Adds new ways to configure the bind and external IP addresses for a service. Notably, if the environment variable WMSA_IN_DOCKER is present, the system will grab the HOSTNAME variable and announce that as the external address in the service registry.
The default bind address is also changed to be only if WMSA_IN_DOCKER is present, otherwise; as this is a more secure default.
The changeset also makes the control service responsible for flyway migrations. This helps reduce the number of places the database configuration needs to be spread out. These automatic migrations can be disabled with -DdisableFlyway=true.
The commit also adds curl to the docker container, to enable docker health checks and interdependencies.
This is to enable running an external repository for production and test.
Use the ./gradle -Pdocker-tag=my-tag while building to accomplish this. By default, use 'marginalia' for repository and 'latest' as tag.
... also move some common configuration into the root build.gradle-file.
Support for JDK21 in lombok is a bit sketchy at the moment, but it seems to work. This upgrade is kind of important as the new index construction really benefits from Arena based lifecycle control over off-heap memory.
Super weird encoding bug that only arises on versions below jdk18 causing crawl data to be read incorrectly.
Seems possibly related to the new standard charset of UTF-8. Maybe some library (unknown which) is attempting to be backwards compatible in a way that totally breaks?