optimize highlight for http

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Lynx 2013-08-24 17:39:09 +08:00
parent c0b383a7b7
commit 82f14c458c

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
-export([search/4, search_hash/3, highlight_title/2, highlight_files/2]).
-define(PORT, 9312).
-define(INDEX, "xml").
search(Conn, Key, Offset, Count) ->
Rets = search_hash(Key, Offset, Count),
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ highlight_title(Key, Name) when is_list(Name) ->
highlight_files(Key, Files) when is_list(Files) ->
{Names, Lens} = lists:unzip(Files),
BNames = [list_to_binary(Name) || Name <- Names],
case catch build_file_excerpts(list_to_binary(Key), BNames, 800) of
case catch build_file_excerpts(list_to_binary(?INDEX), list_to_binary(Key), BNames, 800) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
?E(?FMT("highlight_files ~p", [Reason])),
@ -77,12 +78,23 @@ highlight_files(Key, Files) when is_list(Files) ->
L1 ++ L2
% too many files in one batch will cause error
build_file_excerpts(BKey, BNames, Batch) ->
BIndex = list_to_binary(?INDEX),
Cnt = length(BNames) div Batch + 1,
SubNamesList = [lists:sublist(BNames, 1 + I * Batch, Batch) ||
I <- lists:seq(0, Cnt - 1)],
lists:flatten([sphinx_excerpt:build_excerpt(BKey, BName, BIndex) ||
BName <- SubNamesList]).
build_file_excerpts(_BIndex, _BKey, [], _Batch)->
build_file_excerpts(BIndex, BKey, BNames, Batch) when length(BNames) < Batch ->
sphinx_excerpt:build_excerpt(BKey, BNames, BIndex);
build_file_excerpts(BIndex, BKey, BNames, Batch)->
{SubNames, Rest} = lists:split(Batch, BNames),
Rets = sphinx_excerpt:build_excerpt(BKey, SubNames, BIndex),
Rets ++ case got_excerpt(Rets) of
true ->
[<<>> || _ <- Rest];
false ->
build_file_excerpts(BIndex, BKey, Rest, Batch)
got_excerpt([]) ->
got_excerpt([S|_]) when byte_size(S) > 0 ->
got_excerpt([_S|R]) ->