const bencode = require('bencode') const Client = require('../') const common = require('./common') const commonLib = require('../lib/common') const commonTest = require('./common') const fixtures = require('webtorrent-fixtures') const get = require('simple-get') const test = require('tape') const peerId = Buffer.from('01234567890123456789') function testSingle (t, serverType) { commonTest.createServer(t, serverType, function (server, announceUrl) { const client = new Client({ infoHash: fixtures.leaves.parsedTorrent.infoHash, announce: announceUrl, peerId, port: 6881, wrtc: {} }) if (serverType === 'ws') common.mockWebsocketTracker(client) client.on('error', function (err) { t.error(err) }) client.on('warning', function (err) { t.error(err) }) client.scrape() client.on('scrape', function (data) { t.equal(data.announce, announceUrl) t.equal(data.infoHash, fixtures.leaves.parsedTorrent.infoHash) t.equal(typeof data.complete, 'number') t.equal(typeof data.incomplete, 'number') t.equal(typeof data.downloaded, 'number') client.destroy() server.close(function () { t.end() }) }) }) } test('http: single info_hash scrape', function (t) { testSingle(t, 'http') }) test('udp: single info_hash scrape', function (t) { testSingle(t, 'udp') }) test('ws: single info_hash scrape', function (t) { testSingle(t, 'ws') }) function clientScrapeStatic (t, serverType) { commonTest.createServer(t, serverType, function (server, announceUrl) { const client = Client.scrape({ announce: announceUrl, infoHash: fixtures.leaves.parsedTorrent.infoHash, wrtc: {} }, function (err, data) { t.error(err) t.equal(data.announce, announceUrl) t.equal(data.infoHash, fixtures.leaves.parsedTorrent.infoHash) t.equal(typeof data.complete, 'number') t.equal(typeof data.incomplete, 'number') t.equal(typeof data.downloaded, 'number') server.close(function () { t.end() }) }) if (serverType === 'ws') common.mockWebsocketTracker(client) }) } test('http: scrape using Client.scrape static method', function (t) { clientScrapeStatic(t, 'http') }) test('udp: scrape using Client.scrape static method', function (t) { clientScrapeStatic(t, 'udp') }) test('ws: scrape using Client.scrape static method', function (t) { clientScrapeStatic(t, 'ws') }) // Ensure the callback function gets called when an invalid url is passed function clientScrapeStaticInvalid (t, serverType) { let announceUrl = serverType + '://' if (serverType === 'http') announceUrl += '/announce' const client = Client.scrape({ announce: announceUrl, infoHash: fixtures.leaves.parsedTorrent.infoHash, wrtc: {} }, function (err, data) { t.ok(err instanceof Error) t.end() }) if (serverType === 'ws') common.mockWebsocketTracker(client) } test('http: scrape using Client.scrape static method (invalid url)', function (t) { clientScrapeStaticInvalid(t, 'http') }) test('udp: scrape using Client.scrape static method (invalid url)', function (t) { clientScrapeStaticInvalid(t, 'udp') }) test('ws: scrape using Client.scrape static method (invalid url)', function (t) { clientScrapeStaticInvalid(t, 'ws') }) function clientScrapeMulti (t, serverType) { const infoHash1 = fixtures.leaves.parsedTorrent.infoHash const infoHash2 = fixtures.alice.parsedTorrent.infoHash commonTest.createServer(t, serverType, function (server, announceUrl) { Client.scrape({ infoHash: [infoHash1, infoHash2], announce: announceUrl }, function (err, results) { t.error(err) t.equal(results[infoHash1].announce, announceUrl) t.equal(results[infoHash1].infoHash, infoHash1) t.equal(typeof results[infoHash1].complete, 'number') t.equal(typeof results[infoHash1].incomplete, 'number') t.equal(typeof results[infoHash1].downloaded, 'number') t.equal(results[infoHash2].announce, announceUrl) t.equal(results[infoHash2].infoHash, infoHash2) t.equal(typeof results[infoHash2].complete, 'number') t.equal(typeof results[infoHash2].incomplete, 'number') t.equal(typeof results[infoHash2].downloaded, 'number') server.close(function () { t.end() }) }) }) } test('http: MULTI scrape using Client.scrape static method', function (t) { clientScrapeMulti(t, 'http') }) test('udp: MULTI scrape using Client.scrape static method', function (t) { clientScrapeMulti(t, 'udp') }) test('server: multiple info_hash scrape (manual http request)', function (t) { t.plan(13) const binaryInfoHash1 = commonLib.hexToBinary(fixtures.leaves.parsedTorrent.infoHash) const binaryInfoHash2 = commonLib.hexToBinary(fixtures.alice.parsedTorrent.infoHash) commonTest.createServer(t, 'http', function (server, announceUrl) { const scrapeUrl = announceUrl.replace('/announce', '/scrape') const url = scrapeUrl + '?' + commonLib.querystringStringify({ info_hash: [binaryInfoHash1, binaryInfoHash2] }) get.concat(url, function (err, res, data) { t.error(err) t.equal(res.statusCode, 200) data = bencode.decode(data) t.ok(data.files) t.equal(Object.keys(data.files).length, 2) t.ok(data.files[binaryInfoHash1]) t.equal(typeof data.files[binaryInfoHash1].complete, 'number') t.equal(typeof data.files[binaryInfoHash1].incomplete, 'number') t.equal(typeof data.files[binaryInfoHash1].downloaded, 'number') t.ok(data.files[binaryInfoHash2]) t.equal(typeof data.files[binaryInfoHash2].complete, 'number') t.equal(typeof data.files[binaryInfoHash2].incomplete, 'number') t.equal(typeof data.files[binaryInfoHash2].downloaded, 'number') server.close(function () { t.pass('server closed') }) }) }) }) test('server: all info_hash scrape (manual http request)', function (t) { t.plan(10) const binaryInfoHash = commonLib.hexToBinary(fixtures.leaves.parsedTorrent.infoHash) commonTest.createServer(t, 'http', function (server, announceUrl) { const scrapeUrl = announceUrl.replace('/announce', '/scrape') // announce a torrent to the tracker const client = new Client({ infoHash: fixtures.leaves.parsedTorrent.infoHash, announce: announceUrl, peerId, port: 6881 }) client.on('error', function (err) { t.error(err) }) client.on('warning', function (err) { t.error(err) }) client.start() server.once('start', function () { // now do a scrape of everything by omitting the info_hash param get.concat(scrapeUrl, function (err, res, data) { t.error(err) t.equal(res.statusCode, 200) data = bencode.decode(data) t.ok(data.files) t.equal(Object.keys(data.files).length, 1) t.ok(data.files[binaryInfoHash]) t.equal(typeof data.files[binaryInfoHash].complete, 'number') t.equal(typeof data.files[binaryInfoHash].incomplete, 'number') t.equal(typeof data.files[binaryInfoHash].downloaded, 'number') client.destroy(function () { t.pass('client destroyed') }) server.close(function () { t.pass('server closed') }) }) }) }) })