@import nu.marginalia.search.model.NavbarModel @import nu.marginalia.search.svc.SearchSiteInfoService.SiteOverviewModel @import nu.marginalia.search.svc.SearchSiteInfoService.SiteOverviewModel.DiscoveredDomain @param NavbarModel navbar @param SiteOverviewModel model @template.part.head(title = "Marginalia Search - Site Viewer")
@template.part.navbar(navbar = navbar)This utility lets you explore what the search engine knows about the web, including the link graph, backlinks, etc.
Please don't attempt to scrape this data. This is a waste of your resources as well as the marginalia search resources, instead reach out with an email, and we'll work out some way of exporting the data or creating a dedicated API instead.
Domain Name | Discover Time |
${domain.name()} | ${domain.timestamp()} |