mirror of
synced 2024-12-13 19:06:27 +00:00
When you restart the tracker server, all peers it's tracking are discarded. Then, clients that are already running will continue to send `update` events, but the tracker throws them away because it was expected to get a `start` event first. This should only be a warning, and not a fatal error. I just made the following changes: - unexpected `started` event (for peer already in swarm) is treated as an `update` - unexpected `stopped` event is discarded - unexpected `completed` event is treated as a `start` - unexpected `update` event (from peer not in swarm) is treated as `start` Fixes #42
525 lines
14 KiB
525 lines
14 KiB
module.exports = Server
var bencode = require('bencode')
var bufferEqual = require('buffer-equal')
var common = require('./lib/common')
var debug = require('debug')('bittorrent-tracker')
var dgram = require('dgram')
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
var http = require('http')
var inherits = require('inherits')
var ipLib = require('ip')
var portfinder = require('portfinder')
var string2compact = require('string2compact')
// Use random port above 1024
portfinder.basePort = Math.floor(Math.random() * 60000) + 1025
var REMOVE_IPV6_RE = /^::ffff:/
inherits(Server, EventEmitter)
* A BitTorrent tracker server.
* A "BitTorrent tracker" is an HTTP service which responds to GET requests from
* BitTorrent clients. The requests include metrics from clients that help the tracker
* keep overall statistics about the torrent. The response includes a peer list that
* helps the client participate in the torrent.
* @param {Object} opts options
* @param {Number} opts.interval interval in ms that clients should announce on
* @param {Number} opts.trustProxy Trust 'x-forwarded-for' header from reverse proxy
* @param {boolean} opts.http Start an http server? (default: true)
* @param {boolean} opts.udp Start a udp server? (default: true)
function Server (opts) {
var self = this
if (!(self instanceof Server)) return new Server(opts)
opts = opts || {}
self._intervalMs = opts.interval
? opts.interval / 1000
: 10 * 60 // 10 min (in secs)
self._trustProxy = !!opts.trustProxy
self.listening = false
self.port = null
self.torrents = {}
// default to starting an http server unless the user explictly says no
if (opts.http !== false) {
self._httpServer = http.createServer()
self._httpServer.on('request', self._onHttpRequest.bind(self))
self._httpServer.on('error', self._onError.bind(self))
self._httpServer.on('listening', onListening)
// default to starting a udp server unless the user explicitly says no
if (opts.udp !== false) {
self._udpServer = dgram.createSocket('udp4')
self._udpServer.on('message', self._onUdpRequest.bind(self))
self._udpServer.on('error', self._onError.bind(self))
self._udpServer.on('listening', onListening)
var num = !!self._httpServer + !!self._udpServer
function onListening () {
num -= 1
if (num === 0) {
self.listening = true
self.emit('listening', self.port)
Server.prototype._onError = function (err) {
var self = this
self.emit('error', err)
Server.prototype.listen = function (port, onlistening) {
var self = this
if (typeof port === 'function') {
onlistening = port
port = undefined
if (self.listening) throw new Error('server already listening')
if (onlistening) self.once('listening', onlistening)
function onPort (err, port) {
if (err) return self.emit('error', err)
self.port = port
self._httpServer && self._httpServer.listen(port.http || port)
self._udpServer && self._udpServer.bind(port.udp || port)
if (port) onPort(null, port)
else portfinder.getPort(onPort)
Server.prototype.close = function (cb) {
var self = this
cb = cb || function () {}
if (self._udpServer) {
if (self._httpServer) {
} else {
Server.prototype.getSwarm = function (infoHash) {
var self = this
var binaryInfoHash = Buffer.isBuffer(infoHash)
? infoHash.toString('binary')
: new Buffer(infoHash, 'hex').toString('binary')
return self._getSwarm(binaryInfoHash)
Server.prototype._getSwarm = function (binaryInfoHash) {
var self = this
var swarm = self.torrents[binaryInfoHash]
if (!swarm) {
swarm = self.torrents[binaryInfoHash] = {
complete: 0,
incomplete: 0,
peers: {}
return swarm
Server.prototype._onHttpRequest = function (req, res) {
var self = this
var s = req.url.split('?')
var params = common.querystringParse(s[1])
var response
if (s[0] === '/announce') {
var infoHash = typeof params.info_hash === 'string' && params.info_hash
var peerId = typeof params.peer_id === 'string' && common.binaryToUtf8(params.peer_id)
var port = Number(params.port)
if (!infoHash) return error('invalid info_hash')
if (infoHash.length !== 20) return error('invalid info_hash')
if (!peerId) return error('invalid peer_id')
if (peerId.length !== 20) return error('invalid peer_id')
if (!port) return error('invalid port')
var left = Number(params.left)
var compact = Number(params.compact)
var ip = self._trustProxy
? req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || req.connection.remoteAddress
: req.connection.remoteAddress.replace(REMOVE_IPV6_RE, '') // force ipv4
var addr = ip + ':' + port
var swarm = self._getSwarm(infoHash)
var peer = swarm.peers[addr]
var numWant = Math.min(
Number(params.numwant) || NUM_ANNOUNCE_PEERS,
var start = function () {
if (peer) {
debug('unexpected `started` event from peer that is already in swarm')
return update() // treat as an update
if (left === 0) swarm.complete += 1
else swarm.incomplete += 1
swarm.peers[addr] = {
ip: ip,
port: port,
peerId: peerId
self.emit('start', addr)
var stop = function () {
if (!peer) {
debug('unexpected `stopped` event from peer that is not in swarm')
return // do nothing
if (peer.complete) swarm.complete -= 1
else swarm.incomplete -= 1
swarm.peers[addr] = null
self.emit('stop', addr)
var complete = function () {
if (!peer) {
debug('unexpected `completed` event from peer that is not in swarm')
return start() // treat as a start
if (peer.complete) {
debug('unexpected `completed` event from peer that is already marked as completed')
return // do nothing
swarm.complete += 1
swarm.incomplete -= 1
peer.complete = true
self.emit('complete', addr)
var update = function () {
if (!peer) {
debug('unexpected `update` event from peer that is not in swarm')
return start() // treat as a start
self.emit('update', addr)
switch (params.event) {
case 'started':
case 'stopped':
case 'completed':
case '': case undefined: // update
return error('invalid event') // early return
if (left === 0) peer.complete = true
// send peers
var peers = compact === 1
? self._getPeersCompact(swarm, numWant)
: self._getPeers(swarm, numWant)
response = {
complete: swarm.complete,
incomplete: swarm.incomplete,
peers: peers,
interval: self._intervalMs
debug('sent response %s', response)
} else if (s[0] === '/scrape') { // unofficial scrape message
if (typeof params.info_hash === 'string') {
params.info_hash = [ params.info_hash ]
} else if (params.info_hash == null) {
// if info_hash param is omitted, stats for all torrents are returned
params.info_hash = Object.keys(self.torrents)
if (!Array.isArray(params.info_hash)) return error('invalid info_hash')
response = {
files: {},
flags: {
min_request_interval: self._intervalMs
params.info_hash.some(function (infoHash) {
if (infoHash.length !== 20) {
error('invalid info_hash')
return true // early return
var swarm = self._getSwarm(infoHash)
response.files[infoHash] = {
complete: swarm.complete,
incomplete: swarm.incomplete,
downloaded: swarm.complete // TODO: this only provides a lower-bound
debug('sent response %s', response)
} else {
error('only /announce and /scrape are valid endpoints')
function error (message) {
debug('sent error %s', message)
'failure reason': message
// even though it's an error for the client, it's just a warning for the server.
// don't crash the server because a client sent bad data :)
self.emit('warning', new Error(message))
Server.prototype._onUdpRequest = function (msg, rinfo) {
var self = this
if (msg.length < 16) {
return error('received packet is too short')
if (rinfo.family !== 'IPv4') {
return error('udp tracker does not support IPv6')
var connectionId = msg.slice(0, 8) // 64-bit
var action = msg.readUInt32BE(8)
var transactionId = msg.readUInt32BE(12)
if (!bufferEqual(connectionId, common.CONNECTION_ID)) {
return error('received packet with invalid connection id')
var socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4')
var infoHash, swarm
if (action === common.ACTIONS.CONNECT) {
} else if (action === common.ACTIONS.ANNOUNCE) {
infoHash = msg.slice(16, 36).toString('binary') // 20 bytes
var peerId = msg.slice(36, 56).toString('utf8') // 20 bytes
var downloaded = fromUInt64(msg.slice(56, 64)) // TODO: track this?
var left = fromUInt64(msg.slice(64, 72))
var uploaded = fromUInt64(msg.slice(72, 80)) // TODO: track this?
var event = msg.readUInt32BE(80)
var ip = msg.readUInt32BE(84) // optional
var key = msg.readUInt32BE(88) // TODO: what is this for?
var numWant = msg.readUInt32BE(92) // optional
var port = msg.readUInt16BE(96) // optional
if (ip) {
ip = ipLib.toString(ip)
} else {
ip = rinfo.address
if (!port) {
port = rinfo.port
var addr = ip + ':' + port
swarm = self._getSwarm(infoHash)
var peer = swarm.peers[addr]
// never send more than MAX_ANNOUNCE_PEERS or else the UDP packet will get bigger than
// 512 bytes which is not safe
var start = function () {
if (peer) {
debug('unexpected `started` event from peer that is already in swarm')
return update() // treat as an update
if (left === 0) swarm.complete += 1
else swarm.incomplete += 1
swarm.peers[addr] = {
ip: ip,
port: port,
peerId: peerId
self.emit('start', addr)
var stop = function () {
if (!peer) {
debug('unexpected `stopped` event from peer that is not in swarm')
return // do nothing
if (peer.complete) swarm.complete -= 1
else swarm.incomplete -= 1
swarm.peers[addr] = null
self.emit('stop', addr)
var complete = function () {
if (!peer) {
debug('unexpected `completed` event from peer that is not in swarm')
return start() // treat as a start
if (peer.complete) {
debug('unexpected `completed` event from peer that is already marked as completed')
return // do nothing
swarm.complete += 1
swarm.incomplete -= 1
peer.complete = true
self.emit('complete', addr)
var update = function () {
if (!peer) {
debug('unexpected `update` event from peer that is not in swarm')
return start() // treat as a start
self.emit('update', addr)
switch (event) {
case common.EVENTS.started:
case common.EVENTS.stopped:
case common.EVENTS.completed:
case common.EVENTS.update: // update
return error('invalid event') // early return
if (left === 0) peer.complete = true
// send peers
var peers = self._getPeersCompact(swarm, numWant)
} else if (action === common.ACTIONS.SCRAPE) { // scrape message
infoHash = msg.slice(16, 36).toString('binary') // 20 bytes
// TODO: support multiple info_hash scrape
if (msg.length > 36) {
error('multiple info_hash scrape not supported')
swarm = self._getSwarm(infoHash)
common.toUInt32(swarm.complete), // TODO: this only provides a lower-bound
function send (buf) {
debug('sent response %s', buf.toString('hex'))
socket.send(buf, 0, buf.length, rinfo.port, rinfo.address, function () {
try {
} catch (err) {}
function error (message) {
debug('sent error %s', message)
common.toUInt32(transactionId || 0),
new Buffer(message, 'utf8')
self.emit('warning', new Error(message))
Server.prototype._getPeers = function (swarm, numWant) {
var peers = []
for (var peerId in swarm.peers) {
if (peers.length >= numWant) break
var peer = swarm.peers[peerId]
if (!peer) continue // ignore null values
'peer id': peer.peerId,
ip: peer.ip,
port: peer.port
return peers
Server.prototype._getPeersCompact = function (swarm, numWant) {
var peers = []
for (var peerId in swarm.peers) {
if (peers.length >= numWant) break
var peer = swarm.peers[peerId]
if (!peer) continue // ignore null values
peers.push(peer.ip + ':' + peer.port)
return string2compact(peers)
var TWO_PWR_32 = (1 << 16) * 2
* Return the closest floating-point representation to the buffer value. Precision will be
* lost for big numbers.
function fromUInt64 (buf) {
var high = buf.readUInt32BE(0) | 0 // force
var low = buf.readUInt32BE(4) | 0
var lowUnsigned = (low >= 0) ? low : TWO_PWR_32 + low
return high * TWO_PWR_32 + lowUnsigned