The processor normally retains the domain data in memory after processing to be able to do additional site-wide analysis. This works well, except there are a number of outlier websites that have an absurd number of documents that can rapidly fill up the heap of the process.
These websites now receive a simplified treatment. This is executed in the converter batch writer thread. This is slower, but the documents will not be persisted in memory.
With the new crawler modifications, the crawl data comes in a slightly different order, and a result of this is that we can optimize the converter. This is a breaking change that will be incompatible with the old style of crawl data, hence it will linger as a branch for a while.
The first step is to move stuff out of the domain processor into the document processor.
Guava's hashers are a bit allocation hungry, and a big driver of GC churn in the crawler. This switches to the modified Murmur hash function used throughout Marginalia.
A number of crawl jobs get stuck at about 300 documents, or just under. This seems to be because we fail to increase the crawl limit, which is based on MAX(200, 1.25 x GOOD_URLS) with a 1.5x modifier applied upon a recrawl. GOOD_URLS is based on how many documents successfully process, which is typically fairly small. Switching to KNOWN_URLS should let this grow faster.
The SQL query in the DbCrawlSpecProvider class has been updated; 'GOOD_URLS' has been replaced with 'KNOWN_URLS'. This update ensures the correct data is selected from the DOMAIN_METADATA table.
The floor is also increased to 250 from 200.
This fixes a bug where a prepared statement was created before the table it was supposed to insert into was created. This fails and does nothing.
Furthermore, added the logging that would have warned about this failure, had it been in place.
Since the sideloaders don't populate the documents list in ProcessedDomain to keep the memory footprint manageable, the code that estimates knownUrls etc. will set them to zero, which has negative effects on their ranking. This change will populate them with a bullshit value within a sane ballpark, ensuring that these domains show up in the rankings.
Make some temporary modifications to the CrawledDocument model to support both a "big string" style headers field like in the old formats, and explicit fields as in the new formats. This is a bit awkward to deal with, but it's a necessity until we migrate off the old formats entirely.
The commit also adds a few tests to this logic.
The size of the ArrayBlockingQueue in has been reduced from 4 to 1. This change aims to reduce the memory utilization by not having fully processed domains piling up in RAM. This may cause the writer to go idle in waiting for new data, but that may be preferable to an OOM.
Initialization parameters in DomainLoaderService and DomainIdRegistry have been updated to improve performance. This is done by adding sane default sizes to the hash tables involved, reducing GC churn, but also by setting a sensible fetch size to the queries used, and not fetching irrelevant information such as the domain name.
We do both ip2location and ASN data.
The change also adds some keywords based on autonomous system information, on a somewhat experimental basis. It would be neat to be able to e.g. exclude cloud services or just e.g. cloudflare from the search results.
This variable had a very confusing name, and was dangerously easy to use in the wrong place with the result of getting something that only works as expected half the time.
Ideally this class needs an overhaul, the assumptions it makes about domain names aren't great.
This variable had a very confusing name, and was dangerously easy to use in the wrong place with the result of getting something that only works as expected half the time.
Ideally this class needs an overhaul, the assumptions it makes about domain names aren't great.
In encyclopedia, add a class "mw-content-text" that the WikiSpecialization class is looking for during pruning to give the articles a more fair treatment.
Also add generator keywords based on the generator type provided, to ensure that these documents show up in appropriate filters.
Further, add a new document flag value 'Sideloaded' to be able to distinguish these entries.
There really is no fantastic place to put this logic, but we need to remove entries with an X-Robots-Tags header where that header indicates it doesn't want to be crawled by Marginalia.
We want to mute some of these records so that they don't produce documents, but in some cases we want a document to be produced for accounting purposes.
Added improved tests that reach for known resources on to test the behavior when encountering bad content type and 404s.
The commit also adds some safety try-catch:es around the charset handling, as it may sometimes explode when fed incorrect data, and we do be guessing...
This commit updates CrawlingThenConvertingIntegrationTest with additional tests for invalid, redirecting, and blocked domains. Improvements have also been made to filter out irrelevant entries in ParquetSerializableCrawlDataStream.
This update includes the addition of timestamps to the parquet format for crawl data, as extracted from the Warc stream.
The parquet format stores the timestamp as a 64 bit long, seconds since unix epoch, without a logical type. This is to avoid having to do format conversions when writing and reading the data.
This parquet field populates the timestamp field in CrawledDocument.
Add an optional new field to CrawledDocument containing information about whether the domain has cookies. This was previously on the CrawledDomain object, but since the WarcFormat requires us to write a WarcInfo object at the start of a crawl rather than at the end, this information is unobtainable when creating the CrawledDomain object.
Also fix a bug in the deduplication logic in the DomainProcessor class that caused a test to break.
This information is then propagated to the parquet file as a boolean.
For documents that are copied from the reference, use whatever value we last saw. This isn't 100% deterministic and may result in false negatives, but permits websites that used cookies but have stopped to repent and have the change reflect in the search engine more quickly.
This commit includes mostly exception handling, error propagation, a few bug fixes and minor changes to log formatting. The CrawlDelayTimer, HTTP 429 responses and IOException responses are now more accurately handled.
A non-standard WarcXEntityRefused WARC record has also been introduced, essentially acting as a rejected 'response' with different semantics.
Besides these, several existing features have been refined, such as URL encoding, crawl depth incrementing and usage of Content-Length headers.
This commit further cleans up the warc->parquet conversion. It fixes issues with redirect handling in WarcRecorder, adds support information about redirects and errors due to probe failure.
It also refactors the fetch result, body extraction and content type abstractions.
This commit cleans up the warc->parquet conversion. Records with a http status other than 200 are now included.
The commit also fixes a bug where the robots.txt parser would be fed the full HTTP response (and choke), instead of the body.
The DocumentBodyExtractor code has also been cleaned up, and now offers a way of just getting the byte[] representation for later processing, as conversion to and from strings is a bit wasteful.
This commit is in a pretty rough state. It refactors the crawler fairly significantly to offer better separation of concerns. It replaces the zstd compressed json files used to store crawl data with WARC files entirely, and the converter is modified to be able to consume this data. This works, -ish.
There appears to be some bug relating to reading robots.txt, and the X-Robots-Tag header is no longer processed either.
A problem is that the WARC files are a bit too large. It will probably be likely to introduce a new format to store the crawl data long term, something like parquet; and use WARCs for intermediate storage to enable the crawler to be restarted without needing a recrawl.