mirror of
synced 2025-01-31 07:11:33 +00:00
perf: improve uploads flow
lessen temporary objects/variables creation, and refactor some variable names to be more obvious
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ class ChunksData {
this.root = root
this.filename = 'tmp'
this.chunks = 0
this.stream = null
this.hasher = null
this.writeStream = null
this.hashStream = null
onTimeout () {
@ -219,7 +219,8 @@ self.upload = async (req, res) => {
req.body = {}
// Initially try to parse as multipart
const multipartErrors = []
const multipartFieldErrors = []
let hasMultipartField = false
await req.multipart({
// https://github.com/mscdex/busboy/tree/v1.6.0#exports
limits: {
@ -235,8 +236,11 @@ self.upload = async (req, res) => {
files: maxFilesPerUpload
}, async field => {
// Wrap this to capture errors within this callback
// Wrap this to capture errors within this handler function,
// since it will be spawned in a separate context
try {
hasMultipartField = true
// Keep non-files fields in Request.body
// Since fields get processed in sequence depending on the order at which they were defined,
// chunked uploads data must be set before the files[] field which contain the actual file
@ -251,6 +255,7 @@ self.upload = async (req, res) => {
// NOTE: This will probably never happen, but just in case
if (!field.file) {
throw new ClientError(`Unexpected field: "${field.name}"`)
@ -260,120 +265,120 @@ self.upload = async (req, res) => {
req.files = []
// Push immediately as we will only be adding props into the file object down the line
const file = {
mimetype: field.mime_type,
isChunk: req.body.uuid !== undefined &&
req.body.chunkindex !== undefined
if (file.isChunk) {
if (!chunkedUploads) {
throw new ClientError('Chunked uploads are disabled at the moment.')
} else if (req.files.length > 1) {
throw new ClientError('Chunked uploads may only be uploaded 1 chunk at a time.')
// NOTE: Since busboy@1, filenames no longer get automatically parsed as UTF-8, so we force it here
const originalname = field.file.name &&
file.originalname = field.file.name &&
Buffer.from(field.file.name, 'latin1').toString('utf8')
const extname = utils.extname(originalname)
if (self.isExtensionFiltered(extname)) {
throw new ClientError(`${extname ? `${extname.substr(1).toUpperCase()} files` : 'Files with no extension'} are not permitted.`)
file.extname = utils.extname(file.originalname)
if (self.isExtensionFiltered(file.extname)) {
throw new ClientError(`${file.extname ? `${file.extname.substr(1).toUpperCase()} files` : 'Files with no extension'} are not permitted.`)
if (req.body.chunkindex !== undefined && !chunkedUploads) {
throw new ClientError('Chunked uploads are disabled at the moment.')
// Is it a chunk file?
const isChunk = chunkedUploads &&
req.body.uuid !== undefined &&
req.body.chunkindex !== undefined
let chunksData
let destination
let filename
if (isChunk) {
// Calling this will also reset its timeout
chunksData = await initChunks(req.body.uuid)
destination = chunksData.root
filename = chunksData.filename
if (file.isChunk) {
// Calling this will also reset this chunked uploads' timeout
file.chunksData = await initChunks(req.body.uuid)
file.filename = file.chunksData.filename
destination = file.chunksData.root
} else {
const length = self.parseFileIdentifierLength(req.headers.filelength)
file.filename = await self.getUniqueRandomName(length, file.extname)
destination = paths.uploads
filename = await self.getUniqueRandomName(length, extname)
// Write the file into disk, and return an object containing the required file information
const file = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const finalPath = path.join(destination, filename)
file.path = path.join(destination, file.filename)
// Write the file into disk, and supply required props into file object
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// "weighted" resolve function, to be able to "await" multiple callbacks
let _result = {
mimetype: field.mime_type,
path: finalPath
let _weight = 0
const _resolve = (result = {}, weight = 2) => {
const _resolve = (props = {}, weight = 2) => {
Object.assign(file, props)
_weight += weight
_result = Object.assign(result, _result)
if (_weight >= REQUIRED_WEIGHT) {
if (_weight >= REQUIRED_WEIGHT) resolve()
let outStream
let hash
const readStream = field.file.stream
let writeStream
let hashStream
let scanStream
const onerror = error => {
if (isChunk) {
if (!chunksData.stream) {
chunksData.stream = fs.createWriteStream(finalPath, { flags: 'a' })
chunksData.stream.on('error', onerror)
if (file.isChunk) {
if (!file.chunksData.writeStream) {
file.chunksData.writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(file.path, { flags: 'a' })
file.chunksData.writeStream.on('error', onerror)
if (!chunksData.hasher) {
chunksData.hasher = blake3.createHash()
if (!file.chunksData.hashStream) {
file.chunksData.hashStream = blake3.createHash()
outStream = chunksData.stream
hash = chunksData.hasher
writeStream = file.chunksData.writeStream
hashStream = file.chunksData.hashStream
} else {
outStream = fs.createWriteStream(finalPath)
outStream.on('error', onerror)
hash = blake3.createHash()
writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(file.path)
writeStream.on('error', onerror)
hashStream = blake3.createHash()
if (utils.scan.passthrough &&
!self.scanHelpers.assertUserBypass(req._user, filename) &&
!self.scanHelpers.assertFileBypass({ filename })) {
!self.scanHelpers.assertUserBypass(req._user, file.filename) &&
!self.scanHelpers.assertFileBypass({ filename: file.filename })) {
scanStream = utils.scan.instance.passthrough()
field.file.stream.on('error', onerror)
field.file.stream.on('data', d => hash.update(d))
readStream.on('error', onerror)
readStream.on('data', d => hashStream.update(d))
if (isChunk) {
field.file.stream.on('end', () => _resolve())
field.file.stream.pipe(outStream, { end: false })
if (file.isChunk) {
readStream.on('end', () => _resolve())
readStream.pipe(writeStream, { end: false })
} else {
outStream.on('finish', () => _resolve({
size: outStream.bytesWritten,
hash: hash.digest('hex')
}, scanStream ? 1 : 2)
// Callback's weight is 1 when passthrough scanning is enabled,
// so that the Promise will be resolved only after
// both writeStream and scanStream finish
writeStream.on('finish', () => _resolve({
size: writeStream.bytesWritten,
hash: hashStream.digest('hex')
}, scanStream ? 1 : 2))
if (scanStream) {
logger.debug(`[ClamAV]: ${filename}: Passthrough scanning\u2026`)
logger.debug(`[ClamAV]: ${file.filename}: Passthrough scanning\u2026`)
scanStream.on('error', onerror)
scanStream.on('scan-complete', scan => _resolve({ scan }, 1))
} else {
// Push file to Request.files array
} catch (error) {
}).catch(error => {
// res.multipart() itself may throw string errors
@ -384,29 +389,29 @@ self.upload = async (req, res) => {
if (multipartErrors.length) {
for (let i = 1; i < multipartErrors.length; i++) {
if (multipartErrors[i] instanceof ClientError ||
multipartErrors[i] instanceof ServerError) {
if (multipartFieldErrors.length) {
for (let i = 1; i < multipartFieldErrors.length; i++) {
if (multipartFieldErrors[i] instanceof ClientError ||
multipartFieldErrors[i] instanceof ServerError) {
// Log additional errors to console if they are not generic ClientError or ServeError
// Re-throw the first multipart error into global error handler
throw multipartErrors[0]
throw multipartFieldErrors[0]
if (Array.isArray(req.files)) {
return self.actuallyUpload(req, res, user, albumid, age)
if (hasMultipartField) {
return self.actuallyUpload(req, res, user)
} else {
// Parse POST body
req.body = await req.json()
return self.actuallyUploadUrls(req, res, user, albumid, age)
return self.actuallyUploadUrls(req, res, user, { albumid, age })
self.actuallyUpload = async (req, res, user, albumid, age) => {
self.actuallyUpload = async (req, res, user, data = {}) => {
if (!req.files || !req.files.length) {
throw new ClientError('No files.')
@ -420,20 +425,12 @@ self.actuallyUpload = async (req, res, user, albumid, age) => {
return res.json({ success: true })
const infoMap = req.files.map(file => {
file.albumid = albumid
file.age = age
return {
path: path.join(paths.uploads, file.filename),
data: file
if (config.filterEmptyFile && infoMap.some(file => file.data.size === 0)) {
const filesData = req.files
if (config.filterEmptyFile && filesData.some(file => file.size === 0)) {
// Unlink all files when at least one file is an empty file
// Should continue even when encountering errors
await Promise.all(infoMap.map(info =>
await Promise.all(filesData.map(file =>
throw new ClientError('Empty files are not allowed.')
@ -442,24 +439,24 @@ self.actuallyUpload = async (req, res, user, albumid, age) => {
if (utils.scan.instance) {
let scanResult
if (utils.scan.passthrough) {
scanResult = await self.assertPassthroughScans(req, user, infoMap)
scanResult = await self.assertPassthroughScans(req, user, filesData)
} else {
scanResult = await self.scanFiles(req, user, infoMap)
scanResult = await self.scanFiles(req, user, filesData)
if (scanResult) {
throw new ClientError(scanResult)
await self.stripTags(req, infoMap)
await self.stripTags(req, filesData)
const result = await self.storeFilesToDb(req, res, user, infoMap)
const result = await self.storeFilesToDb(req, res, user, filesData)
return self.sendUploadResponse(req, res, user, result)
/** URL uploads */
self.actuallyUploadUrls = async (req, res, user, albumid, age) => {
self.actuallyUploadUrls = async (req, res, user, data = {}) => {
if (!config.uploads.urlMaxSize) {
throw new ClientError('Upload by URLs is disabled at the moment.', { statusCode: 403 })
@ -486,23 +483,31 @@ self.actuallyUploadUrls = async (req, res, user, albumid, age) => {
const downloaded = []
const infoMap = []
const filesData = []
await Promise.all(urls.map(async url => {
const original = path.basename(url).split(/[?#]/)[0]
const extname = utils.extname(original)
// Push immediately as we will only be adding props into the file object down the line
const file = {
albumid: data.albumid,
age: data.age
file.originalname = path.basename(url).split(/[?#]/)[0]
file.extname = utils.extname(file.originalname)
// Extensions filter
let filtered = false
if (urlExtensionsFilter && ['blacklist', 'whitelist'].includes(config.uploads.urlExtensionsFilterMode)) {
const match = config.uploads.urlExtensionsFilter.includes(extname.toLowerCase())
const match = config.uploads.urlExtensionsFilter.includes(file.extname.toLowerCase())
const whitelist = config.uploads.urlExtensionsFilterMode === 'whitelist'
filtered = ((!whitelist && match) || (whitelist && !match))
} else {
filtered = self.isExtensionFiltered(extname)
filtered = self.isExtensionFiltered(file.extname)
if (filtered) {
throw new ClientError(`${extname ? `${extname.substr(1).toUpperCase()} files` : 'Files with no extension'} are not permitted.`)
throw new ClientError(`${file.extname ? `${file.extname.substr(1).toUpperCase()} files` : 'Files with no extension'} are not permitted.`)
if (config.uploads.urlProxy) {
@ -529,29 +534,28 @@ self.actuallyUploadUrls = async (req, res, user, albumid, age) => {
const length = self.parseFileIdentifierLength(req.headers.filelength)
const name = await self.getUniqueRandomName(length, extname)
file.filename = await self.getUniqueRandomName(length, file.extname)
file.path = path.join(paths.uploads, file.filename)
const destination = path.join(paths.uploads, name)
let outStream
let hasher
let writeStream
let hashStream
return Promise.resolve().then(async () => {
outStream = fs.createWriteStream(destination)
hasher = blake3.createHash()
writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(file.path)
hashStream = blake3.createHash()
// Push to array early, so regardless of its progress it will be deleted on errors
// Limit max response body size with maximum allowed size
const fetchFile = await fetch(url, { method: 'GET', size: urlMaxSizeBytes })
.then(res => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (res.status === 200) {
outStream.on('error', reject)
writeStream.on('error', reject)
res.body.on('error', reject)
res.body.on('data', d => hasher.update(d))
res.body.on('data', d => hashStream.update(d))
outStream.on('finish', () => resolve(res))
writeStream.on('finish', () => resolve(res))
} else {
@ -561,31 +565,22 @@ self.actuallyUploadUrls = async (req, res, user, albumid, age) => {
throw new ServerError(`${fetchFile.status} ${fetchFile.statusText}`)
const contentType = fetchFile.headers.get('content-type')
// Re-test size via actual bytes written to physical file
path: destination,
data: {
filename: name,
originalname: original,
mimetype: contentType ? contentType.split(';')[0] : '',
size: outStream.bytesWritten,
hash: hasher.digest('hex'),
// Finalize file props
const contentType = fetchFile.headers.get('content-type')
file.mimetype = contentType ? contentType.split(';')[0] : 'application/octet-stream'
file.size = writeStream.bytesWritten
file.hash = hashStream.digest('hex')
}).catch(err => {
// Dispose of unfinished write & hasher streams
if (outStream && !outStream.destroyed) {
if (writeStream && !writeStream.destroyed) {
try {
if (hasher) {
if (hashStream) {
} catch (_) {}
@ -614,11 +609,11 @@ self.actuallyUploadUrls = async (req, res, user, albumid, age) => {
if (utils.scan.instance) {
const scanResult = await self.scanFiles(req, user, infoMap)
const scanResult = await self.scanFiles(req, user, filesData)
if (scanResult) throw new ClientError(scanResult)
const result = await self.storeFilesToDb(req, res, user, infoMap)
const result = await self.storeFilesToDb(req, res, user, filesData)
return self.sendUploadResponse(req, res, user, result)
@ -659,7 +654,7 @@ self.finishChunks = async (req, res) => {
self.actuallyFinishChunks = async (req, res, user, files) => {
const infoMap = []
const filesData = []
await Promise.all(files.map(async file => {
if (!file.uuid || typeof chunksData[file.uuid] === 'undefined') {
throw new ClientError('Invalid file UUID, or chunks data had already timed out. Try again?')
@ -670,8 +665,8 @@ self.actuallyFinishChunks = async (req, res, user, files) => {
// Conclude write and hasher streams
const hash = chunksData[file.uuid].hasher.digest('hex')
const hash = chunksData[file.uuid].hashStream.digest('hex')
if (chunksData[file.uuid].chunks < 2 || chunksData[file.uuid].chunks > maxChunksCount) {
throw new ClientError('Invalid chunks count.')
@ -684,7 +679,7 @@ self.actuallyFinishChunks = async (req, res, user, files) => {
file.age = self.assertRetentionPeriod(user, file.age)
file.size = chunksData[file.uuid].stream.bytesWritten
file.size = chunksData[file.uuid].writeStream.bytesWritten
if (config.filterEmptyFile && file.size === 0) {
throw new ClientError('Empty files are not allowed.')
} else if (file.size > maxSizeBytes) {
@ -717,39 +712,38 @@ self.actuallyFinishChunks = async (req, res, user, files) => {
let albumid = parseInt(file.albumid)
if (isNaN(albumid)) albumid = null
const data = {
filename: name,
originalname: file.original || '',
extname: file.extname,
mimetype: file.type || '',
path: destination,
size: file.size,
age: file.age
infoMap.push({ path: destination, data })
if (utils.scan.instance) {
const scanResult = await self.scanFiles(req, user, infoMap)
const scanResult = await self.scanFiles(req, user, filesData)
if (scanResult) throw new ClientError(scanResult)
await self.stripTags(req, infoMap)
await self.stripTags(req, filesData)
const result = await self.storeFilesToDb(req, res, user, infoMap)
const result = await self.storeFilesToDb(req, res, user, filesData)
return self.sendUploadResponse(req, res, user, result)
self.cleanUpChunks = async uuid => {
// Dispose of unfinished write & hasher streams
if (chunksData[uuid].stream && !chunksData[uuid].stream.destroyed) {
if (chunksData[uuid].writeStream && !chunksData[uuid].writeStream.destroyed) {
try {
if (chunksData[uuid].hasher) {
if (chunksData[uuid].hashStream) {
} catch (_) {}
@ -793,20 +787,20 @@ self.scanHelpers.assertFileBypass = data => {
return false
self.assertPassthroughScans = async (req, user, infoMap) => {
self.assertPassthroughScans = async (req, user, filesData) => {
const foundThreats = []
const unableToScan = []
for (const info of infoMap) {
if (info.data.scan) {
if (info.data.scan.isInfected) {
logger.log(`[ClamAV]: ${info.data.filename}: ${info.data.scan.viruses.join(', ')}`)
} else if (info.data.scan.isInfected === null) {
logger.log(`[ClamAV]: ${info.data.filename}: Unable to scan`)
for (const file of filesData) {
if (file.scan) {
if (file.scan.isInfected) {
logger.log(`[ClamAV]: ${file.filename}: ${file.scan.viruses.join(', ')}`)
} else if (file.scan.isInfected === null) {
logger.log(`[ClamAV]: ${file.filename}: Unable to scan`)
} else {
logger.debug(`[ClamAV]: ${info.data.filename}: File is clean`)
logger.debug(`[ClamAV]: ${file.filename}: File is clean`)
@ -823,39 +817,39 @@ self.assertPassthroughScans = async (req, user, infoMap) => {
if (result) {
// Unlink all files when at least one threat is found
// Should continue even when encountering errors
await Promise.all(infoMap.map(info =>
await Promise.all(filesData.map(file =>
return result
self.scanFiles = async (req, user, infoMap) => {
const filenames = infoMap.map(info => info.data.filename)
self.scanFiles = async (req, user, filesData) => {
const filenames = filesData.map(file => file.filename)
if (self.scanHelpers.assertUserBypass(user, filenames)) {
return false
const foundThreats = []
const unableToScan = []
const result = await Promise.all(infoMap.map(async info => {
const result = await Promise.all(filesData.map(async file => {
if (self.scanHelpers.assertFileBypass({
filename: info.data.filename,
extname: info.data.extname,
size: info.data.size
filename: file.filename,
extname: file.extname,
size: file.size
})) return
logger.debug(`[ClamAV]: ${info.data.filename}: Scanning\u2026`)
const response = await utils.scan.instance.isInfected(info.path)
logger.debug(`[ClamAV]: ${file.filename}: Scanning\u2026`)
const response = await utils.scan.instance.isInfected(file.path)
if (response.isInfected) {
logger.log(`[ClamAV]: ${info.data.filename}: ${response.viruses.join(', ')}`)
logger.log(`[ClamAV]: ${file.filename}: ${response.viruses.join(', ')}`)
} else if (response.isInfected === null) {
logger.log(`[ClamAV]: ${info.data.filename}: Unable to scan`)
logger.log(`[ClamAV]: ${file.filename}: Unable to scan`)
} else {
logger.debug(`[ClamAV]: ${info.data.filename}: File is clean`)
logger.debug(`[ClamAV]: ${file.filename}: File is clean`)
})).then(() => {
if (foundThreats.length) {
@ -873,8 +867,8 @@ self.scanFiles = async (req, user, infoMap) => {
if (result) {
// Unlink all files when at least one threat is found OR any errors occurred
// Should continue even when encountering errors
await Promise.all(infoMap.map(info =>
await Promise.all(filesData.map(file =>
@ -883,18 +877,18 @@ self.scanFiles = async (req, user, infoMap) => {
/** Strip tags (EXIF, etc.) */
self.stripTags = async (req, infoMap) => {
self.stripTags = async (req, filesData) => {
if (!self.parseStripTags(req.headers.striptags)) return
try {
await Promise.all(infoMap.map(info =>
utils.stripTags(info.data.filename, info.data.extname)
await Promise.all(filesData.map(file =>
utils.stripTags(file.filename, file.extname)
} catch (error) {
// Unlink all files when at least one threat is found OR any errors occurred
// Should continue even when encountering errors
await Promise.all(infoMap.map(info =>
await Promise.all(filesData.map(file =>
// Re-throw error
@ -904,12 +898,12 @@ self.stripTags = async (req, infoMap) => {
/** Database functions */
self.storeFilesToDb = async (req, res, user, infoMap) => {
self.storeFilesToDb = async (req, res, user, filesData) => {
const files = []
const exists = []
const albumids = []
await Promise.all(infoMap.map(async info => {
await Promise.all(filesData.map(async file => {
// Check if the file exists by checking its hash and size
const dbFile = await utils.db.table('files')
.where(function () {
@ -920,8 +914,8 @@ self.storeFilesToDb = async (req, res, user, infoMap) => {
hash: info.data.hash,
size: String(info.data.size)
hash: file.hash,
size: String(file.size)
// Select expirydate to display expiration date of existing files as well
.select('name', 'expirydate')
@ -929,12 +923,13 @@ self.storeFilesToDb = async (req, res, user, infoMap) => {
if (dbFile) {
// Continue even when encountering errors
await utils.unlinkFile(info.data.filename).catch(logger.error)
logger.debug(`Unlinked ${info.data.filename} since a duplicate named ${dbFile.name} exists`)
await utils.unlinkFile(file.filename).catch(logger.error)
logger.debug(`Unlinked ${file.filename} since a duplicate named ${dbFile.name} exists`)
// If on /nojs route, append original file name reported by client
// If on /nojs route, append original name reported by client,
// instead of the actual original name from database
if (req.path === '/nojs') {
dbFile.original = info.data.originalname
dbFile.original = file.originalname
@ -943,11 +938,11 @@ self.storeFilesToDb = async (req, res, user, infoMap) => {
const timestamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)
const data = {
name: info.data.filename,
original: info.data.originalname,
type: info.data.mimetype,
size: String(info.data.size),
hash: info.data.hash,
name: file.filename,
original: file.originalname,
type: file.mimetype,
size: String(file.size),
hash: file.hash,
// Only disable if explicitly set to false in config
ip: config.uploads.storeIP !== false ? req.ip : null,
@ -955,21 +950,21 @@ self.storeFilesToDb = async (req, res, user, infoMap) => {
if (user) {
data.userid = user.id
data.albumid = info.data.albumid
data.albumid = file.albumid
if (data.albumid !== null && !albumids.includes(data.albumid)) {
if (info.data.age) {
data.expirydate = data.timestamp + (info.data.age * 3600) // Hours to seconds
if (file.age) {
data.expirydate = data.timestamp + (file.age * 3600) // Hours to seconds
// Generate thumbs, but do not wait
if (utils.mayGenerateThumb(info.data.extname)) {
utils.generateThumbs(info.data.filename, info.data.extname, true).catch(logger.error)
if (utils.mayGenerateThumb(file.extname)) {
utils.generateThumbs(file.filename, file.extname, true).catch(logger.error)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user