@import nu.marginalia.search.svc.SearchSiteInfoService @import nu.marginalia.search.svc.SearchSiteInfoService.* @import nu.marginalia.search.model.UrlDetails @param SiteInfoWithContext siteInfo
@if (siteInfo.hasScreenshot()) Screenshot of ${siteInfo.domain()} @elseif (siteInfo.aliasDomain().isPresent())
The search engine is also aware of links to ${siteInfo.aliasDomain().get()}, this may be the canonical address.
@endif @if (siteInfo.hasFeed())
@if (siteInfo.isSubscribed()) @else @endif
@for (SearchSiteInfoService.FeedItem item : siteInfo.feed().items())
${item.title()} @if (item.title().isBlank()) [No Title] @endif ${item.pubDay()}
@endif @if (siteInfo.hasSamples() && !siteInfo.hasFeed())
@for (UrlDetails item : siteInfo.samples())
@endif @if (siteInfo.domainInformation().isUnknownDomain())
Unknown Domain

This website is not known to the search engine.

To submit the website for crawling, follow these instructions.

@endif @if (siteInfo.domainInformation().isBlacklisted())

This website is blacklisted. This excludes it from crawling and indexing.

This is usually because of some form of misbehavior on the webmaster's end, either annoying search engine spam, or tasteless content bad faith content.

Sometimes this is in error. Blacklisting can be appealed using the Report Form.

In the interest of transparency, the full list of blacklisted domains is periodically published at https://downloads.marginalia.nu/exports/.

@endif @if (siteInfo.domainInformation().isSuggestForCrawling() && siteInfo.domainInformation().getNodeAffinity() < 0)
This website is not queued for crawling. If you would like it to be crawled, use the checkbox and button below.
@endif @if (siteInfo.isKnown())
Crawl Statistics

Pages Known


Pages Fetched


Pages Indexed


Incoming Links


Outbound Links


Node Affinity


@if (siteInfo.domainInformation().getPagesKnown() >= 5_000_000)
This website is very large, and the system can not accurately report the number of crawled and indexed documents without affecting performance.
Network Details

IP Address


${siteInfo.domainInformation().getIpCountry()} ${siteInfo.domainInformation().getIpFlag()}

ASN Details

AS${siteInfo.domainInformation().getAsn()} - ${siteInfo.domainInformation().getAsnOrg()}

${siteInfo.domainInformation().getAsnCountry()} ${siteInfo.domainInformation().getAsnFlag()}

@if (!siteInfo.similar().isEmpty() || !siteInfo.linking().isEmpty())
@template.siteinfo.part.linkedDomains("Similar Domains", siteInfo.domain(), siteInfo.similar()) @template.siteinfo.part.linkedDomains("Linked Domains", siteInfo.domain(), siteInfo.linking())