@import nu.marginalia.search.model.NavbarModel @import nu.marginalia.search.svc.SearchSiteInfoService.SiteOverviewModel @import nu.marginalia.search.svc.SearchSiteInfoService.SiteOverviewModel.DiscoveredDomain @param NavbarModel navbar @param SiteOverviewModel model @template.part.head(title = "Marginalia Search - Site Viewer") @template.part.navbar(navbar = navbar)

View Site Information

View Site Information

This utility lets you explore what the search engine knows about the web, including the link graph, backlinks, etc.

Please don't attempt to scrape this data. This is a waste of your resources as well as the marginalia search resources, instead reach out with an email, and we'll work out some way of exporting the data or creating a dedicated API instead.

Recently Discovered Domains
@for (DiscoveredDomain domain : model.domains()) @endfor
Domain Name Discover Time
${domain.name()} ${domain.timestamp()}