This micro-library with strategies for solving the problem of [write amplification]( when writing large files out of order to disk. It offers a simple API to write data to a file in a random order, while localizing the writes. Several strategies are available from the [RandomFileAssembler](java/nu/marginalia/rwf/ interface. * Writing to a memory mapped file (non-solution, for small files) * Writing to a memory buffer (for systems with enough memory) * [RandomWriteFunnel](java/nu/marginalia/rwf/ - Not bound by memory. The data is written in a native byte order. ## RandomWriteFunnel The RandomWriteFunnel solves the problem by bucketing the writes into several temporary files, which are then evaluated to construct the larger file with a more predictable order of writes. Even though it effectively writes 2.5x as much data to disk than simply attempting to construct the file directly, it is *much* faster than thrashing an SSD with dozens of gigabytes of small random writes, which is what tends to happen if you naively mmap a file that is larger than the system RAM, and write to it in a random order. ## Demo ```java try (var rfw = new RandomWriteFunnel(tmpPath, expectedSize); var out = Files.newByteChannel(outputFile, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) { rwf.put(addr1, data1); rwf.put(addr2, data2); // ... rwf.put(addr1e33, data1e33); rwf.write(out); } catch (IOException ex) { // } ``` ## Central Classes * [RandomFileAssembler](java/nu/marginalia/rwf/ * [RandomWriteFunnel](java/nu/marginalia/rwf/