db is now initiated via utilsController, and gets re-used by main
lolisafe.js script and the other controllers
this should now make sure we only have 1 active db connection pool ever
this is a pretty big refactor due to how we used to reference db,
but it should functionally be identical
this supersedes the old temporaryUploadAges, while maintaining full
please consult config.sample.js if you want to start using this
change logic to list physical files instead, since the zipGeneratedAt
attribute may still exist despite site owners having already done
physical clean-ups
only usergroup and file extension bypass
real file size can't be determined before passthrough scan,
so there's no bypass by max file size
please read the comments in sample config file
refactored utils.clamscan into utils.scan
GIFs are known to not work without custom globally-installed libvips
with ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick support.
It's highly recommended to update your config following the changes to
the sample config file.
This also addressed a bug where images would still get recorded to DB
despite them not existing physically due to strip tags errors.
Made the codes for stats generation a bit more readable.
Usage percentage for file systems will now properly reflect "non-root"
usage percentage in ext2/3/4 file systems.
well, that was a pointless endeavor.
i wasn't thinking clearly.
also updated all scripts that previously used them, to use a combo of
for-loop and setInterval to print progress.
with preset delay in between (60 secs if rate limited, 5 secs for
unexpected errors)
an alternative to global queue mechanism in #342
not perfect, but easier to implement
much more expandable, and should be easier to understand overall.
make more statistics operations run concurrently to speed them up.
make linuxDiskStats config key obsolete by using systeminformation
package to also query for any mounted file systems.
Replaced all Array.concat() with spread operator and/or push().
Fixed some faulty search logics when using exclusion filters.
Fixed capitalization of mac font in _variables.scss. Stylelint somehow
fricked up again in my previous commit.
Now will calculate usage as (total - avail).
In Linux, ext filesystems by default reserves 5% of the space to be
usable by root, making them essentially already "used" space.
Originally we didn't take that into account.
Disk usage percentage will now round down: Math.round() -> Math.floor().
The general behavior in other tools such as "df".
src/js/misc/utils.js: Added page.getPrettyUptime().
Updated dependency:
helmet: 3.23.3 -> 4.1.0
lolisafe.js: Disabled CSP by default.
Since helmet 4, CSP would instead be enabled by default.
Notable changes, use fluent-ffmpeg's functions instead of passing raw
ffmpeg switches with inputOptions() or outputOptions().
It seems fluent-ffmpeg may be doing some janks with outputOptions().
I can't get select="eq(pict_type\\,I)" to work with it, but it works
with videoFilters(). Weird stuff.
Removed its dependency towards albums' editedAt property.
Editing album's metas (name, description, etc) will no longer update
its editedAt property.
Instead it will now ONLY be updated when adding/removing files to/from
it. Just like how it was meant to be, which was to be used to check
whether it's necessary to re-generate their downloadable ZIPs.
Albums public page cache will still be properly invalidated when
adding/removing files to/from it, as well as after editing their metas.
Added views/album-notice.njk to be used to render okay-ish notice when
an album's public page is still being generated.
I was originally thinking of using it for disabled albums as well, but
I refrained from it to reduce the possibility of disabled album IDs from
being easily scanned (as it just returns 404 now).
Removed invalidatedAt property from stats cache. Instead their caches
will immediately be nullified as they should (thus frees up memory
slightly as well).
Stats cache for albums will now only be cleared when truly necessary.
As in, adding/removing files to/from albums will no longer clear them.
Updated Nunjucks files to properly use h1, h2, h3 tags in actual
hierarchical orders.
Elements that don't need to use hX tags will now use P instead.
Nothing changes visually, only structurally.
Fixed some elements in Nunjucks using single quotes instead of
double quotes. They'd have worked the same, but consistency.
Added h1 title in FAQ page.
Make text for no JS warning a bit bigger, and improved the phrasing
a little bit.
ffmpeg can sometimes generate broken thumbnails (sometimes a full grey image) when it seeks in the input instead of the output. When it's added after the input, it is a bit slower but it is more stable and will fixes the issue for various formats like HEVC or Prores.
The resolution could benefit from being increased 3x for users who scale up the webpage in their browser or tablet views. It becomes scaled up 200% or 300% when viewed on a smaller screen.
added additional extensions to the video list for more support in thumbnails on files (all are common filetypes so ffmpeg should support the various codecs needed)
Also reordered the image and video list alphabetically