mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 20:29:04 +00:00
improved codes for statistics
much more expandable, and should be easier to understand overall. make more statistics operations run concurrently to speed them up. make linuxDiskStats config key obsolete by using systeminformation package to also query for any mounted file systems.
This commit is contained in:
@ -581,14 +581,6 @@ module.exports = {
cacheControl: false,
Enable Linux-only extended disk stats in Dashboard's Statistics.
This will use "du" binary to query disk usage of each directories within uploads directory.
Disabled by default as I personally found it to be very slow with +100k uploads
with my ancient potato server.
linuxDiskStats: false,
Folder where to store logs.
NOTE: This is currently unused.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
const { promisify } = require('util')
const { spawn } = require('child_process')
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg')
const path = require('path')
@ -38,28 +37,33 @@ const self = {
timezoneOffset: new Date().getTimezoneOffset()
const statsCache = {
const statsData = {
system: {
title: 'System',
cache: null,
generating: false,
generatedAt: 0
disk: {
cache: null,
generating: false,
generatedAt: 0
albums: {
cache: null,
generating: false,
generatedAt: 0
users: {
fileSystems: {
title: 'File Systems',
cache: null,
generating: false,
generatedAt: 0
uploads: {
title: 'Uploads',
cache: null,
generating: false,
generatedAt: 0
users: {
title: 'Users',
cache: null,
generating: false,
generatedAt: 0
albums: {
title: 'Albums',
cache: null,
generating: false,
generatedAt: 0
@ -602,7 +606,7 @@ self.invalidateAlbumsCache = albumids => {
self.invalidateStatsCache = type => {
if (!['albums', 'users', 'uploads'].includes(type)) return
statsCache[type].cache = null
statsData[type].cache = null
self.stats = async (req, res, next) => {
@ -615,366 +619,266 @@ self.stats = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const hrstart = process.hrtime()
const stats = {}
Object.keys(statsData).forEach(key => {
// Pre-assign object keys to fix their display order
stats[statsData[key].title] = {}
const os = await si.osInfo()
await Promise.all([
(async () => {
// System info
const data = statsData.system
// System info
if (!statsCache.system.cache && statsCache.system.generating) {
stats.system = false
} else if (((Date.now() - statsCache.system.generatedAt) <= 1000) || statsCache.system.generating) {
// Use cache for 1000 ms (1 second)
stats.system = statsCache.system.cache
} else {
statsCache.system.generating = true
statsCache.system.generatedAt = Date.now()
if (!data.cache && data.generating) {
stats[data.title] = false
} else if (((Date.now() - data.generatedAt) <= 1000) || data.generating) {
// Use cache for 1000 ms (1 second)
stats[data.title] = data.cache
} else {
data.generating = true
data.generatedAt = Date.now()
const currentLoad = await si.currentLoad()
const mem = await si.mem()
const time = si.time()
const nodeUptime = process.uptime()
const currentLoad = await si.currentLoad()
const mem = await si.mem()
const time = si.time()
const nodeUptime = process.uptime()
if (self.clamscan.instance) {
try {
self.clamscan.version = await self.clamscan.instance.get_version().then(s => s.trim())
} catch (error) {
self.clamscan.version = 'Errored when querying version.'
if (self.clamscan.instance) {
try {
self.clamscan.version = await self.clamscan.instance.get_version().then(s => s.trim())
} catch (error) {
self.clamscan.version = 'Errored when querying version.'
stats[data.title] = {
Platform: `${os.platform} ${os.arch}`,
Distro: `${os.distro} ${os.release}`,
Kernel: os.kernel,
Scanner: self.clamscan.version || 'N/A',
'CPU Load': `${currentLoad.currentload.toFixed(1)}%`,
'CPUs Load': currentLoad.cpus.map(cpu => `${cpu.load.toFixed(1)}%`).join(', '),
'System Memory': {
value: {
used: mem.active,
total: mem.total
type: 'byteUsage'
'Memory Usage': {
value: process.memoryUsage().rss,
type: 'byte'
'System Uptime': {
value: time.uptime,
type: 'uptime'
'Node.js': `${process.versions.node}`,
'Service Uptime': {
value: Math.floor(nodeUptime),
type: 'uptime'
// Update cache
data.cache = stats[data.title]
data.generating = false
(async () => {
// File systems
const data = statsData.fileSystems
stats.system = {
_types: {
byte: ['memoryUsage'],
byteUsage: ['systemMemory'],
uptime: ['systemUptime', 'nodeUptime']
platform: `${os.platform} ${os.arch}`,
distro: `${os.distro} ${os.release}`,
kernel: os.kernel,
scanner: self.clamscan.version || 'N/A',
cpuLoad: `${currentLoad.currentload.toFixed(1)}%`,
cpusLoad: currentLoad.cpus.map(cpu => `${cpu.load.toFixed(1)}%`).join(', '),
systemMemory: {
used: mem.active,
total: mem.total
memoryUsage: process.memoryUsage().rss,
systemUptime: time.uptime,
nodeVersion: `${process.versions.node}`,
nodeUptime: Math.floor(nodeUptime)
if (!data.cache && data.generating) {
stats[data.title] = false
} else if (((Date.now() - data.generatedAt) <= 60000) || data.generating) {
// Use cache for 60000 ms (60 seconds)
stats[data.title] = data.cache
} else {
data.generating = true
data.generatedAt = Date.now()
// Update cache
statsCache.system.cache = stats.system
statsCache.system.generating = false
stats[data.title] = {}
// Disk usage, only for Linux platform
if (os.platform === 'linux') {
if (!statsCache.disk.cache && statsCache.disk.generating) {
stats.disk = false
} else if (((Date.now() - statsCache.disk.generatedAt) <= 60000) || statsCache.disk.generating) {
// Use cache for 60000 ms (60 seconds)
stats.disk = statsCache.disk.cache
} else {
statsCache.disk.generating = true
statsCache.disk.generatedAt = Date.now()
const fsSize = await si.fsSize()
for (const fs of fsSize) {
stats[data.title][`${fs.fs} (${fs.type}) on ${fs.mount}`] = {
value: {
total: fs.size,
used: fs.used
type: 'byteUsage'
stats.disk = {
_types: {
byteUsage: ['drive']
drive: null
// Update cache
data.cache = stats[data.title]
data.generating = false
(async () => {
// Uploads
const data = statsData.uploads
// Linux-only extended disk stats
if (config.linuxDiskStats) {
// We pre-assign the keys below to fix their order
stats.disk._types.byte = ['uploads', 'thumbs', 'zips', 'chunks']
stats.disk.uploads = 0
stats.disk.thumbs = 0
stats.disk.zips = 0
stats.disk.chunks = 0
if (!data.cache && data.generating) {
stats[data.title] = false
} else if (data.cache) {
// Cache will be invalidated with self.invalidateStatsCache() after any related operations
stats[data.title] = data.cache
} else {
data.generating = true
data.generatedAt = Date.now()
const subdirs = []
stats[data.title] = {
Total: 0,
Images: 0,
Videos: 0,
Others: 0,
'Size in DB': {
value: 0,
type: 'byte'
// Get size of uploads path (excluding sub-directories)
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const proc = spawn('du', [
proc.stdout.on('data', data => {
const formatted = String(data)
for (let i = 0; i < formatted.length; i += 2) {
const path = formatted[i + 1]
if (!path) return
if (path !== paths.uploads) {
stats.disk.uploads = parseInt(formatted[i])
const stderr = []
proc.stderr.on('data', data => stderr.push(String(data)))
proc.on('exit', code => {
if (code !== 0) return reject(stderr)
await Promise.all(subdirs.map(subdir => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const proc = spawn('du', [
proc.stdout.on('data', data => {
const formatted = String(data)
if (formatted.length !== 2) return
const basename = path.basename(formatted[1])
stats.disk[basename] = parseInt(formatted[0])
// Add to types if necessary
if (!stats.disk._types.byte.includes(basename)) {
const stderr = []
proc.stderr.on('data', data => stderr.push(String(data)))
proc.on('exit', code => {
if (code !== 0) return reject(stderr)
// Get disk usage of whichever disk uploads path resides on
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const proc = spawn('df', [
await Promise.all([
(async () => {
const uploads = await db.table('files')
stats[data.title].Total = uploads.length
stats[data.title]['Size in DB'].value = uploads.reduce((acc, upload) => acc + parseInt(upload.size), 0)
(async () => {
stats[data.title].Images = await db.table('files')
.where(function () {
for (const ext of self.imageExts) {
this.orWhere('name', 'like', `%${ext}`)
.count('id as count')
.then(rows => rows[0].count)
(async () => {
stats[data.title].Videos = await db.table('files')
.where(function () {
for (const ext of self.videoExts) {
this.orWhere('name', 'like', `%${ext}`)
.count('id as count')
.then(rows => rows[0].count)
proc.stdout.on('data', data => {
// Only use the first valid line
if (stats.disk.drive !== null) return
stats[data.title].Others = stats[data.title].Total - stats[data.title].Images - stats[data.title].Videos
const lines = String(data)
if (lines.length !== 2) return
// Update cache
data.cache = stats[data.title]
data.generating = false
(async () => {
// Users
const data = statsData.users
for (const line of lines) {
const columns = line.split(/\s+/)
// Skip lines that have non-number chars
if (columns.some(w => !/^\d+$/.test(w))) continue
if (!data.cache && data.generating) {
stats[data.title] = false
} else if (data.cache) {
// Cache will be invalidated with self.invalidateStatsCache() after any related operations
stats[data.title] = data.cache
} else {
data.generating = true
data.generatedAt = Date.now()
const total = parseInt(columns[0])
const avail = parseInt(columns[1])
stats.disk.drive = {
used: total - avail
stats[data.title] = {
Total: 0,
Disabled: 0
const permissionKeys = Object.keys(perms.permissions).reverse()
permissionKeys.forEach(p => {
stats[data.title][p] = 0
const users = await db.table('users')
stats[data.title].Total = users.length
for (const user of users) {
if (user.enabled === false || user.enabled === 0) {
user.permission = user.permission || 0
for (const p of permissionKeys) {
if (user.permission === perms.permissions[p]) {
const stderr = []
proc.stderr.on('data', data => stderr.push(String(data)))
proc.on('exit', code => {
if (code !== 0) return reject(stderr)
// Update cache
statsCache.disk.cache = stats.disk
statsCache.disk.generating = false
// Uploads
if (!statsCache.uploads.cache && statsCache.uploads.generating) {
stats.uploads = false
} else if (statsCache.uploads.cache) {
stats.uploads = statsCache.uploads.cache
} else {
statsCache.uploads.generating = true
statsCache.uploads.generatedAt = Date.now()
stats.uploads = {
_types: {
number: ['total', 'images', 'videos', 'others']
total: 0,
images: 0,
videos: 0,
others: 0
if (!config.linuxDiskStats || os.platform !== 'linux') {
const uploads = await db.table('files')
stats.uploads.total = uploads.length
stats.uploads.sizeInDb = uploads.reduce((acc, upload) => acc + parseInt(upload.size), 0)
// Add type information for the new column
if (!Array.isArray(stats.uploads._types.byte)) {
stats.uploads._types.byte = []
} else {
stats.uploads.total = await db.table('files')
.count('id as count')
.then(rows => rows[0].count)
stats.uploads.images = await db.table('files')
.where(function () {
for (const ext of self.imageExts) {
this.orWhere('name', 'like', `%${ext}`)
.count('id as count')
.then(rows => rows[0].count)
stats.uploads.videos = await db.table('files')
.where(function () {
for (const ext of self.videoExts) {
this.orWhere('name', 'like', `%${ext}`)
// Update cache
data.cache = stats[data.title]
data.generating = false
(async () => {
// Albums
const data = statsData.albums
if (!data.cache && data.generating) {
stats[data.title] = false
} else if (data.cache) {
// Cache will be invalidated with self.invalidateStatsCache() after any related operations
stats[data.title] = data.cache
} else {
data.generating = true
data.generatedAt = Date.now()
stats[data.title] = {
Total: 0,
Disabled: 0,
Public: 0,
Downloadable: 0,
'ZIP Generated': 0
.count('id as count')
.then(rows => rows[0].count)
stats.uploads.others = stats.uploads.total - stats.uploads.images - stats.uploads.videos
// Update cache
statsCache.uploads.cache = stats.uploads
statsCache.uploads.generating = false
// Users
if (!statsCache.users.cache && statsCache.users.generating) {
stats.users = false
} else if (statsCache.users.cache) {
stats.users = statsCache.users.cache
} else {
statsCache.users.generating = true
statsCache.users.generatedAt = Date.now()
stats.users = {
_types: {
number: ['total', 'disabled']
total: 0,
disabled: 0
const permissionKeys = Object.keys(perms.permissions).reverse()
permissionKeys.forEach(p => {
stats.users[p] = 0
const users = await db.table('users')
stats.users.total = users.length
for (const user of users) {
if (user.enabled === false || user.enabled === 0) {
// This may be inaccurate on installations with customized permissions
user.permission = user.permission || 0
for (const p of permissionKeys) {
if (user.permission === perms.permissions[p]) {
const albums = await db.table('albums')
stats[data.title].Total = albums.length
const identifiers = []
for (const album of albums) {
if (!album.enabled) {
if (album.download) stats[data.title].Downloadable++
if (album.public) stats[data.title].Public++
if (album.zipGeneratedAt) identifiers.push(album.identifier)
await Promise.all(identifiers.map(async identifier => {
try {
await paths.access(path.join(paths.zips, `${identifier}.zip`))
stats[data.title]['ZIP Generated']++
} catch (error) {
// Re-throw error
if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') throw error
// Update cache
data.cache = stats[data.title]
data.generating = false
// Update cache
statsCache.users.cache = stats.users
statsCache.users.generating = false
// Albums
if (!statsCache.albums.cache && statsCache.albums.generating) {
stats.albums = false
} else if (statsCache.albums.cache) {
stats.albums = statsCache.albums.cache
} else {
statsCache.albums.generating = true
statsCache.albums.generatedAt = Date.now()
stats.albums = {
_types: {
number: ['total', 'active', 'downloadable', 'public', 'generatedZip']
total: 0,
disabled: 0,
public: 0,
downloadable: 0,
zipGenerated: 0
const albums = await db.table('albums')
stats.albums.total = albums.length
const identifiers = []
for (const album of albums) {
if (!album.enabled) {
if (album.download) stats.albums.downloadable++
if (album.public) stats.albums.public++
if (album.zipGeneratedAt) identifiers.push(album.identifier)
await Promise.all(identifiers.map(async identifier => {
try {
await paths.access(path.join(paths.zips, `${identifier}.zip`))
} catch (error) {
// Re-throw error
if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') throw error
// Update cache
statsCache.albums.cache = stats.albums
statsCache.albums.generating = false
return res.json({ success: true, stats, hrtime: process.hrtime(hrstart) })
} catch (error) {
// Reset generating state when encountering any errors
Object.keys(statsCache).forEach(key => {
statsCache[key].generating = false
Object.keys(statsData).forEach(key => {
statsData[key].generating = false
return res.status(500).json({ success: false, description: 'An unexpected error occurred. Try again?' })
@ -259,11 +259,7 @@ fieldset[disabled] .select select:hover {
th {
color: $white-ter;
height: 2.25em;
font-weight: normal;
&.capitalize {
text-transform: capitalize
font-weight: normal
thead {
@ -2871,29 +2871,39 @@ page.getStatistics = (params = {}) => {
} else {
try {
const types = response.data.stats[keys[i]]._types || {}
const valKeys = Object.keys(response.data.stats[keys[i]])
for (let j = 0; j < valKeys.length; j++) {
// Skip keys that starts with an underscore
if (/^_/.test(valKeys[j])) continue
const data = response.data.stats[keys[i]][valKeys[j]]
const type = typeof data === 'object' ? data.type : 'auto'
const value = typeof data === 'object' ? data.value : data
const value = response.data.stats[keys[i]][valKeys[j]]
let parsed = value
// Parse values with some preset formatting
if ((types.number || []).includes(valKeys[j])) parsed = value.toLocaleString()
if ((types.byte || []).includes(valKeys[j])) parsed = page.getPrettyBytes(value)
if ((types.byteUsage || []).includes(valKeys[j])) {
parsed = `${page.getPrettyBytes(value.used)} / ${page.getPrettyBytes(value.total)} (${Math.floor(value.used / value.total * 100)}%)`
let parsed
switch (type) {
case 'byte':
parsed = page.getPrettyBytes(value)
case 'byteUsage':
parsed = `${page.getPrettyBytes(value.used)} / ${page.getPrettyBytes(value.total)} (${Math.floor(value.used / value.total * 100)}%)`
case 'uptime':
parsed = page.getPrettyUptime(value)
case 'auto':
switch (typeof value) {
case 'number':
parsed = value.toLocaleString()
parsed = value
parsed = value
if ((types.uptime || []).includes(valKeys[j])) parsed = page.getPrettyUptime(value)
const string = valKeys[j]
.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1')
.replace(/(^|\s)(cpu|db|zip)/gi, s => s.toUpperCase())
rows += `
<th class="capitalize">${string}</th>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user