major client refactor - each tracker type into its own file

in preparation of adding a new websocket tracker type, for webtorrent
This commit is contained in:
Feross Aboukhadijeh 2015-03-24 01:01:49 -07:00
parent d991983f5f
commit f575cfc3c9
7 changed files with 554 additions and 474 deletions

View File

@ -1,35 +1,34 @@
module.exports = Client
var bencode = require('bencode')
var BN = require('bn.js')
var common = require('./lib/common')
var compact2string = require('compact2string')
var debug = require('debug')('bittorrent-tracker')
var dgram = require('dgram')
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
var get = require('simple-get')
var hat = require('hat')
var inherits = require('inherits')
var once = require('once')
var url = require('url')
var common = require('./lib/common')
var HTTPTracker = require('./lib/http-tracker')
var UDPTracker = require('./lib/udp-tracker')
var WebSocketTracker = require('./lib/websocket-tracker')
inherits(Client, EventEmitter)
* A Client manages tracker connections for a torrent.
* @param {string} peerId this peer's id
* @param {Number} port port number that the client is listening on
* @param {Object} torrent parsed torrent
* @param {Object} opts optional options
* @param {string} peerId peer id
* @param {Number} port torrent client listening port
* @param {Object} torrent parsed torrent
* @param {Object} opts options object
* @param {Number} opts.numWant number of peers to request
* @param {Number} opts.interval interval in ms to send announce requests to the tracker
* @param {Number} opts.interval announce interval (in ms)
* @param {Number} opts.rtcConfig RTCPeerConnection configuration object
function Client (peerId, port, torrent, opts) {
var self = this
if (!(self instanceof Client)) return new Client(peerId, port, torrent, opts)
self._opts = opts || {}
if (!opts) opts = {}
// required
self._peerId = Buffer.isBuffer(peerId)
@ -42,19 +41,29 @@ function Client (peerId, port, torrent, opts) {
self.torrentLength = torrent.length
// optional
self._numWant = self._opts.numWant || 50
self._intervalMs = self._opts.interval || (30 * 60 * 1000) // default: 30 minutes
self._numWant = opts.numWant || common.DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_PEERS
self._intervalMs = opts.interval || common.DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL
debug('new client %s', self._infoHash.toString('hex'))
if (typeof torrent.announce === 'string') torrent.announce = [ torrent.announce ]
self._trackers = (torrent.announce || [])
.filter(function (announceUrl) {
var protocol = url.parse(announceUrl).protocol
return protocol === 'udp:' || protocol === 'http:' || protocol === 'https:'
return [ 'udp:', 'http:', 'https:', 'ws:', 'wss:' ].indexOf(protocol) !== -1
.map(function (announceUrl) {
return new Tracker(self, announceUrl, self._opts)
var trackerOpts = { interval: self._intervalMs }
var protocol = url.parse(announceUrl).protocol
if (protocol === 'http:' || protocol === 'https:') {
return new HTTPTracker(self, announceUrl, trackerOpts)
} else if (protocol === 'udp:') {
return new UDPTracker(self, announceUrl, trackerOpts)
} else if (protocol === 'ws:' || protocol === 'wss:') {
return new WebSocketTracker(self, announceUrl, trackerOpts)
@ -67,15 +76,14 @@ function Client (peerId, port, torrent, opts) {
Client.scrape = function (announceUrl, infoHash, cb) {
cb = once(cb)
var dummy = {
peerId: new Buffer('01234567890123456789'),
port: 6881,
torrent: {
infoHash: infoHash,
announce: [ announceUrl ]
var peerId = new Buffer('01234567890123456789') // dummy value
var port = 6881 // dummy value
var torrent = {
infoHash: infoHash,
announce: [ announceUrl ]
var client = new Client(dummy.peerId, dummy.port, dummy.torrent)
var client = new Client(peerId, port, torrent)
client.once('error', cb)
client.once('scrape', function (data) {
cb(null, data)
@ -83,36 +91,95 @@ Client.scrape = function (announceUrl, infoHash, cb) {
* Send a `start` announce to the trackers.
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {number=} opts.uploaded
* @param {number=} opts.downloaded
* @param {number=} opts.left (if not set, calculated automatically)
Client.prototype.start = function (opts) {
var self = this
debug('send `start`')
opts = self._defaultAnnounceOpts(opts)
opts.event = 'started'
// start announcing on intervals
self._trackers.forEach(function (tracker) {
* Send a `stop` announce to the trackers.
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {number=} opts.uploaded
* @param {number=} opts.downloaded
* @param {number=} opts.left (if not set, calculated automatically)
Client.prototype.stop = function (opts) {
var self = this
self._trackers.forEach(function (tracker) {
debug('send `stop`')
opts = self._defaultAnnounceOpts(opts)
opts.event = 'stopped'
* Send a `complete` announce to the trackers.
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {number=} opts.uploaded
* @param {number=} opts.downloaded
* @param {number=} opts.left (if not set, calculated automatically)
Client.prototype.complete = function (opts) {
var self = this
self._trackers.forEach(function (tracker) {
debug('send `complete`')
if (!opts) opts = {}
if (opts.downloaded == null && self.torrentLength != null) {
opts.downloaded = self.torrentLength
opts = self._defaultAnnounceOpts(opts)
opts.event = 'completed'
* Send a `update` announce to the trackers.
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {number=} opts.uploaded
* @param {number=} opts.downloaded
* @param {number=} opts.left (if not set, calculated automatically)
Client.prototype.update = function (opts) {
var self = this
debug('send `update`')
opts = self._defaultAnnounceOpts(opts)
if (opts.event) delete opts.event
Client.prototype._announce = function (opts) {
var self = this
self._trackers.forEach(function (tracker) {
* Send a scrape request to the trackers.
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {number=} opts.uploaded
* @param {number=} opts.downloaded
* @param {number=} opts.left (if not set, calculated automatically)
Client.prototype.scrape = function (opts) {
var self = this
debug('send `scrape`')
if (!opts) opts = {}
self._trackers.forEach(function (tracker) {
@ -120,6 +187,7 @@ Client.prototype.scrape = function (opts) {
Client.prototype.setInterval = function (intervalMs) {
var self = this
self._intervalMs = intervalMs
self._trackers.forEach(function (tracker) {
@ -129,453 +197,25 @@ Client.prototype.setInterval = function (intervalMs) {
Client.prototype.destroy = function () {
var self = this
self._trackers.forEach(function (tracker) {
if (tracker.destroy) tracker.destroy()
tracker.setInterval(0) // stop announcing on intervals
inherits(Tracker, EventEmitter)
* An individual torrent tracker (used by Client)
* @param {Client} client parent bittorrent tracker client
* @param {string} announceUrl announce url of tracker
* @param {Object} opts optional options
function Tracker (client, announceUrl, opts) {
Client.prototype._defaultAnnounceOpts = function (opts) {
var self = this
self._opts = opts || {}
if (!opts) opts = {}
self.client = client
if (opts.numWant == null) opts.numWant = self._numWant
debug('new tracker %s', announceUrl)
self._announceUrl = announceUrl
self._intervalMs = self.client._intervalMs // use client interval initially
self._interval = null
var protocol = url.parse(self._announceUrl).protocol
if (protocol === 'udp:') {
self._requestImpl = self._requestUdp
} else if (protocol === 'http:' || protocol === 'https:') {
self._requestImpl = self._requestHttp
Tracker.prototype.start = function (opts) {
var self = this
opts = opts || {}
opts.event = 'started'
debug('sent `start` %s', self._announceUrl)
self.setInterval(self._intervalMs) // start announcing on intervals
Tracker.prototype.stop = function (opts) {
var self = this
opts = opts || {}
opts.event = 'stopped'
debug('sent `stop` %s', self._announceUrl)
Tracker.prototype.complete = function (opts) {
var self = this
opts = opts || {}
opts.event = 'completed'
opts.downloaded = opts.downloaded || self.torrentLength || 0
debug('sent `complete` %s', self._announceUrl)
Tracker.prototype.update = function (opts) {
var self = this
opts = opts || {}
debug('sent `update` %s', self._announceUrl)
Tracker.prototype.destroy = function () {
var self = this
debug('destroy', self._announceUrl)
self.setInterval(0) // stop announcing on intervals
* Send an announce request to the tracker.
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {number=} opts.uploaded
* @param {number=} opts.downloaded
* @param {number=} opts.left (if not set, calculated automatically)
Tracker.prototype._announce = function (opts) {
var self = this
// defaults, user should provide real values
if (opts.uploaded == null) opts.uploaded = 0
if (opts.downloaded == null) opts.downloaded = 0
if (self.client.torrentLength != null && opts.left == null) {
opts.left = self.client.torrentLength - (opts.downloaded || 0)
if (opts.left == null && self.torrentLength != null) {
opts.left = self.torrentLength - opts.downloaded
self._requestImpl(self._announceUrl, opts)
* Send a scrape request to the tracker.
Tracker.prototype.scrape = function () {
var self = this
self._scrapeUrl = self._scrapeUrl || getScrapeUrl(self._announceUrl)
if (!self._scrapeUrl) {
debug('scrape not supported %s', self._announceUrl)
self.client.emit('error', new Error('scrape not supported for announceUrl ' + self._announceUrl))
debug('sent `scrape` %s', self._announceUrl)
self._requestImpl(self._scrapeUrl, { _scrape: true })
Tracker.prototype.setInterval = function (intervalMs) {
var self = this
self._intervalMs = intervalMs
if (intervalMs) {
self._interval = setInterval(self.update.bind(self), self._intervalMs)
Tracker.prototype._requestHttp = function (requestUrl, opts) {
var self = this
if (opts._scrape) {
if (opts.info_hash == null) opts.info_hash = self.client._infoHash.toString('binary')
} else {
if (opts.info_hash == null) opts.info_hash = self.client._infoHash.toString('binary')
if (opts.peer_id == null) opts.peer_id = self.client._peerId.toString('binary')
if (opts.port == null) opts.port = self.client._port
if (opts.compact == null) opts.compact = 1
if (opts.numwant == null) opts.numwant = self.client._numWant
if (self._trackerId) {
opts.trackerid = self._trackerId
var u = requestUrl + (requestUrl.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') +
get.concat(u, function (err, data, res) {
if (err) return self.client.emit('warning', err)
if (res.statusCode !== 200) return self.client.emit('warning', new Error('Non-200 response code ' + res.statusCode + ' from ' + requestUrl))
if (data && data.length) self._handleResponse(requestUrl, data)
Tracker.prototype._requestUdp = function (requestUrl, opts) {
var self = this
opts = opts || {}
var parsedUrl = url.parse(requestUrl)
var socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4')
var transactionId = new Buffer(hat(32), 'hex')
var stopped = opts.event === 'stopped'
// if we're sending a stopped message, we don't really care if it arrives, so set
// a short timer and don't call error
var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
timeout = null
if (!stopped) {
error('tracker request timed out')
}, stopped ? 1500 : 15000)
if (timeout && timeout.unref) {
socket.on('error', error)
socket.on('message', function (msg) {
if (msg.length < 8 || msg.readUInt32BE(4) !== transactionId.readUInt32BE(0)) {
return error('tracker sent invalid transaction id')
var action = msg.readUInt32BE(0)
debug(requestUrl + ' UDP response, action ' + action)
switch (action) {
case 0: // handshake
if (msg.length < 16) {
return error('invalid udp handshake')
if (opts._scrape) {
scrape(msg.slice(8, 16))
} else {
announce(msg.slice(8, 16), opts)
case 1: // announce
if (msg.length < 20) {
return error('invalid announce message')
var interval = msg.readUInt32BE(8)
if (interval && !self._opts.interval && self._intervalMs !== 0) {
// use the interval the tracker recommends, UNLESS the user manually specifies an
// interval they want to use
self.setInterval(interval * 1000)
self.client.emit('update', {
announce: self._announceUrl,
complete: msg.readUInt32BE(16),
incomplete: msg.readUInt32BE(12)
var addrs
try {
addrs = compact2string.multi(msg.slice(20))
} catch (err) {
return self.client.emit('warning', err)
addrs.forEach(function (addr) {
self.client.emit('peer', addr)
case 2: // scrape
if (msg.length < 20) {
return error('invalid scrape message')
self.client.emit('scrape', {
announce: self._announceUrl,
complete: msg.readUInt32BE(8),
downloaded: msg.readUInt32BE(12),
incomplete: msg.readUInt32BE(16)
case 3: // error
if (msg.length < 8) {
return error('invalid error message')
self.client.emit('warning', new Error(msg.slice(8).toString()))
error('tracker sent invalid action')
function send (message) {
if (!parsedUrl.port) {
parsedUrl.port = 80
socket.send(message, 0, message.length, parsedUrl.port, parsedUrl.hostname)
function error (message) {
// errors will often happen if a tracker is offline, so don't treat it as fatal
self.client.emit('warning', new Error(message + ' (' + requestUrl + ')'))
function cleanup () {
if (timeout) {
timeout = null
try { socket.close() } catch (err) {}
function genTransactionId () {
transactionId = new Buffer(hat(32), 'hex')
function announce (connectionId, opts) {
opts = opts || {}
toUInt64(opts.downloaded || 0),
opts.left ? toUInt64(opts.left) : new Buffer('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 'hex'),
toUInt64(opts.uploaded || 0),
common.toUInt32(common.EVENTS[opts.event] || 0),
common.toUInt32(0), // ip address (optional)
common.toUInt32(0), // key (optional)
toUInt16(self.client._port || 0)
function scrape (connectionId) {
Tracker.prototype._handleResponse = function (requestUrl, data) {
var self = this
try {
data = bencode.decode(data)
} catch (err) {
return self.client.emit('warning', new Error('Error decoding tracker response: ' + err.message))
var failure = data['failure reason']
if (failure) {
debug('failure from ' + requestUrl + ' (' + failure + ')')
return self.client.emit('warning', new Error(failure))
var warning = data['warning message']
if (warning) {
debug('warning from ' + requestUrl + ' (' + warning + ')')
self.client.emit('warning', new Error(warning))
debug('response from ' + requestUrl)
if (requestUrl === self._announceUrl) {
var interval = data.interval || data['min interval']
if (interval && !self._opts.interval && self._intervalMs !== 0) {
// use the interval the tracker recommends, UNLESS the user manually specifies an
// interval they want to use
self.setInterval(interval * 1000)
var trackerId = data['tracker id']
if (trackerId) {
// If absent, do not discard previous trackerId value
self._trackerId = trackerId
self.client.emit('update', {
announce: self._announceUrl,
complete: data.complete,
incomplete: data.incomplete
var addrs
if (Buffer.isBuffer(data.peers)) {
// tracker returned compact response
try {
addrs = compact2string.multi(data.peers)
} catch (err) {
return self.client.emit('warning', err)
addrs.forEach(function (addr) {
self.client.emit('peer', addr)
} else if (Array.isArray(data.peers)) {
// tracker returned normal response
data.peers.forEach(function (peer) {
self.client.emit('peer', peer.ip + ':' + peer.port)
if (Buffer.isBuffer(data.peers6)) {
// tracker returned compact response
try {
addrs = compact2string.multi6(data.peers6)
} catch (err) {
return self.client.emit('warning', err)
addrs.forEach(function (addr) {
self.client.emit('peer', addr)
} else if (Array.isArray(data.peers6)) {
// tracker returned normal response
data.peers6.forEach(function (peer) {
var ip = /^\[/.test(peer.ip) || !/:/.test(peer.ip)
? peer.ip /* ipv6 w/ brackets or domain name */
: '[' + peer.ip + ']' /* ipv6 without brackets */
self.client.emit('peer', ip + ':' + peer.port)
} else if (requestUrl === self._scrapeUrl) {
// NOTE: the unofficial spec says to use the 'files' key but i've seen 'host' in practice
data = data.files || || {}
data = data[self.client._infoHash.toString('binary')]
if (!data) {
self.client.emit('warning', new Error('invalid scrape response'))
} else {
// TODO: optionally handle data.flags.min_request_interval (separate from announce interval)
self.client.emit('scrape', {
announce: self._announceUrl,
complete: data.complete,
incomplete: data.incomplete,
downloaded: data.downloaded
function toUInt16 (n) {
var buf = new Buffer(2)
buf.writeUInt16BE(n, 0)
return buf
var MAX_UINT = 4294967295
function toUInt64 (n) {
if (n > MAX_UINT || typeof n === 'string') {
var bytes = new BN(n).toArray()
while (bytes.length < 8) {
return new Buffer(bytes)
return Buffer.concat([common.toUInt32(0), common.toUInt32(n)])
var UDP_TRACKER = /^udp:\/\//
var HTTP_SCRAPE_SUPPORT = /\/(announce)[^\/]*$/
function getScrapeUrl (announceUrl) {
if (announceUrl.match(UDP_TRACKER)) return announceUrl
var match = announceUrl.match(HTTP_SCRAPE_SUPPORT)
if (match) {
var i = match.index
return announceUrl.slice(0, i) + '/scrape' + announceUrl.slice(i + 9)
return null
return opts

View File

@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ var querystring = require('querystring')
exports.IPV4_RE = /^[\d\.]+$/
exports.IPV6_RE = /^[\da-fA-F:]+$/
exports.DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL = 30 * 60 * 1000 // 30 minutes
exports.CONNECTION_ID = Buffer.concat([ toUInt32(0x417), toUInt32(0x27101980) ])

lib/http-tracker.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
module.exports = HTTPTracker
var bencode = require('bencode')
var compact2string = require('compact2string')
var debug = require('debug')('bittorrent-tracker:http-tracker')
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
var get = require('simple-get')
var inherits = require('inherits')
var common = require('./common')
var HTTP_SCRAPE_SUPPORT = /\/(announce)[^\/]*$/
inherits(HTTPTracker, EventEmitter)
* HTTP torrent tracker client (for an individual tracker)
* @param {Client} client parent bittorrent tracker client
* @param {string} announceUrl announce url of tracker
* @param {Object} opts options object
function HTTPTracker (client, announceUrl, opts) {
var self = this
debug('new http tracker %s', announceUrl)
self.client = client
self._opts = opts
self._announceUrl = announceUrl
self._intervalMs = self.client._intervalMs // use client interval initially
self._interval = null
// Determine scrape url (if http tracker supports it)
self._scrapeUrl = null
var m
if ((m = self._announceUrl.match(HTTP_SCRAPE_SUPPORT))) {
self._scrapeUrl = self._announceUrl.slice(0, m.index) + '/scrape' +
self._announceUrl.slice(m.index + 9)
HTTPTracker.prototype.announce = function (opts) {
var self = this
if (self._trackerId) opts.trackerid = self._trackerId
if (opts.compact == null) opts.compact = 1
if (opts.numwant == null) opts.numwant = self.client._numWant // spec says 'numwant'
opts.info_hash = self.client._infoHash.toString('binary')
opts.peer_id = self.client._peerId.toString('binary')
opts.port = self.client._port
self._request(self._announceUrl, opts, self._onAnnounceResponse.bind(self))
HTTPTracker.prototype.scrape = function (opts) {
var self = this
if (!self._scrapeUrl) {
self.client.emit('error', new Error('scrape not supported ' + self._announceUrl))
opts.info_hash = self.client._infoHash.toString('binary')
self._request(self._scrapeUrl, opts, self._onScrapeResponse.bind(self))
// TODO: Improve this interface
HTTPTracker.prototype.setInterval = function (intervalMs) {
var self = this
self._intervalMs = intervalMs
if (intervalMs) {
var update = self.announce.bind(self, self.client._defaultAnnounceOpts())
self._interval = setInterval(update, self._intervalMs)
HTTPTracker.prototype._request = function (requestUrl, opts, cb) {
var self = this
var u = requestUrl + (requestUrl.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') +
get.concat(u, function (err, data, res) {
if (err) return self.client.emit('warning', err)
if (res.statusCode !== 200) return self.client.emit('warning', new Error('Non-200 response code ' + res.statusCode + ' from ' + self.a))
if (!data || data.length === 0) return
try {
data = bencode.decode(data)
} catch (err) {
return self.client.emit('warning', new Error('Error decoding tracker response: ' + err.message))
var failure = data['failure reason']
if (failure) {
debug('failure from ' + requestUrl + ' (' + failure + ')')
return self.client.emit('warning', new Error(failure))
var warning = data['warning message']
if (warning) {
debug('warning from ' + requestUrl + ' (' + warning + ')')
self.client.emit('warning', new Error(warning))
debug('response from ' + requestUrl)
HTTPTracker.prototype._onAnnounceResponse = function (data) {
var self = this
var interval = data.interval || data['min interval']
if (interval && !self._opts.interval && self._intervalMs !== 0) {
// use the interval the tracker recommends, UNLESS the user manually specifies an
// interval they want to use
self.setInterval(interval * 1000)
var trackerId = data['tracker id']
if (trackerId) {
// If absent, do not discard previous trackerId value
self._trackerId = trackerId
self.client.emit('update', {
announce: self._announceUrl,
complete: data.complete,
incomplete: data.incomplete
var addrs
if (Buffer.isBuffer(data.peers)) {
// tracker returned compact response
try {
addrs = compact2string.multi(data.peers)
} catch (err) {
return self.client.emit('warning', err)
addrs.forEach(function (addr) {
self.client.emit('peer', addr)
} else if (Array.isArray(data.peers)) {
// tracker returned normal response
data.peers.forEach(function (peer) {
self.client.emit('peer', peer.ip + ':' + peer.port)
if (Buffer.isBuffer(data.peers6)) {
// tracker returned compact response
try {
addrs = compact2string.multi6(data.peers6)
} catch (err) {
return self.client.emit('warning', err)
addrs.forEach(function (addr) {
self.client.emit('peer', addr)
} else if (Array.isArray(data.peers6)) {
// tracker returned normal response
data.peers6.forEach(function (peer) {
var ip = /^\[/.test(peer.ip) || !/:/.test(peer.ip)
? peer.ip /* ipv6 w/ brackets or domain name */
: '[' + peer.ip + ']' /* ipv6 without brackets */
self.client.emit('peer', ip + ':' + peer.port)
HTTPTracker.prototype._onScrapeResponse = function (data) {
var self = this
// NOTE: the unofficial spec says to use the 'files' key, 'host' has been
// seen in practice
data = data.files || || {}
data = data[self.client._infoHash.toString('binary')]
if (!data) {
self.client.emit('warning', new Error('invalid scrape response'))
} else {
// TODO: optionally handle data.flags.min_request_interval
// (separate from announce interval)
self.client.emit('scrape', {
announce: self._announceUrl,
complete: data.complete,
incomplete: data.incomplete,
downloaded: data.downloaded

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ function parseHttpRequest (req, options) {
params.left = Number(params.left)
params.compact = Number(params.compact)
params.numwant = Math.min(
Number(params.numwant) || common.NUM_ANNOUNCE_PEERS,
Number(params.numwant) || common.DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_PEERS,

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ function parseUdpRequest (msg, rinfo) {
// never send more than MAX_ANNOUNCE_PEERS or else the UDP packet will get bigger than
// 512 bytes which is not safe
params.numwant = Math.min(
msg.readUInt32BE(92) || common.NUM_ANNOUNCE_PEERS, // optional
msg.readUInt32BE(92) || common.DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_PEERS, // optional

lib/udp-tracker.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
module.exports = UDPTracker
var BN = require('bn.js')
var compact2string = require('compact2string')
var debug = require('debug')('bittorrent-tracker:http-tracker')
var dgram = require('dgram')
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
var hat = require('hat')
var inherits = require('inherits')
var url = require('url')
var common = require('./common')
inherits(UDPTracker, EventEmitter)
* UDP torrent tracker client (for an individual tracker)
* @param {Client} client parent bittorrent tracker client
* @param {string} announceUrl announce url of tracker
* @param {Object} opts options object
function UDPTracker (client, announceUrl, opts) {
var self = this
debug('new udp tracker %s', announceUrl)
self.client = client
self._opts = opts
self._announceUrl = announceUrl
self._intervalMs = self.client._intervalMs // use client interval initially
self._interval = null
UDPTracker.prototype.announce = function (opts) {
var self = this
self._request(self._announceUrl, opts)
UDPTracker.prototype.scrape = function (opts) {
var self = this
opts._scrape = true
self._request(self._announceUrl, opts) // udp scrape uses same announce url
UDPTracker.prototype._request = function (requestUrl, opts) {
var self = this
if (!opts) opts = {}
var parsedUrl = url.parse(requestUrl)
var socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4')
var transactionId = genTransactionId()
// does not matter if `stopped` event arrives, so supress errors & cleanup after timeout
var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
timeout = null
if (opts.event !== 'stopped') {
error('tracker request timed out')
}, opts.event === 'stopped' ? 1500 : 15000)
if (timeout && timeout.unref) {
socket.on('error', error)
socket.on('message', function (msg) {
if (msg.length < 8 || msg.readUInt32BE(4) !== transactionId.readUInt32BE(0)) {
return error('tracker sent invalid transaction id')
var action = msg.readUInt32BE(0)
debug(requestUrl + ' UDP response, action ' + action)
switch (action) {
case 0: // handshake
if (msg.length < 16) {
return error('invalid udp handshake')
if (opts._scrape) {
scrape(msg.slice(8, 16))
} else {
announce(msg.slice(8, 16), opts)
case 1: // announce
if (msg.length < 20) {
return error('invalid announce message')
var interval = msg.readUInt32BE(8)
if (interval && !self._opts.interval && self._intervalMs !== 0) {
// use the interval the tracker recommends, UNLESS the user manually specifies an
// interval they want to use
self.setInterval(interval * 1000)
self.client.emit('update', {
announce: self._announceUrl,
complete: msg.readUInt32BE(16),
incomplete: msg.readUInt32BE(12)
var addrs
try {
addrs = compact2string.multi(msg.slice(20))
} catch (err) {
return self.client.emit('warning', err)
addrs.forEach(function (addr) {
self.client.emit('peer', addr)
case 2: // scrape
if (msg.length < 20) {
return error('invalid scrape message')
self.client.emit('scrape', {
announce: self._announceUrl,
complete: msg.readUInt32BE(8),
downloaded: msg.readUInt32BE(12),
incomplete: msg.readUInt32BE(16)
case 3: // error
if (msg.length < 8) {
return error('invalid error message')
self.client.emit('warning', new Error(msg.slice(8).toString()))
error('tracker sent invalid action')
function send (message) {
if (!parsedUrl.port) {
parsedUrl.port = 80
socket.send(message, 0, message.length, parsedUrl.port, parsedUrl.hostname)
function error (message) {
// errors will often happen if a tracker is offline, so don't treat it as fatal
self.client.emit('warning', new Error(message + ' (' + requestUrl + ')'))
function cleanup () {
if (timeout) {
timeout = null
try { socket.close() } catch (err) {}
function announce (connectionId, opts) {
opts = opts || {}
transactionId = genTransactionId()
toUInt64(opts.downloaded || 0),
opts.left != null ? toUInt64(opts.left) : new Buffer('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 'hex'),
toUInt64(opts.uploaded || 0),
common.toUInt32(common.EVENTS[opts.event] || 0),
common.toUInt32(0), // ip address (optional)
common.toUInt32(0), // key (optional)
common.toUInt32(opts.numWant || common.DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_PEERS),
toUInt16(self.client._port || 0)
function scrape (connectionId) {
transactionId = genTransactionId()
// TODO: Improve this interface
UDPTracker.prototype.setInterval = function (intervalMs) {
var self = this
self._intervalMs = intervalMs
if (intervalMs) {
var update = self.announce.bind(self, self.client._defaultAnnounceOpts())
self._interval = setInterval(update, self._intervalMs)
function genTransactionId () {
return new Buffer(hat(32), 'hex')
function toUInt16 (n) {
var buf = new Buffer(2)
buf.writeUInt16BE(n, 0)
return buf
var MAX_UINT = 4294967295
function toUInt64 (n) {
if (n > MAX_UINT || typeof n === 'string') {
var bytes = new BN(n).toArray()
while (bytes.length < 8) {
return new Buffer(bytes)
return Buffer.concat([common.toUInt32(0), common.toUInt32(n)])

lib/websocket-tracker.js Normal file
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