fix hash_reader stop working bug

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Lynx 2013-07-06 21:28:50 +08:00
parent 1a9f38df49
commit 8ee2e54e3d

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@ -45,11 +45,14 @@ handle_info({got_torrent, failed, _Hash}, State) ->
#state{downloading = D} = State,
Conn = db_conn(State),
?T(?FMT("got torrent failed ~s", [_Hash])),
{noreply, State#state{downloading = D - 1}};
handle_info({got_torrent, ok, Hash, Content}, State) ->
Conn = db_conn(State),
true = is_binary(Content),
% save the torrent file
?T(?FMT("got torrent ok ~s size ~p", [Hash, byte_size(Content)])),
SaveTor = config:get(save_torrent, true),
if SaveTor -> loc_torrent_cache:save(Conn, Hash, Content); true -> ok end,
NewState = got_torrent_content(Conn, State, Hash, Content),
@ -62,21 +65,21 @@ handle_info({got_torrent_from_cache, Hash, Content}, State) ->
handle_info(timeout, State) ->
Conn = db_conn(State),
?T("handle timeout, try next"),
{noreply, State};
handle_info(_, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
% when there's no hash to process
handle_cast(process_download_hash, State) ->
handle_info(process_download_hash, State) ->
#state{downloading = D} = State,
NewD = case D >= ?MAX_DOWNLOAD of
true ->
% the only thing we can do is just wait
timer:send_after(?WAIT_TIME, timeout),
?T(?FMT("reach the max download ~p", [D])),
false ->
?T(?FMT("start a new download ~p", [D])),
% launch downloader
Conn = db_conn(State),
@ -86,10 +89,15 @@ handle_cast(process_download_hash, State) ->
{noreply, State#state{downloading = NewD}};
handle_info(M, State) ->
?W(?FMT("unhandled message ~p", [M])),
{noreply, State}.
handle_cast({process_hash, Doc, DownloadDoc}, State) ->
Conn = db_conn(State),
{Hash} = bson:lookup(hash, Doc),
ListHash = binary_to_list(Hash),
?T(?FMT("process a hash ~s download-doc ~p", [ListHash, DownloadDoc])),
% to avoid register many timers when the hash is empty but download hash is not
% it also can avoid increase the message queue size, everytime this function get called,
% it remove this message and append only another 1.
@ -115,6 +123,7 @@ try_download(State, Hash, Doc) ->
#state{downloading = D} = State,
NewDownloading = case D >= ?MAX_DOWNLOAD of
true -> % put it into the download queue
?T(?FMT("reach the max download, insert it to wait queue ~s", [Hash])),
Conn = db_conn(State),
insert_to_download_wait(Conn, Doc),
@ -130,8 +139,10 @@ do_download(State, Hash) ->
Conn = db_conn(State),
case loc_torrent_cache:load(Conn, Hash) of
not_found -> % not in the local cache, download it now
?T(?FMT("push a request to tor_download ~s", [Hash])),
tor_download:download(Pid, Hash);
Content -> % process later
?T(?FMT("load a torrent from cache ~s", [Hash])),
self() ! {got_torrent_from_cache, Hash, Content}
@ -167,6 +178,7 @@ got_torrent_content(Conn, State, MagHash, Content) ->
case catch(torrent_file:parse(Content)) of
{'EXIT', _} ->
?W(?FMT("parse a torrent failed ~s", [MagHash])),
{Type, Info} ->
got_torrent(State, MagHash, Type, Info)
@ -217,7 +229,8 @@ schedule_next({}, true) ->
schedule_next({}, false) ->
gen_server:cast(self(), process_download_hash);
?T("hash is empty, try to startup downloader"),
self() ! process_download_hash;
schedule_next({Doc}, DownloadDoc) ->
gen_server:cast(self(), {process_hash, Doc, DownloadDoc}).