integrate torrent downloader monitor

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Lynx 2013-07-11 22:08:27 +08:00
parent 24b8061577
commit 9d8c60f0da
3 changed files with 44 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -42,18 +42,19 @@ insert(Conn, Hash) when is_list(Hash) ->
gen_server:cast(srv_name(), insert),
% [ListHash, ListHash]
% [{ListHash, Req}, {ListHash, Req}]
lookup(Conn, DaySecs, Count) ->
Sel = {'$query', {date, DaySecs}, '$orderby', {reqs, -1}},
List = mongo:do(safe, master, Conn, ?DBNAME, fun() ->
Cursor = mongo:find(?COLLNAME, Sel, {'_id', 1}, 0, Count),
Cursor = mongo:find(?COLLNAME, Sel, {'_id', 1, reqs, 1}, 0, Count),
[decode_hash(Doc) || Doc <- List].
decode_hash(Doc) ->
{ID} = bson:lookup('_id', Doc),
{Req} = bson:lookup(reqs, Doc),
{binary_to_list(ID), Req}.
% delete all oldest hashes
try_delete_oldest(Conn) ->

View File

@ -91,9 +91,16 @@ search_newest_top(Conn, Count, DaySecs) ->
% use hash_date to search, based on date index, so the search speed is very fast
search_newest_top_by_date(Conn, Count, DaySecs) ->
Hashes = db_daterange:lookup(Conn, DaySecs, Count),
Infos = [index(Conn, Hash) || Hash <- Hashes],
Infos = [day_info(Conn, Hash, Req) || {Hash, Req} <- Hashes],
lists:filter(fun(E) -> E /= {} end, Infos).
day_info(Conn, Hash, Req) ->
case index(Conn, Hash) of
{} -> {};
Info ->
setelement(4, Info, Req)
index(Conn, Hash) when is_list(Hash) ->
Ret = mongo_do_slave(Conn, fun() ->
mongo:find_one(?COLLNAME, {'_id', list_to_binary(Hash)})
@ -214,6 +221,8 @@ decode_ret_item(Item) ->
{Torrent} = bson:lookup(obj, Item),
% {single, Hash, {Name, Length}, RequestCount, CreatedAt}
% {multi, Hash, {Name, Files}, RequestCount, CreatedAt}
decode_torrent_item(Torrent) ->
{BinHash} = bson:lookup('_id', Torrent),
Hash = binary_to_list(BinHash),

View File

@ -23,15 +23,15 @@
-define(REQ_TIMEOUT, 60*1000).
% when ibrowse crashed, it will not notify these requests timeout, that will
% make these requests stay in the state forever
-define(REQ_ERROR_TIMEOUT, 5*60*1000).
-define(IS_ERROR_TIMEOUT(T), (timer:now_diff(now(), T) div 1000 > ?REQ_ERROR_TIMEOUT)).
-record(state, {start, hashSum = 0, reqSum = 0, totalTime = 0, reqs}).
start_global() ->
Options = [{max_sessions, ?HTTP_SESSION}, {max_pipeline_size, ?HTTP_PIPELINE}],
%Options = [{max_sessions, ?HTTP_SESSION}, {max_pipeline_size, ?HTTP_PIPELINE}],
% not work here ?
[ibrowse:set_dest(Host, 80, Options) || Host <- get_req_hosts()],
%[ibrowse:set_dest(Host, 80, Options) || Host <- get_req_hosts()],
start_link() ->
@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ stats(Pid) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, get_stats, infinity).
init([]) ->
{ok, #state{start = now(), reqs = gb_trees:empty()}}.
{ok, #state{start = now(), reqs = gb_trees:empty()}, 0}.
handle_cast({download, MagHash, From}, State) ->
#state{reqs = Reqs, hashSum = H, reqSum = R} = State,
% remove these invalid requests
UpdateReqs = Reqs, %check_error_timeout_reqs(Reqs),
NewReqs = create_download(UpdateReqs, MagHash, From),
NewSum = R + 1 - gb_trees:size(Reqs) - gb_trees:size(UpdateReqs),
NewSum = R + 1 - (gb_trees:size(Reqs) - gb_trees:size(UpdateReqs)),
{noreply, State#state{reqs = NewReqs, hashSum = H + 1, reqSum = NewSum}};
handle_cast(stop, State) ->
@ -93,6 +93,10 @@ handle_info({ibrowse_async_response, ReqID, Body}, State) ->
{noreply, NewState};
handle_info(timeout, State) ->
timer:send_interval(?REQ_ERROR_TIMEOUT div 2, check_error_timeout),
{noreply, State};
handle_info(check_error_timeout, State) ->
#state{reqs = Reqs} = State,
NewReqs = check_error_timeout_reqs(Reqs),
@ -164,19 +168,20 @@ unzip_content(_B) ->
%% http stuff
get_req_hosts() ->
%get_req_hosts() ->
% ["",
% "",
% "http:/",
% ""].
create_req_urls(MagHash) when is_list(MagHash), length(MagHash) == 40 ->
U1 = "" ++ MagHash ++ ".torrent",
U2 = format_btbox_url(MagHash),
U3 = "" ++ MagHash ++ ".torrent",
% zoink cause ibrowse crash because error response
% support https, but the ssl library seems memory leak
U4 = "" ++ MagHash ++ ".torrent",
[U1, U2, U3, U4].
%U4 = "" ++ MagHash ++ ".torrent",
[U1, U2, U3].
is_ssl_url(URL) when is_list(URL), length(URL) > 4 ->
string:substr(URL, 1, 5) == "https".
@ -187,16 +192,26 @@ format_btbox_url(MagHash) ->
"" ++ H ++ "/" ++ T ++ "/" ++ MagHash ++ ".torrent".
check_error_timeout_reqs(Reqs) ->
Size = gb_trees:size(Reqs),
ReqList = gb_trees:to_list(Reqs),
lists:foldl(fun(E, NewReqs) ->
NewReqs = lists:foldl(fun(E, NewReqs) ->
check_error_timeout(NewReqs, E)
end, gb_trees:empty(), ReqList).
end, gb_trees:empty(), ReqList),
NewSize = gb_trees:size(NewReqs),
case NewSize < Size of
true ->
?E(?FMT("remove ~p timeout download reqs, new size ~p",
[Size - NewSize, NewSize]));
false ->
check_error_timeout(Acc, {ReqID, {MagHash, _, From, _, Start} = Req}) ->
case ?IS_ERROR_TIMEOUT(Start) of
true ->
From ! {got_torrent, failed, MagHash},
?E(?FMT("download req error timeout ~s", [MagHash])),
?E(?FMT("download req timeout ~p ~s", [ReqID, MagHash])),
false ->
gb_trees:insert(ReqID, Req, Acc)