* [ ] Use versioning in /api/check. To elaborate, make it so that when a version string reported by server is higher than expected, force user to reload the page (which should be all that is needed for users to be loading latest front-end assets). Possibly also use it in /api/tokens/verify, for dashboard page.
* [ ] Better `df` handling (system disk stats). To elaborate, either properly show disk usages of directories that have sub-directories, or only show disk usages of whitelisted directories (thumbs, chunks, etc).
* [ ] Add "View uploads" button in "Manage your albums" page. Assuming the sidebar album menus are collapsed, users can optionally use this button as a shortcut, if they already happened to be in that page.
* [x] I forsaked all `Promise.all()` in favor of `await-in-for-loop` a while back. I personally think it was fine, considering a lot of them were tasks that required serial processing (continuation be dependant on previous iterations), but maybe I should review the current codes to find any sections that would do just fine, or maybe even great, with `Promise.all()`.
* [ ] When registering a new account, check for existing account(s) with the same username case-insesitively (for people who forgets how exactly they wrote their username). But still forces case-sensitivity when trying to login (cause this is a considerable security layer).
* [ ] Find a way to detect whether a user had disabled their browser's built-in smooth scrolling capability. We will then use that to decide whether we should use smooth scrolling when auto-scrolling during navigation (for now smooth scrolling is always enabled; and polified if applicable).
* [ ] Support [fragments](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/Identifying_resources_on_the_Web#Fragment) for dashboard sidebar menus.