mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 12:19:03 +00:00
Re-worked caching for statistics
I guess I'll work on adding charts someday.
This commit is contained in:
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ albumsController.create = async (req, res, next) => {
public: (req.body.public === false || req.body.public === 0) ? 0 : 1,
description: utils.escape(req.body.description) || ''
return res.json({ success: true, id: ids[0] })
@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ albumsController.delete = async (req, res, next) => {
userid: user.id
.update('enabled', 0)
const identifier = await db.table('albums')
@ -216,6 +218,7 @@ albumsController.edit = async (req, res, next) => {
public: Boolean(req.body.public),
description: utils.escape(req.body.description) || ''
if (req.body.requestLink) {
const oldIdentifier = await db.table('albums')
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@ albumsController.generateZip = async (req, res, next) => {
const fileName = `${album.name}.zip`
albumsController.zipEmitters.get(identifier).emit('done', filePath, fileName)
return download(filePath, fileName)
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ authController.register = async (req, res, next) => {
enabled: 1,
permission: perms.permissions.user
return res.json({ success: true, token })
@ -179,6 +180,7 @@ authController.editUser = async (req, res, next) => {
await db.table('users')
.where('id', id)
if (!req.body.resetPassword)
return res.json({ success: true, update })
@ -550,6 +550,7 @@ uploadsController.formatInfoMap = (req, res, user, infoMap) => {
userid: user !== undefined ? user.id : null,
timestamp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)
} else {
utils.deleteFile(info.data.filename, req.app.get('uploads-set')).catch(console.error)
@ -669,6 +670,7 @@ uploadsController.bulkDelete = async (req, res) => {
return res.json({ success: false, description: 'No array of files specified.' })
const failed = await utils.bulkDeleteFiles(field, values, user, req.app.get('uploads-set'))
if (failed.length < values.length)
return res.json({ success: true, failed })
@ -10,6 +10,24 @@ const perms = require('./permissionController')
const sharp = require('sharp')
const utilsController = {}
const _stats = {
system: {
cache: null,
timestamp: 0
albums: {
cache: null,
valid: false
users: {
cache: null,
valid: false
uploads: {
cache: null,
valid: false
const uploadsDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', config.uploads.folder)
const thumbsDir = path.join(uploadsDir, 'thumbs')
@ -405,7 +423,8 @@ utilsController.purgeCloudflareCache = async (names, uploads, thumbs) => {
return results
utilsController.getLinuxMemoryUsage = () => {
utilsController.getMemoryUsage = () => {
// For now this is linux-only. Not sure if darwin has this too.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const prc = spawn('free', ['-b'])
@ -432,6 +451,12 @@ utilsController.getLinuxMemoryUsage = () => {
utilsController.invalidateStatsCache = type => {
if (!['albums', 'users', 'uploads'].includes(type)) return
_stats[type].cache = null
_stats[type].valid = false
utilsController.stats = async (req, res, next) => {
const user = await utilsController.authorize(req, res)
if (!user) return
@ -439,66 +464,149 @@ utilsController.stats = async (req, res, next) => {
const isadmin = perms.is(user, 'admin')
if (!isadmin) return res.status(403).end()
const platform = os.platform()
const system = { platform: `${platform}-${os.arch()}` }
if (platform === 'linux') {
const memoryUsage = await utilsController.getLinuxMemoryUsage()
system.memory = {
used: memoryUsage.mem.used,
total: memoryUsage.mem.total
const stats = {}
// Re-use system cache for only 1000ms
if (Date.now() - _stats.system.timestamp <= 1000) {
stats.system = _stats.system.cache
} else {
const platform = os.platform()
stats.system = {
platform: `${platform}-${os.arch()}`,
systemMemory: null,
nodeVersion: `${process.versions.node}`,
memoryUsage: process.memoryUsage().rss
system['node.js'] = `${process.versions.node}`
system['memory usage'] = process.memoryUsage().rss
if (platform !== 'win32')
system.loadavg = `${os.loadavg().map(load => load.toFixed(2)).join(', ')}`
const stats = {
uploads: {
count: 0,
size: 0,
types: {
images: 0,
videos: 0,
others: 0
if (platform === 'linux') {
const memoryUsage = await utilsController.getMemoryUsage()
stats.system.systemMemory = {
used: memoryUsage.mem.used,
total: memoryUsage.mem.total
users: {
count: 0,
disabled: 0,
permissions: {}
} else {
delete stats.system.systemMemory
if (platform !== 'win32')
stats.system.loadAverage = `${os.loadavg().map(load => load.toFixed(2)).join(', ')}`
// Cache
_stats.system = {
cache: stats.system,
timestamp: Date.now()
Object.keys(perms.permissions).forEach(p => {
stats.users.permissions[p] = 0
// Re-use albums, users, and uploads caches as long as they are still valid
const uploads = await db.table('files')
stats.uploads.count = uploads.length
for (const upload of uploads) {
stats.uploads.size += parseInt(upload.size)
const extname = utilsController.extname(upload.name)
if (utilsController.imageExtensions.includes(extname))
else if (utilsController.videoExtensions.includes(extname))
if (_stats.albums.valid) {
stats.albums = _stats.albums.cache
} else {
stats.albums = {
total: 0,
active: 0,
downloadable: 0,
public: 0,
zips: 0
const albums = await db.table('albums')
stats.albums.total = albums.length
const identifiers = []
for (const album of albums)
if (album.enabled) {
if (album.download) stats.albums.downloadable++
if (album.public) stats.albums.public++
if (album.zipGeneratedAt) identifiers.push(album.identifier)
const zipsDir = path.join(uploadsDir, 'zips')
await Promise.all(identifiers.map(identifier => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const filePath = path.join(zipsDir, `${identifier}.zip`)
fs.access(filePath, error => {
if (!error) stats.albums.zips++
// Cache
_stats.albums = {
cache: stats.albums,
valid: true
const users = await db.table('users')
stats.users.count = users.length
for (const user of users) {
if (user.enabled === false || user.enabled === 0) stats.users.disabled++
user.permission = user.permission || 0
for (const p of Object.keys(stats.users.permissions))
if (user.permission === perms.permissions[p]) stats.users.permissions[p]++
if (_stats.users.valid) {
stats.users = _stats.users.cache
} else {
stats.users = {
total: 0,
disabled: 0
const permissionKeys = Object.keys(perms.permissions)
permissionKeys.forEach(p => {
stats.users[p] = 0
const users = await db.table('users')
stats.users.total = users.length
for (const user of users) {
if (user.enabled === false || user.enabled === 0)
// This may be inaccurate on installations with customized permissions
user.permission = user.permission || 0
for (const p of permissionKeys)
if (user.permission === perms.permissions[p]) {
// Cache
_stats.users = {
cache: stats.users,
valid: true
return res.json({ success: true, system, stats })
if (_stats.uploads.valid) {
stats.uploads = _stats.uploads.cache
} else {
stats.uploads = {
total: 0,
size: 0,
images: 0,
videos: 0,
others: 0
const uploads = await db.table('files')
stats.uploads.total = uploads.length
for (const upload of uploads) {
stats.uploads.size += parseInt(upload.size)
const extname = utilsController.extname(upload.name)
if (utilsController.imageExtensions.includes(extname))
else if (utilsController.videoExtensions.includes(extname))
// Cache
_stats.uploads = {
cache: stats.uploads,
valid: true
return res.json({ success: true, stats })
module.exports = utilsController
@ -1988,77 +1988,45 @@ page.getServerStats = function (element) {
return swal('An error occurred!', response.data.description, 'error')
const system = response.data.system
let systemRows = ''
for (const s of Object.keys(system)) {
let value
if (s === 'memory') {
const mem = system[s]
value = `${page.getPrettyBytes(mem.used)} / ${page.getPrettyBytes(mem.total)} (${Math.round((mem.used / mem.total) * 100)}%)`
} else if (s === 'memory usage') {
value = page.getPrettyBytes(system[s])
} else {
value = system[s].toLocaleString()
let content = ''
for (const key of Object.keys(response.data.stats)) {
let rows = ''
for (const valKey of Object.keys(response.data.stats[key])) {
let value = response.data.stats[key][valKey]
if (['albums', 'users'].includes(key))
value = value.toLocaleString()
if (['memoryUsage', 'size'].includes(valKey))
value = page.getPrettyBytes(value)
if (valKey === 'systemMemory')
value = `${page.getPrettyBytes(value.used)} / ${page.getPrettyBytes(value.total)} (${Math.round(value.used / value.total * 100)}%)`
rows += `
<th>${valKey.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1').toUpperCase()}</th>
systemRows += `
content += `
<div class="table-container">
<table class="table is-fullwidth is-hoverable">
<td style="width: 50%"></td>
const types = response.data.stats.uploads.types
let typesRows = ''
for (const t of Object.keys(types))
typesRows += `
<th class="cell-indent">${t.toUpperCase()}</th>
const permissions = response.data.stats.users.permissions
let permissionsRows = ''
for (const p of Object.keys(permissions))
permissionsRows += `
<th class="cell-indent">${p.toUpperCase()}</th>
page.dom.innerHTML = `
<h2 class="subtitle">Statistics</h2>
<div class="table-container">
<table class="table is-fullwidth is-hoverable">
<th>DISK USAGE</th>
<th class="cell-indent">IN BYTES</th>
<td>${response.data.stats.uploads.size.toLocaleString()} B</td>
<th>TOTAL USERS</th>
<th class="cell-indent">DISABLED</th>
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
v3: CSS and JS files (libs such as bulma, lazyload, etc).
v4: Renders in /public/render/* directories (to be used by render.js).
{% set v1 = "xz10E2pAFd" %}
{% set v1 = "MYXYdOtS8u" %}
{% set v2 = "hiboQUzAzp" %}
{% set v3 = "hiboQUzAzp" %}
{% set v4 = "dplQUZqTnf" %}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user