To avoid having to either hard-code or manually configure service addresses (possibly several dozen), and to reduce the project's dependency on docker to deal with routing and discovery, the option to use [Zookeeper]( to manage services and discovery has been added.
A service registry interface was added, with a Zookeeper implementation and a basic implementation that only works on docker and hard-codes everything.
The last remaining REST service, the assistant-service, has been migrated to gRPC.
This also proved a good time to clear out primordial technical debt from the root of the codebase. The 'service-client' library has been taken behind the barn and given a last farewell. It's replaced by a small library for managing gRPC channels.
Since it's no longer used by anything, RxJava has been removed as a dependency from the project.
Although the current state seems reasonably stable, this is a work-in-progress commit.
The changeset also makes the control service responsible for flyway migrations. This helps reduce the number of places the database configuration needs to be spread out. These automatic migrations can be disabled with -DdisableFlyway=true.
The commit also adds curl to the docker container, to enable docker health checks and interdependencies.