I'm reverting 2 commits before this. It was mainly about changing icons size to 1.75x instead of 2x their size. This time I'm keeping it back to 2x. I did some more thinking and I just wasn't satisfied with 1.75x.
* Added Firefox extension link. For now this will simply link my fork of the Chrome extension. You will have to build the extension by your own.
* Updated icons (added Firefox).
* Tiny refactor in home.js, thus I had to update version string in _globals.njk as well.
Thanks to Zephyrrus for the hints about nunjucks, sort of (he did not really give out any specific hints to me, I stalked his fork, lmao).
* Replaced Handlebars with Nunjucks.
* Replaced all static HTML files with their NJK-equivalent (excluding error pages).
* Renamed "albumDomain" to "homeDomain" in config.sample.js (make sure you update your config.js too).
* Updated dependencies: knex and eslint-plugin-import (dev).
* Updated vscode's settings.json (I may update this again very soon).