IntArray gets the YAGNI axe. The array library had two implementations, one for longs which was used, and one for ints, which only ever saw bit rot. Removing the latter, as all it ever did was clutter up the codebase and add technical debt. If we need int arrays, we fork LongArray again (or add int capabilities to it)
Also cleaning up the interfaces, removing layers of redundant abstractions and adding javadocs.
Finally adding sz=2 specializations to the quick- and insertion sort algorithms. It seems the JIT isn't optimizing these particularly well, this is an attempt to help it out a bit.
Look, this will make the git history look funny, but trimming unnecessary depth from the source tree is a very necessary sanity-preserving measure when dealing with a super-modularized codebase like this one.
While it makes the project configuration a bit less conventional, it will save you several clicks every time you jump between modules. Which you'll do a lot, because it's *modul*ar. The src/main/java convention makes a lot of sense for a non-modular project though. This ain't that.