package nu.marginalia; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import; public class WmsaHome { public static UserAgent getUserAgent() { return new UserAgent( System.getProperty("crawler.userAgentString", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Marginalia-like bot; +"), System.getProperty("crawler.userAgentIdentifier", "") ); } public static Path getUploadDir() { return Path.of( System.getProperty("executor.uploadDir", "/uploads") ); } public static Path getHomePath() { String[] possibleLocations = new String[] { System.getenv("WMSA_HOME"), System.getProperty("system.homePath"), "/var/lib/wmsa", "/wmsa" }; Optional retStr = Stream.of(possibleLocations) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .map(Path::of) .filter(Files::isDirectory) .map(Path::toString) .findFirst(); if (retStr.isEmpty()) { // Check parent directories for a fingerprint of the project's installation boilerplate var prodRoot = Stream.iterate(Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath(), f -> f != null && Files.exists(f), Path::getParent) .filter(p -> Files.exists(p.resolve("conf/properties/"))) .filter(p -> Files.exists(p.resolve("model/tfreq-new-algo3.bin"))) .findAny(); if (prodRoot.isPresent()) { return prodRoot.get(); } // Check if we are running in a test environment by looking for fingerprints // matching the base of the source tree for the project, then looking up the // run directory which contains a template for the installation we can use as // though it's the project root for testing purposes var testRoot = Stream.iterate(Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath(), f -> f != null && Files.exists(f), Path::getParent) .filter(p -> Files.exists(p.resolve("run/env"))) .filter(p -> Files.exists(p.resolve("run/"))) .map(p -> p.resolve("run")) .findAny(); return testRoot.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException(""" Could not find $WMSA_HOME, either set environment variable, the 'system.homePath' java property, or ensure either /wmsa or /var/lib/wmsa exists """)); } var ret = Path.of(retStr.get()); if (!Files.isDirectory(ret.resolve("model"))) { throw new IllegalStateException("You need to run 'run/' to download models to run/ before this will work!"); } return ret; } public static Path getAdsDefinition() { return getHomePath().resolve("data").resolve("adblock.txt"); } public static Path getIPLocationDatabse() { return getHomePath().resolve("data").resolve("IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB1.CSV"); } public static Path getAsnMappingDatabase() { return getHomePath().resolve("data").resolve("asn-data-raw-table"); } public static Path getAsnInfoDatabase() { return getHomePath().resolve("data").resolve("asn-used-autnums"); } public static LanguageModels getLanguageModels() { final Path home = getHomePath(); return new LanguageModels( home.resolve("model/tfreq-new-algo3.bin"), home.resolve("model/opennlp-sentence.bin"), home.resolve("model/English.RDR"), home.resolve("model/English.DICT"), home.resolve("model/opennlp-tok.bin"), home.resolve("model/lid.176.ftz"), home.resolve("model/segments.bin") ); } public static Path getAtagsPath() { return getHomePath().resolve("data/atags.parquet"); } }