var Client = require('../').Client var portfinder = require('portfinder') var Server = require('../').Server var test = require('tape') // TODO: add tests to verify that the correct downloaded/left/uploaded numbers are // being sent var infoHash = '4cb67059ed6bd08362da625b3ae77f6f4a075705' var peerId = '12345678901234567890' var torrentLength = 50000 test('server', function (t) { t.plan(17) var server = new Server() // { interval: 50000, compactOnly: false } server.on('error', function (err) { }) server.on('start', function () { t.pass('got start message') }) server.on('complete', function () {}) server.on('update', function () {}) server.on('stop', function () {}) server.on('listening', function () { t.pass('server listening') }) portfinder.getPort(function (err, port) { t.error(err, 'found free port') server.listen(port) var announceUrl = '' + port + '/announce' var client = new Client(peerId, 6881, { infoHash: infoHash, length: torrentLength, announce: [ announceUrl ] }) client.start() client.once('update', function (data) { t.equal(data.announce, announceUrl) t.equal(data.complete, 0) t.equal(data.incomplete, 1) t.equal(Object.keys(server.torrents).length, 1) t.equal(server.torrents[infoHash].complete, 0) t.equal(server.torrents[infoHash].incomplete, 1) t.equal(Object.keys(server.torrents[infoHash].peers).length, 1) t.deepEqual(server.torrents[infoHash].peers[''], { ip: '', port: 6881, peerId: peerId }) client.complete() client.once('update', function (data) { t.equal(data.announce, announceUrl) t.equal(data.complete, 1) t.equal(data.incomplete, 0) client.stop() client.once('update', function (data) { t.equal(data.announce, announceUrl) t.equal(data.complete, 0) t.equal(data.incomplete, 0) server.close() }) }) }) }) })