Viktor Lofgren 66c1281301 (zk-registry) epic jak shaving WIP
Cleaning out a lot of old junk from the code, and one thing lead to another...

* Build is improved, now constructing docker images with 'jib'.  Clean build went from 3 minutes to 50 seconds.
* The ProcessService's spawning is smarter.  Will now just spawn a java process instead of relying on the application plugin's generated outputs.
* Project is migrated to GraalVM
* gRPC clients are re-written with a neat fluent/functional style. e.g.
              .async(executor) // <-- optional
This change is primarily to allow handling ManagedChannel errors, but it turned out to be a pretty clean API overall.
* For now the project is all in on zookeeper
* Service discovery is now based on APIs and not services.  Theoretically means we could ship the same code either a monolith or a service mesh.
* To this end, began modularizing a few of the APIs so that they aren't strongly "living" in a service.  WIP!

Missing is documentation and testing, and some more breaking apart of code.
2024-02-22 14:01:23 +01:00

88 lines
2.6 KiB

plugins {
id 'java'
id 'application'
id 'jvm-test-suite'
id '' version '3.4.0'
application {
mainClass = 'nu.marginalia.index.IndexMain'
applicationName = 'index-service'
tasks.distZip.enabled = false
jib {
from {
image = image = rootProject.ext.dockerImageBase
to {
image = 'marginalia/'
tags = ['latest']
container {
mainClass = application.mainClass
jvmFlags = ['-Dservice.bind-address=', '-Dservice.useDockerHostname=TRUE', '-Dsystem.homePath=/wmsa']
volumes = ['/wmsa/conf', '/wmsa/model', '/wmsa/data', '/var/log/wmsa']
java {
toolchain {
dependencies {
implementation project(':code:common:config')
implementation project(':code:common:model')
implementation project(':code:common:db')
implementation project(':code:common:linkdb')
implementation project(':code:functions:domain-links:partition')
implementation project(':code:functions:domain-links:api')
implementation project(':code:common:service')
implementation project(':code:api:index-api')
implementation project(':code:common:service-discovery')
implementation project(':code:libraries:array')
implementation project(':code:libraries:btree')
implementation project(':code:features-index:index-journal')
implementation project(':code:features-index:index-query')
implementation project(':code:features-index:index-forward')
implementation project(':code:features-index:index-reverse')
implementation project(':code:features-index:domain-ranking')
implementation project(':code:features-index:result-ranking')
implementation project(':third-party:commons-codec')
testImplementation project(path: ':code:services-core:control-service')
testImplementation project(':code:common:process')
implementation libs.bundles.slf4j
implementation libs.prometheus
implementation libs.notnull
implementation libs.guice
implementation libs.protobuf
implementation libs.bundles.httpcomponents
implementation libs.roaringbitmap
implementation libs.snakeyaml
implementation libs.spark
implementation libs.opencsv
implementation libs.trove
implementation libs.fastutil
implementation libs.bundles.gson
implementation libs.bundles.grpc
implementation libs.bundles.mariadb
testImplementation libs.bundles.slf4j.test
testImplementation libs.bundles.junit
testImplementation libs.mockito