@import nu.marginalia.WebsiteUrl @import nu.marginalia.search.model.NavbarModel @import nu.marginalia.search.model.SearchFilters @import nu.marginalia.search.model.SearchProfile @import nu.marginalia.search.svc.SearchFrontPageService.IndexModel @import nu.marginalia.search.svc.SearchFrontPageService.NewsItem @import nu.marginalia.search.svc.SearchFrontPageService.NewsItemCluster @param NavbarModel navbar @param WebsiteUrl websiteUrl @param IndexModel model @template.part.head(title = "Marginalia Search", allowIndexing = true) @template.part.navbar(navbar = navbar)
@template.serp.part.searchform(query = "", profile = SearchProfile.NO_FILTER.filterId, filters = new SearchFilters(websiteUrl))
@if (model.news().isEmpty())
You've stumbled onto a beta version of the redesign of the search engine's UI. Feel free to explore, but beware that things may not quite be polished. If you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it. Please reach me at kontakt@marginalia.nu.
Explore the Web
  • Prioritizes non-commercial content
  • Tools for both search and discovery
  • Find lost old websites
Open Source
  • Custom index and crawler software
  • Simple technology -- no AI or cloud
  • AGPL license
Privacy by default
  • Filter out tracking and adtech
  • No user or search data shared with 3rd parties
  • No long-term retention of queries or IP addresses
Export as OPML
@for (NewsItemCluster cluster : model.news()) !{NewsItem item = cluster.first();}
${item.date().substring(0, 10)}
@for (var remainder : cluster.rest())
${remainder.date().substring(0, 10)}
Last updated: ${model.refreshDate()}
@endif @template.part.footerLegal()