Inspired by our recent switch to using blake3 for file hashing, chunks
will now be written to a tmp file directly as they're uploaded.
So no more waiting so long for "rebuilding chunks".
There will still be some delay on every following attempts of uploading
each chunks. I'm not sure the specifics, as we're already reusing the
write stream.
Read more about this at the end.
Added new dependency: blake3
Hashes will be created as the uploads are being written to disk.
With exception for chunked uploads!
For them specifically, their hashes will be created as they're being
rebuilt into a single file.
Should still be a lot better than the previous case where it had to
re-read the already written files.
To support that feature, added a new file
It's just a custom storage engine for Multer.
chunkSize option now allows setting max chunk size from config file.
Previously it was hardcoded to 95MB, but assuming you have paid
Cloudflare plans, you can actually have up to 500MB.
Also moved the option to be after maxSize and before urlMaxSize.
Made a lot more sense to me this way, as chunked uploads only work on
regular uploads.
Updated v1 version string and rebuilt client assets.