* Refactored all instances of "failedIds" and "albumIds" to "failedids" and "albumids" respectively. Abandoning camel case for these ones.
* Refactored the way it looks into which albums the files are supposed to be added into.
For /api/upload/finishchunks, you can add "albumid" to each object in files[] to specify which album you want the finsihed chunks to be added into. Each object may have different album IDs.
For /api/upload, which is regular uploads, unfortunately you can only choose one album at a time (by adding "albumid" to the request headers, like usual). It uses the same function as the one used for finishchunks to add the files into album, so it shouldn't be hard to extend this ability to regular uploads, someday in the future.
* Fixed a bug in /api/upload/finishchunks. Previously you couldn't ever get it to work.
* Updated error message when successful uploads could not be added to album.
* "albumid" will no longer be added to request headers if they are chunked uploads. They'd have been ignored anyways.
* Updated eslint-plugin-import dev dependency.
* Added 2 new ESLint rules: "prefer-const" and "object-shorthand".
* Refactor all JS files to follow the new ESLint rules.
* Refactored all instances of for-i into for-of wherever applicable.
* New uploads that can NOT be added to an album, for whatever reason, will print out message that they can not be added to the said album, but their links will still also be shown underneath the message. Previously it would only print out the message but not the link.
* Improved uploadController.processFilesForDisplay(). Previously it would loop through all uploaded files and update album info for EVERY file, even though to begin with it was designed so that every call would only have to access ONE album. So yeah, this time it will only update album info ONCE no matter how many files are being processed in that session.
* Updated home. All footer links are now using icons.
* Added Chrome extension link to home.
* Updated icons (added some and replaced some).
* Home will now show a different message if private mode is on but guests are still allowed to create accounts.
* Home will no longer show message about creating account if guests are not allowed to create one.
* Updated API route: /api/check. State of whether registration is enabled or not is now exposed with key "enableUserAccounts".
* Refactored all instances of "An error occurred" by appending an exclamation mark.
* Added the ability to add/remove files to/from album (API route: /api/albums/addfiles - https://s.fiery.me/dCAqLEQ9.mp4).
* Added the ability to purge files associated with an album when deleting the said album (set "purge" key to true in the JSON POST request to /api/albums/delete).
* Updated icons.
* Some other refactors, probably.
* Small styling update to auth page.
* Changed icons used in dashboard.
* Added ClipboardJS.
* Added "copy link" button in file list (list view only) and album list. They will use ClipboardJS.
* Added "copy link" in upload result. For desktop, there will be small clipboard icons after the links, but for mobile and tablet, there will be a clickable buttons instead.
* Updated placeholder color for input elements.
* Updated "Loading..." in home page to use Bulma's loading spinner instead. It will also now be unclickable while still loading.
* Matched version string for all JS and CSS files.
* Switched standard to eslint with eslint-config-standard (and 4 more eslint plugins needed by standard).
* Added "curly" eslint rule with "all" option. I like it.
* Refactored all JS files to apply the new "curly" eslint rule.
* Renewed axios.min.js, dropzone.min.js and sweetalert.min.js. Re-minified and added a small comment stating their version and copyright statement.
* Some buttons in dashboard will now show loading icon whenever they're waiting for response from the server.
* Updated README.md and .gitignore.
* Added new dependency: rimraf. This will be used by chunked upload support to bulk delete temporary chunk files.
* Added chunked uploads support :3
* Updated Dropzone to 5.2.0.
* More improvements to thumbnail view. Delete button will now only appear on hover. Some other details, such as file name, size and album/owner will also appear on hover. Touch devices will have all of those appear always visible by default.
* Image thumbnails will now appear on home page after successful uploads (only for WEBP, JPG, JPEG, BMP, GIF and PNG files). WEBP may not work properly in Firefox though.
* Refactored home.js to use const/let and some other stuff.
* Refactored album view. It will now display properly on mobile screen. Download Album button will also no longer be located at the top right, but right below the subtitle.
* Updated some version strings.
* And maybe some others that I can't remember.
* Better auth handling.
* Deleting a file will no longer cause the dashboard to load the very first page of uploaded files list. It will instead reload the currently viewed page.
* Updated dropzone (I guess).
* Updated Bulma to 0.6.2. Text will look slightly bigger in general now. I may change that in the future.
* Updated SweetAlert to 2.1.0.
* A bunch of other updates to make it compatible with the updated Bulma and SweetAlert.
* Self-host all libs (including but not limited to Font Awesome icons). LICENSE files were properly included as well.
* Temporarily disabling error pages.
* Added "start" and "pm2" scripts. To be used with "yarn SCRIPT_NAME" or "npm run SCRIPT_NAME".
* Added container for the tables in dashboard. On narrow screens, such as phones, users will then have the ability to use horizontal scroll on the tables.
* Fixed various resource paths. This should now work properly when not being hosted in root domain (e.i. https://fiery.me/lolisafe/).
* Before checking API, the "Running in ..." button will now say "Loading..." instead.
* Switched ESLint + Aqua to Standard. I'm a big fan of Standard. Updated yarn.lock file too.
* Lots of refactors to follow the rules of Standard.
* Fixed issue with uploading as a not logged in user.
* Added Editor Config file.
* Added ".vscode/" to .gitignore.
* Added final newline to some files.
* Added KDE Breeze Dark colors.
* Applied various ESLint autofixes. There were still plenty of non-auto-fixable issues though. I'm not sure why this project had ESLint dev dependency but still ended up with countless issues.
* ... and maybe some others.