package nu.marginalia.livecrawler; import crawlercommons.robots.SimpleRobotRules; import crawlercommons.robots.SimpleRobotRulesParser; import nu.marginalia.WmsaHome; import nu.marginalia.contenttype.ContentType; import nu.marginalia.contenttype.DocumentBodyToString; import nu.marginalia.crawl.fetcher.HttpFetcherImpl; import nu.marginalia.crawl.logic.DomainLocks; import nu.marginalia.crawl.retreival.CrawlDelayTimer; import nu.marginalia.db.DbDomainQueries; import nu.marginalia.db.DomainBlacklist; import nu.marginalia.link_parser.LinkParser; import nu.marginalia.model.EdgeDomain; import nu.marginalia.model.EdgeUrl; import nu.marginalia.util.SimpleBlockingThreadPool; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; /** A simple link scraper that fetches URLs and stores them in a database, * with no concept of a crawl frontier, WARC output, or other advanced features */ public class SimpleLinkScraper implements AutoCloseable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleLinkScraper.class); private final SimpleBlockingThreadPool pool = new SimpleBlockingThreadPool("LiveCrawler", 32, 10); private final LinkParser lp = new LinkParser(); private final LiveCrawlDataSet dataSet; private final DbDomainQueries domainQueries; private final DomainBlacklist domainBlacklist; private final Duration connectTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds(10); private final Duration readTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds(10); private final DomainLocks domainLocks = new DomainLocks(); private final static int MAX_SIZE = Integer.getInteger("crawler.maxFetchSize", 10 * 1024 * 1024); public SimpleLinkScraper(LiveCrawlDataSet dataSet, DbDomainQueries domainQueries, DomainBlacklist domainBlacklist) { this.dataSet = dataSet; this.domainQueries = domainQueries; this.domainBlacklist = domainBlacklist; } public void scheduleRetrieval(EdgeDomain domain, List urls) { var id = domainQueries.tryGetDomainId(domain); if (id.isEmpty() || domainBlacklist.isBlacklisted(id.getAsInt())) { return; } pool.submitQuietly(() -> retrieveNow(domain, id.getAsInt(), urls)); } public int retrieveNow(EdgeDomain domain, int domainId, List urls) throws Exception { EdgeUrl rootUrl = domain.toRootUrlHttps(); List relevantUrls = new ArrayList<>(); for (var url : urls) { Optional optParsedUrl = lp.parseLink(rootUrl, url); if (optParsedUrl.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (dataSet.hasUrl(optParsedUrl.get())) { continue; } relevantUrls.add(optParsedUrl.get()); } if (relevantUrls.isEmpty()) { return 0; } int fetched = 0; try (HttpClient client = HttpClient .newBuilder() .connectTimeout(connectTimeout) .followRedirects(HttpClient.Redirect.NEVER) .version(HttpClient.Version.HTTP_2) .build(); // throttle concurrent access per domain; IDE will complain it's not used, but it holds a semaphore -- do not remove: DomainLocks.DomainLock lock = domainLocks.lockDomain(domain) ) { SimpleRobotRules rules = fetchRobotsRules(rootUrl, client); if (rules == null) { // I/O error fetching robots.txt // If we can't fetch the robots.txt, for (var url : relevantUrls) { maybeFlagAsBad(url); } return fetched; } CrawlDelayTimer timer = new CrawlDelayTimer(rules.getCrawlDelay()); for (var parsedUrl : relevantUrls) { if (!rules.isAllowed(parsedUrl.toString())) { maybeFlagAsBad(parsedUrl); continue; } switch (fetchUrl(domainId, parsedUrl, timer, client)) { case FetchResult.Success(int id, EdgeUrl docUrl, String body, String headers) -> { dataSet.saveDocument(id, docUrl, body, headers, ""); fetched++; } case FetchResult.Error(EdgeUrl docUrl) -> maybeFlagAsBad(docUrl); } } } return fetched; } private void maybeFlagAsBad(EdgeUrl url) { // To give bad URLs a chance to be re-fetched, we only flag them as bad // with a 20% probability. This will prevent the same bad URL being // re-fetched over and over again for several months, but still allow // us to *mostly* re-fetch it if it was just a transient error. // There's of course the chance we immediately flag it as bad on an // unlucky roll, but you know, that's xcom baby if (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(0, 1) < 0.2) { dataSet.flagAsBad(url); } } @Nullable private SimpleRobotRules fetchRobotsRules(EdgeUrl rootUrl, HttpClient client) throws IOException, InterruptedException, URISyntaxException { var robotsRequest = HttpRequest.newBuilder(rootUrl.withPathAndParam("/robots.txt", null).asURI()) .GET() .header("User-Agent", WmsaHome.getUserAgent().uaString()) .header("Accept-Encoding","gzip") .timeout(readTimeout); // Fetch the robots.txt try { SimpleRobotRulesParser parser = new SimpleRobotRulesParser(); HttpResponse robotsTxt = client.send(, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofByteArray()); if (robotsTxt.statusCode() == 200) { return parser.parseContent(rootUrl.toString(), getResponseData(robotsTxt), robotsTxt.headers().firstValue("Content-Type").orElse("text/plain"), WmsaHome.getUserAgent().uaIdentifier()); } else if (robotsTxt.statusCode() == 404) { return new SimpleRobotRules(SimpleRobotRules.RobotRulesMode.ALLOW_ALL); } } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("Error fetching robots.txt for {}: {} {}", rootUrl, ex.getClass().getSimpleName(), ex.getMessage()); } return null; } /** Fetch a URL and store it in the database */ private FetchResult fetchUrl(int domainId, EdgeUrl parsedUrl, CrawlDelayTimer timer, HttpClient client) throws Exception { timer.waitFetchDelay(); HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(parsedUrl.asURI()) .GET() .header("User-Agent", WmsaHome.getUserAgent().uaString()) .header("Accept", "text/html") .header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip") .timeout(readTimeout) .build(); try { HttpResponse response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofByteArray()); // Handle rate limiting by waiting and retrying once if (response.statusCode() == 429) { timer.waitRetryDelay(new HttpFetcherImpl.RateLimitException( response.headers().firstValue("Retry-After").orElse("5") )); response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofByteArray()); } String contentType = response.headers().firstValue("Content-Type").orElse("").toLowerCase(); if (response.statusCode() == 200) { if (!contentType.toLowerCase().startsWith("text/html")) { return new FetchResult.Error(parsedUrl); } byte[] body = getResponseData(response); if (body.length > MAX_SIZE) { return new FetchResult.Error(parsedUrl); } String bodyText = DocumentBodyToString.getStringData(ContentType.parse(contentType), body); return new FetchResult.Success(domainId, parsedUrl, bodyText, headersToString(response.headers())); } } catch (IOException ex) { // We don't want a full stack trace on every error, as it's quite common and very noisy logger.error("Error fetching URL {}: {} {}", parsedUrl, ex.getClass().getSimpleName(), ex.getMessage()); } return new FetchResult.Error(parsedUrl); } private byte[] getResponseData(HttpResponse response) throws IOException { String encoding = response.headers().firstValue("Content-Encoding").orElse(""); if ("gzip".equals(encoding)) { try (var stream = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(response.body()))) { return stream.readAllBytes(); } } else { return response.body(); } } sealed interface FetchResult { record Success(int domainId, EdgeUrl url, String body, String headers) implements FetchResult {} record Error(EdgeUrl url) implements FetchResult {} } private String headersToString(HttpHeaders headers) { StringBuilder headersStr = new StringBuilder();, v) -> { headersStr.append(k).append(": ").append(v).append("\n"); }); return headersStr.toString(); } @Override public void close() throws Exception { pool.shutDown(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { pool.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.HOURS); } pool.shutDownNow(); } }