of those parts of the soul which are in the breast. In consequence of these habits of theirs they had their front-legs and their heads resting upon the earth to which they were drawn by natural affinity; and the crowns of their heads were elongated and of all sorts of shapes, into which the courses of the soul were crushed by reason of disuse. And this was the reason why they were created quadrupeds and polypods: God gave the more senseless of them the more support that they might be more attracted to the earth. And the most foolish of them, who trail their bodies entirely upon the ground and have no longer any need of feet, he made without feet to crawl upon the earth. The fourth class were the inhabitants of the water: these were made out of the most entirely senseless and ignorant of all, whom the transformers did not think any longer worthy of pure respiration, because they possessed a soul which was made impure by all sorts of transgression; and instead of the subtle and pure medium of air, they gave them the deep and muddy sea to be their element of respiration; and hence arose the race of fishes and oysters, and other aquatic animals, which have received the most remote habitations as a punishment of their outlandish ignorance. These are the laws by which animals pass into one another, now, as ever, changing as they lose or gain wisdom and folly.
We may now say that our discourse about the nature of the universe has an end. The world has received animals, mortal and immortal, and is fulfilled with them, and has become a visible animal containing the visible — the sensible God who is the image of the intellectual, the greatest, best, fairest, most perfect — the one only-begotten heaven.
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+ REVIEW: JACQUES ATTALI'S "NOISE: THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF MUSIC" Attempt to discuss music in relation to politics have always seemed fraught with danger. By its irreducibility to mere words, music has encouraged and shunned such attempts, which can lead even a sophisticated theorists like Theodor Adorno to state that, in Stravinsky's music "the relation to fascism is beyond question". Men of Power, too, from Plato to Zhdanov, have been uneasy about music's ambivalence, and have sought to control it. In "Noise: The Political Economy of Music", published in France in 1977 but only recently translated into English, Jacques Attali displays no fear of such precedents in discussing the links between change in music and change in society. Attali is one of those French intellectuals who made the transition from 1968 gauchisme to accommodation with Power. He seems to have adopted the slogan "Imagination to power!" as his own: he became Mitterand's Special Councellor, his "Ideas Man", even while continuing to write prolifically on subjects often far from his home territory of Economics. (He has been previously known in this country only for the controversy around his "Histoires du Temps", when lengthy unattributed quotations from other writers were found to have been included in the text.) Attali sets himself an ambitious task: by means of "theoretical indiscipline" he intends "not only to theorise about music, but to theorise through music. The result will be unusual and unacceptable conclusions about music and society, the past and the future". He constructs his political economy of music around four successive codes: - Sacrifice: the ritual code based on fear, when violence is channelled into acceptable rituals binding the group. - Representation: the code based on exchange and harmony. - Repetition: the age of sign exchange, dominated by a "speech without response" and a code of normality. - Composition: the possibility of passing beyond sign exchange into a new community. Attali's interest is in the breaks between these codes, when "noise" intrudes and shows the potential of another form of organisation. He will try to show that, contrary to Marxist models which consign music to a "superstructure" relative to the "productive" base, music has often anticipated developments in production. Furthermore, music has been experiencing the current social crisis for some time, and can now be the harbringer of another social order altogether. In the Sacrificial code, music channels chaotic violence, affirming the very possibility of sociality upon which power rests. The musician occupies an ambivalent position as the reviled and revered victim (such as the griot in West Africa). This analysis rests heavily on Rene Girard's notion of the function of the scapegoat in establishing order. In the European Middle Ages, musicians were sometimes Court functionaries, sometimes vagabonds: no distinction existed between High and Low Culture, and music had no value outwith its performance in a setting. He locates the emergence of the code of Representation in the 18th century: no longer an activity, music became an object of exchange. With the rise of publisher and promoter and the emergence of copyright, music no longer had a "use value" outside exchange. And internally, harmony would prefigure developments outside music: "The concept of representation logically implies that of exchange and harmony. The theory of political economy of the 19th century was present in its entirety in the concert halls of the 18th century and foreshadowed the politics of the 20th." The Star system, too, emerged earlier in music than elsewhere, with the constitution of the classical repertoire "when Liszt in 1830 began to play the music of other contemporary composers in concert and Mendelssohn played Bach... Liszt gave repertory a spacial dimension and Mendelssohn a temporal dimension" By the first decade of the 20th century, harmony was in crisis. The emergence of the code of Repetition came through the intrusion of two types of noise: internal noise as possibilities within harmony became exhausted and external noise through the invention of recording equipment. "Once again music was prophetic: it experienced the limits of the representative mode of production long before they appeared in material production." Drawing on Baudrillard's conception of hyper-reality, Attali considers music to have predated contemporary marketing and government strategies in its acceptance of lack of meaning and substitution of chance and statistical events. The invention of the record (like that of the cassette in the 1960s) was originally expected to serve as no more than a supplement to Representation. But instead it instituted a new society of Repetition and mass production. Music became "a strategic consumption, an essential mode of sociality for all those who feel themselves powerless before the monologue of the great institutions... conformity to the norm becomes the pleasure of belonging, and the acceptance of powerlessness takes root in the comfort of repetition". In Pop Culture, the charts are consumed in their own right: pure sign exchange outwith supply & demand. In the absence of meaning, the role of the Music Industry in socialising children into consumers and in managing demand becomes crucial, but always difficult faced with the very silence it has itself created. The greater the repetition, the lower the efficiency in producing demand: this seems to replace the tendencial decline in the Rate of Profit. And pirating of recordings creates even more problems. This, then, is another problem of the intrusion of internal and external "noise". The breach in this code is far less easily defined. Attali can suggest only that Repetition's very omnipresence means that the only possible challenge is the assertion of "the right to compose one's own life". Developments such as Free Jazz could be moves towards what Attali confusingly calls Composition - by which he basically means improvisation! This will be "inventing new codes, inventing the message at the same time as the language... (The) musician plays primarily for himself, outside of any operationality, spectacle or accumulation of value; when music, extricating itself from the codes of Sacrifice, Representation and Repetition, emerges as an activity that is an end in itself". Not the least unsatisfactory aspect to this vision is that, while Attali's use of economics in discussing the previous codes has often been illuminating, the attempt to do so in relation to the code of Composition is inconsistent. While he rightly emphasises the imminent ruin of musicians' organisations when they tried to become self-managed economic units, it is nonetheless from these failed attempts that his examples are drawn. And this has been the commonest problem in musicians' collectives themselves: the replacement of collective activity self-representation as a promotional body. The quality of Attali's analyses of his four codes fluctuates wildly. As with Baudrillard (to whom Attali's analyses of Representation and Repetition are often indebted), "theoretical indiscipline" sometimes produces exciting new angles, but at other times means that arguments are built around absurd examples. For example, he is content to give us a tabloid vision of California as land of Snuff Movies and Suicide Motels: just proof that Repetition no longer satisfies the need for sacrifice. A particularly bizarre section "proves" noise to be a simulacrum of murder, mixing the walls of Jerico, Information Theory and the "fact" that a sufficient intensity of noise could kill. Any value which that last example might have surely relates more to the dangers of the technological abstraction and intensification in the past century than sacrifice in ritual. Curiously, Attali makes use of the story of Odysseus and the Sirens, as did his predecessor in the Political Economy of Music, Adorno. In both cases, any illumination provided is more for their argument than Homer's story. For Attali, Odysseus takes on the role of scapegoat and suffers the Sirens' Song; he omits the allurement of their song. Adorno and Horkheimer (in "The Dialectic of Enlightenment") made much more of the story. The Song expressed the fatal attraction of contemplating the past, of returning to the state of nature and infancy. Odysseus responds by introducing a division of labour: while the sailors row, oblivious to the pleasures of the Song, he listens, but has renounced the possibility of responding to the Song - it has become Art. Historical simultaneity is a temptation rarely resisted. Attali's talks of "Red Vienna, where the street in revolt would attempt the only organisation ever to initiate the self-management of concerts, with Sch�nberg's Society for Private Musical Performances". This fanciful statement would have shocked Sch�nberg the "conservative revolutionary" and the members of that "progressive" salon group (which existed from 1918 to 1921). In fact the Society's purpose was to give frequent, well-rehearsed performances of pieces of modern music, whose repetition would bring familiarity and understanding and constitute an appreciative audience for modern music. His history of 20th century, particularly Jazz, is not all it could be. The record industry, we are assured, could not really develop until electrical recording became available in 1925. What then of all those recordings of the Original Dixieland Jazz Band and King Oliver, or of Louis Armstrong's Hot Five, the first specifically recording group, already well into it's stride on acoustic recordings? His omission of any mention of Bebop is curious, given that it was intended to be impenetrable to the (mainly white) "recuperators" and perceived by musicians of the previous generation as noise. It's development during the years of the musicians' recording ban (and consequent estrangement from the mass Black audience) would also make it interesting in relation to Attali's Repetitive Code... Similarly, Attali's version of Free Jazz and its institutions are superficial and over-optimistic. Organisations like the short-lived Jazz Composers' Guild and the Chicago AACM were never as successful in breaking with the Industry than he thinks (although the latter has had a profound impact on musicians in its area). It is also curious to see Carla Bley mentioned as an exemplary black musician! The time when the book was written is particularly evident in its consideration of Rock Music, where Attali seems prepared to accept its festive, rebellious ideology ("The Man Can't Bust Our Music" - CBS campaign slogan) as more than mere simulation of festival. There are still hints of tendencies towards certain fashions and styles: a line seems to run from the Russolo's glorification of machine-age noise to Jimi Hendrix - and apparently beyond to Composition. It is perhaps more evident now that each style exists only as a distinction from that preceding it: a reversal of values making obsolete all previous accumulation of records, trousers or whatever!. Against this, it must be said that the book is often fascinating. Particularly outstanding are the sections describing the development of copyright and the suppression of "subversive" 19th century French cabarets. In the problem of how a songwriter should be remunerated by the publisher, resolved by the introduction of copyright, Attali sees the situation of a whole category of "molders" under what will become the order of Repetition. The strangest feature of the presentation of the 1985 English translation is the Afterword's attempt to link Attali's code of Composition to the emergence of the "New Wave". If this suggestion relates only to most people's initial perception of Punk as "noise", one hardly needs a book to tell us that this is how changes in the mode of music are commonly perceived. Any suggestion that Punk was anything resembling "Composition" must surely be ludicrous. Surely only a few hardcore fans still believe that the "anger" in Punk is "natural" - even most of them recognise it as an aesthetic. Rather, we can suggest that the initial irruption of changes in musical code, whether Rock & Roll, Psychedelia, or Punk always presents itself as natural. This leads back to doubts about Attali's Compositional order, when he emphasises that it will bring a new bodily unity: "The consumer... will institute the spectacle of himself as the supreme image" - pure Narcissism. And so perhaps it isn't surprising that the Afterword finishes by adapting "Composition" to the New York Arts scene. From Edinburgh Review 75 1986
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+ A Guide to Efficiently Using Irssi and Screen
Irssi is a text-only IRC client. It does not get in your way and its commands are intuitive and useful. Non-standard features are implemented with perl scripts, rather than in the core. Irssi can range from a functional, no-frills client to a highly-customized and automated client.
Irssi is not the only focus of this guide. GNU screen, the well-known terminal multiplexer, is also discussed. Screen is a highly useful tool that allows a user to manipulate multiple windows inside of a single session. Each window operates independently of the others and acts like another terminal. For example, a user can create a screen session with Irssi running in the first window, an instant messenger program open in the second window, and a general purpose shell prompt in the third window. The beauty of the screen is that users can “detach” from their screens, logout, and then at a later time, login again “reattach” to find their programs still running just as they left them. The steps to do this are explained in this guide.
Irssi Basics
Getting Connected
The first step is to start irssi. Run from your shell:
You should now see Irssi in its default state–disconnected, with some blue bars at the top and bottom.
In Irssi, there are three important connection-related commands: /server, /connect, and /disconnect. Irssi can handle multiple IRC connections simultaneously, thus it is possible to be active in channels on different networks at the same time. The first command, /server, will connect to the specified server on the current network. On the other hand, /connect will open a new network connection and connect to the specified server on the new network.
For example, typing /connect irc.foo.com will open a new network connection and connect to irc.foo.com. If you then type /connect irc.bar.com, there will be two network connections open, one for irc.foo.com, one for irc.bar.com. Typing /server irc.baz.com while the network connection for irc.bar.com is active will disconnect the client from irc.bar.com and connect to irc.baz.com on that network connection. You can use Ctrl-X to switch between network connections. You can see what the active network is by looking at the status bar, which looks something like this:
(05:23:10) (ms[+abilorsuwxyz]) (1:NullIRC (change with ^X))
In this example, NullIRC is the active network. Feel free to test this on your own. Use /disconnect to disconnect from the active server. Move on after you have disconnected from all servers.
At this point you should have a just-opened instance of Irssi, with no connections to any server. Connect to an IRC server by typing:
/connect irc.nullirc.net
If everything connected fine, join a channel by typing:
/join #test
Switching Windows
You should now notice that the “status” window is now hidden, and you’re looking at the channel you just joined. You should also notice that your status bar says “2:#test”. This means that the window for #test is assigned window number 2. The status window is by default window number 1. To switch between windows in Irssi, use Alt-#, where # is 0-9. Windows start at number 1, and Alt-0 goes to window number 10. You can use Alt-q through Alt-o for windows 11 to 19. It is possible to have more than 19 windows. Use Alt with the arrow keys to scroll through the windows.
Tip: If you’re trying to get to end windows past 19, start at window 1, and then use Alt with the left arrow key.
Advanced note: use /help bind to learn about the /bind command. It can be used to assign keyboard shortcuts to windows past 19.
Using the Alt key as Meta
In some cases, using Alt as the modifier for window switching does not work. Macs have this ‘problem’; the alt key on Mac OS X’s terminal does not send an escape by default. The escape key may usually be used as a replacement for Alt for switching windows. If you’d like to use your Mac’s Alt key to send an escape and properly switch windows in Irssi, do the following:
Terminal.app (10.5 Leopard, 10.6 Snow Leopard)
Choose “Preferences” from the Terminal.app menu
In the “Settings” group, choose your profile.
Go to the “Keyboard” tab
Check “Use option as meta key”
Terminal.app (10.4 Tiger)
Choose “Window Settings” from the Terminal menu
Choose “Keyboard” from the dropdown in the dialog that pops up
Check “Use option key as meta key”
Click Use Settings as Default
Choose “Manage Profiles” from the Bookmarks menu
Expand “Keyboard Profiles”
Select “Global”
Select “Option Key as +Esc”
Query Windows
Once you’re comfortable with the window switching, join another channel on the network and talk with people. Open a private message using:
/q <nick>
/q is short for /query. Both commands work, as /q is just an alias for /query. Irssi has many default aliases that aid in controlling your IRC client more quickly and easily. You can see them using /alias and looking at your status window. Remember that Alt-1 switches to your status window.
Once you’ve finished typing in your query, type /q in the window to close it. Closing windows can also be accomplished using /wc (an alias for /window close). Using the /wc method is useful for parting channels on disconnected networks. In these cases, simply using /part will not work.
And with that, you have learned the basics of using Irssi–connecting, joining channels, opening and closing query windows, and switching through windows. Continue reading to learn more about Irssi’s other features and commands.
More Irssi
Changing Settings
Switch to your status window and type /set. You’ll see your screen scroll with various setting = value lines. Use page up and page down to look through them (sometimes it is necessary to hold shift down while using these keys). These are the configurable settings of your IRC client. You can specify which ones in particular you’d like to see, instead of viewing all of them, by including a keyword after /set. Try: /set timestamp. The output should look something like this:
05:50 [lookandfeel]
+05:50 timestamps = ON
+05:50 timestamp_format = %H:%M
+05:50 timestamp_timeout =
+05:50 timestamp_level = ALL
The setting of timestamp_format controls the appearance of the timestamps used in the client. I personally prefer having the seconds also displayed. One way to have the seconds displayed is the following:
/set timestamp_format %H:%M:%S
Once you change a setting, use:
to save your changes to your Irssi config file, located at ~/.irssi/config.
Aside: My real timestamp_format is %d.%H%M%S, which looks like “16.213823” (16th day of the month at 21:38:23). This timestamp is precise, minimal, and useful when scrolling back through several days of logs.
Tab Completion
Now would be a good time to learn of Irssi’s tab-completion feature. One of the most fantastic features of Irssi is its ability to complete a nickname, variable, or file using the tab key. Try typing /set time, and instead of pressing enter, press the tab key. You will notice that Irssi completes the variable name. Press tab repeatedly to cycle through the matching variables. You can also use the tab completion to complete nicknames in channels or query windows by typing out the first few letters of their name and pressing tab.
Perl Scripts
Most non-standard functionality is added through the use of perl scripts. There is a large database of these scripts available at scripts.irssi.org. To use them, download the perl scripts to your ~/.irssi/scripts directory, and then type:
/run <scriptname>
Put the scripts (or symbolic links to them) in ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun to make them load automatically when Irssi starts. It’s important that you read the top of each script you download; usually there is documentation there of some kind explaining the settings for the script. I recommend installing the following scripts to start:
splitlong.pl Splits long messages into multiple lines to avoid having messages truncated due to IRC limits.
dispatch.pl Sends unknown commands, such as server-specific commands like /map, to the server instead of requiring the use of /quote (e.g., /quote map).
usercount.pl Makes population of the current channel available for display in the status bar. Read the script for instructions for use.
Defining networks and servers
By now you should have a good start to using Irssi for your needs. Irssi is simple to use. You can learn a great deal about Irssi by reading its help. Type /help in Irssi to get a full list of commands (including those from perl addon scripts) in your status window. To see detailed information a particular command, use /help <command>. In particular, I strongly recommend learning about the /network command in more detail:
/help network
The /network command manages the networks that Irssi knows about. If you define the networks that you frequent, you can set multiple servers for a particular network and then simply use /connect <network name> to connect to that network. If the first server fails, the next server in the list you defined with /server will be tried. You can also define a command to send to the server upon connection to the network. This is useful for automatic identification to a NickServ service or opering up, if you have an o:line.
A minimal use of /network and /server, followed by /connect, might look like this:
When this sequence of commands is run, Irssi will connect to the Freenode IRC network at irc.freenode.net, and upon connect, will say hi to bot. The caret in /^msg tells Irssi to not display this message locally.
Use /network list and /server list to see all of your configured networks and servers.
Note: the /network command replaced /ircnet in Irssi version 0.8.10. If you are using irssi 0.8.9, ask your system administrator to upgrade and use /ircnet in the meantime.
Learning Screen
Screen is a wonderful program that creates a “session” in which several “windows” exist. In each window is a shell prompt, from which commands can be executed and programs can be run. With screen, a user can “detach” from his or her screen session, log out, eat some runts, log back in, and reattach to the screen session and find it in the same condition as it was left. Read on for a demonstration.
Starting Screen
If you have Irssi open, use /quit to close it. When you’re back at your shell prompt, start screen:
You should be immediately returned to a shell prompt. You’re now inside of your screen. You can see this by typing screen -list
ms@turing ~ $ screen -list
+There is a screen on:
+ 7517.pts-0.turing (Attached)
+1 Socket in /var/run/screen/S-ms.
Now, type irssi. If you took the time earlier to define your networks with /network, you can type irssi -c <network name> here to automatically connect to the desired network. Irssi should open as it did before, but now it’s running inside of screen.
There are certain keystrokes that you can make inside of a screen session to control it. The commands are in the format of Ctrl-a,letter, usually. This is executed by pressing the control key and the ‘a’ key at the same time, releasing both, and then pressing letter. At this point you should learn to detach from your screen session. Press ctrl-a,d to do this (Press ctrl-a, release, press d). When this is done, you should see something like “[detached]” print to your terminal. If you see this, you’re no longer in screen, but Irssi is still running in the background. For effect, feel free to disconnect from your shell completely and then log back in before continuing to the next step.
You should be at your shell prompt right now, outside of screen. Before, you typed screen to run it. Running screen with no arguments creates a new screen session. You can have multiple screen sessions, but this will not be discussed here. Read the manpage of screen for more information. Since you have already created a screen session, you do not want to make a new one, you want to reattach to the one you already created. To do this, type:
screen -rd
The arguments -rd tell screen what you want it to do: reattach and detach before reattaching if necessary. These arguments are safe to use in just about every case. If your screen session is attached elsewhere, using -rd will detach that session, and reattach it here.
Magically, irssi should have reappeared. This is the point where you stand back for a moment and say “Wow, that kicks ass,” because now you should understand that you can leave Irssi running all the time under screen, detach from screen and disconnect from your shell, come back later, login and reattach and there Irssi will be. You should also see that with screen, you will have the ability to log in from anywhere and continue your IRCing (or whatever work you’re doing in another screen window) just as you left it.
More Screen Functionality
You just learned the basics of screen. Now you should learn how to create new windows inside of screen. This is done by typing C-a c (this is how it is written in the screen manpage. It means Ctrl-a,c). As new windows are created, you will be automatically switched to them. You can navigate through screen windows using C-a #, starting at zero, so Ctrl-a,0 should take you back to Irssi. Here’s a cheat sheet (from the screen manpage):
The following table shows the default key bindings:
C-a : Command
C-a 0
select 0
Switch to window 0
C-a 9
select 9
Switch to window 9
C-a C-a
Toggle to the window displayed previously.
C-a a
Send the command character (C-a) to window. See escape command.
C-a A
Allow the user to enter a name for the current window.
C-a c
Create a new window with a shell and switch to that window.
C-a C-c
Create a new window with a shell and switch to that window.
C-a C
Clear the screen.
C-a d
Detach screen from this terminal.
C-a C-d
Detach screen from this terminal.
C-a D D
Detach and logout.
C-a k
Destroy current window.
C-a C-k
Destroy current window.
C-a space
Switch to the next window.
C-a n
Switch to the next window.
C-a C-n
Switch to the next window.
C-a x
Lock this terminal.
C-a C-x
Lock this terminal.
C-a w
Show a list of window.
C-a C-w
Show a list of window.
C-a ?
Show key bindings.
Take a moment to look over those commands. They should tell you how to basically operate screen, especially the last one. There are plenty more, use Ctrl-a,c and then type man screen for the full list.
If you mess up and screen doesn’t seem to work correctly, remember to use screen -list (or screen -ls) to see where you are. You should pay attention to whether or not you are attached, detached, or if screen is running at all.
Killing a Screen Session
If you end up with multiple screen sessions, you have to specify which session when you want to attach. If this is not desired, kill one of the sessions by first using screen -list to find the id of the session. The id will look something like 8037.tty1.godfather. With the id in hand, run:
screen -X -S ID kill
to kill the screen session with id ID.
Dealing With Flow Control
If you accidentally hit Ctrl-s or Ctrl-a s, you may notice some general unpleasantry, namely that your screen session (or irssi) stops updating. I suggest reading more about flow control and how screen handles it. The quick fix is to type Ctrl-q or Ctrl-a q (depending on which you used first). I have the following in my shell’s rc file to turn off flow control handling completely, since I like using Ctrl-s for some programs:
stty -ixon -ixoff
Non-blocking mode
Before you disconnect from your shell, make sure you detach from your screen using the appropriate detach sequence. This keeps programs like irssi from hanging while waiting for input. To avoid having to worry about this, put defnonblock on in your ~/.screenrc. Read more about the nonblock option in the screen manual.
Customizing Irssi’s Display
Ample time should be spent adjusting the appearance of irssi to make the client suitable for you. This includes changing the theme, adding or splitting windows, and manipulating the statusbars. I’ll go over the basics of how to obtain a more complicated Irssi setup like this:
The theme only changes the colors of text and objects in Irssi, as well as some symbols used in the statusbars. The >> used at the beginning of the statusbars in my screenshot is there because of the theme I’m using. The theme used in that screenshot is my own hack of the irssi default themes called fear2.
To load a new theme, first download the .theme file into ~/.irssi; from a shell prompt:
then use /set theme fear2 in irssi, where “fear2” is the part of the filename before .theme. Don’t forget to /save if you want to keep that theme setting.
Hilight Window
See the irssi screenshot above. The section labeled “1” is a split window called “hilight”. Anything that is hilighted (set using the /hilight command) will be logged to that window.
To do this, first load the script. The script I use is a modified version of cras’s hilightwin.pl that logs timestamps as well. It is available here: hilightwin.pl
Put the script in ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/ and type /run autorun/hilightwin.pl in irssi.
Next, create the split window. This is done with the /window command. See /help window for details on how this works.
/window new split
+/window name hilight
+/window size 6
The above commands will create a new split window (as opposed to a “hidden” window, which privmsg, channel, and status windows are by default), call it hilight (so the script knows where to send the information) with a height of 6 lines.
Now, have someone address you in a channel using “yournick: hello”. If you did everything correctly, it should be logged to the split window. If you want to have all lines containing your nick hilighted, type /hilight -word yournick. See /help hilight for advanced features. Use /layout save to save your layout settings and have irssi automatically recreate the split hilight window on startup.
Note: you may notice that when starting up a fresh Irssi instance after having configured the hilight window, the active window is the hilight window instead of the status window. If you connect to servers with the hilight window active, your channels may be placed in the top container instead of the bottom container as you would expect. A simple workaround for this is to simply hit Alt-1 to switch to your status window, which is in the bottom container, before you connect.
See number 2 in the screenshot above. This is the default statusbar that you will see in any default irssi setup. However, mine is slightly modified to include a user count of the current channel. This is easily done by loading the usercount.pl script and typing /statusbar window add usercount in irssi.
Channel Statusbar Using Advanced Windowlist
This is my favorite part of my Irssi setup. The screenshot above displays chanact.pl to list windows open in Irssi. As of October 16, 2005, this article explains the setup of awl (Advanced Windowlist) instead of chanact.
Download adv_windowlist.pl (known as ‘awl’). This is a fabulous script that grants powerful manipulation of the active window list. Put the script in ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun and run it: /run autorun/adv_windowlist.pl
Upon loading, AWL will create new statusbars on its own. AWL is an updated version of the older chanact.pl script. AWL has many, many new features developed by Nei. It would be worth your time to read the comments at the top of the script to get a feel for what all you can do with it (an entire article could be written on the features of this script and how to use them).
Now would be a good time to remove the standard Act statusbar item. If you’re unfamiliar with what I’m talking about, the act object is the part of the default statusbar that says (Act: 2) when window 2 has activity. With awl loaded, you won’t need it anymore.
/statusbar window remove act
You can see all available settings (which will be listed in your status window) for awl by typing /set awl. The possible settings and explanations for them are listed at the top of the awl script. The current settings I am using for awl are:
If you like the setup, type /save to keep it. You can revert to the old act setup using /script unload adv_windowlist and /statusbar window add -after lag -priority 10 act.
Irssi Command Reference
Here is a list of common commands, aliases, and some tips on using them. Usage and additional information can be obtained by typing /help /command in irssi.
/bans, /b
Sets or List bans for a channel
/c, /cl
Clears a channel buffer
Joins a channel
Kicks a user
Kickban a user
Send a private message to a user
Clears the unbanlist (unbans everyone) in a channel
Lists the users in the current channel
Open a query window with a user, or close current query window
Displays/edits current topic. Tip: use /t[space][tab] to automatically fill in existing topic.
/window close
Force closure of a window.
WHOIS a user. Displays user information
When selecting URLs using a double-click, the Windows SSH client PuTTY will choke on the colon and possibly some other characters. You can fix this by changing the character class of these troublesome characters in the PuTTY options under Window -> Selection to match the character class of typical alphanumeric characters (which is ‘2’ at the time of this writing). Essentially, this changes what PuTTY considers to be a ‘word’ when double-clicking.
Linux terminal emulator programs also have this problem. The terminal emulator rxvt-unicode (urxvt), which has a resource option called cutchars (read the manpage for urxvt). The default cutchars setting breaks ‘words’ on any of those characters.
However, adding this to your ~/.Xdefaults file will adjust urxvt so that URLs containing & , = ? ; will not break words so they can be selected entirely with one double-click:
URxvt*cutchars: `"()'*<>[]{|}
Launching URLs from rxvt-unicode (urxvt)
URLs can be launched from urxvt with something like the following in your ~/.Xdefaults:
If yours are all set to POSIX or are missing the “.utf-8” suffix, you need to generate and set your UTF-8 locales. In Debian and Ubuntu, simply run sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales and select the UTF-8 locales you desire. If everything goes smoothly, after logging in again, you should see “utf-8” suffixes in locale. For other distributions, refer to your distro-specific documentation.
Now that the hard part is over, you must enable UTF-8 support in screen. This is done a variety of ways. The best way is to put
defutf8 on
in your ~/.screenrc and start screen. If you’re already running screen, you can avoid restarting it by using Ctrl-a :utf8 on to enable this option.
Enabling UTF-8 support in Irssi is typically as simple as /set term_charset utf-8 and /save. Try pasting some Japanese characters from www.yahoo.co.jp to test.
If you get garbage when you type foreign characters, something went wrong with the above three steps. Try to deduce the problem by running Irssi outside of screen or running other unicode-enabled programs inside screen. However, if you get square boxes, you’re probably missing some terminal fonts for those characters and you should consult your package manager.
Happy Irssi-ing and screening. You may use man irssi and man screen at a command prompt for more detailed information about both of the programs discussed in this guide. Read Irssi’s help with /help to learn about useful features not discussed in this tutorial, and also visit the following sites:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url-1924872844 b/run/test-data/url-1924872844
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1656fcee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url-1924872844
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+Plato (427 -347 BC)
Plato (427-347 bc)
Plato was an Athenian Greek of aristocratic family, active as a philosopher in the first half of the fourth century bc. He was a devoted follower of Socrates, as his writings make abundantly plain. Nearly all are philosophical dialogues - often works of dazzling literary sophistication - in which Socrates takes centre stage. Socrates is usually a charismatic figure who outshines a whole succession of lesser interlocutors, from sophists, politicians and generals to docile teenagers. The most powerfully realistic fictions among the dialogues, such as Protagoras and Symposium, recreate a lost world of exuberant intellectual self-confidence in an Athens not yet torn apart by civil strife or reduced by defeat in the Peloponnesian War.
Some of Plato's earliest writings were evidently composed in an attempt to defend Socrates and his philosophical mission against the misunderstanding and prejudice which - in the view of his friends - had brought about his prosecution and death. Most notable of these are Apology, which purports to reproduce the speeches Socrates gave at his trial, and Gorgias, a long and impassioned debate over the choice between a philosophical and a political life. Several early dialogues pit Socrates against practitioners of rival disciplines, whether rhetoric (as in Gorgias) or sophistic education (Protagoras) or expertise in religion (Euthyphro), and were clearly designed as invitations to philosophy as well as warnings against the pretensions of the alternatives. Apologetic and protreptic concerns are seldom entirely absent from any Platonic dialogue in which Socrates is protagonist, but in others among the early works the emphasis falls more heavily upon his ethical philosophy in its own right. For example, Laches (on courage) and Charmides (on moderation) explore these topics in characteristic Socratic style, relying mostly on his method of elenchus (refutation), although Plato seems by no means committed to a Socratic intellectualist analysis of the virtues as forms of knowledge. That analysis is in fact examined in these dialogues (as also, for example, in Hippias Minor).
In dialogues of Plato's middle period like Meno, Symposium and Phaedo a rather different Socrates is presented. He gives voice to positive positions on a much wider range of topics: not just ethics, but metaphysics and epistemology and psychology too. And he is portrayed as recommending a new and constructive instrument of inquiry borrowed from mathematics, the method of hypothesis. While there are continuities between Plato's early and middle period versions of Socrates, it is clear that an evolution has occurred. Plato is no longer a Socratic, not even a critical and original Socratic: he has turned Socrates into a Platonist.
The two major theories that make up Platonism are the theory of Forms and the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. The notion of a Form is articulated with the aid of conceptual resources drawn from Eleatic philosophy. The ultimate object of a philosopher's search for knowledge is a kind of being that is quite unlike the familiar objects of the phenomenal world: something eternal and changeless, eminently and exclusively whatever - beautiful or just or equal - it is, not qualified in time or place or relation or respect. An account of the Form of Beautiful will explain what it is for something to be beautiful, and indeed other things are caused to be beautiful by their participation in the Beautiful. The middle period dialogues never put forward any proof of the existence of Forms. The theory is usually presented as a basic assumption to which the interlocutors agree to subscribe. Plato seems to treat it as a very general high-level hypothesis which provides the framework within which other questions can be explored, including the immortality of the soul. According to Phaedo, such a hypothesis will only stand if its consequences are consistent with other relevant truths; according to Republic its validity must ultimately be assured by its coherence with the unhypothetical first principle constituted by specification of the Good.
The Pythagorean doctrine of the immortality of the soul, by contrast, is something for which Plato presents explicit proofs whenever he introduces it into discussion. It presupposes the dualist idea that soul and body are intrinsically distinct substances, which coexist during our life, but separate again at death. Its first appearance is in Meno, where it is invoked in explanation of how we acquire a priori knowledge of mathematical truths. Socrates is represented as insisting that nobody imparts such truths to us as information: we work them out for ourselves, by recollecting them from within, where they must have lain untapped as latent memory throughout our lives. But innate forgotten knowledge presupposes a time before the soul entered the body, when it was in full conscious possession of truth. Phaedo holds out the promise that the souls of philosophers who devote their lives to the pursuit of wisdom will upon death be wholly freed from the constraints and contaminations of the body, and achieve pure knowledge of the Forms once again.
Republic, Plato's greatest work, also belongs to this major constructive period of his philosophizing. It gives the epistemology and metaphysics of Forms a key role in political philosophy. The ideally just city (or some approximation to it), and the communist institutions which control the life of its elite governing class, could only become a practical possibility if philosophers were to acquire political power or rulers to engage sincerely and adequately in philosophy. This is because a philosopher-ruler whose emotions have been properly trained and disciplined by Plato's reforming educational programme, and whose mind has been prepared for abstract thought about Forms by rigorous and comprehensive study of mathematics, is the only person with the knowledge and virtue necessary for producing harmony in society. Understanding of Forms, and above all of the Good, keystone of the system of Forms, is thus the essential prerequisite of political order.
It remains disputed how far Plato's vision of a good society ruled by philosopher-statesmen (of both sexes) was ever really conceived as a blueprint for practical implementation. Much of his writing suggests a deep pessimism about the prospects for human happiness. The most potent image in Republic is the analogy of the cave, which depicts ordinary humanity as so shackled by illusions several times removed from the illumination of truth that only radical moral and intellectual conversion could redeem us. And its theory of the human psyche is no less dark: the opposing desires of reason, emotion and appetite render it all too liable to the internal conflict which constitutes moral disease.
While Republic is for modern readers the central text in Plato's uvre, throughout much of antiquity and the medieval period Timaeus was the dialogue by which he was best known. In this late work Plato offers an account of the creation of an ordered universe by a divine craftsman, who invests pre-existing matter with every form of life and intelligence by the application of harmonious mathematical ratios. This is claimed to be only a 'likely story', the best explanation we can infer for phenomena which have none of the unchangeable permanence of the Forms. None the less Timaeus is the only work among post-Republic dialogues, apart from a highly-charged myth in Phaedrus, in which Plato was again to communicate the comprehensive vision expressed in the Platonism of the middle period dialogues.
Many of these dialogues are however remarkable contributions to philosophy, and none more so than the self-critical Parmenides. Here the mature Parmenides is represented as mounting a powerful set of challenges to the logical coherence of the theory of Forms. He urges not abandonment of the theory, but much harder work in the practice of dialectical argument if the challenges are to be met. Other pioneering explorations were in epistemology (Theaetetus) and philosophical logic (Sophist). Theaetetus mounts a powerful attack on Protagoras' relativist theory of truth, before grappling with puzzles about false belief and problems with the perennially attractive idea that knowledge is a complex built out of unknowable simples. Sophist engages with the Parmenidean paradox that what is not cannot be spoken or thought about. It forges fundamental distinctions between identity and predication and between subject and predicate in its attempt to rescue meaningful discourse from the absurdities of the paradox.
In his sixties Plato made two visits to the court of Dionysius II in Sicily, apparently with some hopes of exercising a beneficial influence on the young despot. Both attempts were abysmal failures. But they did not deter Plato from writing extensively on politics in his last years. Statesman explores the practical knowledge the expert statesman must command. It was followed by the longest, even if not the liveliest, work he ever wrote, the twelve books of Laws, perhaps still unfinished at his death.
Evidence about Plato's life is prima facie plentiful. As well as several ancient biographies, notably that contained in book III of Diogenes Laertius' Lives of the Philosophers, we possess a collection of thirteen letters which purport to have been written by Plato. Unfortunately the biographies present what has been aptly characterized as 'a medley of anecdotes, reverential, malicious, or frivolous, but always piquant'. As for the letters, no scholar thinks them all authentic, and some judge that none are.
From the biographies it is safe enough to accept some salient points. Plato was born of an aristocratic Athenian family. He was brother to Glaucon and Adimantus, Socrates' main interlocutors in the Republic; his relatives included Critias and Charmides, members of the bloody junta which seized power in Athens at the end of the Peloponnesian War. He became one of the followers of Socrates, after whose execution he withdrew with others among them to the neighbouring city of Megara. His travels included a visit to the court of Dionysius in Sicily. On returning from Sicily to Athens he began teaching in a gymnasium outside the city, called the Academy.
The Seventh Letter, longest and most interesting of the collection of letters, gives a good deal of probably trustworthy information, whether or not it was written by Plato himself. It begins with an account of his growing disenchantment with Athenian politics in early manhood and of his decision against a political career. This is prefatory to a sketch of the visit to Dionysius in Syracuse, which is followed by an elaborate self-justifying explanation of why and how, despite his decision, Plato later became entangled in political intrigue in Sicily, once the young Dionysius II had succeeded to his father's throne. There were two separate visits to the younger Dionysius: one (c.366 bc) is represented as undertaken at the behest of Dion, nephew of Dionysius I, in the hope of converting him into a philosopher-ruler; the other (c.360 bc) was according to the author an attempt to mediate between Dionysius and Dion, now in exile and out of favour. Both ventures were humiliating failures.
Of more interest for the history of philosophy is Plato's activity in the Academy. We should not conceive, as scholars once did, that he established a formal philosophical school, with its own property and institutional structures. Although he acquired a house and garden in the vicinity, where communal meals were probably taken, much of his philosophical teaching and conversation may well have been conducted in the public space of the gymnasium itself. Some sense of the Academy's distinctive style may be gleaned from evidence of the contemporaneous writings of the philosophical associates he attracted, notably his nephew Speusippus, Xenocrates, Aristotle and the mathematician Eudoxus. Discussion of Plato's metaphysical ideas figured prominently in these; but orthodoxy was not expected, to judge from their philosophical disagreements with him and with each other. Aristotle's early Topics suggests that an important role was played by formal disputation about philosophical theses.
From the educational programme of the Republic one might have guessed that Plato would have attached importance to the teaching of mathematics as a preparation for philosophy, but we have better evidence for his encouraging research in it. While he was not an original mathematician himself, good sources tell us that he formulated problems for others to solve: for example, what uniform motions will account for the apparent behaviour of the planets. Otherwise there is little reliable information on what was taught in the Academy: not much can be inferred from the burlesque of comic playwrights. Since almost certainly no fees were charged, most of those who came to listen to Plato (from all over the Greek world) must have been aristocrats. Some are known to have entered politics or to have advised princes, particularly on constitutional reform. But the Academy had no political mission of its own. Indeed the rhetorician Isocrates, head of a rival school and admittedly not an unbiased witness, dismissed the abstract disciplines favoured by the Academy for their uselessness in the real world.
Thrasyllus, astrologer to the emperor Tiberius, is the unlikely source of the arrangement of Platonic writings adopted in the manuscript tradition which preserves them. For his edition of Plato he grouped them into tetralogies, reminiscent of the trilogies produced in Athenian tragic theatre. These were organized according to an architectonic scheme constructed on principles that are now only partially apparent, but certainly had nothing to do with chronology of composition. His arrangement began with a quartet 'designed to show what the life of the philosopher is like' (Diogenes Laertius, III 57): Euthyphro, or 'On Piety', classified as a 'peirastic' or elenctic dialogue (see Socrates ��3-4), which is a species of one of his two main genres, the dialogue of inquiry; Apology, Crito and Phaedo are all regarded as specimens of exposition, his other main genre, or more specifically as specimens of ethics. These four works are all concerned in one way or another with the trial and death of Socrates.
There followed a group consisting of Cratylus, or 'On the Correctness of Names', Theaetetus, or 'On Knowledge', Sophist and Politicus (often Anglicized as Statesman). Plato himself indicates that the last three of this set are to be read together. They contain some of his most mature and challenging work in epistemology, metaphysics and philosophical methodology. In this they resemble Parmenides, with its famous critique of the theory of Forms, the first of the next tetralogy, which was completed by three major dialogues all reckoned 'ethical' by Thrasyllus: Philebus, an examination of pleasure, Symposium and Phaedrus, both brilliant literary divertissements which explore the nature of love.
A much slighter quartet came next: two dialogues entitled Alcibiades, plus Hipparchus and Rivals. None of these, with the disputed exception of the first Alcibiades, is thought by modern scholarship to be authentic Plato. They were followed by Theages, a short piece now generally reckoned spurious, Charmides, Laches, Lysis. These three works are generally regarded by modern scholars as Socratic dialogues: that is, designed to exhibit the distinctive method and ethical preoccupations of the historical Socrates, at least as Plato understood him, not to develop Plato's own philosophy. Thrasyllus would agree with the latter point, since he made them dialogues of inquiry: Laches and Lysis 'maieutic', in which the character 'Socrates' attempts as intellectual midwife to assist his interlocutors to articulate and work out their own ideas on courage and friendship respectively; Charmides elenctic, with the interlocutors Charmides and Critias and their attempts to say what moderation is put to the test of cross-examination, something Thrasyllus interestingly distinguished from philosophical midwifery.
The next group consisted of Euthydemus, Protagoras, Gorgias, Meno, important works in which modern scholarship finds analysis and further elaboration by Plato of the Socratic conception of virtue. The first three present a Socrates in argumentative conflict with sophists of different sorts (see Sophists), so it is understandable that under the general heading 'competitive' Thrasyllus characterized Euthydemus and Gorgias as dialogues of refutation, and Protagoras as a dialogue of display - presumably because Protagoras and Socrates are each portrayed as intent on showing off their debating skills. Meno, on the other hand, is labelled an elenctic work. It was followed by the seventh tetralogy: Hippias Major and Hippias Minor, two very different dialogues (of refutation, according to Thrasyllus), both featuring the sophist of that name; Ion, a curious piece on poetic performance; and Menexenus, a still more curious parody of a funeral oration, put in the mouth of Pericles' mistress Aspasia.
For the last two tetralogies Thrasyllus reserved some of Plato's major writings. The eighth contained the very brief (and conceivably spurious) Clitophon, in which a minor character from the Republic plays variations on themes in the Republic, the second dialogue in the group, and generally regarded nowadays as Plato's greatest work. This quartet was completed by Timaeus and its unfinished sequel Critias, no doubt because these dialogues represent themselves as pursuing further the discussions of the Republic. The pre-Copernican mathematical cosmology of Timaeus no longer attracts readers as it did throughout antiquity, and particularly in the Middle Ages, when the dialogue was for a period the only part of Plato's uvre known to the Latin West. Finally, the ninth tetralogy began with the short Minos, a spurious dialogue taking up issues in the massive Laws, Plato's longest and probably latest work, which was put next in the group. Then followed Epinomis, an appendix to Laws already attributed to one of Plato's pupils in antiquity (Philip of Opous, according to a report in Diogenes Laertius, III 37). Last were placed the Letters, briefly discussed above.
Thrasyllus rejected from the canon a variety of minor pieces, some of which still survive through the manuscript tradition. Modern judgment concurs with the ancient verdict against them. It also questions or rejects some he thought genuinely Platonic. But we can be fairly sure that we still possess everything Plato wrote for publication.
Attempting to determine the authenticity or inauthenticity of ancient writings is a hazardous business. Egregious historical errors or anachronisms suffice to condemn a work, but except perhaps for the Eighth Letter, this criterion gets no purchase on the Platonic corpus. Stylistic analysis of various kinds can show a piece of writing to be untypical of an author's uvre, without thereby demonstrating its inauthenticity: Parmenides is a notable example of this. Most of Plato's major dialogues are in fact attested as his by Aristotle. The difficult cases are short pieces such as Theages and Clitophon, and, most interestingly, three more extended works: the Seventh Letter, Alcibiades I and Hippias Major. Opinion remains divided on them. Some scholars detect crude or sometimes brilliant pastiche of Plato's style; a parasitic relationship with undoubtedly genuine dialogues; a philosophical crassness or a misunderstanding of Platonic positions which betrays the forger's hand. Yet why should Plato not for some particular purpose recapitulate or elaborate things he has said elsewhere? And perhaps he did sometimes write more coarsely or didactically or long-windedly than usual. Such assessments are inevitably matters of judgment, on which intelligent and informed readers will legitimately differ.
Prospects for an absolute chronology of Plato's writings are dim. There are no more than two or three references to datable contemporaneous events in the entire corpus (leaving aside the Letters). Relative chronology is another matter. Some dialogues refer back to others. A number of instances have been mentioned already, but we can add a clear reminiscence of Meno in Phaedo (72e-73b), and of Parmenides in both Theaetetus (183e-184a) and Sophist (217c). According to one ancient tradition Laws was unfinished at Plato's death, and Aristotle informs us that it was written after Republic (Politics 1264b24- 7), to which it appears to allude (see, for example, Laws 739a-e). Attempts have sometimes been made to find evidence, whether internal or external, for the existence of early versions of works we possess in different form (see for example Thesleff 1982). One example is the suggestion that Aristophanes' comedy Ecclesiazousae or Assembly of Women (388 bc) was parodying an early version of book V of Republic. But while the idea that Plato may have revised some of his writings is plausible, concrete instances in which such revision is plainly the best explanation of the phenomena are hard to find. Even if they were not, it is unlikely that the consequences for relative chronology would be clear.
For over a century hopes for a general relative chronology of Plato's writings have been pinned on the practice of stylistic analysis. This was pioneered by Lewis Campbell in his edition of Sophist and Politicus, published in 1867. His great achievement was to isolate a group of dialogues which have in common a number of features (added to by subsequent investigators) that set them apart from all the rest. Timaeus, Critias, Sophist, Politicus, Philebus and Laws turn out to share among other things a common technical vocabulary; a preference for certain particles, conjunctions, adverbs and other qualifiers over alternatives favoured in other dialogues; distinctive prose rhythms; and the deliberate attempt to avoid the combination of a vowel at the end of one word followed by another vowel at the beginning of the next. Since there are good independent reasons for taking Laws to be Plato's last work, Campbell's sextet is very likely the product of his latest phase of philosophical activity. Application of the same stylistic tests to the Platonic corpus as a whole, notably by Constantin Ritter (1888), established Republic, Theaetetus and Phaedrus as dialogues which show significantly more of the features most strongly represented in the late sextet than any others. There is general agreement that they must be among the works whose composition immediately precedes that of the Laws group, always allowing that Republic must have taken several years to finish, and that parts of it may have been written earlier and subsequently revised. Parmenides is ordinarily included with these three, although mostly on non-stylistic grounds.
Since Campbell's time there have been repeated attempts by stylometrists to divide the remaining dialogues into groups, and to establish sequences within groups. The heyday of this activity was in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Since the 1950s there has been a revival in stylistic study, with the use of increasingly sophisticated statistical techniques and the resources of the computer and the database. Secure results have proved elusive. Most scholars would be happy to date Phaedo, Symposium and Cratylus to a middle period of Plato's literary and philosophical work which may be regarded as achieving its culmination in Republic. But while this dating is sometimes supported by appeal to stylistic evidence, that evidence is in truth indecisive: the hypothesis of a middle period group of dialogues really rests on their philosophical affinities with Republic and their general literary character. The same can be said mutatis mutandis of attempts to identify a group assigned to Plato's early period.
The cohesiveness of Campbell's late group has not gone unchallenged. For example, in 1953 G.E.L. Owen mounted what for a while seemed to some a successful attack on his dating of Timaeus and Critias, on the ground that these dialogues belong philosophically in Plato's middle period. Broadly speaking, however, stylistic studies have helped to establish an agreed chronological framework within which most debates about philosophical interpretation now take place. This is not to say however that there is unanimity either about the way Plato's thought developed or about the importance of the notion of development for understanding his philosophical project or projects in the dialogues.
Who invented the philosophical dialogue, and what literary models might have inspired the invention, are not matters on which we have solid information. We do know that several of Socrates' followers composed what Aristotle calls Sokratikoi logoi, discourses portraying Socrates in fictitious conversations (see Socratic dialogues). The only examples which survive intact besides Plato's are by Xenophon, probably not one of the earliest practitioners of the genre.
One major reason for the production of this literature was the desire to defend Socrates against the charges of irreligion and corrupting young people made at his trial and subsequently in Athenian pamphleteering, as well as the implicit charge of guilt by association with a succession of oligarchic politicians. Thus his devotion to the unstable and treacherous Alcibiades was variously portrayed in, for example, the first of the Alcibiades dialogues ascribed to Plato and the now fragmentary Alcibiades of Aeschines of Sphettos, but both emphasized the gulf between Alcibiades' self-conceit and resistance to education and Socrates' disinterested concern for his moral wellbeing. The same general purpose informed the publication of versions of Socrates' speech (his 'apology') before the court by Plato, Xenophon and perhaps others. Writing designed to clear Socrates' name was doubtless a particular feature of the decade or so following 399 bc, although it clearly went on long after that, as in Xenophon's Memorabilia (see Xenophon �2). After starting in a rather different vein Gorgias turns into Plato's longest and angriest dialogue of this kind. Socrates is made to present himself as the only true politician in Athens, since he is the one person who can give a truly rational account of his conduct towards others and accordingly command the requisite political skill, which is to make the citizens good. But he foresees no chance of acquittal by a court of jurors seeking only gratification from their leaders.
Placing Socrates in opposition to Alcibiades is a way of defending him. Arranging a confrontation between a sophist (Protagoras or Hippias) or a rhetorician (Gorgias) or a religious expert (Euthyphro) or a Homeric recitalist (Ion) and Socrates is a way of exposing their intellectual pretensions, and in most cases their moral shallowness, while celebrating his wit, irony and penetration and permitting his distinctive ethical positions and ethical method to unfold before the reader's eyes. The elenchus (see Socrates ��3-4) is by no means the only mode of argument Socrates is represented as using in these fictional encounters. Plato particularly enjoys allowing him to exploit the various rhetorical forms favoured by his interlocutors. But it is easy to see why the dialogue must have seemed to Plato the ideal instrument not only for commemorating like Xenophon Socrates' style of conversation, but more importantly for exhibiting the logical structure and dynamic of the elenchus, and its power in Socrates' hands to demolish the characteristic intellectual postures of those against whom it is deployed.
In these dialogues of confrontation Socrates seldom succeeds in humbling his interlocutors into a frank recognition that they do not know what they thought they knew: the official purpose - simultaneously intellectual and moral - of the elenchus. It would not have been convincing to have him begin to convert historical figures with well-known intellectual positions. The main thing registered by their fictional counterparts is a sense of being manipulated into self-contradiction. In any case, the constructive response to the extraordinary figure of Socrates which Plato really wants to elicit is that of the reader. We have to suppose that, as conversion to philosophy was for Plato scarcely distinguishable from his response to Socrates (devotion to the man, surrender to the spell of his charisma, strenuous intellectual engagement with his thought and the questions he was constantly pursuing), so he conceived that the point of writing philosophy must be to make Socrates charismatic for his readers - to move us to similar devotion and enterprise. In short, the dialogues constitute simultaneously an invitation to philosophy and a critique of its intellectual rivals.
Whatever Plato's other accomplishments or failures as a writer and thinker, one project in which he unquestionably succeeds is in creating a Socrates who gets under the reader's skin (see Socrates �7). Plato has a genius for portrayal of character: the 'arrogant self-effacement' of Socrates' persona; the irony at once sincere and insincere; the intellectual slipperiness in service of moral paradox; the nobility of the martyr who loses everything but saves his own soul, and of the hero who stands firm on the battlefield or in face of threats by the authorities; relentless rationality and almost impregnable self-control somehow cohabiting with susceptibility to beautiful young men and their erotic charm. Also important is the ingenious variety of perspectives from which we see Socrates talking and interacting with others. Sometimes he is made to speak to us direct (for example, Apology, Gorgias). Sometimes Plato invites us to share complicity in a knowing narrative Socrates tells of his own performance (as in Charmides, Protagoras). Sometimes someone else is represented as recalling an unforgettably emotional occasion when Socrates dominated a whole roomful of people, as in the most powerfully dramatic dialogues of all, Phaedo and Symposium. Here we have the illusion that Socrates somehow remains himself even though the ideas advanced in them must go beyond anything that the historical Socrates (or at any rate the agnostic Socrates of Apology) would have claimed about the soul and its immortality or about the good and the beautiful.
It might seem strange that an original philosopher of Plato's power and stature should be content, outside the Letters if some of them are by him, never to talk directly to the reader, but only through the medium of narrative or dramatic fiction, even granted the pleasure he plainly takes in exhibiting his mastery of that medium. This will become less mysterious if we reflect further on Socrates and Socratic questioning. At any rate by the time of the Meno, Plato was wanting to suggest that the elenchus presupposes that understanding is not something one person can transmit in any straightforward way to another, but something which has to be worked out for oneself and recovered from within by recollection. The suggestion is made by means of an example from mathematics, where it is transparently true that seeing the answer to a problem is something that nobody else can do for us, even if Socrates' questions can prompt us to it. The moral we are to draw is that in pressing his interlocutors on what they say they believe, Socrates is merely an intellectual midwife assisting them to articulate for themselves a more coherent and deeply considered set of views, which will ideally constitute the truth.
The Platonic dialogue can be interpreted as an attempt to create a relationship between author and reader analogous to that between Socrates and his interlocutors. Given that that relationship is to be construed in the way indicated in Meno, the point of a dialogue will be like that of the elenchus: not to teach readers the truth (it is strictly speaking unteachable), but to provoke and guide them into working at discovering it for themselves. Most of the dialogues of Campbell's late sextet are admittedly more didactic than one would expect on this view of the dialogue, and it is significant that except in Philebus Socrates is no longer the main speaker. Yet even here use of the dialogue form can be taken as symbolizing that responsibility for an active philosophical engagement with what Plato has written rests with the reader, as the difficulty and in some cases the methodological preoccupations of most of these works confirms.
In a much discussed passage at the end of Phaedrus (275-8), Socrates is made to speak of the limitations of the written word. It can answer no questions, it cannot choose its readers, it gets misunderstood with no means of correcting misunderstanding. Its one worthwhile function is to remind those who know of what they know. By contrast with this dead discourse live speech can defend itself, and will be uttered or not as appropriate to the potential audience. The only serious use of words is achieved when speech, not writing, is employed by dialecticians to sow seeds of knowledge in the soul of the learner. If they commit their thoughts to writing they do so as play (paidia). The Seventh Letter (341-2) makes related remarks about the writing of philosophy; and at various points in, for example, Republic, Timaeus and Laws, the discussions in which the interlocutors are engaged are described as play, not to be taken seriously.
Interpreters have often taken these written remarks about writing with the utmost seriousness. In particular the T�bingen school of Platonic scholarship has connected them with references, especially in Aristotle, to unwritten doctrines of Plato. They have proposed that the fundamental principles of his philosophy are not worked out in the dialogues at all, but were reserved for oral discussions in the Academy, and have to be reconstructed by us from evidence about the unwritten doctrines. But this evidence is suspect where voluble and elusive when apparently more reliable. There are two star exhibits. First, according to the fourth century bc music theorist Aristoxenus, Aristotle used to tell of how when Plato lectured on the good he surprised and disappointed his listeners by talking mostly about mathematics (Harmonics II, 30.16-31.3). Second, at one point in the Physics (209b13-6) Aristotle refers to Plato's 'so-called unwritten teachings'; and the Aristotelian commentators report that Aristotle and other members of the Academy elsewhere wrote more about them. Plato's key idea was taken to be the postulation of the One and the great and the small, or 'indefinite dyad' as principles of all things, including Forms. In his Metaphysics (I.6) Aristotle seems to imply that in this theory the Forms were construed in some sense as numbers. It remains obscure and a subject of inconclusive scholarly debate how far the theory was worked out, and what weight we should attach to it in comparison to the metaphysical explorations of the dialogues of Plato's middle and late periods (see for example Ross 1951, Gaiser 1968, Guthrie 1978, Gaiser 1980, Burnyeat 1987).
The general issue of how far we can ascribe to Plato things said by interlocutors (principally Socrates) in his dialogues is something which exercises many readers. The position taken in this entry will be that no single or simple view of the matter is tenable: sometimes, for example, Plato uses the dialogue form to work through a problem which is vexing him; sometimes to recommend a set of ideas to us; sometimes to play teasingly with ideas or positions or methodologies without implying much in the way of commitment; and frequently to suggest to us ways we should or should not ourselves try to philosophize. As for the T�bingen school, we may agree with them that when it introduces the Form of the Good the Republic itself indicates that readers are being offered only conjectures and images, not the thorough dialectical discussion necessary for proper understanding. But the notions of seriousness and play are less straightforward than they allow. Playing with ideas - that is, trying them out and developing them to see what might work and what will not - is the way new insights in philosophy and science are often discovered. When we meet it in Plato's dialogues it usually seems fun without being frivolous. Nor should we forget that the Platonic dialogue represents itself as a spoken conversation. It seems hard to resist the thought that we are thereby invited to treat his dialogues not as writing so much as an attempt to transcend the limitations of writing. Perhaps the idea is that they can achieve the success of living speech if treated not as texts to be interpreted (despite Plato's irresistible urge to produce texts devised precisely to elicit attempts at interpretation), but as stimuli to questions we must put principally to ourselves, or as seeds which may one day grow into philosophy in our souls.
There is widespread scholarly agreement that the following are among Plato's earliest writings: Apology, Crito, Ion, Hippias Minor, Laches and Charmides. Apology, as we have noted, best fits into the context of the decade following Socrates' death, and so does Crito, which explores the question why he did not try to escape from the condemned cell; the others are all short treatments of questions to do with virtue and knowledge, or in the case of Ion, with expertise (techn), and all are relatively simple in literary structure. The brief Euthyphro and the much longer Protagoras and Gorgias (with which Menexenus is often associated) are usually seen as having many affinities with these, and so are put at least fairly early, although here anticipations of the style or content of the mature middle-period dialogues have also been detected. The connections in thought between Lysis, Euthydemus and Hippias Major and middle-period Plato may be argued to be stronger still, even though there remain clear similarities with the dialogues generally accepted as early. We do not know whether Plato wrote or published anything before Socrates' death; Menexenus cannot be earlier than 386 bc, Ion might be datable to around 394-391 bc, but otherwise we can only guess.
All those listed above fall under the commonly used description 'Socratic dialogues', because they are seen as preoccupied with the thought of the historical Socrates as Plato understood him, in contrast with writings of the middle period, where 'Socrates' often seems to become a vehicle for exploring a more wide-ranging set of ideas (see Socrates �2). In the Socratic dialogues discussion is confined almost exclusively to ethical questions, or problems about the scope and credentials of expertise: metaphysics and epistemology and speculation about the nature and powers of the soul are for the most part notable by their absence. Use of the elenchus is prominent in them as it is not, for example, in Republic (apart from book I, sometimes regarded as an early work subsequently reused as a preface to the main body of the dialogue). The hypothesis that philosophizing in this style was the hallmark of the historical Socrates is broadly consistent with what we are given to understand about him by Xenophon, Aristotle and Plato's Apology - which is usually thought to be particularly authoritative evidence, whether or not it is a faithful representation of what Socrates really said at his trial.
How historical the historical Socrates of the hypothesis actually is we shall never know. The conjecture that many of the Socratic dialogues are early works is likewise only a guess, which gets no secure support from stylometric evidence. None the less the story of Plato's literary and philosophical development to which it points makes such excellent sense that it has effectively driven all rival theories from the field. The placing of individual dialogues within that story remains a matter for controversy; and doubts persist over how far interpretation of Plato is illuminated or obstructed by acceptance of any developmental pattern. With these provisos, the account which follows assumes the existence of a group of early Socratic dialogues in the sense explained.
The convenience of the description 'Socratic dialogues' should not generate the expectation of a single literary or philosophical enterprise in these writings. It conceals considerable variety, for example as between works devoted to articulating and defending the philosophical life and works which problematize Socratic thought as much as they exhibit its attractions. This distinction is not an exhaustive one, but provides useful categories for thinking about some of the key productions of Plato's early period.
Moral, or indeed existential, choice, to use an anachronistic expression, is the insistent focus of Apology. God has appointed Socrates, as he represents it to his judges, to live the philosophical life, putting himself and others under constant examination. The consistency of his commitment to this mission requires him now to face death rather than abandon his practice of philosophy, as he supposes for the sake of argument the court might require him to do. For confronted with the choice between disobeying God (that is, giving up philosophy) and disobeying human dictate (that is, refusing to do so), he can only take the latter option. What governs his choice is justice:
It is a mistake to think that a man worth anything at all should make petty calculations about the risk of living or dying. There is only one thing for him to consider when he acts: whether he is doing right or wrong, whether he is doing what a good man or a bad man would do.
Whether death is or is not a bad thing Socrates says he does not know. He does know that behaving wrongly and disobeying one's moral superior - whether divine or human - is bad and shameful. The demands of justice, as his conscience (or 'divine sign') interpreted them, had earlier led him to choose the life of a private citizen, conversing only with individuals, rather than the political life: for justice and survival in politics are incompatible. When he did carry out the public obligations of a citizen and temporarily held office, justice again compelled him to choose the dangerous and unpopular course of resisting a proposal that was politically expedient but contrary to the law. As for those with whom he talked philosophy, they too faced a choice: whether to make their main concern possessions and the body, or virtue and the soul; that is, what belongs to oneself, or oneself. And now the judges too must choose and determine what is just as their oath requires of them.
Crito and Gorgias continue the theme in different ways. Crito has often been found difficult to reconcile with Apology when it argues on various grounds (paternalistic and quasi-contractual) that citizens must always obey the law, unless they can persuade it that it is in the wrong. Hence, since the law requires that Socrates submit to the punishment prescribed by the court, he must accept the sentence of death pronounced on him. The higher authority of divine command stressed in Apology seems to have been forgotten. Once again, however, the whole argument turns on appeal to justice and to the choices it dictates: we must heed the truth about it, not what popular opinion says; we must decide whether or not we believe the radical Socratic proposition that retaliation against injury or injustice is never right (see Socrates �4). Gorgias, one of the longest of all the dialogues, ranges over a wide territory, but at its heart is the presentation of a choice. Socrates addresses Callicles, in whose rhetoric Nietzsche saw an anticipation of his ideal of the superman:
You see that the subject of our arguments - and on what subject should a person of even small intelligence be more serious? - is this: what kind of life should we live? The life which you are now urging upon me, behaving as a man should: speaking in the assembly and practising rhetoric and engaging in politics in your present style? Or the life of philosophy?
The dialogue devotes enormous energy to arguing that only philosophy, not rhetoric, can equip us with a true expertise which will give us real power, that is power to achieve what we want: the real not the apparent good. Only philosophy can articulate a rational and reliable conception of happiness - which turns out to depend on justice.
Contrast the works outlined in �7 with Laches and Charmides, which were very likely conceived as a pair, the one an inquiry into courage, the other into sophrosyn or moderation. Both engage in fairly elaborate scene setting quite absent from Crito and Gorgias. In both there is concern with the relation between theory and practice, which is worked out more emphatically in Laches, more elusively in Charmides. For example, in Laches Socrates is portrayed both as master of argument about courage, and as an exemplar of the virtue in action - literally by reference to his conduct in the retreat from Delium early in the Peloponnesian War, metaphorically by his persistence in dialectic, to which his observations on the need for perseverance in inquiry draw attention.
A particularly interesting feature of these dialogues is their play with duality. Socrates confronts a pair of main interlocutors who clearly fulfil complementary roles. We hear first the views of the more sympathetic members of the two pairs: the general Laches, whom Socrates identifies as his partner in argument, and the young aristocrat Charmides, to whom he is attracted. Each displays behavioural traits associated with the virtue under discussion, and each initially offers a definition in behavioural terms, later revised in favour of a dispositional analysis: courage is construed as a sort of endurance of soul, sophrosyn as modesty. After these accounts are subjected to elenchus and refuted, the other members of the pairs propose intellectualist definitions: according to Nicias (also a general), courage is knowledge of what inspires fear or confidence, while Critias identifies sophrosyn with self-knowledge.
Broad hints are given that the real author of these latter definitions is Socrates himself; and in Protagoras he is made to press Protagoras into accepting the same definition of courage. There are also hints that, as understood by their proponents here, this intellectualism is no more than sophistic cleverness, and that neither possesses the virtue he claims to understand. Both are refuted by further Socratic elenchus, and in each case the argument points to the difficulty of achieving an intellectualist account which is not effectively a definition of virtue in general as the simple knowledge of good and bad. Laches explicitly raises the methodological issue of whether one should try to investigate the parts of virtue in order to understand the whole or vice versa (here there are clear connections with the main argument of Protagoras).
Aristotle was in no doubt that Socrates 'thought all the virtues were forms of knowledge' (Eudemian Ethics 1216b6); and many moves in the early dialogues depend on the assumption that if you know what is good you will be good (see Socrates �5). But Laches and Charmides present this Socratic belief as problematical. Not only is there the problem of specifying a unique content for the knowledge with which any particular virtue is to be identified. There is also the difficulty that any purely intellectual specification of what a virtue is makes no reference to the dispositions Charmides and Laches mention and (like Socrates) exemplify. In raising this difficulty Plato is already adumbrating the need for a more complex moral psychology than Socrates', if only to do justice to how Socrates lived. If the viewpoints of Laches and Nicias are combined we are not far from the account of courage in Republic, as the virtue of the spirited part of the soul, which 'preserves through pains and pleasures the injunctions of reason concerning what is and is not fearful' (442b).
In Protagoras it is Socrates himself who works out and defends the theory that knowledge is sufficient for virtuous action and that different virtues are different forms of that knowledge (see Aret). He does not here play the role of critic of the theory, nor are there other interlocutors who might suggest alternative perceptions: indeed Protagoras, as partner not adversary in the key argument, is represented as accepting the key premise that (as he puts it) 'wisdom and knowledge are the most powerful forces governing human affairs' (352c-d). It would be a mistake to think that Plato found one and the same view problematic when he wrote Laches and Charmides but unproblematic when he wrote Protagoras, and to construct a chronological hypothesis to cope with the contradiction. Protagoras is simply a different sort of dialogue: it displays Socratic dialectic at work from a stance of some detachment, without raising questions about it. Protagoras is an entirely different kind of work from Gorgias, too: the one all urbane sparring, the latter a deadly serious confrontation between philosophy and political ambition. Gorgias unquestionably attacks hedonism, Protagoras argues for it, to obtain a suitable premise for defending the intellectualist paradox that nobody does wrong willingly, but leaves Socrates' own commitment to the premise at best ambiguous (see Socrates �6). Incommensurabilities of this kind make it unwise to attempt a relative chronology of the two dialogues on the basis of apparent incompatibilities in the positions of their two Socrates.
Space does not permit discussion of Ion, or of Hippias Minor, in which Socrates is made to tease us with the paradox - derived from his equation of virtue and knowledge - that someone who did do wrong knowingly and intentionally would be better than someone who did it unintentionally through ignorance. Interpretation of Euthyphro remains irredeemably controversial. Its logical ingenuity is admired, and the dialogue is celebrated for its invention of one of the great philosophical questions about religion: either we should do right because god tells us to do so, which robs us of moral autonomy, or because it is right god tells us to do it, which makes the will of god morally redundant.
Something more needs to be said about Lysis and Euthydemus (which share a key minor character in Ctesippus, and are heavy with the same highly charged erotic atmosphere) and Hippias Major. They all present Socrates engaging in extended question and answer sessions, although only in Hippias is this an elenchus with real bite: in the other dialogues his principal interlocutors are boys with no considered positions of their own inviting refutation. All end in total failure to achieve positive results. All make great formal play with dualities of various kinds. Unusually ingenious literary devices characterize the three works, ranging from the introduction of an alter ego for Socrates in Hippias to disruption of the argument of the main dialogue by its 'framing' dialogue in Euthydemus, at a point where the discussion is clearly either anticipating or recalling the central books of Republic. All seem to be principally preoccupied with dialectical method (admittedly a concern in every dialogue). Thus Hippias is a study in definitional procedure, applied to the case of the fine or beautiful, Lysis a study in thesis and antithesis paralleled in Plato's uvre only by Parmenides, and Euthydemus an exhibition of the contrast between 'eristic', that is, purely combative sophistical argument, demonstrated by the brothers Euthydemus and Dionysodorus, and no less playful philosophical questioning that similarly but differently ties itself in knots. It is the sole member of the trio which could be said with much conviction to engage - once more quizzically - with the thought of the historical Socrates about knowledge and virtue. But its introduction of ideas from Republic makes it hard to rank among the early writings of Plato. Similarly, in Lysis and Hippias Major there are echoes or pre-echoes of the theory of Forms and some of the causal questions associated with it. We may conclude that these ingenious philosophical exercises - 'gymnastic' pieces, to use the vocabulary of Parmenides - might well belong to Plato's middle period.
Needless to say, no explicit Platonic directive survives encouraging us to read Meno, Symposium and Phaedo together. But there are compelling reasons for believing that Plato conceived them as a group in which Meno and Symposium prepare the way for Phaedo. In brief, in Meno Plato introduces his readers to the non-Socratic theory of the immortality of the soul and a new hypothetical method of inquiry, while Symposium presents for the first time the non-Socratic idea of a Platonic Form, in the context of a notion of philosophy as desire for wisdom. It is only in Phaedo that all these new ideas are welded together into a single complex theory incorporating epistemology, psychology, metaphysics and methodology, and constituting the distinctive philosophical position known to the world as Platonism.
Meno and Symposium share two features which indicate Plato's intention that they should be seen as a pair, performing the same kind of introductory functions, despite enormous differences for example in dialogue form, scale and literary complexity. First, both are heavily and specifically foreshadowed in Protagoras, which should accordingly be reckoned one of the latest of Plato's early writings. At the end of Protagoras (361c) Socrates is made to say that he would like to follow up the inconclusive conversation of the dialogue with another attempt to define what virtue is, and to consider again whether or not it can be taught. This is exactly the task undertaken in Meno. Similarly, not only are all the dramatis personae of Symposium except Aristophanes already assembled in Protagoras, but at one point Socrates is represented as offering the company some marginally relevant advice on how to conduct a drinking party - which corresponds exactly to what happens at the party in Symposium (347c-348a).
Second, both Meno and Symposium are exceedingly careful not to make Socrates himself a committed proponent either of the immortality of the soul or of the theory of Forms. These doctrines are ascribed respectively to 'priests and priestesses' (Meno) and to one priestess, Diotima, in particular (Symposium); in Meno Socrates says he will not vouch for the truth of the doctrine of immortality, in Symposium he records Diotima's doubts as to whether he is capable of initiation into the mysteries (a metaphor also used of mathematics in Meno) which culminate in a vision of the Form of the Beautiful. In Symposium these warning signs are reinforced by the extraordinary form of the dialogue: the sequence of conversations and speeches it purports to record are nested inside a Chinese box of framing conversations, represented as occurring some years later and with participants who confess to inexact memory of what they heard.
Phaedo for its part presupposes Meno and Symposium. At 72e-73b Meno's argument for the immortality of the soul is explicitly recalled, while the Form of Beauty is regularly mentioned at the head of the lists of the 'much talked about' Forms which Phaedo introduces from time to time (for example, 75c, 77a, 100b). It is as though Plato relies upon our memory of the much fuller characterization of what it is to be a Form supplied in Symposium. Unlike Meno and Symposium, Phaedo represents Socrates himself as committed to Platonist positions, but takes advantage of the dramatic context - a discussion with friends as he waits for the hemlock to take effect - and makes him claim prophetic knowledge for himself like a dying swan (84e-85b). The suggestion is presumably that Platonism is a natural development of Socrates' philosophy even if it goes far beyond ideas about knowledge and virtue and the imperatives of the philosophical life to which he is restricted in the early dialogues.
Meno is a dialogue of the simplest form and structure. It consists of a conversation between Socrates and Meno, a young Thessalian nobleman under the spell of the rhetorician Gorgias, interrupted only by a passage in which Socrates quizzes Meno's slave, and then later by a brief intervention in the proceedings on the part of Anytus, Meno's host and one of Socrates' accusers at his trial. The dialogue divides into three sections: an unsuccessful attempt to define what virtue is, which makes the formal requirements of a good definition its chief focus; a demonstration in the face of Meno's doubts that successful inquiry is none the less possible in principle; and an investigation into the secondary question of whether virtue can be taught, pursued initially by use of a method of hypothesis borrowed from mathematics. Although the ethical subject matter of the discussion is thoroughly Socratic, the character and extent of its preoccupation with methodology and (in the second section) epistemology and psychology are not. Nor is Meno's use of mathematical procedures to cast light on philosophical method; this is not confined to the third section. Definitions of the mathematical notion of shape are used in the first section to illustrate for example the principle that a definition should be couched in terms that the interlocutor agrees are already known. And the demonstration of an elenchus with a positive outcome which occupies the second is achieved with a geometrical example.
It looks as though Plato has come to see in the analogy with mathematics hope for more constructive results in philosophy than the Socratic elenchus generally achieved in earlier dialogues. This is a moral which the second and third sections of Meno make particularly inviting to draw. In the second Socrates is represented as setting Meno's untutored slave boy a geometrical problem (to determine the length of the side of a square twice the size of a given square) and scrutinizing his answers by the usual elenctic method. The boy begins by thinking he has the answer. After a couple of mistaken attempts at it he is persuaded of his ignorance. So far so Socratic. But then with the help of a further construction he works out the right answer, and so achieves true opinion, which it is suggested could be converted into knowledge if he were to go through the exercise often. The tacit implication is that if elenchus can reach a successful outcome in mathematics, it ought to be capable of it in ethics too.
None the less direct engagement with the original problem of what virtue is is abandoned, and the discussion turns to the issue of its teachability, and to the method of hypothesis. Here the idea is that instead of investigating the truth of proposition p directly 'you hit upon another proposition h ('the hypothesis'), such that p is true if and only if h is true, and then investigate the truth of h, undertaking to determine what would follow (quite apart from p) if h were true and, alternatively, if it were false' (Gregory Vlastos' formulation (1991)). After illustrating this procedure with an exceedingly obscure geometrical example, Socrates makes a lucid application of it to the ethical problem before them, and offers the Socratic thesis that virtue is knowledge as the hypothesis from which the teachability of virtue can be derived. The subsequent examination of this hypothesis comes to conclusions commentators have found frustratingly ambiguous. But the survival and development of the hypothetical method in Phaedo and Republic are enough to show Plato's conviction of its philosophical potential.
The slave boy episode is originally introduced by Socrates as a proof of something much more than the possibility of successful inquiry. The suggestion is that the best explanation of that possibility is provided by the doctrine of the immortality of the soul, a Pythagorean belief which makes the first of its many appearances in Plato's dialogues in Meno (see Psych; Pythagoras �2; Pythagoreanism �3). More specifically, the idea as Socrates presents it is that the soul pre-exists the body, in a condition involving conscious possession of knowledge. On entry into the body it forgets what it knows, although it retains it as latent memory. Discovery of the sort of a priori knowledge characteristic of mathematics and (as Plato supposes) ethics is a matter of recollecting latent memory. This is just what happens to the slave boy: Socrates does not impart knowledge to him; he works it out for himself by recovering it from within. Once again, although the Socrates of Meno does not in the end subscribe to belief in learning as recollection of innate knowledge, it is embraced without equivocation in Phaedo, as also in the later Phaedrus. But what exactly is recollected? Phaedo will say: knowledge of Forms. Meno by contrast offers no clues. The introduction of the theory of Forms is reserved for Symposium.
Symposium has the widest appeal of all Plato's writings. No work of ancient Greek prose fiction can match its compulsive readability. Plato moves through a rich variety of registers, from knockabout comedy and literary parody to passages of disturbing fantasy or visionary elevation, culminating in a multiply paradoxical declaration of love for Socrates put in the mouth of a drunken Alcibiades. Love (eros) is the theme of the succession of encomia or eulogies delivered at the drinking party (symposion) hosted by the playwright Agathon: not sublimated 'Platonic' love between the sexes, but the homoerotic passion of a mature man for a younger or indeed a teenager. This continues until Aristophanes (one of the guests) and Socrates broaden and transform the discussion. Socrates' speech, which is a sort of anti-eulogy, develops a general theory of desire and its relation to beauty, and it is in this context that the idea of an eternal and changeless Form makes its first unequivocal appearance in Plato's uvre. Thus Plato first declares himself a metaphysician not in a work devoted to philosophical argument, but in a highly rhetorical piece of writing, albeit one in which fashionable models of rhetoric are subverted.
Love and beauty are first connected in some of the earlier encomia, and notably in Agathon's claim that among the gods 'Love is the happiest of them all, for he is the most beautiful and best' (195a). This thesis is subjected to elenchus by Socrates in the one argumentative section of the dialogue. Agathon is obliged to accept that love and desire are necessarily love and desire for something, namely, something they are in need of. Following his concession Socrates argues that beauty is not what love possesses but precisely the thing it is in need of. This argument constitutes the key move in the philosophy of the dialogue, which Plato elaborates in various ways through the medium of Diotima, the probably fictitious priestess from whom Socrates is made to claim he learned the art of love in which he has earlier (177d) claimed expertise. First she tells a myth representing Love as the offspring of poverty and resource, and so - according to her interpretation - occupying the dissatisfied intermediate position between ignorance and wisdom which characterizes philosophy: hence presumably the explanation of Socrates' claim to be an expert in love, since the pursuit of wisdom turns out to be the truest expression of love. Then she spells out the theoretical basis for this intellectualist construction of what love is. The theory has rightly been said to combine 'a psychology that is strictly or loosely Socratic with a metaphysics that is wholly Platonic' (Price 1995).
This psychology holds that a person who desires something wants not so much the beautiful as the good, or more precisely happiness conceived as permanent possession of the good. Love is a particular species of desire, which occurs when perception of beauty makes us want to reproduce. (Socrates is made to express bafflement at this point: presumably an authorial device for indicating that Diotima's line of thought is now moving beyond anything Plato considered strictly Socratic.) Diotima goes on to explain that reproduction is the way mortal animals pursue immortality, interpreted in its turn in terms of the longing for permanent possession of good with which she has just identified desire. Other animals and many humans are content with physical reproduction, but humans are capable of mental creation when inspired by a beautiful body, and still more by a beautiful soul or personality. This is how the activities of poets and legislators and the virtuous are to be understood.
Perhaps Plato thought these ideas, although no longer Socratic, provided a convincing explanation of the drive which powered Socrates' philosophical activity in general, and made him spend so much time with beautiful young men in particular. However that may be, in what follows he has Diotima speak of greater mysteries which 'I do not know whether you [that is, Socrates] would be able to approach'. These are the subject of a lyrical account of how a true lover moves step by step from preoccupation with the beauty of a single beloved, to appreciating that there is one and the same beauty in all bodies and so loving them all, and then to seeing and loving beauty in souls or personalities and all manner of mental creations, until he 'turns to the great sea of beauty, and gazing upon this gives birth to many gloriously beautiful ideas and theories, in unstinting love of wisdom [that is, philosophy]' (210d). The final moment of illumination arrives when the philosopher-lover grasps the Beautiful itself, an experience described as the fulfilment of all earlier exertions. Unlike other manifestations of beauty the Form of the Beautiful is something eternal, whose beauty is not qualified in place or time or relation or respect. It is just the one sort of thing it is, all on its own, whereas other things that are subject to change and decay are beautiful by participation in the Form. Only someone who has looked upon it will be capable of giving birth not to images of virtue (presumably the ideas and theories mentioned a little earlier), but to virtue itself, and so achieving immortality so far as any human can.
It is striking that the doctrine of the immortality of the soul forms no part of Diotima's argument. If we assume the scholarly consensus that Symposium postdates Meno, this poses something of a puzzle. One solution might be to suppose that, although Meno presents the doctrine, Plato is himself not yet wholly convinced of its truth, and so gives it no role in his account of the desire for immortality in Symposium. This solution might claim support from the fact that Phaedo takes upon itself the task of arguing the case for the immortality of the soul much more strenuously than in Meno, and in particular offers a much more careful and elaborate version of the argument from recollection. Additionally or alternatively, we may note that when Plato presents the doctrine of the immortality of the soul in the dialogues, he always treats it as something requiring explicit proof, unlike the theory of Forms, which generally figures as a hypothesis recommending itself by its explanatory power or its ability to meet the requirements of Plato's epistemology. Since Diotima's discourse is not constructed as argument but as the explication of an idea, it is not the sort of context which would readily accommodate the kind of demonstration Plato apparently thought imperative for discussion of the immortality of the soul.
The departure point for Phaedo's consideration of the fate of the soul after death is very close to that idea of love as desire for wisdom which Diotima offers at the start of her speech in Symposium. For Socrates starts with the pursuit of wisdom, which he claims is really a preparation for death. This is because it consists of an attempt to escape the restrictions of the body so far as is possible, and to purify the soul from preoccupation with the senses and physical desires so that it can think about truth, and in particular about the Forms, which are accessible not to sense perception but only to thought. Pure knowledge of anything would actually require complete freedom from the body. So given that death is the separation of soul from body, the wisdom philosophers desire will be attainable in full only when they are dead. Hence for a philosopher death is no evil to be feared, but something for which the whole of life has been a training. The unbearably powerful death scene at the end of the dialogue presents Socrates as someone whose serenity and cheerfulness at the end bear witness to the truth of this valuation.
Symposium implied that a long process of intellectual and emotional reorientation was required if someone was to achieve a grasp of the Form of Beauty. Phaedo has sometimes been thought to take a different view: interpreters may read its argument about recollecting Forms as concerned with the general activity of concept formation in which we all engage early in life. In fact the passage restricts recollection of Forms to philosophers, and suggests that the knowledge they recover is not the basic ability to deploy concepts (which Plato seems in this period to think a function of sense experience), but hard-won philosophical understanding of what it is to be beautiful or good or just. The interlocutors voice the fear that once Socrates is dead there will be nobody left in possession of that knowledge; and the claim that pure knowledge of Forms is possible only after death coheres with the Symposium account very well, implying as it does that the path to philosophical enlightenment is not just long but a journey which cannot be completed in this life.
The proposal that the soul continues to exist apart from the body after death is immediately challenged by Socrates' interlocutors. Much of the rest of Phaedo is taken up with a sequence of arguments defending that proposal and the further contention that the soul is immortal, pre-existing the body and surviving its demise for ever. The longest and most ambitious of these arguments is the last of the set. It consists in an application of the method of hypothesis, which is explained again in a more elaborate version than that presented in Meno. The hypothesis chosen is the theory of Forms, or rather the idea that Forms function as explanations or causes of phenomena: beautiful things are beautiful by virtue of the Beautiful, large things large by virtue of the Large, and so on. Socrates is made to represent his reliance on this apparently uninformative or 'safe and simple' notion of causation as a position he has arrived at only after earlier intellectual disappointments: first with the inadequacies of Presocratic material causes, then with the failure of Anaxagoras' promise of a teleological explanation of why things are as they are (see Anaxagoras �4).
He soon goes on to argue however that the hypothesis can be used to generate a more sophisticated model of causation. Instead of proposing merely that (for example) hot things are hot by virtue of the Hot, we may legitimately venture the more specific explanation: 'Hot things are hot by virtue of fire', provided that it is true that wherever fire exists, it always heats things in its vicinity, being itself hot and never cold. After elaborating this point Socrates is ready to apply the model to the case of life and soul. By parity of reasoning, we may assert that living things are alive not just in virtue of life, but in virtue of soul, given that wherever soul exists it makes things it occupies alive, being itself alive and never dead. From this assertion there appears to follow the conclusion whose derivation is the object of the exercise: if soul is always alive and never dead, it must be immortal (that is, incapable of death) and so imperishable.
Phaedo, like Republic, ends with a sombre myth of last judgment and reincarnation, designed primarily to drive home the moral implications of Plato's distinctive version of soul-body dualism. It reminds us of the Pythagorean origins of the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. Yet the Platonism of Phaedo owes a great deal also to the metaphysics of Parmenides. Both here and in Symposium the characterization of Forms as simple eternal beings, accessible only to thought, not the senses, and the contrast both dialogues make with the changing and contradictory world of phenomena, are couched in terms borrowed from Parmenides and the Eleatic tradition which he inaugurated. Platonism can accordingly be seen as the product of an attempt to understand a fundamentally Socratic conception of philosophy and the philosophical life in the light of reflection on these two powerful Presocratic traditions of thought, using the new methodological resources made available by geometry.
Republic is misleadingly titled. The Greek name of the dialogue is Politeia, which is the standard word for constitution or ordering of the political structure: 'political order' would give a better sense of what Plato has in mind. There is a further and deeper complication. Once you start reading the dialogue you find that it is primarily an inquiry into justice, conceived as a virtue or moral excellence of individual persons. The philosophical task it undertakes is the project of showing that justice so conceived is in the best interests of the just person, even if it brings nothing ordinarily recognizable as happiness or success, or indeed (as with the sentence of death passed on Socrates) quite the opposite. Thus Republic carries forward the thinking about justice begun in early dialogues such as Apology, Crito and Gorgias. Why, then, the title's suggestion that it is a work of political rather than moral philosophy?
One way of answering this question is to attend to the formal structure of Republic. After book I, an inconclusive Socratic dialogue which none the less introduces, particularly in the conversation with Thrasymachus, many of the themes pursued in the rest of the work, the interlocutors agree to take an indirect approach to the problem of individual justice: they will consider the nature of justice and injustice in the polis, that is the (city-)state, in the hope that it will provide an illuminating analogy. Books II-IV spell out the class structure required in a 'good city'. It is suggested that in such a state political justice consists in the social harmony achieved when each class (economic, military, governing) performs its own and only its own function. This model is then applied to the individual soul (see Psych). Justice and happiness for an individual are secured when each of the parts of the soul (appetite, emotion, reason) performs the role it should in mutual harmony. In working out the idea of psychic harmony, Plato formulates a conception of the complexity of psychological motivation, and of the structure of mental conflict, which leaves the simplicities of Socratic intellectualism far behind, and one which has reminded interpreters of Freudian theory, particularly in books VIII-IX. Here he examines different forms of unjust political order (notably oligarchy, democracy and tyranny) and corresponding conditions of order, or rather increasing disorder, in the soul.
Political theory therefore plays a large part in the argument of the dialogue, even though the ultimate focus is the moral health of the soul, as is confirmed by the conclusion of book IX. Socrates suggests that it may not matter whether we can actually establish a truly just political order, provided we use the idea of it as a paradigm for founding a just city within our own selves.
This account of Republic omits the central books V-VII. These explore the notion of political order much further than is necessary for the purposes of inquiry into individual justice. This is where Plato develops the notion of a communistic governing class, involving the recruitment of talented women as well as men, the abolition of the family, and institution of a centrally controlled eugenic breeding programme. And it is where, in order to meet the problem of how the idea of the just city he has been elaborating might ever be put into practice, he has Socrates introduce philosopher-rulers:
Unless either philosophers rule in our cities or those whom we now call rulers and potentates engage genuinely and adequately in philosophy, and political power and philosophy coincide, there is no end, my dear Glaucon, to troubles for our cities, nor I think for the human race.
What Plato perhaps has most in mind when he makes Socrates speak of 'troubles' is as well as civil war the corruption he sees in all existing societies. As he acknowledges, this makes the emergence of an upright philosopher-ruler an improbability - and incidentally leaves highly questionable the prospects of anyone but a Socrates developing moral order within the soul when society without is infected with moral disorder.
Here we touch on another broadly political preoccupation of Republic, worked out at various places in the dialogue. It offers among other things a radical critique of Greek cultural norms. This is highlighted in the censorship of Homer proposed in books II and III, and in the onslaught on the poets, particularly the dramatists, in book X, and in their expulsion from the ideal city. But these are only the more memorable episodes in a systematic attack on Greek beliefs about gods, heroes and the departed, on the ethical assumptions underlying music, dance and gymnastics (see Mimsis), and again erotic courtship, and on medical and judicial practice. Republic substitutes its own austere state educational programme, initially focused on the training of the emotions, but subsequently (in books VI and VII) on mathematics and philosophy. Plato sees no hope for society or the human race without a wholesale reorientation, fostered by an absolute political authority, of all the ideals on which we set our hearts and minds.
Republic itself is written in such a way as to require the reader to be continually broadening perspectives on the huge range of concerns it embraces, from the banalities of its opening conversation between Socrates and the aged Cephalus to its Platonist explication of the very notion of philosophy in the epistemology and metaphysics of books V-VII. At the apex of the whole work Plato sets his presentation of the Form of the Good, as the ultimate goal of the understanding that philosophy pursues by use of the hypothetical method. The dialogue offers a symbol of its own progress in the potent symbol of the cave. We are like prisoners chained underground, who can see only shadows of images flickering on the wall. What we need is release from our mental shackles, and a conversion which will enable us gradually to clamber out into the world above and the sunlight. For then, by a sequence of painful reorientations, we may be able to grasp the Good and understand how it explains all that there is.
Parmenides is that rare phenomenon in philosophy: a self-critique. Plato here makes his own theory of Forms the subject of a penetrating scrutiny which today continues to command admiration for its ingenuity and insight. Theaetetus (datable to soon after 369 bc) also reverts to Plato's critical manner. It applies an enriched variant of the Socratic elenchus to a sequence of attempts to define knowledge. The confidence of Phaedo and Republic that Platonist philosophers are in possession of knowledge and can articulate what it consists in is nowhere in evidence, except in a rhetorical digression from the main argument. Methodological preoccupations are dominant in both works. Parmenides suggests that to defend the Forms against its critique, one would need to be much more practised in argument than is their proponent in this dialogue (a young Socrates fictively encountering a 65-year old Parmenides and a middle-aged Zeno). And it sets out a specimen of the sort of exercise required, running to many pages of purely abstract reasoning modelled partly on the paradoxes of Zeno of Elea, partly on Parmenides' deductions in the Way of Truth (see Parmenides ��3-8). Theaetetus likewise presents itself, initially more or less explicitly, later implicitly, as a model of how to go about testing a theory without sophistry and with due sympathy. While the conclusions achieved by this 'midwifery' - as Socrates here calls it - are as devastatingly negative as in the early dialogues, we learn much more philosophy along the way. Many readers find Theaetetus the most consistently rewarding of all the dialogues.
A sketch of the principal concerns of the two dialogues will bring out their radical character. Parmenides raises two main questions about Forms. First, are there Forms corresponding to every kind of predicate? Not just one and large, or beautiful and just, familiar from the middle period dialogues, but man and fire, or even hair and dirt? Socrates is represented as unclear about the issue. Second, the idea that other things we call for example 'large' or 'just' are related to the Form in question by participation is examined in a succession of arguments which seek to show that, however Forms or the participation relation are construed, logical absurdities of one kind or another result. The most intriguing of these has been known since Aristotle as the Third Man: if large things are large in virtue of something distinct from them, namely the Form of Large, then the Large itself and the other large things will be large in virtue of another Form of Large - and so ad infinitum.
Theaetetus devotes much of its space to considering the proposal that knowledge is nothing but sense perception, or rather to developing and examining two theories with which that proposal is taken to be equivalent: the view of Protagoras (�3) that truth is relative, since 'man is the measure of all things', and that of Heraclitus that everything is in flux, here considered primarily in application to the nature of sense perception. The dialogue is home to some of Plato's most memorable arguments and analogies. For example, Protagoreanism is attacked by the brilliant (although perhaps flawed) self-refutation argument: if man is the measure of all things, then the doctrine of the relativity of truth is itself true only in so far as it is believed to be true; but since people in general believe it to be false, it must be false. The next section of Theaetetus worries about the coherence of the concept of false belief. Here the soul is compared to a wax tablet, with false belief construed as a mismatch between current perceptions and those inscribed on the tablet, or again to an aviary, where false belief is an unsuccessful attempt to catch the right bird (that is, piece of knowledge). In the final section the interlocutors explore the suggestion that knowledge must involve the sort of complexity that can be expressed in a logos or statement. Socrates' 'dream' that such knowledge must be built out of unknowable simples fascinated Wittgenstein (�5), who saw in it an anticipation of the theory of his Tractatus.
Are we to infer that in opening or reopening questions of this kind Plato indicates that he is himself in a real quandary about knowledge and the Forms? Or is his main target philosophical complacency in his readers, as needing to be reminded that no position is worth much if it cannot be defended in strenuous argument? Certainly in the other two dialogues grouped here with Parmenides and Theaetetus the theory of Forms is again in evidence, presented as a view the author is commending to the reader's intellectual sympathies. Cratylus is a work whose closest philosophical connections are with Theaetetus, although its relative date among the dialogues is disputed. It is a pioneering debate between rival theories of what makes a word for a thing the right word for it: convention, or as Cratylus holds, a natural appropriateness - sound somehow mirroring essence (see Language, ancient philosophy of �2). Underlying Cratylus' position is an obscurely motivated commitment to the truth of Heracliteanism (see Cratylus). For present purposes what is of interest is the final page of the dialogue, which takes the theory of Forms as premise for an argument showing that the idea of an absolutely universal Heraclitean flux is unsustainable. As for Phaedrus, it contains one of the most elevated passages of prose about the Forms that Plato ever wrote.
The context is an exemplary rhetorical exercise in which Symposium's treatment of the philosophical lover's attraction to beauty is reworked in the light of Republic's tripartition of the soul. Subsequently Plato has Socrates dismiss the speech as 'play', useful only for the methodological morals about rhetorical procedure we happen to be able to derive from it - together with a preceding denunciation of love by Socrates, capping one by his interlocutor Phaedrus - if we are dialecticians. This comment has led some readers to conjecture that Phaedrus accordingly marks Plato's formal leave-taking of the theory of Forms: in retrospect he sees it more as rhetoric than as philosophy or dialectic, which will henceforward confine itself to something apparently less inspiring - the patient, thorough, comprehensive study of similarities and differences. Yet Phaedrus is pre-eminently a dialogue written not to disclose its author's mind, but to make demands on the sophisticated reader's. Perhaps Socrates' great speech on the philosophical lover is 'play' not absolutely, but only relative to the controlling and unifying preoccupation of the dialogue, which is to work through a fresh examination of rhetoric, going beyond Gorgias in explaining how it can be a genuine form of expertise, based on knowledge of truth and variously geared to the various psychological types to which oratory addresses itself. We might speculate that Plato writes the speech as he does precisely because he thinks or hopes many of his readers will be of a type persuadable to the philosophical life by its vision of the soul's desire for the Beautiful.
The theory of Forms also figures prominently in Timaeus. Timaeus is Plato's one venture into physical theory, and appropriately has in the Italian Greek Timaeus someone other than Socrates as main speaker. It is presented as an introduction to the story of Atlantis, allegedly an island power defeated by the prehistoric Athenians, and mentioned only by Plato among classical Greek authors. The conflict between Atlantis and Athens was to be the subject of Critias, conceived as a dialogue that would demonstrate the political philosophy of Republic in practice. But Critias was never completed, so Timaeus stands as an independent work.
The argument of Timaeus is based on the premise that the universe is not eternal but created - although debate has raged from antiquity onwards whether this means created in time, or timelessly dependent on a first cause. From the order and beauty of the universe Plato infers a good creator or craftsman (dmiourgos), working on pre-existing materials (with their own random but necessary motions) from an eternal blueprint encoding life and intelligence: namely, the Form of Animal. The greater part of Timaeus consists in an account of how first the universe (conceived of as a living creature), then humans are designed from the blueprint for the best. Much use is made of mathematical models, for example for the movements of the heavenly bodies and the atomistic construction of the four elements. The account is presented as inevitably only a 'likely story', incapable of the irrefutable truths of metaphysics.
There is no more austere or profound work of metaphysics in Plato's uvre than Sophist. Like many of the post-Republic dialogues it is 'professional' philosophy, probably written primarily for Plato's students and associates in the Academy. The style of Sophist and the remaining works to be discussed is syntactically tortuous and overloaded with abstraction and periphrasis; they are altogether lacking in literary graces or dramatic properties which might commend them to a wider readership. Sophist's main speaker is a stranger from Elea, symbolizing the Parmenidean provenance of the problem at the heart of the long central section of the dialogue: how is it possible to speak of what is not (see Parmenides �2)? This puzzle is applied for example both to the unreality of images and to falsehood, understood as what is not the case. The solution Plato offers required some revolutionary moves in philosophical logic, such as the explicit differentiation of identity from predication, and the idea that subject and predicate play different roles in the syntax of the sentence. These innovations and their bearing on analysis of the verb 'to be' have made Sophist the subject of some of the most challenging writing on Plato in the twentieth century.
The companion dialogue Politicus or Statesman addresses more squarely than Republic did the practical as distinct from the theoretical knowledge of the ideal statesman. Its contribution to this topic consists of three major claims. First is the rejection of the sovereignty of law. Plato has nothing against law as a convenient but imprecise rule of thumb in the hands of an expert statesman, provided it does not prevent him using his expertise. Making law sovereign, on the other hand, would be like preferring strict adherence to a handbook of navigation or a medical textbook to the judgment of the expert seafarer or doctor. If you have no such expert available, a constitution based on adherence to law is better than lawlessness, but that is not saying much. What law cannot do that expert rulers can and must is judge the kairos: discern the right and the wrong 'moment' to undertake a great enterprise of state. This proposition follows from the second of Plato's key claims, which is represented as one true of all practical arts: real expertise consists not of measuring larger and smaller, but in determining the norm between excess and defect - a notion which we ordinarily think more Aristotelian than Platonic (see Aristotle �22), although it recurs in a different guise in Philebus. Finally, Plato thinks we shall only get our thinking straight on this as on any matter if we find the right - usually homely - model. Statesman makes the statesman a sort of weaver. There are two strands to the analogy. First, like weaving statesmanship calls upon many subordinate skills. Its job is not to be doing things itself, but to control all the subordinate functions of government, and by its concern for the laws and every other aspect of the city weave all together. Second, the opposing temperaments of the citizens are what most need weaving together if civil strife is to be avoided, and (as in Republic) expert rulers will use education and eugenics to that end.
Statesman shares themes with both Philebus and Laws. Philebus is the one late dialogue in which Socrates is principal speaker, as befits its ethical topic: the question whether pleasure or understanding is the good, or at least the more important ingredient in the good life. After so much insistence in middle-period dialogues on the Form as a unity distinct from the plurality of the phenomena, it comes as a shock to find Socrates stressing at the outset that there is no merit in reiterating that pleasure or understanding is a unity. The skill resides in being able to determine what and how many forms of understanding and pleasure there are. What Philebus goes on to offer next is a model for thinking about how any complex structure is produced, whether a piece of music or the universe itself. It requires an intelligent cause creating a mixture by imposing limit and proportion on something indeterminate. This requirement already indicates the main lines of the answer to our problem, at any rate, if it is accepted that pleasure is intrinsically indeterminate. Clearly intelligence and understanding will be shaping forces in the good life, but pleasures are only admissible if suitably controlled. At the adjudication at the end of the dialogue, this is just the result we get. The majority of the many forms of pleasure defined and examined in the course of the dialogue are rejected. They do not satisfy the criteria of measure and proportion which are the marks of the good.
The vast Laws is in its way the most extraordinary of all Plato's later writings, not for its inspiration (which flags) but for its evidence of tireless fascination with things political. Its relation to Republic and Statesman has been much debated. What is clear is that Plato is legislating - through the last eight of its twelve long books - for a second best to the ideal state and ideal statesman of Republic, with greater zeal than Statesman might have led one to expect. Is this because he has lost faith in those ideals, which still seemed alive in Statesman at least as ideals? That view is in danger of overlooking Republic's own indication that it would be wrong to expect in practice anything but an approximation of the ideal.
Philosophers do not often read Laws. But book X presents Plato's natural theology, as the background to laws dealing with atheists. And perhaps the most interesting proposal in the dialogue concerns the very idea of legislation. It is the notion of a 'prelude' to a law, which is the attempt the legislator should make to persuade citizens of the necessity of the prescriptions of the law itself. Here is a theme which relates interestingly to conceptions of reason, necessity and persuasion found in several other dialogues, notably Republic and Timaeus.
Plato's influence pervades much of subsequent Western literature and thought. Aristotle was among those who came to listen to him in the 'school' he founded in the Academy; and a great deal of Aristotle's work is conceived in explicit or implicit response to Plato. Other philosophical traditions flourished after Aristotle's time in the last centuries bc, and the Academy of the period read Plato through sceptical spectacles (see Arcesilaus). But from the first century ad onwards Platonism in various forms, often syncretistic, became the dominant philosophy of the Roman Empire (see Platonism, Early and Middle), especially with the rise of Neoplatonism in late antiquity (see Neoplatonism). Some of the Fathers of the early Greek Church articulated their theologies in Platonist terms; and through Augustine in particular Plato shaped, for example, the Western Church's conception of time and eternity (see Patristic philosophy). A Neoplatonist version of him prevailed among the Arabs (see Platonism in Islamic philosophy).
With the translation of Plato into Latin in the high Middle Ages (see Platonism, medieval) and the revival of Greek studies in the Renaissance, Platonism (again in a Neoplatonic guise) once more gripped the minds of learned thinkers in the West, for example at the Medici court in fifteenth century Florence (see Platonism, Renaissance). But none of the great philosophers of the modern era has been a Platonist, even if Plato was an important presence in the thought of a Leibniz or a Hegel or a Russell. Probably he has never been studied more intensively than in the late twentieth century. Thanks to the availability of cheap translations in every major language and to his position as the first great philosopher in the Western canon, he figures in most introductory courses offered every year to tens of thousands of students throughout the developed world.
Plato (390s-347 bc) Platonis Opera, ed. J. Burnet, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1900-7, 5 vols. (The classic Oxford Classical Texts edition of the Greek text of all Plato's works, including those frequently regarded as spurious or dubious; follows the Thrasyllan organization of the corpus adopted in the manuscript tradition.)
+ Plato (390s-347 bc) Platonis Opera, vol. 1, Euthyphro, Apologia Socratis, Crito, Phaedo, Cratylus, Theaetetus, Sophistes, Politicus, ed. E.A. Duke, W.F. Hicken, W.S.M. Nicoll, D.B. Robinson and J.C.G. Strachan, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995. (The first volume of a new Oxford Classical Text, designed to replace Burnet's 1900-7 edition.)
+ Plato (390s-347 bc) The Collected Dialogues of Plato including the Letters, ed. E. Hamilton and H. Cairns, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1961. (Useful one-volume collection of translations by various hands; excludes a few of the dialogues generally regarded as spurious.)
+ Plato (390s-347 bc) Plato: Complete Works, ed. J.M. Cooper, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 1997. (The most complete one-volume collection, with translations by various hands; includes Spuria and Dubia, introductions and bibliography; many dialogues are also available separately in paperback editions.)
+ Any chronological order for Plato's writings is speculative. That given below reflects the view of Plato taken in this entry. The list includes all the works generally agreed to be authentic, and one or two that may be inauthentic. Plato (c.395-387 bc) Ion, trans. and ed. T.J. Saunders, in Plato: Early Socratic Dialogues, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987. (Includes bibliography.)
+ Plato (c.395-387 bc) Hippias Minor, trans. R. Waterfield, in T.J. Saunders (ed.) Plato: Early Socratic Dialogues, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987. (Includes bibliography.)
+ Plato (c.395-387 bc) Crito, ed. J. Burnet, in Plato's Euthyphro, Apology of Socrates, and Crito, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924; trans. R.E. Allen, Socrates and Legal Obligation, Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1970. (The former contains notes on the Greek text, the latter notes and essays.)
+ Plato (c.395-387 bc) Apology, ed. J. Burnet, in Plato's Euthyphro, Apology of Socrates, and Crito, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924; trans. R.E. Allen, Socrates and Legal Obligation, Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1970. (The former contains notes on the Greek text, the latter notes and essays.)
+ Plato (c.395-387 bc) Gorgias, ed. E.R. Dodds, Plato Gorgias, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1959; trans. T.H. Irwin, Plato: Gorgias, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2nd edn, 1995; trans. R. Waterfield, Plato Gorgias, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. (A major work of scholarship, Dodds includes introduction, summaries and full commentary on the Greek text; Irwin and Waterfield include bibliographies.)
+ Plato (c.386-380 bc) Menexenus, trans. and ed. R.G. Bury, in Plato: Timaeus, Critias, Cleitophon, Menexenus, Epistles, Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press and London: Heinemann, 1929. (Greek text with facing English translation.)
+ Plato (c.386-380 bc) Euthyphro, ed. J. Burnet, in Plato's Euthyphro, Apology of Socrates, and Crito, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924; trans. R.E. Allen, Plato's 'Euthyphro' and the Earlier Theory of Forms, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1970. (The former contains notes on the Greek text, the latter commentary and essays.)
+ Plato (c.386-380 bc) Laches, trans. I. Lane, in T.J. Saunders (ed.) Plato: Early Socratic Dialogues, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987. (Includes bibliography.)
+ Plato (c.386-380 bc) Charmides, trans. D. Watt, in T.J. Saunders (ed.) Plato: Early Socratic Dialogues, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987. (Includes bibliography.)
+ Plato (c.386-380 bc) Protagoras, trans. B. Jowett, revised M. Ostwald, Plato Protagoras, Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1956; trans. C.C.W. Taylor, Plato: Protagoras, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2nd edn, 1991. (Ostwald includes a classic essay by G. Vlastos as introduction; Taylor includes notes and bibliography.)
+ Plato (c.386-380 bc) Meno, ed. R.S. Bluck, Plato's Meno, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; ed. and trans. R.W. Sharples, Plato: Meno, Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1985; trans. J.M. Day, Plato's Meno in Focus, London and New York: Routledge, 1994. (Bluck includes introduction and commentary on the Greek text; Sharples includes notes and bibliography; Day has both introduction and bibliography as well as essays by various hands.)
+ Plato (c.386-380 bc) Symposium, ed. R.G. Bury, The Symposium of Plato, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2nd edn, 1932; ed. K.J. Dover, Plato: Symposium, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980; trans. A. Nehamas and P. Woodruff, Plato: Symposium, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 1989; trans. R. Waterfield, Plato Symposium, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. (Both Bury and Dover include introductions and notes on the Greek text; also Nehamas and Woodruff, and Waterfield, include introduction and bibliography.)
+ Plato (c.386-380 bc) Phaedo, ed. C.J. Rowe, Plato: Phaedo, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995; trans. R. Hackforth, Plato's Phaedo, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1955; trans. D. Gallop, Plato Phaedo, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. (Rowe includes introduction, notes on the Greek text and bibliography; Hackforth offers commentary; Gallop includes notes and bibliography.)
+ Plato (c.380-367 bc) Hippias Major, ed. D. Tarrant, The Hippias Major attributed to Plato, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1928; trans. P. Woodruff, Plato: Hippias Major, Oxford: Blackwell, 1982. (The former offers Greek text with introduction and commentary; the latter includes introduction, essays and bibliography.)
+ Plato (c.380-367 bc) Republic, ed. J. Adam, revised. D.A. Rees, The Republic of Plato, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1963, 2 vols; trans. P. Shorey, Plato: Republic, Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press and London: Heinemann, 1930, 2 vols; trans. A.D. Lindsay, revised T.H. Irwin, Plato: Republic, London: Dent, 1992. (Adam includes Greek text with notes; the Loeb edition has Greek text with facing English version; Lindsay includes introduction and bibliography.)
+ Plato (c.380-367 bc) Cratylus, ed. L. M�ridier, Platon: Cratyle, Bud� series, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 3rd edn, 1961; trans. H.N. Fowler, in Plato: Cratylus, Parmenides, Greater Hippias, Lesser Hippias, Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press and London: Heinemann, 1926. (M�ridier offers Greek text with facing French translation, introduction and notes; Fowler has Greek text with facing English translation.)
+ Plato (c.380-367 bc) Euthydemus, ed. E.H. Gifford, The Euthydemus of Plato, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1905; trans. R.K. Sprague, Plato, Euthydemus, Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1985; trans. R. Waterfield, in T.J. Saunders (ed.) Plato: Early Socratic Dialogues, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987. (Gifford includes Greek text with notes; Sprague and Waterfield both include bibliographies.)
+ Plato (c.380-367 bc) Lysis, trans. D. Bolotin, Plato's Dialogue on Friendship, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1979; trans. D. Watt, in T.J. Saunders (ed.) Plato: Early Socratic Dialogues, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987. (Both include bibliographies.)
+ Plato (c.380-367 bc) Parmenides, trans. F.M. Cornford, Plato and Parmenides, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1939; trans. M.L. Gill and P. Ryan, Plato: Parmenides, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 1996. (Cornford supplies a running commentary; Gill and Ryan include substantial introductory essay and bibliography.)
+ Plato (c.380-367 bc) Theaetetus, ed. L. Campbell, The Theaetetus of Plato, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1883; trans. J.H. McDowell, Plato: Theaetetus, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973; trans. M.J. Levett, revised M. Burnyeat, The Theaetetus of Plato, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 1990. (Campbell includes Greek text and notes; Burnyeat includes bibliography and book-length introductory essay of classic status.)
+ Plato (c.366-360 bc) Phaedrus, ed. and trans. C.J. Rowe, Plato: Phaedrus, Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1986; trans. A. Nehamas and P. Woodruff, Plato: Phaedrus, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 1995. (Both includes bibliographies; the latter also includes an introduction.)
+ Plato (c.366-360 bc) Timaeus, ed. A. Rivaud, Platon: Tim�e, Critias, Bud� series, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1925; trans. F.M. Cornford, Plato's Cosmology, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1937. (The former has Greek text with facing French translation, introduction and notes; the latter includes commentary of classic status.)
+ Plato (c.366-360 bc) Critias, ed. C. Gill, Plato: The Atlantis Story, Bristol: Bristol Classical Press, 1980; trans. H.D.P. Lee, Plato: Timaeus and Critias, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971. (Gill includes introduction and commentary.)
+ Plato (c.366-360 bc) Sophist, ed. L. Campbell, The Sophistes and Politicus of Plato, Oxford: Clarendon, 1867; trans. F.M. Cornford, Plato's Theory of Knowledge, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1935; trans. N.P. White, Plato: The Sophist, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 1993. (Campbell's is the classic edition, especially for the introduction on Plato's late style, and includes notes on the Greek text; White includes introduction and bibliography, Cornford a running commentary.)
+ Plato (c.366-360 bc) Statesman (Politicus), ed. L. Campbell, The Sophistes and Politicus of Plato, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1867; trans. J.B. Skemp, Plato: The Statesman, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1952; ed. and trans. C.J. Rowe, Plato: Statesman, Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1995. (Campbell's is the classic edition, especially for the introduction on Plato's late style; Skemp offers a substantial introduction; Rowe includes bibliography and notes.)
+ Plato (c.360-347 bc) Philebus, ed. R.G. Bury, The Philebus of Plato, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1897; trans. R. Hackforth, Plato's Examination of Pleasure, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1945; trans. J.C.B. Gosling, Plato: Philebus, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975; trans. D. Frede, Plato: Philebus, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 1993. (Bury offers notes on the Greek text, Hackforth a commentary, Gosling and Frede include substantial introductions and bibliography.)
+ Plato (c.360-347 bc) Seventh Letter, ed. R.S. Bluck, Plato's Seventh and Eighth Letters, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1947; trans. W. Hamilton, Plato: Phaedrus and Letters VII and VIII, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. (Bluck includes Greek text with notes.)
+ Plato (c.360-347 bc) Laws, ed. E.B. England, The Laws of Plato, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1921, 2 vols; trans. T.J. Saunders, Plato: Laws, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970. (England includes Greek text with notes; Saunders includes introduction, summaries and bibliography.)
References and further reading
Allen, R.E. (1965) Studies in Plato's Metaphysics, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. (A collection of mostly seminal essays by various hands.)
+ Aristoxenus (late 4th century bc) Harmonics, trans H.S. Macran, The Harmonics of Aristoxenus, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1902. (Contains Greek text and English translation, with introduction and notes.)
+ Brandwood, L. (1990) The Chronology of Plato's Dialogues, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (A sober critical history of the stylometric study of Plato, including assessments of the work of Campbell and Ritter.)
+ Burnyeat, M.F. (1987) 'Platonism and mathematics: a prelude to discussion', in A. Graeser (ed.) Mathematics and Metaphysics in Aristotle, Bern and Stuttgart: Paul Haupt Verlag, 213-40. (A challenging re-evaluation of Plato's treatment of the epistemological and ontological status of mathematics, including a new approach to the 'unwritten doctrines'.)
+ Campbell, L. (1867) The Sophistes and Politicus of Plato, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Includes a pioneering introductory essay on Plato's late style.)
+ Diogenes Laertius (c. early 3rd century ad) Lives of the Philosophers, trans. R.D. Hicks, Diogenes Laertius: Lives of Eminent Philosophers, Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press and London: Heinemann, 1925, 2 vols. (Greek text with facing English translation; book III contains Diogenes' life of Plato.)
+ Friedl�nder, P. (1958, 1964, 1969) Plato, trans. H. Meyerhoff, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 3 vols. (An account of the dialogues particularly recommended for its treatment of the philosophical significance of their literary characteristics.)
+ Gaiser, K. (1968) Platon's ungeschriebene Lehre (Plato's Unwritten Teaching), Stuttgart: Ernst Klett, 2nd edn. (An authoritative statement of the T�bingen interpretation of Plato.)
+ Gaiser, K. (1980) 'Plato's enigmatic Lecture "On The Good"', Phronesis 25: 5-37. (A lucid restatement in English of the T�bingen interpretation.)
+ Grote, G. (1867) Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, London: John Murray, 2nd edn, 3 vols. (An unrivalled account of the dialogues by the greatest nineteenth-century Plato scholar.)
+ Grube, G. (1980) Plato's Thought, London: Athlone Press. (Accessible introductory account of Plato's thought, with new introduction and bibliography by D. Zeyl.)
+ Guthrie, W.K.C. (1975, 1978) A History of Greek Philosophy, vol. 4, Plato, The Man and his Dialogues: Earlier Period, vol. 5, The Later Plato and the Academy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (The Plato volumes of the most detailed and comprehensive English-language account of Greek philosophy; indispensable for bibliography and general orientation; volume 5 includes an assessment of the T�bingen school's interpretation of Plato.)
+ Irwin, T.H. (1995) Plato's Ethics, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (A major philosophical study.)
+ Kahn, C.H. (1996) Plato and The Socratic Dialogue, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (An important study questioning developmental assumptions in standard accounts of the chronology of the dialogues.)
+ Kraut, R. (1992) The Cambridge Companion to Plato, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Useful collection of essays by different authors on many aspects of Plato's work; includes extensive bibliography.)
+ Owen, G.E.L. (1953) 'The Place of the Timaeus in Plato's Dialogues', Classical Quarterly 3: 79-95; repr. in R.E. Allen, Studies in Plato's Metaphysics, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965, 313-38; repr. in G.E.L. Owen, Logic, Science and Dialectic, London: Duckworth, 1986, 65-84. (Controversial attempt to interpret Timaeus as a middle-period dialogue.)
+ Price, A.W. (1995) Mental Conflict, London: Routledge. (An exploration of the theories of mind devised by Greek philosophers to account for psychological conflict.)
+ Popper, K.R. (1966) The Open Society and its Enemies, vol. 1, The Spell of Plato, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 5th edn. (The most influential work on Plato in the twentieth century; attacks Plato's political thought as totalitarian.)
+ Ritter, C. (1888) Untersuchungen �ber Platon: die Echtheit und Chronologie der Platonischen Schriften (Researches into Plato: The Authenticity and Chronology of the Platonic Writings), Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. (The best example of a sustained use of stylistic criteria to determine questions of chronology and authenticity.)
+ Ross, W.D. (1951) Plato's Theory of Ideas, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Particularly valuable for its review of the evidence for Plato's 'unwritten doctrines'.)
+ Scott, D. (1995) Recollection and Experience: Plato's Theory of Learning and its Successors, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Important for its exegesis of Platonic 'recollection' and of the philosophical tradition it inaugurated.)
+ Thesleff, H. (1982) Studies in Platonic Chronology, Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica. (Speculations premised on the assumption that many dialogues are revisions of earlier versions.)
+ Vlastos, G. (1981) Platonic Studies, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2nd edn. (Penetrating essays by a leading scholar.)
+ Vlastos, G. (1991) Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (A study of the Socrates of the early dialogues.)
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+ PuTTY bug ssh1-no-password
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+ uCon was originally written to be a "terminal server" superset. The goal was to provide terminal emulator-ish capabilities for the user local to the PC (and the device connected to the PC's COM port), but also allow remote users to connect through the PC's network port using Telnet. In addition to basic remote access, the requirement was to support the ability to have "multi-user-access". In other words, while someone was locally accessing the COM port through uCon's GUI, additional remote users could simultaneously access the same port using Telnet and uCon's terminal server. This, as it turns out, was the beginning. uCon has been around since 2001 and is still an active development project. Features are regularly being added, so if you have an idea for a new feature (big or small), don't hesitate to contact the author.
+ As is somewhat implied by the above diagram, uCon provides many other facilities that are applicable, but certainly not limited, to typical embedded systems development. Refer to uCon's web-based manpages for complete details.
+ Initially uCon was developed to support only a COM port back end. Since then, telnet and PuTTY Link (plink) have been added to the list (plink provides ssh).
+ There are two types of logging in uCon: standard and long-term. Standard logging simply takes a log file name and copies all interaction with the target to that file. Long-term logging assumes that the terminal session will potentially be up for days or even weeks and the amount of data logged will be significant enough that it will need to be managed. In this mode, each day, uCon automatically creates a new log file and checks to see if the total accumulation of log file data has exceeded a user-defined maximum. If it has, it will delete the oldest log file in the bunch so that it is essentially keeping a circular queue of log files.
+ Each line of output can be preceded by one of several different time-of-day strings. This allows the user to keep track of line-by-line timing if needed; yet does not require that the target itself generate the time stamps.
+ Function keys are programmable and can be activated by either a keypress or a mouse button click. An additional set of 16 clickable buttons are also available for ease of repetitive data entry. The buttons do not have any keyboard mapping; they are accessible only by the mouse.
Data Transfer To/From the Target:
+ uCon supports XMODEM and TFTP client as a means of data transfer to and from the target.
+ To support typical needs of an embedded system development environment, uCon has the following servers built in: TFTP, FTP, DHCP/BOOTP, SYSLOG. Each of these servers are configurable and are useful for transactions with a single client (i.e. one at a time). These servers are not meant for use by a large number of simultaneous transactions with mutliple clients; rather, they provide the basic services needed to interface with a single embedded target.
+ The scripting facility within uCon is fairly extensive. It includes the ability to interact with both the target and the user and supports conditional branching. Interaction with the target is through whatever back end is active (COM port, Telnet, SSH) and interaction with the user is through familiar Windows dialog boxes. There are about 15 different scripting commands that allow the user to build reasonably sophisticated logical control within the script. Click here for more information on uCon's scripting.
+ uCon also has knowledge of MicroMonitor (uMon). It can backup and/or restore a set of TFS files, edit an ASCII file on the target in TFS, and includes the MONCMD and NEWMON facilities in the scripting command set.
+ Look and Feel:
+ uCon looks like a terminal emulator. It just has a lot of other stuff going on behind the scenes.
+ Wanna try it?
+ Click here to download a self-extracting executable. The installation is very basic. If the defaults are used, it simply creates a 'C:/program files/ucon' (or equivalent, depending on your system) directory on your machine and installs the necessary files to that directory. It also adds an item to your programs list, asks if you want a desktop shortcut and includes an uninstaller accessible through the program list.
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+ Plato
In -399 Socrates was made to drink poison to expiate his crimes by the verdict of an Athenian court. Following his death, Plato, his disciple then about twenty-eight years old, left Athens for a short sojourn at Megara, followed by a longer stay in Italy and Sicily (Syrause); he also traveled to the Middle East. Only very little is known of this travel.
When a boy of about ten, Plato heard the story of Atlantis from his friend and playmate Critias the younger, what the latter was told by his grandfather, Critias the older, who in his turn had heard it from his friend Solon, who came to Sais in Egypt to learn wisdom and hear the ancient lore. From a very old priest he learned that in the past there had occurred several global catastrophes; in one of them Atlantis was swallowed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean; in another—the one which the Greeks associated with Phaethon—there was a great conflagration caused by “a deviation of the bodies that revolve in heaven round the earth.” (1)
On his travels, Plato, too, endeavored to learn wisdom from the wise men of the East. But since the time of Solon’s visit in Egypt that country went through a spiritual debasement and it is questionable whether anyone of the priesterly class there could be counted as a spiritual peer of Ezra, or a worthy teacher of Plato in search of wisdom.
Later Greek philosophers regarded Plato as influenced by Mosaic teaching. “Plato derived his idea of God from the Pentateuch. Plato is Moses translated into the language of the Athenians,” wrote Numenius and was quoted by Eusebius.(2)
If one considers Plato’s monotheism, his concept of an invisible and supreme spiritual Being, so different from the prevalent polytheism of other Greek philosophers and so remote from the pantheon of Homer and its scandalous Olympians with their permanent strife and marital and extra-marital affairs with mortal women, one is inclined to think that Plato, at the time of his travel to Egypt thirty years old, happened to sit at the feet of Ezra. A late Greek tradition has it that Aristotle on his travel to the lands of the eastern Mediterranean met a very wise Jew from whom he learned much wisdom.(3) However, it is not known whether Aristotle ever went to Palestine and Egypt. Besides, in Aristotle, a pupil of Plato, one feels a return to a polytheistic astral religion. Could it be that the indebtedness of Greek thought in the days of Plato to the Semitic idea of one and single invisible Creator stemmed from Ezra? We also don’t know of any “wise and knowledgeable man” approximating Ezra’s stature in the next few generations. All this belongs to the realm of the possible but unproven, and the probable presence of Ezra in Jerusalem after -398 (in the days of Artaxerxes II) is of interest for this intriguing problem.(4)
Plato, Timaeus 22 C-D, 25 A, D.
Eusebius, Preparation for the Gospel (transl. Gifford), XIII, 12.
Clearchus of Soli, quoted in Theodore Reinach, Textes d’auteurs grecs et romains relatifs au Judaisme (Paris, 1895), pp. 10-11.
See Peoples of the Sea, “Ezra.”
+ <
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+ Initiation of Plato
36. The Initiation of Platoand the Birth of Platonic Philosophy
Three years after Plato had become Socrates' pupil, the latter was condemned to death by the Areopagus, and died, surrounded by his disciples, after drinking the hemlock.
Few historical events have been as frequently described as this. However, few happenings have occurred whose causes and significance are so little understood. Today it is believed that the Areopagus was right to condemn Socrates as an enemy of the state religion because in denying the gods, he was attacking the foundation of the Athenian republic. We shall show that this assertion contains two major errors. Let us first recall what Victor Cousin wrote at the beginning of The Apology of Socrates in his beautiful translation of Plato's works: "Anytus, it must be said, was a commendable citizen; the Areopagus, an equitable and temperate tribunal; and, if anything is to be wondered at, it is that Socrates was not accused long before, and that he was not condemned by a larger majority." The philosopher, a Minister of Public Education, did not see that if he was right they should have condemned both philosophy and religion in order to glorify only the politics of lying, violence and absolutism. For if philosophy inevitably destroys the foundations of the social state, it is merely a pompous folly, and if religion can exist only by suppressing the search for truth, it is but a sinister tyranny. Let us try to be fairer to Greek religion and to Greek philosophy.
There is a vital and significant fact which has escaped the attention of most modern historians and philosophers. Persecutions in Greece, which were very rarely aimed toward philosophers, never originated in the temples, but always arose among those engaged in politics. Greek civilization did not know that struggle between priests and philosophers which has played such a great role in our civilization since the destruction of Christian esoterism in the second century of our era. Without interference Thales could teach that the world comes from water, Heraclitus, that it comes from fire; Anaxagoras could say that the sun is a mass of incandescent fire; Democritus could claim that all comes from atoms. No temple was disturbed, for in their sanctuaries all this was known, and more besides. It was also realized that the so-called philosophers who denied the gods could not eradicate them from the national consciousness, and that true philosophers believed in them in the manner of initiates, seeing in them the symbols of the great ranks of the spiritual Hierarchies, of the Divine that penetrates nature, of the Invisible that governs the visible. Esoteric doctrine therefore served as the link between true philosophy and true religion. This is the deep, primordial and final fact which explains their hidden significance in Hellenic civilization.
Who, therefore, accused Socrates? The priests of Eleusis, who had cursed the authors of the Peloponnesian War, shaking the dust from their robes toward the Occident, uttered no word against him. As for the temple of Delphi, it gave him the most beautiful tribute that can be paid to any man. Pythia, asked what Apollo thought of Socrates, answered, "There is no man more free, more just, more intelligent." The two indictments leveled against Socrates: of corrupting youth and of not believing in the gods, were therefore, only pretexts. With regard to the second accusation, Socrates victoriously answered his judges, "I believe in my personal spirit. Therefore I have all the more reason to believe in the gods, who are the spirits of the universe!" Then why this implacable hatred against the sage? He had fought injustice, unmasked hypocrisy, shown the falseness of so many vain pretentions. Men pardon all the vices and all the atheisms, but they do not pardon those who expose them. This is why the real atheists who were sitting in the Areopagus caused the death of the just and innocent, by accusing him of the crime they themselves had committed. In his admirable defense, recorded by Plato, Socrates himself explains this with perfect simplicity, "These are my fruitless searches for wise men among the Athenians who have aroused so much dangerous hostility against me. Hence all the calumnies spread on my account. Intriguers, active and numerous, speaking about me according to a concerted plan and with a very appealing eloquence, for a long time have filled your ears with the most perfidious rumors, ceaselessly pursuing their system of calumny. Today they have won from me Melitus, Anytus and Lycon. Melitus represents the poets; Anytus, the politicians and artists; Lycon, the orators." A tragic poet without talent, a wicked, fanatical man of wealth, a brazen-faced demagogue succeeded in having the best of men condemned to death. But that death made him immortal. Proudly he could say to his judges, "I believe more firmly in the gods than do any of my accusers. It is time for us to leave each other, I to die, and you to live. Which of us has the better part? No one knows but God."
Far from attacking true religion and its national symbols, Socrates had done everything possible to strengthen them. He would have been the greatest support of his country, if his country had known how to understand him. Like Jesus, he died forgiving his executioners, and became the model of martyred sages for all mankind. For Socrates represents the definitive appearing of individual initiation and open science.
The serene picture of Socrates dying for truth, spending his last hour discussing the immortality of the soul with his pupils, imprinted this most beautiful of spectacles and holiest of Mysteries upon Plato's heart. This was his first, his great initiation. Later he was to study physics, metaphysics and many other sciences, but always he remained Socrates' pupil. He willed us his living image by putting into the mouth of his teacher the treasures of his own thought. This flower of modesty makes him the ideal of the disciple, his fire of ecstasy makes him the poet of philosophers. Regardless of the fact that we know he did not establish his school until he was fifty, and that he lived to be eighty, we can imagine him only as young. For eternal youth is the inheritance of souls who unite divine honesty with depth of thought.
Plato had received from Socrates the great impetus, the active male principle of his life, his faith in justice and truth. He owed the science and substance of his ideas to his initiation into the Mysteries. His genius consists in the new form -- at once poetic and dialectic -- which he knew how to give them. He did not take this initiation from Eleusis only. He sought it in all the accessible sources of the ancient world. After Socrates' death, Plato began to travel. He studied with several philosophers of Asia Minor. From there he went to Egypt to establish a relationship with its priests, going through the initiation of Isis. Unlike Pythagoras, he did not reach the higher stage where one becomes an adept, where one acquires the effective, direct view of divine Truth and supernatural powers. He stopped at the third stage, which confers perfect intellectual clarity and dominion of intelligence over soul and body. Then he went to southern Italy to talk with the Pythagoreans, knowing full well that Pythagoras had been the greatest of Greek sages. He purchased one of the master's manuscripts at a high price. Thus having dipped into the esoteric tradition of Pythagoras at its very source, he borrowed the main ideas and framework of his system from that philosopher.
Returning to Athens, Plato established his school which has become famous under the name of the Academy. In order to continue Socrates' work, it was necessary to propagate truth. But Plato could not teach the things publicly which the Pythagoreans covered with a threefold veil. The vows, prudence and his goal itself prevented him from doing so. It is really esoteric doctrine which we find in his Dialogues, but disguised, altered, charged with a rational dialectic like something foreign, concealed in legend, myth, parable. The esoteric teaching is no longer presented in Plato with the impressive totality Pythagoras gave it, and which we have tried to reconstruct, an edifice established on a firm foundation -- all parts of which are strongly cemented, but in analytic fragments. Plato, like Socrates, bases himself on the ground of the young men of Athens, on the worldly attitude of the rhetoricians and Sophists. He fights them with their own weapons. But his genius is always present; at every point he breaks the network of their dialectic to rise like an eagle in a bold flight into the sublime truths which are his home, his native atmosphere. These dialogues have an incisive, singular charm; in addition to the ecstasy of Delphi and Eleusis, here one enjoys marvelous clarity, Attic wit, the malice of the good-natured Socrates, the fine, winged irony of the sage.
Nothing is easier than to discover the different points of esoteric doctrine in Plato and at the same time to observe where he found them. The doctrine of the archetypes of things, expounded in Phedre is a corollary of Pythagoras' doctrine of Sacred Numbers. The Timeus gives a very confusing explanation of esoteric cosmogony. As for the doctrine of the soul, its migrations and its evolutions, this is to be found in all the works of Plato, but nowhere is it more clearly expressed than in the Banquet, in Phaedo, and in The Legend of Er, placed at the end of that dialogue. We see Psyche beneath a veil, but how beautiful and appealing she is in her exquisite form and divine grace! We have seen that the key to the cosmos, the secret of its constitution, is found in the principle of the three worlds reflected by the microcosm and macrocosm in the human and divine ternary. Pythagoras masterfully formulated and summed up this doctrine in the symbol of the sacred Tetrad. This doctrine of the eternally living Word constituted the great arcanum, the source of magic, the shining temple of the initiate, his invincible citadel far above the ocean of things. Plato neither could nor wished to reveal this mystery in his public teaching. In the first place the oath of the Mysteries kept him silent. In addition, all would not have understood; the common man would have unworthily profaned this theogonic mystery, which embraces the generation of the worlds. In order to fight the corruption of custom and the unleashing of political passions, something different was necessary. The door to the Beyond was about to close, and with it the great initiation, the door to which opens fully only to the great prophets, to the very rare, true initiates.
Plato replaced the doctrine of the three worlds with three concepts which, in the absence of organized initiation, remained for two thousand years as three roads leading to the supreme goal. These three concepts refer equally to the human world and the divine world; they have the advantage of uniting them, although in a somewhat abstract manner. Here Plato's creative genius is seen. He threw great light upon the world by placing the ideas of the True, the Beautiful and the Good on the same level. Clarifying them one by one, he proved that they are three rays from the same Source which, when united constitute this Source Itself, that is, God.
In seeking the Good, that is, the just, the soul becomes purified; it prepares itself to know truth. This is the first, indispensable condition of the soul's development. By following and enlarging the idea of the Beautiful, it attains the intellectual Beautiful, that intelligible light, that mother of things, that animator of forms, that substance and instrument of God. By plunging itself into the World-Soul, the human soul feels an expansiveness. By pursuing the idea of the True, it attains pure Essence, the principles contained in pure Spirit. It recognizes its immortality by the identity of its principle with the divine Principle. Thus perfection is attained; this is the Epiphany of the soul.
By opening these broad paths to the human spirit, Plato defined and created, outside the narrow systems of particular religions the category of the Ideal, which was to replace organic initiation for centuries down to our own day. He marked out the three paths which lead to God like the sacred way from Athens to Eleusis by way of the Gate of Ceramicus. Having entered the temple with Hermes, Orpheus and Pythagoras, we are well able to judge the solidity and rightness of the broad roads built by Plato, the divine engineer. Knowledge of initiation gives the justification and reason for the being of Idealism.
Idealism is a bold affirmation of the divine truths by the soul, which in its solitude questions itself and judges celestial realities by its own intimate faculties and its inner voices. Initiation is the penetration of these same truths by the experience of the soul, by direct vision of the spirit, by inner awakening. At the highest stage it is the communication of the soul with the divine world.
The Ideal is an ethic, a poetry, a philosophy; Initiation is an action, a vision and a sublime presence of truth. The Ideal is the dream and the longing for the divine homeland; Initiation, the temple of the elect, is the clear remembering and even the possessing of it.
In creating the category of the Ideal, the initiate Plato created a refuge and opened the way of salvation to millions of souls who cannot attain direct initiation in this life, but painfully strive for truth. Thus Plato made philosophy the foyer to a future sanctuary by inviting into it all men of good will. The idealism of his many pagan or Christian sons appears like the preliminary as it were, to the great initiation.
This explains the immense popularity and radiant power of Platonic ideas. This power lies in their esoteric basis. This is why the Academy of Athens, founded by Plato, lasted for centuries and extended into the great Alexandrian School. This is why the first Church Fathers paid homage to Plato; this is why St. Augustine took two-thirds of his theology from him.
Two thousand years had passed since Socrates' disciple had breathed his last sigh in the shadow of the Acropolis. Christianity, the barbaric invasions, the Middle Ages, had passed over the world. But antiquity was born again out of its own ashes. In Florence the Medici wished to establish an Academy, and invited a Greek scientist, exiled from Constantinople, to organize it. What name did Marsilio Ficino give it? He called it The Platonic Academy. Today, after so many philosophical systems, built one upon another, have crumbled into dust, today, when science has searched for the ultimate transformations of matter, finding itself before the unexplained and invisible, still today, Plato comes to us. Forever simple and modest, but shining with eternal youth, he holds out the sacred branch of the Mysteries to us, the branch of myrtle and cypress, with the narcissus, the flower of the soul, promising a divine renaissance in a new Eleusis.
Over a decade of site testing in Antarctica has shown that both South Pole and Dome C are exceptional sites for astronomy, with certain atmospheric conditions greatly superior to those at existing mid-latitude sites. The highest point on the Antarctic plateau, Dome A, experiences even colder atmospheric temperatures, lower wind speeds, and a turbulent boundary layer that is confined even closer to the ground.
PLATO, the PLATeau Observatory, is a self-contained automated platform for conducting year-round, experiments completely robotically from the Antarctic plateau.
PLATO ran continuously for 204 days in 2008. It was serviced by the Chinese 2008-2009 Dome A expedition, allowing it to run throughout 2009. The Chinese 2010 expedition was greated by a warm operating PLATO when they arrived in late December 2009. PLATO was again serviced, and continues to run, uninterrupted since January 2009, until August 2012. Iridium satellite communication is used for monitoring and control, with the majority of the data to be returned by the traverse at the end of each year. Refer to the side menu on the left for detailed information regarding the instruments on PLATO.
The PLATO observatory is designed for yearly servicing. This includes replacing the diesel engines and refilling the fuel and oil tanks.
After our first year of operation, we performed a number of upgrades to the engine module. There were also several new scientific instruments to install and commission.
Xuefei Gong, the astronomer on the PRIC 2008-2009 Dome A expedition, visited the University of New South Wales for a number of months in 2008 to help prepare the servicing mission. The other Dome A expeditioners were tasked with building a summer station at Dome A that will be upgraded to a full-year manned research station in the future.
On November 7 2008, the PRIC expedition left Fremantle for Zhongshan station on the Xue Long, a Chinese research ice breaker. The Chinese expedition reached Dome A in early January 2009 via overland traverse. Once at Dome A, Xuefei and other heroic volunteers from his team began work on making PLATO fully operational again before leaving Dome A on the 3rd of February 2009.
The PRIC expedition was extremely successful, finishing the summer station and completely servicing PLATO.
+ Xuefei Gong standing in front of the newly serviced engine module (Jan 2009)
Power systems and control
PLATO consists of two modules built into 10-foot shipping containers. The Engine Module contains six Hatz 1B30 diesel engines and 4000 litres of Jet-A1 fuel. The Instrument Module is 45m away and contains the computer systems, battery bank, power supplies, and some of the science instruments. Solar panels and some of the other instruments are external to both modules. The modules are extremely well thermally insulated.
+ PLATO - roll mouse over image to identify objects (Zhenxi Zhu: 27 Jan 2008)
The two modules are linked by a 120VDC cable distributing approximately 1kW of electrical power. A CAN (Controller Area Network) bus is used to control both modules. Two banks of ultracapacitors are used to start the engines. Solar panels provide an additional kW of electricity during the summer time.
PLATO has four independent sources of power:
Solar array 1 consisting of three solar panels
Solar array 2 consisting of three solar panels
Engine bank 1 consisting of three engines
Engine bank 2 consisting of three engines
Only one engine is used at a time except for testing purposes. The following power generation plot is updated hourly:
+ PLATO power supply currents (time in UTC). Visit the status page for further information regarding the performance of PLATO and its instruments.
The PLATO computer system is based on two redundant PC/104 systems, each with an Iridium satellite modem for remote control and capable of sending up to 32MB of science data back per day. The computers boot from USB flash disks tested for low temperature and high altitude performance. A readonly filesystem is used for the Debian GNU/Linux operating system to maximise reliability.
PLATO is an international collaboration, with instruments contributed from Australia, China, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.
CSTAR is an array of four 14.5 centimetre telescopes with each having a different filter in the optical band. CSTAR will take advantage of the months of continuous darkness to search for time varying events such as the transit of planets, supernovae, and will accurately measure the sky background brightness.
The preHEAT telescope is mapping the Milky Way in the sub-millimeter band to confirm the atmospheric transmission in this region. Atmospheric modelling indicates that Dome A is probably the only place on Earth that can routinely observe at the terahertz frequencies crucial to the understanding of the interstellar medium, and in particular the life cycle of stars.
The height of the turbulent boundary layer between the ground and smooth air is of great interest to optical astronomers. The Earth's atmosphere makes the stars (and all other objects) twinkle in a similar way that a pebble seen through a rippling stream appears distorted. If the boundary layer is very low, as it is predicted to be at Dome A, it becomes feasible to build telescopes on small towers, greatly simplifying or even eliminating the adaptive optics needed to remove the effects of a turbulent atmosphere. SNODAR is an acoustic radar that probes the atmospheric turbulence, mapping the height of the boundary layer and other atmospheric structure. A second boundary layer experiment, DASLE, is an array of sonic anemometers placed along a fifteen meter tower. These measure the wind velocity and direction.
The Nigel instrument is both a site-testing and scientific instrument designed to measure the optical sky brightness and the aurora contributions of the Dome A sky.
Gattini is an astronomical camera designed to accurately measure the sky brightness in a range of different wavelengths and cloud cover. These parameters are essential to predict the uninterrupted length of time a large telescope can observe for, and how deep into space it can see.
Visit the science page for information on the science that PLATO is performing.
Participating institutions in alphabetical order
California Institute of Technology, USA
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA
Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics and Technology, China
National Astronomical Observatories of China
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Polar Research Institute of China
Purple Mountain Observatory, China
Texas A & M, USA
Tianjin Normal University, China
University of Arizona, USA
University of Auckland, NZ
University of California at Berkeley, USA
University of Chicago, USA
University of Exeter, UK
University of New South Wales, Australia
Funding agencies in alphabetical order
Chinese Academy of Sciences
European Commission
National Natural Science Foundation of China
National Science Foundation, USA
United States Antarctic Program
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+ _Multiplicity_: %Una Vista de Nada% by Crystal Downing Messiah College cdowning@mcis.messiah.edu Postmodern Culture v.7 n.1 (September, 1996) Copyright (c) 1996 by Crystal Downing, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law, and it may be archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that the editors are notified and no fee is charged for access. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the consent of the author and the notification of the publisher, Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. Review of: _Multiplicity_. Dir. Harold Ramis. Columbia Pictures, 1996 [1] _Multiplicity_, a showcase containing entertaining displays of Michael Keaton's acting range, is not a great film. The showcase itself, however, with its startling lack of depth, reflects off its slick surfaces the postmodern "transvaluation of values" that Fredric Jameson descried years ago in his now famous _New Left Review_ article.^1^ _Multiplicity_ (directed and co-written by Harold Ramis, of _Animal House_ and _Ghostbusters_ fame) is not a "postmodern film" in the sense that it develops "new rules of the game" which devalue the hegemonic perceptions and semiotic practices that encode mainstream movies (a la Lyotard); instead, it is a stylistically traditional entertainment vehicle whose *content* reflects the ineluctable power of what Jameson has called "the cultural logic of late capitalism," wherein "depth is replaced by...multiple surfaces" (J 62). [2] In the film, Keaton plays Doug Kinney, a beleaguered, though conscientious, foreman for a construction company, married to the lovely, though lackluster, Laura (Andie MacDowell) who put her career on hold to mother their two young children. Doug's multiplicity of stressful responsibilities leave him no time to finish remodelling his own home, to help out with the kids so Laura can return to work, or to engage in any leisure activity whatsoever. After a tantrum-like display of frustration on one of his many job sites--a "scientific" institute on the Malibu shore--Doug meets Dr. Owen Leeds (Harris Yulin), who, with no compunction at all, offers to clone for (and from) Doug a second self who can help him on the job. With a gesture toward Keaton's eponymous role in _Mr. Mom_ (1983), Doug soon discovers that, even with his professional activities alleviated, running a home with children still allows him no leisure time, so he has a second clone made to handle the house chores. These two clones then clone a fourth Doug to help out with the housework in their own apartment above the garage (which, though in full sight of the house, is never detected by Doug's family as housing three not-very quiet look-alikes). This third clone, extracted not from the *original* Doug but from one of his clones, turns out to be a near idiot: "You know how sometimes when you make a copy of a copy, it's not quite as sharp as the original?" Doug's first two clones explain. "Original" is the operative word here and signals a problematizing not only of "origins," but also of the autonomous, unified, "authentic" self of modernism. [3] The film itself mocks the mystifications of modernism when Doug first goes to Dr. Leeds' office to discuss his problems. We cut to a full-screen picture of Doug's talking head lying on a black leather couch, spilling out his frustrations to the "doctor." As soon as we recognize this icon of psychoanalysis, it is undermined by Dr. Leeds' response to Doug: "I'm not a psychologist." Modernism's depth model of the human psyche--which must be plumbed to discover the "origin" of behavior--is decentered by Dr. Leeds' solution: a replication of the body, the surface of behavior. We have here what Jameson describes as the postmodern "shift in the dynamics of cultural pathology...in which the alienation of the subject is displaced by the fragmentation of the subject" (J 63). [4] The displacement of identity is reinforced by a trick the film plays on its audience: we see Doug, after the first cloning operation, waking up on a gurney to stare at an image of himself standing in the shadows. Because the camera looks over the shoulder of the well-lit Doug on the gurney to view the darker image which stands before him (and us), we identify with the waking man, amazed to see a replicant before him. However, we quickly learn that the man with whom we have "identified" is actually the clone. It is as though we have been given a visual instantiation of the de-centered self which defines postmodern subjectivity. [5] _Multiplicity_ quite consciously explores Doug's fragmented subjectivity by giving each clone a different manifestation of his "personality." Made while Doug was still recovering from a testosterone-induced tantrum, in which he destroyed construction materials with a huge metal wrench while water powerfully ejaculated from a vertically erect pipe, the first clone embodies the macho side of Doug, not only kicking ass while on the job but trying to get some while off. The second clone appears soon after a scene in which the "original" Doug unsuccessfully tries to wrap up some pizza while struggling to talk on the phone above his children's ruckus. This clone, therefore, adept at the home arts, loves to cook and is a master at wrapping up leftovers, and Keaton plays him as Doug's "feminine side." And then, of course, the third clone, made in both senses *without* Doug, gestures toward the "death of the subject" altogether; he is constructed from the superficial signifiers that mold Doug's other selves. In fact, all the clones are quite literally "socially constructed," made, we have seen, without much reflection on the part of Doug, by one who garners "authority" in our culture, a scientist who "authors" Doug's various subject positions. [6] These plural positions are mis-taken to be one "autonomous bourgeois monad or ego or individual" (J 63) when Doug's wife makes love to all three in the same night and notices no difference--no authentic self that is missing--except that their bodies function differently: one cries, one is "athletic" and one has an erection as premature as his diction. Laura has experienced the postmodern simulacrum as Baudrillard has defined it: "reality itself, entirely impregnated by an aesthetic which is inseparable from its own structure, has been confused with its own image."^2^ [7] The concept of the simulacrum is also employed by Jameson; however, he privileges Plato's definition of the term--"the identical copy for which no original has ever existed"--to foreground the postmodern obsession with surfaces, wherein "the history of aesthetic styles displaces 'real' history" (J 67). Jameson's reference to Plato is redolent of the "Allegory of the Cave," in which people turn their backs to the "real," naively convinced that the images on the surface of the cave wall, merely "shadows" of the real, comprise all that exists. Significantly, then, when the writers of _Multiplicity_ describe Doug's radically deficient third clone as "a copy of a copy," they echo Plato's indictment of the poet, who, "restricted to imitating the realm of appearances, makes only copies of copies, and his creation is thus twice removed from reality."^3^ They go one step further, however, causing the viewer to question, with all postmodernists, the "reality" of Platonic "origins"; for the "original" Doug appears to have little substance other than the various subject positions he fails to coordinate in one body. Just as one of his construction sites is titled "%Vista de Nada%" (sight of nothing) Doug is the site of nothing other than his performance functions. [8] "%Nada%," for the modernist, as reflected in Ernest Hemingway's famous lines "Our %nada%, who art in %nada%, %nada% be thy name," meant that "In the absence of a God each person must take responsibility for his own actions."^4^ There is no such faith in existential authenticity for the postmodernist; as the "authentic" Doug admits, "I am not in my own life." Even when he presumably "gets it together" for the denouement, he achieves no self-transforming enlightenment; at the end of the movie Doug has the exact same perception as at the beginning: he needs to spend more time relaxing and with his family. He is even shown doing the same activity at the end of the film as in the opening scene: coordinating the demolition of a concrete driveway. The only difference is that the later construction work is for his own home, with a view to winning back the favor of his wife. The "happy ending" of _Multiplicity_ is grounded in the reification of commodity: Doug's four selves turn a shabby Los Angeles bungalow into a gorgeous house, complete with outdoor fountain, fit for the glossy pages of _Better Homes and Gardens_. This construction, like the earlier condominium construction, like the very construction of Doug's subjectivity, looks not to some transcendent ideal of human connectedness or Godly benevolence, but only to a %vista de nada%. [9] Appropriately, Ramis sets the film in Los Angeles, its opening aerial sequence of endless intersecting freeways and relentlessly drab buildings concretizing a true %vista de nada%. However, what makes the location especially significant to _Multiplicity_ is its mythic association with the simulacrum: the locus of "the rise of Hollywood and of the image as commodity" (J 69). In Hollywood, as Jameson notes, we get the "'death of the subject' in the institution of the star" (J 68). Indeed, even the "original" and "authentic" Doug Kinney is "an identical copy for which no original has ever existed" since he is merely a fictional character (even if obliquely named after one of Ramis' late friends, Doug Kenney). And Michael Keaton, like any movie star, displaces his subjectivity as he becomes identified with the characters he plays. In fact, we might see Keaton's various film roles as his clones, constructed by the hegemony of Hollywood which replicates roles, as Los Angeles does its freeways, if even taking them in different directions. (I think especially of Harrison Ford's multiplicity in the _Star Wars_ films, the Indiana Jones movies, and the Tom Clancey showpieces.) Indeed, Keaton's Doug is a replicant of Keaton's "Mr. Mom," and Andie MacDowell is a replicant of the straightwoman she played in another Ramis film: _Groundhog Day_, whose plot is based upon the diachronic replication of a day in a weatherman's life (Bill Murray) rather than upon the synchronic replications of _Multiplicity_. [10] Hollywood even creates marginal "copies of copies": idiot fans who seek to act and dress like characters from their favorite films, mimicking the shadows on the walls inside movie theaters. Without these simulacrum servers, businesses in Los Angeles like Star Wares, Reel Clothes, and It's a Wrap, which sell, for outrageous prices, clothing once worn in "the movies," could not survive. As the owner of Reel Clothes states, "Ninety percent of my customers are L.A. residents looking for something to wear to work,"^5^ fulfilling Jameson's sense, expressed over a decade ago, that "we seem increasingly incapable of fashioning representations of *our own current* experience" (J 68, emphasis mine). [11] Ramis ends _Multiplicity_ with a simulacrum of another beach town. The three clones, at Doug's behest, have gone off on their own, and have ended up in Florida running a pizza parlour called "Three Guys from Nowhere," an obvious echo of a California chain called "Two Guys from Italy." The name appears on a sign above the door, also inscribed with three cartoon heads which look a lot like the iconic figures of "Manny, Moe, and Jack" once used on the sign for "Pep Boys" automotive stores. Thus the film ends with yet another manifestation of postmodernism: what Jameson calls "pastiche." While parody usually has a purpose, "pastiche" is the arbitrary juxtaposition of unrelated, nostalgia-generating signifiers--like "Two Guys from Italy" and "Manny, Moe, and Jack"--which entirely empties them of any meaning other than recognizability. They are signifiers cut off from their origins, severed from any transcendental signified; they are signifiers like Doug, Doug, Doug, and, yes, even Doug. NOTES: ^1^Fredric Jameson, "Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism," _New Left Review_ 146 (July-Aug 1984) 53-93. Quotations cited in my text as (J). ^2^ Jean Baudrillard, "The Orders of Simulacra," _Simulations_, trans. Philip Beitchmann (New York: Semiotext(e), 1983) 150. ^3^ As summarized by Hazard Adams, ed., "Plato," _Critical Theory Since Plato_ (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971), 11. ^4^ The first quotation is from Ernest Hemingway's short story "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" _The Hemingway Reader_, ed. Charles Poore (New York: Scribners, 1953) 421; the second quotation is spoken by a paradigmatic existentialist portrayed by Woody Allen in _Crimes and Misdemeanors_ (dir. Woody Allen, Orion, 1989). ^5^ "Brief Brush With Fame," _Patriot News_ (Harrisburg, PA) 5 Aug. 1996: C1.
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+ Antminer s9 noise
Antminer s9 noise
antminer s9 noise 3A silent fan is used for heat dissipation. 5TH/s quantity. 3*129. Share Followers 1. If they run at the full 6,000 rpm they put out about 80 decibels of sound. Model Antminer S19 (95Th) from Bitmain mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 95Th/s for a power consumption of 3250W. I see a bunch of modded S9 on ebay that claim to do this. The mskminer. 93TH/s, 7 percent variance), is the most efficient Bitcoin miner in the industry. Manufacturer: Bitmain Model: Antminer S9 SE (16Th) Also known as: S9 Special Edition Release: July 2019 Size: 129 x 200 x 321mm Weight: 4560g Chip boards: 3 Chip size: 16nm Chip count: 180 Noise level: 76db Fan(s): 2 Power: 1280W Voltage: 12V Interface: Ethernet Temperature: 5 – 45 °C Humidity: 5 Antminer S9 Hydro masterminded a water cooled system, creating a new mining model with low noise and high energy savings. 85 amps at 110 volts, or 5. Unique nature of the Antminer S9 Hydro miner Heat dissipation. 04 with cgminer 4. Best Overall Bitcoin Miner: The Antminer S9 13. Currently, the Antminer S9 (has rate 12. The Antminer S9 launch coincided with the starting gun for the great bitcoin bull run of 2017, which led to never-before-seen highs of $19,783. 27 Kilograms Item Dimensions L x W x H 35 x 13. The first custom firmware with AsicBoost S9 saves up to 250 watts in pools supporting AsicBoost technology (slushpool, antpool, emcd. These custom Noise Suppressors are made for Bitmain miners with support for various power supplies. The specifications of the Antminer S9 Hydro offers three main advantages to the users; efficient heat dissipation through the water cooler, noise reduction and high energy saving. 0A Miner Cooling ventilateur For Antminer Bitmain S7 S9 4-Pin Connector Brushless Low Noise NZ$45. Hi I know this subject is nothing new but i just want to know if someone really test something which really reduce the noise significant and will Noise reduction Antminer S9 - Bitcoin Forum bitcoin Bitcoin Miner Noise Reducer S9, D3, Z9,A9 Antminer Silencer ready to ship, US $ 45 - 85 / Piece, Miner Silencer, Noise Reduce Box, Stock, Stock, China. Tags: Antminer Antminer L3+ Antminer S9 Antminer S9i Antminer Soundproofing bitcoin bitcoin cash Bitcoin Mining Bitmain blockchain BTC BTH Coinbase crypto cryptocurrency Digibyte Digibyte Mining eth Ethereum litecoin Litecoin Mining LTC The Antminer s9 can’t just be plugged into the wall, it needs a PSU (power supply unit). Hashrate: 18 THS SHA256; Power Usage: 1728 W; Power Efficiency: 96J / THs; Noise Level: 45dBA @ 25°C (max: 58 dBA, min: 26 dBA) As the name suggests, the S9 Hydro is basically an Antminer S9 (13. Antminer S9 SE (16Th) Also known as: S9 Special Edition: Release: July 2019: Size: 129 x 200 x 321mm: Weight: 4560g: Chip boards: 3: Chip size: 16nm: Chip count: 180: Noise level: 76db: Fan(s) 2: Power: 1280W: Voltage: 12V: Interface: Ethernet: Temperature: 5 - 45 °C: Humidity: 5 - 95 % The Antminer S9 follows the same form factor as that of the hugely popular Antminer S7 and is nearly the same size. So I gathered here the majority of the advantages and disadvantages into one straightforward review. , Ltd. Bitmain Antminer U2 V1. 00 shipping. Model Antminer S9 SE (16Th) from Bitmain mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 16Th/s for a power consumption of 1280W. Unique nature of the Antminer S9 Hydro miner Heat dissipation. AntMiner s9 / s9i / s9j firmware from asicfw. 55 - 54. 42 - 36. These custom Noise Suppressors are made for Bitmain miners with support for various power supplies. Bulky, not easy to handle; High unit cost. 01 / Piece Free shipping Bitcoin Miner S9 Se, Antminer S9 Se, Bitmain S9 Se manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Low Power Consumption Antminer S9 Se 17t, Graphics Card Rx590 8g GPU Miner Mining for Eth Ethereum, GPU Rx5700 8g Graphics Card for Eth Mining Ethash Ethereum and so on. $64. Each Antminer S9 employs 189 such chips to deliver more hashrate and efficiency than any bitcoin miner ever made. Please know what you are buying. 8 cm; 2. Low Noise And Consumption Bitmain Antminer S9 S9j S9 Se Hydro Miner T9+ 10. Be the first to review “Antminer S9 SE (16TH/s)” Cancel reply. sh and on the L3+ it’s cgminer. I guess it’ll be similar on other miners. 99 FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon Bitmain. Each Antminer S9 employs 189 such chips to deliver more hashrate and Bitmain Antminer S9 13. New ORIGINAL Bitmain Antminer A3 T9 S9 L3+ Noise Suppressor with all accessories (Miner Not Included). 43 amps at 240 volts. Antminer S9 Hydro is a water cooling mining device built to the most efficient and innovative standards Vnish Firmware for Antminer S17, S17pro, S17+, S17e, T17, T17e, S9, S9i, S9j, S9k, S9se, T9+, L3+, L3++. 2 @ 11+ GH/s. Seller 98. Bitmain’s official specifications state that the units consume 1300 - 1340 watts at the wall with Bitmain’s APW3 power supply. The $1200 USD price includes the PSU. Antminer S9 (14Th) Release: May 2018: Size: 135 x 158 x 350mm: Weight: 4200g: Chip Name: BM1387: Chip Boards: 3: Chip Size: 16nm: Chip Count: 189: Noise Level: 76db: Fan(s) 2: Power: 1320W: Wires: 10* 6pins: Voltage: 11. 60 ~ 13. 5 TH/s - First Released Sep 2017 - Power Usage: 1323W - Noise Emission: 85db To find the exact profitability for Antminer S9, please enter 13. Noise, dBA @25°C (2-3) Operation humidity, RH 5% 95%: Related products. If you are using a 110 V input for APW5, the rated power is 1300 W and will not be capable to power the S9-Hydro. keep your antminers cool and quiet with this high quality custom made antminer cooler. The Antminer S9 from Bitmain uses a SHA-256 based algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 13 th/s at a power consumption of 1380W. io makes it possible (with the same consumption as standard firmware We run a data center where customers host Antminer S9 units and other miners. The fan is designed at the top to release the air from the rear. 93T-600M, and 14T-650M, they use different firmware. Antminer S9 SE (17Th) Release: June 2019: Size: 321. 5t Btc Mining Machine,S9 With Apw3 from Blockchain Miners Supplier or Manufacturer-Shenzhen LXZX Technology Co. Antminer S9 is one of the most popular Bitcoin Miner in the world by Bitmain. Power output 12V, 216A, rated power 2600W, 94% conversion efficiency with good materials. com, f2pool and others) . 50-20/day and $140-300/month depending on electricity cost, difficulty, and coin trading price. 49 x 15. Return Whole Miner or Parts If you need to claim RMA for your auto-frequency miner, please send the complete unit back to us for repair; failure to do so will result in additional costs and severe delay in repair and all costs associated will be borne Bitmain Antminer S9 SE 16Th specifications. This will allow you to run Antminer S9 inside office or at home. What type of fans are these? I would like to swap out the fan for less noise but not lose any hash rate. on Alibaba. The new miner features an innovate water cooling system, offering lower noise outputs and higher energy savings. Yet it has more than thrice the power and twice the efficiency of the S7. 00. The S9 is also rather noisy, accompanied by two heavy sized high revolution fans that produce close to 77-80 dB of noise. Source from Shenzhen Lefel Technology Co. By lonleh kitty November 15, 2017 in Folding@home, Boinc, and Coin Mining. Expect a draw of 1. 00 Noise: 76dBA. These custom Noise Suppressors are made for Bitmain miners with support for various power supplies. 60 ~13. 5Th from Bitmain mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 13. Your email address will not be published. Order : 2 Pieces if you log into your miner via ssh and look in /etc/init. There is the Sanyo Denki SAN Ace fan with 12VDC 3,0A – 224CFM and the Delta electronics QFR1212GHE fan which can in my opinion used as a replacement for all mentioned ASIC Miners (Avalon 6, Avalon 741, Antminer S9 (S3 S4 S5 S7) , Whatsminer M3, Ebit E9). Professional CryptoCurrency Mining Hardware Shop +1-240-230-6644 +86-13138175303 [email protected] How to install PSU to Antminer S9 SE and S9k; Using the miner. So whenever you purchase an Antminer keep in mind that you will need to spend and additional $150 on a PSU. The first custom firmware with AsicBoost S9 saves up to 250W on pools that support AsicBoost technology (slushpool, antpool, btc. 5TH/s Hardware Platform Linux Operating System Linux Product Dimensions 35 x 13. 00V: Interface: Ethernet: Temperature: 0 – 40: Humidity: 5 – 95% Antminer S9 SE (16TH) Also known as: Antminer S9 SE 16TH/s (120-K) Release: Shipping in 7 working days: Size: 321. 5t Btc Mining Machine With Apw3 , Find Complete Details about In Stock Bitcoin Antminer S9 13. The Antminer S9 is a Bitcoin miner and is one of the most powerful and efficient miners on the market today. , Ltd. Vnish, Вниш, Vnish firmware, antminer s9 firmware Antminer S9 SE. 37 / Piece If the AntMiner is puling 1218 watts, that will translate (at 93% efficiency) to 11. 5 TH/s (Please ignore the accepted rate on the NiceHash screenshot) Item model number AntMiner S9 13. The APW5 to power the Antminer S9-Hydro is included in your order. 98 / Piece US $53. Model, Antminer S9 SE (16Th). After installing, fan noise is almost zero, the chip temperature is stabilized, hash rate is up maybe 10-15%, power consumption is about the same (tiny amount lower). 3 S p o n s o r N e K B B d R AntMiner S9 Installation Guide Author: Avi Eliav Keywords: Bitmain AntMiner S9 Created Date: 6/17/2016 1:35:36 AM Antminer S9 SE (17Th) Also known as: S9 Special Edition: Release: Ready To ship: Size: 129 x 200 x 321mm: Weight: 8000g: Chip boards: 3: Chip size: 16nm: Chip count: 180: Noise level: 76db: Fan(s) 2: Power: 1360W: Voltage: 12V: Interface: Ethernet: Temperature: 5 – 45 °C: Humidity: 5 – 95 % Bitmain Antminer S9 Ranges from 10-14 TH/s with most at 13. You can produce bitcoin easily with cost effective method in Canada america and even Europe. All items work perfectly. The S9 Hydro does not seem to feature any new technologies. Antminer S9 can reach 13 TH/s hashrate and 1300 W power consumption for mining BTC (SHA-256) earning around 4. 5Th, 10TH/s @ 750w Max) Release: November 2017: Size: 135 x 158 x 350mm: Weight: 4200g: Chip boards: 3: Chip name: BM1387: Chip size: 16nm: Chip count: 189: Noise level: 85db: Fan(s) 2: Power: 1372W: Wires: 10 * 6pins: Voltage: 11. Antminer S9 is the only solution for energy efficient mining with noise reduction technology. You should ensure you only run a single AntMiner per 110 volt circuit, unless those circuits are fed with Bulk buy antminer s9 online from Chinese suppliers on dhgate. Noise, dBA @25°C 4. Running two AntMiner S9s on a single 120 volt 15 amp circuit is pushing the boundaries of safe operation. 1. These custom Noise Suppressors are made for Bitmain miners with support for various power supplies,New ORIGINAL Bitmain Antminer A3 T9 S9 L3 Noise Suppressor with all accessories: Turn-key system, Our Featured Products Get cheap goods online on all orders free shipping Online Shopping For Fashion Find the lowest prices and the best deals online. Bitmain FULLY SILENT Quiet Antminer S9 with noiseless PSU (or apw3++ on request) Bitmain Antminer S9 - SILENT Tuned with Bosminer 1Th @ 69w :fire: OR LESS Noiseless Brand Antminer Series S9 13. 5t Btc,S9 13. Source from Shenzhen Dovina Electronic Technology Co. Noise, dBA @25 ℃ (2-1) 76 The Antminer s9 is the only miner that makes some decent degree of positive ROI in the present condition. 5Th/s - Power Usage: 1327W - Noise emission 85db Current profitability ranges from $4. Shipping in 21 working days after fully paid. Bitmain’s BM1387 chip is built using TSMC’s 16nm FinFET technology and, delivering a record-breaking 0. 00 Min. 00 - $75. Antminer S9 Silencer,A3,V9 and any other antminer cooling setup for antminer cooling and noise suppression Brand new Antminer S9 cooler box. This miner can produce a maximum hash rate of 14Th/s for a power usage of 1372W. A bunch of S7 is better than one Antminer S9. Antminer S9 (14Th) Release: November 2017: Size: 135 x 158 x 350mm: Weight: 4200g: Chip boards: 3: Chip name: BM1387: Chip size: 16nm: Chip count: 189: Noise level: 85db: Fan(s) 2: Power: 1372W: Wires: 10 * 6pins: Voltage: 11. 72 + £10. keep your antminers cool and quiet with this high quality custom made antminer cooler. The water cooling system reduces not only the internal temperature of the miner, but also most of its noise during the Fast shipping antminer silencer noise reducer machine for S9 L3+ A3 X3 Baikal gaint-N miners, US $ 68 - 85 / Unit, 90 days, Call Center and on-line Technical Support, New, Stock. It uses a water-cooled system to reduce both noise and power consumption. io is available for download free of charge, but it has a Dev Fee of 1. Sold new, the Antminer S9 costs between $2,000 and $2,700 per unit WITHOUT the required power unit. The S9 Kuangcheng ZEC old 80-90% new miner Antminer Z9 Mini 10k ASIC Equihash ZCASH Miner Than Innosilicon A9 mining zcash Antminer S9 CAD $1237. antminer s9 noise reduction antminer s9 noise reduction. Besides, Antminer S9, you can run any ASIC miner with similar form factor that of Antminer S9. Size, 129 x 200 x 321mm. Verified working, mining on Ubuntu 20. Bitmain Antminer Noise Reducer Machine Miner Silencer Cancelling for S9, D3, Z9,A9 ZmasterBaikal Miner, You can get more details about from mobile site on m. 8 centimeters Antminer S9 Pricing at a little less than $2,500, Antminer S9 is currently the most powerful Bitcoin miner made by the manufacturer company. io fits all models. Specifications Manufacturer: Bitmain Model: Antminer S9 SE (16Th) Also known as: S9 Special Edition Release: July 2019 Size: 129 x 200 x 321mm Weight: 4560g Chip boards: 3 Chip size : 16nm Chip count: 180 Noise level: 76db Antminer S9. 73 TH/s), if you buy three second-hand ones for a lesser price rather than getting the new Antminer S9. These miners can run up to 16 TH/s with the recent software upgrade. 2pcs 4 Pins Fan Simulator Emulator For Antminer All AntMiner T9+ 11. 0TH/s,15 TH/s & 16 TH/s Bitcoin Minerall in excellent condition. Faisal Khalid Fan 7500RPM DC12V 5. 5Th/s for a power consumption of 1323W. Relevant data shows that under the same working temperature, S9 Hydro can decrease the noise by up to 20dB compared with air cooled miners. 6 things you have to know before purchasing an Antminer s9. 5 Th/s 0. The Antminer S9 Hydro is a water cooled miner that supposedly delivers 18 THS hashrate for mining Bitcoin with 1728 Watts of power usage. Purchase individual Antminer S9 or Mining Farm investment with 60 machines. 5t , Find Complete Details about Low Noise And Consumption Bitmain Antminer S9 S9j S9 Se Hydro Miner T9+ 10. And while it consumes 300 watts more compared to the S7, it is twice as efficient with about 0. The S9 Dual concept HotTopStar 6000 RPM Case Fan for AntMiner D3/L3+/T9/X3/Z9, Quiet Computer Cooling Fan DC 12V 2. According to the maker company, Bitmain Technologies, Bitcoin miners could get the best ROI from this product. The miner is little Noisy with a noise level of 85db and is not suitable for home mining. Antminer Z9 Hydro is an SHA-256 algorithm mining equipment sold by Mineroo. com, f2pool and others). 5t Btc Mining Machine With Apw3,Bitcoin Antminer S9 13. You can produce bitcoin easily with cost effective method in Canada america and even Europe. About Antminer S9. 5Th,14. Description Brand new in stock —- Ready to ship ! Description. $42. com. Relevant data shows that under the same working temperature, S9 Hydro can decrease the noise by up to 20dB compared with air cooled miners. It uses a 16nm BM1387 chip for an extraordinary mining performance. , Ltd. 5TH/s ±5%; Power Consumption: 1323W ±10% Tags: ASIC, Miner, Value, ASIC Miner Value, New, Bitmain, Antminer, 17Ths, BitcoinCash, Miners, New Bitmain Antminer S9 SE - 17Ths BitcoinCash Miners buy in Description Reviews (3) Model Antminer S9 SE (17Th) from Bitmain mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 17Th/s for a power consumption of 1280W. 63 - 51. A recent press release from cryptocurrency mining giant Bitmain has announced the launch of a groundbreaking new mining product—the Antminer S9 Hydro. Antminer S9 Hydro is a water cooling mining device built to the most efficient and innovative standards The S9 is self sufficient in cooling terms and utilises two high pressure 120*38mm fans to move air through the miner. Source from Shenzhen Apexto Electronic Co. 5 TH/s. d/ you should see the script file which runs the mining dameon/program. There are several firmwares: Stock firmware is the factory software, developed by the equipment developer and in the first place installed on Antminer S9 Custom Firmware is private/specialized software , that uses open source code of the official software, but provides improved enlarged functional. The S9 works reliably in well ventilated spaces, whether a few units maintained in an open and well ventilated room, or hundreds of units in a large industrial mining center. 85T-550M, 12. 🏦Exchange Sorry for the really soft voice recording in the video, please refer below for the written instructions:You will need to download Putty and ssh to the IP of If you keep an S9 cool enough the fans will run at around 4,000 rpm. 00. 83 + $15. 1 pounds Yes N/A 0. BITMAIN ANTMINER - Antminer S17+ 73Th Antminer S17e 64Th Antminer S17 PRO 53Th Antminer ANTBOX N5 ASIC MINERS SHOP MARKET SALE BTC PAYMENT BUY NOW - BITMAIN ANTMINER Antminer S9 SE (16Th) Also known as: S9 Special Edition: Release: July 2019: Size: 129 x 200 x 321mm: Weight: 4560g: Chip boards: 3: Chip size: 16nm: Chip count: 180: Noise level: 76db: Fan(s) 2: Power: 1280W: Voltage: 12V: Interface: Ethernet: Temperature: 5 – 45 °C: Humidity: 5 – 95 % Antminer Silencer Cabinet S7 S9 A3 L3 Quiet Noise Suppressor Sound Proof March 2021 Antminer cooler in a box - Antminer s9 bitcoin miner cooler box DIY Antminer Silencer - YouTube. Bitcoin Mining Hardware Comparison Currently, based on (1) price per hash and (2) electrical efficiency the best Bitcoin miner options are: AntMiner S7 4. The best bitcoin miner on the market is the Antminer S9 13. 2% positive. The waterpump for cooling is also included in your order. 3 to 1. Weight, 4560g Almost everyone in the industry is familiar with the Antminer S9. 99 $ 18 . The S9 is quite noisy. The specifications of the Antminer S9 Hydro offers three main advantages to the users; efficient heat dissipation through the water cooler, noise reduction and high energy saving. AntMiner s9 / s9i / s9j The firmware from asicfw. BTC BCH ZEC Miner Fan 12cm 6000RPM Cooling Fan For Innosilicon A9 A8 Antminer S9 S9K L3 X3 Z11 Z9 B7 T9 T15 S11 S15 S17 T17 S9SE S17 S7pro Noise Reduction Device Antminer S9k-13. The water cooling system reduces not only the internal temperature of the miner, but also most of its noise during the operation. Antminer S9/L3/ Fan Noise Reduction - lot of 4 - Decibel Tested. 5Th + APW3+ Power Supply (3 units) Bitmain Antminer S9 13. Antminer S9 is the only solution for energy efficient mining with noise reduction technology. , Ltd. 1232 Bitmain Tech introduces, second newest version of its Antminer series of Bitcoin miners The fans create a high-pitched jet engine white noise that is disturbing if not maniacal. 60 ~13. 5kg Model Antminer S9 SE (16Th) from Bitmain mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 16Th/s for a power consumption of 1280W. It delivers a hashrate of 14 TH/s and allows you to achieve ROI relatively quickly when mining Bitcoin — which is becoming increasingly difficult to do. 1645 AntMiner S9 13. Hardware modifications are required in order to run Antminer S9 in Dual mode. 8 pounds Yes N/A 0. 2 USB Bitcoin Miner Tested Sha-256 algorithm miner. The Antminer S9 can be used with the Antminer 1600 Watt power supply efficiently. Stirring Arrival Bitmain Antminer S9 Hydro Miner with Low Noise and Consumption, US $ 172 - 172 / Piece, ANTMINER, SHA-256, 1728W. 0A Miner Cooling Fan For Antminer Bitmain S7 S9 4-Pin Connector Brushless Replacement Cooler Low Noise US $36. 00V: Interface: Ethernet: Temperature: 0 - 40 °C: Humidity: 5 - 95 % Antminer S9 (13. Antminer S9: SPECS. 80 USD per day. The Rack enclosure can accommodate up to 8 Antminer S9 machines per rack. Antminer S9 Hydro also performs strongly in terms of noise reduction. 00V: Interface: Ethernet: Temperature: 0 - 40 °C: Humidity: 5 - 95 % Antminer S9 SE-16TH/s $ 125. Search for the miner’s IP. Support 7/7. 00V: Interface: Ethernet: Temperature: 0 - 40 °C: Humidity: 5 - 95 % New Listing Antminer S9/L3/ Fan Noise Reduction - lot of 2 - Decibel Tested PLA. Very less noise while running — as compared with the old S9 miner. Antminer Max Airflow - Decibel Reducer - set of 2. 1 Joules per Gigahash. Cons. sh. This new miner supports the SHA256 algorithm and can mine cryptocurrencies such as BTC and BCH. 3603 Avalon6 3. One AVC 0. The S9 performs fairly well in ventilated and spacious areas. Bitmain (Antminer’s manufacturer) recommends using APW3-12-1600-B2 which can be found on their website, on Amazon or on eBay at different price Bitmain Antminer S9 Miner (Ranges from, 10-14Th) - First released in May 2017 - 13. Antminer S9 Hydro also performs strongly in terms of noise reduction. Add to cart. 9. The Antminer S9 can be modified, optimized to buy it a little more time during this 3rd mining epoch. com AntMiner S17 / S17+ / S17e / s9 / s9i / s9j / T17 / T17+ / T17e / T9+ / L3+/L3++ firmware is suitable for all models. 0 LED 60cm PCI Express 1x to 16x PCIE Riser Card for Antminer Miner Mining >>For S9 models such as 11. New ORIGINAL Bitmain Antminer A3 T9 S9 L3+ Noise Suppressor with all accessories: Turn-key system! (Miners NOT Included). io, btc. 00 Pre-Sale Sold out S9 SE 120-K SHA256/BTC/BCH Noise, dBA @25°C (2-1) Antminer S9/L3/ Fan Noise Reduction - lot of 4 - Decibel Tested. The hydro cooler will avoid the dust to get stuck causing heating issue. Share Antminer S9 is a powerful bitcoin miner, yet smaller than many portable boom-boxes. Numerous reviews adulate the item while others have their questions. 80 P&P. It is able to mine Bitcoin (BTC) with a maximum hashrate of 18,000,000,000,000 for a power consumption of 1728W. 25 W/Gh 8. However, it is mostly those with affordable or free power that will really benefit from the low price of this machine. Even though it is just 4 THS more than the air cooled Antmoner S9 miners, the water cooling upgrade adds other advantages besides lower operating temperatures such as improved efficiency, lower operating 12 months contractual step-up mining plan using Bitcoins SHA-256 algorithm. It is the miner who will have dominated the 2nd mining era. Antminer T17-42TH/s Hashrate: 42TH/s Shipping in 7 working days after fully paid Weight: 11. 5 TH/s - Make from $10 to $13 per / day (confirmed) Hashing Rate: 13. 87 / Piece 3 in 1 4pin 6pin SATA PCI-E Riser Card USB 3. 5kw per unit, depending on individual unit release dates. Reviews There are no reviews yet. , Ltd. 7A Replacement 4 Pin Connector for Antminer S7 S9, RZ1238H12B-6 $18. The Antminer Airflow Noise Reducer 4×12″ Silencer D3 L3+ S9 APW3++ Bitcoin Miner Antminer S9 Hydro Specs. Bitcoin Mining Hash Rate: 13. It is also possible to make modifications to the machine at the firmware level which allows it to reach an efficiency as low as 1. During the normal operation, the fan speed on the mining status page is about 4320-4560 rpm and the tested noise about 1m away is about 76dB (A), which is almost equivalent to the noise at a busy transportation hub. 6*200mm: Noise level: 76db: Fan(s) 4: Power: 1280W: Voltage (DC) 12V: Interface: Ethernet: Temperature: 0 - 40 °C: Humidity: 5 - 95 % This machine is similar to the Antminer S9 format, in a box that consumes half the energy. Weight: 8kg. com. 5 Th/s 0. alibaba. It comes with two large high revolution fans that produce about 77-80 Db of constant noise (the equivalent of a vacuum cleaner). 💰Buy & Sell Bitcoin💰https://www. Find out more hashrate, consumption, difficulty, and profitability for mining 44 different coins. The Antminer S9 Hydro technical specifications are as follows: . Brand New. on Alibaba. 29 W/Gh 9. The Antminer S9 Dual concept is a way to run two Antminers with a single control board and a single PSU to get highest possible power efficiency. 5t,T9+ 10. 00 USED Ant Power 1600W Power Supply PSU for Antminer S9 V9 T9 S7 L3 D3. These custom Noise Suppressors are made for Bitmain miners with support for various power supplies. Release, July 2019. New ORIGINAL Bitmain Antminer A3 T9 S9 L3+ Noise Suppressor with all accessories (Miner Not Included). com. £54. or Best Offer. 5 TH) with an additional hashing board, which translates into more hashrate with proportionally higher power consumption. The firmware from asicfw. 60 ~13. io. Order processed within 7-10 working days maximum after confirmation of payment. 098 W/Gh 8. Speaking of efficiency, the S9 is notably the most efficient mining hardware available. Please note the stated information if you cannot use a 220 V input for APW5. C $25. 5t,Bitmain Antminer S9,S9j from Blockchain Miners Supplier or Manufacturer-Shenzhen Rumax Technology Co. And, different ASIC Hardware have different mining objects which name as Antminer S7, Antminer S9 and many more else. 5T Asic BTC BCH Miner Economic Than Antminer S9 T9+ 10. 5 TH/s. coinbase. Delivered worldwide via DHL Express and UPS. on Alibaba. 5 pounds No N/A 0. Yet, that noise is music to the ears of people mining bitcoin because it is the sound of making money in the mining business. 5t WhatsMiner M3X Model #: L113-JP120 Return Policy: View Return Policy Model Antminer S9 SE (16Th) from Bitmain mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 16Th/s for a power consumption of 1280W. Where to buy? You can order your mining unit at the official website here. 5T S11 Z9 Z11 Ebit E9i 13. 098 J/GHs, is the world’s most efficient bitcoin mining chip in the consumer market. Cooling Methods Prohibited by Engineers Braiins OS is a night and day difference for my S9 Look through my post history, not shilling for them, just noting my experience. The Antminer S9 Hydro is a water cooled miner that supposedly delivers 18 THS hashrate for mining Bitcoin with 1728 Watts of power usage. 5Th/s for a power consumption of 1350W. Compare Antminer L3+ and Antminer S9 mining hardware for hashrate, coins, profitability, consumption and other specifications. com. Much like Bitcoin, it has remained a strong part of the cryptocurrency industry ever since. From United States. It would be wise to purchase the Antminer S7 (older model) instead that has about 33% of the hashing power of the S9 (at 4. Antminer S9 SE-16TH/s $ 125. 73 Th/s 0. 25W/MH! It is possible to overclock or underclock this machine, depending on the prices and your noise and hash preferences. This is the eighth new product launched by Bitmain this year and may serve to address… Bitmain Antminer S9 13. 2 Take the Antminer S9 as an example. 6*200mm: Weight: 4560g: Noise level: 76db: Quantity of hash chips: 180: Power: 1360W: Voltage: 12V: Interface: Ethernet: Humidity: 5 – 95 % AntMiner is a brand name for bitcoin mining ASIC hardware. The Antminer S9 Hydro has a rated hash rate of 18T and a wall power consumption of about 1728W. On the s9 it’s called bmminer. com $60. Even though it is just 4 THS more than the air cooled Antmoner S9 miners, the water cooling upgrade adds other advantages besides lower operating temperatures such as improved efficiency, lower operating 7500RPM DC12V 5. Also known as, S9 Special Edition. You are buying a used miner and this is what you can expect: Tested hardware, this miner works 100% How to reduce noise of Antminer S9? Try Crypto Mining Rack that can reduce Antminer S9 noise levels and manage heat. As you can see in table there are not that many options for replacements. Antminer S9 SE-16TH/s quantity. APW5 is a low-noise power supply developed for Antminer S9 Hydro. goto his channel now to see the setup guides so when your get your antminer In Stock Bitcoin Antminer S9 13. lonleh kitty To prevent the easy exhaustion of 16nm chips, it is recommended to house the miner in a separate room or mining farm. com/join/551c497db555bcb102000040Get $10 worth of Bitcoin when you buy $100 worth of Bitcoin through me. Antminer S9 from Bitmain mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hash rate of 14. Nonetheless, it is a historical part of Bitcoin Antminer Bitmain S7 S9 A3 L3 Silencer Noise Suppressor sound proof with shroud. The water cooling system reduces not only the internal temperature of the miner, but also most of its noise during the operation. PSU Included. Seller 98. 5 x 15. With the S9 Dual concept, two Antminers can run at a total of 20+TH/s at just above 1500W power usage. 3*129. Antminer S9 (14Th) Release: November 2017: Size: 135 x 158 x 350mm: Weight: 4200g: Chip boards: 3: Chip name: BM1387: Chip size: 16nm: Chip count: 189: Noise level: 85db: Fan(s) 2: Power: 1372W: Wires: 10 * 6pins: Voltage: 11. Hashrate: 16TH/s. The Sesterce Mining Service. New ORIGINAL Bitmain Antminer A3 T9 S9 L3+ Noise Suppressor with all accessories (Miner Not Included). It supports the SHA-256 secure hash algorithm, which means that it can be used for mining both Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH). 5 TH/s below and 1323w for power consumption. During the spike in mining activity leading up to 2017, hardware was struggling to keep pace … Antminer S9 Hydro is the Chinese company’s newest flagship, and the eighth product it has launched this year. Get deals with coupon and discount code! Source high quality products in hundreds of categories wholesale direct from China. The 4,000 isn't too bad but the 6,000 can be a little loud. The rear fan spins at up to 4200rpm while the new front Delta Electronics QFR1212GHE fan spins at up to 6000rpm and generates a noise level of 77dba at 1m which is too loud for home mining. Antminer S9 Hydro also performs strongly in terms of noise reduction. 3% positive. Regular price $351. 3% -2% (mining is not interrupted, the dev fee works parallel to the main mining). antminer s9 noise
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+ The Great Initiates
by Eduard Schuré
A Study of the Secret History of Religions
"Édouard Schuré speaks about the 'Great Illuminated,' the Great Initiates, who have looked deeply into the background of things, and from this background have given great impulses for the spiritual development of mankind. He traces the great spiritual deeds of Rama, Krishna, Hermes, Pythagoras and Plato, in order to show the unification of all these impulses in Christ.... The light streaming from Schuré's book enlightens those who wish to be firmly rooted in the spiritual sources from which strength and certainty for modern life can be drawn." -- Rudolf Steiner
The Great Initiates presents the perennial wisdom to be found in the lives and accomplishments of figures of extraordinary stature. In the course of his investigations, Schuré covers such topics as the mysterious dawn of pre-historic Europe • the Bhagavad Gita: India's dream of eternity • death and resurrection in ancient Egypt • the light of Osiris • esoteric wisdom of Moses • Orpheus and his lyre: a divine cosmogony • Pythagorean initiation, secrets of numbers, the divine Psyche • Plato: initiate and idealist • the Greek mysteries of Eleusis • the Essenes and their spiritual training • the significance of Christ in human evolution. The aliveness, the freshness, the excitement of discovery that breathes through The Great Initiates well explains its continuing popularity after nearly three-quarters of a century. Born out of Schuré's deep experience and observation, The Great Initiates encompasses long centuries of life on earth and reflects the greatest search of all -- the quest for the spirit.
HARPER & ROW, PUBLISHERS cover design by Bob Conover >$11.95 ISBN 0-06-067125-4 05114980
This page contains download links for PuTTY release 0.48.
0.48, released on 1999-11-18, is not the latest release. See the Latest Release page for the most up-to-date release (currently 0.70).
Past releases of PuTTY are versions we thought were reasonably likely to work well, at the time they were released. However, later releases will almost always have fixed bugs and/or added new features. If you have a problem with this release, please try the latest release, to see if the problem has already been fixed.
This release has known security vulnerabilities. Consider using a later release instead, such as the latest version, 0.70.
I archieve the tutorial. Mingw is working well (I succeed to compile a program using windows cmd.exe). I created a new project (with the c language instead of c++) , toolchain showed Mingw gcc. But when i tried to run (ctrl F11) a error message appeared : Launch Fail Binary not Found.
I had the same, I did a few things and then I didn’t get the error anymore.
1) closed all other projects: right-mouse on this project and select ‘Close Unrelated Projects’. Not sure if this one’s relevant but I had a number of Java projects opened so who knows 2) “Project>> Clean…” >> clean all 3) “Project>> Build All”
That fixed Guillame’s error (which I was having too). I do think that there’s still something not going 100% right. This is the output in the Console now:
**** Build of configuration Debug for project hellocplusplus ****
**** Internal Builder is used for build **** Nothing to build for hellocplusplus
I’ve updated the guide, seems like it doesn’t autobuild the binary. Just select your project on the left side, rightclick it and hit build project. That will give you a working binary.
I also had this problem. To fix, I reinstalled mingw and chose the option to download the latest builds during the install and installed the optional things with mingw console.
I download the mingw-installer, it only offers to me 32 bit settings, I searched about a 64 bit version of mingw, but it doesn’t come with a setup , can you give some reference about how can i install and configure mingw-64 for OpenSceneGraph and sugest a good IDE for work?
Hi Michel, unfortunately I haven’t tried out the 64bit version of MinGW so I’m not sure if it will work well with OpenSceneGraph. For the IDE, I’d try to use the latest 64 bit Eclipse with the C/C++ plugin.
I'm also the founder of Epic Windmill, a software company that develops apps and games for mobile devices.
Spend some weeks creating my own virtual bike riding software using @UnrealEngine. Still WIP but it reads sensordata (Power) and turns it into speed. It also applies the slope % to the Wahoo smart biketrainer and also reads Cadence/Heartrate sensordata #screenshotsaturday#ue4pic.twitter.com/WQDP6QWBMg
RT @PowerDNS_Bert In this post, we'll reverse-engineer the actual mRNA code of the @BioNTech_Group/@pfizer SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, character for character. And along the way, this will also explain how the vaccine works. Surprisingly, there are some fun mysteries in there! berthub.eu/articles/posts…
RT @AndroidDev 🚀 Compare APK size, build speed, and lines of code when building with #JetpackCompose. @chrisbanes recently saw a 41% reduction in APK size and a 17% reduction in method count when migrating his app Tivi to Compose. Dive into the numbers with us ↓ goo.gle/2WgnLY3
Great overview, I'll probably skip the 1st gen ARM machines (already got burned with the first gen touchbar mbp 2016) but this is pretty exciting! twitter.com/steipete/statu…
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+ Three-Dee'd: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \|/ _\/_ \|/ \|/ \/__ \|/ \|/ _\/_ \|/ \|/ \/__ \|/ \|/ _\/_ \|/ @~/ Oo \~@ @~/Oo \~@ @~/ Oo \~@ @~/Oo \~@ @~/ Oo \~@ /_( \__/ )_\ /_(\__/ )_\ /_( \__/ )_\ /_(\__/ )_\ /_( \__/ )_\ \__U_/ \_U__/ \__U_/ \_U__/ \__U_/ _ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (c) 1997 goe And THEN, immediately following, on Sun Jan 12 12:33:03 EST 1997, Blubje
+ Beatle-posted in alt.ascii-art: ////\\ //||\\ //\|\\ ///||\ \|/ ____ \|/ /`O-O' ` @ @\ //o o// a a @~/ ,. \~@ ] > ) | ( _) /_( \__/ )_\ - - - ~ \__U_/ -John-----Paul-----George----Ringo------Blubje--- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEY! That's MY Blubje/-- I mean, _MY_ ASCII Hitchhiker's Guide Guy!! From the Historic, April 2, 1994, 10:27:33 GMT Internet Posting of my BIG.MONEY.FAST! Satire and Mega-Crossposted Ascii-Pix ScreenDump!!! And THIS TIME, I'm NOT going to stand meekly by as I did back in 1964-7 when I created the Happy Face. Yes, that's right!! I admit it, back when my fellow classmates were drawing WW2 Killroys, I made and drew the proto-typical pre-hippy happy smiley all over Marshall High School, Silverlake, Hollywood and UCLA, and while hitchhiking across America to Montreal's Expo 67!! Look it up, if you don't believe me!!! Cuz it's past the Statute of Limitations, and I can now admit this for The Record!!
+ In the Name of NetHonor, I must request that all posters re-using my distinct artwork -- composed of 44 separate ascii characters and spaces, requiring extraordinary amounts of unique talent, modest Genius, and months of backbreaking hesitancy to carefully copy the cover of a Douglas Adams paperback, and then add beady little eyes -- to kindly include my full name, sig, initials, copyright, trade mark and credits. All I ask is Creative Control. Thank you. (T-Shirt, Trading Card Licensing and Animated Television Series Prospectus available upon request and credit verification.) @@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@% *************************************************************** MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! ======================= ======================== Raspberry ## Created ## \|/ ____ \|/ tm & Copyright 1994-4210 Ascii Guy ## by me ## @~/ ,. \~@ by Mike Jittlov, I laugh "Thptpt!" ## for the ## /_( \__/ )_\ in my sleeve at all your -- Plato ## *World* ## \__U_/ petty flamemails bla-ha! ####################### Wiz MJJ ######################## ________________________________________ ___._`.*.'_._ ________ Mike Jittlov - Wizard etc . . + * .o o.* `.`. +. Hollywood, California, USA ' * . ' ' |\^/| `. * . * & alt.fan.mike-jittlov (: May All Your \$/ Good Dreams (Yes it's a real newsgroup!) and Fine Wishes /_\ Come True:) ============================================= _/ \_ =========== (PS: I'm KIDDING!! Use it anywhere! Who cares! Enjoy! (tm)) , ; , .-'"""'-. , ; , \\|/ .' '. \|// \-;-/ \-;-/ // ; ; \\ //__; :. .; ;__\\ `-----\'.'-.....-'.'/-----' '.'.-.-,_.'.' jgs '( (..-' '-' From: cszwt2@scs.leeds.ac.uk (W Towle) _ 88888b d888b 888b 88 8P 888888 88888b 888 888b 88 88 d888b 88 88 88 88 88 88`8b 88 88 88 88 88 88 88`8b 88 88 88 ` 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88888P 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 `8b88 88 88 d8888888b 88 `8b88 88 88 , "" 88888P `888P 88 `888 88 88 88 `8b 88 `888 88 `888P 88 nnnmmm \||\ ;;;;%%%@@@@@@ \ //, V|/ %;;%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@ ===Y// 68=== ;;;;%%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Y ;Y ;;%;%%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Y ;Y ;;;+;%%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Y ;Y__;;;+;%%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@i;;__Y iiY"";; "uu%@@@@@@@@@@uu" @"";;;> Y "UUUUUUUUU" @@ `; ___ _ @ `;. ,====\\=. .;' ``""""`==\\==' `;===== === oooo$$$$$$$$$$$$oooo oo$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o oo$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o o$ $$ o$ o $ oo o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o $$ $$ $$o$ oo $ $ "$ o$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$o $$$o$$o$ "$$$$$$o$ o$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$o $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ """$$$ "$$$""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ "$$$ $$$ o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ "$$$o o$$" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$o $$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$""$$$$$$ooooo$$$$o o$$$oooo$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$"$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$"""""""" """" $$$$ "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" o$$$ "$$$o """$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"$$" $$$ $$$o "$$""$$$$$$"""" o$$$ $$$$o o$$$" "$$$$o o$$$$$$o"$$$$o o$$$$ "$$$$$oo ""$$$$o$$$$$o o$$$$"" ""$$$$$oooo "$$$o$$$$$$$$$""" ""$$$$$$$oo $$$$$$$$$$ """"$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$" "$$$"""" unknown
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+ From listadm Sun Jan 11 16:35:14 2004 Received: from c-24-9-20-184.client.comcast.net (c-24-9-20-184.client.comcast.net []) by dkuug.dk (8.12.10/8.9.2) with SMTP id i0BFYwCm013280; Sun, 11 Jan 2004 16:35:10 +0100 (CET) (envelope-from lsrri@tom.com) Received: from [] by 540000x.comIP with HTTP; Sat, 10 Jan 2004 21:31:18 -0600 From: "Rusty Jacob"
+ To: iso14766@dkuug.dk, iso639@dkuug.dk Subject: Re: DVKAS, and kurolesov told Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: mPOP Web-Mail 2.19 X-Originating-IP: [540000x.comIP] Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 05:27:18 +0200 Reply-To: "Rusty"
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+ * Machine reasoning about machines: ACL2 theorem prover J. Strother Moore, (University of Texas, Austin) PADL2002 Invited Talk, January 20, 2002. J. Strother Moore is well-known for the Boyer-Moore string matching algorithm and the Boyer-Moore theorem prover. The talk was quite different from the paper (published in LNCS 2257). The paper, entitled "Single-Threaded Objects in ACL2", deals with ACL2's "version" of Haskell monads. The PADL talk was about history, abilities and lessons of the ACL2 prover. ACL2 stands for "A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp". It is the second incarnation of "The Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover (NQTHM)". The original NQTHM project started back in the 1971, when Moore was a PhD student at the U. of Edinburgh after graduating from MIT, and when he met Boyer. They were influenced by Woody Bledsoe and an insight that proving theorems by resolution was actually _programming_ in predicate calculus. The collaboration between Moore and Boyer continued for twenty years. Both moved around the country, and ended up at the U. of Texas (Austin). And then all of the sudden Boyer got interested in philosophy. He is now a professor in the Dept of philosophy at U.Texas (Austin), and teaches Plato and Socrates as well as the introductory Set theory for CS majors. J. Moore mentioned that his department still receives letters addressed to "Professor Boyer-Moore". NQTHM uses Lisp code as logic, to express theorems. The prover is written also in (a home-grown dialect of) Lisp. The logic is first order and has no quantifiers. The prover however is adept in inductive proofs. The first result of the Boyer-Moore prover was the proof of the existence of a list with three elements. Then they proved that the list append is associative, and the prime factorization is unique. The prover got smarter and acquired the knowledge of natural, integral and rational numbers (along with their equality and inequality properties), binary decision diagrams (BDDs), and congruence-based re-writing. http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/best-ideas/nqthm/innovations.html Each proven lemma is automatically added to the database of known true facts -- and can immediately be used in proving other theorems. We can also prove re-writing rules and reasoning strategies -- and add them to the database for later use. The prover becomes smarter with every successful proof. The brief ACL2 tutorial http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/kaufmann/tutorial/rev3.html gives the flavor of the logic and the prover. In the 80s, Boyer, Moore and their students proved undecidability of the halting problem, and the Goedel First incompleteness theorem. The latter proof required 2000 lemmas. They proceeded to prove the design of a sample microprocessor, the correctness of the assembler for the micro-processor, and even the correctness of a simple OS. See http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/best-ideas/nqthm/index.html for the complete list of proved results. One of the notable results of ACL2 was a proof that the floating-point unit (FPU) of the AMD Athlon processor executes elementary FP operations (additions, subtraction, multiplication, division and the square root) strictly according to the IEEE specification. To be precise, they proved that the unit that operates 'extended precision' FP numbers is correct. The regular FP numbers are converted to the extended format by a separate hardware unit, which also deals with unnormalized numbers, NaNs and infinities. This was at a time of a Pentium FDIV scandal. AMD management was terrified to think that the upcoming Athlon may have some rare but immensely embarrassing bug. The FP unit was specified in a Register Transfer Language (RTL) -- a common hardware description language that describes registers of various logical/arithmetical components and data transfers. To prove the correctness of FPU, Moore and his group had to develop a translator from RTL to ACL2, the input language of the prover. Moore had to convince the AMD management that the translation is sound. Alas, RTL is not specified precisely; its semantics is defined by an RTL emulator. The fact that ACL2 specification is itself ACL2 code, which is applicative Common Lisp code, turned out very handy. ACL2 specifications can be executed! The ACL2 _specification_ for the FPU can therefore be considered an emulator for the FPU: it takes bit patterns representing input FP numbers and prints the output bit patterns. To convince the management that the ACL2 FPU specification is a sound representation of the original RTL specification, one needs to show that the two FPU emulators are equivalent. The management gave Moore 80 million test vectors, designed to verify the RTL specs. The compiled ACL2 specs code produced the same results for these vectors as the RTL emulator. That convinced the AMD management that the ACL2 specs accurately reflect the RTL code for their FPU. After that, Moore and his students proceeded to prove that the ACL2 FPU specs are consistent with the IEEE arithmetic rules. They found four real bugs -- which were confirmed as bugs by the RTL emulator. These four bugs survived all perviously tried 80 million test vectors! Moore and his students later proved correctness theorems for an IBM 4758 crypto-processor. The theorems contributed to the crypto-processor's being awarded IFIPS 140-1 rating, the highest security rating for any piece of hardware and software. http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/best-ideas/acl2/index.html See above for more (industrially important) results proved by ACL2. In 1989, Boyer and Moore opened an empty Emacs buffer and started a complete re-write of NQTHM. The result is the ACL2 prover. Theorems in NQTHM were expressed as Lisp expressions; the prover itself was written in a home-grown dialect of Lisp, in a largely imperative style. First Boyer and Moore wanted to switch to Common Lisp (CL), so they don't have to maintain their own compiler. Mainly they wanted to re-write the prover in a pure-applicative subset of CL. The major attraction is that the specification and the implementation languages become the same; hence we can use the prover to prove (a part of) itself. It turns out that pure-functional style resulted in a better and a better maintainable code. As J. Moore remarked, his experience of writing and maintaining the imperative prover NQTHM for 18+ years, and the similar 11-year experience for the pure-functional ACL2 prover showed the applicative style is better. J. Moore said that he will never go back to the imperative style. The ACL2 prover is 72KLOC long. The documentations takes 1.7 MB; in addition; comments in the code occupy 1.2 MB. Whenever the authors extent or correct a function, they describe the motivation and the action in the comments. Thus ACL2 comments reflect thirty years of the evolution of the theorem provers. The ACL2 home page http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2 lists two books, several ACL2 workshops. The site contains the full, hyperlinked ACL2 documentation. ACL2 is freely downloadable from the above site. As the ACL2 web page says, "I think it's really cool that the system is coded in its own logic. How many theorem provers can you say that about? How many 5 Mbyte applicative programs can you name?" The ACL2 is used quite frequently for real projects (proofs of correctness for the AMD Athlon FPU, for a Motorola DSP processor, for a JVM chip and for a strcpy()/strcat()/... UNIX string library), partly because it is fast. ACL2 has plenty of tricks to speed up proofs, for example, "lazy" beta-reduction. The latter tries to bundle several pending beta-reductions and execute them during a single traversal of a potentially huge term. For example, a correctness proof of a Motorola CAP DSP processor generated an intermediate formula that was 25MB long. ACL2 can deal with even bigger formulas. The ACL2 specification language and the code itself are untyped. However, ACL2 can infer correctness constraints: e.g., if the statement of a theorem or a function includes (CAR L), then L must be a CONS. The ACL2 tutorial gives a great example. When a user types:
+ The admission of REV is trivial, using the relation E0-ORD-< (which is known to be well-founded on the domain recognized by E0-ORDINALP) and the measure (ACL2-COUNT X). We observe that the type of REV is described by the theorem (OR (CONSP (REV X)) (EQUAL (REV X) NIL)). We used primitive type reasoning and the :type-prescription rule BINARY- APPEND.
Note how the system figured out the type of rev. The type is formulated as a theorem, which can be proved by ACL2 and then used as a side condition whenever function rev is applied. Curry-Howard isomorphism in action! For that reason, a static type system is not necessary. Still, J. Moore keeps an open mind. When asked what he would do if he started with an empty Emacs buffer now, he replied that he would give Haskell a very hard look. One of his (former) students is playing with Haskell to this end; so far, Moore said, he was able to closely and elegantly emulate in ACL2 all the Haskell code that person sent him. J. Moore is a bit concerned how Haskell will play out in terms of performance. He didn't mention any studies though. The speaker couldn't avoid a question about Boyer-Moore string matching algorithm. He said that its discovery was one of the "Aha" moments -- one day in California.
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+ Broadcom megaraid storage manager
Broadcom megaraid storage manager
broadcom megaraid storage manager Detail overview. PC Configure RAID Using the Avago MegaRAID Configuration Utilities. The random deletion of logical drives that were created by using MegaRAID Storage Manager software (refer to the MegaRAID SAS Software User Guide for more information) The use of the remaining array capacity by MegaRAID Storage Manager software 1. 74,714,355: MegaRAID Storage Manager: ibm_utl_msm_17. 5, seemed to work with some minor adaptations for ESXi 6. 02. Offering up to double the data transfer rate of 6 Gb/s SAS solutions, 12 Gb/s SAS allows the SAS infrastructure to deliver bandwidth that can fully utilize that of RAID 6 is a good all-round system that combines efficient storage with excellent security and decent performance. Use the software license management portal and the MegaRAID Storage Manager utility to activate advanced software on-demand. exe. Additional benefits of the Broadcom investment in NVMe include: Compliance to the latest Storage Industry standards (U. Broadcom offers a collection of applications and tools including a pre-boot setup utility and a full spectrum of online RAID management utilities. 1 12 Gbit/s Broadcom 05-50011-00 MegaRAID 9460-16i - Storage controller (RAID) - MPN: 05-50011-00 Broadcom Currently, Broadcom maintains LSI equipment. 05. Broadcom offers a collection of applications and tools including a pre-boot setup utility and a full spectrum of online RAID management utilities. The MegaRAID 9560-8i adapter, based on the SAS3908 high-port count PCIe 4. Server is a UCS C240 M3 SFF with an LSI MegaRAID SAS 9266CV-8i We are unable to enable RAID 10 This is requesting an activation key. I also have more information from support. However, some PCIe slots support only PCIe graphics cards, and if you install a RAID controller, it will not function. 0 x8 with cables is a PCI Express (PCIe) generation 3 (Gen3) x8 adapter. The MegaRAID Management Suite™ software provides essential tools to manage MegaRAID products, whether deployed in an enterprise or small business. PC But on Windows there is the MegaRAID storage manager (MSM) which is a much prettier graphical client, but it only easy to set up if the server is running Windows. Download latest drivers for lsi controllers on windows 10, 8, 7 32-64 bit . Configuring RAID levels by using the MegaRAID SAS 9361-8i controller card Raid Management Software Lsa (lsi Storage Authority), Megaraid Storage Manager, Storcli (command-line Interface), Ctrl-r (bios Configuration Utility), Hii (uefi Human Interface Infrastructure) Cache Protection Cvpm02 Cachevault Power Module Host Bus Type X8 Lane Pci Express® 3. It is preferable over RAID 5 in file and application servers that use many large drives for data storage. Broadcom MegaRAID ® 9380-8i8e High Port Count 12Gb/s PCI Express SATA and SAS RAID Controller delivers performance and data protection capabilities for most server and storage platforms. 74,714,355: MegaRAID Storage Manager: ibm_utl_msm_17. Also for: Megaraid 9560-16i, Megaraid 9560-8i, Megaraid 9580-8i8e, Hba 9500-16i, Hba 9500-8i, Hba 9500-16e, Hba 9500-8e. 0 Tri-Mode Storage Adapters, with 16 and 8 ports, address protection for a range of high-end server storage applications. 02) Lenovo Inc. We have 1 Broadcom HBA 9500-16i manual available for free PDF download: User Manual Broadcom HBA 9500-16i User Manual (47 pages) PCIe 4. 0. Broadcom offers a collection of applications and tools including a pre-boot setup utility and a full spectrum of online RAID management utilities. 01_windows_32-64. MegaRAID Storage Manager MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM) is an advanced RAID array configuration and management Support for MegaRAID and HBAs. 1. 0, Recovery and SafeStore will need a separate license and have to purchase a license on chip or software key. The MegaRAID Storage Manager graphical user interface (GUI) makes it easy for you to create and manage storage configurations RAID array management (after operating system is installed) ServeRAID-BR10i adapter (LSI 1068E) LSI Utility (Setup utility, press Ctrl+C), ServerGuide: MegaRAID Storage Manager (for monitoring storage only) ServeRAID-BR10il v2 adapter (LSI 1064E) LSI Utility (Setup utility, press Ctrl+C), ServerGuide: MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM), Director Broadcom MegaRAID SAS 9361-16i Controller Card is designed to deliver the requirements of next-generation server and storage platforms. 02. MEC Code: LSI936116I . 1 x8 overview and full product specs on CNET. I also have more information from support. broadcom. Click on the + Latest MegaRAID Firmware to expand the list; Click on the Download link. 01_windows_32-64. Chapter 1, Broadcom MegaRAID and HBA Tri-Mode Storage Adapters Overview The following table summarizes many key features of the HBA Tri-Mode storage adapters. The adapter can be used in either a x8 or x16 PCIe slot in the system. The Supermicro UIO MegaRAID Low Profile AOC-USAS2LP-H8iR features 8 internal SAS connectors for high-performance storage connectivity. 05. Search Results - Broadcom The MegaRAID Management Suite™ provides the essential software tools to efficiently manage MegaRAID products, whether deployed in an enterprise or small business. SHOP SUPPORT. The MegaRAID 9500 series is the industry’s first PCIe Gen 4. No restart is then required, although it should still be carried out. Based on the Broadcom SAS3916 and SAS3908 eight-lane host PCIe to SAS/SATA/PCIe RAID on Chip (RoC) controller, the 9500 series MegaRAID MegaRAID 9261-8i is an excellent quality and inexpensive RAID solution. 0 x8 overview and full product specs on CNET. 01_windows_32-64. x through 14. 1 x8 overview and full product specs on CNET. They may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant adverts on other sites. exe. It comes with RAID 5 & 6 without a license however, if you want other MegaRAID management features such as CacheCade Pro 2. 05. 0 4600944, il software MegaRaid Storage Manager (16. View View. Broadcom off ers a collection of applications and tools including a pre-boot setup utility and a full spectrum of online RAID management utilities. 02. “Customers expect products to just work together, but it takes a full-suite of testing to ensure proper operation and full functionality,” said Jas Tremblay, vice president and general manager, Broadcom 05-26105-00 - LSI MegaRAID SAS 9341-4i - Storage Controller (RAID) Our comments box is a great way for you to view other people's feedback about products on Ebuyer. exe. Manufacture Part Number: 05-25708-00. 0 Tri-Mode Storage Adapters MegaRAID SAS 9361-24i, QIG, LP bracket: Generation: 12 Gb/s: RAID Management Software: LSA (LSI Storage Authority), MegaRAID Storage Manager, StorCLI (command-line interface), CTRL-R (BIOS configuration utility), HII (UEFI Human Interface Infrastructure) Cache Protection: CVPM02 CacheVault Power Module: Physical Dimensions: 6. 0 2g Ddriii Md2 12gb/s Sas Controller No Cbl W/sw/lp Bracket. The announcement today is aimed at OEMs, system integrators, and storage manufacturers. The adapter features 8 internal SAS connectors for high-performance storage connectivity. MegaRAID Storage Manager version 17. TIENDA SOPORTE. View View. This article describes the firmware update procedure of a MegaRAID controller via the MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM). Broadcom MegaRAID and HBA Tri-Mode User Guide Broadcom® MegaRAID® and HBA Tri-Mode Storage Adapters Tri-Mode Storage Interface The adapters can direct attach to SAS, SATA, or (PCIe) NVMe drives using SFF-8680 or SFF-8639 bays. Refer to the guide for your motherboard for information about the MegaRAID SAS 9361-24i, QIG, LP bracket: Generation: 12 Gb/s: RAID Management Software : LSA (LSI Storage Authority), MegaRAID Storage Manager, StorCLI (command-line interface), CTRL-R (BIOS configuration utility), HII (UEFI Human Interface Infrastructure) Cache Protection: CVPM02 CacheVault Power Module About Engineering Manager in the MegaRAID Firmware team, DCSG, Bangalore – Managing a team of highly skilled and motivated Engineers responsible for developing/delivering features in MegaRAID HBA Firmware including OEM specific programs. Recommended Posts. com/support The Broadcom (LSI) MegaRAID 9361-8i SAS3 Controller with 8 internal ports (2 GB Cache) PCIe3. com, and add your own. RAID 6 is a good all-round system that combines efficient storage with excellent security and decent performance. LSI/AVAGO/Broadcom Megaraid Storage Manager (MSM) By IvanIvanovich, July 10, 2017 in Exploit. 2. Add the management port into DNS for forward and reverse. 1 x8 overview and full product specs on CNET. 0 host and storage interfaces. Broadcom Inc. PC The MegaRAID Management Suite™ of software provides essential tools to manage MegaRAID products, whether deployed in an enterprise or small business. 02. 01_windows_32-64. 02. Buongiorno, ho un problema con il tool di monitoraggio RAID LSI/AVAGO/BROADCOM e ESXi 6 Dopo aver aggiornato ESXi alla 6. 74,714,355: MegaRAID Storage Manager: ibm_utl_msm_17. There is definitely still the RAID ROM that you can boot into, I am referring to their management software (the one that intermittently picks up your servers while scanning). Great quality MegaRAID card works right out of the box. 5. The 9380-8i8e offers double the data transfer rate of 6Gb/s SAS solutions, delivering bandwidth that utilizes the PCI Express 3. Show Hide terms and conditions. 05. The Broadcom (LSI) MegaRAID 9361-8i SAS3 Controller with 8 Internal Ports (1 GB Cache) PCIe3. 0 host and storage interfaces. These cookies may be set through our site by our advertising partners. 05. Broadcom offers a collection of applications and tools including a pre-boot setup utility and a full spectrum of online RAID management utilities. PCIe 4. 05. But it is [i]also possible for a MSM client to manage cards on other server machines. pdf https://www. Broadcom MegaRAID 9560-16i (05-50077-00) (05-50077-00) Broadcom - The MegaRAID 9500series is the industryrsquo;s first PCIe Gen 4. Tags Avago, Broadcom, LSI, MegaRAID Storage Manager, SAS9271-8i, Ubuntu 16. 01. 01_windows_32-64. The MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM) event log may report the following event during heavy I/O environments or drive migrations: Controller 0: Unexpected Sense: PD = 3:3 CDB = (hexidecimal codes) Sense = (hex codes) MegaRAID Storage Manager Application for Windows (17. 01_windows_32-64. 01. To disable fan failure alerts in MegaRAID Storage Manager, perform the following: Tools > Configure Alerts > Change Individual Events Uncheck all Alert Delivery messages for the following ID's: ID Description 170 Fan removed on enclosure 169 Fan inserted on enclosure 168 Fan failed on enclosure The MegaRAID 9500 series is the industry’s first PCIe Gen 4. Open the MegaRaid Storage Manager; Select the Host and log in; Under Actions > select Update Firmware; Select the file that was unzipped from the download MegaRAID Storage Manager Application for Windows (17. open up ssh on the VMware ESXI Host. However, some PCIe slots support only PCIe graphics cards, and if you install a RAID controller, it will not function. Broadcom offers a collection of applications and tools including a pre-boot setup utility and a full spectrum of online RAID management utilities. Before you begin this procedure, create at least one virtual drive, or RAID volume, using the BIOS Configuration Utility or RSTe. 712 To disable fan failure alerts in MegaRAID Storage Manager, perform the following: Tools > Configure Alerts > Change Individual Events Uncheck all Alert Delivery messages for the following ID's: ID Description 170 Fan removed on enclosure 169 Fan inserted on enclosure 168 Fan failed on enclosure Broadcom aka Avago aka LSI announces SAS SATA NVMe Adapters with RAID. I have been using LSA and it seems to work much better than MegaRAID. Broadcom’s new family of high-performance 9400-series MegaRAID controllers support up to 16 internal and external ports on a single chip while providing unmatched IOPS performance, data protection and the lowest power consumption for server OEMs, system integrators and storage manufacturers. The MegaRAID SAS 9361-8i, with eight internal ports, delivers two 1. LSI/Avago/Broadcom made a Linux version of MSM, but it only released RPMs for Red Hat and Suse. The Broadcom NVMe RAID family further extends its NVMe portfolio launched in 2016, comprised of 32 NVMe hardware RAID adapters and the 7 th generation of MegaRAID® software. MegaRAID Advanced Software Options add additional performance and data protection features to selected RAID controller cards. Powered by the SAS3108 RAID-on-Chip (ROC), the 9361-8i controller includes the PCI Express 3. Broadcom 9361-16i 16 Internal Ports Raid 0/1/5/50/6 Pci-exp 3. 0 RAID Broadcom MegaRAID 9460-16i RAID controller PCI Express x8 3. Temp. 01. 05. IvanIvanovich 0 Check the Getting Started -> Windows Installation Prerequisites chart. Broadcom 12 Gb/s SAS solutions are designed to deliver the performance and data protection capabilities required for the most demanding next-generation server and storage platforms. Use putty and ssh into the server to make sure you can get it in. The adapter can be used in either a x8 or x16 PCIe slot in the system. Refer to the guide for your motherboard for information about the There is definitely still the RAID ROM that you can boot into, I am referring to their management software (the one that intermittently picks up your servers while scanning). 0 Software leverages SSDs in front of HDD volumes to create high-capacity, high-performance controller cache pools But on Windows there is the MegaRAID storage manager (MSM) which is a much prettier graphical client, but it only easy to set up if the server is running Windows. 0 x8 RAID-on-Chip (RoC), delivers twice the performance of previous generations. View View. 0 x8 overview and full product specs on CNET. chg Intuitive RAID Management Utility The MegaRAID Management Suite™ provides the essential software tools to efficiently manage MegaRAID products, whether deployed in an enterprise or small business. LSI/Avago/Broadcom made a Linux version of MSM, but it only released RPMs for Red Hat and Suse. 00 The MegaRAID 9460-8i Tri-Mode Storage Adapter is a 12Gb/s SAS/SATA/PCIe NVMe controller card that addresses these needs by delivering proven flexibility. Full story to come soon, but I've been testing Broadcom's MegaRAID 9460-16i for a bit (thanks to @joshsinykin at Broadcom for helping me get set up!), and (spoilers) I actually have SAS RAID storage working with the Pi now. 0 RAID adapter family, offering PCIe Gen 4. • Provides internal storage and RAID data protection to address a wide range of storage performance and capacity requirements Extra Specifications for Supermicro AOC-SAS3-9361-24i 24 Ports Internal MegaRAID 9361-24i SAS3 12Gb/s Broadcom Controller "As the worldwide leader in SAS connectivity and data protection, Avago 12Gb/s SAS solutions are enjoying wide adoption at a critical time as storage bandwidth performance has doubled to meet the increasing storage demands of enterprise and cloud service providers," said Tom Swinford, senior vice president and general manager, Data Center The new 9400 series of MegaRAID controllers are all about performance, data protection, and power efficiency. 1. The MegaRAID Management Suite™ provides the essential software tools to efficiently manage MegaRAID products, whether deployed in an enterprise or small business. NOTE: The MegaRAID SAS 9260CV-4i RAID controller and the MegaRAID SAS 9260CV-8i RAID controller are PCI Express x8 cards and they can operate in x8 or x16 slots. The MegaRAID Management Suite™ software provides essential tools to manage MegaRAID products, whether deployed in an enterprise or small business. NOTE: The MegaRAID SAS 9260CV-4i RAID controller and the MegaRAID SAS 9260CV-8i RAID controller are PCI Express x8 cards and they can operate in x8 or x16 slots. The adapter features 8 internal SAS connectors for high-performance storage connectivity. 5. Our Price: Login for high-end systems, storage solutions, Controllers I am having a problem with the LSI MegaRAID Software Manager software, any version 12. 05. This RAID card is built on the Broadcom SAS IC technology and proven MegaRAID technology. Links https://docs. 1, using a "local standalone" installation of the Megaraid manager software, the login screen is not able to authenticate any local user. The MegaRAID Management Suite™ provides the essential software tools to efficiently manage MegaRAID products, whether deployed in an enterprise or small business. That takes you to Broadcom's site, with a bunch of downloads for MegaRAID drivers and software. This controller card offers 12Gbps high-performance data transfer rate and includes 16 internal SATA and SAS ports. 02) Lenovo Inc. 05. 0 and 12 Gb/s SAS technology and helps users to support increased scaling of hard disk drives Email, file, SharePoint, and similar critical apps must scale easily over time while remaining both highly protected and easily manageable. ) Before starting make sure your sytem is upto date install all updates as required apt update && apt upgrade Original article: How to install LSI MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM) on ESXi 5. 04 14 Replies to “Installing LSI MegaRAID Storage Manager on Ubuntu 16. This implies all current case management systems including ServiceNow will retire and transition to Wolkensoft. 04. 600 X 2. . chg To Install MegaRAID Storage Manager you will need to download the software from the Broadcom site (it has had many names in the past lsi/avago . 600" x 2. Avago offers a collection of applications and tools including a pre-boot setup utility and a full spectrum of online RAID management utilities. The Storage Manager enables an update via the graphical user interface. There is a link to the LSI software. Broadcom / LSI MegaRAID SAS 2108 [Liberator] PERC H700 Integrated Raid The MegaRAID SAS 2108 [Liberator] is under the Raid category and is contained in the certified systems below. 0 RAID adapter family, offering PCIe Gen 4. About Engineering Manager in the MegaRAID Firmware team, DCSG, Bangalore – Managing a team of highly skilled and motivated Engineers responsible for developing/delivering features in MegaRAID HBA Firmware including OEM specific programs. In pursuit of “One Broadcom” vision and to better serve diverse Broadcom customer base, Broadcom is consolidating various case management platforms across all of product divisions to Wolkensoft. But, in my opinion, they are being difficult recently and forcing you to get support through the OEM's. The adapter can be used in either a x8 or x16 PCIe slot in the system. View View. Broadcom MegaRAID 9341-4i 4-port SAS3 RAID controller card LSI LSI00419 RAID Controller MegaRAID 9341-4i 4-port internal (1x SFF-8643) SAS3 12Gb/s 05-26105-00 $235. even the old controller, which is on more than 8 years could be manage by the new cli. That's where the MegaRAID SAS 9341-4i 12Gb/s SAS and SATA RAID controller card can add real value. 6 results Together with Broadcom’s NVMe /SAS/SATA Tri-Mode SerDes MegaRAID and HBA controllers, this creates a foundation for a more simplified storage infrastructure and reduces the cost of bringing NVMe Broadcom MegaRAID 9460-16i - storage controller (RAID) - SATA 6Gb/s / SAS 12Gb/s / PCIe - PCIe 3. 3. 0 Update 1 (Build 5969303), with the latest versions of software from Avago (Broadcom). This RAID card is built on the Broadcom SAS IC technology and proven MegaRAID technology. 2 GHz PowerPC processor cores and a 72-bit DDR3 interface that drives 2 GB cache memory. I’ve outlined the steps that worked for me with my SAS9271-8i controller card. The random deletion of logical drives that were created by using MegaRAID Storage Manager™ software (refer to the MegaRAID SAS Software User Guide for more information) The use of the remaining array capacity by MegaRAID Storage Manager software Now this is an interesting one. Intuitive RAID Management Utility The MegaRAID Management Suite™ provides the essential software tools to efficiently manage MegaRAID products, whether deployed in an enterprise or small business. In case you missed it, Broadcom formerly known as Avago who bought the LSI adapter and RAID card business announced shipping new SAS, SATA and NVMe devices. File link File size File description; ibm_utl_msm_17. 712" Host The MegaRAID 9460-8i Tri-Mode storage adapter is a 12 Gb/s SAS/SATA/PCIe (NVMe) controller card that addresses these needs by delivering proven flexibility, performance and RAID data protection for a range of server storage applications. The MegaRAID 9560-16i adapter, based on the SAS3916 high-port count PCIe 4. MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM) An easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) tool in the operating system for creating, modifying, monitoring, and maintaining storage configurations (controllers, drives, drive groups, virtual drives, and advanced features) locally and remotely. 600" x 2. 0 Cache Memory 2gb 1866mhz Ddr3 Sdram Physical Dimensions 6. 0 x8 LP with cables is a PCI Express (PCIe) generation 3 (Gen3) x8 adapter. We have new controllers like AVAGO MegaRAID SAS-9361-4i and really old ones like LSI 2108 MegaRAID (in fact Supermicro AOC-USAS2LP-H8iR) and the two controllers could be manage with the new cli. Broadcom MegaRAID SAS 9361-24i - storage controller (RAID) - SATA / SAS 12Gb/s - PCIe 3. To apply this you will: Download and unzip the file above. It is preferable over RAID 5 in file and application servers that use many large drives for data storage. The spec sheet or installation documentation makes no mention of any required license. 02) Lenovo Inc. The MegaRAID 9500 Series of 12Gb/s SAS/SATA/PCIe (NVMe) Gen 4. 0 host and storage interfaces. PC MegaRAID Storage Manager software enables you to configure, monitor, and maintain storage configurations on LSI SAS controllers. Orders within 24 hours of data bandwidth. Uk delivery time-frame, all orders under 30kg on a tracked 2 to 3 day service with dpd. 00. 05. But it is also possible for a MSM client to manage cards on other server machines. Configuring RAID levels by using the MegaRAID SAS 9361-8i controller card LSI / Avago / Broadcom MegaRAID SAS SNMP Template Popular This is initial template for Monitoring LSI/Avago/Broadcom (or branded like Intel, IBM, Supermicro etc) MegaRAID based hardware RAID cards. Under Windows 8. Share Followers 1. 02. 0 Tri-Mode Storage Adapters. In any event, you can control the MegaRaid cards either:-upon boot up with a CTRL+H-or through the MegaRaid Management Software end users demand. Lsi's long-awaited 12gb/s raid controllers have finally Installing LSI MegaRAID Storage Manager on Ubuntu 16. MegaRAID SAS 9361-24i, QIG, LP bracket: Generation: 12 Gb/s: RAID Management Software: LSA (LSI Storage Authority), MegaRAID Storage Manager, StorCLI (command-line interface), CTRL-R (BIOS configuration utility), HII (UEFI Human Interface Infrastructure) Cache Protection: CVPM02 CacheVault Power Module: Physical Dimensions: 6. MegaRAID Storage Manager Application for Windows (17. 01. 04 desktop was surprisingly difficult. 04 64 bit Desktop” nick says: The MegaRAID Management Suite™ provides the essential software tools to efficiently manage MegaRAID products, whether deployed in an enterprise or small business. Here's a picture of the card: The MegaRAID Management Suite™ provides the essential software tools to efficiently manage MegaRAID products, whether deployed in an enterprise or small business. The Broadcom (LSI) MegaRAID 9361-8i SAS3 Controller with 8 Internal Ports (1 GB Cache) PCIe3. TThe adapter features 8 internal SAS connectors for high-performance storage connectivity. 51 for Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 2008, and 2012 - IBM Systems MegaRAID Storage Manager Application for Windows (17. According to vendor docs it should also support non-RAID adapters, enclosures and some other devices. Forgot password admin MegaRaid Storage manager x3650M2 2019-01-07, 6:22 AM. OEM's like Supermicro don't have much information either. 0 x8 RAID-on-Chip (RoC), delivers twice the performance of previous generations. 0 and a mix of internal SAS, SATA or NVMe storage devices The MegaRAID 9500 series is the industry’s first PCIe Gen 4. chg LSI MegaRAID SAS RAID Controller for Windows Server 2003 and 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit) and Windows Server 2008 SBS (64-bit) and EBS (64bit) - ThinkServer RD230, RD240 and TD230 Broadcom MegaRAID SAS 9361-24i - storage controller (RAID) - SATA / SAS 12Gb/s - PCIe 3. The original, excellent instructions from Mike Smith at Serenity-Networks, despite being for ESXi 5. Broadcom MegaRAID 9480-8i8e - storage controller (RAID) - SATA 6Gb/s / SAS 12Gb/s / PCIe - PCIe 3. 01. Avago offers a collection of applications and tools including a pre-boot setup utility and a full spectrum of online RAID management utilities. | Connecting Everything File link File size File description; ibm_utl_msm_17. Broadcom MegaRAID SAS 9361-16i. 0 with one controller card. 05. 0 RAID adapter family, offering PCIe Gen 4. Broadcom MegaRAID 9480-8i8e - storage controller (RAID) - SATA 6Gb/s / SAS 12Gb/s / PCIe - PCIe 3. 00) installato in una VM Windows non si collega più all'host riportando l'errore: “Login failed: unable to connect t The Supermicro MegaRAID Low Profile AOC-S3108L-H8iR features 8 internal SAS connectors for high-performance storage connectivity. SHOP SUPPORTO. RAID Management Software: LSA (LSI Storage Authority), MegaRAID Storage Manager, StorCLI (command-line interface), CTRL-R (BIOS configuration utility), HII (UEFI Human Interface Infrastructure) Cache Protection: Optional CacheVault Flash Module (LSICVM02) Includes CVFM04, CVPM02, mounting clip, and cable: Physical Dimensions: MD2 Low profile (6 The MegaRAID Management Suite includes MegaRAID Storage Manager for graphical OS control, MegaCLI for a powerful Command Line Interface and WebBIOS for pre-OS-boot controller and storage configuration. x. Configure RAID Using the Avago MegaRAID Configuration Utilities. Before you begin this procedure, create at least one virtual drive, or RAID volume, using the BIOS Configuration Utility or RSTe. SHOP SUPPORT. 0 12 Gbit/sMegaRAID 9560-8i, FH (attached) and LP bracket Ensure data protection for performance-hungry applications in high-end servers utilizing PCIe 4. MegaRAID Storage Management (MSM) Application v15. com/docs-and-downloads/raid-controllers/raid-controllers-common-files/StorCLI_RefMan_revf. Hi all, How to recovery or reset password admin MegaRAID Storage Manager in x3650M2? View and Download Broadcom 95 Series user manual online. 02) Lenovo Inc. 95 Series pci card pdf manual download. 04 64 bit Desktop Installing MSM on a clean install of Ubuntu 16. 2 Driver Updates RAID Management MegaRAID Management Suite • MegaRAID Storage Manager • MegaCLI (command-line interface) • WebBIOS Optional SSD Optimization • MegaRAID CacheCade Pro 2. Can anyone advise on the process to obtain the activation key. Download the latest ESXI (megaraid driver, latest smis provider, and finally download the latest megaraid storage manager). Broadcom offers a collection of applications and tools including a pre-boot setup utility and a full spectrum of online RAID management utilities. 02. I have been using LSA and it seems to work much better than MegaRAID. 05. 05. This tool is open to everyone. I suspect this is some interaction with a local security setting on the computer. Key Features: Raid-on-chip Controller:: Sas3316 Dual Core Raid On Chip (roc) Raid Management Software:megaraid Storage Manager,storcli (command-line Interface),ctrl-r (bios Configuration Utility),hii (uefi Human Interface Infrastructure). MegaRAID SAS 9361-16i, QIG, LP bracket: Generation: 12 Gb/s: RAID Management Software: LSA (LSI Storage Authority), MegaRAID Storage Manager, StorCLI (command-line interface), CTRL-R (BIOS configuration utility), HII (UEFI Human Interface Infrastructure) Cache Protection: Optional CacheVault Module (CVPM02) Physical Dimensions: Low profile 6 Broadcom MegaRAID 9560-8i RAID controller PCI Express x8 4. Broadcom Limited announced today that it is shipping its new NVMe/SAS/SATA Tri-Mode SERDES MegaRAID family of controllers the 9400 series. Broadcom offers a collection of applications and tools including a pre-boot setup utility and a full spectrum of online RAID management utilities. broadcom. Megaraid storage manager windows 10. 4. 0 x8 LP with cables is a PCI Express (PCIe) generation 3 (Gen3) x8 adapter. 712" Host File link File size File description; ibm_utl_msm_17. 3, SFF-TA-1001) and (UBM, SFF-TA-1005) Together with Broadcom’s NVMe /SAS/SATA Tri-Mode SerDes MegaRAID and HBA controllers, this creates a foundation for a more simplified storage infrastructure and reduces the cost of bringing NVMe MegaRAID Management Suite: MegaRAID Storage Manager, StorCLI (command-line interface), CTRL-R (BIOS configuration utility), HII (UEFI Human Interface Infrastructure) OS Support: Windows Server 2012, Windows 8/Â 7/ 2008/ Vista/ 2003/ XP, Linux, Solaris (x86), Netware, FreeBSD, VMware and more The MegaRAID 9460-16i Tri-Mode Storage Adapter is a 12Gb/s SAS/SATA/PCIe (NVMe) controller card that addresses these needs by delivering proven performance and RAID data protection for a range of high-end server storage applications. broadcom megaraid storage manager
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..771b1de4
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+ /**************************************************************************\ MODULE: ZZX SUMMARY: The class ZZX implements polynomials in ZZ[X], i.e., univariate polynomials with integer coefficients. Polynomial multiplication is implemented using one of 4 different algorithms: 1) classical 2) Karatsuba 3) Schoenhage & Strassen --- performs an FFT by working modulo a "Fermat number" of appropriate size... good for polynomials with huge coefficients and moderate degree 4) CRT/FFT --- performs an FFT by working modulo several small primes...good for polynomials with moderate coefficients and huge degree. The choice of algorithm is somewhat heuristic, and may not always be perfect. Many thanks to Juergen Gerhard
+ for pointing out the deficiency in the NTL-1.0 ZZX arithmetic, and for contributing the Schoenhage/Strassen code. Extensive use is made of modular algorithms to enhance performance (e.g., the GCD algorithm and amny others). \**************************************************************************/ #include
+ #include "zz_pX.h" #include
+ class ZZX { public: ZZX(); // initial value 0 ZZX(const ZZX& a); // copy explicit ZZX(const ZZ& a); // promotion explicit ZZX(long a); // promotion ~ZZX(); ZZX(ZZX&& a); // move constructor (C++11 only) // declared noexcept unless NTL_EXCEPTIONS flag is set ZZX& operator=(ZZX&& a); // move assignment (C++11 only) // declared noexcept unless NTL_EXCEPTIONS flag is set ZZX(INIT_MONO_TYPE, long i, const ZZ& c); ZZX(INIT_MONO_TYPE, long i, long c); // initial value c*X^i, invoke as ZZX(INIT_MONO, i, c) ZZX(INIT_MONO_TYPE, long i); // initial value X^i, invoke as ZZX(INIT_MONO, i) ZZX& operator=(const ZZX& a); // assignment ZZX& operator=(const ZZ& a); ZZX& operator=(long a); typedef ZZ coeff_type; // ... }; /**************************************************************************\ Accessing coefficients The degree of a polynomial f is obtained as deg(f), where the zero polynomial, by definition, has degree -1. A polynomial f is represented as a coefficient vector. Coefficients may be accesses in one of two ways. The safe, high-level method is to call the function coeff(f, i) to get the coefficient of X^i in the polynomial f, and to call the function SetCoeff(f, i, a) to set the coefficient of X^i in f to the scalar a. One can also access the coefficients more directly via a lower level interface. The coefficient of X^i in f may be accessed using subscript notation f[i]. In addition, one may write f.SetLength(n) to set the length of the underlying coefficient vector to n, and f.SetMaxLength(n) to allocate space for n coefficients, without changing the coefficient vector itself. After setting coefficients using this low-level interface, one must ensure that leading zeros in the coefficient vector are stripped afterwards by calling the function f.normalize(). NOTE: the coefficient vector of f may also be accessed directly as f.rep; however, this is not recommended. Also, for a properly normalized polynomial f, we have f.rep.length() == deg(f)+1, and deg(f) >= 0 => f.rep[deg(f)] != 0. \**************************************************************************/ long deg(const ZZX& a); // return deg(a); deg(0) == -1. const ZZ& coeff(const ZZX& a, long i); // returns the coefficient of X^i, or zero if i not in range const ZZ& LeadCoeff(const ZZX& a); // returns leading term of a, or zero if a == 0 const ZZ& ConstTerm(const ZZX& a); // returns constant term of a, or zero if a == 0 void SetCoeff(ZZX& x, long i, const ZZ& a); void SetCoeff(ZZX& x, long i, long a); // makes coefficient of X^i equal to a; error is raised if i < 0 void SetCoeff(ZZX& x, long i); // makes coefficient of X^i equal to 1; error is raised if i < 0 void SetX(ZZX& x); // x is set to the monomial X long IsX(const ZZX& a); // test if x = X ZZ& ZZX::operator[](long i); const ZZ& ZZX::operator[](long i) const; // indexing operators: f[i] is the coefficient of X^i --- // i should satsify i >= 0 and i <= deg(f). // No range checking (unless NTL_RANGE_CHECK is defined). void ZZX::SetLength(long n); // f.SetLength(n) sets the length of the inderlying coefficient // vector to n --- after this call, indexing f[i] for i = 0..n-1 // is valid. void ZZX::normalize(); // f.normalize() strips leading zeros from coefficient vector of f void ZZX::SetMaxLength(long n); // f.SetMaxLength(n) pre-allocate spaces for n coefficients. The // polynomial that f represents is unchanged. /**************************************************************************\ Comparison \**************************************************************************/ long operator==(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); long operator!=(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); long IsZero(const ZZX& a); // test for 0 long IsOne(const ZZX& a); // test for 1 // PROMOTIONS: operators ==, != promote {long, ZZ} to ZZX on (a, b). /**************************************************************************\ Addition \**************************************************************************/ // operator notation: ZZX operator+(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); ZZX operator-(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); ZZX operator-(const ZZX& a); // unary - ZZX& operator+=(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a); ZZX& operator-=(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a); ZZX& operator++(ZZX& x); // prefix void operator++(ZZX& x, int); // postfix ZZX& operator--(ZZX& x); // prefix void operator--(ZZX& x, int); // postfix // procedural versions: void add(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); // x = a + b void sub(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); // x = a - b void negate(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a); // x = -a // PROMOTIONS: binary +, - and procedures add, sub promote {long, ZZ} // to ZZX on (a, b). /**************************************************************************\ Multiplication \**************************************************************************/ // operator notation: ZZX operator*(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); ZZX& operator*=(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a); // procedural versions: void mul(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); // x = a * b void sqr(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a); // x = a^2 ZZX sqr(const ZZX& a); // PROMOTIONS: operator * and procedure mul promote {long, ZZ} to ZZX // on (a, b). /**************************************************************************\ Shift Operations LeftShift by n means multiplication by X^n RightShift by n means division by X^n A negative shift amount reverses the direction of the shift. \**************************************************************************/ // operator notation: ZZX operator<<(const ZZX& a, long n); ZZX operator>>(const ZZX& a, long n); ZZX& operator<<=(ZZX& x, long n); ZZX& operator>>=(ZZX& x, long n); // procedural versions: void LeftShift(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a, long n); ZZX LeftShift(const ZZX& a, long n); void RightShift(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a, long n); ZZX RightShift(const ZZX& a, long n); /**************************************************************************\ Division \**************************************************************************/ // Given polynomials a, b in ZZ[X], there exist polynomials // q, r in QQ[X] such that a = b*q + r, deg(r) < deg(b). // These routines return q and/or r if q and/or r lie(s) in ZZ[X], // and otherwise raise an error. // Note that if the leading coefficient of b is 1 or -1, // then q and r always lie in ZZ[X], and no error can occur. // For example, you can write f/2 for a ZZX f. If all coefficients // of f are even, the result is f with a factor of two removed; // otherwise, an error is raised. More generally, f/g will be // evaluate q in ZZ[X] such that f = q*g if such a q exists, // and will otherwise raise an error. // See also below the routines for pseudo-division and division // predicates for routines that are perhaps more useful in // some situations. // operator notation: ZZX operator/(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); ZZX operator/(const ZZX& a, const ZZ& b); ZZX operator/(const ZZX& a, long b); ZZX operator%(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); ZZX& operator/=(ZZX& x, const ZZX& b); ZZX& operator/=(ZZX& x, const ZZ& b); ZZX& operator/=(ZZX& x, long b); ZZX& operator%=(ZZX& x, const ZZX& b); // procedural versions: void DivRem(ZZX& q, ZZX& r, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); // computes q, r such that a = b q + r and deg(r) < deg(b). void div(ZZX& q, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); void div(ZZX& q, const ZZX& a, const ZZ& b); void div(ZZX& q, const ZZX& a, long b); // same as DivRem, but only computes q void rem(ZZX& r, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); // same as DivRem, but only computes r // divide predicates: long divide(ZZX& q, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); long divide(ZZX& q, const ZZX& a, const ZZ& b); long divide(ZZX& q, const ZZX& a, long b); // if b | a, sets q = a/b and returns 1; otherwise returns 0 long divide(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); long divide(const ZZX& a, const ZZ& b); long divide(const ZZX& a, long b); // if b | a, returns 1; otherwise returns 0 // These algorithms employ a modular approach, performing the division // modulo small primes (reconstructing q via the CRT). It is // usually much faster than the general division routines above // (especially when b does not divide a). void content(ZZ& d, const ZZX& f); ZZ content(const ZZX& f); // d = content of f, sign(d) == sign(LeadCoeff(f)); content(0) == 0 void PrimitivePart(ZZX& pp, const ZZX& f); ZZX PrimitivePart(const ZZX& f); // pp = primitive part of f, LeadCoeff(pp) >= 0; PrimitivePart(0) == 0 // pseudo-division: void PseudoDivRem(ZZX& q, ZZX& r, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); // performs pseudo-division: computes q and r with deg(r) < deg(b), // and LeadCoeff(b)^(deg(a)-deg(b)+1) a = b q + r. Only the classical // algorithm is used. void PseudoDiv(ZZX& q, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); ZZX PseudoDiv(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); // same as PseudoDivRem, but only computes q void PseudoRem(ZZX& r, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); ZZX PseudoRem(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); // same as PseudoDivRem, but only computes r /**************************************************************************\ GCD's \**************************************************************************/ void GCD(ZZX& d, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); ZZX GCD(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b); // d = gcd(a, b), LeadCoeff(d) >= 0. Uses a modular algorithm. void XGCD(ZZ& r, ZZX& s, ZZX& t, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b, long deterministic=0); // r = resultant of a and b; if r != 0, then computes s and t such // that: a*s + b*t = r; otherwise s and t not affected. if // !deterministic, then resultant computation may use a randomized // strategy that errs with probability no more than 2^{-80}. /**************************************************************************\ Input/Output I/O format: [a_0 a_1 ... a_n], represents the polynomial a_0 + a_1*X + ... + a_n*X^n. \**************************************************************************/ istream& operator>>(istream& s, ZZX& x); ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const ZZX& a); /**************************************************************************\ Some utility routines \**************************************************************************/ void diff(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a); // x = derivative of a ZZX diff(const ZZX& a); long MaxBits(const ZZX& f); // returns max NumBits of coefficients of f void reverse(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a, long hi); ZZX reverse(const ZZX& a, long hi); void reverse(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a); ZZX reverse(const ZZX& a); // x = reverse of a[0]..a[hi] (hi >= -1); // hi defaults to deg(a) in second version void VectorCopy(vec_ZZ& x, const ZZX& a, long n); vec_ZZ VectorCopy(const ZZX& a, long n); // x = copy of coefficient vector of a of length exactly n. // input is truncated or padded with zeroes as appropriate. /**************************************************************************\ Arithmetic mod X^n All routines require n >= 0, otherwise an error is raised. \**************************************************************************/ void trunc(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a, long m); // x = a % X^m ZZX trunc(const ZZX& a, long m); void MulTrunc(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b, long n); ZZX MulTrunc(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b, long n); // x = a * b % X^n void SqrTrunc(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a, long n); ZZX SqrTrunc(const ZZX& a, long n); // x = a^2 % X^n void InvTrunc(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a, long n); ZZX InvTrunc(const ZZX& a, long n); // computes x = a^{-1} % X^m. Must have ConstTerm(a) invertible. /**************************************************************************\ Modular Arithmetic The modulus f must be monic with deg(f) > 0, and other arguments must have smaller degree. \**************************************************************************/ void MulMod(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b, const ZZX& f); ZZX MulMod(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b, const ZZX& f); // x = a * b mod f void SqrMod(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& f); ZZX SqrMod(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& f); // x = a^2 mod f void MulByXMod(ZZX& x, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& f); ZZX MulByXMod(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& f); // x = a*X mod f /**************************************************************************\ traces, norms, resultants, discriminants, minimal and characteristic polynomials \**************************************************************************/ void TraceMod(ZZ& res, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& f); ZZ TraceMod(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& f); // res = trace of (a mod f). f must be monic, 0 < deg(f), deg(a) < // deg(f) void TraceVec(vec_ZZ& S, const ZZX& f); vec_ZZ TraceVec(const ZZX& f); // S[i] = Trace(X^i mod f), for i = 0..deg(f)-1. // f must be a monic polynomial. // The following routines use a modular approach. void resultant(ZZ& res, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b, long deterministic=0); ZZ resultant(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& b, long deterministic=0); // res = resultant of a and b. If !deterministic, then it may use a // randomized strategy that errs with probability no more than // 2^{-80}. void NormMod(ZZ& res, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& f, long deterministic=0); ZZ NormMod(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& f, long deterministic=0); // res = norm of (a mod f). f must be monic, 0 < deg(f), deg(a) < // deg(f). If !deterministic, then it may use a randomized strategy // that errs with probability no more than 2^{-80}. void discriminant(ZZ& d, const ZZX& a, long deterministic=0); ZZ discriminant(const ZZX& a, long deterministic=0); // d = discriminant of a = (-1)^{m(m-1)/2} resultant(a, a')/lc(a), // where m = deg(a). If !deterministic, then it may use a randomized // strategy that errs with probability no more than 2^{-80}. void CharPolyMod(ZZX& g, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& f, long deterministic=0); ZZX CharPolyMod(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& f, long deterministic=0); // g = char poly of (a mod f). f must be monic. If !deterministic, // then it may use a randomized strategy that errs with probability no // more than 2^{-80}. void MinPolyMod(ZZX& g, const ZZX& a, const ZZX& f); ZZX MinPolyMod(const ZZX& a, const ZZX& f); // g = min poly of (a mod f). f must be monic, 0 < deg(f), deg(a) < // deg(f). May use a probabilistic strategy that errs with // probability no more than 2^{-80}. /**************************************************************************\ Incremental Chinese Remaindering \**************************************************************************/ long CRT(ZZX& a, ZZ& prod, const zz_pX& A); long CRT(ZZX& a, ZZ& prod, const ZZ_pX& A); // Incremental Chinese Remaindering: If p is the current zz_p/ZZ_p modulus with // (p, prod) = 1; Computes a' such that a' = a mod prod and a' = A mod p, // with coefficients in the interval (-p*prod/2, p*prod/2]; // Sets a := a', prod := p*prod, and returns 1 if a's value changed. /**************************************************************************\ vectors of ZZX's \**************************************************************************/ typedef Vec
+ vec_ZZX; // backward compatibility /**************************************************************************\ Miscellany \**************************************************************************/ void clear(ZZX& x); // x = 0 void set(ZZX& x); // x = 1 void ZZX::kill(); // f.kill() sets f to 0 and frees all memory held by f. Equivalent to // f.rep.kill(). ZZX::ZZX(INIT_SIZE_TYPE, long n); // ZZX(INIT_SIZE, n) initializes to zero, but space is pre-allocated // for n coefficients static const ZZX& zero(); // ZZX::zero() is a read-only reference to 0 void ZZX::swap(ZZX& x); void swap(ZZX& x, ZZX& y); // swap (by swapping pointers) ZZX::ZZX(long i, const ZZ& c); ZZX::ZZX(long i, long c); // initial value c*X^i, provided for backward compatibility
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+ Convert private key format
Convert private key format
convert private key format Changing the type of key and its length is not possible and requires generation of a new private key. key $ ls -l private. Convert private key to WIF (Wallet Import Format). x509. pem Convert the private key into pk8 format as expected by signapk. pem -inkey key. unpack ('B', x) [0] for x in parts [2]])) We now have the RSA public key. The contents of the file should only contain the header (-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----), footer (-----END PRIVATE KEY-----) and some text between the header and footer. 5 to convert (in-place, will modify original file!) a private key file id_rsa to the PEM format: $ ssh-keygen -p -m PEM -f . ppk -O private-openssh -o private. pub. Of the file formats mentioned above that use the KEY file extension, it only makes sense to convert a Keynote Presentation file, which you can with the Keynote program for macOS. PKCS#12 (also known as PKCS12 or PFX) is a common binary format for storing a certificate chain and private key in a single, encryptable file, and usually have the filename extensions . It generally contains a full certificate chain including the root, intermediate, and end-entity certificate. payload: A Buffer, Array, or Uint8Array of bytes, either the hash160 or private key. crt -certfile CACert. The command to convert your ~/. pub and write it to openssh. openssl genrsa -out keypair. ssh-keygen -f id_rsa -e -m pem This will convert your public key to an OpenSSL compatible format. $ openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in private. It is up to you to ensure you maintain the privacy of your private keys. Resulted file will contain: PKCS#8 private key, leaf certificate and all available intermediate CA certificates, including Root CA certificate if applicable. Put the part between “BEGIN CERTIFICATE” and “END CERTIFICATE” into cert. It is up to you to ensure you maintain the privacy of your private keys. Click Save private key to save the key in PuTTY's format. RFC 5208 (PKCS #8) defines a private key format informally known as PKCS #8 key format. Convert your private key using PuTTYgen 1. spec. pem Convert the private key into pk8 format as expected by signapk. Exporting the ". Each one takes one of PEM, DER or NET (a dated Netscape format, which you can ignore). crt). Step1: Go to the . To save keys using this format, specify SshPrivateKeyFormat. pfx> -nocerts -nodes -out private. Step 2 transforms the private key from PKCS#1 to PKCS#8 format (unencrypted) and DER encoding. A . Therefore you can give out your public key, but also keep your private key a secret. pem Put the part between “BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY” and “END RSA PRIVATE KEY” into private. Step 3. Some applications use the mini private key format. $ openssl pkcs12 - export -out cert. PFX certificate file to separate certificate and key file. Click on the Load button. 5 to convert (in-place, will modify original file!) a private key file id_rsa to the PEM format: $ ssh-keygen -p -m PEM -f . pem) generated by Amazon EC2. With it, KEY files can be exported to PDF , MS PowerPoint formats like PPT or PPTX , HTML , M4V , and image file formats like PNG , JPG , and TIFF . 3. Make sure that the certificate file and the private key are generated to the same folder where the PFX file is stored. Pkcs8 when calling SshPrivateKey. chiark. You must convert your non-PEM-format file into PEM format and create a single PEM file that contains the full certificate chain plus private key. openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate. To convert it to RSA Private Key format supported by inSync: 1. *). Find and select the Private Key file that you unzipped from the sshkeybundle. $ openssl genrsa -out private. 509 certificate or certificate request, you specify the algorithm and the key bit size that must be used to create the private–public key pair. /id_rsa This comment has been minimized. $ puttygen key. ppk -O public-openssh -o public. key. Bitcoin Private Key to WIF Base 58 Converter What's the purpose of this script/repository? So on August 1st, 2017, bitcoin forked and "bitcoin cash" was born. pem into a single cert. To convert PKCS#12 to PEM or DER, or PEM or DER to PKCS#12, see the “Convert SSL certificates for import or export” section later in this page. p12 -out my_server_pem_from_p12. openssl pkcs12 -in my_server. Sample of encrypted private key in Base64-encoded PKCS #8 format: Convert . crt . How to convert private key to WIF 0. Makecert. pem file format). pub > openssh. Convert the private key and certificate to PEM format Remove the key file password If an uploaded key file is password protected, the Cloudflare SSL/TLS app generates the following error: A certificate and private key pair is commonly sent in the PKCS#12 format. key file. To accomplish the task in this article you need to convert the p7b file to crt files using the below command. We’ll use openssl for that: Remember to use a password for the command below, otherwise, the Jetty converter (the following step) will barf in your face! openssl pkcs12 -export -out cert. PuTTY provides a tool named PuTTYgen, which converts keys to the required format for PuTTY. Generate encrypted key pair using openssl. In the Load private key window, browse to your SSH private key, select it, and then click Open. key -rw----- 1 test test 1675 Dec 1 17:02 private. Enter the passphrase associated with the private key. https://www. rsa. Solution: Convert the SSH2-formatted key to OpenSSH. 15. pem; Remove the passphrase from the key. Extract Public key and Private Key using PuTTy tools. It can be encoded in a number of different formats. ppk (Putty) RSA private key to a base64/pem private key. pem mv key The private key you want to convert must already be an RSA private key and be between 1024 and 4096 bits in length, inclusive. If we’re starting with PEM format, we need to convert the certificate and key to a PKCS12 file. Terminal. Pkcs8 when calling SshPrivateKey. When the header says "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY" (without the "RSA") then it uses PKCS#8, a wrapper format that includes the designation of the key type ("RSA") and the private key itself. It eventually evolved into Cryptographic Message Syntax, CMS, but just like with SSL and TLS, PKCS7 is the colloquial name we all still use. The appliance supports PEM and DER formats for certificates and keys. Terminal. PuTTYgen displays a dialog with information about the key you loaded, including the public key and the fingerprint. A private key encoded in this format is called a minikey. *), select your SSH 's private key file and click on Using your Terminal / Command Line Interface, browse to the directory of the downloaded files. There must be no password required to use the PEM file. key $ ls -l public. pem Enter Export Password: Verifying - Enter Export Password: No password for cert. You can prove that you have the private key without giving it away. Extract public part. Complete the following procedure to convert a PFX certificate to PEM format using the Citrix Gateway Wizard: It is a multi-purpose format for encrypted and signed data to be disseminated. pem to see that the Convert your private key using PuTTYgen. Set the Files of type to All Files (*. Save. 6. Now go back to PuTTY. pfx certificate file. pem -pubout -out publickey. der -nocrypt. Click “Save private key” to finish the conversion. You can do this with a very simple command: ssh-keygen -i -f ssh2. Apache, Nginx, and similar web servers are using the SSL certificates in the PEM file format. Convert cert. Private key; For many purposes, it is a common task to split a single pem file to a number of pem files, each containing only a single part of the document, such as a file that will contain only the private key. compute d = e − 1 mod ((p − 1) ⋅ (q − 1)) as in the private key above, compute d = e − 1 mod (lcm (p − 1, q − 1)) for a slightly smaller d, build d from d p and d q; With the -topk8 option the situation is reversed: it reads a private key and writes a PKCS#8 format key. ppk file extension. In order to make copying of private keys less prone to error, Wallet Import Format may be utilized. The # Convert PEM certificate to DER $ openssl x509 \-inform pem \-outform der \-in certificate. p12 or . So I tried following these steps in attempt to get the same result. key”. Launch PuTTYgen (for example, from the Start menu, choose All Programs > PuTTY > PuTTYgen). pub. After searching in the source code , I could see the below API. Is an integer representing the version or a Buffer if version is greater than one byte. pem -nodes And if you open my_server_pem_from_p12. The following solution converts a PFX-encoded certificate to PEM format using the OpenSSL command line tool A . com Convert PEM certificate with chain of trust and private key to PKCS#12. Creating a . For the paper wallet you reference they give you the private key and the base 58 “Q address”. pem and encodes it in DER format. update import random bits = random. Click Load. The command above will take the key from the file ssh2. It supports several encryption algorithms (3DES is used by default). p12 or PKCS12 file. With this tool we can get certificates formated in different ways, which will be ready to be used in the OneLogin SAML Toolkits. p12 -out . p12 file, key in the key-store-password manually for the . rsa Second and last step is to convert it to ppk format. Convert to RSA Private Key Format The private key is backed up as a ‘. You also need to edit the file to remove extra information, if any appears, so that the wizard will not have any issues parsing the file. pem 2048. Private Key. Run the following command at a command prompt: Console. pem -out pkcs8. To do that, please perform the following steps: Open PuttyGen. If you are using the unix cli tool, run the following command: puttygen my. 0. You must convert your private key into a. If you obtained a certificate and its private key in PEM or another format, you must convert it to PKCS#12 (PFX) format before you can import the certificate into a Windows certificate store on a View server. crt or . key -rw-rw-r-- 1 test test 402 Dec 1 17:03 public. $ openssl genrsa -des3 -out private. In this example, it's called privateKey. pfx file uses the same format as a . 3. key $ puttygen key. Click on Load button to load the PEM file, what you have already on your System. There are, however at least two solutions: makecert and openssl. Retrieve the certificate in PFX or PEM format. It is used with ConvertFrom-SecureString and Read-Host. Create a 2048 bit RSA private key. So I took the private key. Your Private Key is a unique secret number that only you know. bak. 2. Some files in the PEM format might instead use a different file extension, like CER or CRT for certificates, or KEY for public or private keys. pfx folder location. Step 1 extracts the public key from rsaprivkey. key file from the encrypted key using OpenSSL for free. To use PuTTYgen to convert a key into. Alternatively, you may receive your server and intermediate certificates in a separate . In the resultant window, click on ‘Save private key’ which will convert and save the key file in PuTTY compatible format. The high-level steps are: Mini private key format Main article: Mini private key format. 1. pvk" format. You should have both the cert and private key in pem format. 4. key -out ssh-key-2020-11-24. Convert PEM Private Key to PVK format. pem with the Private Key and Entire Trust Chain Log into your DigiCert Management Console and download your Intermediate (DigiCertCA. Save. The SSL Converter can only convert certificates to DER format. (Additional security is not required. Importing a server certificate (private key, public key, identity certificate, etc. Your private key is already in PEM format and can be used as is (as Michael Hampton stated). Sample of encrypted private key in Base64-encoded PKCS #8 format: I don't know the format makecert uses for the private key. pfx. Select PPT as the the format you want to convert your KEY file to. PKCS stands for Public Key Cryptography Standards. When importing or sweeping ECDSA private keys, a shorter format known as wallet import format is often used, which offers a few advantages. txt file. key $ ls -l private. save private key; Now, give the name to your file and PuTTYgen will automatically add . Note, you need to convert the “private. key $ puttygen key. I load the private key: I filter on all files types: I select my RSA key and I click on Open: I click on Ok on the following message: and then on Save private key: So I save the key with a ppk Steps to convert OpenSSH private key to PuTTY Private Key format: Download PuTTY Key Generator ( puttygen. On the Bitcoin wiki it has steps to convert a private key to WIF. getrandbits(256) bits_hex = hex(bits) private_key = bits_hex[2:] Looks good, but actually, it’s not. x509. pem file. DER is typically used with Java platforms. openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in keypair. pfx" certificate. Clear Form Fields. It can handle both unencrypted PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo format and EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo format with a variety of PKCS#5 (v1. crt or . Click File -> Load private key. openssl pkcs12 -in <filename. In openssl, I have used below command to do this. Finally, convert the private key from the ". pem -nodes. PFX file (that contains the private key part, that will be conserved into our web server) to a seperate certificate and key file. join( ['%02X' % struct. Extract Public key and Private Key using PuTTy tools. Convert private key to PKCS#8 in der format. 3. I am trying export a rsa:2048 private key (in pem ) into PKCS#8 format. JavaScript Generating RSA key pair and converting to PEM format Example In this example you will learn how to generate RSA-OAEP key pair and how to convert private key from this key pair to base64 so you can use it with OpenSSL etc. PKCS#7 Format. Your private key file will usually start with-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----an RSA private key will start with-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----To convert your key simply run the following OpenSSL command Format a Private Key. or a private key (WIF or BIP38 encoded) If the key is BIP38 encrypted this password will be ssh-keygen will not export a private key in pem format, but it will convert an existing openssh private key to pem format, overwriting the original. When you create an X. Double check if AWS isn't asking for a (X. All you have to do is edit the password. pem -inkey key. ppk format, complete the following steps: Open PuTTYgen, go to Conversions, and then click Import key. There may be better ways to do this, but this works: e_val = eval ('0x' + ''. When the header contains "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY" then this is a RSA private key in the format described by PKCS#1. # openssl rsa -in ssh-key-2020-11-24. To save keys using this format, specify SshPrivateKeyFormat. Overview WIF = base58check encode ([version byte][private key][checksum]) version byte = 80 for mainnet, ef for testnet and regtest checksum = first 4 bytes of double SHA256 of private key A PEM file is simply a DER file that's been Base64 encoded. 1 - Take a Wallet Import Format string 5HueCGU8rMjxEXxiPuD5BDk _SAMPLE_PRIVATE_KEY_DO_NOT_IMPORT_ u4MkFqeZyd4dZ1jvhTVqvbTLvyTJ 2 - Convert it to a byte string using Base58Check encoding. ppk -O private-openssh -o my. pfx file into . You can use the PuTTYgen tool for this conversion. $ puttygen key. WARNING: The command below will convert the key file in-place, so make a copy first. A single . key -out privatekey_rsa. WIF to private key. There's an option in openssh-keygen that will convert them. Hit ‘Yes’ on it. sha256() sha256. Bitcoin Private Key to WIF Base 58 Converter What's the purpose of this script/repository? So on August 1st, 2017, bitcoin forked and "bitcoin cash" was born. You can easily use the openssl pkcs8 -topk8 command to convert the private key once you know to do this. key. Private key is converted to PKCS#8 format. This blog shows how to convert from a WIF private key from one blockchain to another, but ending up with a private key that can be imported into a Qtum wallet. I am going to convert this private key to an RSA format using this command: Generate unencrypted key pair using openssl. Step 2. Sometimes we copy and paste the X. pfx -inkey privateKey. It supports several encryption algorithms (3DES is used by default). key -rw----- 1 test test 1675 Dec 1 17:02 private. cer" certificate from the ". Zamzar Pro Tip: You can export KEY files to movies using the export function within Apple Keynote or through our application Zamzar. It’s an open standard, it’s supported by Windows. pem -out key_nopass. ppk format using PuTTYgen: Start PuTTYgen, and in the Conversions menu, click Import key. Convert RSA Key File to PEM Format. The chain code is used X. Use the following command to convert an RSA key file to a . pem -outform PVK -pvk-strong -out key. exe) from the official website and launch the program. ppk file extension. Can be prepended to payload. key -rw-rw-r-- 1 test test 402 Dec 1 17:03 public. PuTTYgen will prompt a warning of saving the key without a passphrase. We will use OpenSSL software suite to manage this kind of conversion. This video shows how to convert a . The case where The certificate file must include a private key and the private key must not be encrypted. The PEM file is where the private key is. pfx -out keyStore. Since it is a raw key, the network type must be explicitally set (to bitcoin in this case) because it cannot be In the resultant window, click on ‘Save private key’ which will convert and save the key file in PuTTY compatible format. The pkcs8 command processes private keys in PKCS#8 format. Convert bitcoin keys between compressed and uncompressed format. Select the id_rsa private key. Convert your user key and certificate files to PEM format. txt. crt. How to convert a KEY to a PPT file? Choose the KEY file that you want to convert. Hit ‘Yes’ on it. 0) and PKCS#12 algorithms. Web Server IIS on Windows Server uses a To convert back to orginal PEM format, use the following command. pfx. Sometimes the server certificate is in PFX format, and to utilize the same certificate in WebLogic Server, we need to export its certificates to a JKS file . Otherwise you will get Java Exception “java. import binascii, hashlib, base58 # alias method decode_hex = binascii. der \-nocrypt Convert . Select your . tmp. Converting PKCS #7 (P7B) and private key to PKCS #12 / PFX. The root seed is input into the HMAC-SHA512 algorithm and the resulting hash is used to create a master private key (m) and a master chain code. ) from a PFX file to a JKS file so that it can be used in the Java Key Store to set up WebLogic Server SSL. With puttygen on Linux/BSD/Unix-like. To obtain your bitcoin cash you need to be able to get hold of your private keys. 0 in 2010 shifted some commandline operations from legacy to PKCS8 thus bringing it to the attention of people who hadn't noticed before. 509 certificates from documents and files, and the format is lost. Private Key with header. – dave_thompson To convert a key into the. ssh-keygen -p -N "" -m PEM -f id_rsa -t rsa. You can use this approach on both Windows or Linux platforms. pem 2048. version: Optional. 800C28FCA386C7A227600B2FE50B7CAE11EC _SAMPLE_PRIVATE_KEY_DO_NOT_IMPORT_ 86D3BF1FBE471BE89827E19D72AA1D507A5B8D From PFX to PEM: openssl pkcs12 -in your_pfx_certificate. The PEM format has been replaced by newer and more secure technologies but the PEM container is still used today to hold certificate authority files, public and private keys, root certificates, etc. cp id_rsa id_rsa. Put the part between “BEGIN CERTIFICATE” and “END CERTIFICATE” into cert. This command will extract the private key from the . key Format PEM_KEY_FILE using a text editor Remove "Bag attributes" and "Key Attributes" from this file and save. After a Key Vault certificate is created, you can retrieve it from the addressable secret with the private key. PuTTY does not natively support the private key format for SSH keys. pem" format to the ". pem -nodes You can add -nocerts to only output the private key or Obtain the private key (the private key is in. Convert this private key into a text format so it shows the following information: modulus; public exponent (e) private exponent (d) the primes (p and q) Use the appropriate command that generates this information and saves it in key. ppk private key (Putty) to a base64/pem private key for OpenSSH or OpenSSL. The below commands will not work in the usual WIndows Certificate DER format. cert. pfx will hold a private key and its corresponding public key. Convert a PKCS#12 file (. You can change a key from one format to the other with the openssl rsa command (assuming it's an RSA key WIF simplifies import/ export of a private key. pem format file: Syntax: openssl rsa -in <path-to-key-file> -text <path Convert PEM encoded RSA keys from PKCS#1 to PKCS#8 and vice versa. Now This will display “PuTTY Key Generator” window. key Convert PEM encoded RSA keys from PKCS#1 to PKCS#8 and vice versa. pem. To begin, convert the certificate from the ". I can do it using PuTTYgen. Solution. One thing to note though is that it cannot contain a private key. pem and private key key. ssh/id_rsa file from OpenSSH format to SSH2 (pem) format is: ssh-keygen -p -f ~/. Both of the commands below will output a key file in PKCS#1 format: RSA IMPORTANT: the private key obtained with the above command will be in encrypted format: to convert it in RSA format, you’ll need to input a third command: Shell > openssl rsa -in privatekey. ssh/id_rsa -m pem See full list on leaderssl. You can then export the public and private keys in the well known pkcs12 format. The guide also mentions that some Java SSO example expects DSA keys. crt -pubkey -noout > joscor. Split them up. PPK format to OpenSSH file format. PuTTYgen will open “Load private key:” dialog. For example: openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my. Any necessary intermediate certificates must be appended to the end of the PEM file. Therefore Java code can read PKCS#8 key format. Initially, I'll begin showing you the commands you need to convert your . der # Convert PEM private key to DER $ openssl pkcs8 \-topk8 \-inform PEM \-outform DER \-in private-key. Click "Convert" to convert your KEY file. key. unhexlify # wallet import format key - base58 encoded format def gen_wif_key(private_key): # prepended mainnet version byte to private key mainnet_private_key = '80' + private_key # perform SHA-256 hash on the mainnet_private_key sha256 = hashlib. ppk) drop-down menu option to All Files (*. Save the message "Hello from (your UID)" in a plaintext file message. exe -i <PFX format file> -o <PVK/DER format file> -d <Decryption password> -e <Encryption password>. Create key pair. p12. PKCS #12/PFX/P12 – This format is the "Personal Information Exchange Syntax Standard". Extract private part. Go to Composition of a certificate for more information. Split them up. p12) containing a private key and certificates to PEM openssl pkcs12 -in keyStore. This private key format was designed for and first used in Casascius physical bitcoins, and is also favorable for use in QR codes. openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in server-key. Not every private key or Bitcoin address has a corresponding mini private key - they have to be generated a certain way in order to ensure a mini private key exists for an address. pem 2048. pvk. If you receive a prompt for left passphrase protect empty accept Yes, or go back to add a passphrase. key -in certificate. RFC 5208 (PKCS #8) defines a private key format informally known as PKCS #8 key format. Some hosting systems require the Private key to be in RSA format rather than PEM. You can easily convert these files using OpenSSL. Note: If the Yes, export the private key option is grayed out (not unusable), the certificate's matching private key is not on that computer. openssl rsa -in key. ppk file before you can connect to your instance using PuTTY. Certificates and Keys. The obtained PEM file will contain the certificate, chain certificates (optionally) and the private key. The keys that you generated using openssl genrsa -out rsaprivkey. 5 and v2. In my case, the private key file is called “ssh-key-2020-07-29. You can also generate a All types of certificates and private keys can be encoded in DER format. Try to paste converted private key to Upsource. Convert the result from a byte string into a Base58 string using Base58Check The process is easily reversible, using the Base58 decoding function, and removing the padding. Now that you have the public key extracted, it needs to be converted into PKCS#8 OpenSSH format (as it’s currently in OpenSSL format). Description of the illustration 005. This is the format that is generally appended to digital signatures. ppk -O private-openssh -o private. pfx file. key Convert a . 15. It is only possible to convert the storage format for the private key. Click OK. crt) and Primary Certificates (your_domain_name. WOLFSSL_API int wolfSSL_PEM_write_RSAPrivateKey(FILE *fp, WOLFSSL_RSA *rsa, const EVP This is because Key Vault will only accept a key in PKCS#8 format, which you will recognize because it’s wrapped in -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END PRIVATE KEY-----. If you insist on using makecert, allow it to store the public and private keys in your certificate store. Hello CryptoNewbie, not sure what you are trying to do. crt. 2. Exportable and non-exportable keys. openssl rsa -in keypair. pem To do this, follow these steps: Download and install the following tool: Microsoft PVKConverter for SQL Server. The mini private key format is a method of encoding a Bitcoin private key in as few as 30 characters for the purpose of being embedded in a small space. Select your private key that ends in . You see, normal RNG libraries are not intended for cryptography, as they are not very secure. The examples above all output the private key in OpenSSL’s default PKCS#8 format. ppk and then click Open. pkcs12 \ -in cert. This 5-minute guide will help you to convert your . PVKConverter. p12 file. Take a private key. PEM certificate can contain both the certificate and the certificate private key in the same file. PPK format to OpenSSH file format. save private key; Now, give the name to your file and PuTTYgen will automatically add . You should have both the cert and private key in pem format. pfx file is a PKCS#12 archive: a file that can contain a lot of objects with optional password protection; but, usually, a PKCS#12 archive has a certificate (possibly with its assorted set of CA certificates) attached to it and the corresponding private key. You will be asked to specify the password that was used when creating the PFX file you are converting. The actual PKCS8 standard format is for private keys only, and OpenSSL has long used both PKCS8 and 'legacy' formats for private keys, using the name pkcs8 correctly for PKCS8, although 1. WIF uses base58Check encoding on a private key, greatly decreasing the chance of copying error, much like standard Bitcoin addresses. Converting PEM encoded Certificate and private key to PKCS #12 / PFX. pem \-out openssl-private-key. pem 1024 are RSA keys. FWIW, this worked for me on macOS 10. We show the Public Address and Public Key that corresponds to your Private Key as well as your Private Key in the most popular encoding formats (WIF, HEX). In the Load private key window, change the PuTTY Private Key Files (*. That command will convert using no passphrase using the -p -N “” switch. openssl pkcs12 -in <filename. So I contacted the web host and they provided in text format in a chat window the 2 certificates, the one that has the "Begin Certificate" and "End Certificate" with the text in between and the one that has "Begin RSA Private Key" and "End RSA Private Key" with text in between. It can also convert plain text to secure strings. If you know you need PKCS#1 instead, you can pipe the output of the OpenSSL’s PKCS#12 utility to its RSA or EC utility depending on the key type. I cannot make files out of these that the firewall will accept. InvalidKeySpecException”. To obtain your bitcoin cash you need to be able to get hold of your private keys. key A Key Vault certificate also contains public x509 certificate metadata. Batch. crt. If you need to convert a private key to DER, please use the OpenSSL commands on this page. For example: openssl rsa -in . cert. rsa. Check OpenSSL package is installed in your system. In this post, we show you how to convert a PFX-encoded certificate into PEM format and then import it into ACM. PuTTYgen displays the following message: 5. Regarding to exporting private key to text file, I would suggest you have a try ConvertTo-SecureString cmdlet which converts encrypted standard strings to secure strings. However, it will import SSHv2 keys from the commercial SSH2 implemenation (the keys created above). You can convert your key to OpenSSH format: Oddly, I haven't found an option in OpenSSH to convert that key to its format, even though it will let you use it in SSHv1 compatibility mode. pem Put the part between “BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY” and “END RSA PRIVATE KEY” into private. Convert Private Key to PKCS#1 Format. pub. To convert from one to the other you can use openssl with the -inform and -outform arguments. You can convert your Putty private keys (. pem key file and click Open. PuTTYgen will display a window to load your key. The master private key (m) then generates a corresponding master public key (M), using the normal elliptic curve multiplication process m * G that we saw earlier in this chapter. If you have a passphrase you can use -p -P “pass” -N “pass”. pfx’ file, which stands for Personal Information Exchange. pfx" format Launch the utility and click Conversions > Import key. cer file, while your private key may reside in a . Click Save, close the PuTTY Key Generator window and remember the location of the private key file for future use. pem \-out openssl-certificate. pem; Get the . PuTTYgen. security. key. Go to Conversions -> Export OpenSSH and export your private key. pfx -out your_pem_certificates_and_key. ) Be FWIW, this worked for me on macOS 10. p12 - in cert. pem -out private. pem file. /id_rsa This comment has been minimized. OpenSSL will ask you, yet again, the password that protects the private key. 509 version 3 certificates utilize public key algorithms. In this article, we will see the commands used to convert. The PEM certificates are encoded in the text ASCII Base64 format, and you can view them in any text editor. Get the . A . 3. Open a text editor (such as wordpad) and paste the entire body of each certificate into one text file in the following order: Execute the following command in your Linux system to extract just the public key from your DER-encoded certificate: $ openssl x509 -in joscor. Do NOT select a passphrase. Sometimes, the trusted CA issues the certificate, private key, and certificate chain details in PFX format. This prevents you from being able to create the . Note. They generate numbers based on a seed, and by default, the seed is the current time. Browse to your SSH private key, select the file, and then click Open. unpack ('B', x) [0] for x in parts [1]])) n_val = eval ('0x' + ''. key $ ls -l public. PuTTYgen will prompt a warning of saving the key without a passphrase. p12 -out . pfx> -clcerts -nokeys -out certificate. PuTTY doesn't natively support the private key format (. Another option is to convert the ppk format to an OpenSSH format using the PuTTygen program performing the following steps: Run the puTTygen program. Used to convert either a hash160 or private key into an address or wallet import format string respectively. ppk) to base64 files for OpenSSH or OpenSSL. Now type the below command to extract the private key from pfx file. pem -out server-keyPkcs8Enc. At this point you have your public key called publickey. Private Key in string format. PKCS#12 (PFX) format is required if you use the Certificate Import wizard in the Windows certificate store. zip file, after you created an Oracle Cloud service instance. join( ['%02X' % struct. You should see the files by running the command dir or ls depending on your operating system. ppk -O public-openssh -o public. pem file can contain the server certificate, the intermediate certificate, and the private key. For example: openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my. pem” private key which is in PKCS#1 format to PKCS#8 format. key. PuTTYgen tool is used to generate the new key file (s) or convert the key file (s) to PPK – PuTTY’s own format. exe. This means that there is a mathematical connection going from your private key to your public key, but nobody can use your public key to figure out what your private key is. It will load the id_rsa private key if you have imported the wrong format or a public key PuTTYgen will warn you for the invalid format. 509) certificate in PEM format, which would be a different thing than your SSH keys. Please sign in to leave a comment. convert private key format
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+ BKCLSDWL.RVW 981114 "The Closed World", Paul N. Edwards, 1997, 0-262-55028-8, U$17.50 %A Paul N. Edwards %C 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1399 %D 1997 %G 0-262-55028-8 %I MIT Press %O U$17.50 800-356-0343 fax: 617-625-6660 www-mitpress.mit.edu %P 440 p. %T "The Closed World: Computers and the Politics of Disclosure in Cold War America" In his recent general computer history (cf. BKHSMDCM.RVW), Cerruzi notes that the American dominance of the computer industry is likely due to contracts and support from the US government and military. Inevitably, such a single source impetus has to have some kind of impact on the direction and shape both of the industry, and the technology itself, although the specifics of that influence might be difficult to determine. In the current work, the author tries to trace the leverage not only through the Cold War, but to a line running through Western philosophy back to Plato (who, incidentally, had a computer based training system, originally designed for the military, named after him). It is instructive, before looking at the book itself, to examine Edward's "closed world" term. This phrase comes from literary, and particularly theatrical, criticism. A closed world centres on some form of conflict, and all activity concentrates on, or relates to, the conflict itself. Hence a play like Hamlet, where every action and every line spoken feeds back to the fight between Hamlet and his uncle, and seemingly disparate events are generally attempts to control the battle. In opposition to closed world dramas, another type is the green world play, which is characterized by magic. Magic (except in our modern fantasy derivations from science fiction, and that would make a fascinating exploration some other time) is essentially uncontrollable. Chapter one outlines two general themes: that of the rampant paranoia of the Cold War, in which the US tried to contain and control the threat of communism; and the cyborg, the ultimate outgrowth of factory time and motion studies, in which the outcome of both production and the battleground can be predicted and controlled. Most of this chapter is spent outlining various philosophical concepts and developments. The early post war development of computers, a massive military investment in research and development, and the initial superiority of analogue computers over digital ones is reviewed in chapter two. Chapter three describes SAGE as the original of the various command and control technologies, but does little to relate this to computer development overall. This is extended through the sixties in chapter four, and although neither chapter serves to indicate how these events influenced computer design as such, chapter four does indicate the increasing technocratic orientation of American business management theories, and the utter failure of the first real command and control attempt in Vietnam. Chapter five is an interlude examining the metaphors used to think about computers, and how that affects the perception of them. The emergence of cybernetic or cognitive psychology as an identifiable field of study is related in chapter six. Chapter seven reviews the third "C" in military management; communications; and attempts to relate it to the emergence of cognitive science. Artificial intelligence gets covered in chapter eight with a heavy emphasis on programming language development. Chapter nine reviews the large scale military technology plans of the 1980s, particularly the Strategic Defense Initiative (alias "Star Wars"), involving a number of the technologies developed to date. The book comes, in a sense, full circle in chapter ten by returning to the world of theatre and fiction to look at attitudes towards technology and computers. An epilogue echoes this, looking first at recent history, and then at a "green world ascendant" interpretation of the movie "Terminator 2." Edwards' thesis is interesting. His historical recounting brings forward a number of events and links that are generally not included in previous mainstream computer histories. However, his analysis and presentation may not be fully convincing. The influence of society on technology, and technology on society, cannot be doubted, and should be considered more often than it is, but I question how much of Edwards' view is either real or valuable. copyright Robert M. Slade, 1998 BKCLSDWL.RVW 981114
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+ REVIEW: JACQUES ATTALI'S "NOISE: THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF MUSIC" Attempt to discuss music in relation to politics have always seemed fraught with danger. By its irreducibility to mere words, music has encouraged and shunned such attempts, which can lead even a sophisticated theorists like Theodor Adorno to state that, in Stravinsky's music "the relation to fascism is beyond question". Men of Power, too, from Plato to Zhdanov, have been uneasy about music's ambivalence, and have sought to control it. In "Noise: The Political Economy of Music", published in France in 1977 but only recently translated into English, Jacques Attali displays no fear of such precedents in discussing the links between change in music and change in society. Attali is one of those French intellectuals who made the transition from 1968 gauchisme to accommodation with Power. He seems to have adopted the slogan "Imagination to power!" as his own: he became Mitterand's Special Councellor, his "Ideas Man", even while continuing to write prolifically on subjects often far from his home territory of Economics. (He has been previously known in this country only for the controversy around his "Histoires du Temps", when lengthy unattributed quotations from other writers were found to have been included in the text.) Attali sets himself an ambitious task: by means of "theoretical indiscipline" he intends "not only to theorise about music, but to theorise through music. The result will be unusual and unacceptable conclusions about music and society, the past and the future". He constructs his political economy of music around four successive codes: - Sacrifice: the ritual code based on fear, when violence is channelled into acceptable rituals binding the group. - Representation: the code based on exchange and harmony. - Repetition: the age of sign exchange, dominated by a "speech without response" and a code of normality. - Composition: the possibility of passing beyond sign exchange into a new community. Attali's interest is in the breaks between these codes, when "noise" intrudes and shows the potential of another form of organisation. He will try to show that, contrary to Marxist models which consign music to a "superstructure" relative to the "productive" base, music has often anticipated developments in production. Furthermore, music has been experiencing the current social crisis for some time, and can now be the harbringer of another social order altogether. In the Sacrificial code, music channels chaotic violence, affirming the very possibility of sociality upon which power rests. The musician occupies an ambivalent position as the reviled and revered victim (such as the griot in West Africa). This analysis rests heavily on Rene Girard's notion of the function of the scapegoat in establishing order. In the European Middle Ages, musicians were sometimes Court functionaries, sometimes vagabonds: no distinction existed between High and Low Culture, and music had no value outwith its performance in a setting. He locates the emergence of the code of Representation in the 18th century: no longer an activity, music became an object of exchange. With the rise of publisher and promoter and the emergence of copyright, music no longer had a "use value" outside exchange. And internally, harmony would prefigure developments outside music: "The concept of representation logically implies that of exchange and harmony. The theory of political economy of the 19th century was present in its entirety in the concert halls of the 18th century and foreshadowed the politics of the 20th." The Star system, too, emerged earlier in music than elsewhere, with the constitution of the classical repertoire "when Liszt in 1830 began to play the music of other contemporary composers in concert and Mendelssohn played Bach... Liszt gave repertory a spacial dimension and Mendelssohn a temporal dimension" By the first decade of the 20th century, harmony was in crisis. The emergence of the code of Repetition came through the intrusion of two types of noise: internal noise as possibilities within harmony became exhausted and external noise through the invention of recording equipment. "Once again music was prophetic: it experienced the limits of the representative mode of production long before they appeared in material production." Drawing on Baudrillard's conception of hyper-reality, Attali considers music to have predated contemporary marketing and government strategies in its acceptance of lack of meaning and substitution of chance and statistical events. The invention of the record (like that of the cassette in the 1960s) was originally expected to serve as no more than a supplement to Representation. But instead it instituted a new society of Repetition and mass production. Music became "a strategic consumption, an essential mode of sociality for all those who feel themselves powerless before the monologue of the great institutions... conformity to the norm becomes the pleasure of belonging, and the acceptance of powerlessness takes root in the comfort of repetition". In Pop Culture, the charts are consumed in their own right: pure sign exchange outwith supply & demand. In the absence of meaning, the role of the Music Industry in socialising children into consumers and in managing demand becomes crucial, but always difficult faced with the very silence it has itself created. The greater the repetition, the lower the efficiency in producing demand: this seems to replace the tendencial decline in the Rate of Profit. And pirating of recordings creates even more problems. This, then, is another problem of the intrusion of internal and external "noise". The breach in this code is far less easily defined. Attali can suggest only that Repetition's very omnipresence means that the only possible challenge is the assertion of "the right to compose one's own life". Developments such as Free Jazz could be moves towards what Attali confusingly calls Composition - by which he basically means improvisation! This will be "inventing new codes, inventing the message at the same time as the language... (The) musician plays primarily for himself, outside of any operationality, spectacle or accumulation of value; when music, extricating itself from the codes of Sacrifice, Representation and Repetition, emerges as an activity that is an end in itself". Not the least unsatisfactory aspect to this vision is that, while Attali's use of economics in discussing the previous codes has often been illuminating, the attempt to do so in relation to the code of Composition is inconsistent. While he rightly emphasises the imminent ruin of musicians' organisations when they tried to become self-managed economic units, it is nonetheless from these failed attempts that his examples are drawn. And this has been the commonest problem in musicians' collectives themselves: the replacement of collective activity self-representation as a promotional body. The quality of Attali's analyses of his four codes fluctuates wildly. As with Baudrillard (to whom Attali's analyses of Representation and Repetition are often indebted), "theoretical indiscipline" sometimes produces exciting new angles, but at other times means that arguments are built around absurd examples. For example, he is content to give us a tabloid vision of California as land of Snuff Movies and Suicide Motels: just proof that Repetition no longer satisfies the need for sacrifice. A particularly bizarre section "proves" noise to be a simulacrum of murder, mixing the walls of Jerico, Information Theory and the "fact" that a sufficient intensity of noise could kill. Any value which that last example might have surely relates more to the dangers of the technological abstraction and intensification in the past century than sacrifice in ritual. Curiously, Attali makes use of the story of Odysseus and the Sirens, as did his predecessor in the Political Economy of Music, Adorno. In both cases, any illumination provided is more for their argument than Homer's story. For Attali, Odysseus takes on the role of scapegoat and suffers the Sirens' Song; he omits the allurement of their song. Adorno and Horkheimer (in "The Dialectic of Enlightenment") made much more of the story. The Song expressed the fatal attraction of contemplating the past, of returning to the state of nature and infancy. Odysseus responds by introducing a division of labour: while the sailors row, oblivious to the pleasures of the Song, he listens, but has renounced the possibility of responding to the Song - it has become Art. Historical simultaneity is a temptation rarely resisted. Attali's talks of "Red Vienna, where the street in revolt would attempt the only organisation ever to initiate the self-management of concerts, with Sch�nberg's Society for Private Musical Performances". This fanciful statement would have shocked Sch�nberg the "conservative revolutionary" and the members of that "progressive" salon group (which existed from 1918 to 1921). In fact the Society's purpose was to give frequent, well-rehearsed performances of pieces of modern music, whose repetition would bring familiarity and understanding and constitute an appreciative audience for modern music. His history of 20th century, particularly Jazz, is not all it could be. The record industry, we are assured, could not really develop until electrical recording became available in 1925. What then of all those recordings of the Original Dixieland Jazz Band and King Oliver, or of Louis Armstrong's Hot Five, the first specifically recording group, already well into it's stride on acoustic recordings? His omission of any mention of Bebop is curious, given that it was intended to be impenetrable to the (mainly white) "recuperators" and perceived by musicians of the previous generation as noise. It's development during the years of the musicians' recording ban (and consequent estrangement from the mass Black audience) would also make it interesting in relation to Attali's Repetitive Code... Similarly, Attali's version of Free Jazz and its institutions are superficial and over-optimistic. Organisations like the short-lived Jazz Composers' Guild and the Chicago AACM were never as successful in breaking with the Industry than he thinks (although the latter has had a profound impact on musicians in its area). It is also curious to see Carla Bley mentioned as an exemplary black musician! The time when the book was written is particularly evident in its consideration of Rock Music, where Attali seems prepared to accept its festive, rebellious ideology ("The Man Can't Bust Our Music" - CBS campaign slogan) as more than mere simulation of festival. There are still hints of tendencies towards certain fashions and styles: a line seems to run from the Russolo's glorification of machine-age noise to Jimi Hendrix - and apparently beyond to Composition. It is perhaps more evident now that each style exists only as a distinction from that preceding it: a reversal of values making obsolete all previous accumulation of records, trousers or whatever!. Against this, it must be said that the book is often fascinating. Particularly outstanding are the sections describing the development of copyright and the suppression of "subversive" 19th century French cabarets. In the problem of how a songwriter should be remunerated by the publisher, resolved by the introduction of copyright, Attali sees the situation of a whole category of "molders" under what will become the order of Repetition. The strangest feature of the presentation of the 1985 English translation is the Afterword's attempt to link Attali's code of Composition to the emergence of the "New Wave". If this suggestion relates only to most people's initial perception of Punk as "noise", one hardly needs a book to tell us that this is how changes in the mode of music are commonly perceived. Any suggestion that Punk was anything resembling "Composition" must surely be ludicrous. Surely only a few hardcore fans still believe that the "anger" in Punk is "natural" - even most of them recognise it as an aesthetic. Rather, we can suggest that the initial irruption of changes in musical code, whether Rock & Roll, Psychedelia, or Punk always presents itself as natural. This leads back to doubts about Attali's Compositional order, when he emphasises that it will bring a new bodily unity: "The consumer... will institute the spectacle of himself as the supreme image" - pure Narcissism. And so perhaps it isn't surprising that the Afterword finishes by adapting "Composition" to the New York Arts scene. From Edinburgh Review 75 1986
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+ Raspberry pi install opencv python3
Raspberry pi install opencv python3
raspberry pi install opencv python3 sudo apt install libatlas-base-dev liblapacke-dev gfortran. After that, use the below command to install the OpenCV on your Raspberry Pi. Installieren Sie OpenCV von der Quelle Raspberry Pi 2 Model B; Raspbian; OpenCV; Connect to Raspberry Pi. 0. Raspberry Pi OS includes Python 3. This article is a companion article to the video of the same title on YouTube, which you can watch below. Trust me, unless you’ve a reason to be using OpenCV 4. I also recommend that you stick to the cheat sheet especially in We’re going to install OpenCV on the Raspberry Pi for Python projects. Xin chào các bạn !!! Hôm nay chúng ta cùng cài đặt OpenCV một thư viện mã nguồn mở hàng đầu cho thị giác máy tính (computer vision), xử lý ảnh, học máy và các tính năng tăng tốc GPU trong hoạt động thời gian thực. To install Tensorflow in our Raspberry Pi, we will use pip and install it I have not yet tried this with Jessie/Python 3. Net Core in a Raspberry Pi 4 and sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install build-essential python3 python3-dev python3-pip python3-virtualenv python3-numpy python3-picamera sudo apt-get install python3-pandas python3-rpi. 0, but we don’t need that. Tosay’s effect is similar, but getting a more artistic result. OpenCV isn’t new in my posts, as I already used it to cartoonize images with Raspberry PI. ) Pi 3 Model B: Jessie, Python 3, OpenCV 3. Ensure your Raspberry Pi 3 is plugged into a mains power supply. gpio i2c-tools avahi-utils joystick libopenjp2-7-dev libtiff5-dev gfortran sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev libopenblas-dev libhdf5 There are no prebuilt wheels of opencv-python for Python 3. Setting up the necessary software on the Raspberry Pi took a very long time. Type the following command to install it. Installing OpenCV 4 on Raspberry Pi using CMake. 0 with Python 2. 2. How to Install OpenCV on your Raspberry Pi. sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip python3-numpy. Update again. gpio i2c-tools avahi-utils joystick libopenjp2-7-dev libtiff5-dev gfortran sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev libopenblas-dev libhdf5 pip install --no-binary opencv-python opencv-python; pip install --no-binary :all: opencv-python; If you need contrib modules or headless version, just change the package name (step 4 in the previous section is not needed). 7 on Raspberry Pi Posted on January 10, 2019 by AP This short guide explains how to install Python version 3. How to install Python 3. Some people tend to install OpenCV on virtual environment so that they can use different version of python or OpenCV on the same machine. Open Terminal and enter the following commands to get started: sudo apt update sudo apt install python3-opencv sudo apt install libhdf5-dev 3) Install Python 3 and Pip3: sudo apt-get install python3-dev sudo apt-get install python3-pip 4) Install Opencv: pip3 install opencv-python 5) Extra depencies for Opencv and the Camera: sudo apt-get install libqtgui4 sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2 sudo apt-get install libqt4-test If you want to install OpenCV 3. python3 test. The newer versions for Raspberry Pi using this method probably be updated in the future. com/install-opencv-python-on-raspberry-pi Python packages in Raspberry Pi OS which are compatible with Python 2. Note that this script takes around 3 times more on Raspberry Pi 2 as compared to Raspberry Pi 3. Protocol buffers are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data – think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler. Regarding the software on the Raspberry Pi: Install Python (preferably 3 or higher). sh file and put this code in opencv41. Of course, the newest version is 4. 0. Maybe i’ll try it again in the following weeks. 4. We put together a script to easily make sure your Pi is correctly configured and install Blinka. sh file. I have prepared an img file (made in Dec 19 2017) that compiled ROS and OpenCV, you can download it here, file size is around 4GB in Google Drive. Let me know if it works. At the time of writing, the version in the repositories is 3. NumPy is a library that makes it very easy to perform array operations in Python. 1 with Python 3 on latest Pi operating system, Raspbian Stretch. Ok, so let’s start. We will also briefly study the script to understand what’s going on in it. #RPI Config sudo raspi-config Advanced Optioins > Memory Split > 128 Interface Options > Pi Camera Enable #Dependencies sudo apt-get -y install build-essential cmake git unzip pkg-config libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libgtk2. Step 1: Expand filesystem. 7. putty) or directly open the terminal in the Raspberry Pi. It isolates your installation from getting later errors when using after installation. This website uses cookies and other tracking technology to analyse traffic, personalise ads and learn how we can improve the experience for our visitors and customers. Just install it from the repository with: rpi ~$ sudo apt install python3-opencv Install OpenCV 4 on Raspberry Pi for C++ and Python development Posted on September 17, 2019 by Paul . The OpenCV Python module is available from the standard Raspbian repository. Next, you'll discover how to install OpenCV 4 for Python 3 on Raspberry Pi, before covering major techniques and algorithms in image processing, manipulation, and computer vision. 6. 6-dev python3-numpy gcc gcc-c++ build-essential cmake-curses-gui sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config libpng12-0 libpng12-dev libpng++-dev libpng3 libpnglite-dev zlib1g-dbg zlib1g zlib1g-dev pngtools libtiff5-dev libtiff4 libtiffxx0c2 libtiff-tools libeigen3-dev sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev opencv does not maintain any python distributions, if you run into trouble with PIP, you should ping the maintainer of that package. py using both python 2 and 3 to verify that OpenCV python bindings were successfully installed Be prepared for many hours of compiling on the Raspberry Pi. First of all , to use below code you have to make opencv41. Wheels are provided for Raspbian Jessie (Python 3. 9 is a Python 3 binding. Step-wise illustration to set up OpenCV Python on Raspberry Pi 3. Trust me, unless you’ve a reason to be using OpenCV 4. 0-dev libpango1. I tried My posts on Raspberry Pi ⚡🐲⚡ Dev posts for Raspberry Pi. sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev. Install Python support packages. 7 Next, we're going to touch on using OpenCV with the Raspberry Pi's camera, giving our robot the gift of sight. These instructions only apply to Raspbian Buster , however. It is infamous for its tedious process on Linux computers, so try to go slowly and read each line of the procedure to prevent annoying errors on completion. These instructions only apply to Raspbian Buster , however. sudo apt-get install libqt4-test. OpenCV with extra contribs For those desired the latest extended functionality that hasn’t yet been incorporated into the core package, OpenCV including the Extra contributed modules may be obtained by: Today we are going to build our own real-time Social Distancing Monitoring Alarm using a Raspberry Pi and the OpenCV AI kit with Depth Capability. 0. Install OpenCV 3 Tutorial In this post, we will provide a bash script for installing OpenCV-3. sudo python3 testAll. In diesem Tutorial wird erklärt, wie OpenCV auf Raspberry Pi 3 installiert wird. sh in terminal. Python 3 packages always have a python3-prefix. 0 with Python 3+ support. sudo pip3 install opencv-contrib-python libwebp6 Raspberry Pi 4の4GBモデルがとうとう日本でも発売開始になりましたね! jp. Install Python support packages. To get started, let us install OpenCV on our Raspberry Pi. I am attempting to install opencv-python on a fresh Raspbian OS image on a raspberry pi zero w. 0 on Raspberry Pi 4 with a 32-bit operation system. 6 will be skipped completely as Raspbian Buster will be shipped with Python 3. Installing more libraries. 9. 1. While we are within Python, we can now import the OpenCV Python module using the command below. 1. Remotely connect to the Raspberry Pi using any SSH client (e. This isn’t the first time I’ve discussed how to install OpenCV on the Raspberry Pi, so I’ll keep these instructions on the brief side, allowing you to work through the installation process: I’ve also included the amount of time it takes to execute each command (some depend on Now CMake did find Python3 and OpenCV was installed on my Raspberry Pi 3:) I did not see the exact timing, but the make -j4 call took at most 1h 22min. 4. Net Core 3. In this post, we will provide a bash script for installing OpenCV-4. 7 on Raspberry Pi Posted on 30/06/2018 by Ramoonus This short guide explains how to install Python version 3. Find out if OpenCV is installed or not. What I did was installed Python 3. 1. com. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. sudo apt-get install python3-opencv At of time writing, the above command will install OpenCV 3. 7 install opencv-python-contrib Or with pip version 1. 4), Raspbian Stretch (Python 3. Section 3: Compiling OpenCV 3. 0 on a different sd card but it is failing for the same reason At the start, you’ll learn the basics of Python 3, and the fundamentals of single-board computers and NumPy. Pada tutorial ini menggunakan Raspberry Pi 3 model B+ dengan OpenCV versi 4. I did not follow any cooling procedure as of now, and my set-up looks like this-Installing OpenCV and Other After that, type the following command to install OpenCV 3 for Python 3 on your Raspberry Pi. 0, but we don’t need that. 0-dev $ sudo apt-get install python2 Get code examples like "Install OpenCV 3 + Python on your Raspberry Pi" instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension. . Thanks to pyimagesearch, I was able to solve it. to install OpenCV 3 for python 3 on your Raspberry pi. 4. 7. 1. Click on the download in the dock to start the installation process. But, many projects, including my game Discordia, need Python 3. How to grant permissions to a folder after git clone, to perform dotnet restore on a Raspberry Pi; How to install . Sebelum memulai tutorial ini, sudo apt-get install python3-dev. 7) — though currently only the 32-bit OS is supported, not 64-bit. sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev. Install these packages that help OpenCV run quickly on your Raspberry Pi. Install these packages that help OpenCV run quickly on your Raspberry Pi. The File Structure of the Code 6 thoughts on “ How to install Python 3. 5. sudo apt install libhdf5-dev libhdf5-103. I don't know what you have tried because I don't follow links to understand a question, but at a glance it seems that you tried to compile ``OpenCV` from source. 9. How to install Python 3. So, the picamera package for Python 2. 5) on Raspbian Operating System on Raspberry Pi. 7 and Python 3. However, any additional CMake flags can be provided via environment variables as described in step 3 of the manual build Testing OpenCV on your Raspberry Pi 1. Follow the tutorial on https://www. 1. sudo apt-get update. It might also be a good idea to use Pi 4 if you can and also add in some cooling options like a heatsink or Fan because I noticed the temperature reaching almost 70*C. OpenCV with Raspberry Pi Camera Face Detection Tutorial - Robotics with Python Raspberry Pi and GoPiGo p. com これまでのモデルとの違いなどはいろんなところで比較されているので、割愛します。 Macを使ったOSのインストール方法は以下のページを参考にしました。 qiita. 3. com This article helps you install OpenCV 4. org/downloads. Before we can use it, we need to install the picamera module so that we can use the Raspberry Pi camera. 5) and Raspberry Pi OS / Raspbian Buster (Python 3. Then type the following command in the terminal to install the required packages for OpenCV on your Raspberry Pi: sudo apt install libatlas3-base libsz2 libharfbuzz0b libtiff5 libjasper1 libilmbase12 libopenexr22 libilmbase12 libgstreamer1. then, it's a miracle, that they even install a "data" folder (a lot of persons won't ever miss it) it may not even be relevant, since you can download anything you need from github Install OpenCV on your Raspberry Pi 3. 7+ bindings on your Raspberry Pi, then this is the section that you’ll want to go to. So, to install picamera for Python 3 you would use: sudo apt install python3-picamera How to install opencv in raspberry pi | pythonpip installation-----Follow the Steps:----- I previously wrote a step-by-step guide showing how to make OpenCV 3. 5. How to install development libraries. Introduction This instruction covers the installation of ROS Kinetic (Robot Operating System) and OpenCV-3. Install the Dependencies. Initial steps: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install python3-dev. Follow these steps to install OpenCV on the RPi: First, we need to install a few dependencies. [email protected] ~ $ pkg-config --modversion After installing the dependencies, inside the virtual environment install OpenCV: pip install opencv-contrib-python This should install OpenCV in the virtual environment, and we should be able to test it to verify the installation: Installing Tensorflow and Keras. Run following command to check whether OpenCV is installed or not. 0 on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian. This is necessary in order to ensure that you don’t lose power when OpenCV starts to spool up. open CV can be similarly installed by entering the command apt get install open CV. sh $ cd ~ /opencv/opencv-4. How to install Python 3. Install Flask with the following command (for more information on Flask see e. 0-dev sudo apt-get -y install libopencv-dev sudo apt-get -y install build-essential checkinstall cmake pkg-config yasm sudo apt-get -y install libtiff4-dev libjpeg-dev libjasper-dev sudo apt sudo pip3 install opencv-python. Of course, the newest version is 4. 3. Download OpenCV. Unable to find existing packages for Pi Zero and Stretch, I had no choice but to compile my own OpenCV 3. 7 on Raspberry Pi Posted on 30/06/2018 by Ramoonus This short guide explains how to install Python version 3. If the compilation has worked without problems, we can install OpenCV: sudo make install && sudo ldconfig. Follow the steps carefully so that this OpenCV installation is successful. See full list on pyimagesearch. 5+ Now you can finally compile. Connect your device and try. For those of you also used to installing OpenCV manually I am sure you will be as happy as I am! Now let’s just make sure that OpenCV is working. To use all four cores to compile on the Raspberry Pi 2, type in the following: make-j4. If you want for Python 3 just change the appropriate lines in the cheat sheet. sudo pip3 install opencv-contrib-python==4. However, any additional CMake flags can be provided via environment variables as described in step 3 of the manual build While I am not yet familiar with OpenCV algorithms, one thing notably missing from OpenCV 2. com このブログでは、Raspbian Busterを Make connections between the Raspberry Pi and Ribbon cable from Display; Attach the SDA to the SDA pin of your Pi; Put the SCL from Display to the SCL pin; Attach the camera’s ribbon cable to the Raspberry Pi; Put the GND from the display into the Pi GND; Connect the Raspberry Pi 5V and display’s 5V; Step 1: Install OpenCV on Raspberry Pi Finally, install OpenCV: pip3 install opencv-python. If it already exists; delete it with "sudo pip3 uninstall opencv-contrib-python" Install some dependencies for OpenCV4 type: # Install OpenCV sudo apt-get install python3-opencv At of time writing, the above command will install OpenCV 3. Like any other installations, update your Raspberry Pi first. Note that this script takes around 3 times more on […] To the chagrin of most developers, the Raspberry Pi only natively supports Python 2. Readers have reported that some versions of OpenCV 4 as Follow these steps to install OpenCV on the RPi: First, we need to install a few dependencies. sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip python3-numpy. *run using bash opencv41. 5) on Raspbian Operating System on Raspberry Pi. Una vez que hemos instalado Raspberry Pi OS (post anterior), vamos al terminal y digitamos python3, y como te darás cuenta python ya viene instalado, esta vez en su versión 3. Install OpenCV Python on Raspberry Pi 3 In this tutorial, I will show you how to install OpenCV Python on Raspberry Pi 3. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake pkg-config sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev libjasper-dev libpng-dev sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev sudo apt-get install libxvidcore-dev libx264-dev sudo apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev libcairo2-dev sudo apt-get install OpenCV is trivial and fast to install on a Raspberry Pi via pip as described above. The installation time is approximately 2 to 5 hours, depending on the internet speed and your SD Card type. 1 in a Raspberry Pi 4; Installing Visual Studio Code in a Raspberry Pi 4, run as root, fix black screen; How to install . OpenCV was designed for computational efficiency and with a strong focus on Two problem about applying Movidius on the raspberry pi3 1. This project is done with Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV). In this method we will download the source package of OpenCV and compile it on our Raspberry Pi using CMake. Type the following command to install OpenCV 4 for Python 3 on your Raspberry Pi, pip3 tells us that OpenCV will get installed for Python 3. 2/build $ sudo make install Check you can run test. 6-dev python3-numpy gcc gcc-c++ build-essential cmake-curses-gui sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config libpng12-0 libpng12-dev libpng++-dev libpng3 libpnglite-dev zlib1g-dbg zlib1g zlib1g-dev pngtools libtiff5-dev libtiff4 libtiffxx0c2 libtiff-tools libeigen3-dev sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev Usually Python ide is already installed with raspberry pi models. __version__)' I got the error: undefined symbol: __atomic_fetch_add_8. Advanced Options > A1 Expand filesystem > Press “Enter” I don't like Virtual Environment as well. Downgrade python3 to Python 3. Unable to find existing packages for Pi Zero and Stretch, I had no choice but to compile my own OpenCV 3. Requirements. 25 After those steps, OpenCV should be installed. put this file in home. Apparently this is an issue as of Raspbian Buster. (I’ve just finished installing opencv 3. Install the HDF5 packages that OpenCV will use to manage the data. On this web page, you will see a button to install the latest version of Python 3. 4. 6, OpenCV 4. pip3 install opencv-contrib-python==4. py Install opencv. 0 on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian aswell as other Debian based Linux distributions including Ubuntu. deciphertechnic. Building OpenCV 4 directly on a Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black is doable, but it could take a few hours. Smit mentioned that you should better install opencv-python-contrib to use the full OpenCV package (but don´t use both packages!). After removing the Wolfram Engine and LibreOffice, you can reclaim almost 1GB! Step #2: Install dependencies. Increase the Compile/install Python 3 on Raspberry Pi 23 June, 2019. Installing OpenCV 3. This Raspberry Pi social distance camera will be able detect a people using either a MobileNet SSD or YOLOv3 tiny model at 30 FPS to sound an Alert, to politely remind people to maintain their social Next, make a new directory with the same name and start all over again. How to install OpenCV on Raspberry Pi. com www. This isn’t the first time I’ve discussed how to install OpenCV on the Raspberry Pi, so I’ll keep these instructions on the brief side, allowing you to work through the installation process: I’ve also included the amount of time it takes to execute each command (some depend on To start building the OpenCV library from source code on Raspberry Pi, you’ll first need to install development libraries. I wanted to have OpenCV 3 running in Raspbian Stretch on a Raspberry Pi Zero W. After Installing xrdp, we have to enable SSH. I want to host a Discordia server on my Pi, but how am I going to even try if there’s no Python 3. This website uses cookies and other tracking technology to analyse traffic, personalise ads and learn how we can improve the experience for our visitors and customers. 0-dev libcanberra-gtk* libxvidcore-dev libx264-dev libgtk-3-dev python3-dev python3-numpy python-dev python3-pip python $ chmod +x *. sudo apt install python3-pyqt5 -y ; sudo apt install libqt4-test -y ; sudo apt install libhdf5-dev libhdf5-serial-dev -y ; sudo pip3 install opencv-contrib-python==4. 0 on Raspberry Pi 4 with a 32-bit operation system. It's better, though. There’s one that we use the most, the Open CV library. It will work for most OpenCV projects, and it’s an easy solution. 0 while the version available with the default Debian based OS on Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black is 3. Pip3 means that OpenCV will get installed for python 3. I wanted to have OpenCV 3 running in Raspbian Stretch on a Raspberry Pi Zero W. OpenCV is a library that allows your robot to recognise things through the camera. /download-opencv. This enables OpenCV to compile with all four cores of the Raspberry PI without the compile hanging due to memory Disclaimer: if you are looking for a detailed step by step on how to install or even build OpenCV in a Raspberry Pi, I strongly recommend to read the post “Install OpenCV on Raspberry Pi 4” by Adrian Rosebrock. 0 on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian aswell as other Debian based Linux distributions including Ubuntu. 0-dev libgtk-3-dev. 5 folders (or python2. Raspberry Pi: Despite the title of this tutorial, you may use the Raspberry Pi hardware including 3B, 3B+, or 4B to install OpenCV 4. /install-deps. Install the following via apt-get install: After removing the Wolfram Engine and LibreOffice, you can reclaim almost 1GB! Step #2: Install dependencies. 2. Now test your OpenCV install: python3 -c 'import cv2; print(cv2. Increase the sudo apt-get install -y cmake python3-dev python3. To test whether OpenCV is now installed to our Raspberry Pi, we will make use of our Python 3 installation. Make sure you have a constant internet connectivity. x will always have a python-prefix. 1 on Raspberry Pi ” aaron griffith on 24/01/2021 at 06:12 said: followed this on a fresh install of Raspbain, after trying the other install of 3. In this article, I will show you how to install OpenCV 4 with Python and C++ support on Raspberry Pi. Wir gehen davon aus, dass Sie Raspbian auf Ihrem Raspberry Pi installiert haben. sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libqtwebkit4 libqt4-test libqtgui4 python3-pyqt5 Some additional user packages are required for improving how OpenCV works on the Raspberry Pi, as well as add Python support (which is used by many open source projects that use OpenCV). 8) $ pip-3. Raspbian Stretch Desktop To use Raspberry Pi on Laptop using Remote desktop in Windows: sudo apt-get install xrdp. Install the HDF5 packages that OpenCV will use to manage the data. many hours. For Raspberry Pi facial recognition, we’ll utilize OpenCV, face_recognition, and imutils packages to train our Raspberry Pi based on a set of images that we collect and provide as our dataset. Check if you've installed/tried to install it with "pip list" command. 1 run on a Raspberry Pi 3 B. pip3 install opencv-contrib-python==4. 0 (latest version) on a Raspberry Pi 3 B Plus. 2 which is not the latest version. Finally, we can enter a wonderfully simple command to install opencv: sudo pip install opencv-contrib-python. The last library we need to install is NumPy. 7 Next, we're going to touch on using OpenCV with the Raspberry Pi's camera, giving our robot the gift of sight. /build-opencv. I will show all the steps to get it working properly. 7 -m pip install opencv-python-contrib Or you can use the pip version (if pip is at least version 0. 7 and 3. Next, you’ll discover how to install OpenCV 4 for Python 3 on Raspberry Pi, before covering major techniques and algorithms in image processing, manipulation, and computer vision. 32GB microSD: I recommend the high-quality SanDisk 32GB 98Mb/s cards. 0. Install Python 3 and Update device Selanjutnya kita install library pendukung untuk OpenCV, jalankan pada terminal, sudo apt-get -y install libatlas-base-dev libqtgui4 python3-pyqt5 libqt4-test libilmbase-dev libopenexr-dev libgstreamer1. After you complete this section, skip Section 3 and head right to Section 4. For that Click Raspberry Pi logo presented in top left corner, then choose preferences, select Rpi configurations, then enable SSH which presented in Interfaces tab by clicking at radio button and then click OK to reboot the system. x is named python-picamera (as shown in the example above). Launch into the Python terminal by running the command below. sudo apt-get install libjasper-dev. To test whether OpenCV is now installed to our Raspberry Pi, we will make use of our Python 3 installation. We are using a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with Debian Buster OS running in it. Testing OpenCV on your Raspberry Pi. 25 . Step-by-step guide showing how to compile and install OpenCV 4. Raspberry Pi: Despite the title of this tutorial, you may use the Raspberry Pi hardware including 3B, 3B+, or 4B to install OpenCV 4. If I want to apply Movidius to the raspberry pi3,Do you have to use python3? 2. 7. keep in mind that you should go to home directory first and then open the terminal and put this command. pip install --no-binary opencv-python opencv-python; pip install --no-binary :all: opencv-python; If you need contrib modules or headless version, just change the package name (step 4 in the previous section is not needed). Next, you'll discover how to install OpenCV 4 for Python 3 on Raspberry Pi, before covering major techniques and algorithms in image processing, manipulation, and computer vision. 0 (C++, Python 2. 0. 0-0 libavcodec57 libavformat57 libavutil55 libswscale4 libqtgui4 libqt4-test libqtcore4 OpenCV with Raspberry Pi Camera Face Detection Tutorial - Robotics with Python Raspberry Pi and GoPiGo p. sudo apt install libhdf5-dev libhdf5-103. 0. 4. 0 on Raspberry Pi 3 B+. Raspberry Pi + OpenCV 3. In this video, we will use Haar Cascade to detect faces on the image captured by pi camera. Support. If you need to use apt installed Python modules that access hardware like GPIO, you can always access system Python 3 via /usr/bin/python3. sudo apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev libcairo2-dev libgdk-pixbuf2. sh $. 2. python. I assume that you read my posts and your Raspbian image is up and running. 7. $ python-3. Raspberry Pi 3B or 3B+ If you are using python 3 make sure your python interpreter and libraries are set in python3 or python 3. That article generated a lot of feedback. 7. python3. We will be installing OpenCV realease 3. Video. 0 and it took so long. 1 on the Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 with Raspbian Stretch. Wheels provided support all Raspberry Pi models (Pi 4, Pi 3, Pi 2, Pi 1 and Pi Zero). 4 Python OpenCV test. Launch into the Python terminal by running the command below. Hours. The biggest problem is that OpenCV xphoto module isn’t available in default python3-opencv package, but requires opencv-contrib-python (available from pip package manager). This step takes (depending on Raspberry Pi model) quite a long time (on my Pi 2 about an hour). To do this, type the following in a terminal window or over SSH: Additionally @Dave W. python3. 1. While we are within Python, we can now import the OpenCV Python module using the command below. 0 or greater, I’d stick with the Linux repos. Instalando OpenCV 4 en Raspberry Pi; Comprobar que OpenCV 4 se haya instalado correctamente en la Raspberry Pi. This article helps you install OpenCV 4. sudo apt-get install -y cmake python3-dev python3. Hướng dẫn cài OpenCV 3 trên Raspberry Pi 3 chạy Raspbian Stretch. When I use python3 on raspberry pi3, I can't use the import cv2,How to install opencv in Python3 At the start, you'll learn the basics of Python 3, and the fundamentals of single-board computers and NumPy. g. 1 (most recent version!) to run on your Raspberry Pi 3 B plus. py Hey you can use this script on raspberry pi with buster version of raspbian. I recommend you install OpenCV for Python 2 not 3. Type the following command to expand the Raspberry Pi3 file system sudo raspi-config Then select the following. We will also briefly study the script to understand what’s going in it. 4. I assume that you have the latest Raspbian installed on your Raspberry Pi, which at the time of this writing is based on Debian 10 Buster. At the time of this writing, OpenCV is at version 4. sudo apt-get install libhdf5-serial-dev. I have completed a few installations since then, so here's a new, streamlined, process for getting OpenCV 3. 0-dev libgtk2. Installing Protobuf. rs-online. – hoefling Apr 27 '19 at 9:46 İn this guide we want to show how to install OpenCV4 for python 3 on Raspberry Pi without compiling it from source code. 4 (C++, Python 2. 2K views When this article was written, we used the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ (Buy Here) model with 1GB RAM and 4 Core Processors. Note: There are two ways to install this: Pip install (30 seconds) Compile from source (hours) We are covering the Pip install here because it’s fast and easy. 2. Setup. pi Installing OpenCV 4. 1 with Python 3. this post) $ sudo apt-get install python3-flask . Voraussetzungen . 3. 1. Although written for the Raspberry Pi 4, the guide can also be used without any change for the Raspberry 3 or 2. Done! Open your web browser and navigate to www. sh $. 5. 1. 25. Install OpenCV 4 on Raspberry Pi. sudo apt-get install libcblas-dev. 4. 1. 0 or greater, I’d stick with the Linux repos. Type these commands on the Raspberry Pi terminal: [bash] $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install build-essential git cmake pkg-config libgtk2. Installing additional sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install build-essential python3 python3-dev python3-pip python3-virtualenv python3-numpy python3-picamera sudo apt-get install python3-pandas python3-rpi. Note: Pip3 means that OpenCV will get installed for Python 3. Here is how to compile the latest Python on the Raspberry Pi. . To install OpenCV Python module, run the following commands: sudo apt update sudo apt install python3-opencv There are some steps to install OpenCV properly on Raspberry Pi 3 with Python 3. 5 bindings on a Raspberry Pi Zero running Raspbian Stretch I've been experimenting with some basic computer vision concepts on a Raspberry Pi as part of a small mobile robot project. 7 folder for python 2) Before you start the compile process, you should increase your swap space size. While I am not yet familiar with OpenCV algorithms, one thing notably missing from OpenCV 2. 32GB microSD: I recommend the high-quality SanDisk 32GB 98Mb/s cards. Electronics essentials such as a breadboard, and some jumper wires; Step Read about 'Raspberry Pi Facial Recognition' on element14. This video shows how get a face detection on an pi camera image using OpenCV Python3 on Raspberry Pi. Installing OpenCV on Raspberry Pi can be an intermediate challenge, but the rewards can be great! In this video, I show you how to install OpenCV step by step on a Raspberry Pi running the Raspbian operating system. 9 is a Python 3 binding. Install OpenCV environment as shown in my post Simple Home-Surveillance System (Part 1). Click the button, and a download will start automatically. Although written for the Raspberry Pi 4, the guide can also be used without any change for the Raspberry 3 or 2. 25; This will install OpenCV for us. g. sudo apt-get install libqtgui4. 7 and Python 3. That is not needed. It can At the start, you'll learn the basics of Python 3, and the fundamentals of single-board computers and NumPy. A Raspberry Pi with all the accessories; The OpenCV AI Kit, I’m using the OAK-1 because of its small form factor. switch-science. 2. However you have the luxury of updating the Python ide using apt get update Python command in the terminal window. Really fast when I compare it to my early tryouts with the Raspberry Pi 1 and OpenCV! sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev libjasper-dev libqtgui4 python3-pyqt5. A Pan tilt hat for Raspberry Pi — I’m using the Waveshare brand; So this kit consists of a raspberry pi hat along with servo motors, screws and chassis. 6 on ARM platforms yet and it looks like Python 3. 7. 1, dlib, face_recognition, numpy, scipy, scikit-image, various required Python modules. sh $. OpenCV kann die Multi-Core-Verarbeitung nutzen und bietet eine GPU-Beschleunigung für den Echtzeitbetrieb. 4. 7? Lets’ start there; by installing Python 3. 7. 4. Setup your Raspberry Pi. sudo apt install libatlas-base-dev liblapacke-dev gfortran. 1. Python2 support has been dropped, so you will need to either use pip3 and python3 as commands or set Python 3 as the default python install. 3. I am following an identical process that worked on a Raspberry Pi 4, and as far as I know it should work on the Zero W, but it takes 9 hours and has failed at the last second now twice. In short term(Rpi logo We've provided some basic examples to help you discover possible uses for your Raspberry Pi and to get started with software available in Raspberry Pi OS. 1. raspberry pi install opencv python3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url-50815201 b/run/test-data/url-50815201
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01ce43ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url-50815201
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Plato sez We're each part Of one broken being That yearns to be reunited But take it from me, buddy Merging with the Mysterious Other Is no picnic.
She's neat and you're messy Wants sex when you don't She's plain and you're dressy Hangs out where you won't
You don't really want a soul mate She's all and everything you're not You don't really need a soul mate How about a tetanus shot Instead?
Compared to joining with my soul mate I would pick a firing squad Making love to such a creature Would be a lot like fucking God
You don't really want a soul mate She's all and everything you're not You don't really need a soul mate How about a shot of bot- ulinus neurotoxin instead?
You're on time and She's on acid None of you has half a clue What the other feels is sacred What the other thinks is rude
You don't really want a soul mate She's all and everything you're not You don't really need a soul mate But She's all you've really got
Face it, bozo You're hooked, addicted Couldn't exist without Her Need Her like the Sun, Moon and stars Love Her madly, insanely, unreasonably Till death do us
Part of me wants What?
To sit alone and masturbate Or lift the phone and call my mate?
Hello, dear I miss you Feels like you're part of me.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4637cbf4
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+++ b/run/test-data/url-522685905
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+ Greek Science after Aristotle
As we mentioned before, Aristotle’s analysis of motion was criticized by Strato (who died around 268 B.C., he is sometimes called Straton), known as “the Physicist” who was the third director of the Lyceum after Aristotle (the founder) and Theophrastus, who was mainly a botanist.
Strato’s career was curiously parallel to Aristotle’s. Recall Aristotle spent twenty years at Plato’s academy before going to
+ Macedonia
+ to be tutor to Alexander, after which Aristotle came back to
+ Athens
+ to found his own “university”, the Lyceum. A few years later, Alexander conquered most of the known world, dividing it into regions with his old friends in charge. In particular, he had his boyhood friend Ptolemy in charge of
+ Egypt
+ , where Alexander founded the
+ new city
+ of
+ Alexandria
+ . Now Strato, after a period of study at the Lyceum, was hired by Ptolemy to tutor his son Ptolemy II Philadelphus (as he became known) in
+ Alexandria
+ . Subsequently Strato returned to
+ Athens
+ where he was in charge of the Lyceum for almost twenty years, until his death.
Strato, like Aristotle, believed in close observation of natural phenomena, but in our particular field of interest here, the study of motion, he observed much more carefully than Aristotle, and realized that falling bodies usually accelerate. He made two important points: rainwater pouring off a corner of a roof is clearly moving faster when it hits the ground than it was when it left the roof, because a continuous stream can be seen to break into drops which then become spread further apart as they fall towards the ground. His second point was that if you drop something to the ground, it lands with a bigger thud if you drop it from a greater height: compare, say, a three foot drop with a one inch drop. One is forced to conclude that falling objects do not usually reach some final speed in a very short time and then fall steadily, which was Aristotle’s picture. Had this line of investigation been pursued further at the Lyceum, we might have saved a thousand years or more, but after Strato the Lyceum concentrated its efforts on literary criticism.
Strato did, however, have one very famous pupil, Aristarchus of
+ Samos
+ (310 - 230 B.C.). Aristarchus claimed that the earth rotated on its axis every twenty-four hours and also went round the sun once a year, and that the other planets all move in orbits around the sun. In other words, he anticipated Copernicus in all essentials. In fact, Copernicus at first acknowledged Aristarchus, but later didn’t mention him (see Penguin Dictionary of Ancient History). Aristarchus’ claims were not generally accepted, and in fact some thought he should be indicted on a charge of impiety for suggesting that the earth, thought to be the fixed center of the universe, was in motion (Bertrand Russell, quoting Plutarch about Cleanthes). The other astronomers didn’t believe Aristarchus’ theory for different reasons. It was known that the distance to the sun was in excess of one million miles (Aristarchus himself estimated one and a half million miles, which is far too low) and they thought that if the earth is going around in a circle that big, the pattern of stars in the sky would vary noticeably throughout the year, because the closer ones would appear to move to some extent against the background of the ones further away. Aristarchus responded that they are all so far away that a million miles or two difference in the point of observation is negligible. This implied, though, the universe was really huge—at least billions of miles across—which few were ready to believe.
+ Euclid
Although the Ptolemies were not exactly nice people, they did a great deal of good for Greek civilization, especially the sciences and mathematics. In their anxiety to prove how cultured and powerful they were, they had constructed a massive museum and a library at
+ Alexandria
+ , a city which grew to half a million people by 200 B.C. It was here that Erastosthenes (275 - 195 B.C.) was librarian, but somewhat earlier
+ Euclid
+ taught mathematics there, about 295 B.C. during the reign of Ptolemy I. His great work is his Elements, setting out all of Greek geometry as a logical development from basic axioms in twelve volumes. This is certainly one of the greatest books ever written, but not an easy read.
In fact, Ptolemy I, realizing that geometry was an important part of Greek thought, suggested to Euclid that he would like to get up to speed in the subject, but, being a king, could not put in a great deal of effort.
+ Euclid
+ responded: “There is no
+ Royal Road
+ to geometry.”
+ Euclid
+ shared Plato’s contempt for the practical. When one of his pupils asked what was in it for him to learn geometry,
+ Euclid
+ called a slave and said “Give this young man fifty cents, since he must needs make a gain out of what he learns.”
The Romans, who took over later on didn’t appreciate
+ Euclid
+ . There is no record of a translation of the Elements into Latin until 480 A.D. But the Arabs were more perceptive. A copy was given to the Caliph by the Byzantine emperor in A.D. 760, and the first Latin translation that still survives was actually made from the Arabic in
+ Bath
+ ,
+ England
+ , in 1120. From that point on, the study of geometry grew again in the West, thanks to the Arabs.
Plato, Aristotle and Christianity
It is interesting to note that it was in
+ Alexandria
+ that the first crucial connection between classical Greek philosophy and Christian thought was made. As we have just seen,
+ Alexandria
+ was a major center of Greek thought, and also had a very large Jewish community, which had self-governing privileges. Many Jews never returned to
+ Palestine
+ after the Babylonian captivity, but became traders in the cities around the eastern Mediterranean, and
+ Alexandria
+ was a center of this trade. Thus
+ Alexandria
+ was a melting-pot of ideas and philosophies from these different sources. In particular, St. Clement (A.D. 150-215) and Origen were Greek Christians living in
+ Alexandria
+ who helped develop Christian theology and incorporated many of the ideas of Plato and Aristotle.
(Actually, this St. Clement was demoted from the Roman martyrology in the ninth century for supposed hereticism (but Isaac Newton admired him!). There is a St. Clement of
+ Rome
+ , who lived in the first century. See the
+ Columbia
+ Encyclopedia.) Recall that
+ St. Paul
+ himself was a Greek speaking Jew, and his epistles were written in Greek to Greek cities, like
+ Ephesus
+ near
+ Miletus
+ , Phillipi and Thessalonica on the Aegean, and
+ Corinth
+ between
+ Athens
+ and
+ Sparta
+ . After
+ St. Paul
+ , then, many of the early Christian fathers were Greek, and it is hardly surprising that as the faith developed in
+ Alexandria
+ and elsewhere it included Greek ideas. This Greek influence had of course been long forgotten in the middle ages. Consequently, when monks began to look at the works of Plato and Aristotle at the dawn of the Renaissance, they were amazed to find how these pre-Christian heathens had anticipated so many of the ideas found in Christian theology. (A History of Science, W. C. Dampier, end of Chapter 1.)
The most famous Alexandrian astronomer, Ptolemy, lived from about 100 AD to 170 AD. He is not to be confused with all the Ptolemies who were the rulers! We will discuss Ptolemy later, in comparing his scheme for the solar system with that of Copernicus.
There were two other great mathematicians of this period that we must mention: Archimedes and Apollonius.
Archimedes, 287 - 212 B.C., lived at
+ Syracuse
+ in
+ Sicily
+ , but also studied in
+ Alexandria
+ . He contributed many new results to mathematics, including successfully computing areas and volumes of two and three dimensional figures with techniques that amounted to calculus for the cases he studied. He calculated pi by finding the perimeter of a sequence of regular polygons inscribed and escribed about a circle.
Two of his major contributions to physics are his understanding of the principle of buoyancy, and his analysis of the lever. He also invented many ingenious technological devices, many for war, but also the Archimedean screw, a pumping device for irrigation systems.
Archimedes’ Principle
We turn now to
+ Syracuse
+ ,
+ Sicily
+ , 2200 years ago, with Archimedes and his friend king Heiro. The following is quoted from Vitruvius, a Roman historian writing just before the time of Christ:
Heiro, after gaining the royal power in Syracuse, resolved, as a consequence of his successful exploits, to place in a certain temple a golden crown which he had vowed to the immortal gods. He contracted for its making at a fixed price and weighed out a precise amount of gold to the contractor. At the appointed time the latter delivered to the king’s satisfaction an exquisitely finished piece of handiwork, and it appeared that in weight the crown corresponded precisely to what the gold had weighed.
But afterwards a charge was made that gold had been abstracted and an equivalent weight of silver had been added in the manufacture of the crown. Heiro, thinking it an outrage that he had been tricked, and yet not knowing how to detect the theft, requested Archimedes to consider the matter. The latter, while the case was still on his mind, happened to go to the bath, and on getting into a tub observed that the more his body sank into it the more water ran out over the tub. As this pointed out the way to explain the case in question, without a moments delay and transported with joy, he jumped out of the tub and rushed home naked, crying in a loud voice that he had found what he was seeking; for as he ran he shouted repeatedly in Greek, “Eureka, Eureka.”
Taking this as the beginning of his discovery, it is said that he made two masses of the same weight as the crown, one of gold and the other of silver. After making them, he filled a large vessel with water to the very brim and dropped the mass of silver into it. As much water ran out as was equal in bulk to that of the silver sunk in the vessel. Then, taking out the mass, he poured back the lost quantity of water, using a pint measure, until it was level with the brim as it had been before. Thus he found the weight of silver corresponding to a definite quantity of water.
After this experiment, he likewise dropped the mass of gold into the full vessel and, on taking it out and measuring as before, found that not so much water was lost, but a smaller quantity: namely, as much less as a mass of gold lacks in bulk compared to a mass of silver of the same weight. Finally, filling the vessel again and dropping the crown itself into the same quantity of water, he found that more water ran over for the crown than for the mass of gold of the same weight. Hence, reasoning from the fact that more water was lost in the case of the crown than in that of the mass, he detected the mixing of silver with the gold and made the theft of the contractor perfectly clear.
What is going on here is simply a measurement of the density—the mass per unit volume—of silver, gold and the crown. To measure the masses some kind of scale is used, note that at the beginning a precise amount of gold is weighed out to the contractor. Of course, if you had a nice rectangular brick of gold, and knew its weight, you wouldn’t need to mess with water to determine its density, you could just figure out its volume by multiplying together length, breadth and height, and divide the mass, or weight, by the volume to find the density in, say, pounds per cubic foot or whatever units are convenient. (Actually, the units most often used are the metric ones, grams per cubic centimeter. These have the nice feature that water has a density of 1, because that’s how the gram was defined. In these units, silver has a density of 10.5, and gold of 19.3. To go from these units to pounds per cubic foot, we would multiply by the weight in pounds of a cubic foot of water, which is 62.)
The problem with just trying to find the density by figuring out the volume of the crown is that it is a very complicated shape, and although one could no doubt find its volume by measuring each tiny piece and calculating a lot of small volumes which are then added together, it would take a long time and be hard to be sure of the accuracy, whereas lowering the crown into a filled bucket of water and measuring how much water overflows is obviously a pretty simple procedure. (You do have to allow for the volume of the string!). Anyway, the bottom line is that if the crown displaces more water than a block of gold of the same weight, the crown isn’t pure gold.
Actually, there is one slightly surprising aspect of the story as recounted above by Vitruvius. Note that they had a weighing scale available, and a bucket suitable for immersing the crown. Given these, there was really no need to measure the amount of water slopping over. All that was necessary was first, to weigh the crown when it was fully immersed in the water, then, second, to dry it off and weigh it out of the water. The difference in these two weighings is just the buoyancy support force from the water. Archimedes’ Principle states that the buoyancy support force is exactly equal to the weight of the water displaced by the crown, that is, it is equal to the weight of a volume of water equal to the volume of the crown.
This is definitely a less messy procedure—there is no need to fill the bucket to the brim in the first place, all that is necessary is to be sure that the crown is fully immersed, and not resting on the bottom or caught on the side of the bucket, during the weighing.
Of course, maybe Archimedes had not figured out his Principle when the king began to worry about the crown, perhaps the above experiment led him to it. There seems to be some confusion on this point of history.
Archimedes and Leverage
Although we know that leverage had been used to move heavy objects since prehistoric times, it appears that Archimedes was the first person to appreciate just how much weight could be shifted by one person using appropriate leverage.
Archimedes illustrated the principle of the lever very graphically to his friend the king, by declaring that if there were another world, and he could go to it, he could move this one. To quote from Plutarch,
Heiro was astonished, and begged him to put his proposition into execution, and show him some great weight moved by a slight force. Archimedes therefore fixed upon a three-masted merchantman of the royal fleet, which had been dragged ashore by the great labours of many men, and after putting on board many passengers and the customary freight, he seated himself at some distance from her, and without any great effort, but quietly setting in motion a system of compound pulleys, drew her towards him smoothly and evenly, as though she were gliding through the water.
Just in case you thought kings might have been different 2200 years ago, read on:
Amazed at this, then, and comprehending the power of his art, the king persuaded Archimedes to prepare for him offensive and defensive weapons to be used in every kind of siege warfare.
This turned out to be a very smart move on the king’s part, since some time later, in 215 B.C., the Romans attacked
+ Syracuse
+ . To quote from Plutarch’s Life of Marcellus (the Roman general):
When, therefore, the Romans assaulted them by sea and land, the Syracusans were stricken dumb with terror; they thought that nothing could withstand so furious an onslaught by such forces. But Archimedes began to ply his engines, and shot against the land forces of the assailants all sorts of missiles and immense masses of stones, which came down with incredible din and speed; nothing whatever could ward off their weight, but they knocked down in heaps those who stood in their way, and threw their ranks into confusion. At the same time huge beams were suddenly projected over the ships from the walls, which sank some of them with great weights plunging down from on high; others were seized at the prow by iron claws, or beaks like the beaks of cranes, drawn straight up into the air, and then plunged stern foremost into the depths, or were turned round and round by means of enginery within the city, and dashed upon the steep cliffs that jutted out beneath the wall of the city, with great destruction of the fighting men on board, who perished in the wrecks. Frequently, too, a ship would be lifted out of the water into mid-air, whirled hither and thither as it hung there, a dreadful spectacle, until its crew had been thrown out and hurled in all directions, when it would fall empty upon the walls, or slip away from the clutch that had held it... .
Then, in a council of war, it was decided to come up under the walls while it was still night, if they could; for the ropes which Archimedes used in his engines, since they imported great impetus to the missiles cast, would, they thought, send them flying over their heads, but would be ineffective at close quarters, since there was no space for the cast. Archimedes, however, as it seemed, had long before prepared for such an emergency engines with a range adapted to any interval and missiles of short flight, and, through many small and contiguous openings in the wall, short-range engines called “scorpions” could be brought to bear on objects close at hand without being seen by the enemy.
When, therefore, the Romans came up under the walls, thinking themselves unnoticed, once more they encountered a great storm of missiles; huge stones came tumbling down upon them almost perpendicularly, and the wall shot out arrows at them from every point; they therefore retired.... . At last, the Romans became so fearful that, whenever they saw a bit of rope or a stick of timber projecting a little over the wall, “There it is,” they cried, “Archimedes is training some engine upon us,” and turned their backs and fled. Seeing this, Marcellus desisted from all fighting and assault, and thenceforth depended on a long siege.
It is sad to report that the long siege was successful and a Roman soldier killed Archimedes as he was drawing geometric figures in the sand, in 212 B.C. Marcellus had given orders that Archimedes was not to be killed, but somehow the orders didn’t get through.
Apollonius probably did most of his work at
+ Alexandria
+ , and lived around 220 B.C., but his exact dates have been lost. He greatly extended the study of conic sections, the ellipse, parabola and hyperbola.
As we shall find later in the course, the conic sections play a central role in our understanding of everything from projectiles to planets, and both Galileo and
+ Newton
+ , among many others, acknowledge the importance of Apollonius’ work. This is not, however, a geometry course, so we will not survey his results here, but, following Galileo, rederive the few we need when we need them.
The last really good astronomer and mathematician in Greek Alexandria was a woman, Hypatia, born in 370 AD the daughter of an astronomer and mathematician Theon, who worked at the museum. She wrote a popularization of Apollonius’ work on conics. She became enmeshed in politics, and, as a pagan who lectured on neoplatonism to pagans, Jews and Christians (who by now had separate schools) she was well known. In 412 Cyril became patriarch. He was a fanatical Christian, and became hostile to Orestes, the Roman prefect of
+ Egypt
+ , a former student and a friend of Hypatia. In March 415, Hypatia was killed by a mob of fanatical Christian monks in particularly horrible fashion. The details can be found in the book Hypatia’s Heritage (see below).
Books I used in preparing this lecture:
Greek Science after Aristotle, G. E. R. Lloyd,
+ Norton
+ ,
+ N.Y.
+ , 1973
A Source Book in Greek Science, M. R. Cohen and I.
+ E. Drabkin
+ , Harvard, 1966
Hypatia’s Heritage: A History of Women in Science, Margaret Alic, The Women’s Press,
+ London
+ 1986
A History of Science, W. C. Dampier,
+ Cambridge
+ , 1929
Within the field of parapsychology there exists the growing belief that we are now on the verge of discovering a "new force" in nature. This "new force" is generally unrecognized by conventional science, but throughout history accounts of a strange luminous energy run like a silver thread through ancient occult and spiritual traditions. It has become called many names: animal magnetism, orgone, mana, prana, life force and the like (see appendix for complete list). I believe that an important key to understanding this new force or "energy," in reference to our present technology and sociology, resides in the study of these ancient and spiritual traditions.
One of man's most persistent and revealing preoccupations has been his attempt to fashion for himself an adequate conceptual model of the Universe. We can trace the beginning of our development in science to the imaginative minds of the great Greek thinkers. Physical theory is usually built on observable and measurable phenomena. It concerns itself with the uniformity of behavior underlying the apparent irregularities and then expresses itself in the language of number and geometry.
Plato (427-347 B.C.), however, held that physical laws can be found from directly intuitive principles, the aim being to explain specific phenomena in the context of a philosophic system. The truth of a principle was not measured, as it is today, by its usefulness in every conceivable known or predicted physical system. As Plato states in his Phaedo:
"This was the method I adopted: I first assumed some principle, which I judged to be the strongest, and then I affirmed as true whatever seemed to agree with this, whether relating to the cause or to anything else; and that which disagreed I regarded as untrue."
The Greeks thought that metaphysics was easier than physics, and tended to deduce scientific principles from a priori conception of the nature of things. Metaphysics was the discipline which studied principles of knowledge or of being in terms of intuitive, self-evident concepts, concepts of direct "everyday" experience and analogies. Thus, physical theory to the Greeks was intelligible only in the context of a prior specific metaphysical theory.
It was not until the 16th and 17th centuries, after the great struggle of falling bodies, that these doctrines were abandoned in favor of the experimental sciences. The apparent reasons for the careful separation of metaphysics from scientific thought are purely practical; namely, we can agree about science....after due debate....whereas in metaphysics debate usually accentuates disagreement. These characteristics of science and metaphysics were unrecognized in the early days of civilized thought.
It should be noted at this time an example of an important human trait which colors all scientific work and which even the greatest thinkers can never hope to overcome entirely....we all tend to deny the importance of facts or observations not in accord with our convictions and pre-conceptions. We sometimes ignore them altogether, even though, from another point of view, they stand before our very eyes. Even the most general and modern scientific theory does not hope or even seriously attempt to accommodate every single detain of a specific case.
One is always forced to idealize the observations before attempting a match between "facts" and theory....not only because there are usually unavoidable experimental uncertainties in observations, but because conceptual schemes are consciously designed to apply to selected observations rather than to the totality or raw experience. As a consequence, the history of science is studded with cases in which it turned out too late that the neglected part of a phenomenon was actually its most significant aspect.
Today we define "energy" in modern textbooks as the "ability to do work." When a force acts against resistance to produce motion in a body, the force is said to do the work. Work is measured by the product of the force acting and the distance moved against the resistance. To complete this mess, a definition for force is needed. Force is usually now defined as "that which changes the state of rest or motion in matter, measured by the rate of change of momentum. In more general and simplified terms, "energy" is the ability to do "something" or overcome some "resistance."
Today's classical sciences has four generally recognized forms of energy. There are electromagnetic (EM), nuclear binding (short distances), neutron decay or weak energy (the force which holds the neutron together), and gravity. There are many different areas where these types of "energies" are observed but when new observations are made which do not include any of the above energies, these observations are usually either ignored or considered in error.
Toward the end of the nineteenth century the discovery of x-rays and other "invisible" radiation prompted doctors to wonder whether the concept of a "life energy" might not be a valid way of approaching health and healing. The phenomena known as "the laying on of hands" is perhaps the most common example of some force other than electromagnetic fields somehow interacting and causing changes in biological processes. Historically, the process of healing by the imposition of hands was first mentioned in Ebers Papyrus, 1552 B.C. Today we still have excellent examples of this "new energy," causing much re-evaluation on our whole concept of energy in general.
It is impossible to give a satisfactory definition of this new force but several examples where this concept is used might be useful. The most classic was that of Franz Anton Mesmer, M.D. (1773-1815).
After acquiring his Ph.D. in Philosophy, Mesmer studied Medicine at the University of Vienna, graduating in 1766. His thesis topic: "The Influence of the Planets in the Cure of Disease." Mesmer drew freely upon the magnetic fluid theory reported by such alchemist-physicians of the preceding two centuries such as Paracelsus, Van Helmont and Robert Fludd. The fluid, which supposedly permeated all space, was said to sympathetically link all beings, inanimate objects and the stars:
"Ye grant that material nature doth daily draw down forces by its magnetism from the Superior Orbs....and that the heavens do in exchange invisibly allure something from the inferior bodies, that there may be a free and mutual passage and a harmonious concord of the members of the universe.
+ "How, by relation of natural things unto one another, they do, after a corporal contact or touch is made between them, operate wonderfully, and that by a magnetically concent and Spiritual Continuity....by a mutual operation at an unknown distance." (1)
Mesmer condensed his theories into 27 major postulates, the knowledge of which would constitute a new departure in Physics and universal means of healing and preserving men. Mesmer termed this new force "Animal Magnetism." A study of his theory of Animal Magnetism yields a notion very similar to that of mana held by the Malanesians.
Originally a Polynesian concept of spiritual power, mana is considered invisible, imponderable and yet powerful. Mana is derived from the divine ancestors and enters to some degree into all beings and things descended from them. The nearer this descendant is to the source, the more powerful the content of mana. A Polynesian chief who was chosen because of his close kinship with the Gods would have a greater degree of mana than a commoner. It was viewed as a type of aura pervading all objects, living or not-living.
Psychoanalysis Wilhelm Reich, M.D., addressed himself extensively to the problems related to mana and animism. He discovered what he termed the primal biological energy of the body. He termed this new energy Orgone and states that there are a number of phenomena which are "completely at variance with the theory of electromagnetic energies." His discovery led to a series of experiments and theories of orgone biophysics, the point he was trying to make was that this orgone was a new force which has not yet been described by classical physics. Reich's concept of a mass-free "primal orgone energy ocean" is akin to both the mana notion and to Mesmer's animal magnetism:
"The animist Kepler who formulated the planetary harmonic law is after centuries correct with his 'vis Animalis' which moves the planets. The same energy which governs the movement of animals and the growth of all living substances also actually moves the heavenly bodies." (2)
Reich's concept of life energy and its function is strikingly similar to those used by the various lay healers. Orgone was inimical to disease and therapeutic in itself. Diseases such as cancer were thought to exist only in an energy-depleted individual. The infusion of orgone meant normal functioning.
Baron K. von Reichenbach, a German industrialist and inventor of paraffin and creosote, made voluminous research into the problem of the vital force or Odic force, the energy which gave life. Vital force, mana and orgone were apparently the same energy, some fluid which pervaded space and was somehow transmitted from on object or person to another. The infusion meant healing and normal health. His experiments were performed on "sensitives" or those who exhibited exaggerated nervous sensitivities and were prone to nervous diseases.
J. Buchanan, M.D. (1854) published his Neurological System of Anthropology in which he describes an energy which was continually radiated from the human body. His view was that this "nervous matter" was the fountain of conscious life, and that it had a "special residence in the nerves." It is precisely this concept of a nervous energy that the Western medical science are having trouble coping with in the study of Acupuncture. Acupuncture, with its stimulations of meridian points, is based on the existence of a mana-like force called "Chi" or universal energy. It is for this reason that Acupuncture has been left for so long to languish in the realms of the occult.
If science can, in fact, demonstrate the existence of a force described in Acupuncture and as postulated by various researchers, it will then provide a clue to what transpires biophysically in the process of faith healing. It may well be that the processes and concepts which are necessary to the understanding of faith healing, as well as other paraphysical phenomena, depend on going beyond the limited categories provided by our culture.
Having learned of a practicing healer in the Seattle area, I decided to visit his rural home for a first-hand experience of this type of healing. This healer provided me with a working knowledge of his philosophy of healing and a demonstrating of how it was done. His belief is that there is a basic energy which permeates the entire universe. The healer, by the use of his hands and other means, can direct this energy from his body to one who is deficient in vital force or life energy, which is a manifestation of this energy.
The healer is also one who believes that there is a basic polarity to the human body but that it can be changed at will, especially by a magnetic operator such as himself. He proceeded to demonstrate his art by having me lay on a Physician's table while he worked. The room had a number of gadgets (known in the literature as Psionic devices) but these were not used during the demonstration. There was no special ceremony or preparation necessary. He simply proceeded to "diagnose" me with a pendulum which registered "emanations" from my body as he passed it up along my spinal column. Where the pendulum swung around in a slow, tight orbit he pronounced "low in vitality" and prone to disease. Where the oscillations were fast and described a large circumference, it was an indication of a healthy organ and freely flowing in vital force.
He then stood across the room and began to back away from me until his pendulum stopped swinging. This he explained was the limit of my "aura" of force field of my body. Apparently each individual has a different range for their force field. Most healers he said have quite large fields about their bodies and therefore are able to create more effect in other people coming within that field.
After this, he proceeded to make passes down the length of my body, between 6 and 8 inches away, explaining that the contact with my skin was unnecessary. The needed force radiated sufficiently far from his fingers to accomplish the desired act. The only discernible feelings of any kind that I experienced was a slight chill which ran down my spine. He then re diagnosed me and declared that my vitality level was higher than it was before. I did feel better and I am a skeptic.
Christian faith healers present yet another approach to contact healing. Oral Roberts technique involves preaching until he feels the "power of God" come over him. He then knows that God is ready to heal through him. Roberts defines the necessary condition as a point of contact which is usually his right hand. For Roberts, God is a being of miraculous power omnipotent and all prevailing, in whom there is unlimited supply of power available.
A very important point is now made: All through he stressed the value of the unrelenting demand upon God, instant obedience to His will and "the power of pent up emotions placed into the act of believing, God supposedly prefers to heal skeptics instead of the faithful at times." (4)
People who do get healed experience effects such as ice cold shocks, electricity, intense heat or the overwhelming sense of peace and joy which is often interpreted as Christ's presence. The sense of religious ecstasy experienced by many is also termed the presence of the Holy Spirit.
All of the lay healers and faith healers mention thus far have several important things in common:
(1) All of them postulate a universal source of power as the repository from which they draw their power or energy.
(2) All of them use a contact from of healing. The energy is somehow transmitted from them to another via movements with the body.
(3) They all attract a significant number of terminal cases.
(4) Faith, although stressed as important and desirable, is not absolutely necessary.
(5) All of the healers characteristically have the same or similar physiological sensations in those they treat.
+ (6) All of the healers require the use of the extrasensory faculties to communicate information and diagnoses to their consciousness.
The Greek healer Hippocrates, revered as the Father of Medicine, is reported to have said that disease does not appear purely as a malady (pathos) but is significantly accompanied by an exertion (ponos) by the body itself to restore the disturbed equilibrium of its functions. This inherent healing power is known as the Vis Medicatrix Naturae. What we have here is a first statement of this new form of energy, previously unrecognized by modern science. It is an inertia of a pattern. The harmonious pattern of behavior assures it's own continuance.
Experimentation to collect measurable are at present impossible. The problem is that this new force apparently does not use the language of the material sense but rather, relates to metaphysical concepts used before the emergence of the Scientific Method. We at present do not have any models, of wide belief, which unite the mind with the physical world. Rather, most all current beliefs are oriented around the concept that the human body is nothing more than a machine. We see this in terms of chemical therapy to the interaction of electromagnetic fields on biological/cellular processes. Everything going on in the body is explained from a strictly physical plane point-of-view.
A fundamental tenet of true medicine regards all disease as resulting from detanglements of this vital energy, which in turn produces the clinical symptoms recognized by the ordinary senses. Medicine then seeks to cure these physical aberrations by restoring the vital harmony. The healer is projecting a harmonious pattern to re balance the energy system of the patient. Unfortunately, in the present material age, this concept is regarded as an abstract idea. There is, however, nothing abstract about the healers. They do heal, manipulating "energies" not of a physical character: as we yet understand, but somehow intuitively correct from Plato's point of view.
Alternative systems or models are not being explored and discussed in the paraphysical literature in an attempt to explain these now repeatable phenomena. One model not being considered is that of Northrup and Burr, (5) Yale 1935, titled the Electrodynamic Theories of Life where they postulate the interaction electromagnetic fields with biological processes. A good review of that material in reference to today can be found in The Holographic Concept of Reality. (6) The DNA are considered grains of holographic projections of three-dimensional energy fields which direct the flow of materials and direct the structuring of the creature. I do not believe my model is this "new force" described in this paper, although the full implications are just now being explored.
Jack Sarfatti suggests that the nature of random events, the random behavior of particles in sub-quantum Brownian motion, is the sum of the observer-participators. The need for a physical model tying consciousness to the laws of Physics are never-ending. Sarfatti has suggested the possibility of some form of bio-gravitational field which is somehow connected with organic room-temperature super-conductors that may be found in biological systems. (7)
Charles Muses postulates that enzymes can selectively filter biological noise into discrete harmonics which facilitate particular chemical transactions. His work, as well as Sarfatti's, is very interesting and excites my intellect but I am wondering whether the whole concept of the Scientific Method is the correct approach.
Lawrence LeShan, in his classic book The Medium, the Mystic, and the Physicist, (8), formulated four ways in which "reality" is perceived in a clairvoyant state which differs from ordinary reality:
(1) The unity of things, rather than their individual aspects.
(2) Time is experienced as if past, present and future were one rather than a duration or serial.
(3) Value judgments as to the goodness or evil of any event are not considered.
+ (4) Information is gained not by seeing but by knowing one's unity with all things.
He maintains that whether one travels without or journeys within, whether one goes as a Physicist or mystic, the same unitive experience is seen. Throughout history this single pattern persists within all occult teaching: There is something beyond, Space, Time and Good/Evil "realities."
In a recent field trip to the Pacific coast in the state of Washington, I encountered several "Red Feather" shamans. These are individuals who can walk on fire. How they do this is up for grabs. I am reasonably sure that if I were to wire temperature measuring instrumentation to their bodies, I would find some point(s) on their body radiating heat at enormous rates. My model would be something like electrophoresis, superconductivity mechanisms within the cell. I would probably also find that these radiation points probably would correlate to Chakra points or some other metaphysical concept which is still around.
The point is that the Indian shaman who is walking on fire never heard of electrophoresis, or probably Physics, for that matter. He does it by altering his perception of "reality" through techniques of song and dance: a trance. In this state, time has no meaning (as LeShan indicates) so he really is not on the coals, and his feet are not burned. A shaman may be described as a psychically unstable person who has received a call to the religious life. As a result of this call, the man usually goes through a period of solitude or "retreat" where he then emerges with the power, real or assumed, of passing at will into a state of mental dissociation.
In that condition he is not thought, like the Pythia or the modern medium, to be possessed by an alien spirit; but his own soul is thought to leave the body and travel to distant parts, most often to the "Spirit world." He has, in essence, the capability of bilocation. From these experiences, he derives the skill in divination, religious poetry and magical medicine. He becomes the repository of supernatural wisdom. He is, in fact, in control of this "new force" in nature.
This leads to what Don Juan calls the sorcerers' explanation. "The nagual is the unspeakable." (9) In my own words, reality is that which cannot be known. From studies by Ornstein to the latest theories in Physics, it is apparent that our physical senses are not receptors of information. They are, at best, only filters which have been genetically and socially programmed from birth. What we see and think is the real world is, in fact, a mass hallucination. Consensus opinion generally establish our "laws." As that consensus changes, so do the laws of Physics. This process occurs about every 40 years now.
Paradigms are super-laws tied to consensus. They are the basic assumptions made in which all other observations and "laws" are based. One paradigm is our concept of Time. In fact, time is nothing more than a duration of consciousness. Everything you are reading right now is going to affect what you do and think tomorrow. From an information theory point of view, tomorrow is occurring right now and you are not yet consciously aware of it. But the shaman is, as he does not relate to the space-time co-ordinates. He can "see" into both the past and future as if it were "now," whatever that means.
Once you set up a give set of co-ordinates for viewing reality, you automatically set up it limitations. Any model, whether it be physical or metaphysical will ultimately yield a distortion of information. The science used by the Western world today has many limitations because of our choice or paradigms. Among them would be Plato's emphasis on reason to the near exclusion of feeling, Aristotle's division of philosophy into science and metaphysics, and St. Augustine's separation of the "body" from the "mind."
These divisions run counter to the reports of this "new force" which has existed throughout history. If we are to truly understand how to apply this new force into our everyday lives, it will be necessary for us to choose new models for the way we approach reality. Another major roadblock in our choices or paradigms will be that this new model, if it can be developed, will be required to take everything that we presently know and understand and make it a special case of something more fundamental. This again is different than Plato's approach.
Since most all of our present scientific theories and "laws" are based on force and energy concepts, a more fundamental co-ordinate system for viewing reality would be Information Theory. It is information which directs energy. If one wished to blow up a mountain, one would do it by pushing a button which was in some way informationally linked to detonate a nuclear bomb. The energy released was an act of information, so directed as to control when, where and how the bomb went off. Therefore, the act of pushing the button is somehow linked with the nuclear energy on an information level.
I an now going to try and explain chaos. Entropy is a term used in Physics to describe the usability of energy. If we are in a room where no heat can enter or escape, we say that the energy in the room is constant. If all the heat is over at the heater, we can do work with that energy such as boil water. We consequently say that the entropy in that room is low. As time increases, that energy at the heater will tend to spread itself out more uniformly in the room. Since we are now less able to do work with that constant energy, like boil water, we say that the entropy of the room has increased. Entropy, then is a measure of disorder or chaos. Entropy can also be thought of as a measure or grouping of information representing energies.
We say that the entropy of the Universe is increasing. Originally, a system of stars are highly ordered in that all their energy was located at discrete points in space. As time went on, these points of energy radiated their energy into space to make space more homogeneous in energy. Thus, the usability of that energy decreases and the Universe increases in entropy or disorder.
Man can be thought of as a "negative universe." Consider this point. Everything you eat, everything you think or see becomes you. You take a wide disordered array of foods and they get organized into a complex or enzymes and proteins. In like manner, your thoughts also become organized. As the Universe becomes more disordered, man becomes more ordered. Therefore, if you wished to view reality from an ego type "I" point of view, where your physical body was where you stopped and the Universe began, then the main purpose for existence is for the assimilation of information. This, of course, is only one co-ordinate system for viewing reality.
Today we know that the individual does not stop at the physical body's surface. Electromagnetic influences and Lunar movement do alter behavior patterns to such a degree that we now do agree, in part, that man is somehow integrated with the rest of the Universe. In fact, one could even say that man is not becoming more ordered any more than the Universe is becoming disordered. They are simply one way of relating to reality.
We now come to what I shall call the Omega Principle: There is no such thing as absolute order. Order is found in the connectivity of two events. The structural similarities are expressed in our present culture as energy. A signal of information is sent across the space/time co-ordinate system for a re patterning of a zone. An observer sees this re patterning as a manifestation of energy.
Space is connected topologically. It is mapped in such a way that every point in space is directly connected with every other point. Social energy develops what I will call consensus reality. All geometry, whether it be a group of people or objects or events, contains information topologically. The manipulation of forms and geometry affect space and time. The concept of the Omega Principle is this, the whole trip of what "reality" is at this point is totally random, up for grabs by the largest and loudest group of people.
As Merlin put it to Arthur in a book by T.H. White: "Anything not specifically forbidden is mandatory."(10) Once you set up a specific way of looking at reality, then there are only certain information paths connecting energy to space and time. It is therefore impossible to give a satisfactory definition of this "new force" in nature because the concept is diffuse to our present sciences. However, the Polynesians used the mana to describe something which was perfectly understandable to them and that they could use. It did not need any exacting scientific definition from their point of view, its existence was an undisputed fact and its manipulation an everyday occurrence.
A major theorem in Information Theory sums it up by stating: If you have enough information to ask a coherent question, then you have enough information to answer it. With this in mind, it has occurred to me that science today is probably just another religion. One which is particularly effective in manipulating physical reality.
Magic is the manipulation of organic realities as science manipulates physical realities. The ultimate goal for this generation then will probably be the blending of magic with science. The Omega Principle then is that there exists a Life energy which manifest itself as a pattern. I therefore offer the following postulates for this "new force" in nature:
(1) There is an all-pervasive ocean or medium of potential. Everything is simply connected.
(2) There are randomly-acting infinitesimals. These randomly acting infinitesimals are seen by consensus as patterns.
+ (3) There are patterns which exist and continue.
+ (4) There is the possibility of interaction of any two points.
+ (5) There is a possibility of interaction between patterns.
This "new force" then is the energy which patterns randomness. Magic can be thought of as the science of patterning. As Aleister Crowley states it in his classic text Magick in Theory and Practice: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." (11) This is the embodiment of fundamental truth. Our next journey, then will be to understand the "energy" of Will.
(1) Horton, Gerald, Introduction to Concepts and Theories in Physical Sciences. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Cambridge, MA, c1953.
(2) Podmore, Frank, From Mesmer to Christian Science. New Hyde Park, NY, c1963.
(4) Roberts, Oral, If You Need Healing Do These Things. Tulsa, OK, c1952.
(5) Burr, H.S., and Northrup, F.S.C., "The Electrodynamic Theory of Life," Quarterly Review of Biology, Vol.10, c1935.
(6) Miller, R.A., Dickson, D. and Webb, B., "The Holographic Concept of Reality," Paper presented in Prague, Cz, 1`973. To be published in Psychoenergetic Systems, Vol.II, S. Krippner, ed., Gordon and Breach, London, England, c1975.
(7) Sarfatti, J., "Imlications of MetaPhysics for Psychoenergetic Systems," Psychoenergetic Systems, Vol.I, S. Krippner, ed., Gordon and Breach, London, England, c1974.
(8) LeShan, L., The Medium, the Mystic, and the Physicist. Ballantine, NY, c1974.
(9) Castaneda, C., Tales of Power. Simon and Schuster, NY, c1974.
(10) White, T.H., The Once and Future King. Berkeley Medallion, NY, c1958.
(11) Crowley, A., Magick, Weiser, NY, c1973.
+ Omega Force Equivalent
+ Sufis
+ Baraka
Ancient Yogis
Mana (Life Energy)
Vis Medicatrix Naturae (Healing Force of Nature)
van Helmont
Magnale Magnum
Galen, Kepler
Facltuas Formatrix
Animal Magnetism
Odic (Odyllic) Force (Universal Energy)
Luigi Galvani
Life Force
Charles Littlefield
Vital Magnetism
Wilhelm Reich
J.B. Rhine et.al.
Psi Faculty
Soviet Science
Bioplasmic Energy
Iroquois Indians
Orenda (Spirit Force)
Sioux Indians
Wakonda, Wakan
Robert Fludd
For general information on additional books, manuscripts, lecture tours, and related materials and events by Richard Alan Miller, please write to:
OAK PUBLISHING, INC. 1212 SW 5th St. Grants Pass, OR 97526 Phone: (541) 476-5588 Fax: (541) 476-1823
+ In addition, you can visit Richard Alan Miller's home page for a listing of his writings, also containing links to related subjects, and direction in the keywords Metaphysics, Occult, Magick, Parapsychology, Alternative Agriculture, Herb and Spice Farming, Foraging and Wildcrafting, and related Cottage Industries. Richard Alan Miller is available for lectures and as an Outside Consultant. No part of this material, including but not limited to, manuscripts, books, library data, and/or layout of electronic media, icons, et al, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of Richard Alan Miller, the Publisher (and Author).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url-58733529 b/run/test-data/url-58733529
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..616a7bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url-58733529
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ putty (0.74-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. - SECURITY: Key list from agent used after free if server rejects signature after PK_OK. - CVE-2020-14002: Dynamic host key policy leaks information about known host keys. -- Colin Watson
+ Sat, 27 Jun 2020 13:43:16 +0100 putty (0.73-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Cherry-pick from upstream: - pty_backend_create: set up SIGCHLD handler earlier (closes: #959396). -- Colin Watson
+ Fri, 08 May 2020 15:52:01 +0100 putty (0.73-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Cherry-pick from upstream: - gtkfont: use PANGO_PIXELS_CEIL to work out font metrics (fixes rendering regression at some font sizes with Pango 1.44). -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 05 Apr 2020 12:22:42 +0100 putty (0.73-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 29 Sep 2019 17:10:38 +0100 putty (0.72-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Use debhelper-compat instead of debian/compat. * Port mkicon.py to Python 3 and drop build-dependency on python (closes: #937380). -- Colin Watson
+ Sat, 31 Aug 2019 21:46:04 +0100 putty (0.72-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * Explicitly build-depend on python3, for test/cryptsuite.py. -- Colin Watson
+ Tue, 23 Jul 2019 10:49:47 +0100 putty (0.71-1) experimental; urgency=medium * Add new upstream release signing key to debian/upstream/signing-key.asc (see https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/keys.html). * New upstream release (see https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/changes.html). - Make "putty user@host" work (closes: #509194). -- Colin Watson
+ Wed, 20 Mar 2019 13:11:14 +0000 putty (0.70-6) unstable; urgency=high * Apply security patch series from upstream: - New facility for removing pending toplevel callbacks. - Fix one-byte buffer overrun in random_add_noise(). - uxnet: clean up callbacks when closing a NetSocket. - sk_tcp_close: fix memory leak of output bufchain. - Fix handling of bad RSA key with n=p=q=0. - Sanity-check the 'Public-Lines' field in ppk files. - Introduce an enum of the uxsel / select_result flags. - Switch to using poll(2) in place of select(2). - RSA kex: enforce the minimum key length. - Fix crash on ESC#6 + combining chars + GTK + odd-width terminal. - Limit the number of combining chars per terminal cell. - minibidi: fix read past end of line in rule W5. - Fix crash printing a width-2 char in a width-1 terminal. -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 17 Mar 2019 09:37:02 +0000 putty (0.70-5) unstable; urgency=medium [ Colin Watson ] * Mark all binary packages Multi-Arch: foreign. * Configure with --disable-git-commit to avoid a build failure due to trying to redefine SOURCE_COMMIT when building from the Debian git tree. * Cherry-pick from upstream: - Remove a fixed-size buffer in pscp.c (closes: #911955). - Remove a fixed-size buffer in cmdgen.c. - Stop using deprecated gtk_container_set_focus_chain(). [ Niels Thykier ] * Declare the explicit requirement for (fake)root. -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 28 Oct 2018 18:07:45 +0000 putty (0.70-4) unstable; urgency=medium * Cherry-pick from upstream: - Ignore spurious configure_area events, which caused a lot of flickering on GTK+ 3. -- Colin Watson
+ Thu, 05 Apr 2018 00:27:48 +0100 putty (0.70-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Use GDK_BACKEND x11 when built with X support (thanks, Andreas Henriksson; closes: #861603). -- Colin Watson
+ Tue, 03 Apr 2018 02:03:31 +0100 putty (0.70-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Move VCS to salsa.debian.org. * Cherry-pick from upstream: - Use gdk_display_beep() in place of obsolete gdk_beep() (closes: #891519). -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 04 Mar 2018 18:20:39 +0000 putty (0.70-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. -- Colin Watson
+ Sat, 08 Jul 2017 13:19:23 +0100 putty (0.69-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Update Homepage and debian/copyright download URL to use HTTPS. * Upload to unstable. -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 18 Jun 2017 12:20:31 +0100 putty (0.69-1) experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release. -- Colin Watson
+ Sat, 29 Apr 2017 13:14:57 +0100 putty (0.68-2) experimental; urgency=medium * Move pageant from putty-tools to putty, since it depends on GTK+ (thanks, Dr. Markus Waldeck). -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 02 Apr 2017 17:26:23 +0100 putty (0.68-1) experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release. - Supports elliptic-curve cryptography for host keys, user authentication keys, and key exchange (closes: #854287). - Ported to GTK+ 3. * Use HTTPS URL in debian/watch. * Install Pageant, which is now ported to Unix. * Cherry-pick a set of upstream patches to get things working with GTK+ 3.22: - Handle GTK 3.22's deprecation of gdk_cairo_create(). - Handle deprecation of gtk_menu_popup. - Use CSS to set window backgrounds with GTK+ 3. - Handle deprecation of gdk_screen_{width,height}. - Replace deprecated gtk_window_set_wmclass with raw Xlib. - Change Cairo image surface type from RGB24 to ARGB32. * Update download URL in debian/copyright (thanks, Dr. Markus Waldeck). -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 02 Apr 2017 00:16:29 +0100 putty (0.67-3) unstable; urgency=high * CVE-2017-6542: Sanity-check message length fields in CHAN_AGENT input (thanks, Simon Tatham; closes: #857642). -- Colin Watson
+ Wed, 22 Mar 2017 14:42:13 +0000 putty (0.67-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Backport from upstream: - Add command-line passphrase-file options to command-line PuTTYgen. -- Colin Watson
+ Fri, 18 Mar 2016 22:32:33 +0000 putty (0.67-1) unstable; urgency=high * New upstream release. - CVE-2016-2563: Fix buffer overrun in the old-style SCP protocol (closes: #816921). -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 06 Mar 2016 18:41:16 +0000 putty (0.66-4) unstable; urgency=medium * Use HTTPS for Vcs-* URLs, and link to cgit rather than gitweb. * Fix misleading-indentation and strict-aliasing warnings from GCC 6 (closes: #811581). -- Colin Watson
+ Fri, 05 Feb 2016 13:47:21 +0000 putty (0.66-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Add a Homepage field. * Add Keywords fields to pterm.desktop and putty.desktop. * Build with large file support. -- Colin Watson
+ Mon, 04 Jan 2016 15:18:57 +0000 putty (0.66-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix dh_fixperms override to work properly with an architecture-independent-only build (closes: #806098). * Do much less work in architecture-independent-only builds. * Fix build failure on GNU/Hurd (closes: #805505). -- Colin Watson
+ Tue, 24 Nov 2015 17:10:21 +0000 putty (0.66-1) unstable; urgency=high * New upstream release. - CVE-2015-5309: Fix a potentially memory-corrupting integer overflow in the handling of the ECH (erase characters) control sequence in the terminal emulator. * Use dh-exec to remove the need to override dh_install. * Add OpenPGP signature checking configuration to watch file. -- Colin Watson
+ Sat, 07 Nov 2015 16:10:41 +0000 putty (0.65-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Backport from upstream: - Performance: cache character widths returned from Pango (closes: #792258). -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 23 Aug 2015 18:47:52 +0100 putty (0.65-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. -- Colin Watson
+ Tue, 28 Jul 2015 11:18:13 +0100 putty (0.64-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. - Support sharing an SSH connection between multiple instances of PuTTY and its tools. - Add a command-line and config option to specify the expected host key(s). -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 14 Jun 2015 11:03:52 +0100 putty (0.63-10) unstable; urgency=medium * Backport from upstream: - Make kh2reg.py compatible with modern Python. - MATTA-2015-002: Enforce acceptable range for Diffie-Hellman server value. - Fix an erroneous length field in SSH-1 key load. - CVE-2015-2157: Fix failure to clear sensitive private key information from memory (closes: #779488). -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 01 Mar 2015 12:59:15 +0000 putty (0.63-9) unstable; urgency=medium * Backport from upstream (Simon Tatham): - Revert the default for font bolding style back to using colours rather than fonts (closes: #772948). -- Colin Watson
+ Sat, 13 Dec 2014 10:11:04 +0000 putty (0.63-8) unstable; urgency=medium * Backport from upstream (Simon Tatham), suggested by Jacob Nevins: - Fix incorrect handling of saved sessions with a dynamic SOCKS tunnel bound to a specific protocol (IPv4 or IPv6). -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 12 Oct 2014 20:47:42 +0100 putty (0.63-7) unstable; urgency=medium * Build with all hardening options. (Thanks, Markus.) -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 24 Aug 2014 00:29:36 +0100 putty (0.63-6) unstable; urgency=medium * Backport two upstream patches to fix runaway timer explosions (closes: #758473). -- Colin Watson
+ Wed, 20 Aug 2014 21:05:52 +0100 putty (0.63-5) unstable; urgency=medium * Backport from upstream (Simon Tatham): - Fix an annoying timer-handling warning from current versions of GTK. -- Colin Watson
+ Mon, 21 Apr 2014 21:57:57 +0100 putty (0.63-4) unstable; urgency=medium * Backport from upstream (Simon Tatham): - Fix assertion failure in Unix PuTTYgen exports (LP: #1289176). -- Colin Watson
+ Tue, 08 Apr 2014 12:19:08 +0100 putty (0.63-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Use dh-autoreconf, with the aid of a few upstream patches to make things work with current autotools. * Backport upstream patch to add some assertions in sshzlib.c, fixing build with -O3. -- Colin Watson
+ Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:07:04 +0000 putty (0.63-2) unstable; urgency=low * Support parallel builds. * Switch to git; adjust Vcs-* fields. -- Colin Watson
+ Wed, 08 Jan 2014 13:01:57 +0000 putty (0.63-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. - CVE-2013-4206: Buffer underrun in modmul could corrupt the heap. - CVE-2013-4852: Negative string length in public-key signatures could cause integer overflow and overwrite all of memory (closes: #718779). - CVE-2013-4207: Non-coprime values in DSA signatures can cause buffer overflow in modular inverse. - CVE-2013-4208: Private keys were left in memory after being used by PuTTY tools. - Allow using a bold colour and a bold font at the same time (closes: #193352). - Use a monotonic clock (closes: #308552). * Switch to the Autotools-based build system. * Upgrade to debhelper v9. -- Colin Watson
+ Wed, 07 Aug 2013 04:00:18 +0100 putty (0.62-11) unstable; urgency=low * Backport from upstream (Ben Harris, Simon Tatham): - Avoid function pointer comparison when using clang. -- Colin Watson
+ Tue, 04 Jun 2013 15:45:00 +0100 putty (0.62-10) unstable; urgency=low * Backport from upstream (Simon Tatham, closes: #701425): - Check the return values of setuid and friends. - Remove the half-hearted attempt to make the utmp helper process drop privileges just before dying of a fatal signal. -- Colin Watson
+ Mon, 25 Feb 2013 20:36:40 +0000 putty (0.62-9) unstable; urgency=low * Backport from upstream (Simon Tatham): - Fix handling of non-default numeric keypad modes when Num Lock is on (closes: #680261). -- Colin Watson
+ Thu, 23 Aug 2012 12:58:52 +0100 putty (0.62-8) unstable; urgency=low * Backport from upstream (Simon Tatham): - Support dead keys and compose sequences (closes: #221786, #250464). -- Colin Watson
+ Fri, 22 Jun 2012 15:18:51 +0100 putty (0.62-7) unstable; urgency=low * Add System category to pterm.desktop (closes: #678126). * Use dpkg-buildflags to enable hardening options. -- Colin Watson
+ Tue, 19 Jun 2012 13:28:15 +0100 putty (0.62-6) unstable; urgency=low * Backport from upstream (Simon Tatham, Jacob Nevins): - Generate keys more carefully, so that when the user asks for an n-bit key they always get an n-bit number instead of n-1. The latter was perfectly harmless but kept confusing users (closes: #661152). -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 04 Mar 2012 16:09:28 +0000 putty (0.62-5) unstable; urgency=low * Ignore failures to generate PNG icons too. -- Colin Watson
+ Wed, 08 Feb 2012 19:51:39 +0000 putty (0.62-4) unstable; urgency=low * Ignore failures to generate XPM icons. It's not the end of the world, and this fails on kFreeBSD due to some apparently undiagnosed imagemagick bug. * Drop icon-debug.patch, since it didn't especially help anyway. -- Colin Watson
+ Wed, 08 Feb 2012 15:42:14 +0000 putty (0.62-3) unstable; urgency=low * Fix icon-debug.patch to print debug information to stderr, not stdout. -- Colin Watson
+ Tue, 03 Jan 2012 21:34:28 +0000 putty (0.62-2) unstable; urgency=low * Avoid deprecated GLib functions. * Add temporary debugging patch to try to figure out why the kfreebsd-amd64 build is failing. -- Colin Watson
+ Tue, 03 Jan 2012 18:14:45 +0000 putty (0.62-1) unstable; urgency=high * New upstream release. - [SECURITY] Wipe SSH keyboard-interactive replies from memory after authentication. -- Colin Watson
+ Mon, 12 Dec 2011 02:05:49 +0000 putty (0.61-2) unstable; urgency=low * Add cross-compiling support. -- Colin Watson
+ Tue, 27 Sep 2011 14:29:27 +0100 putty (0.61-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Update Vcs-* fields for Alioth changes. -- Colin Watson
+ Wed, 13 Jul 2011 15:26:33 +0100 putty (0.60+2011-05-09-1) unstable; urgency=low * New experimental development snapshot. - Compiles cleanly with GCC 4.6 (closes: #625113, #625426). * Consistently capitalise SSH in the package description when referring to the protocol (closes: #610486). -- Colin Watson
+ Mon, 09 May 2011 13:45:39 +0100 putty (0.60+2010-12-08-1) unstable; urgency=low * New experimental development snapshot. - Add more possible baud rates to the Unix serial backend (closes: #606328). * Add ${misc:Depends}. * Remove deprecated Encoding keys from desktop files. * Remove deprecated Application categories from desktop files. * Build with GSSAPI support (using run-time library binding). -- Colin Watson
+ Wed, 08 Dec 2010 17:54:50 +0000 putty (0.60+2010-02-20-1) unstable; urgency=low * New experimental development snapshot. - Console utilities send prompts to /dev/tty or failing that stderr, not to stdout (closes: #422295). * Upgrade to debhelper v7. * Move documentation from putty-tools to a new putty-doc package (closes: #472195). * Add a watch file. * Convert to source format 3.0 (quilt). No remaining Debian patches! -- Colin Watson
+ Mon, 22 Feb 2010 01:01:22 +0000 putty (0.60+2009-11-22-1) unstable; urgency=low * New experimental development snapshot. * Moved to bzr.debian.org; add Vcs-Bzr and Vcs-Browser control fields. -- Colin Watson
+ Fri, 01 Jan 2010 14:50:45 +0000 putty (0.60+2009-08-22-3) unstable; urgency=low * Use x11.pc when compiling/linking against GTK (closes: #556125). -- Colin Watson
+ Mon, 23 Nov 2009 20:39:22 +0000 putty (0.60+2009-08-22-2) unstable; urgency=low * Rebuild manual pages with halibut 1.0+svn20090906-1, fixing option markers (see #496063). * Stop calling dh_desktop, as it's now a no-op thanks to dpkg triggers. -- Colin Watson
+ Mon, 07 Sep 2009 01:22:17 +0100 putty (0.60+2009-08-22-1) unstable; urgency=low * New experimental development snapshot. - Fix potential crash on "reget" in psftp. - Fix random seed behaviour in the absence of a seed file. - Support OpenSSH's method of specifying port numbers in known_hosts. - Improve Pango font handling performance. * Use dh_install, dh_installman, and dh_lintian, and use some other debhelper programs more effectively. * Upgrade to debhelper v6. -- Colin Watson
+ Tue, 25 Aug 2009 21:50:05 +0100 putty (0.60+2009-04-05-1) unstable; urgency=low * New experimental development snapshot. - Stop attempting to make session logs private on Unix. This was introduced in r7084 at the same time as sensible permissions when writing private key files; however, it causes an assertion failure whenever an attempt is made to append to an existing log file on Unix, and it's not clear what "is_private" *should* do for append, so revert to log file security being the user's responsibility (LP: #212711). - Cope with GTK+ 2.0 encoding keypress strings in the current locale rather than in ISO-8859-1 (closes: #517535). -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 05 Apr 2009 22:42:02 +0100 putty (0.60+2009-02-22-1) unstable; urgency=low * New experimental development snapshot. - Uses GTK+ 2.0 (closes: #516641, LP: #271277) and as a result supports Unicode window titles (LP: #48781). - Fixes handling of trailing CR in key files (closes: #414784). * Disabled upstream Kerberos support for now, as it produces unwanted linkage in pterm and other binaries. -- Colin Watson
+ Mon, 23 Feb 2009 10:11:54 +0000 putty (0.60-4) unstable; urgency=low * Build-depend on x11proto-core-dev rather than x-dev (thanks, Lintian). * Backport from upstream (r8150, Jacob Nevins; closes: #503186, LP: #67488): - Fix for portfwd-addr-family: on Unix, when a tunnel is specified as "Auto" (rather than IPv4 or IPv6-only; this is the default), try to open up listening sockets on both address families, rather than (unhelpfully) just IPv6. (And don't open one if the other can't be bound, in a nod to CVE-2008-1483.) Based on a patch from Ben A L Jemmett. * Avoid problems with the -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 default on Ubuntu by explicitly ignoring results from a number of calls to read, write, and fwrite. (This is pretty ham-handed and I've asked upstream whether they have any better ideas for any of these.) -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 16 Nov 2008 22:06:59 +0000 putty (0.60-3) unstable; urgency=low * Move putty to Applications/Network/Communication menu sub-section. * Use dh_desktop. -- Colin Watson
+ Wed, 28 May 2008 09:28:32 +0100 putty (0.60-2) unstable; urgency=low * Update to section structure from menu 2.1.35. -- Colin Watson
+ Thu, 05 Jul 2007 12:19:47 +0100 putty (0.60-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release (closes: #422935). - Pressing Ctrl+Break now sends a serial break signal in the serial back end, and in the SSH and Telnet backends it asks the server to do the same (if the server supports it). The previous Ctrl+Break behaviour can still be triggered with Ctrl-C. - You can now store a host name in the Default Settings. - In 0.59, it was possible to lock yourself out of the configuration dialog by configuring a serial connection in Default Settings. This should no longer be possible. - We've had reports of the error message `Unable to read from standard input' in Plink 0.59. We've found and fixed one cause of this message, and added better diagnostics in case there are others. - 0.59 could emit malformed SSH-2 packets that upset some servers (such as Foundry routers). Fixed. -- Colin Watson
+ Thu, 10 May 2007 10:30:25 +0100 putty (0.59-3) experimental; urgency=low * Build-depend on python for icon generation (closes: #409115). -- Colin Watson
+ Wed, 31 Jan 2007 08:45:16 +0000 putty (0.59-2) experimental; urgency=low * Build-depend on imagemagick for icon generation. -- Colin Watson
+ Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:53:24 +0000 putty (0.59-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release. - PuTTY can now connect to a local serial port, as an alternative to making a network connection. - Support for password expiry in SSH-2. - Various performance improvements and cryptography upgrades. - The file transfer utilities PSCP and PSFTP now support files bigger than 2Gb (provided the underlying operating system does too). - Numerous other small bug fixes, including: + Return a well-formed response containing the empty string by default in response to a remote window title query (closes: #229232). + Remove the loops that close all open fds before running a subprocess. They were intended to make sure the child process didn't inherit anything embarrassing or inconvenient from us, such as the master end of its own pty, but now we instead do this by making sure to set all our own fds to not-FD_CLOEXEC on creation (closes: #357520). + Save private keys and session logs such that they're only readable by the owner (closes: #400804). + psftp: Fix double-free on mkdir (closes: #406090). * Update debian/copyright. * Install kh2reg.py in /usr/share/doc/putty-tools/examples (closes: #400806). * Install new pterm and putty icons. * Use transparency for GTK 1 window icons. -- Colin Watson
+ Mon, 29 Jan 2007 21:38:53 +0000 putty (0.58-5) unstable; urgency=low * Remove Icon= from putty and pterm desktop files, as there are no icons yet. -- Colin Watson
+ Mon, 17 Jul 2006 10:21:38 +0100 putty (0.58-4) unstable; urgency=low * Add desktop files for putty and pterm (thanks, Barry deFreese via Ubuntu; closes: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/putty/+bug/29716). * Fix display timeouts on 64-bit systems (thanks, Peter Maydell; closes: #336390). -- Colin Watson
+ Sat, 15 Apr 2006 10:52:28 +0100 putty (0.58-3) unstable; urgency=low * Dynamically allocate memory passed to putenv() in pty_init() and don't free it, otherwise TERM ends up unset. -- Colin Watson
+ Fri, 15 Jul 2005 11:52:10 +0100 putty (0.58-2) unstable; urgency=low * Fix warnings with gcc-4.0 (closes: #287960). * Upgrade to debhelper compatibility level 4; level 2 is deprecated. -- Colin Watson
+ Fri, 15 Jul 2005 11:08:53 +0100 putty (0.58-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release (closes: #303296). - Wildcards (mput/mget) and recursive file transfer in PSFTP (closes: #254578). - You can now save your session details from the Change Settings dialog box, _after_ you've started your session. - Various improvements to Unicode support, including: + support for right-to-left and bidirectional text (Arabic, Hebrew etc). + support for Arabic text shaping. + support for Unicode combining characters. - Support for the xterm 256-colour control sequences. - Port forwardings can now be reconfigured in mid-session. - Support for IPv6. - More configurability and flexibility in SSH-2 key exchange. In particular, PuTTY can now initiate repeat key exchange during the session, which means that if your server doesn't initiate it (OpenSSH is known not to bother) you can still have the cryptographic benefits. - Display artefacts caused by characters overflowing their character cell should now all be gone. (This would probably have bothered Windows ClearType users more than anyone else.) - Keepalives are now supported everywhere. - Miscellaneous improvements for CJK/IME users. - New pterm timing code, reducing idle CPU usage (closes: #204811). * Build-depend on x-dev and libx11-dev rather than the transitional xlibs-dev package. -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 10 Apr 2005 12:47:35 +0100 putty (0.57-1) unstable; urgency=high * New upstream release, fixing pscp/psftp security holes exploitable by a malicious server after host key verification (closes: #296144). - [SECURITY] Fix heap corruption vulnerability in handling of response to SFTP FXP_READDIR request. - [SECURITY] Fix heap corruption vulnerability in handling of SFTP string fields. -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 20 Feb 2005 22:49:28 +0000 putty (0.56-1) unstable; urgency=high * New upstream release. - [SECURITY] A vulnerability discovered by iDEFENSE, potentially allowing arbitrary code execution on the client by a malicious server before host key verification, has been fixed (closes: #278414). - Ability to restart a session within an inactive window, via a new menu option. - Minimal support for not running a shell or command at all in SSH protocol 2 (equivalent to OpenSSH's `-N' option). PuTTY/Plink still provide a normal window for interaction, and have to be explicitly killed. - Transparent support for CHAP cryptographic authentication in the SOCKS 5 proxy protocol. - More diagnostics in the Event Log, particularly of SSH port forwarding. - Ability to request setting of environment variables in SSH (protocol 2 only). - Ability to send POSIX signals in SSH (protocol 2 only) via the `Special Commands' menu. - Bug fix: The PuTTY tools now more consistently support usernames containing `@' signs. - Support for the Polish character set `Mazovia'. - When logging is enabled, the log file is flushed more frequently, so that its contents can be viewed before it is closed. - More flexibility in SSH packet logging: known passwords and session data can be omitted from the log file. Passwords are omitted by default. (This option isn't perfect for removing sensitive details; you should still review log files before letting them out of your sight.) - Ability to set environment variables in pterm. - PuTTY and pterm attempt to use a UTF-8 line character set by default if this is indicated by the locale; however, this can be overridden. - Fix build failure on amd64 due to ut_time's size (closes: #265910). - Fix blinking line cursors (closes: #272877). * Install HTML documentation in /usr/share/doc/putty-tools, and make putty depend on putty-tools for the documentation (closes: #278094). -- Colin Watson
+ Tue, 26 Oct 2004 22:20:17 +0100 putty (0.55-1) unstable; urgency=high * New upstream release. - [SECURITY] A vulnerability discovered by Core Security Technologies (advisory number CORE-2004-0705), potentially allowing arbitrary code execution on the client by a malicious server before host key verification, has been fixed. - General robustness of the SSH1 implementation has been improved, which may have fixed further potential security problems although we are not aware of any specific ones. - A terminal speed is now sent to the SSH server. - Removed a spurious diagnostic message in Plink. - The `-load' option in PSCP and PSFTP should work better. - X forwarding can now talk to Unix sockets as well as TCP sockets (closes: #251257). - Various crashes and assertion failures fixed. -- Colin Watson
+ Wed, 4 Aug 2004 01:43:20 +0100 putty (0.54-2) unstable; urgency=low * Upstream man page fixes: - putty(1): Remove claim that there's no Unix puttygen. - plink(1): Tart up, fix outright lies, mention web docs. - Add (probably frustratingly) bare-bones man pages for pscp and psftp. * debian/pterm.menu, debian/putty.menu: Quote 'needs' and 'section' arguments. * Policy version 3.5.9: no changes required. Deferring 3.5.10 and above until I've looked into 'x-terminal-emulator -e' compatibility. -- Colin Watson
+ Fri, 27 Feb 2004 02:39:26 +0000 putty (0.54-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. First official Unix release! -- Colin Watson
+ Sat, 14 Feb 2004 12:31:33 +0000 putty (0.53-b-2004-01-25-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream snapshot. - puttygen is now implemented, and is part of putty-tools. -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 25 Jan 2004 20:37:02 +0000 putty (0.53-b-2003-10-12-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. - Plink, PSCP, and PSFTP are now ready for prime-time. Create a new putty-tools package for them. - Possibly fix intermittent "Unable to load private key" errors with SSH protocol 2 (see #194067). * Advertise UTF-8 support in pterm's description. -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 12 Oct 2003 22:46:16 +0100 putty (0.53-b-2003-08-23-2) unstable; urgency=low * Fix -DSNAPSHOT calculation for NMU-style-versioned packages (thanks, Owen Dunn). -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 31 Aug 2003 14:22:59 +0100 putty (0.53-b-2003-08-23-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream snapshot. Among other things: - Fix a (non-security-critical) segfault in PuTTY's zlib code. - Selection handling improved: selection timestamps are set more accurately and X cut buffers are supported. - Shadow bold can be requested explicitly. -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 24 Aug 2003 00:03:28 +0100 putty (0.53-b-2003-05-14-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream snapshot, including: - Redraw the window border when the window background colour is reconfigured mid-session (closes: #193013). - Rename crc32() to crc32_compute(), to avoid clashing with zlib (closes: #192309). - Allow pterm to receive and understand COMPOUND_TEXT selections, including character set conversion where necessary (closes: #192307). -- Colin Watson
+ Wed, 14 May 2003 02:29:47 +0100 putty (0.53-b-2003-05-13-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream snapshot. - Fix spin on exit with +ut, due to a stale file descriptor hanging around and getting closed later when it had become claimed by GTK (closes: #166396). - Add putty(1) man page (closes: #190570). -- Colin Watson
+ Tue, 13 May 2003 03:34:56 +0100 putty (0.53-b-2003-05-11-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream snapshot, including: - Fix uninitialized value warning on arm (closes: #192674). - Fix int <=> pointer casting problems on alpha/ia64 (closes: #192701). - Restore -T option to pterm (closes: #191750). - Document NoRemoteQTitle resource and fix window versus icon title reporting (closes: #191751). - pterm will now attempt to guess suitable names for any missing fonts from the ones given; so it'll ask for a font twice as wide as your base one if you don't specify a wide font, it'll ask for a bolded version of your base font if you don't specify a bold font, and similarly for a wide/bold font. - Remove now-incorrect claim from pterm(1) that Unicode is not supported (with the last two changes, this closes: #187389). -- Colin Watson
+ Sun, 11 May 2003 02:22:57 +0100 putty (0.53-b-2003-04-28-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream snapshot. - Fixes SIGPIPE blocking in pterm. -- Colin Watson
+ Mon, 28 Apr 2003 17:20:55 +0100 putty (0.53-b-2003-04-24-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream snapshot. - PuTTY itself is now available for Unix, and packaged. - Compiled with optimization by default; several compiler warnings and bugs fixed as a result. * Set snapshot version number for the benefit of the About box. -- Colin Watson
+ Thu, 24 Apr 2003 14:24:34 +0100 putty (0.53-b-2003-03-07-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream snapshot. - Sets WINDOWID, so that for example w3m inline images stand a better chance of appearing in the correct window. -- Colin Watson
+ Fri, 7 Mar 2003 01:41:58 +0000 putty (0.53-b-2003-01-04-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream snapshot. - Version number tweaked slightly; it's really 0.53b-2003-01-04-1, but that compares less than 0.53-2002-11-08-1. - Supports UTF-8; just tell it to use a font in the iso10646-1 encoding. * Update copyright dates in debian/copyright to match LICENCE. * Just build pterm. No need to bother building plink as well when it's not part of a binary package. -- Colin Watson
+ Sat, 4 Jan 2003 16:58:48 +0000 putty (0.53-2002-11-08-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream snapshot. - Uses the right kinds of dashes in pterm(1) (closes: #167761). - Stops at the right point when encountering an error parsing the command line (closes: #167787). * Document the utmp helper process in README.Debian (closes: #168016). -- Colin Watson
+ Fri, 8 Nov 2002 19:28:32 +0000 putty (0.53-2002-11-03-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream snapshot. - Switches the default shadow bold offset to +1, which Crispin has been complaining about. - plink has been ported, but isn't packaged yet. -- Colin Watson
+ Mon, 4 Nov 2002 00:15:03 +0000 putty (0.53-2002-10-26-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream snapshot. - Set background colour to avoid redraw flicker (closes: #165888). - CloseOnExit: 0 responds to keypresses as it claims (closes: #166397). -- Colin Watson
+ Sat, 26 Oct 2002 01:34:33 +0100 putty (0.53-2002-10-24-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream snapshot. - Reap utmp helper zombie process when +ut is used (closes: #165887). * Install pterm setgid utmp so that it can make entries in the utmp and wtmp files, and add a lintian override for this. -- Colin Watson
+ Thu, 24 Oct 2002 00:47:54 +0100 putty (0.53-2002-10-17-2) unstable; urgency=low * I used to be able to package things well, honest ... * Add menu file. * Register an alternative for x-terminal-emulator. -- Colin Watson
+ Tue, 22 Oct 2002 01:06:45 +0100 putty (0.53-2002-10-17-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release, from upstream source snapshot. * I've put the source package in the net section because that probably fits PuTTY as a whole better, but I've put the pterm binary package in the x11 section. Go figure. -- Colin Watson
+ Fri, 18 Oct 2002 14:58:42 +0100
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+ Electronics and the future of education Andrew Odlyzko AT&T Labs - Research amo@research.att.com Preliminary draft, March 29, 1997. Will electronics lead to a much smaller and less expensive educational establishment, as some hope and others fear? My expectation is that it will not, and that the share of the economy devoted to education will continue to grow. The prediction of growth in education is not based on denying the value of modern technology. PCs and the Internet are much more useful than earlier technological innovations such as radio or movies (which some enthusiasts had expected to revolutionize education, just as today computers are predicted to do). Personally I am skeptical of the extreme claims for modern technology. I suspect that Sumerian scribes of 5,000 years ago might feel at home in today's classrooms because education is primarily a process of getting students to absorb new ideas and ways of thinking, and that it requires extensive social interaction. Replacing clay tablets first by paper notebooks and now by PCs can help, but not much. However, that opinion is not a crucial part of my argument. Let us accept all the claims of advocates of modern technology. Suppose that future 3-dimensional holographic projections and high bandwidth networks could make distance learning so effective that live lectures could be phased out. Even then, I expect teachers would still be employed to provide interactive instruction. Their ranks would grow, not shrink, even though they would not be presenting lectures, and even though computers would be used more extensively and effectively than now for interactive instruction. Technology can replace some teachers in their present roles. Hence if all we cared about was to produce what the current system does, we could indeed operate with fewer people. However, we are unlikely to do that. New demands will arise to take up the slack. There has always been desire for more personal attention from teachers than could be met. Further, as the need for training increases, those demands will be rising. Education is not a matter of getting to where the Joneses were 10 years ago. It is more a matter of trying to get to where the Joneses are likely to be 10 years from now. The basic argument is illustrated by the example of business travel. Salespeople for video and voice conferencing services have plenty of testimonials from customers, verifying great savings from elimination of physical trips. However, have travel budgets decreased? They have not. Airplane travel has increased, as has usage of the phone, fax, and email. International business trips from the U.S. have gone up by 20% in the last 6 years [Miller]. Trips are shorter, possibly because email and fax allow for better preparation for meetings, but there are many more of them. Why has there been no decrease in business travel? Some trips have indeed been avoided, and in a static world that would have led to less travel. However, our world is anything but static. The same technological, economic, political, and social developments that have brought us email, fax, and inexpensive jet travel have also brought us world-wide competition, outsourcing, and partnerships that span the globe, which demand more coordination. Furthermore, as competition decreases the differences between the leaders [Gould], while the payoff to the winner increases [FrankC], the pressure is to take advantage of everything possible. The value of catching your partner's, competitor's, or customer's body language might be hard to quantify. Still, when the difference that decides between success and failure is miniscule, won't you try to position yourself or your group to gain any advantage you can, even if it means a 20-hour flight to Singapore for a half-hour meeting? Measurable differences between competitors are decreasing, so human elements are growing in relative importance. "[R]elationship building has become the mantra for corporate honchos" [Sager], as well as for lower-ranking employees. The computer industry leads in relying on conventions to function effectively [Goldberg]. We can expect similar factors to operate in education. Displacement of a function by technology can produce net savings in time or money. Dishwashing machines have reduced time spent cleaning dishes at the kitchen sink. In that case, the goal was specific, new technology was able to satisfy it, and in any case, who enjoyed washing dishes? On the other hand, medical care costs have been rising, in spite of progress in technology. Many procedures and pharmaceuticals have been developed that demonstrably do save money compared to traditional treatments. However, total costs have been climbing (as a fraction of Gross Domestic Product, GDP, and not only in absolute terms) in most countries, as more illnesses are treated and people live longer. Historically, education has been more like medical care than like dishwashing. As countries have become wealthier, they have devoted an increasing fraction of GDP to education. There have been several waves of massive increases in spending. First came elementary schools, then secondary ones, and finally higher education. For example, in the U. S., spending on higher education went from 1.3% in 1960 to 2.4% in 1980 [SAUS]. (This increase did not come at the expense of primary and secondary education, which also grew, although much less rapidly.) These increases were driven by the rising wealth of the country and the need to prepare for the more sophisticated jobs generated by the economy. Will any of the factors that have propelled educational expenditures in the past reverse? There is no sign they will. We may not see another wave of growth on the scale of previous ones, but decreases are unlikely. The economy is growing, and with increasing world integration, there is a consensus that the only way for the rich countries not to slip in the competitive race is to keep moving on to sophisticated new products and services. That requires a continuing effort to upgrade the skills of the workforce, and policymakers are responsive to that need. Individuals also have a strong motivation to invest in their own and their children's education. The rising inequality of income has led to college graduates in the U. S. earning 80% more in 1994 than those with only high school diploma, up from a 50% premium in the early 1970s. While causality has not been proven, the public views education as an important requirement for a successful career. As a result, college attendance rates have increased in all economic classes. Colleges have been able to increase tuition charges much faster than growth in family incomes. The basic argument of this note is that society is willing to pay a lot for education now, and since the value of education is growing, we can expect society to continue paying at least as much in the future. How will those resources be divided? If every institution, from Podunk Community College to Harvard, uses the same holographic projections of the world's best lectures, and has access to the same digital libraries, how will Harvard differentiate itself? The most likely answer is through stress on the quality of its teachers in their other roles. As with business travel, the leveling by technology of a part of the competitive landscape is likely to lead to greater emphasis on the human element, even when the results are hard to measure. We have historical experience with one effective example of distance learning, namely that of textbooks, which are available to all schools equally. Their spread has coincided with the great growth in teacher ranks in the last century, and also with increasing differentiation among institutions. Will the effects be different even if live lectures are replaced by recorded ones? The main reason for expecting no cutbacks in teacher ranks is that human contact is valued very highly. When was the last time you heard of a politician campaigning, much less winning, on a plank of raising class sizes? There are frequent calls for reductions in administrative bloat, and sometimes even demands to increase teaching loads. However, it appears that nobody dares propose increasing class sizes, even though there is only ambiguous evidence that small classes increase any measure of educational achievement. (Japan seems to do well with class sizes that are comparable to those the U. S. had a century ago, and that are about twice the current U. S. sizes, for example.) Perhaps the public will figure out that it is paying for more teachers than are necessary. However, that is unlikely, given all the uncertainties in evaluating educational performance as well as in specifying educational goals. There is still controversy about "phonics" versus "whole language" teaching, in spite of extensive experience with both. Moreover, it is likely that no quantitative evidence would affect public desire for lower student to faculty ratios. When people reminisce about their school days, teachers are mentioned far more frequently than textbooks or buildings. Close human contact appears to improve the perceived quality of instruction, whether that improves test performance or not. If education were a simple matter of teaching the three Rs, the future might be different. However, we do not even have a clear idea of what education is supposed to accomplish. As an example, what are parents who send their child to Harvard paying for? Is it the excellence of the Harvard faculty? The stimulating atmosphere of living and studying with other students with top credentials? A chance to mature away from home? Access to the libraries and museums at Harvard? The Boston social scene? The chance for their child to network with future movers and shakers? The opportunity to boast to their coworkers and neighbors of their prowess in raising children? Probably a combination of all. Education is supposed to prepare an individual for life, but we do not have a clear model of how it does that. With rapid change, we do not even know what life to prepare for. Therefore replacing some elements of the current educational experience by technology is unlikely to diminish the human element provided by teachers. Implications Although education is not facing serious dangers, it will have to change. Even the medical system, which is growing, is going through a painful transformation in the U. S. We probably will encounter demands for greater accountability in education, including attacks on the tenure system, and for greater concentration on teaching as opposed to research. However, resources devoted to education are likely to grow, and will not result in shrinkage in teacher ranks. The impact of electronics will probably be much more modest than is predicted by the ardent advocates of distance learning. There will be more stability than predicted by Noam [Noam], say. There will be competition from new providers of training and education, but it will probably be limited. The challenge for established institutions will be to decide how to position themselves in the marketplace so as not to be left behind in meeting demands for continuing education, for example. Rapid change in society will demand responses from schools, but stress on tradition and human teaching is likely to work well. References: [FrankC] R. H. Frank and P. J. Cook, "The Winner-Take-All Society," Free Press, 1995. [Goldberg] C. Goldberg, Cyberspace still no substitute for face-to-face meetings, New York Times, Feb. 25, 1997. [Gould] S. J. Gould, "Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin," Harmony Books, 1996. [Miller] L. Miller, Pace of business travel abroad is beyond breakneck, Wall Street Journal, May 31, 1996. [Noam] E. M. Noam, Electronics and the dim future of the university, Science 270 (Oct. 13, 1995), 247-249. [Sager] I. Sager, How IBM became a growth company again, Business Week, Dec. 9, 1996. [SAUS] "Statistical Abstract of the United States," U. S. Dept. Commerce, various annual editions.
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+ Centos 6 install mate desktop
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Centos 6 install mate desktop
centos 6 install mate desktop yum -y groupinstall "MATE Desktop" MATE desktop installs less packages in your system as compared to GNOME desktop, hence it will take less time compared to GNOME. Enable snaps on CentOS and install Telegram Desktop. Install GNOME Desktop Evironment. In this article, I will show you how to install KDE desktop environment on CentOS 7. org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8. They update automatically and roll back gracefully. # netstat -antup | grep xrdp. 2부터 groups 명령이 도입되었으며 이제 Fedora-19 + 및 CentOS/RHEL-7 +에서 작동합니다. 16. Installing MATE On CentOS less than 1 minute read Description: I’m a big fan of the MATE desktop for my Linux distro’s. 0. While I don’t suggest using a GUI on a production server, it’s a good option if you’re using CentOS as a desktop. We will create two user accounts and configure VNC access for them. yum update -y. xinitrc # startx MATE Desktop Environment starts. With your server up and your firewall configured, you are now ready to install the graphical environment. Install a Desktop Environment on CentOS 6 Minimal Install December 24, 2013 David Lehman 8 Comments After performing a base install of CentOS 6 using the minimal install CD , do the following to install a basic GNOME desktop environment: RHEL 8 / CentOS 8 comes by default, as it has been for many years already with a GNOME desktop environment. Now run the following command to start GUI CentOS 6; CentOS 5; Fedora 31; Fedora 30; Fedora 29; Debian 8; Debian 7; Debian 6; Ubuntu 19. # cd /root/mate-build. Run Windows applications for your Linux system. The CentOS 6 gpu drives 2 monitors, the CentOS 7 gpu drives 3 monitors, 2 at 2k, and 1 at 4k. CentOS 6. # yum --enablerepo=epel -y groups install "MATE Desktop" Input a command like below after finishing installation: # echo "exec /usr/bin/mate-session" >> ~/. Although I have chosen to install General Purpose GNOME Desktop, the GNOME desktop does not start. Snaps are applications packaged with all their dependencies to run on all popular Linux distributions from a single build. ( Log Out / It worked on both systems. Before we start, you need to install desktop environment to your server . This will install the base packages required for a minimal MATE desktop. Table of Contents Given its popularity as a home server, we’re going to show you how to install CentOS on your Raspberry Pi to create a rock-solid home server. This will take a few minutes yum -y groupinstall "MATE Desktop" Tell your system to start the Graphical Interface on boot systemctl set-default graphical. To install MATE, choose one of the apt-get options below. If you did a minimal install, this guide will quickly tell you how to install Gnome GUI on a CentOS 7 or RHEL 7 using a command line options. To do so, hit the following commands, Download mate-desktop-1. End-of-support schedule. Install Gnome GUI. x: KDE # yum groupinstall "X Window System" "KDE Desktop" RHEL/CentOS 7. By default your server would probably be setup as a headless (server) version, without a desktop GUI to use. 14 Desktop Environment Available for Ubuntu MATE 16. If you are a full time R developer, you’ll need a version of IDE. It provides an intuitive and attractive desktop environment using traditional metaphors for Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. 5 desktop installation guide with screenshots CentOS 6. Available Environment Groups: Minimal Install Compute Node Infrastructure Server File and Print Server MATE Desktop Basic Web Server Virtualization Host Server with GUI Configure X11 Forwarding in CentOS/RHEL 6/7/8 and Fedora 28/29 X11 Forwarding will help you to run some GUI applications on a remote Sever. To run VNC, you need two components: 1. CentOS 6 died in November 2020 - migrate to a new version! First make sure your package list is up-to-date by running: sudo apt-get update. But if you want to install it along your current desktop, you can do it following these instructions. 4 after the minimum installation? I used this command: yum groupinstall “”X Window System”” “”GNOME Desktop Environment”” I thought it was going well upon reboot there is no desktop. sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment-core. One click installation of desktop environment and RDP remote desktop connection for CentOS. I'd be pretty sure you were not running CentOS 6 since that already has gnome 2 which is what MATE was originally. 8-dbg-arm64-cross libgcc1 Tutorial: Install a CentOS 6. The specific Raspberry Pi images from the CentOS project are hidden a little bit in the downloads page. 3. 02-18-2014, 03:44 PM Come With Mate Desktop And Cinnamon Desktop: LXer: Syndicated Linux DevOps & SysAdmins: How to install GNOME desktop from DVD on CentOS 6 using the command line?Helpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www. # yum groupinstall 'GNOME Desktop Environment' 'X Window System' A short video showing how to configure a VNC server on CentOS to provide a remote desktop to a headless virtual machine. (01) Download CentOS 6 (02) Install CentOS (03) Add a User (04) FW & SELinux (05) Configure Networking Desktop Environment is not neccessary for Server usage Default desktop environment is GNOME. As such, I found a neat guide on how to install it in CentOS v7. By default Centos 6 will install Gnome ask Desktop Environment. Installation may, however, be performed as follows: su - yum install vnc-server The desktop we have used so far in this chapter is desktop :0. patreon. 3. This package contains the library with common API for various MATE modules. VNC is a desktop sharing tool and is generally used to access the desktop system for remote administration and technical support. yum groupinstall -y "X Window System" "Desktop" yum install -y gnome-core xfce4 xorg-x11-fonts. CentOS 5: yum groupinstall 'GNOME Desktop Environment' 'X Window System' CentOS 6: yum groupinstall 'Desktop' 'X Window System' Note: If you are running CentOS 5, yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment" may complain about a missing libgaim. Related: Differences Between RHEL, CentOS and Fedora. So you can install them by: sudo apt-get install libgtk2. 1. With the Mint settings, it is a great desktop. Install Gnome GUI. com/ apt-get install kubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends Start up the server with the GUI. el7. Download All in one CentOS 7 64-bit DVD ISO– (6. Here, we provide ready to use CentOS 6 VirtualBox and VMware images for urgent requirements. x, KDE yum group is known as “KDE desktop“. You can install a desktop environment separately onto the operating system and connect remotely using a VNC client so you can manage your server through a GUI, alternative to an SSH session. " "yum 버전 3. R is a popular programming language used for graphical representation of data and statistical computing. Occasionally, albeit very rarely – it can be useful to have access to the X-Windows / Gnome desktop GUI. x, we need to perform a yum groupinstall as below: Linux: Install XRDP for remote desktop server This article will describe installing on Fedora 26, CentOS 7, Debian 9, Ubuntu 16. On CentOS / RHEL / Oracle Linux Finally Installing X window system and lightdm The version is: CentOS Linux release 7. Additionally we can say it is more lightweight than GNOME desktop. On 24 September 2019 CentOS officially released CentOS version 8. 0-0 libgdk-pixbuf2. The CentOS 7 default GUI is very The packages to install Mate are available under the official repository of Debian can be installed using the command: sudo apt install mate-desktop 6. It’s my understanding that epel builds their stuff on the current RHEL. i will explain how to configure these settings from Windows Putty Client. The google-chrome on CentOS 6 is weird, there is a alt repository to get that to work since Google doesn't support CentOS 6 directly. Please see CentOS-5 FAQ for details. Start the system on which you want to install CentOS 8 and change the boot order as USDB or DVD from the BIOS settings. First, make sure you are in the build directory created earlier. KDE 4 desktop environment is beautiful and very customizable in every aspect. First, upgrade all software packages on your instance: sudo dnf upgrade In this tutorial, you are installing XFCE as the desktop environment. 04/16. With regard to booting to console and using startx, this is just a matter of setting the default runlevel. com Install VNC Server and Desktop on CentOS 6. DjVuLibre is a set of tools and libraries used by atril for handling the DjVu document format. The syntax is as follows to list available software groups on a CentOS/RHEL 7: yum grouplist Sample outputs: In this tutorial we will learn how to install and configure a VNC server on CentOS 7. First install the EPEL-repositories then install the X Window System yum -y install epel-release yum -y groupinstall "X Window system" Install the MATE packages. quick notepad tututorial ! in this video tututorial you will learn how to install and configure MATE Desktop Environment in centos 7 linux Installation is quite simple since both Desktop environments are available in the EPEL repository. In this guide, we’ll show you how to install xRDP on a remote CentOS 7 computer and how to connect to it through remote desktop connection. target It is clientless so you don't need to install any plugins or client software. iso didn’t install rpms which I’ll say about them, now. 5 simply use the “yum update” command and all the magic would be done. To install MATE we’ll first enable the stensorp/MATE repository on our machine: sudo dnf copr enable stenstorp/MATE. # systemctl enable xrdp # systemctl start xrdp CentOS as a group is a community of open source contributors and users which started in 2003 and has been sponsored by Red Hat since 2014. On CentOS/RHEL 6. 0:* LISTEN 1508 / xrdp. At first we need to install X Windows components, to do that hit the following command in shell by root user credentials, [root@hostname`]# yum groupinstall -y ‘X Window System’ You will see following similar screen, Now we can download and install GNOME desktop. 2- Then enter the IP of your centos 6 server and click Connect. I have installed CentOS 6 in Virtualbox. On CentOS 7, KDE 4 desktop environment is available in the official package repository of CentOS 7. (An issue that I haven’t seen anyone address yet is this. However, on a Windows 10 PC, first I saw an xrdp login screen, then after I put in the password, I saw a black screen and then exit. Without the Mint settings, e. Guacamole server provides server-side and native components required to connect to remote PC while Guacamole client is an HTML 5 web application used to connect to the remote PC. Make sure that your packages and dependencies are up-to-date. But if you want a high degree of customization, especially if you are going to use CentOS 7 to run as a server platform, then I suggest Minimal Install with Compatibility Libraries as Addons. In order to use 3D stereo on Gnome3 systems, you can switch from Gnome3/gdm to MATE/lightdm. rpm for CentOS 7 from EPEL repository. 04 : KDE # apt install plasma-desktop How to install VNC-SERVER or remote desktop on centos 6 December 18, 2012 Rex Adrivan Leave a comment VNC is a protocol that is used to share the desktop with other users/computers over the network/Internet. Thanks in advance, psouky yum -y install xrdp tigervnc-server. Basically, it comes down to installing the repo, installing the X-window system and then install the desktop environment of your choice. 0. Minecraft. Mostly two group packages are needed to set this up: “X Window System” and “Mate Desktop”. Well known desktop environments are GNOME, KDE, MAT mate-desktop. Install CentOS 8. To open this window, search for the phrase remote desktop connection in the Start bar. Linux provide several desktop environments such as Gnome, KDE, LXDE, XFCE and many more. 0 1- Open the Windows desktop remote window. Snaps are applications packaged with all their dependencies to run on all popular Linux distributions from a single build. Getting the CentOS Image. LXer: MATE 1. On CentOS, execute: init 6 Installing Gnome. Accept license, and then do your standard “sudo yum update” before moving to the next step. It looks the most similar to previous CentOS versions (and the current CentOS 7 GNOME desktop). For those who want to update their existing 6. We will install the TigerVNC server which is freely available from the TigerVNC GitHub repository. 6 March 26, 2015 Rex Adrivan Leave a comment xrdp is an Open Source Remote desktop Protocol server, which allows you to RDP to your Linux server from Windows machine; it is capable of accepting connections from rdesktop, freerdp, and remote desktop clients. Installing MATE Desktop environment. 1. Step 6: xrdp will listen on 3389, confirm this by issuing the following command. 0. 4 Webserver 30 May At this moment I’m attending a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system admin training which I must say is very interesting. Snaps are discoverable and installable from the Snap Store, an app store with an audience of millions. It is made from two components Guacamole Server and Guacamole Client. Also to make them working,first epel-release must be enabled. The first thing we're going to do is update everything. 0" and hit Enter. On CentOS, edit the file: vi /etc/inittab Locate id:3:initdefault: and change 3 to 5. xRDP is a free, open-source Remote Desktop Protocol server that allows non-Windows operating systems to provide full-featured remote desktop capabilities. All I get is a black and white text prompt. Setup Gnome desktop environment (GUI). 04/18. To demonstrate how VNC works, we will also install the GNOME desktop on your CentOS server. 0. GNOME or KDE). Scripts automatically help you install wine x64 and x86, and now you can run Windows applications on Linux. Skip navigation CentOS 6. To Resolve: During the install, just choose minimal install. Having played a bit with the RHEL 7 beta, I would say that it's actually a bit of step back in ease of management/desktop usability myself compared to CentOS 6. Prerequisites. In case you want to install a full Gnome or KDE Desktop environment, select the proper environments as shown in the below screenshots and hit on Done button. 0-0 libxft2 libfreetype6 libc6 zlib1g libpng12-0 libstdc++6-4. The MATE Desktop Environment is the continuation of GNOME 2. Step 5: start the xrdp service using the following command: systemctl start xrdp. service. 1 GHz CPU, SLA 99,9%, 100 Mbps channel from 4 EUR/month Try The MATE Desktop Environment is a free, open source, light-weight, intuitive and attractive desktop environment for Unix-like operating systems. See full list on techrepublic. Like Firefox of Oracle installation of configuration and many other X11 apps. Install xrdp Remote Desktop on CentOS 6 – xRDP MSTSC You would be asked to enter the user name and password, you can either use root or any user that you have it on system. ExtraVM General. so. 7 was released resources moved back to CentOS 8. 3 Now you can connect to the server using Remote Desktop Connection. xinitrc startx That said, I notice this remark here under "CentOS 6 Releases": There is also a minimal install CD that will get you a very small base install that you can add to. # yum --enablerepo=epel -y groups install "MATE Desktop" Input a command like below after finishing installation: # echo "exec /usr/bin/mate-session" >> ~/. New desktops must be assigned different numbers. See full list on draculaservers. 17. One reason I liked using CentOS 6 was the Gnome 2 desktop. patreon. Centos will install Gnome as default Gui. This tutorial explains how to install Gnome desktop environment (GUI) on CentOS 6, 7 systems and setup remote VNC and xRDP connection. Depending on your system, downloading and install the GNOME packages and dependencies may take some time. After I jumped through those minor hoops, what I ended up with was an Oracle Linux 8 installation with a Mate desktop and literally everything looks and works identical to what I already have with CentOS 8. yum install kmod-nvidia You may find you need these packages as well Performing the default "Minimal" install of CentOS 6 does not install the graphical subsystem (the X. Following with the release of RHEL 6. Such OS install is nice for building an optimal system from scratch, setting up a headless server (no monitor, keyboard and mouse) and other purposes; but for one reason or another It is installed by using yum --enablerepo=extras install centos-release-scl. There are many ways to contribute to the project, from documentation, QA, and testing to coding changes for SIGs, providing mirroring or hosting, and helping other users. In this chapter we will look at changing the CentOS 6 GNOME Desktop theme to change the appearance of various aspects of the desktop user interface. For an equivalent experience with CentOS 6, install the Gnome Desktop. The process of installing GNOME on any version of CentOS is almost the same. That changed when CentOS 7 came out, it is fantastic. In other words, you don’t need MATE with CentOS 6. VNC server 2. On 24 September 2019 CentOS officially released CentOS version 8. First, install Gnome GUI on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 Once CentOS 7. Install Mate Desktop and TigerVNC. 0-0 libfontconfig1 libxrender1 libx11-6 libglib2. MATE is under active development to add support for new technologies while preserving a traditional desktop experience. And with all that said, at the end of the day, 45 Drives and our parent company Protocase are all about customization. Thus, to install Gnome Desktop Environment on CentOS/RHE 6. Next, install the files required. XFCE doesn’t use graphical effects like compositing, making it more compatible with X2Go and allowing it to optimize how screen updates are sent across the network. This is how I install all my Linux servers, this guide can also be used to install CentOS on desktop or Before installing MATE, you need to install 10 dependencies not provided in the CentOS repositories. CentOS Linux versions up to CentOS Linux 8 are 100% compatible rebuilds of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, in full compliance with Red Hat's redistribution requirements. 0. 04; Ubuntu 17. Game Servers Setup. However, CentOS 7 will be a *radical* change - systemd, GRUB 2 and GNOME 3 are all apparently "improvements", but this is highly debatable. 3. 04, Ubuntu 17. 5 step by step with GNOME Desktop has been discussed in this article. In order to share a desktop, VNC server must be install and configure on the computer and VNC client must be run on the computer that will All commands will work on every CentOS server 5/6/7/8. Now restart your server. Make sure you use module “sesman-Xvnc”. For the best Welcome to our guide on how to install R & RStudio on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 Linux. If you want to, you can install multiple environments to decide which one you like less/more. Those events are executed on a remote system and the output is sent back to the client. Summary: Setup Gnome desktop environment (GUI). Once the ‘ cdrom ‘ mounted, you can verify the files under /mnt/cdrom using ls command. I will try my best to stay with you. 5 released. I tried Cinnamon and did not like it at all. Now install the XRDP package. 0-0 libxft2 libfreetype6 libc6 zlib1g libpng12-0 libstdc++6-4. Taking the long view: Why I'm moving to CentOS Linux on the desktop. 5 has arrived on 1st Dec and its time to play with it. 3 remote server. Boot your computer with CentOS 7 installation media like (Burned CD/DVD or USB or ISO image). XRDP is available in the EPEL software repository. Package group contain packages that perform related tasks such as development tools, web server (for example LAMP or LEMP), desktop (a minimal desktop that can as well be employed as a thin client) and many more. You will # yum --enablerepo=epel -y groups install "MATE Desktop" Input a command like below after finishing installation: Install Desktop on Centos 6. CentOS has long been considered a server operating system, but it is a very capable and stable platform for the desktop as well Once CentOS 7. You can New desktop environments are created using the vncserver utility which should also have been installed by default when you installed CentOS 6. rpm yum groupinstall Xfce -y --> Sit for 85Mb download (it sometimes doesn't work. MATE is a desktop environment originally forked from GNOME 2. VNC viewer On CentOS/RHEL, you can either install packages individually or install multiple packages in a single operation in a group. 8-dbg-arm64-cross libgcc1 "이 가이드에서는 CentOS, RHEL 및 Fedora 배포판에서 YUM 패키지 관리자를 사용하여 패키지 그룹을 설치하는 방법을 설명합니다. Command: yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop" -y. 5, CentOS 6. When I do a yum group list KDE Plasma Workspaces definitely comes up as an option, in fact it’s the only one for KDE. The CentOS installation program automatically detects and installs your system’s hardware, so you should not have to supply any specific system information. 5 ? Thank you. From a bare metal install, the following will add a GUI to your server (or desktop!). MATE MATE desktop is another great GUI or Windows Managers for Linux. We’ll now install GNOME 3. Or open the run window with Winkey + r and enter mstsc and click OK. Installing Xfce Desktop Environment: Install MATE Desktop Environment by entering. According to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) life cycle, CentOS 5, 6 and 7 will be "maintained for up to 10 years" as it is based on RHEL. 04 LTS, Update Now: LXer: Syndicated Linux News: 0: 06-09-2016 04:03 AM: LXer: Installing the MATE desktop: LXer: Syndicated Linux News: 0: 03-14-2016 06:54 AM: Installing OpenSuse with MATE Desktop: upnort: SUSE / openSUSE: 10: 09-25-2015 06:47 PM is it possible to install Cinnamon Desktop on CentOS 6. 0. The MATE Desktop Environment is the continuation of GNOME 2 which is the default desktop in CentOS 5 and 6. At the time of writing, the repository contains packages for devtoolset 3, 4 and 6 (no idea what happened to devtoolset-5), a couple of newer git versions, httpd24 (2. However, if you face any problem to install CentOS 7. 4. , in CentOS 7, MATE might be a better choice. You can do that with this command: dnf groupinstall mate-applications Installing MATE Desktop Environment: Install MATE Desktop Environment by entering. During the installation of Linux it can change based on the choice. I do use the NVidia XOrg driver on both. Commands to Install Desktop Environments; Linux Distribution New Default Desktop Environment Commands to Change the Default Desktop Environment ; RHEL/CentOS 6. Installing Xfce Desktop Environment: Install Xfce Desktop Environment by entering. com/ Install cinnamon on centos/fedora # yum -y install cinnamon. 2. 4. 1. By default, 3gb of switched memory is created. 04 and OpenSUSE Leap 42. Once the installation is complete enable and start the XRDP service. Version 1. 24. Library with common API for various MATE modules. Select Minimal Install base environment, select Compatibility Libraries add-ons from the left pane and hit on the Done button to finish this setting and return to main menu. iso with preinstalled Mate desktop environment. This is a known bug. . How do I install a gnome desktop on centos 6. 0. 18), newer mariadb versions, maven30 and 33, several mongodb versions, several mysql versions, nginx Install VNC Server and Desktop on CentOS 6 By default your server would probably be setup as a headless (server) version, without a desktop GUI to use. 1611 (Core). Setup VNC connection. I was able to log in via remote desktop on my mac computer just fine. g. LXQT / LXDE – For older PC or laptops. 1. Table 6. The default GNOME Desktop of CentOS 7 starts with classic mode but if you’d like to use GNOME Shell, . To install MATE desktop on Fedora/Centos # yum update# yum groupinstall “MATE Desktop” Xfce If you want a lightweight desktop environment, Xfce is the one for you. Download repository from fedora project: wget http://download. Install VNC Server and Desktop on CentOS 6 Categories 18. noarch. 7 was released resources moved back to CentOS 8. Mate is very similar to Gnome 2 and uses GTK3. Firstly you will need “X Window System” as the based for GUI # yum groupinstall -y 'X Window System' After that you can choose one of these available Desktop groups to install. However, for certain CentOS installation scenarios, it is recommended that you record system specifications for future reference. Important notes. 2. el7. Now run the following command to install MATE: Now run the following command to install MATE graphical desktop system. Tutorial: Install a CentOS 6. 0-0 libfontconfig1 libxrender1 libx11-6 libglib2. I tried above solution but failed, and the created . I hope you will now be able to install your CentOS Linux server successfully. 04; yum--enablerepo=epel -y groups install "MATE We will also show you how to install and connect to various desktop environments on a remote CentOS 7 computer. 2-1. 0:3389 0. org server) and the desktop environment (e. Let’s get started. Step by step guide to on how to install CentOS 6 Linux (in this case 64 bit) from scratch on a new machine, the install type is minimal which is perfect for servers, no GUI will be installed and the installation will be as lean as possible. Best Linux environment for older PC or laptop; Meant for all kinds of users beginners to advanced; Need low to moderate hardware resources I aim to create Centos . First, create a empty ‘ cdrom ‘ directory under ‘ /mnt/ ‘ location and mount the ‘ cdrom ‘ ( /dev/cdrom is the default name of your device) under ‘ /mnt/cdrom ‘ path. One of the key advantages of Linux desktops in general is the fact that they can be customized to meet any particular preferences. Cloud Servers Intel Xeon Gold 6254 3. We will also show you how to install and connect to various desktop environments on a remote CentOS 7 computer. If EPEL is not enabled on your system, enable it by typing the following command: # dnf install epel-release. Web Hosting How to install CentOS 7. x86_64. rpm (you can try to browse repository before installation to search a newer version) rpm -ivh epel-release-*. For example: telegram, wechat, thunder. 2 . Once the system boots up, you will get the following screen: Select "Install CentOS Linux 8. DevOps & SysAdmins: How to install GNOME desktop from DVD on CentOS 6 using the command line?Helpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www. 0. They update automatically and roll back gracefully. 0. Introduction. If you're a distro packager looking for release Enable snaps on CentOS and install MATE-on-Wayland. If so, follow these instructions: # yum groupinfo -v "Development Tools" # yum groups mark install -v "Development Tools" # yum list updates (note: you will see a bunch of packages to install now) # yum -y update This post describes how to install the KDE Desktop environment in a CentOS/RHEL 6. or The MATE community has documented how to install MATE on many distributions, please follow the install guidelines. This post will help you to setup xrdp server on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7. This guide will teach you how. Linux Tutorials. Snaps are discoverable and installable from the Snap Store, an app store with an audience of millions. Follow instructions to Install MATE Desktop. 1. Installation of Cinnamon. xrdp is an Open Source Remote desktop Protocol server, which allows you to RDP to your Linux server from Windows machine; it is capable of accepting connections from rdesktop, freerdp, and remote desktop clients. Setup xRDP connection. So you can install them by: sudo apt-get install libgtk2. 5 base minimal desktop install - Duration: 7 As you download and use CentOS Linux, the CentOS Project invites you to be a part of the community as a contributor. Installing XRDP. On Fedora # dnf install @cinnamon-desktop -y # dnf install cjs cinnamon-menus cinnamon-control-center cinnamon-translations cinnamon-settings-daemon cinnamon-screensaver nemo cinnamon-session muffin cinnamon-desktop cinnamon -y. 4. g. Here is what MATE looks like: Uninstalling MATE. CentOS still uses a SysV style init system. Install xrdp Remote Desktop to CentOS 6. com After downloading the CentOS 8 ISO, you will need to create a bootable USB stick or DVD. Secondly, although only a minor inconvenience to us, the terminal in Xfce had to be added post installation and just didn’t feel as right compared to MATE. fedoraproject. According to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) life cycle, CentOS 5, 6 and 7 will be "maintained for up to 10 years" as it is based on RHEL. In this guide, we will be using the Mate desktop as VNC desktop workspace. Gnome # yum groupinstall basic-desktop desktop-platform x11 fonts. First, update your system using your graphical tool, or use this command: su -c 'dnf update' To install everything needed, use this command: dnf groupinstall mate-desktop. Always Learning says: June 12, 2015 at 8 This quick guide will cover how to install the MATE desktop environment in CentOS 7, which will provide a GUI for working with the Linux system. Look in /etc/inittab for this line: Hello, I have a server which has CentOS 8 and xrdp installed. In this step, CentOS offers a lot of Server and Desktop platform environments that you can choose from. From this reason, in a broader sense when we talk about GNOME desktop installation we normally talk about RHEL 8 / CentOS 8 workstation. # dnf install xrdp. Everything you show in your post points to your system being CentOS 7. Only one ISO for everything (CentOS 7 GNOME Desktop, CentOS 7 KDE Desktop, CentOS Server). Installing KDE on CentOS 7: I have a minimal CentOS 7 server This can easily be shown by running something like ‘cpuburn’ MATE is simple to install and has the most similar feeling to the default CentOS 7 GUI. Login to your VPS by clicking "View Console" in the Vultr control panel. Next enable the PowerTools repository, because some EPEL packages might depend on some PowerTools packages: sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools. 0-0 libgdk-pixbuf2. 10. Note that there might be a problem with installing the “Development Tools” group. Download mate-desktop-libs-1. To avoid this, install the MATE desktop environment. Install DjVuLibre. The VirtualBox and VMware images are created in such a way that they are less in size but contains all the standard packages required for instant run. This will install the complete MATE desktop. End-of-support schedule. To change to MATE on CentOS7 systems, first, install the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repo: yum install epel-release Then install the nvidia drivers from epel. 6 GB) 1) Booting Computer with CentOS 7 installation media. Currently I am using Mint 13 with Xfce 4. 5, feel free to discuss in comment or contact with me from Contact page. # yum --enablerepo=epel -y groups install "MATE Desktop" Step 1 — Installing the Desktop Environment on Your Server. x : KDE # yum groupinstall "KDE Plasma Workspaces" Ubuntu 20. In this tutorial we will be installing GNOME desktop as part of the workstation package group. 4 systems to 6. To install MATE, type the following # yum --enablerepo=epel -y groups install "MATE Desktop" Run the commands below after the installation finishes # echo "exec /usr/bin/mate-session" >> ~/. Mate desktop is a lightweight and a continuation of Gnome desktop that is well suited for a server environment. The closest DEs I have found to Gnome 2 are MATE and Xfce. 4 Webserver 30 May At this moment I’m attending a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system admin training which I must say is very interesting. This will also install XRDP which emulates windows terminal services and will make your desktop available via an msrdp client on any windows machine. To uninstall MATE from your CentOS 7 machine, run the following commands: $ sudo yum groupremove -y "MATE Desktop" $ sudo yum autoremove -y 3. rpm for CentOS 7 from EPEL repository. 1. x86_64. 2-1. 16. Output should be below: tcp 0 0 0. As with KDE, each of the commands need to be Install Xfce desktop on CentOS 64 bit. xinitrc # startx MATE Desktop Environment starts. You may want to install Mate related tools as well. Mate is the continuation of officially-deprecated GNOME 2 and uses GNOME2 code base and other core applications. x system where it is not yet installed. 21. centos 6 install mate desktop
UPDATE 12/31/2011: I have updated the Alix Centos 5 image to 5.7. During the process, I removed the /etc/ssh/ssh_host* keys so that each host will generate its own keys on boot up. Note that during the ‘yum upgrade’ process, I had boost the memory on the virtual image. Yum was unable to allocate enough ram with only 256 MB available. This means that it is unlikely that an update from 5.5 to 5.7 can be performed in a single step on a live board with only 256 MB of RAM.
As for the Centos 6 image, it is being troublesome because the up-line removed all of the non-pae kernel images for the 32-bit architecture. I’ve attempted to custom package a few kernels to complete the image but none of the work to my satisfaction.
UPDATE 10/22/2010: Added a step in the ‘Using the Image’ section below. All active installations should ensure they replace their SSH System keys to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. I will post an updated image that has the keys removed when I get around to it. Until then, just perform the commands in item 7 of the Using the Image section.
I could not find my 2 GB card. I used the original image, copied it to a 4 GB card, performed the update, and then copied only the first 2 GB back into the new image. Please provide feedback if the image does not work on a 2GB card.
UPDATE: Hat-tip @Cris. In order to get the vga to work on the 3d3 board you must put the irqpoll as kernel boot parameter. See his comment for more information.
INFO: For those who are unfamiliar with Centos, it is a distribution that is binary compatible with RedHat Enterprise Linux.
EDIT: We’ve been added to the ALIX web page. Thank you for the testing and support from the PC-Engines crew.
I’ve been working with one of PC Engine’s Alix 6e1 boards a bit lately. It’s a 500 MHz i586 AMD Geode-based embedded board with 256 MB of RAM that sells for under $150. I was testing various distributions and found that Centos was pretty easy to adapt. It wasn’t listed as supported on the PC Engines Web Site, so I wanted to contribute an image back to the community.
The image I’ve created has the following changes from a base install:
1. It has no swap.
2. It has the noatime and nodiratime options for all mounted partitions, although it uses ext3 because of the wal-wart-no-backup-power-for-shutdown configuration.
3. Grub is configured for a 2-second timeout, and uses the serial port as the console – both for grub and the kernel. Hook up a terminal emulator set to 38000, 8N1 to view the boot sequence or access the console directly.
4. /etc/inittab was modified to use the serial console. xdm was also disabled.
5. All console settings are set for 38400 because that is what the initial boot-up bios uses on the ALIX 6e1 that I have.
6. /etc/securetty has been modified to allow login via /dev/ttyS0 (tty0 and vc/1 are also left open because I use VMWare to modify the image).
7. Fortunately, due to the stock Centos LVM configuration, no changes were necessary to fstab or the initrd image.
8. Only a base install was performed. Several of the ‘default’ packages have been omitted (things like bluetooth, extra shells, smart card reader daemon, procmail, cups, NetworkManager, etc. ) Of course they are still available using YUM.
9. Lots of the startup stuff is turned off (kudzu, gpm, netfs, iptables and others). Use chkconfig to turn them back on if you want them.
10. The root password is – yep, you guess it: password
11. The eth0 (next to the USB ports) is configured for DHCP. eth1 (next to the serial port) is configured for The hardware MAC lines have been commented out so that it will work with any box, but there is a slight chance that the order of the ports will get reversed. This has never happened to me, but YMMV. You can use either port to get the box up and running with ssh or putty if you don’t want to use or don’t have a serial interface.
12. The CF card I used was A 2GB SanDisk Ultra 15MB/s. Because it’s LVM based, you can use the LVM tools to shrink or grow the volumes. Check out the LVM Howto for all the recipies you need.
13. I updated the packages using ‘yum update’ on the day it was created, so hopefully you won’t have as much downloading to do. I did not enable centosplus, extras, or any other repositories, which makes the image binary compatible with RHEL 5.4.
2. Unzip the image with bunzip2. Please verify the uncompressed image with md5sum. Several users who had issues simply had bad downloads or uncompressed the file improperly. An md5sum will catch these types of issues. The md5sum file is in the same directory as the image.
3. Copy it to your Compact Flash drive using ‘dd if=<inputfile> of=<outputdevice> bs=4096’. <inputfile> is the uncompressed image that you verified in step 2. <outputdevice> is your compact flash card. You can find the correct one for your system with ‘sudo parted -l’. You must use the disk device, not a partition i.e: /dev/sdc as opposed to /dev/sdc1. This will install the boot loader and all necessary partitions to have a running system. If your compact flash is larger than 2GB, see the comments section of this post for ways in which you can use the rest of the space.
4. Install the Compact Flash into the ALIX.
5. Attach your favorite terminal program to the ALIX platform. I use putty.exe under Windows or minicom under linux.
6. Apply power to the unit. It should boot without any fuss. If you don’t have a serial port, use eth0 (next to the USB) to have your DHCP router assign and address, or use eth1 (next to the serial port) for a static configuration. eth1 is configured for and the connector auto-rolls the cable if it needs to, so configure your computer for something like and ping until the system is online. Then use ssh, or putty.exe if you are using Windows, to access the unit.
7. I recommend some changes: Obviously, the root password. Also, add an MD5 password to the grub configuration, since without one anyone with a serial cable can pass parameters to the kernel. You will also probably want to add more software using yum. You might also want to create some scratch space under /tmp, or some of the /var/cache directories using tmpfs. I didn’t do any of the these because they are simple, and different users will have different requirements, especially with the advancement of CF cards (wear leveling, 1000000+writes/block, etc.). You will probably want to customize /etc/securetty for your installation.
8. On images earlier than 5.7, change the SSH server keys with: $ sudo rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_* $ sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart (Hat tip to @pmoor for catching this one!)
With this setup, the initial boot up takes 1:32 and has 193MB of free memory. Enjoy.
Where can we download kernel 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5 on an i586 ? Any link? Or will kernel-2.6.18-164.el5.x86_64.rpm work on Alix board? What is the easiest way to create ‘alix-centos-5.4-2gcf’ image ?
It is a 2Gig Compact Flash image, but it will work with anything 2G or larger.
Save it into your home directory. Open up a terminal. Become superuser with: su – Then unzip the image with the command: bunzip2 ~yourusername/alix-centos-5.4-2gcf.bz2 Find out where your compact flash drive is with: /sbin/parted -l Then copy the the image to your flash disk with: dd if=~yourusername/alix-centos-5.4-2gcf of={yourFlashDevice}
Once it is done copying you can remove the compact flash device and slap it into the ALIX. Connect your serial NULL cable and use minicom so that you can see it boot. The ALIX is set for 8N1@38400 baud.
Once it boots you can update the kernel using the standard ‘yum update’ command and install any new software you want with ‘yum install {package}’
Hi Joe, I’m trying to install Centos 5.4 on an external USB drive (connected to my Alix 2D3 and partitioned in 512MB swap area and root) and use the CF card only for /boot partition, but I have problems to start system with this configuration, I hope you can help me.
To install Centos I used another computer and the Netboot installer, I not used your image.
After installing the OS, I created a new initrd that supports usb-storage (I followed this guide: http://www.brool.com/index.php/installing-centos-on-an-external-usb-drive) ——————————————————————————————————————————- cd /boot mkinitrd –with-usb –preload=ehci-hcd –preload=usb-storage –preload=scsi_mod ./usbinitrd-2.6.18-164.el5PAE 2.6.18-164.el5PAE ——————————————————————————————————————————-
then I modified the following files
/BOOT/GRUB.CONF : —————————————————————————————– serial –unit=0 –speed=38400 –word=8 –parity=no –stop=1 terminal serial
After these modifications I inserted the CF card into Alix, connected the USB external drive and powered the board…after appearing GRUB, the system hangs and does nothing:
root (hd0,0) Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83 kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.el5PAE root=/dev/sda2 ro console=ttyS0,38400n8 [Linux-bzImage, setup=0x1e00, size=0x1c2494] initrd /usbinitrd-2.6.18-164.el5PAE [Linux-initrd @ 0xfd75000, 0x27a306 bytes] ***************************************************************************************** after a minute it reboots and so on.
I think initrd is unable to start and recognize the USB hard drive, the power led is off.
This configuration works perfectly with Debian, I don’t understand why it not works with Centos 🙁 the Debian files are very similar: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2GUW1M2Z
Well first, you don’t need the PAE kernel. It is for 32 bit environments with more than 4GB of RAM. The ALIX is 256MB max. You probably used a machine with a lot of RAM to do the install. You should use a virtual machine instead. If you don’t have VMWare then use qemu.
I have a feeling the problem is in the mkinitrd environment. I’ve found that mkinitrd can be fussy about the environment it is in when it is created. Try booting the ALIX with my image and inserting your USB disk after it finishes booting. Make the changes to the grub.conf and fstab, and copy the root partition to your USB partition using tar*. After it’s done, run your mkinitrd directly on the ALIX device. Then try rebooting with the USB drive connected. Erase the root partition on the CF and reboot again. If we didn’t miss anything it will boot up properly on the USB.
So the other question is: why do you want to have the root partition on the USB and not the CF?
* the command for copying the root file system using tar is: mount /dev/[YourUSBPartition] /mnt; tar –one-file-system cpsvf – / | ( cd /mnt; tar xfp -)
Hi Joe, thank you! I followed your instructions and now the USB external drive works perfectly ^_^
I had to disable SELinux before copying the root partition, otherwise tar doesn’t dump /selinux folder.
I prefer to use an external disk for the root partition, because I read that the flash memory have a limited number of cycles of write / erase, I’ve formatted my 4GB Kingston CF many times so I feel safer to use a hard disk that has a longer life.
Now I’m testing Kloxo panel… it works pretty well even if Alix has low memory.
Actually, both the USB and the Compact flash use flash memory, so six is one-half-dozen of the other. Not to worry, though, modern flash memory can have millions of writes per block, and the hardware has write leveling and error detection hardware that prevents any single block from being over-written disproportionately to the others and removes bad blocks from use transparently to the operating system and user.
If you are still worried about it, keep the root /usr /boot and /etc on the compact flash (along with the virtual file systems that are in memory like /dev and /proc) and mount them read only. These file systems only change when you update the system with Yum and since CF should be faster than USB this should improve performance . Move high write systems like /var and /tmp to your removable media. Even better, move the highest traffic areas like /tmp to a tmpfs drive of 20-50 MB. tmpfs will only use the amount of memory that is actually in use by the file system, so you can make it as big as you have extra memory after you have all your services running.
If you are truly paranoid about it, the Alix (at least the one I have) has a spot on the board for an IDE header. Solder in a new header and use a 2.5″ hard disk instead of the compact flash.
I’ve sucessfully reinstalled my CentOS using i686 kernel.
The problem now is that I cannot mount my USB drive on Alix board. Do I need to install USB driver for the board? How should I go in order to mount a USB device that is connected to the board?
Actually I haven’t played with the USB yet. If it’s standard hardware it should ‘just work’. I’ll e-mail giulio and see if he had to do anything to get his to work.
In the mean time, try some commands: lspci -> to check and see if the USB hardware is recognized lsusb -> to see if you usb device is recognized dmesg -> to see if the usb device was assigned a block device parted -l -> to see if the kernel recognizes the partitions (that is a lower case ‘L’)
Got a message back from Giulio. He said that the USB hardware was automatically recognized. If you tell me exactly what you are trying to do maybe I can point you in the right direction.
I was just trying to mount my USB storage to /mnt mount point. Yes, logically it should be automatically recognised, but didn’t see any usb device detected. Will try out your commands later to check.
Got the following errors when tried to installed Dahdi:
You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.18-164.el5 kernel installed. make[1]: *** [modules] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-2.3.0+2.3.0/linux’ make: *** [all] Error 2
Have installed kernel-devel-2.6.18-164.el5, but still didn’t help.
The image is not set up for compiling new software. I did this because I assume that most users are looking for a stripped down server and will add the features they need.
In your case, you will have to install both the kernel-devel and kernel-headers packages, and maybe more. I haven’t used Dahdi before, so I can’t be more specific.
Before I went through all that I would try to find a repository that already compiled the software for RHEL5. It appears that the epel repository has three dahdi packages: dahdi-tools, dahdi-tools-devel and dahdi-tools-libs. You might want to start there.
Also – you shouldn’t need to compile software on the ALIX itself. If you are going to work on software for your ALIX, I would recommend compiling it on a full-speed machine, or even a virtual machine. If you create an RPM spec script and package it as an rpm file, then you will only need to install the rpm with the binaries on the ALIX and you won’t have all the extra stuff lying around. You also won’t have libraries on the machine that aren’t accounted for in your rpm database. Creating an rpm is not hard, and will save you mountains of time and headache in the long run. Check out my software repository for some examples of RPMs that I distribute. I try very hard to make them tidy and not cludgy. But it’s always better if someone has already done the work for you. I use the EPEL and rpmforge repositories a lot and almost never have problems. Centos provides a link that shows how to set everything up properly for using multiple repositories.
I have a specialized image of Centos on my CF card and I am looking to create my own image file from that CF card that will work with physdiskwrite. I would like to copy the image onto multiple CF cards. What software did you use to create your image file? Any help I could get would be appreciated.
I used VMware Workstation. I understand that it is just as easy to use the opensource tools (qemu/kvm/virt-manager) under Centos, but I’ve used VMware for years.
In VMware, I created a new virtual machine and used the 2GB SanDisk as a physical partition instead of the normal virtual partition. I removed the sound bridge, added an extra virtual network and installed as normal. Once the installation was complete I removed a bunch of extra packages and converted the boot configuration to serial-only.
I am trying to resize the image to 4Gig CF and 8Gig CF but no luck, could you help me out with some pointers? Or even better make 4gig and 8gig images availble 🙂
If you want to send me some cards and a nominal check I would be happy to build you a few and provide the images to the community. 🙂
To do it yourself you would have to do one of the following: One way would be to utilize the rest of the space using a separate LVM. For that you would create a second physical volume, add it to the volume group or create a new volume group, create a new logical volume, create the file system and then mount it somewhere (/usr /var or /home would be good, depending on your requirements). If you are mounting it under /usr of /var you will want to migrate the files by mounting the new file system under /mnt and using tar to move them. All of this could be done on a live machine, but the original /usr and /var space wouldn’t be recovered until you mounted it under with a separate machine and removed the files. This is what I would do to get one or two systems online.
Another way would be to add the new physical volume, add it to the volume group and then grow the logical volume to the new size. Then you would have to grow the ext3 file system by first removing the journal (using tune2fs, which would make it an ext2 file system) and then resizing it. Both of those operations have to be done unmounted, so the card must be loaded into another linux box during the whole process. This is what I would do if I were doing a dozen or so.
The last way would be to mount the image on a separate machine, create the proper LVM structure on the new flash, copy the files from the image to the new box (using a piped tar is the easiest way to do this), mount this new image with QEMU or VMwareWorkstation, boot the virtual image with a CD, chroot to the new card, install the boot-loader and reset the selinux permissions. This way is the only way you wind up with a single LVM physical partition, but it’s a lot more work and I don’t think it buys you much. This is what I would do to provide a clean image to the community, or as a baseline project to build multiple projects on.
One more important thing people should change when using this image are the SSH server keys, otherwise anyone can use a man-in-the-middle attack against these installations:
also, regarding resizing the volume, the following worked for me on my host machine:
$ sudo fdisk /dev/sdX # sdX = the CF card
switch to sector units (u), delete the second partition, and then re-create the second partition with the exact same start sector and type: d 2 n p 2 205632 t 2 8e w
$ sudo lvm lvm> pvscan lvm> pvresize /dev/sdX lvm> lvresize -L +1.8g (change this as needed) lvm> lvchange -a y VolGroup01/LogVol00
@pmoor: good catch on the keys. I’ll put that on the list. Thanks for the input on resizing. I’m sure there are more than a few people who will find it useful.
Hi. First. nice job on the image. just 2 questions.
when i install the image on my card yum doesnt work. i have to rebuild the rpm database (after that it works)
Do u know how to install a x11? i’m trying for day’s now to get fluxbox to work but with no luck. startx works i see my mouse for like 2 sec then i get back in the normal console.
I’m trying to make a small firefox kiosk from my alix 1d but with no luck so far.
If u could provide any help to get that x11 to work it would be realy nice
Comment by Terrorhawk — October 25, 2010 @ 2:01 pm
Thanks for your kind words. I believe that x11 is a group in yum, so all that would be needed is: yum groupinstall x11
Tried on a 4G card, worked fine. Tried on a different 2G card, worked fine. Tried again on original 2G card, same failure. So… suspect bad 2G card.
Off to fiddle… thanks again!
Comment by jtaubman — December 22, 2010 @ 10:20 pm
Joe, Excellent work on this project! Inspired by your efforts, I have used Virtualbox with USB redirection to install CentOS directly to a 2.5″ IDE hard drive (using a USB to IDE dongle). It is my hope to explore further into the tweaks you did to minimize wasteful writes to the CF, and make them part of a CentOS kickstart config post install script. I have been using the UDA Appliance (www.ultimatedployment.org) to automate repetitive installs via PXE boot in our environment – which happens to be a data center environment where remote installation is the norm.
The ALIX board’s 256MB of RAM is plenty to run CentOS, however, not apparently enough to install successfully. Anaconda chokes and runs out of memory when you install via NFS or HTTP. Since ALIX boards do not support booting from USB, the PXE boot install option is all that is left. I have thought of writing a shell script that could do the partitioning of the CF card and/or hard drive media (while physically on the ALIX), and then mounting the ISO off the local partition. I would still copy the installation media over NFS or HTTP, but it would make Anaconda happy. This would then leave enough memory for Anaconda to complete the job, or even allow swap space to be enabled ahead of the dependency checking process which is where all the memory gets eaten up.
The other option I am considering is to use a PXE boot environment to fetch a copy of the raw disk image and then use dd to write the image to the CF and/or hard drive. If I find either option works, I still would need to automate the installation of CentOS to accommodate it to the ALIX hardware.
Do you use a shell script to modify the install in VMWare prior to imaging it? I would imagine that such a shell script could be adapted to work as part of a kickstart config. The UDA appliance provides the plumbing to make the kickstart configuration very easy and relatively painless. If you have any scripts that you could share, I would like to help adapt them for a similar installation/build using the UDA appliance.
Comment by mattorola7 — December 29, 2010 @ 2:00 pm
Sorry for not responding earlier. Your post got lost in the shuffle and I didn’t see it until today.
I don’t do anything fancy to perform the VMWare install. One of the nice things about VMWare is that I can put the memory at 2GB for the install and then throttle it down when I’m testing the running image. Anaconda is a huge hog, and I hate tweaking with it. I played around with it years ago trying to get a custom build with extra packages under Fedora and found it was much less painful to add a repository after the install with a yum install group and perform my installs that way. It also turns out to be more portable, since I can then create repositories for EL, Centos and others without the need to fuss with an installer or kickstart scripts. The only reason I can see monkeying with a kickstart disk is on network-isolated boxes in secure areas that do not allow USB storage.
As for the ALIX adjustments, they are done by-hand. I plan to do another release when Centos 6 comes out. The build crew are reporting that it’s still a few weeks out.
Anyone know how (or if possible) to have the Alix board run vncserver in order to get a remote x display?
I have an application that will only run in an X environment. Once I set the application running I could close the vnc client and allow the application to keep running.
There shouldn’t be a problem running an X server, if you keep in mind the limited nature of the processor and memory available. If I were doing it, I would install individual packages one at a time until the application runs rather than installing the “X Windowing System” package group since you can often get away with far fewer packages and less RAM.
You could start with ‘yum install vncserver’ and see what else it needs to run. Edit /etc/sysconfig/vncserver and put in the user you want to use. Start the server once manually for the user, and then edit the .startup file in the user’s .vncserver directory to start the app you want instead of xterm. Xdm will be the default window manager, which is NOT user friendly to non-unix heads, but fine if you set it up like a kiosk. I wouldn’t attempt KDE or GNOME as their memory requirements are too high. There are some other lightweights out there (xfce, and others) that might do better if you can’t stand xdm.
JATF, I installed the xfce packages. I placed “exec xfce4 &” in my xstartup file. All I get is a grey screen when I run VNC viewer. I also tried placing “xfce4-session” but the same thing happens.
I don’t use xfce so I’m not much help there. Perhaps you could find help on the xfce lists? If you hit a complete brick wall let me know and I’ll look into it.
Hi Joe, I’ve been struggling to write the centos image in a 4Gb flash drive. What happens is that after dd, the first boot partition /dev/sdb1 is ok, but /dev/sdb2 is not readable, the super block is corrupted and I haven´t managed to fix it. Would it be possible that you publish the 4Gb image that you have?
I plan to have 2 and 4 GB images of the new versions as they come out. According to twitter.com/centos, the 5.6 update should be seeding later this week. Are you under a time crunch to have the 4 GB image or can it wait for the 5.6 update? I can make you one if it’s critical and time sensitive.
I was wondering if you could shoot me a message about how to create the cf images, I am looking to do an image with asterisk and freepbx on it for use on embedded platforms…..I have virtual machine capability on my macbook using parallels, similar in concept to vmware (i’ve used vm in the past)
I might have the same problem as @victor have tried several times to dd the image to a 16GB CF card but I never get any response on or dhcp on the 3 ports of my alix.2d13.
Steps: 1. gunzip the image 2. dd if=alix-centos-5.5-2gcf of=\\.\d: 3. add the cf to the board and attach net cable 4. power on 5. ping and watching my linksys wrt54gl dhcp log in 3 goes for all ports. (have added a virtual ip to the linksys
Comment by coq-rouge — February 16, 2011 @ 11:24 pm
My guess is the dd for windows doesn’t properly handle the raw disk copy or that the 2.13 has some other gotcha I don’t know about (I only have the 6e2).
Try booting your computer with a Linux Live CD. Ubuntu has a really nice that is easy to use – open a terminal and type ‘sudo su -‘ to get root access. ‘parted -l’ will tell you where the CF disk is.
If that fails we’ll have to re-think things. You are overseas (well, not from your perspective. ;D ) so shipping the board back and forth is probably out.
thinking if I would have more luck with the alix-centos-5.4-2gcf image. Is there some there have had success with the 5.5
Wonder if I got a bad board shiped.
Looking forward to some response 🙂
Thx Coq Rouge
Comment by coq-rouge — February 16, 2011 @ 11:29 pm
I sincerely doubt that you have a bad board. If you are going to do more than one box it is probably a good idea to invest in a USB to Serial cable and a null-modem adapter so yo u can use the console port. Not only does it give you the BIOS and GRUB bootloader access, but it also prints out all of the boot-up sequence message, kernel debug messages and gives you the ability to change the network configuration without losing control of your session. It saves the cost in frustration, confusion and anguish – which is an easy trade. 🙂
You are welcome to try the 5.4 board – a ‘yum upgrade’ will bring it up to date in short order, but I’ve used the 5.5 image several times (6 installs + 10 or 15 writes to flush a CF back to starting configuration after I’m done testing) on both 2 and 4 gb flash drives, plus it gets downloaded between 2 and 20 times each day and only a few people have had issues, so I’m leaning toward the image being just fine and the individual set-ups that are being used are the problem. In your case I’m highly suspicious of the Windows environment. In my experience unix tools almost never work just as they should under M$ systems. YMMV.
Got a live usb and live cd but my note is locked and my centos hardware pc had a hardware crash why I got the alix. Have tried dd on mac same same problem and dd on openwrt same same problem 🙁
Comment by coq-rouge — February 17, 2011 @ 12:55 am
can I mount the card somehow after I dd’ and check it on a windows or mac..
Comment by coq-rouge — February 17, 2011 @ 1:02 am
I got the usb to serial cable but again my windows is locked also for adding drivers 🙁 trying to see if I can get it running on my mac.
Openwrt and mac is unix/linux systems where I used dd with same issue.
Will try the 5.4 tonight and get the cable running on the mac.
Comment by coq-rouge — February 17, 2011 @ 1:06 am
Joe, I guess the problem with the 2 gig image is that when you dd from 4 gig to 2 gig the second partition became corrupted, I checked the MD5 and is ok and I’m working with Linux, but the partition is damaged after the copy.
the dd makes 2 parttions 105mb linux and a 1,91GB Linux_lvm partition on serial 38400 N81 is there only a blank screen.
Anyone got an ideer
Comment by coq-rouge — February 19, 2011 @ 4:18 pm
Hi Jo,
i work on the same project regarding centos and alix in our company and have made some images by my self. I would like to share my experience with you: it would be better to use a ext2 filesystem or deactivate the journaling in ext3 so write operations are as minmal as possible. also a minimal installation of centos would be nice, this way some of the stuff you have deactivated, kudzu, iptables…, wouldn’t be installed, you just can uncheck all boxes in the extended package selector at the setup screen, you also would save much diskspace because all documentations are not installed this way….
some meaningful names for the volume groups and logical volumes in LVM would nice, but that could be just my petty-minded brain 🙂
I had considered each of those items when creating the image. Our requirements are somewhat different. If you are maintaining an image for your work you have tight control over who does what to the unit. Releasing the image to the public, I must consider that novice builders will use the image to make a variety of appliances and I wanted to make it as bulletproof as possible. Plus, let’s be honest: I’m lazy, and the closer I can keep it to a stock Centos install, the less likely I’ll be to have people asking questions because something isn’t where they expect it to be. 😉
I selected ext3 because the Alix has no backup power facilities, and if someone uses it for a SOHO router or firewall it is very likely that a user will unplug the unit at some point to reset the network, or a power outage will cause the unit to be reset mid-process. Ext3 should automatically recover from this, but ext2, without the journal, has a high probability of causing the file system to stall when the unit is booted next, requiring a console hook-up to complete the fsck cycle. For most appliances, this would be considered unacceptable. Advanced users will know that they can turn the journal off with tune2fs, but the novice builder will be better off with this safeguard. Modern flash cartridges use write leveling and bad-block exclusion and each block is good for tens of millions of writes, so even with the journal they should last years and years as an appliance. Also, the use of tmpfs should limit the flash-based writes to the /tmp directory. The Alix’s processor and memory specifications restrict it from being an effective server for write-intensive services like a major database or web server anyway, so I think there is very little risk there. If someone is looking to use the Alix in a write-intensive environment (say, as an IDS logger) they are most likely an advanced user and should solder an IDE header in place and put in a 1.8″ or 2.5″ hard disk instead of flash. They’ll have much more space and much better long-term performance since the flash write performance will degrade over time.
As for the space savings, I considered that the price of flash having dropped like a stone the last few years and the small level of space savings compared to the 2GB image size did not warrant the inconvenience of having no documentation or basic services at the builder’s disposal. Again, the advanced user can remove any package they wish with a variety of tools, but the novice may not know exactly how to get that basic functionality back, or at the very least might have to waste many hours trying to figure it out. I run my servers with 4GB cards and 8 – 64GB cards are available for someone who might need vast amounts of space in a small package, or who want to extend the run-time of the unit.
I thought about having more descriptive LVM names, but most tutorials online use the standard names so I just stuck with them. Again: Keep it simple so I can be lazy.
Thanks for the input. I’m not attempting to be argumentative and hopefully I’m not letting my ego get the best of me. I just wanted to let you know that I did think about each of the points you brought up. I might have made bad decisions for some people, but I hope that they are good decisions for most people. 🙂
It’s nice to know I have a bedfellow out there working the Alix/Centos images. Do you have many of the platforms? I have only the 6e2. I’ve been swamped with our youngest son finishing High School and my wife starting a new job so I haven’t done an upgrade to 5.6 yet. I’ll be on travel for two weeks and I plan to bring one with me to work on in the hotel. Who knows – maybe they’ll release 6 in the mean time and I can get them both done at once!
I don’t recommend disabling logging, especially in a production environment. Doing a post mortem off a failure of a production device is critical, and modern flash drives are very robust. Each cell can be written to millions of times, and the flash disk hardware ensures that the lifespan of the device is maximized by using write leveling (prevents you from writing to the same spot over and over, even if you try), and error correction and lockout (verifys each block after write and locks out blocks as they fail). What I would do is this: on your test device, verify the average daily log file size in blocks. Calculate how many blocks per year are expected to be written. Divide by 1,000,000 writes. That’s how many blocks you would ‘consume’ (as in wear out completely) in one year. Multiply by the lifespan of the device (say 10 years), and then double that amount.
You will notice that unless your logs are VERY large, the results are small enough as to be meaningless because there wouldn’t be enough of them to store the data in the first place. That’s because flash drives are very, very robust and you shouldn’t worry about it unless you are really pushing the limits.
The benefits of having system logs far outweigh the maintenance headache they may cause.
Great Job !!! A really nice package and well document, it was a pleasure to have it working smoothly on my Alix Box.
– I would add I had to remove yum cache to have it working properly to be able to install the wap_supplicant package (something like rm -rf /var/cache/yum/…
– Now just a question: to create an image (I’d like to backup my CF) is it enough to do: dd if=/dev/hda of=/tmp/my-wifi-alix-centos.cf ?
Interesting. I’m not sure why you would need to delete the cache, but it’s probably a good idea for me to remove the cache from future images anyway. Thanks for the heads up.
The backup you suggest is the easiest and most complete way to do a backup of the compact flash. It will also take the longest time, since it is copying empty space as well as data. There are a variety of other, more efficient ways of doing it (just like any linux system), but the command you specify is certainly the simplest. I would suggest that you compress the image after the fact with bzip [ bzip /tmp/my-wifi-alix-centos.cf ] or during the process [ dd if=/dev/hda | bzip > /tmp/my-wifi-alix-centos.cf.bzip ] which will make the image much smaller, especially with all that empty space.
for anyone trying to use this image with an Alix 3D3 with vga, irqpoll must be added as kernel boot parameter. i had trouble without with irq sharing between USB controller and network card. none of them was working.
I had iMedia Linux installed on my alix box, but was looking for something with better package management, etc. I flashed up my 2gb card with alix-centos-5.5-2gcf, but it won’t boot. I think I don’t have the right bootloader. The last bit that shows up before boot fails is:
Do I need to update the bootloader with GRUB or something like that? I followed the general directions for dd’ing the image, but that was apparently not enough. Thanks in advance for your help! -Casten
I just got my Alix 3d3 and installed Your latest CentOS 5.7 image. So far so great, thank’s for Your work. I see the boot process over the tty connection, but at the end there’s no login prompt. I get
Waiting for driver initialization. Scanning and configuring dmraid supported devices Scanning logical volumes Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while… Found volume group “VolGroup01” using metadata type lvm2 Activating logical volumes 1 logical volume(s) in volume group “VolGroup01” now active Creating root device. Mounting root filesystem. kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Setting up other filesystems. Setting up new root fs no fstab.sys, mounting internal defaults Switching to new root and running init. unmounting old /dev unmounting old /proc unmounting old /sys
What can I do ?
How far is Your progress with CentOS 6 and maybe greater CF Cards, I use a 16 GB now.
Thanks for the effort in making the image. I have a couple if minor problems with the image that you may be able to help with.
The first is permissions on /dev/ttyS0. They come up as 0600. I need them to be 0666 I tried changing that in rc.local but it doesn’t seem to have any effect. I also fiddled with udev rules for “console” but no result either.
I can change the permissions if I log in as root after booting has completed. What I want to do is have them set to 0666 as part of the boot process. Any suggestions?
The second problem is the ntp client. My boards don’t have batteries for the RTC and ntp refuses to adjust the time as the power-on difference is too great. Any suggestion on how to make the time always adjust?
Comment by JeremyArdley — October 12, 2014 @ 7:34 pm
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.
I can’t help you with the ttyS0. I think that because it is the console it will always come up 600.
For time, in rc.local, run ntpdate first, then start the NTP server.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/run/test-data/url-690486170 b/run/test-data/url-690486170
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..777f26ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run/test-data/url-690486170
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ Gateway to the Vast Realms -- Western Philosophy
Western Philosophy
Plato, Selected Dialogues [427-347 BC] Plato is not only the most important Western philosopher (with the possible exception of Aristotle), he is by far the greatest writer. Even if you don’t care for his philosophy, his dialogues are brilliantly composed and often quite lively and dramatic. Most of them feature Plato�s teacher Socrates. Socrates saw himself as a gadfly whose function was to provoke people to self-awareness. In Plato’s dialogues he usually makes his points not by stating them, but by questioning the people he is talking with in such a way that they themselves are led to come to the conclusion he is getting at. He claimed not to be the inventor of a philosophical system, but merely a “midwife” who helped others become aware of what they already knew (a notion somewhat reminiscent of the situationists’ notion of the role of radical theory). I suggest the following five dialogues: The Apology (Socrates’s defense before the Athenian tribunal that condemned him to death for blaspheming the traditional gods and “corrupting the youth”); Crito and Phaedo (which present his conversations with his followers just before his execution); The Symposium (a dinner-party discussion about the nature of love, ending when Socrates strolls off in the early morning hours after having drunk everyone else under the table); and The Republic. The latter seems to focus on what Plato considered to be the ideal social organization, but the text also raises a wide range of questions regarding what constitutes “the good life,” personal as well as social, what are appropriate forms of education, etc.
Aristotle, Poetics; Nicomachean Ethics [ca. 325 BC] Aristotle is drier than Plato, in part because most of his works that survive seem to be more in the nature of lecture notes than finished compositions. But he is also more systematic and more down-to-earth, going into practical ramifications that remain rather vague in Plato. His Poetics, which is primarily about the Greek tragedies, is too short to do justice to the topic (perhaps it literally was just lecture notes). His Ethics (usually referred to as the Nicomachean Ethics to distinguish it from another Aristotelian ethical treatise) is a more fully developed and fleshed out work. In considering what the good life consists of, Aristotle presents the “great-souled man” as a model. Such a man follows a sort of golden mean in which the virtues are characterized by moderation, as opposed to vices at either extreme (e.g. courage versus cowardice on the one hand and foolhardiness on the other). In contrast to the Christian “guilt culture,” which tends to see virtue as anxious avoidance of sin and supernatural punishment, Aristotle has a more neutral and matter-of-fact tone, seeing virtue as desirable for its own sake and stressing practical guidelines and habits that tend to promote it. Mortimer Adler’s Aristotle for Everybody is a good general introduction.
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations [ca. 175 AD] Personal self-examinations and reflections of a rather untypical Roman emperor, who attempted to model his life on the principles of Stoicism. Countless people over the ages have turned to this modest little book for consolation and inspiration. The best translation is by Maxwell Staniforth (Penguin).
There is a huge gap here between Aurelius and Hegel. I haven’t read any Medieval philosophy except Augustine and Aquinas, neither of which I care for. What little I know of Spinoza seems intriguing, but I can’t say that I understood much of his Ethics (maybe I’ll tackle it again one of these days). Many of the subsequent philosophers I’ve read do not seem all that relevant. For example, the “epistemological problem” that Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Kant and many others have been so concerned about (How can we know for sure what is really real?) seems to me to be a phony issue, one that is dissolved in practice rather than solved through reasoning. “The epistemological problem arose as in Europe and America human relationships became increasingly abstract, and the relation of men to their work became more remote. Six men who have worked together to build a boat or a house with their own hands do not doubt its existence” (Rexroth). I realize that Descartes’s practice of beginning by doubting everything played a salutary role in undermining old orthodoxies and laying the foundation of modern science, and that Locke had an important influence on the thinkers of the French and American revolutions; but in both cases their contributions seem to me to be pretty banal and obvious now. The same goes for Voltaire and the other French philosophes: “We cannot overrate the debt of gratitude which we owe to these thinkers. For a thousand years Europe had been a prey to intolerant, intolerable visionaries. The common sense of the eighteenth century . . . acted on the world like a bath of moral cleansing. . . . But if men cannot live on bread alone, still less can they do so on disinfectants” (Whitehead). If you are interested, the works by Russell and Adler listed at the end of this section may serve as introductions to these and other philosophers I’ve left out.
G.W.F. Hegel [1770-1831] Hegel is undeniably difficult, but some familiarity with his work is useful to anyone who wishes to engage in the dialectical type of radical practice initiated by Marx and further developed by the situationists. This dialectical method, which Alexander Herzen called �the algebra of revolution,� cuts through traditional logic, revealing the dynamic manner in which things interact, how they divide, merge, grow, decay and are transformed, sometimes even into their opposites. Hegel was a profound thinker, but he was not a clear writer. Commentaries and other secondary readings are thus almost essential. A good starting place might be Peter Singer�s Hegel: A Very Short Introduction. Then try tackling The Philosophy of History. The fact that Hegel is dealing with concrete historical events helps you to see how his ideas play out in practice. The only translation of the complete work is rather old and based on an outdated German edition, but there is a good modern translation of the Introduction, published under the title Lectures on the Philosophy of World History: Introduction (trans. H.B. Nisbet). If you are at home in the history of literature and art, you might try Hegel’s Aesthetics. The two-volume edition under that name (trans. T.M. Knox) is a better translation than the old version entitled The Philosophy of the Fine Arts. Henry Paolucci has edited two volumes of selections: Hegel on Tragedy and Hegel on the Arts. More difficult, but very rich, is The Phenomenology of Spirit. The edition with that title (trans. A.V. Miller, with commentary by J.N. Findlay) is a better translation than the old version entitled The Phenomenology of Mind. Alexandre Koj�ve’s Introduction to the Reading of Hegel discusses selected chapters of the Phenomenology, notably the dialectic between master and slave. Walter Kaufmann’s Hegel: Texts and Commentary contains an annotated translation of the Preface. Other general commentaries include Walter T. Stace’s The Philosophy of Hegel, Herbert Marcuse’s Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory, Jean Hyppolite’s Studies on Marx and Hegel, C.L.R. James’s Notes on Dialectics, J.N. Findlay’s Hegel: A Re-examination, and Walter Kaufmann’s Hegel: A Reinterpretation. [Marx’s Introduction to a Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right] [Theses on Hegel and Marx in Debord’s The Society of the Spectacle]
Ludwig Feuerbach, The Fiery Brook: Selected Writings [1804-1872] A good selection by this important transitional figure, who developed from Hegel’s idealism to a materialistic humanistic philosophy. This advance helped Marx and Engels take the next step: criticizing the passive character of Feuerbach’s humanism in favor of a more active and dialectical perspective. (See The German Ideology (Part I), Marx’s “Theses on Feuerbach” and Engels’s Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy.)
Friedrich Nietzsche [1844-1900] Read Nietzsche as a challenge, not as an authority. Many of his ideas are dubious, but he’s one of the greatest of all thought-provokers. The Portable Nietzsche includes his magnum opus, Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Other important works are The Birth of Tragedy, The Genealogy of Morals, Beyond Good and Evil, Daybreak, and The Gay Science. Ecce Homo is his own very egotistical commentary on himself and his writings. The Will to Power is a posthumous hodgepodge of unpublished notes which can less confidently be considered to represent his thought. Walter Kaufmann’s Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist is probably still the best general study. If nothing else, it refutes the gross distortions to which Nietzsche’s thought has been subjected. (Previously, he was unjustly linked to Nazism and anti-Semitism; in more recent decades he has been enlisted as the supposed ancestor of all sorts of academic hot air, from Heidegger to the postmodernists.)
Alfred North Whitehead, Science and the Modern World [1925] This is an extremely pithy and illuminating examination of the implications of the scientific worldview as it has evolved over the last four centuries. Whitehead sees the world as an infinitely interrelated network of “events” or “processes” rather than as the separate entities assumed by traditional science (at least until the advent of relativity and quantum physics). His “philosophy of organism” has points in common with Taoism and Avatamsaka Buddhism. This does not mean they are the same thing. The trendy books claiming that modern physics verifies Oriental mysticism are mostly superficial and unreliable. If you want an explanation of the merits and limits of science by someone who knows what he’s talking about, read Science and the Modern World. Some parts, especially toward the latter half, are rather abstract and difficult, but you can skim them if necessary and still get a lot out of the remainder. Another good Whitehead book, Adventures of Ideas, deals with more social and cultural issues. Here again some of the more abstract “philosophical” chapters are rather difficult, but the rest of the book is fairly accessible. Even more accessible is Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead (ed. Lucien Price), a series of informal conversations ranging over all sorts of topics.
Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy [1945] This book gives a convenient overview of the major philosophers and philosophical currents, though you should keep in mind that Russell has his own biases and blind spots. He covered the same ground in somewhat more popular form in Wisdom of the West: A Historical Survey of Western Philosophy in Its Social and Political Setting. Russell’s collections of essays (e.g. Unpopular Essays and In Praise of Idleness) are generally quite readable, as is his three-volume Autobiography.
Mortimer Adler, The Syntopicon [1952/1990] This is the two-volume “Index of Ideas” to the Great Books of the Western World set (discussed in the “Books on Books” section). Adler’s introductory essays on 102 basic ideas (e.g. Chance, Emotion, Evolution, God, Government, Happiness, History, Idea, Infinity, Justice, Knowledge, Liberty, Love, Mind, Nature, Revolution, Space, Time, Truth, World) constitute a remarkable achievement — concisely and lucidly summing up the issues and the viewpoints of Western writers and thinkers from the ancient Greeks to the twentieth century. Find the second edition (1990) if you can.
Section from Gateway to the Vast Realms: Recommended Readings from Literature to Revolution, by Ken Knabb (2004).
Around the time of World War One, Hubert Harrison, A. Philip Randolph, and other black socialists argue that racial oppression is caused by capitalism.
West African intellectuals like J.E. Casely-Hayford (pictured) and Mojola Agbebi build upon Edward Blyden’s ideas at the dawn of the twentieth century.
Ficino, Pico, Cardano, and other Renaissance thinkers debate whether astrology and magic are legitimate sciences with a foundation in natural philosophy.
The ANA unites leading African American scholars of the early 20th century, including W.E.B. Du Bois, Paul Laurence Dunbar, William Ferris, Archibald Grimké, and Kelly Miller (pictured).
As promised, here is a tentative episode list for the upcoming series of episodes (63 in total) on "Philosophy in the Reformation" which is shorthand for philosophy in the northern Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, and Catholic/Counter Reformation. Basically, the goal is to cover philosophy around Europe (excluding Italy, which we already did, though we will return there a bit to cover figures like Cajetan) between roughly 1400 and 1600. As you'll see from the list my plan is to organize the material geographically.
I have just recorded the first two episodes of the upcoming series on Philosophy in the Reformation: an introduction and a look at the impact of the printing press. (These will be published on April 25 and May 9.) A full list of projected episodes is coming soon!
It turns out that without noticing it, I have released 500 episodes of the History of Philosophy podcast! We're only up to 367 in the main series but if you include the Indian and Africana series, then the 500th episode was actually number 366 on Renaissance magic. I think Ficino would be pleased.
And thanks to my Uncle Fred for pointing this out.
Many thanks to Rafael Abuchedid who has translated one of my articles,"One of a Kind: Plotinus and Porphyry on Unique Instantiation," into Spanish. It's here free online, in two parts:
As you'll have noticed we are just about up to the year 1900 in the Africana Philosophy series, which means we'll soon be launching into the third, and by far most extensive, section of that series. It will make for a whole book's worth of episodes, beginning on Jan 24 with episode 68. Here is our tentative list of episodes, which will surely change a bit as we go along; suggestions welcome! Please note that interviews are not included in the list.
Very pleased to direct your attention to this new publication: Dimitrios Vasilakis, Eros in Neoplatonism and its Reception in Christian Philosophy: Exploring Love in Plotinus, Proclus and Dionysius the Areopagite, from Bloomsbury Press! This is based on a PhD dissertation written under my supervision at King's College London.
I am thrilled to say that I have received the 2020 Schelling Prize from the Bavarian Academy of Sciences for work on multiculturalism in a historical perspective. It is named after Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, who I will get to eventually in the podcast!
I'll be speaking tomorrow (Nov 19) at 5 pm Munich time at the American University of Beirut (via Zoom) on al-Razi's physics as a correction of Aristotle. Register here!
Not sure if this will be recorded; if so I will post the link here later.
Peter Adamson, Professor of Philosophy at the LMU in Munich and at King's College London, takes listeners through the history of philosophy, "without any gaps." The series looks at the ideas, lives and historical context of the major philosophers as well as the lesser-known figures of the tradition.
Series of podcast episodes (MP3 files) are grouped together as RSS feeds (requiring an RSS reader such as Feedly or a podcatcher), zip files (requring a zip tool such as 7-zip to unzip the downloaded file) and bit torrent files (requiring a bit torrent client such as µTorrent to open the downloaded file.)
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+ Sophia Perennis, Home Page
The Feathered Sun... is found on buffalo hides used as cloaks and occasionally as a background for ceremonies. The Sun is composed of concentric circles formed of stylized eagle feathers; the resulting impression is particularly evocative in that the symbol simultaneously suggests center, radiation, power, and majesty. (The Feathered Sun: Plains Indians in Art and Philosophy [Bloomington, IN: World Wisdom Books, 1990], p. 100.)
"The Sophia Perennis is to know the total Truth and, consequently, to will the Good and love Beauty; and this in conformity to this Truth, hence with full awareness of the reasons for doing so." [Racines de la condition humaine, Frithjof Schuon, p. 145]
"This Canticle of the Divine Name is in the pure lineage of mystical poetry. Each text provides a station in which one's spirit may rest." - Jean Bies, philosopher and author.
"Above the clouds of our day to day live there shines the ever-constant Sun of the Immutable Spirit. It is a rare joy to be reminded of the rare truth of the aphorisms contained in this beautiful book. Each of them is a ray of light that both illuminates and warms, and reveals the Path of Return." - Barry McDonald
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+ Plato and Meinong
+ Home Page
+ Plato and Meinong
The graphic image displayed just above is difficult to resolve. Does it depict the ancient Greek philosopher Plato or the 19/20th century Austrian philosopher Alexius Meinong? Some philosophers would consider it sacrilege to suggest a connection between the ideas of these two philosophers. After all, Plato thought:
that distinct concrete objects could be classified together whenever they both ‘participate’ in the same abstract Form, such as the Form of a Human or the Form of Quartz or the Form of an Atom;
that the Forms (which may include mathematical objects) are proper subjects of philosophical investigation, for they have the highest degree of reality;
that ordinary objects, such as humans, trees, and stones, have a lower degree of reality than the Forms; and
that fictions, shadows, and the like had a still lower degree of reality than ordinary objects and so are not proper subjects of philosophical enquiry.
Meinong, on the other hand, seemed to take fictional and other nonexistent objects quite seriously as objects worthy of philosophical study, but at the same time he paradoxically suggested that they had no kind of being or reality whatsoever (so he seems to attribute even less reality to them than Plato did). For example, Meinong regarded such things as the fountain of youth, the golden mountain, and the round square as genuine objects, despite their nonexistence or lack of being.
The research in this lab, however, suggests that the work of Meinong's student Ernst Mally provides a link between the ideas of Plato and Meinong. Platonic Forms and mathematical objects, on the one hand, and Meinongian objects and fictional objects, on the other hand, can be systematically understood from the point of view of a single metaphysical theory which is based on Mally's distinction between two modes of predication (encoding and exemplification). Forms, mathematical objects, Meinongian objects, and fictions may be species of abstract objects that encode properties. The Forms are abstract objects that encode a single property; mathematical objects are abstracta that encode just the properties attributed to them in their respective mathematical theories; and Meinongian and fictional objects such as the round square, flying horses, unicorns, Zeus, etc., encode their defining properties rather than exemplify them. The notions of encoding and exemplifying a property are fundamental to the theory, and they are explained in more detail in the document The Theory of Abstract Objects.
The connection between the ideas of Plato and Meinong has been documented in a paper coauthored by F. Jeffry Pelletier and Edward N. Zalta entitled ‘How to Say Goodbye to the Third Man’. In this paper, the authors show how to connect the theory of abstract objects with the work of Constance Meinwald, in her book Plato's Parmenides (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991) and in her article, ‘Good-bye to the Third Man’ (in the Cambridge Companion to Plato, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992). Meinwald found evidence that there is a distinction between two kinds of predication in Plato. Meinwald finds support for the idea that when Plato predicates the property P of the Form of P (e.g., in such statements as ‘The Just is just’ and ‘Beauty is beautiful’), he uses a special mode of predication. This is a predication of the form "A is B in relation to itself" (the Greek pros heauto is the phrase Plato uses to mark the predication "in relation to itself"). By contrast, when Plato predicates the property P of ordinary objects (e.g., in such statements as ‘Aristides is just’ and ‘Helen of Troy is beautiful’), he uses the mode of predication "A is B in relation to others" (marked by the Greek pros ta alla). These two kinds of predication are similar, if not identical, to the distinction between encoding a property and exemplifying a property, i.e., the distinction which underlies the theory of abstract objects. This is shown in the paper by Pelletier and Zalta. This paper extends the basic model of Plato's Forms first developed on pp. 41-47 of Edward N. Zalta's book, Abstract Objects: An Introduction to Axiomatic Metaphysics (Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1983). This material forms Section 5 of the monograph Principia Metaphysica.
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+ PuTTY: a free SSH and Telnet client
PuTTY is a free implementation of SSH and Telnet for Windows and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. It is written and maintained primarily by Simon Tatham.
LEGAL WARNING: Use of PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP and Plink is illegal in countries where encryption is outlawed. We believe it is legal to use PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP and Plink in England and Wales and in many other countries, but we are not lawyers, and so if in doubt you should seek legal advice before downloading it. You may find useful information at cryptolaw.org, which collects information on cryptography laws in many countries, but we can't vouch for its correctness.
Use of the Telnet-only binary (PuTTYtel) is unrestricted by any cryptography laws.
Latest news
2017-07-08 PuTTY 0.70 released, containing security and bug fixes
PuTTY 0.70, released today, fixes further problems with Windows DLL hijacking, and also fixes a small number of bugs in 0.69, including broken printing support and Unicode keyboard input on Windows.
2017-04-29 PuTTY 0.69 released, containing security and bug fixes
PuTTY 0.69, released today, fixes further problems with Windows DLL hijacking, and also fixes a small number of bugs in 0.68, including broken MIT Kerberos support and the lack of jump lists on the Start Menu.
2017-02-21 PuTTY 0.68 released, containing ECC, a 64-bit build, and security fixes
PuTTY 0.68, released today, supports elliptic-curve cryptography for host keys, user authentication keys, and key exchange. Also, for the first time, it comes in a 64-bit Windows version.
0.68 also contains some security fixes: a vulnerability in agent forwarding is fixed, and Windows DLL hijacking should no longer be possible.
2017-01-21 Win64 builds and website redesign
We're now offering 64-bit Windows builds of PuTTY, alongside the 32-bit ones we've always provided.
Right now, the 64-bit builds work as far as we know, but they haven't had as much testing as the 32-bit ones. So we're still considering the 32-bit builds to be more likely to be stable. However, if you have any reason to want to use a 64-bit build (e.g. it needs to load a 64-bit supporting DLL for something like GSSAPI), or if you just feel like trying out the new builds, then please let us know if you have any trouble.
We've also redesigned our website. The old Download page isn't there any more: instead, we have separate pages for the latest release and the development snapshots. Also, you can find past release builds of PuTTY by following links from the Changes page, in case those are useful to you. (However, most of them have known vulnerabilities these days; we don't recommend you use any vulnerable past release if you can avoid it.)
2016-03-10 Switching to MSI-format Windows installer
We're switching to the MSI format for PuTTY's Windows installer (generated by the WiX toolset).
Mostly this is because of the report late last year that Windows installers created by Inno Setup are vulnerable to being hijacked by particular DLLs left in the same directory (such as your browser downloads directory).
However, MSI also provides some other useful features, including automated silent install/uninstall via msiexec /q, and also the ability to automatically put the PuTTY install directory on the PATH so that Command Prompts can run PSCP without any fuss.
The development snapshots will now have MSI installers, and we have also retrospectively generated an MSI installer for the recent 0.67 release. Sorry we didn't have it ready in time – MSI is quite complicated if you're not an expert, and it took a long time to get it to work!
For the moment, we're still providing Inno Setup installers as well, in case anyone has trouble with our new and not-very-tested MSIs. But we recommend that people use the MSI if possible, and if you must use the Inno Setup installer, make sure to put it in an empty directory before running it.
2016-03-05 PuTTY 0.67 released, fixing a SECURITY HOLE
PuTTY 0.67, released today, fixes a security hole in 0.66 and before: vuln-pscp-sink-sscanf. It also contains a few other small bug fixes.
Also, for the first time, the Windows executables in this release (including the installer) are signed using an Authenticode certificate, to help protect against tampering in transit from our website or after downloading. You should find that they list "Simon Tatham" as the verified publisher.
2015-11-07 PuTTY 0.66 released, fixing a SECURITY HOLE
PuTTY 0.66, released today, fixes a security hole in 0.65 and before: vuln-ech-overflow. It also contains a few other small bug fixes and minor features.
2015-09-02 GPG key rollover
This week we've generated a fresh set of GPG keys for signing PuTTY release and snapshot builds. We will begin signing snapshots with the new snapshot key, and future releases with the new release key. The new master key is signed with the old master keys, of course. See the keys page for more information.
PuTTY 0.65, released today, fixes the Vista bug where the configuration dialog became invisible, and a few other bugs, large and small.
2015-06-21 Pre-releases of 0.65 now available
We're working towards a 0.65 release. This will be a bug-fix release: it will not contain the various new cryptographic features in the development snapshots, but it will contain large and small bug fixes over 0.64, including in particular a fix for the recent Vista-specific bug in which the configuration dialog becomes invisible. We'd appreciate testing of the pre-release builds, which are available from the Download page as usual.
2015-05-19 Malware pretending to be PuTTY
A Symantec blog post warns that a trojaned copy of PuTTY has been detected in the wild. Fortunately, it's easily recognisable by its version identification ("Unidentified build, Nov 29 2013 21:41:02"). If you've encountered this version, we suggest you treat any machine that's run the malicious version as potentially compromised, change any passwords that might have been stolen, and resecure the accounts they protect.
2015-04-19 PuTTY detected as malware
We've had several reports recently of anti-virus software reporting PuTTY as malware (under a wide variety of names, often generic). This affects the latest release (0.64) and also the development snapshots (particularly puttygen.exe).
We believe these are false positives. In those cases where we've been able to contact the vendor (McAfee, Symantec, ClamAV), they have removed the detection.
However, most vendors' false-positive response is to whitelist specific binaries. While this will resolve detections of the 0.64 release, expect detections to recur with the development snapshots, which are built daily.
We've had no success requesting AV software vendors to perform more in-depth analysis. If this is causing trouble for you, and you have a support contract with your AV vendor, please query the detection with them directly.
Subscribe to the PuTTY-announce mailing list to be notified of new releases.
Feedback and bug reporting: contact address and guidelines. Please read the guidelines before sending us mail; we get a very large amount of mail and it will help us answer you more quickly.
+ If you want to comment on this web site, see the Feedback page.
+ (last modified on Sat Jul 8 08:07:19 2017)
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+ PC Engines GmbH - FAQ, HowTo, etc. ...
This webpage contains a collection of answers to frequently asked questions and problems people have.
+ Suggestions, corrections, additions, etc. may be sent to support1207[at]pcengines.ch
+ Please also see our forum for more information at pcengines.info/forums
+ The output of the BIOS redirected to the serial port can be disabled, this can be useful when the port is needed for a controlling device.
+ "May the Null modem cable be with you!"
+ Setting up of a bootable drive to support apu flash upgrades can be a bit tricky.
+ TinyCore Linux is a small system that boots up quite quickly. The apu board can boot TinyCore from an USB memory stick or from an SD card in the internal slot.
+ Please visit http://linux.voyage.hk/.
+ The root password of Voyage Linux is 'voyage'.
How to prepare any storage device with Voyage Linux on any Linux machine based on the official Voyage tarball:
run some Linux, perhaps Voyage Linux on an alix board or any other PC
attach the target storage device
get the Voyage Linux tar.gz file, wget http://...
decompress the image with tar xfvj
cd into the new directory and execute ./usr/local/sbin/voyage.update and follow the steps
Instead of getting an USB-mSATA adapter for a single use, you can boot the apu from USB and write an image on the mSATA inserted in the apu board.
+ To install Voyage Linux on an mSATA module follow these steps:
+ Many installation images do not redirect the console to the serial port.
+ The redirection is usually needed in two places.
the bootloader: see syslinux.cfg
the console prompt: /etc/inittab which might need something like this: ttyS0::respawn:/sbin/getty -nl /sbin/autologin 115200 ttyS0
+ Linux installation images usually have a compressed filesystem like initrd.gz which can be expanded. After changing some files, it can be compressed again.
+ These are the typical steps:
gunzip initrd.gz (returns one file called 'initrd')
boot via iPXE and get the installation image directly from IPfire via HTTP without the need of preparing a bootable storage device.
+ These are the steps:
enable network boot in the apu BIOS setup
boot the apu and press CTRL-B to get into the iPXE console
receive an IP address from your local DHCP Server by typing: ifconf
+ Option 1: Ubuntu
+ The unmodified files 'initrd.gz' and 'linux' from mini.iso plus a modified 'syslinux.cfg' can be found here.
+ This allows an easy installation of Ubuntu on apu boards.
+ Simply add these three files to the FAT partition of an USB stick previously prepared with the TinyCore USB installer v1.8.
+ Here is another guide to prepare an USB stick with Ubuntu 16.04
+ Option 2: Ubuntu Server installation
make an USB stick bootable with syslinux or use the convenient TinyCore USB installer. The USB installer labels the disc TINYCORE, which syslinux.cfg refers to, change as needed, see below
copy all folders from the CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal.iso to the USB drive
change the content of syslinux.cfg in the root directory of the USB drive to this:
Download the latest ESXi installer .ISO image from VMware (ESXi Version 6.0.0 Update2 or later is needed)
Write the ESXi installer .iso file to a USB memstick. Rufus on Windows is recommended. Allow Rufus to update menu.c32.
After the flashing process is complete, edit one line in the file boot.cfg file in the root directory of the USB stick like this: kernelopt=runweasel text nofb com1_baud=115200 com1_Port=0x3f8 tty2Port=com1 gdbPort=none logPort=none
Boot the apu1/apu2 board with the USB stick and install ESXi on the SD or on the mSATA
After the installation succeeded, the same change in boot.cfg needs to be done on the SD/mSATA to redirect the console to the serial port. Boot the apu board with TinyCore and edit the file.
Once the apu successfully started ESXi as shown below, start VMware and connect to the remote server.
Open a browser with the provided address and start the vSphere Web Client. Or use the depricated 'VMware vSphere Client' (Windows only) can help configure the host and the guest. Please see VMware Knowledge Base
Avoid Sierra Wireless modules ending with a "V" standing for voice, as they have a proprietary pinout.
Many usefull informations can also be found here: TXLAB.
Hint: check for SIM card with: AT+CMEE=2 AT+cpin?
+ The MAC address of the first NIC on all PC Engines boards is derived of its serial number, the following NICs have subsequent addresses.
+ This is the conversion from MAC ID to serial number and vice versa:
MAC ID = 00:0d:b9 (our OUI) : (serial + 64) * 4 serial = (MAC ID & 0x000000FFFFFF) / 4 - 64
Serial number
The LED's on the boards are connected as inputs, and should be removed if these signals are intended to be used GPIOs.
+ Otherwise the LEDs will die due to the appllied 3.3V.
+ The button S1 is also a regular GPIO connected to the CPU.
The LEDs are D4, D5, D6 plus the button S1, which all are also connected to J13.
+ For additional GPIOs an I2C IO-Expander from various chip manufacturer are available, like NXP or TI. There are also many inexpensive easy to use modules available at aliexpress.com.
+ Also see here and here.
Prepare an USB stick with TinyCore, add the compressed image to the stick and boot the apu board with it.
+ Use the command "fdisk -l" to determine the device name of the target storage.
+ In the following commands it is presumed that /dev/sdX is the target device name (but sda or sdb is more likely):
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+ J. David Eisenberg's Chronological Resume by Skills
Convert instructional material for SofSource to HTML and Javascript
Sample Javascript calendar program was used as an example in the book Teach Yourself JavaScript in a Week by Arman Danesh, published by Sams (ISBN: 1575210738).
Contractor at Apple Integration Quality group from March to September 1996. Duties included writing testing tools for floppy disk driver and Open Firmware. Tools were written in Metrowerks C with utility programs in perl.
Here is a list of products I have worked on. They are in the form of
Product name (year produced) Programming tools used in product
W.K.Bradford´sThe Algebra Class (1996) Macintosh CodeWarrior / PowerPlant
Consulting programmer, PLATO Computer-Assisted Instruction Language Laboratory at University of Illinois.
Lead programmer, University of Illinois PLATO Modern Hebrew CAI project
Co-author of Beginning Tutor, textbook used with programming classes at University of Illinois PLATO project. Other authors: Tom Schaefges and Roberta Stock
Languages (human)
Spanish (excellent)
Russian (good)
Korean (beginning)
Modern Greek (beginning)
Mandarin Chinese (beginning)
German (reading only)
French, Hebrew, Dutch (smatterings)
American Sign Language (beginning)
M.S. in Psychology (Applied Measurement Option) Sept. 1973-Dec. 1974
B.S. in Mathematics (Computer Science Minor) Feb. 1970-June 1973 Both from University of Illinois, Urbana IL
Skill Summary: Computer Systems and Languages
WWW Perl HTML 4.0 JavaScript Java CGI CSS Dynamic HTML
UNIX vi file manipulation shell scripting Linux setup Apache setup MySQL operations
Macintosh Macintosh Toolbox CodeWarrior Metrowerks C++ PowerPlant Think C with TCL (Think Class Library) Think Pascal ResEdit
This is a guide to providing feedback to the PuTTY development team. It is provided as both a web page on the PuTTY site, and an appendix in the PuTTY manual.
Section B.1 gives some general guidelines for sending any kind of e-mail to the development team. Following sections give more specific guidelines for particular types of e-mail, such as bug reports and feature requests.
B.1 General guidelines
The PuTTY development team gets a lot of mail. If you can possibly solve your own problem by reading the manual, reading the FAQ, reading the web site, asking a fellow user, perhaps posting to a newsgroup (see section B.1.2), or some other means, then it would make our lives much easier.
We get so much e-mail that we literally do not have time to answer it all. We regret this, but there's nothing we can do about it. So if you can possibly avoid sending mail to the PuTTY team, we recommend you do so. In particular, support requests (section B.6) are probably better sent to newsgroups, or passed to a local expert if possible.
The PuTTY contact email address is a private mailing list containing four or five core developers. Don't be put off by it being a mailing list: if you need to send confidential data as part of a bug report, you can trust the people on the list to respect that confidence. Also, the archives aren't publicly available, so you shouldn't be letting yourself in for any spam by sending us mail.
Please use a meaningful subject line on your message. We get a lot of mail, and it's hard to find the message we're looking for if they all have subject lines like ‘PuTTY bug’.
B.1.1 Sending large attachments
Since the PuTTY contact address is a mailing list, e-mails larger than 40Kb will be held for inspection by the list administrator, and will not be allowed through unless they really appear to be worth their large size.
If you are considering sending any kind of large data file to the PuTTY team, it's almost always a bad idea, or at the very least it would be better to ask us first whether we actually need the file. Alternatively, you could put the file on a web site and just send us the URL; that way, we don't have to download it unless we decide we actually need it, and only one of us needs to download it instead of it being automatically copied to all the developers.
(If the file contains confidential information, then you could encrypt it with our Secure Contact Key; see section F.1 for details. Please only use this for information that needs to be confidential.)
Some people like to send mail in MS Word format. Please don't send us bug reports, or any other mail, as a Word document. Word documents are roughly fifty times larger than writing the same report in plain text. In addition, most of the PuTTY team read their e-mail on Unix machines, so copying the file to a Windows box to run Word is very inconvenient. Not only that, but several of us don't even have a copy of Word!
Some people like to send us screen shots when demonstrating a problem. Please don't do this without checking with us first - we almost never actually need the information in the screen shot. Sending a screen shot of an error box is almost certainly unnecessary when you could just tell us in plain text what the error was. (On some versions of Windows, pressing Ctrl-C when the error box is displayed will copy the text of the message to the clipboard.) Sending a full-screen shot is occasionally useful, but it's probably still wise to check whether we need it before sending it.
If you must mail a screen shot, don't send it as a .BMP file. BMPs have no compression and they are much larger than other image formats such as PNG, TIFF and GIF. Convert the file to a properly compressed image format before sending it.
Please don't mail us executables, at all. Our mail server blocks all incoming e-mail containing executables, as a defence against the vast numbers of e-mail viruses we receive every day. If you mail us an executable, it will just bounce.
If you have made a tiny modification to the PuTTY code, please send us a patch to the source code if possible, rather than sending us a huge .ZIP file containing the complete sources plus your modification. If you've only changed 10 lines, we'd prefer to receive a mail that's 30 lines long than one containing multiple megabytes of data we already have.
B.1.2 Other places to ask for help
There are two Usenet newsgroups that are particularly relevant to the PuTTY tools:
comp.security.ssh, for questions specific to using the SSH protocol;
comp.terminals, for issues relating to terminal emulation (for instance, keyboard problems).
Please use the newsgroup most appropriate to your query, and remember that these are general newsgroups, not specifically about PuTTY.
If you don't have direct access to Usenet, you can access these newsgroups through Google Groups (groups.google.com).
B.2 Reporting bugs
If you think you have found a bug in PuTTY, your first steps should be:
Check the Wishlist page on the PuTTY website, and see if we already know about the problem. If we do, it is almost certainly not necessary to mail us about it, unless you think you have extra information that might be helpful to us in fixing it. (Of course, if we actually need specific extra information about a particular bug, the Wishlist page will say so.)
Check the Change Log on the PuTTY website, and see if we have already fixed the bug in the development snapshots.
Check the FAQ on the PuTTY website (also provided as appendix A in the manual), and see if it answers your question. The FAQ lists the most common things which people think are bugs, but which aren't bugs.
Download the latest development snapshot and see if the problem still happens with that. This really is worth doing. As a general rule we aren't very interested in bugs that appear in the release version but not in the development version, because that usually means they are bugs we have already fixed. On the other hand, if you can find a bug in the development version that doesn't appear in the release, that's likely to be a new bug we've introduced since the release and we're definitely interested in it.
If none of those options solved your problem, and you still need to report a bug to us, it is useful if you include some general information:
Tell us what version of PuTTY you are running. To find this out, use the ‘About PuTTY’ option from the System menu. Please do not just tell us ‘I'm running the latest version’; e-mail can be delayed and it may not be obvious which version was the latest at the time you sent the message.
PuTTY is a multi-platform application; tell us what version of what OS you are running PuTTY on. (If you're running on Unix, or Windows for Arm, tell us, or we'll assume you're running on Windows for Intel as this is overwhelmingly the case.)
Tell us what protocol you are connecting with: SSH, Telnet, Rlogin, SUPDUP, or Raw mode, or a serial connection.
Tell us what kind of server you are connecting to; what OS, and if possible what SSH server (if you're using SSH). You can get some of this information from the PuTTY Event Log (see section in the manual).
Send us the contents of the PuTTY Event Log, unless you have a specific reason not to (for example, if it contains confidential information that you think we should be able to solve your problem without needing to know).
Try to give us as much information as you can to help us see the problem for ourselves. If possible, give us a step-by-step sequence of precise instructions for reproducing the fault.
Don't just tell us that PuTTY ‘does the wrong thing’; tell us exactly and precisely what it did, and also tell us exactly and precisely what you think it should have done instead. Some people tell us PuTTY does the wrong thing, and it turns out that it was doing the right thing and their expectations were wrong. Help to avoid this problem by telling us exactly what you think it should have done, and exactly what it did do.
If you think you can, you're welcome to try to fix the problem yourself. A patch to the code which fixes a bug is an excellent addition to a bug report. However, a patch is never a substitute for a good bug report; if your patch is wrong or inappropriate, and you haven't supplied us with full information about the actual bug, then we won't be able to find a better solution.
https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html is an article on how to report bugs effectively in general. If your bug report is particularly unclear, we may ask you to go away, read this article, and then report the bug again.
It is reasonable to report bugs in PuTTY's documentation, if you think the documentation is unclear or unhelpful. But we do need to be given exact details of what you think the documentation has failed to tell you, or how you think it could be made clearer. If your problem is simply that you don't understand the documentation, we suggest posting to a newsgroup (see section B.1.2) and seeing if someone will explain what you need to know. Then, if you think the documentation could usefully have told you that, send us a bug report and explain how you think we should change it.
B.3 Reporting security vulnerabilities
If you've found a security vulnerability in PuTTY, you might well want to notify us using an encrypted communications channel, to avoid disclosing information about the vulnerability before a fixed release is available.
For this purpose, we provide a GPG key suitable for encryption: the Secure Contact Key. See section F.1 for details of this.
(Of course, vulnerabilities are also bugs, so please do include as much information as possible about them, the same way you would with any other bug report.)
B.4 Requesting extra features
If you want to request a new feature in PuTTY, the very first things you should do are:
Check the Wishlist page on the PuTTY website, and see if your feature is already on the list. If it is, it probably won't achieve very much to repeat the request. (But see section B.5 if you want to persuade us to give your particular feature higher priority.)
Check the Wishlist and Change Log on the PuTTY website, and see if we have already added your feature in the development snapshots. If it isn't clear, download the latest development snapshot and see if the feature is present. If it is, then it will also be in the next release and there is no need to mail us at all.
If you can't find your feature in either the development snapshots or the Wishlist, then you probably do need to submit a feature request. Since the PuTTY authors are very busy, it helps if you try to do some of the work for us:
Do as much of the design as you can. Think about ‘corner cases’; think about how your feature interacts with other existing features. Think about the user interface; if you can't come up with a simple and intuitive interface to your feature, you shouldn't be surprised if we can't either. Always imagine whether it's possible for there to be more than one, or less than one, of something you'd assumed there would be one of. (For example, if you were to want PuTTY to put an icon in the System tray rather than the Taskbar, you should think about what happens if there's more than one PuTTY active; how would the user tell which was which?)
If you can program, it may be worth offering to write the feature yourself and send us a patch. However, it is likely to be helpful if you confer with us first; there may be design issues you haven't thought of, or we may be about to make big changes to the code which your patch would clash with, or something. If you check with the maintainers first, there is a better chance of your code actually being usable. Also, read the design principles listed in appendix E: if you do not conform to them, we will probably not be able to accept your patch.
B.5 Requesting features that have already been requested
If a feature is already listed on the Wishlist, then it usually means we would like to add it to PuTTY at some point. However, this may not be in the near future. If there's a feature on the Wishlist which you would like to see in the near future, there are several things you can do to try to increase its priority level:
Mail us and vote for it. (Be sure to mention that you've seen it on the Wishlist, or we might think you haven't even read the Wishlist). This probably won't have very much effect; if a huge number of people vote for something then it may make a difference, but one or two extra votes for a particular feature are unlikely to change our priority list immediately. Offering a new and compelling justification might help. Also, don't expect a reply.
Offer us money if we do the work sooner rather than later. This sometimes works, but not always. The PuTTY team all have full-time jobs and we're doing all of this work in our free time; we may sometimes be willing to give up some more of our free time in exchange for some money, but if you try to bribe us for a big feature it's entirely possible that we simply won't have the time to spare - whether you pay us or not. (Also, we don't accept bribes to add bad features to the Wishlist, because our desire to provide high-quality software to the users comes first.)
Offer to help us write the code. This is probably the only way to get a feature implemented quickly, if it's a big one that we don't have time to do ourselves.
B.6 Support requests
If you're trying to make PuTTY do something for you and it isn't working, but you're not sure whether it's a bug or not, then please consider looking for help somewhere else. This is one of the most common types of mail the PuTTY team receives, and we simply don't have time to answer all the questions. Questions of this type include:
If you want to do something with PuTTY but have no idea where to start, and reading the manual hasn't helped, try posting to a newsgroup (see section B.1.2) and see if someone can explain it to you.
If you have tried to do something with PuTTY but it hasn't worked, and you aren't sure whether it's a bug in PuTTY or a bug in your SSH server or simply that you're not doing it right, then try posting to a newsgroup (see section B.1.2) and see if someone can solve your problem. Or try doing the same thing with a different SSH client and see if it works with that. Please do not report it as a PuTTY bug unless you are really sure it is a bug in PuTTY.
If someone else installed PuTTY for you, or you're using PuTTY on someone else's computer, try asking them for help first. They're more likely to understand how they installed it and what they expected you to use it for than we are.
If you have successfully made a connection to your server and now need to know what to type at the server's command prompt, or other details of how to use the server-end software, talk to your server's system administrator. This is not the PuTTY team's problem. PuTTY is only a communications tool, like a telephone; if you can't speak the same language as the person at the other end of the phone, it isn't the telephone company's job to teach it to you.
If you absolutely cannot get a support question answered any other way, you can try mailing it to us, but we can't guarantee to have time to answer it.
B.7 Web server administration
If the PuTTY web site is down (Connection Timed Out), please don't bother mailing us to tell us about it. Most of us read our e-mail on the same machines that host the web site, so if those machines are down then we will notice before we read our e-mail. So there's no point telling us our servers are down.
Of course, if the web site has some other error (Connection Refused, 404 Not Found, 403 Forbidden, or something else) then we might not have noticed and it might still be worth telling us about it.
If you want to report a problem with our web site, check that you're looking at our real web site and not a mirror. The real web site is at https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/; if that's not where you're reading this, then don't report the problem to us until you've checked that it's really a problem with the main site. If it's only a problem with the mirror, you should try to contact the administrator of that mirror site first, and only contact us if that doesn't solve the problem (in case we need to remove the mirror from our list).
B.8 Asking permission for things
PuTTY is distributed under the MIT Licence (see appendix D for details). This means you can do almost anything you like with our software, our source code, and our documentation. The only things you aren't allowed to do are to remove our copyright notices or the licence text itself, or to hold us legally responsible if something goes wrong.
So if you want permission to include PuTTY on a magazine cover disk, or as part of a collection of useful software on a CD or a web site, then permission is already granted. You don't have to mail us and ask. Just go ahead and do it. We don't mind.
(If you want to distribute PuTTY alongside your own application for use with that application, or if you want to distribute PuTTY within your own organisation, then we recommend, but do not insist, that you offer your own first-line technical support, to answer questions about the interaction of PuTTY with your environment. If your users mail us directly, we won't be able to tell them anything useful about your specific setup.)
If you want to use parts of the PuTTY source code in another program, then it might be worth mailing us to talk about technical details, but if all you want is to ask permission then you don't need to bother. You already have permission.
If you just want to link to our web site, just go ahead. (It's not clear that we could stop you doing this, even if we wanted to!)
B.9 Mirroring the PuTTY web site
If you want to set up a mirror of the PuTTY website, go ahead and set one up. Please don't bother asking us for permission before setting up a mirror. You already have permission.
If the mirror is in a country where we don't already have plenty of mirrors, we may be willing to add it to the list on our mirrors page. Read the guidelines on that page, make sure your mirror works, and email us the information listed at the bottom of the page.
Note that we do not promise to list your mirror: we get a lot of mirror notifications and yours may not happen to find its way to the top of the list.
Also note that we link to all our mirror sites using the rel="nofollow" attribute. Running a PuTTY mirror is not intended to be a cheap way to gain search rankings.
If you have technical questions about the process of mirroring, then you might want to mail us before setting up the mirror (see also the guidelines on the Mirrors page); but if you just want to ask for permission, you don't need to. You already have permission.
B.10 Praise and compliments
One of the most rewarding things about maintaining free software is getting e-mails that just say ‘thanks’. We are always happy to receive e-mails of this type.
Regrettably we don't have time to answer them all in person. If you mail us a compliment and don't receive a reply, please don't think we've ignored you. We did receive it and we were happy about it; we just didn't have time to tell you so personally.
To everyone who's ever sent us praise and compliments, in the past and the future: you're welcome!
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+ Plato
+ Highlight from Winter 1993 CS Alumni News
Whatever happened to Plato?
by H. George Friedman, Professor
A lot of U of I alumni remember the comptuerized teaching system Plato. If you ask around the campus today, however, many people won't recognize the name. Plato has become something of a victim of its own success.
Plato was developed, as you probably recall, right here at UIUC, in the Computer-Based Education Research Laboratory (CERL). Eventually, agreements were reached with Control Data Corp (CDC) to develop and market Plato, and most rights to the name were sold to CDC at that time. The university retained the right to use the name Plato on the machine operated by UIUC.
Eventually, CDC pulled back from their Plato effort and sold the name and many of their rights to the system to The Roach Organization (TRO). Today, the name Plato identified the TRO product in the CAI field. TRO's Plato is essentially the same system that was developed at CERL. Just to make things more complicated, CDC stayed in the CAI business, and therefore had to change the names of their CAI product. They chose to call it Cybis. So Cybis is essentailly the same system as Plato.
Meanwhile, back at the university, CERL began some new development directions. A new version of Plato was started using satellite transmission from the central system to the remote terminals. This was christened NovaNET. About the same time, the old CDC Cyber central computers were retired in favor of CERL-designed comptuer boards called Zephyr processors. These accept the same machine instructions as the Cybers, in a smultprocessing environment, so the same system can run on the Zephyrs.
A new company, University Communications Inc. (UCI), was set up to market NovaNET service. The name Plato was phased out of UIUC operations to ensure that there was no encroachment on the trade mark rights of CDC and TRO. So CERL continued to operate, only now the service formerly called Plato was called NovaNET.
The latest chapter in this sata is the agreement between the universtiy and UCI for UCI to take over all NovaNET opeaations, with a three-year phase-in period. At this writing (November 1993), UCI is in control of NovaNET operations. CERL itslef will be closed in the summer of 1994. Many CERL employees have already transferred either to UCVI or to other positions, both inside and outside the university.
So Plato lives on, with TRO. It has a twin, Cybis, which lives on at CDC. And it has a new sibling, NovaNET, which lives on with UCI.
+ Comments to: alumni@cs.uiuc.edu
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+ AT&T Long Lines: Plato Center, IL
This page contains download links for PuTTY release 0.56.
0.56, released on 2004-10-26, is not the latest release. See the Latest Release page for the most up-to-date release (currently 0.73).
Past releases of PuTTY are versions we thought were reasonably likely to work well, at the time they were released. However, later releases will almost always have fixed bugs and/or added new features. If you have a problem with this release, please try the latest release, to see if the problem has already been fixed.
This release has known security vulnerabilities. Consider using a later release instead, such as the latest version, 0.73.
You probably want one of these. They include versions of all the PuTTY utilities.
SECURITY WARNING: The main installer for this release was built with a version of Inno Setup that had a DLL hijacking vulnerability. If you need to run this file, copy it into an empty directory first, to prevent attack by malicious DLLs in your download directory.
The installer packages above will provide versions of all of these (except PuTTYtel), but you can download standalone binaries one by one if you prefer.
October 11th, 2007 at 6:29 pm +
Hello there!.. how are you?… I know this is off topic nad I don’t even know what Linux is, but I just want to say thank you for visiting WEBVH1.com :)
+By the way, what is Linux?…
+October 15th, 2007 at 9:00 pm +
[…] to Linux By Examples for the initial howto. Posted in Linux, Shell, Short Tip, […]
+October 16th, 2007 at 7:16 pm +
great tip. I like the idea that you can call mount your root partition with simply: LABEL=Root too.
+October 22nd, 2007 at 5:29 am +
Thanks for writing this.
+It came in handy today. I upgraded my machine to Ubuntu 7.10 on Friday and had no problems, but this morning, my partner installed Kubuntu 7.10 and had had all kinds of problems because he uses 7 different drives on two different controllers. The problems he ran into was because the new kernel changed the /dev/sd & hd device names.
+We finally got around it by unhooking all but the volume we used for the root file system, and then added the other drives into fstab via the UUID method.
+I remembered reading this a few days ago so I came back to refresh my memory on how to see each device’s UUID.
+So, thanks again!
+October 30th, 2007 at 4:06 am +
A word of caution:
+I configured my /etc/fstab to use UUID for the root partition (default with Feisty Fawn install) and the laptop ran out of power during a normal user session, with some file corruption.
+Upon reboot the file system check for the root partition was forced, and this check failed for some reason. I used the Ubuntu Live CD to fsck the root partition and there was no problem, but still on boot the system still forced me to do the same file system check and it would fail yet again, no matter how many times I tried.
+I used the Live CD to look at /etc/fstab and saw the UUID statements. I replaced the line for the root partition with the old-fashioned way (/dev/sda1) – this time the file system check passed and the boot continued ok.
+I am sure that people with less patience would have probably reinstalled or swapped back to an evil OS for this reason alone.
+October 30th, 2007 at 10:04 pm +
+I just wanted how this uuids are assigned? Is this done by linux? What would happen to the uuid if i formatted the drive/partition?
+October 30th, 2007 at 11:32 pm +
Roonaldo: I have no idea how uuid calculate the id and assigns to your partition. It seems to me that if you format your partition , uuid will stay unchange, but if you RESIZE or add in a new partition, uuid will be different.
+October 31st, 2007 at 4:58 pm +
What is the advantage of using UUID?
+October 31st, 2007 at 6:53 pm +
Mount with device with UUID, you do not need to worry about the ordering of your HDD. I can change my HDD that contain MBR from IDE0 to IDE1, and my system will still able to boot up.
+December 9th, 2007 at 10:12 pm +
There is some info on how to use LABEL/UUID in fstab and howto use uuidgen, tune2fs to put/replace labels/uuids on disks. read the howro on http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/HowTo/MountDisksByLabel
+and the comments on http://liquidat.wordpress.com/2007/10/15/short-tip-get-uuid-of-hard-disks/
+February 8th, 2008 at 7:29 pm +
Thankyou for this. I have 3 internal drives that had been changing and I could not work out how to fix it. I run Ubuntu 7.04, and have learned a lot from the excellent Ubuntu community and sites like this.
+February 9th, 2008 at 5:43 pm +
Welcome to Ubuntu community and thanks for visiting this page.
+February 13th, 2008 at 6:39 pm +
Thanks a lot!
+August 31st, 2008 at 3:19 am +
Hey, I might say, excelent tip! Thanks :)
+October 6th, 2008 at 1:10 pm +
[…] https://linux.byexamples.com/archives/321/fstab-with-uuid/ […]
+October 22nd, 2008 at 7:39 am +
Thanks.. this was a great tip…..
+December 28th, 2008 at 3:03 am +
ok, err, i dessire to knwon what package are the resposable for write the fstab, can be possible change this by use uuid even the device naming, currently lenny used scsi device names now, every device now are handle as scsi device, whell see ..
+January 18th, 2009 at 6:46 am +
SOS! My car was boken on road. Must IJ cazll to repairs or 911?
+January 18th, 2009 at 10:08 pm +
and whta do you thhink about gas problem in Ukraine?
+January 19th, 2009 at 4:31 am +
wonderful post))
+January 20th, 2009 at 6:49 pm +
Where I may to find blogs n this otpic?
+January 21st, 2009 at 5:35 am +
It’s difficult to understand..
+January 22nd, 2009 at 6:22 pm +
Spuer! I’ll make similar post in own blog
+February 3rd, 2009 at 8:22 pm +
[…] https://linux.byexamples.com/archives/321/fstab-with-uuid/ […]
+February 27th, 2009 at 1:06 am +
[…] https://linux.byexamples.com/archives/321/fstab-with-uuid/ […]
+November 4th, 2009 at 8:15 pm +
Thanks, I never remember how to find the UUID. Note that on RHEL4 (yes, I know, but our IT department ‘standardised’ on it) it seems that neither /dev/disk/by-uuid/ nor vol_id exist (it’s an ancient kernel), but fortunately /sbin/blkid does. And you have to run it as root to show some of the disks (but not others). But I got there eventually…
+June 15th, 2010 at 2:31 pm +
Thanks, this fixed my problem with multiple drives and boot failure!
+March 10th, 2011 at 9:43 am +
Everything has its 2 sides: I had to install RAID1 on a running hardy-heron server. I switched over to good old /dev/sdx etc. and RAID was running in no time.
+Even more: if you have to change disks its much easier !
+December 14th, 2011 at 3:12 am +
[…] it seems much better, but I couldn't find anything. UUID's can be used for mounting (fstab): Linux by examples – fstab with uuid (search with fstab uuid and get a ton of hits) And although I never tried using UUID's and grub […]
+November 22nd, 2012 at 1:35 pm +
[…] Thanks to Linux By Examples for the initial howto. […]
+December 21st, 2012 at 2:23 pm +
Thanks bro.
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+March 2nd, 2014 at 7:21 am +
[…] I don't know the answer to your question, but would mounting using UUID rather than LABEL be a viable alternative? fstab with uuid […]
+April 22nd, 2014 at 2:12 am +
Hey there! I just want to give you a huge thumbs up for your great info you’ve got right here on this post.
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. . . . .
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