ext { dockerImage='openjdk:21-slim' } tasks.register('dockerFile') { buildDir.mkdir() var df = new File(buildDir, "Dockerfile") doLast { df.text = """# # I'm auto-generated, please don't make changes to me or commit me to git # # The template exists in docker-service.gradle # FROM ${dockerImage} RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl ADD ${application.applicationName}.tar / RUN mkdir /wmsa # This will make the service grab the hostname from the HOSTNAME variable ENV WMSA_IN_DOCKER true ENTRYPOINT WMSA_HOME=/wmsa /${application.applicationName}/bin/${application.applicationName} \${arg0} \${arg1} """ } it.outputs.file(df) } dockerPrepare { dependsOn tasks.dockerFile } dockerfileZip { dependsOn tasks.dockerFile } docker { dockerfile = tasks.dockerFile.outputs.files.singleFile var registry = project.hasProperty('docker-registry') ? project.property('docker-registry') : 'marginalia' var tagName = project.hasProperty('docker-tag') ? project.property('docker-tag') : 'latest' name = registry+'/'+application.applicationName+':'+tagName tag 'test', (registry+'/'+application.applicationName+':'+tagName) files tasks.distTar.outputs dependsOn tasks.distTar }